putting peopel first

英语句子结构剖析(9)1、We are fortunate that it is, because building new educational systems there and putting enough people through them to improve economic performance would require two or three generations.译文:我们十分庆幸这种观点错了,因为在这些国家建立新的教育体制并通过这种体制培养足够的人才来改善经济状况需要两三代人的时间。
分析:本句是一个因果关系的复合句,主干是:We are fortunate…。
that itis是形容词的宾语从句。
后面是because引导的原因状语从句,具体解释了前面整句话We are fortunatethat itis的原因。
该从句中的主语是and连接的两个动名词短语,即building…和putting…,would require为谓语,two or three generations做其宾语。
2、This DNA can reveal genetic information about only one or two ancestors, even though, for example, just three generations back people also have six other great-grandparents or, four generations back, 14 other great-great-grandparents.译文:这种DNA检测只能检测出一两位祖先的基因信息,尽管,比如说,只追溯三代,每个人还有另外六位曾祖父母,追溯到第四代,还有另外的14个高祖父母。
分析:该句的主干是This DNA can reveal genetic information…,之后的about only one or two ancestors是宾语genetic information的后置定语,对其进行解释说明。

如何建议电影院的人不要大声说话的英语作文全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1How to Nicely Ask Loud Talkers to Be Quiet at the Movie TheaterHi there! My name is Timmy and I'm 10 years old. I love going to the movie theater to watch all the newest movies that come out. There's nothing better than the huge screen, the amazing sound system, and getting to munch on some popcorn and candy while watching a fun flick with my friends and family.But there's one thing that can really ruin the whole experience - loud talkers! You know the ones I'm talking about. Those inconsiderate people who babble on and on during the movie, completely distracting everyone around them. Their loud voices make it impossible to hear and enjoy what's happening up on the screen. It's just so rude and annoying!I've had this happen to me lots of times at the movie theater unfortunately. My friends and I get really excited to see the latest superhero or animated movie, but then a couple of grown-ups a few rows ahead keep loudly chatting with each other like they'rein their own living room instead of in a public theater. Don't they realize that their loud voices travel and disrupt everyone's good time? Maybe they just don't think about how their actions affect others around them.Well, I'm here to give some advice on how to politely ask those loud talkers to please be quiet and stop ruining the movie experience for everyone else. After all, we all pay good money to be able to fully enjoy the film without distractions. A little patience and kindness can go a long way in getting those chatty people to pipe down.The first thing to do is try giving them a subtle hint that their loud voices are bothering you. Give them a firm "shush" or send a stern look in their direction. Sometimes that's enough to make them realize "Oops, my bad!" and finally shut their mouths. If the hints don't work though, then it's time to take more direct action.Walk over to the loud talkers during a non-important scene and politely say "Excuse me, I'm sorry to bother you but I'm having a hard time hearing the movie because of your loud voices. Could you please keep it down? Thank you." Use your nicest indoor voice and friendly smile. Chances are they'll feel embarrassed for disrupting others and will apologize and quiet down.If they don't though, then the next step is to get the movie theater staff involved. Locate one of the ushers walking around with the flashlight and ask them to come handle the situation. Say something like "Sir, there are some very loud people a few rows ahead of me who won't stop talking during the movie. Could you please ask them to be quiet or take them out of the theater if they won't listen? I've already politely asked them myself." The ushers are there to ensure everyone has an enjoyable experience, so they'll definitely step in.In the very rare case that the theater staff can't get the loud mouths to shut it, you may have to decide if it's worth it to just move to another seat further away from the distracting noise. Or as a last resort, you could request your money back for the tickets and leave to watch the movie another time when there won't be any loud disruptions.I really hope it doesn't come to that though! With any luck, a simple polite request will be enough for those loud talkers to realize how distracting and impolite they're being. We're all just trying to enjoy the amazing experience of watching a great movie on the big screen after all. A little common courtesy and respect for others goes a long way.So next time you're at the movie theater and some loud chatter heads ruin the experience for you, don't just sit there getting more and more annoyed. Take action! Follow the steps I outlined and you'll have those loud mouths zipped up in no time so you can get back to being fully immersed in the film. Just stay positive, kill them with kindness, and don't let those rude loud talkers prevent you from having an A+++ time at the movies!篇2How to Nicely Ask People to Be Quiet at the MoviesGoing to the movies is one of my favorite things to do! I love getting a big tub of popcorn, sipping on a cold drink, and watching the big screen. But sometimes, when I'm really getting into the movie, other people can ruin it by talking loudly. That's a big bummer, because I miss important parts of the story and it's really distracting. If this happens to you too, here are some tips for asking those loud people to be quiet, in a polite and friendly way.First off, it's important to remember that those loud talkers might not even realize they are being disruptive. Maybe they just got really excited about what's happening in the movie and couldn't contain their reaction. Or maybe they are so engaged intheir conversation that they don't notice how loudly they are speaking. Whatever the reason, chances are they don't mean any harm. They are probably just getting a little carried away without thinking about how their voices are impacting others around them.With that in mind, the first step is to stay calm and avoid getting angry or confrontational right away. Getting upset won't help the situation and could just make things worse. Take a deep breath and keep your cool. Getting mad and yelling at them will just create more noise and disturbance. It's better to handle it calmly and politely.The next step is to get their attention in a gentle,non-aggressive way. You could give a couple soft "shhh" sounds, just loud enough for them to possibly hear you without disturbing others too much. If that doesn't work after a couple tries, you could turn and nicely say "Excuse me..." That should get their attention without coming across as rude or confrontational right off the bat.Once you've gotten their attention politely, you can explain the issue in a friendly way. You could say something like "I'm really enjoying the movie but I'm having a hard time hearing it with your conversation. Would you mind keeping it down a bitplease?" Saying it with a smile and avoiding any words that sound accusatory goes a long way.If for some reason they react negatively or ignore your polite request, don't take it personally. Sometimes people can be inconsiderate, despite your best efforts. In that case, your next step could be to get the attention of one of the theater employees and explain the situation to them. The employees are there to ensure everyone has an enjoyable experience, so they should be happy to handle the situation in a professional manner.But hopefully, your polite request is all it takes to solve the loud talking issue! Most people, when realizing they are unintentionally disturbing others, will feel embarrassed and immediately quiet down. They might even apologize to you. If that happens, just smile, say "Thank you!" and return your attention to enjoying the movie. Easy as that!The main tips to remember are to stay calm and polite, get their attention gently, explain the issue in a friendly way, and avoid any words that sound aggressive or accusing. If done right, you'll be able to resolve the issue quickly and peacefully so you and everyone else can go back to being immersed in the movie without distractions.Because isn't that what going to the movies is all about? Being able to escape reality for a couple hours and get totally absorbed in an entertaining story on the big screen? Those loud talkers might have just gotten a little too absorbed and forgot they were in public! A polite reminder from you should get them back on track.So next time you're at the movies and loud chatter starts breaking your concentration, don't get upset. Just follow these tips to handle it in a chill, polite way. Who knows, you might even make some new friends out of it if the talkers are apologetic after you point it out to them nicely. Either way, you'll hopefully be able to enjoy the rest of the movie distraction-free!Movies are so much fun. They allow us to explore faraway lands, cheer on our favorite heroes, and experience all kinds of adventures, all from the comfort of those cozy theater seats. But that magic is broken when loud talking and noise frequently pulls us out of the story. Using these polite tactics to kindly get loud moviegoers to quiet down will help prevent that magic from being shattered. Allowing you to stay immersed in your entertainment experience from start to finish. Which is exactly how movie trips should be!篇3How to Ask People to Be Quiet in the Movie TheaterThe movie theater is one of my favorite places to go. I love watching movies on the big screen with the surround sound and sharing the experience with others. However, there's one thing that really bugs me – when people talk loudly during the movie. It's so distracting and ruins the fun for everyone else. I totally get that sometimes you might need to whisper a quick comment to the person next to you, but having full conversations is just rude.If people are talking and it's bothering me, I try to be polite at first. I'll give them the infamous "shush" look, where I put my finger over my lips and glare in their direction. Sometimes that does the trick and they get the hint to be quiet. But a lot of times, people don't even notice or they just ignore me. That's when I have to take more drastic measures.One option is to very quietly and discreetly get the attention of the theater staff. They are supposed to enforce the rules about being quiet, so they can come over and ask the noisy people to keep it down. I don't like doing this because I don't want to get anyone in trouble, but sometimes you have to bring in reinforcements.If there aren't any staff around, I have to muster up my courage and say something to the talkers myself. This is reallyhard for me because I'm quite shy, especially when it comes to confronting strangers. My heart starts pounding and I get all nervous. But I take a deep breath and politely say "Excuse me, could you please keep it down? I'm trying to watch the movie." I always try to say it softly and nicely without sounding accusing.Most of the time, people are pretty understanding when I ask them to be quiet. They mumble "oh sorry" and stop talking. Crisis averted! But occasionally, I run into a real jerk who gets all huffy and makes a big scene about me "shushing" them. One time this big guy started yelling at me, calling me a "rude little brat" and acting all tough. That was really scary, but thankfully the staff stepped in and kicked him out. I felt bad that he got in trouble, but he was the one being disruptive.I really don't like having to ask people to be quiet because it's awkward and sometimes you get met with hostility. But I also really believe that you have to speak up and stick up for yourself, otherwise those inconsiderate people will never learn. We're all there to enjoy the movie, not to listen to their conversations.If the whole situation is really getting out of hand with consistent loud talking and uncooperative people, my last resort is to go to the lobby and ask for a pass to a different theater or a refund. I hate missing parts of the movie, but it's better thanhaving the whole experience ruined by rude chatterboxes. The theater staff is usually really understanding about giving me passes or a refund in that situation.I just don't understand why some people have such difficulties following basic movie theater etiquette. It's a pretty simple concept - shut your pie hole when the movie is playing! You're not at home on your couch, you're in a public space and your loud flapping gums are a distraction. Not to mention it's just plain disrespectful to the other patrons who paid money to actually watch and hear the movie properly.My biggest pet peeve is when parents let their kids run around the theater, talking and making all kinds of noise. Dude, get those tiny humans under control! Watching a movie is a test of how well-behaved your children are. If you can't keep them from babbling and kicking seats, you shouldn't bring them. It's fine if a baby cries every once in a while, that's unavoidable. But when the kid keeps disrupting the whole theater, being a nuisance to everyone, it's time to take them out until they can be quiet. Same rules apply to the kids as the adults - no excessive chit-chat during the movie.At the end of the day, I just want to be able to fully immerse myself in the movie-going experience without inconsideratepeople pulling me out of it every few minutes with their loud discussions. Is that篇4How to Ask People to Be Quiet in the Movie TheaterHave you ever been to the movie theater and had a really hard time hearing what was going on in the movie? Maybe there were some kids being loud and