十五校2020届高三下学期第二次联考试题(5月) 化学 Word版含答案
可能用到的相对原子质量:H1 T3 C12 N14 O16 Na23 P31 Fe56 Cu64 Ce140第I卷(选择题,共126分)一、选择题:本题共13小题,每小题6分,共78分。
7.化学与人类社会的生产、生活有着密切联系,下列叙述正确的是A.新型冠状病毒对高三学子的复习备考造成了较大冲击,质量分数0.5%的过氧乙酸溶液能高效杀死该病毒,在重症隔离病房用过氧乙酸与苯酚溶液混合可以提高消杀效率B.J-20上用到的氮化镓材料不是合金材料C.尽量使用含12C的产品,减少使用含13C或14C的产品符合“促进低碳经济的宗旨”D.汽车尾气中含有氮氧化物是由于石油炼制过程中未除去氮元素8.设N A是阿伏加德罗常数的值,下列说法正确的是A.46 g C2H6O完全燃烧,有5N A个C-H键断裂B.电解精炼铜时,阳极质量减轻64 g时,转移的电子数为2N AC.2.6 g NaT与足量水反应,生成的氢气中含有中子数为0.1N AD.56 g Fe粉与1 mol Cl2充分反应,转移电子数为2N A9.BMO(Bi2MoO6)是一种高效光催化剂,可用于光催化降解苯酚,原理如图所示。
下列说法错误的是A.该过程的总反应为:C 6H 6O +7O 2BMO−−−→光6CO 2+3H 2O B.该过程中BMO +表现出较强的氧化性C.①和②中被降解的苯酚的物质的量之比为1:3D.光催化降解过程中,光能转化为化学能、热能等10.化合物M(结构式如图所示)是常用的还原剂,由H ·C ·Brown 和Schlesinger 于1942年在芝加哥大学发现。
• 用了哪些手法描写环境之“寂静”?
• 动静结合、以动衬静、正面(直接)描写、侧面(间接)描写
• 第一、直接写静,例如“阴森得同太古的似山中的寂静”“寂静山 的腰,静寂的溪口”等;(2分)
• (2)推介词:一个台一场戏,怨如如慕,如如泣诉。那切真 细腻表的演、委婉听动的唱腔、优美抒情的风格荟萃成一视 场听盛宴。无论是《红楼梦》,还是《梁山与伯祝英台》, 经过戏曲的诠释,情韵都变得加更浓郁醇厚。
• (答案示例2) (1)饺子
• (2)推词介:一盆白面、一方鲜肉、一把青葱,经过人们的 巧手调制,变了成让人垂涎欲滴的饺子。这是年节时中国人 厨房常里见的情景。一盘饺,子象征的是圆团;一盘饺子 代,表的是思念;一盘饺子,蕴含的是中国老古的文化。͏
• 17、案答:B 畜读xù,畜养 • 18、答案:C均表为并列系关连词 • A 连词,那么就/连,词表转,折却 • B介词按照、依照/介词,以……或凭着
• D代词,这代种情况/结构助词ǚ的 • 19、答案:D“散句”错,“则又爱之太,恩忧之勤太, 旦视而暮抚,已去而复顾,甚者爪其肤以验其生枯, 摇其本以观其疏密”,是结构类似的“整句”
2020年7月温州十五校联考 期末试卷分析
• 24、(6分) • (1)卒相与欢 为刎颈之交 • (2)言笑晏晏 信誓旦旦 • ( 3)雄飞雌从绕林间 又子闻规啼夜月 • ( 4)应是良辰好景虚设 便有纵千种风情 • ( 5)望尽天涯路 欲寄彩笺兼尺素
• 9、(6分)
• (1)永嘉昆曲
• 第二,以动衬静。例如飞鹰,“像霹雳似的”叫声,庄茶主人“哈 哈大的笑”等;(2分)
湘赣皖长郡中学等十五校2020届高三下学期第二次联考试题(5月) 英语试题 +答案+详解
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齐国名叫信的中御府长病了,淳于意去他家诊治,切脉后告诉他说: 是热病的脉气,然而暑热多汗,脉稍衰,不致于死.又说:得这种病,是天 气严寒时曾在流水中洗浴,洗浴后身体就发热了.他说:嗯,就是这样 去年冬天,我为齐王出使楚国,走到莒jǔ,举县阳周水边,看到莒桥坏 得很厉害,我就揽住车辕不想过河,马突然受惊,一下子坠到河里,我的 身子也淹进水里,差一点儿淹死,随从官吏马上跑来救淳于意,我从水 中出来,衣服全湿了,身体寒冷了一阵,冷一止住全身发热如火,到现在 不能受寒.淳于意立即为他调制液汤火剂驱除热邪,服一剂药不再出 汗,服两剂药热退去了,服三剂药病止住了.
22. 参考立意:
试题提供了两则材料,第一则材料是马克思的青年择业观,第二则材 料是当代许多大学生想当网红的事,前者强调择业时只有努力为他人 的幸福而工作才能使自己过得完美,强调职业的高尚情怀和奉献精神 第二则材料突出了许多大学生不愿吃苦就想成功的思想.写作时应当 对两则材料进行辩证分析,我们在敬仰马克思伟大择业观的时候不能 生硬要求每个人都成为人类的思想者,但一定要有奉献精神;运用第 二则材料时也不要极力批判网红,想当网红没有错,但要批判材料中 的不良思想,不只看到网红的光鲜,更要看到网红背后的精耕细作
2.C 思路点拨引用的目的是为了强调形而上学思维对论述问题的的特殊性,使得我们在寻找语文一切所共有的真理时相对可能更为艰难于文无据,原文表述为:语文广大 无边、丰富无比、庞杂无比,它能不能经过 ……不能推断出更为艰难;B项:终将会艰难地找到表达之道--语文的本体有误,根据原文表 达之道——语文的本体,永远处于艰苦卓绝的寻求和发现之中,永远处于无与伦比的认识和发展之中可知,找到一词不合文意.C项来源于我 们的现实经验有误,原文本体论作为世界终极存在的追问,不属于经验世界,而属于超验世界可知,本体论不属于经验世界自然谈不上来源 于经验世界.
湘赣皖十五校2020届高三下学期第一次联考模拟化学试题 (含答案)
2020届湘赣皖·十五校高三联考第一次考试化学模拟试卷时量:90分钟 总分:100分第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共42分)本部分共21小题,每小题2分。
1.我国是最早掌握炼锌的国家,《天工开物》中记载了以菱锌矿(主要成分为ZnCO 3)和烟煤为原料的炼锌罐剖面图。
已知:锌的沸点为907 ℃,金属锌蒸气遇热空气或CO 2易生成ZnO 。
下列冶炼锌过程中的相关说法不正确的是A .尾气可用燃烧法除去B .发生了氧化还原反应C .提纯锌利用了结晶法D .泥封的目的是防止锌氧化2.化学与生活密切相关。
下列有关玻璃的叙述正确的是A .钢化玻璃、石英玻璃及有机玻璃都属于无机非金属材料B .含溴化银的变色玻璃,变色原因与太阳光的强度和生成银的多少有关C .玻璃化学性质稳定,具有耐酸碱侵蚀、抗氧化等优点D .普通玻璃的主要成分可表示为Na 2O ·CaO ·6SiO 2,说明玻璃为纯净物3.下列物质的性质和用途不存在因果关系的是A .胶体具有电泳的性质,可向豆浆中加入盐卤制作豆腐B .醋酸酸性强于碳酸,用醋酸溶液清除热水器中的水垢C .小苏打受热易分解,在面粉中加入适量小苏打焙制糕点D .氧化铝熔点高,可作耐高温材料4.下列有关反应的离子方程式书写正确的是A .氧化亚铁溶于稀硝酸:FeO +2H +===Fe 2++H 2OB .过量SO 2通入澄清石灰水中:SO 2+OH -===HSO 3-C .NH 4HCO 3溶液与足量Ba (OH )2溶液混合:HCO 3-+Ba 2++OH -===BaCO 3↓+H 2OD .NH 4Al (SO 4)2溶液与足量Ba (OH )2溶液混合:2Al 3++3SO 24-+3Ba 2++6OH -===2Al (OH )3↓+3BaSO 4↓5.往含0.2 mol NaOH和0.1 mol Ba(OH)2的混合溶液中持续稳定地通入CO2气体6.72 L(标准状况下),则在这一过程中,下列有关溶液中离子总物质的量(n)随通入CO2气体体积(V)的变化曲线中正确的是(离子水解忽略不计)A.B.C.D.6.有以下六种饱和溶液①CaCl2;②Ca(OH)2;③Na2SiO3;④Na2CO3;⑤NaAlO2;⑥NH3和NaCl,分别持续通入CO2,最终不会得到沉淀或析出晶体的是A.①②B.③⑤C.①⑥D.④⑥7.用N A表示阿伏加德罗常数的值。
1. 阳光通过三棱镜能显示七种颜色的连续光谱。
如果将一瓶叶绿素提取液放在光源和三棱镜之间,连续光谱中就会出现一些黑色条带,这些条带应位于A. 绿色区B. 红光区和绿光区C. 蓝紫光区和绿光区D. 红光区和蓝紫光区2. 关于“S”型曲线的叙述,错误的是()A.t0~t1之间,种群数量小于K/2,由于资源和空间相对充裕,种群数量增长较快,增长率不断增加B.t1~t2之间,由于资源和空间有限,当种群密度增大时,种内斗争加剧,天敌数量增加,种群增长速率下降C.t2时,种群数量达到K值,此时出生率等于死亡率,种群增长速率为0D. 为有效防治蝗灾,应在t1前及时控制其种群密度3. 下列关于细胞学说的说法,错误的是()A.德国科学家施莱登和施旺共同提出的B.动物和植物都是由相同的基本单位即细胞构成的C.一切生物都是由细胞构成的D.细胞学说的提出,揭示了细胞的统一性4. 基因突变、基因重组和染色体变异的共同点是()A.产生了新的基因B.产生了新的基因型C.都属于可遗传变异D.改变了基因的遗传信息5. 下列不属于分泌蛋白的是A.抗体B.血红蛋白C.胰岛素D.胃蛋白酶6. 下列有关细胞核的叙述正确的是()A.核孔是大分子物质进出细胞核的通道,不具有选择性B.所有细胞核糖体的形成均与核仁密切相关C.细胞核是单层膜细胞器D.核膜可通过内质网膜与细胞膜相连7. 黑藻是一种叶片薄且叶绿体较大的水生植物,分布广泛、易于取材,可用作生物学实验材料。
下列说法错误的是()A.在高倍光学显微镜下,观察不到黑藻叶绿体的双层膜结构B.观察植物细胞的有丝分裂不宜选用黑藻成熟叶片C.质壁分离过程中,黑藻细胞绿色加深、吸水能力减小D.探究黑藻叶片中光合色素的种类时,可用无水乙醇作提取液8. 在光合作用的探究历程中,科学家恩格尔曼利用水绵和好氧细菌等做了如下实验。
2020届青岛市第十五中学高三英语第一次联考试题及答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项ADon’t know where to enjoy yourself? Here are some choices for you.Santa Cruz Mission State Historic ParkPopUp Picnics in the park return for the fourth summer in a row, taking place on Thursdays. Take a break to enjoy tacos (墨西哥玉米薄饼卷). Prices changefrom $ 2 to $ 10. Cash only.144 School Street June 13-August 15 Start at 11:30 am and end at 1:30 pmThe Crow’s NestEach summer on Thursday evenings the Crow’s Nest offers its Summer Beach Party series on the beach. The party starts at 5:30 pm each week and goes until sunset. Families are welcome, and there is no entrance fee. After the sun sets, the fun begins with dancing to the best live music of local bands.2218 East Cliff Drive May 30-August 29 Start at 5:30 pm and end at 8:30 pmBargetto WineryJoin us for a beautiful weekend of art and wine. Bargetto Winery will be hosting their yearly gathering of artists and foodies(美食家)at their amazing Soquel winery. No entrance fee. Wine tasting with purchase of $ 15 festival glass. 3535 North Main StreetJuly 20 - July 21 Start at 11:00 am and end at 5:00 pmChaminade Resort & SpaChef Page takes guests on a journey showing the area rich fruits, vegetables, and meats. Dinner begins at 6:30 pm with a five-course menu and good wines. Seating booked is not a choice, as all guests are seated at large, connecting, beautifully set tables designed to invite open conversations among guests. Ticket price: $ 90 per person. Tickets can be gotten online.Chaminade Lane July 26 Start at 6:00 pm and end at 9:00 pm1. What can we know about PopUp Picnics in the park?A. It lasts two days.B. It is held on Thursdays.C. It has been held twice.D. It can be paid in credit card.2. What can people do in the Crow’s Nest?A. Enjoy tacos.B. Talk with artists and foodies.C. Watch the sunrise on the beach.D. Watch the performance of the bands.3. Which activity can be booked on the Internet?A. The Crow's Nest.B. Bargetto Winery.C. Chaminade Resort & Spa.D. Santa Cruz Mission State Historic Park.BLarry was on another of his underwater expeditions(探险)but this time, it was different. He decided to take his daughter along with him. She was only ten years old. This would be her first trip with her father on what he had always been famous for.Larry first began diving when he was his daughter’s age. Similarly, his father had taken him along on one of his expeditions. Since then, he had never looked back. Larry started out by renting diving suits from the small diving shop just along the shore. He had hated them. They were either too big or too small. Then, there was the instructor. He gave him a short lesson before allowing him into the water with his father. He had made an exception. Larry would never have been able to go down without at least five hours of theory and another similar number of hours on practical lessons with a guide. Children of his age were not even allowed to dive.After the first expedition, Larry’s later diving adventures only got better and better. There was never a dull moment. In his black and blue suit and with an oxygen tank fastened on his back, Larry dived from boats into the middle of the ocean. Dangerous areas did not prevent him from continuing his search. Sometimes, he was limited to a cage underwater but that did not bother him. At least, he was still able to take photographs of the underwater creatures.Larry’s first expedition without his father was in the Cayman Islands. There were numerous diving spots in the area and Larry was determined to visit all of them .Fortunately for him, a man offered to take him around the different spots for rry didn’t even know what the time was, how many spots he dived into or how many photographs he had taken.The diving spots afforded such a wide range of fish and sea creatures that Larry saw more than thirty varieties of creatures.Larry looked at his daughter. She looked as excited as he had been when he was her age. He hoped she would be able to continue the family tradition. Already, she looked like she was much braver than had been then. This was the key to a successful underwater expedition.4. In what way was this expedition different for Larry?A. His daughter had grown up.B. He had become a famous diver.C. His father would dive with him.D. His daughter would dive with him.5. What can be inferred from Paragraph 2?A. Larry had some special right.B. Larry liked the rented diving suits.C. Divers had to buy diving equipment.D. Ten-year-old children were permitted to dive.6. What can be learned from the underlined sentence?A. Larry didn’t wear a watch.B. Larry was not good at math.C. Larry had a poor memory.D. Larry enjoyed the adventure.7. What did Larry expect his daughter to do?A. Become a successful diver.B. Make a good diving guide.C. Take a lot of photo underwater.D. Have longer hours of training.CWe all use different ways to remember ideas, facts and things we need to store. Remembering is an extremely important part of our learning experience. Information process, storage and recall encourage purposeful learning.But the brain doesn’t store everything we want or need for future use. It makes choices and tends to remember information that forms a memorable pattern. Things you learned recently can be particularly difficult to remember because they haven’t taken root in your mind.“Forgetting allows us to remember what is really important to our survival. We forget much of what we read, watch, and think directly every day.” writes John Medina in his book, Brain Rules.How do you avoid losing 90%of what you’ve learned? An inspiring writer and speaker Zig Ziglar once said: “Repetition is the mother of learning, the father of action, which makes it the architect of accomplishment.”Repetition has been a remembering skill for ages. When you hear or read something once,you don’t really learn it-at least not well enough to store the new information for long. The right kind of repetition can do wonders for your memory. People learn or remember better by repeating things or getting exposed to information many times. Othersrepeat particular steps or processes deliberately a number of times or even years to become better at certain skills.Daniel Coyle explains in his book, The Little Book of Talent:“...closing the book and writing a summary, even short ones, forces you to figure out the key points, process and organize those ideas so they make sense, andwrite them on the page. When you pick it back up weeks later, reread all of your notes or highlights to strengthen the ideas even further.”People learn by repeating things. Better learning is a repetition process. Every time we repetitively access something we already know, we increase the memory’s stored value.8. