Lecture 9 Affirmation and Negation共32页
7. She refrained from laughing.
8. All graduates from the Foreign Languages Institutes will not be appointed to do translation work.
▪ 15)At present it is generally accepted, although more as a self-evident statement than on the base of a closely-reasoned scientific proof.
译文:目前,这个观点已被普遍接受,虽然它是不言 而喻的,并不是根据科学严密推理而证明的。
3. spy film 反谍影片
4. After you, sir. 先生,您先请。
▪ 5. 路上辛苦了。 ▪ 原译:You must have had a tiring journey. ▪ 改译:Did you have a good trip? ▪ 6. Keep in lane! ▪ 不准换线! ▪ 7. Keep off the lawn! ▪ 请勿践踏草地!(正说反译)
▪ 译文:他对时间不足感到十分抱歉。 ▪ 20)Behave yourself during my absence. ▪ 译文:我不在时要规矩点。 ▪ 21) This failure was the making of him. ▪ 译文:这次不成功是他成功的基础。
▪ 22)I do think that it is beyond his power to fulfill the task. 译文:我的确认为要完成这项任务是他力所不及的。
Negation and Affirmation
Negation and Affirmation11.0 GenerationThe Eastern and Western peoples think and speak differently. This difference is sometimes so great that they think and speak just in the opposite way. What is affirmative to the one may be thought negative by the other, and vice versa. Every language has its peculiarities in negation. Some translators, even some noted translators often made ridiculous errors in this respect through carelessness. Accordingly negation means much in translation and every translator must attach great importance to this point.11.1 Negation in thinkingThe English speaking people have their own way of thinking in the negative, quite different from the Chinese speaking people. This difference may be shown in the following cases.11.1.1 In answering negative questionsA question in the affirmative form makes no difference in answer between the East and the West. But the English people like to ask questions in the negative when they expect to receive affirmative answers. Such kind of questions should be answered by the English in quite a different way from that in which it is answered by the Chinese.Are you not prepared to do this work?Yes, I am.你不打算做这工作吗?不,我打算做。
Lecture 7 Affirmation and negation 汉英翻译 教学课件
2) “semi negatives”– 半否定
hardly, scarcely, seldom, barely, few, little, etc. 3) “partial negatives”— 部分否定
3. Such a chance was denied (to) me.
4. I have read your article and expected to meet an older man.
2) Adverbs
(1) we may safely say so.
Negative words and structures sometimes should be readjusted in translation according to contexts. That is to say, depending on the context, we can use either negation or affirmation to translate negatives.
5) Conjunctions
1. Little Emma would rather walk than take a bus.
2. I will not go unless I hear from him.
-- “If the weather holds a couple of days.”
Affirmation and negation
Affirmation and negationI. Warm-up:由于语言习惯不同,英汉互译中往往出现分别从正面和反面表达同一概念的现象。
英语正面表达指的是不带否定词no, not , never ,否定前缀non-, in-, im-, ir-, dis-和否定后缀-less 等的句子。
汉语正面表达则是指不带“不”、“没有” “无” 、“非”、“未”、“否”、“休”、“勿”、“别“莫”、“毋” 等否定词语的句子;反之则是反面表达。
But we are getting ahead of the story可是我们已经说到故事的后面去了The thought of returning to his native land never deserted him amid his tribulation.J尽管深处苦难之中,但归国的念头一直萦绕在他的心头他一直想成为总经理的助手The thought of becoming an assistant to the general manager never deserted himMattie’s hand was underneath, and Ethan kept his clasp on it a moment longer than necessary.玛蒂的手在下面,伊坦把它握住没有立刻就放。
Once in a while, a tragedy occurs which touches even the most case-hardene d heart.悲剧不时发生连那些麻木不仁的人们也有所触动。
• 1)反話正說 (英漢) • 例3:No pains, no gains. • 譯文:一份耕耘,一份收穫。 • 例4:A learned man is not above asking. • 譯文:有學問的人總是虛心求教別人。 • 例5:A big elephant is not more an animal than a little
• 例2:When John was introduced to the old couple, they said simply, “We’ve read your article. We expected to meet an older man.”
