高中英语篇目索引 (20081~12)




八六版高中英语课文第一册LESSON 1 HOW MARX LEARNED FOREIGN LANGUAGES马克思怎样学习外语LESSON 2 AT HOME IN THE FUTURE未来的家LESSON 3 THE BLIND MEN AND THE ELEPHANT 盲人和象LESSON 4 GALILEO AND ARISTOTLE伽利略和亚里斯多德LESSON 5 THE LOST NECKLACE丢失的项链LESSON 6 ABRAHAM LINCOLN 亚伯拉罕·林肯LESSON 7 THE EMPEROR'S NEW CLOTHES皇帝的新装LESSON 8 THE EMPEROR'S NEW CLOTHES(Continued)皇帝的新装(续)LESSON 9 LADY SILKWORM蚕花娘子LESSON 10 THE GREAT WALL OF CHINA中国的万里长城LESSON 11 AT A TAILOR'S SHOP在服装店(选自《百万英镑》)LESSON 12 POLLUTION污染LESSON 13 THE FOOTPRINT脚印(选自《鲁滨逊漂流记》)LESSON 14 WATCHING ANTS观蚁LESSON 15 NAPOLEON'S THREE QUESTIONS拿破仑的三个问题LESSON 16 CONTINENTS AND OCEANS大陆和海洋LESSON 17 THE STORY OF WILLIAM TELL 威廉·泰尔的故事LESSON 18 A LITTLE HERO小英雄阅读:Merry Christmas圣诞快乐1. HOW TO USE AN ENGLISH DICTIONARY2. GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND3. THAT CRAZY TOWER IN PISA4. THE BEST ADVICE I EVER HAD5. THE FIRST TELEVISION6.THE BOYS BUILD A BRIDGELESSON 1 PORTRAIT OF A TEACHER一位教师的写照LESSON 2 THE TALLEST GRASS最高的草LESSON 3 ALL THESE THINGS ARE TO BE ANSWERED FOR所有这一切都是要偿还的(选自《双城记》)LESSON 4 ALL THESE THINGS ARE TO BE ANSWERED FOR(Continued)所有这一切都是要偿还的(续)LESSON 5 WINTER SLEEP冬眠LESSON 6 ALBERT EINSTEIN阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦LESSON 7 ALBERT EINSTEIN(Continued)阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦(续)LESSON 8 THE PROFESSOR AND HIS INVENTION教授和他的发明LESSON 9 SPORTS AND GAMES体育运动LESSON 10 THE LAST LESSON最后一课LESSON 11 THE LAST LESSON(Continued)最后一课(续)LESSON 12 WALKING IN SPACE太空行走LESSON 13 MADAME CURIE AND RADIUM居里夫人和镭LESSON 14 THE GIFTS礼物LESSON 15 THE GIFTS(Continued)礼物(续)LESSON 16 ADVENTURE ON HIGHWAY 6666号公路历险记VOCABULARYSUPPLIMENTARY READINGS1. THE LAST LEAF2. ESCAPE FROM THE ZOO3. ROBIN HOOD AND HIS MERRY MEN4. THE IMPORTANCE OF ENGLISH5. A THIRSTY WORLD6. HOW THE BODY CELLS LIVELESSON 1 PERSEVERANCE毅力LESSON 2 A GERMAN STAMP一张德国邮票LESSON 3 ON READING谈读书LESSON 4 THREE GOLD MEDALS FOR WILMA威尔玛的三枚金牌LESSON 5 THE SNAKE IN THE SLEEPING BAG睡袋里的蛇LESSON 6 MY TEACHER我的老师(选自海伦·凯勒《我的一生》)LESSON 7 THE TRIAL审判(选自《威尼斯商人》)LESSON 8 CHARLES DARWIN查尔斯·达尔文LESSON 9 THE LANGUAGE OF THE BEES蜜蜂的语言LESSON 10 THE SIXTH DIAMOND 第六颗钻石LESSON 11 A SPEECH BY NORMAN BETHUNE诺尔曼·白求恩的演讲LESSON 12 FROM THE JAWS OF DEATH绝处逢生VOCABULARYSUPPLIMENTARY READINGS1. FACE TO FACE WITH DANGER2. PAPER AND ITS USES3. STICK-UP4. THE EARTHWORM5. A GIFT FOR MOTHER'S DAY6. MYSTERIES OF MIGRATION7. SING FOR ME8. THE DOG THAT SET ME FREE9. TWO POEMS1、HOW MARX LEARNED FOREIGN LANGUAGESKarl Marx was born in Germany, and German was his native language. When he was still a young man, he was forced to leave his homeland for political reasons. He stayed in Belgium for a few years; then he went to France. Before long he had to move on again. In 1849, he went to England and made London the base for his revolutionary work.Marx had learned some French and English at school. When he got to England, he found that his English was too limited. He started working hard to improve it. He made such rapid progress that before long he began to write articles in English for an American newspaper. In fact, his English in one of these articles was so good that Engels wrote him a letter and praised him for it. Marx wrote back to say that Engels' praise had greatly encouraged him. However, he went on to explain that he was not too sure about two things--the grammar and some of the idioms.These letters were written in 1853. In the years that followed, Marx kept on studying English and using it. When he wrote one of his great works, The Civil War in France, he had mastered the language so well that he was bale to write the book in English.In the 1870's, when Marx was already in his fifties, he found it important to study the situation in Russia, so he began to learn Russian. At the end of six months he had learned enough to read articles and reports in Russian. In one of his books, Marx gave some advice on how to learn a foreign language. He said when a person is learning a foreign language; he must not always be translating everything into his own language. If he does this, it shows he has not mastered it. He must be able to use the foreign language, forgetting all about his own. If he can not do this, he has not really grasped the spirit of the foreign language and can not use it freely.2、AT HOME IN THE FUTUREA medical examination without a doctor or nurse in the room? Doing shopping at home? Borrowing books from the library without leaving your home?These ideas may seem strange to you. But scientists are working hard to turn them into realities.Let us suppose we can visit a home at the end of this century. We will visit a boy named Charlie Green. He is not feeling well this morning. His mother, Mrs Green, wants the doctor to see him. That is, she wants the doctor to listen to him. She brings a set of wires to Charlie's room. These wires are called sensors. She places one sensor in his mouth and one on his chest. She puts another one around his wrist and one on his forehead. Then she plugs the sensors into a wall outlet. She says the code "TCP". This means "telephone call placed." A little light flashes on the wall. The Green's wireless telephone is ready for a call.Mrs Green says "2478", the doctor's telephone number. From a speaker on the wall comes the doctor's voice: "Good morning.""Good morning, Dr Scott," answers Mrs Green. "Charlie isn't feeling too well this morning. I've put the sensors on him. I wonder if you can examine him now.""Sure," the doctor's voice says. "Well, he doesn't have a fever. And his pulse is fine. Now, breathe deeply, Charlie."Charlie does so."Just a little cold," says the doctor. "Better stay inside today, Charlie. And take it easy.""Thank you, Doctor," says Mrs Green. "TCC (telephone call completed)." The light on the wall turns off. The phone call and the examination are finished."Charlie," says Mrs Green," since you have to stay at home, why don't you do some shopping? You can pick out your new bicycle. After all, your birthday is only two weeks away.""Great," Charlie answers.Charlie and his mother sit in front of one of the vision phones. There are several in their house."TCP," says Charlie. The word ready appears on the screen of the vision phone."New Forest Bicycle Shop," a voice says. "May I help you?"Charlie answers, "I'd like to see your ten-speed bicycles."In the next few minutes, pictures of many models of the bicycles are flashed on the screen. The price of each model is also shown.Then the voice asks, "Are you interested in any of these models?""Yes, I'm interested in model 6.""Do you wish to place an order at this time?""Not just yet," answers Mrs Green. "My son's birthday is in two weeks' time. Thank you. TCC."The vision phone shuts off.Such would be our home in the future.2-1、A VISIT TO THE LIBRARY IN THE FUTUREThe shopping is finished. Charlie's parents tell him they have to go out for a little while. "Why don't you visit the library while we're out?" says Charlie's dad. "I know they have some new books on basket-ball, your favourite game."Charlie goes to one of the visionphones. He places a call to the library. He asks to see one of the new books on basket-ball.Basket-ball Giant, the name of the book, is flashed on the screen. "Turn," says Charlie. The first page of the book is shown on the screen. Then the second, and the third. Charlie has read about fifty pages of it. Then he hears his mother's voice coming through a speaker on the wall. Charlie turns off the visionphone. He says hello to his mother."Where are you?" he adds."We're driving on the freeway," Mrs Green says. "This is taking a little more time than we thought. We won't be back until two o'clock. Better get some lunch for yourself.""What are you doing?" Charlie asks."We'll explain later," she says."O.K." says Charlie.3、The Blind Men and the ElephantOnce upon a time there were six blind men who lived in a village in India. Every daythey went to the road nearby and stood there begging. They had often heard of elephants, but they had never seen one, for, being blind, how could they?One morning an elephant was led down the road where they stood. When they heard that an elephant was passing by, they asked the driver to stop the beast so that they could have a "look".Of course they could not look at him with their eyes, but they thought they might learn what kind of animal he was by touching and feeling him. For, you see, they trusted their own sense of touch very much.The first blind man happened to place his hand on the elephant's side. "Well, well," he said. "This beast is exactly like a wall."The second grasped one of the elephant's tusks and felt it. "You're quite mistaken," he said. "He's round and smooth and sharp. He's more like a spear than anything else."The third happened to take hold of the elephant's trunk. "You're both completely wrong," he said. "This elephant is like a snake, as anybody can see."The fourth opened both his arms and closed them round one of the elephant's legs. "Oh, how blind you are!" he cried. "It's very clear that he's round and tall like a tree."The fifth was a very tall man, and he caught hold of one of the elephant's ears. "Even the blindest person must see that this elephant isn't like any of the things you name," he said. "He's exactly like a huge fan."The sixth man went forward to feel the elephant. He was old and slow and it took him quite some time to find the elephant at all. At last he got hold of the beast's tail. "Oh, how silly you all are!" cried he. "The elephant isn't like a wall, or a spear, or a snake, or a tree; neither is he like a fan. Any man with eyes in his head can see thathe's exactly like a rope."Then the driver and the elephant moved on, and the six men sat by the roadside all day, quarrelling about the elephant. They could not agree with one another, because each believed that he knew just what the beast looked like.It is not only blind men who make such stupid mistakes. People who can see sometimes act just as foolishly.4、GALILEO AND ARISTOTLEAbout 2300 years ago, there lived in Greece a great thinker named Aristotle. He observed that feathers fell to the ground slowly, while stones fell much faster. He thought it over carefully and concluded that heavy objects always fell faster than light ones. His conclusion certainly sounded reasonable. But we now know that it is not true.In those days people seldom did experiments to test their ideas. When they observed anything that happened, they thought about it and then drew a conclusion. Once Aristotle made up his mind that heavy objects always fell faster than light objects, he taught it as a truth to his students. And because he was Aristotle, the great thinker, no one questioned his idea for almost 2000 years.Then, almost 400 years ago, an Italian scientist named Galileo began to question Aristotle's theory of falling objects. He was not ready to believe something just because Aristotle said so. He decided to do some experiments to test Aristotle's theory.Galileo lived in the city of Pisa, where there is a leaning tower about 180 feet high. From the top of the tower Galileo dropped a light ball and a heavy ball at exactly the same time. They both fell at about the same speed and hit the ground together. He tried the experiments again and again. Every time he got the same result. At last, he decided that he had found the truth about falling objects. As we know now, heavy objects and light objects fall at the same speed unless air holds them back. A feather falls slower than a stone only because the air holds the feather back more than it does the stone.When Galileo told people of his discovery, no one would believe him. But Galileo was not discouraged. He went on doing experiments to test the truth of other old ideas. He built a telescope through which he could study the skies. He collected facts that proved the earth and all the other planets move around the sun.Today we praise Galileo and call him one of the founders of modern science. He observed things carefully and never took anything for granted. Instead, he did experiments to test and prove an idea before he was ready to accept it.An experiment was done on the moon in July, 1971. One of the US astronauts who made the first deep space walk on the moon dropped a hammer and a feather together. They both landed on the surface of the moon at the same time. This experiment proved that Galileo's theory of falling objects is true.4-1、PENICILLINIf you leave a piece of bread in a warm damp place, mould will soon grow on it. When this happens, we say the bread "has gone mouldy". Mould can grow on all kinds of things besides food. It grows from spores which are in the air. If the conditions are right, a spore can quickly get around and form a mould. This happens quite commenly. We have all probably seen it.In 1928, Sir Alexander Fleming found that mould had killed some germs he was trying to grow in his lab. If he had not noticed this, the world would have lost one of the greatest discoveries of the century. Fleming called the substance "penicillin".Because penicillin can kill germs, doctors use it to treat diseases. It has saved millions oflives. Scientists grow large quantities of common mould so that they can get penicillin from it in order to make antibiotics, that is, substances that kill germs. Next time you see some mould on a piece of bread, remember that it is one of man's greatest friends!5、The Lost NecklacePlace: a park in ParisTime: a summer afternoon in 1870People: Mathilde Loisel, wife Pierre Loisel, husband(Jeanne is sitting in the park. Mathilde walks towards her, she stops and speaks to Jeanne.) Mathilde: Good afternoon, Jeanne.Jeanne : (Looking at the other woman) I’m sorry, but I don,t think I know you. Mathilde: No, you wouldn’t but many years ago you knew me well. I,m Mathilde Loisel.Jeanne : Mathilde! My old school friend. Is it possible? But yes, of course it is .Now I remember. Where have you been all these years, Mathilde? I hope you were n’t ill . Mathilde: No, Jeanne, I was n’t ill . You see here an old woman. But it’s because of hard work—ten years of hard work.Jeanne : But I don,t understand, Mathilde . There,s only one year between us ; I’m thirty-five and you’re thirty-four. Can hard work change a person that much?Mathilde : Yes, it can . Years of hard work, little food, only a cold room to live in and never, never a moment to rest. That has been my life for these past ten years.Jeanne : Mathilde! I did n’t know. I’m sorry. But what happened?Mathilde: Well, I would rather not tell you.Jeanne : Oh , come, Mathilde. Surely you can tell an old friend.Mathilde: Well, …Well, it was all because of that neckla ce . Your necklace.Jeanne : My necklace ?Mathilde: Do you remember one afternoon ten years ago when I came to your house and borrowed a diamond necklace?Jeanne : Let me think . Ten years ago … Oh, yes, I remember. You were going to the palace with your husband, I think.Mathilde: Right. Pierre was working in a government office, and for the first time in our lives we were invited to an important ball.(The scene changes to that evening in the home of Pierre and Mathilde Loisel.)Pierre : Yes , Mathilde, we,re going to the ball, the palace ball !Mathilde: I can,t believe it!Pierre : But it,s true.Mathilde: Oh, Pierre, how wonderful! But I haven,t got a dress for the ball !Pierre : What does a new evening dress cost?Mathilde: About four hundred francs.Pierre : Four hundred ! That,s a lot of money . But perhaps, just this once, we’ll use what we have to get a new dress for you. This ball is very important to me. I was the onlyperson in my office who was invited.Mathilde: Thank you, Pierre, you,re so kind. Oh! But there,s one other thing…Pierre : What is it, Mathilde?Mathilde: I…I have no jewelry .Pierre :Jewelry? Do you need jewelry? Why not just a flower?Mathilde: To go to the palace with just a flower is to say “I’m poor . I haven’t got any jew elry.”Pierre : Can’t you borrow some jewelry from a friend , Mathilde ?Mathilde: Which friend ? My friends are all poor, too.Pierre : Let me think . How about Jeanne? She married well. Perhaps she has some. Mathilde: Ah, yes, Jeanne. She married a ma n with a lot of money. I’ll go and see her on Friday, after I get the new dress.Pierre : I,m sure she has something you can borrow.(The scene changes back to the park. Mathilde continues to tell Jeanne her story.)Mathilde: One Friday I came to see you, Jeanne. Remember?Jeanne : Yes , Mathilde, I remember.Mathilde: You were very kind. You brought out your jewelry and told me to take anything I wanted.Jeanne : (Smiling) You were like a little girl. Your eyes became so big.Mathilde: There were so many things and they were all beautiful. It was hard to choose. Jeanne : Until you saw the diamond necklace.Mathilde: Yes, and then I knew I wanted to borrow the necklace. I didn’t want anything else , only the necklace.Jeanne : I,m sure you looked beautiful that evening, Mathilde. You were always a very pretty girl.Mathilde: Perhaps in those days I was, but everything changed after that night at the palace. Jeanne : Didn’t you have a good time at the ball ?Mathilde: Yes, a very good time, but that was the last time…the last happy evening for the next ten years.Jeanne : But why , Mathilde?Mathilde: On the way home I looked down at my dress and saw that the necklace was gone. I told Pierre. We returned to the palace and looked in every room, but couldn’t find it.I never saw your necklace again, Jeanne.Jeanne : But Mathilde, you brought it back to me the next afternoon. I remember very well. Mathilde: Yes, Jeanne, I brought a necklace to you. It was exactly like your necklace but it wasa different one. I hope it was as good as the one you lent me. It cost us thirty-sixthousand francs.Jeanne : Thirty-six thousand !Mathilde: Yes, Pierre and I borrowed the money and bought it. During the next ten years we both worked night and day to pay for it. That is why you see this old woman beforeyou now, Jeanne. Well, after all these years we’ve at last paid off all our debts. Jeanne : But Mathilde, my dear friend, that wasn’t a real diamond necklace you borrowed from me. It was made of glass. It was worth five hundred francs at the most.5-1、THE VAIN STAGOne hot day a big stag that had a pair of very large antlers stood on the bank of a river. He was thirsty and went down to the water to drink. Suddenly he saw his reflection in the water. He was very pleased with what he saw. “Oh,” he said. “What a beautiful pair of antlers I’ve got! How fine my head is! How proud I look! Nobody has such beautiful antlers as I have. Perhaps some people will say that my antlers are too b ig, but I don’t think so. I like them very much.” And the vain stag looked again at his reflection in the water.Suddenly he heard the barking of dogs. Three hunters and their dogs came out of the forest. The stag ran across the field into the forest. He was already far from the dogs, but he caught hisantlers in the branches of some low trees and could not get away.The dogs ran up to him and pulled him to the ground. Then the hunters came up and killed him.6、ABRAHAM LINCOLNAbraham Lincoln, the son of a poor family, was born in Kentucky on February 12, 1809. He spent his childhood in hard work, helping his father on their small farm. His mother, who he loved dearly, died in 1818. Happily for him, his father' s second wife was kind to him too. When she saw that Abraham liked reading, she did all she could to help him. But the family was poor and the boy could not get many books. Abraham Lincoln later said himself that he only went to school a little now and little then. His whole school education added up to no more than one year.As a young man he was a storekeeper and later a postmaster. He studied law in his spare time and became a lawyer. He was active in politics and strongly against slavery. In all his political life, he thought of building a free state for all the people.In 1860, Abraham Lincoln was elected President of the United States. Then he worked still harder for freedom for the slaves. Soon the Southern states rebelled. They set up a state of their own, where they would be free to keep Negroes as slaves. Lincoln said that it was not right for the south to break away from the Union. Fighting broke out between the North and the South. This was the American Civil War. The war lasted four years before the North won in the end. The nation was reunited and the slaves were set free.In 1864, Lincoln was elected President of the United States for the second time. But his enemies, the slave owners in the South and the bankers in big cities, who had grown rich on the work of the slaves, could not let Lincoln continue his work. He, who led the United States through these years, was shot on April 14, 1865, at a theatre in Washington, D.C. and died early the next morning. The whole nation was in deep sorrow at this news, for the people had come to love him as an inspiring leader, and a wise, warm-hearted, honest man.About seventeen months before his death, at the opening of a memorial to the many men who lost their lives fighting for the freedom of the Negroes, Abraham Lincoln told his people that the living must finish the work of those dead; that they must fight for freedom forall-Negroes and whites; that America must strengthen government of the people, by the people and for the people.Today, Abraham Lincoln is regarded as one of the greatest of all American presidents.6-1、GEORGE WASHINGTON AND HIS HATCHETWhen George Washington was quite a little boy,his father gave him a hatchet. It was bright and new,and George took great delight in going about and chopping things with it.He ran into the garden,and there he saw a tree which seemed to say to him,“Come and cut me down!”George had often seen his father's men chop down great trees in the forest,and he thought that it would be fine sport to see this tree fall with a crash to the ground. So he set to work with his little hatchet,and,as the tree was a very small one,it did not take long to chop it down.Soon after that,his father came home.“Who cut my fine young cherry tree?”he cried.“It was the only tree of this kind in this country,and it cost me a great deal of money.”He was very angry when he came into the house.“If only I knew who killed that cherry tree,”he cried,“I would ... yes,I would ...”“Father!”cried little George.“I chopped the tree down with my hatchet.”His father forgot his anger.“George,”he said,and he took the little fellow in his arms,“George,I am glad that you told me about it. I would rather lose a dozen cherry trees than that you should tell one lie.”7、8、THE EMPEROR'S NEW CLOTHESMany years ago there lived an Emperor, who cared more for fine new clothes than for anything else. He had different clothes for every hour of the day.One day two cheats came to see the Emperor. They called themselves weavers and said that they knew how to weave cloth of the most beautiful colors and designs in the world. They also said that the most interesting thing about the cloth was that clothes made of it would be invisible to anyone who was either stupid or unfit for his office."Ah, what splendid clothes!" thought the Emperor. "They are just what I shall have. When I put them on, I shall be able to find out which men in my empire are unfit for their offices. And I shall be able to tell who are wise and who are foolish. This cloth must be woven for me right away."The Emperor gave the cheats some gold in order that they might begin their work at once.So the two men set up two looms and pretended to be working very hard. They asked for the most beautiful silk and the best gold thread. This they kept for themselves. And then they went on with their work at the empty looms until late into the night.After some time had passed, the Emperor said to himself, "I wonder how the weavers are getting along with my cloth." Then he remembered that those who were either fools or unfit for their offices could not see the cloth. Though he believed that he ought to have nothing to fear for himself, he wanted someone else to look at the cloth first.The Emperor thought a while and decided to send his old Prime Minister to see the cloth. He thought the Prime Minister a wise, honest man who was more fit for his office than anyone else.So the old Prime Minister went into the hall where the cheats were working at the empty looms."God save me!" thought the old man, opening his eyes very wide. "I can't see anything atall." But he was careful not to say so.The men who were pretending to weave asked him to come closer. They pointed to the empty looms and asked him if he liked the design and the colors.The poor old Prime Minister opened his eyes wider, but he could see nothing on the looms."Dear me," he said to himself, "Am I foolish or unfit for my office? I must never tell anyone that I could not see the cloth.""Oh! it's most beautiful!" said the Prime Minister quickly. "The design and the colors! I will tell the Emperor how wonderful they are."The Emperor was pleased by what the Prime Minister told him about the cloth. Soon after, he sent another official to find out how soon the cloth would be ready. The same thing happened. The official could see nothing, but he sang high praise for the cloth. When he got back, he told the Emperor that the cloth was beautiful indeed.All the people in the city were now talking about this wonderful cloth which the Emperor had ordered to be woven for so much money. And they were eager to know how wise or foolish their friends and neighbors might be.Now at last the Emperor wished to go himself and see the cloth while it was still on the looms. He took with him a few of his officials, including the old Prime Minister and the official who had already been there.As soon as the weavers heard the Emperor coming, they pretended to work harder than ever, though they were not weaving a single thread through the empty looms."Isn't the cloth magnificent?" said the official and the Prime Minister. "What a splendid design! And what colors!" they said, while pointing to the empty looms. They thought that everyone else could see the wonderful work of the weavers though they could not see it themselves."What on earth can this mean?" said the Emperor to himself. "I don't see anything. This is horrible! But I mustn't let anyone know.""The cloth is beautiful," he cried out loud. "Beautiful! I am very pleased with it."The officials could see no more than the Emper or, but they all shouted, ‘Beautiful! Excellent! Magnificent!" and other such expressions. They told the Emperor that he should have new clothes made of this splendid cloth for the coming great procession.。















