ATP Amplification for Ultrasensitive Bioluminescence Assay:Detection of a Single Bacterial Cell
滚环扩增技术的原理及其应用的研究张俊;曾照芳【摘要】Rolling circle amplification ( RCA) is a recently developed isothermal nucleic acids amplification method . This method can not only amplify DNA and RNA directly, but also allow the enlargement of signal from target nucleic acids with the sensitivity up to one copy of nucleic acids molecule. As a result, the RCA technique plays great values and potentials in whole genome amplification, single nucleotide polymorphism, DNA chips, protein chips and so on.%滚环扩增是近年来发展起来的一种恒温核酸扩增方法.这种方法不仅可以直接扩增DNA和RNA,还可以实现对靶核酸的信号放大,灵敏度达到一个拷贝的核酸分子,因此,RCA技术在全基因组扩增、单核苷酸多态性、DNA芯片、蛋白质芯片等方面检测中具有很大的应用价值和潜力.【期刊名称】《生物信息学》【年(卷),期】2012(010)001【总页数】3页(P12-14)【关键词】扩增技术;滚环扩增;线性扩增;指数扩增;检测【作者】张俊;曾照芳【作者单位】重庆医科大学检验医学院,临床检验诊断学教育部重点实验室,重庆400016;重庆医科大学检验医学院,临床检验诊断学教育部重点实验室,重庆400016【正文语种】中文【中图分类】Q523+.8滚环扩增(rolling circle amplification,RCA)技术是借鉴自然界中环状病原微生物DNA分子的滚环式的复制方式而建立的一种核酸扩增技术,它是在恒温下发生的一种DNA扩增技术。
I 6,N FOO D S F TYGUID 5品或形象检测、不同类异物检测、异物大小测量、脱漏检测、图像重检、保全周期管理、图像自动保存、产品缩放、调整传送带速度等多种功能,最多允许记录10000个产品。
X-ray 异物检测,安全设计很关键对于X-ray 异物检测设备来说,产品研发之初最需要考虑的就是设备的安全性能,这需要制造商考虑包括相关法规和标准、设备本身的性能、检测物品的特性等等。
针对这些问题,照必斯的产品完全参照美国FD A 和欧盟CE 相关标准和要求设计产品的基本规格,设备的漏流线量可达到1uSv/h 以下;另外,为保证检测机的安全,还配备了其它安全措施,比如X 射线指示灯、通道的开闭、应急停止设置、防止操作者将手伸进设备的传感器等等。
照必斯的X -ray 异物检测机的X 射线量值在0.001G y 以下,相对于WHO 规定的10K G y 以下的安全值小很多,因此,食品几乎不会受到X 射线的辐射,能够充分保证食品的安全性和品质,而其检测系统的流线量在1uSv/H r 以下,对人体的辐射非常之小。
X-ray 异物检测,容易操作很重要对于异物检测来说,除了具有强大的功能、安全的设置外,还应该易于操作。
照必斯生产的X -ray 异物检测机基于半导体精密技术,采用优质材料及配件,能够保证设备的持续运转,并且可根据企业的要求,实现完全自动化检测,检测系统在设定相关参数之后便可自动运行,并且能够保证极小的故障率,为企业省去了很多人力的投入。
随着消费者对食品安全重视程度的不断提高,X-ray 异物检测在食品行业将大有作为。
第26卷第2期2006年4月国际病理科学与临床杂志I nternati onal Journal of Pathol ogy and ClinicalMedicineVol.26 No.2Ap r. 2006 CFT R与囊性纤维化王 瑞,李学军(北京大学基础医学院药理系,北京100083)[摘要] 囊性纤维化跨膜传导调节因子(CFTR)是一种c AMP激活的ATP门控性氯离子通道,表达于气道,消化道和生殖道上皮细胞的顶部质膜中。
囊性纤维化(CF)是白人中最常见的遗传性疾病之一,由CFT R基因突变造成。
[关键词] 囊性纤维化; 囊性纤维跨膜电导调节因子; ATP结合盒; △F508; 基因疗法; 药物治疗[中图分类号] Q71 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 167322588(2006)022*******CFTR and cysti c f i brosisWANG Rui,L I Xue2jun(D epart m ent of Phar m acology,School of B asic M edical Sciences,Peking U niversity,B eijing100083,China)[Abstract] The cystic fibr osis trans me mbrane conductance regulat or(CFT R)is a c AMP2activa2 ted and ATP2gated Cl-channel exp ressed in the ap ical p las ma me mbrane of ep ithelial cells in the air2 ways,digestive and rep r oductive tracts.Cystic Fibr osis(CF),caused by mutati ons in the CFT R gene,is one of the most common inherited dis orders of white populati ons.The identificati on of the CF gene led us t o a further understanding of the CFT R structure and functi on,the mutati onal basis as well as the com2 p lexity of the disease.[Key words] cystic fibr osis(CF); cystic fibr osis trans me mbrane conductance regulat or (CFTR); ATP binding cassette(ABC); deltaF508; gene therapy; drug treat m ent[In t J Pa thol C lin M ed,2006,26(2):0142204] 囊性纤维化(cystic fibr osis,CF)是一种致命的常染色体隐性疾病,主要临床症状为慢性梗阻性肺部病变,是白人中最常见的遗传性疾病之一。
【摘要】近日,日本科学家发现人诱导多能干细胞(iP S细胞)衍生的巨噬细胞在阿尔茨海默病(AD)的治疗中具有应用前景。
在前期研究中,他们建立了从人iP S 细胞生成具有增殖活性的巨噬细胞样髓系细胞(iP S-ML)的技术,并发现iP S-ML 能降低加入到培养基中的Aβ水平,且iP S-ML的培养上清液能减轻Aβ的神经毒性。
在该研究中,他们又构建了表达Aβ特异性单链抗体Fc受体融合形式(anti-AβscF v)的iP S-ML;此外,还让iP S-ML表达脑啡肽酶2(NEP2;一种能够降解Aβ的蛋白酶)。
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Phys. Chem. C 2012 影响因子:4.805文章: Alignment of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes with Ferroelectric Liquid Crystal期刊:Analytica Chimica Acta 2012 影响因子:4.555文章: Highly sensitive luminol electrochemiluminescence immunosensor based on ZnO nanoparticles and glucose oxidase decorated graphene for cancer biomarker detection期刊:Journal of Chromatography A 2012 影响因子:4.531文章: Simultaneous determination of 10 β2-agonists in swine urine using liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry and multi-walled carbon nanotubes as a reversed dispersive solid phase extraction sorbent期刊:ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2012 影响因子:4.525文章: “Turn-on”Fluorescence Detection of Lead Ions Based on Accelerated Leaching of Gold Nanoparticles on the Surface of Graphene期刊:Chemistry-An Asian Journal 2012 影响因子:4.5南京先丰纳米材料科技有限公司Nanjing XFNANO Materials Tech Co.,Ltd 地址:南京市鼓楼区南京大学国家大学科技园Add:Nanjing Jiangsu Province China文章: Dispersion of Reduced Graphene Oxide in Multiple Solvents with an Imidazolium-Modified Hexa-peri-hexabenzocoronene期刊:Analyst 2012 影响因子:4.23文章: Glucose sensor based on an electrochemical reduced graphene oxide-poly(L-lysine) composite film modified GC electrode期刊:Analyst 2012 影响因子:4.23文章: A functional graphene oxide-ionic liquid composites/gold nanoparticles sensing platform for ultrasensitive electrochemical detection of Hg2+期刊:Analyst 2012 影响因子:4.23文章: Ultrasensitive colorimetric detection of heparin based on self-assembly of gold nanoparticles on graphene oxide期刊:PLOS ONE 2012 影响因子:4.092文章: Obstruction of Photoinduced Electron Transfer from Excited Porphyrin to Graphene Oxide: A Fluorescence Turn-On Sensing Platform for Iron (III) Ions期刊:Pharmaceutical Research 2012 影响因子:4.093文章: PEGylated Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes for Encapsulation and Sustained Release of Oxaliplatin期刊:Electrochemistry Communications 2014 影响因子: 4.425文章A Novel Electrochemical Immunosensor for Golgi Protein 73 Assay期刊:Journal of Power Sources 2014 影响因子: 4.675文章Mesoporous Li3V2(PO4)3@CMK-3 nanocomposite cathode material for lithium ion batteries期刊:Analytica Chimica Acta 2014 影响因子: 4.387文章Sensitive and selective electrochemical determination of quinoxaline-2-carboxylic acid based on bilayer of novel poly(pyrrole) functional composite using one-step electro-polymerization and molecularly imprinted poly(o-phenylenediamine)期刊:Journal of Membrane Science 2014 影响因子:4.093文章Poly(vinyl alcohol)–graphene oxide nanohybrid “pore-filling” membrane for pervaporation of toluene/n-heptane mixtures期刊:Journal of Power Sources 2014 影响因子: 4.675文章Non-aqueous hybrid supercapacitors fabricated with mesoporous TiO2 microspheres and activated carbon electrodes with superior performance期刊:Journal of Power Sources 2014 影响因子: 4.675文章Preparation of three-dimensional hybrid nanostructure-encapsulated sulfur cathode for high-rate lithium sulfur batteries期刊:Bioresource Technology 2013 影响因子: 4.75文章Selective production of chemicals from biomass pyrolysis over metal chlorides supported on zeolite期刊:Journal of Chromatography A 2013 影响因子: 4.612文章Simultaneous determination of six resorcylic acid lactones in feed using liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry and multi-walled carbon nanotubes as a dispersive solid phase extraction sorbent南京先丰纳米材料科技有限公司Nanjing XFNANO Materials Tech Co.,Ltd 地址:南京市鼓楼区南京大学国家大学科技园Add:Nanjing Jiangsu Province China期刊:Journal of Power Sources 2013 影响因子: 4.675文章Reduced graphene oxide film as a shuttle-inhibiting interlayer in a lithium–sulfur battery期刊:The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2013 影响因子: 4.814文章Electromagnetic Wave Absorption Properties of Reduced Graphene Oxide Modified by Maghemite Colloidal Nanoparticle Clusters期刊:Journal of Power Sources 2013 影响因子: 4.675文章Improving the performance of lithium–sulfur batteries by graphene coating期刊:Journal of Chromatography A 2013 影响因子:4.612文章Application of graphene as the stationary phase for open-tubular capillary electrochromatography 期刊:Journal of Power Sources 2013 影响因子:4.675文章Design, hydrothermal synthesis and electrochemical properties of porous birnessite-type manganese dioxide nanosheets on graphene as a hybrid material for supercapacitors期刊:Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2013 影响因子:4.525文章:One-Pot Environmentally Friendly Approach toward Highly Catalytically Active Bimetal-Nanoparticle-Graphene Hybrids期刊:Electrochemistry Communications 2013 影响因子:4.859文章:Fabrication of streptavidin functionalized silver nanoparticle decorated graphene and its application in disposable electrochemical sensor for immunoglobulin E期刊:ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2013 影响因子:4.525文章:Facile Fabrication and Enhanced Photocatalytic Performance of Ag/AgCl/rGO Heterostructure Photocatalyst期刊:Analyst 2013 影响因子:4.23文章:One-pot green synthesis of graphene oxide/gold nanocomposites as SERS substrates for malachite green detection大于等于3:期刊:Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical影响因子:3.535文章:Facile preparation of highly water-stable and flexible PEDOT:PSS organic/inorganic composite materials and their application in electrochemical sensors.期刊:Electrochimica Acta影响因子:3.777文章:Inhibitory effect of silver nanomaterials on transmissible virus-induced host cell infections期刊:Microchimica Acta 2014 影响因子:3.434文章:Graphene oxide functionalized magnetic nanoparticles as adsorbents for removal of phthalate esters.