HLM多层线性模型教程:[1]认识多层线性模型••|•浏览:111•|•更新:2014-03-01 09:431.在社会科学研究进行取样时,样本往往来自于不同的层级和单位,由此得到的数据带来了很多跨级(多层)。
多层线性模型又叫做“多层分析(multilevel analysis)”或者是“分层线性模型(hierarchical liner modeling)”。
原delta数据工作室HLM多层线性模型教程:[3]认识HLM6.0界面••|•浏览:186•|•更新:2014-03-04 09:44•••••••分步阅读采用HLM6.0分析多层线性模型能够非常直观的建立方程式,每层变量清晰明了,使用界面友好简洁。
下面我将为大家介绍HLM 6.0的主界面,并告诉大家各界面的主要功能。
工具/原料•HLM6.0方法/步骤1.我们打开HLM的主界面,最上面的工具栏就是我们用到的主要菜单,首先file下面我们可以创建新的hlm/mdtm文件(hlm中最重要的文件),如以下图,假如我们已经建立好了HLM的MDM文件,那么我们在下次打开的时候需要选择"make new mdm from old mdm files",HLM不能直接打开之前的文件,可以从之前的MDM文件中运行。
多层线性模型:HLM(hierarchical linear model)计量模型,为解决传统统计方法如回归分析在处理多层嵌套数据时的局限而产生的,是目前国际上较前沿的一套社会科学数据分析的理论和方法,优势体现两个方面:一是解决了数据嵌套问题;二是为追踪研究或重复测量研究引入了新方法。
传统的线性模型,例如,ANOV A或者回归分析,只能对涉及某一层数据的问题进行分析,而不能将涉及两层或多层数据的问题进行综合分析,而多层线性模型对解决这些问题提供了有效的统计方法。
多层线性模型的参数估计方法与进行两次回归的方法在概念上是相似的, 但二者的统计估计和验证方法却是不同的, 并且多层线性模型的参数估计方法更为稳定。
多层线性模型( multilevel model ) 由Lindley 等于1972 年提出,是用于分析具有嵌套结构数据的一种统计分析技术。
作为传统方差分析模型的有效扩展Korendijk 等和Duncan 等众多的研究者对多层线性模型进行了广泛研究。
20 多年来,该方法在社会科学领域获得了广泛应用。
Practice session6HLM多层线性模型讲义
R-practice session 6 CS&SS 560Marijtje van DuijnWinter 2006The commands used in this session are available as R syntax file (Session6.R)at the website.Data input and preparationWe use the data as provided in example 14.1 of Snijders & Bosker. The dependent variable is whether the respondent has …experience with cohabitation‟, defined as whether the respondent has ever lived together with a partner without being married. The data have a two-level structure with respondents (with known age, sex, education and religion) nested in 19 regions (number 1-20, there is no region 13), for which no further explanatory variables are availablep.Download the data file SBbook14.csv from the class website. Also get the file session6.r and execute the commands under data preparation. The data is dichotomized. The original coding was 0 = never married or cohabitated; 1 = married, never cohabitated; 2 = married, cohabitated only with other 3 = married, cohabitated with this partner 4 = unmarried, cohabitating; 5 = inconsistent answer.Some further exploration of binary dataWe can use the dichotomous character of the dependent variable to make some tables to get more information about the groups. We first make a table with the counts per region of the respondents without (0) and with (1) cohabitation experience. A table with proportions (with only three decimals) is asked for next. >summtab.reg<-table(reg,y)>summtab.reg>options(digits=3)>prop.table(summtab.reg,1)Next it is useful to investigate whether these regional proportions are different from each other. To test the heterogeneity we can use the well known chi-square test. For the chi-square distribution (with as degrees of freedom the number of regions -1) to hold the rule of thumb is that the (expected) value in each cell should be larger than 5. Here that is no problem, although it is also quite easy to get a (simulated) exact pvalue. Try out these three commands and see how they differ (or not). What is your conclusion about the heterogeneity of proportions?>prop.test(summtab.reg)>chisq.test(summtab.reg)>chisq.test(summtab.reg,simulate.p.value=TRUE,B=2000)This test is comparable to the interpretation of the intraclass correlation, in the sense that it establishes whether there is …enough‟ between-group variability to make it worthwhile to use a multilevel model. Later on we will see a different way of computing a (residual) intraclass correlation coefficient.The next thing that we can do is to get an estimate of the (true) variance between the regional proportions. Just as for …normal‟ data this can be obtained using the observed between-group variance and the within-group variance. To compute these we need the group sizes and the group size adjusted for unbalanced data, and the overall mean proportion gsize<-summtab.reg[,1]+summtab.reg[,2]>gsize<-summtab.reg[,1]+summtab.reg[,2]>nmean<-mean(gsize)>nwiggle<-nmean-var(gsize)/sum(gsize)>pdot<-sum(summtab.reg[,2])/sum(gsize)The between variance is related to the chi-square test statistic (see Snijders & Bosker, p. 210), so the following three commands give us the between and within variance and the estimate of variance of the regional probabilities>s2b<-pdot*(1-pdot)*chisq.test(summtab.reg)$statistic/nwiggle/(length(gsize)-1) >s2w<-sum(summtab.reg[,1]*summtab.reg[,2]/gsize)/(sum(gsize)-length(gsize)) >tau<-s2b-s2w/nwiggleEstimating the empty model for multilevel logistic dataAlthough we can no longer use the lme() function in R directly, there are several other options for estimating a multilevel logistic model. The easiest is function glmmPQL(). It uses pseudo quasi likelihood methods to estimate generalized linear models (with normal random effects). This works by approximating the (nonlinear) likelihood around an estimate for the fixed and random part, and then uses lme iteratively. Therefore, the arguments of this function are almost the same as for the lme, in the specification of the model, and the random part. The extra argument is the family=, specifying which (nonnormal but exponential family) distribution is modeled. So the null model is specified (after making the function available through the MASS package and getting more precision)>model.0Q<-glmmPQL(y~1,random=~1|reg,family=binomial,data=data14c)Have a look at the summary of the model and make sure that you understand all the elements. Look at the estimate of the residual variance. What does it mean. Also make sure that you understand that the intercept variance is not “quite” the same as the …tau‟ we estimated befo re (but of course related, see (14.13)).The other function to estimate multilevel generalized linear models is lmer(), which is part of the lme4 package which uses the Matrix package. This seems tobe the most promising and flexible for estimating these models, but seems to be still under development (given the lack of readily available documentation). An important change in lmer() is the way it specifies models. This actually is a bit easier, or more intuitive, than in lme(). The model is specified once, where for each term it is indicated whether it is random using brackets and the familiar pipe | symbol>model.0P<-lmer(y~1+(1|reg),data14c,binomial)The default estimation procedure is PQL, so model.0P is exactly the same as model.0Q. The big advantage of lmer() over glmmPQL is that it also has the Laplace approximation method, and estimation using numerical integration (AGQ=adaptive Gaussian quadrature). The deviances obtained with the lattertwo methods are trustworthy, whereas a PQL deviance is not worth reporting (see Snijders & Bosker) and cannot be used for comparing models.Look at the differences in the output presentation of lmer() and between the estimates with the two other estimation procedures.>model.0L<-lmer(y~1+(1|reg),data14c,binomial,method="Laplace")>model.0A<-lmer(y~1+(1|reg),data14c,binomial,method="AGQ")Estimating a model with explanatory variablesLet‟s first estimate a simpler second model than in the book, just adding religion to the model. This can be done for all (four) models that we have estimated, where we can use the update() function for glmmPLQ.>model1.Q<-update(model.0Q,y~.+religion)>model.1A<-lmer(y~religion+(1|reg),data14c,binomial,method="AGQ")Given the first and second model it is possible to compute the explained variance. Two definitions are used to explain (just the one) explained variance, which often give approximately the same result. We will here use the definition based on the representation of logistic regression as a threshold model (section 14.3.2)>sigma2f<-var(predict(model1.Q))>tau2<-0.0317^2>r2<-sigma2f/(sigma2f+tau2+pi^2/3)The residual intraclass correlation can now be computed as>rhoI<-tau2/(tau2+pi^2/3)Look at how small all these numbers are!Exploring the effect of ageIn example 14.3 (page 216) a socalled quadratic spline function was proposed to represent the effect of age. The function assumes a parabolic relation starting at age 20 (the linear term x1 and the quadratic term x2). The quadratic functions x3 and x4 make the p arabole “asymmetric” with a less steep