

moxa 的e1212用法 -回复

moxa 的e1212用法 -回复

moxa 的e1212用法-回复ReentrantLock(可重入锁)是Java中的一种同步工具,它提供了比synchronized关键字更为灵活的线程同步机制。







与Object类中的wait和notify方法类似,Condition提供了await和signal 方法来实现线程的等待和唤醒操作。

Condition的主要方法包括:1. await():使当前线程进入等待状态,同时释放当前线程对应的锁,直到被其他线程调用signal或signalAll方法唤醒。

2. awaitUninterruptibly():与await方法相比,该方法不会响应中断,不会抛出InterruptedException异常。

3. signal():唤醒一个等待在该Condition上的线程,如果有多个线程在等待,则只唤醒其中一个。

4. signalAll():唤醒所有等待在该Condition上的线程。



第四章、应用.............................................................................................. 29
4.1 本地电压检知连接法 ......................................................................................................... 29 4.2 远地电压检知连接法 ......................................................................................................... 30 4.3 固定电流模式 (C.C. MODE)的应用................................................................................. 31 4.4 固定电阻模式(C.R. MODE)的应用................................................................................... 33 4.5 固定电压模式 (C.V. MODE)的应用................................................................................. 34 4.6 固定功率模式(C.P. MODE)的应用 ................................................................................... 35 4.7 多组输出之电源供应器与电子负载之连接 ................................................................ 36 4.8 并联操作................................................................................................................................. 37



用友erp项目实施方法指南v3.0 it咨询阶段本阶段流程图图:1-01 负责人本阶段目标和任务工作目标:? 制定项目应用方案和实施方案,编制《项目建议书》;? 评估项目风险、投入产出比率,作出《项目风险评估报告》,用于内部决策; ? 在评估风险的基础上积极配合销售,争取签约。

主要任务:? 配合销售人员参与售前咨询,在初步需求调研的基础上,诊断客户业务问题,协助制定it应用方案、实施方案,编制《项目建议书》;? 进行风险评估;? 参与有关实施服务、工作量估计和人员报价的商务谈判,拟定和批准《实施服务合同》、《工作任务书》;? 配合销售完成与项目有关的其他事宜,直至正式签约。

1.1. 参与售前咨询1.1.1.任务描述售前咨询的主要工作任务包括:1、对客户进行初步需求调研;2、进行风险评估,出具风险评估报告,供内部管理、决策用;3、制作《项目建议书》(如是正式投标,则为制作标书);4、参与竞标,讲解应用方案和实施方案,必要时做系统演示,回答客户关心的问题。






1.1.2.工作策略1、初步需求调研策略售前顾问在接到售前支持的要求时,应首先了解客户基本信息,包括客户行业特点、主要业务/产品、发展战略、重点需求、业务量、it基础设施、项目负责人、人员素质等与项目有关的信息,具体可以通过以下几种方式:1) 向负责项目的客户经理了解;2) 查询客户门户网站,收集相关信息;3) 从公司知识库或外部网站、刊物查询相关行业资料;4) 拜访客户,对尚不清楚的问题、重点需求做实地调研。







### Element框架的三级联选组件三级联选组件是Element框架中的一个常用功能,可以帮助用户在几个相关的选项之间进行选择,并根据用户的选择来获取不同的数据。





### 如何使用三级联选组件在Element框架中,使用三级联选组件非常简单。

我们需要在Vue组件中引入Element框架的Select和Option组件:```javascriptimport { Select, Option } from 'element-ui';```然后,在模板中使用Select和Option组件来构建三级联选组件,如下所示:```html<el-select v-model="selectedValue1"@change="handleChange1"><el-option v-for="item inoptions1" :key="item.value" :label="bel" :value="item.val ue"></el-option></el-select><el-select v-model="selectedValue2"@change="handleChange2"><el-option v-for="item inoptions2" :key="item.value" :label="bel" :value="item.val ue"></el-option></el-select><el-select v-model="selectedValue3"><el-option v-for="item inoptions3" :key="item.value" :label="bel" :value="item.val ue"></el-option></el-select>```在上面的代码中,我们分别定义了三个Select组件,每个Select 组件都有对应的选项数据(options1、options2、options3)和绑定的数据(selectedValue1、selectedValue2、selectedValue3)。

firefox javascript 多线程实现原理 -回复

firefox javascript 多线程实现原理 -回复

firefox javascript 多线程实现原理-回复Firefox JavaScript 多线程实现原理Firefox浏览器使用一种称为SpiderMonkey的JavaScript引擎来解释和执行JavaScript代码。


本文将深入探讨Firefox JavaScript多线程实现原理,并逐步回答相关问题。

1. 什么是JavaScript多线程?JavaScript是一种单线程语言,意味着它一次只能执行一条指令。






2. SpiderMonkey引擎中的JavaScript多线程如何工作?Firefox使用的SpiderMonkey引擎将JavaScript代码解释为字节码,然后将其转换为机器可执行的指令。







Chapter 1: Getting Started Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 1-1 Interfaces ....................................................................................................................................... 1-2 Unpacking ...................................................................................................................................... 1-2 Setting Up the Digital Scanner ....................................................................................................... 1-3 Installing the Interface Cable .................................................................................................... 1-3 Removing the Interface Cable .................................................................................................. 1-4 Connecting Power (if required) ................................................................................................ 1-4 Configuring the Digital Scanner ............................................................................................... 1-4



p rdf e h nto od b ln ea ayi n aue h ereo a mb ln ew t h du tdef in yo tn y e ei d teu i f a aa c n lssa dme srdted ge fl di aa c i teajse fce c fl eoe e o r o i r g a a z ga da js n p n uttra a aa c .I ue n a - a l , h rp sd am t d f nt n , n l i n dut g O e MP m l — e dl d b ln e t sd a p ae e h om o i yn i ih o
第2 8卷 第 5期
21 0 1年 5月
计 算 机 应 用 研 究
Ap l a in Re e r h o mp t r p i t s ac fCo u e s c o
V0 | 8 No 5 l2 . M a 2 1 v 01

种 多线 程负 载 均衡 分 析 方 法研 究 水
p o c a e n d rc ie rwr i g fri sr me tt n a d o ti ig p r r n e d t t h ep o n l i g h d e y , r a h b s d o i t e i n n t e v t o u na i n b an n ef ma c aa wi t e h l f f dn i d n sn u o h uo
陈 佐, 杨秋伟 , 万 新, 任小西
( 南大学 计 算机 与通 信 学院 ,长沙 4 0 8 ) 湖 10 2

