Girl by Jamaica Kincaid
收稿日期:20180829作者简介:张雪峰(1982),女,甘肃庆阳人,首都师范大学讲师,博士㊂① 加勒比地区指加勒比海及沿岸的国家和地区㊂为便于论述,本文所提及的加勒比地区均指该地区原为英属殖民地讲英语的国家,如牙买加㊁特立尼达㊁巴巴多斯等㊂第21卷第3期2019年6月沈阳大学学报(社会科学版)J o u r n a l o f S h e n y a n g U n i v e r s i t y(S o c i a l S c i e n c e )V o l .21,N o .3J u n .2019文章编号:2095-5464(2019)03-0348-04‘女孩“与‘我的花园“中的文化张力张雪峰(首都师范大学大学英语教研部,北京 100048)摘 要:聚焦于加勒比非裔作家牙买加㊃金凯德短篇作品‘女孩“与‘我的花园“中母女关系与花园的文化寓意,在加勒比地区的社会文化语境中,探究了英国殖民文化思想带给后殖民时代加勒比非裔的深远影响,阐释了加勒比非裔文化传统对抗英国殖民主义与殖民文化的效力,认为英国殖民文化与加勒比非裔文化之间是一种双向性而非单向性的张力抗衡㊂关 键 词:牙买加㊃金凯德;‘女孩“;‘我的花园“;殖民文化;加勒比非裔;文化张力中图分类号:I106.4 文献标志码:A欧洲殖民入侵与奴隶制庄园经济的需要使得大量奴隶远离非洲故土,被迫分散于加勒比地区①各个岛屿,而长期的殖民教育更使得加勒比非裔遭受殖民文化的重新塑形㊂加勒比地区被英国殖民统治之后,加勒比地区的社会全盘吸纳英国殖民文化,莎士比亚㊁奥斯汀㊁华兹华斯等英国作家的经典作品都出现于加勒比地区的教育体系㊂这就是为什么加勒比地区的孩子从未见过水仙花,却能够背诵‘咏水仙“,从未见过雪,却能写出 雪花落在甘蔗地里 这般诗句的原因㊂这种由殖民教育而滋生的文化错位感形成了加勒比地区社会特有的 水仙花豁口 文化特征[1],即殖民文化教育与殖民地社会现实之间存在的不可逾越的鸿沟,而隐藏于其后的正是英国殖民文化对于加勒比非裔形成的灾难性影响,正如弗朗兹㊃法农(F r a n t zF a n o n)在作品‘黑皮肤,白面具“中所揭示出的被殖民者自我分裂的心理创伤㊂于是,不断地揭示这种文化鸿沟背后的意识形态建构,控诉殖民主义历史与殖民文化带给加勒比非裔的深远影响成为当代加勒比非裔作家的写作重任,牙买加㊃金凯德(J a m a i c aK i n c a i d)也不例外㊂一㊁牙买加㊃金凯德及其作品1949年,金凯德出生在安提瓜的一个普通家庭㊂金凯德的母亲安妮㊃德鲁深受英国殖民文化教育的影响,并将其全盘移至对子女的教育中,正是这样一个让女儿又爱又恨的母亲形象与母亲记忆开启了金凯德的文学生涯㊂母女关系的叙述成为金凯德作品的核心特征,这一特征贯穿于金凯德的所有作品之中㊂无论是早期作品‘河底“‘安妮㊃约翰“,还是晚期作品‘露西“‘我的弟弟“,以及‘我母亲的自传“中,女主人公总是怀有对母亲既爱又恨的复杂情感㊂这样一个执著于母亲与女儿之间关系的叙述方式引发了诸多评论者的关注㊂金凯德自1985年荣获巴黎丽兹海明威奖之后,于1989年荣获古根海姆奖,1997年凭借‘我母亲的自传“又摘得莱南文学奖㊂金凯德小说中诗化的叙述语言与简洁文字流露出浓郁的散文叙述风格更是获得评论者们的赞誉,哈罗德㊃布鲁姆(H a r o l dB l o o m )将她视为文体家与视觉艺术家,以及有丰富想象力的幻想家[2]㊂对于英国殖民主义与殖民文化的影响,金凯德在其作品中表达出强烈的愤怒㊂在‘小地方“中,金凯德将欧洲殖民者直斥为 罪犯 ,将英语斥责为 罪犯的语言 [3];而在‘露西“中,金凯德借女主人公露西之口,直言加勒比非裔对于 水仙花 的痛恨㊂ 我想毁掉这些水仙花,我希望我有一把大镰刀,我会沿路拖着它,把这些水仙花就地砍倒 [4](文中引用译文均为作者翻译)㊂在金凯德的眼中,英国殖民文化塑形就是一场 无声的战争 ㊂ 我不知道画一张英国地图的感觉竟然要比宣布一场战争的感觉更为糟糕,因为一场直接宣战的战争至少能让我有所警觉 [5]㊂除了直言对英国殖民主义与殖民文化教育的强烈愤怒之外,金凯德也将这种愤怒转化为抵制殖民主义与殖民文化的反叛力量,借助于其作品中母女关系与植物的文化寓意,展现加勒比非裔文化与英国殖民文化之间的张力抗衡,凸显加勒比非裔抵制㊁反抗英国殖民文化的决心㊂二㊁母女关系的寓意:‘女孩“中的文化张力‘在河底“是金凯德的第一部短篇作品集,由‘女孩“‘夜晚“‘黑暗“‘我的母亲“等10篇独立的短文构成㊂文本中,梦境与现实㊁真实与虚幻交织的碎片化叙述使其成为所有作品中难以被理解的一部,而金凯德通过母女关系折射殖民文化对于加勒比非裔女性影响的书写范式也是从这部作品开始,是其母女关系书写的缩影㊂作品集中的开篇之作‘女孩“仅有650字,全文以单句结构构成,描述了一位严厉的母亲教导女儿如何成为一个得体与知礼仪的女性,如何相夫教子,如何避免误入歧途, 应该㊁必须㊁不应该 等命令性的语句贯穿全文㊂星期一洗白色的衣服,把衣服晾在石头堆上面;星期二洗有颜色的衣服,晾在衣服绳子上 星期天必须要像一个优雅女士那样走路,不要像娼妓那样总弯着腰;不要和码头上那些不务正业的男孩子说话 这才是正确的缝纽扣方法,这才是折起裙边的正确做法,把你的裙边折起来才能避免自己像一个娼妓那样生活 这是熨烫你父亲的卡其衬衣的正确做法,这样熨烫衣服才不会有油渍 这是打扫角落的正确方法,这是打扫整个房子的正确方法 这是对你不太喜欢的人的正确的微笑方式,这是对你喜欢的人的正确的微笑方式 [6]34在母亲的教导中,除了 应该㊁必须㊁不应该 等命令性的字眼之外, 娼妓 一词也频繁出现,这一词语是白人殖民者附加给加勒比非裔女性的固定标签,粗俗㊁道德沦丧成为殖民者眼中加勒比非裔女性的主要性别特征,而引诱那些新来的英国殖民者也被视为加勒比非裔女性生活的主要目标㊂这就与维多利亚时代所崇尚的 温柔贤惠㊁纯洁高雅且热衷家庭生活的房中天使 的白人女性形象形成极大的反差[7]㊂因此,已经遭受过这样的殖民心理伤害的母亲,为防止女儿再次遭受同样的殖民伤害,才会不厌其烦地重复告知这些生活禁忌,才会以维多利亚女性准则严格要求女儿的行为举止㊂母亲的女性知识与女性体验折射出的正是殖民历史与父权社会对于加勒比非裔女性的文化建构,这种文化建构业已影响了母亲所代表的第一代加勒比非裔女性,也正在对女儿所代表的第二代加勒比非裔女性产生影响㊂虽然‘女孩“中的母亲与金凯德其他作品,譬如‘安妮㊃约翰“‘露西“或是‘我的弟弟“中的母亲具有相通之处,她们既是殖民文化的承载者也是殖民文化的受害者㊂但相比较‘安妮㊃约翰“‘露西“或是‘我的弟弟“中女儿对于母亲殖民内化思想的直接反叛与痛恨,‘女孩“全篇充斥的都是母亲训导的声音,女儿更多则是沉默与遵从㊂尽管如此,作品中仍有两处可以捕捉到女儿的声音㊂一处是当母亲要求女儿不要在星期天的主日学校(S u n d a y s c h o o l)唱歌时,女儿才回答, 我星期天没有唱过b e n n a,更不要说在主日学校唱了 [6]4 (B e n n a是卡利普索音乐中的一种曲风)㊂另一处是当母亲警告女儿买面包时必须捏一捏,才能知道面包是否新鲜时,女儿却质疑道, 如果面包师不让我捏怎么办? [6]5不难发现,只有在母亲否定加勒比非裔本土文化与生活形式的时候,女儿才会进行质疑与驳斥㊂因此,当母亲要求女儿在星期天应该接受西方基督教义,放弃自身独有的文化表达形式时,女儿才第一次发声㊂而母亲 捏面包判断面包新鲜程度 的教导显然与奥比巫术强调的万物自然性与神性相背离,这才激起了女儿的质疑与反驳㊂ 奥比 一词起源于非洲西部阿善堤(A s h a n t i)地区,指该部落的男巫㊁女巫或是暗藏巫术的精灵㊂17世纪,这一民俗文化形式落根于巴哈马㊁安提瓜㊁巴巴多斯及牙买加等地㊂奥比巫术主要有两种形式:一是施咒语,可以是行善的咒语,譬如祈福㊁庇佑,也可以是施恶的咒语,譬如诅咒敌人等;二是将草木与动物视为具有治愈疾病之用,自然界的植物㊁动物都被赋予超自然的功效㊂因此,奥比巫术不仅能够为非裔奴隶提供身体与心理的双重治愈功能,更是维护非裔奴隶内部稳定的重要方式㊂然而,这一文化形式却极大地影响了庄园主的生活,对英国殖民统治造成潜在的威胁㊂于是1787年,英国政府明令禁止加勒比非裔奴隶开展这样的活动㊂如果说殖民者只是将奥比巫术视为一种邪恶㊁诡异的文化,‘女孩“中女儿所代表的加勒比非943第3期张雪峰:‘女孩“与‘我的花园“中的文化张力裔女性则将此视为精神支柱,成为生活中不容侵犯㊁不可或缺的一部分㊂这种崇尚自然灵气,将自然与神灵融为一体的奥比巫术已经寄居于加勒比非裔的无意识中,成为他们文化身份的象征㊂也正是依托于加勒比非裔文化传统的力量,‘女孩“中的女儿才得以发声㊂借助于母女之间的日常生活叙述,金凯德一方面揭示出殖民历史与殖民文化对于加勒比非裔女性家庭生活的影响,另一方面也暗示出重新被加勒比本土化的非裔文化在加勒比非裔生活中的重要性,强调其对抗殖民主义与殖民文化的文化效力㊂除去聚焦于英国殖民文化对于加勒比地区家庭的影响,金凯德又将这一影响扩展至自然界,通过花园里的植物展现殖民历史对于加勒比非裔的深远影响㊂三㊁花草的寓意:‘我的花园“中的文化张力1999年,金凯德出版了‘我的花园“这部作品集㊂不同于之前所有作品中的母女关系叙述,这部作品重点描述的是花园里的植物,譬如如何买花种㊁如何培植花朵等,如同一部关于园艺乐趣㊁植物目录,以及植物学原理探讨的园艺指南㊂然而,除了这些植物学概念之外,金凯德笔下的花园与植物也同样是殖民历史与殖民文化的见证㊂在开篇处,第一人称叙述者 我 详细地介绍了自己花园里 被移植 来的各种植物,并赋予花园新的寓意㊂ 我又开始准备种植我的花园了,如果没记错的话,那时我恰巧在读一本关于墨西哥或者新西班牙被征服的历史书,我也见到了被命名为万寿菊㊁大丽菊与百日菊的这些花朵名字㊂自此之后,花园对我而言就不再是我以前所有的那个概念了,而是意味着其他一些东西㊂ [8]6万寿菊㊁大丽菊与百日菊这些曾经生长于墨西哥地区的花朵却被殖民者重新命名㊁重新移植他处,失去了自己本该有的名字,失去自己原有的根基㊂而加勒比地区不同的岛屿也被赋予同样的名字或者相同的岛屿却有着不同的名字㊂这种植物的被命名㊁被移植历史就与加勒比地区被殖民者重新命名的殖民历史有着相同的属性,命名就意味着占有与征服㊂因此在金凯德看来,花园已经不再是植物与自然审美的融合,而是包含殖民征服与被征服的权力关系场域,也就是文中的第一叙述者所言的 花园对我也意味着其他一些东西 的具体内涵㊂花园也就此成为时刻触碰加勒比非裔殖民创伤记忆的象征㊂ 这个植物花园强迫我认识到曾经征服我的人有多么地强大,他们将我带到他们才能拥有的植物世界㊂ [8]120正如花园里的花草终有衰败之日,欧洲殖民的辉煌也终将结束㊂因此,金凯德笔下的花园有着双重指涉,它一方面是英国殖民历史记忆的见证,是英帝国辉煌历史的见证,另一方面也是英帝国衰败的见证㊂‘我的花园“中的第一人称叙述者我 这样叙述后殖民时代的英国: 我去过这样一个国家,它的居民(他们将自己称为主体,而非公民)不知道该如何生活在当下,更不可能憧憬未来的生活,他们只能生活在过去,因为那是一个有着胜利成果的过去 [8]111112㊂于是,在叙述者 我 的眼中,埋葬种花人的花园就是一座埋葬帝国的坟墓, 一个花园会与它的主人一起死亡,一个花园会随着主人的死亡而死亡㊂ [8]129花园的死亡就是英帝国时代的衰亡㊂除去这种文化投射,金凯德将花园与死亡联系在一起的叙述方式也映射出加勒比非裔文化传统对抗殖民统治的效力㊂19世纪,每户安提瓜的奴隶家庭都有一个小花园,他们会种一些自己喜欢的植物,甚至是有毒的或是苦的木薯,主要用来对付残暴的白人庄园主,这也是最初奥比巫术赋予植物某种魔力的原因所在㊂一位名叫马修㊃格雷戈里㊃刘易斯(M a t t h e w G r e g o r y L e w i s)的庄园主曾经叙述了奴隶利用花园里的有毒植物对抗庄园主的细节㊂那些奴隶使用的其中一种毒药(也是他们最常用的)取材于木薯根,挤出它的汁,静待其发酵,一种蠕虫就会从中诞生㊂这种东西一旦进入腹腔内,就会产生致命的伤害㊂他们会把这种蠕虫藏于拇指指甲下面,让其不断长大㊂然后竭力邀请他们想要蓄意谋害的人一起吃饭,乘递盘子或杯子的时机抖落蠕虫,吃下虫子的人必死无疑㊂而另外一种有毒的豆子几乎也能在每一个奴隶的花园里找到,这种豆子不会用作食物也不会当作观赏植物㊂当奴隶被质问时,他们从不会说出他们种植这些豆子的目的㊂虽然刘易斯的叙述是从庄园主的角度出发,但却能够体现出加勒比地区庄园主与非裔奴隶之间的尖锐矛盾,也再次从侧面印证了花园对于加勒比非裔的重要性㊂对于加勒比非裔而言,花园里的植物不再是观赏性或是食用性的植物,而是成为他们抵制英国殖民统治㊁发泄民族与种族仇恨的替代物㊂不同于其他非裔对于非洲文化传统的寻根与传承[9],衍变之后的非裔传统文化已经成为加勒比非裔抗击英国殖民文化的有力武器㊂四㊁结语欧洲殖民与奴隶庄园经济一方面迫使加勒比053沈阳大学学报(社会科学版)第21卷非裔远离非洲故土,长期遭受殖民统治,在殖民文化塑形中形成 黑皮肤㊁白面具 的心理创伤;另一方面也使得非裔文化在加勒比非裔群体中拓展㊁衍变,借助于非裔传统文化的力量,加勒比非裔才得以反击英国殖民文化的统治,形成与英国殖民文化对抗的牵制力㊂概言之,在加勒比地区的社会文化语境中,英国殖民文化与加勒比非裔文化之间是一种双向性而非单向性的张力抗衡,而金凯德的早期短篇作品‘女孩“与‘我的花园“无疑是对这一双向性文化张力的最佳阐释㊂参考文献:[1]V I C T O R I A B .W h i t e n e s s a n d t r a u m a :t h e m o t h e r -d a u g h t e r k n o t i n t h e f i c t i o no f J e a nR h ys ,J a m a i c aK i n c a i d a n dT o n iM o r r i s o n [M ].N e w Y o r k :P a l g r a v eM a c m i l l a n ,2004:73.[2]HA R O L D B .J a m a i c aK i n c a i d [M ].P h i l a d e l p h i a :C h e l s e a H o u s eP u b l i s h e r s ,1998:2.[3]J AMA I C A K.A s m a l l p l a c e [M ].N e w Y o r k :F a r r a r ,S t r a u s a n dG i r o u x ,1988:32.[4]J AMA I C A K.L u c y [M ].N e w Y o r k :F a r r a r ,S t r a u sa n d G i r o u x ,1990:29.[5]J AMA I C A K.O ns e e i n g E n g l a n df o rt h ef i r s tt i m e [J ].T r a n s i t i o n ,1991(51):34.[6]J AMA I C A K.A t t h e b o t t o mo f t h e r i v e r [M ].N e w Y o r k :F a r r a r ,S t r a u s a n dG i r o u x ,1983.[7]朱艳阳,向连兵.解读弗吉尼亚㊃伍尔夫小说中的性别创伤书写[J ].沈阳大学学报(社会科学版),2015,17(6):808.[8]J AMA I C A K.M yg a r d e n (b o o k )[M ].N e w Y o r k :F a r r a r ,S t r a u s a n dG i r o u x ,1999.[9]彭亮.‘紫色“的妇女主义解读[J ].沈阳大学学报(社会科学版),2016,18(5):597.ʌ责任编辑 刘 洋ɔC u l t u r a l T e n s i o n i nJ a m a i c aK i n c a i d s G i r l a n d M y Ga r d e n Z HA N GX u e f e n g(D e p a r t m e n t o fC o l l e g eE n g l i s hS t u d i e s ,C a p i t a lN o r m a lU n i v e r s i t y ,B e i j i n g 100048,C h i n a )A b s t r a c t :T h e c u l t u r a lm e s s a g e s o fm o t h e r -d a u g h t e r r e l a t i o n a n d g a r d e n i n J a m a i c aK i n c a i d s G i r l a n d M y Ga r d e n a r ef o c u s e d .I nt h es o c i o c u l t u r a lc o n t e x to ft h e C a r ib b e a n ,i te x p l o r e st h e p r o f o u n d i m p ac t so f B r i t i s h c o l o n i a l c u l t u r e o n t h eA f r i c a n -C a r i b b e a n i n t h e p o s t -c o l o n i a l e r a ,a nd i l l u s t r a te s t h e a n t i -c o l o n i a l c u l t u r a l ef f e c t i v e n e s so fA f r i c a n -C a r i b b e a nc u l t u r a l t r a d i t i o n s ag a i n s tB r i t i s hc o l o n i a l i s m a n d c o l o n i a lc u l t u r e .I tb e l i e v e sth a tt h e r ei sat w o -w a y r a t h e rt h a no n e -w a y t e n s i o nb e t w e e nt h e B r i t i s hc o l o n i a l c u l t u r e a n d t h eA f r i c a n -C a r i b b e a n c u l t u r e .K e y w o r d s :J a m a i c a K i n c a i d ;G i r l ;M y G a r d e n ;c o l o n i a l c u l t u r e ;A f r i c a n -C a r i b b e a n ;c u l t u r a l t e n s i o n153第3期 张雪峰:‘女孩“与‘我的花园“中的文化张力。
