


0.1170.06V7 0.05V9lg aK K a K.Na K
0.059lg 1 KK.Na
0.1170.0670.780 0.059
KK.Na 0.17
CHAPTER 09 Potentiometric Analysis
a' H外
a' H内
5l9gaH外 aH内
2、在用电位法测定溶液的pH值时,为什么必须使用标准缓 冲溶液?
测定溶液pH值的基本依据是: 电池 K0.05V9pH
由于式中的K无法测量,在实际测定中,溶液的pHx是通过与标准缓 冲溶液的pHs比较而确定的。其关系为

0.059( 2

pMs )

(0.4120.275)2 0.059
ax 1.15102
ax 2.6107mol L1
p Mx

p Ms

( x s ) 2
2.90 5.47 6.60 7.04 7.70 8.24 9.43 10.03 10.61 11.30
△pH △V
2.57 1.13 0.44 0.66 7.00 7.00 1.00 0.50
0.54 1.19 0.10 0.10
0.60 0.58 0.69 0.10 0.20 1.00






Chapter10 聚合物的电性能
• 热合PVC等极性材料是适宜的。而PE薄膜等非极 性材料就很难用高频热合。
• 轮胎经高频热处理消除内应力,可大幅度延长使 用寿命。
• 塑料注射成型时常因含水而产生气泡,经高频干 燥能很好解决这个问题。
Chapter10 聚合物的电性能
□ 高分子分子运动的时间与温度依赖性可在其介电性质上得 到反映。借助于介电参数的变化可研究聚合物的松弛行为。
以上两种极化统称为变形极化或诱导极化 其极化率不随温度变化而变化,聚合物在高频区均能发生变 形极化或诱导极化
Chapter10 聚合物的电性能
• 偶极极化(取向极化):
是具有永久偶极矩的极性分子沿外场方向排列的现象。极 化所需要的时间长,一般为10-9s,发生于低频区域。
图1 偶极子在电场中取向
Chapter10 聚合物的电性能
• 高分子材料的介电性能首先与材料的极性有关。 这是因为在几种介质极化形式中,偶极子的取向 极化偶极矩最大,影响最显著。
• 决定聚合物介电损耗大小的内在因素: ①分子极性大小和极性基团的密度 ② 极性基团的可动性
Chapter10 聚合物的电性能
Chapter10 聚合物的电性能
• 介电损耗温度谱示意图
在这些图谱上,高聚物的介电损耗一 般都出现一个以上的极大值,分别对 应于不同尺寸运动单元的偶极子在电 场中的介电损耗(因偶极子的取向极化 过程伴随着分子运动过程,运动模式 各异,其松弛时间也不一致,其受阻程 度不同)按照这些损耗峰在图谱上出现 的先后,在温度谱上从高温到低温, 在频率谱上从低频到高频,依次用、 、命名。



有电子的得失与转移; 离子选择性电极是以敏感膜为基体,选择性地让一些 离子渗透,同时包含着离子的交换过程。因此,离子选择 性电极电位是由离子的交换和扩散作用产生的。 敏感膜是一种能分开两种电解质溶液,并对溶液中某种 物质有选择性响应的薄膜,它能形成膜电位,ISE被认为是 一种电化学传感器,是电位分析中应用最广泛的指示电极。
Chapter 10 Potentiometry
§10-1 概 述
电位分析法指在零电流条件下,利用电极电位和 溶液中某种离子的活度或浓度之间的关系来测定待测 物含量的方法,包括直接电位法和电位滴定法。
直接电位法 电位滴定法
1. 直接电位法 (direct potentiometry) :
求出待测物质含量的方法。 2. 电位滴定法 (potentiometric titration) : 借助滴定过程中电池电动势的突变来确定滴定 终点,根据滴定剂的体积和浓度来求得待测物质的 含量,所得是某种参与滴定反应物质的总浓度。
3. 任意的i离子选择性电极电位
任意阳离子i 的离子选择性电极的电位均等于膜内扩散
电位和膜与电解质溶液形成的内外界面的界面电位的代数 和。
膜内外表面性质完全相同,所以,内外界面扩散电位 大小相等,方向相反,相互抵消。
外 内
a1 RT K1 ln ’ nF a1 a2 RT K2 ln ’ nF a2

1mm 10孔 wb玻璃板容量

1mm 10孔 wb玻璃板容量

1mm 10孔 wb玻璃板容量


这种1 10孔的玻璃板,其标准尺寸为600×600。









弹丸论破1 攻略

弹丸论破1 攻略

PROLOGUE欢迎来到绝望学园调查桌上的手册,调查墙上挂钟,调查监视器,调查左侧窗户前往1F玄关大厅,同每个人对话前往1F体育馆CHAPTER1死或生★学园生活第一日调查窗户,调查监视器,调查床铺,调查床头柜,调查浴室门,调查桌子,调查右侧墙上的白纸,调查房间门调查右侧垃圾桶,获得金币X1(金币用于获得礼物,在EXTRA中购买已获得的CG和MOVIE等)前往宿舍区食堂,同舞圆对话,△键“想要确认的事”(遇到紫色字体时可按△键选择对话内容,进行这类对话的话可以与角色有更深层的互动)调查墙上挂钟调查监视器,获得金币X1同舞圆对话,△键“十神君”、“石丸君”、“桑田君、叶隐君、江之岛、不二咲”、“朝日奈和大神、大和田君”、“塞蕾斯和腐川以及山田君”继续同舞圆对话自动来到自己房间,调查浴室门第二日前往宿舍区洗衣房,调查洗衣机,获得金币X1前往宿舍区食堂的厨房内,调查右侧的蔬果,获得金币X1,调查左侧的肉食品柜,获得金币X1前往宿舍区男厕所,调查正面的养鱼池,获得金币X1前往宿舍区废品处理站,调查右侧墙上的开关,获得金币X1前往宿舍区舞圆的房间,△键“请求”前往1F体育馆的奖品陈列室,调查右上方的显示器,获得金币X1 调查奖品陈列窗,选择武士刀同舞圆对话,△键“梦想”自由活动时间(用地图查看不同人物所在的位置,去邀请他们。




弹丸论破1 攻略

弹丸论破1 攻略

PROLOGUE欢迎来到绝望学园调查桌上的手册,调查墙上挂钟,调查监视器,调查左侧窗户前往1F玄关大厅,同每个人对话前往1F体育馆CHAPTER1死或生★学园生活第一日调查窗户,调查监视器,调查床铺,调查床头柜,调查浴室门,调查桌子,调查右侧墙上的白纸,调查房间门调查右侧垃圾桶,获得金币X1(金币用于获得礼物,在EXTRA中购买已获得的CG和MOVIE等)前往宿舍区食堂,同舞圆对话,△键“想要确认的事”(遇到紫色字体时可按△键选择对话内容,进行这类对话的话可以与角色有更深层的互动)调查墙上挂钟调查监视器,获得金币X1同舞圆对话,△键“十神君”、“石丸君”、“桑田君、叶隐君、江之岛、不二咲”、“朝日奈和大神、大和田君”、“塞蕾斯和腐川以及山田君”继续同舞圆对话自动来到自己房间,调查浴室门第二日前往宿舍区洗衣房,调查洗衣机,获得金币X1前往宿舍区食堂的厨房内,调查右侧的蔬果,获得金币X1,调查左侧的肉食品柜,获得金币X1前往宿舍区男厕所,调查正面的养鱼池,获得金币X1前往宿舍区废品处理站,调查右侧墙上的开关,获得金币X1前往宿舍区舞圆的房间,△键“请求”前往1F体育馆的奖品陈列室,调查右上方的显示器,获得金币X1 调查奖品陈列窗,选择武士刀同舞圆对话,△键“梦想”自由活动时间(用地图查看不同人物所在的位置,去邀请他们。
