noisy or some adults talking on their phones or to each other. It's so frustrating when that happens! You pay a lot of money to see a movie, and you want to be able to enjoy it without a bunch of distracting noises.I love going to the movies, but I really don't like it when people make too much noise. It ruins the whole experience for me and makes it hard to follow the story. I went to see the new superhero movie last weekend, and there was a family sitting a few rows ahead of me who would not stop talking! The mom and dad were explaining things to the kids the whole time. I couldn't even hear the action scenes properly.After the movie, I was really mad. I paid 10 for my ticket, plus another 5 for popcorn and a drink. That's 15 that kind of got wasted because those noisy people made it hard to enjoy the movie. My parents told me I should have said something to thempolitely and asked them to please be quiet, but I was too shy. I didn't want to seem rude.Well, next time that happens I am definitely going to say something. But I need to make sure I do it in a nice, polite way. Getting angry or yelling at them isn't going to help - it will probably just make them yell back at me. Here are some tips I've come up with for how to properly ask someone to be quiet at the movie theater:Wait for a scene in the movie. Don't interrupt the movie to say something - wait until there is a quiet moment between scenes or during the previews before the main movie starts.Lean over and politely say "Excuse me..." to get their attention first. Don't just start talking at them out of nowhere. That's rude.Say something like "I'm sorry, but I'm having a hard time hearing the movie. Would you mind keeping it down a little bit please?" That comes across as more polite than saying "You're being too loud!"If they ignore you or keep being loud, you may need to get a theater employee involved. Politely raise your hand to get anusher's attention and explain the situation. They can come over and ask the noisy people to be quiet.Don't get into an argument with them if they get mad. Just stay calm and polite, and let the theater staff handle it if needed.The main thing is to stay polite and courteous, while still standing up for yourself. Nobody should have to put up with distracting noise when they've paid money to enjoy a movie. But you also don't want to cause a big scene or get into a fight over it.Just kindly ask them to keep it down, and if they refuse, get help from the theater employees. They know how to deal with those kinds of situations properly. I've seen ushers have to kick people out before when they wouldn't stop talking on their phones or making noise after being asked nicely to quiet down.I really hope I don't have that problem again at the movies anytime soon, but if I do, I'm going to politely speak up about it this time. It's not fun missing parts of the movie I paid to see because of rude and inconsiderate people. We all need to respect the movie-going experience for each other.The theater is for watching and listening to the movie, not for holding loud conversations! I don't mind if people make alittle noise here and there, like if they laugh at a funny part or gasp at something surprising. That's all part of the fun. But when people are continuously talking through all the dialogue and action, that's just really distracting and ruins the movie.So if you're with me at the theater and I have to politely ask you to please keep it down, don't take it the wrong way! I'm just trying to be able to enjoy the movie I paid for, like you are. As long as we're all being considerate and respectful of each other, everybody can have a great time at the movies. Let's keep the shushing and hushing to a minimum though, okay? Thanks!篇5Movie Theaters are Fun, but Shhhh!Hi there! My name is Timmy and I'm 9 years old. I love going to the movies! Watching a film on that huge screen with the booming sound system is so exciting. But you know what can really ruin the experience? When people talk loudly during the movie. It's like they forget they're in a theater and not just at home on their couch. Let me tell you about the last time this happened and how I tried my best to remind those noisy people of proper movie etiquette.It was last Saturday and my dad took me to see the new superhero movie I had been looking forward to for months. We got our tickets, stocked up on snacks and drinks, and found perfect seats right in the middle. The lights dimmed and the previews started rolling. So far, so good! But then the main feature began and almost immediately, the people sitting right behind us started chatting away like they were the only ones in the room."Did you see that last fight scene? So unrealistic!""Yeah, and that hero's costume is so cheesy. They could have done better.""I'm already getting bored. Want to ditch this and go get ice cream instead?"On and on they went, talking over the dialogue and soundtrack at full volume. I was getting really annoyed trying to watch my movie while they babbled away. I turned around to give them a nasty look, but they didn't even notice me. That's when I decided I needed to take action and politely ask them to be quiet.I tapped my dad on the arm and whispered, "Those people are being really loud and I can't hear the movie well. Can you ask them to be quieter please?"He nodded and turned around. "Excuse me," he said calmly but firmly. "My son and I are trying to watch the film. Could you please keep your voices down or take your conversation outside? Others are trying to enjoy the show."At first, the rude people didn't seem to grasp what my dad meant. They looked confused. But then the lady replied, "Oh! You're right, I'm so sorry. We'll zip it from now on." And to their credit, they did pipe down after that. Phew!I could finally focus on the movie again. But I kept wondering why those people didn't realize how disruptive and inconsiderate they were being. Going to a theater is so different from streaming at home. You're in a public space, surrounded by others who paid money to enjoy the same entertainment you did. You need to be mindful and respectful of that.So if you ever find yourself at the movies and there are distracting chatterboxes around you, here's my advice for how to handle it:First, stay cool and don't get angry or start an argument. Getting heated and yelling will only make you look just as rude as they are being. Take a deep breath and remind yourself that some people simply don't know proper theater etiquette. Maybe they don't go to movies very often.Next, politely and calmly ask them to keep their voices down. You can say something like, "Excuse me, I'm having trouble hearing the movie. Could you please speak more softly?" Or if kids like me want to get an adult's help, we can whisper to our parents or an usher, "Those people are talking loudly. Can you ask them to keep it down?"If the polite request doesn't work, you may need to alert a staff member and ask them to watch out for the issue. Most theaters have ushers who can monitor disturbances and pull aside the noisy patrons for a reminder on theater policies. The ushers' jobs are to make sure everyone can enjoy the show.Basically, stay patient and give people the chance to correct their behavior before taking bigger steps. They may simply need a small nudge. After all, watching movies is meant to be a fun experience we can all share together as a community - as long as we're all being respectful of each other too.The next time I'm at a theater and disruptive people forget to keep quiet, I'll follow my own advice. With any luck, a little kindness and understanding from me can go a long way. Because movies are awesome... when you can actually hear what's going on!篇6How to Tell People to Be Quiet at the Movies (Without Getting in Trouble!)Hi there! My name is Timmy and I'm 10 years old. I really, really love going to the movie theater to watch all the latest and greatest films that come out. There's something truly magical about the whole experience - the delicious popcorn, the gigantic screen, and of course, getting to see your favorite characters and stories come to life right before your eyes!But you know what can totally ruin that movie magic? People who talk loudly during the movie!! I'm sure you've experienced it before. You're just getting sucked into the story when suddenly there are loud voices carrying on a conversation right behind you or whispering not-so-quietly a few rows ahead. It's SO frustrating and distracting! Doesn't everyone know you're supposed to be quiet in a movie theater?Well, apparently not everyone does. Some people seem to forget their indoor voices when the lights go down. I've seen kids goofing around and yelling, teens chattering away on their phones, and even grown adults having conversations like they're sitting at home on the couch instead of in a public place. It's maddening!The problem is, you can't exactly shush them or give them a piece of your mind because that would just create more of a disturbance. We're always told as kids never to be rude or talk back to adults. And you could get in big trouble with your parents or the theater staff for causing a scene. No one wants a bunch of angry grown-ups yelling at them! So what's amovie-loving kid to do?Never fear, I've got some polite but effective strategies for dealing with loud theater-goers without landing yourself in the principal's office. The key is to be assertive but also respectful. With a little bit of kindness and patience, you can usually get people to keep it down so everyone can enjoy the movie. Here's how:The Friendly ReminderThis one is best for dealing with other kids or teens who probably just need a little nudge to remember theater etiquette.All you have to do is very politely and quietly say something like "Excuse me, could you please keep it down? I'm trying to watch the movie." Use your nicest voice and avoid any rude language.A gentle reminder is often all it takes.Call in BackupIf the friendly reminder doesn't work or the loud talkers are adults who should know better, it's time to call in reinforcements from the experts. Discreetly get the attention of the nearest staff member - an usher, concession worker, or manager - and explain that there are people talking very loudly and you're having trouble hearing the movie. Theater employees are experienced in dealing with these situations. They can have an usher go give a warning or may even need to ask the disruptive patrons to leave if they don't quiet down.The Subtle Stare-DownThis one takes nerves of steel but can be very effective, especially on oblivious grown-ups. If someone near you is talking, slowly turn around and fix them with a long, pointed stare until they notice you looking at them. Most people, when they realize they're being watched and listened to, will quickly shut their traps out of embarrassment. The key is to avoid rolling your eyes or making any rude faces - you want to look politely expectant,not confrontational. If they don't get the hint after a solid 10-15 seconds of stink-eye, move on to strategy #2.Switch LocationsSometimes it's just not worth the hassle of trying to shush loud-mouths, especially if they seem like the stubborn type who won't listen no matter what. In that case, your best bet is to discreetly get up and move to another area of the theater where the sound isn't carrying as much. Look for an emptier section or aisle seats away from any distractions. The downside is you might end up with a not-so-great view, but at least you'll be able to hear properly.The Nuclear OptionIn the rarest of cases where it's a totally out-of-control situation with loud, obnoxious people and the staff seems unwilling or unable to do anything about it, your only choice may be to politely ask for a re-admission pass from the management. Explain that the noise is making it impossible to enjoy the movie you paid for, and you'd like a pass to come back another time when it's quieter. Most theaters would rather give you a re-admit pass than have you demanding a refund. It stinks to have to leave, but at least this way you don't miss the whole movie.The most important things are to stay cool, be polite, enlist help from the staff when needed, and don't escalate things into a bigger conflict than necessary. Yelling, cursing, or throwing stuff is never the right way to handle obnoxious behavior from others. Two wrongs don't make a right, and you could get yourself and your parents in serious trouble. Use some smarts along with courtesy and you'll have a much better chance of resolving the situation peacefully so you can get back to enjoying your movie!I really hope these tips help make your next trip to the theaters nicer and quieter. Going to the movies is expensive and is supposed to be an amazing, immersive experience. The last thing any of us want is to have that magic ruined by loudmouths and troublemakers. Just remember to stay patient, be polite but firm, and don't be afraid to get the staff involved. With any luck, those pesky loud talkers will quickly get the hint that this is a movie, not their living room! Then you and your friends can luxuriate in blessed silence while watching your favorite heroes save the world on the big screen.。

汉英翻译篇章练习Practice 1近读报纸,对国内名片和请柬的议论颇多,于是想起客居巴黎时经常见到的法国人手中的名片和请柬,随笔记下来,似乎不无借鉴之处。
Practice 2我想,教师要给学生的,是一把开启知识宝库的钥匙,而不是把学生的脑子变成一个容器。
你还能拿年轻人头发长短、裤脚大小来衡量谁是好学生谁是坏学生吗?Practice 3我所追求的幸福在西方流传着一句据说是来自古老中国的谚语,只是我在中国从未听说过:“如果你想要几小时的幸福,就去喝醉酒;如果你想要三年的幸福,就去结婚;如果你想要一辈子的幸福,就去做个园丁。
以人为本 英语作文

