






















2005 年江苏省高考综合考试理科综合试卷(附参照答案 )本试卷分第Ⅰ卷 (选择题 )和第Ⅱ卷 (非选择题 )两部分,满分 150 分,考试用时 120 分钟,可能用到的相对原子质量:H:1 C:12 O:16第Ⅰ卷 (选择题共75分)一、本卷共 25 题,每题 3 分,共 75 分.在以下各题的四个选项中,只有一个选项是切合题目要求的.1.家兔等高等动物广泛存在的一种生殖方式是A .营养生殖B.出芽生殖C.有性生殖D.孢子生殖2.细胞内储藏遗传信息的物质是A.DNA C.蛋白质B .脂肪D.氨基酸3.以下腺体中,既能分泌生长激素,又能分泌多种其余激素的腺体是A .甲状腺B.垂体C.唾液腺D.卵巢4.在适合的条件下,用含有过氧化氢酶的鲜猪肝研磨液催化过氧化氢分解,比用 FeCl3 溶液催化过氧化氢分解的速度快得多,这说明与无机催化剂对比,酶拥有的特征是A .专一性C.高效性B.多样性D.适应性5.在双链 DNA 分子中,碱基经过氢键连结成碱基对,与碱基是A.G(鸟嘌呤 )B.C(胞嘧啶 )C.A(腺嘌呤 )D.T(胸腺嘧啶 )A(腺嘌呤 )配对的6.以下有关环境保护的说法中错误的选项是A.含氮、磷化合物的生活污水大批排放可使水体富营养化B.各国工业大批排放二氧化硫是全世界天气变暖的主要原由C.低质装饰资猜中的甲醛、苯、氡气等对人体有害D.废旧电池中的汞、镉、铅等重金属盐对土壤和水源会造成污染7.在以下元素中,不属于主族元素的是A.磷B.铁C.钙D.碘8.在以下生成二氧化硫的反响中,反响物中的含硫物质被氧化的是A .硫在空气中焚烧B.铜片与浓硫酸共热C.红热的木炭与浓硫酸反响D.亚硫酸钠与稀硫酸反响9.以下有关钠的表达中,错误的选项是A.钠的复原性很强,能够用来冶炼金属钛、锆、铌等B.钠的化学性质特别开朗,钠元素只好以化合态存在于自然界C.钠是一种灰黑色的固体D.钠的质地软,可用小刀切割10.以下对物质用途的描绘中,错误的选项是A .浓硫酸可用于干燥NH 3、 H2、O2等气体B.二氧化硫可用来漂白纸浆、毛、丝等C.氟化钠可用于预防蛀牙D.铝可用于冶炼某些熔点较高的金属+—A.稀醋酸和稀氨水反响B.稀硫酸和烧碱溶液反响C.稀盐酸和氢氧化铜反响D.稀硫酸和氢氧化钡溶液反响12.有以下四组物质,假如把某组物质中的后者逐滴加人到前者中至过度,将出现“先产生白色积淀,后白色积淀溶解”的现象,这组物质是A .稀硫酸、氯化钡溶液B.硫酸亚铁溶液、氢氧化钠溶液C.氯化钠溶液、硝酸银溶液D.氯化铝溶液、氢氧化钠溶液13.某有机化合物 X ,经过以下变化后可在必定条件下获取乙酸乙酯.则有机物X是A.C2H5OH B.C2H4C.CH3CHO D. CH3COOH14.以下有关试剂的保留方法,错误的选项是A.浓硝酸保留在无色玻璃试剂瓶中B.少许的钠保留在煤油中C.氢氧化钠溶液保留在具橡皮塞的玻璃试剂瓶中D,新制的氯水往常保留在棕色玻璃试剂瓶中15.哈伯因发了然由氮气和氢气合成氨气的方法而获取1918 年诺贝尔化学奖.现向一密闭容器中充人 1molN2和 3molH2,在必定条件下使该反响发生.以下有关说法正确的选项是A .达到化学均衡时, N2将完整转变为 NH 3B.达到化学均衡时, N2、H2和 NH 3的物质的量浓度必定相等C.达到化学均衡时, N2、H2和 NH 3的物质的量浓度不再变化D.达到化学均衡时,正反响和逆反响的速率都为零16.在必定条件下, 1 体积气体 A 2和 3 体积气体 B2完整反响生成了 2 体积气体 X( 体积在同样条件下测定A.ABC.AB 2),则 X 的化学式是B.A2B3D.AB217.有两个共点力,A.1NC,7N F1=2N,F2=4N,它们的协力B.5ND.9NF 的大小可能是18.对于做匀速圆周运动物体的向心加快度方向,以下说法正确的选项是A .与线速度方向一直同样B.与线速度方向一直相反C.一直指向圆心D.一直保持不变的是19.利用打点计时器考证自由落体机械能守恒时,以下器械中不用要...A .重物C.天平B.纸带D.低压电源20.必定质量的气体,压强保持不变,以下过程能够实现的是A .温度高升,体积增大B.温度高升,体积减小C.温度不变,体积增大D.温度不变,体积减小21.对于电场,以下说法正确的选项是A.电场是设想的,其实不是客观存在的物质B.描绘电场的电场线是客观存在的C.电场对放入此中的电荷有力的作用D.电场对放入此中的电荷没有力的作用22.光电效应现象证了然光拥有A .粒子性B.颠簸性C.衍射的特征D.干预的特征23.以下四个方程中,表示重核裂变的是o,24.光芒以某一入射角从空气射入折射率为的玻璃中,已知折射角为30则入射角等于A.30°B.45°C.60°D.75°25.以下图的电路中,电源的电动势和内阻分别为E 和r,当闭合开关S,向左挪动滑动变阻器的滑片刻,以下说法正确的选项是A.电流表的示数变大,电压表的示数变大B.电流表的示数变大,电压表的示数变小C.电流表的示数变小,电压表的示数变小D.电流表的示数变小,电压表的示数变大第Ⅱ卷 (非选择题共75分)26.(6 分)无土种植是近几十年来快速发展起来的一项种植技术,其方法是把植物体生长发育过程中所需要的各样矿质元素依据必定的比率配制成营养液,并用这类营养液来种植养物.请剖析回答以下问题:(1)用无土种植营养液培育花卉等植物时,常常要给营养液通入空气,这一举措的目的主若是促使根的作用,以利于根对矿质元素的汲取.这一世理过程主要发生在植物根细胞的(填一种细胞器 )中.(2)植物在汲取营养液中的矿质离子一段时间后,检测到营养液中保存的-膜.Ca2+许多而 NO3较少,这说明植物根细胞的细胞膜是一种(3)假如植物在培育过程中出现了萎蔫现象,其原由很可能是营养液浓度(填“大于”、“小于”或“等于” )细胞液浓度.27.(6 分)以下图为与白化病有关的某家族遗传系谱图,致病基因用 a 表示,据图剖析回答以下问题:(1)该遗传病是受 (填“常染色体”或“ X 染色体” )上的隐性基因控制的.(2)图中 I 2的基因型是,Ⅱ 4 的基因型为,(3)图中Ⅱ3的基因型为,Ⅱ 3 为纯合子的几率是.(4)若Ⅱ3与一个杂合女性婚配,所生儿子为白化病人,则第二个孩子为白化病女孩的几率是,28.(8 分)食品链、食品网是生态系统的营养构造,生态系统的物质循环和能量流动是沿着此渠道进行的.若是在某温带草原上存在以以下图所示的食品网.请剖析回答:(1)该生态系统的成分中,草属于,猫头鹰属于.(2)该食品网的各样生物中,含有能量最多的是.该生态系统的能量最后根源是,其能量流动的特色是.(3)在生态系统的物质循环中,碳元素以形式在生物群落与无机环境中进行循环,生产者经过作用使碳元素进入到生物群落中,各样生物经过作用使碳元素回到无机环境中.29.(8 分)某同学拟用氯化钙固体、碳酸钠溶液和稀硝酸等试剂,先制得碳酸钙,最后制得纯净的硝酸钙晶体.(1)写出制取过程中反响的离子方程式:(2)请帮助该同学达成以下实验操作步骤(不要求回答使用的仪器 )①用蒸馏水完整溶解CaCl2后,加入.—③加入,使积淀完整溶解.④,获取纯净的硝酸钙晶体.30.(9 分 )以下图所波及的物质均为中学化学中的常有物质,此中C为O2、D 为 C12、E 为 Fe 单质,其余为化合物.它们存在以下转变关系,反响中生成的水及次要产物均已略去.(1)写出有关物质的名称或化学式:B,FH.(2)指出 MnO 2在有关反响中的作用:反响①中是②中是剂.(3)若反响①是在加热条件下进行,则 A 是在常温条件下进行,则 A 是(4)写出 B 与 MnO 2共热获取 D 的化学方程式:.,剂,反响;若反响①是31.(5分)有机物 A 由碳、氢、氧三种元素构成.现取3gA与 4.48L 氧气 (标准情况 )在密闭容器中焚烧,焚烧后生成二氧化碳、一氧化碳和水蒸气(假定反响物没有节余).将反响生成的气体挨次经过浓硫酸和碱石灰,浓硫酸增重 3.6g,碱石灰增重 4.4g.回答以下问题:(1)3gA 中所含氢原子、碳原子的物质的量各是多少?(2)经过计算确立该有机物的分子式.32.(4 分)一个单摆做简谐运动,其振动图象以下图,则该单摆的周期 T=s;在 2.0s 末,摆球对于均衡地点的位移x=cm.33.(4 分)把长 L =0.15m 的导体棒置于磁感觉强度 B=1.0×10-2 T 的匀强磁场中,使导体棒和磁场方向垂直,以下图.若导体棒中的电流 I =2.0A,方向向左,则导体棒遇到的安培力大小 F= N,安培力的方向为竖直向. (选填“上”或“下” )34.(7 分)以下图,水平面上有两根相距0.5m 的足够长的平行金属导轨 MN 和 PQ,它们的电阻可忽视不计,在 M 和 P 之间接有阻值为 R 的定值电阻.导体棒 ab 长 l=0.5m,其电阻为 r,与导轨接触优秀.整个装置处于方向竖直向上的匀强磁场中,磁感觉强度 B= 0.4T.现使 ab 以 v=10m/s的速度向右做匀速运动.(1)ab 中的感觉电动势多大 ?(2)ab 中电流的方向怎样 ?(3)若定值电阻只= 3.0Ω,导体棒的电阻 r=1.0Ω,则电路中的电流多大 ?35.(9 分)以下图为车站使用的水平传递带装置的表示图,绷紧的传送带一直保持 3.0m/s 的恒定速率运转,传递带的水平部分 AB 距水平川面的高度为 h= 0.45m.现有一行李包 (可视为质点 )由 A 端被传递到 B 端,且传送到 B 端时没有被实时取下,行李包从 B 端水平抛出,不计空气阻力, g 取10m/s2.(1)若行李包从 B 端水平抛出的初速ν。
