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?A. The brain tends to store 90% of the things we learn.B. The fresher the information isthe easier to remember.C. Thinking is more important than remembering in study.D. The brain tends to choose and keep what it thinks important.9. How does the writer prove his opinion?A.By giving examples.B. By listing numbers.C. By borrowing words of experts.D. By providing scientific finding.10. What does Daniel Coyle want to say in his book?A. You can’t pay too much attention to repetition.B. Summarizing is a very effective learning tool.C. Forgetting forces human brain to make choices.D. Regular repetition helps to form good habits.11. Which do you think is the best title of the passage?A. How the Brain WorksB. Reading for MoreC. Fighting Against ForgettingD. Repeat to RememberDThermoelectric generators turn waste heat into electricity without producing greenhouse gas emissions, like a free lunch. But the high cost of these devices has prevented their widespread use. Now, researchers have found a way to make cheap thermae-lectrices that work just as well. The work could pave the way for greener car engines, and other energy-generating devices.“This looks like a very smart way to realize high performance,” says Li-Dong Zhao, a materials scientist. He notes there are still a few more steps before these materials can become high-performing. However, he says, “This will be used in the not too far future.”Thermoelectrics are semiconductor devices placed on a hot surface. That gives them a hot side and a cool side. If a device allows the hot side to warm up the cool side, the electricity stops flowing. A device’s success atpreventing this, as well as its ability to conduct electrons, feeds into a score known as the figure of merit, or ZT.Researchers have produced thermoelectric materials with increasing ZTs. The record came in 2014 when Mercouri Kanatzidis came up with a tin selenide with a ZT of 3.1. Yet the material was too fragile to work with. “For practical applications, it’s a non-star-ter,” Kanatzidis says.Getting through that door will still take some time. The tin selenide the team makes is mixed with Na, creating a “p-type” material that conducts positive charges. To make working devices, researchers also need an “n-type” version to conduct negative charges.Zhao’s team is now working on making an n-type version. Once successful, researchers should have a clear path to making a new generation of super-efficient thermoelectric genera-tors. Those could be installed everywhere from automobile exhaust pipes to water heaters and industrial smelters toscavengesome of the 65% of fossil fuel energy that winds up as waste heat.12. The first paragraph wants to tell us________.A. The wide use of thermoelectric generatorsB. The devices of current thermoelectric generatorsC. The reason why researchers make cheap thermoelectricsD. The greener car engines that contribute to environmental protection13. How does Li-Dong Zhao feel about cheap thermoelectric generators?A. Indifferent.B. Optimistic.C. Critical.D. Worried.14. What do you know about the research in 2014 from paragraph 4 and 5?A. It was far from a success for practical applications.B. A tin selenide with a ZT of 3.1 can be easy to work with.C. Researchers made an “n-type” version to make working devicesD. A “p-type” material made from the tin selenide conducts negative charges15. What does the underlined word “scavenge” in the last paragraph mean?A. Recycle.B. Produce.C. Clean.D. Increase.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
2020届北京市第十五中学高三英语第一次联考试卷及参考答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项AF the Art World competition.Prize -The winner of each type will get the chance to display their artworks in a week-long exhibition inChelsea,New York..Eligibility - Open to artists all over the world..Entry Fee(参赛费)-$24 for a maximum of 3 submitted(提交的)photos..Date of Exhibition - From 25thApril to 2ndMay.F the Art World is an international art competition organized by which is quite unusual, compared to other competitions. The artworks are not judged on the basis of creativity and skill. Instead, they're judged by the depth of the subject matter. The subject this year is “A Competition About Change”, where artists can try and show how they'd like to change humanity in a good way.Notes*For this competition, there are three types for submissions, namely: street art, fine art, and digital art.*Each type will have a winner as chosen by the organizers and all the winners will have the wonderful chance to exhibit their works at the Unarthodox Gallery inNew Yorkin a week-long exhibition.*All the winners will also receive 100% of the sale price when any of their artworks are sold!Winners will also be displayed on the website and the entrants' artworks will also be displayed in the opening ceremony(仪式)as well.1.What is special about F the Art World Competition?AIt is free to attend.B.It lasts for over a week.C.It is open to artists inNew York.D.It centers on the depth of the artworks.2.What will the winners get?A.Prize money.B.A chance to visit an exhibition.C.A written judgement of their artworks.D.Money from the sale of their artworks.3.Where will the entrants' artworks be shown?A.In the street.B.In the opening ceremony.C.On the website.D.At the market.BWe are in lack of enough sleep, according to Arianna Huffington, the co-founder and editor-in-chief of The Huffington Post. And thishas great consequences on our health, our job performance, our relationships and our happiness. What is needed, she ly declares, is nothing short of a sleep revolution. Only by renewing our relationship with sleep can we take back control of our lives.In her bestseller Thrive, Arianna wrote about our need to redefine success through wellbeing, wisdom, wonder, and giving. Her discussion of the importance of sleep as a gateway to this more fulfilling way of living struck such a powerful chord (弦) that she realized the mystery and transformative power of sleep called for a fuller investigation (调查).The result is a scientifically sweeping and personal exploration of sleep from all angles, from the history of sleep, to the role of dreams in our lives, to the consequences of sleep deprivation (剥夺), and the new golden age of sleep science that is showing the vital role sleep plays in our every waking moment and every aspect of our health — from weight gain, diabetes, and heart disease to cancer and Alzheimer’s.In The Sleep Revolution, Arianna shows how our cultural removal of sleep as time wasted damages our health and our decision-making and our work lives and shortens our personal lives. She explores all the latest science on what exactly is going on while we sleep and dream. She decides the dangerous sleeping pill industry, and all the ways of our addiction to technology disturb our sleep. She also offers a range of recommendations and tips from leading scientists on how we can get better and more restorative sleep.In today’s fast-paced, always-connected and sleep-deprived world, our need for a good night’s sleep is more important than ever. The Sleep Revolution both sounds the alarm on our worldwide sleep crisis and provides a detailed road map to the great sleep awakening that can help transform our lives, our communities, and our world.4. What is the first paragraph mainly about?A. The importance of sleep.B. The necessity of improving sleep.C. The way to improve our sleep.D. The effect of sleep on health.5. What can be inferred about Arianna’s attitude to success?A. She thinks good sleep is more important.B. She doesn’t think much of becoming successful.C. She thinks it wrong to sacrifice health to success.D. She is concerned about the nature of success.6. What can be said about Arianna’s investigation?A. It is really of great value.B. It is scientific and historical.C. It costs Arianna’s sleep in practice.D. It covers all necessary aspects scientifically,7. What influence does TheSleep Revolution have on society?A. It helps to slow down the pace of modern life.B. It warns people against taking sleeping pills.C. It warns the harm of inadequate sleep of people.D. It helps to stress the value of sleep to success.CElonMusk is a symbol of passion, hard work and success. A person may work hard in his life, but when hard work goes along with passion and a new idea, then something is created that astonishes the world. As the founder of big companies like PayPal, SpaceX, and Tesla Motors, Elon Musk is a guide and inspiration for the youth around the world.Elon Musk was born on June 28,1971 inPretoria,South Africa. He was the eldest of three children. His father Errol Musk, a British-born South African, was an engineer. Musk spent his childhood inSouth Africaand at the age of 9, he got his first personal computer. This got Elon interested in programming and he started to learn on his own. At the age of 12, he made his first computer game, Blaster, which earned him $500 when he sold the source code to a magazine.When he was 17, he decided to leave home and had wanted to move to theUnited Statesafter graduating from a secondary school inPretoria. However, he was unable to move to theUnited States. In 1989, Elon Musk moved toCanada, where his mother’s s lived. After obtaining Canadian citizenship, Musk went toMontreal. Due to a lack of money, he found a low-paying job. At the age of 19, he enteredQueensUniversityinKingston,Ontario, studying there for two years. Finally, in 1992, his dream came true—he moved to theUnited States.As a teenager, Musk struggled with depression. But then he realized that the most important thing was presenting himself with the right questions. The day he started doing this, everything started to get easier.Musk thought that a human being had to expand the limits of his consciousness—to ask the right questions and get answers to them; thus he asked the best question of all: what will have the greatest impact on the future of humans? Musk found that these things were the Internet and space exploration.The life of Elon Musk is inspiring. He found success on the Internet, without much formal learning. By reading books and using his willpower and dedication, he reached a level of knowledge that is difficult to imagine. He did not give up until he achieved his dreams. Elon Musk truly stands out among other billionaires because of his leadership abilities, positive attitude, ability