decline after age 30 which is even further decreased after age 40.It seems likely that the author did some exploration of the relation between the log odds of cohabitation and age (over all regions) to obtain this function. Without trying to investigate how he exactly obtained those functions x1 to x4, it seems useful to investigate the logodds-age relation.The first step is to obtain the log odds for every age in the data, by first making a table by age (now treated as a factor) and then computing its logodds. The plot of this table suggests a shape very similar to the one in figure 14.6>summtab.fag<-table(factor(age),y)>logodds<-log(summtab.fag[,2]/summtab.fag[,1])>x<-seq(16,79)>plot(x,logodds,ylim=c(-2,2),xlab="age")Now we estimate the first model of table 14.2>model2.Q<-update(model.0Q,y~.+x1+x2+x3+x4)We then obtain a prediction of the fixed part according to the model and add these points to the plot.>ypred<-cbind(1,x1,x2,x3,x4)%*%fixef(model2.Q)>points(age,ypred,pch=20)We can also add the predicted outcomes according to the model, that is including random effects, if we add those point as well, we see some variation of the “lines” (suggested by these points).>ypredm<-predict(model2.Q)>points(age,ypredm,pch=21)It seems the model(er) did a pretty good job in modeling the age effect. It is also clear that the random effect is relatively small.If you compare the estimates of the intercept and of the variance estimate to the estimates from the null model you will see that both have increased. This is the phenomenon described in section 14.3.5. The easiest explanation is that the variance at the lowest level is fixed and therefore …everything else‟ will change when explanatory variables are added. This means that it is especially meaningful to look at the ratios of the parameter estimates (which makes sense given the logodds ratio modeling).。
HLM多层线性模型教程HLM(Hierarchical Linear Modeling)是一种多层线性模型,常用于分析层级结构的数据。
我们可以建立以下的多层线性模型:Level 1: Y = β0 + β1*X + rLevel 2: β0 = γ00 + u0β1=γ10+u1在Level 1中,Y表示因变量(比如学生成绩),X表示一个或多个自变量(比如学生的背景信息),β0和β1表示固定效应,r表示误差项。
在Level 2中,β0和β1被分解为γ00和γ10(固定效应)以及u0和u1(随机效应)。
3. 模型估计:使用统计软件(如HLM软件)进行模型估计。
HLM模型的估计通常使用迭代加权最小二乘(Iterative Weighted Least Squares, IWLS)方法。
Practice session2HLM多层线性模型讲义
R-practice session 2 CS&SS 560Marijtje van DuijnWinter 2006More on working with RMost of you with some experience in R are already using scripts, a sort of syntax files. These can be kept in a simple text editor and you can copy and paste from them into the R console to run a number of commands at the same time. There is a facility within R – through the use of RWinEdt – that you can add to R. Another option is to use textpad (free evaluation version at ) that youcan configure for R syntax. See Cori Mar’s class notes about this option(/training/courses/csss508/week3.shtml). Consult the R homepage (or one of your fellow students with experience) if you are interested in this option.The commands used in this session are available as R syntax file (Session2.R)at the website.Data input and preparationWe use the data used in Snijders & Bosker. For a description see Example 4.1 (p.46).The data are in the comma separated file SBbookR.csv available under Data on the left side of the class website /vanduijn/560/.Get the data and put them in your working directory. Some computers in SAV137 have a directory ..\temp\stat560 that could be used as a working directory.Before we even load the data we will attach two packages that we will need later on. The nlme library is needed for the estimation of (non) linear mixed effects models. With functions from the lattice library we will be able to make nice graphs.