期刊:Nanotechnology 2013 影响因子:3.979文章: Facile and straightforward synthesis of superparamagnetic reduced graphene oxide–Fe3O4 hybrid composite by a solvothermal reaction期刊:Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 2012 影响因子:3.898文章: Sensitive DNA biosensor improved by 1,10-phenanthroline cobalt complex as indicator based on the electrode modified by gold nanoparticles and graphene期刊:Electrochimica Acta 2013 影响因子:3.832南京先丰纳米材料科技有限公司Nanjing XFNANO Materials Tech Co.,Ltd 地址:南京市鼓楼区南京大学国家大学科技园Add:Nanjing Jiangsu Province China文章: Electrochemical biosensor based on reduced graphene oxide modified electrode with Prussian blue and poly(toluidine blue O) coating期刊:Electrochimica Acta 2012 影响因子:3.832文章: High sensitive determination of theophylline based on gold nanoparticles/l-cysteine/Graphene/Nafion modified electrode期刊:Electrochimica Acta 2013 影响因子:3.832文章: Graphene oxide/nickel oxide modified glassy carbon electrode for supercapacitor and nonenzymatic glucose sensor期刊:Electrochimica Acta 2012 影响因子:3.832文章: Graphene oxide nanoribbon and polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane assembled composite frameworks for pre-concentrating and electrochemical sensing of 1-hydroxypyrene期刊:Bioelectrochemistry 2012 影响因子:3.759文章: Nonenzymatic amperometric determination of glucose by CuO nanocubes–graphene nanocomposite modified electrode期刊:Chemical Engineering Journal 2012 影响因子:3.461文章: Self-assembly of graphene oxide and polyelectrolyte complex nanohybrid membranes for nanofiltration and pervaporation期刊:Fuel 2012 影响因子:3.248文章: Experimental study on bio-oil upgrading over catalyst in supercritical ethanol期刊:RSC Advances 2013 2011年创刊预计影响因子:大于3.0文章: Sandwich nanocomposites of polyaniline embedded between graphene layers and multi-walled carbon nanotubes for cycle-stable electrode materials of organic supercapacitors期刊:RSC Advances 2012 2011年新刊,预计影响因子:大于3.0文章: Electrochemically-driven and dynamic enhancement of drug metabolism via cytochrome P450 microsomes on colloidal gold/graphene nanocomposites期刊:Electrochimica Acta 2014 影响因子: 3.777文章(4-Ferrocenylethyne) Phenylamine Functionalized Graphene Oxide Modified Electrode for Sensitive Nitrite Sensing期刊:Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 2014 影响因子: 3.535文章Simultaneous determination of dihydroxybenzene isomers based on graphene-graphene oxide nanocomposite modified glassy carbon electrode期刊:Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 2014 影响因子: 3.535文章Sensitive electrochemiluminescence sensor based on ordered mesoporous carbon composite film for dopamine期刊:Talanta 2014 影响因子: 3.498文章Square wave anodic stripping voltammetric determination of Cd2+ and Pb2+ at bismuth-film electrode modified with electroreduced graphene oxide-supported thiolated thionine期刊:Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 2014 影响因子: 3.535文章A multiple-promoted silver enhancement strategy in electrochemical detection of target virus期刊:Nanotechnology 2014 影响因子: 3.842南京先丰纳米材料科技有限公司Nanjing XFNANO Materials Tech Co.,Ltd 地址:南京市鼓楼区南京大学国家大学科技园Add:Nanjing Jiangsu Province China文章Ag–graphene hybrid conductive ink for writing electronics期刊:Analyst 2014 影响因子: 3.969文章Capillary electrophoresis-based immobilized enzyme reactor using graphene oxide as support via layer by layer electrostatic assembly期刊:Microchimica Acta 2014 影响因子: 3.434文章Fluorescent aptasensor for the determination of Salmonella typhimurium based on a graphene oxide platform期刊:Talanta 2014 影响因子:3.498文章Tannic acid functionalized N-doped graphene modified glassy carbon electrode for the determination of bisphenol A in food package期刊:Composites Science and Technology 2013 影响因子: 3.328文章Fabrication of graphene/polylactide nanocomposites with improved properties期刊:Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 2014 影响因子: 3.365文章Synthesis, characterization and CO2 capture of mesoporous SBA-15 adsorbents functionalized with melamine-based and acrylate-based amine dendrimers期刊:Analyst 2013 影响因子: 3.969文章Graphene based electrochemical biosensor for label-free measuring the activity and inhibition of protein tyrosine kinase期刊:Electrochimica Acta 2013 影响因子: 3.777文章Preparation and charaterization of Pt/functionalized graphene and its electrocatalysis for methanol oxidation期刊:Plos One 2013 影响因子: 3.73文章Synergistic Removal of Pb(II), Cd(II) and Humic Acid by Fe3O4@Mesoporous Silica-Graphene Oxide Composites期刊:Electrochimica Acta 2013 影响因子: 3.777文章Electrocatalytic oxidation and detection of N-acetylcysteine based on magnetite/reduced graphene oxide composite-modified glassy carbon electrode期刊:Catalysis Science & Technology 2013 影响因子: 3.753文章The role of reducing agent in perylene tetracarboxylic acid coating on graphene sheets enhances Pd nanoparticles-electrocalytic ethanol oxidation期刊:Acta Materialia 2013 影响因子: 3.941文章Nanoconfinement significantly improves the thermodynamics and kinetics of co-infiltrated 2LiBH4–LiAlH4 composites: Stable reversibility of hydrogen absorption/resorption期刊:Microchimica Acta 2013 影响因子:3.434文章Highly sensitive and selective voltammetric detection of mercury(II) using an ITO electrode modified with 5-methyl-2-thiouracil, graphene oxide and gold nanoparticles期刊:Composites Science and Technology 2013 影响因子:3.328文章Porous graphene sandwich/poly(vinylidene fluoride) composites with high dielectric properties 期刊:Electrochimica Acta 2013 影响因子: 3.777文章Cu2O/NiOx/graphene oxide modified glassy carbon electrode for the enhanced electrochemical oxidation of reduced glutathione and nonenzyme glucose sensor南京先丰纳米材料科技有限公司Nanjing XFNANO Materials Tech Co.,Ltd 地址:南京市鼓楼区南京大学国家大学科技园Add:Nanjing Jiangsu Province China期刊:Electrochimica Acta 2013 影响因子: 3.777文章Direct electrodeposion of reduced graphene oxide and dendritic copper nanoclusters on glassy carbon electrode for electrochemical detection of nitrite期刊:Analyst 2013 影响因子: 3.969文章Realization of on-tissue protein identification by highly efficient in situ digestion with graphene-immobilized trypsin for MALDI imaging analysis期刊:Food Chemistry 2014 影响因子:3.334文章Electrochemical determination of toxic ractopamine at an ordered mesoporous carbon modified electrode期刊:Talanta 2013 影响因子:3.498文章Simultaneous Determination of Dopamine and Uric Acid Using Layer-by-Layer Graphene and Chitosan Assembled Multilayer Films期刊:Electrochimica Acta 2013 影响因子:3.777文章Electrochemically Cathodic Exfoliation of Graphene Sheets in Room Temperature Ionic Liquids N-Butyl, methylpyrrolidinium Bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide and Their Electrochemical Properties 期刊:Journal of Applied Physics 2013 影响因子:2.21文章An experimental investigation on fluidic behaviors in a two-dimensional nanoenvironment期刊:Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical 2013 影响因子:3.187文章Enhancing the photocatalytic activity of lead molybdate by modifying with fullerene期刊:Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2013 影响因子:3.829文章Improving the antifouling property of polysulfone ultrafiltration membrane by incorporation of isocyanate-treated graphene oxide期刊:Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 2013 影响因子:3.535文章Electrochemical modification of graphene oxide bearing different types of oxygen functional species for the electro-catalytic oxidation of reduced glutathione期刊:Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 2013 影响因子:3.535文章A novel graphene oxide-based fluorescence assay for RNA endonuclease activity of mammalian Argonaute2 protein期刊:Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 2013 影响因子:3.535文章Enhanced room temperature sensing of Co3O4-intercalated reduced graphene oxide based gas sensors期刊:Talanta 2013 影响因子:3.498文章Graphene matrix for signal enhancement in ambient plasma assisted laser desorption ionization mass spectrometry期刊:Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 2013影响因子:3.535文章Electrodeposition of electroreduced graphene oxide-Au nanoparticles composite film at glassy carbon electrode for anodic stripping voltammetric analysis of trace arsenic(III)期刊:Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2013 影响因子:3.829文章Enhanced reverse saturable absorption in graphene/Ag2S organic glasses期刊:Electrochimica Acta 2013 影响因子:3.777南京先丰纳米材料科技有限公司Nanjing XFNANO Materials Tech Co.,Ltd 地址:南京市鼓楼区南京大学国家大学科技园Add:Nanjing Jiangsu Province China文章Electrochemical immunoassay platform for high sensitivity detection of indole-3-acetic acid期刊:Analyst 2013 影响因子:3.969文章Aptamer-linked biosensor for thrombin based on AuNPs/Thionine-graphene nanocomposite期刊:Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 2013 影响因子:3.172文章Green Synthesis and Photo-catalytic Performances for ZnO-Reduced Graphene Oxide Nanocomposites期刊:Electrochimica Acta 2013 影响因子:3.832文章: Insight into effects of graphene in Li4Ti5O12/carbon composite with high rate capability as anode materials for lithium ion batteries期刊:Dalton Transactions 2013 影响因子:3.838文章:Remarkable improvements in the stability and thermal conductivity of graphite/ethylene glycol nanofluids caused by a graphene oxide percolation structure期刊:Talanta 2013 影响因子:3.794文章:Selective and sensitive determination of uric acid in the presence of ascorbic acid and dopamine by PDDA functionalized graphene/graphite composite electrode期刊:ELECTROPHORESIS 2013 影响因子:3.303文章:Graphene oxide and reduced graphene oxide as novel stationary phases via electrostatic assembly for open-tubular capillary electrochromatography期刊:Sensors and Actuators B 2013 影响因子:3.898文章:A reduced graphene oxide based biosensor for high-sensitive detection of phenols in water samples期刊:Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 2013 影响因子:3.898文章:Amperometric biosensor for NADH and ethanol based on electroreduced graphene oxide–polythionine nanocomposite film南京先丰纳米材料科技有限公司Nanjing XFNANO Materials Tech Co.,Ltd 地址:南京市鼓楼区南京大学国家大学科技园Add:Nanjing Jiangsu Province China。
一、定义和原理1. 蓝激光前列腺汽化术的定义作为一种高级、精确度较高的手术纪录的形式,蓝激光前列腺汽化术纪录模板可以用来记录蓝激光前列腺汽化术的全过程,包括患者基本信息、手术过程、术中并发症等重要信息。