要 :为 了精 确分析 负载均衡 问题 , 以优化 程序运 行性 能 , 定 了 负载均衡 分析单 元 , 确 度量 了 负载 不均衡 程度

synthmaster player用户手册说明书

synthmaster player用户手册说明书

SynthMaster Player User ManualVersion 2.6.16Written ByBülent BıyıkoğluCreditsProgramming, Concept,Design & Documentation : Bulent BiyikogluUser Interface Development: Salvatore ZummoBülent BıyıkoğluFactory Wavetables: GalbanumUser wavetables: Compiled with permission from public archiveFactory Presets (v2.5/2.6): BigToneFrank “Xenox” NeumannNori UbukataRob LeeSami RabiaTeoman PasinliogluUmit “Insigna” UyXenos SoundworksUfuk KevserBeta Testing: Sound designers, , forum users AU Version of SynthMaster is built using Symbiosis by NuEdge Development.XML processing is done by using TinyXMLHTTP/FTP processing is done by using LibCurlCopyright © 2007-2014 KV331 Audio. All rights reserved.This guide may not be duplicated in whole or in partwithout the express written consent of KV331 Audio.SynthMaster is a trademark of KV331 Audio.ASIO, VST, VSTGUI are trademarks of Steinberg.AU is a trademark of Apple Corporation.RTAS, AAX are trademarks of Avid CorporationAll other trademarks contained herein are theproperty of their respective owners.Product features, specifications, system requirements,and availability are subject to change without notice.TABLE OF CONTENTSSynthMaster Player User Manual (1)Introduction (4)System Requirements (4)Download Links for SynthMaster Player FREE (4)Download Links for SynthMaster Player (4)Forgot Your Serial Number? (5)Installing Latest Version (5)Changing Data Folder (6)Getting Started with SynthMaster Player (7)Browsing Presets (8)Controlling the Browser from your MIDI Controller (9)Adding Presets to Your Favorites List (10)Assigning the “Default” Preset (10)Loading a Preset from Your Favorites List (10)Importing Preset Banks Into SynthMaster (10)Assigning Easy Knobs to MIDI Controllers (MIDI Learn) (12)Editing Preset Parameters (12)Easy Parameters (12)Layer Insert Effects (13)Global Insert Effects (13)Preset Polyphony (13)Global/Preset Engine Buffer Size (13)Global/Preset Engine Quality (13)Global/Preset Scale (14)Global/Preset Skin (14)Changing Current Skin Globally (15)Changing Current Skin for the Current Preset (16)IntroductionSystem RequirementsSynthMaster Player comes in the following formats:Format System Requirements DAW RequirementsVST Instrument Windows 7 and aboveMacOSX 10.6 and above2 GB RAM, 2 GHz CPUVST Host supporting VST 2.4pluginsAU Instrument MacOSX 10.6 and above2 GB RAM, 2 GHz CPUAU Host applicationRTAS Instrument Windows 7 and aboveMacOSX 10.6 and above2 GB RAM, 2 GHz CPUProTools 9ProTools 10AAX Instrument Windows 7 and aboveMacOSX 10.6 and above2 GB RAM, 2 GHz CPU32bit: ProTools 10.3.6 and above64bit: ProTools 11 and aboveDownload Links for SynthMaster Player FREESynthMaster 2.6 Player FREE installer can be downloaded at:Windows-32 bits: /DownloadFile.aspx?fileID=83Windows-64 bits: /DownloadFile.aspx?fileID=84Mac OSX (32/64bits): /DownloadFile.aspx?fileID=85This installer contains the latest binaries and all the data files necessary to install SynthMaster 2.6 Player FREEDownload Links for SynthMaster PlayerSynthMaster 2.6 Player FREE installer can be downloaded at:Windows-32 bits: /DownloadFile.aspx?fileID=81Windows-64 bits: /DownloadFile.aspx?fileID=82Mac OSX (32/64bits): /DownloadFile.aspx?fileID=86This installer contains the latest binaries and all the data files necessary to install SynthMaster 2.6 Player. To start your download for SynthMaster Player you should enter your registered email address and serial number:Forgot Your Serial Number?If you forgot your serial number, it is very easy to retrieve it. Just go to/requestlicensefile.aspxenter your registered email address, and that’s it. You’ll receive your serial number plus the above download links in a couple of minutes!Installing Latest VersionOnce you download the zip archive containing SynthMaster 2.6 Player setup files, simply extract its contents to a temporary location and run the setup application: (SynthMaster26PlayerSetup.exe on Windows, SynthMaster26PlayerSetup.pkg on MacOSX)By default, SynthMaster will be installed under the following directories:Windows: C:\Program Files\Vstplugins\SynthMaster PlayerMacOSX: /Library/Application Support/KV331 Audio/SynthMaster PlayerOn MacOSX, you might get the following warning message after you install SynthMaster Player, and run your DAW application:In that case, please copy the following files manually:SynthMasterLicenseKey.txt to -> /Library/Application Support/KV331 Audio/SynthMaster Playerponent to -> /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/ComponentsSynthMasterPlayer.vst to -> /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VSTSynthMasterPlayer.dpm to -> /Library/Application Support/Digidesign/DAE/Plug-InsChanging Data FolderIf you want to place SynthMaster Player data files in a different folder, there is an easy way to do that:Copy all SynthMaster folder/files except SynthMaster2.dll, SynthMaster2FX.dll and SynthMasterPlayerFolders.txt into the new folderOpen up the SythMasterPlayerFolders.txt file using a text editor, and change the following line:RootFolder=<new folder path goes here>Then save the SynthMasterPlayerFolder.txt file and you’re done!Getting Started with SynthMaster PlayerNow that we you’ve installed SynthMaster Player, it’s time to explore it!Let’s start by instantiating a SynthMaster Player instance in our DAW application:SynthMaster Player opens up with its default “Player Skin”. One of the unique features of SynthMaster is that it support multiple skins. You can even edit the skins that come with SynthMaster Player and customize your own skins, with the Interface Editor that comes with SynthMaster (just download and install SynthMaster DEMO for that:Browsing PresetsSynthMaster Player comes with a comprehensive preset library, with 800 presets to start with (the free version has only 200):When you select a preset from the list, it is loaded from disk, and its 12 easy parameters and insert effects are displayed. You can tweak the easy parameters right from the browser or using you MIDI controller’s knob/sliders that are globally linked to the easy parameters.The presets can be filtered byInstrument TypeAttributesMusic StylePreset AuthorBank NameFor instance, if you want to see all Mono Bass Factory presets for Electro music style created by Aiyn Zahev, click on Bass, Mono, Electro, Aiyn Zahev and then Factory Presets:To load a preset on the list: click on it:To go to the next preset on the list: click on the arrow, or press the “Down” key on your keyboard. To go to the previous preset on the list: click on the arrow, or press the “Up” key on your keyboard. To scroll down the list: move your mouse wheel down (when mouse is over the presets list)To scroll up the list: move your mouse wheel up (when mouse is over the presets list)To search for a preset by name: type the text into the search textbox and press enter or click on the Search button. The matching presets will be displayed on the list:Controlling the Browser from your MIDI ControllerIt is possible in SynthMaster Player to control the preset browser from your MIDI controller, by sending MIDI CC messages. You can assign buttons on your controller for scrolling up/down Instrument typeMusic stylePreset AuthorPresetsTo link a button to a list, move your mouse over the list, and then click on the right mouse button. The popup menu will show up with 2 selections: Prev and NextAfter you select one of the menu items, press the button on your MIDI controller to send the MIDI CC message, SynthMaster Player will learn the button and establish the link between the button and the browser function. SynthMaster Player saves this link in its configuration file, so you have to do this linking only once.Adding Presets to Your Favorites ListIt is possible to mark the presets you like as ‘favourites’ so that you can easily load them again in your sessions. To add a preset to your ‘favourites’ list:Click on the presetname to choosethe presetRight click on thepreset name tobring up thedropdown menuChoose “Add toFavourites”Assigning the “Default” Preset“Default” preset is the preset that is loaded when a new instance of SynthMaster Player is created. To assign a preset as the “default” preset:Click on the presetname to choosethe presetRight click on thepreset name tobring up thedropdown menuChoose “Set AsDefault Preset”Loading a Preset from Your Favorites ListOnce you assign your favourite presets, you canload them back by right clicking on the currentpreset name (displayed on the top header) andthen choosing a preset listed under the “LoadFavourite: “ category.Importing Preset Banks Into SynthMasterSynthMaster Player and Player FREE allows you to use the preset banks released by KV331 Audio. If you purchase preset banks from our website , you will notice that most of them require manual installation (expect the ones that come with their own installers).Starting with version 2.6.15, we’ve made it very easy to import those banks into SynthMaster Player:1. Move your mouse under the Bank list and right click. Popup menu will show up. Select Importpreset bank(s) menu item:2. Directory browser dialog will open up. Browse to the folder where you extracted the zip file thatcontains the preset bank files (that end with .smpb / .smar) and click OK to import the files:3. If import is successful, the preset browser will be refreshed and you’ll see the imported banks : In case importing fails (due to write permission error), you can manually copy the preset bank file(s) (andthe archive file(s) if the preset bank uses any custom samples/waveforms) to the following locations: Windows: C:\Program Files\Vstplugins\SynthMaster Player\PresetsMacOSX: /Library/Application Support/KV331 Audio/SynthMaster Player/PresetsAssigning Easy Knobs to MIDI Controllers (MIDI Learn)In SynthMaster Player, easy parameters (knobs and XY Pads) can be assigned to MIDI controllers. This assignment is achieved by the MIDI Learn feature in SynthMaster Player. The easy parameter assignments are saved in the configuration file so the assignments are global, not per preset.parameter (knob), and then right click to bring upthe content menu.Click on the MIDI Learn menu item, and then startmoving the corresponding knob/slider/etc on yourMIDI controller device to send MIDI ControlChange (CC) messages. As soon as SynthMasterreceives a CC message, it will assign thatcontroller to the parameter.your mouse over the parameter (knob) that’s linkedto a MIDI controller, and then right click to bring upthe content menu.Click on the Remove MIDI CC Link menu item, andthe assignment will be removed.Editing Preset ParametersSynthMaster Player has limited editing capabilities compared to SynthMaster. For each preset, the following parameters can be edited by the user:Easy ParametersEasy parameters are assigned by the sound designer to enable tweaking most important parameters in the preset’s design. Each preset has 8 easy knobs and 2 XY Pads.Layer Insert EffectsFor each of the 2 layers there are 5 insert effects that are assigned by the sound designer. To turn on/off an assigned effect click on the effect name ,its state will toggle.Global Insert EffectsThere are 2 global effect buses with 5 insert effect slots for each. To turn on/off an assigned effect click on the effect name, its state will toggle.Preset PolyphonyPolyphony is used to limit the maximum number of voices that thesynth can play at a time. By lowering polyphony, you can reduce theCPU usage of the synth. Its value can be set between 4-64 voices.Global/Preset Engine Buffer SizeEngine buffer size determines the smallest buffer size at which internalLFOs, envelopes, etc. are recalculated. Increasing engine buffer sizewill lower CPU usage. It takes the following values:Short (16 samples)Normal (32 samples)Large (64 samples)XLarge (128 samples)XXLarge (256 samples).TIP: If Global Engine Buffer Size is not set to “Preset” it will override Preset Engine Buffer Size parameter. TIP: For best performance set buffer size to Normal/Large during tracking, and set it to Short when bouncing to audio.Global/Preset Engine QualityEngine quality determines the internal oversampling rate.Oversampling helps reduce aliasing noise that’s generated especiallyat high pitches. The more oversampling used, the more CPU cycleswill be consumed. The engine quality parameter takes the followingvalues:Draft (no oversampling)Good (2 times oversampling)Better (3 times oversampling)Best (4 times oversampling)TIP: If Global Engine Quality is not set to “Preset” it will override Preset Engine Quality parameter.TIP: For best performance set engine quality to Draft during tracking, and set it to Good/Better/Best when bouncing to audio.Global/Preset Scaleeach preset separately. By default, it comes with only 1 scaledefinition: EqualTempered scale. The scale definitions, which are inScala format, are stored under:Windows : C:\Program Files\VstPlugIns\SynthMasterPlayer\ScalesMacOSX: /Library/Application Support/KV331Audio/SynthMaster/ScalesTIP: If Global Scale is not set to “Preset” it will override Preset Scale parameter.TIP: If you want to use different tunings, please copy the scale files (in Scala format) into the above folders.Global/Preset SkinSynthMaster Player comes with 2 different skins (which will be 3 quitesoon!). By changing the Preset Skin parameter, you can use adifferent skin for the current preset. For the skin change to take effect,you have to close and reopen the plug-in window.TIP: If Global Skin is not set to “Preset” it will override Preset Skin parameter.Changing Current Skin GloballyTo change the current skin globally (for all SynthMaster Player instances), you should1. Click on the left/right arrows (next to the parameter name) on the header to display the currentvalue of the Global Skin parameter:2. Click on the left/right arrows (next to the parameter value) on the header to change Global Skinparameter’s value:3. Close and then reopen the skin:Changing Current Skin for the Current PresetRather than using a global skin for all SynthMaster Player instances, you can have a different skin for each instance. The skin name is saved inside preset settings. To change the current skin for the current instance, you should1. Click on the left/right arrows (next to theparameter name) on the header to displaythe current value of the Global Skinparameter2. Click on the left/right arrows (next to theparameter value) on the header to changeGlobal Skin parameter’s value to Preset3. Click on the left/right arrows (next to theparameter name) on the header to displaythe current value of the Preset Skinparameter4. Click on the left/right arrows (next to theparameter value) on the header to changePreset Skin parameter’s value to the skinyou want to switch to5. Close and then reopen the skin。