2022版高考英语(人教)大一轮复习(课时训练)第一部分 必修一 Unit 2 Word版含答案
Ⅰ.单句语法填空1.However,there ________(be) a number of other reasons that might explain why you want to garden.(2022·全国Ⅱ,七选五)2.Food in small pieces could be eaten easily with twigs(树枝) which ________(gradual) turned into chopsticks.(2022·全国Ⅲ,语法填空)3.Nome's town officials came up ________ a plan.They would have the medicine sent by rail from Anchorage to Nenana.(2022·北京,完形)4.In recent years,however,young upper middle-class people in London,have begun to adopt some regional ________ (accent).5.The study showed that those who had worked as boys enjoyed happier and ________(productive) lives than those who had not.6.Experts say the way you design your home could play ________ part in whether you pack on the pounds or keep them off.7.Becoming fluent ________ a language will take years,but learning to get by takes a lot less. 8.You've introduced two ways to share books: wild release and controlled release.Of the two,________ latter wins my favor.9.English is a dynamic language that admits new words and ________(recognize) changes in meaning,spelling,and usage of familiar words.10.According to the ________(use),the handkerchief is always ________(use) to wipe hands or sweat.答案 1.are 2.gradually 3.with 4.accents 5.more productive 6.a7.in8.the9.recognizes age;usedⅡ.单句改错(每句仅1处错误)1.Find out for yourself what a study really reported,and determine whether it was basing on good science.2.James Brindley is recognized one of the leading early canal engineers nowadays.3.If you work hard,and you will certainly pass the exam.4.It's no use stay up so late if you don't devote yourself to your study.5.You should have made good use of the time you spent together discuss the matter.6.Not only does she help us with our daily life,but she also plays a important part in our English learning.7.At the present I do not have information on the meeting you asked about.8.It's well-known that the panda is native from China.9.The city has been built up really fast; it's changed beyond the recognition.10.Last year the Chinese Internet users were required that they registered with their real names when getting online.答案 1.basing→based 2.recognized后加as 3.去掉and 4.stay→staying 5.discuss前加to 6.a→an 7.去掉present前的the8.from→to9.去掉recognition前的the10.registered→register Ⅲ.单元考点作文串记(一)依据提示翻译句子1.如今,英语变得越来越流行。
《我母亲的自传》的语言风格肖玉英【摘要】(<我母亲的自传)>被公认为是美国作家牙买加·琴凯德(Jamaica Kincaid)写得最好的一部作品也是当代美国文学中的一部重要作品.鉴于目前国内对其进行的研究不多,该文根据系统功能语言学理论,从主位及主位推进模式的角度对<我母亲的自传>的语言风格进行分析,发现这部作品多使用单项主位并多处使用平行型主位推进模式,词汇模式突出,大量堆砌感情色彩相同的词语,从而使得句式极富节奏感,使其字里行间充满了躁动和愤怒情绪.【期刊名称】《湖南科技学院学报》【年(卷),期】2011(032)005【总页数】3页(P65-67)【关键词】《我母亲的自传》;牙买加·琴凯德;主位推进模式【作者】肖玉英【作者单位】华南师范大学,外文学院,广东,广州,510631【正文语种】中文【中图分类】I106《我母亲的自传》用充满忧伤的笔调和细腻优美的文风娓娓讲述了来自加勒比海地区西印度群岛的黑人后裔对于后殖民主义时代的痛苦记忆和历史梦魇,被公认为是美国作家牙买加•琴凯德(Jamaica Kincaid)写得最好的一部作品,在当代美国文学中具有重要的地位。
1. 威廉·莎士比亚(William Shakespeare):16世纪英国最伟大的戏剧家和诗人,作品有《哈姆雷特》、《罗密欧与朱丽叶》等。
2. 查尔斯·狄更斯(Charles Dickens):19世纪英国作家,以描写社会底层生活而闻名,作品有《双城记》、《伊甸园之东》等。
3. 弗朗茨·卡夫卡(Franz Kafka):捷克作家,以其荒谬和离奇的小说闻名,作品有《变形记》、《城堡》等。
4. 霍华德·菲利普斯·洛夫克拉夫特(H.P. Lovecraft):美国恐怖小说作家,以其神秘怪异的创作著称,作品有《克苏鲁神话》等。
5. 简·奥斯汀(Jane Austen):18世纪英国女作家,以描写爱情和社会风俗而闻名,作品有《傲慢与偏见》、《理智与感情》等。
6. 弗拉基米尔·纳博科夫(Vladimir Nabokov):俄美作家,以其独特的叙事方式和文学风格而著名,作品有《洛丽塔》等。
7. 詹姆斯·乔伊斯(James Joyce):爱尔兰现代主义作家,以其复杂的文体和探索人性而著称,作品有《尤利西斯》等。
8. 简娜·奥斯丁(Zadie Smith):英国现代作家,以描写种族和文化多元化而著名,作品有《关于美丽》等。
9. 玛嘉烈·杜拉斯(Marguerite Duras):法国作家,以其优雅的写作风格和情感的深度而著名,作品有《情人》等。
10. 乔治·奥威尔(George Orwell):英国作家,以其对权力和社会不公的揭露而著名,作品有《1984》、《动物庄园》等。
11. 唐·德里罗(Don DeLillo):美国后现代主义作家,以其深入思考现代社会问题而著名,作品有《白噪音》等。
《一处小地方》中殖民话语书写的修辞幻象佴欣欣;张静【摘要】Jamaica Kincaid, one of the talented Nobel Prize competitors, has established herself as a most prominent figure in Caribbean American literature. In A Small Place, Kincaid brings unique insight into the historical and current situations of her motherland Antigua from an insider-outsider’s perspective, and illus-trates that the new tourist colonialism does harm to the local people. Through the lenses of rhetorical fan-tasy, hypocrisy of neo-colonialism and corruption of the Antigua government will be unveiled, indicating that there is still a long way to go for the colonized people, before they embrace real freedom and equality.%牙买加•金凯德被喻为“来自加勒比海带刺的黑玫瑰”,是诺贝尔文学奖极具竞争力的作家之一。
讲述一个关于人际冲突的故事英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1A Wall Between UsI've always gotten along really well with my best friend Jessica. We met in kindergarten and were basically inseparable from day one. We had all the same interests, the same goofy sense of humor, and we never seemed to fight or argue about anything. Jessica was basically like a sister to me.That all changed when we got to high school though. Jessica started hanging out with a new group of friends that I didn't really click with. They were the stereotypical "popular" girls - obsessed with clothes, makeup, dating the hottest guys, and going to all the coolest parties. I was...well, not that.At first it was no big deal. Jessica and I still made time to hang out just the two of us. We'd go to the movies, study together, or just goof around like we used to. But slowly, over our freshman and sophomore years, she started ditching me more and more to spend time with her new crew.I understood that we were growing up and developing different interests. But it really hurt that Jessica was just leaving me behind like our decade of close friendship meant nothing. I felt like she was changing into someone I didn't even recognize anymore.Things came to a head one night at a party at Jessica's house. Her parents were out of town so she decided to throw a huge rager. I only went because she practically begged me, saying it would be like old times. But the minute I got there, Jessica ditched me to go hang out with her popular friends, like I was just a lame hanger-on.I ended up getting drunk for one of the first times, trying to loosen up and maybe meet some new people myself. Big mistake. I made a fool of myself by puking in the bathroom and then passed out cold. I woke up the next day alone, still at Jessica's house, with a massive hangover. When she finally rolled out of bed around noon, she basically just laughed at me and told me to get out of her house. So much for "old times."After that, Jessica and I stopped speaking completely. There was this silent understanding that our friendship was over, even though we never explicitly ended it. We just drifted apart into separate social circles. I'd see her in the hallways at school or outat parties and clubs, but we never even made eye contact anymore. It was like a wall had been built between us out of nowhere.For the longest time, I was just angry and resentful towards Jessica. How could someone I loved like a sister just cut me out of her life like that, with zero explanation? We had been so close for so many years. I rehashed every little fight or disagreement we ever had in my