>library(nlme)>library(lattice)Load the data>datasb<-read.table("SBbookR.csv",header=T,sep=",")Attach the data>attach(datasb)You could look at the data with the same command as we used last time>datasbYou will find that this is not a very good way to look at the data, the matrix is too large. Also the summary is not very informative.So it is better to find out about the data, the variable names by>names(datasb)You can find out about the length of the datafile>length(pupilNR)Or you can look the first 10 observations by> datasb[1:10,]We can get the means per school, by aggregating over all variables, making thenew dataframe> schdata<-aggregate(datasb, by = list(schoolNR), mean)Look at the names of this dataframe – they are the same as in datasb. We willclean up the school data a bit more to get just the variables that we like to use,and make a new dataframe which we then give different names to avoidconfusion. We do this by defining a subset on the schdata data frame, where the selection is done using the (old) names of the variables. The c() commandmakes a vector of all these names which is then used for the selection. Thesecond command name assigns the names.> schoolsb<-subset(schdata,select=c(schoolNR,testscore,IQ,ses,comb,gs))> names(schoolsb)<-c("school","means core","meanIQ","meanses","comb.sch”, “gs.sch”) As a next step we would like to add the school mean variables to the (muchlarger) pupil data set. This is a bit tricky, but can be done after having determinedthe size of each school:>schoolsz<-tapply(IQ,schoolNR,length)You can have a look at the schoolsz. We will use this vector to indicate thenumber with which to replicate the schoolmeans per school. The resulting (longer) vector is added to the dataframe datasb.>datasb$meanscore<-rep(schoolsb$meanscore,schoolsz)We repeat this procedure for the mean IQ and mean SES per school.>datasb$meanIQ<-rep(schoolsb$meanIQ,schoolsz)>datasb$meanses<-rep(schoolsb$meanses,schoolsz)As a final step in the data preparation we will make a grand mean centered IQ variable, to be used in the later analysis, as well as school mean centered IQ.>datasb$IQc<-datasb$IQ-datasb$meanIQ>datasb$IQcc<-datasb$IQ-mean(datasb$IQ)We have now prepared the data for the analysis.Data explorationOf course we can explore various characteristics of the data.The means and correlations of the variables over all students, of the means over all schools, etc. Like last time, we could make boxplots per school for the dependent variable with the command>boxplot(IQ~schoolNR)You will see that the graph is not clear because of the many (131) schools (not consecutively numbered).For exploration purposes we therefore take a 10% subsample of all schools. We do this by taking a sample of ‘unique’ schools (also known as sampling without replacement), whose numbers are stored in samp25. (Side remark: if you would like to explore all schools, the strategy would be to split the datafile up in smaller portions.)>samp25 <-sample(unique(schoolNR),25)Take a look to see which schools have been selected.We now take the observations corresponding to the selected schools out of the larger dataframe datasb, and create a so-called grouped data object. It gives information about the grouping structure of the data, here through (schoolNR). >samp.25 <-groupedData(testscore ~ IQ | schoolNR,data =datasb[is.element(schoolNR, samp20), ])The next step is to make a socalled Trellis plot, which uses the grouping structure.>xyplot(testscore~IQ|schoolNR,data=samp.20,main="Exploring 25 random schools",panel=function(x,y){panel.xyplot(x,y)panel.loess(x,y,span=1)panel.lmline(x,y,lty=2)})This produces a graph (beautiful, don’t you think?) plotting testscore against IQ for the 25 selected schools whose number appear in the colored bar above each subgraph (called panel). In each subgraph a scatterplot is created with the xyplot command, a socalled Loess line (locally smoothed regression, here using all of the available data per school – span=1) and the fitted per-school-regression line. If you want no color in the graph (for instance if you want to export it, which could also be done by simple copying and pasting to a word document), use the command>trellis.device(color=F)and redo the Trellis graph.What impression does the graph give you with respect to the variability of intercept and slope?Estimating a multilevel modelFor the estimation of multilevel models we will use the nlme-library developed by Pinheiro & Bates. NLME