Comment on Band-Structure Trend in Hole-Doped Cuprates and Correlation with T_c_max




114Univ. Chem. 2023, 38 (12), 114–119收稿:2023-06-27;录用:2023-08-01;网络发表:2023-08-11*通讯作者,Email:*****************.cn基金资助:2021年基础学科拔尖学生培养计划2.0研究课题(20211014);天津市首批虚拟教研室试点建设项目(化学类交叉人才培养课程建设虚拟教研室)•专题• doi: 10.3866/PKU.DXHX202306051 当表面活性剂遇到大环分子阮文娟,李悦,耿文超,郭东升*南开大学化学学院,天津 300071摘要:近年来,表面和胶体化学与大环化学的结合引起了科学家的普遍关注。




关键词:表面活性剂;胶束;大环结构;大环两亲分子;超两亲分子中图分类号:G64;O6Encountering of Surfactants with Macrocyclic MoleculesWen-Juan Ruan, Yue Li, Wen-Chao Geng, Dong-Sheng Guo *College of Chemistry, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071, China.Abstract: In recent years, the combination of surface and colloid chemistry with macrocyclic chemistry has garnered widespread attention among scientists. The integration of diverse macrocyclic structures into surfactant molecules not only greatly enriches the diversity of surfactants, but also imparts them with the host-guest recognition functionality of macrocycles. Macrocyclic amphiphiles and supra-amphiphiles, developed from this approach, have demonstrated high potential in applications such as bioimaging and drug delivery. The evolution from traditional surfactants to macrocyclic amphiphiles and supra-amphiphiles underscores the importance of interdisciplinary integration in advancing scientific research.Key Words: Surfactants; Micelles; Macrocycles; Macrocyclic amphiphiles; Supra-amphiphiles表面活性剂及其所构筑的胶束是表面和胶体化学中所涉及的一类非常重要的体系。



社会科学研究方法与论文写作智慧树知到期末考试答案章节题库2024年北京第二外国语学院1.What are key components of research design? ()答案:Timeframe.###Sampling Strategy.###Data Collection Methods.2.The following aspects of informed consent that are essential in researchethics include ().答案:Researchers explaining potential risks andbenefits.###Participants being allowed to withdraw from the study.3.When should all authors be included in the in-text citation, according to theAPA style? ()答案:When there are two authors.###When there are three to fiveauthors.4.What are some essential tips for writing an effective abstract? ()答案:Use keywords###Emphasize points differently from thepaper.###Use passive verbs5.Which statements are suggested solutions for improving the Methodologysection? ()答案:Eliminate the use of first-person pronouns.###Provide a clearrationale for the chosen methods.6.What's the difference between methodology and method? ()答案:Methodology encompasses the broader theoretical framework and guiding philosophy of the research process.###Methods encompass the specific techniques and procedures employed for data collection andanalysis.###Methodology is presented as a distinct section in aresearch thesis, explaining the overall approach and rationale.7.What are the downsides of mere listing in a literature review? ()答案:It does not present themes or identify trends.###It often indicatesa lack of critical synthesis.8.The common problems to be aware of in thesis writing include().答案:Excessive reliance on qualitative data###Lack of theoreticalsupport###Failure to integrate theory and practice.###Misuse of tense ponents that are typically embedded in the structure of an academicpaper, especially the journal article, include ()答案:Introduction###Results and Discussion10.Which of the following examples are misconducts? ()答案:Facilitating academic dishonesty.###Unauthorizedcollaboration###Misuse of Patients11.What are the three main elements of a definition, as mentioned in the lecture?()答案:Term, Category, and Features.12.In the Methods section, why is it important to detail the tools or materials fordata collection? ()答案:To explain how instruments to be used to answer researchquestions.13.Which is the method suggested to avoid plagiarism when summarizinginformation from sources? ()答案:Summarize immediately after reading without referring back tothe source.14.The purpose of control variables in research is ().答案:To keep certain factors constant and prevent them frominfluencing the dependent variable.15.What is the purpose of using sampling techniques in research? ()答案:To draw conclusions about the population based on data collected from the sample.16.According to Wallwork’s tips for the final check, what is one way to ensureyour paper is as good as possible before submission? ()答案:Anticipate referees’ comments.17.What does external validity assess? ()答案:The extent to which research findings can be applied orgeneralized to other situations and populations.18.Which of the following expressions are correctly used in the Methods Section?()答案:"We conducted the experiment in a controlled environment."19.Which of the following is NOT a recommended guideline for using tables in aresearch paper? ()答案:Using as many tables as possible to provide comprehensiveinformation.20.What does a structured abstract typically include to make it more readable?()答案:Eye-catching font for the title21.What is the main function of the preparation stage in writing a literaturereview? ()答案:To locate relevant literature and prepare for writing.22.The primary focus of academic integrity is ().答案:Fostering honesty and responsible behavior.23.The act of using someone else’s ideas and writings as your own can beconsidered as ().答案:Plagiarism24.Which step is NOT part of the suggested three-step approach for revisingyour paper? ()答案:Rewrite the entire paper.25.Which is not the reason for an overly broad title being problematic? ()答案:It encourages depth in the study.26. A good thesis or dissertation should tell the reader not just “what I havedone,” but “why what I have done matters.” ()答案:对27.Coherence in academic writing refers to the clarity of the thesis statementand the organization of the paper. ()答案:对28.The research methods section helps readers and reviewers gauge thetransparency, validity, and reliability of the research. ()答案:对29.Research papers are published to share new, original results and ideas withthe academic community. ()答案:对30.Relying solely on secondary sources ensures the originality of researchfindings. ()答案:错31.In introduction writing, it is recommended to delve into an exhaustive reviewof the entire field to provide comprehensive context. ()答案:错32.The Background Method in introduction writing kicks off by presenting aproblem and then addressing the solution. ()答案:错33.Multiculturalism seeks to enhance the self-esteem and identities ofmarginalized groups. ()答案:对34. A Doctoral-level literature review is typically less comprehensive than aMaster's-level literature review. ()答案:错35."Hoaxing" involves deliberately publishing false information with theintention of deceiving others. ()答案:对36.Reflecting on the research process at the end is essential for evaluating itsstrengths and limitations. ()答案:对37. A well-crafted title should engage a wide audience effectively. ()答案:对38.In order to avoid plagiarism, it is suggested to avoid citing references. ()答案:错39.Predicting difficulties and providing countermeasures in a research proposalis essential to show the depth of thinking and enlist expected guidance. ()答案:对40.Conducting a literature review is not necessary when selecting a researchtitle. ()答案:错41.What can authors do to ensure a timely publication in a journal that reviewspapers for job hunting purposes?()答案:Submit the manuscript without checking for errors###Seekinformation from editors about review times###Be efficient in making revisions42.When preparing a manuscript for publication, it is crucial to focus on ethicalstandards.()答案:对43.Why do researchers want to publish their papers?()答案:To share new results and ideas44.How can you identify an appropriate journal for publication? ()答案:Look for journals that publish work similar to your research.45.The editor-in-chief makes the final decision on whether a submitted paper isaccepted or rejected in the review process.()答案:对ing cut and paste extensively is recommended during the final check tosave time.()答案:错47.Exchanging texts with another student for proofreading is encouraged to findcareless errors in your own work.()答案:对48.What is the key idea that should be remembered by the audience from yourtalk?()答案:The key idea of your research49.Why is it important to avoid errors that may distort meaning in your writtenwork? ()答案:To enhance the quality of your writing###To ensure clarity ofcommunication50.What is the main purpose of doing a presentation?()答案:To engage, excite, and provoke the audience51.Making academic writing more tentative involves avoiding over-generalizations and using linguistic hedges and tentative phrases.()答案:对52.What is the purpose of the checklist questions provided for paper revision?()答案:To help improve the writing53.Which of the following are strategies for achieving cohesion in academicwriting? ()答案:Organizing the paper logically###Using transitional words andphrases###Employing reference words54.Redundancy and colloquialisms are considered desirable features ofconciseness in academic writing. ()答案:错55.What should you do when revising your paper writing to improve clarity andspecificity? ()答案:Be self-contained56.What are the characteristics of informative abstracts? ()答案:They may replace the need for reading the full paper###Theycommunicate specific information about the paper###They provide aconcise summary of the paper’s content57.Structured abstracts may have clear subheadings to mark different sections.()答案:对58.What is the recommended maximum word limit for a conference abstract?()答案:250 words59.Which tense is often used when writing an abstract? ()答案:Present tense60.The primary purpose of an informative abstract is to indicate the subjectsdealt with in a paper. ()答案:错61.What are some reasons for using citations in academic writing? ()答案:To show you are a member of a particular disciplinarycommunity###To acknowledge the intellectual property rights ofauthors###To avoid plagiarism62.Self-plagiarism is not considered an ethical concern in academic writing.()答案:错63.What is the primary purpose of citation in academic writing? ()答案:To acknowledge the intellectual property rights of authors64.What is self-plagiarism? ()答案:Presenting one's own previously published work as new65.All sources cited in the text must be documented in the References section.()答案:对66.Which type of conclusion is more common in research papers and theses andfocuses on summarizing research outcomes and aligning them with the initial thesis? ()答案:Thesis-oriented Conclusion67.What are the four sections typically found in the Conclusion section of aresearch paper, according to the material? ()答案:Summary of findings, implications, limitations, further studies68.What is one of the purposes of the conclusions chapter? ()答案:To forestall criticisms by identifying limitations of the research69.Which of the following are types of conclusions discussed in the material? ()答案:Summary type###Field-oriented conclusion###Evaluation type of conclusion###Recommendation type of conclusion70.The conclusion section in academic papers typically follows a uniformstructure across all disciplines.()答案:错71.What is one of the purposes of making comparisons with previous studies inacademic writing? ()答案:To justify the methods or procedures followed72.Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a common type of graphicalfigure in the material? ()答案:Map illustrations73.What can we do in demonstrating our research results in paper? ()答案:Use figures and tables to summarize data###Show the results ofstatistical analysis74.In which field are Qualitative Research methods often used?()答案:Liberal Arts and Social Sciences75.What factors should be considered when choosing research methods for athesis? ()答案:Traditional approaches.###Research questions andobjectives.###Nature of the subject matter.76.What does "Research Design" refer to in the research process?()答案:The overall plan guiding the research study.77.All the following moves are included in the method section except ().答案:Describing the commonly used methods in certain field.78.The research methods section in a thesis is often presented as a distinctsection, separate from the literature review.()答案:对79.What are the two core abilities essential for writing an effective literaturereview? ()答案:Information seeking and critical appraisal.80.Where can a literature review be placed in a research paper or thesis? ()答案:In different places depending on research goals and fieldconventions.81.Which type of literature review focuses on organizing literature aroundspecific research questions?()答案:Question-oriented review.82.The purpose of creating a visual representation, such as a literature map, isto replace the need for drafting concise summaries.()答案:错83.What are the recommended tenses to use when discussing the content of thesources in a literature review? ()答案:Simple Past.###Present Perfect.###Simple Present.84.What is the role of the Problem Statement in the Introduction? ()答案:Justify the importance of the research.85.Which is NOT one of the three methods could be used to write anintroduction? ()答案:Reference Method86.The location and structure of the introduction are standardized across alltypes of research theses. ()答案:错87.In Metadiscourse research, what is the recommended way for a researcher torefer to themselves in the introduction?()答案:Refer to themselves as "this thesis" or a specific section.88.What are the key elements included in Move 2 of the "Create a ResearchSpace" (CARS) framework?()答案:Identifying gaps in prior research.###Indicating a gap.89.What role do Research Grant Proposals play?()答案:Both securing financial support and convincing funding agencies.90.What questions does a research proposal eloquently answer? ()答案:How are you going to do it?###What do you plan toaccomplish?###Why do you want to do it?91.The "Aims/Purposes" section in a research proposal outlines the centralissues to be tackled in the study. ()答案:对92.To whom is a research proposal usually submitted for approval and support?()答案:Funding agencies, academic institutions, or research supervisors.93.What is the purpose of predicting difficulties and providing countermeasuresin the research proposal?()答案:To show the depth of thinking and enlist expected guidance.94.The recency of sources is crucial in research, and older sources are alwayspreferred for their depth.()答案:错95.Which database is specifically mentioned for searching Master's and DoctoralDissertations? ()答案:CNKI96.When conducting a critique of a study, what should be considered about themethods used?()答案:The validity for studying the problem.97.What is the primary characteristic of primary sources in research materialcollection? ()答案:They offer synthesized information from various perspectives. 98.What are common approaches to collecting primary source materialsmentioned in the lecture? ()答案:Surveys and questionnaires###Controlled experiments###One-on-one interviews99.What are potential mistakes in the title selection process? ()答案:Having unclear titles that do not convey the subjectmatter.###Using contemporary language to make the title appearoutdated.100.How does the researcher balance the focus of a research title?()答案:By clearly defining the scope of the study.101.What is the purpose of conducting a comprehensive literature review in the title selection process? ()答案:To identify gaps, controversies, or areas requiring furtherexploration.102.An overly narrow title might limit the potential impact and relevance of the research. ()答案:对103.What is the significance of a well-chosen title? ()答案:It significantly enhances the academic value of the work.104.What are key characteristics of deconstruction in literary theory? ()答案:Highlighting textual undecidability and paradoxes.###Challenging traditional assumptions about language and meaning.###Questioning binary oppositions.105.What distinguishes quantitative data from qualitative data in research? ()答案:Quantitative data are numerical, while qualitative data can bedescribed in words.106.What is the primary goal of case studies in applied linguistics? ()答案:To enhance understanding of a phenomenon, process, person, or group.107.Case studies use a single data source, such as interviews, to explore particular phenomena. ()答案:错108.What are the three types of cultural studies? ()答案:New historicism, postcolonialism, American multiculturalism. 109.The dependent variable in a study investigating the effects of different study methods on exam performance is ().答案:Exam performance110.What role does a moderating variable play in a research study? ().答案:It influences the strength or direction of the relationship between independent and dependent variables.111.External validity assesses the extent to which research findings can be applied to populations, settings, or conditions beyond the specific study. ()答案:对112.How does deduction differ from induction in research? ()答案:Deduction is the process of reasoning from general principles tospecific predictions.113.The purposes of research include ()答案:Solving real-world problems###Testing existingtheories###Meeting graduation requirements###Advancingknowledge114.The potential academic consequences for students who engage in academic dishonesty include ().答案:Monetary fines、Academic suspension and Expulsion from theInstitute115.The three key principles that experimental researchers need to carefully consider and implement before, during and after recruiting researchparticipants are ().答案:Anonymity###Informed consent###Confidentiality116.It is unethical to conduct research which is badly planned or poorly executed.()答案:对117.The primary focus of academic integrity in the context of research ethics is ().答案:Fostering responsibility and trustworthiness in academic work 118.The pillars of academic integrity include all the aspects except ()答案:Excellence119.The primary purpose of literature reviews in research articles is ().答案:To evaluate previously published material120.Methodological articles typically present highly technical materials, derivations, proofs, and details of simulations within the main body of thearticle. ()答案:对121.In a research article, many different sections can be found in empirical studies, including ().答案:Method###Literature review###Introduction###Discussion 122.According to the lecture, which step in the procedures of thesis writing involves drafting a title and abstract? ()答案:Step 1: Choice of Topic123.The primary use of case studies is ().答案:To illustrate a problem or shed light on research needs。