• 譯文:當有人把約翰介紹給這對老年夫婦時,他們只是淡淡 地說:“我們看過你的文章,沒想到你這麼年輕。”
• 副詞:hardly, rarely, seldom, barely, out, too…to, in vain…
• 介詞:beyond, without, above, except, save, but, instead of …
• 連詞:before, unless, or, other than, rather than… • 4) 採用句法手段: • before, unless, or, other than, rather than…
• 原文“expected to meet an older man”是從正面來表達,譯 文運用反譯法,改從反面來表達“沒想到你這麼年輕”,一 來使語義更加清晰,二來也增強了其語言效果。
• 正反反正譯法的使用可以使語義表達更加清晰, 同時很大程度上可以增強譯文的修辭效果。譯者 必須在準確理解原文的基礎上,根據譯入語的行 文習慣和修辭效果,靈活運用正說與反說,使譯 文的表達儘量符合譯入語讀者的思維方式和表達 習慣。
英语否定结构详解英语否定结构详解Each language has its own affirmative and negative forms .The way to express affirmation and negation is different in different languages.The negative structures of English can be divided into 10 categories according to the different forms and meanings.We mean to give a minute explanation of the main English negative structures through this article.⼀、Complete Negation1、全部否定结构句式由否定词和肯定形式的谓语动词连⽤构成。
英语中的全否定词包括否定代词和否定副词,主要有:no, none⽆⼈,没有任何⼈;nobody没有⼈,谁也不;nothing没有东西,什么也没有;nowhere 哪⼉也不,没有任何地⽅;nohow绝不,毫不;neither 两者皆不,两者中谁都不;never 永不,从未。
例如:None of these things are yours.Neither of us is right.Nothing can stop them from achieving their goal.I could find my notebook nowhere.No country suffered so much as English.2、表⽰全部否定意义的结构还有另外⼀种表⽰法,即:否定式谓语跟不定代词或不定副词连⽤。
如:We do not like any of them.I haven't received any letters today.Anyhow we will not go there today.I didn't see anyone there today .She doesn't like either of the pencile-box.We can't separate teaching from practice in any way.3、概括词和带有否定词缀的词连⽤也可以构成全部否定式。
5 affirmation and negation
表达习惯需要而造成的正说反译, 反说正译
Adults only 少儿不宜 比较:只适合于成人 Keep Upright! 请勿倒置 比较:请保持向上 Agreeable Sweetness 甜而不腻 比较:甜得可口
“还好(good)“, 与“不错(not bad)”等类似成对 的表达法实际上是有区别的,往往传递了说话者 微妙的情感和立场,而反面着笔对表达强弱轻重 的语气很起作用。
贱人真是矫情 搞笑版:Bitch is so bitch. 正解: Bitch is so bitching/bitchy. la-di-da If you describe someone as la-di-da, you mean that they have an upperclass way of behaving,which you think seems unnatural and is only done to impress people.
英语的否定: 1. 带有否定意义的单词: de-, dis-, im-, in-, un-,less-等含有否 定意义前后缀的单词 2.含有NO, NOT, NEVER,NONE等否定 词的句子
1.否定词: 无,非,不,没(有),未,否,别,休,莫, 勿,毋,绝不,毫无,否则,并非,没有,未 尝等 2.多重否定:
3.肯定和否定并用同义: 我差点摔了一跤。 VS 我差点没摔一跤。 过年家里好热闹。 VS 过年家里好不热闹
有次房东问我 did u eat anyting yet? 我说no. 她听后重复了一遍 so u didn’t eat anyting. 我说 yes... 房东老太太犹豫了下 又问did u eat ? 我说 no. 她接着说 so u didn’t eat . 我说 yes ......
We should be aware of the fact that what is affirmative in form in one language may mean something negative in another language or vice versa.
1)The world today is far from peaceful. ) 今天的世界还很不安宁 不安宁。 今天的世界还很不安宁。 2)我们的人民解放军无愧于伟大的人 无愧于伟大的人 )我们的人民解放军无愧于 民军队的称号。 民军队的称号。 Our PLA is worthy of being called a great army of the people.
6. 无论如何,她算不上一位思维敏捷的学生。 无论如何, 一位思维敏捷的学生。 原译: 原译:She can hardly be rated as a bright student. 改译: 改译:She is anything but a bright student. 7. 黄鼠狼给鸡拜年,不怀好心。 黄鼠狼给鸡拜年,不怀好心。 The weasel goes to pay respects to the hen not with the best of intentions. The weasel pays a courtesy visit to the hen with an evil intention.