2. 蓝激光前列腺汽化术的原理蓝激光前列腺汽化术是一种以激光光源作为切割工具,通过光能传输至病变组织,产生高温等离子体,使病变组织被汽化,从而达到治疗效果的一种方法。
1. 术前准备(1)对患者进行全面的身体检查,了解患者的病史和病情。
2. 麻醉(1)根据患者的具体情况,选择合适的麻醉方式,保证手术期间患者的舒适度和安全性。
3. 手术切口(1)对患者进行消毒,并铺设无菌巾。
4. 手术器械和设备准备(1)准备蓝激光设备和相应的手术器械。
5. 蓝激光前列腺汽化术操作过程(1)找准前列腺位置,并使用导向器引导激光器进入治疗区域。
6. 术中并发症和处理(1)记录术中出现的并发症,如出血、感染等情况。
7. 完成手术(1)对手术切口进行处理,包扎或缝合。
纳米金放大法荧光检测乙肝病毒HBV-DNA牛淑妍;娄晓飞;渠丽景【摘要】利用纳米金放大的方法,将修饰荧光团的信号DNA连接在纳米金表面,纳米金通过HBV-DNA与磁珠连接,1,4-二硫苏糖醇(DTT)可以替代信号DNA连接在纳米金表面,将荧光素标记的信号DNA释放于溶液中,测定溶液的荧光强度可以得到HBV-DNA的浓度.通过条件优化实验确定了最佳实验条件:生物素与亲和素最佳结合时间为25 min,DNA的最佳杂交时间为15 min.测定HBV-DNA的线性范围为3.0×10-13~1.2×10-12 mol·L-1,线性相关系数r=0.991 4,检测限为2.18×10-14 mol·L-1 (S/N=3).%Using a highly ultrasensitive fluorescence-detection method based on gold nan-oparticles and magnetic beads assisted by dithiothreitol (DTT) could detect the target DNA. The detection of HBV-DNA was achieved by monitoring fluorescence signals obtained from the adsorbed thiolated oligonucleotides modified with fluorophore which were liberated from the gold nanoparticle surface. The best reaction conditions were obtained through the study on the effect of different reaction time on the system's fluorescent intensity. The optimal reaction time of biotin and streptavidin was 25 min. 15 min was chosen as the hybridization time of capture probes and target DNA. In the system of fluorescence spectroscopy based on gold nanoparticles, the HBV-DNA could be quantified in the range of 3. 0 × 10-13-1. 2 × 10-12 mol ? L-1 and the detection limit was 2. 18 × 10-14 mol ? L-1(S/N = 3).【期刊名称】《青岛科技大学学报(自然科学版)》【年(卷),期】2012(033)001【总页数】5页(P42-46)【关键词】HBV-DNA;纳米金;荧光光谱【作者】牛淑妍;娄晓飞;渠丽景【作者单位】青岛科技大学化学与分子工程学院,山东青岛266042;青岛科技大学化学与分子工程学院,山东青岛266042;青岛科技大学化学与分子工程学院,山东青岛266042【正文语种】中文【中图分类】O657.32金纳米颗粒在涉及诸如材料科学的多类型组装、单颗粒行为、尺寸相关的电、光、磁特性、催化作用和生物应用等方面具有其独特的性质。
这种酶在真核细胞中起着关键作用,主要负责二价钙离子(Ca ²⁺)的转运,从而维持细胞内钙稳态。
[Abstract] Aptamers is a class oligonucleotide sequence combinated with target of high sensitivity and high specificity,including small molecules,cell surface receptors,proteins,metal ions,etc.It has superior binding capacity,low immunogenicity,high stability and other characteristics,and can be combined with a variety of drugs and carriers to construct multiple composite targeted drug delivery system.At present,it has been used in cancer targeted therapy.This paper has reviewed the research progress of aptamers in clinical diagnostic field for the latest,to provide a new direction for the treatment of neoplastic diseases targeted interventions,while also to provide a reference for broader application prospects of aptamers.[Key words] Aptamers;Clinical diagnosis;Research progress核酸适配体是一类经过人工进化而筛选出的单链寡核苷酸片段,能特异、高亲和力地识别靶分子。
TECHNOLOGY AND INFORMATION166 科学与信息化2023年11月上新型皮质醇电化学传感器的研究概括与进展卓青青 邹黎萌 杨博翔(通讯作者)重庆市巴南区中医院 重庆 401320摘 要 通过对皮质醇免疫传感器、分子印迹传感器、碳材料传感器及可穿戴传感器进行了总结和归纳,展现了新型传感器对不同体液中皮质醇含量检测的高效、准确、抗干扰能力强等特点。
关键词 新型皮质醇;电化学传感器;类固醇激素Research Summary and Progress of Novel Cortisol Electrochemical Sensors Zhuo Qing-qing, Zou Li-meng, Yang Bo-xiang (corresponding author)Chongqing Banan District Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Chongqing 401320, ChinaAbstract By summarizing cortisol immune sensors, molecularly imprinted sensors, carbon material sensors and wearable sensors, the new sensors show the characteristics of high efficiency, accuracy and strong anti-interference ability in the detection of cortisol content in different body fluids. Compared with traditional detection methods such as enzyme immunoassay, it is faster. In addition, the detection mechanism of different types of sensors is summarized, and various electrode modification methods are summarized, which provides a reference for the preparation of cortisol electrochemical sensors and provides ideas for clinical detection.Key words new cortisol; electrochemical sensors; steroid hormone引言皮质醇作为一种类固醇激素,有影响脂质代谢和神经发育等功能。
职业技术学院学报二○二三年第十六卷第二期︵总第八十八期︶基于蛋白质-RuO 2纳米颗粒构建电化学免疫传感器超灵敏检测甲胎蛋白张丽娜1,郑杰2,吉晋兰1*(1.晋城职业技术学院,山西晋城048026;2.晋城市第二人民医院,山西晋城048000)摘要:本文采用蛋白质牛血清白蛋白(BSA )为模板,绿色合成稳定、生物相容性好的金属氧化物纳米材料(BSA-RuO 2),基于此构建了一种夹心型免疫传感器,实现甲胎蛋白(AFP )的超灵敏检测。
关键词:BSA-RuO 2纳米颗粒;蛋白质模板;类过氧化物酶活性;电化学免疫传感器中图分类号:O652文献标识码:O652文章编号:1674-5078(2023)02-0081-04DOI :10.3969/j.issn.1674-5078.2023.02.020收稿日期:2022-12-02作者简介:张丽娜(1980—),女,山西长治人,讲师,硕士。
甲胎蛋白(α-fetoproteinAFP )的浓度在肝癌、大肠癌、胃癌等癌症患者血清中的测定值高于正常值(25ng/mL ),因此医生们把检测人体血液中的AFP 作为诊断病情的重要依据。
[1]近年来,存在多种AFP 检测方法,例如酶联免疫法[2]、化学发光免疫分析[3][4]、电化学免疫传感器分析[5]等。
[6]具有优异的氧化还原性能的金属氧化物纳米材料由于其良好的电化学性能和高催化活性在电化学传感[7]、氧化还原反应[8]和CO 氧化[9]等多个领域受到了广泛的关注。
工作内容:教学科研人才称号:国家“四青”人才、新世纪优秀人才支持计划入选者通讯地址:电话:电子邮件:课题组网站:研究领域:分析化学1994-1998年南开大学化学系本科1998-2003年南开大学化学系博士2003-2004年南开大学化学系讲师2005-2009年南开大学化学系副教授2010 至今南开大学化学系教授2014.1-2014.7 美国肯特州立大学高级访问学者以通讯发表SCI收录论文近百篇,其中影响因子5.0以上69篇。
代表性论文如下:1.Dong-Xia Wang, Jing Wang, Ya-Xin Wang, Yi-Chen Du, Yan Huang, An-Na Tang, Yun-Xi Cui*, De-Ming Kong*, DNA nanostructure-based nucleic acid probes: construction and biological applications. Chemical Science, 2021, 12, 7602-7622.2.Wei Li, Rong-Zhi Gao, Hong-Xin Jiang, Qiu-Yu Lu, An-Na Tang, De-Ming Kong*, Metal organic frameworks as sacrificial templates for preparation of hierarchical covalent organic frameworks enabling ultrafast sample treatment in nontargeted food safety analysis. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021, 425, 130673.3.Yi-Chen Du, Si-Yuan Wang, Ya-Xin Wang, Jia-Yi Ma, Dong-Xia Wang, An-Na Tang, De-Ming Kong*, Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase bined CRISPR-Cas12a amplification strategy for ultrasensitive detection of uracil-DNA glycosylase with zero background. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2021, 171, 112734.4.Xue-Nan Feng, Yun-Xi Cui, Jing Zhang, An-Na Tang, Han-Bin Mao*, De-Ming Kong*, Chiral interaction is a decisive factor to replace D-DNA with L-DNA aptamers. Analytical Chemistry, 2020, 92, 6470-6477.5.Jing Wang, Dong-Xia Wang, Jia-Yi Ma, Ya-Xin Wang,De-Ming Kong*, Three-dimensional DNA nanostructures to improve the hyperbranched hybridization chain reaction. Chemical Science, 2019, 10, 9758-9767.6.Dong-Xia Wang, Jing Wang, Yun-Xi Cui, Ya-Xin Wang, An-Na Tang, De-Ming Kong*, Nanolantern-based DNA probe and signal amplifier for tumor-related biomarker detection in living cells. Analytical Chemistry, 2019, 91, 13165-13173.7.Jing Wang, Dong-Xia Wang, An-Na Tang, De-Ming Kong*, Highly integrated, biostable, and self-powered DNAmotor enabling autonomous operation in living bodies. Analytical Chemistry, 2019, 91, 5244-5251.8.Bin Yuan, Dong-Xia Wang, Li-Na Zhu*, Yan-Long Lan, Meng Cheng, Li-Ming Zhang, Jun-Qing Chu, Xiao-Zeng Li*, De-Ming Kong*, Dinuclear HgII tetracarbene plex-triggered aggregation-induced emission for rapid and selective sensing of Hg2+ and organomercury species. Chemical Science, 2019, 10, 4220-4226.9.Yun-Xi Cui, Xue-Nan Feng, Ya-Xin Wang, Hui-Yu Pan, De-Ming Kong*, An integrated-molecular-beacon based multiple exponential strand displacement amplification strategy for ultrasensitive detection of DNA methyltransferase activity. Chemical Science, 2019, 10, 2290-2297.10.Yi-Chen Du, Yun-Xi Cui, Xiao-Yu Li, Guo-Ying Sun,Yu-Peng Zhang, An-Na Tang, Kwangil Kim, De-Ming Kong*, Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase and T7 exonuclease-aided amplification strategy for ultrasensitive detection of uracil-DNA glycosylase. Analytical Chemistry, 2018, 90, 8629-8634.已培养博士后2名,博士10名、硕士21名。
The AAA + superfamily of ATPases(酵母中ATP酶的AAA超家族)
7 Yeast Gene Families for Multiple Functions7.1 The AAA+ superfamily of ATPases7.1.1 General featuresThe AAA+ superfamily (for superfamily of A TPase A ssociated A ctivities) can be considered a novel and fast growing family of ATPases, which contain a homologous ATPase module and are found in all kingdoms of living organisms where they participate in diverse cellular processes including membrane fusion, proteolysis and DNA replication [Ogura and Wilkinson, 2001]. The availability of complete genome sequences has allowed the repertoire of AAA genes from diverse species to be compared. Notably, the first definition of the AAA family became possible, when the yeast genome project had been finalized [Goffeau et al., 1996]. Surprisingly, it turned out that the number of AAA members and their functional distribution is similar in species as yeast, worms, flies and humans, even though the total number of these genes varies fivefold among these organisms (Table 7.1-1).Table 7.1-1: Comparison of AAA protein gene numbers.S.cerevisiae C.elegans Drosophila H.sapiens A.thalianaAll genes 6 27519 09913 60133 60925 498 All AAA+ genes~50~50~70~80~140 All AAA genes2022-2325-2720-22~60 26 S proteasome67-89612-13 AAA proteases2+12+12+12+15+2+12 Secretion (NSF etc.)11212 Homotypic (p97 etc.)452-42-49 Peroxisome (Pex1/Pex6)1/11/11/11/11-2/1 Meiosis and other4476~15The AAA proteins are characterized by a highly conserved domain of about 230 amino acids, present in one or two copies and referred to as AAA modules [Patel & Latterich, 1998]. Each of these domains comprise well-conserved, but specialized Walker A and B motifs for ATP binding. In the various members of the family, the ATPase modules are flanked by other domains, suggesting that in evolutionary terms they have been generated by linking seperate functional entities to form mosaic molecules. To date, more than 200 members of this family have been identified in eubacteria, archaebacteria and eukaryotes; a complete list can be found