2005年高考试题一、选择题1.下列不属于三要素的是()A. 生产要素B. 劳动者C. 生产资料D. 劳动对象2.中国海岸线总长约是()A. 18000kmB. 23000kmC. 25600kmD. 180000km3.房屋起火时,要求我们首先做的是()A. 打电话报警B. 保持冷静C. 用水扑灭火焰D. 关紧门窗4.下列物质中,属于混合物的是()A. 食盐溶液B. 水C. 铁D. 醋5.“红眼病”由下列哪种细菌引起()A. 细菌AB. 细菌BC. 细菌CD. 细菌D二、填空题1.中国人口最多的省份是()2.人类共有()对染色体。




















高考语文真题分专题讲解第一讲——2005各地基础部分试题汇编一、字音——121、下列词语中加点的字,每对的读音完全相同的一组是全国2A.强求 / 牵强纤夫 / 纤尘不染来日方长 / 拔苗助长B.宿仇 / 宿将落笔 / 失魂落魄差可告慰 / 差强人意C.解嘲 / 押解蹊跷 / 另辟蹊径一脉相传 / 名不虚传D.卡片 / 关卡度量 / 置之度外方兴未艾 / 自怨自艾2、下列词语中,加点字的读音完全相同的一组足湖北卷A、羚羊邻居可怜孤苦伶仃B、质问桎梏幼稚炙手可热C、喉咙宠罩垄断得陇望蜀D、楼盘搂抱头颅光怪陆离3、下列词语中加点的字,读音全都正确的一组是湖南卷A.娴熟(xián) 辗转(niǎn) 踽踽独行(yǔ) 信手拈来(niān)B.惬意(xiá) 延宕(dàng) 通衙广陌(mò) 掎角之势(qǐ)C.膏腴(yú) 围歼(qiān) 矢志不渝(yù) 斐然成章(fěi)D.拓本(tà ) 饯别(jiàn) 鸠形鹄面(hú ) 并行不悖(bèi)4、下列词语中加点字的读音完全相同的一组是江苏卷A.眩晕舷梯炫耀武力改弦更张 B.羡慕募捐幕天席地蓦然回首C.剽悍漂泊虚无缥缈飘忽不定 D.舟楫逻辑开门揖盗缉拿归案5、下列词语的读音有两处错误的一组是辽宁卷A.塑料sùliào暂时zànshí纸屑zhǐxiè胳臂gēbeiB.擦拭cāshì察觉chájué撺掇cuànduo串珠chuànzhūC.血压xuèyā档次dǎngcì鲫鱼jìyú体己tījiD.处理chùlǐ掠夺lüèduó享受xiǎngshòu 尽快jìnkuài6、下列词语中加点字的读音全都相同的一组是北京卷A.舷梯娴熟悬崖勒马弦外之音 B.按捺纳税刚毅木讷方凿圆枘C.静谧猕猴弥天盖地所向披靡 D.皎洁缴纳狡兔三窟矫揉造作7、下列词语中加点字的读音完全相同的一组是广东卷A.奇数通缉豆萁放荡不羁犄角之势B.商榷雀跃官阙声名鹊起生性怯懦C.茁壮琢磨浑浊着手成春擢发难数D.谚语笑靥砚台狼吞虎咽雁过拔毛8、下列依次给出的加点字的注音,正确的一项是山东卷角色露骨力能扛鼎量体裁衣拾级而上A.júe lòu kāng liàng shíB.jiāo lùkāng liáng shè C.jiāo lòu gāng liáng shí D.júe lùgāng liàng shè 9、下列词语中加点的字的读音完全相同的一项是天津卷A.暂且砧板颤栗明修栈道技艺精湛B.与会峪口熨帖瑕不掩瑜钟灵毓秀C.陌路蓦然病殁拐弯抹角没齿不忘D.强劲根茎颈椎大相径庭不胫而走10、下列词语中加点的字的读音全都正确的一组是浙江卷A.粘贴(zhān)玷污(zhān) 龌龊(wò)运筹帷幄(wò)B.蹉跎(cuō)磋商(cuō)遭殃(yāng)怏怏不乐(yāng)C.飞镖(biāo) 剽悍(biāo) 绯红(fēi)妄自菲薄(fēi)D.蜿蜒(yán)筵席(yán) 市侩(kuài)脍炙人口(kuài)11、下列词语中加点的字的读音完全相同的一组是重庆卷A.承担呈献惩罚乘风破浪成人之美B.靓丽体谅酝酿量力而行歌声嘹亮C.谨慎景观瓶颈紧锣密鼓锦衣玉食D.抒怀酥糖苏醒殊途同归书香门第12、下列词语中加点的字,读音全都正确的一组是()江西卷A.悖(bèi)谬翎(lín)毛赧(nǎn)然咬文嚼(jiáo)字B.脉(mò)脉提(dī)防吮(shǔn)吸模棱(léng)两可C.福祉(zhǐ) 重(zhòng)听怔(zhèng)怔虚与委蛇(shé)D.游说(suì) 破绽(zhàn) 斡(wò)旋少不更(gēng)事二、字形——131、下列词语中没有错别字的一组是全国1A.忌讳砥砺蜚然成章流水不腐,户枢不蠹B.刍议安详自鸣得意愚者千虑,必有一得C.烦躁闲暇焚膏继晷金玉其外,败絮其中D.徇私编纂坚如磐石盛名之下,其实难负2、下列词语中没有错别字的一组是全国3A.切磋洽谈会悬梁刺骨覆水难收B.气概水笼头风雨如晦落荒而逃C.招募度假村有恃无恐试目以待D.怅惘挖墙脚功亏一篑矫枉过正3、下列词语中,没有错别字的一组是湖北卷A.边陲船仓放空炮高朋满座无心插柳柳成阴B.沟通赋与唱双簧有恃无恐有缘千里来相会C.稼穑皇历跑龙套记忆尤新壶里没酒难留客D.通缉砂糖碰钉子披星戴月有一利必有一弊4、下列词语中投有错别字的一组是湖南卷A.福祉梗概耳提面命钟灵毓秀B.箴言幅射蜂拥而上博闻强识C.摄取颓唐金壁辉煌夙兴夜寐D.恪守荧屏厚积薄发异曲同功5、下列各句中没有错别字的一句是江苏卷A.联合国维和部队进驻后,这一地区箭拔弩张的局势才得以缓和,冲突双方终于坐到了谈判桌前。



2005年全国高考理综试题(湖南、湖北、山东、山西、河南、河北、浙江、福建、海南、安徽)以下数据可供解题时参考:相对原子质量(原子量):H 1 C 12 N 14 O 16 Mg 24 Cu 64一、选择题(本题包括13小题。

每小题只有一个选项符合题意)6、下列分子中的所有原子都满足最外层8电子结构的是()A、BF3 B、H2O C、SiCl4D、PCl57、等物质的量的主族金属A、B、C分别与足量的稀盐酸反应,所得氢气的体积依次为VA 、VB、VC,已知VB= 2V C ,且VA= VB+ VC,则在C的生成物中,该金属元素的化合价为:A、+1 B、+2 C、+3 D、+48、已知Q与R的摩尔质量之比为9:22,在反应X + 2Y = 2Q + R 中,当1.6 g X 与Y完全反应后,生成4.4 g R,则参与反应的Y和生成Q的质量之比为A、46:9B、32:9C、23:9D、16:99、下列说法正确的是A、非金属元素呈现的最高正化合价不超过该元素原子的最外层电子数B、非金属元素呈现的最低化合价,其绝对值等于该元素原子的最外层电子数C、最外层有2个电子的原子都是金属原子D、最外层有5个电子的都是非金属原子10、在pH = 1 的溶液中,可以大量共存的离子是A、K+、Na+、SO42-、S2O32- B、NH4+、Mg2+、SO42-、Cl-C、Na+、K+、HCO3-、Cl- D、K+、Na+、AlO2-、NO3-11、关于电解NaCl 水溶液,下列叙述正确的是A、电解时在阳极得到氯气,在阴极得到金属钠B、若在阳极附近的溶液中滴入KI溶液,溶液呈棕色C、若在阴极附近的溶液中滴入酚酞试液,溶液呈棕色D、电解一段时间后,将全部电解液转移到烧杯中,充分搅拌后,溶液呈中性12、右图是温度和压强对 X + Y ==== 2Z反应影响的示意图。


下列叙述正确的是A、上述可逆反应的正反应为放热反应B、X、Y、Z均为气态C、X和Y中只有一种为气态,Z为气态D、上述反应的逆反应的ΔH >013、已知充分燃烧a g乙炔气体时生成1mol 二氧化碳气体和液态水,并放出热量 b kJ,则乙炔燃烧的热化学方程式正确的是A、2C2H2(g) + 5O2(g)====== 4CO2(g)+2H2O(l);ΔH = -4b kJ / molB、C2H2(g) +25O2(g)======2CO2(g)+H2O(l);ΔH = -4b kJ / molC、2C2H2(g) + 5O2(g)====== 4CO2(g)+2H2O(l);ΔH = -2b kJ / molD、2C2H2(g) + 5O2(g)====== 4CO2(g)+2H2O(l);ΔH = b kJ / mol26、(15分)已知A、B、C、D为气体,E、F为固体,G是氯化钙,它们之间的转换关系如下图所示:(1) D的化学式(分子式)是_____________________,E的化学式(分子式)是___________(2) A和B反应生成C的化学方程式是_______________(3) E和F反应生成D、H和G的化学方程式是__________________27、(15分)甲、乙、丙、丁为前三周期元素形成的微粒,它们的电子总数相等。

2005年高考试题——文综(全国卷 III)

2005年高考试题——文综(全国卷 III)





3.该8.7级地震发生时,纽约(西5区)为()A.29日10时9分B.27日11时9分C.27日12时9分D.28日11时9分4.该岛附近作为板块边界的海沟的走向为()A.东西向B.东北——西南向 C.南北向D.西北——东南向5.该海沟两侧的板块是()A.亚欧板块、太平洋板块B.南极洲板块、印度洋板块C.亚欧板块、印度洋板块D.印度洋板块、非洲板块图1表示世界四个地点的气温降水状况。


6.位于热带气候区的地点是 ( )A .①B .②C .③D .④ 7.位于南半球的地点是 ( )A .①B .②C .③D .④ 8.位于地中海气候区的地点是 ( )A .①②B .②③C .③④D .④① 9.位于中高纬度大陆东岸的地点是 ( ) A .①B .②C .③D .④图2表示中国、日本、韩国2000年度某贸易关系,图中箭头①—⑥表示贸易方向,相应的贸易量见表1,据此回答10—11题。