“I don’t think you’re right in this point.” 你是人,你不是东西。你是东西吗? 你是人,你不是东西。你是东西吗?你真不 是东西!?我认为你不是东西。 !?我认为你不是东西 是东西!?我认为你不是东西。你算什么东 西! You’re a person, not a thing. Aren’t you a person/a thing? Are you reliable/ some-thing? No, I don’t think so./Yes, I think so. What a creature you are! What a fool you are! You are a sheer idiot. I think you are an idiot. I don’t think you are trustworthy. You, really, are nothing. You think you are something. No, far from it.
Chapter 9 Negation(反译法)
• • • •
4. 前置词 1) This problem is above me. 这问题我不懂(我解决不了)。 2) It was beyond his power to sign such a contract. • 他无权签订这种合同。 • 3) These planes were held back to protect enemy’s home islands instead of being used where they badly needed.
• • • • •
2. 副词 。 2) A: The boy is quite clever. B: Exactly. 甲:这孩子很聪明。 乙:一点不错。
• 3) The subversion attempts proved predictably futile. • 不出所料,颠覆活动证明毫无效果。
• • • •
3. 形容词 1) He’s not stupid, merely ignorant. 他并不愚笨,仅仅是无知而已。 2) It would be most disastrous if even a rumor of it were given out.
• 甚至只要有一点点风声漏出去,结果就不 堪设想。
• 3) Within minutes the men came racing in with the two jeeps. They were all excited, so now I had to put on the calm act to prevent my worry from spreading. • 几分钟后, 那些人乘着两辆吉普车回来了。
• 双方认为,那和平建议是一个他们可以接 受而不失体面的建议。
Lecture 9 Affirmation and Negation
9.4 正反译法的作用
正反译法是一个很有用的翻译技巧,虽然说 法变了,意思保持不变。之所以要改变,主 要是由于词语之间的关系、句式的变化、习 惯表达等方面的因素。“正话反说,反话正 说”是提高译文水平的有效方法之一。
A. 肯定译否定,更能传神达意 例1:In the high altitude snow and ice remain all the year. 【译文】海拔高的地方,冰雪常年不化。 例2:The explanation is pretty thin. 【译文】这个解释很不详细。 例3:Slips are scarcely avoidable when you’re new to your work. 【译文】工作没有经验,出点差错,在所难免。
反说/否定:英语中带no, not, none, nothing, nowhere, nobody, never, neither, nor等否定 词,或non-, un-, im-, in-, ir-, dis-, non-, less等否定词缀的词句, 汉语中含有“不” 、“没有”、“无”、“非”、“未”、“ 否”、“休”、“勿”、“别”、“莫”、 “毋”等成分的词句。 正说/肯定:英汉语中不含这些成分的词句。
1.She was refused admittance by them. 【译文】他们不让她进去。 2.His noble deeds are above all praise. 【译文】他的高尚行为是赞扬不尽的。 3.The mistake escaped me. 【译文】我没注意到这个错误。 4.The truth is quite other than what you think. (other than = not, anything but) 【译文】事实真相与你想的完全不同。
Affirmative & Negative(1)
He’s too much of a coward to do that. 他太怯懦了,干不了那件事。 He is more brave than wise. 他有勇无谋。 This house is more like a school than a church. 这所房子与其说像教堂,不如说像学校。 He was wiser than to have done such a thing. 他不至于愚蠢得竟然做出这样的事情。
注意:并非所有这种相似含义的动词都能 用于否定转移结构,assume(设想)、 surmise(推测)、presume(假设,推定) 等词就不用于否定转移。 They don’t assume that Tom came. 他们不相信汤姆来了。 They assume that Tom didn’t come. 他们相信汤姆没有来。
It just didn’t seem that it would rain. 就是看不出来天会下雨。 I didn’t ever suppose they were happy. 我从来不认为他们幸福。 I wouldn’t have imagined that he would be here. 我从不曾想到他会在这儿。
4. 特指否定(Special Negation)
否定谓语动词称为一般否定(General Negation),否定非谓语成分(即除谓语以外 的其他成分,否定的仅是一个方面)称为 特指否定或局部否定(Local Negation)。 They are allowed not to go swimming. 允许他们不去游泳。 He came to work not by bus, but on foot. 他不是坐车,而是步行上班的。
反说正译 (二)双重否定正译。