mind, trying to figure out where I went wrong and made her hate me.But as time went on, I realized the problem wasn't me at all. It was just a case of wildly diverging interests and priorities. Jessica wanted to be a part of the cool crowd so badly that she was willing to ditch her oldest friend to make it happen. Maybe she was embarrassed by my shyer, nerdy persona. Or maybe she genuinely did just outgrow me. Either way, I came to accept that our friendship was well and truly dead.In our junior year, an unexpected thing happened - I started to come out of my shell a little bit. I joined a couple clubs, like Drama and Environmental Science, that helped me make some new friends who shared my interests and values. Before I knew it, I had a fun new social circle of friends who enjoyed a lot of the same quirky stuff as me.It was actually really liberating not having to revolve my life around Jessica anymore. For the first time, I felt free to fully be myself without her judging me or putting me down in front of her other friends. I was sad that our friendship was over, but I was almost grateful for the chance to really find myself.In a strange way, I have Jessica to thank for that. If she hadn't so bluntly ended our friendship and forced me to start branching out on my own, I may never have broken out of my socially awkward shell. Her rejection of me, harsh as it was, gave me the push I needed to reinvent my social life on my own terms.Flash forward a couple years, and Jessica and I were barely speaking at all beyond the most painfully awkward of pleasantries when we randomly ran into each other. There was still so much unresolved tension and hurt feelings between us. I wished I could have had some proper closure, but she seemed to just want to leave things as they were - a burnt bridge between two people who used to be as close as sisters.But then, something interesting happened at our high school graduation ceremony. After we received our diplomas and had that ceremonial turning of the tassels, there was a reception in the gym where everyone was milling around. Jessicaand I accidentally made eye contact across the room. I tensed up at first, expecting her to just sneer at me like usual.Instead, to my surprise, she gave me a little awkward wave and a half-smile. The meaning was clear - she wanted to talk. So I steeled my nerves and walked over to her."Hey Jess," I said, trying to sound casual."Hey..." she replied, suddenly looking really sheepish. An uncomfortable silence passed between us as we both searched for what to say next."Listen..." Jessica finally said, not making eye contact. "I just wanted to say...I'm sorry for how I treated you those last couple years. For freezing you out and dropping you like a bad habit. That was really messed up of me. You were my best friend for like, ten years, and I ruined that over some dumb high school nonsense about being popular."I was stunned. In all the years we'd been on the outs, I never expected to get an actual apology from Jessica, let alone such a heartfelt one."You don't have to apologize," I said, trying to keep my cool even as tears welled up. "We were just kids, growing apart happens sometimes. I'm sorry too, for my part in whateverhappened between us. I never stopped caring about you Jess, I just..."My voice trailed off as the emotions suddenly became too much and I choked up. Jessica gave me a sad smile and put a hand on my arm."I know. Believe me, I know. I'm the one who screwed this all up by ditching my oldest friend just to hang out with some shallow posers who never really cared about me anyway. God, I was so stupid back then."We both laughed through tears. Jessica pulled me in for a tight hug, one I melted into without reservation."I've missed you so much," she whispered in my ear. "Let's not let this be forever, okay? We've got our whole lives ahead of us. No more walls between us."As we pulled away from the embrace, I could see it in her eyes - my true best friend, the one I thought I'd lost forever, was still there under the surface. Maybe our bond had been badly frayed, but it wasn't broken. Not yet."You're right," I said, squeezing her hand. "Clean slate, starting now. Best friends forever, yeah?"Jessica smiled wider than I'd seen in years. "Forever and ever."And just like that, the giant, impossible wall that had sprung up between us these past few years finally crumbled away into rubble. There was still a journey ahead to rebuild what we had lost. But knowing we had each other's backs again, I knew there was nothing we couldn't overcome.High school is a tricky time of finding yourself, often at the expense of other important things like old friendships. Looking back, I realize how lucky I was that Jessica and I got one last chance to tear down the divide between us before heading our separate ways into the world. Because at the end of the day, she's my sister - perhaps not by blood, but by the bonds of a lifetime's worth of love and friendship that even years of conflict couldn't fully break.篇2A Clash of Wills: Learning to CompromiseWe've all been there – caught in the middle of a heated argument where neither side wants to back down. It's an uncomfortable feeling, one that makes your stomach twist into knots and your palms start to sweat. I found myself in one suchsituation not too long ago, and lemme tell ya, it was an experience I won't be forgetting anytime soon.It all started with a group project for my English Lit class. We had to analyze a classic novel and give a presentation on its major themes and literary devices. Sounds simple enough, right? Well, that's what I thought too, until I met my group members.There was Sarah, the overachiever who wanted everything to be perfect down to the last punctuation mark. Then there was Jack, the guy who showed up to our meetings looking like he had just rolled out of bed (which he probably had). And finally, there was me, just trying to keep the peace and get a decent grade.From the very first meeting, it was clear that Sarah and Jack were going to butt heads. Sarah had this intricate plan for how she wanted the presentation to go, complete with color-coded notes and a meticulously designed PowerPoint. Jack, on the other hand, didn't seem too bothered by the details. He just wanted to wing it and go with the flow."We can't just 'wing it', Jack!" Sarah would snap, her eyes narrowing behind her thick-rimmed glasses. "This is a major part of our grade. We need to have a solid game plan."Jack would just shrug and lean back in his chair, a lazy smirk playing on his lips. "Relax, Sarah. We've got this. No need to get your panties in a twist."I could practically see the steam coming out of Sarah's ears whenever Jack made one of his flippant remarks. As for me, I was stuck playing referee, trying to find some middle ground between their clashing personalities.Things came to a head a few days before our presentation. We were supposed to meet up to run through our final draft, but Jack was nowhere to be found. Sarah was fuming, pacing back and forth like a caged tiger."This is just like him!" she ranted, her hands clenched into tight fists. "He doesn't take anything seriously. He's going to ruin everything we've worked for!"I tried to play peacemaker, suggesting that maybe Jack had a valid reason for being late. But Sarah wasn't having any of it. She was determined to give Jack a piece of her mind when he finally showed up.And show up he did, about an hour later, looking as