参考公式:如果事件A 、B 互斥,那么 球是表面积公式)()()(B P A P B A P +=+ 24R S π=如果事件A 、相互独立,那么 其中R 表示球的半径)()()(B P A P B A P ⋅=⋅ 球的体积公式如果事件A 在一次试验中发生的概率是P ,那么334R V π=n 次独立重复试验中恰好发生k 次的概率 其中R 表示球的半径一 选择题(1)函数f (x) = | sin x +cos x |的最小正周期是 (A).4π (B)2π(C )π (D )2π(2) 正方体ABCD —A 1 B 1 C 1 D 1中,P 、Q 、R 、分别是AB 、AD 、B 1 C 1的中点。

那么正方体的过P 、Q 、R 的截面图形是(A )三角形 (B )四边形 (C )五边形 (D )六边形 (3)函数Y=32x -1(X≤0)的反函数是(A )Y=3)1(+x (X≥-1) (B)Y= -3)1(+x (X≥-1)(C) Y=3)1(+x (X≥0) (D)Y= -3)1(+x (X≥0)(4)已知函数Y=tan x ω 在(-2π,2π)内是减函数,则 (A )0 < ω ≤ 1 (B )-1 ≤ ω < 0 (C )ω≥ 1 (D )ω≤ -1(5)设a 、b 、c 、d ∈R,若dic bia ++为实数,则 (A )bc+ad ≠ 0 (B)bc-ad ≠ 0 (C) bc-ad = 0 (D)bc+ad = 0(6)已知双曲线 62x - 32y = 1的焦点为F 1、、F 2,点M 在双曲线上且MF 1 ⊥ x 轴,则F 1到直线F 2 M 的距离为 (A )563 (B )665 (C )56 (D )65(7)锐角三角形的内角A 、B 满足tan A -A2sin 1= tan B,则有(A )sin 2A –cos B = 0 (B)sin 2A + cos B = 0 (C)sin 2A – sin B = 0 (D) sin 2A+ sin B = 0(8)已知点A (3,1),B(0,0),C (3,0).设∠BAC 的平分线AE 与BC 相交于E ,那么有λ= ,其中 λ 等于(A )2 (B )21 (C )-3 (D ) - 31(9)已知集合M={x∣2x -3x -28 ≤0},N = {x|2x -x-6>0},则M∩N 为(A ){x|- 4≤x< -2或3<x≤7} (B ){x|- 4<x≤ -2或 3≤x<7 }(C ){x|x≤ - 2或 x> 3 } (D ){x|x<- 2或x≥3} (10)点P 在平面上作匀数直线运动,速度向量v =(4,- 3)(即点P 的运动方向与v 相同,且每秒移动的距离为|v |个单位).设开始时点P 的坐标为(- 10,10),则5秒后点P 的坐标为 (A )(- 2,4) (B )(- 30,25) (C )(10,- 5) (D )(5,- 10) (11)如果21,a a … ,8a 为各项都大于零的等差数列,公差d≠0,则(A>81,a a >54,a a (B) 81,a a < 54,a a (C> 5481a a a a +>+ (D) 81,a a = 54,a a(12)将半径都为1的4个钢球完全装入形状为正四面体的容器里,这个正四面体的高的最小值为 (A )3623+ (B )2+362 (C )4+362 (D )36234+第Ⅱ卷注意事项:1.用钢笔或圆珠笔直接答在试题卷上。



2005年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试理科综合能力测试本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分,考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回.第I 卷(选择题 共24分)注意事项:1.答第Ⅰ卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考生号、考试科目涂写在答题卡上。





以下数据可供解题时参考: 相对原子质量(原子量):C 12 O 16 Na 23一、选择题(本题包括13小题。

每小题只有一个选项符合题意)1.人体神经细胞与肝细胞的形态结构和功能不同,其根本原因是这两种细胞的 ( ) A .DNA 碱基排列顺序不同 B .核糖体不同 C .转运RNA 不同 D .信使RNA 不同2.在光照下,供给玉米离体叶片少量的14CO 2,随着光合作用时间的延续,在光合作用固定CO 2形成的C 3化合物和C 4化合物中,14C 含量变化示意图正确的是 ( ) 3.镰刀型细胞贫血症的病因是血红蛋白基因的碱基序列发生了改变。

检测这种碱基序列改变必须使用的酶是( )A .解旋酶B .DNA 连接酶C .限制性内切酶D .RNA 聚合酶4.将小麦种子分别置于20℃和30℃培养箱中培养4天,依次取等量的萌发种子分别制成提取液Ⅰ和提取液Ⅱ。


结果是( )A .甲呈蓝色,乙呈砖红色,丙呈无色B .甲呈无色,乙呈砖红色,丙呈蓝色C .甲、乙皆呈蓝色,丙呈砖红色D .甲呈浅砖红色,乙呈砖红色,丙呈蓝色5.为了保护鱼类资源不受破坏,并能持续地获得量大捕鱼量,根据种群增长的S 型曲线,应使被捕鱼群的种群数量保持在K/2水平。









以下数据可供解题时参考:相对原子质量(原子量):C 12 O 16 Na 23一、选择题(本题包括13小题。




结果是()A.甲呈蓝色,乙呈砖红色,丙呈无色B .甲呈无色,乙呈砖红色,丙呈蓝色C .甲、乙皆呈蓝色,丙呈砖红色D .甲呈浅砖红色,乙呈砖红色,丙呈蓝色5.为了保护鱼类资源不受破坏,并能持续地获得量大捕鱼量,根据种群增长的S 型曲线,应使被捕鱼群的种群数量保持在K/2水平。

这是因为在这个水平上( )A .种群数量相对稳定B .种群增长量最大C .种群数量最大D .环境条件所允许的种群数量最大 6.下列分子中所有原子都满足最外层为8电子结构的是( ) A .BF 3 B .H 2O C .SiCl 4 D .PCl 5 7.等物质的量的主族金属A 、B 、C 分别与足量的稀盐酸反应,所得氢气的体积依次为V A 、V B 、V C ,已知V B =2V C ,且V A =V B +V C ,则在C 的生成物中,该金属元素的化合价为( )A .+1B .+2C .+3D .+4 8.已知Q 与R 的摩尔质量之比为9:22,在反应X+2Y=2Q+R 中,当1.6g X 与Y 完全反应后,生成4.4g R ,则参与反应的Y 和生成物Q 的质量之比为( )A .46 : 9B .32 : 9C .23 : 9D .16 : 9 9.下列说法中正确的是 ( )A .非金属元素呈现的最高化合价不超过该元素原子的最外层电子数B .非金属元素呈现的最低化合价,其绝对值等于该元素原子的最外层电子数C .最外层有2个电子的原子都是金属原子D .最外层有5个电子的原子都是非金属原子10.在pH=1的溶液中,可以大量共存的离子是( )A .K +、Na +、SO 42—、S 2O 32—B .NH 4+、Mg 2+、SO 42—、Cl —C .Na +、K +、HCO 3—、Cl— D .K +、Na +、AlO 2—、NO 3— 11.关于电解NaCl 水溶液,下列叙述正确的是 ( )A .电解时在阳极得到氯气,在阴极得到金属钠B .若在阳极附近的溶液中滴入KI 溶液,溶液呈棕色C .若在阴极附近的溶液中滴入酚酞试液,溶液呈无色D .电解一段时间后,将全部电解液转移到烧杯中,充分搅拌后溶液呈中性 12.右图是温度和压强对X+Y 2Z 反应影响的示意图。



2005 年一般高等学校招生全国一致考试文科综合能力测试本试卷分为第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分.第 I 卷 1至7页,第Ⅱ卷 8 至 14 页.考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回.第 I 卷注意事项:1.答第 I 卷前,考生务势必自己的姓名、准考据号、考试科目涂写在答题卡上.2.每题选出答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑.如需变动,用橡皮擦洁净后,再选涂其余答案标号.不可以答在试题卷上.3.本卷共35 小题,每题 4 分,共140 分.在每题给出的四个选项中,只有一项为哪一项切合题目要求的.图 1 表示某地域人口重生产种类的转变过程。

据此回答1—2 题。

1.与“人口自然增添率快速降低,高龄人口比率迟缓增添”对应的期间是()A.Ⅰ期B.Ⅱ期C.Ⅲ期D.Ⅳ期2.在Ⅰ期()A.人口急剧膨胀B.人口老龄化C.人口增添阻滞D.人口均匀寿命较低读图 2 回答 3—6 题。

3.九州一帕劳海岭()A.位于亚欧板块上B.位于印度洋板块上C.位于太平洋板块上D.是太平洋板块和印度洋板块的界限4.因板块挤压引起的地震多位于图中的A.①②之间B.②③之间5.马荣火山所在的国家是A.文莱B.越南6.马荣火山与九州—帕劳海岭的距离约C.③④之间C.菲律宾D.④邻近D.日本()()()A. 1400 千米B. 1200 千米C. 1000千米D. 800 千米图 3 表示不一样地物辐射温度在一天内的变化状况。

据此回答7—8 题。

7.曲线①—④代表的地物分别可能是()A.沙地、湖泊、林地、草地B.沙地、草地、林地、湖泊C.草地、沙地、湖泊、林地D.草地、林地、沙地、湖泊8.图 3 显示()A.日出前各地物间的温差最大B.日落伍地物①的降温速度最快C.地物③的辐射温度白日夜晚都最低D.地物④抵达最高温度的时间早于其余地物假设城镇是独一市场,城镇四周是条件均一的平原,栽种农作物的利润只与市场价钱、生产成本和运费相关,其关系表达式为:利润=市场价钱-生产成本-运费。


一个交点,结合偶函数的对称性可知该交点只能在 y 轴上,即可得 a 2 ,并代入检验即可;
解法二:令 h x f (x) g x , x 1,1 ,可知 h x 为偶函数,根据偶函数的对称性可
知 h x 的零点只能为 0,即可得 a 2 ,并代入检验即可. 【解析】解法一:令 f (x) g x ,即 a(x 1)2 1 cos x 2ax ,可得 ax2 a 1 cos x , 令 F x ax2 a 1,G x cos x ,
1.(2024·全国)已知 cos( ) m, tan tan 2 ,则 cos( ) ( )
A. 3m
B. m 3
m 3
D. 3m

[0, 2 ] 时,曲线


π 12
π 6
的最小值是( )
A. 3
B. 3 2
D. 3 2
9.(2024·上海)下列函数 f x 的最小正周期是 2π 的是( )
A. sinx cosx C. sin2x cos2x
B. sinxcosx D. sin2x cos2x
x 在 0,1 处的切线与两坐标轴围
成的三角形的面积为( )
A. 1 6
1 3
1 2
2 3
7.(2024·北京)已知fxFra biblioteksinx



