电量检测芯片主要有以下几个主要功能:1. 电流检测功能:电量检测芯片可以对电池的电流进行实时监测和测量。
2. 电压检测功能:电量检测芯片可以对电池的电压进行实时测量。
3. 温度检测功能:电量检测芯片可以对电池的温度进行实时测量。
4. 电池保护功能:电量检测芯片可以提供电池的过充电和过放电保护。
5. 数据通讯接口:电量检测芯片通常还可以与电池管理系统或嵌入式设备进行数据通讯,实现与其他系统的无线或有线联接。
电池电量检测芯片时间:2011-12-17 22:29:42来源:作者:电池电量监测计就是一种自动监控电池电量的IC,其向做出系统电源管理决定的处理器报告监控情况。
bq2650x 和 bq27x00 均为完整的电池电量监测计,其拥有一个用于电压和温度测量的模数转换器(ADC) 以及一个电流和充电感应ADC。
这些电池电量监测计还拥有一颗运行TI 电池电量监测计算法的内部微处理器。
电池电量监测计提供了诸如¡电量剩余状态¡等信息,同时bq27x00 系统还提供了¡剩余运行时间¡信息。
主机在任何时候都可以询问到这种信息,并由主机来决定是通过LED 还是通过屏幕显示消息来通知最终用户有关电池的信息。
由于系统处理器只需要一个12C 或一个HDQ 通信驱动,因此使用电池电量监测计非常简单。
电池组电路描述图1 描述了电池组中的应用电路。
根据所使用电池电量监测计IC 的不同,电池组将至少具有三到四个可用外部终端。
图1 典型的应用电路VCC 和BAT 引脚将接入电池电压,用于IC 功率和电池电压的测量。
一只低阻值感应电阻被安装在电池的接地端,以使感应电阻两端的电压能够被电池电量监测计的高阻抗SRP 和SRN 输入监控到。
在选择感应电阻值时,设计人员必须考虑到其两端的电压不应该超过100 mV。
电路板布局必须确保SRP 和SRN 到感应电阻的连接尽可能地靠近感应电阻的各个端点;即Kelvin 连接测量。
HDQ/SDA 和SCL 引脚均为开漏器件,二者都要求有一个外部上拉电阻。
LTC2941 LTC2942 电池气体计测试电路说明书
![LTC2941 LTC2942 电池气体计测试电路说明书](
DC1496A-A1dc1496fD ESCRIPTION Battery Gas Gauge with I 2C Interface [and 14-Bit ADC(DC1496A-B)]Demonstration circuit 1496A-A (Figure 1) features the L TC ®2941. Demonstration circuit 1496A-B features the L TC2942. Both devices measure battery charge state in handheld PC and portable product applications. The operating range is perfectly suited for single cell Li-Ion batteries. A precision analog coulomb counter integrates current through a sense resistor between the battery’s positive terminal and the load or charger . The L TC2942 adds battery voltage and on-chip temperature measurement with an internal 14-bit No Latency ΔΣ™ ADC. The three measured quantities (charge, voltage and temperature) are stored in internal registers accessible via the onboard SMBus/I 2C interface.The L TC2941 has programmable high and low thresholds for accumulated charge. The L TC2942 has programmable high and low thresholds for all three measured quantities. If a programmed threshold is exceeded, the device reports an alert using either the SMBus alert protocol or by setting a fl ag in the internal status register .L , L T , L TC, L TM, Linear Technology and the Linear logo are registered trademarks and No Latency ΔΣ is a trademark of Linear Technology Corporation. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.The L TC2941 and L TC2942 require only a single low value sense resistor to set the measured current range. The default value assembled on the DC1496 is 100mΩ for a maximum current measurement of 500mA. Both parts have a software-confi gurable charge complete/alert pin. When the pin is set for charge complete, a jumper con-nects the pushbutton which simulates a logic high input to indicate a full battery. When the pin is confi gured for alert, the same jumper is used to connect a red LED that indicates an alert is present.The DC1496A-A/B is a part of the QuikEval system for quick evaluation with a host controller through a PC.Design fi les for this circuit board are available at 1. DC1496A-A/B2dc1496fDEMO MANUAL DC1496A-A/B QUICK START PROCEDUREDemonstration circuit 1496A is easy to set up to evaluate the performance of the L TC2941/L TC2942. Refer to Figure 2 for proper measurement equipment setup and follow the procedure below.1. C onnect a 1-cell Li-I on battery across V_BAT and GND.2. Connect a load across V_CHRG/LD and GND for battery discharge measurement. Up to 500mA supplied from the battery can be measured with the board default 100mΩ sense resistor . Use SENSE + and SENSE – test points to read voltage across the sense resistor .3. Connect a 2.7V to 5.5V battery charger supply across V_CHRG/LD and GND. Up to 500mA supplied to the battery can be measured with the board default 100mΩ sense resistor . Use SENSE + and SENSE – test points to read voltage across the sense resistor .4. Connect a DC590 to 14-pin connector J1 for evaluation with QuikEval, or connect a host controller I 2C bus to the SDA, SCL and GND test turrets.5. Set JP1 to QuikEval if a DC590 is present. Otherwise set JP1 to Bat/Chrg for bus pull-up to the battery, or fl oat JP1 and supply a bus pull-up voltage to VP .6. Read and write to the L TC2941/L TC2942 through I 2C.7. Through I 2C, configure the AL /CC pin. Set JP2 accordingly.8 f AL /CC is set for charge complete, use pushbutton switch S1 to simulate a logic high from a controller to indicate a fully charged battery.Figure 2. DC1496A-A/B Basic Setup3dc1496fDEMO MANUAL DC1496A-A/BQuikEval INTERFACEThe DC1496A-A/B can be connected to a DC590 and used with the QuikEval software. The DC590 connects to a PC through USB. QuikEval automatically detects the demo board and brings up the L TC2941/L TC2942 evaluation software interface (Figure 3). Compact and Detailed FormWhen the interface is brought up, a compact form is fi rst shown with a display for the accumulated charge register (ACR), voltage ADC and temperature ADC. To expand the form for a more detailed display of the L TC2941/L TC2942 registers and board confi gurations, click on Detail. To go back to the compact form, click on Hide.Start/RefreshClick on Start to begin a polling routine that refreshes the interface every 1 second. Click on Stop to halt the poll-ing. For a single update, click on Refresh. Each refresh scans through the internal I 2C registers and updates the respective displays.L TC2941 and L TC2942 DisplayOn a refresh or poll, the software reads Status bit A[7] to determine communication with an L TC2941 or L TC2942. When an L TC2941 is detected, the voltage and temperature ADC and threshold displays are not shown. Control bits B[7:6] confi gure VBAT Alert for the L TC2941 and ADC Mode for the L TC2942.ACR DisplayThe data in the ACR (registers C and D) is displayed in one of three selected formats: Counter in coulombs, Counter in mA • hour , battery gas gauge in mA • hour , and battery gas gauge in charge percentage of battery. The two gas gauge displays correspond to the battery gas gauge full battery confi guration set in the detailed form.Voltage and Temperature ADC (L TC2942)Data from the Voltage ADC (registers I and J) and the Temperature ADC (registers M and N) is displayed here in Volts and Celsius.Figure 3. L TC2941/LTC2942 QuikEval InterfaceDEMO MANUAL DC1496A-A/B QuikEval INTERFACEAddress/I2C StatusThe write address for the L TC2941/L TC2942 is C8h and the read address is C9h. The alert response address (ARA) is 19h. If an error occurs while reading from the L TC2941/ L TC2942, the I2C status will read as an error. Otherwise, the status is good. If the L TC2941/L TC2942 AL/CC pin is set for alert mode and an alert has been latched, the device will pull down this pin. Click on ARA to send out an ARA on to the bus lines and the device will respond with its address. The Alert pin will then be cleared if the alert is no longer present.StatusThe individual status bits A[0:7] and their states are shown here. A red indicator next to bits A[0:5] indicates the re-spective alert is currently present and will latch the Alert pin if confi gured for alert. Bit A[7] shows if an L TC2941 or L TC2942 is detected.Sense ResistorEnter here the sense resistor value used in the application. The default for the DC1496A-A/B is a 100mΩ sense resis-tor. Check L TC2941-1/L TC2942-1 if one of these devices is used in place of the default IC. This sets the sense resistor value to 50mΩ, the value of the internal sense resistor in these devices. The sense resistor can only be changed when not polling. The software only accepts sense resis-tors between 0.1mΩ to 5Ω.Battery Gas GaugeThe battery capacity in the application is entered here. The ACR full scale (FFFFh) is set to this value and affects the two Gas Gauge ACR display options. Instead of counting up from 0 as in the Coulomb Counters, the Gas Gauge is used to count down from a full battery. The battery capacity can only be entered when not polling. The data in the ACR when a battery should be empty is calculated based off of R SENSE, and pre-scaler M, and displayed in hexadecimal below the ACR full scale.ControlConfi gurations done in the Control section write to the Control register (register B). For the L TC2941, the Control bits B[7:6] enables a battery monitor to one of three set voltage thresholds (2.8V, 2.9V, or 3V) or disables this battery voltage alert. The ADC mode with the L TC2942 is default to Sleep where both Voltage and Temperature ADCs (L TC2942) are disabled. Setting ADC Mode to Automatic Mode enables full-time the Voltage and Temperature ADC. Selecting Manual Voltage or Temperature mode enables the respective ADC once and returns the ADC to Sleep mode.Select a pre-scaler M value to scale the ACR according to battery capacity and maximum current. Changing the pre-scaler will halt the poll. A calculator tool is provided in the tool bar under Tools to assist in calculating a pre-scaler value and sense resistor (Figure 4).The AL#/CC pin can be confi gured for Alert mode, Charge Complete mode, or disabled. Select the corresponding settings on the DC1496A-A/B jumper J2.The Shutdown Analog Section is checked to disable the Analog portion of the L TC2941/42 and set the device in a low current state.Register Read/WriteData in the internal registers of the L TC2941/L TC2942 is displayed here in hexadecimal or appropriate units. Data can also be entered and written to the write registers. Enter data to be written in hexadecimal, or select Unit and enter data in decimal form. Data in decimal scale is auto corrected if the maximum or minimum full scale is exceeded. Select the ACR display in Counter (Coulombs) to be able to write to the ACR and charge thresholds in Coulombs, or select Counter (mAh) to be able to write to the ACR and charge thresholds in mA • hour. Voltage and Temperature High thresholds are rounded down in the calculations to the nearest lower count, while the low thresholds are rounded up to nearest higher count.4dc1496f5dc1496fDEMO MANUAL DC1496A-A/BSwitching back and forth between Hex and Unit can be used as a conversion tool.The LSB value for the 16-bit ACR and charge thresholds is displayed on the bottom. This value is adjusted with the sense resistor and pre-scaler M. The units are in mAh or mC depending on the selected ACR display. Shown for the L TC2942 is the LSB for the 14-bit voltage ADC, 10-bit temperature ADC, and 8-bit high and low thresholds for voltage and temperature.Calculator ToolA calculator tool is available in the tool bar options under Tools. In this calculator (Figure 4), enter the maximum cur-rent passed through the sense and the maximum battery capacity. Click on Calculate to calculate a recommended sense resistor and pre-scaler (M) value. The display shows the battery capacity in comparison to ACR full scale and provides an LSB value in mAh. Also shown is the recom-mended equation to use to determine an appropriate sense resistor as a function of the maximum battery charge and maximum current.Figure 4. L TC2941/L TC2942 Pre-Scaler and Sense Resistor CalculatorQuikEval INTERFACEDEMO MANUAL DC1496A-A/BPARTS LISTITEM QTY REFERENCE PART DESCRIPTION MANUFACTURE/PART NUMBER12C1, C2CAP., CHIP X7R, 0.1μF, 25V, 0603AVX, 06033C104KAT2A24E1-E4TURRET, Test Point 0.094"MILL-MAX, 2501-2-00-80-00-00-07-035E5-E9TURRET, Test Point 0.064"MILL-MAX, 2308-241E10, E11TURRET, Test Point 0.037"MILL-MAX, 2309-150TP1, TP2(SMT Pads Only)62JP1, JP2HEADER, 3Pin 1 Row 0.079CC SAMTEC, TMM-103-02-L-S72for (JP1, JP2)SHUNT, 0.079" Center SAMTEC, 2SN-BK-G81J1HEADERS, Vertical Dual 2X7 0.079CC MOLEX, 87831-142091D1LED, RED, LIGHT EMITTING DIODES PANASONIC, LN1251CTR101R1RES., CHIP, 0.1Ω, 1/8W, 1%, 1206IRC, LRC-LR1206LF-01-R100-F113R6, R7, R8RES., CHIP, 5.10k, 1%, 0603VISHAY, CRCW06035K10FKEA123R2, R3, R4RES., CHIP, 10k, 5%, 0603VISHAY, CRCW060310K0JNEA131R5RES., CHIP, 1k, 5%, 0603VISHAY, CRCW06031K00JNEA141R9RES., CHIP, 100k, 5%, 0603VISHAY, CRCW0603100KJNEA151S1SWITCH, SMT Pushbutton PANASONIC, EVQPE105K161U2I.C., Serial EEPROM TSSOP8MICROCHIP, 24LC025-I/ST171for (J1)CABLE ASSY., 8" STRIP LINEAR RIBBON CABLE CA-24406dc1496f7dc1496fDEMO MANUAL DC1496A-A/BSCHEMATIC DIAGRAM8dc1496fDEMO MANUAL DC1496A-A/B Silkscreen TopComponent SideInner Layer 2PCB LAYOUT AND FILM9dc1496fDEMO MANUAL DC1496A-A/BI nformation furnished by Linear Technology Corporation is believed to be accurate and reliable. However , no responsibility is assumed for its use. Linear Technology Corporation makes no representation that the interconnection of its circuits as described herein will not infringe on existing patent rights.PCB LAYOUT AND FILMInner Layer 3Solder SideSilkScreen Bottom10dc1496f DEMO MANUAL DC1496A-A/BLinear Technology Corporation 1630 McCarthy Blvd., Milpitas, CA 95035-7417(408) 432-1900 ● FAX: (408) 434-0507 ● www.linear .com © LINEAR TECHNOLOGY CORPORA TION 2010LT 0510 • PRINTED IN USADEMONSTRATION BOARD IMPORTANT NOTICELinear Technology Corporation (L TC) provides the enclosed product(s) under the following AS IS conditions:This demonstration board (DEMO BOARD) kit being sold or provided by Linear Technology is intended for use for ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT OR EVALUATION PURPOSES ONL Y and is not provided by L TC for commercial use. As such, the DEMO BOARD herein may not be complete in terms of required design-, marketing-, and/or manufacturing-related protective considerations, including but not limited to product safety measures typically found in finished commercial goods. As a prototype, this product does not fall within the scope of the European Union direc-tive on electromagnetic compatibility and therefore may or may not meet the technical requirements of the directive, or other regulations.If this evaluation kit does not meet the specifications recited in the DEMO BOARD manual the kit may be returned within 30 days from the date of delivery for a full refund. THE FOREGOING WARRANTY IS THE EXCLUSIVE WARRANTY MADE BY THE SELLER TO BUYER AND IS IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE. EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT OF THIS INDEMNITY, NEITHER PARTY SHALL BE LIABLE TO THE OTHER FOR ANY INDIRECT , SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES.The user assumes all responsibility and liability for proper and safe handling of the goods. Further , the user releases L TC from all claims arising from the handling or use of the goods. Due to the open construction of the product, it is the user’s responsibility to take any and all appropriate precautions with regard to electrostatic discharge. Also be aware that the products herein may not be regulatory compliant or agency certified (FCC, UL, CE, etc.).No License is granted under any patent right or other intellectual property whatsoever. L TC assumes no liability for applications assistance, customer product design, software performance, or infringement of patents or any other intellectual property rights of any kind.L TC currently services a variety of customers for products around the world, and therefore this transaction is not exclusive .Please read the DEMO BOARD manual prior to handling the product . Persons handling this product must have electronics training and observe good laboratory practice standards. Common sense is encouraged .This notice contains important safety information about temperatures and voltages. For further safety concerns, please contact a L TC applica-tion engineer .Mailing Address:Linear Technology1630 McCarthy Blvd.Milpitas, CA 95035Copyright © 2004, Linear Technology CorporationDC1496A-A。