at originally defined family members (the 'classical' AAA family) contain a specific motif referred to as the s econd r egion of h omology (SRH) in addition to the Walker motifs. Members of this family are involved in a variety of cellular processes such as:(i) controlling the fate of proteins variously facilitating protein folding and unfolding,(ii) the assembly and disassembly of protein complexes,(iii) protein transport through membrane fusion,(iv) programmed protein degradation (proteolysis, cell cycle control).The structural conservation of the ATPase module points to a basic biochemical role of the AAA proteins, which includes a chaperone-like function in the dissociation and assembly of protein complexes.Figure 7.1-1: Occurrence of AAA proteins.Figure 7.1-2: Cellular functions of AAA proteins.Figure 7.1-3: Family tree of AAA proteins.Recently, a wider AAA+ superfamily including the classical family has been proposed based on sequence alignments, which predict that all AAA+ members have structural features in common. Many AAA+ proteins exhibit cellular functions similar to those of the classical AAA proteins, while others are involved in DNA replication, recombination and transcription. A subset of AAA+ proteins is not active as ATPases and some do not even bind ATP. It seems however that these proteins form complexes with other family members which do serve as ATPases.24 classical AAA proteins have been found in connection with the genome project of the yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae [Goffeau et al, 1996; Feldmann, 1997]. Based on the initial functional characterization of AAA proteins, at least four subtypes could be distinguished:(1) As will be detailed in chapter 8, six closely related AAA proteins are subunits of the regulatory complex of the 26S proteasome, there fullfilling key functions in the assembly of the subunits and the unfolding and transport of substrate polypeptides into the cavity of the 20S moiety of the proteasome.(2) Membrane-bound AAA proteins (mAAA proteins) with metal-dependent peptidase activity (AAA proteases) have been identified in several prokaryotes, in mitochondria [reviews: Langer and Neupert, 1996; Suzuki et al., 1997; Langer, 2000], and in chloroplasts [Adam, 1996].(3) Various AAA proteins, typically characterized by the presence of two AAA modules, have beendemonstrated to be substantial factors for membrane fusion processes such as Sec18p/NSF [Wilsonet al.,1992] and Cdc48p/p97 [Latterich et al., 1995], or the PEX proteins (Pex1p and Pex6p) [McKearin, 1997] involved in peroxisome biogenesis. Cdc48p even exhibits multiple functions, it is involved in stress responses connected to the ubiquitin pathway [Ghislain et al., 1996] and it mediates cell cycle apoptosis [Madeo et al., 1997].(4) Homotypic AAA proteins whose cellular activities are presently only ill-defined comprise factors involved in endosomal traficking such as Vps4p [Babst et al., 1997] and a large variety of other factors.7.1.2 Cellular Activities of representative AAA+ Proteins7.1.2.1 ATP-dependent proteases7. Proteasomal ATPasesThe six AAA proteins of the regulatory particle of the 26S proteasome are included in the base which associates directly with the proteolytic (20S) core particle in addition to two other proteins. Typically, in most of these proteins the ATPase module is preceded by a coiled-coil domain. Most likely, the six AAA proteins form a pseudo-symmetric hexamer and the concerted action of these ATPases unfolds substrate proteins in an ATP-dependent manner. It is evident that the ATPases are not functionally redundant, for example, the proteasomal AAA protein Rpt2p is active in opening a channel into the core particle. For further details, see Chapter 7.2.Figure 7.1-4: Gene comparisons for protesomal and other AAA proteins in yeast.The cloned genes were initially named YTA (Yeast Triple A) genes. Later, they were renamed; for example, the six proteasomal ATPase genes were renamed RPT1 through RPT6 (Figure 7.1-4). AAA Metallo-ProteasesThe first member of this particular subgroup of the AAA family, FtsH (HflB), has been characterized in E. coli [Herman et al., 1993; Tomoyasu et al., 1993], followed by three members of this subfamily in yeast ; meanwhile orthologues in chloroplasts and many prokaryotes have been identified.FtsH is an integral membrane protein, with an essential Zn++-binding region, constituted by the HEXXH motif. FtsH participates in several cellular processes including protein assembly into the membrane, protein export, programmed degradation of an interesting set of short-lived proteins, for example, the heat shock factor σ32, LpxC, SpoVM, and the transcriptional activators CII and CIII of phage lambda (λ CII and λ CIII). In B. subtilis, the FtsH homologue is involved in the regulation of sporulation. ATPase activity and Zn++-binding as well as the membrane integrity of FtsH are essential for function. Chloroplastic FtsH in plants is localized to the thylakoid membrane, its expression is dependent on light, and it is responsible for degrading unassembled proteins.Figure 7.1-5: Structure of FtsH membrane AAA protease..Figure 7.1-6: The yeast AAA protease complexes of the outer and inner mitochondrial membrane.In yeast mitochondria, the three members of the AAA protease family, which were found closely related to FtsH, constitute ATP-dependent metallopeptidases (Figure 7.1-6) [Tauer et al., 1994; Pajic et al., 1994; Arlt et al, 1996], the subunits being organized in hexameric complexes. These structures can be viewed as kind of 'mini-proteasomes', in which the genetic entities for ATP-binding and protease activity have been fused. Both the matrix AAA protease (m-AAA) and the intermembrane AAA protease (i-AAA) are found integrated into the inner mitochondrial membrane but exposing their catalytic sites to opposite membrane surfaces. Both complexes are essential for respiratory competence and co-operate in the programmed degradation of ('excess' or misfolded) inner membrane proteins [Langer, 2000]. Additionally, the m-AAA protease has revealed a chaperone-like activity during the assembly of the mitochondrial respiratory and FoF1-ATP synthase complexes. These functions, which are coupled to ATPase and protease activities, represent a quality control system during membrane translocation of proteins and in the assembly of membrane-embedded protein complexes [review: Langer, 2000]. A counterpart of Yta10p, named paraplegin, has recently been identified in human mitochondria [Casari et al., 1998]; mutations of this protease are the cause of the genetic disease paraplegia, leading to paralysis of both extremities and malfunctions in oxidative phosphorylation.Archea have no AAA proteases, instead they have a membrane-bound Lon-like protease (see below). Other ATP-dependent Proteolytic ComplexesIn addition to membrane-bound ATP proteases, all cells enharbor various self-compartmentalizing proteolytic systems, which are related among each other and depend on regulatory ATPases [reviews: Suzuki et al., 1997; Schirmer et al., 1996; Ogura and Wilkinson, 2001]. These ATPases belonging to the AAA+ superfamily are found in bacteria, mitochondria and chloroplasts and include:(i) The Lon and Lon-like ATP-dependent proteases, which are functionally conserved from prokaryotes to eukaryotes and known to regulate gene expression and cell-cycle control;(ii) Ti proteases, which promote proteolysis through association of particular members of the Hsp100/Clp protein family of ATPases [Schirmer et al., 1996] with serine proteases of the ClpP type, and which were detected in any organism.In yeast, several homologues of these factors have been characterized.The Lon protease is a homo-oligomer of at least four subunits containing a central ATPase domain and a C-terminal protease domain. The coupling between the two domains appears to be as tight as seen in the mitochondrial AAA proteases. The ATPase domain belongs to the ATPase superfamily, and the protease is an unusual kind of serine protease, which is found in many bacterial proteins generally in association with an ATPase domain.Energy-dependent Clp (Ti) proteases are composed of a proteolytic component, ClpP, and a regulatory ATPase, which can be either ClpA, ClpC or ClpX. Homologues of these proteins are found in most bacteria and organelles. Whereas in E. coli all three types of proteases occur, only two or one of the ATPase moieties occur in some other prokaryotes. The Cpl complexes assemble in an ATP-dependent manner, whereby the ATPase subunits activate ClpP for proteolytic activity and confer substrate specificity. Like the proteasome ß-type subunits, ClpP is encoded as a precursor molecule that processes autocatalytically to the mature, active form. The crystal structure of ClpP from E. colirevealed a barrell-like complex consisting of two heptameric rings, which, for example associates with hexameric rings of ClpA at both ends, a structure which highly resembles that of proteasomes. The substrates of the Clp proteases include abnormal proteins and short-lived regulatory proteins. It has also been demonstrated that these complexes function in the assembly of proteins, a feature they share with the mitochondrial AAA proteases. This is not surpsing in view of the fact that all members of the Hsp100/Clp family are