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chatgpt 浓缩文献综述的指令





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4. chatgpt在文本摘要领域的应用文本摘要是自然语言处理领域的一个重要任务,其旨在从文本中提取出最重要的信息,生成简洁、精炼的摘要内容。




湖南省部分学校2024-2025学年高三上学期阶段检测联合考试英语试卷一、阅读理解Scratchboard (刮板画) is a technique where the artist scratches away ink to reveal a color underneath, usually white. This scratchboard lesson plan is a great way to teach students the importance of highlights in an artwork. It forces them to think in reverse to pull the image from the surface.Overview and purpose: Students will learn the importance of highlights and lighter values in the creation of artworks. Students will learn the process of scratchboard etching (蚀刻).Materials: 9'' by 12'' scratchboard paper, graphite (石墨), ink, scratchboard tools or razor blades, ballpoint pens (optional).Delivery of info: Students will be presented with a demonstration of scratchboard. It is best to demonstrate this technique through the use of a document camera or with smaller groups of students. Graphite can be used to draw the preliminary drawing on the scratchboard paper. Students will then draw images on the surface and use either etching tools or razor blades to scratch away the lighter values and complete a scratchboard etching.Guided practice: Students will work while the teacher walks around and monitors progress. Students will have 7 days to complete the assignment.Address: The 3rd floor, Municipal Art Museum.1.What is the feature of scratchboard?A.Painting with different pens.B.Drawing on the layer below.C.Scratching the ink on the board’s surface.D.Etching some colorful images on a board.2.What will be used in the presentation of this art?A.A lot of graphite B.A document camera.C.Some etching tools.D.Some ballpoint pens.3.What is the purpose of the text?A.To promote a lesson.B.To sell some artworks.C.To introduce a new art.D.To attract more travelers.Somewhere in California, just up a hill from the beach is a high school, where students will meet before traveling to neighboring San Clemente High School on a Saturday fora 2-mile walk to raise money to build a well in a Kenyan village.Most Kenyans live where clean water is hard to access. The good news is that water that falls in the rainy season is stored far underground, sometimes as deep as 900 feet. But bringing it to the surface can be a challenge. Sometimes, it requires heavy-duty equipment. Shallower wells are less costly but still require manpower and technology to work. A single well can supply water to an entire village, and this can be life-changing.Weeks before the first annual Healing Hands for Water Walk Fundraiser event in 2012, students walked in the beach town and asked for donations from businesses. They covered a lot more distance than the 2 miles they would cover during the event as student organizers Branner Grimsley, Klara Gundelach and Solveig Erngren pounded on the boardwalk. “But it was worth it to make a difference by helping these people in Africa,” Grimsley said.Standing on the boardwalk and looking out over the sand to the horizon and beyond, you can see a lifeline reaching from a few dedicated kids to a similar group of kids in an African village. The connection was hard to imagine at first but now seems so real. Students on both sides of the world walk under the same sun. On other days, they would have different places to go, but today, they walk for the same reason: to share the bond of being one human family.In another Kenyan village, a well was completed. As the villagers excitedly operated the hand pump, the anticipation built. Within minutes, a trickle of clean water flowed, then a gush. It was a miracle in such a dry village. Buckets were filled, and children splashed water. The tears of joy flowed as easily as the well water.4.What can we know about building wells in Kenya from paragraph 2?A.It’s costly and useless.B.It’s easy and interestingC.It’s challenging but cheap D.It’s difficult but worthwhile.5.Why does paragraph 4 mention the connection?A.To praise the event’s participants.B.To show the difficulty of the event.C.To share the bond of the human family.D.To highlight the significance of the event.6.What is the last paragraph mainly about?A.The excitement of building a well.B.The requirement for completing a well.C.The joyous sight of drawing water from a well.D.The quality of the water from a local village’s well.7.Which of the following may be the best title for the text?A.From the Beach to KenyaB.Students’ Walk on the BeachC.Walking to a Neighboring SchoolD.Kenya’s Struggle for Clean WaterWhen the sun reaches its peak activity, known as solar maximum, its magnetic (磁的) field will reverse (逆转). This happens roughly every l1 years, marking an important stage in the solar cycle. It indicates the halfway point of solar maximum, the height of solar activity, and the beginning of the shift toward solar minimum.The last time the sun’s magnetic field flipped was toward the end of 2013. To understand the magnetic field’s reversal, first, it’s important to be familiar with the solar cycle. This approximately 11-year cycle of solar activity, driven by the sun’s magnetic field, is indicated by the frequency and intensity of sunspots visible on the surface. The height of solar activity during a given solar cycle is known as solar maximum, and current estimates predict it will occur between late 2024 and early 2026.“But there is another important, less-known cycle, the Hale cycle. This magnetic cycle lasts approximately 22 years, through which the sun’s magnetic field reverses and then reverts to its original state,” Ryan French, a solar astrophysicist, said.“During solar minimum, the sun’s magnetic field is close to a dipole (偶极子), with one north pole and one south pole, similar to Earth’s magnetic field. But as we shift toward solar maximum, the sun’s magnetic field becomes more complex, without a clear north-south poleseparation,” French said. By the time solar maximum passes and solar minimum arrives, the sun has returned to a dipole.The upcoming switch in polarity will be from the northern to southern magnetic field in the Northern Hemisphere and vice versa in the Southern Hemisphere. “This will bring it to a similar magnetic orientation to Earth, which also has its southern-pointing magnetic field in the Northern Hemisphere,” French explained.8.How does the author lead in the topic?A.By citing an instance.B.By showing a difference.C.By giving an interpretation.D.By making a comparison9.What is the relationship between the sun’s magnetic field and the solar cycle?A.Uncertain.B.Close.C.Strange.D.Indifferent. 10.Why did French mention Earth’s magnetic field?A.To make his reasons clear.B.To make his experiments convincing.C.To make his prediction accurate.D.To make his explanation specific.11.What does the underlined word “orientation” in the last paragraph mean?A.Emergency.B.Direction.C.Response.D.Procedure.For the past 20 years, I’ve searched libraries and the Internet for others who are thinking about the possible effect of the breakdown of multigenerational families. I’ve been surprised at how few resources exist on this topic. It’s the main reason I chose to finally write Family Revision.While I’ve expected one of the countless marriage and family writers and thinkers to address this topic, none seem to really understand that the transition (转变) from multigenerational families to nuclear families is at the root of so many of the other symptoms they discuss.Well, the silence on this topic was finally broken and it was not from a traditional family publication but from David Brooks, The New York Times columnist writing for The Atlantic. In an article nearly the length of a dissertation on this subject, Brooks masterfully exposes the rootproblem with the modern family.In the article, Brooks wrote, “When we discuss the problems the country is facing, we don’t talk about family enough. It feels too judgmental, too uncomfortable, and maybe even too religious. But the fact is that the nuclear family has been collapsing in slow motion for decades, and many of our other problems — with education, mental health, and the quality of the labor force — stem from that breakdown. We have left behind the family structure of the past. For most people it’s not coming back.”Many Americans are hungering to live in multigenerational families, in the way that is new and ancient at the same time. This is a significant opportunity, a chance to thicken and broaden family relationships, a chance to allow more adults and children to live and grow under the loving gaze of a dozen pairs of eyes, and be caught, when they fall, by a dozen pairs of arms. For decades we have been eating at smaller and smaller tables, with fewer and fewer relatives. It’s time for a change.12.Which word can best describe the breakdown of multigenerational families?A.Damaging.B.Extraordinary.C.Meaningful.D.Ineffective. 13.What does the author think of Brooks’ article?A.It’s a tradition.B.It’s a victory.C.It’s a comparison.D.It’s a breakthrough.14.What can be inferred from Brooks’ article?A.Most Americans have health problems.B.America is facing a sea change in society.C.Focusing on family-related issues is urgent.D.People benefit from the present family structure.15.What is the author’s attitude to the structure of multigenerational families?A.Dismissive.B.Approving.C.Unclear.D.Doubtful.The frequency of bathing usually depends on your age. It’s more than likely that older people, babies and young children have dry skin, which can lead to eczema (湿疹). 16 . For most people who have relatively normal skin, bathing every day is OK, and there are things you should pay attention to when taking a shower.Skin hydration (水合作用) is ensured by the bricks-and-mortar structure of the dead skin cells on the surface, which are bound together by natural moisturising (保湿) materials such as ceramides. Together, they keep moisture in your skin and prevent it from fading, but frequent bathing can wash this barrier away. 17 . After showering, apply moisturising cream while your skin is still damp, to lock in that moisture, rather than drying yourself thoroughly and then applying cream.18 , but most exfoliating (使死皮脱落) cleaning products can cause scratchs on the skin. In general, if you want to exfoliate, acid-based accelerators, such as glycolic or lactic acids, are more gentle. When it comes to your feet, products containing urea, which breaks up dry and dead skin cells, will soften better than abrasive scrubs.19 . If you have sensitive skin, avoid heavily sweet-smelling soaps, which contain additives that can cause irritation or allergic reactions.In general, soapy water will run down your legs and feet anyway. The upper leg and groin area is the part you should wash regularly, because it can become colonised by pathogens. 20 A.People often want to cleanse their skinB.So taking a reasonable number of baths is good for themC.It is important to choose a soap that suits your skin typeD.When purchasing cleaning products, you must be cautiousE.To protect them, avoid taking too hot and too long showersF.Anyway, you’d better wash thoroughly to remove all the soap remainsG.Remember to always have a break after your bath to keep your skin healthy二、完形填空Last month, I attended a cultural festival in the centre of our city, where we celebrated the theme of kindness through some exhibitions. It was an event filled with stories that 21 us deeply.A young 22 caught everyone’s attention. His name was Karim. He was invited to showcase his country’s traditional arts and crafts. He said goodbye to a life full of 23 and started on a journey filled with uncertainty but also 24 for a better future. Everyone was25 to see his work. His story touched the hearts of many, 26 Linda, a local artist known for her paintings. Linda had recently completed a piece that 27 the spirit of kindness, and she wanted to present it to Karim as a symbol of her 28 .Karim had to leave his family and his loneliness was 29 . Yet, on the site of the cultural festival, he found a new “family” who 30 him with open arms. During the festival’s closing ceremony, Karim was invited to the 31 . He was presented with Linda’s painting and was embraced by many locals in a 32 gesture of acceptance and love. The moment was a symbol of how art can 33 people across boundaries.The painting now hangs on the wall in Karim’s room, a vivid reminder of the 34 he found in a new land. It reminds Karim that no matter where life takes him, there will always be a place where he 35 .21.A.confused B.moved C.improved D.troubled 22.A.judge B.audience C.participant D.witness 23.A.talent B.hardship C.doubt D.potential 24.A.hope B.excuse C.appreciation D.reason 25.A.bored B.annoyed C.puzzled D.excited 26.A.mainly B.actually C.especially D.specifically 27.A.ignored B.prepared C.obeyed D.represented 28.A.knowledge B.experience D.permission 29.A.excellent B.changeable C.ordinary D.obvious 30.A.trusted B.welcomed C.raised D.awaited 31.A.stage C.ceremony D.exhibition 32.A.patient C.sincere D.familiar 33.A.shape B.forgive C.introduce D.connect 34.A.concern B.peace C.belief D.dream 35.A.escapes B.belongs C.practises D.appears三、语法填空阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。