stands for Non Linear Mixed Effects. Mixed Effects refers to models with both fixed and random effects. We will not (yet) use theNon Linear modeling options (for instance logistic or Poisson) but stay with the linear (regression) models.The arguments for the function lme() resemble the ones for lm(), used to estimate a regression model, but are more elaborate due to the more complex model. It uses the same notation to define a model, but also needs a random part Use the help function (>?lme also works!) to get a little more insight into the function. A more elaborate description of the module can be found in Pinheiro & Bates’ book, but is of cours e also available at the R website.We start with estimating the empty model (table 4.1 in Snijders & Bosker).This can be obtained with the following command. The first part is the socalled fixed part (and could be preceeded by fixed=). The left hand side of the ~ specifies the dependent variable, the right hand side the covariates. Here you only see a 1, which indicates that only a constant (=1) is specified, which refersto the intercept. The second part could be left out, because we have attached datasb. The third part specifies the random part and looks a bit funny. The right hand side | symbol (called pipe!) indicate over which ‘grouping’ variable the lefthandside of the grouping variable is assumed to vary. This means here that the intercept varies over schools, and that is just what we want for a random intercept model. The residual (level 1) is ‘default’.>model.0R<-lme(testscore~1, data=datasb, random=~1|schoolNR)>summary(model.0R)The output obtained with the summary command needs some scrutiny before we can decide whether it has all the elements present to construct a table like 4.1. It starts the other way around, by first giving the model fit, apart from the loglikelihood also the AIC and BIC indices. After repeating their formula, the random effects are given, not with variances but with standard deviations (so the square roots). The one belonging to (Intercept) is the level 2 (between-school) variance τ2; the one belonging to Residuals, the residual (level 1, within-school) variance σ2.The variance estimates can be got directly with the command>VarCorr(model.0R)Next the fixed effects are reported, again repeating the formula, here just one, with a t-test, df, and p-value. A s an ‘extra’, the ‘boxplot’ distribution of the standardized residual error (so with mean 0, and standard deviation 1) is given. It seems a little skewed to the left. This is not important at all at this moment, since this is not a final model, but if it w ould show ‘funny’ things that may indicate a problem with the data.If you look even more carefully at the estimates you will see tiny differences inthe variance estimates. This is because the default estimation method in nlme is REML (REsidual Maximum Likelihood). This method produces less biased variance estimates but its deviances (or likelihood values) cannot be used for testing (comparing) different models. Let’s therefore also estimate the model with maximum likelihood.model.0<-lme(testscore~1,data=datasb,random=~1|schoolNR,method=”ML”) summary(model.0)Take again a good look at the output and see what elements you recognize from table 4.1. One thing that is not present is the standard error of the variances. This information can be retrieved by obtaining approximate estimates of the variance estimates are available, using>model.0$apVarThese are rather different from the ones reported in table 4.1.Here you see that the results are different. This must be due to the different implementation of the ML estimation method. And since these estimates are never used for formal testing, but at the most for ‘eye balling’ the significance of the results, it is not so important.Use the command>?lmeObjectto investigate what other functions and attributes are available. For instance fitted values, estimates of the random intercepts, etc. Try out some of these functions if you like.We will now estimate the models in tables 4.2 and 4.4. The second model has IQ, centered around its grand mean, as explanatory (fixed) variable.