involved in various aspects of protein chaperoning and stress tolerance [Schirmer et al., 1996].Recently, two energy-dependent protease complexes have been characterized which form torodial structures with 32 symmetry, traversed by a channel along the threefold axis and enclosing a central cavity: Gal6/bleomycin hydrolase is capable of degrading bleomycin and probably other drugs. Tricorn protease has been detected only in some archebacteria. It can assemble into giant molecules similar in structure to isohedrical virus capsids. However, function and regulation of these complexes remain obscure thus far.Figure 7.1-7: Comparison of members of the AAA+ protein family. Membrane fusion proteinsThe AAA proteins involved in membrane fusion can be divided into subclasses: The family of NSF proteins (N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive fusion proteins), NSF in humans and its homologue Sec18p in yeast, are involved in both heterotypic and homotypic fusion events, while p97/VPC and its yeast homologue Cdc48p are involved exclusively in homotypic fusion pathways. However, it is evident that p97/Cdc48p also function in processes other than membrane fusion.NSF/Sec18p is involved in various membrane fusion events such as vesicle-mediated transport. The interaction with SNAP (soluble NSF attachment protein, Sec17p in yeast) and SNARE (SNAP receptor) complexes is discussed in section 8. NSF consists of three discrete domains, N, D1 and D2. The N domain is essential for SNAP binding, the two AAA cassettes, D1 and D2, have different activities. D1 is an active ATPase essential for dissociation of the NSF-SNAP-SNARE complex, while D2 is a nucleotide binding domain mediating hexamerization.p97/Cdc48p is one of the most abundant cytosolic proteins. It is involved in postmitotic membrane fusion processes which reconstitue endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus.These reactions require that p97 is complexed with a specific adaptor protein, p47 in mammals or Sph1p in yeast. This complex is thought of having similar functions as the NSF-SNAP complex. In yeast, additional adaptors to Cdc48p have been identified. Ufd1p and Npl4p, which form a heterodimeric complex, have been implicated in ubiquitin-dependent processes, while Npl4p alone is involved in nuclear targeting. Another potential adaptor for Cdc48p is the DNA unwinding factor. p97/Cdc48p has also been demonstrated to be involved in the apoptosis of mammalian or yeast cells, respectively. Biogenesis and transportAmong the 20 factors involved in peroxisome biogenesis (collectively called peroxins), Pex1p and Pex6p belong to the AAA family.Vps4p in yeast (homologous to SKD1) and katanin appear to function in different biological processes. Vps4p is involved in the morphogenesis and trafficking function of endosomes and autophagy. It exists as homodimers which oligomerize upon ATP-binding. Katanin is a microtubule-severing enzyme consisting of p60 and p80 subunits forming heterodimers, whereby the p60 subunit is an AAA protein, which harbours the enzymic activity, whereas the p80 subunit which contains WD40 repeats targetsp60 to the centrosome. The complex participates in mitosis and meiosis.Dyneins are motor proteins which move cargo along a microtubule, thus participating in chromosome motions, organelle transport, and if applicable, in cliary/flagellar beating. In yeast, dynein is the largest protein found in the cell. Dynein heavy chains contain several AAA type ATPase domains arranged in tandem repeats in a single polypeptide and a ring-shaped head consisting of these domains. The head has a stalk which protrudes from the ring and contacts the microtubule. ATP hydrolysis seems to induce conformational changes in the head, which in turn cause movement of the stalk. DNA replication proteinsSeveral members of the AAA family play essential roles in the early steps of DNA replication.ORC, Cdc6p and MCMThe assembly of initiation complexes is an ordered process consisting of several distinct steps, each dependent on completion of preceding steps. The origin recognition complex (ORC) consists of six subunits, Orc1-6, amongst which Orc1, 4 and 5 are AAA+ proteins. The ORC resides at replication origins throughout the cell cycle where it recruits Cdc6, another AAA+ member, possibly by direct protein-protein interactions. Cdc6 is required for recruitment of the MCM (minichromosome main- tenance) proteins, a group of six related AAA+ proteins, Mcm2p to Mcm7p (see Chapter 10). These proteins form a pre-replication complex at the origin. Once the MCM complex has been loaded on tothe replication origin, the initiation of DNA synthesis is triggered by the action of kinases. Two kinases, the Cdc7-Dbf4 kinase and cyclin-dependent kinase, trigger a chain reaction that results in the phosphorylation of the MCM complex leading to the initiation of DNA synthesis.The ATP-dependent regulation of eukaryotic replication proteins described above has parallels in prokaryotes. Binding of the initiator protein DnaA at the replication origin (oriC) leads to unwinding of oriC DNA and the formation of an open complex. DnaC facilitates assembly of the DnaB helicase at oriC. ATP- bound DnaA is active in initiation, whereas ADP- bound DnaA is not. Hydrolysis of DnaA-bound ATP, promoted by interactions with the ring-shaped sliding clamp (~ dimmer) and a third factor, IdaB, yields the ADP-bound DnaA and serves to prevent further rounds of initiation (Katayama et al. 1998). DnaA belongs to the AAA+ family, while DnaC and DnaB are also Walker-type ATPases, although they do not belong to the AAA+ family.RFC/Clamp-loaderThe RFC (replication factor C; also referred to as clamp-loader) complex is a heteropentamer consisting of the proteins Rfc1-5 (Cullmann et al. 1995). All five Rfc subunits are AAA+ proteins, although the Walker motifs of Rfc5 deviate from the consensus. RFC loads a trimeric ring-shaped processivity factor, PCNA (proliferating cell nuclear antigen), on to a DNA replication fork. It is most likely that structural changes in the clamp-loader upon ATP- binding allow its subunits to bind and prize open the clamp, and that conformational changes accompanying ATP hydrolysis may dissociate the clamp-loader from the clamp once it has been productively loaded on to the DNA.Rad24 in S. cerevisiae is homologous to Rfc1 and interacts with Rfc2, 3, 4 and 5, forming the Rad24 - Rfc2-5 complex (Green et al. 2000). Rad24 is involved in DNA damage checkpoints (Shimomura et al. 1998). Taken together, it is most likely that the Rad24-Rfc2-5 complex is a sliding clamp-loader of a replication machinery active in DNA repair (Venclovas & Thelen 2000; O'Connell et al. 2000; Kelly & Brown 2000). A similar complex operates in humans.Eukaryotic RuvB-like proteins, TIP49a/TIP49 andTIP49b/TIP48Two eukaryotic AAA+ proteins related to RuvB (an E.coli AAA protein involved in homologous recombination together with RuvA and RuvC), RUVBL1/TIP49a/TIP49/TAP54a (Rvb1p/Tih1p in S. cerevisiae; referred to as TIP49a hereafter) and RUVBL2/TIP49b/TIP48/TAP54r3 (Rvb2p/Tih2p in S. cereviseae; referred to as TIP49b hereafter) have been identified as components of several macromolecular assemblies such as the nuclear protein complex associated with c-Myc in mammals (Wood et al. 2000), a chromatin remodelling complex (Shen et al. 2000), and the TIP60 histone acetylase complex (Ikura et al. 2000). These findings suggest that TIP49a and 49b are involved in diverse pathways, including transcription, DNA repair, apoptosis, and oncogenic transformation. TIP49a and TIP49b are both required for viability in S. cerevisiae and have non-redundant functions (Wood et al. 2000; Lim et al. 2000). However, little is known about the biochemical properties of TIP49a or 49b, other than the fact that they form a heteromultimer, which is crucial for efficient ATP hydrolysis. Although the TIP60 complex including TIP49a and 49b exhibits DNA helicase activity, neither TIP49a, TIP49b, nor the TIP49a/49b complex show detectable helicase activity.7.1.3 DisordersMost of the human or mammalian genes involved in genetic disorders have been detected by sequence comparison with the catalogue of AAA proteins in yeast.Table 7.1-2: Diseases and disorders caused by mutations of AAA proteins.YeastproteinH. sapiens/Mammals Characteristics DiseasePex1p; Pex6p PEX1 (65%)Peroxisome biogenesis Zellweger syndromeNeonatal adrenoleukodystrophyInfantile Refsum diseaseYta10p Paraplegin Mitochondrium m-AAAproteinAutosomal recessive hereditary spastic paraplegia (HSP)Spatin Non-protease, nomembrane ankerAutosomal dominant HSPFidgetin (mice)Non-protease, nomembrane ankerHead-shaking, circulating behaviourTorsin A Movement disorder, early onset torsin dystonia (twistingmuscle contractures)Dynein Dynein Primary ciliary dyskinesia, male sterilityRvb1p TIP49a Complex with c-Myc Mediator of oncogenic transformation by c_MycRvb2p TIP49b Complex with c-MycOrc5p ORC5L ORC Uterine leiomyoma7.1.4 Structure and mechanisms of AAA+ ATPases7.1.4.1 StructuresIn six cases, the crystal structures of AAA+ proteins have been determined, which are from bacterial or mammalian sources. They may be viewed as prototypes for other AAA proteins. The common fold anticipated from the shared sequence that defines the family is well illustrated by the tertiary structures, which posses