Applied Economics Letters,2006,13,569–574Club convergence inEuropean regionsRita De Siano a and Marcella D’Uva b,*a Department of Economic Studies,University of Naples‘Parthenope’,Via Medina40,80133Naples,Italyb Department of Social Sciences,University of Naples L’Orientale,Largo S.Giovanni Maggiore30,80134Naples,ItalyThis study investigates the‘club convergence’hypothesis applying the stochastic notion of convergence to groups of European regions.In order to avoid the group selection bias problem,the innovative regression tree technique was applied to select endogenously the most important variables in achieving the best identification of groups on the base of per capita income and productive specialization.Tests on stochastic convergence in each group evidences a strong convergence among the wealthiest regions of the European Union and a trend of weak convergence among the remaining groups,confirming Baumol’s hypothesis of convergence.I.IntroductionOver the past decade many authors have explored the evolution of output discrepancies,at both national and regional levels.In particular,starting with Baumol(1986)it has been widely hypothesized that convergence may hold not for all economies but within groups of them showing similar characteristics (Azariadis and Drazen,1990).This evidence is referred to as the‘club convergence’hypothesis which implies that a set of economies may converge with each other,in the sense that in the long run they tend towards a common steady state position, but there is no convergence across different sets. In seeking to test the club convergence hypothesis (Qing Li,1999;Feve and Le Pen,2000;Su,2003,for example)two main questions arise:(a)which frame-work of convergence to use,and(b)how to identify the economies belonging to each club.Initially,a cross-section notion of convergence was used in order to verify the existence of a negative relationship between initial per capita income and its growth rate. In contrast with this notion a stochastic definition of convergence(Carlino and Mills,1993)was proposed and explored by using time series analyses. According to this framework there is stochastic convergence if per capita income disparities between economies follow a stationary process.Bernard and Durlauf(1996)found that when economies show multiple long run equilibria,cross-sectional tests tend to spuriously reject the null hypothesis of no convergence and,as a consequence,represent a weaker notion of convergence than that of the time series.As regards the second point,two methods can be used in order to create different groups of economies.The first sorts of economies follows some a priori criteria(initial level of GDP,education, technology,capital accumulation,etc.)while the second follows an endogenous selection method (Durlauf and Johnson,1995).Finally,the switching regression with the contribution of additional infor-mation on the sample separation followed by Feve and Le Pen(2000)can be mentioned as an intermediate method in modelling convergence clubs. This study investigates the‘club convergence’hypothesis applying the stochastic notion of conver-gence to groups of European regions sorted accord-ing to their initial levels of per capita income and*Corresponding author.E-mail:mduva@unior.itApplied Economics Letters ISSN1350–4851print/ISSN1466–4291onlineß2006Taylor&Francis569/journalsDOI:10.1080/13504850600733473productive specialization(De Siano and D’Uva, 2004,2005)through the application of an innovative methodology known as Classification and Regression Tree Analysis(CART).Unlike other partitioning methods,CART allows a regression to be performed together with a classification analysis on the same ‘learning’dataset,without requiring particular speci-fication of the functional form for the predictor variables which are selected endogenously.The importance of similarities in the initial productive specialization has been highlighted by several theore-tical contributions(Jacobs,1969;Marshall,1980; Romer,1986;Lucas,1988;Helg et al.,1995;Bru lhart, 1998;Ottaviano and Puga,1998)which found that it can be crucial in determining both the nature and size of responses to external shocks.The paper is organized as follows:Section II introduces the methodology of the empirical analysis, Section III displays the dataset,Section IV shows the results of econometric analysis and Section V concludes.II.MethodologyThe empirical analysis is carried out in two parts:first regions are grouped through the classification and regression tree analyses(CART),then convergence is tested within‘clubs’using the time series analysis. CART methodology(Breiman et al.,1984)provides binary recursive partitioning using non-parametric approaches in order to construct homogeneous groups of regions using splitting variables which minimize the intra-group‘impurity’as predictors. The final outcome is a tree with branches and ‘terminal nodes’,as homogeneous as possible,where the average value of the node represents the predicted value of the dependent variable.In this analysis the regression is carried out through the least squares method using the regional GDP growth rate as dependent variable and initial GDP and specializa-tion indexes as explicative variables.In the second part of the study Carlino and Mills(1993)notion of stochastic convergence is applied in each group identified by CART methodology.It follows that if the logarithm of a region’s per capita income relative to the group’s average does not contain a unit root,the region converges.The model(Ben-David, 1994;Qing Li,1999)is the following:y j i,t ¼ iþ i tþ’y i,tÀ1þ"i,tð1Þwhere y j i,t is the log of region i per capita income inyear t,j is the region’s group and"is white noise errorwith0mean.Summing Equation1over j for eachgroup and dividing the outcome by the number ofregions within the group,the following equation isobtained:"y t¼" þ" tþ’"y tÀ1þ"tð2Þwhere"y t is the group’s average per capita incomein year t(the group superscript is suppressed).Subtracting Equation2from Equation1one has:RI i,t¼AþBtþ’RI i,tÀ1þ"tð3Þwhere RI i,t is the logarithm of region i per capitaincome relative to the group’s average at time t(y j i,tÀ"y t).For each region of the sample we apply theAugmented Dickey–Fuller(ADF)test(Dickey andFuller,1979)using the ADF regression ofEquation3:ÁRI t¼ þ tþ RI tÀ1þX kj¼1c jÁRI tÀjþ"tð4ÞAt this point,considering the low power of the ADFtest in the case of short time series,we run alsothe Kwiatkowski et al.(1992)test(KPSS)for trendstationarity.The null hypothesis of the KPSS test isthe trend stationarity against the unit root alter-native.If the KPSS statistic is larger than the criticalvalues the null hypothesis is rejected.The combinedanalysis of KPSS and ADF tests results leads on thefollowing possibilities(Qing Li,1999):.rejection by ADF tests and failure to reject byKPSS!strong convergence;.failure to reject by both ADF and KPSS!weakconvergence;.rejection by KPSS test and failure to rejectADF!no convergence;.rejection by both ADF and KPSS tests invitesto perform further analyses.III.Data DescriptionThis section presents the dataset used both to groupthe sample regions and to run the econometricanalysis.Data for GDP and employment are fromthe Eurostat New Cronos Regio database at NUTS2level.1Annual values for GDP per inhabitant in termsof Purchasing Power Parity(PPP)and the number of1According to EC Regulation No.1059/2003.570R.De Siano and M.D’Uvaemployees in the NACE92productive branches from1981to 2000are used.The sample consists of 123regions belonging to nine countries:11Belgian,8Dutch,29German,222French,20Italian,18Spanish,5Portuguese,2Greek,38British.4For each region (i )the following initial productivespecialization indexes (SP)were built for all theconsidered branches 5(j ):SP ij ¼E ij P n j ¼1ij P m i ¼1E ij P n j ¼1P mi ¼1ijð5Þwhere E indicates the number of employees.IV.Empirical ResultsThe main purpose of the study is to test the ‘clubconvergence’hypothesis across the European regions.In particular,the study aims to investigate whethera region’s per capita income converges to the averageof the group to which it belongs.In order to avoidthe group selection bias problem,the regressiontree technique was applied to select endogenouslythe most important variables in achieving thebest identification of groups (De Siano and D’Uva,2005).If the majority of regions in a groupconverges,the group may be considered a conver-gence ‘club’.The CART method allowed a tree to be built withfour terminal nodes including regions showing a morehomogeneous behaviour of per capita GDP growthrate and productive specialization.Results of CARTanalysis together with the stochastic convergence tests for each group are presented in what follows.The first group consists of 11regions (from Spain,Greece and Portugal)characterized by:the highest estimated mean value of GDP growth rate (126.08%)despite the lowest initial income level (average equal to 4144.3);strong specialization in the agriculture sector (the highest and equal to 3.75),construction branch (2.09)and food and beverages compartment (1.93);the minimum specialization in chemical,energy,and machinery branches and the highest in food-beverages-tobacco,mineral and construction.More than 80%of these regions display ‘weak’convergence while remaining regions show ‘strong’convergence (Table 1).The second group includes 23regions (mainly from Belgium,Spain,Italy and the United Kingdom)characterized by:an average GDP growth rate equal to 111.36%and the second highest initial income level (5788.78);strong specialization in agriculture (2.68)sector,food and beverage (1.26),construction (1.52)and energy (1.20)compartments;the highest specialization in chemical products (0.98);the second highest level of specialization in agricul-ture construction and energy.Almost all these regions present ‘weak’convergence (Table 2).The third group is formed by 21regions from Belgium,France,Germany,the Netherlands,Spain,the UK and Italy (only Abruzzo)characterized by:an estimate for the GDP growth rate of 106%and an average initial level of income equal to 6920.6;main specializations in manufacturing (1.03),mineral products (1.13),construction (1.22),food and beverage (1.45)and energy (1.21);the highest 2The analysis starts from 1984due to the lack of data in the respective regional labour statistics.3During the period 1983–1987there has been a different aggregation of Greek regions at