>model.1<-lme(testscore~1+IQcc, data=datasb, random=~1 | schoolNR,method=”ML”)>summary(model.1)To test whether this model is an improvement over the null model, do a deviance test as we did last time (by hand, using the logLik function), which is done for you if you type> anova(model.1,model.0)Now proceed to estimate the final model for today>model.2<-lme(testscore~1+IQ+meanIQ, data=datasb, random=~1 | schoolNR, method=”ML”)>summary(model.2)Again, take a good look at the output, and see where this output is different from that in table 4.4. The intercept is ‘wrong’. (Why? I don’t know, it may be an error in the book, I will try to find out.)Extra options (if time permits):Explore the school aggregated data some more. Determine whether schools differ in meanIQ or on other characteristics.Compute the intraclass correlationReproduce table 4.3.。
多层线性模型在教育数据分析中应用广泛,主要用于分析学 生成绩、学习行为等变量之间的关系。
在教育领域,多层线性模型可以用于分析不同层次的学生数 据,如班级、学校或地区等。通过多层线性模型,可以同时 考虑学生个体特征和班级、学校等环境因素的影响,从而更 准确地估计各个因素的影响程度。
应用于基因组学、蛋白质组学等 领域,探索生物标志物与疾病之 间的关系。
应用于社会调查、人口统计等领 域,研究社会经济地位、教育程 度等因素对个体发展的影响。
应用于金融市场分析、消费者行 为等领域,探究经济变量之间的 相互关系。
利用多核处理器或分布式计算资源,实现多层线 性模型的快速计算,提高分析效率。
针对现有算法的收敛速度和稳定性进行优化,减 少迭代次数,提高计算精度。
根据数据特性自动调整模型参数,减少人工干预, 提高模型的泛化能力。
多层线性模型的迭代算法对初值的选择较 为敏感,初值的选择可能会影响模型的收 敛结果。
如果数据中存在大量缺失值,多层线性模 型的估计可能会受到影响。在进行模型拟 合之前,需要对缺失数据进行适当处理。
多层线性模型比单层线性模型更复杂,因为它同时考虑了组间和 组内的关系,能够更好地拟合数据。
采用经典方法可能失去参数估计的有效性并导致不合理的推断结 论。
经典的线性模型只对某一层数据的问题进 行分析,而不能将涉及两层或多层数据的问题进 行综合分析。
但有时某个现象既受到水平1变量的影 响,又受到水平2变量的影响,还受到两个水平 变量的交互影响(cross-level interaction)。
间数据,称为组间效应 • 三是忽视组的特性而对所有的数据进行分析,称为总效应。 • 在此基础上,计算组内效应和组间效应在总效应的比例,从
而确定变异来自于组间还是组内。 • 组内分析组间分析的方法较前两种方法更多地考虑到了第一
层数据及第二层数据对变异产生的影响,但无法对组内效应 和组间效应做出具体的解释,也就无法解释为什么在不同的 组变量间的关系存在差异。
• 2、多层数据的传统分析方法 • 个体的行为既受个体自身特征的影响,也受到其所处环境的影响,所
以研究者一直试图将个体效应与组效应(背景效应或环境效应)区分 开来。 • 个体效应:由个体自身特征所造成的变异。 • 组效应:由个体所处环境所造成的变异。
• (1)只关注个体效应,而忽视组效应 • 只在个体这一层数据上考虑变量间的关系,那么导致所观测到的效应
• 在许多研究中,取样往往来自不同层级和单位,这种 数据带来了很多跨级(多层)的研究问题,解决这些 问题的一种新的数据分析方法——多层模型分析技术。
• 这一方法的开创及发展的主要贡献者之一是英国伦敦 大学的Harvey Goldstein教授及研究者把这种方法称 作“多层分析”。另一主要开拓者美国密歇根大学的 Stephen W.Raudenbush教授和同行把它称为“分层线 性模型结构”。在此,我们按照张雷等人的叫法称其 为“多层线性模型”或“多层模型”。
HLM中介调节重要资料 ppt课件
内涵丰富 操作简单 有待规范 的数据伴随着许多跨级(多层)。多层线性模型又叫做“多层分析
方杰(等m:ult《ile我ve国l a近na十ly年sis来)心2”0理1或3学,者研3是6究(“中5分)层H:L线1M1性9方4模-1法型20的(0应hi用era述rc评hi》ca,l m心od理el科in学g),” 最大的意义是解决了随机误差的独立性问题。 在社会科学中,多层线性结构具有普遍性,如以下三种情况:
Lev观明异el察 ,X2:对τ因1ββY01o此方jj的==需差γγ影100要0成++响进分γγ在1011行的((各团调团值群队队节,组心心效如间理理果果存安安的达全全在检γ到0组该感感显1.11验显间变)),著显+。+著方量说的著UU说差可1明o变说jj 的以有明值解1调0比释%节空多的效模少Y应组型的c间成有组方立所内差。减/组可少间R被,2变leMv就异el所-要2)交解报互作释道用。变效(果化也组比要内例关方,注差说,和明
假设3:层次二的调节 变量在自变量对因变 量的关系中起到调节
团队心理安全感 假设2:层量次产二生的直调接节L效E变果V量EL对2因变
Outcome for observation i in unit j
Value of X for observation i in unit j
Y ij01Xijujrij
Outcome for observation i in unit j
distributed) 误差方差齐性(homoskedastic) 误差或观测个体之间相互独立
多层(多水平)数据指的是观测数据在单位上 具有嵌套的关系。如学生嵌套于班级,班级嵌 套于学校等。
同一单位内的观测,具有更大的相似性。同一 个班级的学生由于受相同的班级环境等因素的 影响有tual)特征 的多层数据举例
学生水平特征的观测,嵌套于班级或学校 兄弟姊妹特征的观测,嵌套于家庭 个体之间的观测嵌套于社区 个体不同时间点的重复测量嵌套于个体 病人嵌套于医院 参数的估计嵌套于不同的研究 (元分析,meta-analysis)
Y Xur specific to ij 0 1 ij j ij observation i in unit j
Outcome for observation i in unit j
(4)对73所学校分别做回归分析, 得到如图4的结果,如图4所示,从 图中结果可以看出,不同学校回归 直线的截距和斜率均不同,即:不 同学校学生平均高考成绩之间存在 差异,入学学业成绩对高考成绩的 影响强度不同。
图4:考虑不同学校平均成绩差异 和入学对毕业成绩影 响程度差异的回归直线
回归模型中,如何解决残差相关 的问题?
阶层线性模型的原理及应用1. 引言阶层线性模型(Hierarchical Linear Model,简称HLM)是一种用于处理具有分层结构数据的统计模型。
2. 阶层线性模型的原理阶层线性模型基于线性回归模型,但考虑了数据的分层结构。
阶层线性模型的数学表达式如下:$y_{ij} = \\beta_{0j} + \\beta_{1j}x_{ij} + \\epsilon_{ij}$其中,y ij是第j层第i个观测值的因变量,$\\beta_{0j}$和$\\beta_{1j}$是第j 层的截距和斜率参数,x ij是第j层第i个观测值的自变量,$\\epsilon_{ij}$是误差项。
3. 阶层线性模型的应用案例阶层线性模型在各个领域都有广泛的应用,下面将介绍一些典型的应用案例。
3.1 教育领域在教育领域,阶层线性模型可用于分析学生的学习成绩。
3.2 组织行为研究阶层线性模型在组织行为研究中也有广泛的应用。
3.3 公共卫生研究阶层线性模型在公共卫生研究中也发挥着重要作用。
同样用这种方法可以从整体上比较所定义的两个模型是否存在显著差异或两个模型中差异项的效应是否显著 。
们的检验方法 。
(2) 水平 1 的随机系数的假设检验
: H0∶βq1
3 q1
3 q1
。) st
3 q1
3 q1
参 考 文 献:
[ 1 ] (美) 约翰·奈斯比特. 大趋势 ———改变我们生活的十个方 向[ M ] . 梅艳译. 北京 :中国社会科学出版社 ,1984.
[ 2 ]京特·弗里德里奇. 微电子学与社会 [ M ] . 李宝恒译. 北 京 :三联书店. 1984.