中学内容书目高一必修一1.干脆引语间接引语direct speech and indirect speech(陈述句和疑问句)2.干脆引语间接引语direct speech and indirect speech(吩咐和恳求语气)3.现在时行时表将来4.定语从句1(that, which, who, whose)5.定语从句2(where when which prep+which/whom)必修二定语从句(restrictive and non-restrictive)被动语态-将来时passive voice future被动语态-完成时passive voice present perfect被动语态-进行时passive voice present progressive定语从句:介词+whom which必修三:1.情态动词一modal verb2.情态动词二3.表语从句和宾语从句object and predicative4.主语从句subject5.同位语从语appositive必修四1.主谓一样(subject-verb agreement)2.动名词做主语和宾语3.动名词做表,定,宾补4.动名词做定语和状语5.构词法word formation高二:必修五1.过去分词做定语和表语2.过去分词做宾补足语3.过去分词做状语和定语4.倒装句5.省略句选修六:1.虚拟语气subjunctive mood 12.虚拟语气subjunctive mood 23.It 的用法14.It 的用法25.复习动名词选修七:复习1.不定式一infinitive2.不定式被动语态3.现代分词被动语态passive voice4.限性定语从句attributive5.非限性定语从句选修八:复习1.名词性从句(主宾表)2.同位语3.过去分词做定语,表语和宾补4.过去分词做状语5.谓语时态(包括现在完成进行时)。



高中英语选择性必修一课文原文和翻译unit1This year’s Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine has been awarded to Tu Youyou (co-winner), whose research led to the discovery of artemisinin, a crucial new treatment for malaria. Artemisinin has saved hundreds of thousands of lives, and has led toimproved health for millions of people. Over 200 million people around the world get malaria each year, and about 600, 000 die from it. Artemisinin has become a vital part of the treatment for malaria, and is thought to save 100, 000 lives a year in Africa alone.Tu Youyou, a committed and patient scientist, was born in Ningbo, China, on 30 December 1930, and graduated fromPeking University Medical School in 1955. After she graduated, she worked at the China Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Beijing. In 1967, the Chinese government formed a team of scientists with the objective of discovering a new treatment for malaria, and Tu Youyou was among the first researchers chosen. In the beginning, Tu Youyou went to Hainan, where malaria was more common, to study malaria patients. In 1969, she became the head of the project in Beijing, and decided to review ancient Chinese medical texts to find traditional botanical treatments for the disease. Her team examined over 2, 000 old medical texts, and evaluated 280, 000 plants for their medical properties. From their research, they discovered and tested 380 distinct ancient Chinese medical treatments that showed promise in the fight against malaria.One medical text from the fourth century suggested using the extract from sweet wormwood to treat a fever. Tu’s team tested a collection of dried wormwood leaves but found no effect. They then tried boilingfresh wormwood, and using the liquid obtained from this to treat malaria, but this did not work either. Their project got stuck. However, Tu Youyou would not acknowledge defeat. She analysed the medical texts again, and by chance, she found one sentence suggesting a different way to treat the wormwood. She concluded that boiling the sweet wormwood apparentlydestroyed its medical properties. Using a lower temperature to draw out the extract, she found a substance that worked. After failing more than 190 times, the team finally succeeded in 1971. Tu Youyou and her team members even insisted on testing the medicine on themselves to make surethat it was safe. Later, the medicine was tested on malaria patients, most of whom recovered. This medicine,which was called artemisinin, soon became a standard treatment for malaria.According to Tu Youyou, the discovery of artemisinin was a team effort. Upon hearing that she had been awarded the Nobel Prize, she said, “The honour is not just mine. There is a team behind me, and all the people of my country. This success proves the great value of traditional Chinese m edicine. It is indeed an honour for China’s scientific research and Chinese medicine to be spread around the world.”屠呦呦获诺贝尔奖今年的诺贝尔生理学或医学奖授予了屠呦呦(共同获奖者),她的研究促使了青蒿素的发现。



2008 年全国统一高考英语试卷(全国卷I )听力试题第一部分听力(共两节,满分30 分)做题时,先将答案标在试卷上,录音结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。

第一节(共 5 小题,每小题 1.5 分,满分7.5 分)听下面5段对话。

每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳答案。

听完每段对话后,你都有10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。


例: How much is the shirt?A.£19.15.B. £9.18.C. £9.15.答案是 C.1.What is the weather like?A.It ' s raining.B. It 's cloudy.C. It 's sunny.2.Who will go to China next month?A.Lucy.B. Alice.C. Richard.3.What are the speakers talking about?A.The man ' s sister.B. A film.C. An actor.4.Where will the speakers meet?A.In Room 340.B. In Room 314.C. In Room 223.5.Where does the conversation most probably take pla?ceA.In a restaurant.B. In an office.C. At home.第二节(共15小题;每小题 1.5分,满分22.5 分)听下面 5 段对话或独白,每段对话或独白后面有几个小题,从题中所给的 A 、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。