以人为本英语作文Title: Putting People First。
In today's fast-paced world, where technology advancesat an unprecedented rate and economic pursuits often take precedence, it's crucial to remember the essence of our existence: people. "Putting people first" is not merely a slogan; it's a guiding principle that should permeate every aspect of our lives, from personal relationships tosocietal structures and policies. This essay explores the significance of prioritizing people and suggests ways to integrate this principle into various facets of life.At the heart of the "people-first" approach lies empathy and compassion. To prioritize people means to understand their needs, desires, and challenges, and to act in ways that promote their well-being and dignity. In personal relationships, this translates to active listening, mutual respect, and genuine care for one another'shappiness and growth. It involves recognizing the inherentworth and potential of every individual, regardless oftheir background or circumstances.In the realm of education, putting people first means tailoring learning experiences to individual needs and strengths. It involves fostering a supportive and inclusive environment where every student feels valued and empoweredto thrive. This may require reforms in educational systemsto prioritize holistic development over mere academic achievement and to provide equal opportunities for all learners, irrespective of socioeconomic status or abilities.Similarly, in the workplace, a people-first approach entails creating a culture of trust, transparency, and collaboration. It means prioritizing employee well-beingand professional growth, rather than solely focusing on productivity and profit margins. This can be achieved through initiatives such as flexible work arrangements, mentorship programs, and avenues for feedback and employee involvement in decision-making processes.On a broader scale, putting people first necessitatesreevaluating societal structures and policies to ensure they serve the interests of the general populace, particularly the most vulnerable members of society. This may involve advocating for social justice, equitable distribution of resources, and policies that address systemic inequalities and discrimination based on factors such as race, gender, or socioeconomic status.In healthcare, a people-first approach means ensuring universal access to quality medical services andprioritizing preventive care and mental health support. It involves recognizing healthcare not just as a commodity but as a fundamental human right, essential for preserving human dignity and well-being.Environmental conservation efforts also benefit from a people-first perspective. By considering the impact of environmental policies on local communities and future generations, we can strive for sustainable development that meets present needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.In conclusion, "putting people first" is not a lofty ideal but a practical imperative for creating a more just, compassionate, and sustainable world. It requires a shift in mindset, from a focus on material gains to a recognition of the intrinsic value of human life and dignity. By prioritizing people in our personal interactions, institutions, and policies, we can build a society where every individual has the opportunity to flourish and contribute to the common good.。
life first people first英语作文

life first people first英语作文案例一:life first people firstHuman's life is not problem-free, a person quack quack fAlls to the ground that one day from him, meant must challenge this world, including here person, the thing and the matter, the challenge also meant will be in the upper hand, will have to want to hoist the sails in thelife sea to strike the thick liquid, to cleave the waves, will have to face up to first oneself, will face up to oneself was equal to has created the driving wheel, only then with will be able to cause oneself to arrive the life sea as soon as possible the edge, like this, he will be able to experience the ocean waves to entrust with his wonderful feeling, like this he only then might appreciate that tide to get up heartily the ebb tide ocean waves, The people once pondered in meeting head-on the ocean waves, however more times, they have not noted to the ocean waves change subtlety, the ocean waves change majority were do not have the rule, we should enhance 100% vigilance to impel all these.案例二:The life such wonderful, always like this is always splendid, splendid source of income in... ... Human survives which as the life space in, how also should the surface team life?Some people said that, "The life is a kaleidoscope".Some people said that, "The life is cup of tea".The life such wonderful, always like this is always splendid, splendid source of income in... ... Human survives which as the life space in, how also should the surface team life?life first people first.。

2023年江苏省扬州市仪征市中考一模英语试题学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________一、单项选择1.Chinese President Xi Jinping paid ________ visit to ________ Russia last month. A./; a B.a; the C.a; /D.the; / 2.—Would you mind lending me your book Alice in Wonderland?—Sorry. I haven’t finished ________.A.one B.it C.those D.this3.— Can you hand in your writing tomorrow?— I can make it if I ________ one more day.A.am given B.give C.will give D.will be given 4.When Mike swims in winter, his body tries to ________ heat itself to keep him warm. A.reduce B.produce C.refuse D.present 5.The Chinese idiom dongru tuotu praises people ________ are active like a rabbit. A.which B.whom C.who D.whose 6.—Have you ever heard of the two pandas called Ruyi and Dingding?—Yes. They ________ the stars of the Moscow Zoo for four years.A.became B.will be C.have become D.have been 7.— ________ do people like making the eggs stand on the Spring Equinox (春分)?— Because they want to have good luck in the future.A.When B.Why C.Where D.What 8.—I’d like a pet, but I am busy all day.—Goldfish are a good choice. You ________ feed them every day.A.mustn’t B.can’t C.shouldn’t D.needn’t 9.What ________ news for football lovers! More than 50,000 football schools will be built in our country by the end of 2025.A.bored B.boring C.excited D.exciting 10.— Do you think Yuan Longping was a great scientist?— Yes. Because he made a ________ to increasing rice production.A.population B.situation C.contribution D.introduction 11.—What place will you suggest if I travel to your hometown?—The best-known Mount Huangshan comes ________ as the first choice.A.hardly B.patiently C.strangely D.naturally 12.—How do you like the film Avatar: The Way of Water?—Wonderful. I have watched it twice ________.A.above all B.in all C.first of all D.at all 13.— Do you know the sentence structure of “They painted the walls blue”?— Yes, it is ________.A.S+V+DO+OC B.S+V+P C.S+V+IO+DO D.S+V+O 14.—Our graduation party will be on June 28.—That’s wonderful! Could you tell me ________?A.if all of our teachers joined usB.where will it be heldC.who will give the performancesD.that we should wear school uniforms15.— How can I improve my spoken English?— ________. If you keep practising speaking English every day, you’ll be better at it. A.Practice makes perfect B.Every dog has its dayC.Put all your eggs in one basket D.There is no smoke without fire二、完形填空A Leap to HonorLeaping on a narrow balance beam (平衡木) is not easy. But Lola Walter, a 13-year-old gymnastics (体操) player, is good at it. To perfect her skills, Lola ___16___ for four hours a day, five days a week. At the state championships in March, she finished seventh out of 16 girls, ___17___ she often sees double and can’t tell how far away things are.When she was little, her mom ___18___ that even though she couldn’t see well, she was fearless. So her mom took her to take part in gymnastics when she was three. She loved the ___19___ right away and gymnastics became her favorite.Learning gymnastics has been more ___20___ for her than for some of her teammates, but she has never given up. She doesn’t let her ___21___ stop her from doing what she wants to. To her, the biggest ___22___ is the balance beam. Because she has double vision, she often sees two beams. She must use her sense of touch to help her. Sometimes she even closesher eyes. “You have to ___23___ your mind that it’ll take you where you want to go,” says Lola.To be a top-level gymnastics player, one must be ___24___. Everyone is afraid of the beam because it’s four inches wide. At the state competition, Lola didn’t fall ____25____ the beam. In fact, she got an 8.1 out of 10—her highest score yet. Lola doesn’t want to be____26____ differently from the other girls on her team. At the competitions, the judges don’t know about her ____27____ problem. She doesn’t tell them, because she doesn’t think they need to know.Lola never thinks about giving up. She is presently at level 7 while the highest is level 10 in gymnastics. Her ____28____ is to reach level 9. She says she wants to be a gymnastics coach to pass down what she’s learned to other kids ____29____ she grows up. Lola is____30____ of all her hard work and success. Her advice for others is “just believe yourself”. 16.A.runs B.teaches C.trains D.dances 17.A.though B.unless C.after D.since 18.A.suggested B.remembered C.imagined D.noticed 19.A.task B.sport C.event D.show 20.A.difficult B.pleasant C.boring D.satisfied 21.A.talent B.problem C.quality D.interest 22.A.doubt B.advantage C.challenge D.progress 23.A.change B.express C.create D.trust 24.A.brave B.helpful C.generous D.humorous 25.A.to B.on C.off D.against 26.A.greeted B.treated C.saved D.paid 27.A.heart B.ear C.leg D.eye 28.A.prize B.class C.exam D.goal 29.A.until B.unless C.when D.before 30.A.proud B.worried C.careful D.sad三、阅读单选31.Which website is helpful to teachers as well as students?A.DeltaMath.B.Spatulatta.C.GoNoodle.D.Young Ocean Explorers.32.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A.GoNoodle encourages children how to have a PE lesson.B.The four websites are designed to help children to learn a lot.C.Young Ocean Explorers teaches children about different wildlife.D.Spatulatta only teaches children how to cook their favourite food.33.Where can this passage be found?A.A story book.B.A travel magazine.C.A health report.D.A guide book.A loud noise wakes Jan up suddenly. What time is it? She looks at the alarm clock beside the bed. It’s five o’clock. Then she hears the noise again. It’s thunder. Then she hears a different noise. It’s the sound of something hitting the window. She gets up and goes to the window. She can see Tom standing outside in the thunderstorm. He’s shouting at Jan, telling her to come outside.Jan gets dressed, puts on her anorak and goes downstairs quietly. She meets Tom outside.“What are you doing, Tom?”“The storm,” he says. “It’s the same storm as Thursday night. Let’s go to the tree. Maybe you can go home!”Jan follows Tom down the road then she remembers something.“The time capsule!”Tom shows her the biscuit tin under his jacket. “I’ve got it.”They walk quickly back down the road past Jamie’s house and Pauly’s house. It seems so long since she arrived here in the past. And now maybe there’s the possibility she can return to the future. They run up the path through the trees and arrive at the piece of land with the apple tree.“Now what do we do?” asks Jan.“I put the time capsule back where I found it and....”“And I go home.”“Yes.”Tom uses his hands to dig a hole by the tree. He buries the time capsule and then stands up.Jan suddenly realizes something.“Tom! I wanted to give you something from the time capsule.”“No, it’s OK. I don’t want anything and it’s more important for you to go home.”Jan feels disappointed that Tom doesn’t want something to remember her. But he’s right. The important thing is to get home.“I’m never going to forget you, Tom. Thanks. You’re a real friend.”“Bye, Jan. Look for me in the future. Promise?”“I promise.”Then he turns and runs back to the trees. Jan watches his shadow disappear into the trees.A sudden flash of lightning lights up the scene followed by a loud crash of thunder. Jan looks round and sees her house. She’s back in the garden of her house in Hampton Street.—Taken from The Time Capsule 34.Jan woke up suddenly because ________.A.Tom was shouting at her B.there was thunder outside C.something was hitting the window D.the sound of the alarm clock was too big 35.What does the underlined sentence mean in the passage?A.Tom refused Jan to make her forget him.B.Tom didn’t want anything to remember Jan.C.Tom wanted Jan to take the chance to go home.D.Tom advised Jan to take him to her home in the future.36.If Jan wants to go home, which of the following is necessary?a. the thunderstormb. the time capsulec. the apple treed. the anorakA.abc B.abd C.acd D.bcd 37.What does the passage mainly talk about?A.Tom and Jan were real friends for ever.B.Tom told Jan to go home on a sunny day. C.Jan promised to look for Tom in the future.D.Jan left Tom and went back home in the future.Do you like travelling? Have you heard of volunteer travel? Do you know what volunteer travel means?The main purpose of volunteer travel is to take part in service opportunity to help others. During the trip, volunteer travelers often provide services like teaching, cooking, animal caring, and cultural activities. The volunteers may get free or discounted (打折) accommodation, meals and laundry, activities, or classes because of their help.It seems as if these long journeys could only be made possible in recent years by modern transport. However, volunteer travel dates back to the 1960s, when Alec Dickson and his wife Mora from the UK founded V oluntary Service Overseas (VSO), an international volunteer organization.Traditionally, the volunteer activities take place in a foreign country. But now, more volunteer trips have taken place within the volunteers’ own countries in recent years. Volunteer projects in the countryside are now attracting more visitors living in the cities as a break from the fast and stressful city lives.By doing voluntary work while traveling, travelers may make a real, positive influence on the world. The services volunteers provide can reduce the costs for the communities they serve. Another advantage of volunteer travel is that it helps people living in cities experience the life in the countryside. For those who are tired of city life but can’t move to the countryside, volunteer travel can be a way. In this way, travelers can relax themselves from their busy lives, while the countryside can get a lot by receiving more customers forlocal tourism industries.38.What’s the writing purpose of Paragraph 1?A.To explain the topic.B.To express the writer’s opinion. C.To raise some questions.D.To introduce the topic of the passage. 39.V olunteer travel tells us _________ in the passage.A.the aim of volunteer travel is to help othersB.volunteer travel only takes place in recent yearsC.the volunteer travelers can travel around for freeD.volunteer travelers prefer to go to a foreign country40.Which sentence should go in the empty box in Paragraph 5?A.People think volunteer travel is very interesting.B.There are lots of advantages in volunteer travel.C.V olunteer travel can make it easier to go travelling.D.People try volunteer travel in many different ways.41.What’s the best title for the passage?A.Travel and work B.Relax in your life C.Help while travelling D.Experience a new lifeLichun, or Start of Spring, is the first of the traditional Twenty-Four Solar Terms (节气), representing the beginning of all things, rebirth and a new cycle.Lichun plays an important role in China’s traditional culture. It is the first solar term that lasts so long (15 days) and has so many nicknames: yingchun (greeting spring), songchun (sending spring), dachun (beating spring), yaochun (biting spring), tachun (outing in spring) and taochun (begging for spring). The different verbs in front of the word chun all stand for the joy and eagerness for the arrival of spring. “I have never seen a solar term with so many descriptions as lichun.” says folklore expert You Guoqing.Spring greeting ceremonies (仪式) started from the Western Zhou Dynasty. On the veryday, the king personally led the whole officers to the east to welcome the spring, praying for a year of good weather and a good harvest. During the Qing Dynasty, the ceremony became an important folk (民间的) activity that everyone took part in. The forms of celebration were simple and interesting. The great Tang Dynasty poet Du Fu wrote, “Every time on lichun, families put green silky cut chives on white jade plates, and gave them to each other through their hands, so as to enjoy the festival.”With the development of the times, such activities are no longer as well found as they were in ancient times, but “biting spring” is a custom that has been followed to this day. The northerners enjoy eating spring pancakes and spring rolls on lichun. The paper-thin spring rolls, wrapped around fried vegetables and pork. Eating spring pancakes will make people work harder and live longer.As the head of the four seasons, lichun is a new starting point and a sign of the arrival of spring.42.Which of the customs of lichun is still popular today?A.Greeting spring.B.Sending spring.C.Biting spring.D.Beating spring. 43.Paragraph 3 is mainly about ________.A.the meaning of lichun in the ancient timesB.the history of the spring greeting ceremoniesC.the great poems by Tang Dynasty poet Du FuD.different forms of the spring greeting ceremonies44.How does the writer organize the article? (P= paragraph)A.B.C.D.45.What can we infer (推断) from the passage?A.Lichun is the first day of the year in the traditional culture.B.The custom taochun (begging for spring) is the most important of all.C.Eating spring pancakes will make people work harder and live longer.D.Not everyone could join in spring greeting ceremonies before the Qing Dynasty.四、用所给单词的正确形式填空46.Armstrong became the first man to walk on the Moon in his ________. (thirty) 47.My parents usually buy me a lot of presents but nothing for ________ (they).48.His cousin is crazy about ________ things and decorating his house. (repair) 49.Many people got ________ hurt or even died in the earthquake in Turkey. (bad) 50.My hometown Yangzhou, an old city, lies in the ________ part of Jiangsu Province. (centre)五、根据汉语提示填空51.It’s ________ to do something for the disabled people.(有意义的)52.Language is silver, ________ is gold, and action is diamond. (沉默)53.The air ________ so fresh when they had a trip in the forest. (闻起来)54.Bees and butterflies like to play ________ flowers in spring. (在……当中)55.To make his coffee sweeter, he added two more teaspoons of ________. (糖)六、阅读回答问题Portia gave the decision. “One pound of the merchant’s flesh is yours! It is what the contract (合同) says. You may take his flesh!” Shylock held his knife and told Antonio to get ready.“Wait!” said Portia. “You will not do anything that is not written in the contract. Is that right, Shylock?” “Yes, that’s right,” said Shylock. “Well,” said the young judge, “I have read the contract carefully, and it does not say anything about taking his blood. It says ‘a pound of flesh.’ You can take your pound of flesh, but you may not take one drop of his blood. If you take any of his blood, the duke will take everything you own!”Shylock didn’t want to give everything he owned to the duke. He decided not to take his pound of flesh. He said he would take the money. Bassanio was happy to give him the money because he thought he could save his friend Antonio in this way.Portia, however, had more to say. “Wait!” she said again. “He does not want the money. It is not written in the contract, and he said that he would not do anything that was not written in the contract. Shylock, you can take your pound of flesh, just as the contract says. Why are you waiting?” she asked. Shylock said he just wanted to have his money back.“Just give me the money I lent you. I won’t even demand interest,” he said. Bassanio was ready to give the money to him, but again Portia stopped him and said, “He said in front of us all that he did not want the money. He wanted only the penalty that is in the contract.”Shylock understood that he would not get his pound of flesh. He understood that he would not get his money. He decided to go home.—Taken from The Merchant of Venice 根据短文内容回答问题(每小题答案不超过10个单词)。