[ 3 ]李砚祖. 大趋势 ———改变我们生活的十个方向. 工艺美术 概论[ M ] . 吉林. 美术出版社 ,1991. 【责任编辑 刘学生】
值得说明的是这与莫里斯的主张是不同的 ,他采取以手
工制品抗衡工业制品的态度 ,因那时处于工业生产的初级阶 段 ,而今天的工业化已在科学的理想主义中徜徉了一百多 年 ,不仅改变了人对世界的认识 ,也改变了人们对自身的认 识 ,生活方式也与传统生存方式背离 ,作为工业化基础的科 学技术主导人类整体命运的地位不可动摇 ,我们已承认并且 接受了工业化的趋势 ,故此 ,我们对手工艺原汁原味的体现 , 只作为大工业中失掉的感性部分文化的补偿 ,来满足人们高 情感的需要 ,并且是从健全人类心智的立场 ,将手和手的直 接制造物的价值 ,渗透到社会进步与人类成长的进程之中 。
通过模型估计参数,分析各因素对房价的 直接影响以及与其他因素的交互作用,为 房地产投资和决策提供参考。
建立多层线性模型,探究各因素对房价的 影响。
将地理位置、社区设施、房屋类型和建筑 年代作为自变量,将房价作为因变量。
多层线性模型(Hierarchical Linear Model, HLM)可以更 好地处理具有复杂关系的多层次数据,为研究提供更准确的 估计和更丰富的信息。
多层线性模型是一种统计方法, 适用于处理具有嵌套结构的数据 ,例如学校中班级的学生成绩、 公司中部门员工的工作表现等。
使用多层线性模型需要一定的 统计学和编程知识,以便正确 地构建、估计和解释模型。
对于非常大的数据集,多层线 性模型的计算成本可能变得非
随着数据科学和机器学习技术的不断发展,多层线性模型 的应用领域不断拓展,包括但不限于医学、生物学、社会 科学、金融等领域。
将教育程度、工作经验和职业类型作 为自变量,将收入作为因变量。
通过模型估计参数,分析教育程度对 收入的直接影响以及与其他变量的交 互作用。
建立多层线性模型,探究教育程度对 收入的影响,同时考虑工作经验和职 业类型等其他因素的影响。
在模型拟合过程中,进行 模型诊断,检查模型是否 满足多层线性模型的假设 条件。
对模型拟合结果进行解释,包括各层的系数、截 距等,并对其意义进行阐述。
通过比较不同模型的拟合效果、预测准确性等指 标,对所选择的模型进行评估。
根据结果解释和模型评估的结果,对模型进行优 化,提高模型的拟合效果和预测准确性。
通过优化计算方法,降低多层线 性模型的计算复杂度,提高计算 效率和准确性。
在模型设定时放宽对数据的假设 ,以适应更多类型的数据分布和 预测目标。
改进超参数调整方法,提高超参 数选择的准确性和稳定性,从而 提高模型的性能和结果的可重复 性。
多层线性模型能够考虑不同层次的数据之 间的随机效应,使得模型更加贴近实际, 提高预测精度。
多层线性模型在处理大型数据集时相对稳 定,能够有效地减少计算时间和内存占用 。
多层线性模型允许灵活的模型设定,可以 根据实际需求调整模型参数,以适应不同 的数据分布和预测目标。
多层线性模型的实际应 用案例Βιβλιοθήκη 教育数据分析总结词
多层线性模型可以用于分析学校、班级、个体等多层次数据,探究不同层次对个体学习成绩、行为习 惯等方面的影响。例如,分析学校教育资源、教师教学风格等因素对学生个体发展的影响。
它能够处理不同层次的数据,并考虑不同层次对结果变量的影响,从而更准确地 解释数据中的变异。
3. 多层线性分析中的模型及假设
3. 多层线性分析中的模型及假设
3. 多层线性分析中的模型及假设
3. 多层线性分析中的模型及假设
3. 多层线性分析中的模型及假设
三、多水平分析常用的简化模型类型 1、随机效应一元方差分析模型
3. 多层线性分析中的模型及假设
三、多水平分析常用的简化模型类型 2、随机效应单因素协方差分析模型
3. 多层线性分析中的模型及假设
三、多水平分析常用的简化模型类型 3、一般线性回归模型
3. 多层线性分析中的模型及假设
三、多水平分析常用的简化模型类型 4、随机系数回归模型
3. 多层线性分析中的模型及假设
1.迭代广义最小二乘法、 2.限制性的广义最小二乘估计 3.马尔科夫链蒙特卡洛法
4. 多元线性分析中一些值得注意的问题
一、预测变量Xij和Wj的中心化 1.对Xij的中心化 2.对Wj的中心化
1. 随机效应一元方差分析模型又称零模型,模型中没有考虑任何预 测变量对因变量的影响,可以计算跨级相关,即组间方差占总方 差的比例,或者说在总的变异中由水平2解释的方差的比例。
2. 随机效应单因素协方差分析模型与传统协方差模型的区别在于将 组间效应定义为随机效应而不是固定效应。
3. 在随机系数回归模型中,模型的截距是随机的,自变量对因变量 影响的斜率也是随机的。多层线性分析模型,可以通过对参数进 行不同的限定的都不同的模型形式,逐渐加一些参数,考虑较复 杂的模型,最终得到与数据拟合较优的模型。
对于嵌套数据,传统回归分析的假设往 往无法满足。
传统的线性回归模型假设变量间存在直 线关系,因变量总体上服从正态分布, 方差齐性,个体间相互独立。前两个假 设较易保证,但方差齐性,尤其是个体 间相互独立的假设却很难满足。
(4)对73所学校分别做回归分析, 得到如图4的结果,如图4所示,从 图中结果可以看出,不同学校回归 直线的截距和斜率均不同,即:不 同学校学生平均高考成绩之间存在 差异,入学学业成绩对高考成绩的 影响强度不同。
图4:考虑不同学校平均成绩差异 和入学对毕业成绩影 响程度差异的回归直线
g 00
g 01 W j
g g 1 j10 1W 1j u 1 j
gg g g Y i j0 1 0 X i 0 j0 W j 1 1 X i W 1 j u 0 j u 1 j X i j e i
残差项 定义第 j 组第i 个观测 均值为0
注意到: 我们有:
ij = uj + rij
= Var(uj + rij) = Var(uj) + Var(rij) + 2*Cov(uj,rij) = Var(uj) + Var(rij)
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• Extension of multilevel is ‘easy’ by adjusting the variance structure at both levels • Use dummy variables to indicate the measures (13.4)
Lecture10 - Feb 28, 06 CS&SS 560 2
• Usually Cronbach’s alpha is computed to study reliability, but that approach is not correct (similar argument as OLS for multilevel data) • Multilevel model (items are on7-point scale)