casual as ever. "Sorry, guys," he said with a sheepish grin. "I overslept."That was the final straw for Sarah. She unleashed a torrent of words, berating Jack for his lack of responsibility and disrespect for our hard work. Jack, being Jack, just shrugged it off and made a sarcastic comment that only added fuel to the fire.I sat there, feeling helpless as the two of them went back and forth, their voices escalating to full-blown shouting. It was like watching a tennis match, with insults and accusations being lobbed across the net.Finally, I'd had enough. "Guys, stop!" I shouted, holding up my hands in a gesture of surrender. "This is getting us nowhere."They both fell silent, glaring at me with matching looks of defiance. But I pressed on, determined to make them see reason."Look, I get it. You two have very different approaches to this project. But that doesn't mean we can't find a way to work together. Sarah, you're right – we need to have a solid plan and be prepared. But Jack's more relaxed attitude could help balance things out and keep us from getting too stressed."I looked between the two of them, hoping my words were sinking in. "The key is compromise. We all have to be willing to meet in the middle, to respect each other's strengths and weaknesses."For a moment, there was silence. Then, to my surprise, Sarah let out a long sigh and nodded. "You're right," she admitted grudgingly. "I may have been a little too... intense."Jack cracked a grin. "Yeah, and I could probably stand to put in a bit more effort."Just like that, the tension in the room started to dissipate. We spent the next few hours hammering out a game plan that incorporated both Sarah's meticulous attention to detail and Jack's more laid-back approach. By the time we wrapped up, we were all feeling cautiously optimistic about our presentation.The big day arrived, and I have to admit, I was a bundle of nerves. But as soon as we stepped up in front of the class, something clicked. Sarah took the lead, guiding us through her carefully crafted outline while Jack chimed in with his own insights and observations. It was a seamless blend of their two styles, and the presentation went off without a hitch.As we took our seats amid a smattering of applause, I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride. Not just in our achievement, but in the fact that we had managed to overcome our differences and work together as a team.Looking back on that experience, I realized that conflict is an inevitable part of life, especially when you're dealing with people from different backgrounds and with different personalities. The key is learning how to navigate those conflicts in a healthy, productive way.It's not about one person being right and the other being wrong. It's about finding common ground, being willing to compromise, and respecting each other's perspectives. It's about communication, empathy, and a willingness to see things from the other person's point of view.That's a lesson that extends far beyond the classroom. Whether it's in our personal relationships, our workplaces, or even on a global scale, the ability to find compromise and work through conflicts is essential. It's what allows us to grow, to learn from each other, and to move forward together.So the next time you find yourself caught in the middle of a heated argument, take a deep breath and try to see things from the other person's perspective. You might be surprised at how much common ground you can find when you're willing to meet in the middle.篇3An Unlikely FriendshipIt was the first day of my senior year of high school, and I couldn't wait for it to be over already. I had turned 18 over the summer and felt like I had completely outgrown this place - the small-town politics, the cliques, the immaturity of it all. As I walked through the front doors of Chester High for what would hopefully be the last time, I promised myself this year would be different. No more nonsense, no more drama. This was the final stretch before I could apply to colleges, leaving this one-horse town behind for bigger and better things.Of course, my plan for a peaceful, quiet year was derailed before I even made it to my first class. As I rounded the corner of the main hallway, I saw a crowd gathered, voices raised in a heated argument. At the center were Brittany Taylor and Jamal Washington, two people who couldn't have been more different.Brittany was a perfect example of the "pop-punk" look that had been popular for years - skater skirt, Converse hi-tops, bright blue hair, and more eyeliner than anybody really needs. Jamal, on the other hand, was a jock through-and-through. As co-captain of the football team, he was built like a truck and had the oversized athletic wear and arrogant swagger to match. How these two had even ended up in the same orbit was beyond me."Oh yeah?" Brittany was yelling, her face turning crimson. "Well at least I'm not some dumb jock who's going to end up working at Pizza Palace for the rest of his life!"Jamal recoiled as if he'd been slapped. "Better than being a trust-fund baby's little Goth pet!" he shot back.Pushing their way into the center of the fray were Brittany's best friends, two other "alt-girl" types who looked like eccentric aunts compared to the traditional preps and jocks of Chester High. "Leave her alone, you big gorilla!" one of them shouted, sticking a finger in Jamal's chest. The football player flinched but stood his ground, surrounded by a phalanx of his sneering teammates.It was like a scene out of a teen movie, where you could practically smell the hormones and brewing violence in the air. I should've just kept walking and stayed out of it, but something idiotic took over my brain. Before I knew it, I had pushed my way through to the center of the circle."Hey, hey, everyone just chill out!" I said, putting myself between the two warring groups. "This is stupid. What are you all even fighting about?"A hush fell over the crowd, as if they hadn't realized how ridiculous this whole display was until an impartial third party arrived. Brittany and Jamal both opened their mouths, then closed them again, unable to remember what had set them off in the first place. One of Jamal's friends spoke up from the back of the group."Jamal got paired up with the freak girl for the English project," he said with a laugh. "Can you blame him for spazzing out?"White-hot anger flared up in my chest. These idiots were really getting into a confrontation like this over something as petty as an English assignment? I rounded on the wise-guy jock who had piped up."Seriously, dude? You sound like a bunch of kindergarteners fighting over who got paired up as line leaders." I could feel my face growing red with anger and embarrassment for them. "It's a stupid project, who cares who you have to work with? Just get over yourselves."You could've heard a pin drop. The entire hallway was shocked into silence by my outburst, too stunned to react. Seizing the opportunity, I grabbed Brittany by the arm."C'mon, let's get out of here," I muttered, steering her away from the still-dumbfounded crowd. "These bozos aren't worth it."She stumbled after me, blinking in surprise but not protesting as I led her away from the scene. We didn't say a word until we reached the relative privacy of the stairwell, completely deserted as students rushed to get to their first classes."Thanks for that, I guess," she said at last, rubbing her arms in the cool air. "I shouldn't have lost my temper, but Jamal just...he really gets under my skin, you know?"I shrugged, already regretting my impulsive outburst and wishing I could disassociate myself from this mess. "Don't worry about it. Those guys are morons."She cracked a smile, seeming to relax for the first time since I'd intervened. Up close, I realized Brittany Taylor was actually kind of...well, not ugly, that's for sure. Her thick eyeliner framed a pair of startling green eyes, and once she stopped scowling her pale face had a delicate prettiness to it. Not my usual type, but still...easy on the eyes, if you went for that alt-punk thing.。