多节锂电池充电管理芯片多节锂电池充电管理芯片(Multi-Cell Lithium Battery Charging Management Chip)随着电子设备的普及和移动应用的广泛应用,对电池的需求也愈发增加。
它通常由电路管理单元(Management Unit),放电保护单元(Discharge Protection Unit),充电控制单元(Charging Control Unit)和通信接口单元(Communication Interface Unit)等组件构成。
LTC2943 - 具温度、电压和电流测量功能的多节电池电量测量芯片特点∙可测量累积的电池充电和放电电量∙ 3.6V 至 20V 工作范围可适合多种电池应用∙14 位 ADC 负责测量电池电压、电流和温度∙1% 电压、电流和充电准确度∙±50mV 检测电压范围∙高压侧检测∙适合任何电池化学组成和容量的通用测量∙I2C / SMBus 接口∙可配置警报输出 / 充电完成输入∙静态电流小于120μA∙小外形 8 引脚 3mm x 3mm DFN 封装典型应用描述LTC®2943 可测量便携式产品应用中的电池充电状态、电池电压、电池电流及其自身温度。
其具有宽输入电压范围,因而可与高达 20V 的多节电池配合使用。
电池电压、电流和温度利用一个内部 14位无延迟增量累加(No Latency ΔΣTM) ADC 来测量。
测量结果被存储于可通过内置 I2C / SMBus 接口进行存取的内部寄存器中。
LTC2943 具有针对所有 4 种测量物理量的可编程高门限和低门限。
如果超过了某个编程门限,则该器件将采用 SMBus 警报协议或通过在内部状态寄存器中设定一个标记来传送警报信号。
LTC2943 仅需采用单个低阻值检测电阻器以设定测量电流范围。
应用∙电动工具∙电动自行车∙便携式医疗设备∙视频摄像机程序:#include <Arduino.h>#include <stdint.h>#include "Linduino.h"#include "LT_I2C.h"#include "UserInterface.h"#include "QuikEval_EEPROM.h" #include "LTC2943.h"#include <Wire.h>// Function Declarationvoid print_title(); // Print the title blockvoid print_prompt(); // Print the Promptvoid store_alert_settings(); // Store the alert settings to the EEPROMint8_t restore_alert_settings(); // Read the alert settings from EEPROM#define AUTOMATIC_MODE_DISPLAY_DELAY 1000 //!< The delay between readings in automatic mode#define SCAN_MODE_DISPLAY_DELAY 10000 //!< The delay between readings in scan modeconst float resistor = .100; //!< resistor value on demo board// Error stringconst char ack_error[] = "Error: No Acknowledge. Check I2C Address."; //!< Error message// Global variablesstatic int8_t demo_board_connected; //!< Set to 1 if the board is connected static uint8_t alert_code = 0; //!< Value stored or read from ALERT register. Shared between loop() and restore_alert_settings()//! Initialize Linduinovoid setup(){char demo_name[] = "DC1812"; //! Demo Board Name stored in QuikEval EEPROMquikeval_I2C_init(); //! Configure the EEPROM I2C port for 100kHzquikeval_I2C_connect(); //! Connects to main I2C portSerial.begin(115200); //! Initialize the serial port to the PCprint_title();demo_board_connected = discover_demo_board(demo_name);if (demo_board_connected){print_prompt();}else{demo_board_connected = true;Serial.println("Did not read ID String, attempting to proceed anyway...\nPlease ensure I2C lines of Linduino are connected to the LTC device"); }}//! Repeats Linduino loopvoid loop(){int8_t ack = 0; //! I2C acknowledge indicatorstatic uint8_t user_command; //! The user input commandstatic uint8_t mAh_or_Coulombs = 0;static uint8_t celcius_or_kelvin = 0;static uint16_t prescalar_mode = LTC2943_PRESCALAR_M_4096;static uint16_t prescalarValue = 4096;static uint16_t alcc_mode = LTC2943_ALERT_MODE;if (demo_board_connected) //! Do nothing if the demo board is not connected{if (Serial.available()) //! Do nothing if serial is not available{user_command = read_int(); //! Read user input commandif (user_command != 'm')Serial.println(user_command);Serial.println();ack = 0;switch (user_command) //! Prints the appropriate submenu{case 1:ack |= menu_1_automatic_mode(mAh_or_Coulombs, celcius_or_kelvin,prescalar_mode, prescalarValue, alcc_mode); //! Automatic Modebreak;case 2:ack |= menu_2_scan_mode(mAh_or_Coulombs, celcius_or_kelvin,prescalar_mode, prescalarValue, alcc_mode); //! Scan Modebreak;case 3:ack |= menu_3_manual_mode(mAh_or_Coulombs, celcius_or_kelvin,prescalar_mode, prescalarValue, alcc_mode); //! Manual Modebreak;case 4:ack |= menu_4_sleep_mode(mAh_or_Coulombs, prescalar_mode,prescalarValue, alcc_mode); //! Sleep Modebreak;case 5:ack |= menu_5_shutdown_mode(); //! Shutdown Modebreak;case 6:ack |= menu_6_settings(&mAh_or_Coulombs, &celcius_or_kelvin,&prescalar_mode, &prescalarValue, &alcc_mode); //! Settings Modebreak;}if (ack != 0) //! If ack is not recieved print an error.Serial.println(ack_error);Serial.print(F("*************************"));print_prompt();}}}// Function Definitions//! Print the title blockvoid print_title(){Serial.println(F("\n****************************************************** ***********"));Serial.print(F("* DC1812A Demonstration Program *\n")); Serial.print(F("* *\n"));Serial.print(F("* This program communicates with the LTC2943 Multicell Coulomb *\n"));Serial.print(F("* Counter found on the DC1812A demo board. *\n")); Serial.print(F("* Set the baud rate to 115200 and select the newline terminator.*\n"));Serial.print(F("* *\n"));Serial.print(F("********************************************************* ********\n"));}//! Print the Promptvoid print_prompt()Serial.print(F("\n1-Automatic Mode\n"));Serial.print(F("2-Scan Mode\n"));Serial.print(F("3-Manual Mode\n"));Serial.print(F("4-Sleep Mode\n"));Serial.print(F("5-Shutdown Mode\n"));Serial.print(F("6-Settings\n"));Serial.print(F("Enter a command: "));}//! Automatic Mode.int8_t menu_1_automatic_mode(int8_t mAh_or_Coulombs, int8_tcelcius_or_kelvin ,uint16_t prescalar_mode, uint16_t prescalarValue, uint16_talcc_mode)//! @return Returns the state of the acknowledge bit after the I2C address write.0=acknowledge, 1=no acknowledge.{int8_t LTC2943_mode;int8_t ack = 0;LTC2943_mode = LTC2943_AUTOMATIC_MODE|prescalar_mode|alcc_mode ; //! Set the control register of the LTC2943 to automatic mode as well as setprescalar and AL#/CC# pin values.Serial.println();ack |= LTC2943_write(LTC2943_I2C_ADDRESS, LTC2943_CONTROL_REG,LTC2943_mode); //! Writes the set mode to the LTC2943 control registerdo{Serial.print(F("*************************\n\n"));uint8_t status_code, hightemp_code, lowtemp_code;uint16_t charge_code, current_code, voltage_code, temperature_code;ack |= LTC2943_read_16_bits(LTC2943_I2C_ADDRESS,LTC2943_ACCUM_CHARGE_MSB_REG, &charge_code); //! Read MSB and LSB Accumulated Charge Registers for 16 bit charge codeack |= LTC2943_read_16_bits(LTC2943_I2C_ADDRESS,LTC2943_VOLTAGE_MSB_REG, &voltage_code); //! Read MSB and LSB Voltage Registers for 16 bit voltage codeack |= LTC2943_read_16_bits(LTC2943_I2C_ADDRESS,LTC2943_CURRENT_MSB_REG, ¤t_code); //! Read MSB and LSB Current Registers for 16 bit current codeack |= LTC2943_read_16_bits(LTC2943_I2C_ADDRESS,LTC2943_TEMPERATURE_MSB_REG, &temperature_code); //! Read MSB and LSB Temperature Registers for 16 bit temperature codeack |= LTC2943_read(LTC2943_I2C_ADDRESS, LTC2943_STATUS_REG,&status_code); //! Read Status Register for 8 bit status codefloat charge, current, voltage, temperature;if(mAh_or_Coulombs){charge = LTC2943_code_to_coulombs(charge_code, resistor, prescalarValue); //! Convert charge code to Coulombs if Coulomb units are desired.Serial.print("Coulombs: ");Serial.print(charge, 4);Serial.print(F(" C\n"));}else{charge = LTC2943_code_to_mAh(charge_code, resistor, prescalarValue); //! Convert charge code to mAh if mAh units are desired.Serial.print("mAh: ");Serial.print(charge, 4);Serial.print(F(" mAh\n"));}current = LTC2943_code_to_current(current_code, resistor); //! Convert current code to Amperesvoltage = LTC2943_code_to_voltage(voltage_code); //! Convert voltage code to VoltsSerial.print(F("Current "));Serial.print(current, 4);Serial.print(F(" A\n"));Serial.print(F("Voltage "));Serial.print(voltage, 4);Serial.print(F(" V\n"));if(celcius_or_kelvin){temperature = LTC2943_code_to_kelvin_temperature(temperature_code); //! Convert temperature code to kelvinSerial.print(F("Temperature "));Serial.print(temperature, 4);Serial.print(F(" K\n"));}else{temperature = LTC2943_code_to_celcius_temperature(temperature_code); //! Convert temperature code to celciusSerial.print(F("Temperature "));Serial.print(temperature, 4);Serial.print(F(" C\n"));}checkAlerts(status_code); //! Check statuscode for Alerts. If an Alert has been set, print out appropriate message in the Serial Prompt.Serial.print(F("m-Main Menu\n\n"));Serial.flush();delay(AUTOMATIC_MODE_DISPLAY_DELAY); //! Delayfor 1s before next polling}while (Serial.available() == false || (ack)); //! if Serial is not available and an NACK has not been recieved, keep polling the registers.read_int(); // clears the Serial.availablereturn(ack);}//! Scan Modeint8_t menu_2_scan_mode(int8_t mAh_or_Coulombs , int8_tcelcius_or_kelvin ,uint16_t prescalar_mode,uint16_t prescalarValue, uint16_talcc_mode)//! @return Returns the state of the acknowledge bit after the I2C address write.0=acknowledge, 1=no acknowledge{int8_t LTC2943_mode;int8_t ack = 0;LTC2943_mode = LTC2943_SCAN_MODE|prescalar_mode|alcc_mode ; //! Set the control mode of the LTC2943 to scan mode as well as set prescalar andAL#/CC# pin values.Serial.println();ack |= LTC2943_write(LTC2943_I2C_ADDRESS, LTC2943_CONTROL_REG,LTC2943_mode); //! Writes the set mode to the LTC2943 control registerdo{Serial.print(F("*************************\n\n"));uint8_t status_code;uint16_t charge_code, current_code, voltage_code, temperature_code;ack |= LTC2943_read_16_bits(LTC2943_I2C_ADDRESS,LTC2943_ACCUM_CHARGE_MSB_REG, &charge_code); //! Read MSB and LSBAccumulated Charge Registers for 16 bit charge codeack |= LTC2943_read_16_bits(LTC2943_I2C_ADDRESS,LTC2943_VOLTAGE_MSB_REG, &voltage_code); //! Read MSB and LSBVoltage Registers for 16 bit voltage codeack |= LTC2943_read_16_bits(LTC2943_I2C_ADDRESS,LTC2943_CURRENT_MSB_REG, ¤t_code); //! Read MSB and LSBCurrent Registers for 16 bit current codeack |= LTC2943_read_16_bits(LTC2943_I2C_ADDRESS,LTC2943_TEMPERATURE_MSB_REG, &temperature_code); //! Read MSB and LSBTemperature Registers for 16 bit temperature codeack |= LTC2943_read(LTC2943_I2C_ADDRESS, LTC2943_STATUS_REG,&status_code); //! Read Status Registers for 8 bit status codefloat charge, current, voltage, temperature;if(mAh_or_Coulombs){charge = LTC2943_code_to_coulombs(charge_code, resistor, prescalarValue); //! Convert charge code to Coulombs if Coulomb units are desired.Serial.print("Coulombs: ");Serial.print(charge, 4);Serial.print(F(" C\n"));}else{charge = LTC2943_code_to_mAh(charge_code, resistor, prescalarValue); //! Convert charge code to mAh if mAh units are desired.Serial.print("mAh: ");Serial.print(charge, 4);Serial.print(F(" mAh\n"));}current = LTC2943_code_to_current(current_code, resistor);//! Convert current code to Amperesvoltage = LTC2943_code_to_voltage(voltage_code);//! Convert voltage code to VoltsSerial.print(F("Current "));Serial.print(current, 4);Serial.print(F(" A\n"));Serial.print(F("Voltage "));Serial.print(voltage, 4);Serial.print(F(" V\n"));if(celcius_or_kelvin){temperature = LTC2943_code_to_kelvin_temperature(temperature_code); //! Convert temperature code to Kelvin if Kelvin units are desired.Serial.print(F("Temperature "));Serial.print(temperature, 4);Serial.print(F(" K\n"));}else{temperature = LTC2943_code_to_celcius_temperature(temperature_code); //! Convert temperature code to Celcius if Celcius units are desired.Serial.print(F("Temperature "));Serial.print(temperature, 4);Serial.print(F(" C\n"));}checkAlerts(status_code); //!Check status code for Alerts. If an Alert has been set, print out appropriate messagein the Serial PromptSerial.print(F("m-Main Menu\n\n"));Serial.flush();delay(SCAN_MODE_DISPLAY_DELAY);}while (Serial.available() == false || (ack));read_int(); // clears the Serial.availablereturn(ack);}//! Manual Modeint8_t menu_3_manual_mode(int8_t mAh_or_Coulombs ,int8_tcelcius_or_kelvin ,uint16_t prescalar_mode, uint16_t prescalarValue, uint16_talcc_mode)//! @return Returns the state of the acknowledge bit after the I2C address write.0=acknowledge, 1=no acknowledge{int8_t LTC2943_mode;int8_t ack = 0;LTC2943_mode = LTC2943_MANUAL_MODE|prescalar_mode|alcc_mode ; //! Set the control mode of the LTC2943 to manual mode as well as set prescalar andAL#/CC# pin values.Serial.println();ack |= LTC2943_write(LTC2943_I2C_ADDRESS, LTC2943_CONTROL_REG,LTC2943_mode); //! Writes the set mode to the LTC2943 control registerint staleData = 0; //! Stale Data Check variable. When set to 1 it indicates that stale data is being read from the voltage, current and temperature{Serial.print(F("*************************\n\n"));uint8_t status_code;uint16_t charge_code, current_code, voltage_code, temperature_code;ack |= LTC2943_read_16_bits(LTC2943_I2C_ADDRESS,LTC2943_ACCUM_CHARGE_MSB_REG, &charge_code); //! Read MSB and LSB Accumulated Charge Registers for 16 bit charge codeack |= LTC2943_read_16_bits(LTC2943_I2C_ADDRESS,LTC2943_VOLTAGE_MSB_REG, &voltage_code); //! Read MSB and LSB Voltage Registers for 16 bit voltage codeack |= LTC2943_read_16_bits(LTC2943_I2C_ADDRESS,LTC2943_CURRENT_MSB_REG, ¤t_code); //! Read MSB and LSB Current Registers for 16 bit current codeack |= LTC2943_read_16_bits(LTC2943_I2C_ADDRESS,LTC2943_TEMPERATURE_MSB_REG, &temperature_code); //! Read MSB and LSB Temperature Registers for 16 bit temperature codeack |= LTC2943_read(LTC2943_I2C_ADDRESS, LTC2943_STATUS_REG,&status_code); //! Read Status Registers for 8 bit status codefloat charge, current, voltage, temperature;if(mAh_or_Coulombs){charge = LTC2943_code_to_coulombs(charge_code, resistor, prescalarValue); //! Convert charge code to Coulombs if Coulomb units are desired.Serial.print("Coulombs: ");Serial.print(charge, 4);Serial.print(F(" C\n"));}else{charge = LTC2943_code_to_mAh(charge_code, resistor, prescalarValue); //! Convert charge code to mAh if mAh units are desired.Serial.print("mAh: ");Serial.print(charge, 4);Serial.print(F(" mAh\n"));}current = LTC2943_code_to_current(current_code, resistor);//! Convert current code to Amperesvoltage = LTC2943_code_to_voltage(voltage_code);//! Convert voltage code to VoltsSerial.print(F("Current "));Serial.print(current, 4);Serial.print(F(" A"));if(staleData) Serial.print(F(" ***** Stale Data ******\n"));//! If Stale data is inside the register after initial snapshot, Print Stale Data message.else Serial.println("");Serial.print(F("Voltage "));Serial.print(voltage, 4);Serial.print(F(" V"));if(staleData) Serial.print(F(" ***** Stale Data ******\n"));//! If Stale data is inside the register after initial snapshot, Print Stale Data message.else Serial.println("");if(celcius_or_kelvin){temperature = LTC2943_code_to_kelvin_temperature(temperature_code); //! Convert temperature code to Kelvin if Kelvin units are desired.Serial.print(F("Temperature "));Serial.print(temperature, 4);Serial.print(F(" K"));}else{temperature = LTC2943_code_to_celcius_temperature(temperature_code); //! Convert temperature code to Celcius if Celcius units are desired.Serial.print(F("Temperature "));Serial.print(temperature, 4);Serial.print(F(" C"));}if(staleData) Serial.print(F(" ***** Stale Data ******\n"));else Serial.println("");checkAlerts(status_code);//! Check status code for Alerts. If an Alert has been set, print out appropriatemessage in the Serial PromptSerial.print(F("m-Main Menu\n\n"));staleData = 1;Serial.flush();delay(AUTOMATIC_MODE_DISPLAY_DELAY);}while (Serial.available() == false || (ack));read_int(); // clears the Serial.availablereturn(ack);}//! Sleep Modeint8_t menu_4_sleep_mode(int8_t mAh_or_Coulombs ,uint16_t prescalar_mode,uint16_t prescalarValue, uint16_t alcc_mode)//! @return Returns the state of the acknowledge bit after the I2C address write.0=acknowledge, 1=no acknowledge{int8_t LTC2943_mode;int8_t ack = 0;LTC2943_mode = LTC2943_SLEEP_MODE|prescalar_mode|alcc_mode ; //! Set the control mode of the LTC2943 to sleep mode as well as set prescalar andAL#/CC# pin values.Serial.println();ack |= LTC2943_write(LTC2943_I2C_ADDRESS, LTC2943_CONTROL_REG,LTC2943_mode); //! Writes the set mode to the LTC2943 control registerdo{Serial.print(F("*************************\n\n"));delay(100);uint8_t status_code;uint16_t charge_code;ack |= LTC2943_read_16_bits(LTC2943_I2C_ADDRESS,LTC2943_ACCUM_CHARGE_MSB_REG, &charge_code); //! Read MSB and LSBAccumulated Charge Registers for 16 bit charge codeack |= LTC2943_read(LTC2943_I2C_ADDRESS, LTC2943_STATUS_REG,&status_code); //! Read Status Registers for 8 bit status codefloat charge;if(mAh_or_Coulombs){charge = LTC2943_code_to_coulombs(charge_code, resistor, prescalarValue); //! Convert charge code to Coulombs if Coulomb units are desired.Serial.print("Coulombs: ");Serial.print(charge, 4);Serial.print(F(" C\n"));}else{charge = LTC2943_code_to_mAh(charge_code, resistor, prescalarValue); //! Convert charge code to mAh if mAh units are desired.Serial.print("mAh: ");Serial.print(charge, 4);Serial.print(F(" mAh\n"));}Serial.print(F("Current "));Serial.print(F(" ADC Sleep...