克林顿告别白宫演说第一篇:克林顿告别白宫演说Farewell Address By The President to the NationMy fellow citizens, tonight is my last opportunity to speak to you from the Oval Office as yourpresident.a I am profoundly grateful to you for twice giving me the honor to serve, to work for you and with you to prepare our nation for 21st century.And I'm grateful to Vice President Gore, to my Cabinet secretaries, and to all those who have served with me for the last eight years.This has been a time of dramatic transformation, and you have risen to have every new challenge.You have made our social fabric stronger, our families healthier and safer, our people more prosperous.You, the American people, have made our pessage into the global information age an era of great American renewal.In all the work I have done as president, every dicision I have made, every executive action I have taken, every bill I have proposed and signed, I've try to give all Americans the tools and conditions to build the future of our dreams, in a good society, with a strong economy, a cleaner enviroment, and a freer, safer, more prosperous world.I have steered my course by our enduring values.Opportunity for all.Reponsibility from all.A community of all Americans.I have sought to give America a new kind of goverment, smaller, more modern, more effective, full of iders and policies appropriate to this new time, always putting people first, always focusing on the future.Working together, America has done well.Our economy is breaking records, with more than 22 million new jobs, the lowest unemployment in 30 years, the highest home ownership ever, the longest expansion inhistory.Our families and communities are stronger.Thirty-five million Americans have used family leave low.Eight million have moved off welfare.Crime is at a 25-year low.Over 10 million Americans recieve more college aid, and more people than ever are going to college.Our schools are better-higher standards, greater accountability and larger invistments have brought higher test scores, and higher graduation rates.More than three million children have health insurance now, and more than 7 million Americans havebeen lifted out of poverty.Incomes are rising aross the board.Our air and water are cleaner.Our food and drinking water are safer.And more of our precious land has been preserved, in the continetal United States, than any time in 100 years.I'm very grateful to be able to turn over the reins of leadership to a new president, with America in such a strong position to meet the challenges of the future.T onight, I want to leave you with three thoughts about our future.First, America must maintain our record of fiscal responsibility.Through our last four budgets, we've turned record deficits to record surpluses, and we've been able to pay down $600 billion of our national debt, on track to be debt free by the end of the decade for the first time since 1835.Staying on that course will bring lower interest rates, greater prosperity and the opportunity to meet our big challenges.If we choose wisely, we can pay down the debt, deal with the retirement of the baby boomers, invest more in our future and provide tax relief.Second, because the world is more connected every day in every way, America's security and prosperity require us to continue to lead in world.At this remarkable moment in history, more people live in freedom than ever before.Our alliances are stronger than ever.People all aroundthe world to look in America to be a force for peace and prospeity, freedom and security.The global economy is giving more of our own people, and billions around the world, the chance to work and live and rise thier families dignity.But the forces of intergration that have greated these good opportunitis also make us more subject to global forces of destruction, to terrorism, organized crime and narcotrfficking, the spread of deadly weapon and disease, the degradation of the global enviroment.The expansion of trade hasn't fully closed the gap between those of us who live on the cutting edge of the global economy and the billions around the world who live on the knife's edge of survival.This global requires more than compassion.It requires action.Global poverty is a powder keg that could be ignety by our indifferece.In his first inaugural address, Thomas Jefferson warned of entangling alliances.But in our times, America cannot and must not disentangle itself from the world.We must work harder to overcome our differences.In our hearts and in our lows, we must traet our people fairness and dignity, regardless of their race, religion, gender or sexual oreintation and regardless of when they arrived in our contry, always moving toward the more perfect union of our founders'dreamdHillary Chelsea and I join all Americans in wishing our cery best to the next president, Geoge W.Bush to his family and his administration in meeting these challenges and in leading freedom's march in this new contry.As for me, I'll leave the presidency more idealistic, more full of hope than the day I arrived and more confident than ever that America's best days lie ahead.My days in this office are nearly through, but my days of service, I hope, are not.In the years ahead, I will never hold aposition higher or a covenant more scared than that of president of the United States.But there is no title I will wear more proudly than that of citizen.Thank you.God bless you, and God bless America.第二篇:克林顿告别演说克林顿告别演说My fellow citizens, tonight is my last opportunity to speak to you from the OvalOffice as your president.I am profoundly grateful to you for twice giving me the honor to serve, to work for you and with you to prepare our nation for the 21st century.And I’m grateful to Vice President Gore, to my Cabinet secretaries, and to all those who have servedwith me for the last eight years.同胞们,今晚是我最后一次作为你们的总统,在白宫椭圆形办公室向你们做最后一次演讲。