12.121.-Which one of these do you want? - ________ .Either will do .A. I don't mindB. I'm sureC. No problemD. Go ahead22. Sarah looked at ______finished painting with satisfaction.A.不填;aB. a; theC. the; 不填D. the; a23. "Life is like walking in the snow", Granny used to say, "because every step ____ ‖.A. has shownB. is showingC. showsD. showed24. It is by no means clear_____ the president can do to end the strike.A. howB. WhichC. thatD. what25. I don't believe we've met before, ______ I must say you do look familiar.A. thereforeB. althoughC. sinceD. unless26. The result is not very important to us, but if we do win, then so much_____.A. the bestB. bestC. betterD. the better27. Mary is really good at taking notes in class. She can_ ___ almost every word herteacher says. A. put out B. put down C. put away D. put together28. The party will be held in the garden, weather _______ .A. permittingB. to permitC. permittedD. permit29. This restaurant wasn't_______ that other restaurant we went to.A. half as good asB. as half good asC. as good as halfD. good as half as30. I______ use a clock to wake me up because at six o'clock each morning the train comesby my house. A. couldn't B. mustn't C. shouldn't D. needn't31. Larry asks Bill and Peter to go on a picnic with him, but_____ of them wants to,because they have work to do. A. either B. any C. neither D. none32. Film has a much shorter history, especially when___ such art forms as music andpainting. A. having compared to B. comparing to C. compare to D. compared to 33.I had been working on math for the whole afternoon and the numbers________ beforemy eyes. A. swim B .swum C. swam D. had swum34. You have to move out of the way _______the truck cannot get past you.A. soB. orC. andD. but35. If she doesn't want to go, nothing you can say will _______ her.A. persuadeB. promiseC. inviteD. support12.2⒍–What shall we do tonight then?–___ –whatever you want.A.Help yourself B.It's a deal C.No problem D.It's up to you⒎He missed ___ gold in the high jump, but will get ___ second chance in the long jump.A.the; the B.不填; a C.the; a D.a; 不填⒏That evening, ___ I will tell you more about later, I ended up working very late.A.that B.which C.what D.when⒐Sarah made ___ to the airport just in time to catch her plane this morning.A.herself B.this C.that D.it⒑Tony lent me the money, ___ that I'd do as much for him.A.hoping B.to hope C.hoped D.having hoped⒒I had hardly got to the office ___ my wife phone me to go back home at once. A.when B.than C.until D.after⒓We ___ to paint the whole house but finished only the front part that day.A.set about B.set up C.set out D.set down⒔Next to biology, I like physics ___ . A.better B.best C.the better D.very well ⒕–Did you ask Sophia for help? –I ___ need to. I managed perfectly well on my own. A.wouldn't B.don't C.didn't D.won't⒖The old man sat in front of the television every evening, happy ___ anything that happened to be on.A.to watch B.watching C.watched D.to have watched ⒗100℃is the temperature ___ which water will boil.A.for B.at C.on D.of ⒘I'm going to Europe on vacation together with John if I ___ find the money.A.can B.might C.would D.need⒙The manager ___ the workers how to improve the program since 9 a.m.A.has told B.is telling C.has been telling D.will have told⒚The Harry Potter books are quite popular; they are in great ___ in this city. A.quality B.progress C.production D.demand⒛–Try not to work yourself too hard.Take it easy.–Thanks.___A.So what? B.No way. C.What for? D.You, too2011.26. ----Did you forget about my birthday?---- _________I’ve booked a table at Michel’s restaurant for this evening.A. What then?B. I’m afraid so.C. how could I?D. For sure.7. Ted came for the weekend wearing only some shorts and a T-shirt, ______is a stupid thing to do in such weather.A. thisB. thatC. whatD. which8. If you ___________ smoke, please go outside.A. canB. shouldC. mustD. may9. If you don't like the drink you______ leave it and try a different one.A. orderedB. are orderingC. will orderD. had ordered10. Mary, I_____ John of his promise to help you.A. toldB. remindedC. warnedD. advised11. I got this bicycle for ___;My friend gave it to me when she bought a new one.A. everythingB. somethingC. anythingD. nothing12. It is one thing to enjoy listening to good music, but it is ___another to play it wellyourself. A. quite B. very C. rather D. much13. Jane won’t join us for dinner tonight and ________________ .A. n either won’t TomB. Tom won’t eitherC. Tom will tooD. so will Tom14. This shop will be closed for repairs __________ further notice.A. withB. untilC. forD. at15. The island, __________ to the mainland by a bridge, is easy to go to.A. joiningB. to joinC. joinedD. having joined16. As he reached _______ front door, Jack saw _______ strange sight.A. the;不填B. a; theC.不填aD. the; a17.Mr. Stevenson is great to work for -- I really couldn't ask for a_boss.A. betterB. goodC. bestD. still better 18.Sarah pretended to be cheerful,______ nothing about the argument.A. says B: said C. to say D. saying19. It was a nice meal,_______ a little expensive. A. though B. whether C. as D. since20.-----So you gave her your phone?-----______she said she'd return it to me when she could afford her own.A. My pleasureB. Not exactlyC. No doubtD. All right2011.121.---We could invite John and Barbara to the Friday night party.---Yes, _________?I’ll give them a call right now.A. why notB. What forC. whyD. what22. Try _______ she might, Sue couldn’t get the door open.A. ifB. whenC. sinceD. as23.Planing so far ahead _no sense-so many thing will have changed by next year.A. madeB. is makingC. makesD. has made24.I wasn’t sure if he was really interested or if he ________ polite.A. was just beingB. will just beC. had just beenD. would just be25.-Someone wants you on the phone. - _______ nobody knows I am here.A. AlthoughB. AndC. ButD. So26.I can ______ the house being untidy, but I hate it if it’s not clean.A. Come up withB. put up withC. turn toD. stick to27. The next thing he saw was smoke _______ from behind the house.A. roseB. risingC. to riseD. risen28. Only when he reached the tea-house _____it was the same place he’d been in last year.A. he realizedB. he did realizeC. realized heD. did he realize29. When Alice came to, she did not know how long she ________ there.A. had been lyingB. has been lyingC. was lyingD. has lain30. The form cannot be signed by anyone _______ yourself.A. rather thanB. other thanC. more thanD. better than31. The prize will go to the writer _____ story shows the most imagination.A. thatB. whichC. whoseD. what32. They____ have arrived at lunchtime but their fight was delayed.A. willB. canC. mustD. should33. It is generally accepted that____ boy must learn to stand up and fight like____ man.A. a; aB. a; theC. the; theD. a; 不填34. William found it increasingly difficult to read, for his eyesight was beginning to ____.A. disappear B .fall C. fail D. damage35. —Artistic people can be very difficult sometimes. —Well, you married one. ____.A. You name it.B. I’ve got it.C. I can’t agree more.D. You should know.10.121.—Have you finished reading Jane Eyre? —No , I ____my homework all day yesterday.A. was doingB. would doC. has doneD. do22. The workers ______ the glasses and marked on each box ― This Side Up‖A. carriedB. deliveredC. pressedD. packed23. I’ll spend half of my holiday practicing English and _______ half learning drawing.A. a notherB. the otherC. other’sD. other24. As a child , Jack studied in a village school ,_____ is named after his grandfather.A. whichB. whereC. whatD. that25. Mary made coffee ___ her guests were finishing their meal .A. so thatB. althoughC. whileD. as if26. I have seldom seen my mother _______ pleased with my progress as she is now .A. soB. veryC. tooD. rather27.Mrs.White showed her students some old maps ______ from the library.A. to borrowB. to be borrowedC. borrowedD. borrowing28.When you are home , give a call to let me know you ______ safely.A. are arrivingB. have arrivedC. had arrivedD. will arrive29.Just be patient .You ______ expect the world to change so soon .A. can’tB. needn’tC. may notD. whether30.The little boy won’t go to sleep ______ his mother tells him a story.A. orB. unlessC. butD. whether31. —Everybody is going to climb the mountain . Can I go too , mom ?— ______ Wait till you are old enough ,dear.A. Will youB. Why not ?C. I hope so .D. I’m afraid not.32.The discovery of gold in Australia led thousands to believe that a fortune ______.A. is madeB. would makeC. was to be madeD. had made33. W e haven’t discussed yet ______ we are going to place our new furniture.A. thatB. whichC. whatD. where34.With Father’s Day around the corner ,I have taken some money out of the bank ______ presents for my dad. A. buy B. to buy C. buying D. to have bought35.--- Was he sorry for what he’d done ? --- ________A. No wonderB. Well doneC. Not reallyD. Go ahead10.26.--Is it all right if I keep this photo? --_____________.A. No .you don’tB. No. it shouldn’tC. I’m afraid notD. Don’t keep it7.Tom was about to close the window _________his attention was caught by a bird.A. whenB. ifC. andD. till8. My mother opened the drawer to _________the knives and spoons.A. put awayB. put upC. put onD. put together9.Barbara is easy to recognize as she’s the only one of the women who ____evening dress.A. wearB. wearsC. has wornD. have worn10.—Have you finished the book?---No, I’ve read up to ____the children discover the secret cave.A. whichB. whatC. thatD. where11.Though_________to see us, the professor gave us a warm welcome.A. surprisingB. was surprisedC. surprisedD. being surprised12.Neither side is prepared to talk to ____unless we can smooth things over between them.A. othersB. the otherC. anotherD. one other13.The island is ___attractive in spring and autumn because of the pleasant weather in both seasons. A. partly B. merely C. nearly D. equally14.The doctor thought _____would be good for you to have a holiday.A. thisB. thatC. oneD. it15.Linda make sure the tables________ before the guests arriveA. be setB. setC. are setD. are setting16.I refuse to accept the blame for something ________was someone else’s fault.A. whoB. thatC. asD. what17.I’m afraid Mr. Harding _________see you now. He’s busy.A. can’tB. mustn’tC. shouldn’tD. needn’t18.—Can I help you? Are you looking for anything in particular today? ---_________We’re just looking.A. Yes pleaseB. No, thank youC. Yes ,you canD. No, you needn’t19.Excuse me I________I was blocking your way.A. didn’t realizeB. don’t realizeC. haven’t realizedD. wasn’t realizing20.Mr.Black is very happy because the clothes made in his factory have never been________. A. popular B. more popular C. most popular D. the most popular 09.121. -It looks heavy. Can I give you a hand? -________ .A. No, thanksB. Yes, my pleasureC. No, never mindD. Yes, I do22. Let’s go to _______ cinema-that’ll take your mind off the problem for______ while.A. the; theB. the; aC. a; theD. a ; a23. How much____ she looked without her glasses!A. wellB. goodC. bestD. better24. Could I speak to _________ is in charge of International Sales please?A. whoB. whatC. whoeverD. whatever25. What do you mean, there are only ten tickets? There _______ be twelveA. shouldB. wouldC. willD. shall26. His sister left home in 1998, and ________ since.A. had not been heard ofB. has not been heard ofC. had not heard ofD. has not heard of27. I tried phoning her office, but I couldn’t_____.A. get alongB. get onC. get toD. get through28. She brought with her three friends, none of ________ I had ever met before.A. themB. whoC. whomD. these29. Edward, you play so well. But I ________ you played the piano.A. didn’t knowB. hadn’t knownC. don’t knowD. haven’t known30. The children all turned ________ the famous actress as she entered the classroom.A. looked atB. to look atC. to looking atD. look at31. The computer was used in teaching. As a result, not only ____ , but students becamemore interested in the lessons.A. saved was teachers’ energyB. was teachers’ energy savedC. teachers’ energy was savedD. was saved teachers’ energy32. Encourage your children to try new things, but try not to_________ them too hard.A. drawB. strikeC. rushD. push33. One of the most important questions they had to consider was _____of public healthA. whatB. thisC. thatD. which34. Everybody was touched _____ words after they heard her moving story.A. beyondB. withoutC. ofD. in35. Now that we’ve discussed out problem, are people hap py with the decisions________?A. takingB. takeC. takenD. to take09.26. It is often _____ that human beings are naturally equipped to speak.A. saidB. to sayC. sayingD. being said7. Charles was alone at home, with _____ looking after him.A. someoneB. anyoneC. not oneD. no one8. Progress ______ so far very good and we sure that the work will be finished on time.A. wasB. had beenC. has beenD. will beThe children loved their day trip, and they enjoyed the horse ride ___.A. mostB. moreC. lessD. little10. All the dishes in this menu, _____ otherwise stated, will serve two to three people.A. asB. ifC. thoughD. unless11. I'm sure that your letter will get_____ attention .They know you're waiting for the reply.A. continuedB. immediateC. carefulD. general12. The CDs are on sale!Buy one and you get ______ completely free.A. otherB. othersC. oneD. ones13. Jenny nearly missed the flight ______ doing too much shopping.A. as a result ofB. on top ofC. in front ofD. in need of14. What I need is _____ book that contains _____ ABC of oil painting.A. a;不填B. the; 不填C. the; anD. a; the15. If you leave the club, you will not be ______ back in.A. receivedB. admittedC. turnedD. moved16. They use computers to keep the traffic ____smoothly.A. being runB. runC. to runD. running17. My friend showed me round the town, ______ was very kind of him.A. whichB. thatC. whereD. it18. It’s high time you had your hair cut; it’s getting _____.A. too much longB. much too longC. long too muchD. too long much19. ---- Do you mind my opening the window? It’s a bit hot in here .