Huawei DevEco Studio使用指南_鸿蒙学堂

Huawei DevEco Studio使用指南_鸿蒙学堂
文档内容来自鸿蒙官方网站,鸿蒙学堂 整理
Huawei DevEco Studio 使用指南
2.3 运行 Hello World.........................................................................................................11 3 工程管理......................................................................................................................................14
3.2 支持的设备模板和编程语言 ........................................................................................ 17 3.3 创建一个新的工程.........................................................................................................18
2.2 配置开发环境 ................................................................................................................... 4 2.2.1 npm 设置............................................................................................................. 4 2.2.2 设置 Gradle 代理................................................................................................ 5 2.2.3 设置 DevEco Studio 代理................................................................................ 6 2.2.4 下载 HarmonyOS SDK .................................................................................... 8






2. let和const:用于声明变量。


如:let x = 5;。

const y = 10;。



如:let name = "Alice";。

console.log(`My name is ${name}`);。


如:let arr = [1, 2, 3];。

let [a, b, c] = arr;。


如:let obj = {a, b, c};。


如:class Person 。

constructor(name) 。

= name;。


sayHello() 。

console.log(`Hello, my name is ${}`);。



class Student extends Person 。

constructor(name, grade) 。


this.grade = grade;。


sayHello() 。

console.log(`Hello, my name is ${} and I'm in grade ${this.grade}`);。



7. Promise:用于处理异步操作的新语法。

如:let promise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) 。

let success = false;。

if (success) 。




KF8F204 数据手册 V1.0
双向输入输出端口 ADC 输入通道 8 双向输入输出端口 ADC 输入通道 6 外部中断 1 输入 双向输入输出端口 ADC 输入通道 5 双向输入输出端口 ADC 输入通道 4 PWM1 输出 带上拉和电平变化中断功能的双向输入输出端口 ADC 输入通道 2 T0 时钟输入 外部中断 0 输入 带上拉和电平变化中断功能的双向输入输出端口 ADC 输入通道 1 AD 外部参考电压输入 在线编程时钟输入 带上拉和电平变化中断功能的双向输入输出端口 ADC 输入通道 0 在线编程数据输入 地,0V 参考点
2.2.2 P1 口原理功能框图 .....................................................26 2.3 P2 口 .....................................................................27
2 I/O端口介绍 ............................................................... 17
2.1 P0 口 .....................................................................18 2.1.1 P0 口相关的寄存器 .....................................................19