At about thirteen years old, I felt very lonely. I didn't like my classmates, my parents or anyone else. My classmates didn't want to talk ________ me and my parents were always saying that other kids were ________(good) than me. I thought I was the ________(luck) person in the world.One day I had a big fight with one of my classmates. I was so angry ________ I hit him in the face. Just at that moment, a boy stood up and ________(stop) the fight. He was the monitor of our class. After that, he often helped me and we became good ________(friend). Whenever I got angry or sad, he would help ________(I)to cool down. My life began to change because of the boy, my best friend. We spent a lot of interesting days together. ________ time goes by, I have become happier with people and things. And people around me have ________ (change), too. My parents don't shout at me ________ more and my classmates become friendly to me.But now we go to different cities to study. How I miss the days when we were together!2.阅读下面短文,根据语境、音标或所给单词的提示,在每个空格内填入一个恰当的词,要求所填的词意义准确、形式正确,使短文意思完整、行文连贯。
1.Put People First Team Building Program(中文)

Urban 城市
Suburban 郊区
Rural 乡村
Knowing You 了解你
Describe your perception of what it was like growing up in a different area. 描述下你在不同环境中长大的样子
Urban 城市
Suburban 郊区
It’s about us 关于我们
Review each statement and consider the approach being taken at your workplace to create an inclusive environment. 查看每一陈述,考虑你在日常工 作中采用何种方式去营造一个包 容性的环境。
My Co-Workers 我的同事
Feeling valued as part of Marriott’s family of associates. 作为万豪大家庭的一员我备受关注
My Company 我的公司
Pride in Marriott’s role in promoting a better society. 我为万豪促进更好的社区发 展而自豪。
For each statement, indicate your level of engagement with your coworkers who are from cultures different than your own.
依据你对有不同文化背景同事的了解 程度来勾出选项中的答案
Putting People First Teambuilding Program 以人为先团队 建设项目

【网络综合版】听力:Section ALong Conversation OneM: You are a professor of Physics at the University of Oxford. You are a senior advisor at the European Organization for Nuclear Research. You also seem to tour the global tirelessly, giving talks. And in addition, you have your own weekly TV show On Science. Where do you get the energy?W: Oh, well. 【Q1】I just love what I do. I am extremely fortunate to have this life, doing what I love doing.M: Professor, what exactly is your goal? Why do you do all of these?W: well, as you said, I do have different things going on. But these I think can be divided into 【Q2】two groups: the education of science, and the further understanding of science.M: Don't these two things get in the way of each other? What I mean is, doesn't giving lectures take time away from the lab?W: Not really, no. I love teaching, and I don’t mind spending more time doing that now than in the past. Also, what I will say is, that 【Q3】teaching a subject helps me comprehend it better myself. I find that it furthers my own knowledge when I have to explain something clearly, when I have to aid others understanding it, and when I have to answer questions about it. Teaching at a high level can be very stimulating for anyone, no matter how much expertise they may already have in the field they are instructing.M: Are there any scientific breakthroughs that you see on the near horizon? A significant discovery or invention we can expect soon.W: 【Q4】The world is always conducting science. And there're constantly new things being discovered. In fact, right now, we have too much data sitting in computers.For example, we have thousands of photos of planet Mars taken by telescopes that nobody has ever seen. We have them, yet nobody has had time to look at them with their own eyes, let alone analyze them.Q1: Why does the woman say she can be so energetic?Q2: What has the woman been engaged in?Q3: What does the woman say about the benefit teaching brings to her?Q4: How does the woman say new scientific breakthroughs can be made possible?Section AConversation 2M: Do you think dreams 【Q5】have special meanings?W: No. I don't think they do.M: I don't either, but some people do. I would say people who believe that dreams have special meanings are superstitious, especially nowadays. In the past, during the times of ancient Egypt, Greece or China, people used to believe that dreams could foresee the future. But today, with all the scientific knowledge that we have, I think it's much harder to believe in these sorts of things.W: My grandmother is superstitious, and she thinks dreams can predict the future. Once, 【Q6】she dreamed that the flight she was due to take the following day crashed.Can you guess what she did? She didn't take that flight. She didn't even bother to go to the airport the following day. Instead, she took the same flight but a week later. And everything was fine of course. No plane ever crashed.M: How funny! Did you know that flying is actually safer than any other mode of transport? It's been statistically proven. People can be so irrational sometimes.W: Yes, absolutely. But, even if we think they are ridiculous, 【Q7】emotions can be just as powerful as rational thinking.M: Exactly. People do all sorts of crazy things because of their irrational feelings. But in fact, some psychologists believe that our dreams are the result of our emotions and memories from that day. I think it was Sigmund Freud who said that children's dreams were usually simple representations of their wishes, thingsthey wished would happen. 【Q8】But in adults', dreams are much more complicated reflections of their more sophisticated sentiments.W: Isn't it interesting how psychologists try to understand using the scientific method something as bazaar as dreams? Psychology is like the rational study of irrational feelings.Q5: What do both speakers think of dreams?Q6: Why didn't the woman's grandmother take her scheduled flight?Q7: What does the woman say about people's emotions?Q8: What did psychologist Sigmund Freud say about adults' dreams?Section BPassage 1While some scientists explore the surface of the Antarctic, others are learning more about a giant body of water -- four kilometers beneath the ice pack. Scientists first discovered Lake Vostok in the 1970s by using radio waves that penetrate the ice. Since then, they have used sound waves and even satellites to map this massive body of water. How does the water in Lake Vostok remained liquid beneath an ice sheet? “The thick glacier above acts like insulating blanket and keeps the water from freezing,” said Martin Siegert, a glaciologist from the university of Wales. In addition, geothermal heat from the deep within the earth may warm the hidden lake.The scientists suspect that microorganisms may be living in Lake Vostok, closed or more than two million years. Anything found that off from the outside world f s on the surface of the earth, said Siegert. Scientists ’will be totally alien to what are trying to find a way to drill into the ice and draw water samples without causing ht be the solution. If all goes as planned, a contamination. Again, robots mig shift robot will melt through the surface ice. When it reaches the lake, it -drill will release another robot that can swim in the lake, take pictures and look for ries will shed light on life in outer signs of life. The scientists hope that discove up -space, which might exist in similar dark and airless conditions. Recently closed s moon, Europa, shows signs of water beneath the icy surface. ’pictures of Jupiter ropa to search for life there, Once tested the Antarctic, robots could be set to Eu too.Q9: What did the scientists first use to discover Lake Vostok in the 1970s? Q10: What did scientists think about Lake Vostok?Q11: What do the scientists hope their discoveries will do?Section BPassage 2The idea to study the American Indian tribe – Tarahumaras, came to James Copeland in 1984 when 【Q12】he discovered that very little research had been done on their language. He contacted the tribe member through a social worker who workedwith the tribes in Mexico. At first, the tribe member named Gonzalez was very reluctant to cooperate. He told Copeland that no amount of money could buy his language. But after Copeland explained to him what he intended to do with his research and how it would benefit the Tarahumaras, Gonzalez agreed to help. 【Q13】He took Copeland to his village and served as an intermediary. Copeland says, thanks to him, the Tarahumaras understood what their mission was and started trusting us. 【Q14】Entering the world of Tarahumaras has been a laborious project for Copeland.To reach their homeland, he must strive two and half days from Huston Taxes. He loads up his vehicle with goods that the tribe’s men can’t easily get and gives the goods to them as a gesture of friendship. The Tarahumaras, who don’t believe any humiliating wealth, take the food and share among themselves. For Copeland, the experience has not only been academically satisfying but also has enriched his life in several ways. 【Q15】“I see people rejecting technology and living a very hard, traditional life, which offers me another notion about the meaning of progress in the western tradition,” he says, “I experienced the simplicity of living in nature that I would otherwise only be able to read about.I see a lot of beauty and their sense of sharing and concern for each other.”Q12: Why did James Copeland want to study the American Indian tribe -- Tarahumaras?Q13: How did Gonzalez help James Copeland?Q14: What does the speaker say about James Copeland’s trip to the Tarahumaras village?Q15: What impresses James Copeland about the Tarahumaras tribe?Section CRecording 1What is a radical? It seems today that people are terrified of the term,minority, who are mostly wealthy white males in western society.Feminism is a perfect example of this phenomenon. The women's movement has been plagued by stereotypes, misrepresentations by the media, and accusations of man-hating and radicalism. When the basic foundation of feminism is simply that women deserve equal rights in all facets of life. When faced with the threat of being labelled radical, women back down from their worthy calls and consequently, participate in their own oppression.It has gotten to the point that many women are afraid to call themselves feminists because of a stigma attached to the word. If people refused to be controlled, and intimidated by stigmas, the stigmas lose all their power, without fear on which they feed, such stigmas can only die.To me, 【Q17】a radical is simply someone who rebels against the norm when advocates a change in the existing state of affairs. On close inspection, it becomes clear that the norm is constantly involving, and therefore, is not a constant entity. So why then, is deviation from the present situation such a threat, when the state of affairs itself is unstable and subject to relentless transformation?It all goes back to maintaining the power of those who have it and preventing the right of those who don't. In fact, when we look at the word "radical" in a historical context, nearly every figure we now hold up as a hero was considered a radical in his or her time. Radicals are people who affect change. They are the people about whom history is written. Abolitionists were radicals, civil rights activists were radicals, 【Q18】 even the founders of our country in their fight to win independence from England were radicals. Their presence in history has changed the way our society functions, mainly by shifting the balance of power that previously existed. Of course, there are some radicals who've made a negative impact on humanity, 【Q18】 but undeniably, there would simply be no progress without radicals. That been said, next time someone calls me a radical, I would accept that label with pride.Q16: What usually happens when people are accused of being radical?Q17: What is the speaker's definition of a radical?Q18: What does the speaker think of most radicals in the American history?Recording 2We are very susceptible to the influence of the people around us. For instance, you may have known somebody who has gone overseas for a year or so and has returned with an accent perhaps. We become part of our immediate environment. None of us are immune to the influences of our own world and let us not kid ourselves that we are untouched by the things and people in our life.Fred goes off to his new job at a factory. Fred takes his ten-minute coffee break, but the other workers take half an hour. Fred says, “What’s the matter with you guys?” Two weeks later, Fred is taking twenty-minute breaks. A month later, Fred takes his half hour. Fred is saying “If you can’t be them, join them. Why should I work any harder than the next guy?” The fascinating thing about being human is that generally we are unaware that there are changes taking place in our mentality. It is like returning to the city smog after some weeks in the fresh air. Only then do we realize that we’ve become accustomed to the nasty smells. Mix with critical people and we learn to criticize. Mix with happy people, and we learn about happiness. What this means is that we need to decide what we want from life and then choose our company accordingly. You may well say, "That is going to take some effort. It may not be comfortable. I may offend some of my present company." Right, but it is your life. Fred may say, "I’m always broke, frequently depressed. I’m going nowhereand I never do anything exciting." Then we discover that Fred’s best friends are always broke, frequently depressed, going nowhere and wishing that life was more exciting. This is not coincidence, nor is it our business to stand in judgement of Fred? However, if Fred ever wants to improve his quality of life, the first thing he'll need to do is recognize what has been going on all these years.It’s no surprise that doctors as a profession suffer a lot of ill health, because they spend their life around sick people. Psychiatrists have a higher incidence of suicide in their profession for related reasons. Traditionally, nine out of ten children whose parents smoke, smoke themselves. Obesity is in part an environmental problem. Successful people have successful friends, and so the story goes on.Q19 What does the speaker say about us as human beings?Q20 What does the speaker say Fred should do first to improve his quality of life?Q21 What does the speaker say about the psychiatrists?Section CLecture 3Virtually every American can recognize a dollar bill at a mere glance. Many can identify it by its sound or texture. But 【Q22】few people indeed can accurately describe the world's most powerful, important currency.The American dollar bill is colored with black ink on one side and green on the other;【Q23】 the exact composition of the paper and ink is a closely guarded government secret. Despite its weighty importance, the dollar bill actually weighs little. It requires nearly 500 bills to tip the scales at a pound. Not only is the dollar bill lightweight, but it also has a brief life span. Few dollar bills survive longer than 18 months.The word "dollar" is taken from the German word "taler," the name for the world's most important currency in the 16th century. The taler was a silver coin first minted in 1518 under the reign of Charles V, Emperor of Germany.The concept of paper money is a relatively recent innovation in the history of American currency. When the Constitution was signed, people had little regard for paper money because of its steadily decreasing value during the colonial era.【Q24】Because of this lack of faith, the new American government minted only coins for common currency. Interest-bearing bank notes were issued at the same time, but their purpose was limited to providing money for urgent government crises, such as American involvement in the War of 1812.The first noninterest-bearing paper currency was authorized by Congress in 1862, at the height of the Civil War. At this point, citizens' old fears of devalued paper currency had calmed, and the dollar bill was born. The new green colored paper money quickly earned the nickname "greenback."Today, the American dollar bill is a product of the Federal Reserve and is issued from the twelve Federal Reserve banks around the United States. The government keeps a steady supply of approximately two billion bills in circulation at all times.Controversy continues to surround the true value of the dollar bill.【Q25】American history has seen generations of politicians argue in favor of a gold standard for American currency. However, for the present, the American dollar bill holds the value that is printed on it, and little more. The only other guarantee on the bill is a Federal Reserve pledge of as a confirmation in the form of government securities.Q22: What does the speaker say about the American dollar bill?Q23: What does the speaker say about the exact composition of the American dollar bill?Q24: Why did the new American government mint only coins for common currency?Q25: What have generations of American politicians argued for?参考答案1.A)She can devote all her life to pursing her passion.2.D)Science education and scientific research.3.A)A better understanding of a subject.4.B)By making full use of the existing data.5. B) They have no special meanings.6. C) She dreamed of a plane crash.7. D) They can have an impact as great as rational thinking8. C) They reflect their complicated emotions.9. A) Radio waves.10. B)It may have micro—organisms living in it.11. D)Shed light on possible life in outer space.12. A)He found there had been little research on their anguage.13. D)He acted as an intermediary between Copel and the villagers.14. C)Laborious15. B)Their sense of sharing and caring.16 .A)They tend to be silenced into submission.17. D)One who rebels against the existing social orser.18. C)They served as a driving force for progress.19. B)It is impossible for us to be immune from outside influence.20. D) Recognize the negative impact of his coworkers.21. A) They are quite susceptible to suicide.22. B) Few people can describe it precisely.23. C) It is a well—protected government secret.24. A) People had little faith in paper money.25. C) It is awell—protected government secret.翻译:《水浒传》(Water Margin)是中国文学四大经典小说之一。
Unit 1 Greeting people you meet for the first time