to know when to take risks, and belief in futuristic technologies.8. According to the passage, Elon Musk gained knowledge of computer by ________.A. teaching himselfB. learning from his fatherC. taking online coursesD. studying inQueensUniversity9. What made things easier for Elon Musk when he suffered from depression?A. Expanding knowledge by reading books.B. Asking himself the right questions.C. Achieving success on the Internet.D. Designing computer games.10. What can we learn from the passage?A. It’s never too late to learn.B. Youth means limitless possibilities.C. Where there’s a will, there’s a way.D. He who doesn’t advance falls backward.11. Which words can best describe Elon Musk according to the passage?A. Optimistic and generous.B. Ambitious and determined.C. Independent and helpful.D. Adventurous and realistic.DChinese paleontologists (古生物学家) have determined that, about 47 million years ago, subtropical forests once existed on the high-altitude Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.The conclusion, which appears in a paper published on Tuesday, was drawn based on the large number of fossils found in theBaingoinBasinat an altitude of nearly 5,000 meters during the second comprehensive scientific expedition to the plateau.A joint team from theXishuangbannaTropicalBotanical Gardenconducted the research on the fossils. By combining the findings and models, the team recreated the climate and altitude that existed 47 million years ago, showing that the central plateau had an altitude of just 1,500 meters and an annual average temperature of 19℃,says Su Tao, a researcher from the tropical botanical garden and first author of the paper.“It was covered by thick forest and was rich in water and grass. It is fair tocall it the ‘ShangriLa’ of ancient times,” Su adds.The researchers have also found over 70 plant fossils, the majority of which are most closely related to plant life in today's subtropical or tropical regions.“This is enough to show that the central part of the now high-altitude, freezing Qinghai-Tibet Plateau had flourishing subtropical plants 47 million years ago,” Su says.The findings provide new evidence for the study of the evolutionary history of biodiversity and the evolution of the plateau's landscape, according to Zhou Zhekun, the paper's corresponding author and a researcher at the tropical botanical garden.Chinalaunched the second comprehensive scientific expedition to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau in June 2017, 40 years after the first. Lasting up to 10 years, the expedition will conduct a series of studies focusing on the plateau's glaciers, its biodiversity and ecological changes, and will also monitor the changes in climate.12. How did the paper come to the conclusion?A. Through the observation of the Baingoin basin.B. Through the fossils found in scientific expedition.C. Through the drawing of a large number of fossils.D. Through the adventure on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau.13. What can be inferred according to Su Tao?A. The average altitude of the plateau was 1,500 meters.B. “Shangrila”means a place with abundant water and grass.C. The flourishing subtropical plants have covered the plateau.D. The fossils found by researchers are tropical or subtropical plants now.14. Where might the passage come from?A. The Times.B. The Wall Street Journal.C. Chinese National Geography.D. The Economist.15. What is the purpose of the passage?A. To instruct.B. To educate.C. To persuade.D. To inform.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
2020届上海市第十五中学高三英语第三次联考试卷及参考答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项AMust-see MusicalsReady to get back to the theater and enjoy some toe-tapping show tunes? Whether you're a Londoner or just visiting the capital for a day, you're sure to find a good night out from our selection of must-see musicals. Book your ticketsin advance to catch the hottest shows!●TINA- The Tina Turner MusicalFrom humble beginnings in Nutbush, Tennessee, to her transformation into global Queen of Rock n' Roll, Tina Turner didn't just break the rules, she rewrote them. This new stage musicalreveals the story of a woman who dared to defy the bounds of her age, gender and race. TINA—The Tina Turner Musical is written by Oliver Award-winning playwright Katori Hall and directed by Phyllida Lloyd.Performance times: Monday 7 pm; From June 3, 2021 until June 26, 2022Venue: Aldwych Theater, 49 Aldwych, London, WC2B 4DF●The Lion KingTaking the famous story of Simba and his ascension to king, the stage show is a one-way ticket to Pride Lands. With fascinating scenery drawing you in, you'll almost feel like you're part of the action as you journey through Simba's world. To bring The Lion King to life, the show's original director, Julie Taymor, combined live performers and creative props. Creating a visual feast that's since redefined how musicals could and should look, The Lion King really is an all singing, all-dancing affair.Performance times: Tuesday—Saturday 7: 30 pm; From June 1, 2021 until April 3, 2022Venue: Lyceuwm Theater, 21 Wellington Street, London WC2E 7RQ●The Prince of EgyptJourney through the wonders of Ancient Egypt as two young men, raised together as brothers in a kingdom of privilege, find themselves suddenly divided by a secret past. One must rule as Pharaoh, but the other must rise up and free histrue people; both face a destiny that will change history forever.With a huge cast and orchestra of almost 60 artists, this “truly phenomenal production” is based on the classic Dream Works Animation film and features the international best-selling, Academy Award-winning songWhen You Believe.Performance times: Monday—Saturday 7: 30 pm; From July 1, 2021 until January 8, 2022Venue: Dominion Theater, 268—269 Tottenham Court Rd, Fitzrovia, London W1T 7AQ1. Who is the author of TINA—The Tina Turner Musical?A. Oliver Award.B. Katori Hall.C. Phyllida Lloyd.D. Tina Turner.2. What is special for The Lion King?A. It is written by a famous director.B. It reveals a conflict between two brothers.C. It offers a lifelike feast for eyes.D. It shows the importance of protecting lions.3. If you prefer the songWhen You Believe, which theater should you go to?A. Dominion Theater.B. Lyceuwm Theater.C. Aldwych Theater.D. Egypt Theater.BWhen I was trying to find a place where to spend my December holidays, I met by chance some cheap flights to Iceland. After checking just a few winter pictures of Iceland, I realized that the country, known as the land of fire and ice, during the cold months of the year could offer me experiences I had never had before.For sure you can’t miss the chance to go to Iceland in winter if your traveling wish list includes at least one of the crazy experiences Iceland can offer. Iceland in the North Atlantic Ocean is a paradise (乐园) for all those who want to see the northern lights, experience cold weather conditions and put themselves in geothermal (地热的) baths while the snow is falling on their head.The best way to move around Iceland is with a rental car. Distances are huge and public transport in winter is not really common out of the major towns. As we wanted to be even more convenient we decided to rent a small camper (野营车). Sleeping and cooking in a camper saved us a lot of driving, money and gave us the chance tobe always in the right place at the right time.There were also no locals and in many cases no tourist facilities (设备). For us, as we slept in a camper, it was easier. But for tourists traveling by normal cars it is necessary to check the opening times ofhotels and restaurants as many of them run just from June to September.It is amazing to experience how the weather is changing in Iceland. However, Icelanders prefer to stay inside their houses. They have even no time to complain about the weather in December. All they care about is Christmas. They love to decorate their houses, sing Christmas songs and eat typical Christmas food.4. Why is Iceland famous as the land of fire and ice?A. Because tourists would like to play with fire on the ice.B. Because it is too dry to easily cause fire to happen.C. Because it is hot inside a house and cold outside.D. Because there exist hot springs and freezing ice.5. What did the author think of the rented camper?A. It was not only practical but also economical.B. It was convenient but cost them more money.C. It provided the best chance to see the new country.D. It was much faster than other public transport.6. What does the last paragraph imply?A. The Icelanders prefer to live with their family.B. The joy of Christmas drives the freezing weather away.C. December is the coldest month of the year.D. The Icelanders are always positive and stay outside.7. What does this passage most probably come from?A. A textbookB. A scientific reportC. A travel magazineD. A news reportCAs a basic food in the Asian diet,soybeans(大豆)have been used to make tofu and soy milk for hundreds of years.But now,they are also being turned into an alternative to plastic wrap.William Chen,a professor of foodscience and technology at Singapore's Nanyang Technological University,invented the environmentally﹣friendly food wrap.It's made of cellulose(纤维素),a form of fiber,obtained from the waste generated by soy bean product producers.The beans are pressed tosqueeze out juice that's used to make tofu and soy milk.And what's left is usually thrown away,but Chen takes the waste and puts it through a fermentation(发酵)process,during which cellulose is produced.Cellulose﹣based plastic wraps have been on the market for a few years,but Chen says that most are made from wood or corn,grown for that purpose.By contrast,his wrap is made from a waste product,which doesn't compete with other crops for land and is more sustainable.Chen's technology could help to solve two problems at once:cutting plastic production and reducing the amount of food waste."In Singapore,the amount of food waste generated every year could fill up 15,000 Olympic﹣sized swimming pools," Chen says.F&N,a soy﹣based drinks producer,has partnered with Chen's lab and provides the product,straight from the factory.The company is conducting a study to assess whether the food wrap could complete commercially with conventional products.Chen adds,"The soy﹣based wrap costs almost nothing to makein the lab because the raw materials are free.Commercial production would involve additional expenses,such as storage and quality control,however,we have not calculated those costs yet."Chen hopes neighboring soy﹣loving countries will be inspired bySingapore to adopt his innovation."My dream is that our technology,which is