\n"));Serial.print(F("Voltage "));Serial.print(F(" ADC Sleep...\n"));Serial.print(F("Temperature "));Serial.print(F(" ADC Sleep...\n"));Serial.print(F("m-Main Menu\n\n"));checkAlerts(status_code);Serial.flush();delay(AUTOMATIC_MODE_DISPLAY_DELAY);}while (Serial.available() == false || (ack));read_int(); // clears the Serial.availablereturn(ack);}//! Shutdown Modeint8_t menu_5_shutdown_mode()//! @return Returns the state of the acknowledge bit after the I2C address write. 0=acknowledge, 1=no acknowledge{int8_t ack = 0;ack |= LTC2943_write(LTC2943_I2C_ADDRESS, LTC2943_CONTROL_REG,LTC2943_SHUTDOWN_MODE); //! Sets the LTC2943 into shutdown modeSerial.print("LTC2943 Has Been ShutDown\n");return(ack);}//! Settings Menuint8_t menu_6_settings(uint8_t *mAh_or_Coulombs, uint8_t *celcius_or_kelvin, uint16_t *prescalar_mode, uint16_t *prescalarValue, uint16_t *alcc_mode)//! @return Returns the state of the acknowledge bit after the I2C address write. 0=acknowledge, 1=no acknowledge{int8_t ack = 0;int8_t user_command;do{Serial.print(F("*************************\n\n"));Serial.print(F("1-Set Alert Thresholds\n"));Serial.print(F("2-Set Prescalar Value\n"));Serial.print(F("3-Set AL#/CC# Pin State\n"));Serial.print(F("4-Set Units\n"));Serial.print(F("m-Main Menu\n\n"));Serial.print(F("Enter a command: "));user_command = read_int();if (user_command == 'm')Serial.println("m");elseSerial.println(user_command);Serial.println();switch (user_command){case 1:ack |= menu_6_settings_menu_1_set_alert_thresholds(); //! Settings Menu to set Alert Thresholdsbreak;case 2:ack |= menu_6_settings_menu_2_set_prescalar_values(prescalar_mode, prescalarValue); //! Settings Menu to set Prescalar Valuesbreak;case 3:ack |= menu_6_alert_menu_3_set_allcc_state(alcc_mode); //! Settings Menu to set AL#/CC# modebreak;case 4:ack |= menu_6_alert_menu_4_set_units(mAh_or_Coulombs,celcius_or_kelvin); //! Settings Menu to set Temperature and ChargeUnitsbreak;default:if (user_command != 'm')Serial.println("Incorrect Option");break;}}while (!((user_command == 'm') || (ack)));return(ack);}//! Alert Threshold Menuint8_t menu_6_settings_menu_1_set_alert_thresholds()//! @return Returns the state of the acknowledge bit after the I2C address write.0=acknowledge, 1=no acknowledge{int8_t ack = 0;int8_t user_command;do{Serial.print(F("*************************\n\n"));Serial.print(F("1-Set Charge Thresholds\n"));Serial.print(F("2-Set Voltage Thresholds\n"));Serial.print(F("3-Set Current Thresholds\n"));Serial.print(F("4-Set Temperature Thresholds\n"));Serial.print(F("m-Main Menu\n\n"));Serial.print(F("Enter a command: "));user_command = read_int();if (user_command == 'm')Serial.println("m");elseSerial.println(user_command);Serial.println();switch (user_command){case 1:ack |= menu_6_alert_menu_1_set_charge_thresholds(); //! Set Max and Min Charge Thresholds. The ACR charge lsb size changes with respect to the prescalar and sense resistor value. Due to this variability, for the purpose of this demo enter values in hexadecimal.break;case 2:ack |= menu_6_alert_menu_2_set_voltage_thresholds(); //! Set Max and Min Voltage Thresholds. Enter Values in Voltsbreak;case 3:ack |= menu_6_alert_menu_3_set_current_thresholds(); //! Set Max and Min Current Thresholds. Enter Values in Amperes.break;case 4:ack |= menu_6_alert_menu_4_set_temperature_thresholds(); //! Set Max and Min Temperature Thresholds. Enter Values in Celcius.break;default:if (user_command != 'm')Serial.println("Incorrect Option");break;}}while (!((user_command == 'm') || (ack)));return(ack);}//! Set Charge Threshold Functionint8_t menu_6_alert_menu_1_set_charge_thresholds()//! @return Returns the state of the acknowledge bit after the I2C address write.0=acknowledge, 1=no acknowledge{int8_t ack = 0;Serial.print(F("Enter RAW Max Charge Threshold:"));uint16_t max_charge_threshold;max_charge_threshold = read_int(); //! Read user entered valueSerial.println(max_charge_threshold);ack |= LTC2943_write_16_bits(LTC2943_I2C_ADDRESS,LTC2943_CHARGE_THRESH_HIGH_MSB_REG, max_charge_threshold); //! writeuser entered value to HIGH threshold registerSerial.print(F("Enter RAW Min Charge Threshold:"));float min_charge_threshold;min_charge_threshold = read_int();//! Read user entered valueSerial.println(min_charge_threshold);ack |= LTC2943_write_16_bits(LTC2943_I2C_ADDRESS,LTC2943_CHARGE_THRESH_LOW_MSB_REG, min_charge_threshold); //! writeuser entered value to HIGH threshold registerreturn(ack);}//! Set Voltage Thresholdsint8_t menu_6_alert_menu_2_set_voltage_thresholds()//! @return Returns the state of the acknowledge bit after the I2C address write.0=acknowledge, 1=no acknowledge{int8_t ack = 0;Serial.print(F("Enter Max Voltage Threshold:"));float max_voltage_threshold;max_voltage_threshold = read_float(); //! Read user entered valueSerial.print(max_voltage_threshold, 3);Serial.println("V");uint16_t max_voltage_threshold_code =max_voltage_threshold*(0xFFFF)/(LTC2943_FULLSCALE_VOLTAGE);//! Convert user entered voltage into adc code.ack |= LTC2943_write_16_bits(LTC2943_I2C_ADDRESS,LTC2943_VOLTAGE_THRESH_HIGH_MSB_REG, max_voltage_threshold_code);//! Write adc code to HIGH threshold registerSerial.print(F("Enter Min Voltage Threshold:"));float min_voltage_threshold;min_voltage_threshold = read_float(); //! Read user entered valueSerial.println(min_voltage_threshold, 3);Serial.println("V");uint16_t min_voltage_threshold_code =min_voltage_threshold*(0xFFFF)/(LTC2943_FULLSCALE_VOLTAGE);//! Convert user entered voltage into adc code.ack |= LTC2943_write_16_bits(LTC2943_I2C_ADDRESS,LTC2943_VOLTAGE_THRESH_LOW_MSB_REG, min_voltage_threshold_code); //!Write adc code to LOW threshold registerreturn(ack);}//! Set Current Thresholdsint8_t menu_6_alert_menu_3_set_current_thresholds()//! @return Returns the state of the acknowledge bit after the I2C address write.0=acknowledge, 1=no acknowledge{int8_t ack = 0;Serial.print(F("Enter Max Current Threshold:"));float max_current_threshold;max_current_threshold = read_float(); //! Read user entered valueSerial.print(max_current_threshold, 3);Serial.println("A");uint16_t max_current_threshold_code =resistor*max_current_threshold*(0x7FFF)/(LTC2943_FULLSCALE_CURRENT) +0x7FFF; //! Convert user entered current into adc code.ack |= LTC2943_write_16_bits(LTC2943_I2C_ADDRESS,LTC2943_CURRENT_THRESH_HIGH_MSB_REG, max_current_threshold_code); //!Write adc code to HIGH threshold registerSerial.print(F("Enter Min Current Threshold:"));float min_current_threshold;min_current_threshold = read_float();//! Read user entered valueSerial.print(min_current_threshold, 3);Serial.println("A");uint16_t min_current_threshold_code =resistor*min_current_threshold*(0x7FFF)/(LTC2943_FULLSCALE_CURRENT) +0x7FFF; //! Convert user entered current into adc code.ack |= LTC2943_write_16_bits(LTC2943_I2C_ADDRESS,LTC2943_CURRENT_THRESH_LOW_MSB_REG, min_current_threshold_code); //!Write adc code to LOW threshold registerreturn(ack);}//! Set Temperature Thresholdsint8_t menu_6_alert_menu_4_set_temperature_thresholds()//! @return Returns the state of the acknowledge bit after the I2C address write.0=acknowledge, 1=no acknowledge{int8_t ack = 0;Serial.print(F("Enter Max Temperature Threshold in Celcius:"));float max_temperature_threshold;max_temperature_threshold = read_float(); //! Read user entered valueSerial.print(max_temperature_threshold, 2);Serial.println("C");uint16_t max_temperature_threshold_code = (max_temperature_threshold +273.15)*(0xFFFF)/(LTC2943_FULLSCALE_TEMPERATURE); //! Convert user entered temperature into adc code.ack |= LTC2943_write_16_bits(LTC2943_I2C_ADDRESS,LTC2943_TEMPERATURE_THRESH_HIGH_REG, max_temperature_threshold_code);//! Write adc code to HIGH threshold registerSerial.print(F("Enter Min Temperature Threshold in Celcius:"));float min_temperature_threshold;min_temperature_threshold = read_float(); //! Read user entered valueSerial.print(min_temperature_threshold, 2);Serial.println("C");uint16_t min_temperature_threshold_code = (min_temperature_threshold +273.15)*(0xFFFF)/(LTC2943_FULLSCALE_TEMPERATURE); //! Convert user enteredtemperature into adc code.ack |= LTC2943_write_16_bits(LTC2943_I2C_ADDRESS,LTC2943_TEMPERATURE_THRESH_LOW_REG, min_temperature_threshold_code);//! Write adc code to LOW threshold registerreturn(ack);}//! Prescalar Menuint8_t menu_6_settings_menu_2_set_prescalar_values(uint16_t *prescalar_mode,uint16_t *prescalarValue)//! @return Returns the state of the acknowledge bit after the I2C address write.0=acknowledge, 1=no acknowledge。
锂电池电量检测芯片锂电池电量检测芯片简介锂电池电量检测芯片(Fuel Gauge)是一种用于检测锂电池充放电状态和估计电池电量的芯片。
锂电池电量检测芯片的特点和应用锂电池电量检测芯片具有以下特点:1. 高集成度:芯片内部集成了多种电流、电压和温度传感器,能够同时对这些参数进行测量和处理,从而实现全面的电量检测。
2. 高精度:芯片内置的精密传感器和算法能够实时准确地计算电池的容量和剩余电量,提供精确的电量显示和报警功能。
3. 低功耗:芯片采用低功耗设计,能够在工作时尽可能减少电池的耗电量,延长设备的续航时间。
IC芯片的检测方法大全一、电性能测试:1. 直流参数测试:包括引脚电压、电流测试,通常使用ICT(In-Circuit Test)系统进行。
2. 交流参数测试:包括交流响应、输入输出频率响应等,通常使用LCT(Load Current Test)系统进行。
例如,对于要求低于毫伏电压的分辨率、1% 电流测量和1℃温度精度或此三者之任意组合的系统,LTC2991都是非常适合的选择。
LTC2943 - 具温度、电压和电流测量功能的多节电池电量测量芯片教程文件
![LTC2943 - 具温度、电压和电流测量功能的多节电池电量测量芯片教程文件](
L T C2943-具温度、电压和电流测量功能的多节电池电量测量芯片LTC2943 - 具温度、电压和电流测量功能的多节电池电量测量芯片特点•可测量累积的电池充电和放电电量• 3.6V 至 20V 工作范围可适合多种电池应用•14 位 ADC 负责测量电池电压、电流和温度•1% 电压、电流和充电准确度•±50mV 检测电压范围•高压侧检测•适合任何电池化学组成和容量的通用测量•I2C / SMBus 接口•可配置警报输出 / 充电完成输入•静态电流小于120μA•小外形 8 引脚 3mm x 3mm DFN 封装典型应用描述LTC®2943 可测量便携式产品应用中的电池充电状态、电池电压、电池电流及其自身温度。
其具有宽输入电压范围,因而可与高达 20V 的多节电池配合使用。
电池电压、电流和温度利用一个内部 14位无延迟增量累加(No Latency ΔΣTM) ADC 来测量。
测量结果被存储于可通过内置 I2C / SMBus 接口进行存取的内部寄存器中。
LTC2943 具有针对所有 4 种测量物理量的可编程高门限和低门限。
如果超过了某个编程门限,则该器件将采用 SMBus 警报协议或通过在内部状态寄存器中设定一个标记来传送警报信号。
LTC2943 仅需采用单个低阻值检测电阻器以设定测量电流范围。
应用•电动工具•电动自行车•便携式医疗设备•视频摄像机程序:#include <Arduino.h>#include <stdint.h>#include "Linduino.h"#include "LT_I2C.h"#include "UserInterface.h"#include "QuikEval_EEPROM.h"#include "LTC2943.h"#include <Wire.h>// Function Declarationvoid print_title(); // Print the title blockvoid print_prompt(); // Print the Promptvoid store_alert_settings(); // Store the alert settings to the EEPROMint8_t restore_alert_settings(); // Read the alert settings from EEPROM#define AUTOMATIC_MODE_DISPLAY_DELAY 1000 //!< The delay between readings in automatic mode#define SCAN_MODE_DISPLAY_DELAY 10000 //!< The delay between readings in scan modeconst float resistor = .100; //!< resistor value on demo board// Error stringconst char ack_error[] = "Error: No Acknowledge. Check I2C Address."; //!< Error message// Global variablesstatic int8_t demo_board_connected; //!< Set to 1 if the board is connected static uint8_t alert_code = 0; //!< Value stored or read from ALERT register. Shared between loop() and restore_alert_settings()//! Initialize Linduinovoid setup(){char demo_name[] = "DC1812"; //! Demo Board Name stored in QuikEval EEPROMquikeval_I2C_init(); //! Configure the EEPROM I2C port for 100kHzquikeval_I2C_connect(); //! Connects to main I2C portSerial.begin(115200); //! Initialize the serial port to the PCprint_title();demo_board_connected = discover_demo_board(demo_name);if (demo_board_connected){print_prompt();}else{demo_board_connected = true;Serial.println("Did not read ID String, attempting to proceed anyway...\nPlease ensure I2C lines of Linduino are connected to the LTC device"); }}//! Repeats Linduino loopvoid loop(){int8_t ack = 0; //! I2C acknowledge indicatorstatic uint8_t user_command; //! The user input commandstatic uint8_t mAh_or_Coulombs = 0;static uint8_t celcius_or_kelvin = 0;static uint16_t prescalar_mode = LTC2943_PRESCALAR_M_4096;static uint16_t prescalarValue = 4096;static uint16_t alcc_mode = LTC2943_ALERT_MODE;if (demo_board_connected) //! Do nothing if the demo board is not connected{if (Serial.available()) //! Do nothing if serial is not available{user_command = read_int(); //! Read user input commandif (user_command != 'm')Serial.println(user_command);Serial.println();ack = 0;switch (user_command) //! Prints the appropriate submenu{case 1:ack |= menu_1_automatic_mode(mAh_or_Coulombs, celcius_or_kelvin, prescalar_mode, prescalarValue, alcc_mode); //! Automatic Modebreak;case 2:ack |= menu_2_scan_mode(mAh_or_Coulombs, celcius_or_kelvin, prescalar_mode, prescalarValue, alcc_mode); //! Scan Modebreak;case 3:ack |= menu_3_manual_mode(mAh_or_Coulombs, celcius_or_kelvin, prescalar_mode, prescalarValue, alcc_mode); //! Manual Modebreak;case 4:ack |= menu_4_sleep_mode(mAh_or_Coulombs, prescalar_mode, prescalarValue, alcc_mode); //! Sleep Modebreak;case 5:ack |= menu_5_shutdown_mode(); //! Shutdown Modebreak;case 6:ack |= menu_6_settings(&mAh_or_Coulombs, &celcius_or_kelvin,&prescalar_mode, &prescalarValue, &alcc_mode); //! Settings Modebreak;}if (ack != 0) //! If ack is not recieved print an error.Serial.println(ack_error);Serial.print(F("*************************"));print_prompt();}}}// Function Definitions//! Print the title blockvoid print_title(){Serial.println(F("\n*****************************************************************"));Serial.print(F("* DC1812A Demonstration Program *\n"));Serial.print(F("* *\n"));Serial.print(F("* This program communicates with the LTC2943 Multicell Coulomb*\n"));Serial.print(F("* Counter found on the DC1812A demo board. *\n"));Serial.print(F("* Set the baud rate to 115200 and select the newline terminator.