What equipment do western people use to have meals?
knife & fork
In the USA
Shaking hands Britain, China…
In France, it is the custom to shake hands with people in the office every morning.
When Dutch people meet, they kiss each other on one cheek and then the other. If you are a close friend or relative, then you get three kisses!
➢ Dialogue B: At the Canteen
Dialogue Background: Li Ying is a new employee at a joint venture. Mr. Smith is the chief engineer there. They meet for the first time at the canteen.
Li Ying: Yes, my name is Li Ying. I know we have a chief engineer from England. I’m glad to meet you here.
Mr. Smith: I’m glad to meet you, too. There are so many good things to eat in the canteen.
Unit One: Greeting People You Meet for the First Time
外研版六年级英语上册Module 3 综合测试卷含答案

外研版六年级英语上册Module 3 综合测试卷时间:40分钟满分:100分题号一二三四五六七八九十十一十二总分得分听力部分(30分)一、听录音, 选出你所听到的词汇。
(5 分)( )1. A. stamp B. stand C. stay( )2. A. holiday B. hobby C. hot( )3. A. doll B. door C. draw( )4. A. reading books B. flying kites C. riding bikes( )5. A. What dolls B. What toys C. What boys二、听录音, 给下列图片排序。
(5 分)( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 三、听录音, 选出你所听到的句子。
(10 分)( )1. A. Is there a letter for me?B. Are there any letters on the desk?( )2. A. I like collecting stamps.B. Collecting stamps is my hobby.( )3. A. They have got famous people on them.B. There aren’t famous people on it.( )4. A. Have you got any picture books?B. I have got some picture books.( )5. A. This stamp is from China.B. These stamps are from China.四、听录音, 根据所听内容在表格相应位置打“√”。
(10 分)XiaoxueJackLinglingSimonDaming笔试部分(70分)五、根据提示补全单词。
(5 分)1. We go to school by b .2. Does she c toy cars?3. Is there a s on it?4. What is your h (爱好) ?5. She likes d very much.六、认识Bunny 的一家, Bunny 在介绍自己家人的兴趣爱好。

第一的英文怎么读你知道第一的英文怎么读吗?一起来学习一下吧!第一的英文:first 英 [f:st]美 [f:rst]词组习语:first love1.初恋Lady first1.女士优先first flight1.第一次坐飞机at first1. 首先;最初,开始;初期开始,雨果还想耐心一点。
at first Hugo tried to be patient.first come, first served1. 先到者先受款待(表示严格按先后次序办事)售票实行先来先售予的原则。
tickets are available on a first come, first served basis. first and foremost1. 最重要的是,首要的是德里首先是、也主要是一座军营城。
Delhi was first and foremost a barracks town.first and last1. 根本上;总体上博物馆的好坏从根本而言与其管理者有关。
museums are first and last about curatorship.first of all1. 首先;最初首先,让我先问你点事情。
first of all, let me ask you something.first off1. (非正式,主北美)首先首先,我真的应该向你道个歉。
first off, I owe you a heck of an apology.first past the post1. (参赛者,尤指赛马)第一个到达终点first thing1. 一大早;首先我明天一大早就得去接乔西。
I have to meet Josh first thing tomorrow.第一的英文例句:1. English has hurt me a thousand times, but I still regard it as my first love.英语伤我千百遍,我待英语如初恋。
高中英语 Unit 13《People》Lesson 4 First Impressions教案 北师大版必修5

英语:Unit 13《People》教案-Lesson 4 First Impressions (北师大版必修5)Objectives☆To practise reading for inference.☆To practise making opposites of adjectives using a prefix.☆To practise talking and writing about one’s experience of meeting someone for the first time.Pre-Reading☆Have you ever met someone you didn’t like, who later became your friend? Tell the class.Example The first time I met Tom, he seemed very bad-tempered! Then…Reading☆ Read the text and answer the questions.1) Where does the story take place?In the local library2) What kind of books does Jenny like?poetry3) What exam was Jane studying for?An important science exam4) What was the last straw for Jane?She heard someone humming behind her.5) What kind of person do you think Jenny is?Friendly, warm-hearted, forgiving6) How did Jenny get Jane’s phone number?She asked a librarian and got it from the library files.7) Do you think that Jane over–reacted in the library? Have you ever experienced a similar situation when you were studying?You can answer this question according to your own experiences.☆Read the strategies and look at these true/false sentences. Underline important words.Example 1 = pleased1)Jane was pleased when Jenny started humming.2)Tennyson must be a poet.3)Jane first saw Jenny near the poetry section.4)Jane was upset that she had left her book in the library.5)Jane didn’t feel that it was necessary to apologise.Answers: FTTTFPost-Reading☆Complete the paragraph below with the correct form of the following words.glance, annoy, recognize, concentrate, disturb,resist, whisper, glare, inconsiderate, gratefulJanet was 1) on writing an essay when a noise 2) her. She 3)Her brother’s whistling. “Shh” she 4),5) at him quickly. The noise didn’t stop.Janet 6)the urge to scream and instead 7) at him angrily. “Please stop it, Simon. You are being very 8) ,” she said. But still he didn’t stop. Janet was now very 9) .Just then her father called Simon out of the room. Janet smiled, feeling 10) to her dad.Answers: 1concentrating 2disturbed 3recognised 4whispered 5glancing 6resisted 7glared 8inconsiderate 9annoyed 10grateful☆V ocabulary: opposites●You can often make opposites of adjectives using a prefix.Example able/unable, pleased/displeased, considerate/inconsiderateUse prefixes to make opposites of the underlined words.Peter is very organized and reliable. He is also sociable, sensitive and tolerant. He seems interested in or aware of other people’s feelings and is often kind. When you ask him for something, he is always sympathetic and helpful.I think he must be very satisfied with his life.Answers: unreliable, intolerant, unaware, unkind, unsympathetic, unhelpful, dissatisfied●Sometimes adjectives have a direct opposite.Example old/young, short/tall●Think of opposites for these adjectives:Bad-tempered, generous, hard-working, nervous, shy, strongAnswers: good-tempered, mean, lazy, confident, out-going, weak●Now use adjecti ves to write five sentences about yourself and people you know.Example I am sometimes disorganized, but usually I am reliable.Writing and speaking☆ Make notes about the first time you met someone.Who/when/where you metXiaoming (my new neighbour), last month, in the streetWhat he/she was doinggoing into his house with his bikewhat he/she said or didasked about my family/showed me his catwhat he/she seemed likecheerful, a bit shyLanguage points:1.The day that I met my best friend for the first time I was in a terrible mood.第一次遇到我最好的朋友那天,我情绪很坏。