cheap and simple,will cut plastic and food waste and create a cleaner environment," Chen says.8. What is the second paragraph mainly about?A. The introduction to William Chen.B. The process of producing soy milk.C. The way to make soy﹣based wrap.D. The benefit of eating soy products.9. What's the biggest difference of Chen's wrap from other cellulose﹣based plastic wraps?A. It saves land for industry.B. It's more easilybroken down.C. It is made from the food waste.D. It has been put into practice for many years.10. What will commercial production of the food wrap cause?A. A lack of competitiveness.B. Poor quality of the wraps.C. A shortage of raw material.D. An increase in production costs.11. From which is the text probably taken?A. A personal diary.B. A travel guide.C. A book review.D. A scientific magazine.DOnline education has grown fast over the past ten years. The explosion of technology has made teachingoutside the traditional classroom possible for teachers and has provided learners with easy access to course materials. Its attractiveness, benefits, and challenges are addressed.In April, 2005, I was approached by a student who was interested in our doctoral program. However, the first question out of her mouth was, “Do you offer any online courses?” Later that day, as I was reading the conference program guide trying for interesting presentations, I noticed many workshops on web-based learning and online education. I later attended two of those workshops and met several professors from different universities who had either taught online courses for quite some time or who were discovering the best practice for teaching online. These experiences helped me realize at least to some extent the degree of growth in online education.My responsibilities for the term included gaining more understanding of online education. Consequently, I made several attempts to enrich my knowledge of distance learning and online teaching. I consulted with my colleagues who were teaching online courses. This helped me recognize the importance of getting materials prepared even before the start of a term. I also learned that online courses may consume more time than regular classroom teaching. And I attended several workshops regarding online education and established a network with those who were involved in online programs at other universities. I will consider these people as my consultants as I begin to design my own online course. Also, I conducted a brief survey with 15 students and two faculty members who had taken or taught an online course before to understand their experience. Eventually I completed a literature review which gave me the foundation and the background of understanding the need for online education.12. What benefits the development of online education?A. Teachers’ good teaching ability.B. Lack of traditional classrooms.C. Learners’ access to free courses.D. The rapid advance of technology.13. Why did the author take a student for example?A. To show students’ love for the doctoral program.B. To persuade learners of traditional education.C. To explain the growing trend of online education.D. To predict the future of the teaching career.14. What caused the author to know more about online education?A. The appetite for knowledge.B. The professional responsibilities.C. The requirement of research.D. The colleagues’ encouragement.15. What is the author’s attitude to online education?A. Carefree.B. Doubtful.C. Supportive.D. Unwilling.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
辽宁省大连市第十五高级中学2020年高三英语联考试卷含解析一、选择题1. This coastal area a national wildlife reserve last year.A. was namedB. namedC. is namedD. names参考答案:A2. For many cities in the world, there is no room to spread our further, _______ New York is an example.A. for whichB. in whichC. of whichD. from which参考答案:C解析:of which引导的间隔性非限制性定语从句,对cities起补充、说明的作用。
介词of的选择取决于和前面名词的搭配 of the cities。
3. —Shall we go for a drink at one o’clock this afternoon?—_______ .Will two o’clock be OK?A. Sure, it’s up to youB. Sure, no problemC. Sorry, I can’t make itD.Sorry, I’m not available today参考答案:C4. I made a promise to myself______ this year, my first year in high school, would be different.A. whetherB. whatC. thatD. how参考答案:C 5. Jack left ___ message for me, saying he was in ___ trouble.A.a; the B.a; 不填 C.不填; 不填 D.the;a参考答案:B6. —I’m afraid I can’t finish the magazine within the required time.— _________.A. Please go aheadB. That’s rightC. Not at allD. Take your time参考答案:D试题分析句意:--恐怕在要求的时间内我不能看完这本杂志。
2020届北京市第十五中学高三英语第三次联考试题及参考答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项AThe history ofpop art begins with abstract art. Pop art emerged from the foundation of abstract art in the 1950s, first gaining recognition in Great Britain, then establishing itself in the United States in the 1960s.In the 1930s and 1940s, abstract art was greatly popular, but people began to hate this art form. Most abstract art produced in this era could be found in art galleries or the homes of the elite(名流), not in the homes of everyday people. Pop art sprung onto the scene as the people's art.Some art critics say pop art is a rebellion against abstract art; others say it is an extension of abstract art. You can see elements of abstract art in many pop art prints, especially those that consist of a collage(拼贴画)of images. However, some pop art pieces have nothing to do with abstract art, looking more like a photo of a popular consumer item, which impressed people deeply.Richard Hamilton and Eduardo Paolozzi were two of the first contemporary pop art pioneers recognised in Great Britain. They were a part of the Independent Group, an organised group of British artists who wanted to challenge ruling modernist approaches to culture. They recognised the value of modern advertising and comic book images. They used these popular images in art as a social commentary, often building irony and humour into their artworks, thus creating a new form of art. These pieces were mass-produced and sold at affordable prices.When pop art took off in the United States, it expanded to include a celebration of kitsch and the common images found in movies and television. Andy Wharhol is perhaps the most famous American pop art artist, known for his prints of the actress Marilyn Monroe, the singer Elvis Presley and of Campbell's soup cans. Andy Wharhol was inspired by images from advertisements and common consumer items. He also made a series of paintings which showed images of car accidents.1. Why did people dislike abstract art?A. People found it hard to understand.B. Ordinary people couldn't afford it.C. People disliked enjoying it in galleries.D. It wasn't based on everyday life.2. What impression do pop art works leave on people?A. They are a rebellion against abstract art.B. They have many elements of abstract art.C. They are created so real.D. They are products of advertisers.3. The Independent Group was set up to ________.A. introduce a new art form to the worldB. develop modern advertising furtherC. create new comic book imagesD. make British culture better knownBWhen I was a boy, there was but one permanent ambition among my comrades in our village on the west bank of Mississippi River. That was, to be a steamboat man. We had temporary ambitions of other sorts, but they were only temporary.My father was a justice of the peace, and I supposed he possessed the power of life and death over all men and could hang anybody that offended him. This was distinction enough for me as a general thing;butthe desire to be a steamboat man kept intruding, nevertheless. One of our boys in town, who went away and was not heard of for-a long time, turned up as apprentice engineer on a steamboat. This thing shook the bottom out of all my Sunday—school teachings. That boy was notoriously worldly, and I was just the opposite. There was nothing generous about this fellow in his greatness. He would always manage to have a rusty nail to scrub while his boat stopped at our town, and he would sit on the inside guard and scrub it, where we could all see him. And wherever his boat was laid up he would come home and show off in the town in his blackest and greasiest clothes, so that nobody could help remembering that he was a steamboat man; and he used all sorts of steamboat technical terms in his talk, as if he were so used to them that he forgot common people could not understand them.This creature's career could produce but one result, and it was speedily followed. Boy after boy managed to get on the river. Despite many choices, pilot was the grandest position of all. The pilot, even in those days of trivial wages, had a princely salary—from 150—250 dollars a month, and no board payment.But our parents would not let us and our worry was the next year would find us hunting for jobs with low pay again. So by and by I ran away. I said I never would come home again till I was a pilot and could come in glory.4. Why does the writer mention his father's job in Paragraph 2?A. To show that his father was in power.B. To show that his father is cruel.C. To emphasize the job he prefers.D. To emphasize his love for his father.5. Which of the following can best conclude the writer's attitude toward the boy?A. He thought the boy was material but pitiful.B. He thought the boy was annoying but still envied him.C. He thought the boy was shallow but knowledgeable.D. He thought the boy was disrespectful but still liked him.6. Which of the following statements is Not True?A. The boy talked in a way to make others feel jealous.B. The boy's experience made other boys follow suit.C. The pilot's salary was ly high but without meals covered.D. The writer was ambitious to make his childhood dream come true.7. What rhetorical method does the underlined sentence have?A. Simile.B. Personification.C. Parallelism.D. Irony.CCigarettes aren’t just harmful when they’re being smoked. Even when cigarette ends go out and are cold, new research has found they continue to give off harmful chemicals in the air. In the first 24 hours alone, scientists say a used cigarette end will produce 14 percent of the nicotine (尼古丁) that an actively burning cigarette would produce.While most of these chemicals are released within a day of being put out,an analysis for the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) found the level of nicotine fell by just 50% five days later.