10毫米玻璃最大允许面积1.引言1.1 概述概述部分的内容可以是关于10毫米玻璃最大允许面积的背景介绍和问题的引入。













1.2文章结构1.2 文章结构本文将按照以下结构进行叙述和探讨:第一部分是引言,包括对全文内容的概述、文章的结构和研究目的的说明。






【英文文学】Glasses 玻璃

【英文文学】Glasses  玻璃

【英文文学】Glasses 玻璃Chapter 1I had been all summer working hard in town and then had gone down to Folkestone for a blow. Art was long, I felt, and my holiday short; my mother was settled at Folkestone, and I paid her a visit when I could. I remember how on this occasion, after weeks, in my stuffy studio, with my nose on my palette, I sniffed up the clean salt air and cooled my eyes with the purple sea. The place was full of lodgings, and the lodgings were at that season full of people, people who had nothing to do but to stare at one another on the great flat down. There were thousands of little chairs and almost as many little Jews; and there was music in an open rotunda, over which the little Jews wagged their big noses. We all strolled to and fro and took pennyworths of rest; the long, level cliff-top, edged in places with its iron rail, might have been the deck of a huge crowded ship. There were old folks in Bath chairs, and there was one dear chair, creeping to its last full stop, by the side of which I always walked. There was in fine weather the coast of France to look at, and there were the usual things to say about it; there was also in every state of the atmosphere our friend Mrs. Meldrum, a subject of remark not less inveterate. The widow of an officer in the Engineers, she had settled, like many members of the martial miscellany, well within sight of the hereditary enemy, who however had left her leisure to form in spite of the difference of their years a close alliance with my mother. She was the heartiest, the keenest, the ugliest of women, the least apologetic, the least morbid in her misfortune. She carried it high aloft, with loud sounds and free gestures, made it flutter in the breeze as if it had been the flag of her country. It consisted mainly of a big red face, indescribably out of drawing, from which she glared at you through gold-rimmed aids to vision, optic circles of such diameter and so frequently displaced that some one had vividly spoken of her as flattening her nose against the glass of her spectacles. She was extraordinarily near-sighted, and whatever they did to other objects they magnified immensely the kind eyes behind them. Blessed conveniences they were, in their hideous, honest strength — they showed the good lady everything in the world but her own queerness. This element was enhanced by wild braveries of dress, reckless charges of colour and stubborn resistances of cut, wonderous encounters in which the art of the toilet seemed to lay down its life. She had the tread of a grenadier and the voice of an angel.In the course of a walk with her the day after my arrival I found myself grabbing her arm with sudden and undue familiarity. I had been struck by the beauty of a face that approached us and I was still more affected when I saw the face, at the sight of my companion, open like a window thrown wide. A smile fluttered out of it as brightly as a drapery dropped from a sill — a drapery shaken there in the sun by a young lady flanked with two young men, a wonderful young lady who, as we drew nearer, rushed up to Mrs. Meldrum with arms flourished for an embrace. My immediate impression of her had been that she was dressed in mourning, but during the few moments she stood talking with our friend I made more discoveries. The figure from the neck down was meagre, the stature insignificant, but the desire to please towered high, as well as the air of infallibly knowing how and of never, never missing it. This was a little person whom I would have made a high bid for a good chance to paint. The head, the features, the colour, the wholefacial oval and radiance had a wonderful purity; the deep grey eyes — the most agreeable, I thought, that I had ever seen — brushed with a kind of winglike grace every object they encountered. Their possessor was just back from Boulogne, where she had spent a week with dear Mrs. Floyd-Taylor: this accounted for the effusiveness of her reunion with dear Mrs. Meldrum. Her black garments were of the freshest and daintiest; she suggested a pink-and-white wreath at a showy funeral. She confounded us for three minutes with her presence; she was a beauty of the great conscious, public, responsible order. The young men, her companions, gazed at her and grinned: I could see there were very few moments of the day at which young men, these or others, would not be so occupied. The people who approached took leave of their manners; every one seemed to linger and gape. When she brought her face close to Mrs. Mel-drum’s — and she appeared to be always bringing it close to somebody’s — it was a marvel that objects so dissimilar should express the same general identity, the unmistakable character of the English gentlewoman. Mrs. Meldrum sustained the comparison with her usual courage, but I wondered why she didn’t introduce me: I should have had no objection to the bringing of such a face close to mine. However, when the young lady moved on with her escort she herself bequeathed me a sense that some such rapprochement might still occur. Was this by reason of the general frequency of encounters at Folkestone, or by reason of a subtle acknowledgment that she contrived to make of the rights, on the part of others, that such beauty as hers created? I was in a position to answer that question after Mis. Meldrum had answered a few of mine.Chapter 2Flora Saunt, the only daughter of an old soldier, had lost both her parents, her mother within a few months. Mrs. Meldrum had known them, disapproved of them, considerably avoided them: she had watched the girl, off and on, from her early childhood. Flora, just twenty, was extraordinarily alone in the world — so alone that she had no natural chaperon, no one to stay with but a mercenary stranger, Mrs. Hammond Synge, the sister-in-law of one of the young men I had just seen. She had lots of friends, but none of them nice: she kept picking up impossible people. The Floyd-Taylors, with whom she had been at Boulogne, were simply horrid. The Hammond Synges were perhaps not so vulgar, but they had no conscience in their dealings with her.“She knows what I think of them,” said Mrs. Meldrum, “and indeed she knows what I think of most things.”“She shares that privilege with most of your friends!” I replied laughing.“No doubt; but possibly to some of my friends it makes a little difference. That girl doesn’t care a button. She knows best of all what I think of Flora Saunt.”“And what may your opinion be?”“Why, that she’s not worth talking about — an idiot too abysmal.”“Doesn’t she care for that?”“Just enough, as you saw, to hug me till I cry out. She’s too pleased with herself for anything else to matter.”“Surely, my dear friend,” I rejoined, “she has a good deal to be pleased with!”“So every one tells her, and so you would have told her if I had given you a chance. However, that doesn’t signify either, for her vanity is beyond all making or mending. She believes in herself, and she’s welcome, after all, poor dear, having only herself to look to. I’ve seldom met a young woman more completely at liberty to be silly. She has a clear course — she’ll make a showyfinish.”“Well,” I replied, “as she probably will reduce many persons to the same degraded state, her partaking of it won’t stand out so much.”“If you mean that the world’s full of twaddlers I quite agree with you!” cried Mrs. Meldrum, trumpeting her laugh half across the Channel.I had after this to consider a little what she would call my mother’s son, but I didn’t let it prevent me from insisting on her making me acquainted with Flora Saunt; indeed I took the bull by the horns, urging that she had drawn the portrait of a nature which common charity now demanded that she should put into relation with a character really fine. Such a frail creature was just an object of pity. This contention on my part had at first of course been jocular; but strange to say it was quite the ground I found myself taking with regard to our young lady after I had begun to know her. I couldn’t have said what I felt about her except that she was undefended; from the first of my sitting with her there after dinner, under the stars — that was a week at Folkestone of balmy nights and muffled tides and crowded chairs — I became aware both that protection was wholly absent from her life and that she was wholly indifferent to its absence.The odd thing was that she was not appealing: she was abjectly, divinely conceited, absurdly, fantastically happy. Her beauty was as yet all the world to her, a world she had plenty to do to live in. Mrs. Meldrum told me more about her, and there was nothing that, as the centre of a group of giggling, nudging spectators, she was not ready to tell about herself. She held her little court in the crowd, upon the grass, playing her light over Jews and Gentiles, completely at ease in all promiscuities. It was an effect of these things that from the very first, with every one listening, I could mention that my main business with her would be just to have a go at her head and to arrange in that view for an early sitting. It would have been as impossible, I think, to be impertinent to her as it would have been to throw a stone at a plate-glass window; so any talk that went forward on the basis of her loveliness was the most natural thing in the world and immediately became the most general and sociable. It was when I saw all this that I judged how, though it was the last thing she asked for, what one would ever most have at her service was a curious compassion. That sentiment was coloured by the vision of the dire exposure of a being whom vanity had put so off her guard. Hers was the only vanity I have ever known that made its possessor superlatively soft. Mrs. Meldrum’s further information contributed moreover to these indulgences — her account of the girl’s neglected childhood and queer continental relegations, with straying, squabbling, Monte-Carlo-haunting parents; the more invidious picture, above all, of her pecuniary arrangement, still in force, with the Hammond Synges, who really, though they never took her out — practically she went out alone — had their hands half the time in her pocket. She had to pay for everything, down to her share of the wine-bills and the horses’ fodder, down to Bertie Hammond Synge’s fare in the “Underground” when he went to the City for her. She had been left with just money enough to turn her head; and it hadn’t even been put in trust, nothing prudent or proper had been done with it. She could spend her capital, and at the rate she was going, expensive, extravagant and with a swarm of parasites to help, it certainly wouldn’t last very long.“Couldn’t you perhaps take her, independent, unencumbered as you are?” I asked of Mrs. Meldrum. “You’re probably, with one exception, the sanest person she knows, and you at least wouldn’t scandalously fleece her.”“How do you know what I wouldn’t do?” my humorous friend demanded. “Of course I’ve thoughthow I can help her — it has kept me awake at night. But I can’t help her at all; she’ll take nothing from me. You know what she does — she hugs me and runs away. She has an instinct about me, she feels that I’ve one about her. And then she dislikes me for another reason that I’m not quite clear about, but that I’m well aware of and that I shall find out some day. So far as her settling with me goes it would be impossible moreover here: she wants naturally enough a much wider field. She must live in London — her game is there. So she takes the line of adoring me, of saying she can never forget that I was devoted to her mother — which I wouldn’t for the world have been — and of giving me a wide berth. I think she positively dislikes to look at me. It’s all right; there’s no obligation; though people in general can’t take their eyes off me.”“I see that at this moment,” I replied. “But what does it matter where or how, for the present, she lives? She’ll marry infallibly, marry early, and everything then will change.”“Whom will she marry?” my companion gloomily asked.“Any one she likes. She’s so abnormally pretty she can do anything. She’ll fascinate some nabob or some prince.”“She’ll fascinate him first and bore him afterwards. Moreover she’s not so pretty as you make her out; she has a scrappy little figure.”“No doubt; but one doesn’t in the least notice it.”“Not now,” said Mrs. Meldrum, “but one will when she’s older.”“When she’s older she’ll be a princess, so it won’t matter.”“She has other drawbacks,” my companion went on. “Those wonderful eyes are good for nothing but to roll about like sugar-balls — which they greatly resemble — in a child’s mouth. She can’t use them.”“Use them? Why, she does nothing else.”“To make fools of young men, but not to read or write, not to do any sort of work. She never opens a book, and her maid writes her notes. You’ll say that those who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones. Of course I know that if I didn’t wear my goggles I shouldn’t be good for much.”“Do you mean that Miss Saunt ought to sport such things?” I exclaimed with more horror than I meant to show.“I don’t prescribe for her; I don’t know that they’re what she requires.”“What’s the matter with her eyes?” I asked after a moment.