听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。



2008年八年级版第1~12期总目录作者:来源:《中学生英语·八年级》2008年第12期【每月一歌】Edelweiss雪绒花……………………………… 1.1Yankee Doodle扬基·杜德尔…………………… 2.1If you’re happy 如果你幸福……………………3.1Mary Had A Little Lamb 玛丽有只小羊羔………………………………………………………………4.1Oh, Susanna!噢,苏珊娜!……………………5.1Ring-A-Ring O’Roses 编玫瑰花环……………6.1Forever friend永远的朋友…………………… 7~8.1Follow Me 跟我做……………………………… 9.1The Bear Went over the Mountain狗熊翻山……………………………………………………………10.1One more try 再试一次………………………… 11.1Silent Night 平安夜……………………………12.1【互动平台——名师/状元谈英语学习】如何有效地进行期末复习——访武汉市任家路中学英语教研组组长赵蕾老师……………… 晓余 1.4言传身教开启兴趣之门——访武汉市七一中学英语教研组组长刘晓玲老师………李静思刘庆丰 2.4信心+方法=成功——访华科大同济附中英语教研组王再桥老师……………………贺丰波刘庆丰 3.4寓教于乐趣味学英语——访武汉市第六十二中学英语教研组长梅晓老师………………… 贺丰波 4.4如何记好英语课堂笔记……………… 赵梅花 5.4如何走出“书面表达”的困境………… 龙湘梅 6.4他山之石,可以攻玉——访湖北十堰东风教育集团第二中学陈裕明老师……………… 向一昕等7~8.6坚持好习惯跬步至千里——华中师范大学英语系2008届优秀毕业生伍争访谈录…………殷菲 9.4乘着兴趣的翅膀放飞英语的梦想……………………………………………………………… 马佳 10.4不积跬步无以致千里——浅谈英语学习中的知识积累……………………………………… 靳云 11.4谈圣诞品文化学英语——专访华中师范大学外籍英语教师菲利普………………………… 赵凡 12.4【互动平台——学生习作名师点评】My last school trip ………………………田小平1.29Pocket Money……………………………江艳红 2.32My New Year’s Plans…………………周健3.20My Dream ………………………………罗俊4.23A Happy Sunday ………………………司荣萍5.20A Letter to Li Hong ……………………郝智霞6.32Sports…………………………………王萍7~8.64A Letter……………………………… 唐彦 9.30What’s Cool?…………………………汤剑 10.31My Healthy Lifestyle……………………任笃刚11.31My Vacation…………………………… 王锋 12.18【互动平台——编读往来】《中学生英语》八年级版2008年上半年主要栏目介绍及编辑计划…………………………………1.31《中学生英语》初二版2008年第9期~2009年第2期编辑计划………………………………刘洪生9.31大嘴解疑…………………………… 舒安江 9.28大嘴解疑………………………………刘洪生 10.30大嘴解疑………………………………夏文英 11.30大嘴解疑………………………………黄凡12.14【随堂通——热点考点导航】新目标英语八年级(上)Unit 12单元要点归纳总结……………………………………………杨和谦1.6新目标英语八年级(下)Unit 1知识要点归纳总结……………………………………………杨和谦2.6新目标英语八年级(下)Unit 2知识要点归纳总结……………………………………………丁红艳2.11新目标英语八年级(下)Unit 3知识要点归纳总结……………………………………………罗侠 3.6新目标英语八年级(下)Unit 4知识要点归纳总结……………………………………………倪达虎3.10新目标英语八年级(下)Unit 5知识要点归纳总结……………………………………………杨和谦3.15新目标英语八年级(下)Review of units 1~5 要点精讲精练……………………………………黄淑芬 4.6新目标英语八年级(下)Unit 6知识要点归纳总结……………………………………………张学义4.11聚焦现在完成进行时…………………向前4.14新目标英语八年级(下)Unit 7知识要点归纳总结……………………………………………陈杰 5.5新目标英语八年级(下)Unit 7单元知识中考链接……………………………………………倪达虎5.7新目标英语八年级(下)Unit 8知识要点归纳总结……………………………………………姜琰琰5.9新目标英语八年级(下)Unit 8单元知识中考链接……………………………………………刘艳梅5.12新目标英语八年级(下)Unit 9知识要点归纳总结……………………………………………孙大英5.14新目标英语八年级(下)Unit 9单元知识中考链接……………………………………………杨和谦5.16新目标英语八年级(下)Unit 10知识要点归纳总结……………………………………………岑红明6.6透视反意疑问句……………陈音萍廖英珊6.9新目标英语八年级(下)Unit 10单元知识中考链接……………………………………………戴启云6.11新目标英语八年级(下)Review of units 6~10知识要点精讲精练………………………………黄淑芬6.17新目标英语九年级Unit 1、Unit 2重点知识讲与练……………………………………………刘洪生 7~8.8新目标英语八年级(上)Unit 1知识要点精讲…………………………………………………甘淑兰9.6新目标英语八年级(上)Unit 1知识要点与中考考点链接……………………………………黄继飞9.7新目标英语八年级(上)Unit 2知识要点精讲…………………………………………………刘洪生9.8新目标英语八年级(上)Unit 2知识要点与中考考点链接……………………………………邓星斌9.9新目标英语八年级(上)Unit 3知识要点精讲…………………………………………………姚晓玲9.11新目标英语八年级(上)Unit 3知识要点与中考考点链接……………………………………董明义9.12新目标英语八年级(上)Unit 4知识要点归纳总结……………………………………………董娟娟10.5新目标英语八年级(上)Unit 4知识要点与中考考点链接……………………………………董明义10.7新目标英语八年级(上)Unit 5知识要点归纳总结……………………………………………王莉 10.9Can的真情表白……………………… 张于兰 10.12新目标英语八年级(上)Unit 5知识要点与中考考点链接…………………………刘心忠张洪梅 10.13新目标英语八年级(上)Unit 6知识要点精讲…………………………………………………刘晓丽11.5新目标英语八年级(上)Unit 6知识要点与中考考点链接……………………………………刘洪生11.7新目标英语八年级(上)Unit 7知识要点精讲…………………………………………………向前 11.8新目标英语八年级(上)Unit 7知识要点与中考考点链接……………………………………董明义11.9书面表达写作指南……………………姜涛11.11新目标英语八年级(上)Unit 8知识要点精讲精练……………………………………………陈登极12.6新目标英语八年级(上)Unit 8知识要点中考链接……………………………………………张清瑞12.8新目标英语八年级(上)Unit 9知识要点精讲精练……………………………………………夏文静 12.10新目标英语八年级(上)Unit 9知识要点中考链接……………………………………………董明义 12.12【随堂通——随堂演练】新目标英语八年级(上)Unit 12单元知识中考链接……………………………………………董明义1.9新目标英语八年级(上)Unit 12 STEP BY STEP随堂通………………………………………陈贝 1.25新目标英语八年级(下)Unit 1单元知识中考链接……………………………………………姜琰琰 2.9新目标英语八年级(下)Unit 1 STEP BY STEP 随堂通………………………………………吴梅芳2.16新目标英语八年级(下)Unit 2单元知识中考链接……………………………………………蒋时莲2.14新目标英语八年级(下)Unit 2 STEP BY STEP 随堂通………………………………………刘燕 2.20新目标英语八年级寒假作业…………姚小玲2.28新目标英语八年级(下)Unit 3单元知识中考链接……………………………………………丁红艳3.9新目标英语八年级(下)Unit 3 STEP BY STEP 随堂通………………………………………李小莉3.21新目标英语八年级(下)Unit 4单元知识中考链接……………………………………………刘艳梅3.13新目标英语八年级(下)Unit 4 STEP BY STEP 随堂通………………………………………方斌 3.25新目标英语八年级(下)Unit 5单元知识中考链接……………………………………………陈婷 3.17新目标英语八年级(下)Unit 5 STEP BY STEP 随堂通………………………………………余辉 3.29新目标英语八年级(下)Unit 6单元知识中考链接……………………………………………罗侠 4.15新目标英语八年级(下)Unit 6 STEP BY STEP随堂通………………………………………田小平4.24新目标英语八年级(下)语篇阅读专练…………………………………………………………刘艳梅4.28新目标英语八年级(下)Unit 7 STEP BY STEP 随堂通………………………………………刘晓玲5.21新目标英语八年级(下)Unit 8 STEP BY STEP 随堂通………………………………………方斌 5.25新目标英语八年级(下)Unit 9 STEP BY STEP 随堂通………………………………………余辉 5.29新目标英语八年级(下)Unit 10 STEP BY STEP 随堂通………………………………………田小平6.13新目标英语八年级(下)语篇阅读练……………………………………………………………张杜娟6.22新目标英语八年级(上)Unit 1 STEP BY STEP 随堂通………………………………………梅晓 9.19新目标英语八年级(上)Unit 2 STEP BY STEP 随堂通………………………………………任笃刚9.22新目标英语八年级(上)Unit 3 STEP BY STEP 随堂通………………………………………金绅 9.25新目标英语八年级(上)Unit 4 STEP BY STEP 随堂通………………………………………陈裕明 10.14新目标英语八年级(上)Unit 5 STEP BY STEP 随堂通………………………………………余辉10.17完形填空集中营………………………崔淑娴 10.21新目标英语八年级(上)Unit 6 STEP BY STEP 随堂通………………………………………高克军 11.13新目标英语八年级(上)Unit 7 STEP BY STEP 随堂通………………………………………田柳星 11.17新目标英语八年级(上)Review of units 1~6单元要点检测题…………………………………何艳萍 11.21新目标英语八年级(上)Units 6~7阶段测试题…………………………………………………任君11.25新目标英语八年级(上)Unit 8 STEP BY STEP 随堂通………………………………………余辉12.19新目标英语八年级(上)Unit 9 STEP BY STEP 随堂通………………………………………唐彦 12.23【课外延伸——文化长廊】“猫哭耗子”用英语怎么说?…………刘婧 7~8.13“小道消息”用英语怎么说?…………张杜娟7~8.14“黑”=“邪”,“白”=“正”?…………… 陈凤 7~8.15想说就说say的多种用法……………鲍春蕾7~8.16“城管”用英语怎么说?………………刘兰香 7~8.16“实话实说”该怎么说?………………岑红明 7~8.17张三、李四、王五——小人物用英语怎么说?………………………………………………戴启云7~8.18美国人常挂在嘴边的30句………… 姚婷 7~8.19聚集英语的否定形式…………………赵勇7~8.22一些英语惯用语的翻译……………王向丽7~8.25“八卦”用英语怎么说………………吴静9.10【课外延伸——奥运专栏】The Chinese Olympic Committee……余信波7~8.27China in the Olympic—Historic Background……………………………………………………邓军7~8.28Olympic Slogan 1984-2008……………邓青7~8.29Jokes and Humor………………………黑皮7~8.60【课外延伸——开心驿站】Who discovered Australia?谁发现了澳洲?………………………………………………………黎春蕾2.10I’m not giong back to school!我不回学校了!…………………………………………………詹靓 2.15My sister’s fingers 我妹妹的手指头……………………………………………………………黎春蕾3.5Taking attendance 点名……………… 詹靓3.12Brag about Father老爸有多牛………林雅婷3.14I Wasn’t Asleep我没有睡着…………韩曳4.5The Looney Bin 疯人院………………韩颖 4.10The Composition Class作文课…………詹靓4.13One Engine Left只剩下一个引擎…… 徐可凡4.22Logic Reasoning 逻辑推理…………… 林雅婷 5.8The mean man’s party 吝啬鬼请客……詹靓5.13They are directly from America它们是从美国直接带来的…………………………………… 何凡 5.17There’s nobody under there now !现在那儿没人了!…………………………………………… 詹靓6.8Free advice?免费的建议?……………林雅婷6.10It worked ! 真的有效!……………… 韩曳 6.12Chaude and Cold 热与冷………………徐可凡6.31Arctic Explorer 北极探险家……………詹靓9.13Jokes and Humor……………………… 黑皮 9.16High and Low Voice高音与低音………………………………………………………………刘婧 9.29Buying Bread 买面包………………… 张欣钥10.6Making Faces 做鬼脸………………… 贾萌 10.8脑筋急转弯…………………………… 叶晓婷10.11Jokes and Humor……………………… 黑皮 10.25The Mark分数………………………… 许阳 10.28Just for Fun ………………………黑皮供稿 11.20Who’s Mor e Polite? 谁更有礼貌?……詹靓 12.11Three Turtles 三只乌龟……………… 夏淼 12.13Jokes and Humor……………………… 黑皮 12.15【课外延伸——轻松一刻】四减四等于几?……………………… 吴琼1.22A penny 一便士………………………… 张鸿羽 1.23脑筋转转转…………………………… 林雅婷 2.25脑筋转转转…………………………… 谢君明 3.16脑筋转转转…………………………… 韩曳 5.11脑筋转转转…………………………… 刘琦 6.21考考你的推理能力…………………… 何梦琳 12.9【课外延伸——休闲阅读】Dr. Martin Luther King Day马丁·路德·金纪念日…………………………………………… 黄丽舟 1.21Today’s Highlight in History(On Jan. l) 历史上的今天(1月1日)……………………………王莉1.23My Forever Valentine…………………崔淑娴2.26Happy New Year……………………… 姚婷 2.27Arbor Day 植树节……………………崔淑娴3.19April Fool’s Day愚人节………………姚婷 4.19Today in History(April 1st)历史上的今天………………………………………………………李俊华4.20Beautiful Smile and Love美丽的微笑与爱心……………………………………………………王向丽4.21International Day of the Family国际家庭日…………………………………………………… 姚婷 5.19Today in History (June 15th )历史上的今天(六月十五日)………………………………………张鸿羽6.29A Goos Heart to Lean on 善心可依…… 姚婷 6.30各国国徽上的格言…………………… 许辉 7~8.30A Truly Outstanding Article 一篇真正出类拔萃的文章………………………………………崔淑娴 7~8.31Effort and Rest 努力与休息…………赵晖7~8.30Just Around the Corner ………………张家友7~8.34Living with the Future 幻想未来世界………………………………………………………李玉霞7~8.35保持快乐心情的秘密………………徐爱民7~8.37国际和平日International Day of Peace………………………………………………………李玉琴9.18比尔·盖茨的十条语录………………李玉霞10.27Liu limps off to a trail of tears 刘翔腿伤退出比赛众人惋惜……………………………涂新容10.29白雪皑皑的冬日——十一月的纪念日和节日………………………………………………张金兰11.12神州七号飞船发射成功……………刘丽 11.29The Origin of Christmas 圣诞的起源…………………………………………………………向前12.5【课外延伸——译海无涯】翻译误区逐个看……………………姜涛 7~8.3916道中国菜名翻译你知道多少?……………………………………………………………杨天新7~8.39The English Learner’s Guide to Chinglish中式英语之鉴……………………………………涂新容7~8.41【课外延伸——美文欣赏】He has only a little piece of me……刘长江 7~8.47Your Forever Friend Follows真正的朋友会紧紧相随……………………………………… 陈珊莲 7~8.49【小强博士专栏】SCIENCE……………………………………… 2.24SPACE………………………………………… 3.18LIFESTYLE…………………………………… 4.17School Admission择校………………………… 4.18Put the Fun Back into Fundraising捐助为乐……………………………………………………………5.18环保教育………………………………………6.28Sports & Ga me…………………………………6.27Language………………………………………7~8.62Art……………………………………………7~8.63The Feel-good Factor(因素,因子)…………… 9.15 Health and Safety……………………………… 10.23Information Communication Technology(ICT信息传播技术)Rules……………………………………10.24Keep Smart Online 明智的上网方式………… 11.30School Values 校园价值观…………………… 12.16【《中学生英语》与全国各地中考】《步步为营决胜中(会)考》与武汉市2007年中考考点珠联璧合成就经典……………陈裕明1.30《中学生英语》与武汉市2008年中考考点珠联璧合成就经典(一)………………………………… 10.32《中学生英语》与武汉市2008年中考考点珠联璧合成就经典(二)………………………………… 11.32《中学生英语》与武汉市2008年中考考点珠联璧合成就经典(三)………………………………… 12.27【期末复习迎考专栏】新目标英语八年级(上)Units 7~12考点精讲精练………………方斌蒋时莲袁丽莎崔淑娴1.10【试题传真】新目标英语八年级(上)Unit 12单元要点检测题……………………………………………… 周健 1.33新目标英语八年级(上)Review of units 7~12知识要点复习题……………………………… 刘晓玲 1.37新目标英语八年级(上)期末测试题…………………………………………………………… 黄敏 1.41新目标英语八年级能力测试题……… 方斌 2.33新目标英语八年级(下)Unit 1单元要点检测题……………………………………………… 田小平 2.37新目标英语八年级(下)Unit 2单元要点检测题……………………………………………… 王峥 2.41 新目标英语八年级(下)Unit 3单元要点检测题……………………………………………… 黄淑芬 3.33新目标英语八年级(下)Unit 4单元要点检测题……………………………………………… 胡胜莲 3.37新目标英语八年级(下)Unit 5单元要点检测题……………………………………………… 陈贝 3.41新目标英语八年级(下)Review of units 1~5单元要点检测题………………………………… 刘世一 4.33 新目标英语八年级(下)期中测试题…………………………………………………………… 杨贵平 4.37新目标英语八年级(下)Unit 6单元要点检测题……………………………………………… 贾平 4.41新目标英语八年级(下)Unit 7单元要点检测题……………………………………何富臣张晖 5.33新目标英语八年级(下)Unit 8单元要点检测题……………………………………………… 吴铭 5.37芳 5.41新目标英语八年级(下)Unit 10单元要点检测题……………………………………………… 康俊民 6.33新目标英语八年级(下)Review of units 6~10单元要点检测题………………………………… 刘世一 6.37新目标英语八年级(下)期末测试题…………………………………………………………… 高克军 6.41新目标英语八年级(上)Units 1~6能力测试题………………………………………………莫华强7~8.65新目标英语八年级(上)Units 7~12能力测试题……………………………………………陈小青7~8.69新目标英语八年级(下)Units 1~5能力测试题………………………………………………林睦烨7~8.73新目标英语八年级(下)Units 6~10能力测试题…………………………………………… 邓文静 7~8.77新目标英语八年级专项大练兵——阅读理解填词篇、书面表达篇………… 项家贵方斌7~8.81新目标英语八年级九年级过渡衔接测试题………………………………………………… 张瑛7~8.87新目标英语八年级(上)Unit 1单元要点检测题……………………………………………… 任君 9.33新目标英语八年级(上)Uni 2单元要点检测题……………………………………………… 杨红梅 9.37新目标英语八年级(上)Unit 3单元要点检测题……………………………………………… 余辉 9.41新目标英语八年级(上)阅读理解专项测试……………………………………………………赵卿鸿 10.33唐彦10.37新目标英语八年级(上)Unit 5单元要点检测题………………………………………………田小平 10.41新目标英语八年级(上)Unit 6单元要点检测题………………………………………………赵卿鸿 11.33新目标英语八年级(上)期中测试题……………………………………………………………唐彦11.37新目标英语八年级(上)Unit 7单元要点检测题………………………………………………田小平 11.41新目标英语八年级(上)Unit 8单元要点检测题………………………………………………赵卿鸿 12.33新目标英语八年级(上)Unit 9单元要点检测题………………………………………………田小平 12.37新目标英语八年级(上)Units 8~9 阶段测试题…………………………………………………曹维12.41总目录2008年八年级第1~12期总目录.........................12.29【答案专页】1.45,2.45,3.45,4.45,5.45,6.45, 9.45, 10.45,11.45, 12.45。





例:How much is the shirt?A. £19.15B. £9.15C. £9.18答案是B。

1. What is the weather like?A. It’s raining.B. It’s cloudy.C. It’s sunny.2. Who will go to China next month?A. Lucy.B. Alice.C. Richard.3. What are the speakers talking about?A. The man’s sister.B. A film.C. An actor.4. Where will the speakers meet?A. In Room 340.B. In Room 314.C. In Room 223.5. Where does the conversation most probably take place?A. In a restaurant.B. In an office.C. At home.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白,每段对话或独白后面有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。