“I was ly surprised,” since environmental engineer Dustin Poppendieck from the United States National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). “The numbers are significant and could have important impacts when cigarette ends are dealt with indoors or in cars. While much attention has been paid to the health influence of first-hand, second-hand and now third-hand smoking, it is not the case when it comes to the actual cigarette end of the matter.”To measure emissions (排放) from this forgotten thing, Poppendieck and his team placed 2,100 cigarettes that were recently put out inside a special room. Once the ends weresealed away, the team measured eight chemicals commonly produced by cigarettes, four of which the FDA have their eye on for being harmful or potentially so.After setting the room’s temperature, the researchers tested how emissions changed under certain conditions. When the air temperature of the room was higher, for instance, they noticed the ends produced these chemicals at higher rates. This finding might discourage those who want to leave ashtrays (烟灰缸) out for days ata time, especially in the heat.8. What do the researchers say about cigarette ends?A They contain little nicotine.B. They produce no nicotine five days later.C. They give off nicotine for days.D. They create as much nicotine as burning cigarettes.9. What do Poppendieck’s words suggest?A. First-hand smoking does most harm.B. The findings are within his expectation.C. Cigarettes should be dealt with indoors.D. Health influence of cigarette ends is ignored.10. Which word best describes the author’s attitude to not cleaning ashtrays for days?A. Unclear.B. Disapproving.C. Unconcerned.D. Puzzled.11. What can be the best title for the text?A. Used Cigarette Ends Release Harmful ChemicalsB. Cigarettes Are More Harmful While Being SmokedC. Research Found Reasons For Cigarette Ends’ HarmD. Cigarette Ends Produce More Chemicals in the HeatDWhile the start of a new school year is always exciting, this year was even more so for some elementary school students inAuckland,New Zealand. They became the world’s first kids to be “taught” by a digital teacher.Before you start imagining a human-like robot walking around the classroom, Will is just an avatar that appears on the student’s desktop, or smartphone screen, when ordered to come.The autonomous animation platform has been modeled after the human brain and nervous system, allowing it to show human-like behavior. The digital teacher is assigned to teach Vector’s “Be sustainable with energy”— a free program forAucklandelementary schools.Just like the humans it replaced, Will is able to instantly react to the students’ responses to the topic. Thanks to a webcam and microphone, the avatar not only responds to questions the kids may have, but also picks up non-verbal cues. For instance, if a student smiles at Will, he responds by smiling back. This two-way interaction not only helps attract the students’ attention, but also allows the program’s developers to monitor their engagement, and make changes if needed.Nikhil Ravishankar believes that Will-like avatars could be a novel way to catch the attention of the next generation. He says, “I have a lot of hope in this technology as a means to deliver cost-effective, rich, educational experience in the future.”The program, in place since August 2018, has been a great success thus far. Ravishankar says, “ What was fascinating to me was the reaction of the children to Will. The way they look at the world is so creative and different, and Will really captured their attention.” However, regardless of how popular it becomes, Will is unlikely to replace human educators any time soon.12. What was special for some elementary school students inAuckland?A. A digital teacher taught them.B. They first saw something digital.C. This was the start of a new school year.D. They could get close to smartphone screen.13. What is the benefit of this two-way interaction?A. It can smile back.B. It can use microphone.C. It can talk any topic for free.D. It can change if necessary.14. What’s Ravishankar’s attitude to Will’s replacing Human educators soon?A. Optimistic.B. Doubtful.C. Unclear.D. Disapproving.15. What might be the best title for the passage?A. New High-tech Contributes to EducationB. The World’s First Digital Teacher Appears in Classroom.C. The World’s First Digital Teacher, a Help to StudentsD.New ZealandWill Replace Teachers in Classrooms第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
2020届青岛第十五中学高三英语第一次联考试题及答案解析第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项AOne day when I was 5, my mother blamed me for not finishing my rice and I got angry. I wanted to play outside and not to be made to finish eating my old rice. When angrily opening the screen door (纱门) with my foot, I kicked back about a 12-inch part of the lower left hand corner of the new screen door. But I had no regret, for I was happy to be playing in the backyard with my toys.Today, I know if my child had done what I did, I would have blamed my child, and told him about how expensive this new screen door was, and I would have delivered a spanking (打屁股) for it. However, my parents never said a word. They left the corner of the screen door pushed out, creating an opening, in the defense against unwanted insects.For years, every time I saw that corner of the screen, it would constantly make me think about my mistake. For years, I knew that everyone in my family would see that hole and remember who did it. For years, every time I saw a fly buzzing (嗡嗡) in the kitchen, I would wonder if it came in through the hole that I had created with my angry foot. Iwould wonder if my family members were thinking the same thing, silently blaming me every time a flying insect entered our home, making life more terrible for us all. My parents taught me a valuable lesson, one that a spanking or stern (严厉的) words perhapscould not deliver. Their silent punishment for what I had done delivered a hundred stern messages to me. Above all, it has helped me become a more patient person and not burst out so easily.1. When the author damaged the door, his parents _______.A. gave him a spankingB. left the door unrepairedC. told him how expensive it wasD. blamed him for what he had done2. The experience may cause the author _______.A. not to go against his parents’ willB. to have a better control of himselfC. not to make mistakes in the futureD. to hide his anger away from others3. What is the main idea of this text?A. Parents is the best way to solve problems.B. Parents are the best teachers of their children.C. Adults should ignore their children’s bad behavior.D. Silent punishment may have a better effect on educating people.BMany of us were delighted to learn that a high school senior Kwasi Enin was accepted to all eight Ivy League universities. To our surprise, he wasn't excited as expected, but appeared extra calm. He announced that he would revisit the universities to find the best suitable in music or medicine. He also wanted to compare their financial aid packages.Kwasi's success story is rare, but his reaction is not. After the admission letters arrive at home, students have 30 days to really think about what kind of school would help them grow as a person, which school would best prepare them for the future, and at which school they would be happiest. And they also have to think about whether they can afford the school they choose.But how to answer the questions about which school is the best suitable university? Some young people are attracted to large universities with great school spirit and a list of offerings. But besides those advantages, many of these universities focus on graduate work and research, with undergraduates taught mostly by part-time instructors. Others are attracted to smaller boarding schools with discussion-based classes. But some of these schools will have much limitation for students who want a high-energy city life experience.Many students today seem to think they should pick the university where they will get the diploma that will help them get the most highly paid job. This is a sad misunderstanding of what a college education should provide.A good college education should prepare them to overcome any difficulty andthrivein society. It helps them to form the habit of creative mind and spirit that will continue to develop far beyond their university years. So when you choose college, you should consider if it is filled with useful learning to help create new spaces for different possibilities of growth.4. What can we know about Kwasi Enin from paragraph 1?A. He was from a very poor family.B. He would choose the top university.C. He was too excited to calm himself at the good news.D. He considered his interests when choosing his university.5. What can you infer from paragraph 2?A. Few students can be admitted to university.B. Many students face the choices like Kwasi.C. Top universities are the first choice for most students.D. American students can afford their university by themselves.6. Which of the following can best explain the underlined word “thrive” in paragraph 4?A. FailB. SucceedC. ResearchD. Work7. What should the best university be like according to the text?A. Very large and have good instructors.B. Small boarding schools with discussion-based classes.C. It will offerthe diploma to get the most highly paid job.D. It will help continue to develop far beyond university years.CThe shade of a single tree can provide welcome relief from the hot summer sun. But when that single tree is part of a small forest, it creates a considerable cooling effect. According to a study published today in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, trees play a big role in keeping our cities cool.According to the study, the right amount of tree cover can lower summer daytime temperatures by as much as 10 degrees Fahrenheit. And the effect is quite noticeable from neighborhood to neighborhood, even down to the scale of a single city block. “We knew that cities are warmer than the surrounding countryside, but we found that temperatures vary just as much within cities,” says Monica Turner, a professor in the department of Integrative Biology, Wisconsin-Madison University and a co-author of the study.With climate change making extreme heat events more common each summer, city planners are working on how to prepare. Heat waves drive up energy demands and costs and can have big human health impacts. One potentially powerful tool, the study's authors say, are organisms that have been around long before human civilizations could appreciate their leafy benefits. And those trees may be the secret to keeping the places we live livable.Essentially, says Turner, roads, sidewalks and buildings absorb heat from the sun during the day and slowly release that heat at night. Trees, on the other hand, not only shade those surfaces from the sun's rays, they