NUTS2level.Kriti and Thessalia are the only regions which presents data for the period 1984–2000.4The geographic units for UK are at NUTS1level of Eurostat classification because of the lack of data for NUTS2units.5Agricultural-forestry and fishery,manufacturing,fuel and power products,non-metallic minerals and minerals,food-beverages-tobacco,textiles-clothing-leather and footwear,chemical products,metal products,machinery-equipment and electrical goods,various industries,building and construction,transport and communication,credit and insurance services.Table 1.Convergence test results of group 1Regions group 1ADF statistics KPSS statistics l ¼4Regions group 1ADF statistics KPSS statistics l ¼4Castilla-la ManchaÀ2.9780.099gr 43Kriti À4.05ÃÃ0.080ExtremaduraÀ3.320.097Pt11Norte À4.03ÃÃ0.126AndaluciaÀ2.630.094Pt12Centro (P)À2.290.123Ceuta y MelillaÀ1.770.123Pt14Alentejo À2.770.104CanariasÀ1.940.121Pt15Algarve À2.010.086ThessaliaÀ1.760.137Notes :ÃÃdenote statistical significance using unit root critical values at the 5%(À3.645).Club convergence in European regions571specialization in energy and manufacturing branches.Except for Abruzzo and Noord Brabant,which donot converge,all the other regions ‘weakly’convergeto the group’s average (Table 3).The fourth group contains 68regions (almost allGerman,French and Italian (North-Centre)andsome Belgian and Dutch)characterized by thelowest estimation of the GDP growth rate (97.8%),despite their highest initial GDP level (8893.9);thehighest specialization in the branches of the servicessector (1.16and 1.07,respectively)and in machinery(1.01);the lowest specialization in agriculture,foodand beverages,textile and construction activities.These regions present the highest percentage of‘strong’convergence to the group’s average (morethan 60%,Table 4).Table 5presents the summary of convergence testsresults (percentage are in parentheses).The main outcome of this study is the evidence of strong convergence among the wealthiest regions of the European Union.Besides,it appears that there is a trend of weak convergence also among the remaining groups (percentages are considerably over 80%).Therefore,Baumol’s hypothesis of conver-gence within clubs showing similar characteristics is confirmed.V.Conclusion This study tests the ‘club convergence’hypothesis applying the stochastic notion of convergence to groups of European regions.In order to avoid the group selection bias problem,the innovative regression tree technique was applied to selectTable 3.Convergence test results of group 3Regions group 3ADF statistics KPSS statistics l ¼4Regions group 3ADF statistics KPSS statistics l ¼4LimburgÀ1.680.116Abruzzo 2.600.153ÃÃHainautÀ0.800.091Friesland À3.620.142NamurÀ1.840.094Noord-Brabant À2.590.148ÃÃNiederbayernÀ1.270.104Limburg (NL)À2.980.128OberpfalzÀ1.400.097Yorkshire and The Humber À1.610.085TrierÀ1.430.119East Midlands À2.190.091Comunidad Foral de NavarraÀ2.750.071West Midlands À1.920.080La RiojaÀ1.770.119East Anglia À2.150.134BalearesÀ2.960.108South West À1.950.091LimousinÀ2.410.083Scotland 2.220.093Languedoc-RoussillonÀ3.390.105Notes :ÃÃdenote statistical significance using KPSS stationary critical values at the 5%level (0.146).Table 2.Convergence test results of group 2Regions group 2ADF statistics KPSS statistics l ¼4Regions group 2ADF statistics KPSS statistics l ¼4Vlaams BrabantÀ1.220.100Murcia À1.530.124Brabant WallonÀ1.600.111Molise À2.170.078Luxembourg1.190.122Campania À3.220.078Lu neburgÀ0.280.114Puglia À2.820.115GaliciaÀ1.690.140Basilicata À2.100.140Principado de AsturiasÀ1.550.146ÃÃCalabria À5.07ÃÃÃ0.106CantabriaÀ1.080.133Sicilia À2.980.142Aragon À1.580.142Sardegna À2.210.141Comunidad de MadridÀ1.380.091Lisboa e Vale do Tejo À2.620.141Castilla y Leon À2.580.138Wales À2.120.098Cataluna À1.550.097Northern Ireland À1.790.120Comunidad Valenciana À1.420.105Notes :ÃÃand ÃÃÃdenote statistical significance using KPSS stationary critical values at the 5%level (0.146)and 1%level (0.216)respectively,using unit root critical values at the 5%(À3.645)and 1%(À4.469).572R.De Siano and M.D’Uvaendogenously the most important variables inachieving the best identification of groups.Testson stochastic convergence in each group identifiedby CART evidence strong convergence among thewealthiest regions of the European Union and atrend of weak convergence among the remaininggroups.References Azariadis,C.and Drazen,A.(1990)Threshold externalities in economic development,Quarterly Journal of Economics ,105,501–26.Baumol,W.J.(1986)Productivity growth,convergence and welfare:what the long run data show,AmericanEconomic Review ,76,1072–85.Table 5.Convergence test resultsGroupsNo.of regions Strong convergence Weak convergence No convergence 1112(18,19)9(81,81)2231(4.35)21(91.3)1(4.35)32119(90.48)2(9.52)46843(63.23)20(29.41)4(5.88)Table 4.Convergence test results of group 4Regions group 4ADF statistics KPSS statistics l ¼4Regions group 4ADF statistics KPSS statistics l ¼4RegionBruxelles capitale À2.650.112Haute-Normandie À4.11ÃÃ0.102AntwerpenÀ2.770.102Centre (FR)À5.13ÃÃÃ0.099Oost-VlaanderenÀ3.150.078Basse-Normandie À3.86ÃÃ0.101West-VlaanderenÀ3.030.097Bourgogne À5.03ÃÃÃ0.113Licge À3.060.089Nord-Pas-de-Calais À4.37ÃÃ0.130StuttgartÀ4.22ÃÃ0.123Lorraine À4.41ÃÃ0.139KarlsruheÀ4.51ÃÃÃ0.088Alsace À4.13ÃÃ0.094FreiburgÀ5.11ÃÃÃ0.092Franche-Comte À5.20ÃÃÃ0.145Tu bingenÀ4.94ÃÃÃ0.104Pays de la Loire À4.34ÃÃ0.116OberbayernÀ4.17ÃÃ0.094Bretagne À4.41ÃÃ0.124MittelfrankenÀ3.79ÃÃ0.089Poitou-Charentes À4.74ÃÃÃ0.102UnterfrankenÀ0.420.140Aquitaine À3.290.104SchwabenÀ4.11ÃÃ0.084Midi-Pyre ne es À5.48ÃÃÃ0.103BremenÀ3.76ÃÃ0.121Rho ne-Alpes À4.93ÃÃÃ0.104HamburgÀ3.350.097Auvergne À4.43ÃÃ0.135DarmstadtÀ3.150.125Provence-Alpes-Co te d’Azur À5.10ÃÃÃ0.109GießenÀ3.020.088Corse À2.560.166ÃÃKasselÀ3.0120.094Piemonte À3.460.112BraunschweigÀ3.82ÃÃ0.116Valle d’Aosta À4.36ÃÃ0.080HannoverÀ3.96ÃÃ0.083Liguria À4.26ÃÃ0.117Weser-EmsÀ3.400.084Lombardia À4.04ÃÃ0.101Du sseldorfÀ3.94ÃÃ0.097Trentino-Alto Adige À3.84ÃÃ0.109Ko lnÀ3.96ÃÃ0.084Veneto À3.68ÃÃ0.106Mu nsterÀ4.04ÃÃ0.087Friuli-Venezia Giulia À4.20ÃÃ0.116DetmoldÀ4.06ÃÃ0.099Emilia-Romagna À3.120.136ArnsbergÀ3.98ÃÃ0.096Toscana À3.190.121KoblenzÀ3.88ÃÃ0.113Umbria À3.560.146ÃÃRheinhessen-PfalzÀ4.18ÃÃ0.107Marche À3.250.136SaarlandÀ4.35ÃÃ0.090Lazio À3.96ÃÃ0.098Schleswig-HolsteinÀ3.360.089Drenthe À1.850.134Pais VascoÀ3.630.159ÃÃUtrecht À2.400.155ÃÃI le de FranceÀ4.61ÃÃÃ0.110Noord-Holland À1.990.137Champagne ArdenneÀ3.79ÃÃ0.157ÃÃZuid-Holland À2.200.138Picardie À4.44ÃÃ0.142Zeeland À3.78ÃÃ0.093Notes :ÃÃand ÃÃÃdenote statistical significance using KPSS stationary critical values at the 5%level (0.146)and 1%level (0.216)respectively,using unit root critical values at the 5%(À3.645)and 1%(‘4.469).Club convergence in European regions573Ben-David, D.(1994)Convergence clubs and diverging economies,unpublished manuscript,University of Houston,Ben-Gurion University and CEPR. 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中国取得成就英语作文China has made remarkable achievements in various fields over the past few decades transforming itself from a developing nation into a global powerhouse. Here is an English composition highlighting some of the key accomplishments of ChinaTitle Chinas Remarkable AchievementsOver the past several decades China has undergone a profound transformation emerging as a major player on the world stage. The countrys rapid development has been characterized by several key achievements which have not only improved the lives of its citizens but also contributed significantly to global progress.Economic GrowthChinas economic growth has been nothing short of miraculous. Since the late 1970s when the country began implementing economic reforms China has experienced an unprecedented rise in GDP. It is now the worlds secondlargest economy with a vast manufacturing sector that has become the factory of the world. This economic boom has lifted millions out of poverty and created a burgeoning middle class.Technological AdvancementsChina has made significant strides in technology becoming a global leader in areas such as telecommunications renewable energy and artificial intelligence. Companies like Huawei and ZTE are at the forefront of 5G technology while the countrys investment in renewable energy has seen it become the worlds largest producer of solar panels and wind turbines.Space ExplorationChinas achievements in space exploration are a source of national pride. The country has successfully launched numerous satellites and manned space missions including the establishment of a space station. The Change lunar exploration program has also made history by landing rovers on the moon showcasing Chinas capabilities in space technology.Infrastructure DevelopmentChinas infrastructure development is unparalleled with the country boasting the worlds largest highspeed rail network. The Belt and Road Initiative has further extended Chinas influence by investing in infrastructure projects across Asia Europe and Africa fostering greater connectivity and economic cooperation.Cultural InfluenceCulturally Chinas influence has grown globally with Confucianism traditional Chinese medicine and martial arts gaining popularity worldwide. The countrys film industry known as the Chinese Hollywood has also made its mark with blockbuster hits that resonate with international audiences.Environmental CommitmentDespite the challenges of rapid industrialization China has shown commitment to environmental protection. It has implemented policies to reduce pollution promote green energy and combat climate change. The countrys reforestation efforts and investment in electric vehicles are testament to this commitment.Healthcare SystemThe healthcare system in China has seen significant improvements with advancements in medical technology and increased access to healthcare services for the rural population. The countrys response to the COVID19 pandemic including the rapid development of vaccines has demonstrated its capabilities in public health.ConclusionChinas achievements are a testament to its resilience and determination. As the country continues to grow and evolve it will undoubtedly face new challenges. However its past accomplishments serve as a foundation for future success positioning China as a key player in shaping the global landscape.This composition highlights the multifaceted nature of Chinas development emphasizing its economic technological and cultural impact on the world.。