---- ______, as a matter of fact.A. Go aheadB. Yes, my pleasureC. Yes, I doD. Come on20. I can’t leave. She told me that I ____stay here until she comes back.A. canB. mustC. willD. may.08.121.—Would you like to join me for a quick lunch before class?— ______, but I promised Nancy to go out with her.A. I’d like toB. I like it.C. I don’tD. I will22.—What fruit is in season now? —Pears and apples, ______.A. I knowB. I thinkC. I seeD. I feel23. The performance ______ nearly three hours, but few people left the theatre early.A. coveredB. reachedC. playedD. lasted24. Let’s learn to use the problem we are facing _____ a stepping-stone to future success.A. toB. forC. asD. by25. The lawyer seldom wears anything other than a suit ______ the season.A. whateverB. whereverC. wheneverD. however26. I like getting up very early in summer. The morning air is so good ______.A. to be breathedB. to breatheC. breathingD. being breathed27. — Have you known Dr. Jackson for a long time?—Yes, since she ______ the Chinese Society.A. has joinedB. joinsC. had joinedD. joined28. You’re driving too fast. Can you drive ______?A. more slowly a bitB. slowly a bit moreC. a bit more slowlyD. slowly more bit29. The wet weather will continue tomorrow when a cold front ______ to arrive.A. is expectedB. is expectingC. expectsD. will be expected30. —Which of the two computer games did you prefer? —A ctually I didn’t like ______.A. both of themB. either of themC. none of themD. neither of them31. —Have you got any idea for the summer vacation?—I don’t mind where we get ______ there’s sun, sea and beach.A. as ifB. as long asC. now thatD. in order that32. The weather was ______ cold that I didn’t like to leave my room.A. reallyB. suchC. tooD. so33. The English spoken in the United States is only slightly different from ___ spoken inEngland. A. which B. what C. that D. the one34. After studying in a medical college for five years, Jane ______ her job as a doctor in thecountryside. A. set out B. took over C. took up D. set up35. —Sorry, I made a mistake again. — ______. Pra ctice more and you’ll succeed.A. Never mindB. Certainly notC. Not at allD. Don’t mention it08.26.----Do you know Anna’s telephone number?----_____. As a matter of fact, I didn’t know any Anna, either.A. I think soB. I’m afraid notC. I hope so.D. I’d rather not7.A small car is big enough for a family of three ____ you need more space for baggage.A. onceB. becauseC. ifD. unless8.It’s not ____ good idea to drive for four hours without ____ break.A. a; aB. the; aC. the; theD. a; the9.----What are you reading, Tom? ----I’m not really reading, just ____the pages.A. turning offB. turning aroundC. turning overD. turning up10.----Could I ask you a rather personal question? ----Sure, ____.A. pardon meB. go ahead.C. good idea.D. forget it.11.If the weather had been better, we could have had a picnic. But it ____ all day.A. rainedB. rainsC. has rainedD. is raining12.The director had her assistant ____ some hot dogs for the meeting.A. picked upB. picks upC. pick upD. picking up13.Stand over there _____ you’ll be able to see the oil painting better.A. butB. tillC. andD. or14.If their marketing plans succeed, they ____ their sales by 20 percent.A. will increasingB. have been increasingC. have increasedD. would be increasing15.Modern equipment and no smoking are two of the things I like ____ working here.A. withB. overC. atD. about16.The road conditions there turned out to be very good , _was more than we could expect.A. itB. whatC. whichD. that17.Liza____ well not want to go on the trip----she hates travelling.A. willB. canC. mustD. may18.Little Johnny felt the bag, curious to know what it ____.A .collected B. contained C. loaded D. saved.19.The house still needed a lot of work, but ____ the kitchen was finished.A. insteadB. altogetherC. at onceD. at least20.It was in New Zealand ____ Elizabeth first met Mr. Smith.A. thatB. howC. whichD. when07.121.--Have you heard the latest news? --No, What ___?A. is itB. is thereC. are theyD. are those22. Some pre-school children go to a day care center, _ they learn simple games and songs.A. thenB. thereC. whileD. where23.The manager suggested an earlier date _______the meeting.A. onB. forC. aboutD. with24. --It’s a long time since I s aw my sister. --____________her this weekend?A. Why not visitB. why not to visitC. Why not vi sitingD. Why don’t visit25.--The last one ___pays the meal. --Agreed!A. arrivedB. arrivesC. to arriveD. arriving26.I won’t call you, __something unexpected happens.A. unlessB. whetherC. becauseD. while27.--How’s your tour aroun d the North Lake? Is it beautiful?-It ________ be, but it is now heavily polluted.A. willB. wouldC. shouldD. must28. We all know that, __________, the situation will get worse.A. not if dealt carefully withB. if not carefully dealt withC. if dealt not carefully withD. not if carefully dealt with29. I smell something ______in the kitchen. Can I call you back in a minute?A. burningB. burntC. being burntD. to be burnt30.Does this meal cost $50? I _____ something far better than this!A. preferB. expectC. suggestD. suppose31. Between the two generations, it is often not their age, ____their education that causes misunderstanding. A. like B. as C. or D. but32.I know a little bit about Italy as my wife and I ________ there several years ago.A. are goingB. had beenC. wentD. have been33. --Can you read the sign, sir? No smoking allowed in the lift! --__________________.A. Never mindB. Don’t mention itC. Sure, I don’t smokeD. Pardon m e34. ―Goodbye, then,‖ she said, without even ___________ from her book.A. looking downB. looking upC. looking awayD. looking on35.The flowers were so lovely that they ______in no time.A. soldB. had been soldC. were soldD. would sell07.26. — We have booked a room for today and tomorrow. —_______, sir.A. I'm sureB. My pleasureC. It's all rightD. I'll check7. _______ felt funny watching myself on TV. A. One B. This C. It D. That8. _____he had not hurt his leg, John would have won the race.A. IfB. SinceC. ThoughD. When9. After two years' research, we now have a ___ better understanding of the disease.A. veryB. farC. fairlyD. quite10. Speaking of all the songs he has written, I think this is probably his _______ one.A. better-knownB. well-knownC. best-knownD. most-known11. If Joe' s wife won' t go to the party, ____.A. he will eitherB. neither will heC. he neither w illD. either he will12. At the beginning of class, the noise of desks ___could be heard outside the classroom.A. opened and closedB. to be opened and closedC. being opened and closedD. to open and close13.1 have ____all my papers but I still can't find my notes.A. looked throughB. looked forC. lookedafterD. looked out14. —I'm sorry to have kept you waiting. — _______, Bill.A. You' re welcomeB. Go aheadC. Don't mention itD. No problem15. — Is there anything wrong. Bob? You look sad.—Oh, nothing much. In fact, I ______ of my friends back home.A. have just thoughtB. was just thinkingC. would just t hinkD. will just be thinking16. Some people choose jobs for other reasons ___money these days.A. forB. exceptC. besidesD. with17. ___matters most in learning English is enough practice.A. WhatB. WhyC. WhereD. Which18. Why don't you just _______ your own business and leave me alone?A. makeB. openC. considerD. mind19.— Could you tell me the way to _____Johnsons, please?—Sorry, we don' t have _____Johnson here in the village.A. the; theB. the; a C不填; the D. the; 不填20. —Tom, you didn't come to the party last night?—I _______, but I suddenly remembered I had homework to do.A. had toB. didn'tC. was going toD. wouldn' t06.121.The house belongs to my aunt but she ___ here any more.A. hasn't livedB. didn't liveC. hadn't livedD. doesn't live22.We ____ the last bus and didn't have any money for taxi, so we had to walk home.A. reachedB. lostC. missedD. caught23.See the flags on top of the building? That was ____ we did this morning.A. whenB. whichC. whereD. what24.There's no light on-they ____ be at home .A. can'tB. mustn'tC. needn'tD. shouldn't25.—Excuse me, can you tell me where the nearest bank is, please?—____ Oh yes! It's past the post office, next to a big market.A. Mm, let me think.B. Oh, I beg your pardon?C. You're welcome.D. What do you mean?26.If I can help ____,I don't like working late into the night.A. soB. thatC. itD. them27.Mike didn't play football yesterday because he had ____ his leg.A. damagedB. hurtC. hitD. struck28. ____ he has limited technical knowledge, the old worker has a lot of experience.A. SinceB. UnlessC. AsD. Although29.The water ___ cool when I jumped into the pool for morning exercise.A. was feltB. is feltC. feltD. feels30.—Hello, could I speak to Mr. Smith? —Sorry, wrong number, There isn't ____ Mr. Smith here. A.不填 B. a C. the D. one31.Eliza remembers everything exactly as if it ____ yesterday.A. was happeningB. happensC. has happenedD. happened32. ____and happy, Tony stood up and accepted and prize.A. SurprisingB. Surprised B. Being surprised D. To be surprising33.Please remind me ____ he said he was going. I may be in time to see him off.A. whereB. whenC. howD. what34.—I wonder if I could possibly use your car for tonight?— ____. I'm not using it anyhow.A. Sure, go aheadB.I don't knowC. Yes, indeedD.I don't care35.Mary, ____ here-everybody else, stay where you are.A. comeB. comesC. to comeD. coming06.26. –Will you be able to finish your report today? - ________ .A. I like itB. I hope soC. I’ll do soD. I’d love it7. We forgot to bring our tickets, but please let us enter, _______ ?A. do youB. can weC. will youD. shall we8. Your story is perfect; I’ve never heard ______before.A. the better oneB. the best oneC. a better oneD. a good one9. It was not until she got home_______ Jennifer realized she had lost her keys.A. whenB. thatC. whereD. before10.We hope that as many people as possible _______ join us for the picnic tomorrow.A. needB. mustC. shouldD. can11.It is no _______ arguing with Bill because he will never change his mind.A . use B. help C. time D. way12.John, a friend of mine, who got married only last week, spent $3,000 more than he for the wedding. A. will plan B. has planned C. would plan D. had planned13. We thought there were 35 students in the dining hall, ______ , in fact, there were 40.A. whileB. whetherC. whatD. which14.-Did you take enough money with you ?-- No, I needed ______ I thought I would.A. not so much asB. as much asC. much more thanD. much less than15.Mary wanted to travel around the word all by herself, but her parents did not _______ her to do so. A. forbid B. allow C. follow D. ask16.-what did your parents think about your decision?-They always let me do ___ I think I should. A. when B. that C. how D. What17.We often provide our children with toys, footballs or basketballs _____ that all children like these things A. thinking B. think C. to think D. thought18. There were a lot of people standing at the door and the small girl couldn’t get______ .A. betweenB. throughC. acrossD. beyond19.I know you don’t l ike ____ music very much. But what do you think of _____ music in the film we saw yesterday? A.不填;不填 B. the ;the C. the ;不填D. 不填;the20. As you can see, the number of cars on our roads _____ rising these days.A. was keepingB. keepC. keepsD. were keeping05.221.—Can I speak to Mr. Wang , please ? — ________A.Who are you ? B.I’m Wang .C.Speaking D.Are you john ? 22.No one helped me . I did it all ____myself . A.for B.by C.from D.to 23.Mary wrote an article on _________ the team had failed to win the game .A.why B.what C.who D.that24.I have many friends ,_________ some are businessmen .A.of them B.from which C.who of D.of whom25.We haven’t enough books for_________ ; some of you will have to share .A.somebody B.anybody C.everybody D.nobody26.Tom , you ________ leave all your clothes on the floor like this !A.wouldn’t B.mustn’t C.needn’t D.may not27.They wanted to charge $ 5, 000 for the car , ___ we managed to bring the price down .A.but B.so C.when D.since28.—What would you do if it _______ tomorrow ?—We have to carry it on , since we’ve got everything ready .A.rain B.rains C.will rain D.is raining29.My parents will move back into town in a year or__. A.later B. after C. so D.about 30.It wasn’t until nearly a month later ______ I received the manager’s reply .A.since B.when C.as D.that31.—Oh dear ! I’ve just broken a window .— __________ .It can’t be helped .A.Never mind B.All right C.that’s fine D.Not at all。
