Book4Unit11.They are hoping to____the Japanese market with their latest product.A)transmit B)plunge C)penetrate D)filter2.Both the labor and the management made a lot of____and at last they came to an agreement.A)sessions B)recessions C)concessions D)conferences3.A lot of ants are always invading my kitchen.They are a thorough____.A)nuisance B)trouble C)worry D)anxiety4.Out of____revenge(复仇),he did his worst to blacken her character and ruin her reputation.A)perfect B)total C)sheer D)thorough5.I’ve already had one holiday in Africa,and I’m not____on going there again.A)willing B)ready C)eager D)keen6.To call the music of another music-culture“primitive”is____one’s own standards on a group that does not recognize them.A)putting B)imposing C)forcing D)emphasizing7.She cooked the meat for a long time so as to make it____enough to eat.A)mild B)slight C)light D)tender8.The manager needs an assistant that he can____to take care of problems in his absence.A)count in B)count on C)count up D)count out9.We love peace,yet we are not the kind of people to____to any military threat.A)yield B)apply C)resort D)appeal10.What I hate most is making a great____about such a simple matter.A)confusion B)initiative C)fuss D)bark11.Paul said he would give me a piece of cake if I stayed here,but I didn’t give in to the____.A)intention B)appeal C)temptation D)charm12.The first thing Jim did when he got off the train was to look for a(n)____because he had too much luggage with him.A)porter B)employee C)servant D)assistant13.The speaker____his angry words with forceful movement of the hands.A)associated B)connected C)assisted D)accompanied14.Don’t joke with Linda;she takes everything far too____.A)carefully B)gravely C)seriously D)critically15.The car won’t start because the battery has____.A)run up B)run down C)run over D)run off16.If a man is easily taken in by emotional traps,he will not be able to make____ judgments.A)sensible B)sensitive C)sentimental D)sensational17.Parents have a legal____to ensure that their children are provided with efficient education suitable to their age.A)instinct B)influence C)sympathy D)obligation18.Space scientists believe that the black hole is____,and would draw everything,even light,toward its center.A)vacant B)empty C)bare D)hollow19.Any electric products sold in this famous department store will be____for one year.A)protected B)guaranteed C)preserved D)ensured20.The inquiry found that the innocent civilians had been____to inhumane treatment for too long.A)subjected B)attached C)related D)resisted21.____your long service to this country,we have decided to give you this gold watch as an expression of our thanks.A)By means of B)By nature of C)By way of D)By virtue of22.Material abundance has been the life blood which has____Americans in their basic beliefs and values.A)contributed B)provided C)sustained D)favored23.The planet’s surface temperature is a100degrees C below zero at night,so that butter put outside will not____.A)thaw B)dissolve C)melt D)harden24.The thieves____the waste paper all over the room while they were searching for the diamond ring.A)spread B)scratched C)burned D)scattered25.Joe had many regrets when he____the years he spent abroad.A)looked up to B)looked down on C)looked back on D)looked forward to26.Cultural____indicates that human beings hand their languages down from one generation to another.A)transformation B)transaction C)transport D)transmission27.The terrorists might have planted a bomb on a plane in Athens,set to____whenit arrived in New York.A)go off B)get off C)come off D)carry of28.There are strict rules____the use of chemicals in food.A)reforming B)relating C)regulating D)registering29.People go to the church to____God.A)worship B)pray C)respect D)admire30.The homeless____from the flooded town were helped by the Red Cross.A)scouts B)saints C)beggars D)refugeesUnit21.Jack’s shirt was burned by____from the fire.A)spots B)spills C)sparks D)sprays2.The wood was so rotten that,when we pulled,it____into fragments.A)broke off B)broke away C)broke up D)broke through3.We shall have to____the meeting until next week,I’m afraid.A)postpone B)conduct C)replace D)last4.To our____,Geoffrey’s illness proved not to be as serious as we had feared.A)entertainment B)judgment C)relief D)relaxation5.The working of the machine____that of the human brain.A)compromises with B)competes with C)communicates to D)correspondsto6.The attack was the latest in a series of border____in that area.A)accidents B)incidents C)events D)occurrences7.The children will not be allowed to come with us if they don’t____themselvesbetter.A)direct B)accustom C)adjust D)behave8.The oppressed peasants rose up in armed____.A)revolt B)rebel C)chaos D)challenge9.I had to shake him several times to____him from his sleep.A)rouse B)stimulate C)motivate D)prompt10.Three days after the trial the prisoner was____secretly,and the body was buriedunder a tree inside the prison.A)murdered B)convicted C)executed D)punished11.His skin was____from years of working outdoors.A)elastic B)clumsy C)coarse D)delicious12.Three people were killed in a head-on____between a bus and a car.A)collapse B)conflict C)collision D)crush13.Ruth has gone back to California____.She will not return to the East.A)for long B)before long C)ever since D)for good14.When the singer appeared,the audience started to____loudly.A)claim B)crack C)clap D)crash15.I don’t know if you’ve heard,but there’s a____going around the office thatMr.Smith is leaving at the end of the month.A)news B)rumor C)saying D)proverb16.I guess Jones didn’t have a chance to win the election.Almost all of the peoplein the city voted for his____.A)opponent B)candidate C)colleague D)advocate17.He was____of his friend’s reputation.A)greedy B)controversial C)competitive D)jealous18.The newspaper uncovered a sex____involving several government officials.A)shame B)conviction C)rumor D)scandal19.The dog waiting behind the gate looked so____that I did not dare to go in.A)bold B)fierce C)wild D)harmful20.The workers there held a(n)____to call for better working and living conditions.A)rally B)conjunction C)episode D)riot21.The protest march developed into a____when the police tried to stop it.A)rebel B)strike C)violation D)riot22.He said he had____the performance of the new model and was surprised at whathe had seen then.A)endeavored B)demonstrated C)witnessed D)judged23.It is my____wish that you use this money to further your research.A)intensive B)generous C)earnest D)voluntary24.He had been completely exhausted but felt considerably____after a meal anda rest.A)renewed B)recreated C)reshaped D)refreshed25.In Britain today women____44%of the workforce,and nearly half the motherswith children are in paid work.A)make up B)build up C)stand for D)conform to26.The garden is____in a formal pattern.A)laid up B)laid off C)laid down D)laid out27.There are several possible explanations for the greater job stability in Japan____the great job mobility in the United States.A)contrary to B)in regard to C)in contrast to D)with respect to28.Gasoline is processed from____oil.A)raw B)rough C)crude D)tough29.New York____second in the production of apples,producing850,000,000poundsthis year.A)ranked B)occupied C)arranged D)classified30.After reading the____of the play,the director made several changes.A)scrape B)catalog C)category D)scriptUnit31.We have had to raise our prices because of the increase in the cost of____materials.A)primitive B)rough C)original D)raw2.The social security system provides____for retired citizens.A)wages B)pensions C)profits D)rewards3.It is well-known that the retired workers in our country are____free medicalcare.A)entitled to B)involved in C)associated with D)assigned to4.Although she was not very rich,she was quite____with her money.A)noble B)flexible C)liberal D)liable5.He received a letter of thanks for his____of books to the Shakespeare library.A)publication B)donation C)acquisition D)quotation6.The bus ran over the cliff because its____failed.A)brakes B)controls C)gears D)signals7.Not long ago,a government official whom I know very well was____a bribery.A)related to B)involved in C)included in D)subjected to8.They put in the highest____for the house.A)currency B)proposal C)bid D)purchase9.A good hunting dog is____to every sound and movement in the field.A)alert B)aware C)cautious D)nervous10.This diploma____that you have completed high school.A)proves B)certifies C)secures D)approves11.He was accused of____vital secrets to the enemy.A)leaking B)loosening C)relieving D)issuing12.Only the most sophisticated theories of modern physics can____this phenomenon.A)account for B)count on C)account of D)count for13.At the end of his trial,he was____of murder.A)convicted B)convinced C)sentenced D)condemned14.Most flowers will not____without sunshine.A)cultivate B)boom C)sustain D)thrive15.The company has an employee____of everyone working for them.A)profile B)acquaintance C)administration D)acknowledgement16.When Mary paid the bill,she was given a____for her money.A)cheque B)ticket C)receipt D)label17.There is a whole____of bills waiting to be paid.A)stock B)stack C)number D)sequence18.The members of the club____a plane to take them on holiday to France.A)assembled B)dominated C)monitored D)chartered19.Frankfurt,Germany,is in one of the most____populated regions of WesternEurope.A)densely B)vastly C)enormously D)largely20.He’s well known in the____of foreign affairs.A)settlement B)operation C)realmD)scope21.She____the sports page to find out who had won the game.A)plunged B)perceived C)sketched D)skimmed22.The lighting of the Christmas tree was the____of the evening.A)peak B)boom C)summit D)highlight23.We didn’t like the color of the curtains,and so we____them a beautiful darkgreen.A)soaked B)sketched C)dyed D)dipped24.Bruce Stephen gripped the____wheel hard as the car bounced up and down.A)stirring B)driving C)steering D)rotating25.Years of heavy burden and hard work made him____at his early forties.A)lower B)lean C)stoop D)bow26.Niagara Falls is a great tourist____,drawing millions of visitors every year.A)attention B)attraction C)appointment D)arrangement27.He____for the day when he would see his hometown again.A)desired B)countedC)longed D)urged28.The insurance company paid him$10,000in____after his accident.A)installment B)compensation C)substitution D)commitment29.The noise____until she couldn’t stand it any longer.A)set up B)rang upC)built up D)called up30.They____for a progressive cause and died willingly.A)bled B)wounded C)devoted D)departedUnit51.It took him several months to____the wild horse.A)tend B)cultivate C)breed D)tame2.I don’t think it was an accident.He did it on____.A)choice B)purpose C)intention D)design3.The manager____the letter to his secretary,who wrote it down in short hand.A)passed B)copied C)dictated D)declared4.He was of____birth;his parents had no money and lived poorly.A)humble B)harsh C)wicked D)wrecked5.On the way to school,there was no shelter from the rain,so the students weresoaked____.A)wet B)to the skin C)on the skin D)over6.The smoke from the burning building almost____the firemen and forced them towear masks.A)blocked B)provoked C)choked D)stroked7.He smiled again with an air of____contentment and said,“It’s the first timeI’ve ever done what I wanted to do.”A)supreme B)superficial C)supplementary D)superior8.We might say that____has been done when a man’s innocence and guilt has beenproved beyond doubt.A)judgment B)jury C)justice D)wrong9.He has given all the facts at great____so that you may judge for yourself.A)detail B)extent C)degree D)length10.She hasn’t found an apartment yet;she’s staying with her aunt____.A)for a long time B)for the first time C)for the time being D)from time to time11.On receiving sound waves,our eardrums____and cause minute electrical signalsto be sent to the brain.A)shiver B)shake C)vibrate D)tremble12.Coal and petroleum are called____substances,because they are the remains ofliving things.A)superb B)organic C)vigorous D)rotten13.Preservatives(防腐剂)are added to bread to keep it from getting____.A)static B)stained C)stable D)stale14.Here were cycles of industrial prosperity which always collapsed into industrial____.A)booms B)nightmares C)depressions D)disadvantages15.All men or women,young or old,short or tall,should not____any form ofdiscrimination,because sooner or later we are all likely to fall victim to this dangerous practice.A)resist B)sustain C)undergo D)tolerate16.Generally,it is only when animals are trapped that they____to violence toescape.A)resort B)appeal C)proceed D)incline17.In the end,a____of six men and six women deliberated four days and found himguilty of murder.A)panel B)jury C)court D)legislation18.Although his____ideas were difficult to understand,I managed to go throughthe whole book.A)abstract B)practical C)concrete D)superficial19.During a visit to the Forbidden City,she was heard to____“it’s so beautiful”three times.A)have grasped B)have gripped C)have claimed D)have exclaimed20.This meat is rather tough;you have to____it for a long time.A)chew B)bite C)eat D)swallow21.We cannot judge a person simply on the____of his education.A)condition B)basis C)principle D)base22.Don’t let the child play with scissors______he cuts himself.A)only if B)in case C)now that D)so that23.I’d grown____of the place and it was difficult to leave.A)considerate B)accustomed C)attached D)fond24.He had no qualifications;____,he got the job.A)but B)neverthelessC)despite D)instead25.Don’t forget to____the letter before you post it.A)stick B)fasten C)seal D)enclose26.The child got a____from his mother for being rude.A)slip B)strap C)snap D)slap27.The bond of true affection had pulled us—six very different men from six verydifferent countries—across Antarctica;we proved in the end that we weren’t very different____.A)after all B)as usual C)in particular D)for all28.The couple separated because they were not____.A)compatible B)equivalent C)consistent D)uniform29.He made several interesting discoveries when he____a monkey recently.A)experimented on B)tried onC)experimented with D)tried with30.Their specialities____from Chinese literature,history and philosophy to law,sciences,and traditional Chinese medicine.A)alter B)separate C)range D)differUnit61.By the time you get to New York,I_______for London.A.would be leavingB.have already leftC.am leavingD.shall have left2.The lawyer advised him to drop the________,since he stands little chance of winning.A.eventB.caseC.incidentD.affair3.Sometimes children have trouble________fact from fiction and may believe that such things actually exist.A.to separateB.for separatingC.separatingD.of separating4.He is quite sure that it's________impossible for him to fulfill the task within two days.A.absolutelyB.fullyC.exclusivelyD.roughly5.There was a big hole in the road which________the traffic.A.set backB.held upC.stood backD.kept down6.Many a delegate was in favor of his proposal that a special committee_______ to investigate the incident.A.were set upB.be set upC.was set upD.set up7.In the Chinese household,grandparents and other relatives play________roles in raising children.A.incapableB.insensibleC.indispensableD.infinite8.Eye contact is important because incorrect contact may create a communication ________.A.tragedyB.questionC.vacuumD.barrier9.There is no_______to the house from the main road.A.accessB.exposureC.avenueD.edge10.________energy under the earth must be released in one form or another,for example,an earthquake.A.AccumulatedB.AssembledC.GatheredD.Collected11.He wasn't appointed chairman of the committee,________not very popular with all of its members.A.to be consideredB.being consideredC.consideringD.having considered12.The twentieth century has witnessed an enormous worldwide political,economic and cultural________.A.traditionB.transmissionC.transportationD.transformation13.The________stuck on the envelope says'By Air'A.diagramB.signalbelD.Mark14.Mobile telecommunications________is expected to double in Shanghai this year as a result of a contract signed between the two companies.15.A.ability B.possession C.possibility D.impact16.Reading________the lines,I would say that the Government are more worried than they will admit.A.behindB.alongC.betweenD.among17.My brother's plans are very________;he wants to master English,French and Spanish before he is sixteen.A.arbitraryB.ambitiousC.aggressiveD.abundant18.The statistical figures in that report are not________.You should not refer to them.A.accurateB.delicateC.fixedD.rigid19.He________to his customers and halved the price.A.leakedB.quotedC.drewD.yielded20.Tryon was extremely angry,but cool-headed enough to________storming into the boss's office.A.preventB.turnC.prohibitD.avoid21.The author of the report is well________with the problems in the hospital because he has been working there for many years.rmedB.enlightenedC.acquaintedD.acknowledged22.The ship's generator broke down,and the pumps had to be operated________instead of mechanically.A.manuallyB.automaticallyC.artificiallyD.synthetically23.Unlike most students,he doesn't learn English________learning.A.with the excuse ofB.at the cost ofC.for the sake ofD.in the name of24.Most of________scientists know of the Sun's outer atmosphere comes from studies of solar eclipses.A.thatB.whatC.whichD.those25.On the day of my________,all my friends in the city came to see me off.A.adventureB.absenceC.departureD.arrival26.Many children want the same thing they see________on television.A.advertisingB.advertisedC.being advertisingD.been advertised27.________scientists may find a way to send a portion of the earth's population to the moon.A.More or lessB.This or thatC.Sooner or laterD.Such and such28.You would be___________a risk if you let your child go to school by himself.A.omittingB.affordingC.attachingD.running29.He is always here;it's__________you've never met him.A.uniqueB.rareC.strangeD.seldom30.We'd like to__________a table for five for dinner this eveningA.preserveB.retainC.reserveD.sustainUnit101.Our talk was completely________by the roar of the machines.As a result,wehad to communicate with gestures.A.decreasedB.reducedC.smashedD.drowned2.She was arrested for________state secrets to a foreign reporter in return for her son going abroadA.getting awayB.giving awayC.breaking awayD.putting away3.There________new problems in the relationship between the two countries in the recent years.A.roseB.raisedC.liftedD.arose4.His health________as he ate too little and worked too hard for months on end.A.broke upB.broke throughC.broke downD.broke off5.The theory of class currently prevailing in the West is________based on what Max Weber,a German sociologist,proposed.A.fairlyB.kindlyC.greatlyrgely6.His answer was so confused that I could hardly make any________of it at all.A.recognitionB.meaningC.intelligenceD.sense7.She________the troubles ahead and took steps to avoid them.A.assumedB.proclaimedC.foresawD.evaluated8.According to the________of the contract,tenants(??)must give six months' notice if they intend to leave.wsB.rulesC.termsD.details9.He has an excellent________as a criminal lawyer.A.popularityB.fameC.regardD.reputation10.The government clearly had not the slightest________of changing the legislation,in spite of the continued protest.A.desireB.ambitionC.willingnessD.intentionplete the form as________in the notes below.A.insistedB.specifiedC.impliedD.devised12.When I got my case back,it had been damaged________repair.A.aboveB.beyondC.overD.further13.He always_______this town with his cousin.A.associatesB.remindsC.relatesD.memorizes14.Many labor unions also have special funds________workers can receive monthly checks when they retire or if they become disabled and cannot work.A.in thatB.from whichC.in caseD.in which15.She was glad that her success would________for the women who would follow.A.make things easierB.make her easierC.be easierD.be easier to make16.The fifth generation computers,with artificial intelligence,________and perfected right now.A.developedB.have developedC.will have been developedD.are being developed17.That was so serious a matter that I had no choice but________the police.A.called inB.calling inC.to call inD.call in18.After the accident she suffered brain________and couldn't speak.A.destructionB.diseaseC.harmD.damage19.The________for the flat is$80weekly.A.priceB.costC.hireD.rent20.In________of value for money,this is the best car I've ever bought.A.senseB.lightC.regardsD.terms21.It is politely requested by the hotel management that radios________after 11o'clock at night.A.not be playedB.not to playC.were not playedD.did not play22.The last man________the sinking ship was the captain.A.leftB.to be leavingC.to leaveD.leaving23.Never before that night________the extent of my own power.A.had I feltB.I feltC.was I feltD.I had felt24.I was ill that day.Otherwise,I________part in the seminar on the WTO.A.would takeB.tookC.would have takenD.had taken25.Actually,humor helps make products more________to consumers.A.availableB.sensibleC.feasibleD.accessible------------------------------------------------------------终审稿--数学08—4班翟西强排版-------------------------------------------------------26.Just as the increase of fax machines,wireless phones and personal computers have caused a shortage of phone numbers,heavy use of the Internet is________the supply of numerical(数字的)Internet addressesA.drainingB.soakingC.absorbingD.dryingpared with what I saw10years ago,ads today are becoming increasingly ________.A.sophisticatedB.soakedC.philosophicalD.physical28.According to the recent report,10years ago about one in seven people in thiscountry spoke a language________English at home.A.rather thanB.other thanC.regardless ofD.except for29.Dolly's creators at Edinburgh's Roslin Institute boasted she________the promise of animals that could produce drugs and organs for humans.A.containedB.emphasizedC.packedD.embodied30.If,one day,it was possible to direct stem cells to become selected types of replacement tissue,it could be used to________a host of diseases which at present are incurable.A.treatB.adjustC.adoptD.remedy答案:Unit11-5CCACD6-10BDBAC11-15CADCB16-20ADDBA21-25DCCDC26-30DACADUNIT21-5CCACD6-10BDAAC11-15CCDCB16-20ADDBA21-25DCCDA26-30DCCADUnit31-5DBACB6-10ABCAB11-15AAADA16-20CBDAC21-25DDCCC26-30BCBCAUnit51-5DBCAB6-10CACDC11-15CBCDC16-20ABADA21-25BBCBC26-30DAAACunit61-5DBCAB6-10BCDAA11-15BDC B16-20CBADD21-25CACBC26-30BCDCunit101-5DBDCD6-10DCCDD11-15BBABA16-20DCDDD21-25ACACD26-30AABDA-11-。
Parents are the first people you have seen in your life