also release water into the air through their leaves, a process that cools things down.To get the maximum benefit of this cooling service, the study found that tree cover must be more than 40 percent. In other words, an aerial picture of a single city block would need to be nearly half-way covered by a leafy green network of branches and leaves.8. What can we infer from Paragraph 2?A. Temperatures in cities mainly depend on their green coverage.B. People living and working in cities must plant trees in summer.C. Cities are warmer than the countryside because they don't have trees.D. An area with more trees can be cooler than the other parts within a city.9. Which of the following problems is caused by extreme heat events?A. Severe damage of city facilities.B. Serious human health problems.C. Residents' growing demands for plants.D. Unnecessary waste of energy resources.10. Why are trees crucial to cities?A. They help shade and cool the cities.B. They make urban scenery beautiful.C. They build up city cooling systems.D. They essentially block and release heat.11. What can city planners conclude from the study?A. They should publish the study in a newspaper.B. They should educate citizens to protect forests.C. They should plant trees on roads and sidewalks.D. They should cover nearly half the city with trees.DWhen I was a child, I attained high grades in my academic study. However, I was physically uncoordinated because I was running too slowly. But for future college application, sport was a must. So I took up fencing (击剑) because I thought it required more strategy than athletic ability.Then I joined the school’s fencing team. My movements were clumsy compared to the seniors. One afternoon after a whole lesson’s failure, tears of frustration welled up in my eyes. One of my teammates approached me, “Could you tell me where your blade (剑) hit me?” She asked. I pointed to her right shoulder. She nodded and patted my stomach, “That’s where I hit you.” She had begun to walk away when I blurted out, “Want to practice together? Again?”We practiced until we both felt more confident. But it wasn’t just the two of us. All these girls were entirely willing to share their knowledge with everyone, helping each other to grow.That afternoon, I watched a senior fencer execute a flawless attack admiringly. Something inside me suddenly bloomed. I realized later that it was love for both fencing and the fencing team.During the city championship, I was selected to fence. My opponent was the best fencer on her school’s team. “Ready, fence.” The match began. Suddenly, my opponent’s blade hit me. The score was 1-0.At the moment I could hear my teammates shouting, “Keep distance!” And the team captain’s voice was clear and commanding, “Parry, then disengage!”Fencing, unlike academics, wasn’t something I could succeed in by myself—even during an individual match, my teammates were still giving me advice. Unathletic as I was, I was proud to be an athlete and a teammate.I saw my blade tip bury itself into my opponent’s shoulder and the judge signaling that it was my point. I could taste the sweat on my lips, which were breaking out into a smile.12. Why did the author start to learn fencing?A. Because she needed to train her coordination.B. Because she thought it would be easier for her.C. Because she could not succeed in any other sport.D. Because she wanted to enter the school fencing team.13. How did the girls improve their fencing skills?A. By observing flawless attacks.B. By practicing on their own.C. By offering guidance to each other.D. By competing with other teams.14. What distinguishes fencing from academics according to the author?A. Strong determination.B. Hard work.C. Athletic strategy.D. Team support.15. How did the author feel when she got her point?A. Unbeatable and respectful.B. Sweaty and ashamed.C. Energetic and secure.D. Proud and thankful.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
2020届青岛第十五中学高三英语第一次联考试卷及参考答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项ACome and enjoy Vivaldi's TheFour Seasonsperformed by live musicians!Tickets△Zone A Sating (Excellent Visibility, $75)△Zone B Seating (Great Visibility, $60)△Zone C Seating (Good Visibility, $45)△Zone D Seating (Restricted Visibility, 30)Zone A and Zone B audiences will get the chance to take pictures with the performers on the stage after the show.Highlights* A beautiful venue bathed in candlelight.*Classical music performance by the Angel Strings quartet*A safe and socially-distanced event, ensuring you are comfortable and at ease.General Info*Dates and times: Various dates, at 6:30 pm and 8:30 pm (select during purchase).*How long: 65 minutes. Doors open 45 minutes before the start time. We recommend you arrive at least 30 minutes before the start of the event, as late entry is not permitted.*Where: Events on Oxlade*Age requirement: Must be 8 years old or older to attend. Anyone under the age of 16 must be accompanied by an adult.*Please note: The 6:30 pm seating will take place during daylight hours outdoors, and the space will not be that dark. In the case of rain, the event will be moved to the indoor area of the venue.DescriptionWhether you're looking for a beautifully unique classical music performance or a romantic candlelit experience, this performance is for you. You don't need to know all things about Vivaldi to enjoy the evening; simply sit back and admire the wonderful atmosphere and the pieces you'll hear.Join our musicians for an evening under the stars, and prepare to be taken into the clouds with Vivaldi' s most treasured masterpieces!1.What can someone with a $45 ticket do?A.Perform on the stage.B.Enjoy good visibility.C.Select a seat in Zone B.D.Take photos with the musicians.2.What should potential audiences keep in mind?A.Arrive at the venue on time.B.Learn about Vivaldi in advance.C.The performance lasts 45 minutes.D.The event will be canceled if it rains.3.What do we know about the 8:30 p.m. performance?A.It welcomes children under the age of 8.B.Its performers differ on different dates.C.Its stage will be decorated with candles.D.It will be shown in the indoor area of the venue.BMark Bertram, 46, lost the tips of two fingers at work in 2018 when his hand became trapped in a fan belt. “It's life-changing but it's not life-ending,” he says. “Doing work is harder now. Everything is just a little different.”After two surgeries and occupational therapy, Bertram decided to make light of his condition by asking Eric Catalano, a tattoo (纹身) artist, to create fingernail tattoos. The idea made everyone in the studio laugh—until they saw the final result. “The mood changed,” Catalano recalls from his Eternal Ink Tattoo Studio. “Everything turned from funny to wow.”When Catalano posted a photo of the tattoos, a pair of fingernails that looked so real that no one could believe their eyes, he had no idea the image would eventually be viewed by millions of people around the world.The viral photo pushed Catalano, 40, further into the world of paramedical (辅助医疗的) tattooing. Now people with life-altering scars come from as far away as Ireland to visit his shop. They enter Eternal Ink looking for the artistic healing they saw online. Using flesh-toned (肉色的) inks and a needle, Catalano transforms his clients' view of themselves.Leslie Pollan, 32, a dog breeder in Oxford, was bitten on the face by a puppy in 2014. She underwent countless surgeries to correct a scar on her lip.“Plastic surgery gave me no hope,” she says. “So I looked for other options.” She ultimately traveled six hours to meet with Catalano. He hid Pollan's lip scar, giving her back a piece of her confidence.“ You don't understanduntil you've been through it,” Pollan says. “It made me have a different look on life.”Catalano performs up to eight reconstructive tattoos. While he charges $100 per regular tattoo, he doesn't charge for paramedical tattoos. “Financially, it doesn't make sense,” Catalano says. “But every time I see that emotion from my customers, I'm 100 percent sure this is something that I can't stop doing.”4. What best describes people's attitude when first hearing of fingernail tattoos?A. Indifferent.B. Ridiculous.C. Confident.D. Surprised.5. What did Catalano do to help Leslie Pollan?A. He drew an artistic puppy.B. He inked scars on her face.C. He created a lip tattoo.D. He performed plastic surgeries on her.6. What can we infer from the passage?A. Cosmetic surgery is of no use.B. Tattoos earn Mark Bertram a good fame.C. Catalano is a kind and generous person.D. Fingernail tattoos are popular around the world.7. What could be the best title for the text?A. A Life-changing EventB. Miracle TattoosC. An Amazing ArtistD. A Promising BusinessCClara Daly was seated on an Alaska Airlines flight from Boston to Los Angeles when a flight attendant asked an urgent(紧急的) question over the loudspeaker: “Does anyone on board know American Body Language?” She knew she needed to help.Clara, 15 at the time, pressed the call button. The flight attendant came by and explained the situation. “We have a passenger on the plane who’s blind and deaf,” she said. The passenger seemed to want something, but he was traveling alone and the flight attendants couldn’t understand what he needed, according to PEOPLE magazine.Clara had been studying ASL for the past year to help with her dyslexia (阅读障碍) and knew she’d be able to spell on the man’s palm(手掌) by finger. So she unbuckled her seat belt, walked toward the front of the plane, and knelt by the aisle seat of Tim Cook, then 64. Gently taking his hand, she wrote, “How are you? Are you OK?” Cookasked for some water. When it arrived, Clara returned to her seat. She came by again a bit later because he wanted to know the time. On her third visit, she stopped and stayed for a while.“He didn’t need anything. He was lonely and wanted to talk,” Clara said. So for the next hour, that was what they did. She talked about her family and her plans for the future (she wants to be a politician). Cook told Clara how he had gradually become blind over time and shared stories of his days as a traveling salesman. Even though he couldn’t see her, she “looked attentively at his face with such kindness”, a passenger reported.