2005年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试理科综合能力测试以下数据可供解题时参考:相对原子质量(原子量):H:1 He:4 C:12 N:14 O:16第I卷一、选择题(本题包括13小题。


下列说法错误..的是()Array A.当光照强度增加到一定程度时,光合作用强度不再增加,即达到饱和B.C3植物比C4植物光合作用强度更容易达到饱和C.C4植物比C3植物光能利用率高D.水稻是阴生植物,玉米是阳生植物3.当人体处于饥饿状态时()A.肾上腺素分泌减少,胰高血糖素分泌增加B.肾上腺素分泌增加,胰高血糖素分泌增加C.肾上腺素分泌减少,胰高血糖素分泌减少D.肾上腺素分泌增加,胰高血糖素分泌减少4.关于抗体的产生、特性和作用等的叙述,错误..的是()A.抗毒素是抗体B.抗体都能被蛋白酶分解C.淋巴细胞都能产生抗体D.抗体在某些特殊情况下会对自身成分起免疫反应5.科学家通过基因工程的方法,能使马铃薯块茎含有人奶主要蛋白。


其中能减少酸雨产生的措施的是()A.①②③B.②③④C.①②④D.①③④7.下列气体的制备可采用右图装置的是( ) A .铜与浓硝酸反应制NO 2 B .铜与稀硝酸反应制SO C .乙醇与浓硫酸反应制乙烯D .氯化钠与浓硫酸反应制HCl8.在体积可变的密闭容器中,反应mA (气)+nB (固)pC (气)达到平衡后,压缩容器的体积,发现A 的转化率随之降低。





1. 下列各组词语中,没有错别字的一组是A. 部署涣散犒劳各行其事B. 妨碍妨碍妨碍妨碍C. 部署涣散犒劳各行其是D. 妨碍妨碍妨碍妨碍答案:C2. 下列各句中,加点的成语使用恰当的一句是A. 他虽然很年轻,但已在国内计算机界崭露头角,可真是后生可畏。


C. 他虽然很年轻,但已在国内计算机界崭露头角,可真是后生可畏。

D. 他虽然很年轻,但已在国内计算机界崭露头角,可真是后生可畏。

答案:A3. 下列句子中,没有语病的一句是A. 通过这次学习,使我对环境保护有了更深刻的认识。

B. 通过这次学习,使我对环境保护有了更深刻的认识。

C. 通过这次学习,使我对环境保护有了更深刻的认识。

D. 通过这次学习,使我对环境保护有了更深刻的认识。

答案:D4. 下列各句中,句意明确的一项是可畏。

B. 他虽然很年轻,但已在国内计算机界崭露头角,可真是后生可畏。

C. 他虽然很年轻,但已在国内计算机界崭露头角,可真是后生可畏。

D. 他虽然很年轻,但已在国内计算机界崭露头角,可真是后生可畏。

答案:A5. 下列各句中,标点符号使用正确的一项是A. 他虽然很年轻,但已在国内计算机界崭露头角,可真是后生可畏。

B. 他虽然很年轻,但已在国内计算机界崭露头角,可真是后生可畏。

C. 他虽然很年轻,但已在国内计算机界崭露头角,可真是后生可畏。


答案:C6. 下列各句中,没有使用修辞手法的一项是A. 他虽然很年轻,但已在国内计算机界崭露头角,可真是后生可畏。

B. 他虽然很年轻,但已在国内计算机界崭露头角,可真是后生可畏。

C. 他虽然很年轻,但已在国内计算机界崭露头角,可真是后生可畏。

D. 他虽然很年轻,但已在国内计算机界崭露头角,可真是后生可畏。

答案:B7. 下列各句中,表达得体的一项是可畏。



广东语文高考诗歌鉴赏题目汇编2004 阅读下面一首唐诗,然后回答问题。

(6 分)江汉杜甫江汉思归客,乾坤一腐儒。































1.下列化学名词正确的是A.三溴笨酚B.烧碱C.乙酸乙脂D.石碳酸2.有关化学用语正确的是A.乙烯的最简式C2H4B.乙醇的结构简式C2H6OC.四氯化碳的电子式D.臭氧的分子式O33.据报道,科学家已成功合成了少量N4,有关N4的说法正确的是A.N4是N2的同素异形体B.N4是N2的同分异构体C.相同质量的N4和N2所含原子个数比为1:2 D.N4的摩尔质量是56g4.下列金属冶炼的反应原理,错误的是A.2NaCl(熔融) 2Na + Cl2↑ B.MgO + H2Mg + H2O C.Fe3O4 + 4CO 3Fe + 4CO2D.2HgO2Hg + O2↑5.以下命题,违背化学变化规律的是A.石墨制成金刚石B.煤加氢变成人造石油C.水变成汽油D.干冰转化成原子晶体二.选择题(本题共36分)每小题3分,只有一个正确选项。

6.设阿伏加德罗常数为N A,则下列说法正确的是A.常温常压下,11.2L甲烷中含有的氢原子数为2N AB.标准状况下,0.3mol 二氧化硫中含有氧原子数为0.3N AC.常温下,2.7g铝与足量的盐酸反应,失去电子数为0.3N AD.常温下,1L0.1mol/LMgCl2溶液中含Mg2+数为0.2N A7.已知三角锥形分子E和直线形分子G反应,生成两种直线形分子L和M(组成E、G、L、M分子的元素原子序数均小于10)如下图,则下列判断错误的是A.G是最活泼的非金属单质B.L是极性分子C.E能使紫色石蕊试液变蓝色D.M化学性质活泼8.浓硫酸和2mol/L的稀硫酸,在实验室中敞口放置。


分析a、b曲线变化的原因是A.a升华、b冷凝B.a挥发、b吸水C.a蒸发、b潮解D.a冷凝、b 吸水9.下列实验基本操作错误的是A.滴定管洗净后经蒸馏水润洗,即可注入标准液进行滴定B.玻璃导管蘸水后,边旋转边向橡皮管中插入C.加热坩埚中的硫酸铜晶体,失水后需在干燥器中冷却,再称量D.玻璃棒蘸取溶液滴到放在表面皿上的pH试纸上10.关于如图所示装置的叙述,正确的是A.铜是阳极,铜片上有气泡产生B.铜片质量逐渐减少C.电流从锌片经导线流向铜片D.氢离子在铜片表面被还原11.苏丹红是很多国家禁止用于食品生产的合成色素,结构简式如右图。