the AAA module in an unembellished form. Each is made up of two domains, an N-terminal domain which has an α/ß fold and a nucleotide binding pocket, and a C-terminal α-helical domain. The N-terminal domain has a RecA-like mononucleotide binding fold consisting of a five stranded parallel ß-pleated sheet flanked on one side by two and on the other side by three α-helices. The highly conserved residues of the Walker A motif (GxxxxGKT) form a loop (the P-loop) connecting strand ß1 to helix α2, while the Walker B motif (hhhhDExx; h=hydrophobic residue) is in strand ß3 and the ensuing loop. The nucleotide sits in a pocket at the C-terminal end of the ß-sheet, its adenine base sandwiched by residues from the N-terminal segment and from the C-terminal domain.Figure 7.1-8: The active centre in AAA ATP-dependent proteases.Ribbon tracing of selected secondary structure elements. Red, adenine nucleotide; green, its associated Mg++ ion. Walker Aand B segments are coloured green and cyan, respectively, the SRH domain is in magenta. Encircled, different segments which contribute catalytic and/or sensor groups. Helices and loops surrounding the core ß-structure have been omitted for clarity.In different AAA proteins, the C-domain is variable in size and structurally less well conserved than the N-domain, although in all cases it has predominantly α-helical composition. Residues from this domain contribute significantly to nucleotide binding with a positively charged residue at the N-terminus being well positioned to interact with the phosphate groups of the nucleotide. This implies that nucleotide binding and/or hydrolysis might be accompanied by relative movements of the N and C domains of the AAA module.Oligomeric assemblies are a recurrent feature of the crystal structures and can also be viewed in electron micrographs of AAA protein complexes. Vivid images of such complexes have been described for a number of AAA fusion proteins, ATP-dependent proteases, and other AAA proteins, and have revealed that AAA proteins have a strong propensity to form hexameric, and occasionally heptameric, rings. Hexameric structures can be visualized in the proteasomal components, fusion proteins, some ATPases, dynein, DNA replication proteins, while heptameric ring structures are present in some bacterial ATPases and RuvB complexes. MechanismsThe mechanism of ATP hydrolysis in AAA proteins is expected to involve the nucleophilic attack of an activated water molecule at the γ-phosphorus of the ATP molecule and the formation of a penta-coordinate transition state. Negative charge can be stabilized by Mg++ and by surrounding positively charged groups. It is not clear, however, whether ATP-binding is directly coupled to hydrolysis in allinstances. A full understanding of the mechanism by which ATP binding and hydrolysis driveconformational changes in AAA proteins would need a set of high resolution structures of a given family member in the different defined states of its reaction cycle.It is anticipated that substrates might exhibit particular structural features which would allow targeting and interactions with the AAA proteins to occur. Many substrates of AAA proteases contain susceptibility-conferring sequences at their N or C termini, although in some substrates these sequences occur internally or at multiple sites. The substrate binding site(s) in the ATPase domains seems to be located within the C-domain of the AAA module, consisting predominantly of α-helicaes and including 'Sensor2'; it has been referred to as the sensor-and substrate-discrimination (SSD) domain. The initial substrate-binding step, itself, does require ATP hydrolysis, although for many AAA proteins ATP binding is required to generate the active oligomeric form of the enzyme.An involvement of the ATPases in substrate recognition and binding by the proteasome has not yet been demonstrated. Instead, a ubiquitin-binding moiety, Rpn10, has been identified in the 19 S regulatory particle.However, in all instances of substrate binding, it is evident that the central holes of AAA hexamers are too narrow to allow through passage of folded proteins leading to the conclusion that threading is accompanied by unfolding. In some complexes (e.g. ClpA and ClpX) unfolding has been demonstrated experimentally. In the various DNA helicases of the AAA superfamily, the threading of single-or double-stranded DNA through the central hole of their hexameric rings is effected by reactions similar those catalyzed by other well-characterized hexameric helicases, such as E.coli DNAB, Rho, T7 gp4, RepA, which belong to other families.Recent studies have revealed that AAA proteins also constitute a novel type of chaperone. In view of the collective actions of these proteins as disrupters of molecular or macromolecular structure, it is surpring that they should catalyse what appears to be the reverse process, the folding of denatured proteins. However, it might be envisaged that they act like the chaperonin GroE which assist protein folding by first partially unfolding the misfolded protein in an active (ATP-dependent) process which disrupts inappropriate intramolecular interactions, subsequently allowing the partially unfolded molecules to refold passively. 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每⽇专业名词通俗解释2022年03⽉01⽇HSCR⽂章的⼀些科普progenitor和precursor的区别The main difference between progenitor and precursor cells is that progenitor cells are mainly multipotent cells that can differentiate into many types of cells, whereas precursor cells are unipotent cells that can only differentiate into a particular type of cells.糖酵解glycolysis糖酵解(英语:glycolysis,⼜称糖解)是把葡萄糖(C6H12O6)转化成丙酮酸(CH3COCOO− + H+)的代谢途径。
脂肪酸分解Fatty acid catabolism脂肪酸的氧化作⽤發⽣在粒線體(mitochondria)內,脂肪酸必須先和ATP反應,轉變為活化的中間產物,才能與其他酵素作更進⼀步的代謝,⾧鏈的Fatty acyl-CoA不能穿過粒線體內膜進⼊粒線體基質,需藉⾁酸素(carnitine)運送機制,脂肪酸氧化(Fatty acid oxidation)。
氧化磷酸化(英语:oxidative phosphorylation,缩写作 OXPHOS)是细胞的⼀种代谢途径,该过程在真核⽣物的线粒体内膜或原核⽣物的细胞膜上发⽣,使⽤其中的酶及氧化各类营养素所释放的能量来合成三磷酸腺苷(ATP)。
在研究大黄素与拓扑异构酶的相互作用时,进行了一系列的分子和细胞水平的实验,研究了大黄素对拓扑异构酶II (topoisomerase II, Topo II) 活性以及Topo II α-DNA可切割复合物的影响。
另外,我们还应用了计算机模拟分子对接技术来预测大黄素与Topo II的相互作用位点。
最后,通过同位素标记技术和核磁共振技术(Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, NMR)验证模拟结果并检测了大黄素对Topo II介导的ATP水解的影响。
结果:TK基因突变试验和体外微核试验表明,在非代谢活化的条件下,80 µg/mL 的大黄素具有弱的遗传毒性。
而且,在非细胞体系中,大黄素能够抑制Topo II α介导的pBR322的解螺旋和kDNA的去连环,表明大黄素能够抑制Topo II的活性。
Topo II催化抑制剂阿克拉霉素能够保护大黄素对TK6细胞引起的DNA双链断裂的损伤作用,同样的结果也显现在Topo II缺陷型HL-60/MX2细胞中。
实验表明大黄素能够通过与ATP竞争结合至Topo II的ATP结构域,并能抑制ATP的水解来影响Topo II的活性。
结论:试验结果表明,大黄素能够抑制ATP结合至Topo II,从而影响Topo II的活性,导致DNA双链断裂。
关键词:大黄素、DNA双链断裂、拓扑异构酶、ATPEmodin inhibited ATP binding to Topoisomerase II toinduce DNA double-strand breaksLi Yan, Luan Yang, Ren Jin(Center for Drug Safety Evaluation and Research, Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica,Chinese Academy of Sciences)AbstractOBJECTIVE: Emodin has been widely used as a component of laxatives, whereas it can lead to genotoxicity. However, the mechanism underlining its genotoxicity is not entirely clear. We applied different assays to investigate the mechanisms by which emodin induces genotoxicity.METHODS: Ames assay, thymidine kinase (TK) gene mutation assay and in vitro and in vivo micronucleus (MN) test were used to evaluate genotoxicity caused by emodin. A series of standard biochemical and cellular methods were applied to investigate the inhibition of emodin on topoisomerases. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) was used to investigate the effects of emodin on ATP hydrolysis. Finally, molecular docking analyses were used to demonstrate the direct interaction between emodin and Topo II.RESULTS: Without metabolic activation, emodin at 80 µg/mL was mildly genotoxic as indicated in thymidine kinase (TK) gene mutation assay and micronucleus (MN) test. But in the neutral comet assay and the detection of γ-H2AX, emodin at 80 µg/mL induced DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs). Moreover, results obtained from inhibitions of kDNA decatenation and relaxation of supercoiled pBR322 induced by topoisomerase II (Topo II) showed that emodin inhibited Topo II activity. Further, using both aclarubicin, a Topo II catalytic inhibitor, and HL-60/MX2 cells deficient in Topo II, we showed that emodin-triggered DSBs s were in a Topo II –dependent manner. However, emodin did not intercalate into DNA. In contrast, emodin interacted with Topo II by competing with ATP for binding to the ATPase domain of human Topo II α and inhibited ATP hydrolysis.CONCLUSION: Taken together, these results suggested that emodin inhibited ATP binding to Topo II to induce DSBs.Key words: emodin, DNA double-strand breaks, topoisomerase II α, ATP一、前言大黄素,化学名称是6-甲基-1,3,8-三羟基蒽醌,是从大黄属、蓼属、鼠李属和番泻叶等中药中分离得到的活性成分,目前广泛用于中药为基础的泻药制备中。