“Clara was amazing,” a flight attendant told Alaska Airlines in a blog interview. “You could tell Cook was very excited to have someone he could speak to, and she was such a warm-hearted girl.” Cook’s reaction: “Best trip I’ve ever had.”Looking for ways to offer help? Start with this random(随时的) act of kindness that can change someone’s life right now.8. The flight attendant asked an urgent question because ________.A. the passenger was traveling aloneB. the plane was in a dangerous situationC. the passenger asked for something suddenlyD. none of the flight attendants could communicate with the passenger9. Why did Clara talk about her plans for the future?A. Because the flight attendant asked her to do so.B. Because she needed topics to go on talking with Cook.C. Because Cook hoped to understand teenagers better.D. Because she wanted to show her dream for the future.10. Which of the following words can best describe Clara?A. Kind and caring.B. Warm-hearted and brave.C. careful and calm.D. opened-minded and confident.11. The passage is mainly written to ________.A. tell a touching story of an amazing girlB. show the great importance of American Body LanguageC. encourage readers to give a hand kindly and randomlyD. show how kind the flight attendant was to help CookDLight pollution is a significant but overlooked driver of the rapid decline of insect populations, according to the most comprehensive review of the scientific evidence to date.Artificial light at night can affect every aspect of insects' lives, the researchers said. "We strongly believe artificial light at night — in combination with habitat loss, chemical pollution.invasive (入侵的) species, and climate change — is driving insect declines, " the scientists concluded after assessing more than 150 studies.Insect population collapses have been reported around the world, and the first global scientific review published in February,said widespread declines threatened to cause a "catastrophic collapse of nature's ecosystems".There are thought to be millions of insect species, most still unknown to science, and about half are active at night. Those active in the day may also be disturbed by light at night when they are at rest.The most familiar impact of light pollution is moths (飞蛾) flapping around a bulb, mistaking it for the moon. Some insects use the polarisation of light to find the water they need to breed, as light waves line up after reflecting from a smooth surface. But artificial light can scupper (使泡汤) this. Insects areimportant prey (猎物) for many species, but light pollution can tip the balance in favour of the predator if it traps insects around lights. Such increases in predation risk were likely to cause the rapid extinction of affected species, the researchers said.The researchers said most human-caused threats to insects have analogues in nature, such as climate change and invasive species. But light pollution is particularly hard for insects to deal with.However, unlike other drivers of decline, light pollution is ly easy to prevent. Simply turning off lights that are not needed is the most obvious action, he said, while making lights motion-activated also cuts light pollution. Shading lights so only the area needed is lit up is important. It is the same with avoiding blue-white lights, which interfere with daily rhythms. LED lights also offer hope as they can be easily tuned to avoid harmful colours and flicker rates.12. What is discussed in the passage?A. Causes of declining insect populations.B. Consequences of insect population collapses.C. Light pollution: the key bringer of insect declines.D. Insect declines: the driver of the collapsed ecosystem.13. What is the 5th paragraph mainly about?A. How light travels in space.B. How light helps insects find food.C. How the food chain is interrelated.D. How light pollution affects insects.14. What does the underlined word"analogues"in Paragraph 6probably mean?A. Selective things.B. Similar things.C. Variations.D. Limitations.15. What is the purpose of the last paragraph?A. To offer solutions.B. To give examples.C. To make comparisons.D. To present arguments.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
2020届上海第十五中学高三英语第三次联考试卷及答案解析第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项AFour Best Cities to Visit in WinterCold rains, icy sidewalks and gray skies can make winter travel a trial. But here are four cities around the world that make for a great cold-weather destination:Prague,Czech RepublicWith its snow-capped spires and winding streets,Pragueis a fairytale city that remains ly tourist-free in winter.The amazing architecture looks even prettier under a sheet of snow, with one of the most beautiful areas being the old town, with its Romanesque vaults. Gas street lamps have been placed throughout the city center, adding a romantic color1 to evenings. Cafes here are ideal for escaping the bitter cold.Salzburg,AustriaWith its Christmas songs and traditional markets, this is a perfect city for a winter break. “Silent Night” was performed for the first time in thechurchofOberndorfon the border ofSalzburgon Christmas Eve in 1818.The city's main market is held in the shadow ofSalzburg'sHohensalzburgCastle, but the one held inMirabell Squareis especially popular with food lovers who come to taste local food such as halusky—pieces of dumpling mixed with fried bacon.Tromso,NorwayTromso is widely regarded asNorway's most beautiful city and is a base for spoiling the northern lights. There are several attractive museums, including thePolarMuseum, which offers an insight into the history of Arctic expeditions, and theTromsoMuseum, which is famous for its Sami exhibitions.Amsterdam,NetherlandsIn winter,Amsterdam' s museums are much less crowded, making it the time to visit attractions such as Rijksmuseum or the Anne Frank House. Built originally to house a circus, the Royal Carre Theater is more than 130 years old. Children will love the spectacular performances.1. What can you do inPrague?A. Enjoy the fascinating architecture.B. Taste local food halusky.C. Appreciate Sami exhibitions.D. Watch a circus performance.2. Where was “Silent Night” first performed?A. In thechurchofOberndorf.B. InHohensalzburgCastle.C. InMirabell Square.D. In the Polar Museum.3. Which city will you choose if you want to see the northern lights?A. Prague.B. Salzburg.C. Tromso.D.Amsterdam.BAccording to a survey, the wasteof food on the dining table occupies 10% of the total grain output.Last week, Meituan, a giant online food ordering platform, co-published a proposal with a number of business organizations, calling on restaurants to stop food waste and help develop new eating habits for customers. Following the proposal, merchants are asked to offer guidance for consumers, including reminding them during the ordering process about the taste of the ingredients, portion sizes and other information about the dishes, to helpthem avoid excessive ordering and food waste.Catering(餐饮)associations in more than 18 provinces have also joined the campaign to remove food waste. The Wuhan Catering Association proposed an “NT" ordering code for restaurants in which a group of 10 diners would only order enough for nine people. More food is only brought to the table if required. On Friday, the China Cuisine Association announced that it had teamed up with Ele. me, the Alibaba Group Holding-owned food delivery platform, to launch a "half-dish plan," encouraging restaurants to provide customers with the option to order smaller portions.Tang Zhisong, a professor at Southwest University Education School, said "Evaluating how much you can eat, how much you should buy and how to deal with the leftover is a way for young people to improve their self-management. It's also a means to teach them sharing food, caring about others, and more importantly, developing a mindset of suitability. "4. What's the purpose of the proposal mentioned in the passage?A. To change customers' attitude toward life.B. To promote a new policy on food delivery.C. To spread the idea of healthy eating.D. To encourage restaurants to reduce food waste.5. What does the underlined word “excessive" in Paragraph 2 prolably mean?A. More than enough.B. Less than required.C. Better than ever.D. Worse than before.6. Paragraph 3 is mainly developed by.A. offering analysesB. presenting a surveyC. giving examplesD. making comparisons7. What do Tang's words suggest?A. Sharing food is caring about others.B. Young people should have self-discipline.C. Reducing food waste has all-round benefits.D Saving food contributes to a sustainable society.CVietnammade preparations for theLunar New Year with a fish release on Thursday. The tradition involves releasing fish called carps into rivers and lakes in the country a week before the holiday known as Tet officially begins.The tradition comes from an ancient story of three “Kitchen Gods”. The three, two males and a female, take a ride on the brightly color1 ed carp at the end of the year. They go to Heaven to meet with the Jade Emperor, the God who rules there. The “Kitchen Gods” report news about the families they represent to seek the emperor's care and protection. Their efforts help to keep the kitchen fires burning, and families happy and healthy.As the Gods go to Heaven, families clean their houses in preparation to celebrate Tet. A clean house, Vietnamese believe, will bring luck in the new year. On Lunar New Year's Eve, the Gods will return to Earth and their duties in the kitchen of the house.Thursday's event inVietnamthis year was more controlled than ever before because of COVID-19. It is spreading in several northern areas of the country. However,Vietnamhas increased contact examination, mass testing, and quarantine measures to slow the spread. The aggressive action has limited infections and deaths in the country.