Q-Mark 机器工具笔式目录说明书

Q-Mark 机器工具笔式目录说明书

JUNE 2013 MACHINE TOOL STYLUS CATALOGU s eQ-MarkPROBE STYLIABOUT THIS CATALOGThis catalog contains part numbers, descriptions, and prices for our machine tool styli.Unless otherwise noted, all Q-Mark machine tool styli have M4 x 0.7 threads.IMPORTANT NOTES1. All dimensions are in millimeters.2. For best results, use the largest ball and the shortest stem possible.3. IMPORTANT!BEFORE MEASURING, ALWAYS MAKE CERTAIN THAT YOUR STYLUS CALIBRATION V ALUES ARE SATISFACTORY. ALWAYS TEST THE PERFORMANCE OF YOUR PROBE AND STYLUS CONFIGURA-TION ON A KNOWN PART, e.g., A RING GAGE OR GAGE BLOCK.Symbols used in this catalogSTYLUS REPAIRWe can replace a lost or broken ball on any Q-Mark stylus if the stem isn’t damaged.Call us at 1-800-776-2388 or 1-949-457-1913 for a returned material authorization (RMA) number, then ship it back to us. We’ll clean the part and cement a new ball on it.Most repairs are completed and shipped within 1 or 2 days.We’re sorry, but chipped or worn balls can’t be repaired.HOURS AND DAYS OF OPERATIONQ-Mark is open from 7:30 AM to 4:00 PM Pacific Time, Monday through Friday.Our telephone numbers:Within the US and Canada, call us toll-free at 1-800-776-2388.Our direct dial telephone is 1-949-457-1913.Our fax numbers:Within the US and Canada, fax toll-free to 1-800-776-2394.Our direct dial telephone is 1-949-457-9277.Website: Email: **************Entire contents copyright 2012 by Q-Mark Manufacturing Inc.Machine Tool StyliTable of ContentsStainless steel styli with ruby balls..................................4Carbide styli with ruby balls............................................5Ceramic styli with ruby balls...........................................6Graphite styli with ruby balls...........................................7Stainless steel extensions.................................................7Ceramic extensions..........................................................8Electrically conductive styli.............................................8Stainless steel thread adapters..........................................9Ceramic thread adapters...................................................9Rotary knuckle.................................................................9Weak link.........................................................................9Design Your Own Probe TM..............................................145-way hub. (9)Probe key..........................................................................9Styli for Blum probe systems...................................10-13Blum to Q-Mark part number cross reference...............13Renishaw to Q-Mark part number cross reference.. (15)Machine Tool StyliS T A I N L E S S S T E E L S T Y L I W I T H R U B Y B A L L SMachine Tool StyliC A R B IDE S T Y L I W I T H R U B Y B A L L SDon’t see exactly what you need? Many more ball sizes, materials, and lengths are available from stock. Call or email for details.C E R A M I C S T Y L I W I T H R U B Y B A L LSMachine Tool StyliDon’t see exactly what you need? Many more ball sizes, materials, and lengths are available from stock. Call or email for details.G R A P H I T E S T Y L I W I T H R U B Y B A L LSS T A I N L E S S S T E E L E X T E N S I O N SMachine Tool StyliS T A I N L E S S T H RE A D A D A P T E R SC E R A M I C T H R E AD A D A P TE R SW E A K L I NK337R O T A R Y K N U C K L E5-W A Y H U BP R O B E K EYSTYLI FOR BLUM PROBE SYSTEMSFIG. 1FIG. 2FIG. 3CERAMICTC50/51Q-MARK PART NO.TM4-60103-C-BL-TC50/51L1Db L2Ds Fig.Equivalent Q-Mark Part No.Cost50 2.08.0 1.21P03.8000-010.050.02TM4-2051-C-BL-TC50/51$ 185.0050 3.010.0 2.01P03.8000-010.050.03TM4-3051.5-C-BL-TC50/51$ 185.0050 4.011.0 2.81P03.8000-010.050.04TM4-4052-C-BL-TC50/51$ 195.0050 5.012.0 3.51P03.8000-010.050.05TM4-5052.5-C-BL-TC50/51$ 195.0050 6.030.5 4.52P03.8000-010.050.06TM4-6053-C-BL-TC50/51$ 150.0075 6.055.5 4.01P03.8000-010.075.06TM4-6078-C-BL-TC50/51$ 195.00100 2.08.3 1.21P03.8000-010.100.02TM4-20101-C-BL-TC50/51$ 195.00100 3.010.0 2.01P03.8000-010.100.03TM4-30101.5-C-BL-TC50/51$ 195.00100 4.011.0 2.81P03.8000-010.100.04TM4-40102-C-BL-TC50/51$ 195.00100 5.012.0 3.51P03.8000-010.100.05TM4-50102.5-C-BL-TC50/51$ 215.00100 6.080.5 4.52P03.8000-010.100.06TM4-60103-C-BL-TC50/51$ 170.00150 4.011.0 2.83P03.8000-010.150.04TM4-40152-C-BL-TC50/51$ 201.00150 6.0125.0 4.53P03.8000-010.150.06TM4-60153-C-BL-TC50/51$ 220.00200 6.0175.0 4.03P03.8000-010.200.06TM4-60203-C-BL-TC50/51$ 240.00250 6.0225.0 4.03P03.8000-010.250.06TM4-60253-C-BL-TC50/51$ 260.00300 6.0275.0 4.03P03.8000-010.300.06TM4-60303-C-BL-TC50/51$ 280.00STYLI FOR BLUM PROBE SYSTEMSCARBIDE TC50/51STEEL TC50/51Q-MARK PART NO. TM4-60103-S-BLL1Db L2Ds Equivalent Q-Mark Part No.Cost 50 3.030.0 2.0P03.8000-012.050.03TM4-3051.5-BL-TC50/51$ 80.00 50 4.030.0 2.5P03.8000-012.050.04TM4-4052-BL-TC50/51$ 80.00 50 5.030.0 2.5P03.8000-012.050.05TM4-5052.5-BL-TC50/51$ 85.00 506.030.0 2.5P03.8000-012.050.06TM4-6053-BL-TC50/51$ 95.00 100 4.080.0 2.5P03.8000-012.100.04TM4-40102-BL-TC50/51$ 95.00 100 5.080.0 2.5P03.8000-012.100.05TM4-50102.5-BL-TC50/51$ 100.00 100 6.080.0 2.5P03.8000-012.100.06TM4-60103-BL-TC50/51$ 110.00L1Db L2Equivalent Q-Mark Part No.Cost 100 6.075.0P03.8000-016.100.06TM4-60103-S-BL $ 80.00 150 6.0125.0P03.8000-016.150.06TM4-60153-S-BL$ 80.00STYLI FOR BLUM PROBE SYSTEMSSTEEL EXTENSIONSTC50/51Q-MARK PART NO.VM4-50-BLCERAMIC TC52/53/54/76Q-MARK PART NO. TM4-3051.5-C-BL* for TC 52 LF and TC76 LF onlyL1Equivalent Q-Mark Part No.Cost 50P03.8000-015.050VM4-50-BL $ 45.00 75P03.8000-015.075VM4-75-BL $ 50.00 100P03.8000-015.100VM4-100-BL$ 55.00L1Db L2Ds Equivalent Q-Mark Part No.Cost 50 $ 185.00* 50 2.018.3 1.2P03.8000-020.050.02TM4-2051-C-BL $ 185.00 50 3.011.8 2.0P03.8000-020.050.03TM4-3051.5-C-BL $ 185.00 50 4.013.7 2.5P03.8000-020.050.04TM4-4052-C-BL $ 195.00 50 5.014.5 3.5P03.8000-020.050.05TM4-5052.5-C-BL $ 195.00 755.014.5 3.5P03.8000-020.075.06TM4-5077.5-C-BL$ 205.00 100 5.014.5 