• We must never stop taking an optimistic view of life. • 我们对生活要永远抱乐观态度。 • Such mistakes couldn’t long escape notice. • 这类错误迟早会被发觉的。 • He doesn’t lend his books to nobody • 他的书任何人都可以借 • One is never too old to learn. • 活到老,学到老。 • Nobody is without his faults • 人人都有缺点
• 突然,他听到背后有声音,意识到车库里还有别人。
• Our living conditions are no better than theirs • 我们的生活条件和他们的一样糟。
• I won’t be long. • 我一会儿就回来。
• There is no rule but has exceptions. • 凡规则总有例外。
• 即便如此,我仍坚持认为,对个人而言,最重要的莫过于这种根 植于个人心灵深处的是非感。
• I couldn’t feel better. • 我觉得身体好极了。
• I couldn’t agree with you more. • 我太赞成你的看法了。
反说正译 More
• Suddenly he heard a sound behind him, and realized he was not alone in the garage
many , not always • words with negative implication: hate, fail, deny, miss, lack,
We cannot believe that he is already over seventy years old. 我们难以相信他已年过古稀。
英汉两种语言在表达方式上往往因角 度不同而异。要克服这些差异,翻译时也 就常有必要把一种表达方式转换为另一种 表达方式,使译文符合目的语表达习惯。
英语中有一些计量词,如score, dozen, decade, quarter等,在汉语中没有相应的 表达方式,所以在汉译时得对其加以转换。
Sentence Constituents
In the first four years of the war, when in Great Britain two and a quarter million women had been placed in war production, only 182, 000 women had been employed in Germany. 在战争的头四年中,英国安排了225万妇 女从事战时生产,德国仅用了18.2万。 [状语转换为主语;主语转换为宾语]
Sentence Order
句子的自然语序是主语在前,谓语在 后。倒装语序主要是指主谓倒装。英语中 使用倒装语序,主要是为了加强语气、突 出重点、平衡句子结构等;而汉语中使用 倒装语序相对较少,所以英译汉时,常常 得将倒装语序转换为自然语序。
During the first part of his life, Watt studied weather and storm.
第9讲 Negative & Affirmative
2. adj &
He is strange to compliments. 爱听恭维话。 他不爱听恭维话。 Please tender exact fee/fare. 找零。 恕不找零。
The drowning man called in vain for help. 溺水者呼救无人应 无人应。 溺水者呼救无人应。
4. Words with negative affixes: “dis-”, “im-”, “in-”, “non”, “un-”, “-less”, etc. 5. Words or expressions with negative implication: Fail, without, beyond, until, unless, lest, ignorant, refrain, refuse, neglect, absence, instead of, other than, except, rather than, etc.
1. The criminal is still at large. 罪犯仍旧逍遥法外。( 。(正 罪犯仍旧逍遥法外。(正) 捉拿归案。( 。(反 罪犯尚未捉拿归案。(反) 2. It would be most disastrous if even a rumor of it were given out. 只要有一点风声泄露出去, 只要有一点风声泄露出去,结果将会是灾难性 的。 (正) 只要有一点风声泄露出去, 堪设想。 只要有一点风声泄露出去,结果将不堪设想。 (反) 3. 我一会儿就回来。 我一会儿就回来。 I won’t be long. / I’ll be right back.
Negative in Chinese, Affirmative in English
转换法Definition of Affirmation and Negation原文本来是正面表达,译文却从反面着笔;或者,原文用肯定语气的,译文不妨倒过来,采取双否定或换反义词加否定语气。
Some Idiomatic Expressions★ Keep off the lawn! 请勿践踏草地!★I couldn’t agree more with you. 我完全同意你的看法。
★ I lay awake almost the whole night.原译:我整晚醒着躺在那儿。
★ He was the last man to say such things.他绝不会说这样的话。
★ They are non-local laborers in Beijing他们是在北京打工的外地民工。
★ We must never stop taking an optimistic view of life.我们要永远对生活抱乐观的态度。
Mr. Wang has never missed a day’s wo rk for years.★ I do think that it is beyond his power to fulfill the task.我的确认为要完成这项任务是他力所不及的。
Purposes of Affirmation and Negation1.明确语义。
3. Examples for Affirmation1. Isn’t it funny!真逗!2. I am never at a loss for a word; Pitt is never at a loss for the word.原译:我要找一个词从不感到困难,可是皮特找个恰如其分的词却从不感到困难。
有许多能源尚未开发 尚未开发。 有许多能源尚未开发。问题始终是要以一合理的代价利用这些 能源。 能源。
He went into the insecure building.