以下是我认为可能成为2023年十大热词的一些内容:1. Climate Change 气候变化一直是全球关注的焦点,2023年可能会出现一些新的气候变化政策和行动,以及相关的热词。

2. Artificial Intelligence 人工智能技术在不断发展,2023年可能会涌现出一些与人工智能相关的热词,如机器学习、深度学习等。

3. Globalization 全球化一直是国际社会关注的话题,2023年可能会有一些与全球化相关的新热词,如全球价值链、跨境电商等。

4. Sustainable Development 可持续发展是一个长期的话题,2023年可能会出现一些新的与可持续发展相关的热词,如可再生能源、绿色经济等。

5. Digitalization 数字化转型是当前的趋势,2023年可能会有一些与数字化转型相关的热词,如数字化创新、数字化治理等。

6. Cybersecurity 网络安全一直备受关注,2023年可能会出现一些新的网络安全热词,如数据隐私、网络攻击等。

7. Diversity and Inclusion 多元化和包容性是当前社会的重要议题,2023年可能会涌现出一些与多元化和包容性相关的热词,如性别平等、种族歧视等。

8. Mental Health 心理健康问题备受关注,2023年可能会出现一些新的与心理健康相关的热词,如心理疾病、心理咨询等。

9. Remote Work 远程工作模式在过去几年变得越来越普遍,2023年可能会有一些与远程工作相关的热词,如远程团队、远程协作等。

10. Space Exploration 太空探索一直是人类的向往,2023年可能会有一些与太空探索相关的新热词,如深空探测、外星生命等。



















第一章元音降级基础词汇cross loose factory carve can fired eep ad d one air join edit same close not hang exit root time pore d ear name bible jeans rathipnet readtellsitflow star creepd amn weep letter machine seed seeturnselfrise umbrella grad e ord er littlemid dle shad ow rid e place rest caresavefearnewmindshootpromise 过关词汇ad ore affluent allege allocate analyze accurate anecd ote anonymous arouse artificial assemble bibliography brilliant bullet conclud e crucial across cluster client concern congress conserve cunning d educeexemplify exquisite formid able furiousgrieveguthinge hypocrite implement implementation intactisolate illiterate innovateknitlinger mechanicmod erate mood mysteryod dprime prescribe punctual radical rand om rid dle rotten rupture rust score seminar shear shed shuttle stumble stun superficial susceptible token unify aerial ancient aspireattorn bait comment essence fed eral lane leaflet naught rashrid possess premise stalesake temporary talewipe excerpt issue ordinary soak struggle stubborn第二章辅音音似基础词汇manager next sense ace month pail burn snoopy act gard en train bite brother d eck meter drop flower back travel grasp share fast force breathe eat main set other father bone elect way cheat energy case freeze metal use climb proofwheel right waste d ay tight pace grass applaud virgin life rabbit scar maxwoundlayroadcardhatdrawwisebreakfearfreemarkcomeactor 过关词汇administer afford approach attach attract beneath brood breeze catalog charter compass consent court edible fault fosterfrost glacier graze hatch halt immense massive med al plausible porch rational semester subsidy synthetic trap utilize virtue witbail bloom cliff curb d eliver d eplore fragil e furnace mobile pack patron plate prove rapid severe sniff summit trip bole career exclaim flee scale scand al scramble slumagitate agriculture breach clasp elegant erect ignore magnet magnify margin orchard poach scatter extravagant vast vulnerable hurricane tramswan hastetrickd awnlawn pressalter第三章摘取字母基础词汇sound bandposeknowjetgreatrisegrow temperature equal branch finish stand evening hair hunter source wealth voiced ear labor way field health climb seat prepare link course discuss flower house board example appear collect clear learn found hepound shell father putd ecklimitoilholid aymovesuper 过关词汇absurd sonar sonic supersonic episod e ad equate inad equate equality equation equator equip equipment ecol ogy ecosystem advocate vocable vocabulary vocal vocation evoke provoke ample amplifyalien alienate announced enounce pronounce pronunciation apparent transparent parad edisappear disperse apt appropriate property ad aptad aptable ass ambassad or embassy assault insult salient author authority banner band aband on brace embrace bracket racket racket rackbudbud get bundle bound bound ary bunch abound abund ance abund ant redund ant bond bonus coupon certain ascertain certainty certify certificate charity charitablecherish clayclingsprayswayarraycoil compare comparable comparative comparison peer component pound compound postpone opponent pose compose dispose disposal expose exposure impose oppose opposite propose suppose postured epositd eputed eputy concrete recreate confined efined efinite cooperate collaborate elaborate operated eclare clarify verifyverityd ecorated eckd ecoration d ecentd enote notable notice notify notification note notion notorious d erive rivald estination d estined estinyd eviate obvious previous via trivial triviality trifle discourse dubious earnown earnest eliminate preliminary primary estate state statement overstate statesman station stationary stationery statist statistic statisticsstatue status stage prestige constitute statute constituent constitution institute institution substitute superstition excursion course cursory precursor current occur recur courtevefeud al feud alism flourish flour flower perishfund ament fund amental found ation profound fund refund gasoline gasp grateful gratitud e harsh horror horrible healhalehut cottageinheritheirinherent heritageholyhorizonorient oriental houndhuntlimbneutral neutronoarboard billboard occasion occasional pond erprivil egeund erprivileged private d eprive privacy prompt promotequizraftcraftaircraft spacecraft rateratio gradual graduateund ergraduate postgraduate reckon reckless recruitcrewregalregin sovereignregulate regular region regime realm royal reptile crocodile discrepancy resort resource source surgeurge urgent urgency sad dle sample shelter soresorrowsour surface surname surpass surplus survive temper temperament thermal thermometer temple contemplate toilvalued evalue valuable invaluable第四章反义同源基础词汇stand gray caked estroy angel make sheep internet many liquid d eep turn vanish send bamboo outer went meter possible behind tutor Microsoft acre super pater woman excuse black campus consultant action flowfire junior telescope plantapp store voiceallclearcartoon cow logic create hospital labor single paint secret vid eo arm blue complain d elicious difficult use humanmouselendhealthniceleafusualcellcompletenamegrandmotherknowmaterengagerestwill owheight过关词汇abolish establish establishment stable stability stab obsolete stapleaccess accessory concession conced e excess excessive pred ecessor procession recession succession process preced e proceed preced ent preceding procedure proceeding reced e exceed exceeding exceedingly acquaint acquaintance abid ebidforbidobey obedient obedience accuse accusation cursealertalarminertinertia alleviate aggravate grave gravity elevate elevator lever relievereliefliftloftlofty arrow bow bowel elbow rainbow aviation aviate navigate naval navy astronaut aural audience audio audit auditor auditorium exorable inexorabl e awardreward afterward backwardd ownward forward straightforward beam bambooblankblanketblearblurbosombottomcasual casualty causalcausecase briefcasecagecatecater center eccentric chamber camp clergyclerkcompl ex perplex complicate complicated complication duplicate implicate implication implicit explicit imply flexible reflect apply appliance application applicable comply compliance compliment complaint complainant plaintiff cosmos chaos cosmic concealcellcellarrevealveil constructd estruct construction reconstructionstructure obstruct instruct instruction instruction instructive instrument convention convention conventional unconventional adventevent eventual eventually preventventventile ventilate inventory avenue revenue counsel consult consultant council reconcile coward bully criminal crime penal discriminate discreetd efyd enyd enial negate negatived elicated epleted epletion complete accomplishcomplement completion supplement plenty plentifuld esired esirabled espaird esperated evilevil diameter millimeter parameter thermometer meter diction dictionary contradict dictate dictation predict verdict indicated edicated octord octrined ocumentd ocumentary digest disgust dynamic dynamics static dynast dynasty ferry confer interfered eferd eference offerrefersuffertransfer infer enhance enhancement enlarge ethical logicallogicethicethics analogy analogue facilefacility facilitate facultyfamefable fabulous fabricfibrefake feasible unfeasible feasibility featflaw flawed figure feature stature creature futile utile utilize utility germ genius ingenious gl owgl owing gloom glory gloriousloom greed herb herbal arbor shrub herd shepherd heave heaven hind er hindhinthire hostility hostile humble humility humiliate noble nobility incid ent accid ental incid ence incid ental incid entally coincid