3.5P03.8000-020.100.05TM4-10502.5-C-BL$ 215.00STYLI FOR BLUM PROBE SYSTEMSCARBIDE TC52/53/54/76FIG. 1FIG. 2BLUM Part No.Q-Mark Part No.Price P03.8000-010.050.02TM4-2051-C-BL-TC50/51$185.00 P03.8000-010.050.03TM4-3051.5-C-BL-TC50/51$185.00 P03.8000-010.050.04TM4-4052-C-BL-TC50/51$195.00 P03.8000-010.050.05TM4-5052.5-C-BL-TC50/51$195.00P03.8000-010.050.06TM4-6053-C-BL-TC50/51$150.00 P03.8000-010.075.06TM4-6078-C-BL-TC50/51$195.00P03.8000-010.100.02TM4-20101-C-BL-TC50/51$195.00 P03.8000-010.100.03TM4-30101.5-C-BL-TC50/51$195.00 P03.8000-010.100.04TM4-40102-C-BL-TC50/51$195.00 P03.8000-010.100.05TM4-50102.5-C-BL-TC50/51$215.00P03.8000-010.100.06TM4-60103-C-BL-TC50/51$170.00 P03.8000-010.150.04TM4-40152-C-BL-TC50/51$205.00 P03.8000-010.150.06TM4-60153-C-BL-TC50/51$220.00 P03.8000-010.200.06TM4-60203-C-BL-TC50/51$240.00 P03.8000-010.250.06TM4-60253-C-BL-TC50/51$260.00 P03.8000-010.300.06TM4-60303-C-BL-TC50/51$280.00 P03.8000-012.050.03TM4-3051.5-BL-TC50/51$80.00 P03.8000-012.050.04TM4-4052-BL-TC50/51$80.00 P03.8000-012.050.05TM4-5052.5-BL-TC50/51$85.00 P03.8000-012.050.06TM4-6053-BL-TC50/51$95.00 P03.8000-012.100.04TM4-40102-BL-TC50/51$95.00 P03.8000-012.100.05TM4-50102.5-BL-TC50/51$100.00 P03.8000-012.100.06TM4-60103-BL-TC50/51$110.00BLUM Part No.Q-Mark Part No.Price P03.8000-015.050VM4-50-BL $45.00 P03.8000-015.075VM4-75-BL $50.00 P03.8000-015.100VM4-100-BL $55.00 P03.8000-016.100.06TM4-60103-S-BL $90.00 P03.8000-016.150.06TM4-60153-S-BL $105.00 P03.8000-020.050.01TM4-1050.5-C-BL $185.00 P03.8000-020.050.02TM4-2051-C-BL $185.00 P03.8000-020.050.03TM4-3051.5-C-BL $185.00 P03.8000-020.050.04TM4-4052-C-BL $195.00 P03.8000-020.050.05TM4-5052.5-C-BL $195.00P03.8000-020.075.05TM4-5077.5-C-BL $205.00 P03.8000-020.100.05TM4-50102.5-C-BL $215.00P03.8000-022.030.01TM4-1030.5-BL $85.00 P03.8000-022.030.02TM4-2031-BL $75.00 P03.8000-022.030.03TM4-3031.5-BL $75.00 P03.8000-022.030.04TM4-4032-BL $75.00 P03.8000-022.030.05TM4-5032.5-BL $80.00 P03.8000-022.030.06TM4-6033-BL $85.00 P03.8000-022.050.03TM4-3051.5-BL $85.00 P03.8000-022.050.04TM4-4052-BL $85.00 P03.8000-022.050.05TM4-5052.5-BL $90.00 P03.8000-022.050.06TM4-6053-BL $95.00 P03.8000-022.075.05TM4-5077.5-BL $95.00 P03.8000-022.100-05TM4-50102.5-BL$100.00BLUM to Q-MARK CROSS REFERENCE TABLE* for TC 52 LF and TC76 LF onlyL1Db L2Ds Fig.Equivalent Q-Mark Part No.Cost 30 1.0 5.10.71P03.8000-022.030.01TM4-1030.5-BL $ 85.00* 30 $ 75.00 30 3.015.0 1.52P03.8000-022.030.03TM4-3031.5-BL $ 75.00 30 4.015.0 2.52P03.8000-022.030.04TM4-4032-BL $ 75.00 30 5.015.0 2.52P03.8000-022.030.05TM4-5032.5-BL $ 80.00 30 6.015.0 2.52P03.8000-022.030.06TM4-6033-BL $ 85.00 50 3.030.0 2.02P03.8000-022.050.03TM4-3051.5-BL $ 85.00 50 4.030.0 2.52P03.8000-022.050.04TM4-4052-BL $ 85.00 50 5.030.0 2.52P03.8000-022.050.05TM4-5052.5-BL $ 90.00 50 6.030.0 2.52P03.8000-022.050.06TM4-6053-BL $ 95.00 755.055.0 2.52P03.8000-022.075.05TM4-5077.5-BL $ 95.00 100 5.080.0 2.52P03.8000-022.100.05TM4-50102.5-BL$ 100.00Machine Tool StyliDESIGN YOUR OWN PROBETMor 949-457-9277L1L2DsDDbThreadYour Name ______________________________________Phone _________________Company ____________________________________Email _____________________Ball material:q ruby q silicon nitride q ceramic q carbide q other ____________Stem material:q carbide q ceramic q graphite q steel q other _______________Base material:q stainless steel q aluminum q titanium q other _______________Comments / special requirements _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________Machine Tool StyliA-5000-1358TM4-60103-G$130.007 A-5000-3712TM4-60103-C$100.006 A-5000-6352TM4-5032.5-S$65.004 A-5000-6731TM4-5022.5-S$65.004 A-5000-7521TM4-5052.5-S$69.004 A-5000-7522TM4-50102.5-S$79.004 A-5000-7523TM4-50152.5-S$85.004 A-5000-7545TM4-1020-S$86.004 A-5000-7547TM4-2020-S$35.004 A-5000-7549TM4-3020-S$36.004 A-5000-7551TM4-4020-S$50.004 A-5000-7553TM4-5020-S$45.004 A-5000-7555TM4-6020-S$45.004 A-5000-7557TM4-8020-S$65.004 A-5000-7727VM4-100-C$75.008 A-5000-7754VM4-30-C$50.008 A-5000-7755VM4-50-C$58.008 A-5000-7792KM4-18$58.009 A-5000-7795TM4-8054-C$98.006 A-5000-7796TM4-80104-C$130.006 A-5000-8156TM4-60153-C$130.006 A-5000-9685TM4-5054-EC$158.008 A-5000-9697TM4-3055-EC$146.008 A-5000-9761TM4-50102.5-C$100.006 A-5003-0233TM4-4052-C$65.006 A-5003-0235TM4-5052.5-C$75.006 A-5003-0236TM4-5077.5-C$125.006 A-5003-0587VM4-200-C$95.008 A-5003-1075TM4-60203-G$190.007 A-5003-1255TM4-60153-G$160.007 A-5003-1436TM4-6053-G$105.007Cost Page A-5003-2764TM4-6078-C$90.006 A-5003-2932TM4-2021$55.005 A-5003-3461TM4-80304-G$310.007 A-5003-3550TM4-5013-S$45.004 A-5003-3680TM4-3051.5$57.005 A-5003-3709TM4-6053-C$85.006 A-5003-4179TM4-60303-G$248.007 A-5003-4689RJM4-33$120.009 A-5003-4792TM4-1020-DS7$60.005 A-5003-4793TM4-3021.5$49.005 A-5003-4794TM4-4022$52.005 A-5003-4795TM4-5022.5$55.005 A-5003-4796TM4-6023$75.005 A-5003-4797TM4-2051$53.005 A-5003-4799TM4-4052$55.005 A-5003-4800TM4-5052.5$80.005 A-5003-4801TM4-6053$88.005 A-5003-4802TM4-8079-C$90.006 A-5003-7103TM4-50100-EC$78.008 A-5003-7104TM4-50150-EC$87.008 A-5003-7142TM4-5050-EC$69.008 M-2085-0069M4-WL$30.009 M-5000-6622RM4-M2$18.009 M-5000-6625RM4-M3-L$18.009 M-5000-6714RM4-M3$18.009 M-5000-7583VM4-10$29.007 M-5000-7584VM4-15$30.007 M-5000-7585VM4-20$30.007 M-5000-7586VM4-30$30.007 M-5000-7751RM450-M3-C$59.009 M-5000-7752RM475-M3-C$90.009 M-5000-7753RM4100-M3-C$103.009RENISHAW to Q-MARKMACHINE TOOL STYLUS CROSS REFERENCE GUIDEAll tools designed and manufactured in the USA byQ-Mark Manufacturing Inc.23332 Madero, Suite DMission Viejo CA 92691-2733 USA Phone 800-776-2388 or 949-457-1913Fax 800-776-2394 or 949-457-9277**************The Best Service In The IndustryTMQ-Mark’s No-Hassle, No-Time-Limit Unconditional Guarantee:Your satisfaction is guaranteed.We accept any return of any catalog item,at any time, for any reason.No fine print. No arguments.Q-MarkPROBE STYLIUs e Also available from Q-Mark:CMM Stylus CatalogMachine Tool Stylus CatalogPart Number Cross-Reference Guide。