6. Why did the woman go to New York?A. To spend some time with the baby.B. To look after her sister.C. To find a new job.7. How old was the baby when the woman left New York?A. Two months.B. Five months.C. Seven months.8. What did the woman like doing most with the baby?A. Holding him.B. Playing with him.C. Feeding him.听第7段材料,回答第9至11题。



高中物理篇目索引(2008.1-12)由上海市甘泉外国语中学图书馆提供对新教材“运动快慢的描述---速度”的处理建议/周峰(江苏盱眙县马坝中学)//中学物理教和学(北京).—2008,no.7—P.8物理图景素养的培养:模型、问题和对策/项华等(北京师范大学)//中学物理教和学(北京).—2008,no.7—P.10自由落体运动教学的逻辑错误/梁树森(辽宁师范大学物理和电子技术学院)//中学物理教和学(北京).—2008,no.7—P.22巧用电场分析静电场疑难问题/金逊(安徽临泉一中)/中学物理教和学(北京).—2008,no.7—P.27物理学中的“忽略不计”思想/王传平(湖北宜城市第一中学)//中学物理教和学(北京).—2008,no.7—P.30例析新课程教学中如何重视过程和方法—“行星的运动”案例分析/张启业(甘肃高台县第一中学)//中学物理教和学(北京).—2008,no.7—P.35原始问题教学—培养创造性思维的新途径/蔡燃等//中学物理教和学(北京).—2008,no.7—P.46“实体模型”在物理解题中的使用/吴必龙(江苏丹阳高级中学)//中学物理教和学(北京).—2008,no.7—P.49利用物理实验培养创新能力/罗定庚等(广东深圳市平湖中学)//中学物理教和学(北京).—2008,no.7—P.53沪科教版普通高中物理课程标准实验教科书<物理3-2>的编写思维和特点/王继衍(安徽合肥市教学研究室)//中学物理教和学(北京).—2008,no.9—P.4高中物理从大纲到课程你准备好了吗/李群(内蒙古教学研究室)//中学物理教和学(北京).—2008,no.9—P.9关于“简单的逻辑电路”教学要求的研究/朱建廉(江苏南京市金陵中学)//中学物理教和学(北京).—2008,no.9—P.15关于动量机械能教学的思考/李刚(广西柳州铁一中)//中学物理教和学(北京).—2008,no.9—P.19关于“时间和空间的相对性”的教学建议/周栋梁(江苏灌南县中学)//中学物理教和学(北京).—2008,no.9—P.22“研究产生感应电流的条件”探究式教学实录/李海燕(广东湛江市第二十一中学)//中学物理教和学(北京).—2008,no.9—P.28香港高考(物理科)评价改革研究/许雪梅等(华东师大物理学)//中学物理教和学(北京).—2008,no.9—P.41新课程下中学物理实验课堂教学行为的转变/华雪侠等(首都师范大学物理系)//中学物理教和学(北京).—2008,no.9—P.58学习课程新理念探究教学新问题—关于普通高中物理课程标准教材的思考/肖增英(山西省基础教育教学研究室)//中学物理教和学(北京).—2008,no.10—P.8重新认识动能定理/陈敏华(浙江绍兴县河桥中学)//中学物理教和学(北京).—2008,no.10—P.12备课札记---对高中物理新教材几处内容的研究/姚庆博等(浙江嘉兴高级中学)//中学物理教和学(北京).—2008,no.10—P.16内能教学中应注意的几个问题/王银水(浙江宁海县知恩中学)//中学物理教和学(北京).—2008,no.10—P.19物理学中的比较方法例析/刘颖等(河北理工大学信息学院)//中学物理教和学(北京).—2008,no.10—P.28探究式“四步教学法”“在磁感应强度”教学中的使用/赵廷富(湖北武汉市第三中学)//中学物理教和学(北京).—2008,no.10—P.30物理研究性学习一例---探究正(余)弦交流电有效植和峰植的关系/叶兵(江苏南通教学研究室)//中学物理教和学(北京).—2008,no.10—P.352008年全果高考理综卷(I)物理试卷评析/陈继明(湖北武汉市教育科学研究院)/中学物理教和学(北京).—2008,no.10—P.37新课标下实验题的新考法/赵风池(浙江海宁县知恩中学)//中学物理教和学(北京).—2008,no.10—P.40物体间相对直线运动的基本体型分析/张永武等(山东沂水县第二中学)//中学物理教和学(北京).—2008,no.10—P.50高中物理情感目标边缘化的成因分析/黄政(江苏泗洪中学)///中学物理教和学(北京).—2008,no.11—P.8高中物理专题教学策略及实施途径/谷丽雅等(河北石家庄市教育科学研究院)//中学物理教和学(北京).—2008,no.11—P.10“光电效应”教学中应明确的问题/汤家合(南京师范大学附属扬子中学)//中学物理教和学(北京).—2008,no.11—P.23“场”概念的发展和对中学“电场“磁场”概念教学的思考/方咸围等(杭州师范大学生命和环境科学学院)//中学物理教和学(北京).—2008,no.11—P.25立足基础突出能力平中显彩熟中见新---2008广东高考物理试题评析/谢春等(广东实验中学)//中学物理教和学(北京).—2008,no.11—P.41证明物体是否做简谐运动的方法探究/徐平(江苏海安县南莫中学)//中学物理教和学(北京).—2008,no.11—P.45运动合成和分解演示仪/王会霞等(北京师范大学密云实验中学)//中学物理教和学(北京).—2008,no.11—P.55运用工作单引导学生探究学习---改进高中物理教学的实践探索/李芸芸(上海青浦区教师进修学院)//中学物理教和学(北京).—2008,no.12—P.10向虚假的科学探究说“不”---以“自由落体运动”为例/吴存华(浙江温岭市大溪中学)//中学物理教和学(北京).—2008,no.12—P.23高三物理专题课创新教学初探/李行文(浙江宁波鄞州鄞江中学)/中学物理教和学(北京).—2008,no.12—P.27《磁感应强度》探究教学设计摘登/陶东红等(湖北新州一中)//中学物理教和学(北京).—2008,no.12—P.31“楞次定律及其使用”探究式教学设计---贯彻新课标理念落实三维目标典型课教案(2课时)梁新灿(浙江新昌中学)//中学物理教和学(北京).—2008,no.12—P.37倾听新课标推进的脚步---2008年山东省高考物理试卷分析/宋连义(山东曲阜师范大学附中)//中学物理教和学(北京).—2008,no.12—P.432008年全国各地高考力学试题特点分析/姚向龙//中学物理教和学(北京).—2008,no.12—P.53给课程改革中的物理老师的建议/田海霞(北京崇文区教育研修学院)//物理教学(上海).—2008,no.7—P.11“光电效应”教学中应明确的问题/汤家合(南京师范大学附属扬子中学)//物理教学(上海).—2008,no.7—P.17一堂用伏安法测ε和r的展示课/贺永华(上海华东师范大学附属中学)//物理教学(上海).—2008,no.7—P.25计算题中因有“判断”而精彩/李宏伟(河南洛阳市新安县第一中学)//物理教学(上海).—2008,no.7—P.42一对静摩擦力做功一定等于零/徐善松(浙江海宁县知恩中学桃源书院)//物理教学(上海).—2008,no.7—P.46物理教学中“隐喻”的力量/刘学切(厦门第一中学)//物理教学(上海).—2008,no.7—P.53血压和心脏做功/施晓洪(江西慧谷物理研究室)//物理教学(上海).—2008,no.7—P.58两物分离瞬间的特点/刘刚(安徽太和一中)//物理教学(上海).—2008,no.7—P.58高考题浅析二则/冯陈清(河北邢台市二十五中)/物理教学(上海).—2008,no.7—P.58经典物理知识教学和科学探究的有机整合---“气体的等温变化”授课和听课心得/张飞等(江苏外国语学校)//物理教学(上海).—2008,no.8—P.13《磁感应强度》探究教学设计摘登/陶东红等(湖北新州一中)//物理教学(上海).—2008,no.8—P.17实验探究的教学模式/杨仕明(山东胶南市第十中学)//物理教学(上海).—2008,no.8—P.23物理教学中对称思维能力的培养/吴发明(四川成都市十二中学)//物理教学(上海).—2008,no.8—P.41例析处理临界问题常用的三种方法/王承金(江苏新海高级中学)//物理教学(上海).—2008,no.8—P.432008年高考上海物理试卷评析/陈汉军(上海长宁区教育学院)//物理教学(上海).—2008,no.8—P.51速度为什么要这样分解/刘子军(河北邯郸市第二中学)//物理教学(上海).—2008,no.8—P.59相似三角形在力学平衡问题中的妙用/张成安徽宿松二中)//物理教学(上海).—2008,no.8—P.59例谈摩擦力做功问题/李友全(山东威海市第一中学)//物理教学(上海).—2008,no.9—P.21课程改革中高考物理命题的研究和思考/牟亚萍(上海市教育测试院)//物理教学(上海).—2008,no.9—P.30“三界两点”试题中的组合场模型---兼谈2008年高考理综试题全国卷(I)第25题解题思路/孙鹏伟(陕西西安交大二附中)/物理教学(上海).—2008,no.9—P.48刚体平衡条件缺一不可/张九铸(甘肃金川集团公司龙首学校)//物理教学(上海).—2008,no.9—P.52球的作用力不沿杆的方向---对“两种解法结果迥异/陈坤(大庆实验中学)//物理教学(上海).迥—2008,no.9—P.52安培力作用下物体的运动/李红新(河北唐山迁安市第二中学)//物理教学(上海).—2008,no.9—P.58也谈速度的合成和分解/应渭滨(新疆石河子市143团花园中学)//物理教学(上海).—2008,no.9—P.58数字逻辑电路实验教学探究---“DDS”电子实验器在高中物理教学中的使用/曹魁(上海松浦高级中学)//物理教学(上海).—2008,no.10—P.17谈追及相遇问题的分析思路/戎世忠(江苏海安高级中学)//物理教学(上海).—2008,no.10—P.29定性分析在解题中的使用/游长海(河南新安县第二高级中学)//物理教学(上海).—2008,no.10—P.342008年高考理综物理试题实验题赏析/张雪峰等(浙江武义市第一中学)//物理教学(上海).—2008,no.10—P.37高考对《测电源电动势和闪闪年的电阻的考查/向治(甘薯高台一中)//物理教学(上海).—2008,no.10—P.40论数理化情结/奚丽勤(上海市金陵中学)//物理教学(上海).—2008,no.10—P.48物理教学如何暴露学生思维/孙朝平(江苏淮安市楚州中学)//物理教学(上海).—2008,no.10—P.48审题是解题的先导/袁海江(浙江诸暨草塔中学)//物理教学(上海).—2008,no.10—P.48等效替代法/俞成虎(上海建青实验学校)//物理教学(上海).—2008,no.10—P.56从能量转化的角度认识功/葛小才(河南博爱县一中)//物理教学(上海).—2008,no.10—P.56物理解题中的识别方法/陈林桥(江苏扬中市教研室)/物理教学(上海).—2008,no.10—P.56新课标高中物理教科书的特点/彩建秋(浙江师范大学课程和教学研究所)//物理教学(上海).—2008,no.11—P.18物理教学中提问的艺术/黄薇(上海格致中学)//物理教学(上海).—2008,no.11—P.23用斜面问题搞好模块复习/陆光华(华东师范大学)//物理教学(上海).—2008,no.11—P.35机械波的多解问题/朱国干(江西安福中学)//物理教学(上海).—2008,no.11—P.37电场和力学综合题纠错盘点/郝国胜(河北盐山中学)//物理教学(上海).—2008,no.11—P.41图象在物理教学中的使用/伊云川(河北武邑中学)//物理教学(上海).—2008,no.11—P.43谈“碗”中的物理学问题/涂勇等(湖北宜都市二中)//物理教学(上海).—2008,no.11—P.45从高考实验题谈物理实验教学/柴宏良(浙江蘅州第一中学)//物理教学(上海).—2008,no.11—P.49人做功特点浅析/孙朝平(江苏淮安市楚州中学)//物理教学(上海).—2008,no.11—P.59不可小看的绳“绷”现象/王志军等(江西安福中学)//物理教学(上海).—2008,no.11—P.592008年高考对物理教学的导向功能/邢彦君(陕西宝鸡市陈仓区教育局教研室)//物理教学(上海).—2008,no.12—P.72008年课改实验去 3典型实验探究试题/林贵(福建省南安侨光中学)//物理教学(上海).—2008,no.12—P.14物理教学的基本特征/陶昌宏(北京教科院基教研中心物理室)//物理教学(上海).—2008,no.12—P.16“学生解题错误”给教学的启示/管文川(上海师范大学附属中学)//物理教学(上海).—2008,no.12—P.29如何获取物理题中的有效信息---浅谈高中物理解题关键/何一力(上海宝山职业技术学校)//物理教学(上海).—2008,no.12—P.32多角度解一道08年上海物理高考题/徐晓锦等(上海华东师范大学物理系)//物理教学(上海).—2008,no.12—P.45。