*\n"));Serial.print(F("* *\n"));Serial.print(F("*****************************************************************\n"));}//! Print the Promptvoid print_prompt(){Serial.print(F("\n1-Automatic Mode\n"));Serial.print(F("2-Scan Mode\n"));Serial.print(F("3-Manual Mode\n"));Serial.print(F("4-Sleep Mode\n"));Serial.print(F("5-Shutdown Mode\n"));Serial.print(F("6-Settings\n"));Serial.print(F("Enter a command: "));}//! Automatic Mode.int8_t menu_1_automatic_mode(int8_t mAh_or_Coulombs, int8_tcelcius_or_kelvin ,uint16_t prescalar_mode, uint16_t prescalarValue, uint16_talcc_mode)//! @return Returns the state of the acknowledge bit after the I2C address write.0=acknowledge, 1=no acknowledge.{int8_t LTC2943_mode;int8_t ack = 0;LTC2943_mode = LTC2943_AUTOMATIC_MODE|prescalar_mode|alcc_mode ; //! Set the control register of the LTC2943 to automatic mode as well as set prescalarand AL#/CC# pin values.Serial.println();ack |= LTC2943_write(LTC2943_I2C_ADDRESS, LTC2943_CONTROL_REG,LTC2943_mode); //! Writes the set mode to the LTC2943 control registerdo{Serial.print(F("*************************\n\n"));uint8_t status_code, hightemp_code, lowtemp_code;uint16_t charge_code, current_code, voltage_code, temperature_code;ack |= LTC2943_read_16_bits(LTC2943_I2C_ADDRESS,LTC2943_ACCUM_CHARGE_MSB_REG, &charge_code); //! Read MSB and LSB Accumulated Charge Registers for 16 bit charge codeack |= LTC2943_read_16_bits(LTC2943_I2C_ADDRESS,LTC2943_VOLTAGE_MSB_REG, &voltage_code); //! Read MSB and LSB Voltage Registers for 16 bit voltage codeack |= LTC2943_read_16_bits(LTC2943_I2C_ADDRESS,LTC2943_CURRENT_MSB_REG, ¤t_code); //! Read MSB and LSB Current Registers for 16 bit current codeack |= LTC2943_read_16_bits(LTC2943_I2C_ADDRESS,LTC2943_TEMPERATURE_MSB_REG, &temperature_code); //! Read MSB and LSB Temperature Registers for 16 bit temperature codeack |= LTC2943_read(LTC2943_I2C_ADDRESS, LTC2943_STATUS_REG,&status_code); //! Read Status Register for 8 bit status codefloat charge, current, voltage, temperature;if(mAh_or_Coulombs){charge = LTC2943_code_to_coulombs(charge_code, resistor, prescalarValue); //! Convert charge code to Coulombs if Coulomb units are desired.Serial.print("Coulombs: ");Serial.print(charge, 4);Serial.print(F(" C\n"));}else{charge = LTC2943_code_to_mAh(charge_code, resistor, prescalarValue); //! Convert charge code to mAh if mAh units are desired.Serial.print("mAh: ");Serial.print(charge, 4);Serial.print(F(" mAh\n"));}current = LTC2943_code_to_current(current_code, resistor); //! Convert current code to Amperesvoltage = LTC2943_code_to_voltage(voltage_code); //! Convert voltage code to VoltsSerial.print(F("Current "));Serial.print(current, 4);Serial.print(F(" A\n"));Serial.print(F("Voltage "));Serial.print(voltage, 4);Serial.print(F(" V\n"));if(celcius_or_kelvin){temperature = LTC2943_code_to_kelvin_temperature(temperature_code); //! Convert temperature code to kelvinSerial.print(F("Temperature "));Serial.print(temperature, 4);Serial.print(F(" K\n"));}else{temperature = LTC2943_code_to_celcius_temperature(temperature_code); //! Convert temperature code to celciusSerial.print(F("Temperature "));Serial.print(temperature, 4);Serial.print(F(" C\n"));}checkAlerts(status_code); //! Check status code for Alerts. If an Alert has been set, print out appropriate message in the Serial Prompt.Serial.print(F("m-Main Menu\n\n"));Serial.flush();delay(AUTOMATIC_MODE_DISPLAY_DELAY); //!Delay for 1s before next polling}while (Serial.available() == false || (ack)); //! if Serial is not available and an NACK has not been recieved, keep polling the registers.read_int(); // clears the Serial.availablereturn(ack);}//! Scan Modeint8_t menu_2_scan_mode(int8_t mAh_or_Coulombs , int8_tcelcius_or_kelvin ,uint16_t prescalar_mode,uint16_t prescalarValue, uint16_talcc_mode)//! @return Returns the state of the acknowledge bit after the I2C address write.0=acknowledge, 1=no acknowledge{int8_t LTC2943_mode;int8_t ack = 0;LTC2943_mode = LTC2943_SCAN_MODE|prescalar_mode|alcc_mode ; //! Set the control mode of the LTC2943 to scan mode as well as set prescalar andAL#/CC# pin values.Serial.println();ack |= LTC2943_write(LTC2943_I2C_ADDRESS, LTC2943_CONTROL_REG,LTC2943_mode); //! Writes the set mode to the LTC2943 control registerdo{Serial.print(F("*************************\n\n"));uint8_t status_code;uint16_t charge_code, current_code, voltage_code, temperature_code;ack |= LTC2943_read_16_bits(LTC2943_I2C_ADDRESS,LTC2943_ACCUM_CHARGE_MSB_REG, &charge_code); //! Read MSB andLSB Accumulated Charge Registers for 16 bit charge codeack |= LTC2943_read_16_bits(LTC2943_I2C_ADDRESS,LTC2943_VOLTAGE_MSB_REG, &voltage_code); //! Read MSB and LSB Voltage Registers for 16 bit voltage codeack |= LTC2943_read_16_bits(LTC2943_I2C_ADDRESS,LTC2943_CURRENT_MSB_REG, ¤t_code); //! Read MSB and LSBCurrent Registers for 16 bit current codeack |= LTC2943_read_16_bits(LTC2943_I2C_ADDRESS,LTC2943_TEMPERATURE_MSB_REG, &temperature_code); //! Read MSB andLSB Temperature Registers for 16 bit temperature codeack |= LTC2943_read(LTC2943_I2C_ADDRESS, LTC2943_STATUS_REG,&status_code); //! Read Status Registers for 8 bit status codefloat charge, current, voltage, temperature;if(mAh_or_Coulombs){charge = LTC2943_code_to_coulombs(charge_code, resistor, prescalarValue); //! Convert charge code to Coulombs if Coulomb units are desired.Serial.print("Coulombs: ");Serial.print(charge, 4);Serial.print(F(" C\n"));}else{charge = LTC2943_code_to_mAh(charge_code, resistor, prescalarValue); //! Convert charge code to mAh if mAh units are desired.Serial.print("mAh: ");Serial.print(charge, 4);Serial.print(F(" mAh\n"));}current = LTC2943_code_to_current(current_code, resistor);//! Convert current code to Amperesvoltage = LTC2943_code_to_voltage(voltage_code);//! Convert voltage code to VoltsSerial.print(F("Current "));Serial.print(current, 4);Serial.print(F(" A\n"));Serial.print(F("Voltage "));Serial.print(voltage, 4);Serial.print(F(" V\n"));if(celcius_or_kelvin){temperature = LTC2943_code_to_kelvin_temperature(temperature_code); //! Convert temperature code to Kelvin if Kelvin units are desired.Serial.print(F("Temperature "));Serial.print(temperature, 4);Serial.print(F(" K\n"));}else{temperature = LTC2943_code_to_celcius_temperature(temperature_code); //! Convert temperature code to Celcius if Celcius units are desired.Serial.print(F("Temperature "));Serial.print(temperature, 4);Serial.print(F(" C\n"));}checkAlerts(status_code); //! Checkstatus code for Alerts. If an Alert has been set, print out appropriate message in theSerial PromptSerial.print(F("m-Main Menu\n\n"));Serial.flush();delay(SCAN_MODE_DISPLAY_DELAY);}while (Serial.available() == false || (ack));read_int(); // clears the Serial.availablereturn(ack);}//! Manual Modeint8_t menu_3_manual_mode(int8_t mAh_or_Coulombs ,int8_tcelcius_or_kelvin ,uint16_t prescalar_mode, uint16_t prescalarValue, uint16_talcc_mode)//! @return Returns the state of the acknowledge bit after the I2C address write.0=acknowledge, 1=no acknowledge{int8_t LTC2943_mode;int8_t ack = 0;LTC2943_mode = LTC2943_MANUAL_MODE|prescalar_mode|alcc_mode ; //! Set the control mode of the LTC2943 to manual mode as well as set prescalar andAL#/CC# pin values.Serial.println();ack |= LTC2943_write(LTC2943_I2C_ADDRESS, LTC2943_CONTROL_REG,LTC2943_mode); //! Writes the set mode to the LTC2943 control registerint staleData = 0; //! Stale DataCheck variable. When set to 1 it indicates that stale data is being read from thevoltage, current and temperature{Serial.print(F("*************************\n\n"));uint8_t status_code;uint16_t charge_code, current_code, voltage_code, temperature_code;ack |= LTC2943_read_16_bits(LTC2943_I2C_ADDRESS,LTC2943_ACCUM_CHARGE_MSB_REG, &charge_code); //! Read MSB andLSB Accumulated Charge Registers for 16 bit charge codeack |= LTC2943_read_16_bits(LTC2943_I2C_ADDRESS,LTC2943_VOLTAGE_MSB_REG, &voltage_code); //! Read MSB and LSBVoltage Registers for 16 bit voltage codeack |= LTC2943_read_16_bits(LTC2943_I2C_ADDRESS,LTC2943_CURRENT_MSB_REG, ¤t_code); //! Read MSB and LSBCurrent Registers for 16 bit current codeack |= LTC2943_read_16_bits(LTC2943_I2C_ADDRESS,LTC2943_TEMPERATURE_MSB_REG, &temperature_code); //! Read MSB andLSB Temperature Registers for 16 bit temperature codeack |= LTC2943_read(LTC2943_I2C_ADDRESS, LTC2943_STATUS_REG,&status_code); //! Read Status Registers for 8 bit status codefloat charge, current, voltage, temperature;if(mAh_or_Coulombs){charge = LTC2943_code_to_coulombs(charge_code, resistor, prescalarValue); //! Convert charge code to Coulombs if Coulomb units are desired.Serial.print("Coulombs: ");Serial.print(charge, 4);Serial.print(F(" C\n"));}else{charge = LTC2943_code_to_mAh(charge_code, resistor, prescalarValue); //! Convert charge code to mAh if mAh units are desired.Serial.print("mAh: ");Serial.print(charge, 4);Serial.print(F(" mAh\n"));}current = LTC2943_code_to_current(current_code, resistor);//! Convert current code to Amperesvoltage = LTC2943_code_to_voltage(voltage_code);//! Convert voltage code to VoltsSerial.print(F("Current "));Serial.print(current, 4);Serial.print(F(" A"));if(staleData) Serial.print(F(" ***** Stale Data ******\n"));//! If Stale data is inside the register after initial snapshot, Print Stale Data message.else Serial.println("");Serial.print(F("Voltage "));Serial.print(voltage, 4);Serial.print(F(" V"));if(staleData) Serial.print(F(" ***** Stale Data ******\n"));//! If Stale data is inside the register after initial snapshot, Print Stale Data message.else Serial.println("");if(celcius_or_kelvin){temperature = LTC2943_code_to_kelvin_temperature(temperature_code); //! Convert temperature code to Kelvin if Kelvin units are desired.Serial.print(F("Temperature "));Serial.print(temperature, 4);Serial.print(F(" K"));}else{temperature = LTC2943_code_to_celcius_temperature(temperature_code); //! Convert temperature code to Celcius if Celcius units are desired.Serial.print(F("Temperature "));Serial.print(temperature, 4);Serial.print(F(" C"));}if(staleData) Serial.print(F(" ***** Stale Data ******\n"));else Serial.println("");checkAlerts(status_code); //!Check status code for Alerts. If an Alert has been set, print out appropriate message inthe Serial PromptSerial.print(F("m-Main Menu\n\n"));staleData = 1;Serial.flush();delay(AUTOMATIC_MODE_DISPLAY_DELAY);while (Serial.available() == false || (ack));read_int(); // clears the Serial.availablereturn(ack);}//! Sleep Modeint8_t menu_4_sleep_mode(int8_t mAh_or_Coulombs ,uint16_t prescalar_mode,uint16_t prescalarValue, uint16_t alcc_mode)//! @return Returns the state of the acknowledge bit after the I2C address write.0=acknowledge, 1=no acknowledge{int8_t LTC2943_mode;int8_t ack = 0;LTC2943_mode = LTC2943_SLEEP_MODE|prescalar_mode|alcc_mode ; //! Set the control mode of the LTC2943 to sleep mode as well as set prescalar andAL#/CC# pin values.Serial.println();ack |= LTC2943_write(LTC2943_I2C_ADDRESS, LTC2943_CONTROL_REG,LTC2943_mode); //! Writes the set mode to the LTC2943 control registerdo{Serial.print(F("*************************\n\n"));delay(100);uint8_t status_code;uint16_t charge_code;ack |= LTC2943_read_16_bits(LTC2943_I2C_ADDRESS,LTC2943_ACCUM_CHARGE_MSB_REG, &charge_code); //! Read MSB andLSB Accumulated Charge Registers for 16 bit charge codeack |= LTC2943_read(LTC2943_I2C_ADDRESS, LTC2943_STATUS_REG,&status_code); //! Read Status Registers for 8 bit status codefloat charge;if(mAh_or_Coulombs){charge = LTC2943_code_to_coulombs(charge_code, resistor, prescalarValue); //! Convert charge code to Coulombs if Coulomb units are desired.Serial.print("Coulombs: ");Serial.print(charge, 4);Serial.print(F(" C\n"));}else{charge = LTC2943_code_to_mAh(charge_code, resistor, prescalarValue); //! Convert charge code to mAh if mAh units are desired.Serial.print("mAh: ");Serial.print(charge, 4);Serial.print(F(" mAh\n"));}Serial.print(F("Current "));Serial.print(F(" ADC Sleep...\n"));Serial.print(F("Voltage "));Serial.print(F(" ADC Sleep...\n"));Serial.print(F("Temperature "));Serial.print(F(" ADC Sleep...\n"));Serial.print(F("m-Main Menu\n\n"));checkAlerts(status_code);Serial.flush();delay(AUTOMATIC_MODE_DISPLAY_DELAY);}while (Serial.available() == false || (ack));read_int(); // clears the Serial.availablereturn(ack);}//! Shutdown Modeint8_t menu_5_shutdown_mode()//! @return Returns the state of the acknowledge bit after the I2C address write.0=acknowledge, 1=no acknowledge{int8_t ack = 0;ack |= LTC2943_write(LTC2943_I2C_ADDRESS, LTC2943_CONTROL_REG, LTC2943_SHUTDOWN_MODE); //! Sets the LTC2943 into shutdown modeSerial.print("LTC2943 Has Been ShutDown\n");return(ack);}//! Settings Menuint8_t menu_6_settings(uint8_t *mAh_or_Coulombs, uint8_t *celcius_or_kelvin, uint16_t *prescalar_mode, uint16_t *prescalarValue, uint16_t *alcc_mode)//! @return Returns the state of the acknowledge bit after the I2C address write.0=acknowledge, 1=no acknowledge{int8_t ack = 0;int8_t user_command;do{Serial.print(F("*************************\n\n"));Serial.print(F("1-Set Alert Thresholds\n"));Serial.print(F("2-Set Prescalar Value\n"));Serial.print(F("3-Set AL#/CC# Pin State\n"));Serial.print(F("4-Set Units\n"));Serial.print(F("m-Main Menu\n\n"));Serial.print(F("Enter a command: "));user_command = read_int();if (user_command == 'm')Serial.println("m");elseSerial.println(user_command);Serial.println();switch (user_command){case 1:ack |= menu_6_settings_menu_1_set_alert_thresholds();//! Settings Menu to set Alert Thresholdsbreak;case 2:ack |= menu_6_settings_menu_2_set_prescalar_values(prescalar_mode, prescalarValue); //! Settings Menu to set Prescalar Valuesbreak;case 3:ack |= menu_6_alert_menu_3_set_allcc_state(alcc_mode);//! Settings Menu to set AL#/CC# modebreak;case 4:ack |= menu_6_alert_menu_4_set_units(mAh_or_Coulombs, celcius_or_kelvin); //! Settings Menu to set Temperature and Charge Unitsbreak;default:if (user_command != 'm')Serial.println("Incorrect Option");break;}}while (!