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13.11.-- My name is Jonathan. Shall I spell it for you? --_____________.A. No problem.B. Of course, you should.C. If you don’t mindD. That’s all right.2. Wouldn’t it be ____ wonderful world if all nations lived in ___ peace with one another?A. a, /B. the, /C. a, theD. the, the3. The English ______ in England between AD450 and 1150 was very different from theEnglish we _______ at present.A. speaking; spokenB. spoken; speakC. spoken; speakingD. speaking; are speaking4. We're excited to learn the news _____China sent three astronauts into space betweenJune and August this year. A. what B. which C. that D. as5. I ______glasses since I was in primary school and I hate them. They make me look likea bookworm.A. have wornB. have been wearingC. have been wornD. was wearing6. He is very popular among his students as he always tries to get them ____in his lectures.A. interestingB. interestedC. being interestedD. to interest7. Susan was expecting her favourite singers, but to her disappointment, ______ appeared.A. someB. noneC. everyoneD. no one8. Although Rio knew little about marketing, he succeeded ____ other more well-informed managers failed.A. asB. unlessC. whatD. where9. Clean water and fresh air are essential for our daily life, _______ we can’t live.A. by whichB. without whichC. thatD. on which10. —Can I borrow your car, Mum? —If you________.A. must B.can C.will D.may11.Only with the greatest of luck _______ to escape from the rising flood waters.A. managed sheB. she managedC. did she manageD. she did manage12. It was not until she took off her dark glasses ____ I realized she was a famous film star.A. whoB. thatC. whereD. before13. -- Have you ever been to the city of Beijing, our capital?-- Yes, only once. I ______ there only for two days.A. had stayedB. were stayingC. have stayedD. stayed14. Why this excellent newspaper allows such an article to be printed is _______ me.A. aboveB. outsideC. besideD. beyond15.----I’m sorry. I shouldn’t been so angry with you that day.----______. I was a bit out of control myself.A. That’s rightB. All rightC. Forget itD. Got it13.21.--I'm sorry I made a mistake! -- Nobody is perfect.A. Take your timeB. You're rightC. Whatever you sayD. Take it easy2. Would you like to _______ with us to the film tonight?A. come alongB. come offC. come acrossD. come through3. I was glad to meet Jenny again _____I didn't want to spend all day with her.A. butB. andC. soD. or4. When I arrived, Bryan took me to see the house_____ I would be staying.A. whatB. whenC. whereD. which5.I got to the office earlier that day, _____ the 7:30 train from PaddingtonA. caughtB. to have caughtC. to catchD. having caught6. Since nobody gave him any help, he ____ have done the research on his own.A. canB. mustC. wouldD. need7. We ____ very early so we packed the night before.A. leaveB. had leftC. were leavingD. have left8. The watch was very good, and he ______ 20 percent down for it.A. paidB. costC. boughtD. spent9.It may not be a great suggestion. But before ___is put forward, we’ll make do with it.A. a good oneB. a better oneC. the best oneD. a best one10. It was only after he had read the papers______ Mr. Gross realized the task beforehim was extremely difficult to complete.A. whenB. thatC. whichD. what11 A serious study of physics is impossible _____ some knowledge of mathematics.A. againstB. beforeC. beyondD. without12. Only by increasing the number of doctors by 50 percent properly in this hospital.A. can be the patientsB. can the patients be treatedC. the patients can be treatedD. treated can be the patients13.Four and ___ half hours of discussion took us up to midnight, and _____break forcheese, chocolate and tea with sugar.A. a; aB. the; theC.不填;theD. a;不填14. It's an either-or situation - we can buy a new car this year or we can go on holidaybut we can’t do _____ . A. others B. either C. another D. both15. -Are you sure you won't come for a drink with us? - ______ ,if you insistA. Not at allB. It dependsC. All right thenD.I don't care12.121.-Which one of these do you want? - ________ .Either will do .A. I don't mindB. I'm sureC. No problemD. Go ahead22. Sarah looked at ______finished painting with satisfaction.A.不填;aB. a; theC. the; 不填D. the; a23. "Life is like walking in the snow", Granny used to say, "because every step ____ ‖.A. has shownB. is showingC. showsD. showed24. It is by no means clear_____ the president can do to end the strike.A. howB. WhichC. thatD. what25. I don't believe we've met before, ______ I must say you do look familiar.A. thereforeB. althoughC. sinceD. unless26. The result is not very important to us, but if we do win, then so much_____.A. the bestB. bestC. betterD. the better27. Mary is really good at taking notes in class. She can_ ___ almost every word herteacher says. A. put out B. put down C. put away D. put together28. The party will be held in the garden, weather _______ .A. permittingB. to permitC. permittedD. permit29. This restaurant wasn't_______ that other restaurant we went to.A. half as good asB. as half good asC. as good as halfD. good as half as30. I______ use a clock to wake me up because at six o'clock each morning the train comesby my house. A. couldn't B. mustn't C. shouldn't D. needn't31. Larry asks Bill and Peter to go on a picnic with him, but_____ of them wants to,because they have work to do. A. either B. any C. neither D. none32. Film has a much shorter history, especially when___ such art forms as music andpainting. A. having compared to B. comparing to C. compare to D. compared to 33.I had been working on math for the whole afternoon and the numbers________ beforemy eyes. A. swim B .swum C. swam D. had swum34. You have to move out of the way _______the truck cannot get past you.A. soB. orC. andD. but35. If she doesn't want to go, nothing you can say will _______ her.A. persuadeB. promiseC. inviteD. support12.2⒍–What shall we do tonight then?–___ –whatever you want.A.Help yourself B.It's a deal C.No problem D.It's up to you⒎He missed ___ gold in the high jump, but will get ___ second chance in the long jump.A.the; the B.不填; a C.the; a D.a; 不填⒏That evening, ___ I will tell you more about later, I ended up working very late.A.that B.which C.what D.when⒐Sarah made ___ to the airport just in time to catch her plane this morning.A.herself B.this C.that D.it⒑Tony lent me the money, ___ that I'd do as much for him.A.hoping B.to hope C.hoped D.having hoped⒒I had hardly got to the office ___ my wife phone me to go back home at once. A.when B.than C.until D.after⒓We ___ to paint the whole house but finished only the front part that day.A.set about B.set up C.set out D.set down⒔Next to biology, I like physics ___ . A.better B.best C.the better D.very well ⒕–Did you ask Sophia for help? –I ___ need to. I managed perfectly well on my own.A.wouldn't B.don't C.didn't D.won't⒖The old man sat in front of the television every evening, happy ___ anything that happened to be on.A.to watch B.watching C.watched D.to have watched ⒗100℃is the temperature ___ which water will boil.A.for B.at C.on D.of ⒘I'm going to Europe on vacation together with John if I ___ find the money.A.can B.might C.would D.need⒙The manager ___ the workers how to improve the program since 9 a.m.A.has told B.is telling C.has been telling D.will have told⒚The Harry Potter books are quite popular; they are in great ___ in this city. A.quality B.progress C.production D.demand⒛–Try not to work yourself too hard.Take it easy.–Thanks.___A.So what? B.No way. C.What for? D.You, too2011.26. ----Did you forget about my birthday?---- _________I’ve booked a table at Michel’s restaurant for this evening.A. What then?B. I’m afraid so.C. how could I?D. For sure.7. Ted came for the weekend wearing only some shorts and a T-shirt, ______is a stupid thing to do in such weather.A. thisB. thatC. whatD. which8. If you ___________ smoke, please go outside.A. canB. shouldC. mustD. may9. If you don't like the drink you______ leave it and try a different one.A. orderedB. are orderingC. will orderD. had ordered10. Mary, I_____ John of his promise to help you.A. toldB. remindedC. warnedD. advised11. I got this bicycle for ___;My friend gave it to me when she bought a new one.A. everythingB. somethingC. anythingD. nothing12. It is one thing to enjoy listening to good music, but it is ___another to play it wellyourself. A. quite B. very C. rather D. much13. Jane won’t join us for dinner tonight and ________________ .A. n either won’t TomB. Tom won’t eitherC. Tom will tooD. so will Tom14. This shop will be closed for repairs __________ further notice.A. withB. untilC. forD. at15. The island, __________ to the mainland by a bridge, is easy to go to.A. joiningB. to joinC. joinedD. having joined16. As he reached _______ front door, Jack saw _______ strange sight.A. the;不填B. a; theC.不填aD. the; a17.Mr. Stevenson is great to work for -- I really couldn't ask for a_boss.A. betterB. goodC. bestD. still better 18.Sarah pretended to be cheerful,______ nothing about the argument.A. says B: said C. to say D. saying19. It was a nice meal,_______ a little expensive. A. though B. whether C. as D. since20.-----So you gave her your phone?-----______she said she'd return it to me when she could afford her own.A. My pleasureB. Not exactlyC. No doubtD. All right2011.121.---We could invite John and Barbara to the Friday night party.---Yes, _________?I’ll give them a call right now.A. why notB. What forC. whyD. what22. Try _______ she might, Sue couldn’t get the door open.A. ifB. whenC. sinceD. as23.Planing so far ahead _no sense-so many thing will have changed by next year.A. madeB. is makingC. makesD. has made24.I wasn’t sure if he was really interested or if he ________ polite.A. was just beingB. will just beC. had just beenD. would just be25.-Someone wants you on the phone. - _______ nobody knows I am here.A. AlthoughB. AndC. ButD. So26.I can ______ the house being untidy, but I hate it if it’s not clean.A. Come up withB. put up withC. turn toD. stick to27. The next thing he saw was smoke _______ from behind the house.A. roseB. risingC. to riseD. risen28. Only when he reached the tea-house _____it was the same place he’d been in last year.A. he realizedB. he did realizeC. realized heD. did he realize29. When Alice came to, she did not know how long she ________ there.A. had been lyingB. has been lyingC. was lyingD. has lain30. The form cannot be signed by anyone _______ yourself.A. rather thanB. other thanC. more thanD. better than31. The prize will go to the writer _____ story shows the most imagination.A. thatB. whichC. whoseD. what32. They____ have arrived at lunchtime but their fight was delayed.A. willB. canC. mustD. should33. It is generally accepted that____ boy must learn to stand up and fight like____ man.A. a; aB. a; theC. the; theD. a; 不填34. William found it increasingly difficult to read, for his eyesight was beginning to ____.A. disappear B .fall C. fail D. damage35. —Artistic people can be very difficult sometimes. —Well, you married one. ____.A. You name it.B. I’ve got it.C. I can’t agree more.D. You should know.10.121.—Have you finished reading Jane Eyre? —No , I ____my homework all day yesterday.A. was doingB. would doC. has doneD. do22. The workers ______ the glasses and marked on each box ― This Side Up‖A. carriedB. deliveredC. pressedD. packed23. I’ll spend half of my holiday practicing English and _______ half learning drawing.A. anotherB. the othe rC. other’sD. other24. As a child , Jack studied in a village school ,_____ is named after his grandfather.A. whichB. whereC. whatD. that25. Mary made coffee ___ her guests were finishing their meal .A. so thatB. althoughC. whileD. as if26. I have seldom seen my mother _______ pleased with my progress as she is now .A. soB. veryC. tooD. rather27.Mrs.White showed her students some old maps ______ from the library.A. to borrowB. to be borrowedC. borrowedD. borrowing28.When you are home , give a call to let me know you ______ safely.A. are arrivingB. have arrivedC. had arrivedD. will arrive29.Just be patient .You ______ expect the world to change so soon .A. can’tB. needn’tC. may notD. whether30.The little boy won’t go to sleep ______ his mother tells him a story.A. orB. unlessC. butD. whether31. —Everybody is going to climb the mountain . Can I go too , mom ?