EUROMAP TechnicalCommissionLyoner Str. 18DE 60528 Frankfurt am MainPhone + 49 (69) 6603-1833 Fax + 49 (69) 6603-2833Release 1.00, 04 May 201817 pagesThis EUROMAP recommendation was prepared by the Technical Commission of EUROMAP.Copyright by EUROMAPHistoryContents Page1Introduction (5)1.1Scope and Application (5)1.2References (5)1.3Abbreviations (5)2Basic security requirements (6)2.1Application Security (6)2.2User security/Access control (6)3OPC UA Conformance Units and Profiles (7)4Namespaces (7)4.1Namespace and identifiers for EUROMAP77 Information Model (7)4.2Namespace Metadata (8)4.3Handling of OPC UA namespaces (8)5IMM_MES_InterfaceType (10)5.1IMM_MES_InterfaceType Definition (10)6MachineInformation (11)6.1DeviceClass (12)6.2EuromapSizeIndication (12)6.3LogbookEvents (12)7MachineConfiguration (12)8MachineMESConfiguration (12)9MachineStatus (12)10MachineMESStatus (12)11PowerUnits (13)12Moulds (13)13InjectionUnitsType (13)14InjectionUnitType (14)14.1InjectionUnitType Definition (14)14.2Index (14)14.3BarrelId (14)14.4IsPresent (14)14.5InProduction (14)14.6ScrewId (15)14.7ScrewDiameter (15)14.8ScrewVolume (15)14.9MaxScrewStroke (15)14.10TemperatureZones (15)15Jobs (15)15.1Types, methods and events for cyclic jobs (15)15.2Optional properties in CyclicJobInformationType (15)15.3InjectionUnitCycleParametersType (15)16ProductionDatasetManagement (17)1 Introduction1.1 Scope and ApplicationEUROMAP 77 describes the interface between injection moulding machines (IMM) and manufacturing execution systems (MES) for data exchange. MES are used for collecting the information generated by IMM at a central point for easier quality assurance and job and dataset management. The target of EUROMAP 77 is to provide a unique interface for IMM and MES from different manufacturers to ensure compatibility.The following functionalities are covered:•General information about the IMM (manufacturer, model, serial number…), current configuration and status of the IMM including moulds, injection units and power units, andlogbook of relevant changes on the machine.•Job management: Information on the jobs running on the machine and the parameters of the production cycles and methods to send jobs from the MES to the IMM and to release theproduction.•Dataset management: IMM store their configurations in so-called datasets. These include information on nom inal process parameters (times, temperatures, pressures …) related to the IMM but also to installed handling systems. EUROMAP 77 allows transferring datasetsbetween IMM and MES for building a central repository of datasets.Following functions are not included:•Safety related signals like emergency stop•Direct control of machine movements by the MES1.2 References1.3 AbbreviationsIMM Injection Moulding MachineMES Manufacturing Execution System2 Basic security requirements2.1 Application SecurityFor the communication between IMM and MES the OPC UA application authentication via X509 certificates shall be used. OPC UA provides functionalities for using self-signed certificates that have to be manually added to a “trust list” as well as for certificates issued by a certificate authority (CA). The minimum requirements of the protocol level for a EUROMAP 77 compliant connection are: •Use of (self-signed) certificates for OPC UA application authentication•Security Policy: Basic256•Message Security Mode: signNOTE: It is not fixed by this specification if the certificate includes a fixed IP address and/or the host name. However, if the certificate includes a host name, a DNS server is expected to resolve the host name. An OPC UA GDS (Global Discovery Server) can be used to manage the connections and certificates.2.2 User security/Access controlOn IMM:On the IMM authentication via user name and password is commonly used.On MES:For the users and roles of the connection the following applies:•User names can be manufacturer dependent.•Standard roles areo“EUROMAP77”: read and write ac cess for selected parameterso“EUROMAP77_read_only”: no writing permissions•Manufactures can add additional roles. They may not start with “EUROMAP77”. For these roles, more parameters can be writeable than for the EUROMAP77 role.•The standard user “EUROMAP77” has the rol e “EUROMAP77” (and no other additional role), “EUROMAP77_read_only” has the roll “EUROMAP77_read_only” (and no other additionalrole); the passwords for the standard users are defined by the manufacturers (they may be empty).NOTE: OPC UA also allow an anonymous-token (e.g. for testing)3 OPC UA Conformance Units and ProfilesThis chapter defines the corresponding profiles and conformance units for the OPC UA Information Model for EUROMAP 77. Profiles are named groupings of conformance units. Facets are profiles that will be combined with other Profiles to define the complete functionality of an OPC UA Server or Client. The following tables specify the facets available for Servers that implement the EUROMAP 77 Information Model companion specification.NOTE: The names of the supported profiles are available in the Server Object underServerCapabilities.ServerProfileArrayTable 1 –EUROMAP 77 Basic Server Facet DefinitionTable 2 –EUROMAP 77 Jobs Server Facet DefinitionTable 3 –EUROMAP 77 ProductionDatasetManagement Server Facet Definition4 Namespaces4.1 Namespace and identifiers for EUROMAP77 Information ModelThis clause defines the numeric identifiers for all of the numeric NodeIds defined in this specification. The identifiers are specified in a CSV file with the following syntax:<SymbolName>, <Identifier>, <NodeClass>where the SymbolName is either the BrowseName of a Type Node or the BrowsePath for an Instance Node that appears in the specification and the Identifier is the numeric value for the NodeId.The BrowsePath for an Instance Node is constructed by appending the BrowseName of the instance Node to the BrowseName for the containing instance or type. An underscore character is used to separate each BrowseName in the path. Let’s take for example, the MachineInformationTypeObjectType Node which has the ControllerName Property. The Name for the ControllerName InstanceDeclaration within the MachineInformationType declaration is:MachineInformationType_ControllerName.The NamespaceUri for all NodeIds defined here is /euromap77/The CSV released with this version of the specification can be found here:/files/Opc_Ua.EUROMAP77.1_00.NodeId.csvNOTE: The latest CSV that is compatible with this version of the specification can be found here: /files/Opc_Ua.EUROMAP77.NodeId.csvA computer processable version of the complete Information Model defined in this specification is also provided. It follows the XML Information Model schema syntax defined in OPC UA Part 6.The Information Model Schema released with this version of the specification can be found here: /files/Opc_Ua.EUROMAP77.1_00.NodeSet2.xmlNOTE: The latest Information Model schema that is compatible with this version of the specification can be found here:/files/Opc_Ua.EUROMAP77.NodeSet2.xml4.2 Namespace MetadataTable 4 defines the namespace metadata for this specification. The Object is used to provide version information on the namespace and an indication about static Nodes. Static Nodes are identical for all Attributes in all Servers, including the Value Attribute. See OPC UA Part 5 for more details.The information is provided as Object of type NamespaceMetadataType. This Object is a component of the Namespaces Object that is part of the Server Object. The NamespaceMetadataType ObjectType and its Properties are defined in OPC UA Part 5.The version information is also provided as part of the ModelTableEntry in the UANodeSet XML file. The UANodeSet XML schema is defined in OPC UA Part 6.Table 4 – NamespaceMetadata Object for this Specification4.3 Handling of OPC UA namespacesNamespaces are used by OPC UA to create unique identifiers across different naming authorities. The Attributes NodeId and BrowseName are identifiers. A node in the UA Address Space is unambiguously identified using a NodeId. Unlike NodeIds, the BrowseName cannot be used to unambiguously identify a node. Different nodes may have the same BrowseName. They are used to build a browse path between two nodes or to define a standard Property.Servers may often choose to use the same namespace for the NodeId and the BrowseName. However, if they want to provide a standard Property, its BrowseName shall have the namespace of the standards body although the namespace of the NodeId reflects something else, for example the EngineeringUnits Property. All NodeIds of nodes not defined in this specification shall not use the standard namespaces.Table 5 provides a list of mandatory namespaces used in a EUROMAP 77 OPC UA Server.Table 5 – Namespaces used in a EUROMAP 77 Server5 IMM_MES_InterfaceType5.1 IMM_MES_InterfaceType DefinitionThis OPC UA ObjectType is used for the root Object representing an injection moulding machine with all its subcomponents. It is formally defined in Table 6.The instance(s) of IMM_MES_InterfaceType shall be located under the DeviceSet Object of the Server (see OPC UA Part 100).NOTE: In most cases the OPC UA server will be implemented in the control of the IMM so only one instance of IMM_MES_InterfaceType will be created. But it is also possible that one OPC UA server is connected to several machine controls as one interface to the MES. In this case several instances of IMM_MES_InterfaceType will be created.Figure 1 – IMM_MES_InterfaceType OverviewTable 6 – IMM_MES_InterfaceType DefinitionThe BrowseName of the object instance shall be "IMM_<Manufacturer>_<SerialNumber>" Example: "IMM_ARBURG_0123456"NOTE: The namespace of this BrowseName is the local server URI with namespace index 1 (see Table 5). The namespace of the BrowseNames of the (direct) child nodes is /euromap77/. The BrowseNames of the nodes below are in the namespace of the specification where they are defined. Examples:6 MachineInformationThe MachineInformation Object provides general information on the injection moulding machine. The MachineInformationType is defined in EUROMAP 83.6.1 DeviceClassThe DeviceClass Property in the MachineInformation Object shall have the value "Injection Moulding Machine".6.2 EuromapSizeIndicationThe value of the EuromapSizeIndication Property in the MachineInformation Object shall be in accordance with EUROMAP 1, e.g. "3430 V – 3750".6.3 LogbookEventsThe logbook events defined in EUROMAP 83 can be used. The supported logbook event types shall be listed in MachineInformation.SupportedLogbookEvents.7 MachineConfigurationThe MachineConfiguration Object represents the current configuration of the injection moulding machine. The MachineConfigurationType is defined in EUROMAP 83.8 MachineMESConfigurationThe MachineMESConfiguration Object represents the current configuration of the injection moulding machine related to the MES. The MachineMESConfigurationType is defined in EUROMAP 83.9 MachineStatusThe MachineStatus Object represents the current status of the injection moulding machine. The MachineStatusType is defined in EUROMAP 83.10 MachineMESStatusThe MachineMESStatus Object represents the current status of the injection moulding machine related to the MES. The MachineMESStatusType is defined in EUROMAP 83.The Object can generate Events of MessageConditionType which includes a Classification Property. For injection moulding machines, the IMMMessageClassificationEnumeration defined in Table 7 shall be used (also in the related logbook event).Table 7 – IMMMessageClassificationEnumeration Definition11 PowerUnitsThe PowerUnits Object is a container for the power unit(s) of the injection moulding machines. The PowerUnitsType is defined in EUROMAP 83.12 MouldsThe Moulds Object is a container for the mould(s) of the injection moulding machines. The MouldsType is defined in EUROMAP 83.13 InjectionUnitsTypeThis ObjectType is a container for the injection unit(s) (see container concept in EUROMAP 83). It is formally defined in Table 8.Table 8 – InjectionUnitsType DefinitionWhen instances for injection units are created, the BrowseNames shall be “InjectionUnit_<Nr>” (starting with 1).14 InjectionUnitType14.1 InjectionUnitType DefinitionThis ObjectType represents the description and status of the injection unit(s). It is formally defined in Table 9.Table 9 – InjectionUnitType Definition14.2 IndexThe Index Property gives the number of the injection unit.14.3 BarrelIdThe BarrelId Property provides the Id (e.g. serial number) of the barrel.14.4 IsPresentIt is allowed to create instances of all InjectionUnits that can be connected to the machine (e.g. due to available connectors) to avoid dynamical creation of objects. The IsPresent Property provides information if the InjectionUnit is physically installed on the injection machines.14.5 InProductionThe InProduction Property provides information if the InjectionUnit is used in the current running production.14.6 ScrewIdThe ScrewId Property represents the Id of the screw installed in the InjectionUnit.14.7 ScrewDiameterScrewDiameter represents the diameter of the screw installed in the InjectionUnit.14.8 ScrewVolumeScrewVolume represents the volume of the screw installed in the InjectionUnit.14.9 MaxScrewStrokeMax ScrewStroke represents the maximum stroke of the screw installed in the InjectionUnit.14.10 T emperatureZonesThis Object is a container for the barrel temperature zones of the injection unit. The TemperatureZonesType is formally defined in EUROMAP 83. Inside the container the BarrelTemperatureZoneType shall be used.15 JobsThe Jobs Object is used for managing production jobs on the machine and for information on their status including process parameters (temperatures, pressures…). The JobsType is defined in EUROMAP 83.15.1 Types, methods and events for cyclic jobsAs IMM have a cyclic production, the Types, Methods and Events defined in EUROMAP 83 for cyclic jobs shall be used:Table 10 – Types, methods and events for cyclic jobs15.2 Optional properties in CyclicJobInformationTypeIn the CyclicJobInformationType, as defined in EUROMAP 83, the Properties MouldId and NumCavities have the ModellingRule optional. When the CyclicJobInformationType is used for a EUROMAP 77 interface, these Properties become mandatory and shall be filled by the server. 15.3 InjectionUnitCycleParametersTypeThe InjectionUnitCycleParametersType represents information on the production cycle related to an injection unit. This type is used to extend the CycleParametersEventType defined in EUROMAP 83.The BrowseNames of the additional objects shall be “InjectionUnitCycleParameters_<Nr>” (starting with 1)Table 11 – Example of an event type derived from CycleParametersEventType with two moulds and twoinjection unitsThe InjectionUnitCycleParametersType is formally defined in Table 12.Table 12 – InjectionUnitCycleParametersType DefinitionTable 13 contains a description of the parameters listed in Table 12.Table 13 – Description of cycle parametersThe InjectionUnitCycleParametersType is abstract and the OPC server of the machine shall create a derived type with the additional objects of TemperatureZoneCycleParametersType (defined in EUROMAP 83) for the temperature zones of the barrel. The BrowseNames of the objects shall be “BarrelTemperatureZoneCycleParameters _<Nr>” (starting with 1 for each injection unit).16 ProductionDatasetManagementThe ProductionDatasetManagement Object is used for managing production datasets which are files containing the configuration of a machine. The ProductionDatasetManagementType is defined in EUROMAP 83.。