((user_command == 'm') || (ack)));return(ack);}//! Alert Threshold Menuint8_t menu_6_settings_menu_1_set_alert_thresholds()//! @return Returns the state of the acknowledge bit after the I2C address write.0=acknowledge, 1=no acknowledge{int8_t ack = 0;int8_t user_command;do{Serial.print(F("*************************\n\n"));Serial.print(F("1-Set Charge Thresholds\n"));Serial.print(F("2-Set Voltage Thresholds\n"));Serial.print(F("3-Set Current Thresholds\n"));Serial.print(F("4-Set Temperature Thresholds\n"));Serial.print(F("m-Main Menu\n\n"));Serial.print(F("Enter a command: "));user_command = read_int();if (user_command == 'm')Serial.println("m");elseSerial.println(user_command);Serial.println();switch (user_command){case 1:ack |= menu_6_alert_menu_1_set_charge_thresholds(); //! Set Max and Min Charge Thresholds. The ACR charge lsb size changes with respect to the prescalar and sense resistor value. Due to this variability, for the purpose of this demo enter values in hexadecimal.break;case 2:ack |= menu_6_alert_menu_2_set_voltage_thresholds(); //! Set Max and Min Voltage Thresholds. Enter Values in Voltsbreak;case 3:ack |= menu_6_alert_menu_3_set_current_thresholds(); //! Set Max and Min Current Thresholds. Enter Values in Amperes.break;case 4:ack |= menu_6_alert_menu_4_set_temperature_thresholds(); //! Set Max and Min Temperature Thresholds. Enter Values in Celcius.break;default:if (user_command != 'm')Serial.println("Incorrect Option");break;}}while (!((user_command == 'm') || (ack)));return(ack);}//! Set Charge Threshold Functionint8_t menu_6_alert_menu_1_set_charge_thresholds()//! @return Returns the state of the acknowledge bit after the I2C address write.0=acknowledge, 1=no acknowledge{int8_t ack = 0;Serial.print(F("Enter RAW Max Charge Threshold:"));uint16_t max_charge_threshold;max_charge_threshold = read_int(); //! Read user entered valueSerial.println(max_charge_threshold);ack |= LTC2943_write_16_bits(LTC2943_I2C_ADDRESS,LTC2943_CHARGE_THRESH_HIGH_MSB_REG, max_charge_threshold); //! write user entered value to HIGH threshold registerSerial.print(F("Enter RAW Min Charge Threshold:"));float min_charge_threshold;min_charge_threshold = read_int(); //! Read user entered valueSerial.println(min_charge_threshold);ack |= LTC2943_write_16_bits(LTC2943_I2C_ADDRESS,LTC2943_CHARGE_THRESH_LOW_MSB_REG, min_charge_threshold); //! write user entered value to HIGH threshold registerreturn(ack);}//! Set Voltage Thresholdsint8_t menu_6_alert_menu_2_set_voltage_thresholds()//! @return Returns the state of the acknowledge bit after the I2C address write.0=acknowledge, 1=no acknowledge{int8_t ack = 0;Serial.print(F("Enter Max Voltage Threshold:"));float max_voltage_threshold;max_voltage_threshold = read_float(); //! Read user entered valueSerial.print(max_voltage_threshold, 3);Serial.println("V");uint16_t max_voltage_threshold_code =max_voltage_threshold*(0xFFFF)/(LTC2943_FULLSCALE_VOLTAGE); //! Convert user entered voltage into adc code.ack |= LTC2943_write_16_bits(LTC2943_I2C_ADDRESS,LTC2943_VOLTAGE_THRESH_HIGH_MSB_REG, max_voltage_threshold_code); //! Write adc code to HIGH threshold registerSerial.print(F("Enter Min Voltage Threshold:"));float min_voltage_threshold;min_voltage_threshold = read_float(); //! Read user entered valueSerial.println(min_voltage_threshold, 3);Serial.println("V");uint16_t min_voltage_threshold_code =min_voltage_threshold*(0xFFFF)/(LTC2943_FULLSCALE_VOLTAGE); //! Convert user entered voltage into adc code.ack |= LTC2943_write_16_bits(LTC2943_I2C_ADDRESS,LTC2943_VOLTAGE_THRESH_LOW_MSB_REG, min_voltage_threshold_code); //! Write adc code to LOW threshold registerreturn(ack);}//! Set Current Thresholdsint8_t menu_6_alert_menu_3_set_current_thresholds()//! @return Returns the state of the acknowledge bit after the I2C address write.0=acknowledge, 1=no acknowledge{int8_t ack = 0;Serial.print(F("Enter Max Current Threshold:"));float max_current_threshold;max_current_threshold = read_float(); //! Read user entered valueSerial.print(max_current_threshold, 3);Serial.println("A");uint16_t max_current_threshold_code =resistor*max_current_threshold*(0x7FFF)/(LTC2943_FULLSCALE_CURRENT) +0x7FFF; //! Convert user entered current into adc code.ack |= LTC2943_write_16_bits(LTC2943_I2C_ADDRESS,LTC2943_CURRENT_THRESH_HIGH_MSB_REG, max_current_threshold_code); //! Write adc code to HIGH threshold registerSerial.print(F("Enter Min Current Threshold:"));float min_current_threshold;min_current_threshold = read_float(); //! Read user entered valueSerial.print(min_current_threshold, 3);Serial.println("A");uint16_t min_current_threshold_code =resistor*min_current_threshold*(0x7FFF)/(LTC2943_FULLSCALE_CURRENT) +0x7FFF; //! Convert user entered current into adc code.ack |= LTC2943_write_16_bits(LTC2943_I2C_ADDRESS,LTC2943_CURRENT_THRESH_LOW_MSB_REG, min_current_threshold_code);//! Write adc code to LOW threshold registerreturn(ack);}//! Set Temperature Thresholdsint8_t menu_6_alert_menu_4_set_temperature_thresholds()//! @return Returns the state of the acknowledge bit after the I2C address write.0=acknowledge, 1=no acknowledge{int8_t ack = 0;Serial.print(F("Enter Max Temperature Threshold in Celcius:"));float max_temperature_threshold;max_temperature_threshold = read_float(); //! Read user entered valueSerial.print(max_temperature_threshold, 2);Serial.println("C");uint16_t max_temperature_threshold_code = (max_temperature_threshold +273.15)*(0xFFFF)/(LTC2943_FULLSCALE_TEMPERATURE); //! Convert userentered temperature into adc code.ack |= LTC2943_write_16_bits(LTC2943_I2C_ADDRESS,LTC2943_TEMPERATURE_THRESH_HIGH_REG,max_temperature_threshold_code); //! Write adc code to HIGH threshold registerSerial.print(F("Enter Min Temperature Threshold in Celcius:"));float min_temperature_threshold;min_temperature_threshold = read_float(); //! Read user entered valueSerial.print(min_temperature_threshold, 2);Serial.println("C");uint16_t min_temperature_threshold_code = (min_temperature_threshold + 273.15)*(0xFFFF)/(LTC2943_FULLSCALE_TEMPERATURE); //! Convert user entered temperature into adc code.ack |= LTC2943_write_16_bits(LTC2943_I2C_ADDRESS,LTC2943_TEMPERATURE_THRESH_LOW_REG,min_temperature_threshold_code); //! Write adc code to LOW threshold register return(ack);}//! Prescalar Menuint8_t menu_6_settings_menu_2_set_prescalar_values(uint16_t *prescalar_mode, uint16_t *prescalarValue)//! @return Returns the state of the acknowledge bit after the I2C address write.0=acknowledge, 1=no acknowledge{int8_t ack = 0;int8_t user_command;do{Serial.print(F("*************************\n\n"));Serial.print(F("1-Set Prescalar M = 1\n"));Serial.print(F("2-Set Prescalar M = 4\n"));Serial.print(F("3-Set Prescalar M = 16\n"));Serial.print(F("4-Set Prescalar M = 64\n"));Serial.print(F("5-Set Prescalar M = 256\n"));Serial.print(F("6-Set Prescalar M = 1024\n"));Serial.print(F("7-Set Prescalar M = 4096\n"));Serial.print(F("m-Main Menu\n\n"));Serial.print(F("Enter a command: "));user_command = read_int();if (user_command == 'm')Serial.println("m");elseSerial.println(user_command);Serial.println();。
以 ℃ 或 F为 单 位 输 出 结 果 。 可 提 供 多 达 2 O个 模 拟 输 入 , 并 能 够 以摄 氏度 或 华 氏 度 为单 位 输 出 数 字 化 的 测
矽 睿科技 止式 发 布超小尺 寸 的 AMR三轴磁 传 感
器Q MC 7 9 8 3 。该 款 新 晶 足 矽 睿 继 2 0 1 3年 9月推 出磁 传 感 器 QMC 6 9 8 3后 的新 一 代 技 术 革 新 产 品 。 QMC 7 9 8 3是基 于 A MR 技 术 创 新 性 的 将 三 轴 磁 感 应 器 件 与 传 感 器 信 号 处 理 的 AS I C集 成 在 同 一 芯 』 【 l . 卜 , 实现 的全 球 第 一 款 AMR 卜 j AS I C集 成 的 三 轴 单 芯 片 磁 传感 器 。通 过 该项 技 术 创 新 ,QMC 7 9 8 3相 对 于 卜 一 代 产 品 有 了 史 高 的 集 成 度 , 因此 体 现 出更 低 功 耗 、 更 好 的 信 号 灵 敏 度 等 特 性 ,特 别 是 Q MC 7 9 8 3拥 有 当前 业 界最 小的 1 . 2 ×1 . 2 mm 尺 寸 , 无 疑 将 在 包 括 智 能 手 机 雨 1 甲板 电 脑 在 内 的移 动 智 能 终 端 , 以及 新 兴 的 可 穿 戴 电_ 了设 备 市场 上 具有 极 强 的竞 争 力 。 Q MC 7 9 8 3采 用 8 - p i n WL C S P封 装 , 磁 场 感 测 范 旧在 + 1 6岛 斯 , 1 6 b i t 数据格 式实现 2 mG s的分 辨 率 , 可 支 持 电 罗 盘 精 度 达 到 l 。 :l z C数 据 通 讯 模 式 ,最 高支持 2 0 0 H z数 据 传 输 频 率 ; 具 有温 度 自动 补 偿 功 能 ,
LTC2943 - 具温度、电压和电流测量功能的多节电池电量测量芯片
![LTC2943 - 具温度、电压和电流测量功能的多节电池电量测量芯片](
LTC2943 - 具温度、电压和电流测量功能的多节电池电量测量芯片特点∙可测量累积的电池充电和放电电量∙ 3.6V 至 20V 工作范围可适合多种电池应用∙14 位 ADC 负责测量电池电压、电流和温度∙1% 电压、电流和充电准确度∙±50mV 检测电压范围∙高压侧检测∙适合任何电池化学组成和容量的通用测量∙I2C / SMBus 接口∙可配置警报输出 / 充电完成输入∙静态电流小于120μA∙小外形 8 引脚 3mm x 3mm DFN 封装典型应用描述LTC?2943?可测量便携式产品应用中的电池充电状态、电池电压、电池电流及其自身温度。
电池电压、电流和温度利用一个内部?14位无延迟增量累加?(No Latency ΔΣTM) ADC?来测量。
测量结果被存储于可通过内置?I2C / SMBus?接口进行存取的内部寄存器中。
应用∙电动工具∙电动自行车∙便携式医疗设备∙视频摄像机程序:#include <Arduino.h>#include <stdint.h>#include "Linduino.h"#include "LT_I2C.h"#include "UserInterface.h"#include "QuikEval_EEPROM.h"#include "LTC2943.h"#include <Wire.h>// Function Declarationvoid print_title(); // Print the title blockvoid print_prompt(); // Print the Promptvoid store_alert_settings(); // Store the alert settings to the EEPROMint8_t restore_alert_settings(); // Read the alert settings from EEPROM#define AUTOMATIC_MODE_DISPLAY_DELAY 1000 //!< The delay between readings in automatic mode#define SCAN_MODE_DISPLAY_DELAY 10000 //!< The delay between readings in scan modeconst float resistor = .100; //!< resistor value on demo board // Error stringconst char ack_error[] = "Error: No Acknowledge. Check I2C Address."; //!< Error message// Global variablesstatic int8_t demo_board_connected; //!< Set to 1 if the board is connected static uint8_t alert_code = 0; //!< Value stored or read from ALERT register. Shared between loop() and restore_alert_settings()//! Initialize Linduinovoid setup(){char demo_name[] = "DC1812"; //! Demo Board Name stored in QuikEval EEPROMquikeval_I2C_init(); //! Configure the EEPROM I2C port for 100kHzquikeval_I2C_connect(); //! Connects to main I2C portSerial.begin(115200); //! Initialize the serial port to the PCprint_title();demo_board_connected = discover_demo_board(demo_name);if (demo_board_connected){print_prompt();}else{demo_board_connected = true;Serial.println("Did not read ID String, attempting to proceed anyway...\nPlease ensure I2C lines of Linduino are connected to the LTC device"); }}//! Repeats Linduino loopvoid loop(){int8_t ack = 0; //! I2C acknowledge indicatorstatic uint8_t user_command; //! The user input commandstatic uint8_t mAh_or_Coulombs = 0;static uint8_t celcius_or_kelvin = 0;static uint16_t prescalar_mode = LTC2943_PRESCALAR_M_4096;static uint16_t prescalarValue = 4096;static uint16_t alcc_mode = LTC2943_ALERT_MODE;if (demo_board_connected) //! Do nothing if the demo board is not connected{if (Serial.available()) //! Do nothing if serial is not available{user_command = read_int(); //! Read user input commandif (user_command != 'm')Serial.println(user_command);Serial.println();ack = 0;switch (user_command) //! Prints the appropriate submenu{case 1:ack |= menu_1_automatic_mode(mAh_or_Coulombs, celcius_or_kelvin,prescalar_mode, prescalarValue, alcc_mode); //! Automatic Modebreak;case 2:ack |= menu_2_scan_mode(mAh_or_Coulombs, celcius_or_kelvin,prescalar_mode, prescalarValue, alcc_mode); //! Scan Modebreak;case 3:ack |= menu_3_manual_mode(mAh_or_Coulombs, celcius_or_kelvin,prescalar_mode, prescalarValue, alcc_mode); //! Manual Modebreak;case 4:ack |= menu_4_sleep_mode(mAh_or_Coulombs, prescalar_mode,prescalarValue, alcc_mode); //! Sleep Modebreak;case 5:ack |= menu_5_shutdown_mode(); //! Shutdown Modebreak;case 6:ack |= menu_6_settings(&mAh_or_Coulombs, &celcius_or_kelvin,&prescalar_mode, &prescalarValue, &alcc_mode); //! Settings Modebreak;}if (ack != 0) //! If ack is not recieved printan error.Serial.println(ack_error);Serial.print(F("*************************"));print_prompt();}}}// Function Definitions//! Print the title blockvoid print_title(){Serial.println(F("\n****************************************************** ***********"));Serial.print(F("* DC1812A Demonstration Program *\n")); Serial.print(F("* *\n"));Serial.print(F("* This program communicates with the LTC2943 Multicell Coulomb *\n"));Serial.print(F("* Counter found on the DC1812A demo board. *\n")); Serial.print(F("* Set the baud rate to 115200 and select the newline terminator.*\n"));Serial.print(F("* *\n"));Serial.print(F("********************************************************* ********\n"));}//! Print the Promptvoid print_prompt(){Serial.print(F("\n1-Automatic Mode\n"));Serial.print(F("2-Scan Mode\n"));Serial.print(F("3-Manual Mode\n"));Serial.print(F("4-Sleep Mode\n"));Serial.print(F("5-Shutdown Mode\n"));Serial.print(F("6-Settings\n"));Serial.print(F("Enter a command: "));}//! Automatic Mode.int8_t menu_1_automatic_mode(int8_t mAh_or_Coulombs, int8_tcelcius_or_kelvin ,uint16_t prescalar_mode, uint16_t prescalarValue, uint16_talcc_mode)//! @return Returns the state of the acknowledge bit after the I2C address write.0=acknowledge, 1=no acknowledge.{int8_t LTC2943_mode;int8_t ack = 0;LTC2943_mode = LTC2943_AUTOMATIC_MODE|prescalar_mode|alcc_mode ; //! Set the control register of the LTC2943 to automatic mode as well as setprescalar and AL#/CC# pin values.Serial.println();ack |= LTC2943_write(LTC2943_I2C_ADDRESS, LTC2943_CONTROL_REG,LTC2943_mode); //! Writes the set mode to the LTC2943 control registerdo{Serial.print(F("*************************\n\n"));uint8_t status_code, hightemp_code, lowtemp_code;uint16_t charge_code, current_code, voltage_code, temperature_code;ack |= LTC2943_read_16_bits(LTC2943_I2C_ADDRESS,LTC2943_ACCUM_CHARGE_MSB_REG, &charge_code); //! Read MSB and LSB Accumulated Charge Registers for 16 bit charge codeack |= LTC2943_read_16_bits(LTC2943_I2C_ADDRESS,LTC2943_VOLTAGE_MSB_REG, &voltage_code); //! Read MSB and LSB Voltage Registers for 16 bit voltage codeack |= LTC2943_read_16_bits(LTC2943_I2C_ADDRESS,LTC2943_CURRENT_MSB_REG, ¤t_code); //! Read MSB and LSB Current Registers for 16 bit current codeack |= LTC2943_read_16_bits(LTC2943_I2C_ADDRESS,LTC2943_TEMPERATURE_MSB_REG, &temperature_code); //! Read MSB and LSB Temperature Registers for 16 bit temperature codeack |= LTC2943_read(LTC2943_I2C_ADDRESS, LTC2943_STATUS_REG,&status_code); //! Read Status Register for 8 bit status codefloat charge, current, voltage, temperature;if(mAh_or_Coulombs){charge = LTC2943_code_to_coulombs(charge_code, resistor, prescalarValue); //! Convert charge code to Coulombs if Coulomb units are desired.Serial.print("Coulombs: ");Serial.print(charge, 4);Serial.print(F(" C\n"));}else{charge = LTC2943_code_to_mAh(charge_code, resistor, prescalarValue); //! Convert charge code to mAh if mAh units are desired.Serial.print("mAh: ");Serial.print(charge, 4);Serial.print(F(" mAh\n"));}current = LTC2943_code_to_current(current_code, resistor); //! Convert current code to Amperesvoltage = LTC2943_code_to_voltage(voltage_code); //! Convert voltage code to VoltsSerial.print(F("Current "));Serial.print(current, 4);Serial.print(F(" A\n"));Serial.print(F("Voltage "));Serial.print(voltage, 4);Serial.print(F(" V\n"));if(celcius_or_kelvin){temperature = LTC2943_code_to_kelvin_temperature(temperature_code); //! Convert temperature code to kelvinSerial.print(F("Temperature "));Serial.print(temperature, 4);Serial.print(F(" K\n"));}else{temperature = LTC2943_code_to_celcius_temperature(temperature_code); //! Convert temperature code to