高中英语[散文佳作108篇(英汉.汉英对照)].乔慧等.word 版

高中英语[散文佳作108篇(英汉.汉英对照)].乔慧等.word 版

第一部分汉译英1. 丑石(An Ugly Stone)2. 匆匆(Rush)3. 冬夜(Winter Night)4. 互助(Helping Each Other)5. 黄昏(Dusk)6. 盼头(Something to Lookl Forward to)7. 媲美(Beauty)8. 枪口(The Muzzles)9. 鸲鹆(The Story of a Myna)10. 铜镜(The Bronze Mirror)11. 学校(The College)12. 野草(Wild Grass)13. 种梨(Planting a Pear Tree)14. 哀互生(Mourning for Husheng)15. 落花生(The Peanut)16. 盲演员(A Blind Actor)17. “孺子马” (An”Obedient Horse”)18. 小麻雀(A Little Sparrow)19. 雄辩症(A Case of Eloquence)20. 大钱饺子(A Good-luck Dumpling)21. 荷塘月色(Moonlight over the Lotus Pond)22. 黄龙奇观(A View of Huangllong)23. 枯叶蝴蝶(Lappet Butterfies)24. 泡菜坛子(A pickle Pot)25. 田水哗啦(The Irrigation Water Came Gurgling)26. 我若为王(If I Be King)27. 西式幽默(Western Humour)28. 项脊轩志(Xiangjixuan)29. 夜间来客(A Night Visitor——A True Story about a ”Celebrity”Being Interviewed)30. 珍禽血雉(China‘s Native Pheasant)31. 常胜的歌手(A Singer Who Always Wins)32. 健忘的画眉(The Forgetful Song Thrush)33. 可爱的南京(Nanjing the Beloved City)34. 鲁迅先生记(In Memory of Mr.Lu Xun)35. 苗族龙船节(The Miao Drangon-Boat Festival)36. 秋天的怀念(Fond Memories of You)37. 献你一束花(A Bouquet of Flowers for you)38. 鸭巢围的夜(A Night at Mallard-Nest Village)39. 玫瑰色的月亮(The Rosy Moon)40. 内画壶《百子图》(Snuff Bottles with Pictures Inside)41. 维护团结的人(A Man Upholding Unity)42. 我有一个志愿(I Have a Dream)43. 运动员的情操(Sp ortsmen‘s Values)44. 神话世界九寨沟(Jiuzhaigou,China‘s Fairyland)45. 生命的三分之一(One Third of Our Lifetime)46. 我可能是天津人(I Might Have Come from Tianjin)47. 五台名刹画沧桑(The famous Monastery Witnesses Vicissitudes)48. 爱梦想的羞怯女孩(A Shy Dreamer)49. 永久的憧憬和追求(My Lnging and yearning)50. 老人和他的三个儿子(The Old Man and his three sons)51. 乐山龙舟会多姿多彩(dragon-Boat Festival at Leshan)52. 撷自那片芳洲的清供(An Offering from his Sweet homeland)53. 三峡多奇景妙笔夺开工(The Scenic Three Gorges Captured )54. 初中国旅游可到哪些地方(Tips on Traveling to China the First Time)第二部分英译汉1. A Ball to Roll Around(滚球)2. A Boupquet for Miss Benson(送给卞老师的一束花)3. A Boy and His Father Become Partners(父子伙伴情)4. A Gift of Dreams(梦寐以求的礼物)5. A Hard Day in the Kitchen(厨房里的一场闹刷)6. A Nation of Hypochondriacs(一个疑病症患者的国度)7. Are Books an Endangered Species? (书籍是即将灭绝的物种吗?)8. A Sailor‘s Christmas Gift(一个海员的圣诞礼物)9. A Tale of Two Smut Merchants(两上淫秽照片商的故事)10. A Visit with the Folks(探访故亲)11. Canadian Eskimo Lithographs(加拿大爱斯基摩人的石版画)12. Divorce and Kids(离婚与孩子)13. Doug Heir(杜格·埃厄)14. Fame(声誉)15. Felicia‘s Journey(费利西娅的旅行)16. Genius Sacrificed for failure(为育庸才损英才)17. Glories of the Storm(辉煌壮丽的暴风雨)18. Han Suyin‘s China(韩素音笔下的中国)19. Hate(仇恨)20. How Should One Read a Book? (怎样读书?)21. In Praie of the Humble Comma(小小逗号赞)22. Integrity——From A Mother in Mannville(正直)23. In the Pursuit of a Haunting and Timeless Truth(追寻一段永世难忘的史实)24. Killer on Wings is Under Threat(飞翔的杀手正受到威胁)25. Life in a Violin Case(琴匣子中的生趣)26. Love Is Not like Merchandise(爱情不是商品)27. Luck(好运气)28. Mayhew(生活的道路)29. My Averae Uncle(艾默大叔——一个普普通通的人)30. My Father‘s Music(我父亲的音乐)31. My Mother‘s Gift (母亲的礼物)32. New Light Buld Offers Energy Efficiency(新型灯泡提高能效)33. Of Studies(谈读书)34. On Leadership(论领导)35. On Cottages in General(农舍概述)36. Over the Hill(开小差)37. Promise of Bluebirds(蓝知更鸟的希望)38. Stories on a Headboard(床头板上故事多)39. Sunday(星期天)40. The Blanket(一条毛毯)41. The Colour of the Sky(天空的色彩)42. The date Father Didn‘t Keep(父亲失约)43. The Kiss(吻)44. The Letter(家书)45. The Little Boat That Sailed through Time(悠悠岁月小船情)46. The Living Seas(富有生命的海洋)47. The Roots of My Ambition(我的自强之源)48. The song of the River(河之歌)49. They Wanted Him Everywhere——Herbert von Karajan(1908-1989) (哪儿都要他)50. Three Great Puffy Rolls(三个又大双暄的面包圈)51. Trust(信任)52. Why measure Life in Hearbeats? (何必以心跳定生死?)53. Why the bones Break(骨折缘何而起)54. Why Women Live Longer than Men(为什么女人经男人活得长)丑石贾平凹我常常遗憾我家门前的那块丑石呢:它黑黝黝地卧在那里,牛似的模样;谁也不知道是什么时候留在这里的.谁也不去理会它。



I. The following paragraphs are taken from the textbooks, followed by a list of words or expressions marked A to X. Choose the one that best completes each of the sentences and write the corresponding letter on your Answer Sheet. One word or expression for each blank only. (12 points, 0.5 point for each)As I ate she began the first of what we later called “my lesson in living.”She said that I must always be 1 of ignorance but understanding of illiteracy. That some 2 , unable to go to school, were more 3 and even more intelligent than 4 professors. She encouraged me to5 carefully to what country people6 mother wit. When salesmen are doing well, there is7 upon them to begin doing better, for 8 they may start doing worse.When they are doing 9 , they are doing terribly. When a salesman lands a large order or 10in an important new account, 11 elation is brief, for there is danger he might lose that large order or important new account to a salesman 12 a competing company the next time around. The American dream promised older people that if they 13 hard enough all their lives, things would 14 well for them. Today’s elderly were brought up to 15 in pride, self-reliance and independence. Many 16 tough, determined individuals 17 manage to survive against adversity. But even the tough ones reach a 18 where help should be available to them.Another solitary man was fishing further along the canal, 19 Arthur knew that they would leave each other 20 peace, would not even call 21 greetings. No one bothered 22 : you were a hunter, a dreamer, your own 23 , away from it all for a few hours on any day that theII. In this section, there are fifteen sentences taken from the textbooks with a blank in each, followed by a list of words or expressions marked A to X. Choose the one that best completes each of the sentences and write the corresponding letter on your Answer Sheet. One word or expression for each blank only. ( 15 points, 1 point for each )25. They lived, in bitter disillusionment, to see the establishment they had overthrown replaced by a ______ one, just as hard-faced and stuffy.26. Among members of my own party, closed meetings were held to discuss ______ of stopping me.27. No doubt somebody would have ______ if she hadn’t been there; she was part of the performance, after all.28. All I cared ______ was that she had made tea cookies for me and read to me from her favorite book.29. He sat with his ______ still pressed over his stomach, hiding his watch, but all through the cell you could hear its blunttick tock tick.30. Give me a restless ______ or two in bed and I can solve, to my own satisfaction, all the doubts of humanity.31. I am not able, and I do not want, completely to ______ the world-view that I acquired in childhood.32. We’re angry about the same things you are ______ policy—a little angrier because our lives were the things used to test those policies.33. I frequently feel I’m being taken advantage of merely ______ I’m asked to do the work I’m pai d to do.34. Through the wide doors of the sheds she ______ a glimpse of the black mass of the boat, lying in beside the quay wall, with illumined portholes.35. Persons who do remain at home while ______ ill health have serious difficulties in getting social, medical and psychiatric services brought directly to them.36. What women didn’t seem to realize ______ that there were things you knew but shouldn’t say.37. They execute extraordinarily well, and their proposition to customers is guaranteed low ______ or hassle-free service, or both.38. Standing in front of the flower-stand woman she knew she ______ not have to explain that she wanted to leave them.39. For some reason he smiled at what he saw, and turned ______ some yards along the towpath.III. Each of the following sentences is given two choices of words or expressions. Choose the right one to complete the sentence and write the corresponding letter on your Answer Sheet. ( 15 points, 1 point for each )40. Mutual cooperation was ______ from the generals’ point of view, because it wasn’t helping them to win the war.A. understandableB. undesirable41. He was much more restless than last night, and, despite sleeping drugs, much more ______.A. awakeB. wakeful42. The marketplace ______ the requirements of advertisers.A. cares forB. caters to43. At first I found the ______ of being unemployed very difficult to cope with.A. stigmaB. ugliness44. Using the right hand to shake hands is a(an) ______.A. inventionB. convention45. Let’s try and discuss this like two ______ human beings.A. rationalB. fashionable46. Colleges and universities can no longer take ______ the learning that should be occurring on their campuses.A. for grantedB. for pride47. I won’t pay top prices for goods of ______ quality.A. highB. inferior48. I took what he said ______, but afterwards it became clear that he really meant something else.A. literallyB. freely49. John was standing in the doorway in his ______ blue suit.A. brokenB. shabby50. About fifteen minutes later, I managed to secretly ______ the distressed woman from danger.A. rescueB. reserve51. Finally they realized that they must reduce their country’s ______ on imported grain.A. developmentB. dependency52. Susan looked ______, her whole body weak with exhaustion.A. pitifulB. hopeful53. Do you think that marriage between gay couples should be ______ in our country some day?A. realizedB. legalized54. If you have no time for Shakespeare, for a basic look at philosophy, for continuity of the ______ arts, for history—then you have no business being in college.A. beautifulB. fineRead the following passage carefully and complete the succeeding four items IV, V, VI and VII.Waiting as a Way of Life(1)Waiting is a kind of suspen ded animation, a feeling that one can’t do anything because one is waiting for something to happen. Waiting casts one’s life into a little hell of time. It is a way of being controlled, of being rendered immobile and helpless. One can read a book or sing (odd looks from the others) or chat with strangers if the wait is long enough to begin forming a bond of shared experience, as at a snowed-in airport. But people tend to do their waiting impassively.When the sound system went dead during the campaign debate in 1976, Jerry Ford and Jimmy Carter stood in mute suspension for 27 minutes, looking lost.(2)To enforce a wait, of course, is to exert power. To wait is to be powerless. Consider one minor, almost subliminal form.The telephone rings. One picks up the receiver and hears a secretary say, “Please hold for Mr. Green.”One sits for perhaps five seconds, the blood pressure just beginning to cook up toward the red line, when Green comes on the line with a hearty “How are ya?”and business proceeds and the moment passes, Mr. Green having established that he is (subtly) in control, that his time is more precious than his callee’s.(3)Waiting is a form of imprisonment. One is doing time—but why? One is being punished not for an offense of one’s own but often for the inefficiencies of those who impose the wait. Hence the peculiar rage that waits cause, the sense ofinjustice. Aside fr om boredom and physical discomfort, the subtler misery of waiting is the knowledge that one’s most precious resource, time, a fraction of one’s life, is being stolen away, irrecoverably lost.(4)Americans have enough miseries of waiting, of course—waits sometimes connected with affluence and leisure. The lines to get a passport in Manhattan last week stretched around the block in Rockefeller Center. Travelers waited four and five hours just to get into bureaucracy’s front door. A Washington Post editorial writer reported a few days ago that the passengers on her 747, diverted to Hartford, Connecticut, on the return flight from Rome as a result of bad weather in New York City, were forced to sit on a runway for seven hours because no customs inspectors were on hand to process them.(5)The great American waits are often democratic enough, like traffic jams. Some of the great waits have been collective, tribal —waiting for the release of the American hostages in Iran, for example. But waiting often makes class distinctions. One of the more depressing things about being poor in America is the endless waiting in welfare or unemployment lines. The waiting rooms of the poor are often in bad conditions, but in fact almost all waiting rooms are spiritless and blank-eyed places where it always feels like 3 in the morning.(6)One of the inestimable advantages of wealth is the immunity that it can purchase from serious waiting. The rich do not wait in long lines to buy groceries or airplane tickets. The help sees to it. The limousine takes the privileged right out onto the tarmac, their shoes barely grazing the ground.(7)People wait when they have no choice or when they believe that the wait is justified by the reward—a concert ticket, say.Waiting has its social orderings, its rules and assumptions. Otherwise peaceful citizens explode when someone cuts intoa line that has been waiting a long time. It is unjust; suffering is not being fairly distributed. Oddly, behavioral scientistshave found that the strongest protests tend to come from the immediate victims, the people directly behind the line jumpers. People farther down the line complain less or not at all, even though they have been equally penalized by losing a place.(8)Waiting can have a delicious quality (“I can’t wait to see her.”“I can’t wait for the party”), and sometimes the waiting is better than the event awaited. At the other extreme, it can shade into terror: when one waits for a child who is late coming home or—most horribly—has vanished. When anyone has disappeared, in fact, or is missing in action, the ordinary stress of waiting is overlaid with an unbearable anguish of speculation: Alive or dead?(9)Waiting can seem an interval of nonbeing, the blank space between events and the outcomes of desires. It makes time maddeningly elastic: it has a way of seeming to compact eternity into a few hours. Yet its brackets ultimately expand to the largest dimensions. One waits for California to drop into the sea or for the Messiah. All life is a waiting, and perhaps in that sense one should not be too eager for the wait to end. The region that lies on the other side of waiting is eternity. IV. In this section, there are ten incomplete statements, followed by four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer and write the corresponding letter on your Answer Sheet. (10 points, 1 point for each)55. In the first paragraph, the writer introduces ______.A. how people wait in different situationsB. the great anger of people caused by waitingC. how miserable people feel while waitingD. negative aspects of waiting and some way of coping56. Jerry Ford and Jimmy Carter stood in mute suspension when the sound system went dead because they ______.A. wanted to have a restB. didn’t like each otherC. chose to wait that wayD. didn’t know what to say57. The example given in Paragraph 2 shows that ______.A. one can receive an unexpected phone callB. sometimes one is forced to waitC. Mr. Green is too slow to come to the phoneD. a caller is always superior to a callee58. From the passage we get to know that waiting makes people angry because ______.A. they don’t have so much timeB. their time is wasted by strangersC. it is ridiculous for them to waitD. they feel being punished unfairly59. Which of the following statements is true?A. Waits are considered terrible by Americans.B. Waiting is sometimes considered pleasant.C. People wait for different reasons in America.D. Travelers in America are free from waiting.60. It can be inferred from the passage that ______.A. Americans were greatly concerned about the American hostages in IranB. waiting for the American hostages in Iran to be released was greatC. the American hostages in Iran were admired by people at homeD. all Americans were waiting for the American hostages to be released61. We can learn from the passage that ______.A. being poor in America means waiting for various thingsB. in order to get what they want Americans have to waitC. rich people are free from waiting in long lines to buy thingsD. endless waiting depresses Americans more than anything else62. According to the passage, people waiting in a line ______.A. fail to protest against line jumpersB. all hate the line jumpers very muchC. consider line jumping an immoral behaviorD. respond differently to the line jumpers63. It is implied that ______.A. worrying about the result is worse than waitingB. waiting for a missing person is the worst thingC. man y people can’t bear the stress of waitingD. some people would rather wait than know the result64. The author’s tone of the last paragraph is ______.A. sincereB. ironicC. pessimisticD. optimisticV. There is one underlined part in each of the following sentences, followed by four choices marked A, B, C and D.Choose the one that is closest in meaning to the underlined part and write the corresponding letter on your Answer Sheet. (10 points, 2 points for each)65. One is doing time—but why?A. passing time carelesslyB. spending time in prisonC. calculating time accuratelyD. enjoying the time lonely66. But waiting often makes class distinctions.A. differencesB. similaritiesC. connectionsD. conflicts67. The limousine takes the privileged right out into the tarmac, their shoes barely grazing the ground.A. touchingB. pollutingC. feelingD. walking68. Otherwise peaceful citizens explode when someone cuts into a line that has been waiting a long time.A. become excitedB. turn into a mobC. get very angryD. protest immediately69.…the ordinary stress of waiting is overlaid with an unbearable anguish of speculation: Alive or dead?A. beliefB. expectationC. doubtD. guessVI. Translate the following sentences into Chinese and write the translation on your Answer Sheet. (10 points, 2 points for each)70. One is being punished not for an offense of one’s own but often for the inefficiencies of those who impose the wait.71. Aside from boredom and physical discomfort, the subt ler misery of waiting is the knowledge that one’s precious resource, time, a fraction of one’s life, is being stolen away, irrecoverably lost.72. Americans have enough miseries of waiting, of course—waits sometimes connected with affluence and leisure.73. One of the more depressing things about being poor in America is the endless waiting in welfare or unemployment lines.74. The rich do not wait in long lines to buy groceries or airplane tickets. The help sees to it.VII. Answer the following essay question in English within 80-100 words.Write your answers on the Answer Sheet. (10 points)75. What is the author’s purpose in writing the article?VIII. Translate the following sentences into English and write the translation on your Answer Sheet. (18 points, 2 points each for 76-80, 8 points for 81)76.我们的城市将继续变得更加拥挤喧嚣,景色将变得更加混乱,空气和水变得更脏。