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This article was downloaded by: [University of Science & Technology Beijing]On: 15 January 2015, At: 06:37Publisher: Taylor & FrancisInforma Ltd Registered in England and Wales Registered Number: 1072954 Registered office: Mortimer House, 37-41 Mortimer Street, London W1T 3JH, UKBioscience, Biotechnology, and BiochemistryPublication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information:/loi/tbbb20ATP Amplification for Ultrasensitive BioluminescenceAssay: Detection of a Single Bacterial CellT etsuya SATOH a, Junichi KATO a, Noboru TAKIGUCHI a, Hisao OHTAKE a & Akio KURODA aba Department of Molecular Biotechnology, Graduate School of Advanced Sciences ofMatter, Hiroshima Universityb PRESTO, Japan Science and T echnology CorporationPublished online: 22 May 2014.PLEASE SCROLL DOWN FOR ARTICLEATP Amplification for Ultrasensitive Bioluminescence Assay:Detection of a Single Bacterial CellTetsuya S ATOH ,1Junichi K ATO ,1Noboru T AKIGUCHI ,1Hisao O HTAKE ,1and Akio K URODA 1;2;y1Department of Molecular Biotechnology,Graduate School of Advanced Sciences of Matter,Hiroshima University,1-3-1Kagamiyama,Higashi-Hiroshima,Hiroshima 739-8530,Japan 2PRESTO,Japan Science and Technology Corporation,Kawaguchi,Saitama 332-0012,JapanReceived October 29,2003;Accepted March 15,2004We developed an ultrasensitive bioluminescence assay of ATP by employing (i)adenylate kinase (ADK)for converting AMP þATP to two molecules of ADP,(ii)polyphosphate (polyP)kinase (PPK)for converting ADP back to ATP (ATP amplification),and (iii)a commercially available firefly luciferase.A highly purified PPK-ADK fusion protein efficiently amplified ATP,resulting in high levels of bioluminescence in the firefly luciferase reaction.The present method,which was approximately 10,000-fold more sensitive to ATP than the conventional bioluminescence assay,allowed us to detect bacterial contamination as low as one colony-forming unit (CFU)of Escherichia coli per assay.Key words:ATP;polyphosphate;ATP amplification;bioluminescence assay;hygiene monitoringATP plays a central role in all aspects of metabolism,and therefore the development of methods to detect very low concentrations of ATP is very important in many areas of pure and applied biochemistry.The firefly luciferase-based (bioluminescence)assay for detection of ATP is a well-established technique 1)and has been used as a way to monitor the hygiene of food and non-food contact surfaces rapidly.2)The bioluminescence assay may also be used for warning and detection of a biological warfare attack.3)This assay technique,how-ever,has a detection limit of approximately 104colony-forming units (CFUs)of Escherichia coli per assay (equivalent to approximately 10À14mol ATP),which is not sensitive enough for some industrial applications.To increase the sensitivity of bioluminescence assay and its application to hygiene monitoring,several methods have been developed.4–9)Sakakibara et al.,developed an effective method of treating biological samples with a combination of adenosine phosphate deaminase and apyrase to reduce extracellular ATP,which is a major impediment in improving the sensi-tivity of the bioluminescence assay for intracellularATP.4)The bioluminescence reaction degrades ATP to AMP.Therefore,enzymatic ATP cycling to convert AMP back to ATP with high-energy phosphoanhydride compounds increases the intensity of the luminescence by signal integration.5,6)The instrument has been improved too.For example,the MicroStar Ô-RMDS (Nihon Millipore,Tokyo,Japan)consists of a highly sensitive camera that detects bioluminescence and performs computer-driven data analysis.7)Cells are trapped on a special membrane,and ATP is extracted by dispersing extraction reagent onto the membrane.Cell numbers are quantified by counting luminescence spots displayed on the monitor.8)Very recently Sakakibara et al.,have improved this filter-based bio-luminescence assay to detect a single bacterial cell with the concomitant use of enzymes to reduce the extra-cellular ATP background,enzymatic ATP cycling,and the bioluminescence reaction.9)Based on the results of computer simulation,it has been proposed that ATP amplification using adenylate kinase (ADK)and pyruvate kinase has the potential to detect very low levels of ATP without using a photon detector as sensitive as described above.10)Inorganic polyphosphate (polyP)is a linear polymer of many hundreds of phosphate residues linked by high-energy phosphoanhydride bonds.Its cellular function has recently been unveiled.11)In this study we designed ATP amplification by employing (i)ADK as the first enzyme for converting AMP þATP to two molecules of ADP and (ii)polyP kinase (PPK)12)as the second enzyme for converting ADP back to ATP using polyP (Fig.1).In this reaction,excess AMP and polyP were added to the reaction mixture to drive ADK and PPK equilibrium toward ADP and ATP formation respec-tively.The amplified ATP was then detected by bio-luminescence in the firefly luciferase reaction.The present method,which was approximately 10,000-fold more sensitive to ATP than the bioluminescence assay without ATP amplification,allowed us to detect bacte-yTo whom correspondence should be addressed.Department of Molecular Biotechnology,Graduate School of Advanced Sciences of Matter,Hiroshima University,1-3-1Kagamiyama,Higashi-Hiroshima,Hiroshima 739-8530,Japan ;Tel:+81-824-24-7758;Fax:+81-824-24-7047;,68(6),1216–1220,2004D o w n l o a d e d b y [U n i v e r s i t y o f S c i e n c e & T e c h n o l o g y B e i j i n g ] a t 06:37 15 J a n u a r y 2015rial contamination as low as one CFU of E.coli per assay (equivalent to approximately 10À18mol ATP).Materials and MethodsEnzyme preparation.Genes encoding E.coli PPK (ppk )12)and ADK (adk )13)were amplified by PCR with primers (GGATCTAGATGAATAAAACGGAGTAAA-AGT and GGAGGATCCGCCGCCGCCGCCTTCAG-GTTGTTCGAGTGATTT)for ppk and (GGAGGATC-CATGCGTATCATTCTGCTTGGC and GGAAAGCT-TGCCGAGGATTTTTTCCAG)for adk ,respectively.Each of the amplified DNA fragments was inserted into pGEMT vector (Promega,Wisconsin,U.S.A.),and the resultant plasmids were designated pGEMTppk and pGEMTadk respectively.A fusion gene of ppk-adk in that order with a C-terminal His-tag was constructed by ligating a 2.1-kb Xba I and Bam HI fragment of pGEMTppk,a 0.6-kb Bam HI and Hin dIII fragment of pGEMTadk,and Xba I and Hin dIII digested pET vector (Stratagene,California,U.S.A).E.coli BL21carrying the resultant plasmid pETppkadk was incubated in 2xYT medium 14)for 2h,and then 1m M IPTG was added to the growing culture.After 4h of incubation,E.coli BL21cells were harvested by centrifugation and suspended in a 20m M phosphate buffer (pH 7)containing 0.5M NaCl.Cells were lyzed with a B-PER reagent (Pierce,Illinois,U.S.A)and then treated with DNase and RNase in the presence of 1m M phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride.The supernatant was obtained by centrifugation,filtered through a 0.2- m membrane filter,and then applied to a Hitrap chelating column (Amersham Bioscience,Piscataway,U.S.A).The column was washed with 0.1M pyrophosphate,20m M phosphate,and 0.5M NaCl (pH 7.4).PPK-ADK fusion protein was eluted from the column with 20m M phosphate,0.5M NaCl,0.5M imidazole,and 20%glycerol (pH 7.4).One unit of PPK synthesizes 1.0 mol of ATP from ADP and polyP per min at 37 C,while one of ADK produces 1.0 mol of ATP from ADP per min at 37 C.To remove ADP bound to PPK-ADK,180 g of PPK-ADK was incu-bated with 1m M polyP for 30min at 37 C and then apyrase (200U)was added into the reaction mixture.After 1h incubation,PPK-ADK was purified again by using the Hitrap chelating column.One unit of apyrase liberates 1.0 mol of phosphate from ATP per min at 30 C.ATP amplification and bioluminescence assay.ATP amplification was started by adding a 2- l ATP sample to 48 l of a reaction mixture containing 0.16 g of ADK-PPK,10 M of AMP,400 M of polyP,8m M MgCl 2,and 60m M Tris–HCl (pH 7.4).The reaction mixture was incubated at 37 C.After an appropriate period of incubation,a 5- l reaction mixture was sampled and mixed with 40 l of the ATP biolumines-cence assay reagent (Roche,Basel,Switzerland).When the reaction reached equilibrium under these conditions,about 50%of the AMP was converted to ATP.The ATP sample from bacterial culture and water was prepared according to a protocol of the ATP bioluminescence assay (Roche).The E.coli culture (early stationary)was appropriately diluted with distilled water and heated at 100 C for 2min to release ATP from the cells.Bioluminescence was measured by using a multiplate luminometer (Wallac,Massachusetts,U.S.A.).Chemicals.AMP and ATP were purchased from Wako chemical (Osaka,Japan)and Sigma (Missouri,U.S.A.),respectively.AMP was further purified by using a SAX column (Tohso,Tokyo,Japan)with 0.2M KCl and 1%EDTA (pH10)as a solvent.PolyP (average chain-length:65)was purchased from Sigma.The bioluminescence assay kit (CLSII)containing luciferin and luciferase was purchased from Roche.Apyrase was purchased from Sigma.Results and DiscussionATP amplification by PPK-ADKA fusion protein of PPK and ADK with a C-terminal His-tag,designated PPK-ADK,was expressed and purified from E.coli recombinants.This fusion protein showed both ADK (43U/mg)and PPK (38U/mg)activities,generating ATP from AMP and polyP.Unexpectedly,however,ATP amplification was detect-ed even when no exogeneous ATP was added to the reaction mixture (Fig.2).We found that ADP,which could be converted to ATP by PPK in the presence of polyP,bound to PPK-ADK even after the first purifica-tion.To eliminate ADP contamination,we treated PPK-ADK with polyP,and then with apyrase which is capable of degrading ATP to AMP.PPK-ADK was further purified with a chelating column (Hitrap chelat-ing).The addition of 0.1M pyrophosphate to a washing buffer was also effective to release ADP from PPK-ADK.The apyrase-treated PPK-ADK showed both