celciusSerial.print(F("Temperature "));Serial.print(temperature, 4);Serial.print(F(" C\n"));}checkAlerts(status_code); //! Check status code for Alerts. If an Alert has been set, print out appropriate message in the Serial Prompt.Serial.print(F("m-Main Menu\n\n"));Serial.flush();delay(AUTOMATIC_MODE_DISPLAY_DELAY); //! Delay for 1s before next polling}while (Serial.available() == false || (ack)); //! if Serial is not available and an NACK has not been recieved, keep polling the registers.read_int(); // clears the Serial.availablereturn(ack);}//! Scan Modeint8_t menu_2_scan_mode(int8_t mAh_or_Coulombs , int8_tcelcius_or_kelvin ,uint16_t prescalar_mode,uint16_t prescalarValue, uint16_talcc_mode)//! @return Returns the state of the acknowledge bit after the I2C address write.0=acknowledge, 1=no acknowledge{int8_t LTC2943_mode;int8_t ack = 0;LTC2943_mode = LTC2943_SCAN_MODE|prescalar_mode|alcc_mode ;//! Set the control mode of the LTC2943 to scan mode as well as set prescalar andAL#/CC# pin values.Serial.println();ack |= LTC2943_write(LTC2943_I2C_ADDRESS, LTC2943_CONTROL_REG,LTC2943_mode); //! Writes the set mode to the LTC2943 control registerdo{Serial.print(F("*************************\n\n"));uint8_t status_code;uint16_t charge_code, current_code, voltage_code, temperature_code;ack |= LTC2943_read_16_bits(LTC2943_I2C_ADDRESS,LTC2943_ACCUM_CHARGE_MSB_REG, &charge_code); //! Read MSB and LSBAccumulated Charge Registers for 16 bit charge codeack |= LTC2943_read_16_bits(LTC2943_I2C_ADDRESS,LTC2943_VOLTAGE_MSB_REG, &voltage_code); //! Read MSB and LSBVoltage Registers for 16 bit voltage codeack |= LTC2943_read_16_bits(LTC2943_I2C_ADDRESS,LTC2943_CURRENT_MSB_REG, ¤t_code); //! Read MSB and LSBCurrent Registers for 16 bit current codeack |= LTC2943_read_16_bits(LTC2943_I2C_ADDRESS,LTC2943_TEMPERATURE_MSB_REG, &temperature_code); //! Read MSB and LSBTemperature Registers for 16 bit temperature codeack |= LTC2943_read(LTC2943_I2C_ADDRESS, LTC2943_STATUS_REG,&status_code); //! Read Status Registers for 8 bit status codefloat charge, current, voltage, temperature;if(mAh_or_Coulombs){charge = LTC2943_code_to_coulombs(charge_code, resistor, prescalarValue); //! Convert charge code to Coulombs if Coulomb units are desired.Serial.print("Coulombs: ");Serial.print(charge, 4);Serial.print(F(" C\n"));}else{charge = LTC2943_code_to_mAh(charge_code, resistor, prescalarValue); //! Convert charge code to mAh if mAh units are desired.Serial.print("mAh: ");Serial.print(charge, 4);Serial.print(F(" mAh\n"));}current = LTC2943_code_to_current(current_code, resistor);//! Convert current code to Amperesvoltage = LTC2943_code_to_voltage(voltage_code);//! Convert voltage code to VoltsSerial.print(F("Current "));Serial.print(current, 4);Serial.print(F(" A\n"));Serial.print(F("Voltage "));Serial.print(voltage, 4);Serial.print(F(" V\n"));if(celcius_or_kelvin){temperature = LTC2943_code_to_kelvin_temperature(temperature_code); //! Convert temperature code to Kelvin if Kelvin units are desired.Serial.print(F("Temperature "));Serial.print(temperature, 4);Serial.print(F(" K\n"));}else{temperature = LTC2943_code_to_celcius_temperature(temperature_code); //! Convert temperature code to Celcius if Celcius units are desired.Serial.print(F("Temperature "));Serial.print(temperature, 4);Serial.print(F(" C\n"));}checkAlerts(status_code); //!Check status code for Alerts. If an Alert has been set, print out appropriate messagein the Serial PromptSerial.print(F("m-Main Menu\n\n"));Serial.flush();delay(SCAN_MODE_DISPLAY_DELAY);}while (Serial.available() == false || (ack));read_int(); // clears the Serial.availablereturn(ack);}//! Manual Modeint8_t menu_3_manual_mode(int8_t mAh_or_Coulombs ,int8_tcelcius_or_kelvin ,uint16_t prescalar_mode, uint16_t prescalarValue, uint16_talcc_mode)//! @return Returns the state of the acknowledge bit after the I2C address write.0=acknowledge, 1=no acknowledge{int8_t LTC2943_mode;int8_t ack = 0;LTC2943_mode = LTC2943_MANUAL_MODE|prescalar_mode|alcc_mode ; //! Set the control mode of the LTC2943 to manual mode as well as set prescalar andAL#/CC# pin values.Serial.println();ack |= LTC2943_write(LTC2943_I2C_ADDRESS, LTC2943_CONTROL_REG,LTC2943_mode); //! Writes the set mode to the LTC2943 controlregisterint staleData = 0; //! StaleData Check variable. When set to 1 it indicates that stale data is being read from thevoltage, current and temperature{Serial.print(F("*************************\n\n"));uint8_t status_code;uint16_t charge_code, current_code, voltage_code, temperature_code;ack |= LTC2943_read_16_bits(LTC2943_I2C_ADDRESS,LTC2943_ACCUM_CHARGE_MSB_REG, &charge_code); //! Read MSB and LSBAccumulated Charge Registers for 16 bit charge codeack |= LTC2943_read_16_bits(LTC2943_I2C_ADDRESS,LTC2943_VOLTAGE_MSB_REG, &voltage_code); //! Read MSB and LSBVoltage Registers for 16 bit voltage codeack |= LTC2943_read_16_bits(LTC2943_I2C_ADDRESS,LTC2943_CURRENT_MSB_REG, ¤t_code); //! Read MSB and LSBCurrent Registers for 16 bit current codeack |= LTC2943_read_16_bits(LTC2943_I2C_ADDRESS,LTC2943_TEMPERATURE_MSB_REG, &temperature_code); //! Read MSB and LSBTemperature Registers for 16 bit temperature codeack |= LTC2943_read(LTC2943_I2C_ADDRESS, LTC2943_STATUS_REG,&status_code); //! Read Status Registers for 8 bit status codefloat charge, current, voltage, temperature;if(mAh_or_Coulombs){charge = LTC2943_code_to_coulombs(charge_code, resistor, prescalarValue); //! Convert charge code to Coulombs if Coulomb units are desired.Serial.print("Coulombs: ");Serial.print(charge, 4);Serial.print(F(" C\n"));}else{charge = LTC2943_code_to_mAh(charge_code, resistor, prescalarValue); //! Convert charge code to mAh if mAh units are desired.Serial.print("mAh: ");Serial.print(charge, 4);Serial.print(F(" mAh\n"));}current = LTC2943_code_to_current(current_code, resistor);//! Convert current code to Amperesvoltage = LTC2943_code_to_voltage(voltage_code);//! Convert voltage code to VoltsSerial.print(F("Current "));Serial.print(current, 4);Serial.print(F(" A"));if(staleData) Serial.print(F(" ***** Stale Data ******\n"));//! If Stale data is inside the register after initial snapshot, Print Stale Data message.else Serial.println("");Serial.print(F("Voltage "));Serial.print(voltage, 4);Serial.print(F(" V"));if(staleData) Serial.print(F(" ***** Stale Data ******\n"));//! If Stale data is inside the register after initial snapshot, Print Stale Data message.else Serial.println("");if(celcius_or_kelvin){temperature = LTC2943_code_to_kelvin_temperature(temperature_code); //! Convert temperature code to Kelvin if Kelvin units are desired.Serial.print(F("Temperature "));Serial.print(temperature, 4);Serial.print(F(" K"));}else{temperature = LTC2943_code_to_celcius_temperature(temperature_code); //! Convert temperature code to Celcius if Celcius units are desired.Serial.print(F("Temperature "));Serial.print(temperature, 4);Serial.print(F(" C"));}if(staleData) Serial.print(F(" ***** Stale Data ******\n"));else Serial.println("");checkAlerts(status_code);//! Check status code for Alerts. If an Alert has been set, print out appropriatemessage in the Serial PromptSerial.print(F("m-Main Menu\n\n"));staleData = 1;Serial.flush();delay(AUTOMATIC_MODE_DISPLAY_DELAY);}while (Serial.available() == false || (ack));read_int(); // clears the Serial.availablereturn(ack);}//! Sleep Modeint8_t menu_4_sleep_mode(int8_t mAh_or_Coulombs ,uint16_t prescalar_mode,uint16_t prescalarValue, uint16_t alcc_mode)//! @return Returns the state of the acknowledge bit after the I2C address write.0=acknowledge, 1=no acknowledge{int8_t LTC2943_mode;int8_t ack = 0;LTC2943_mode = LTC2943_SLEEP_MODE|prescalar_mode|alcc_mode ; //! Set the control mode of the LTC2943 to sleep mode as well as set prescalar andAL#/CC# pin values.Serial.println();ack |= LTC2943_write(LTC2943_I2C_ADDRESS, LTC2943_CONTROL_REG,LTC2943_mode); //! Writes the set mode to the LTC2943 control registerdo{Serial.print(F("*************************\n\n"));delay(100);uint8_t status_code;uint16_t charge_code;ack |= LTC2943_read_16_bits(LTC2943_I2C_ADDRESS,LTC2943_ACCUM_CHARGE_MSB_REG, &charge_code); //! Read MSB and LSBAccumulated Charge Registers for 16 bit charge codeack |= LTC2943_read(LTC2943_I2C_ADDRESS, LTC2943_STATUS_REG,&status_code); //! Read Status Registers for 8 bit status codefloat charge;if(mAh_or_Coulombs){charge = LTC2943_code_to_coulombs(charge_code, resistor, prescalarValue); //! Convert charge code to Coulombs if Coulomb units are desired.Serial.print("Coulombs: ");Serial.print(charge, 4);Serial.print(F(" C\n"));}else{charge = LTC2943_code_to_mAh(charge_code, resistor, prescalarValue); //! Convert charge code to mAh if mAh units are desired.Serial.print("mAh: ");Serial.print(charge, 4);Serial.print(F(" mAh\n"));}Serial.print(F("Current "));Serial.print(F(" ADC Sleep...\n"));Serial.print(F("Voltage "));Serial.print(F(" ADC Sleep...\n"));Serial.print(F("Temperature "));Serial.print(F(" ADC Sleep...\n"));Serial.print(F("m-Main Menu\n\n"));checkAlerts(status_code);Serial.flush();delay(AUTOMATIC_MODE_DISPLAY_DELAY);}while (Serial.available() == false || (ack));read_int(); // clears the Serial.availablereturn(ack);}//! Shutdown Modeint8_t menu_5_shutdown_mode()//! @return Returns the state of the acknowledge bit after the I2C address write. 0=acknowledge, 1=no acknowledge{int8_t ack = 0;ack |= LTC2943_write(LTC2943_I2C_ADDRESS, LTC2943_CONTROL_REG,LTC2943_SHUTDOWN_MODE); //! Sets the LTC2943 into shutdown modeSerial.print("LTC2943 Has Been ShutDown\n");return(ack);}//! Settings Menuint8_t menu_6_settings(uint8_t *mAh_or_Coulombs, uint8_t *celcius_or_kelvin, uint16_t *prescalar_mode, uint16_t *prescalarValue, uint16_t *alcc_mode)//! @return Returns the state of the acknowledge bit after the I2C address write. 0=acknowledge, 1=no acknowledge{int8_t ack = 0;int8_t user_command;do{Serial.print(F("*************************\n\n"));Serial.print(F("1-Set Alert Thresholds\n"));Serial.print(F("2-Set Prescalar Value\n"));Serial.print(F("3-Set AL#/CC# Pin State\n"));Serial.print(F("4-Set Units\n"));Serial.print(F("m-Main Menu\n\n"));Serial.print(F("Enter a command: "));user_command = read_int();if (user_command == 'm')Serial.println("m");elseSerial.println(user_command);Serial.println();switch (user_command){case 1:ack |= menu_6_settings_menu_1_set_alert_thresholds(); //! Settings Menu to set Alert Thresholdsbreak;case 2:ack |= menu_6_settings_menu_2_set_prescalar_values(prescalar_mode, prescalarValue); //! Settings Menu to set Prescalar Valuesbreak;case 3:ack |= menu_6_alert_menu_3_set_allcc_state(alcc_mode); //! Settings Menu to set AL#/CC# modebreak;case 4:ack |= menu_6_alert_menu_4_set_units(mAh_or_Coulombs,celcius_or_kelvin); //! Settings Menu to set Temperature and ChargeUnitsbreak;default:if (user_command != 'm')Serial.println("Incorrect Option");break;}}while (!((user_command == 'm') || (ack)));return(ack);}//! Alert Threshold Menuint8_t menu_6_settings_menu_1_set_alert_thresholds()//! @return Returns the state of the acknowledge bit after the I2C address write. 0=acknowledge, 1=no acknowledge{int8_t ack = 0;int8_t user_command;do{Serial.print(F("*************************\n\n"));Serial.print(F("1-Set Charge Thresholds\n"));Serial.print(F("2-Set Voltage Thresholds\n"));Serial.print(F("3-Set Current Thresholds\n"));Serial.print(F("4-Set Temperature Thresholds\n"));Serial.print(F("m-Main Menu\n\n"));Serial.print(F("Enter a command: "));user_command = read_int();if (user_command == 'm')Serial.println("m");elseSerial.println(user_command);Serial.println();switch (user_command){case 1:ack |= menu_6_alert_menu_1_set_charge_thresholds(); //! Set Max and Min Charge Thresholds. The ACR charge lsb size changes with respect tothe prescalar and sense resistor value. Due to this variability, for the purpose of this demo enter values in hexadecimal.break;case 2:ack |= menu_6_alert_menu_2_set_voltage_thresholds(); //! Set Max and Min Voltage Thresholds. Enter Values in Voltsbreak;case 3:ack |= menu_6_alert_menu_3_set_current_thresholds(); //! Set Max and Min Current Thresholds. Enter Values in Amperes.break;case 4:ack |= menu_6_alert_menu_4_set_temperature_thresholds(); //! Set Max and Min Temperature Thresholds. Enter Values in Celcius.break;default:if (user_command != 'm')Serial.println("Incorrect Option");break;}}while (!((user_command == 'm') || (ack)));return(ack);}//! Set Charge Threshold Functionint8_t menu_6_alert_menu_1_set_charge_thresholds()//! @return Returns the state of the acknowledge bit after the I2C address write.0=acknowledge, 1=no acknowledge{int8_t ack = 0;Serial.print(F("Enter RAW Max Charge Threshold:"));uint16_t max_charge_threshold;max_charge_threshold = read_int();//! Read user entered valueSerial.println(max_charge_threshold);ack |= LTC2943_write_16_bits(LTC2943_I2C_ADDRESS,LTC2943_CHARGE_THRESH_HIGH_MSB_REG, max_charge_threshold); //! writeuser entered value to HIGH threshold registerSerial.print(F("Enter RAW Min Charge Threshold:"));float min_charge_threshold;min_charge_threshold = read_int();//! Read user entered valueSerial.println(min_charge_threshold);ack |= LTC2943_write_16_bits(LTC2943_I2C_ADDRESS,LTC2943_CHARGE_THRESH_LOW_MSB_REG, min_charge_threshold); //! writeuser entered value to HIGH threshold registerreturn(ack);}//! Set Voltage Thresholdsint8_t menu_6_alert_menu_2_set_voltage_thresholds()//! @return Returns the state of the acknowledge bit after the I2C address write.0=acknowledge, 1=no acknowledge{int8_t ack = 0;Serial.print(F("Enter Max Voltage Threshold:"));float max_voltage_threshold;max_voltage_threshold = read_float(); //! Read user entered valueSerial.print(max_voltage_threshold, 3);Serial.println("V");uint16_t max_voltage_threshold_code =max_voltage_threshold*(0xFFFF)/(LTC2943_FULLSCALE_VOLTAGE);//! Convert user entered voltage into adc code.ack |= LTC2943_write_16_bits(LTC2943_I2C_ADDRESS,LTC2943_VOLTAGE_THRESH_HIGH_MSB_REG, max_voltage_threshold_code);//! Write adc code to HIGH threshold registerSerial.print(F("Enter Min Voltage Threshold:"));float min_voltage_threshold;min_voltage_threshold = read_float(); //! Read user entered valueSerial.println(min_voltage_threshold, 3);Serial.println("V");uint16_t min_voltage_threshold_code =min_voltage_threshold*(0xFFFF)/(LTC2943_FULLSCALE_VOLTAGE);//! Convert user entered voltage into adc code.ack |= LTC2943_write_16_bits(LTC2943_I2C_ADDRESS,LTC2943_VOLTAGE_THRESH_LOW_MSB_REG, min_voltage_threshold_code); //!Write adc code to LOW threshold registerreturn(ack);}//! Set Current Thresholdsint8_t menu_6_alert_menu_3_set_current_thresholds()//! @return Returns the state of the acknowledge bit after the I2C address write.0=acknowledge, 1=no acknowledge{int8_t ack = 0;Serial.print(F("Enter Max Current Threshold:"));float max_current_threshold;max_current_threshold = read_float(); //! Read