文章《母亲的高凳》读后感700字英文回答:"Mother's Chair" is a poignant and evocative short story by Jamaica Kincaid that explores the complex relationship between a mother and her daughter. The storyis told from the daughter's perspective, as she recalls her mother's death and her own childhood. The daughter reflects on her mother's strength and resilience, but also on the ways in which her mother's love was sometimes suffocating and oppressive.Kincaid's writing is spare and lyrical, and she uses vivid imagery and symbolism to create a rich and textured world. The story is full of sensory details, from the smell of the mangoes that the daughter's mother used to make jam, to the feel of the high stool that the daughter's mother used to sit on. These sensory details help to create a sense of place and atmosphere, and they also serve to evoke the daughter's own memories and emotions.The relationship between the mother and daughter in "Mother's Chair" is complex and multifaceted. The daughter loves her mother, but she also resents her at times. The mother is a strong and independent woman, but she is also possessive and controlling. The daughter struggles to find her own identity outside of her mother's shadow, and she often feels suffocated by her mother's love.In the end, the daughter comes to terms with hermother's death and her own complicated feelings towards her. She realizes that her mother was a flawed but loving woman, and that she was lucky to have had her in her life. The daughter also comes to understand that she is her own person, and that she is free to make her own choices."Mother's Chair" is a powerful and moving story about the complex relationship between a mother and her daughter. Kincaid's writing is both beautiful and insightful, and she creates a rich and textured world that is both familiar and strange. The story is sure to stay with you long after you finish reading it.中文回答:《母亲的高凳》是牙买加·金凯德的一篇感人而发人深省的短篇小说,探讨了母亲和女儿之间复杂的关系。
精读3 Unit 2 How Reading changed my life 课文及翻译 笔记模板
How Reading Changed My LifeI had a lovely childhood in a lovely place. The neighborhood where I grew up was the sort of place in which people dream of raising children—a small but satisfying spread of center—hall colonials, old roses, and quiet roads. We walked to school, wandered wild in the summer. We knew everyone and all their brothers and sisters, too. Some of the people I went to school with still live there.们都相互认识,包括大家的兄弟姐妹。
在那里我How many times had I gone up the steps to the guillotine with Sydney Carton as he went to that far, far better rest at the end of A Tale of Two Cities.我都记不清我曾多少次陪着西德尼·卡顿,像在《双城记》结尾处描写的那样,一步一步走上断头台,走向他所说的最好的休息。
Like so many of the other books I read, it never seemed to me like a book, but like a place I had lived in, had visited and would visit again, just as all the people in them, every blessed one-Anne of Green Gables, Heidi, Jay Gatsby, Elizabeth Bennett, Dill and Scout—were more real than the real people I knew. My home was in that pleasant place outside Philadelphia, but I really lived somewhere else. I lived within the covers of books and those books were more real to me than any other thing in my life. One poem committed to memory in grade school survives in my mind. It is by Emily Dickinson: "There is no Frigate like a book / To take us Lands away / Nor any coursers like a Page / Of prancing Poetry."就像我读过的很多其他书一样,它对我而言从不像是本书,而是一个我居住过、访问过,而且以后还要重访的地方。
A thesis submitted toin partial fulfillmentof the requirementfor the degree ofMaster of Engineering窗边的女孩普利策新闻奖2009年获奖作品特写报道第一部分:野人女孩普兰特城——在有人第一次看见窗户上的孩子的脸之前,这个家庭已经在破败的出租屋里居住了三年。
普兰特城警官Mark Holste和他年轻的搭档到旧悉尼大街的这所房子参与一起虐童案的调查,他已经工作了18个年头。
美女在机场接女儿英语作文Beautiful Woman Meeting Her Daughter at the Airport。
As the plane landed at the bustling airport, abeautiful woman stood anxiously at the arrival gate, eagerly awaiting the arrival of her daughter. Her eyes were filled with excitement and anticipation as she scanned the crowd, hoping to catch a glimpse of her beloved child.The woman, whose name was Sarah, had not seen her daughter in over a year. Her daughter, Emily, had been studying abroad and was finally returning home for a visit. Sarah could hardly contain her excitement as she thought about the reunion that was about to take place.As the passengers began to disembark from the plane, Sarah's heart raced with anticipation. She clutched a bouquet of flowers in her hand, a gift she had prepared for her daughter as a token of her love and affection. Finally, she saw Emily emerging from the crowd, her face lighting upwith joy as she spotted her mother waiting for her.The two women embraced each other tightly, tears of joy streaming down their faces. Sarah held Emily at arm's length, taking in her daughter's radiant smile and the sparkle in her eyes. Emily had grown into a beautiful young woman, and Sarah was overwhelmed with pride and happiness at the sight of her.As they made their way through the airport, Sarah and Emily chatted excitedly, catching up on all the events that had transpired during their time apart. Sarah listened intently as Emily shared stories of her adventures abroad, her studies, and the new friends she had made. Sarah, in turn, shared updates about the family, their home, and all the things that had changed since Emily had been away.As they reached the exit of the airport, Sarah presented the bouquet of flowers to Emily, who was touched by the gesture. The two women made their way to the car, chatting and laughing as they drove home. Sarah couldn't stop smiling as she looked at her daughter, feelinggrateful for the precious time they had together.Back at home, Sarah and Emily spent the evening catching up and enjoying a delicious home-cooked meal. They laughed, reminisced, and shared their hopes and dreams for the future. Sarah marveled at the woman her daughter had become, and Emily expressed her gratitude for the love and support she had received from her mother.As the evening drew to a close, Sarah tucked Emily into bed, feeling grateful for the chance to have her daughter back home. As she kissed Emily goodnight, Sarah knew that the bond between them was unbreakable, and that no matter where life took them, they would always be there for each other.In the days that followed, Sarah and Emily made the most of their time together, creating cherished memories and strengthening their mother-daughter bond. As Emily's visit came to an end, Sarah accompanied her back to the airport, feeling a mixture of happiness and sadness at the prospect of saying goodbye once again.As they hugged each other tightly before Emily boarded her flight, Sarah felt a sense of contentment knowing that their love and connection would endure, no matter the distance between them. With tears in her eyes, Sarah watched as Emily disappeared through the departure gate, knowing that their reunion at the airport was just the beginning of many more beautiful moments to come.In conclusion, the reunion between Sarah and Emily at the airport was a heartwarming and joyous occasion, filled with love, laughter, and cherished memories. It was a reminder of the unbreakable bond between a mother and her daughter, and the enduring strength of their connection. As Sarah waved goodbye to Emily, she knew that their love would always bring them back together, no matter the distance.。