“I don’t exactly know; but I heard from her mother years ago that even as a child they had had for a while to put her into spectacles and that, though she hated them and had been in a fury of disgust, she would always have to be extremely careful. I’m sure I hope she is!”I echoed the hope, but I remember well the impression this made upon me — my immediate pang of resentment, a disgust almost equal to Flora’s own. I felt as if a great rare sapphire had split in my hand.Chapter 3This conversation occurred the night before I went back to town. I settled on the morrow to take a late train, so that I had still my morning to spend at Folkestone, where during the greater part of it I was out with my mother. Every one in the place was as usual out with some one else, and even had I been free to go and take leave of her I should have been sure that Flora Saunt would not be at home. Just where she was I presently discovered: she was at the far end of the cliff, the point at which it overhangs the pretty view of Sandgate and Hythe. Her back however was turnedto this attraction; it rested with the aid of her elbows, thrust slightly behind her so that her scanty little shoulders were raised toward her ears, on the high rail that inclosed the down. Two gentlemen stood before her whose faces we couldn’t see but who even as observed from the rear were visibly absorbed in the charming figure-piece submitted to them. I was freshly struck with the fact that this meagre and defective little person, with the cock of her hat and the flutter of her crape, with her eternal idleness, her eternal happiness, her absence of moods and mysteries and the pretty presentation of her feet, which especially now in the supported slope of her posture occupied with their imperceptibility so much of the foreground — I was reminded anew, I say, how our young lady dazzled by some art that the enumeration of her merits didn’t explain and that the mention of her lapses didn’t affect. Where she was amiss nothing counted, and where she was right everything did. I say she was wanting in mystery, but that after all was her secret. This happened to be my first chance of introducing her to my mother, who had not much left in life but the quiet look from under the hood of her chair at the things which, when she should have quitted those she loved, she could still trust to make the world good for them. I wondered an instant how much she might be moved to trust Flora Saunt, and then while the chair stood still and she waited I went over and asked the girl to come and speak to her. In this way I saw that if one of Flora’s attendants was the inevitable young Hammond Synge, master of ceremonies of her regular court, always offering the use of a telescope and accepting that of a cigar, the other was a personage I had not yet encountered, a small pale youth in showy knickerbockers, whose eyebrows and nose and the glued points of whose little moustache were extraordinarily uplifted and sustained. I remember taking him at first for a foreigner and for something of a pretender: I scarcely know why, unless because of the motive I felt in the stare he fixed on me when I asked Miss Saunt to come away. He struck me a little as a young man practising the social art of “impertinence”; but it didn’t matter, for Flora came away with alacrity, bringing all her prettiness and pleasure and gliding over the grass in that rustle of delicate mourning which made the endless variety of her garments, as a painter could take heed, strike one always as the same obscure elegance. She seated herself on the floor of my mother’s chair, a little too much on her right instep as I afterwards gathered, caressing her stiff hand, smiling up into her cold face, commending and approving her without a reserve and without a doubt. She told her immediately, as if it were something for her to hold on by, that she was soon to sit to me for a “likeness,” and these words gave me a chance to inquire if it would be the fate of the picture, should I finish it, to be presented to the young man in the knickerbockers. Her lips, at this, parted in a stare; her eyes darkened to the purple of one of the shadow-patches on the sea. She showed for the passing instant the face of some splendid tragic mask, and I remembered for the inconsequence of it what Mrs. Meldrum had said about her sight. I had derived from this lady a worrying impulse to catechise her, but that didn’t seem exactly kind; so I substituted another question, inquired who the pretty young man in knickerbockers might happen to be.“Oh, a gentleman I met at Boulogne. He has come over to see me.” After a moment she added: “He’s Lord Iffield.”I had never heard of Lord Iffield, but her mention of his having been at Boulogne helped me to give him a niche. Mrs. Meldrum had incidentally thrown a certain light on the manners of Mrs. Floyd-Taylor, Flora’s recent hostess in that charming town, a lady who, it appeared, had a special vocation for helping rich young men to find a use for their leisure. She had always one or other in hand and she had apparently on this occasion pointed her lesson at the rare creature on theopposite coast. I had a vague idea that Boulogne was not a resort of the aristocracy; at the same time there might very well have been a strong attraction there even for one of the darlings of fortune. I could perfectly understand in any case that such a darling should be drawn to Folkestone by Flora Saunt. But it was not in truth of these things I was thinking; what was uppermost in my mind was a matter which, though it had no sort of keeping, insisted just then on coming out.“Is it true, Miss Saunt,” I suddenly demanded, “that you’re so unfortunate as to have had some warning about your beautiful eyes?”I was startled by the effect of my words; the girl threw back her head, changing colour from brow to chin. “True? Who in the world says so?” I repented of my question in a flash; the way she met it made it seem cruel, and I saw that my mother looked at me in some surprise. I took care, in answer to Flora’s challenge, not to incriminate Mrs. Meldrum. I answered that the rumour had reached me only in the vaguest form and that if I had been moved to put it to the test my very real interest in her must be held responsible. Her blush died away, but a pair of still prettier tears glistened in its track. “If you ever hear such a thing said again you can say it’s a horrid lie!” I had brought on a commotion deeper than any I was prepared for; but it was explained in some degree by the next words she uttered: “I’m happy to say there’s nothing the matter with any part of my body; not the least little thing!” She spoke with her habitual complacency, with triumphant assurance; she smiled again, and I could see that she was already sorry she had shown herself too disconcerted. She turned it off with a laugh. “I’ve good eyes, good teeth, a good digestion and a good temper. I’m sound of wind and limb!” Nothing could have been more characteristic than her blush and her tears, nothing less acceptable to her than to be thought not perfect in every particular. She couldn’t submit to the imputation of a flaw. I expressed my delight in what she told me, assuring her I should always do battle for her; and as if to rejoin her companions she got up from her place on my mother’s toes. The young men presented their backs to us; they were leaning on the rail of the cliff. Our incident had produced a certain awkwardness, and while I was thinking of what next to say she exclaimed irrelevantly: “Don’t you know? He’ll be Lord Considine.” At that moment the youth marked for this high destiny turned round, and she went on, to my mother: “I’ll introduce him to you — he’s awfully nice.” She beckoned and invited him with her parasol; the movement struck me as taking everything for granted. I had heard of Lord Considine and if I had not been able to place Lord Iffield it was because I didn’t know the name of his eldest son. The young man took no notice of Miss Saunt’s appeal; he only stared a moment and then on her repeating it quietly turned his back. She was an odd creature: she didn’t blush at this; she only said to my mother apologetically, but with the frankest, sweetest amusement: “You don’t mind, do you? He’s a monster of shyness!” It was as if she were sorry for every one — for Lord Iffield, the victim of a complaint so painful, and for my mother, the object of a trifling incivility. “I’m sure I don’t want him!” said my mother; but Flora added some remark about the rebuke she would give him for slighting us. She would clearly never explain anything by any failure of her own power. There rolled over me while she took leave of us and floated back to her friends a wave of tenderness superstitious and silly. I seemed somehow to see her go forth to her fate; and yet what should fill out this orb of a high destiny if not such beauty and such joy? I had a dim idea that Lord Considine was a great proprietor, and though there mingled with it a faint impression that I shouldn’t like his son the result of the two images was a whimsical prayer that the girl mightn’t miss her possible fortune.Chapter 4One day in the course of the following June there was ushered into my studio a gentleman whom I had not yet seen but with whom I had been very briefly in correspondence. A letter from him had expressed to me some days before his regret on learning that my “splendid portrait” of Titras Flora Louisa Saunt, whose full name figured by her own wish in the catalogue of the exhibition of the Academy, had found a purchaser before the close of the private view. He took the liberty of inquiring whether I might have at his service some other memorial of the same lovely head, some preliminary sketch, some study for the picture. I had replied that I had indeed painted Miss Saunt more than once and that if he were interested in my work I should be happy to show him what I had done. Mr. Geoffrey Dawling, the person thus introduced to me, stumbled into my room with awkward movements and equivocal sounds — a long, lean, confused, confusing young man, with a bad complexion and large, protrusive teeth. He bore in its most indelible pressure the postmark, as it were, of Oxford, and as soon as he opened his mouth I perceived, in addition to a remarkable revelation of gums, that the text of the queer communication matched the registered envelope. He was full of refinements and angles, of dreary and distinguished knowledge. Of his unconscious drollery his dress freely partook; it seemed, from the gold ring into which his red necktie was passed to the square toe-caps of his boots, to conform with a high sense of modernness to the fashion before the last. There were moments when his overdone urbanity, all suggestive stammers and interrogative quavers, made him scarcely intelligible; but I felt him to be a gentleman and I liked the honesty of his errand and the expression of his good green eyes.As a worshipper at the shrine of beauty however he needed explaining, especially when I found he had no acquaintance with my brilliant model; had on the mere evidence of my picture taken, as he said, a tremendous fancy to her face. I ought doubtless to have been humiliated by the simplicity of his judgment of it, a judgment for which the rendering was lost in the subject, quite leaving out the element of art. He was like the innocent reader for whom the story is “really true” and the author a negligible quantity. He had come to me only because he wanted to purchase, and I remember being so amused at his attitude, which I had never seen equally marked in a person of education, that I asked him why, for the sort of enjoyment he desired, it wouldn’t be more to the point to deal directly with the lady. He stared and blushed at this: it was plain the idea frightened him. He was an extraordinary case — personally so modest that I could see it had never occurred to him. He had fallen in love with a painted sign and seemed content just to dream of what it stood for. He was the young prince in the legend or the comedy who loses his heart to the miniature of the out-land princess. Until I knew him better this puzzled me much — the link was so missing between his sensibility and his type. He was of course bewildered by my sketches, which implied in the beholder some sense of intention and quality; but for one of them, a comparative failure, he ended by conceiving a preference so arbitrary and so lively that, taking no second look at the others, he expressed the wish to possess it and fell into the extremity of confusion over the question of the price. I simplified that problem, and he went off without having asked me a direct question about Miss Saunt, yet with his acquisition under his arm. His delicacy was such that he evidently considered his rights to be limited; he had acquired none at all in regard to the original of the picture. There were others — for I was curious about him — that I wanted him to feel I conceded: I should have been glad of his carrying away a sense of ground acquired for coming back. To insure this I had probably only to invite him, and I perfectlyrecall the impulse that made me forbear. It operated suddenly from within while he hung about the door and in spite of the diffident appeal that blinked in his gentle grin. If he was smitten with Flora’s ghost what mightn’t be the direct force of the luminary that could cast such a shadow? This source of radiance, flooding my poor place, might very well happen to be present the next time he should turn up. The idea was sharp within me that there were complications it was no mission of mine to bring about. If they were to occur they might occur by a logic of their own.Let me say at once that they did occur and that I perhaps after all had something to do with it. If Mr. Dawling had departed without a fresh appointment he was to reappear six months later under protection no less adequate than that of our young lady herself. I had seen her repeatedly for months: she had grown to regard my studio as the tabernacle of her face. This prodigy was frankly there the sole object of interest; in other places there were occasionally other objects. The freedom of her manners continued to be stupefying; there was nothing so extraordinary save the absence in connection with it of any catastrophe. She was kept innocent by her egotism, but she was helped also, though she had now put off her mourning, by the attitude of the lone orphan who had to be a law unto herself. It was as a lone orphan that she came and went, as a lone orphan that she was the centre of a crush. The neglect of the Hammond Synges gave relief to this character, and she paid them handsomely to be, as every one said, shocking. Lord Iffield had gone to India to shoot tigers, but he returned in time for the private view: it was he who had snapped up, as Flora called it, the gem of the exhibition.My hope for the girl’s future had slipped ignominiously off his back, but after his purchase of the portrait I tried to cultivate a new faith. The girl’s own faith was wonderful. It couldn’t however be contagious: too great was the limit of her sense of what painters call values. Her colours were laid on like blankets on a cold night. How indeed could a person speak the truth who was always posturing and bragging? She was after all vulgar enough, and by the time I had mastered her profile and could almost with my eyes shut do it in a single line I was decidedly tired of her perfection. There grew to be something silly in its eternal smoothness. One moved with her moreover among phenomena mismated and unrelated; nothing in her talk ever matched with anything out of it. Lord Iffield was dying of love for her, but his family was leading him a life. His mother, horrid woman, had told some one that she would rather he should be swallowed by a tiger than marry a girl not absolutely one of themselves. He had given his young friend unmistakable signs, but he was lying low, gaining time: it was in his father’s power to be, both in personal and in pecuniary ways, excessively nasty to him. His father wouldn’t last for ever — quite the contrary; and he knew how thoroughly, in spite of her youth, her beauty and the swarm of her admirers, some of them positively threatening in their passion, he could trust her to hold out. There were richer, cleverer men, there were greater personages too, but she liked her “little viscount” just as he was, and liked to think that, bullied and persecuted, he had her there so luxuriously to rest upon. She came back to me with tale upon tale, and it all might be or mightn’t.I never met my pretty model in the world — she moved, it appeared, in exalted circles — and could only admire, in her wealth of illustration, the grandeur of her life and the freedom of her hand.I had on the first opportunity spoken to her of Geoffrey Dawling, and she had listened to my story so far as she had the art of such patience, asking me indeed more questions about him than I could answer; then she had capped my anecdote with others much more striking, revelations of effects produced in the most extraordinary quarters: on people who had followed her into。