ADK and PPK activities.After this treatment,ATP amplification was not observed for at least the initial 60min if exogenous ATP was not added to the reaction mixture (Fig.2).Fig.1.ATP Amplification.ADK,PPK,AMP,and excess polyP were prepared in the reaction mixture.ATP amplification started when ATP was added to the reaction mixture and ended when endogenous AMP was converted to ATP.Ultrasensitive Bioluminescence Assay 1217D o w n l o a d e d b y [U n i v e r s i t y o f S c i e n c e & T e c h n o l o g y B e i j i n g ] a t 06:37 15 J a n u a r y 2015Ultrasensitive bioluminescence assayThe highly purified PPK-ADK successfully amplified ATP depending on its initial concentration (Fig.3A).The ATP amplification for 60min prior to the bio-luminescence assay enabled us to detect ATP as low as 10À18mol,while the conventional bioluminescence assay requires ATP as high as 10À14mol to detect bioluminescence (Table 1).Thus,the sensitivity of the bioluminescence assay was increased approximately10,000-fold by ATP amplification.Detection of E.coliThe E.coli culture (early stationary)was appropri-ately diluted with distilled water and heated to 100 C for 2min to release ATP from the cells.After heating,the suspensions were subjected to the ultrasensitive bioluminescence assay.High levels of bioluminescence were detected,depending on the bacterial numbers subjected to the assay (Fig.3B).The levels of luminescence were drastically increased by ATP ampli-fication (Table 2).Without ATP amplification,several 10,000CFUs of E.coli cells were necessary for the detection of significant levels of bioluminescence.On the other hand,the present technique enabled us to detect as little as one CFU of E.coli per assay (Table 2).The intracellular levels of ATP in viable E.coli cells were reported as approximately 7 mol/g dry cell.15)Fig.2.Removal of ADP from PPK-ADK by Apyrase Treatment.Before and after apyrase treatment,0.16 g of ADK-PPK was added to a reaction mixture containing 10 M of AMP,400 M of polyP,8m M MgCl 2,and 60m M Tris–HCl (pH 7.4).Five l of the reaction mixture was sampled and mixed with 40 l of ATP bioluminescence assay reagent (Roche).Bioluminescence was measured by using a multiplateluminometer.Fig.3.Bioluminescence Time Courses during ATP Amplification.(A)The amount of ATP that was initially present in the 5- l reaction mixture is indicated.(B)E.coli cells (early stationary,2:0Â109CFU/ml)were appropriately diluted.The cell suspensions (500 l)were mixed with a 500- l lysis-buffer (Bioluminescence assay,Roche)and then incubated at 100 C for 2min.Heated samples (2 l)were subjected to ATP amplification before the bioluminescence assay.The number of E.coli (CFU)that were present in the 5- l reaction mixture of ATP amplification is indicated.Table 1.Effect of ATP Amplification on Bioluminescence Assay ATP Luminescence (rlu)(10À15mol)Without ATP amplificationWith ATP amplification330810Æ2228;200Æ1;60033110Æ1418;800Æ2403.350Æ68;770Æ4400.3352Æ94;460Æ360.03353Æ122;730Æ2300.003362Æ121;550Æ100none 51Æ2229Æ26ATP amplification was performed for 60min prior to the bioluminescence assay as described in Materials and Methods.The luminescence values are the means Æstandard deviations of three separate measurements.1218T.S ATOH et al.D o w n l o a d e d b y [U n i v e r s i t y o f S c i e n c e & T e c h n o l o g y B e i j i n g ] a t 06:37 15 J a n u a r y 2015Since the dry weight of one E.coli cell is approximately 2:8Â10À13g,16)it can be estimated that E.coli contains approximately 2Â10À18ATP per cell.This level of ATP is almost equal to that of the detection limit of our ultrasensitive bioluminescence assay.Application to hygiene monitoringTo further examine the sensitivity of our assay for bacterial contamination,an E.coli cell suspension was spread on a polystyrene petri dish,air-dried,and then swabbed with a cotton swab.Since commercially available cotton swabs contain significant levels of ATP,the swabs were autoclaved at 121 C for 75min to decompose ATP to AMP.The sample swabbed from a surface area of 4cm 2was dipped into a lysis buffer (Roche)in a plastic tube and then heated to 100 C for 2min to release ATP from the cells.Swab monitoring coupled with the ultrasensitive bioluminescence assay enabled us to detect approximately 12CFUs of E.coli /cm 2(data not shown).We also examined the sensitivity of our assay for detecting bacterial contamination in drinking water.Water samples were heated to 100 C for 2min in a plastic tube and then subjected to our assay.It enabled us to detect bacterial contamination in drinkable tap water at levels at which the conventional biolumines-cence assay failed to detect contamination (Table 3).Bacterial contamination of tap water has been reported occasionally.17)As shown in Table 3,our assay allowed us to detect bacterial contamination of one CFU per ml within 60min.The conventional method using a nutrient agar medium typically requires several days to detect bacterial contamination (Table 3).In the dairy industry,a rapid and reliable test for bacterial contamination in raw milk has been sought,because such contamination often causes extensive damage.We therefore examined the sensitivity of our assay for detecting Staphylococcus aureus in milk.The growing culture of S.aureus was appropriately diluted and added to milk.To remove non-bacterial ATP derived from mammary gland and somatic cells,the milk was first passed through a 0.45- m membrane filter.The membrane filter was then washed with a solution containing 0.2%Triton X-100to disrupt somatic cells but not S.aureus .18)Then the membrane filter was dipped into a lysis buffer (Roche)and heated to 100 C for 2min,and then subjected to biolumines-cence measurement.Our assay increased sensitivity in the detection of S.aureus in milk approximately 10,000-fold compared with that of the conventional biolumi-nescence assay,and enabled us to detect 75CFUs of S.aureus per 0.5-ml of milk (data now shown).Concomitant use of ATP cycling and the biolumi-nescence assay increases luminescence by signal inte-gration without forfeiting the linear correlation between luminescence and ATP concentration.5,6)But at the same time,the background noise (dark current)also increases.On the other hand,ATP amplification before the bioluminescence assay increased the luminescence with-out signal integration,thus increasing the sensitivity of the bioluminescence assay for ATP dramatically.But the significant linear correlation between luminescence and ATP concentration was not observed.Hence it may be difficult to enumerate cells precisely by the ATP amplification method.The rate of amplification in ATP amplification depends mostly on the amount of initial AMP that is converted to ATP after amplification.Therefore it is possible to amplify very low levels of ATP extracted from a single bacterial cell to high levelsTable 2.Detection of E.coli Cells by Bioluminescence Assay with and without ATP Amplification E.coli cells Luminescence (rlu)(CFU per assay)Without ATP amplification With ATP amplification100,0001;130Æ26039;700Æ1;60010,000290Æ3433;900Æ2;2001,00052Æ416;900Æ190010037Æ46;820Æ2001039Æ63;280Æ600137Æ71710Æ44none43Æ12364Æ73The E.coli culture (early stationary)was appropriately diluted with distilled water and heated to 100 C for 2min to release ATP from the cells.ATP amplification was performed for 60min prior to the bioluminescence assay.The luminescence values are the means Æstandard deviations of three separate measurements.Table 3.Detection of Bacterial Contamination in Water Samples by Bioluminescence Assay with and without ATP AmplificationBacterial Water sample Luminescence (rlu)numbers (CFU/ml)dWithout ATP amplificationWith ATP amplificationTap water I 151,40033Tap water II 134131Bottled water a 30239<1Sterilized water b 23254<1Pond water c 93,10059Heated water samples (2 l)were subjected to ATP amplification for 60min.Tap water I was supplied from a public waterworks (Hiroshima,Japan).Tap water II was supplied from the waterworks at Hiroshima University.a Bottled water was purchased commercially.b Sterilized water was prepared by autoclaving distilled water at 121 C for 75min.c Pond water was sampled at Hiroshima University.d One ml of a water sample was spread on a nutrient agar plate (1.6g of tryptone,1g of yeast extract,0.5g of NaCl,and 15g of agar per liter).CFU was determined by counting a colony formed on the nutrient agar plate after 3d of incubation at 28 C.Ultrasensitive Bioluminescence Assay1219D o w n l o a d e d b y [U n i v e r s i t y o f S c i e n c e & T e c h n o l o g y B e i j i n g ] a t 06:37 15 J a n u a r y 2015that we can detect without using a sensitive photometer.In conclusion,we have demonstrated for the first time that ATP amplification increased the sensitivity of the bioluminescence assay by approximately 10,000-fold.This ultrasensitive bioluminescence assay is applicable to the detection of bacterial contamination at very low levels in a wide range of hygiene monitoring tasks.AcknowledgmentThis work was supported in part by a grant-in-aid for scientific research from the Ministry of Education,Culture,Sports,Science and Technology of Japan.References1)DeLuca,M.,and McElroy,W.D.,Kinetics of the firefly luciferase catalyzed reactions.Biochemistry ,26,921–925(1974).2)Bautista, D. 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