Robinson Crusoe,Trollope,Jamaica Kincaid,Theodore Roosevelt人物介绍英文ppt
Jamaica Kபைடு நூலகம்ncaid Theodore Roosevelt
-Group 3
Robinson Crusoe Trollope
Jamaica Kincaid Theodore Roosevelt
-Group 3
Robinson Crusoe
This is a novel by the English author Daniel Defoe, published in 1719. It is one of the most popular adventure novels in all literature. It is the story of Robinson Crusoe, an Englishman who is shipwrecked in a lonely tropical island. He builds himself a hut, grows his own food, and becomes selfsufficient. After 23 years he meets with a group of cannibals and rescues one of their prisoners, a young native whom he calls They become close friends, and when they are finally rescued four years later, both return to England.
In 1973 Kincaid for the first time as the "Girl Magazine" write a series of articles, and the "Village Voice" writing the music criticism. The family has always been opposed to her writing, she was renamed Jamaica Kincaid. Kincaid made "New York guest" writer George Thatcher , and made the acquaintance of William Xiao En of the editor of the journal, then began working in "New York guest". Later Kincaid married with a professor.
第38卷第3期Vol.38No.3长春师范大学学报Journal of Changchun Normal University2019年3月Mar.2019愤怒的女性身体书写牙买加 琴凯德«我母亲的自传»解读卢梓雅(华南师范大学外国语言文化学院ꎬ广东广州510631)[摘㊀要]牙买加 琴凯德的小说«我母亲的自传»中充斥着对女性身体的描写ꎮ在大胆而赤裸的描绘中ꎬ作者通过主人公雪拉宣泄出内心对父权制与殖民主义双重桎梏的愤怒与反抗情绪ꎮ本文运用法国女性主义作家埃莱娜 西苏的女性书写理论ꎬ分析«我母亲的自传»中作者对女主人公的身体描写ꎬ解读文中雪拉如何一步步从保护自己表达自我ꎬ到与不公的命运抗争并且构建自我身份ꎬ乃至最终铸成击败父权制与殖民主义的利剑ꎮ[关键词]牙买加 琴凯德ꎻ«我母亲的自传»ꎻ埃莱娜 西苏ꎻ女性书写[中图分类号]I712.074㊀㊀[文献标志码]A㊀㊀[文章编号]2095-7602(2019)03-0144-04出生于西印度群岛的美国女作家牙买加 琴凯德(JamaicaKincaid)是当代加勒比文学代表人物之一ꎬ也是当代英语文学界举足轻重的作家之一ꎮ由于家庭环境所迫ꎬ琴凯德被迫辍学外出谋生ꎬ但她不向命运低头ꎬ最终挣脱了现实的束缚ꎮ从1976年开始ꎬ琴凯德成为«纽约客»杂志长达20年的定期撰稿人ꎮ与此同时ꎬ她开始发表著作ꎬ迄今为止已出版23部作品ꎬ其中«在河底»(AttheBottomoftheRiverꎬ1978)㊁«安妮 琼»(An ̄nieJohn:ANovelꎬ1983)㊁«露西»(Lucyꎬ1990)以及«我母亲的自传»(TheAutobiographyofMyMotherꎬ1996)构成了琴凯德的 安提瓜四部曲 ꎮ小说«我母亲的自传»(TheAutobiographyofMyMother)出版于1996年ꎬ 耗费了金凯德五年的写作时间ꎬ为其赢得了广泛认可ꎬ被认为是她最好的一部作品ꎬ一度跻身美国畅销书排行榜 [1]ꎮ此小说具有浓厚的自传色彩ꎬ读者透过主人公雪拉孤独悲怆的一生ꎬ可深切体会到作者原生家庭的冷酷不仁ꎮ故事的背景设置于先后被英法殖民统治㊁现为英联邦成员国的多米尼克岛国ꎮ在雪拉的人生画卷中ꎬ总是交织缠绕着残酷无情的人和事:母亲用陨落的生命换来雪拉的降生ꎬ痛失爱妻的父亲将生活寄托于追名逐利之中ꎬ只把她交予奶妈照顾ꎻ幼小的雪拉不仅要在家中与恶毒的继母斗智斗勇ꎬ在学校还得面对老师和同学的排挤欺压ꎮ更可悲的是ꎬ在成长过程中唯一使她感受到母爱温暖的人 拉巴特夫人(MadameLaBatte)ꎬ也暴露出其关怀背后的意图 想让年轻健康的雪拉成为讨好她丈夫并为其生育孩子的工具ꎮ雪拉从降生于世上便是孑然一身ꎬ求不得任何温暖的庇护ꎬ 她的生命就随着母亲的死变成了一个不断丧失抑或被剥夺的过程ꎬ这个世界留给她的只有愤怒 [1]ꎬ于是雪拉不止一次地体会到 在这样的一个地方ꎬ只有野蛮暴虐可以传承下去ꎬ人们唯一可以不计成本给予彼此的ꎬ是残酷无情 [2]ꎮ雪拉逐渐长大成人ꎬ她拒绝接受父亲给她安排的未来ꎬ以反抗的态度对男性予以性的报复ꎬ最后在其白人丈夫菲力(Philip)身边带着胜利者的姿态但又不无悲怆愤懑地度过自己的余生ꎮ作为美籍加勒比文学代表作家ꎬ琴凯德自然在美国学术界占有一席之地ꎮ国内学者谷红丽于文献综述中[收稿日期]2018-11-12[作者简介]卢梓雅ꎬ女ꎬ硕士研究生ꎬ从事英美文学研究ꎮ441指出美国学界 对于«我母亲的自传»的研究视角大多集中在小说中所表现的母女关系㊁自传体写作模式㊁语言的作用㊁加勒比地区的种族关系㊁女性主体意识的建构等方面 [3]ꎮ而国内学者大多从后殖民主义视角剖析雪拉面对殖民主义的压迫ꎬ如何作为一名少数族裔的代言人发声ꎮ除此视角以外ꎬ不少研究成果从创伤理论或成长小说的角度探讨雪拉如何从一个自幼丧母孤苦无依的小女孩逐渐成长为一位独立冷漠甚至常含愤怒的女性ꎬ其余的研究成果则通过叙事学㊁精神分析等视角解读作品或分析作品的语言风格ꎮ除了上述研究视角ꎬ作品中的女性主义内涵也是一大研究重点:国内的相关研究大多把关注点放在雪拉如何在父权制的压迫中反抗并构建自己的女性身份ꎬ最终蜕变成一名桀骜不驯的女性ꎬ但几乎没有学者把关注点放在雪拉的 身体 上ꎮ笔者认为ꎬ雪拉充满女性特质与力量的身体值得更多关注ꎮ在琴凯德大胆的笔触中ꎬ雪拉用自己的身体写作出对父权制乃至整个殖民体系的不满与愤怒ꎮ本文通过分析这部小说中的女性身体书写ꎬ意图以女性主义视角展示女性如何通过对自身身体的书写建构自己的话语和身份ꎬ对父权制和殖民主义的双重压迫打出石破天惊的一炮ꎮ一㊁西苏及其女性书写理论:让女性的语言自由地飞翔20世纪70年代中期ꎬ一块瑰宝在女权主义运动的第二次浪潮中被洗练雕琢出来:法国作家㊁女权主义文学批评家埃莱娜 西苏(HélèneCixous)提出了 女性书写 (L écriturefeminine)这一概念ꎮ西苏的女性书写理论 从根本上认清了女性在父权文化中所处的被压抑㊁被消音的地位ꎬ它批判阳具逻辑中心主义(Phallogo ̄centrism)的认知方式和再现方式ꎬ呼吁女性言说身体和欲望 ꎮ从致思方式㊁批评话语㊁书写实践㊁理论命题和性别政治的层面ꎬ西苏的理论 批判和挑战父权文化的线性逻辑和现有秩序ꎬ为女性书写正名ꎬ确立了女性创作的合法地位ꎬ匡正了文学研究的性别维度ꎬ期待建立新型的两性关系 [4]ꎮ西苏主要通过«新诞生的青年女子»(LaJeuneNéeꎬ1975)㊁«美杜莎的笑声»(LeRiredelaMéduseꎬ1975)㊁«阉割还是斩首»(LeSexeoulatêteꎬ1976)等论著阐明自己的女性主义视角和观点ꎮ其中讨论女性书写最集中的文章是«美杜莎的笑声»ꎬ其法语原文于1975年发表在L Arc杂志上ꎻ次年ꎬ该文章被译成英文发表于«符号:文化与社会中的女性»杂志中(Sign:JournalofWomeninCultureandSociety)[4]ꎮ文章发表后受到学术界的广泛关注和引用ꎬ产生了重要影响ꎬ堪称女性书写的宣言书ꎮ在«美杜莎的笑声»中ꎬ西苏明确地对女性写作者提出了呼吁: 妇女必须写妇女ꎮ男人则写男人ꎮ她必须写她自己ꎬ因为这是开创一种新的反叛的写作 [5]ꎮ西苏并非建立了一个空中楼阁ꎬ她在文中具体地说明妇女应该如何进行写作: 妇女必须通过她们的身体来写作ꎬ她们必须创造无法攻破的语言ꎬ这语言将摧毁隔阂㊁等级㊁花言巧语和清规戒律 [5]ꎮ为何必须用女性的身体进行写作?只因自古以来ꎬ父权制把女性物化为 黑暗大陆 (continentnoir)ꎮ在这大陆上ꎬ一切都是漆黑㊁蒙昧的ꎬ妇女只能在男人制定的规则内扮演自己的角色:男人是阳光和权力ꎬ而女人只能是黑暗与屈从ꎮ由父权制规定的句法学所创造的词句早已深刻地烙上了男人的印记ꎬ因此女性只能拿出自己独有的武器 女性那独一无二的胴体ꎮ 男人们说有两样东西是无法表现的:死亡和女性ꎮ那是因为他们需要把死亡与女性联结起来 [5]ꎻ西苏在洞悉了这一切后呼吁女性用自己的身体写作ꎬ通过这种颠覆传统的写作ꎬ 妇女将返回到自己的身体 [5]ꎮ由于女性自身的情感和欲望被强大的男性话语所规范和禁锢ꎬ所以西苏呼吁要用 白色的墨汁 来书写女性的身体ꎮ 此处的 白色墨汁 并没有虚幻和空洞的意指ꎬ而是暗指作为善良品格之源的母亲的乳汁ꎬ她来自身体的冲动ꎬ是哺育新生命的源泉ꎬ是女性写作的内驱力和原动力 [6]ꎮ在文章的结尾部分ꎬ西苏抛出一句振奋人心的呼吁: 飞翔(voler)是妇女的姿态 用语言飞翔也让语言飞翔 [5]ꎻ在法语中ꎬ voler 一词具有双重含义:既指 飞翔 ꎬ又指 偷盗 ꎮ西苏一语双关指出妇女必须先 偷 (借用)男性的话语和符号ꎬ才能创造出真正属于女性的语言实现 飞翔 (超越)的最终目标ꎮ琴凯德的小说«我母亲的自传»被不少评论家认为是一部 燃烧着反抗的怒火 的作品ꎬ而这愤怒的反抗正如西苏所言ꎬ是用 白色的墨汁 ꎬ用女性蕴含着独特力量的身体以及运用 偷来 的男性话语和逻辑符号写作的ꎮ二㊁«我母亲的自传»:一个书写女性身体的文本«我母亲的自传»对雪拉的人物塑造自始至终充斥着对其身体的细致描写ꎬ这些大胆而真实的描写从侧541面表现出雪拉对现实的叛逆反抗ꎮ在继母粗鲁地教年幼的雪拉如何清洗身体时ꎬ雪拉开始以反叛的方式宣告自我的存在ꎬ捍卫自己的权利: 我喜欢一切他们让我厌恶的东西ꎬ而且对之最为喜欢ꎮ我喜欢我厚厚的耳垢散发出来的气味ꎬ喜欢我没有洗漱过的嘴巴散发出来的气味ꎬ喜欢从双腿间㊁从腋窝和没洗过的脚丫散发出来的味道 [2]ꎬ这种童稚的叛逆源于对自己肉体和心灵的保护ꎮ随着雪拉逐渐长大ꎬ这种故意留下属于自己的气味的方式已不能满足她对自我欣赏与认同的需要ꎬ她开始探索人类的性本能 力比多 以寻求自我慰藉ꎬ进一步自我保护和认同: 爱抚自己全身上下ꎬ发出不允许任何人听见的愉悦的喘息声 [2]ꎮ随着雪拉逐渐成长ꎬ她的身体愈趋成熟ꎬ精神也愈加坚强独立ꎮ琴凯德的笔锋也逐渐加大了力道ꎬ因反抗而升起的烈火开始燃烧ꎮ随着初潮的到来ꎬ雪拉已长成一位亭亭玉立㊁颇具吸引力的少女ꎬ收留她的拉巴特先生和夫人也起了要掌控这一年轻鲜活生命的念头ꎮ在一天薄暮弥漫之时ꎬ年方十五的雪拉与拉巴特先生有了第一次肌肤之亲ꎮ这一体验让雪拉明白何为痛苦㊁何为愉悦ꎬ也让她感受到 (性爱的)现实比单纯的期待要美好ꎬ整个世界因此变得更加圆满ꎬ这份圆满伴随着一股流遍全身的暖流ꎬ一股纯粹欢愉的暖流 [2]ꎮ这段对雪拉的第一次性描写为小说之后的许多相当大胆赤裸的身体及性描写拉开了序幕ꎮ可以说ꎬ雪拉之后遇到的每一个男人ꎬ与他们发生的每一次性爱ꎬ都富有层次地体现出她的心理变化及其对男人㊁对父权制乃至对殖民主义的激烈反抗ꎮ后来ꎬ雪拉在得知自己怀上拉巴特先生的孩子之后ꎬ下定决心离开他们家ꎬ找到药婆服下堕胎药ꎬ 从双腿间流出来的血缓慢而持续ꎬ像一泓永不止歇的泉水 [2]ꎮ在这段对身体的细致描写中ꎬ雪拉那因疼痛而扭曲得辨不清的表情和蜷缩成一团的小小的身子跃然纸上ꎮ 这痛楚是我从未想象过的ꎬ似乎这就是用来定义何为痛楚ꎬ其他的痛都只是对它的指代㊁对它的模仿㊁对它的强烈期待 [2]ꎮ这场坚决的堕胎可视为雪拉告别童稚㊁告别软弱的悲壮的仪式ꎬ自此真正有力量掌控自己命运的雪拉正式站上人生的舞台ꎮ这段描写简洁直白而有力ꎬ那 一泓永不止歇的泉水 冲走了雪拉的蒙昧无知与犹豫彷徨ꎬ却带来了一个蜕变的自我ꎮ 从那时起我便成了一个新的人ꎬ我知道了从前不知道的事ꎬ我知道了只有你经历过我所经历过的事之后才能知道的事ꎮ我靠我自己的双手掌控我自己的人生 [2]ꎮ雪拉的反抗斗争由此真正地打响ꎮ一生下来就被送到清洁女工家ꎬ后来被父亲当作一项交易辗转送往另一户人家ꎬ因此雪拉痛恨父权制ꎬ对受其摆布的命运感到愤怒不已ꎬ于是她开始用自己独特的方式对男人进行报复和反抗ꎮ得知同父异母妹妹在与情人幽会的途中失足掉落悬崖导致终身残疾和失明ꎬ雪拉心中可怜妹妹的愚蠢又憎恨该男子的狠心ꎬ于是她找到了他并以性的方式加以报复ꎮ在结束之后ꎬ雪拉无比藐视妹妹的情人 一个自负自私㊁空洞无物的男人ꎮ 他的双手无法提供欢愉ꎬ甚至无法引起兴趣ꎻ他的双唇宽厚而慷慨ꎬ但它们只能满足它们自己 [2]ꎮ正是对男性身体及话语的否定和反抗ꎬ使得雪拉脚下的大地抬高了ꎬ女性的地位得到了提升ꎬ不再是绝对的卑微和服从ꎮ同样的打击被雪拉反复施加在不同男人身上ꎬ以反抗其一直以来对女人的控制与欺压ꎮ三㊁雪拉:愤怒而孤独的胜利者雪拉的愤怒和反抗集中体现在她与丈夫菲力(Philip)的关系上ꎬ全书伴随炽热的女性写作至此达到爆发的高潮ꎮ雪拉成为父亲的朋友菲力医生的助手后ꎬ住在他家并与其发生了亲密关系ꎮ后来两人结为夫妇ꎬ但这不是出于爱ꎬ而是出于征服和报复ꎮ在两人的关系中ꎬ雪拉步步紧逼ꎬ外表散发着女性独特的魅力和光芒ꎬ内心却化身为一把划破性别与种族藩篱的利剑ꎮ当菲力滔滔不绝赞美他的花园或回忆在英国的时光时ꎬ雪拉会厌烦地 展开攻势 ꎬ以性的吸引来打断并否定菲力的话语ꎬ以顶天立地的姿势 命令 (order)菲力来满足自己[2]ꎮ雪拉从自己的身体汲取勇气和力量ꎬ并以之为武器ꎬ一次次地 命令 (made)菲力转换各种令她满足的姿势ꎮ在这过程中ꎬ只有雪拉发出各种声音ꎬ而菲力是彻底沉默的ꎬ除了 有时呢喃我(雪拉)的名字 ꎬ就像是 他被我的名字所发出的声音禁锢住了 [2]ꎮ由此可见ꎬ雪拉确实迸发出强大到不可思议的力量:作为一名深肤色的加勒比女性ꎬ雪拉在深受父权制和殖民主义控制的西印度群岛上ꎬ面对白人男性菲力ꎬ无论在种族㊁性别还是阶级与社会地位方面ꎬ理论上都无法与之抗衡ꎻ但事实正相反ꎬ在两人的性关系中ꎬ雪拉从头到尾掌控着主导权ꎬ她使菲力臣服于其 石榴裙 下ꎬ以身体作为武器终止了 强大 的男性话语ꎮ在琴凯德对菲力的描述中ꎬ无论是从 力比多 的角度 他跟我认识的大多数男人一样ꎬ对这项他并不在行的活动十分着 641迷 [2]ꎬ还是对其身体特征的描写 头发㊁皮肤㊁血管㊁鼻子 等ꎬ都以批判及反抗的态度宣告其并非力量和美感的存在ꎮ雪拉以女性的身份居高临下地蔑视和批判不可一世的父权制和殖民主义ꎬ她对菲力的爱予以愤怒的报复和打击ꎬ从身体和精神上摧毁这个象征着殖民主义和父权制的白人男子: 他看起来不像我能够爱的人ꎬ他也不像我应该爱的人ꎬ所以我决定了我不能够也不应该爱他 [2]ꎮ除了跟丈夫菲力以征服和反抗为性质的关系之外ꎬ雪拉还与一名黑人男子罗兰(Roland)发生过一段浪漫关系ꎬ不同的是这次是出于 爱情 ꎮ较之菲力ꎬ雪拉对罗兰的感情更为复杂ꎬ罗兰一出场便被形容为 一个与菲力相反的男人 [2]ꎮ或许因为他跟雪拉一样有着深色皮肤ꎬ且过着同样被生活欺压而不幸福的日子ꎬ雪拉才会在避雨时对他一见钟情ꎻ或许因为他是个风流成性的男人ꎬ雪拉想用自己独特的方式为女人复仇才生出了这 爱情 ꎮ一方面ꎬ雪拉认同罗兰 从对他外貌特征的欣赏ꎬ到对他身份的认同: 他不是一个英雄 他只是别人的历史里的一个小风波ꎬ但他是一个男人 [2]ꎬ都体现出雪拉对他的爱慕和认同ꎮ另一方面ꎬ尽管有了种族和阶级的认同ꎬ雪拉仍然以反抗父权制强有力的手腕对罗兰予以反击ꎬ以自己旺盛的性欲与罗兰并不持久的体能作对比ꎻ又以拒绝为罗兰怀孩子的方式终止生命由男人赐予并听命于男人的父权制话语ꎬ 我对它(生理期)每个月的到来和结束很有把握ꎬ但他却是满脸夹杂着困惑㊁惊讶和失败的表情 [2]ꎮ四㊁结语琴凯德笔下的雪拉是一个彻底的 女勇士 ꎬ她不满㊁不甘于男权和殖民主义的欺压与摆布ꎬ勇敢地以自己的身体和灵魂为武器抗争ꎮ女性的 黑暗大陆 之所以黑ꎬ不是因为她本身是黑的ꎬ而是不屑甚或不敢探索的男人规定她是黑的ꎻ女人可以征服男人ꎬ男人同样可以臣服于女人ꎮ在«我母亲的自传»中ꎬ以雪拉为代表的加勒比妇女在女性书写中找到了存在的依据ꎮ她们活在被强大的男性和殖民话语笼罩的时空ꎬ但仍然能在历史的边界获取话语表达的方式ꎮ前殖民地的妇女抬头仰望深邃的夜空ꎬ心中却燃起热烈的火焰ꎬ她们仿佛看见西苏挥动着手中的旗帜呐喊: 写吧ꎬ写你自己![参考文献][1]路文彬.