Chapter 1alloy 合金atomic-scale architecture 原子尺度结构(构造)brittle 脆性的ceramic 陶瓷composite 复合材料concrete 混凝土conductor导体crystalline 晶态的devitrified 反玻璃化的(晶化的)ductility (可)延(展)性,可锻性electronic and magnetic material电子和磁性材料element 元素fiberglass 玻璃钢glass 玻璃glass-ceramic 玻璃陶瓷/微晶玻璃insulator 绝缘体materials science and engineering 材料科学与工程materials selection 材料选择metallic 金属的microcircuitry 微电路microscopic-scale architecture 微观尺度结构(构造)noncrystalline 非晶态的nonmetallic 非金属的oxide 氧化物periodic table 周期表plastic 塑性的、塑料polyethylene 聚乙烯polymer 聚合物property 性能(质)refractory 耐火材料、耐火的semiconductor 半导体silica 石英、二氧化硅silicate 硅酸盐silicon 硅steel 钢structural material 结构材料wood 木材Chapter 7aluminum alloy 铝合金gray iron 灰口铁amorphous metal 无定形金属high-alloy steel 高合金钢austenitic stainlesssteel 奥氏体不锈钢high-strength low-alloy steel 高强度低合金钢Brinell hardness number 布氏硬度值Hooke’s law 胡克定律carbon steel 碳钢impact energy 冲击能cast iron 铸铁lead alloy 铅合金Charpy test 单梁冲击试验low-alloy steel 低合金钢cold working 冷作加工lower yield point 屈服点下限copper alloy 铜合金magnesium alloy 镁合金creep curve 蠕变曲线malleable iron 可锻铸铁primary stage 第一(初期)阶段martensitic stainless steel 马氏体不锈钢secondary stage 第二阶段modulus of elasticity 弹性模量tertiary stage 第三(最后)阶段modulus of rigidity 刚性模量dislocation climb 位错攀(爬)移nickel alloy 镍合金ductile iron 球墨铸铁nickel-aluminum superalloy 镍铝超合金ductile-to-brittle transition temperature 韧性-脆性转变温度nonferrous alloy 非铁合金ductility (可)延(展)性,可锻性plastic deformation 塑性变形elastic deformation 弹性变形Poission’s ratio 泊松比engineering strain 工程应变precious metal 贵金属engineering stress 工程应力precipitation-hardened stainless steel 沉淀(脱溶)硬化不锈钢fatigue curve 疲劳曲线rapidly solidified alloy 速凝合金/快速固化合金fatigue strength (endurance limit) 疲劳强度(耐久极限)refractory? metal 耐火(高温)金属ferritic stainless steel 铁素体不锈钢Rockwell hardness 洛氏硬度ferrous alloy 铁基合金shear modulus 剪(切)模量fracture mechanics 断裂机制shear strain 剪(切)应变fracture toughness 断裂韧性shear stress 剪(切)应力gage length 标距(长度),计量长度,有效长度solution hardening 固溶强化galvanization 电镀,镀锌steel 钢strain hardening 应变强化white iron 白铁,白口铁superalloy 超合金wrought alloy 可锻(锻造、轧制)合金tensile strength 拉伸强度yield point 屈服点titanium alloy 钛合金yield strength 屈服强度tool steel 工具钢Young’s modulus 杨氏模量toughness 韧性zinc alloy 锌合金upper yield point 屈服点上限Chapter 8annealing point 退火点linear coefficient of thermal expansion 线性热膨胀系数refractory 耐火材料borosilicate glass 硼硅酸盐玻璃expansion 膨胀silicate 硅酸盐brittle fracture 脆性断裂magnetic ceramic 磁性陶瓷silicate glass 硅酸盐玻璃clay 粘土melting range 熔化(温度)范围soda-lime silica glass 钠钙硅酸盐玻璃color 颜色modulus of rupture 断裂模量softening point 软化点cosine law 余弦定律network former 网络形成体specular reflection 镜面反射creep 蠕变netwrok modifier 网络修饰体/网络外体static fatigue 静态疲劳crystalline ceramic 晶态陶瓷nonoxide ceramic 非氧化物陶瓷structural clay product 粘土类结构制品diffuse reflection 漫反射nonsilicate glass 非硅酸盐玻璃surface gloss 表面光泽E-glass 电子玻璃(E玻璃)nonsilicate oxide ceramic 非硅酸盐氧化物陶瓷tempered glass 钢化玻璃electronic ceramic 电子陶瓷nuclear ceramic 核用陶瓷thermal conductivity 热传导率enamel 搪瓷nucleate 成(形)核thermal shock 热震Fourier’s law 傅立叶定律Opacity 乳浊transformation toughening 相变增韧fracture toughness 断裂韧性optical property 光学性质translucency 半透明Fresnel’s formula Fresnel公式partially stabilized zirconia ??部分稳定氧化锆transparency 透明glass 玻璃polar diagram 极坐标图viscosity 粘度glass-ceramic 玻璃陶瓷/微晶玻璃pottery 陶器(制造术)viscous deformation 粘性变形glass transition temperature 玻璃转变温度pure oxide 纯氧化物vitreous silica 无定形二氧化硅/石英玻璃glaze 釉reflectance 反射(率)whiteware 白瓷Griffith crack model Griffith裂纹模型refractive index 折射率working range 工作(温度)范围intermediate 中间体/中间的Chapter 10admixture 外加剂fiberglass 玻璃钢metal-matrix composite 金属基复合材料aggregate 聚集体fiber-reinforced composite 纤维增强复合材料particulate composite 颗粒复合材料aggregate composite 聚集体复合材料hardwood 硬质木材polymer-matrix composite 聚合物基复合材料anisotropic 各向异性hemicellulose 半纤维素portland cement 波特兰水泥cement 水泥interfacial strength 界面结合强度property averaging 性能平均ceramic-matrix composite 陶瓷基复合材料isostrain 等应变radial cell 径向细胞concrete 混凝土isotress 等应力softwood 软质木材continuous fiber 连续纤维isotropic 各向同性specific strength 比强度discrete (chopped) fiber 不连续(短切)纤维laminate 层状的strength-to-weight ratio 强度质量比率dispersion-strengthened metal 弥散强化金属lignin 木质素whisker 晶须longitudinal cell 经向(纵向)纤维wood 木材woven fabric 纺织构造E-glass 电子玻璃matrix 基质(体)philosophy 基本原理cross over 交叉,穿过,跨越restriction 限制(定)configuration 构造(形式),结构align 使成一直线(一行)elongate 拉长(的)/延伸(的)aggregate 集料,粒料,骨料chop 切utility 效用,实用,功用in regard for 考虑到cite 引用(证、述),援引,列举,举出(例),提到,谈到embed 埋置,把? 嵌入(或插入)dielectric 电介质implication 含意(义)epoxy 环氧树脂polyester 聚酯polyetheretherketone (PEEK) 聚醚酮醚polyphenylene sulfide (PPS) 聚苯亚砜entrant 新到者requisite 必需的imitate 仿deciduous 每年落叶的,非永久的commonality 共性,共同特点dramatic 生动的vertically 竖直地,直立地longitudinal 经度的,纵向的sap 树液cellulose 纤维素alignment 直线排列phenol-propane 苯酚-丙烷manifest 显示,出现,显露dimension 尺寸specify 详细说明staggering 令人惊愕的igneous 火成的inspection 检查,视察interstice 空隙,裂缝enclose 包围,封闭entrain 混(气泡)于混凝土中entrap 截留的,夹杂的thaw 融化(解),解冻identify 认识,鉴定,确定generality 一般(性),一般原则,普遍(性),通则consistent with 与? 一致emphasis 强调,重点,重要性axially 轴向weighted average 加权平均elementary 基本的reverse 相反的rigorous 严格的,严密的,精确的bound 限度take for granted 被忽略(视)communicate 传达,传递deflect 偏转unless otherwise state 除非另外说明appreciation 正确评价,鉴别substantial 多的,大的,大量的offset 弥补,抵消,偏移assembly 装配,组装,总成Chapter 11capacitor 电容器electron-hole pair 电子-空穴对piezoelectric coupling coefficient 压电耦合系数ceramic 陶瓷electronic conduction 电子传导piezoelectric effect 压电效应charge carrier 载流子energy band 能带polymer 聚合物charge density 电荷密度energy band gap 能隙positive charge carrier 正载流子coercive field 矫顽(电)场energy level 能级PZT 锆钛酸铅conduction band 导带extrinsic semiconductor 非本征半导体remanent polarization 剩余极化conductivity 传导率Fermi function 费米函数resistivity 电阻率conductor 导体Fermi level 费米能级resistance 电阻current 电流ferroelectric 铁电性reverse piezoelectric effect逆压电效应dielectric 介电性,介电体free electron 自由电子saturization polarization 饱和极化dielectric constant 介电常数glass 玻璃Seebeck potential 赛贝克(电)势dielectric strength 介电强度hysteresis loop (电)滞回线semiconductor 半导体domain (电)畴insulator 绝缘体spontaneous polarization 自发极化drift velocity 漂移速率intrinsic semiconductor 本征半导体superconductor 超导体electric permittivity 电容率,介电常数metal 金属temperature coefficient of resistivity 电阻率温度系数electrical conduction 电导negative charge carrier 负载流子electrical field strength 电场强度Ohm’s law 欧姆定律thermocouple 热(电)偶electrically poled 电极化的orbital 轨道transducer 变(转)换器/换能器electron 电子paraelectric 顺电性的valence band 价带electron hole 电子空穴Pauli exclusion principle 泡利不相容原理voltage 电压commonality (特点等的)共有,共同特点,共性in light of 按照,根据manifestation 显示,表明,表现,表现形式,现象give way to 让路(步),退让,让位,屈服spacing 间隔(距)abstract 抽象reciprocal 倒数的mobility 迁移率drift 漂移precisely 正好地hypothetical 假(设)定的delocalize 使离开原位extension 扩展(充)pseudocontinuous 准连续的nature 自然状态conductive to 有助(益)的on the order of (数值)相当于,大约,数量级为,跟相似的accessibility 能进入(的),可得到(的)inability 无能(力)attribute to 归结于agitation 扰动wave packet 波包(群)irregularity 不规则,无规律reminiscent 回忆往事的,提醒的,暗示的ultimately 最后(终)于trace 追溯,上溯ambient 周围的(环境)tabulate 把......制成表格,列表finite 有限的empirical 经验的ironically 冷嘲的,具有讽刺意味的,用反语的,挖苦的,令人啼笑皆非的synchronization 同时发生,同步cooperative 配合account for 解释,占多少比例speculation 思索cryogenic 低温学的appreciable 可评估的,可感知的breakdown 崩溃,击穿subsection 细分asymmetrical 不对称的dipole 偶极子polarization 极化crystallographic 晶体的,晶体学的at the expense of 以…..为代价symmetrical 对称的exaggerate 夸张(大)extrapolate 推断(知),外推induce 诱导prefix 前缀intriguing 引起? 