e initiate transit circuit interior internal external interim intermediate intuition tutor intuitive tuition jealous zealouszealjuicesaucejuniorseniorsenate senator juvenile laboratory launch quenchlaunchlance freelance fenceoffence/offense offendd efence/d efense d efend revenge masculine musclematuremater maximum minimum minimize diminish miniature minor optimum microscopic microscope submicroscopic microeconomics macroeconomics acrobatmildmidlybewild er minglemixfixfixture monopoly monotonous natalnation naive renaissance mortal mortality mortgage opaque agriculture aquaculture optimistic oweownparad ox parad oxical orthod ox patch patchwork stick sticky stake steakpile compile stockpile pillar plastic elastic plaster plotplant plug pluck plunge plumb plumber print quantity quantify quality qualify count counter encounter contrarycontrast rend er surrend er restaurant restore store storagerid gebrid gelod geed gehed gewed ge pled ge plight scared sacrifice satisfy satisfaction saturate seamseal shaveshovesowsteepdipsterestereo stereotype superior superiority inferiority infrared infrastructure d eteriorate supreme extreme swallow sparrow tense tensityd ensitycond enseintense tension tonetune traitor patriot patriotic compatriot betray treason treasure trumpet drum drumer vetod evotevid eoevid ent evid ence provid e provid ed provid ent prud ent visible invisible vision envision visual visualize revise supervise survey visa guise disguise witness envy vice vicious wicked witch vicinity weight weighlight slight wrist wreath twist wrench wax wane vanish vanity womb tomb第五章外来语atomatomic album memorandum attitud ebakebaker bakery baconbatchballetballband age bandbind combine beanpeaboycottburgburgle burglar cartoon chart calcium calculate canteen cassette case briefcase cement cemetery censor censorship census centigrad e Fahrenheit champagne campaign cheese grease chipchop chapgapcigar cigarette core cordial cardinald ovedive eloquent slogan logologblog technol ogy geol ogyid eology engine engineer reengineer dispatch extra favorable favor favorite flagship foamfolkvulgar galaxygene genetic homogeneous homogenize homogenizing generated egenerate genuine genre oxygen hydrogen ozoneoxid edioxid e pregnant hormone hornthorncorn immigrate immigration emigrate migrate infant infancy orphan insure ensure assurelacegrace disgrace graceful gracious lax relax slack slacken litter lumen illuminate luminous aluminum lure luxury luxurious marathon media medieval medium immediate module mod e mod el mould mosaic napkinopera drama partner partnership partd epartd eparture partial impartial particle particular impart peakpoke spear pierce spur pyramid peek aspect inspect expect respect irrespective respective perspective spectacl e spectacular speculate suspect suspicion suspicious prospect specimen prosper prosperity prosperity prosperous d espited espise pence pension compensate pennydispensable indispensable expensive expend spend finance financialfinefiscalpolishrallyallyalliance coalitionraprelyreligion religious reliable liablerifle safeguard guard ward guarantee warrant ward robe steward saint sanction sane insane scan scanty skim schedule table series insertd esert assert exert sham shameashamed shop shop floor shopping skull sharp sarcastic satire shark slaveslitsliceslotslyslip slope slippery lubricate snoopy snobbish strain constrain constraint restrain restraint restrictstrid ecorrid orraidridicule rediculous system systematic systematicness suetalent talented terminal terminate termthemethumbtid etidytintiny scrutiny scrutinize tiptiretired retire toast roast boast towtug triumph type typist prototype valve vigor vigorous vigorously vitamin vital vitality vivid revive survive viable第六章拉希借鉴基础词汇her receive manufacture option professor petd epend scienceeatcandlesecondcandycreditpassionDecember 过关词汇accelerate accelerating acceleration adhere coherent cohesive hesitatead opt option optional alphabet appendixd ependd epend entd epend ence ind epend ence pendulum suspend suspension ind ex ascendd escendd escend ant transcend candid ate candid commit missile commission commissioner mission missionary committee dismissemit emission omit intermittent intermission transmit transmission submit missing compassion passion sympathy sympathetic pathetic conceive receipt conceptd eceive perception confessfess profession professional prophet conscience conscientious conscious unconscious subconscious consecutive prosecute persecutepursue pursuit sequence consequence consequent consequently subsequent cred ent cred ential cred entials credible incredible creditd ecad ed ecimal dispute reputationid enticalid entifyid entity liberated eliberate d eliberation d eliberately liberty manual menu manipulate permanent remain remnant commandd emand petition compete competent competitive petty impetus presume presumptive presumable presumptuous assumeassumption consume consumer consumerism resume summary summarize sum segregate egregious第七章糅合造词基础词汇bread max common error metal motor being havebeg close confid ence section hawk move machine cap catch suspect soildivid e properknow vegetable clock computer gamerud esendlightrulecoatd oublenestinsid edrive mountain climb comprehension pressshelljoinsimulatetake过关词汇bribe cabbage cabcape capital principal principle chief mischief achieve achievement achiever chefcabin cavity cabinet caresscivil civilian uncivilcivilize civilization climaxclutchcloakclock clockwise anticlockwise comet comprise comprehension commute mutual communicate immune communal community municipalconvince convincing convincingly convict indict indictment conviction cyberspace diploma diplomat diplomatic stress distress erroneous essay execute executive excution intersection exileexotic fancy fanciful fantasy fantastic fascinate float fleet flood flush gamble gasoline gasp handicap capsule harness helmet shelter shield skeleton sketch hover individual divid endintrud e enterprise entrepreneur carpenter intrinsic motivation brutecrud ejointjoinadjoin conjunction adjacent lorry lounge couchmotel prompt promote motive motivate motor remote emotion locomotive permeate mobilemob proportion portion present absent presence presently represent representation representative sprout browse syndrome drivedrove symptom symbolsymbolic tribetribute contribute distribute attribute thrivethriftthrone anthropic anthropol ogist trialturbine turmoil ultimate ultimatum ultraviolet worship shapeassist consist consistent insist persist resist transistor attend tend tend ency extend extent intend tend er trend trench entrench tedious tedium antenna cognitive cognition recognize electric electronelectronic electrical electricity eminent prominent menacemineund ermine entertain entertainment attainretain sustain sustainable d etain maintain maintenance contain content tame exhibit inhibit prohibit multiple multiply multitud e multimedia第八章中国好谐音admire admirable admiration agony ache nostalgy nostalgic alcohol ambition ambitious annoy anxiety anxious arithmetic awkward bachelor banquet bare barely barren pare bark embark barge barley barn bizarre blunt blund er brochure bull buffet category ceaseclue clumsy coal curse curriculum d amn cond emn d emosbureaucracy d emonstrate epid emic diamond dilute dinosaurd onated ose drastic drugdump dwarf economy economic economical economics eliteend orse end owfad efeeble famine fertile fertilize fertilizer sterile glamour glamorous grant hazard hud dle idiot illusion indulge injure ivory jungle lame lameness lease liege allegiance lod ge loyalloyalty alloy marvelous marvel meltweld merciful mercy militant military mist moist mystery mysterious myth naughty nuisance oath parasite paradigm panic poultry plow propagand a propagate porcelain queer weird retrieve rhythm rumor tumor scene scenery scenario scheme screw scrutiny slaughter sleeve smuggle spoil sponge sponsor。



E M P I R I C A L R E S E A R C H护理专科生与本科生学习风格现状调查和对比分析肖归陈星星杨铭航阳晓丽*(海南医学院国际护理学院海南•海口 571199)摘要目的了解并对比专科护生和本科护生学习风格的分布情况,为多层次护理人才教学提供依掂。

方法 采用K olb学习风格量表对264名专科栌生和146名本科护生进行问卷调查。

结果专科和本科护生学习风格类型均以发散型和吸收型为主,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05):专科和本科护生具体经验均分分别为(27.38±6.397)分和(25.53±4.695)分、主动实践均分分别为(26.94±5.854)分和(29.26±5.661)分,差异均具有统计 意义(P < 0.05)。