— ______ Wait till you are old enough ,dear.A. Will youB. Why not ?C. I hope so .D. I’m afraid not.32.The discovery of gold in Australia led thousands to believe that a fortune ______.A. is madeB. would makeC. was to be madeD. had made33. We haven’t discussed y et ______ we are going to place our new furniture.A. thatB. whichC. whatD. where34.With Father’s Day around the corner ,I have taken some money out of the bank ______ presents for my dad. A. buy B. to buy C. buying D. to have bought35.--- Was he sorry for what he’d done ? --- ________A. No wonderB. Well doneC. Not reallyD. Go ahead10.26.--Is it all right if I keep this photo? --_____________.A. No .you don’tB. No. it shouldn’tC. I’m afraid notD. Don’t keep it7.Tom was about to close the window _________his attention was caught by a bird.A. whenB. ifC. andD. till8. My mother opened the drawer to _________the knives and spoons.A. put awayB. put upC. put onD. put together9.Barbara is easy to recognize as she’s the only one of the women who ____evening dress.A. wearB. wearsC. has wornD. have worn10.—Have you finished the book?---No, I’ve read up to ____the children discover the secret cave.A. whichB. whatC. thatD. where11.Though_________to see us, the professor gave us a warm welcome.A. surprisingB. was surprisedC. surprisedD. being surprised12.Neither side is prepared to talk to ____unless we can smooth things over between them.A. othersB. the otherC. anotherD. one other13.The island is ___attractive in spring and autumn because of the pleasant weather in both seasons. A. partly B. merely C. nearly D. equally14.The doctor thought _____would be good for you to have a holiday.A. thisB. thatC. oneD. it15.Linda make sure the tables________ before the guests arriveA. be setB. setC. are setD. are setting16.I refuse to accept the blame for something ________was someone else’s fault.A. whoB. thatC. asD. what17.I’m afraid Mr. Harding _________see you now. He’s busy.A. can’tB. mustn’tC. shouldn’tD. needn’t18.—Can I help you? Are you looking for anything in particular today? ---_________We’re just looking.A. Yes pleaseB. No, thank youC. Yes ,you canD. No, you needn’t19.Excuse me I________I was blocking your way.A. didn’t realizeB. don’t realizeC. haven’t realizedD. wasn’t realizing20.Mr.Black is very happy because the clothes made in his factory have never been________. A. popular B. more popular C. most popular D. the most popular 09.121. -It looks heavy. Can I give you a hand? -________ .A. No, thanksB. Yes, my pleasureC. No, never mindD. Yes, I do22. Let’s go to _______ cinema-that’ll take your mind off the problem for______ while.A. the; theB. the; aC. a; theD. a ; a23. How much____ she looked without her glasses!A. wellB. goodC. bestD. better24. Could I speak to _________ is in charge of International Sales please?A. whoB. whatC. whoeverD. whatever25. What do you mean, there are only ten tickets? There _______ be twelveA. shouldB. wouldC. willD. shall26. His sister left home in 1998, and ________ since.A. had not been heard ofB. has not been heard ofC. had not heard ofD. has not heard of27. I tried phoning her office, but I couldn’t_____.A. get alongB. get onC. get toD. get through28. She brought with her three friends, none of ________ I had ever met before.A. themB. whoC. whomD. these29. Edward, you play so well. But I ________ you played the piano.A. didn’t knowB. hadn’t knownC. don’t knowD. haven’t known30. The children all turned ________ the famous actress as she entered the classroom.A. looked atB. to look atC. to looking atD. look at31. The computer was used in teaching. As a result, not only ____ , but students becamemore interested in the lessons.A. saved was teachers’ energyB. was teachers’ energy savedC. teachers’ energy was savedD. was saved teachers’ energy32. Encourage your children to try new things, but try not to_________ them too hard.A. drawB. strikeC. rushD. push33. One of the most important questions they had to consider was _____of public healthA. whatB. thisC. thatD. which34. Everybody was touched _____ words after they heard her moving story.A. beyondB. withoutC. ofD. in35. Now that we’ve discussed out problem, are people hap py with the decisions________?A. takingB. takeC. takenD. to take09.26. It is often _____ that human beings are naturally equipped to speak.A. saidB. to sayC. sayingD. being said7. Charles was alone at home, with _____ looking after him.A. someoneB. anyoneC. not oneD. no one8. Progress ______ so far very good and we sure that the work will be finished on time.A. wasB. had beenC. has beenD. will beThe children loved their day trip, and they enjoyed the horse ride ___.A. mostB. moreC. lessD. little10. All the dishes in this menu, _____ otherwise stated, will serve two to three people.A. asB. ifC. thoughD. unless11. I'm sure that your letter will get_____ attention .They know you're waiting for the reply.A. continuedB. immediateC. carefulD. general12. The CDs are on sale!Buy one and you get ______ completely free.A. otherB. othersC. oneD. ones13. Jenny nearly missed the flight ______ doing too much shopping.A. as a result ofB. on top ofC. in front ofD. in need of14. What I need is _____ book that contains _____ ABC of oil painting.A. a;不填B. the; 不填C. the; anD. a; the15. If you leave the club, you will not be ______ back in.A. receivedB. admittedC. turnedD. moved16. They use computers to keep the traffic ____smoothly.A. being runB. runC. to runD. running17. My friend showed me round the town, ______ was very kind of him.A. whichB. thatC. whereD. it18. It’s high time you had your hair cut; it’s getting _____.A. too much longB. much too longC. long too muchD. too long much19. ---- Do you mind my opening the window? It’s a bit hot in here .---- ______, as a matter of fact.A. Go aheadB. Yes, my pleasureC. Yes, I doD. Come on20. I can’t leave. She told me that I ____stay here until she comes back.A. canB. mustC. willD. may.08.121.—Would you like to join me for a quick lunch before class?— ______, but I promised Nancy to go out with her.A. I’d like toB. I like it.C. I don’tD. I will22.—What fruit is in season now? —Pears and apples, ______.A. I knowB. I thinkC. I seeD. I feel23. The performance ______ nearly three hours, but few people left the theatre early.A. coveredB. reachedC. playedD. lasted24. Let’s learn to use the problem we are facing _____ a stepping-stone to future success.A. toB. forC. asD. by25. The lawyer seldom wears anything other than a suit ______ the season.A. whateverB. whereverC. wheneverD. however26. I like getting up very early in summer. The morning air is so good ______.A. to be breathedB. to breatheC. breathingD. being breathed27. — Have you known Dr. Jackson for a long time?—Yes, since she ______ the Chinese Society.A. has joinedB. joinsC. had joinedD. joined28. You’re driving too fast. Can you drive ______?A. more slowly a bitB. slowly a bit moreC. a bit more slowlyD. slowly more bit29. The wet weather will continue tomorrow when a cold front ______ to arrive.A. is expectedB. is expectingC. expectsD. will be expected30. —Which of the two computer games did you prefer? —A ctually I didn’t like ______.A. both of themB. either of themC. none of themD. neither of them31. —Have you got any idea for the summer vacation?—I don’t mind where we get ______ there’s sun, sea and beach.A. as ifB. as long asC. now thatD. in order that32. The weather was ______ cold that I didn’t like to leave my room.A. reallyB. suchC. tooD. so33. The English spoken in the United States is only slightly different from ___ spoken inEngland. A. which B. what C. that D. the one34. After studying in a medical college for five years, Jane ______ her job as a doctor in thecountryside. A. set out B. took over C. took up D. set up35. —Sorry, I made a mistake again. — ______. Pra ctice more and you’ll succeed.A. Never mindB. Certainly notC. Not at allD. Don’t mention it08.26.----Do you know Anna’s telephone number?----_____. As a matter of fact, I didn’t know any Anna, either.A. I think soB. I’m afraid notC. I hope so.D. I’d rather not7.A small car is big enough for a family of three ____ you need more space for baggage.A. onceB. becauseC. ifD. unless8.It’s not ____ good idea to drive for four hours without ____ break.A. a; aB. the; aC. the; theD. a; the9.----What are you reading, Tom? ----I’m not really reading, just ____the pages.A. turning offB. turning aroundC. turning overD. turning up10.----Could I ask you a rather personal question? ----Sure, ____.A. pardon meB. go ahead.C. good idea.D. forget it.11.If the weather had been better, we could have had a picnic. But it ____ all day.A. rainedB. rainsC. has rainedD. is raining12.The director had her assistant ____ some hot dogs for the meeting.A. picked upB. picks upC. pick upD. picking up13.Stand over there _____ you’ll be able to see the oil painting better.A. butB. tillC. andD. or14.If their marketing plans succeed, they ____ their sales by 20 percent.A. will increasingB. have been increasingC. have increasedD. would be increasing15.Modern equipment and no smoking are two of the things I like ____ working here.A. withB. overC. atD. about16.The road conditions there turned out to be very good , _was more than we could expect.A. itB. whatC. whichD. that17.Liza____ well not want to go on the trip----she hates travelling.A. willB. canC. mustD. may18.Little Johnny felt the bag, curious to know what it ____.A .collected B. contained C. loaded D. saved.19.The house still needed a lot of work, but ____ the kitchen was finished.A. insteadB. altogetherC. at onceD. at least20.It was in New Zealand ____ Elizabeth first met Mr. Smith.A. thatB. howC. whichD. when07.121.--Have you heard the latest news? --No, What ___?A. is itB. is thereC. are theyD. are those22. Some pre-school children go to a day care center, _ they learn simple games and songs.A. thenB. thereC. whileD. where23.The manager suggested an earlier date _______the meeting.A. onB. forC. aboutD. with24. --It’s a long time since I s aw my sister. --____________her this weekend?A. Why not visitB. why not to visitC. Why not vi sitingD. Why don’t visit25.--The last one ___pays the meal. --Agreed!A. arrivedB. arrivesC. to arriveD. arriving26.I won’t call you, __something unexpected happens.A. unlessB. whetherC. becauseD. while27.--How’s your tour aroun d the North Lake? Is it beautiful?-It ________ be, but it is now heavily polluted.A. willB. wouldC. shouldD. must28. We all know that, __________, the situation will get worse.A. not if dealt carefully withB. if not carefully dealt withC. if dealt not carefully withD. not if carefully dealt with29. I smell something ______in the kitchen. Can I call you back in a minute?A. burningB. burntC. being burntD. to be burnt30.Does this meal cost $50? I _____ something far better than this!A. preferB. expectC. suggestD. suppose31. Between the two generations, it is often not their age, ____their education that causes misunderstanding. A. like B. as C. or D. but32.I know a little bit about Italy as my wife and I ________ there several years ago.A. are goingB. had beenC. wentD. have been33. --Can you read the sign, sir? No smoking allowed in the lift! --__________________.A. Never mindB. Don’t mention itC. Sure, I don’t smokeD. Pardon m e34. ―Goodbye, then,‖ she said, without even ___________ from her book.A. looking downB. looking upC. looking awayD. looking on35.The flowers were so lovely that they ______in no time.A. soldB. had been soldC. were soldD. would sell07.26. — We have booked a room for today and tomorrow. —_______, sir.A. I'm sureB. My pleasureC. It's all rightD. I'll check7. _______ felt funny watching myself on TV. A. One B. This C. It D. That8. _____he had not hurt his leg, John would have won the race.A. IfB. SinceC. ThoughD. When9. After two years' research, we now have a ___ better understanding of the disease.A. veryB. farC. fairlyD. quite10. Speaking of all the songs he has written, I think this is probably his _______ one.A. better-knownB. well-knownC. best-knownD. most-known11. If Joe' s wife won' t go to the party, ____.。