的兴趣(或好奇心)stem from 由…引起的,产生(起源、归因于),出身于constrain 强迫,抑制,约束straightforward 简单,易懂的ensuring 确保,保证pseudo-single crystal 准单晶consolidate 加固,使合成一体transmitter 变送器,发射机oscillation 振动megahertz MHzChapter 12acceptor level 受主能级device 元件impurity 杂质amorphous semiconductor 无定形半导体diode 二极管intrinsic semiconductor 本征半导体amplifier 放大器donor level 施主能级microcircuit 微电路Arrheniusbehavior Arrhenius行为dopant 掺杂剂n-type semiconductor ??n型半导体base 基极drain 漏极p-n junction? ??p-n结carrier mobility 载流子迁移(率)electron hole 电子空穴p-type semiconductor? p型半导体chalcogenide 硫族(属)化物emitter 发射极rectifier 整流器charge 电荷energy band gap 能隙reverse bias ?反向偏置charge carrier ??载流子exhaustion range 耗尽区saturation range 饱和区charge density 电荷密度extrinsic semiconductor 非本征半导体source 源极chip (基)片Fermi function 费米函数thermal activation 热激活collector 集电极Fermi level 费米能级III-V compound III-V化合物compound semiconductor 化合物半导体field-effect transistor (FET) 场效应晶体管II-VI compound II-VI化合物conduction band 导带forward bias 正向偏置transistor 晶体管conduction electron 传导电子gate 栅极valence band 价带conductivity 传导率Hall effect 霍尔效应clustered 丛生,成群overlap 交迭activation 活化,激活occurrence 发生,出现,事件,发生的事情dominate 支配,占优势semilog 半对数的ambient 周围(环境)的phosphorus 磷plateau 平原/平台compensation 补(赔)偿intimate 亲密at right angle 成直角sideways 侧(横)向in order 整齐,状态良好,适应on the average 平均,按平均数计算,一般地说zinc blende 闪锌矿counterpart 配对物threshold 开始(端),极限photovoltaic 光电nondepletable 耗不尽的silane 硅烷xerography 静电复印术photoconductive 光敏polarization 极化herald 先驱,先兆excess 过量的,额外的,附加的overshoot 过冲distort 畸变,使失真Chapter 13antiparallel spin pairing 反平行(电子)对 domain (bloch) wall 畴壁 flux density 通量(磁力线)密度 eddy current 涡流garnet 石榴子石 Bohr magneton 玻尔磁子 electron spin 电子自旋 hard magnet 硬(永)磁铁(体) ceramic magnet 陶瓷磁铁(体)energy loss 能(量)损(失) hysteresis loop (磁)滞回线 coercive field 矫顽(磁)场 exchange interaction 交互作用induction 感应(诱导) coercive force矫顽(磁)力ferrimagnetism 铁氧体磁性,(亚)铁磁性 inverse spinel 反尖晶石diamagnetism 抗(反)磁性 ferrite 铁氧体,铁素体 Joule heating 焦耳热 domain structure 畴结构ferromagnetism 铁磁性magnetic dipole 磁偶极子 magnetic field 磁场metallic magnet 金属磁体 soft magnet 软(暂时)磁体(铁)magnetic field strength 磁场强度 paramagnetism 顺磁性 spinel 尖晶石 magnetic flux line 磁通量(力)线permanent magnet 永(久)磁体 superconducting magnet 超导磁体 magnetic moment 磁矩 permeability 导磁性(率)textured micostructure 织构 magnetism 磁性 preferred orientation 择优取向 transition metal 过渡金属magnetite 磁铁矿(石)relative permeability 相对(磁)导率 transition metal ion 过渡金属离子magnetization 磁化 remanent induction 剩余感应 YIG 钇铁石榴子石 Magnetoplumbite 磁铅石,磁铁铅矿saturation induction 饱和感应nomenclature 命名 routinely 常规,惯例 counterpart 对手 modest 小的 reversible 可逆的 traced out 探寻踪(轨)迹primitive 原始的,早期的,开始的,基本的,简单的visualize 目测,观察,设想 relativistic 相对论的aligned 排列好的 distinction (差)区别,特性tetrahedrally 四面体的 octahedrally 八面体的inventory 清单,目录 cancellation 抵(取)消traverse 在?? 上来回移动,沿? 来回移动 flunctuate 波动,涨落,起伏,动摇不定 ingot 铸模,铸块,锭 fidelity 保真 Samarium 钐 Alnico 磁钢 simultaneously 同时发生的 product? (乘)积 solenoid 螺线管 deflection 偏转interchangeably 可交(互)换的,可代替的gem 宝石 dodecahedral 十二面体的 waveguide 波导hexagonal 六方晶系的 strontium 锶 fortuitous 偶然的,幸运的 perovskite 钙钛矿availability 利用(或获得)的可能性 levitation 悬浮Chapter 1alloy 合金atomic-scale architecture 原子尺度结构(构造)brittle 脆性的ceramic 陶瓷composite 复合材料concrete 混凝土conductor? 导体crystalline? 晶态的devitrified 反玻璃化的(晶化的)ductility (可)延(展)性,可锻性electronic and magnetic material? 电子和磁性材料element 元素fiberglass 玻璃钢glass 玻璃glass-ceramic 玻璃陶瓷/微晶玻璃insulator 绝缘体Chapter 11capacitor 电容器electron-hole pair 电子-空穴对piezoelectric coupling coefficient 压电耦合系数ceramic 陶瓷electronic conduction 电子传导piezoelectric effect 压电效应charge carrier 载流子energy band 能带polymer 聚合物charge density 电荷密度energy band gap 能隙positive charge carrier 正载流子coercive field 矫顽(电)场energy level 能级PZT 锆钛酸铅conduction band 导带extrinsic semiconductor 非本征半导体remanent polarization 剩余极化conductivity 传导率materials science and engineering 材料科学与工程materials selection 材料选择metallic 金属的microcircuitry 微电路microscopic-scale architecture微观尺度结构(构造)noncrystalline 非晶态的nonmetallic 非金属的oxide 氧化物periodic table 周期表plastic 塑性的、塑料polyethylene 聚乙烯polymer 聚合物property 性能(质)refractory 耐火材料、耐火的semiconductor 半导体silica 石英、二氧化硅silicate 硅酸盐silicon 硅steel 钢structural material 结构材料 Fermi function 费米函数 resistivity 电阻率 conductor 导体 Fermi level 费米能级 resistance 电阻 current 电流 ferroelectric 铁电性 reverse piezoelectric effect 逆压电效应 dielectric 介电性,介电体 free electron 自由电子 saturization polarization 饱和极化 dielectric constant 介电常数 glass 玻璃 Seebeck potential 赛贝克(电)势 dielectric strength 介电强度 hysteresis loop (电)滞回线 semiconductor 半导体 domain (电)畴 insulator 绝缘体wood 木材Chapter 7aluminum alloy 铝合金gray iron 灰口铁amorphous metal 无定形金属high-alloy steel 高合金钢austenitic stainless steel 奥氏体不锈钢high-strength low-alloy steel 高强度低合金钢Brinell hardness number 布氏硬度值Hooke’s law 胡克定律carbon steel 碳钢impact energy 冲击能cast iron 铸铁lead alloy 铅合金Charpy test Charpy试验low-alloy steel 低合金钢cold working 冷作加工lower yield point 屈服点下限spontaneous polarization 自发极化drift velocity 漂移速率intrinsic semiconductor 本征半导体superconductor 超导体electric permittivity 电容率,介电常数metal 金属temperature coefficient of resistivity 电阻率温度系数electrical conduction 电导negative charge carrier 负载流子electrical field strength 电场强度Ohm’s law 欧姆定律thermocouple 热(电)偶electrically poled 电极化的orbital 轨道transducer 变(转)换器/换能器electron 电子paraelectric 顺电性的copper alloy 铜合金magnesium alloy 镁合金creep curve 蠕变曲线malleable iron 可锻铸铁primary stage 第一(初期)阶段martensitic stainless steel 马氏体不锈钢secondary stage 第二阶段modulus of elasticity 弹性模量tertiary(final)? stage 第三(最后)阶段modulus of rigidity 刚性模量dislocation climb 位错攀(爬)移nickel alloy 镍合金ductile iron 球墨铸铁nickel-aluminum superalloy 镍铝超合金ductile-to-brittle transition temperature 韧性-脆性转变温度nonferrous alloy 非铁合金valence band 价带electron hole 电子空穴Pauli exclusion principle 泡利不相容原理voltage 电压commonality (特点等的)共有,共同特点,共性in light of 按照,根据manifestation 显示,表明,表现,表现形式,现象give way to 让路(步),退让,让位,屈服spacing 间隔(距)abstract 抽象reciprocal 倒数的mobility 迁移率drift 漂移precisely 正好地hypothetical 假(设)定的delocalize 使离开原位extension 扩展(充)pseudocontinuous 准连续的ductility (可)延(展)性,可锻性 plastic deformation 塑性变形 elastic deformation 弹性变形 Poission’s ratio 泊松比engineering strain 工程应变precious metal 贵金属engineering stress 工程应力 precipitation-hardened stainless steel 沉淀(脱溶)硬化不锈钢 fatigue curve 疲劳曲线rapidly solidified alloy 速凝合金/快速固化合金 fatigue strength (endurance limit) 疲劳强度(耐久极限) refractory? metal 耐火(高温)金属 ferritic stainless steel 铁素体不锈钢 Rockwell hardness 洛氏硬度 ferrous alloy 铁基合金 shear modulus 剪(切)模量 nature 自然状态conductive to 有助(益)的 on the order of (数值)相当于,大约,数量级为,跟相似的 accessibility 能进入(的),可得到(的) inability 无能(力) attribute to 归结于agitation 扰动wave packet 波包(群) irregularity 不规则,无规律 reminiscent 回忆往事的,提醒的,暗示的ultimately 最后(终)于 trace 追溯,上溯ambient 周围的(环境)tabulate 把......制成表格,列表 finite 有限的empirical 经验的ironically 冷嘲的,具有讽刺意味的,用反语的,挖苦的,令人啼笑皆非的fracture mechanics 断裂机制 shear strain 剪(切)应变fracture toughness 断裂韧性shear stress 剪(切)应力 gage length 标距(长度),计量长度,有效长度 solution hardening 固溶强化 galvanization 电镀,镀锌steel 钢strain hardening 应变强化white iron 白铁,白口铁superalloy 超合金 wrought alloy 可锻(锻造、轧制)合金tensile strength 拉伸强度yield point 屈服点titanium alloy 钛合金yield strength 屈服强度tool steel 工具钢Young’s modulus 杨氏模量toughness 韧性zinc alloy 锌合金 synchronization 同时发生,同步 cooperative 配合 account for 解释,占多少比例 speculation 思索cryogenic 低温学的appreciable 可评估的,可感知的 breakdown 崩溃,击穿 subsection 细分 asymmetrical 不对称的 dipole 偶极子 polarization 极化 crystallographic 晶体的,晶体学的at the expense of 以…..为代价 symmetrical 对称的 exaggerate 夸张(大) extrapolate 推断(知),外推 induce 诱导 prefix 前缀 intriguing 引起? 