愤怒之外一无所有 美国作家金凯德及其新作«我母亲的自传»[J].外国文学动态ꎬ2004(3):21-26. [2]KincaidꎬJamaica.TheAutobiographyofMyMother[M].NewYork:FarrarꎬStraussꎬandGirouxꎬ1996.[3]谷红丽.一个逆写殖民主义话语的文本 牙买加 金凯德的小说«我母亲的自传»解读[J].外国语言文学ꎬ2012(3):190-195.[4]刘岩.女性书写[J].外国文学ꎬ2012(6):88-90.[5]埃莱娜 西苏.美杜莎的笑声[A].张京媛.当代女性主义文学批评[M].北京:北京大学出版社ꎬ1992:188-211. [6]王晓霞.让写作自由地飞翔 埃莱娜 西克苏 女性书写 解读[J].名作欣赏ꎬ2013(23):104-105.FeminineWritinginFuryAnAnalysisofTheAutobiographyofMyMotherLUZi-ya(SchoolofForeignStudiesꎬSouthChinaNormalUniversityꎬGuangzhouGuangdong510631ꎬChina)Abstract:ThedescriptionoffemalebodyoccupiesasignificantportioninTheAutobiographyofMyMotherbyJamaicaKincaid.Bymak ̄ingboldandsharpdepictionoftheprotagonistXuela sbodyꎬtheauthoraimstorevealthewrathandrevoltagainstpatriarchyandcolo ̄nism.ApplyingFrenchfeministHélèneCixous stheoryoffemininewritingꎬthisresearchattemptstoprobeintotheprocessofXuela sstrugglingfromprotectingherselfꎬfightingagainstherfateandconstructingself-identitytotheutmostdefianceagainstpatriarchyandcolonismthroughtheanalysisofthedescriptionofXuela sbody.Keywords:JamaicaKincaidꎻTheAutobiographyofMyMotherꎻHélèneCixousꎻfemininewriting741。
two kinds
小说《两类人》里的母女冲突<转自书斋原创天下>文/ 紫色王家思絮絮在小说《两类人》("two kinds") 里,作者美藉华裔小说家谭恩美(amy tan) 描述了一对住在加州的母女之间的关系和冲突。
故事的主人公吴景梅(景梅"珠妮",jing-mei "june" woo) 的母亲在中国出生长大,后来因为中国政局动荡的缘故而移居美国。
事实上这个故事只不过是作者的畅销书《喜福会》("the joy luck club")系列故事中的一个而已。
该书以包括景梅母女在内的四对在美的华裔母女为中心,分别描述她们几个家庭几十年的遭遇和矛盾冲突(tan 11)。
《两类人》是《喜福会》里的第八个故事,这本畅销书“交织了家庭里的女性因为代沟和不同的文化背景而导致的错综复杂的关系和矛盾” (schilb 346),这些故事基本上也是根据作者谭恩美亲身的家庭矛盾和中美之间的文化冲突而完成的。
在小说《两类人》("Two Kinds") 里,作者美藉华裔小说家谭恩美 (Amy Tan) 描述了一对住在加州的母女之间的关系和冲突。
故事的主人公吴景梅 (景梅 "珠妮",Jing-mei "June" Woo) 的母亲在中国出生长大,后来因为中国政局动荡的缘故而移居美国。
事实上这个故事只不过是作者的畅销书《喜福会》 ("The Joy Luck Club")系列故事中的一个而已。
该书以包括景梅母女在内的四对在美的华裔母女为中心,分别描述她们几个家庭几十年的遭遇和矛盾冲突 (Tan 11)。
《两类人》是《喜福会》里的第八个故事,这本畅销书“交织了家庭里的女性因为代沟和不同的文化背景而导致的错综复杂的关系和矛盾” (Schilb 346),这些故事基本上也是根据作者谭恩美亲身的家庭矛盾和中美之间的文化冲突而完成的。
毫无疑问,天下所有的母亲,不论背景文化如何,都多少有一个共同的心愿: 希望自己的孩子有一个美好的未来,正所谓可怜天下慈母心。
2502019年38期总第478期文艺研究ENGLISH ON CAMPUS噩梦笼罩下的抵抗——“第三空间”理论视角下《露西》中主人公的身份建构研究文/刘 欢 陈李萍【摘要】《露西》是加勒比女作家牙买加·金凯德的半自传体小说,作者以“露西”言自身,叙述流散异国的加勒比女孩如何在多重文化中寻找自己的定位。
引言《露西》(Lucy)是牙买加·金凯德(Jamaica Kincaid)于1990年出版的作品,是流散写作的典型代表。
此前,关于《露西》的研究主要集中于三个方面:一是母女关系,联系金凯德个人经历,解读母亲形象,对母女关系作出政治解读(Fulani, 2011);二是性别与权力,聚焦少数族裔女性,隐喻性地探讨安提瓜与英国殖民地历史、当代帝国主义的关系(Nichols, 2009);三是文本叙事策略,分析小说的叙事手法及其作用,如《露西》中双重不可靠叙述的分析(申昌英&王绵绵, 2014)。
外国著名作家的英语作文写的绝美英语文章全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Title: A Glimpse into the Works of Foreign Famous WritersIntroductionLiterature has the power to transport us to different worlds, introduce us to diverse characters, and evoke a myriad of emotions. The works of foreign famous writers have left an indelible mark on the world of literature, captivating readers with their unique storytelling and powerful narratives. In this essay, we will explore the lives and works of some of the most renowned foreign writers and delve into the beauty and complexity of their writings.Russian Literature: Leo TolstoyLeo Tolstoy, one of the greatest Russian writers of all time, is best known for his epic novels "War and Peace" and "Anna Karenina." Tolstoy's works are characterized by their profound insights into human nature, moral dilemmas, and the complexities of Russian society in the 19th century. His rich and vivid descriptions of characters and settings transport readers tothe world of imperial Russia, where love, war, and philosophical musings intertwine to create timeless masterpieces.French Literature: Victor HugoVictor Hugo, a prominent figure in French literature, is celebrated for his novels, plays, and poetry. His most famous work, "Les Misérables," is a poignant tale of love, redemption, and revolution set against the backdrop of 19th-century France. Hugo's lyrical prose and vivid imagery bring to life the struggles of the marginalized and downtrodden, while his impassioned pleas for social justice and compassion resonate with readers around the world.British Literature: Jane AustenJane Austen, the beloved English novelist, is renowned for her witty and incisive portrayals of Regency-era society. Her novels, including "Pride and Prejudice" and "Emma," are cherished for their sharp social commentary, memorable characters, and timeless themes of love and marriage. Austen's keen observations of human behavior and her satirical wit have earned her a lasting place in the canon of English literature, captivating readers with her charm and elegance.American Literature: Mark TwainMark Twain, the iconic American author, is best known for his classic novels "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" and "Adventures of Huckleberry Finn." Twain's satirical wit, keen sense of humor, and keen eye for social commentary make his works both entertaining and thought-provoking. Through the adventures of his beloved characters, Twain explores themes of freedom, friendship, and the complexities of race and identity in 19th-century America, leaving readers with a deeper understanding of the human experience.ConclusionThe works of foreign famous writers continue to inspire, enlighten, and challenge readers around the world with their timeless insights and universal themes. From the lush landscapes of imperial Russia to the bustling streets of 19th-century Paris, from the elegant estates of Regency England to the rugged frontier of America, these writers transport us to different eras and cultures, inviting us to explore the depths of human experience and the complexities of the human heart. As we delve into the works of these literary giants, we are reminded of the enduring power of storytelling to connect us, uplift us, and inspire us to seek truth, beauty, and meaning in our own lives.篇2Famous Foreign WritersLiterature is a universal language that speaks to the hearts and minds of people all over the world. It has the power to transport us to different times and places, to make us laugh, cry, and think deeply about the human experience. Throughout history, there have been many foreign writers who have made significant contributions to the world of literature with their unique voices and perspectives. In this article, we will explore the lives and works of some of these famous foreign writers.One of the most celebrated foreign writers is Gabriel Garcia Marquez, a Colombian author known for his magical realist novels such as "One Hundred Years of Solitude" and "Love in the Time of Cholera." Marquez's writing is characterized by its richly detailed settings, vivid characters, and intricate plots that blur the line between reality and fantasy. His works explore themes of love, family, and the passage of time, and have earned him countless awards and accolades, including the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1982.Another iconic foreign writer is Leo Tolstoy, a Russian author best known for his epic novels "War and Peace" and "Anna Karenina." Tolstoy's writing is marked by its philosophical depth, moral complexity, and social critique of 19th-century Russiansociety. His works grapple with themes of love, war, politics, and spirituality, and have had a profound influence on literature and thought around the world.Moving on to another famous foreign writer, we have