高中英语篇目索引(2009)由上海市甘泉外国语中学图书馆提供任务型课堂教学中任务前阶段的各种教学活动/罗绍茜(北京师范大学外文学院)//中小学外语教学(北京).—2009,no.1.—P.1语用推理与高中英语听力理解策略/许俊花(甘肃兰州连铝中学)//中小学外语教学(北京).—2009,no.1.—P.16强调语篇注重交际激发情感——由一节微型语法复习课引发的思考/胡洁元(浙江湖州市吴兴高级中学)//中小学外语教学(北京).—2009,no.1.—P.22关于初高中英语学习区别的对话/黄健如(江西南昌市教育科学研究所)//中小学外语教学(北京).—2009,no.1.—P.28教辅与高中英语教学/袁伦高(四川绵阳市教育科学研究所)//中小学外语教学(北京).—2009,no.1.—P.37中学英语教师课堂反馈话语研究/刘旭东(南京师范大学外国语学院)//中小学外语教学(北京).—2009,no.1.—P.41英语悬垂结构错误探析/周锦芳(江苏金坛市教育研训中心)//中小学外语教学(北京).—2009,no.1.—P.46改革开放30年中国基础外语教育的回顾与前景展望/王蔷(北京师范大学外文学院)//中小学外语教学(北京).—2009,no.2.—P.1普通高中课程改革英语教师培训研究/孟庆忠(江苏连云港市教育局教研室)//中小学外语教学(北京).—2009,no.2.—P.17短篇阅读为何让学生感到“无聊”?——论当前高中英语阅读资源之缺陷/姚生军(山东荣成市教育教学研究培训中心)//中小学外语教学(北京).—2009,no.2.—P.28外语写作中同伴评估量规的开发和研制/高旭阳(湖北师范学院外国语学院)//中小学外语教学(北京).—2009,no.2.—P.31校本课程“英语生命课堂”的实践与思考/钱建源(江苏锡山高级中学)//中小学外语教学(北京).—2009,no.2.—P.36文体分析:高中英语阅读教学的新视角/董兵(重庆师范大学外国语学院)//中小学外语教学(北京).—2009,no.2.—P.40从中西方听课与评课的差异得到的启发/张慧(浙江乐清中学)//中小学外语教学(北京).—2009,no.2.—P.44数次及其短语作主语时的主谓一致问题/范义华(吉林珲春市第四中学)//中小学外语教学(北京).—2009,no.2.—P.47英语教学中的动态生成/尚晓兰,吴小卫(安徽省宿松县第二中学)//中小学英语教学与研究(上海).—2009,no.1.—P.9生活化的英语词汇教学策略/严明贵(浙江省台州学院外国语学院)//中小学英语教学与研究(上海).—2009,no.1.—P.12厘清关系,发展学生英语自主学习能力/祖瑞(江苏省泗洪县第四中学)//中小学英语教学与研究(上海).—2009,no.1.—P.15英语课堂“意外”的种类及处理原则/夏建清(江苏省南通市西藏民族中学教科处)//中小学英语教学与研究(上海).—2009,no.1.—P.21高三英语课堂“沉闷”原因与对策/李斌(南京市大厂高级中学)//中小学英语教学与研究(上海).—2009,no.1.—P.24师范大学培养双语理科教师的教学模式的实践研究/王向晖,朱鋐雄(华东师范大学物理系)//中小学英语教学与研究(上海).—2009,no.1.—P.41关于高中学生英语口语等级测试的理性思考/梅广稳(江苏省海安县立发中学)//中小学英语教学与研究(上海).—2009,no.1.—P.44“have+宾语+非限定动词”作宾补/邢殿普(山东临沂师范学院外国语学院)//中小学英语教学与研究(上海).—2009,no.1.—P.74浅议逗号在英、汉语中的不同用法/费胜昌(浙江省湖州中学)//中小学英语教学与研究(上海).—2009,no.1.—P.79rather和quite的特殊用法/李增林(河北省涞源县第一中学)//中小学英语教学与研究(上海).—2009,no.1.—P.80中初中到高中英语学习策略的转变与培养/刘娜(山东省滕州市第一中学)//中小学英语教学与研究(上海).—2009,no.2.—P.2英语影视教学课浅论/尹莱明(浙江省嵊州市职业高级中学)//中小学英语教学与研究(上海).—2009,no.2.—P.6新课标下的单元语法循环教学——显性与隐性语法教学方法的结合/陈思算(浙江师范大学)//中小学英语教学与研究(上海).—2009,no.2.—P.9实施情感教学激活英语课堂——人教版高中英语必修4 Unit 3案例/王灵滨(杭州外国语学校)//中小学英语教学与研究(上海).—2009,no.2.—P.15概念图在高中英语阅读课教学中的应用/龚遵群(江苏省南京市第五中学)//中小学英语教学与研究(上海).—2009,no.2.—P.36在阅读教学中培养自动化基本技能/吴庆玲(福建省南平市教研室)//中小学英语教学与研究(上海).—2009,no.2.—P.41书面表达能力提高的有效激励机制——论“中学英语教学非测试性评论”在写作教学中的应用/陈瑾,徐忠显(江苏省苏州市第三中学)//中小学英语教学与研究(上海).—2009,no.2.—P.44英语阅读教学中抛锚型策略的有效实施/甘露(浙江省宁波市外国语学校)//中小学英语教学与研究(上海).—2009,no.2.—P.51看2008年北京高考作文,指导学生看图类开放作文写作/秦丽娟(北京通州区运河中学)//中小学英语教学与研究(上海).—2009,no.2.—P.55在轮跨文化视角下的外语教学/吴文胜(杭州师范大学)//中小学英语教学与研究(上海).—2009,no.2.—P.60易混淆代词it,one,the one,that,those和ones的用法辨析/李晓燕(陕西省岐山高级中学)//中小学英语教学与研究(上海).—2009,no.2.—P.66条件状语的多种表达/朱建明(甘肃省通渭县寺子中学)//中小学英语教学与研究(上海).—2009,no.2.—P.69限制性和非限制性同位语/朱大龙(江苏省南京市金陵中学)//中小学英语教学与研究(上海).—2009,no.2.—P.71May/might表推测的用法归纳/司喜强(甘肃省白银平川中恒学校)//中小学英语教学与研究(上海).—2009,no.2.—P.73优秀教师与普通教师英语课堂体温对比研究/俞燕明(浙江师范大学外国语学院)//中小学英语教学与研究(上海).—2009,no.3.—P.8读中学英语课堂“Free talk”中的有效追问/钱雨萍,沈正南(江苏省梁丰高级中学)//中小学英语教学与研究(上海).—2009,no.3.—P.17“生问”——英语课堂教学中的有效性策略/尚晓兰(安徽省宿松县第二中学)//中小学英语教学与研究(上海).—2009,no.3.—P.20掌握课堂观察与评比的方法,提高教学反思的有效性/高月琴(江苏省扬中高级中学)//中小学英语教学与研究(上海).—2009,no.3.—P.24中学学科教师如何转变为双语教师/付金花(北京师范大学附属中学)//中小学英语教学与研究(上海).—2009,no.3.—P.47基于认知交际的高中英语作文教学/易导群(新疆阿克苏地区二中)//中小学英语教学与研究(上海).—2009,no.3.—P.50高中生英语阅读理解障碍及其对策研究/李雪梅(辽宁省抚顺市七中)//中小学英语教学与研究(上海).—2009,no.3.—P.60实施“任务型整体阅读”模式,提高课文教学质量/车金贵(江苏省兴化市楚水实验学校)//中小学英语教学与研究(上海).—2009,no.3.—P.65高中英语阅读教学中学生自主能力的培养/张仁学(江苏省盐城中学)//中小学英语教学与研究(上海).—2009,no.3.—P.67新课标背景下的高考英语备考策略/杨菊妃(浙江省绍兴市第一中学)//中小学英语教学与研究(上海).—2009,no.3.—P.71几种特殊的定语从句浅析/蔡文(安徽省铜陵工业学校)//中小学英语教学与研究(上海).—2009,no.3.—P.75介词短语在句中的作用/李建国(广西桂林师范高等专科学校)//中小学英语教学与研究(上海).—2009,no.3.—P.76should have done 用法小议/陈涛(上海城市管理学院基础教育部)//中小学英语教学与研究(上海).—2009,no.3.—P.79从战略高度以科学发展观规划我国外语教育//中小学英语教学与研究(上海).—2009,no.4.—P.2高中英语教科书价值取向研究/梁红梅,赵长林(山东省聊城大学教育科学学院)//中小学英语教学与研究(上海).—2009,no.4.—P.11《朗文当代英语词典》在高中英语词汇教学中的使用探索/杨贤栋(江苏省东海县教育局教研室),赵继光(北京师范大学英语教育硕士)//中小学英语教学与研究(上海).—2009,no.4.—P.17高中英语作业现状分析与对策/戴军熔(浙江省绍兴市教育教学研究院)//中小学英语教学与研究(上海).—2009,no.4.—P.24论英语写作的有效反馈/杨苗捷(上海商学院外语学院(国际交流学院))//中小学英语教学与研究(上海).—2009,no.4.—P.30从阅读走向写作——高中英语写作教学的探索和实践/范红霞(浙江省嘉兴市第三中学)//中小学英语教学与研究(上海).—2009,no.4.—P.37中学生听力理解策略研究/苏媛(安徽师范大学外国语学院)//中小学英语教学与研究(上海).—2009,no.4.—P.42培养中学生猜词能力对英语阅读理解的有效性研究/金燕(上海市南汇中学)//中小学英语教学与研究(上海).—2009,no.4.—P.44高考英语听力理解测试中不同测试题型的比较研究/康俊芬,修旭东(山东烟台市鲁东大学外国语学院)//中小学英语教学与研究(上海).—2009,no.4.—P.60高考英语多项选择试题能力要求分析/鲁子问(华中师范大学)//中小学英语教学与研究(上海).—2009,no.4.—P.662009年福建高考新题型“短文填词”解读/杨延从(福建省厦门市翔安区教育研究中心)//中小学英语教学与研究(上海).—2009,no.4.—P.70分词逻辑主语的特殊用法/李也白(苏州大学附属中学)//中小学英语教学与研究(上海).—2009,no.4.—P.73红茶:Black Tea/程华明(华南师范大学增城学院)//中小学英语教学与研究(上海).—2009,no.4.—P.76牛年说“牛”/赵晖(上海工艺美术职业学院)//中小学英语教学与研究(上海).—2009,no.4.—P.77借助诗歌教授虚拟语气/普丽红(江苏省太仓高级中学)//中小学英语教学与研究(上海).—2009,no.5.—P.18巧用几何知识美化英文书写/上官锦华(江西省临川二种)//中小学英语教学与研究(上海).—2009,no.5.—P.20语篇分析在英语阅读教学中的运用/赵慈爱(浙江温州大学城市学院)//中小学英语教学与研究(上海).—2009,no.5.—P.37错误资源调控策略在高中英语写作教学中的强化/蔡才帅(浙江省宁波中学)//中小学英语教学与研究(上海).—2009,no.5.—P.45英语报刊阅读辅助教学的新模式/邱丽芳(福建省连城一中)//中小学英语教学与研究(上海).—2009,no.5.—P.50《牛津高中英语》教学中阅读策略探究和能力培养/朱惠芳(江苏省锡山高级中学)//中小学英语教学与研究(上海).—2009,no.5.—P.59高考英语中的思维定势陷阱/张勇(陕西省渭南市铁路自立中学)//中小学英语教学与研究(上海).—2009,no.5.—P.63语境创设对解析英语试题的启示——有一道单项选择题想到的/黄晓勇,沈正南(江苏省梁丰高级中学)//中小学英语教学与研究(上海).—2009,no.5.—P.65英语让步表达方式探究/张向阳(南京师范大学外国语学院)//中小学英语教学与研究(上海).—2009,no.5.—P.71第三人称代词的特殊意义和用法/李荣田(湖北省荆楚理工学院外国语学院)//中小学英语教学与研究(上海).—2009,no.5.—P.75Never mind 用法探析/刘金增(山东省沂水县第三中学)//中小学英语教学与研究(上海).—2009,no.5.—P.78浅谈英语“强调”的手段/欧阳敏(云南省昆明学院外语系)//中小学英语教学与研究(上海).—2009,no.5.—P.80利用课文语言素材提高学生写作能力/梁德泉(广东佛山市顺德均安中学)//中小学外语教学(北京).—2009,no.4.—P.11提高导入环节设计时效性的几点思考/王媛(北京教育学院外语系)//中小学外语教学(北京).—2009,no.4.—P.15高中学生英语书面表达思维能力欠缺的成因及对策/赖朝晖(浙江严州中学)//中小学外语教学(北京).—2009,no.4.—P.20英语教师课堂话语失误现象探析/刘霞(浙江宁波鄞州高级中学)//中小学外语教学(北京).—2009,no.4.—P.25正确理解和使用非限制性定语从句/吕吉尔(浙江宁波市北仑中学)//中小学外语教学(北京).—2009,no.4.—P.41小议不定式作定语时的语义功能/崔向阳(贵州余庆中学)//中小学外语教学(北京).—2009,no.4.—P.45新课程背景下高中英语语法教学的原则及策略/杨成(浙江台州市椒江中学)//中小学外语教学(北京).—2009,no.5.—P.7英语教学中同伴修改作文的实验研究/杨华堂(甘肃民族师范学院外语系)//中小学外语教学(北京).—2009,no.5.—P.22构建新课标理念下高中英语反思性课堂观察的目标体系/刘桂蓉(浙江宁波李惠利中学)//中小学外语教学(北京).—2009,no.5.—P.27让学生真正拥有课堂话语权——有一节综合技能训练课想到的/陈素萍(江苏盐城市教育科学研究院)//中小学外语教学(北京).—2009,no.5.—P.31英语语调的会话含意/李如霞(广西北流市高级中学),梁庆福(广东佛山科学技术学院教育学院)//中小学外语教学(北京).—2009,no.5.—P.36NSEFC 必修模块听力部分的评析和优化处理/姜雪燕(华东师范大学教育科学院)//中小学外语教学(北京).—2009,no.5.—P.40否定句的类型与用法探析/马汉丽,闫小龙(陕西陇县中学)//中小学外语教学(北京).—2009,no.5.—P.44代动词do 用法小结/周映红(南京师范大学外国语学院),王磊(浙江大学宁波理工学院外国语分院)//中小学外语教学(北京).—2009,no.5.—P.48对外语教师忽视自我分析之现象的探析/吕良环(华东师范大学课程与教学研究所)//中小学英语教学与研究(上海).—2009,no.7.—P.2“话题·虚拟”外语教学法的构想与实践/刘松(湖南省祁阳一中)//中小学英语教学与研究(上海).—2009,no.7.—P.5功能语法教学活动的设计原则和范例/张萍(江苏省张家港市教育局教研室)//中小学英语教学与研究(上海).—2009,no.7.—P.9创新使用教学资源,放飞学生的想象思维/徐军(广东省韶关市南雄中学)//中小学英语教学与研究(上海).—2009,no.7.—P.13巧妙运用背诵促进英语学习/陈俭贤(甘肃省天祝县第一中学)//中小学英语教学与研究(上海).—2009,no.7.—P.16对中学英语教师课堂教学研究情况的调查分析——以2008年《中小学英语教学与研究》和《中小学外语教学》刊发的论文为例/滕家庆(江苏省扬州市邗江区教研室)//中小学英语教学与研究(上海).—2009,no.7.—P.19运用心理干预,提高中等生的阅读成效/冯晓真(山东省莱芜第一中学)//中小学英语教学与研究(上海).—2009,no.7.—P.35多媒体环境下英语阅读课深层次拓展的策划/高杰(河北省霸州市第一中学)//中小学英语教学与研究(上海).—2009,no.7.—P.39多媒体课件在英语阅读课中的恰当运用/张恩怀(南京航空航天大学附属高级中学)//中小学英语教学与研究(上海).—2009,no.7.—P.41对高中英语阅读课教学结构设计的几点感想——从一节公开课的课后评议说起/章传宝(浙江省绍兴市鲁迅中学柯桥校区)//中小学英语教学与研究(上海).—2009,no.7.—P.47参照英语课本提高写作能力/沈君(江苏省常州市戚墅堰实验中学)//中小学英语教学与研究(上海).—2009,no.7.—P.50英语阅读理解题讲评课的教学策略/黄群(江苏省泰州中学)//中小学英语教学与研究(上海).—2009,no.7.—P.60高考英语读写任务的写作思路解析/戴海燕(广东省阳江市第一中学英语科组)//中小学英语教学与研究(上海).—2009,no.7.—P.65浅析谚语在高考英语写作中的运用/李贵(江苏省铜山县棠张高级中学),周希永(江苏省徐州师范大学外国语学院) //中小学英语教学与研究(上海).—2009,no.7.—P.68一道高考题对英语文化背景知识教学的启示/王胜利(甘肃省镇原县孟坝中学)//中小学英语教学与研究(上海).—2009,no.7.—P.70不定式在句型转换中的时态意义/刘承群(江苏省丰县中学)//中小学英语教学与研究(上海).—2009,no.7.—P.73表示副词含义的介词短语/司喜强(甘肃省白银平川中恒学校)//中小学英语教学与研究(上海).—2009,no.7.—P.76《英语(牛津上海版)》(高中)教材修订方案/程林(上海世纪出版集团(牛津英语出版中心))//中小学英语教学与研究(上海).—2009,no.8.—P.15《牛津高中英语》Welcome to the unit教学之我见/张九林(江苏省通州高级中学)//中小学英语教学与研究(上海).—2009,no.8.—P.20认知交际法的高中英语语法教学/易导群(新疆阿克苏地区二中)//中小学英语教学与研究(上海).—2009,no.8.—P.29高中生对教师纠正英语口语错误的偏爱/陈东军(广东省博罗中学高中部)//中小学英语教学与研究(上海).—2009,no.8.—P.37谈英语教学中“留白”的运用/吴炜(江苏省西亭高级中学)//中小学英语教学与研究(上海).—2009,no.8.—P.41精泛结合,促进高中英语阅读教学/孟令喆(黑龙江省大庆市第六中学高中部)//中小学英语教学与研究(上海).—2009,no.8.—P.45高中师生对英语写作教学反馈的调查与反思/曹定钦(广东省东莞高级中学)//中小学英语教学与研究(上海).—2009,no.8.—P.51运用衍射策略促进英语写作教学/范煜华(华东师范大学外语学院)//中小学英语教学与研究(上海).—2009,no.8.—P.55关于高考上海卷英语听力测试的几点思考/徐强(上海外国语大学)//中小学英语教学与研究(上海).—2009,no.8.—P.63无生命主语句常见类型及用法/袁小林(广东省深圳市宝安中学)//中小学英语教学与研究(上海).—2009,no.8.—P.67浅谈英语中的“条件性祈使句”/邢殿普(山东省临沂师范学院外国语学院)//中小学英语教学与研究(上海).—2009,no.8.—P.692009年全国普通高等学校招生统一考试上海英语试卷//中小学英语教学与研究(上海).—2009,no.8.—P.73影响学生准确解答细节理解题的几个因素/秦丽娟(北京市通州区运河中学)//中小学英语教学与研究(上海).—2009,no.专刊.—P.4高中英语口试对高中生英语学习反拨作用的实证研究/凌和军(苏州大学外国语学院)//中小学英语教学与研究(上海).—2009,no.专刊.—P.9以整体听写活动提高高中生英语基础写作成绩的实验研究/毕少琴(广东广州市花都区狮岭中学)//中小学英语教学与研究(上海).—2009,no.专刊.—P.18性别差异对高中生英语阅读理解的影响及教学对策探究/谌晔(江西赣州市赣县中学)//中小学英语教学与研究(上海).—2009,no.专刊.—P.42如何提高学生英语表达的得体性+——在语篇中进行语块教学的方法初探/孔惠琴(华东师范大学外语学院,浙江嘉兴三中)//中小学英语教学与研究(上海).—2009,no.专刊.—P.63演讲在高中英语教学中的应用/范海军(内蒙古海拉尔第二中学外语组)//中小学英语教学与研究(上海).—2009,no.专刊.—P.72词汇法的心理语言学研究/阎先宝(安徽财经大学外国语学院)//中小学英语教学与研究(上海).—2009,no.9.—P.2从九个维度谈英语有效课堂教学/任美琴(浙江省临海市回浦中学)//中小学英语教学与研究(上海).—2009,no.9.—P.7中学英语教师动机激发策略实施状况调查/潘华凌,袁媛(江西宜春学院外国语学院)//中小学英语教学与研究(上海).—2009,no.9.—P.11词块理论指导下的牛津高中英语Task板块教学/严海燕(江苏省苏州市工业园区第三中学)//中小学英语教学与研究(上海).—2009,no.9.—P.15剖析“任务型阅读”错误反拨《牛津高中英语》教学/朱惠芳(江苏省锡山高级中学)//中小学英语教学与研究(上海).—2009,no.9.—P.19篇章模式在中学英语阅读教学中的应用/徐科(广东省东莞第四高级中学)//中小学英语教学与研究(上海).—2009,no.9.—P.28英语阅读中的文化障碍突破/殷志勇(江苏省海州高级中学)//中小学英语教学与研究(上海).—2009,no.9.—P.31从高考题型演变谈中学生英语“写”的能力的培养/王娜(安徽省亳州一中)//中小学英语教学与研究(上海).—2009,no.9.—P.572009年高考英语浙江卷评析/费胜昌(浙江省湖州中学)//中小学英语教学与研究(上海).—2009,no.9.—P.61英语中五个“抓住”的细微差别/江沈巨(江苏省苏州科技学院外国语学院)//中小学英语教学与研究(上海).—2009,no.9.—P.64and的固定搭配及其用法/王平(广东省肇庆学院英语系)//中小学英语教学与研究(上海).—2009,no.9.—P.67“all+名词”的习语性用法/梁成功(河南省洛阳师范学院外国语学院)//中小学英语教学与研究(上海).—2009,no.9.—P.70。