user entered valueSerial.print(max_current_threshold, 3);Serial.println("A");uint16_t max_current_threshold_code =resistor*max_current_threshold*(0x7FFF)/(LTC2943_FULLSCALE_CURRENT) +0x7FFF; //! Convert user entered current into adc code.ack |= LTC2943_write_16_bits(LTC2943_I2C_ADDRESS,LTC2943_CURRENT_THRESH_HIGH_MSB_REG, max_current_threshold_code); //!Write adc code to HIGH threshold registerSerial.print(F("Enter Min Current Threshold:"));float min_current_threshold;min_current_threshold = read_float(); //! Read user entered valueSerial.print(min_current_threshold, 3);Serial.println("A");uint16_t min_current_threshold_code =resistor*min_current_threshold*(0x7FFF)/(LTC2943_FULLSCALE_CURRENT) +0x7FFF; //! Convert user entered current into adc code.ack |= LTC2943_write_16_bits(LTC2943_I2C_ADDRESS,LTC2943_CURRENT_THRESH_LOW_MSB_REG, min_current_threshold_code); //!Write adc code to LOW threshold registerreturn(ack);}//! Set Temperature Thresholdsint8_t menu_6_alert_menu_4_set_temperature_thresholds()//! @return Returns the state of the acknowledge bit after the I2C address write.0=acknowledge, 1=no acknowledge{int8_t ack = 0;Serial.print(F("Enter Max Temperature Threshold in Celcius:"));float max_temperature_threshold;max_temperature_threshold = read_float(); //! Read user entered valueSerial.print(max_temperature_threshold, 2);Serial.println("C");uint16_t max_temperature_threshold_code = (max_temperature_threshold +273.15)*(0xFFFF)/(LTC2943_FULLSCALE_TEMPERATURE); //! Convert user enteredtemperature into adc code.ack |= LTC2943_write_16_bits(LTC2943_I2C_ADDRESS,LTC2943_TEMPERATURE_THRESH_HIGH_REG, max_temperature_threshold_code);//! Write adc code to HIGH threshold registerSerial.print(F("Enter Min Temperature Threshold in Celcius:"));float min_temperature_threshold;min_temperature_threshold = read_float(); //! Read user entered valueSerial.print(min_temperature_threshold, 2);Serial.println("C");uint16_t min_temperature_threshold_code = (min_temperature_threshold + 273.15)*(0xFFFF)/(LTC2943_FULLSCALE_TEMPERATURE); //! Convert user entered temperature into adc code.ack |= LTC2943_write_16_bits(LTC2943_I2C_ADDRESS,LTC2943_TEMPERATURE_THRESH_LOW_REG, min_temperature_threshold_code); //! Write adc code to LOW threshold registerreturn(ack);}//! Prescalar Menuint8_t menu_6_settings_menu_2_set_prescalar_values(uint16_t *prescalar_mode, uint16_t *prescalarValue)//! @return Returns the state of the acknowledge bit after the I2C address write.0=acknowledge, 1=no acknowledge{int8_t ack = 0;int8_t user_command;do{Serial.print(F("*************************\n\n"));Serial.print(F("1-Set Prescalar M = 1\n"));Serial.print(F("2-Set Prescalar M = 4\n"));Serial.print(F("3-Set Prescalar M = 16\n"));Serial.print(F("4-Set Prescalar M = 64\n"));Serial.print(F("5-Set Prescalar M = 256\n"));Serial.print(F("6-Set Prescalar M = 1024\n"));Serial.print(F("7-Set Prescalar M = 4096\n"));Serial.print(F("m-Main Menu\n\n"));Serial.print(F("Enter a command: "));user_command = read_int();if (user_command == 'm')Serial.println("m");else。
TOP VIEWTOP VIEWLTC4008是凌特公司生产的多用途恒流、恒压电池充电控制器,它的输入电压为6-28V,输出电压为3-28V,最小压降为0.5V,电压精度为±0.8%,充电电流达4A。
LTC4008的内部电路框图LTC4008LTC4008的针脚封装图THERMISTOR10kNTCQ3引脚号引脚名称引脚功能1DCIN6-28V直流电源输入端2I CL输入限流指示端3ACP/SHDN关断控制输入端。
该脚为高电平时,用于指示电源适配器电压;该脚被拉低时,充电器关闭4R T定时电阻连接端。
6GND接地端7V FB电压反馈误差放大器(EA输入端8NTC电池温度检测输入端9I TH电流模式PWM内部环路控制信号,该引脚电压较高时,充电电流也较大。
1. 功能概述,LTC6806能够监测每个电池单体的电压和温度,并通过SPI接口与微控制器通信。
2. 电气特性,使用手册中应包括LTC6806的电气特性,如工作电压范围、电流消耗、输入/输出电压等级等。
3. 接口和通信,手册应该详细描述LTC6806的SPI接口协议,包括通信速率、数据格式、寄存器映射等。
4. 配置和寄存器设置,使用手册应该包括LTC6806的配置选项和寄存器设置说明,以便用户能够正确地配置设备以满足其应用需求。
5. 应用注意事项,手册中应该包括一些使用LTC6806时需要注
6. 示例应用电路,手册中可以包括一些示例应用电路图和说明,以帮助用户更好地理解LTC6806的使用方法。
ltc6820 用法
![ltc6820 用法](
ltc6820 用法
它可以通过一个或多个LTC6820之间的daisy chain串联连接到多个芯片,并通过一对全双工的差分通信线与主控制器通信。
1. 电压控制功能:LTC7001具有高精度的电压控制功能,可根据需要调整输出
2. 稳压保护功能:LTC7001还具备稳压保护功能,可保护电路免受过流、过压、过热等问题的影响。
3. 通信接口:LTC7001支持多种通信接口,如I2C和SPI,可与其他设备进行
4. 可编程控制:LTC7001可以通过编程方式来控制输出电压和其他参数。
5. 可靠性和稳定性:LTC7001经过严格的质量控制和稳定性测试,具有出色的
其它 VREG:4mA输出 NC:10ohm-V MMB:监视模式〔低电平有效〕 WDTB:看门狗输出〔SCKI:2s〕 GPIO1/2:通用输入输出 SCKO:时钟输出 SDOI:串行数据输入/输出
待机模式 监视模式〔只监视过压和欠压电池〕 测量模式
电压相关 C1-C12:检测电压 S1-S12:均衡电压 V+/V-:最高/低电压 温度相关
Vtemp1/2:热敏电阻输入 VREF:热敏电阻电压参考电源
串口相关 串口+片间 CSBI:片选输入 SCKI :时钟输入 SDO:串行数据输出 SDI:串行数据输入
片间 CSBO:片选输出 SCKO:时钟输出 SDOI:串行数据输入/输出
devices in stack start AID conversions simultaneously) 〔SDI〕 3. SDO output from bottom device pulled low for approximately 12ms〔SDO〕 4. SDO output toggles at 1kHz rate, indicating conversions complete for all
(S) 〔SDO〕 4. Read CVROO byte oVR01 (M), CVR02 (M), CVR17 (M), and then PEC
(M) 〔SDO〕 5. Read CVROO byte fortop device, then CVR01 (T), CVR02 (T), ... CVR17 (T) , and then PEC (T)
二、ltc2949的典型应用电路介绍1. ltc2949的基本功能ltc2949是一款多功能电池电量测量芯片,具有电流和电压测量功能,同时还能够进行温度补偿和电池容量计算。
2. 典型应用电路示意图在标准的ltc2949应用电路中,通常包括电流感测电阻、电池、电源系统和微处理器等核心部件。
3. ltc2949的典型应用场景ltc2949多功能电池电量测量芯片可以广泛应用于便携式设备中,如智能手机、平板电脑、便携式电源等,同时在工业领域中也具有广泛的应用前景,如传感器设备、数据采集设备等。
三、ltc2949应用电路的变形1. 基于ltc2949的创新电路设计随着电子技术的不断发展,人们对于电池管理的需求也愈发迫切,这就需要针对ltc2949的典型应用电路进行创新和改进。
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LTC2943 - 具温度、电压和电流测量功能的多节电池电量测量芯片特点•可测量累积的电池充电和放电电量• 3.6V 至 20V 工作范围可适合多种电池应用•14 位 ADC 负责测量电池电压、电流和温度•1% 电压、电流和充电准确度•±50mV 检测电压范围•高压侧检测•适合任何电池化学组成和容量的通用测量•I2C / SMBus 接口•可配置警报输出 / 充电完成输入•静态电流小于120μA•小外形 8 引脚 3mm x 3mm DFN 封装典型应用描述LTC®2943 可测量便携式产品应用中的电池充电状态、电池电压、电池电流及其自身温度。
其具有宽输入电压范围,因而可与高达 20V 的多节电池配合使用。
电池电压、电流和温度利用一个内部 14位无延迟增量累加(No Latency ΔΣTM) ADC 来测量。
测量结果被存储于可通过内置 I2C / SMBus 接口进行存取的内部寄存器中。
LTC2943 具有针对所有 4 种测量物理量的可编程高门限和低门限。
如果超过了某个编程门限,则该器件将采用 SMBus 警报协议或通过在内部状态寄存器中设定一个标记来传送警报信号。
LTC2943 仅需采用单个低阻值检测电阻器以设定测量电流范围。
应用•电动工具•电动自行车•便携式医疗设备•视频摄像机程序:#include <Arduino.h>#include <stdint.h>#include "Linduino.h"#include "LT_I2C.h"#include "UserInterface.h"#include "QuikEval_EEPROM.h"#include "LTC2943.h"#include <Wire.h>// Function Declarationvoid print_title(); // Print the title blockvoid print_prompt(); // Print the Promptvoid store_alert_settings(); // Store the alert settings tothe EEPROMint8_t restore_alert_settings(); // Read the alert settings from EEPROM#define AUTOMATIC_MODE_DISPLAY_DELAY 1000 //!< The delay between readings in automatic mode#define SCAN_MODE_DISPLAY_DELAY 10000 //!< The delay between readings in scan modeconst float resistor = .100; //!< resistor value on demo board// Error stringconst char ack_error[] = "Error: No Acknowledge. Check I2C Address."; //!< Error message// Global variablesstatic int8_t demo_board_connected; //!< Set to 1 if theboard is connectedstatic uint8_t alert_code = 0; //!< Value stored or read from ALERT register. Shared between loop() andrestore_alert_settings()//! Initialize Linduinovoid setup(){char demo_name[] = "DC1812"; //! Demo Board Name stored in QuikEval EEPROMquikeval_I2C_init(); //! Configure the EEPROM I2C port for 100kHzquikeval_I2C_connect(); //! Connects to main I2C portSerial.begin(115200); //! Initialize the serial port to the PCprint_title();demo_board_connected = discover_demo_board(demo_name);if (demo_board_connected){print_prompt();}else{demo_board_connected = true;Serial.println("Did not read ID String, attempting to proceed anyway...\nPlease ensure I2C lines of Linduino are connected to the LTC device");}}//! Repeats Linduino loopvoid loop(){int8_t ack = 0; //! I2C acknowledge indicatorstatic uint8_t user_command; //! The user input commandstatic uint8_t mAh_or_Coulombs = 0;static uint8_t celcius_or_kelvin = 0;static uint16_t prescalar_mode = LTC2943_PRESCALAR_M_4096;static uint16_t prescalarValue = 4096;static uint16_t alcc_mode = LTC2943_ALERT_MODE;if (demo_board_connected) //! Do nothing if the demo board is not connected{if (Serial.available()) //! Do nothing if serial is not available{user_command = read_int(); //! Read user input commandif (user_command != 'm')Serial.println(user_command);Serial.println();ack = 0;switch (user_command) //! Prints the appropriate submenu{case 1:ack |= menu_1_automatic_mode(mAh_or_Coulombs,celcius_or_kelvin, prescalar_mode, prescalarValue, alcc_mode); //!Automatic Modebreak;case 2:ack |= menu_2_scan_mode(mAh_or_Coulombs, celcius_or_kelvin,prescalar_mode, prescalarValue, alcc_mode); //! Scan Modebreak;case 3:ack |= menu_3_manual_mode(mAh_or_Coulombs,celcius_or_kelvin, prescalar_mode, prescalarValue, alcc_mode); //!Manual Modebreak;case 4:ack |= menu_4_sleep_mode(mAh_or_Coulombs, prescalar_mode, prescalarValue, alcc_mode); //! Sleep Modebreak;case 5:ack |= menu_5_shutdown_mode(); //! Shutdown Modebreak;case 6:ack |= menu_6_settings(&mAh_or_Coulombs,&celcius_or_kelvin, &prescalar_mode, &prescalarValue, &alcc_mode);//! Settings Modebreak;}if (ack != 0)//! If ack is not recieved print an error.Serial.println(ack_error);Serial.print(F("*************************"));print_prompt();}}}// Function Definitions//! Print the title blockvoid print_title(){Serial.println(F("\n*****************************************************************"));Serial.print(F("* DC1812A Demonstration Program *\n"));Serial.print(F("* *\n"));Serial.print(F("* This program communicates with the LTC2943Multicell Coulomb *\n"));Serial.print(F("* Counter found on the DC1812A demo board. *\n"));Serial.print(F("* Set the baud rate to 115200 and select thenewline terminator.*\n"));Serial.print(F("* *\n"));Serial.print(F("*****************************************************************\n"));}//! Print the Promptvoid print_prompt(){Serial.print(F("\n1-Automatic Mode\n"));Serial.print(F("2-Scan Mode\n"));Serial.print(F("3-Manual Mode\n"));Serial.print(F("4-Sleep Mode\n"));Serial.print(F("5-Shutdown Mode\n"));Serial.print(F("6-Settings\n"));Serial.print(F("Enter a command: "));}//! Automatic Mode.int8_t menu_1_automatic_mode(int8_t mAh_or_Coulombs, int8_tcelcius_or_kelvin ,uint16_t prescalar_mode, uint16_t prescalarValue,uint16_t alcc_mode)//! @return Returns the state of the acknowledge bit after the I2Caddress write. 0=acknowledge, 1=no acknowledge.{int8_t LTC2943_mode; int8_t ack = 0;LTC2943_mode = LTC2943_AUTOMATIC_MODE|prescalar_mode|alcc_mode ; //! Set the control register of the LTC2943 to automatic mode aswell as set prescalar and AL#/CC# pin values.Serial.println();ack |= LTC2943_write(LTC2943_I2C_ADDRESS, LTC2943_CONTROL_REG,LTC2943_mode); //! Writes the set mode to the LTC2943 controlregisterdo{Serial.print(F("*************************\n\n"));uint8_t status_code, hightemp_code, lowtemp_code;uint16_t charge_code, current_code, voltage_code, temperature_code;ack |= LTC2943_read_16_bits(LTC2943_I2C_ADDRESS,LTC2943_ACCUM_CHARGE_MSB_REG, &charge_code); //! Read MSB and LSB Accumulated Charge Registers for 16 bit charge codeack |= LTC2943_read_16_bits(LTC2943_I2C_ADDRESS,LTC2943_VOLTAGE_MSB_REG, &voltage_code); //! Read MSB and LSB Voltage Registers for 16 bit voltage codeack |= LTC2943_read_16_bits(LTC2943_I2C_ADDRESS,LTC2943_CURRENT_MSB_REG, ¤t_code); //! Read MSB and LSB Current Registers for 16 bit current codeack |= LTC2943_read_16_bits(LTC2943_I2C_ADDRESS,LTC2943_TEMPERATURE_MSB_REG, &temperature_code); //! Read MSB and LSB Temperature Registers for 16 bit temperature codeack |= LTC2943_read(LTC2943_I2C_ADDRESS, LTC2943_STATUS_REG, &status_code); //! Read Status Register for 8 bit status codefloat charge, current, voltage, temperature;if(mAh_or_Coulombs){charge = LTC2943_code_to_coulombs(charge_code, resistor, prescalarValue); //! Convert charge code to Coulombs if Coulomb units are desired.Serial.print("Coulombs: ");Serial.print(charge, 4);Serial.print(F(" C\n"));}else{charge = LTC2943_code_to_mAh(charge_code, resistor,prescalarValue); //! Convert charge code to mAh if mAh unitsare desired.Serial.print("mAh: ");Serial.print(charge, 4);Serial.print(F(" mAh\n"));}current = LTC2943_code_to_current(current_code, resistor); //! Convert current code to Amperesvoltage = LTC2943_code_to_voltage(voltage_code); //! Convert voltage code to VoltsSerial.print(F("Current "));Serial.print(current, 4);Serial.print(F(" A\n"));Serial.print(F("Voltage "));Serial.print(voltage, 4);Serial.print(F(" V\n"));if(celcius_or_kelvin){temperature =LTC2943_code_to_kelvin_temperature(temperature_code); //! Convert temperature code to kelvinSerial.print(F("Temperature "));Serial.print(temperature, 4);Serial.print(F(" K\n"));}else{temperature =LTC2943_code_to_celcius_temperature(temperature_code); //! Convert temperature code to celciusSerial.print(F("Temperature "));Serial.print(temperature, 4);Serial.print(F(" C\n"));}checkAlerts(status_code); //! Check status code for Alerts. If an Alert has been set, printout appropriate message in the Serial Prompt.Serial.print(F("m-Main Menu\n\n"));Serial.flush();delay(AUTOMATIC_MODE_DISPLAY_DELAY); //! Delay for 1s before next polling}while (Serial.available() == false || (ack)); //! if Serial is not available and an NACK has not been recieved,keep polling the registers.read_int(); // clears the Serial.availablereturn(ack);}//! Scan Modeint8_t menu_2_scan_mode(int8_t mAh_or_Coulombs , int8_tcelcius_or_kelvin ,uint16_t prescalar_mode,uint16_t prescalarValue,uint16_t alcc_mode)//! @return Returns the state of the acknowledge bit after the I2Caddress write. 0=acknowledge, 1=no acknowledge{int8_t LTC2943_mode;int8_t ack = 0;LTC2943_mode = LTC2943_SCAN_MODE|prescalar_mode|alcc_mode ; //! Set the control mode of the LTC2943 to scan mode as well as setprescalar and AL#/CC# pin values.Serial.println();ack |= LTC2943_write(LTC2943_I2C_ADDRESS, LTC2943_CONTROL_REG,LTC2943_mode); //! Writes the set mode to the LTC2943control registerdo{Serial.print(F("*************************\n\n"));uint8_t status_code;uint16_t charge_code, current_code, voltage_code,temperature_code;ack |= LTC2943_read_16_bits(LTC2943_I2C_ADDRESS,LTC2943_ACCUM_CHARGE_MSB_REG, &charge_code); //! Read MSBand LSB Accumulated Charge Registers for 16 bit charge codeack |= LTC2943_read_16_bits(LTC2943_I2C_ADDRESS,LTC2943_VOLTAGE_MSB_REG, &voltage_code); //! Read MSBand LSB Voltage Registers for 16 bit voltage codeack |= LTC2943_read_16_bits(LTC2943_I2C_ADDRESS,LTC2943_CURRENT_MSB_REG, ¤t_code); //! Read MSBand LSB Current Registers for 16 bit current codeack |= LTC2943_read_16_bits(LTC2943_I2C_ADDRESS,LTC2943_TEMPERATURE_MSB_REG, &temperature_code); //! Read MSBand LSB Temperature Registers for 16 bit temperature codeack |= LTC2943_read(LTC2943_I2C_ADDRESS, LTC2943_STATUS_REG,&status_code); //! Read Status Registersfor 8 bit status codefloat charge, current, voltage, temperature;if(mAh_or_Coulombs){charge = LTC2943_code_to_coulombs(charge_code, resistor, prescalarValue); //! Convert charge codeto Coulombs if Coulomb units are desired.Serial.print("Coulombs: ");Serial.print(charge, 4);Serial.print(F(" C\n"));}else{charge = LTC2943_code_to_mAh(charge_code, resistor,prescalarValue); //! Convert chargecode to mAh if mAh units are desired.Serial.print("mAh: ");Serial.print(charge, 4);Serial.print(F(" mAh\n"));}current = LTC2943_code_to_current(current_code, resistor); //! Convert current code to Amperesvoltage = LTC2943_code_to_voltage(voltage_code); //! Convert voltage code to VoltsSerial.print(F("Current "));Serial.print(current, 4);Serial.print(F(" A\n"));Serial.print(F("Voltage "));Serial.print(voltage, 4);Serial.print(F(" V\n"));if(celcius_or_kelvin){temperature =LTC2943_code_to_kelvin_temperature(temperature_code); //! Convert temperature code to Kelvin if Kelvin units are desired.Serial.print(F("Temperature "));Serial.print(temperature, 4);Serial.print(F(" K\n"));}else{temperature =LTC2943_code_to_celcius_temperature(temperature_code); //! Convert temperature code to Celcius if Celcius units are desired.Serial.print(F("Temperature "));Serial.print(temperature, 4);Serial.print(F(" C\n"));}checkAlerts(status_code); //! Check status code for Alerts. If an Alert has been set, printout appropriate message in the Serial PromptSerial.print(F("m-Main Menu\n\n"));Serial.flush();delay(SCAN_MODE_DISPLAY_DELAY);}while (Serial.available() == false || (ack));read_int(); // clears the Serial.availablereturn(ack);}//! Manual Modeint8_t menu_3_manual_mode(int8_t mAh_or_Coulombs ,int8_tcelcius_or_kelvin ,uint16_t prescalar_mode, uint16_t prescalarValue,uint16_t alcc_mode)//! @return Returns the state of the acknowledge bit after the I2Caddress write. 