他走进那所危楼。 他走进那所危楼。
A radar screen is not unlike a television.
雷达荧光屏跟电视荧光屏一样。 雷达荧光屏跟电视荧光屏一样。
Don’t stop working,” he said
Negation & Affirmation
Zhang Xiaowen An Qing Qi Yue Ding Xiaoyu
英语和汉语中往往均可用肯定形式或 英语和汉语中往往均可用肯定形式或 否定形式表达同一概念。 否定形式表达同一概念。但由于讲英语国家 的历史、地理、 的历史、地理、社会文化背景和生活习性与 我国不同,因此这些国家人们的思维方式 思维方式与 我国不同,因此这些国家人们的思维方式与 我们有时存在很大差异。 我们有时存在很大差异。这种差别体现在语 言习惯上,便产生了两种语言各自独特的表 言习惯上, 达形式。 表示否定意义时, 达形式。在表示否定意义时,这种差异显得 尤为突出。 尤为突出。英语的否定表达是一个常见而又 比较复杂的问题。有的英语句子形式上是否 比较复杂的问题。有的英语句子形式上是否 定的而实质上肯定的,有的形式上是肯定的 定的而实质上肯定的,有的形式上是肯定的 而实质上是否定的。 而实质上是否定的。
1)To be or not to be, that is the question. 生存还是毁灭,这是值得考虑之点。 2)Don’t lose time in cleaning this machine. 赶快把这部机器擦好。 3)All men between 18 and 45 without exception are
1) There was a complete absence of information on the oil deposit in that area.
关于该地区的石油储藏情况,人们毫无所知。 2) Her child was in a terrible state of neglect. 她的孩子简直没人管。 3)Shortness of time has required the
dead (无生命的、无感觉的、不毛的)
difficult(不容易的) foreign to(不适合于,与……无关)
short of (不够)
poor(不好的,不幸的) ignorant of (不知道)
1) What you said is beside the question. 你所说的与本题无关。
Lesson 9 正反表达
She has an incisive manner of speaking, happily free from urs and ers, and perhaps, a tribute to the elocution (雄辩术,演说法) lessons she took while still a young girl. • 她说话锋利尖锐,完全没有哼哼哈 哈的拖腔,或许应该归功于她少女时 代所受的演讲术的训练。 • 她丈夫不愿见到她那张毫无表情的 脸。 • Her husband hates to see her stony face.
6. Some traps in negative structure
• 1) too ...to… • The process is too risky not to be checked in time. • 这一过程危险性太大,应及时加以制止。 • Another example: • Knowledge about the most powerful problemsolving tool man has ever developed is too valuable not to share. • 人类业已开发出功率最大的电脑用于解决问题, 这方面的知识极其可贵,应为人类所共享。
2. Negative in English, but affirmative in Chinese
• • • 1) You can’t be too careful. 你要特别小心。 2) He carelessly glanced through the note and then left. • 他马马虎虎地看了看那张便条就走了。 • 3) Such flight couldn’t long escape notice. • 这类飞行迟早总会被人发觉的。
Lecture 7 Affirmation and negation 汉英翻译 教学课件
1. Negation 反面表达法/否定表达法/正话反说/正反 表达法
Some affirmative words, phrases or sentences in English can be translated into negative ones in Chinese.
1) Verbs
1.-- “When will we have the picnic?”
Students: No. The differences in negation between English and Chinese result from differences in the way of thinking and in the mode of speaking.
Generally speaking, English negative words and expressions fall into the 4 categories:
6. The two teams tied.
7. Appearances are deceptive.
8. She said idly, “They are all bad.”
2. Affirmation 正面表达法/肯定表达法 1) Verbs 1. “We should not do that,” said she, and we all shook our
1. I’m wiser than to believe what you call money talks. 我才不至于蠢到相信你说的金钱万能呢!