结论专科和本科护生学习类型均以发散型和吸收型为主;专科护生更倾向于具体经验的学 习:本专科的主动实践能力均有待加强。

关键词护理专科生护理本科生Kolb学习风格比较分析中图分类号:G642 文献标识码:A DOI:10.16400/ki.kjdkz.2021.02.077A Survey and Comparative Analysis of the Status quo of Learning Styles between Undergraduate and Specialist Nursing Students XIAO Gui, CHEN Xingxing, YANG Minghang, YANG Xiaoli(Departm ent o f Nursing, Hainan M edical University, Haikou, Hainan, 571199)Abstract Objective To understand the distribution and differences of Kolb learning style between specialist and undergraduate nursing students,and to provide reference for quality teaching.Methods264 specialist nursing students and 146 undergraduate nursing students were investigated by Kolb learning Style scale.Results The majority of Kolb learning style of specialist and undergraduate nursing students are diverging type and assimilating type,the differences were not statistically significant(P>0.05).The scores of Kolb learning process of s pecialist and undergraduate nursing students were (27.38±6.397) points and(25.53土4.695) points for specific experience,(26.94土5.854) points and(29.26±5.661) points for active practice,the differences were statistically significant(P<0.05);.Conclusion The leading learning styles of specialist and undergraduate nursing students are diverging type and assimilating type,specialist nursing students are more inclinedto learn from specific experiences;Active practice ability needs to be strengthened for both students.Keywords specialist nursing students;undergraduate nursing students;Kolb learning style;comparative analysis学习风格是个人特有的学习方式和学习倾向,具有明 显个性特征,反映了学习者在意志、行动方面的特点。




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”The four color theorem was proved in 1976 by Kenneth Appel and Wolfgang Haken after many false proofs and counterexamples (unlike the five color theorem, proved in the 1800s, which states that five colors are enough to color a map)...The Appel and Haken proof attracted a fair amount of criticism. Part of it concerned the proof style: the statement of the Four Colour Theorem is simple and elegant so many mathematicians expected a simple and elegant proof that would explain, at least informally, why the theorem was true - not opaque IBM 370 assembly language programs.System/370 Model 148The new model also offers increased system throughput -- the amount of time it takes to perform a given amount of work -- compared to the Models 135 and 145. The Model 148 is available with 1,048,576 or 2,097,152 characters of memory. ⾼达1MB或2MB内存。




以下是一些可能出现的作文题目示例:1. Environmental Protection(环境保护):Write an essay discussing the importance of environmental protection in today's world. Include examples of environmental challenges we face and propose solutions to address them.2. Technology and Society(科技与社会):Discuss the impact of technology on society. How has technology changed the way we communicate, work, and live? What are the potential benefits and drawbacks of technological advancements?3. Globalization(全球化):Analyze the effects of globalization on culture, economy, and politics. How has globalization influenced international relations and interconnectedness among nations? Discuss both positive and negative aspects of globalization.4. Education System(教育体系):Reflect on the current education system in your country. What are its strengths and weaknesses? Propose reforms or improvements that could enhance the quality of education and better prepare students for the future.5. Youth and Social Responsibility(青年与社会责任):Explore the role of youth in addressing social issues and promoting positive change. How can young people contribute to building a better society? Discuss the importance of youth activism and civic engagement.6. Cultural Diversity(文化多样性):Reflect on the value of cultural diversity intoday's globalized world. How does cultural diversity enrich societies and foster understanding among people from different backgrounds? Discuss ways to promote and celebrate cultural diversity.7. Health and Well-being(健康与幸福):Examine the factors that contribute to health and well-being. What are the physical, mental, and social aspects of leading a healthy life? Discuss strategies for promoting holistic well-being in individuals and communities.8. Future of Work(工作的未来):Consider the evolving nature of work in the 21st century. How are technological advancements, automation, and globalization shaping the future of work? Discuss the skills and qualities needed to thrive in the changing labor market.这些是一些常见的作文题目示例,希望能够帮助你准备外研社英语大赛。



摘要:目的促进碳青霉烯类抗菌药物及替加环素的临床合理应用,遏制细菌耐药。方法回顾性分析安徽省第二人民医院2020年1月 至6月使用碳青霉烯类抗菌药物及替加环素患者的病历,并进行合理用药专项点评及专档管理分析。结果共643例(累计693例次) 患者使用了碳青霉烯类抗菌药物及替加环素,使用合理率为81.67% (266/993);不合理情况主要为适应证不适宜(10. 68%)、用法用量及
注射用美罗培南 5.9 q/支
3D 6 543.90 1131459
注射用替加环素 55 mq/支
430.95 620454
注射用比阿培南 ODq/支
0 6 331.95 OO 972
6.5 236.72 2 3 752
1资料与方法 121 一般资料
霉烯类抗菌药物和替加环素患者的病历信息,以及碳青 霉烯类抗菌药物和替加环素的专档管理资料。 122 方法
采用回顾性调查研究法,依据《碳青霉烯类抗菌药 物临床应用专家共识》《碳青霉烯类抗菌药物临床应用 评价细则《《替加环素临床应用评价细则点评病历, 记录用药情况(碳青霉烯类抗菌药物和替加环素的药物 适应证、品种遴选、用法用量及配伍)是否合理;同时统 计使用前临床送检病原微生物的情况,以及是否有专家 会诊,是否填报碳青霉烯类抗菌药物及替加环素使用情 况登记表,是否有用药分析,是否有专项点评判断用药 专档管理是否完整规范,并对点评结果进行分析。



















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Evolutionary Trends in Evolutionary Botany

Evolutionary Trends in Evolutionary Botany

Evolutionary Trends in Evolutionary Botany Evolutionary botany is a fascinating field that explores the evolutionary trends and patterns of plants over time. As a botanist, I have been captivated by the intricate processes through which plants have evolved and adapted to their environments. One of the most significant evolutionary trends in botany is the development of various reproductive strategies, which have allowed plants to thrive in diverse ecological niches.One of the most striking evolutionary trends in plants is the development of different reproductive strategies. From the early evolution of plants to the present day, there has been a remarkable diversification in the ways plants reproduce. For example, some plants rely on wind or water to disperse their seeds, while others have evolved to rely on animal pollinators for reproduction. This diversity in reproductive strategies has allowed plants to colonize a wide range of habitats and adapt to changing environmental conditions.Another important evolutionary trend in botany is the co-evolution of plants and their pollinators. This intricate dance between plants and pollinators has led to the development of specialized floral structures and behaviors that enhance the efficiency of pollination. For example, some plants have evolved to produce nectar to attract specific pollinators, while others have developed complex floral shapes to ensure that only certain pollinators can access their nectar. This co-evolutionary process has resulted in a remarkable diversity of plant-pollinator interactions, which has had a profound impact on the evolution of both plants and their pollinators.Furthermore, the evolution of plant defenses against herbivores and pathogens is another significant trend in evolutionary botany. Plants have developed a wide array of chemical and physical defenses to deter herbivores and protect themselves from pathogens. For example, some plants produce toxic compounds that make them unpalatable to herbivores, while others have evolved thorns or spines to deter grazing. In addition, plants have also developed sophisticated immune systems to defend against pathogens, leading to a continuous arms race between plants and the organisms that seek to consume them.Moreover, the evolution of plant adaptations to abiotic stress factors, such as drought, salinity, and extreme temperatures, is a critical aspect of evolutionary botany. Over time, plants have evolved a variety of mechanisms to cope with these stressors, including the development of specialized root systems, the ability to store water, and the synthesis of protective compounds. These adaptations have allowed plants to colonize some of the harshest environments on Earth, demonstrating the remarkable resilience and adaptability of plant life.In conclusion, the study of evolutionary trends in botany provides valuable insights into the remarkable diversity and adaptability of plant life. From the development of reproductive strategies to the co-evolution of plants and their pollinators, and the evolution of plant defenses and adaptations to abiotic stress factors, plants have demonstrated an incredible capacity for innovation and survival. As a botanist, I am continually inspired by the intricate processes through which plants have evolved and adapted to their environments, and I look forward to uncovering more of the mysteries of evolutionary botany in the future.。



0 概述在火电厂中,斗轮堆取料机(以下简称斗轮机)是重要的煤场中转设备[1],其具有连续作业、效率高、功耗低的优势[2]。


斗轮机行走轨道使用的轨道为P50 kg/m -12.5 m 标准轨道,采用预埋锚固螺栓、轨道胶垫、压板等固定装置将轨道固定安装于混凝土基础上。



图 1 斗轮机行走轨道预埋锚固螺栓腐蚀1 原因分析斗轮机行走机构实现斗轮机沿轨道方向的运行,并火电厂斗轮堆取料机行走轨道及其紧固件断裂原因分析及处理陈顺青 刘 江 金 虎 张 杰国能河北沧东发电有限责任公司 沧州 061003摘 要:文中针对某火电厂斗轮堆取料机行走轨道及其紧固件严重腐蚀甚至断裂的问题,从运行环境、设计选型、维护保养等方面进行原因分析,结合分析结果及现场实际情况决定开展斗轮堆取料机轨道后锚固技术研究,研究结果表明无机类锚固胶的后锚固技术在实际应用中具有明显优势,通过实施斗轮堆取料机轨道后锚固应用成功消除了存在的问题及隐患,提升了机组运行安全可靠性。

关键词:斗轮堆取料机;火电厂;腐蚀断裂;后锚固;研究应用中图分类号:TH24 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1001-0785(2023)18-0060-05Abstract: Considering that the walking track of bucket wheel stacker-reclaimer in a thermal power plant and its fasteners are seriously corroded or even broken, the reasons are analyzed from operating environment, design and selection, maintenance and so on, and the post-installed anchorage technology of bucket wheel stacker-reclaimer track is studied in combination with the analysis results and the actual situation on site. The results show that the post-installed anchorage technology of inorganic anchoring glue has obvious advantages in practical application, and the existing problems and hidden dangers are eliminated through the post-installed anchorage of bucket wheel stacker-reclaimer track, which improves the operation safety and reliability of units.Keywords: bucket wheel stacker reclaimer; thermal power plant; corrosion fracture; post-installed anchorage; research and application起到支撑设备的作用[2]。



2010年6月阅读Section BDirections: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet2 with a single line through the centre.Passage OneQuestions 51 to 56 are based on the following passage.Only two countries in the advanced world provide no guarantee for paid leave from work to care for a newborn child. Last spring one of the two, Australia, gave up the dubious distinction by establishing paid family leave starting in 2011. I wasn't surprised when this didn't make the news here in the United States—we're now the only wealthy country without such a policy.The United States does have one explicit family policy, the Family and Medical Leave Act, passed in 1993. It entitles workers to as much as 12 weeks' unpaid leave for care of a newborn or dealing with a family medical problem. Despite the modesty of the benefit, the Chamber of Commerce and other business groups fought it bitterly, describing it as "government-run personnel management" and a "dangerous precedent". In fact, every step of the way, as (usually) Democratic leaders have triedto introduce work-family balance measures into the law, business groups have been strongly opposed.As Yale law professor Anne Alstott argues, justifying parental support depends on defining the family as a social good that, in some sense, society must pay for. In her book No Exit: What Parents Owe Their Children and What Society Owes Parents, she argues that parents are burdened in many ways in their lives: there is "no exit" when it comes to children. "Society expects—and needs—parents to provide their children with continuity of care, meaning the intensive, intimate care that human beings need to develop their intellectual, emotional and moral capabilities. And society expects—and needs—parents to persist in their roles for 18 years, or longer if needed."While most parents do this out of love, there are public penalties for not providing care. What parents do, in other words, is of deep concern to the state, for the obvious reason that caring for children is not only morally urgent but essential for the future of society. The state recognizes this in the large body of family laws that govern children' welfare, yet parents receive little help in meeting the life-changing obligations society imposes. To classify parenting as a personal choice for which there is no collective responsibility is not merely to ignore the social benefits of good parenting; really, it is to steal those benefits because they accrue (不断积累) to the whole of society as today's children become tomorrow'sproductive citizenry (公民). In fact, by some estimates, the value of parental investments in children, investments of time and money (including lost wages), is equal to 20-30% of gross domestic product. If these investments generate huge social benefits—as they clearly do—the benefits of providing more social support for the family should be that much clearer.注意:此部分试题请在答题卡2上作答。