的兴趣(或好奇心) stem from 由…引起的,产生(起upper yield point 屈服点上限Chapter 8annealing point 退火点linear coefficient of thermal expansion线性热膨胀系数refractory 耐火材料borosilicate glass 硼硅酸盐玻璃expansion 膨胀silicate 硅酸盐brittle fracture 脆性断裂magnetic ceramic 磁性陶瓷silicate glass 硅酸盐玻璃clay 粘土melting range 熔化(温度)范围soda-lime silica glass 钠钙硅酸盐玻璃color 颜色modulus of rupture 断裂模量softening point 软化点cosine law 余弦定律network former 网络形成体源、归因于),出身于constrain 强迫,抑制,约束straightforward 简单,易懂的ensuring 确保,保证pseudo-single crystal 准单晶consolidate 加固,使合成一体transmitter 变送器,发射机oscillation 振动megahertz MHzChapter 12acceptor level 受主能级device 元件impurity 杂质amorphous semiconductor 无定形半导体diode 二极管intrinsic semiconductor 本征半导体amplifier 放大器donor level 施主能级microcircuit 微电路specular reflection 镜面反射creep 蠕变netwrok modifier 网络修饰体/网络外体static fatigue 静态疲劳crystalline ceramic 晶态陶瓷nonoxide ceramic 非氧化物陶瓷structural clay product 粘土类结构制品diffuse reflection 漫反射nonsilicate glass 非硅酸盐玻璃surface gloss 表面光泽E-glass 电子玻璃(E玻璃)nonsilicate oxide ceramic 非硅酸盐氧化物陶瓷tempered glass 钢化玻璃electronic ceramic 电子陶瓷nuclear ceramic 核用陶瓷thermal conductivity 热传导率enamel 搪瓷nucleate 成(形)核Arrhenius behavior Arrhenius 行为dopant 掺杂剂n-type semiconductor ??n型半导体base 基极drain 漏极p-n junction? ??p-n结carrier mobility 载流子迁移(率)electron hole 电子空穴p-type semiconductor? p型半导体chalcogenide 硫族(属)化物emitter 发射极rectifier 整流器charge 电荷energy band gap 能隙reverse bias ?反向偏置charge carrier ??载流子exhaustion range 耗尽区saturation range 饱和区thermal shock 热震Fourier’s law 傅立叶定律Opacity 乳浊transformation toughening 相变增韧fracture toughness 断裂韧性optical property 光学性质translucency 半透明Fresnel’s formula Fresnel公式partially stabilized zirconia ??部分稳定氧化锆transparency 透明glass 玻璃polar diagram 极坐标图viscosity 粘度glass-ceramic 玻璃陶瓷/微晶玻璃pottery 陶器(制造术)viscous deformation 粘性变形glass transition temperature 玻璃转变温度pure oxide 纯氧化物charge density 电荷密度extrinsic semiconductor 非本征半导体source 源极chip (基)片Fermi function 费米函数thermal activation 热激活collector 集电极Fermi level 费米能级III-V compound III-V化合物compound semiconductor 化合物半导体field-effect transistor (FET) 场效应晶体管II-VI compound II-VI化合物conduction band 导带forward bias 正向偏置transistor 晶体管conduction electron 传导电子gate 栅极valence band 价带conductivity 传导率vitreous silica 无定形二氧化硅/石英玻璃glaze 釉reflectance 反射(率)whiteware 白瓷Griffith crack model Griffith裂纹模型refractive index 折射率working range 工作(温度)范围intermediate 中间体/中间的Chapter 9Chapter 10admixture 外加剂fiberglass 玻璃钢metal-matrix composite 金属基复合材料aggregate 聚集体fiber-reinforced composite 纤维增强复合材料particulate composite 颗粒复合Hall effect 霍尔效应clustered 丛生,成群overlap 交迭activation 活化,激活occurrence 发生,出现,事件,发生的事情dominate 支配,占优势semilog 半对数的ambient 周围(环境)的phosphorus 磷plateau 平原/平台compensation 补(赔)偿intimate 亲密at right angle 成直角sideways 侧(横)向in order 整齐,状态良好,适应on the average 平均,按平均数计算,一般地说zinc blende 闪锌矿counterpart 配对物threshold 开始(端),极限photovoltaic 光电材料aggregate composite 聚集体复合材料hardwood 硬质木材polymer-matrix composite 聚合物基复合材料anisotropic 各向异性hemicellulose 半纤维素portland cement 波特兰水泥cement 水泥interfacial strength 界面结合强度property averaging 性能平均ceramic-matrix composite 陶瓷基复合材料isostrain 等应变radial cell 径向细胞concrete 混凝土isotress 等应力softwood 软质木材continuous fiber 连续纤维isotropic 各向同性nondepletable 耗不尽的silane 硅烷xerography 静电复印术photoconductive 光敏polarization 极化herald 先驱,先兆excess 过量的,额外的,附加的overshoot 过冲distort 畸变,使失真Chapter 13antiparallel spin pairing 反平行(电子)对domain (bloch) wall 畴壁flux density 通量(磁力线)密度eddy current 涡流garnet 石榴子石Bohr magneton 玻尔磁子electron spin 电子自旋hard magnet 硬(永)磁铁(体)ceramic magnet 陶瓷磁铁(体)specific strength 比强度discrete (chopped) fiber 不连续(短切)纤维laminate 层状的strength-to-weight ratio 强度质量比率dispersion-strengthened metal 弥散强化金属lignin 木质素whisker 晶须longitudinal cell 经向(纵向)纤维wood 木材woven fabric 纺织构造E-glass 电子玻璃matrix 基质(体)philosophy 基本原理cross over 交叉,穿过,跨越restriction 限制(定)configuration 构造(形式),结构align 使成一直线(一行)energy loss 能(量)损(失)hysteresis loop (磁)滞回线coercive field 矫顽(磁)场exchange interaction 交互作用induction 感应(诱导)coercive force矫顽(磁)力ferrimagnetism 铁氧体磁性,(亚)铁磁性inverse spinel 反尖晶石diamagnetism 抗(反)磁性ferrite 铁氧体,铁素体Joule heating 焦耳热domain structure 畴结构ferromagnetism 铁磁性magnetic dipole 磁偶极子magnetic field 磁场metallic magnet 金属磁体soft magnet 软(暂时)磁体(铁)magnetic field strength 磁场强度paramagnetism 顺磁性spinel 尖晶石elongate 拉长(的)/延伸(的) aggregate 集料,粒料,骨料 chop 切utility 效用,实用,功用in regard for 考虑到 cite 引用(证、述),援引,列举,举出(例),提到,谈到 embed 埋置,把? 嵌入(或插入)dielectric 电介质implication 含意(义)epoxy 环氧树脂polyester 聚酯 polyetheretherketone (PEEK) 聚醚酮醚 polyphenylene sulfide (PPS) 聚苯亚砜entrant 新到者requisite 必需的imitate 仿 deciduous 每年落叶的,非永久的 magnetic flux line 磁通量(力)线permanent magnet 永(久)磁体 superconducting magnet 超导磁体magnetic moment 磁矩 permeability 导磁性(率) textured micostructure 织构 magnetism 磁性 preferred orientation 择优取向 transition metal 过渡金属 magnetite 磁铁矿(石) relative permeability 相对(磁)导率transition metal ion 过渡金属离子magnetization 磁化 remanent induction 剩余感应 YIG 钇铁石榴子石 Magnetoplumbite 磁铅石,磁铁铅矿saturation induction 饱和感应commonality 共性,共同特点dramatic 生动的vertically 竖直地,直立地longitudinal 经度的,纵向的sap 树液cellulose 纤维素alignment 直线排列phenol-propane 苯酚-丙烷manifest 显示,出现,显露dimension 尺寸specify 详细说明staggering 令人惊愕的igneous 火成的inspection 检查,视察interstice 空隙,裂缝enclose 包围,封闭entrain 混(气泡)于混凝土中entrap 截留的,夹杂的thaw 融化(解),解冻identify 认识,鉴定,确定generality 一般(性),一般原则,普遍(性),通则nomenclature 命名routinely 常规,惯例counterpart 对手modest 小的reversible 可逆的traced out 探寻踪(轨)迹primitive 原始的,早期的,开始的,基本的,简单的visualize 目测,观察,设想relativistic 相对论的aligned 排列好的distinction (差)区别,特性tetrahedrally 四面体的octahedrally 八面体的inventory 清单,目录cancellation 抵(取)消traverse 在?? 上来回移动,沿? 来回移动flunctuate 波动,涨落,起伏,动摇不定ingot 铸模,铸块,锭fidelity 保真consistent with 与一致emphasis 强调,重点,重要性axially 轴向weighted average 加权平均elementary 基本的reverse 相反的rigorous 严格的,严密的,精确的bound 限度take for granted 被忽略(视)communicate 传达,传递deflect 偏转unless otherwise state 除非另外说明appreciation 正确评价,鉴别substantial 多的,大的,大量的offset 弥补,抵消,偏移assembly 装配,组装,总成Samarium 钐Alnico 磁钢simultaneously 同时发生的product? (乘)积solenoid 螺线管deflection 偏转interchangeably 可交(互)换的,可代替的gem 宝石dodecahedral 十二面体的waveguide 波导hexagonal 六方晶系的strontium 锶fortuitous 偶然的,幸运的perovskite 钙钛矿availability 利用(或获得)的可能性levitation 悬浮application 应用mechanical property 力学性能constitute 组成stress 压力strain 应变hardness 硬度impact strength 冲击抗强度fracture toughness 断裂韧度fatigue 疲劳creep 蠕变/ 徐变ferrite 铁素体matrix 基体ductility 延展性corrosion resistance 抗腐蚀性alloying element 合金元素cast iron 铸铁brittleness 脆性spheroidal 类似球体的toughness 韧性tensile strength 抗张强度embrittling 使脆化metastable 亚稳的wear resistance 耐磨性abrasion 磨损superconducting 超导(电)的superplastic 超塑性的superalloys 超耐热合金light-sensitive 感光的elastic limit 弹性极限yield strength 屈服强度crack 裂缝crystalline 晶体elastomer 弹性体metal 金属microcrystalline 微晶的ceramic 陶瓷microstructure 微观结构chemical 化学的nano ceramic 纳米陶瓷chemical bond 化学键non-crystal 非晶体composite 复合材料composition 组成conductivity 导电性cost 成本physical property 物理性能defect structure 缺陷electron microscopy 电子显微镜engineering 工程semiconductor 半导体expansion 膨胀smart Ceramics 机敏陶瓷experiment 实验sintering 烧结fiber 纤维structure 结构synthesis 合成glass 玻璃technology 工艺temperature 温度thermal shock 热冲击inorganic 无机的thermal stability 热稳定性admixture 外加剂hydration 水化clay 粘土refractory 耐火材料reinforcement 增强sample 样品crystalline modification 晶型转化drying 干燥sand 砂polymer 聚合物thermosetting 热硬化性的thermoplastic 热塑性的organic 有机的concrete 混凝土cement 水泥brick 砖masonry 石质的calcium silicate 硅酸盐aggregate 骨料insulation 绝热coarse 粗的characterization 特性oxide 氧化物coal 煤powder 粉末process 加工furnace 熔炉formation 成型test 测试water 水alloy 合金fabrication 制备resin 树脂solder 焊接, 焊料crystal boundary 晶界torsion 扭转treatment 处理。