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高中英语篇目索引(2008.1~12)由上海市甘泉外国语中学图书馆提供谈谈我国中学英语教学中的语法问题/章振邦(上海外国语大学英语学院)//中小学外语教学(北京).-2008,no.1.-p.1中学英语教材词汇语料库调查/谢家成(长江大学外国语学院)//中小学外语教学(北京).-2008,no.1.-p.4以新课程理念推进高考英语改革—-简要评析2007年新课改实验区高考英语试卷/杨善闳(安徽省教育科学研究所)//中小学外语教学(北京).-2008,no.1.-p.9高中英语写前活动的设计/张燕(北京一零一中学)//中小学外语教学(北京).-2008,no.1.-p.14高考书面表达阅卷情况分析与写作指导/胡洁元杨海英(浙江湖州市吴兴高级中学)//中小学外语教学(北京).-2008,no.1.-p.21英汉差异对学生英语写作的影响/殷志勇(江苏海州高级中学)//中小学外语教学(北京).-2008,no.1.-p.28高考英语阅读理解新题型考点分析与解题点拨/孟庆忠(江苏连云港市教育局教研室)//中小学外语教学(北京).-2008,no.1.-p.33高中课型课例交流与研究//中小学外语教学(北京).-2008,no.1.-p.40英语介词省略初探/王平(广东肇庆市肇庆学院外语系)//中小学外语教学(北京).-2008,no.1.-p.45浅谈“非人称主语句”/梁莲红(浙江宁波市第二中学)//中小学外语教学(北京).-2008,no.1.-p.47高中英语阅读教学中的拓展实践/朱文英(四川成都市第七中学外语组)//中小学外语教学(北京).-2008,no.2.-p.1新课程理念下培养学生英语思维能力的方法/何忠花(江苏新海高级中学)//中小学外语教学(北京).-2008,no.2.-p.6从学生答题情况看语法和词汇教学/温爱英(江西省教育厅教研室)//中小学外语教学(北京).-2008,no.2.-p.13高中英语词汇教学的几种可行性策略/曾龄香(浙江宁波二中)//中小学外语教学(北京).-2008,no.2.-p.22高中阶段英语写作中错误反馈的教学建议/徐浩(首都师范大学外国语学院)//中小学外语教学(北京).-2008,no.2.-p.26中学英语写作教学薄弱问题分析与解决对策/关世民(海南师范大学外语系)//中小学外语教学(北京).-2008,no.2.-p.30高中课型课例交流与研究//中小学外语教学(北京).-2008,no.2.-p.41简析附加疑问句的习惯用法/张向阳(南京师范大学外国语学院)//中小学外语教学(北京).-2008,no.2.-p.46英语课堂教学的问题诊断与实践改进/胡庆芳(上海市教育科学研究院)//中小学外语教学(北京).-2008,no.3.-p.7支架理论在英语合作学习中的运用/谢慧萍(浙江杭州外国语学校)//中小学外语教学(北京).-2008,no.3.-p.13高中英语自主命题卷书面表达题的特色与问题/高晓莹(解放军后勤工程学院重庆外语教研室)//中小学外语教学(北京).-2008,no.3.-p.18中学高水平英语学习者口语自我纠错的个案研究/陈钧(江西南昌华东交通大学附中)//中小学外语教学(北京).-2008,no.3.-p.29高中课型课例交流与研究//中小学外语教学(北京).-2008,no.3.-p.42主动形式表被动意义的类型及特点/袁小林(广东深圳市宝安中学)//中小学外语教学(北京).-2008,no.3.-p.48中小学英语教师的基本素养/陈力(人民教育出版社英语室)//中学外语教与学(北京).-2008,no.1.-p.1中国基础英语任务型交际—建构教学法探讨/郭跃进(湖北教育学院外语系)//中学外语教与学(北京).-2008,no.1.-p.7高中英语课堂互动教学探究/刘丽平(乐山师范学院外语系)//中学外语教与学(北京).-2008,no.1.-p.12国外英语教材的编写特色及设计思路评析/孙东晖(山东单县二中)//中学外语教与学(北京).-2008,no.1.-p.15稳中求进稳中求新—2007年高考英语全国卷解读/程惠云(清华大学附属中学)//中学外语教与学(北京).-2008,no.1.-p.20高三十学高效备考/王俊易(湖北黄冈市教科院)//中学外语教与学(北京).-2008,no.1.-p.23关于提高教学有效性的探索—谈英语教学中对各类学习法的合理利用/刘兵(陕西师范大学教育科学学院)//中学外语教与学(北京).-2008,no.1.-p.27试析新课标背景下中学英语教学设计模式“三阶段”/宋江录(宁夏大学外国语学院)//中学外语教与学(北京).-2008,no.1.-p.30任务型英语课堂教学模式的探索/李广凤(河北邢台内邱官庄镇中学)//中学外语.教与学(北京).-2008,no.1.-p.33行动研究在英语教学中的应用/周岩(上海技术学院:) // 中学外语教与学(北京).-2008,no.1.-p.37英语比较结构的非比较意义/陈辉(苏州科技大学外语系)//中学外语教与学(北京).-2008,no.1.-p.43高中英语口语教学的创新与尝试——以上海嘉定二中“试比拼”英语口语教学活动为例/周建芳(作者单位:上海应用技术学院).-2008,no.1.-p.41高中英语听力教学策略/庄育新(安徽全椒县全椒中学)//中学外语教与学(北京).-2008,no.1.-p.49高中英语听力训练略谈/卜传斌(安徽全椒县全椒中学)//中学外语教与学(北京).-2008,no.1.-p.50提高英语综合能力的策略/高丽(河北唐山师范学院初等教育学院)//中学外语教与学(北京).-2008,no.1.-p.52如何做好英语阅读理解题/魏雪卿(苏州科技大学外语系)//中学外语教与学(北京).-2008,no.1.-p.54浅谈中学生英语写作能力的培养与提高/孙玉芬(辽宁庄河市第二高级中学)//中学外语教与学(北京).-2008,no.1.-p.57有效运用教师影响力,发挥教师权威/于晖(吉林长春大学外国语学院)//中学外语教与学(北京).-2008,no.2.-p.4高中英语教师语用教学意识及语用知识现状调查/高瑞阔(安徽六安市皖西学院外语系)//中学外语教与学(北京).-2008,no.2.-p.6如何提高中学生英语素质/高生贵(甘肃定西市安定区公园路中学)//中学外语教与学(北京).-2008,no.2.-p.10新课改背景下中学英语教学的认识误区及对策/李欣(福建厦门集美大学外国语学院)//中学外语教与学(北京).-2008,no.2.-p.12关于新课程高中英语教学目标的叙写/王勤(浙江嘉兴市第一中学)//中学外语教与学(北京).-2008,no.2.-p.15新课程改革与英语教师的自主专业化发展/田进军(张家港市锦丰初级中学)//中学外语教与学(北京).-2008,no.2.-p.18观07年试卷,08高考英语这样复习/范存智、马燕(原载高校招生)//中学外语教与学(北京).-2008,no.2.-p.20谈如何培养和提高英语应用能力——写在2007广东新高考之后/苗淑艳(广东深圳市深圳中学)//中学外语教与学(北京).-2008,no.2.-p.23新课程视角下的高中英语学法指导/刘骁明(安徽无为中学)//中学外语教与学(北京).-2008,no.2.-p.29中学英语课堂教学节奏的构建/宗凤昌(江苏淮安中学)//中学外语教与学(北京).-2008,no.2.-p.34中学英语课堂教学不良现象评析/刘玲萍(浙江杭州市第十三中学)//中学外语教与学(北京).-2008,no.2.-p.36英语词汇学习探究——联想,拓展/刘岁卯//中学外语教与学(北京).-2008,no.2.-p.39巧用逗号,轻松解题/朱启飞(安徽当涂第二中学)//中学外语教与学(北京).-2008,no.2.-p.41前缀en-与后缀en-/尹继友(湖北麻城市第三中学)//中学外语教与学(北京).-2008,no.2.-p.43浅议英语教学中的口头复述/高琼(甘肃临洮县第二中学)//中学外语教与学(北京).-2008,no.2.-p.44如何应对听力训练中出现的困难/冯妍(兰铁五中)//中学外语教与学(北京).-2008,no.2.-p.46英语阅读教学模式探析/柏玉和(通辽市科尔沁区钱家店实验初中)//中学外语教与学(北京).-2008,no.2.-p.51浅谈高中英语写作能力的培养/赵惠珍(甘肃临洮县第二中学)//中学外语教与学(北京).-2008,no.2.-p.55基础写作重在基础句型的熟悉与应用/肖鹏//中学外语教与学(北京).-2008,no.2.-p.57专家帮你提高英语作文成绩/史冰岩(哈尔滨工业大学外语学院)//中学外语教与学(北京).-2008,no.2.-p.59德国的外语教学改革及启示/肖建芳(广东五邑大学外语系)//中学外语教与学(北京).-2008,no.3.-p.4浅谈新课标理念下中学英语教师引导作用的发挥/李宝荣(北京教育学院外语系)//中学外语教与学(北京).-2008,no.3.-p. 10再论素质教育与课堂教育/邢孟达(山东师范大学)//中学外语教与学(北京).-2008,no.3.-p.12对我国现行英语课程标准的理论思考/何广铿(华南师范大学外文学院)//中学外语教与学(北京).-2008,no.3.-p.13英语高考题型答题技巧与备考建议/李建平(山东师范大学)//中学外语教与学(北京).-2008,no.3.-p.18英语课堂有效教学的策略运用与思考/吴爱庆(浙江义乌中学)//中学外语教与学(北京).-2008,no.3.-p.26高中英语语音教学探析——基于牛津高中教材语音教学的若干尝试/赵继光(江苏连云港市白塔高级中学)//中学外语教与学(北京).-2008,no.3.-p.30语境法在中学英语课堂教学中的运用/彭红兵(宜春学院外国语学院)//中学外语教与学(北京).-2008,no.3.-p.35高中教材中的系动词用法小议/张晓云(湖北孝感三江航天中学)//中学外语教与学(北京).-2008,no.3.-p.38几种特殊的完成形式/张芬(成都医学院)//中学外语教与学(北京).-2008,no.3.-p.41高中英语口语教学应注意的问题及方法/陈琴华(浙江台州市天台育青中学)//中学外语教与学(北京).-2008,no.3.-p.43新课程背景下的中学英语听力教学/朱莉琼(湖南岳阳市岳阳楼区五里中学)//中学外语教与学(北京).-2008,no.3.-p.45高中英语阅读与写作并进式教学的研究/刘东利(北京市第105中学)//中学外语教与学(北京).-2008,no.3.-p.49英语阅读教学的功能语境视角/屠克(河南农业大学外国语学院)//中学外语教与学(北京).-2008,no.3.-p.50高中英语书面表达面批三步法/徐群力(浙江桐庐县教育局教研室)//中学外语教与学(北京).-2008,no.3.-p.52抽调中学生英语写作能力的途径/吴晓钟(江苏淮安县海陵中学)//中学外语教与学(北京).-2008,no.3.-p.54在理想与现实之间求索——提升英语教师新课程执行力的前期实践/(北京师范大学外文学院外语教育与教师教育研究所)//中小学外语教学(北京).-2008,no.4.-p.14任务的主要二维与高中英语教案设计/俞炎桑(上海大学外国语学院)//中小学外语教学(北京).-2008,no.4.-p.19中学英语教师反思性教学例谈/郑允贤(浙江省苍南县江南高级中学)//中小学外语教学(北京).-2008,no.4.-p.26从一道高考题看this 和that 用法的差异/林有苗(浙江湖州师范学院)//中小学外语教学(北京).-2008,no.4.-p.46在反思与探究中提高课堂合作学习的实效性/孔繁华(北京市一零一中学)//中小学外语教学(北京).-2008,no.5.-p.1话语分析理论在阅读教学中的应用/徐文丽(山东鲁东大学大学外语教学部)//中小学外语教学(北京).-2008,no.5.-p.7从挖掘教材内涵入手培养高中学生的英语阅读能力/程菁华(浙江宁波二中)//中小学外语教学(北京).-2008,no.5.-p.11利用教材资源开展写作训练的策略/石锡伍(福建厦门五缘实验学校)//中小学外语教学(北京).-2008,no.5.-p.17高考命题求新的必要性和策略分析---对近几年高考英语试题雷同现象的思考/沈晓彦(江苏省通州高级中学)//中小学外语教学(北京).-2008,no.5.-p.22中学生英语写作常见语言错误及其纠正策略探讨/郝群(四川内江外国语学校)//中小学外语教学(北京).-2008,no.5.-p.26高中英语课堂生成性教学资源的处理策略/葛巧霞(浙江宁海县知恩中学)//中小学外语教学(北京).-2008,no.5.-p.31北师在版高中英语教材使用中的问题及其解决方案/尚晓兰(安徽宿松县第二中学)//中小学外语教学(北京).-2008,no.5.-p.35补习对中学生英语学习的影响/吴飒唐灵芝(江南大学外国语学院)//中小学外语教学(北京).-2008,no.6.-p.1高考英语“任务型阅读”题型示例指瑕/孟庆忠(江苏连云港市教育局教研室)//中小学外语教学(北京).-2008,no.4.-p.10从一节语法课看“学生的主体意识”/凌蕙(北京师范大学第三附属中学)//中小学外语教学(北京).-2008,no.6.-p.14指导高中生在英语阅读中运用调控策略/韩程峰(华东师范大学英语系)//中小学外语教学(北京).-2008,no.6.-p.18一节高三书面表达讲评课的教学设计/刘涛夏飞华(浙江省江山中学)//中小学外语教学(北京).-2008,no.6.-p.21由赴澳语言培训引发的教学反思/诸复帼(浙江余姚市阳明中学)//中小学外语教学(北京).-2008,no.6.-p.25联想教学方法在中学英语教学中的应用/陶小威(浙江兰溪市第一中学)//中小学外语教学(北京).-2008,no.6.-p.28英语介词短语的名物化现象探究/邓道宣(四川乐山师范学院外国语学院)//中小学外语教学(北京).-2008,no.6.