SIMATIC 过程控制系统 PCS 7 维护站 V9.1 功能手册说明书

SIMATIC 过程控制系统 PCS 7 维护站 V9.1 功能手册说明书

PAM 站 ........................................................................................................................ 39
4 附加文档 ........................................................................................................................................ 43
维护站 V9.1
功能手册, 02/2021, A5E49490728-AA
如何为 MS 或 OS/MS 客户端组态 PC 站......................................................................... 56
5.8 5.8.1 5.8.2 5.8.3 5.8.4
具有诊断功能的对象.................................................................................................... 20
“PC 站”区域 ............................................................................................................... 21
具有多个 OS 单工作站系统的工厂组态中的 MS ............................................................ 34



iOS装13-之多线程全栈线程与进程开始之前先问自己几个问题1、大学用C语言写的main函数里只写了hello word ,面有线程么2、CPU频率和个数与多线程有什么关系3、进程和线程的关系4、线程的访问权限,它都可以访问哪些东西5、线程同步都有哪几种锁6、线程中都有哪些坑需要注意大学用C语言写的main函数里只写了hello word ,面有线程么In a non-concurrent application, there is only one thread of execution. That thread starts and ends with your application’s main routine and branches one-by-one to different methods or functions to implement the application’s overall behavior.这是来自苹果官方文档,之所以要摘自文档,只想让答案更有说服力。








可以在mac里执行ps aux |grep Xcode查看Xcode运行了多个进程线程的访问权限,它都可以访问哪些东西每个线程都有自己的栈(尽管并非完全无法被其它线程访问,但是一般情况下仍然可以认为是私有的数据)、寄存器(执行流的基本数据,因此为线程私有)和线程局部存储(Thread Local Storage,TLS )。



实时java规范 实体bean 多线程 多应用系统 外部程序 垃圾收集 地图导航 地图分层 图像分割 叶簇替代物 可预测性 可扩展固件接口 可执行程序 可变剪接 双缓存 压缩 协同组织管理 动态页面 动态电压调节 动态发现 动态二进制翻译 功耗优化 列表调度 分解 保守式 作业运行支持工具 会话bean 企业bean(ejb2.1) 企业bean(ejb) 仿真平台 代码反向工程 二进制分析 串口通信 下载方式 下载工具 三维漫游 windows web服务器 visual basic vc++ tiano servlet/jsp scheme s3c2410 powerpc plc petri网 nuwa nc编译器 nand flash music multisite muhigencreator/vega mpi
53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
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es 13-13标准

es 13-13标准

es 13-13标准
ECMAScript 13是JavaScript的最新版本,于2022年6月发布。

1.模块系统:ECMAScript 13引入了新的模块系统,使模块的导入和导出更加简

2.私有属性和方法:ECMAScript 13允许将属性和方法标记为私有,使其无法从

3.异步函数的简化:ECMAScript 13简化了异步函数的写法,使其更加简洁和易

4.新的字符串方法:ECMAScript 13添加了许多新的字符串方法,使字符串处理

5.新的数组方法:ECMAScript 13添加了许多新的数组方法,使数组处理更加方

ECMAScript 13还修复了许多bug,并改进了性能。

总体而言,ECMAScript 13是JavaScript的一个重大更新,为开发人员提供了许多新工具和功能。


Literature Number: ZHCS889M June 2007 – Revised August 2012
TMS320F28335, TMS320F28334, TMS320F28332 TMS320F28235, TMS320F28234, TMS320F28232007 – REVISED AUGUST 2012
1 TMS320F2833x,TMS320F2823x DSC .................................................................................. 10 1.1 特性 ......................................................................................................................... 10 1.2 开始使用 .................................................................................................................... 11