翻译Chapter 31.承蒙商会介绍,得知贵公司专门经营玻璃器皿出口业务。


We learn from the Chamber of Commerce that your company specialized in glassware, and we hope to establish trade relations with you to our mutual benefit.2.我们已经营金属矿产多年,希望能有机会与贵公司合作。

We have been in line of metal and mineral products for years and hope to have a chance of cooperation with you.3.我们了解到你方对中国瓷器很感兴趣,因此冒昧致函给您。

We learnt that you were very interested in china, so we take the liberty of writing to you.4.按照贵方要求,今特寄去我们的新产品样品,但愿样品能及时到达贵处。

In compliance with your request, we are pleased to send you the samples of our new product. Hopefully they can reach you in time.5.我们对中国的各种工艺品颇感兴趣,如能收到你方的产品目录和报价,将不胜感激。

We are interested in various kinds of Chinese Arts and Crafts and should appreciate your catalogues and quotation.Chapter 41.获悉贵公司对我们的产品感兴趣,非常感谢。



爱丽丝漫游奇境-津津有味-中英对照ContentsCHAPTER 1 Down the Rabbit HoleCHAPTER 2 The Pool of TearsCHAPTER 3 Race and a Long StoryCHAPTER 4 The Rabbit Sends Alice on an Errand CHAPTER 5 The Caterpillar Gives Alice Some Advice CHAPTER 6 Pig and PepperCHAPTER 7 The Tea PartyCHAPTER 8 The Queen’s Croquet GardenCHAPTER 9 Who Stole the Tarts?CHAPTER 10 The TrialCHAPTER 1Down the Rabbit HolePreview Questions1. Where do you think Wonderland is?2. Do you think Alice will go down the rabbit hole?3. What do you think will happen in the rabbit hole?Alice was sitting with her sister by the river. She 1Lhad nothing to do. She was bored. Suddenly, a White Rabbit, wearing white gloves, ran past her.“Oh! Oh! Oh! I shall be late, ” the White Rabbit said to itself.Then it took a watch out of its pocket and looked at it.“How strange, ”Alice thought. She stood up and ran after the White Rabbit.The next moment, she was falling down a rabbit hole.Down and down and down she went. Along the sides of the hole there were shelves and cupboards. She took a jar from one of the shelves as she passed by.“Orange Marmalade, ” were the words on the jar. Alice opened it. Sadly, it was empty.Down and down and down she went.“Dinah will miss me tonight, ”Alice thought. Dinah was her cat.Down and down and down she went. And now she began to feel sleepy.Then bump! She stopped falling and lay on a bed of leaves.She wasn’t hurt, so she stood up and looked around. She could see a long corridor and the White Rabbit hurrying along. Alice ran after it as fast as she could, but the rabbit turned a corner and disappeared.Alice was now in a large hall. There were lots of doors, but they were all locked. In the middle of the room, there 内容第一章掉进兔子洞第二章泪池第三章赛跑和一个漫长的故事第四章兔子派爱丽丝去办一件事第五章毛毛虫给了爱丽丝一些建议第六章猪和胡椒第七章茶话会第八章女王的槌球花园第九章谁偷了馅饼?第十章审判第一章掉进兔子洞预习题1. 你认为仙境在哪里?2. 你认为爱丽丝会掉进兔子洞里吗?3.你认为在兔子洞里会发生什么?爱丽丝和姐姐坐在河边。