Nice (and important) application
(Hox, section 9.3)
• Multilevel item analysis
– (level 1) Items on questionnaire about ‘group’ – (level 2) Respondents – (level 3) Group
– Level 1: item inconsistency: ideally low – Level 2: scale score variance between respondents: ideally low – Level 3: scale score variance between groups: ideally high (or highest)
– captures ‘bias’ (differential item functioning)
Lecture10 - Feb 28, 06 CS&SS 560 4
Results from the analysis
• Item means : interesting but usually not the focus of the analysis) • Item variances at level 2 (respondent) : interesting to investigate ‘bias’
Lecture10 - Feb 28, 06 CS&SS 560 7
Lecture10 - Feb 28, 06 CS&SS 560 3
• Empty model
Yhij h 0h dhij U hj Rhij
• Better represented (cf. repeated measures) as
Yhij s 0 s d shij s U hj d shij s Rhij dshij
Lecture10 - Feb 28, 06
CS&SS 560
5Байду номын сангаас
Taking it one step further
• If questionnaire ‘works’ (or if one is satisfied with the scale), one can view the items as repetitions of each other, and build a simpler ‘univariate’ three-level model with just variances
– Examples are in chapter 10 – PINT (a program available on Tom Snijders’ webpage) – OD (developed by Steve Raudenbush of HLM (/group-based/optimal_design_software)
• Fixed effects are items means • Random effects represent correlation between items within and between individuals • Model can be extended with explanatory variables
• Item variances and covariances at level 3 (group): most interesting if scale reliability needs to be established
– Can be used for ‘classical’ item analysis (Spearman-Brown) – Can be used as input in factor analysis program
Yhij 000 V0 j U0ij Rhij
CS&SS 560
Lecture10 - Feb 28, 06
Designing multilevel studies
• Common issues of (strongly related)
– Power – Effect size (standard errors) – Sample size
• There is a trade off between the number of level 1 and level 2 units under budget restrictions, for which an optimum can be computed for various parameters (regression coefficients at level 1, 2, crosslevel, intraclass correlation)
• Especially important in multilevel analysis where (at least) two sample sizes can be ‘chosen’ • Design effect (3.17) gives multiplication factor for the estimation of a population mean, and depends on intraclass correlation • The reliability (3.21) can give insight in how many ‘repeated’ measures are needed
– Between respondent variance (of respondents evaluating the same group concept) = ‘systematic measurement bias’ – Between respondent covariance gives pattern of this bias
Multivariate multilevel
Multivariate = multiple (related) measures
• Recall repeated measures • Combined model (usually) advantageous
– More information = more power and avoiding chance capitalization – Knowledge about dependence (correlation) structure