Chp13 多线程

Chp13 多线程

Chp13 多线程本章导读并发编程是现代操作系统以及现代编程语言中很重要的一个组成部分。


1 多线程与并发的概念1.1并发与多进程首先,我们来介绍一下并发的基本概念和原理。












这个“一小会儿”,往往是若干个毫秒,这段时间被称为一个“CPU 时间片”。

这样,每一秒钟可能有成百上千个CPU时间片,也就是说,在一秒钟之内,这四个程序可能各自能够占用一小会儿CPU ,从而运行一下。

从微观上来看,每一个特定的时刻,CPU 上只有一个程序在运行。

示意图如下:如上图所示,在某个特定的CPU 时间片中,只运行一个程序。

而操作系统控制CPU ,让多个程序不停的切换,从而保证多个程序能够轮流使用CPU 。


一般情况下,万用表不能判别 SSR 的好坏,正确的方法采用图 1-2 的测试电路:当输入 电流为零时,电压表测出的电压为电网电压,电灯不亮(灯泡功率须 25W 以上);当输入电 流达到一定值以后,电灯亮,电压表测出的电压为 SSR 导通压降(在 3V 以下)。(请初次使 用者务必注意:因 SSR 内部有 RC 回路而带来漏电流,因此不能等同于普通触点式的继电器、 接触器,请参考后面的注意事项)。
杭州西子固体继电器有限公司 产品说明书
固体继电器(亦称固态继电器)英文名称为 Solid State Relay,简称 SSR。它是用半 导体器件代替传统电接点作为切换装置的具有继电器特性的无触点开关器件,单相 SSR 为四 端有源器件,其中两个输入控制端,两个输出端,输入输出间为光隔离,输入端加上直流或 脉冲信号到一定电流值后,输出端就能从断态转变成通态。
1.2 SSR 的使用场合
固体继电器目前已广泛应用于计算机外围接口装置,电炉加热恒温系统,数控机械,遥 控系统、工业自动化装置;信号灯、闪烁器、照明舞台灯光控制系统;仪器仪表、医疗器械、
杭州西子固体继电器有限公司 产品说明书
复印机、自动洗衣机;自动消防,保安系统,以及作为电网功率因素补偿的电力电容的切换 开关等等,另外在化工、煤矿等需防爆、防潮、防腐蚀场合中都有大量使用。
生产优质产品方面:在 1997 年庆香港回归(天安门广场和工人体育馆)大型 晚会演出中,国产设备灯光控制用的固体继电器采用我公司的产品,从而确立了 我公司固体继电器在国内的质量地位。由于我公司自主开发的新产品在国内影响 力的不断扩大,因此引来大量同行小厂的仿制。 由于仿制厂家技术力量不足,产 品性能与我公司不能相提并论,但为了抢夺市场, 他们只能压低价格,低价低质 这是仿制者的通用手段。在此情况下我们怎么办?“生产优质产品和适中的价格” 这就是我公司给新老用户的答复,我们决不以低质低价来迎合部分低端市场。尽 管二十多年来我们曾经有过由于原材料(进口名牌产品)把关不严而引起的一时 质量问题,过去的教训、丰富的经验、科学的管理和自主创新的实力促使我们今 后生产出更优质的产品以答谢广大用户对我们的信任!1.1 SS Nhomakorabea 优缺点
  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

Java语言的JVM允许程序运行多个线程,它通过 ng.Thread类来实现。 Thread类的特性 每个线程都是通过某个特定Thread对象的run() 方法来完成操作的,经常把run()方法的主体称 为线程体 通过该Thread对象的start()方法来调用这个线程
要想实现多线程,必须在主线程中创建新的线程对象。 Java 语言使 用Thread类及其子类的对象来表示线程,在它的一个完整的生命周 期中通常要经历如下的五种状态:
新建: 当一个Thread类或其子类的对象被声明并创建时,新生的线程对象 处于新建状态 就绪:处于新建状态的线程被start()后,将进入线程队列等待CPU时间片, 此时它已具备了运行的条件 运行:当就绪的线程被调度并获得处理器资源时,便进入运行状态, run() 方法定义了线程的操作和功能
第二节 线程的创建、运行和结束
public class Sample { public void method1(String str){ System.out.println(str); } public void method2(String str){ method1(str); } public static void main(String[] args) { Sample s = new Sample(); s.method2("hello!"); } }
1 2
Thread():创建新的Thread对象 Thread(String threadname):创建线程并指定线程实例名 Thread(Runnable target):指定创建线程的目标对象,它 实现了Runnable接口中的run方法 Thread(Runnable target, String name):创建新的Thread对 象
MAX_PRIORITY(10); MIN _PRIORITY (1); NORM_PRIORITY (5); 涉及的方法: getPriority() :返回线程优先值 setPriority(int newPriority) :改变线程的优先级 线程创建时继承父线程的优先级
static void sleep(long millis):(指定时间:毫秒)
令当前活动线程在指定时间段内放弃对CPU控制,使其他线 程有机会被执行,时间到后重排队。 抛出InterruptedException异常
boolean isAlive():返回boolean,判断线程是否还活着
Java中的线程分为两类:一种是守护线程,一种是用 户线程。 它们在几乎每个方面都是相同的,唯一的区别是判 断JVM何时离开。 守护线程是用来服务用户线程的,通过在start()方 法前调用thread.setDaemon(true)可以把一个用户 线程变成一个守护线程。 Java垃圾回收就是一个典型的守护线程。 若JVM中都是守护线程,当前JVM将退出。
入、文件读写操作、网络操作、搜索等。 需要一些后台运行的程序时。
多线程程序的优点: 1. 提高应用程序的响应。对图形化界面更有意义, 可增强用户体验。 2. 提高计算机系统CPU的利用率 3. 改善程序结构。将既长又复杂的进程分为多个线 程,独立运行,利于理解和修改
void start(): 启动线程,并执行对象的run()方法 run(): 线程在被调度时执行的操作 String getName(): 返回线程的名称 void setName(String name):设置该线程名称 static currentThread(): 返回当前线程
阻塞:在某种特殊情况下,被人为挂起或执行输入输出操作时,让出 CPU 并临时中止自己的执行,进入阻塞状态
sleep( )时间到 获得同步锁 notify()/notifyAll() resume( )
阻 塞
sleep( ) 等待同步锁 wait()/join() suspend( )
结束线程示例 — HelloRunner类
1 public class HelloRunner implements Runnable { 2 private int i; 3 private boolean stopFlag = false; 4 5 public void run() { 6 while (!stopFlag) { 7 System.out.print((i++) + " "); 8 if (i > 500) i = 0; 9 } 10 } 11 12 public void setStopFlag(boolean stopFlag) { 13 this.stopFlag = stopFlag; 14 } 15 }
1. 1) 2) 3) 4) 继承Thread类 定义子类继承Thread类。 子类中重写Thread类中的run方法。 创建Thread子类对象,即创建了线程对象。 调用线程对象start方法:启动线程,调用run方法。
2. 实现Runnable接口 1)定义子类,实现Runnable接口。 2)子类中重写Runnable接口中的run方法。 3)通过Thread类含参构造器创建线程对象。 4)将Runnable接口的子类对象作为实际参数传递给 Thread类的构造方法中。 5)调用Thread类的start方法:开启线程,调用 Runnable子类接口的run方法。
public class Thread extends Object implements Runnable
继承Thread: 线程代码存放Thread子类run方法中。 实现Runnable:线程代码存在接口的子类的run方法。
1)避免了单继承的局限性 2)多个线程可以共享同一个接口子类的对象,非常适合多 个相同线程来处理同一份资源。
static void yield():线程让步
暂停当前正在执行的线程,把执行机会让给优先级相同或更高的线程 若队列中没有同优先级的线程,忽略此方法
join() :当某个程序执行流中调用其他线程的 join() 方法时,
调用线程将被阻塞,直到 join() 方法加入的 join 线程执行完为 止
新 建
start( )
就 绪
运 行
yield( )或失去cpu资源
死 亡
stop( ) Error或Exception run( )执行完成
练 习
1. 编写程序,在main方法中创建一个线程。线程每 隔一定时间(200ms以内的随机时间)产生一个 0-100之间的随机整数,打印后将该整数放到集 合中; 2. 共产生100个整数,全部产生后,睡眠30秒,然 后将集合内容打印输出; 3. 在main线程中,唤醒上述睡眠的线程,使其尽快 打印集合内容。

创建两个子线程,让其中一个输出1-100之间 的偶数,另一个输出1-100之间的奇数。

1. 在main方法中创建并启动一个线程,该线
2. 在main方法中创建并启动两个线程。第一
如:运行中的QQ,运行中的MP3播放器 程序是静态的,进程是动态的
线程(thread),进程可进一步细化为线程,是一个程 序内部的一条执行路径。
传统进程 多线程进程
每个Java程序都有一个隐含的主线程: main 方法
第13章 多线程
第一节 线程的概念与原理
第二节 线程的创建、运行和结束
第三节 线程的控制
第四节 线程同步
第五节 线程通信
第一节 线程的概念与原理
基本概念:程序 - 进程 - 线程
程序(program)是为完成特定任务、用某种语言编写 的一组指令的集合。即指一段静态的代码,静态对 象。 进程(process)是程序的一次执行过程,或是正在运 行的一个程序。动态过程:有它自身的产生、存在 和消亡的过程。
第四节 线程同步
多个线程执行的不确定性引起执行结果的不稳定 多个线程对账本的共享,会造成操作的不完整性, 会破坏数据。
例 题
class Ticket implements Runnable{ class TicketDemo{ private int tick = 100; public static void main(String[] args) { public void run(){ while(true){ Ticket t = new Ticket(); if(tick>0){ System.out.println(Thread.currentThread(). Thread t1 = new Thread(t); getName()+“售出车票,tick号为:"+ tick- Thread t2 = new Thread(t); -); Thread t3 = new Thread(t); } t1.setName("t1窗口"); else t2.setName("t2窗口"); break; t3.setName("t3窗口"); } t1.start(); } t2.start(); } t3.start(); } }