-p.38高中虚拟语气用法归纳/余绍榛(云南宣威市第一中学)//中小学外语教学(北京).-2008,no.6.-p.41have 可以表达“存在”吗?——从意念角度谈have 的语法功能/袁军(浙江湖州师范学院外国语学院)//中小学外语教学(北京).-2008,no.6.-p.46中学英语教师职业倦怠的成因及对策/陈莉(华东师范大学课程与与系)//中学外语教与学(北京) .-2008,no.4.-p.4英语学习自我效能感的影响因素及培养/杨行胜(江苏宿迁泗洪县洪翔中学)//中学外语教与学(北京) .-2008,no.4.-p.7高中英语新教材教法初探/殷成勇(广东珠海市斗门一中)//中学外语教与学(北京) .-2008,no.4.-p.16以新课程理念推进高考英语改革----简要评析2007年新课改实验区高考英语试卷/杨善闳(安徽省教育科学研究所)//中学外语教与学(北京) .-2008,no.4.-p.18效能复习抓关键,轻松自如应高考----英语复习策略指导/白金国(哈尔滨市第一中学)//中学外语教与学(北京) .-2008,no.4.-p.22英语课堂有效教学的策略运用与思考/吴爱庆(浙江义乌中学)//中学外语教与学(北京) .-2008,no.4.-p.25谈英语教学中的朗读/张兰英(四川乐山市第六中学)//中学外语教与学(北京) .-2008,no.4.-p.28浅谈英语教学中的课堂提问/孔兆飞(浙江定海第一中学)//中学外语教与学(北京) .-2008,no.4.-p.30英语教师的指导作用/袁亚丽(海南师范大学英语系)//中学外语教与学(北京) .-2008,no.4.-p.32英语“参与式”教学实践初探/余学蓉(红寺堡中学)//中学外语教与学(北京) .-2008,no.4.-p.33英语教学中的兴趣培养/刘明贵(河南省新乡市原阳县第一中学)//中学外语教与学(北京) .-2008,no.4.-p.35英语倒装句的强制性与必要性/林云舟(海南师范大学外语系)//中学外语教与学(北京) .-2008,no.4.-p.36词汇学习之我的心得/刘思选(上海外国语大学英语学院)//中学外语教与学(北京) .-2008,no.4.-p.39高中英语听力教学的新思路/刘丹(浙江湖州中学)//中学外语教与学(北京) .-2008,no.4.-p.43中学英语口语纠错策略/何仁毅(江苏海门市教研室)//中学外语教与学(北京) .-2008,no.4.-p.46高中英语阅读教学策略探讨/段翠英(陕西师范大学外语学院)//中学外语教与学(北京) .-2008,no.4.-p.50新课程下如何训练中学生的英语写作能力/张爱忠(江苏东海高级中学)//中学外语教与学(北京) .-2008,no.4.-p.53书面表达精练/陈清鹏(江西临川一中)//中学外语教与学(北京) .-2008,no.4.-p.55专家帮你提高英语作文成绩/史冰岩(哈尔滨工业大学外语学院)//中学外语教与学(北京) .-2008,no.4.-p.58美国人眼中的道德观//中学外语教与学(北京) .-2008,no.4.-p.63内容与形式从对立走向统一-----英语课堂生态平衡观/黄远振(福建师范大学外国语学院)//中学外语教与学(北京) .-2008,no.5.-p.4高中英语教学中的思维训练研究/生平(人民教育出版社)//中学外语教与学(北京) .-2008,no.5.-p.7高中英语教师教学方式的转变研究/马斌(福建师范大学教育科学与技术学院)//中学外语教与学(北京) .-2008,no.5.-p.11英语教师职业发展的制约因素与对策/孙平华(中国政法大学外国语学院)//中学外语教与学(北京) .-2008,no.5.-p.14浅谈任务型教学的本土化/周亚君(华东师范大学课程与教学系)//中学外语教与学(北京) .-2008,no.5.-p.20教学评价改革是英语课程改革的关键/李锋伟(郑州师范高等专科学校)//中学外语教与学(北京) .-2008,no.5.-p.242007年高考英语听力试题的特点/董敏(安徽天长中学)//中学外语教与学(北京) .-2008,no.5.-p.26高考英语写作备考的三个策略/戴小丽(深圳市平冈中学)//中学外语教与学(北京) .-2008,no.5.-p.30谈谈我国中学英语教学中的语法问题/章振邦(上海外国语大学英语学院)//中学外语教与学(北京) .-2008,no.5.-p.32中学英语新课程标准下的语法教学策略/邓毅群(江西教育学院外文系)//中学外语教与学(北京) .-2008,no.5.-p.34新课程下高中英语有效课堂教学设计/陈亚丽(广州市增城中学英语组)//中学外语教与学(北京) .-2008,no.5.-p.38从高考题看连词before 的用法/苏晓强//中学外语教与学(北京) .-2008,no.5.-p.41巧解感叹句/蒋丰歌(江苏铜山县清华中学)//中学外语教与学(北京) .-2008,no.5.-p.43中高水平英语课堂纠正性重述语研究/许珊珊(南京大学外国语学院英语系2005级)//中学外语教与学(北京) .-2008,no.5.-p.44提高英语听力理解能力的策略和技巧/朱筱杭(浙江湖州中学弁山校区英语组)//中学外语教与学(北京) .-2008,no.5.-p.50高中生中译英中时态使用错误分析/刘慧芳(上海市第二中学)//中学外语教与学(北京) .-2008,no.5.-p.55如何翻译关于道德的名词(一)/王逢鑫(哈尔滨工业大学外语学院)//中学外语教与学(北京) .-2008,no.5.-p.59我生命中最有意义的一天/熊德//中学外语教与学(北京) .-2008,no.5.-p.60高中英语新课程实施现状的调查与思考/杨欣(浙江金华职业技术学院国际商务学院)//中学外语教与学(北京) .-2008,no.6.-p.4高中英语教师的课程适应与专业成长/谌启标(福建师范大学教育科学与技术学院)//中学外语教与学(北京) .-2008,no.6.-p.7高中生英语学习信念及其与英语学习行为的关系/宋志燕(山西长治学院社科系)//中学外语教与学(北京) .-2008,no.6.-p.11新课程理念下培养学生英语思维能力的方法/何忠花(江苏新海高级中学)//中学外语教与学(北京) .-2008,no.6.-p.14利用网络英语课的新尝试/郑亚洪(浙江乐清市乐清镇实验中学)//中学外语教与学(北京) .-2008,no.6.-p.20解读基于课程文件的中学英语教学评价/欧阳苹果(湖南湘南学院)//中学外语教与学(北京) .-2008,no.6.-p.24试论信息技术与中学英语教学的课程整合/曾小曼(广西师范大学附属中学)//中学外语教与学(北京) .-2008,no.6.-p.262007年全国高考19份英语试卷题型结构的分析与比较/宋卫民(江西宜春学院)//中学外语教与学(北京) .-2008,no.6.-p.28英语完形填空题解题新探/吴昌(永安第一中学)//中学外语教与学(北京) .-2008,no.6.-p.30任务型教学法在中学英语教学实施过程中存在问题及思考/游建民(河北科技师范学院)//中学外语教与学(北京) .-2008,no.6.-p.33从学生答题情况看语法和词汇教学/温爱英(江西教育厅教研室)//中学外语教与学(北京) .-2008,no.6.-p.35中学英语听力教学研究/方常杰(浙江黄岩中学)//中学外语教与学(北京) .-2008,no.6.-p.39高中生课外英语口语训练的探索/惠鹏(上海大学附属中学)//中学外语教与学(北京) .-2008,no.6.-p.41谈高中英语语音教学-----基于牛津高中教材语音教学的若干尝试/赵继光(江苏连云港市白塔高级中学)//中学外语教与学(北京) .-2008,no.6.-p.44新课程背景下“阅读档案袋”的应用/吴轶(浙江宁波市第三中学)//中学外语教与学(北京) .-2008,no.6.-p.48利用语篇信息解读,提高高中英语阅读教学质量/于翠萍(山东师范大学外语教育学院)//中学外语教与学(北京) .-2008,no.6.-p.51运用词块学习策略,提高高中生英语写作水平/王佩娜(广东揭阳第一中学)//中学外语教与学(北京) .-2008,no.6.-p.55报刊阅读在高中英语教学中的实践与思考/殷志勇(江苏海州高级中学)//中学外语教与学(北京) .-2008,no.6.-p.58名人名言在中学英语教学中的运用/黄百安(浙江省余姚市教育局教研室)//中小学英语教学与研究(上海) .-2008,no.4.-p.12高中英语课堂导入案例分析/李杰(南京师范大学外国语学院05级教育硕士)//中小学英语教学与研究(上海) .-2008,no.4.-p.17任务型教学的正确理解和合理优化/陈立华(浙江省玉环县玉城中学)//中小学英语教学与研究(上海) .-2008,no.4.-p.23“交流---互动”模式与英语听说教学/曹爱萍(上海市吴淞中学)//中小学英语教学与研究(上海) .-2008,no.4.-p.27浅谈如何提高学生的英语听力水平/周永波(吉林省四平市伊通满族自治县第二十五中学)//中小学英语教学与研究(上海) .-2008,no.4.-p.30高中英语阅读教学的梯度/刘骁明(安徽省无为中学)//中小学英语教学与研究(上海) .-2008,no.4.-p.31上海市中小学双语教学的发展分析(下)/朱浦(上海市教委教研室)//中小学英语教学与研究(上海) .-2008,no.4.-p.34高考英语科试卷新型“短文改错”题设计/刘庆忠(教育部考试中心)//中小学英语教学与研究(上海) .-2008,no.4.-p.40英语高考任务型阅读试题解析/沈正南(江苏省梁丰高级中学)//中小学英语教学与研究(上海) .-2008,no.4.-p.44《2008年高考(江苏卷)英语科考试说明》解读/刘忠保(江苏省南通中学)//中小学英语教学与研究(上海) .-2008,no.4.-p.48高考英语语法疑难题解析(四)---情态动词的用法/沈金荣(华东师大课程系)//中小学英语教学与研究(上海) .-2008,no.4.-p.60浅谈抽象名词、物质名词的可数化/万小泉(安徽巢湖市第七中学)//中小学英语教学与研究(上海) .-2008,no.4.-p.65A、B、C与ABC/林有苗(浙江省湖州师范学院)//中小学英语教学与研究(上海) .-2008,no.4.-p.68谈谈on表示“支撑”、“由……支撑”的用法/孔礼战(河南省济源市教育体育局教育科学研究所)//中小学英语教学与研究(上海) .-2008,no.4.-p.69加强课外阅读,提高高中生英语阅读能力/夏安平(福建省建宁县第一中学)//中小学英语教学与研究(上海) .-2008,no.6.-p.37试用图式理论激发高中生英语听力兴趣/江淑玲(浙江师范大学外国语学院)//中小学英语教学与研究(上海) .-2008,no.6.-p.48英语作文评改模式的探索与思考/殷志勇(江苏省海州高级中学)//中小学英语教学与研究(上海) .-2008,no.6.-p.51英汉句式互译差异分析/赵晓江(辽宁中医药大学外语教研室)//中小学英语教学与研究(上海) .-2008,no.6.-p.56一些地道的课堂用语/李力(浙江省杭州外国语学校)//中小学英语教学与研究(上海) .-2008,no.6.-p.59含蓄虚拟语气解读/刘岁卯(甘肃省静宁一中)//中小学英语教学与研究(上海) .-2008,no.6.-p.60定语从句与其他相似易混结构比较/李艳荣(山东省荷泽二中)//中小学英语教学与研究(上海) .-2008,no.6.-p.65高考英语语法疑难题解析(六)----名词及名词与限定词的搭配/沈金荣(华东师大课程系)//中小学英语教学与研究(上海) .-2008,no.6.-p.67中学英语教材“二次开发”的意义、内容与权限/关世民(海南师范大学外语系)//中小学外语教学(北京).—2008,no.7.—P.1高中学生英语词汇学习策略使用情况调查/程彩玲,张荣(南京师范大学附属实验学校)//中小学外语教学(北京).—2008,no.7.—P.6课文复述的有效方法/程菁华(浙江宁波二中)//中小学外语教学(北京).—2008,no.7.—P.12运用词块理论提高学生的英语写作能力/王学儒(浙江舟山市南海实验学校)//中小学外语教学(北京).—2008,no.7.—P.18高中英语语法教学:从故事、规则到语感/白治堂(华中师范大学教育学院)//中小学外语教学(北京).—2008,no.7.—P.28在课堂教学中培养学生的听力策略——以一节听力预测策略教学课为例/刘辉(清华大学附属中学)//中小学外语教学(北京).—2008,no.7.—P.32提高课堂教学有效性的三种方法/黄海丽(浙江温岭市大溪中学)//中小学外语教学(北京).—2008,no.7.—P.35介词运用难点例析——从2007年一道高考题谈起/戴海荣(开明出版社外研室),李宝忱(北京市朝阳区教育科研所)//中小学外语教学(北京).—2008,no.7.—P.47对教学设计内涵的理解及实践诊断/张金秀(北京教育学院国际语言文化学院)//中小学外语教学(北京).—2008,no.8.—P.107版高中英语新教材的阅读预测技能练习设计探究/陈文宜,何安平(华南师范大学外文学院),//中小学外语教学(北京).—2008,no.8.—P.14教师如何做有深度的叙事研究/李晓博(深圳大学外国语学院)//中小学外语教学(北京).—2008,no.8.—P.21将“以学生为主体”的意识渗透到课堂设计中——一节阅读课的设计、实施与反思/侯敏华(北京市十一学校),曹卫平(北京市育英中学),王淑香(北京大学附属中学),孙铁玲(北京市海淀区教师进修学校附属学校)//中小学外语教学(北京).—2008,no.8.—P.24高中英语词汇教学与测试策略的研究/宋德龙(华东师范大学外语系)//中小学外语教学(北京).—2008,no.8.—P.29小组合作式写作教学的实践与思考/殷志勇(江苏海州高级中学)//中小学外语教学(北京).—2008,no.8.—P.33。