Chapter 4聚合物的分子运动与转变
高弹态:T增加,虽然整个分子的移动不可能,但是当T =Tg 时,分子热运动的能量足以克服内旋转的位垒,链 段开始运动,可以通过单键的内旋转改变构象,甚至可 以使部分链段产生滑移。即链段运动的 减少到与实验 测量时间同一个数量级时观察到链段运动的宏观表现— —玻璃化转变,聚合物进入了高弹态。 当聚合物受到拉伸力时,分子链通过单键的内旋转和链段运 动改变构象从蜷曲状态到伸展状态(宏观上表现为很大的形 变),当外力除去时,又回复到原来状态(宏观上表现为弹 性回缩),这种受力后形变很大而且又回复的力学性质高弹 性,它是非晶高聚物处在高弹态下特有的力学特征。
Chapter 4聚合物的分子运动与转变
1 2 3
(2) 随交联度增高,Tg升高,
T g1 T g2T g3
Applications of the three states
Chapter 4聚合物的分子运动与转变
Chapter 4聚合物的分子运动与转变
Chapter 4聚合物的分子运动与转变
验观察的时间同一个数量级,高聚物在外力作用下会发 生粘性流动,它是整个分子链发生滑移的宏观表现。是 不可逆的变形(外力去掉后形变不能恢复)
Chapter 4聚合物的分子运动与转变
Chapter 4聚合物的分子运动与转变
内 耗 δ












































小小说在日本,有个颇具日本特色的名称“掌小说”, 意思是“写在手掌上的小说”。这是川端康成首先提 出的一种命名,并且以极大的热情投入此类文体实 践中,因为“掌小说是短篇小说的精髓”, “是短篇小 说的顶峰”。 ——————《关于掌小说 .川端成自杀的原因是因为:他是个没有牵挂的 人了,为了美的事业,他穷尽了一生的心血,直 到七十三岁高龄,还每周三次伏案写作。但他身 体不好,创作与《雪国》齐名的《古都》后,住 进了医院内科,多年持续不断用安眠药,从写作 《古都》之前,就到了滥用的地步。老早就想摆 脱安眠药的川端,乘《古都》写完之机,在某一 天,突然停止了服药,却发生了戒药症状及不良 反应,被送进东大医院,入院十天左右神志昏迷 不醒,他写到了身体的极限。作为普通人,他尽 了心力,走遍了世界,为美奔波到老。
蓉子为什么要救那名童工?她又为什么 在童工登门致谢时对其避而不见? 她对童工的救助完全是出于她的同情之 心。
童工对他的救命恩人,为什么产生憎恨 之心?
童工属于无产阶级,而蓉子是一个资产 阶级小姐。 蓉子看似救了童工的命,却无法改变他 一生穷苦,生活落魄的命运。 这种同情,终将是一种上对下的施舍。 童工憎恨的不是蓉子这个个体,他憎恨 的是当时社会的一种不公。
《雪国》、《千只鹤》 、 《古都》
蓉子为什么要救那名童工?她又为什么 在童工登门致谢时对其避而不见? 童工对他的救命恩人,为什么产生憎恨 之心?
川端康成(1899-1972), 日本新感觉派作家,著名小 说家。1899年6月14日生于 大阪。幼年父母双亡,其后 姐姐和祖父母又陆续病故, 他被称为“参加葬礼的名 人”。一生多旅行,心情苦 闷忧郁,逐渐形成了感伤与 孤独的性格,这种内心的痛 苦与悲哀成为后来川端康成 的文学底色。



平板玻璃的制造技术起源于古代 ,如威尼斯的玻璃制造技术,但 当时的玻璃制造主要用于艺术和
随着工业革命的到来,平板玻璃的 工业化生产开始发展,主要应用于 建筑和窗户。
20世纪以来,平板玻璃的技术不断 发展,如浮法玻璃生产技术、强化 玻璃技术等,极大地提高了平板玻 璃的性能和质量。
将成型的平板玻璃放入冷 却装置中冷却,以消除内 应力,最后进行退火处理 ,以提高其稳定性。
普通平板玻璃 钢化玻璃 镀膜玻璃 中空玻璃
经过钢化处理,具有高强度、耐冲击、热稳定性好的特点,适 用于高层建筑、汽车等领域。
平板玻璃是一种广泛使用的建筑材料,具有透明、耐久 、防火等特性,被广泛应用于建筑、汽车、航空航天等 领域。 全球平板玻璃市场已经形成了较为稳定的竞争格局,主 要生产商包括中国玻璃、福耀玻璃、信义玻璃等。
近年来,全球平板玻璃市场需求保持稳定增长,主要受 建筑业、汽车业等行业发展的驱动。
在平板玻璃表面镀一层或多层金属或非金属薄膜,具有隔热、 防紫外线、防眩光等效果,适用于高档建筑、家居等场合。
将两块或多块平板玻璃间隔放置,中间填充干燥剂或惰性气体 ,具有隔热、隔音、节能等效果,适用于建筑外墙、门窗等场
• 平板玻璃是指未经其他加工方法制成的透明 或半透明玻璃。它广泛应用于各个领域,特 别是在建筑、汽车和太阳能行业以及其他应 用领域。
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表 表
成型加工 研磨和抛光: 休整表面局部形态;使表面更光滑平整。 切割、转孔: 工具和刀具。 磨边: 磨除边缘棱角和截面棱角,即“导角”。
表面精加工 车刻:
喷砂: 又称为蚀刻,是给玻璃、水晶、大理石和 石头等提供装饰或个性化的一种方式。 砂刻工艺是用压缩空气将磨料(比如氧化 铝) 喷到物体(通常为玻璃)的表面,当磨 料接触到表面时会使其变得粗糙,很快蚀刻与 之接触的表面。 注:联系金属的喷砂

消除热应力,使内部 结构均匀
在制品表面形成压力层, 提高机械强度及热稳定性

创建匀热和结构调整所需的、均匀的温度场, 减小各部之间的结构差,随温度均匀而消除暂 时应力,防止玻璃制品炸裂。

冷 热 加 加 工 工 工 加 饰 面 精 涂 面
四 川 大 学 制 造 学 院 工 业 设 计 2007.9
Ⅹ 玻璃及加工工艺
1 玻璃的相关概念 2 玻璃的主要原料 3 玻璃的基本特性 4 玻璃的加工工艺 5 特殊玻璃材料 6 玻璃的设计欣赏
* 玻璃,是指将原料加热熔融,再冷却凝固得到的 一种非晶态无机材料。 * 化学元素上,玻璃主要包含二氧化硅(SiO2),氧 化钠(Na2O)和氧化钙(CaO)。 * 最初的玻璃原料,是沙子、石灰石和碳酸钠的混 合物。 * 由于混合物中含有杂质,因此最初的玻璃都是不 透明的;但基本都带有一定的颜色。
表面彩饰 主要是以彩色釉料对玻璃表面进行装饰。 注:联系陶瓷的釉上彩、釉下彩,找出区别。 描 贴 绘 花 喷 印 花 花

阿 尔 瓦 阿 尔 托 的 花 瓶 . .
Riedel Riedel

其 他
压制成型 拉制成型
要求: 要求:
吹制成型 压延成型
* 明确四种成型工艺和制品形态的联系。 * 与金属、塑料、陶瓷材料的类似成型工艺对 比。
吹制成型Biblioteka 吹制成型吹制成型手工吹制的灯罩
主要原料 •包含玻璃的主要成分 •决定玻璃物理化学性质
石英砂 SiO2 硼酸、硼砂 B2O3 长石 Al2O3 石灰石 CaO 硫酸钡 BaO 铅化合物 PbO
辅助原料 •辅助玻璃的熔制 •给最终制品增加特殊性能
澄清剂 排除气泡 着色剂 金属和非金属化合物 脱色剂 提高透明度 乳浊剂 助熔剂
西 汉 玻 璃 料 器
金 星 玻 璃 天 鸡 式 水 盂
白 料 单 耳 桃 式 杯 斗 孔 雀 奓 式 瓣 桔 璃 玻

黄 色 蓝 色 玻 璃 长 形 颈 瓶 丞 水 圆 椭 璃 玻
* 琉璃曾是早期玻璃的一个名称。 * 琉璃是在玻璃原料中加入氧化铅,被称为水晶玻 璃,也称铅玻璃,实质是一种仿天然水晶人造玻璃。 * 在玻璃原料中加入铅,可以增加玻璃的折射率, 也可以略微降低表面硬度,利于琢磨。
玻璃的压制成型 与 塑料的压制成型
玻璃 压制
玻璃的吹制 与 塑料的吹塑
塑料挤出吹塑 见教材
金属的挤压和拔制 见教材
塑料的挤出成型 见教材
玻 璃 压 延
金属的轧制 见教材
塑料的压延 见教材
热处理的原因: 玻璃制品的加工过程中,由于温度剧烈变 化和受热不均匀,造成内部热应力,会影响最 终制品的机械性能,因此需要进行热处理。
* 和陶瓷类似,玻璃也是脆性材料,因此其抗张强 度较低。 * 玻璃的抗压强度远高于其抗张强度。 * 玻璃的硬度较大,比一般的金属硬。 * 注意,提高玻璃的硬度并不是增加玻璃的抗击打 能力。一般硬度越高,耐磨性越好。
光学性质 电学性质 热性质 化学性质
玻璃制品的工艺过程 配料 加热熔融 成型