Parents are the first people you have seen in your life, and during the time you establish your value and custom, your parents always play the most important role. There's no doubt that parents are the most significant teacher in one's life. However we shouldn't equate the notion 'important' with 'best', there are still many limitations for parents as teachers.First of all, kids are always too young to justify what is wrong and what is right, therefore they are tend to accept and imitate whatever they have seen, especially from their parents, who they contact most frequently during that age. No personis totally perfect and without bad habits. These bad habits are always copied by the kids naturally, which makes parents somewhat far from an ideal 'best' teacher.What's more, we must ask a question to ourselves that can parents have the ability to be 'best'teachers? I consider the answer is negative for following reasons. Firstly, a child should be educated universally when he was young, that means he have to learn knowledge from various subject. However, no one could be an expert of all these specific subjects. In another world, knowledge of a pair of certain parents cannot satisfy their child entirely, no matter how professional the parents are in one or several certain fields. Secondly, most parents do not master a professional skill of education. It is not easy to make a normal child interested in study and fix their attention to a certain point for an enough long time. Last but not least, in such a society with fierce competition, heavy work pressure always take a lot of time of parents form teaching even communication with their child. All the aspects above are deficiencies for parents to be best teachers.Additionally, parents always intrude their subjective will to their child, which sometimes brings negative outcome to their child. For instance, your father is a famous scientist and also expects you to be a scientist like him. However, what you are interested in is music rather than math or physics. In this case, the subjective education given by your father would likely thraw your development and success.In summary, parents are indisputably very important teacher in one's life, however they are not always the best one for the limination of themselves and the relationship between them and their child.。
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Putting people first
Team members: 】
As is known to all, every successful businessman has a common characteristic that they apply the “putting people first”policy to their company, such as Intel, Microsoft, Starbuck, and so on. If I was a boss of a company, the following measures will be adopted:
First, I think “sharing”is the most important. I will share all the information to my staff, including its prospect for future, the right to be represented in the decisions of a corporation, the company’s profits, internal-information, knowledge and experience. On the basis of these measures the staff’s personal career planning will be tied by the development of company, so that they will grow up with their company. Then, the “support and assistance”is very important as well. Company would build a support and assistance system for staff to help them complete their own career development plans. Every employee has his individual advantages and disadvantages, so this system will play a very important role. Company will provide a suitable platform to develop their strong points and help them to overcome their shortcomings by communicating and training.
All of the above measures are carried out to increase the productivity and earnings, enhance the dignity、self-respect and self-value.。