0=acknowledge, 1=no acknowledge{int8_t LTC2943_mode;int8_t ack = 0;LTC2943_mode = LTC2943_MANUAL_MODE|prescalar_mode|alcc_mode ; //! Set the control mode of the LTC2943 to manual mode as well asset prescalar and AL#/CC# pin values.Serial.println();ack |= LTC2943_write(LTC2943_I2C_ADDRESS, LTC2943_CONTROL_REG,LTC2943_mode); //! Writes the set mode to theLTC2943 control registerint staleData = 0; //! Stale Data Check variable. When set to 1 it indicates that staledata is being read from the voltage, current and{Serial.print(F("*************************\n\n"));uint8_t status_code;uint16_t charge_code, current_code, voltage_code,temperature_code;ack |= LTC2943_read_16_bits(LTC2943_I2C_ADDRESS,LTC2943_ACCUM_CHARGE_MSB_REG, &charge_code); //! Read MSBand LSB Accumulated Charge Registers for 16 bit charge codeack |= LTC2943_read_16_bits(LTC2943_I2C_ADDRESS,LTC2943_VOLTAGE_MSB_REG, &voltage_code); //! Read MSB and LSB Voltage Registers for 16 bit voltage codeack |= LTC2943_read_16_bits(LTC2943_I2C_ADDRESS,LTC2943_CURRENT_MSB_REG, ¤t_code); //! Read MSB and LSB Current Registers for 16 bit current codeack |= LTC2943_read_16_bits(LTC2943_I2C_ADDRESS,LTC2943_TEMPERATURE_MSB_REG, &temperature_code); //! Read MSB and LSB Temperature Registers for 16 bit temperature codeack |= LTC2943_read(LTC2943_I2C_ADDRESS, LTC2943_STATUS_REG, &status_code); //! Read Status Registers for 8 bit status codefloat charge, current, voltage, temperature;if(mAh_or_Coulombs){charge = LTC2943_code_to_coulombs(charge_code, resistor, prescalarValue); //! Convert charge code to Coulombs if Coulomb units are desired.Serial.print("Coulombs: ");Serial.print(charge, 4);Serial.print(F(" C\n"));}else{charge = LTC2943_code_to_mAh(charge_code, resistor, prescalarValue); //! Convert charge code to mAh if mAh units are desired.Serial.print("mAh: ");Serial.print(charge, 4);Serial.print(F(" mAh\n"));}current = LTC2943_code_to_current(current_code, resistor); //! Convert current code to Amperesvoltage = LTC2943_code_to_voltage(voltage_code); //! Convert voltage code to VoltsSerial.print(F("Current "));Serial.print(current, 4);Serial.print(F(" A"));if(staleData) Serial.print(F(" ***** Stale Data******\n")); //! If Stale datais inside the register after initial snapshot, Print Stale Datamessage.else Serial.println("");Serial.print(F("Voltage "));Serial.print(voltage, 4);Serial.print(F(" V"));if(staleData) Serial.print(F(" ***** Stale Data******\n")); //! If Stale datais inside the register after initial snapshot, Print Stale Datamessage.else Serial.println("");if(celcius_or_kelvin){temperature =LTC2943_code_to_kelvin_temperature(temperature_code); //! Convert temperature code to Kelvin if Kelvin units are desired.Serial.print(F("Temperature "));Serial.print(temperature, 4);Serial.print(F(" K"));}else{temperature =LTC2943_code_to_celcius_temperature(temperature_code); //! Convert temperature code to Celcius if Celcius units are desired.Serial.print(F("Temperature "));Serial.print(temperature, 4);Serial.print(F(" C"));}if(staleData) Serial.print(F(" ***** Stale Data ******\n"));else Serial.println("");checkAlerts(status_code); //! Check status code for Alerts. If an Alert has been set, printout appropriate message in the Serial PromptSerial.print(F("m-Main Menu\n\n"));staleData = 1;Serial.flush();delay(AUTOMATIC_MODE_DISPLAY_DELAY);}while (Serial.available() == false || (ack));read_int(); // clears the Serial.availablereturn(ack);}//! Sleep Modeint8_t menu_4_sleep_mode(int8_t mAh_or_Coulombs ,uint16_tprescalar_mode, uint16_t prescalarValue, uint16_t alcc_mode)//! @return Returns the state of the acknowledge bit after the I2Caddress write. 0=acknowledge, 1=no acknowledge{int8_t LTC2943_mode;int8_t ack = 0;LTC2943_mode = LTC2943_SLEEP_MODE|prescalar_mode|alcc_mode ; //! Set the control mode of the LTC2943 to sleep mode as well as setprescalar and AL#/CC# pin values.Serial.println();ack |= LTC2943_write(LTC2943_I2C_ADDRESS, LTC2943_CONTROL_REG,LTC2943_mode); //! Writes the set mode to the LTC2943control registerdo{Serial.print(F("*************************\n\n"));delay(100);uint8_t status_code;uint16_t charge_code;ack |= LTC2943_read_16_bits(LTC2943_I2C_ADDRESS,LTC2943_ACCUM_CHARGE_MSB_REG, &charge_code); //! Read MSB andLSB Accumulated Charge Registers for 16 bit charge codeack |= LTC2943_read(LTC2943_I2C_ADDRESS, LTC2943_STATUS_REG,&status_code); //! Read Status Registers for 8bit status codefloat charge;if(mAh_or_Coulombs){charge = LTC2943_code_to_coulombs(charge_code, resistor, prescalarValue); //! Convert charge code toCoulombs if Coulomb units are desired.Serial.print("Coulombs: ");Serial.print(charge, 4);Serial.print(F(" C\n"));}else{charge = LTC2943_code_to_mAh(charge_code, resistor, prescalarValue); //! Convert charge code to mAh if mAh units are desired.Serial.print("mAh: ");Serial.print(charge, 4);Serial.print(F(" mAh\n"));}Serial.print(F("Current "));Serial.print(F(" ADC Sleep...\n"));Serial.print(F("Voltage "));Serial.print(F(" ADC Sleep...\n"));Serial.print(F("Temperature "));Serial.print(F(" ADC Sleep...\n"));Serial.print(F("m-Main Menu\n\n"));checkAlerts(status_code);Serial.flush();delay(AUTOMATIC_MODE_DISPLAY_DELAY);}while (Serial.available() == false || (ack));read_int(); // clears the Serial.availablereturn(ack);}//! Shutdown Modeint8_t menu_5_shutdown_mode()//! @return Returns the state of the acknowledge bit after the I2C address write. 0=acknowledge, 1=no acknowledge{int8_t ack = 0;ack |= LTC2943_write(LTC2943_I2C_ADDRESS, LTC2943_CONTROL_REG, LTC2943_SHUTDOWN_MODE); //! Sets the LTC2943 into shutdown modeSerial.print("LTC2943 Has Been ShutDown\n");return(ack);}//! Settings Menuint8_t menu_6_settings(uint8_t *mAh_or_Coulombs, uint8_t*celcius_or_kelvin, uint16_t *prescalar_mode, uint16_t*prescalarValue, uint16_t *alcc_mode)//! @return Returns the state of the acknowledge bit after the I2C address write. 0=acknowledge, 1=no acknowledge{int8_t ack = 0;int8_t user_command;do{Serial.print(F("*************************\n\n"));Serial.print(F("1-Set Alert Thresholds\n"));Serial.print(F("2-Set Prescalar Value\n"));Serial.print(F("3-Set AL#/CC# Pin State\n"));Serial.print(F("4-Set Units\n"));Serial.print(F("m-Main Menu\n\n"));Serial.print(F("Enter a command: "));user_command = read_int();if (user_command == 'm')Serial.println("m");elseSerial.println(user_command);Serial.println();switch (user_command){case 1:ack |= menu_6_settings_menu_1_set_alert_thresholds(); //! Settings Menu to set Alert Thresholdsbreak;case 2:ack |=menu_6_settings_menu_2_set_prescalar_values(prescalar_mode,prescalarValue); //! Settings Menu to set PrescalarValuesbreak;case 3:ack |= menu_6_alert_menu_3_set_allcc_state(alcc_mode); //! Settings Menu to set AL#/CC# modebreak;case 4:ack |= menu_6_alert_menu_4_set_units(mAh_or_Coulombs, celcius_or_kelvin); //! Settings Menu to set Temperature and Charge Unitsbreak;default:if (user_command != 'm')Serial.println("Incorrect Option");break;}}while (!((user_command == 'm') || (ack)));return(ack);}//! Alert Threshold Menuint8_t menu_6_settings_menu_1_set_alert_thresholds()//! @return Returns the state of the acknowledge bit after the I2C address write. 0=acknowledge, 1=no acknowledge{int8_t ack = 0;int8_t user_command;do{Serial.print(F("*************************\n\n"));Serial.print(F("1-Set Charge Thresholds\n"));Serial.print(F("2-Set Voltage Thresholds\n"));Serial.print(F("3-Set Current Thresholds\n"));Serial.print(F("4-Set Temperature Thresholds\n"));Serial.print(F("m-Main Menu\n\n"));Serial.print(F("Enter a command: "));user_command = read_int();if (user_command == 'm')Serial.println("m");elseSerial.println(user_command);Serial.println();switch (user_command){case 1:ack |= menu_6_alert_menu_1_set_charge_thresholds(); //! Set Max and Min Charge Thresholds. The ACR charge lsb sizechanges with respect to the prescalar and sense resistor value. Dueto this variability, for the purpose of this demo enter values in hexadecimal.break;case 2:ack |= menu_6_alert_menu_2_set_voltage_thresholds(); //! Set Max and Min Voltage Thresholds. Enter Values in Voltsbreak;case 3:ack |= menu_6_alert_menu_3_set_current_thresholds(); //! Set Max and Min Current Thresholds. Enter Values in Amperes.break;case 4:ack |= menu_6_alert_menu_4_set_temperature_thresholds(); //! Set Max and Min Temperature Thresholds. Enter Values in Celcius.break;default:if (user_command != 'm')Serial.println("Incorrect Option");break;}}while (!((user_command == 'm') || (ack)));return(ack);}//! Set Charge Threshold Functionint8_t menu_6_alert_menu_1_set_charge_thresholds()//! @return Returns the state of the acknowledge bit after the I2Caddress write. 0=acknowledge, 1=no acknowledge{int8_t ack = 0;Serial.print(F("Enter RAW Max Charge Threshold:"));uint16_t max_charge_threshold;max_charge_threshold = read_int(); //! Read user entered valueSerial.println(max_charge_threshold);ack |= LTC2943_write_16_bits(LTC2943_I2C_ADDRESS,LTC2943_CHARGE_THRESH_HIGH_MSB_REG, max_charge_threshold); //!write user entered value to HIGH threshold registerSerial.print(F("Enter RAW Min Charge Threshold:"));float min_charge_threshold;//! Read user entered valueSerial.println(min_charge_threshold);ack |= LTC2943_write_16_bits(LTC2943_I2C_ADDRESS,LTC2943_CHARGE_THRESH_LOW_MSB_REG, min_charge_threshold); //!write user entered value to HIGH threshold registerreturn(ack);}//! Set Voltage Thresholdsint8_t menu_6_alert_menu_2_set_voltage_thresholds()//! @return Returns the state of the acknowledge bit after the I2Caddress write. 0=acknowledge, 1=no acknowledge{int8_t ack = 0;Serial.print(F("Enter Max Voltage Threshold:"));float max_voltage_threshold;max_voltage_threshold = read_float(); //! Read user entered valueSerial.print(max_voltage_threshold, 3);Serial.println("V");uint16_t max_voltage_threshold_code =max_voltage_threshold*(0xFFFF)/(LTC2943_FULLSCALE_VOLTAGE); //! Convert user entered voltage into adc code.ack |= LTC2943_write_16_bits(LTC2943_I2C_ADDRESS,LTC2943_VOLTAGE_THRESH_HIGH_MSB_REG, max_voltage_threshold_code);//! Write adc code to HIGH threshold registerSerial.print(F("Enter Min Voltage Threshold:"));float min_voltage_threshold;//! Read user entered valueSerial.println(min_voltage_threshold, 3);Serial.println("V");uint16_t min_voltage_threshold_code =min_voltage_threshold*(0xFFFF)/(LTC2943_FULLSCALE_VOLTAGE); //! Convert user entered voltage into adc code.ack |= LTC2943_write_16_bits(LTC2943_I2C_ADDRESS,LTC2943_VOLTAGE_THRESH_LOW_MSB_REG, min_voltage_threshold_code);//! Write adc code to LOW threshold registerreturn(ack);}//! Set Current Thresholdsint8_t menu_6_alert_menu_3_set_current_thresholds()//! @return Returns the state of the acknowledge bit after the I2Caddress write. 0=acknowledge, 1=no acknowledge{int8_t ack = 0;Serial.print(F("Enter Max Current Threshold:"));float max_current_threshold;max_current_threshold = read_float(); //! Read user entered valueSerial.print(max_current_threshold, 3);Serial.println("A");uint16_t max_current_threshold_code =resistor*max_current_threshold*(0x7FFF)/(LTC2943_FULLSCALE_CURRENT)+ 0x7FFF; //! Convert user entered current into adc code.ack |= LTC2943_write_16_bits(LTC2943_I2C_ADDRESS,LTC2943_CURRENT_THRESH_HIGH_MSB_REG, max_current_threshold_code);//! Write adc code to HIGH threshold registerSerial.print(F("Enter Min Current Threshold:"));float min_current_threshold;min_current_threshold = read_float(); //! Read user entered valueSerial.print(min_current_threshold, 3);Serial.println("A");uint16_t min_current_threshold_code =resistor*min_current_threshold*(0x7FFF)/(LTC2943_FULLSCALE_CURRENT)+ 0x7FFF; //! Convert user entered current into adc code.ack |= LTC2943_write_16_bits(LTC2943_I2C_ADDRESS,LTC2943_CURRENT_THRESH_LOW_MSB_REG, min_current_threshold_code);//! Write adc code to LOW threshold registerreturn(ack);}//! Set Temperature Thresholdsint8_t menu_6_alert_menu_4_set_temperature_thresholds()//! @return Returns the state of the acknowledge bit after the I2Caddress write. 0=acknowledge, 1=no acknowledge{int8_t ack = 0;Serial.print(F("Enter Max Temperature Threshold in Celcius:"));float max_temperature_threshold;max_temperature_threshold = read_float(); //! Read user entered valueSerial.print(max_temperature_threshold, 2);Serial.println("C");uint16_t max_temperature_threshold_code =(max_temperature_threshold +273.15)*(0xFFFF)/(LTC2943_FULLSCALE_TEMPERATURE); //! Convert userentered temperature into adc code.ack |= LTC2943_write_16_bits(LTC2943_I2C_ADDRESS,LTC2943_TEMPERATURE_THRESH_HIGH_REG, max_temperature_threshold_code);//! Write adc code to HIGH threshold registerSerial.print(F("Enter Min Temperature Threshold in Celcius:"));float min_temperature_threshold;min_temperature_threshold = read_float(); //! Read user entered valueSerial.print(min_temperature_threshold, 2);Serial.println("C");uint16_t min_temperature_threshold_code =(min_temperature_threshold +273.15)*(0xFFFF)/(LTC2943_FULLSCALE_TEMPERATURE); //! Convert userentered temperature into adc code.ack |= LTC2943_write_16_bits(LTC2943_I2C_ADDRESS,LTC2943_TEMPERATURE_THRESH_LOW_REG, min_temperature_threshold_code);//! Write adc code to LOW threshold registerreturn(ack);}//! Prescalar Menuint8_t menu_6_settings_menu_2_set_prescalar_values(uint16_t*prescalar_mode, uint16_t *prescalarValue)//! @return Returns the state of the acknowledge bit after the I2Caddress write. 0=acknowledge, 1=no acknowledge{int8_t ack = 0;int8_t user_command;do{。