Franz Kafka, a Czech author renowned for his surrealist and existentialist works such as "The Metamorphosis" and "The Trial." Kafka's writing is characterized by its nightmarish scenarios, absurd situations, and exploration of the individual's struggle against oppressive systems and forces beyond their control. His works have inspired countless interpretations and adaptations, and continue to resonate with readers for their deep psychological insight.One more foreign writer worth mentioning is Haruki Murakami, a Japanese author known for his surreal and enigmatic novels such as "Norwegian Wood" and "Kafka on the Shore." Murakami's writing blends elements of fantasy, mystery, and pop culture with themes of loneliness, alienation, and the search for meaning in a rapidly changing world. His works have garnered international acclaim and a devoted global following, making him one of the most popular and influential contemporary writers.In conclusion, foreign writers have enriched the world of literature with their diverse voices, perspectives, and styles. From magical realism to existentialism, these authors have captured the human experience in all its beauty, complexity, and darkness. Their works continue to inspire and provoke readers, challenging us to see the world in new ways and to reflect on our own lives and beliefs. As we delve into the works of these famous foreign writers, we are reminded of the power of literature to connect us across borders and cultures, and to illuminate the shared humanity that unites us all.篇3Famous Foreign Writers in English LiteratureEnglish literature has been enriched by the works of many talented foreign writers. From classic novels to powerful poems, these writers have made significant contributions to the literary world. In this article, we will explore some of the most famous foreign writers in English literature and their iconic works.Gabriel Garcia Marquez is a Colombian writer known for his magical realism style of writing. His most famous work, "One Hundred Years of Solitude," tells the story of the Buendia family over seven generations in the fictional town of Macondo.Through Garcia Marquez's vivid descriptions and engaging storytelling, readers are transported to a world where the lines between reality and fantasy are blurred.Another renowned foreign writer is Chinua Achebe from Nigeria. Achebe's novel "Things Fall Apart" is a powerful exploration of the effects of colonization on African society. By portraying the story of Okonkwo, a proud Igbo warrior, Achebe challenges Western stereotypes of Africa and presents a more nuanced perspective of African culture and history.Russian writer Leo Tolstoy is also a major figure in English literature. His epic novels, such as "War and Peace" and "Anna Karenina," are considered masterpieces of world literature. Through his intricate characterization and detailed descriptions, Tolstoy captures the complexity of human emotions and relationships, making his works enduring classics that continue to resonate with readers today.Jamaican-born author Jamaica Kincaid is known for her powerful and provocative writing. In her novel "A Small Place," Kincaid offers a scathing critique of colonialism and its lingering effects on the Caribbean island of Antigua. Through her sharp wit and unflinching observations, Kincaid challenges readers toconfront uncomfortable truths about power, privilege, and identity.Irish writer James Joyce is another foreign writer who has left a lasting impact on English literature. His experimental novel "Ulysses" is a modernist masterpiece that pushes the boundaries of narrative form and language. By exploring the inner thoughts and experiences of his characters, Joyce creates a rich and complex portrait of Dublin in the early 20th century.These are just a few examples of the many talented foreign writers who have made their mark on English literature. Through their innovative storytelling, vivid imagery, and profound insights, these writers have enriched the literary landscape and continue to inspire readers and writers around the world. Let us celebrate their contributions and honor their legacy in the world of literature.。
The enchanting career of a girl is a narrative that often captures the imagination of many,as it intertwines elements of fantasy,ambition,and the pursuit of ones dreams. Heres a detailed account of such a story:Once upon a time,in a small town nestled between rolling hills and a tranquil lake,there lived a young girl named Elara.From a young age,Elara was captivated by the world of magic and the unknown.She spent her days lost in the pages of ancient tomes,her nights gazing at the stars,and her heart filled with the desire to explore the mysteries of the universe.As she grew older,Elaras fascination with the arcane only deepened.She discovered that she had a natural affinity for magic,an ability to manipulate the very fabric of reality.Her parents,recognizing her unique talent,enrolled her in a prestigious academy for young mages where she could hone her skills and learn the secrets of the magical arts.At the academy,Elara immersed herself in the study of enchantments,alchemy,and elemental forces.She was a quick learner,and her professors marveled at her ability to grasp complex spells and incantations with ease.Her peers looked up to her,not only for her magical prowess but also for her kindness and wisdom.One day,during a particularly challenging lesson on the manipulation of time,Elara stumbled upon an ancient scroll hidden deep within the academys library.The scroll contained the knowledge of a longlost spell,one that could bend time itself.Intrigued, Elara decided to decipher the spell and unlock its secrets.After countless hours of study and experimentation,Elara finally mastered the spell.She discovered that it allowed her to travel through time,to witness the past and glimpse the future.With this newfound power,she embarked on a journey to explore the wonders of the world,both past and present.Elaras adventures took her to the heights of ancient civilizations,where she witnessed the rise and fall of great empires.She traveled to the depths of the ocean,where she encountered mythical creatures and discovered hidden treasures.She even journeyed to the far reaches of space,where she marveled at the vastness of the cosmos and the beauty of distant galaxies.Throughout her travels,Elara used her magical abilities to help those in need.She healed the sick,mended broken hearts,and brought hope to those who had lost it.Her kindness and generosity earned her the love and respect of the people she encountered,and her name became synonymous with magic and wonder.As the years passed,Elaras legend grew.She became known as the Enchantress of Time, a figure of awe and inspiration to those who believed in the power of magic.Her story was passed down through generations,a testament to the limitless potential of the human spirit and the boundless possibilities of the magical world.In the end,Elaras career was not just magical but truly enchanting.It was a journey of discovery,growth,and transformation,a testament to the power of dreams and the resilience of the human spirit.And as the sun set on her final adventure,Elara knew that her legacy would live on,inspiring future generations to believe in the magic within themselves and to chase their dreams,no matter how impossible they may seem.。
金凯德《我母亲的自传》的主题解读带有浓厚自传色彩的《我母亲的自传》是出生在西印度群岛的美国黑人女作家杰梅卡?金凯德(Jamaica Kincaid)的成名作。