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Nanning,the capital city of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region in southern China, has experienced significant population growth over the past few decades.This essay will explore the factors contributing to this growth,its impacts on the city,and the challenges it presents.Introduction to Nannings Population GrowthNanning,known for its subtropical climate and rich cultural heritage,has seen a surge in its population due to various factors.The citys strategic location,economic opportunities, and improved living standards have attracted both domestic and international migrants.Factors Contributing to Population Growth1.Economic Development:The rapid industrialization and urbanization of Nanning have created numerous job opportunities,drawing people from other parts of China and abroad.2.Improved Infrastructure:Investments in transportation,education,and healthcare have made Nanning an attractive place to live and work.3.Cultural Attractions:The citys rich cultural heritage and vibrant festivals have also contributed to its appeal,attracting tourists and new residents alike.4.Policies and Incentives:Government policies promoting urbanization and offering incentives for migration have encouraged people to move to cities like Nanning.Impacts of Population Growth1.Urban Expansion:The increase in population has led to the expansion of the citys boundaries,with new residential and commercial areas being developed.2.Economic Boost:The influx of people has stimulated the local economy,with increased consumer demand and business opportunities.3.Cultural Diversity:The growing population has brought a mix of cultures and traditions,enriching the citys cultural landscape.4.Environmental Concerns:The rapid growth has also put pressure on the citys natural resources and environment,leading to issues such as pollution and habitat loss.Challenges Presented by Population Growth1.Housing Shortage:The demand for housing has outpaced supply,leading to higher living costs and potential homelessness.2.Traffic Congestion:The increase in the number of vehicles has resulted in traffic congestion,affecting the quality of life for residents.3.Strain on Public Services:The growing population has put a strain on public services such as education,healthcare,and sanitation.4.Social Integration:The diverse backgrounds of the new residents can sometimes lead to social tensions and the need for effective integration policies.ConclusionThe population growth in Nanning is a testament to the citys development and appeal. While it brings economic and cultural benefits,it also presents challenges that require careful planning and management.The citys future success will depend on its ability to balance growth with sustainability and social cohesion.。



一、词汇1. 选择正确的词义a. advantageb. disadvantagec. advantaged. disadvantage2. 选择正确的拼写a. convenientb. conveniantc. convenientd. conveniant3. 选择正确的同义词a. happyb. sadc. angryd. surprised4. 选择正确的反义词a. hotb. coldc. warmd. cool5. 选择正确的形容词a. He is a ________ person.b. She is a ________ person.c. They are ________ people.d. We are ________ people.二、语法1. 选择正确的时态a. I ________ (go) to the movies last night.b. She ________ (go) to the movies last night.c. They ________ (go) to the movies last night.d. We ________ (go) to the movies last night.2. 选择正确的语态a. The teacher ________ (teach) us English.b. The teacher ________ (teach) us.c. The teacher ________ (teach) to us.d. The teacher ________ (teach) from us.3. 选择正确的介词a. He lives ________ (the) city.b. She works ________ (the) city.c. They study ________ (the) city.d. We visit ________ (the) city.4. 选择正确的连词a. If I ________ (go) to the party, I will bring you a gift.b. Because I ________ (go) to the party, I will bring you a gift.c. Although I ________ (go) to the party, I will bring you a gift.d. Since I ________ (go) to the party, I will bring you a gift.5. 选择正确的代词a. He ________ (like) apples.b. She ________ (like) apples.c. They ________ (like) apples.d. We ________ (like) apples.三、阅读理解1. 阅读短文,回答问题a. What is the main idea of the passage?b. Who is the main character in the passage?c. What happens in the passage?d. How does the author feel about the topic?2. 阅读短文,选择正确的答案a. The author ________ (like) the book.b. The author ________ (dislike) the book.c. The author ________ (neither like nor dislike) the book.d. The author ________ (not sure) whether he likes or dislikes the book.3. 阅读短文,判断正误a. The story takes place in the United States.b. The main character is a girl.c. The story is about a family.d. The story is about a school.4. 阅读短文,填写空缺的单词a. The boy ________ (go) to the park with his friends.b. The girl ________ (go) to the park with her friends.c. They ________ (play) games in the park.d. They ________ (have) a good time.四、写作1. 写一篇关于你的暑假计划的短文,不少于100字。

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a r X i v :c o n d -m a t /0406357v 1 [c o n d -m a t .s u p r -c o n ] 16 J u n 20041Comment on “Band-Structure Trend in Hole-Doped Cuprates and Correlation with T c max ”In the Letter by Pavarini et al.[1]a strong correla-tion is observed between T c max and a single parameter s (ε)=(εs −ε)(ε−εp )/(2t sp )2,which is controlled by the energy of the Cu 4s orbital εs ,εp is the O 2p single cite energy,t sp is the transfer integral between neighbor Cu 4s and O 2p orbitals,and ε(k )is the conduction band en-ergy whose bottom at the Γpoint coincides with the Cu 3d x 2−y 2energy εd .It is unfortunate that theorists have not so far paid any attention to this observation because it is an important correlation between the ab initio cal-culated parameter r =(1+s )/2and the experimentally measured T c max which can reveal the subtle link between the experiment and the theory and finally solve the long-standing puzzle of the mechanism of high-T c supercon-ductivity (HTSC).The purpose of the present Comment is to emphasize that the missing link has already been found,and the work by Pavarini et al.can be used as a crucial test for theoretical models of HTSC.Perhaps the simplest possible interpretation,though one could search for alternatives,is given within the framework of the Cu 4s -Cu 3d two-electron exchange theory of HTSC [2].In order for the Schubin-Zener-Kondo exchange amplitude J sd to operate as a pairing interaction of the charge car-riers,it is necessary the Cu 4s orbital to be significantly hybridized with the conduction band.The degree of this hybridization depends strongly on the proximity of the Cu 4s level to the Fermi level εF .Thus,it is not sur-prising that εs controls the maximal critical temperature T c max ,being the only parameter of the CuO 2plane which is essentially changed for different cuprate superconduc-tors.Cu 3d and Cu 4s are orthogonal orbitals and their hy-bridization is indirect.First,the Cu 3d x 2−y 2orbital hy-bridizes with the O 2p x and O 2p y orbitals,then the O 2p orbitals hybridize with Cu 4s .As a result we have a “3d -to-4s -by-2p ”hybridization of the conduction band of HTSC cuprates which makes it possible the strong antiferromagnetic amplitude J sd to create pairing in a relatively narrow Cu 3d x 2−y 2conduction band.The hy-bridization “filling”of the Cu 4s orbitals can be seen in cluster calculations as well [3].The s (ε)parameter in-troduced in Ref.[1]reflects the proximity of all 3levels in the generic 4-band Hamiltonian of the CuO 2plane—their “random coincidence”for the Cu-O combination.Suppose that those levels are not so close to each other.In this case the slightly modified parameters ′(ε)=(εs −ε)(ε−εp )/(4t sp t pd )(1)is simply the energy denominator of the perturbation the-ory which describes the hybridization filling of the axial orbital,see Eq.(4.10)in Ref.[2].Whence [s ′(ε)]2is a denominator of the pairing amplitude in the BCS equa-tion Eq.(6.4)in Ref.[2].Hence,we conclude that thecorrelations reported in Ref.[1]are simply the correla-tions between the critical temperature T c and the dimen-sionless BCS coupling constant ρ(εF )J sd /[s ′(εF )]2.Of course,for coupling constants ∼1the BCS trial wave-function can be used only for qualitative estimates,but knowing the Hamiltonian the mathematical problem may somehow be solved.In any case,even qualitatively,we are sure that the stronger pairing amplitude J sd and hy-bridization 1/s ′(εF )enhance T c .Having LDA calculations for the band structures of many cuprates it is worthwhile to perform a LCAO fit to them [4]and using experimental values of T c to extract the pairing amplitude J sd for all those compounds.The ab initio calculation of the Kondo scattering amplitude parameterized by J sd is an important problem which has to be set in the agenda of computational solid state physics.We expect that it will be a weakly material dependent parameter of the order of the s -d exchange amplitude in Kondo alloys,but perhaps slightly bigger as for the Cu ion the 3d and 4s levels are closer compared to many other ions.Closer energy levels,from classical point of view,imply closer classical periods of orbital motion which leads to some “resonance”enhancement of the exchange amplitude due to intra-atomic two-electron correlations.The final qualitative conclusion that can be extracted from the correlations reported by Pavarini et the explanation why only the CuO 2plane renders HTSC possible,whereas hundreds other similar compounds are not even superconducting,or have only a “conventional”value of T c .The natural explanation is:because its s -parameter is not small enough below its critical value.Even among the cuprates one can find compounds with “conventional”values of T c having relatively large value of the s -parameter.For other transition metal compounds the parameter s ′(εd )=(εs −εd )(εd −εp )/(4t sp t pd )is much bigger than its critical value s c which can be reached probably only for the Cu-O combination.Thereby,the correlation reported by Pavarini et a crucial hint which of the models for HTSC is still on the arena.T.M.MishonovDepartment of Theoretical Physics,Faculty of Physics Sofia University St.Kliment Ohridski5J.Bourchier Boulevard,BG-1164Sofia,Bulgaria[1]E.Pavarini,I.Dasgupta,T.Saha-Dasgupta,O.Jepsen,and O.K.Andersen,Phys.Rev.Lett.87,047003(2001).[2]T.M.Mishonov,J.O.Indekeu,and E.S.Penev,J.Phys.:Condens.Matter 15,4429(2003).[3]E.P.Stoll,P.F.Meier,and T.A.Claxton,J.Phys.:Condens.Matter 15,7881(2003).[4]O.K.Andersen, A.I.Lichtenstein,O.Jepsen,and F.Paulsen,J.Phys.Chem.Solids 56,1573(1995).。