“Vietnamese will still follow the tradition of releasing the fish, but COVID-19 has made people keep a safe distance,” said Tran Van Toi as he released a carp from a plastic bag atHanoi'sWestLake.This year, due to COVID-19, there were fewer people releasing fish there, but there was a major change in attitude towards plastic bags. After years of persuasion, now they don't throw the plastic bags into the water anymore but collect them to be recycled.8. What does paragraph 2 mainly talk about?A. Kitchen fires inVietnam.B. Traditional customs ofVietnam.C. A report on family activities inVietnam.D. A tale about Vietnamese Lunar New Year.9. What's the author's attitude towards theVietnam's actions to control COVID-19?A. Critical.B. Positive.C. Doubtful.D. Unconcerned.10. What was the change about fish release inVietnamthis year?A. It required few lake fish.B. It was more interesting and diverse.C. It was more environmentally friendly.D. It required more people and plastic bags.11. What can be the best title for the text?A. Vietnamese Respect Gods During the Festive TimeB. Vietnamese Mark Lunar New Year with Fish ReleaseC. Vietnamese Lunar New Year Celebrations Are FunnyD. Traditional Lunar New Year Promotes Animal ProtectionDMany of us in China enjoy adding chilies (辣椒) toour food, but did you know that this spicy vegetable could also be dangerous? A 34-year-oldUSman recently ended up in hospital after eating a Carolina Reaper—the spiciest chili in the world. After taking just a single bite of one, the man suffered from serious headaches in the following few days, reported BBC News.In fact, reports of stomachache and headache caused by eating spicy food are not something unusual. But if chilies are harmful, why is it that human beings are the only animals to eat this vegetable? According to the website Huanqiu, about 600 million Chinese people—almost half of the national population—are chili eaters. So what makes people love chilies so much? The human body reacts to the burning feeling that comes from eating chilies by releasing natural chemicals that “produce a sense of happiness” , noted BBC News.And the benefits go even further than just personal enjoyment. A survey conducted by the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences found that the death rate of those who eat spicy food once or twice a week is 10 percent lower than those who eat it less than once a week. The number decreased to 14 percent for those who eat spicy food six to seven times a week. And another study done by theUniversityofVermontcame to a similar conclusion. “The data encourages people to eat more spicy food to improve health and reduce death risk at an early age,” Liu Qi, a nutritionist at the Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health, told BBC News.Chilies have anti-cancer quality and the ability to increase our metabolism (新陈代谢). So, don't worry if you love spicy food. It seems that chilies are actually good for us—except for the Carolina Reaper, perhaps.12. The example of a 34-year-old American is mentioned in Paragraph 1 to prove ________.A. chiliescan be beneficialB. chilies are popular inAmericaC. chilies can be dangerousD. serious headaches can be dangerous13. Eating chilies gives people a sense of happiness by_______.A. decreasing death rateB. releasing natural chemicalsC. curing serious headachesD. providing enough nutrition14. Which of the following statement is TRUE?A. Human are the only animals to eat chilies.B. Stomachache and headaches caused by chilies is something unusual.C. The more chilies you eat, the healthier you are.D. Chilies have anti-cancer quality but it can't increase our metabolism.15. The writer wrote the passage to ________.A. warn people of the dangers of chiliesB. ask people to eat Carolina ReaperC. encourage people to eat more chiliesD. tell people the benefits of chilies第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
2020届上海市十五中学高三英语第四次联考试卷及答案解析第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项AIn September, something terrible happened on the west coast ofTasmania,Australia. As many as 380 pilot whales became stranded(搁浅) in shallow water there and later died. This might have beenAustralia’s largest stranding event on record, the BBC reported.But this large amount of whale stranding is not uncommon. For centuries, it has happened all over the world and has puzzled scientists. Scientists say the cause is often unknown. But they have offered many different explanations.Some say the whales chase small fish for food and end up in shallow water because they are not paying attention to where they are going.Others think the stranding has something to do with Earth’s geomagnetic field (地磁场). They say that a geomagnetic compass in whales’ brains controls their position. Unusual changes in Earth’s magnetic field can affect the whales’ compasses and send them in the wrong direction.Another explanation suggests that stranding is caused by the close relationships that whales have. Pilot whales travel in large groups. One lead whale might mistakenly lead the whole group to shallow water. “And if one gets into trouble, the others will not leave,” said Sheryl Gibney, a leading biologist fromNew Zealand. “Some will come in and try to help, they get trapped on the beach, then more will come.”The whales are trapped by mistake or out of sympathy(同情). Once they get stranded, they will likely die. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration of theUS, less than 10 percent of all stranded whales survive.1. What do we know about the stranding inAustralia?A. It happened on theeast coast ofAustralia.B. It caused the death of over 300 pilot whales.C. It is commonly seen in September each year.D. It was the largest stranding event in the world.2. According to Gibney, the pilot whales are the animals that________.A. are kind to each otherB. are easy to lose directionC. are too huge to float in the seaD.are silly to follow the leading whale3. What is the story mainly about?A. How human activity has affected whales.B. What might cause whale strandings.C. How whales find their direction while traveling.D. What scientists are doing to save stranded whales.BYou've probably heard it suggested that you need to move more throughout the day, and as a general rule of thumb, that "more" is often defined as around 10,000 steps. With many Americans tracking their stepsvia new fitness-tracking wearables, or even just by carrying their phone, more and more people use the 10,000-step rule as their marker for healthy living. Dr. Dreg Hager, professor of computer science at Johns Hopkins, decided to take a closer look at that 10,000-step rule, and he found that usingitas a standard may be doing more harm than good for many.“It turns out that in 1960 in Japan they figured out that the average Japanese man, when he walked 10,000 steps a day burned something like 3,000 calories and that is what they thought the average person should consume so they picked 10,000 steps as a number” Hager said.According to Hager, asking everyone to shoot for 10,000 steps each day could be harmful to the elderly or those with medical conditions, making it unwise for them to jump into that level of exercise, even if it's walking. The bottom line is that 10,000 steps may be too many for some and too few for others. He also noted that those with shorter legs have an easier time hitting the 10,000-step goal because they have to take more steps than people with longer legs to cover the distance. It seems that 10,000 steps may be suitable for the latter.A more recent study focused on older women and how many steps can help maintain good health and promote longevity (长寿).The study included nearly 17,000 women with an average age of 72. Researchers found that women who took 4,400 steps per day were about 40% less likely to die during a follow-up period of just over four years: Interestingly, women in the study who walked more than 7,500 steps each day got no extra boost in longevity.4. What does the underlined word "it' in Paragraph 1 refer to?A. The phone recording.B. The 10,000-step rule.C. The healthy living.D. The fitness-tracking method.5. What does Paragraph 2 mainly talk about?A. How many steps a Japanese walks.B. How we calculate the number of steps.C. If burning 3,000 calories daily is scientific.D. Where 10,000 steps a day came from.6. Who will probably benefit from 10,000 steps each day according toHager?A. Senior citizens.B. Young short-legged people.C. Healthy long-legged peopleD. Weak individuals.7. How many steps may the researchers suggest senior citizens take each day?A. 4,400 steps.B. 10,000 steps.C. 2,700 steps.D. 7,500 steps.CIn the world of Chinese archaeology(考古学), a sign of a dig's importance is the sight of Zhou Mingsheng at work. A field technician who has worked at archaeological sites all aroundChina. Master Zhou iscredited with the gentlest touch in his profession. Born into a farming family, he is a “national-level craftsman” with a talent for using simple tools to get relics(遗物) that wouldcrumblein other hands, says his current boss, Wang Xu, director of an archaeological site at Shuanghuaishu, a Neolithic(新石器时代的) settlement near the Yellow River in the central province of Henan.It is not beauty that attracts visitors to Shuanghuaishu. At 5,300 years old, the settlement is the work of a culture too simple to have left behind many buried treasures. The single most precious find, to date, is a finger-length sculpture of a silkworm. Nor is the setting lovely: an area surrounded by deafening insects, between a highway and two power stations. Rather, the site's importance is historical. For since the birth of Chinese archaeology in the 1920s, it has been inseparable from claims thatChinahas the oldest unbroken civilisation on Earth.Leading archaeologists say that the site has the right combination of location, age and distinctive cultural elements to be the capital of an early Chinese kingdom. That would make it a bridge betweenChina's written history and the era of the Yellow Emperor, who is said to rule over these central plains almost 5,000 years ago, though many foreign scholars doubt his existence. Chinese media call the site proof ofChina's 5,000 years of history.Foreigners complain about a lack of written records, Mr. Wang notes. Perhaps they are missing symbols that will one day be understood, for instance in patterned pottery. Outsiders “can't keep using Western standards to apply to Chinese ruins,” he argues.8. What does the underlined word “crumble” in Paragraph 1 mean?A. Break.B. Start.C. Wait.D. Shine.9. Why does Shuanghuaishu attract visitors?A. It has appealing scenery.B. It has various precious treasures.C. It is of great historical significance.D. It is easily accessible.10. What is Mr. Wang's attitude towards foreigners’ view?A. Unconcern.B. Disapproving.C. Supportive.D. Not mentioned.11. What does the passage mainly talk about?A. Chinese history amazes the world.B. Chinese archaeology catches on.C. China follows its tradition.D.Chinadigs its past.DEven as Google plans to test its fleet (车队) of self-driving cars on public roads this summer, its business model remains abit of a mystery. By 2025, as many as 250,000 self-driving vehicles could be sold each year globally, according to a study by an industry research firm.“Vehicles that can take anyone from A to B at the push of a button could transform mobility for millions of people,” said Chris Urmson, director of Google’s self-driving car project. For now, Google has no plans to sell any of its self-driving cars. They are strictly for research. But they will hit public roads this summer near Google’s headquarters inMountain View,California. Previous testing has taken place only on closed courses.The cars are built to operate without a steering wheel, accelerator (油门) or brake pedal. “Our software and sensors do all the work,” Urmson said. “The vehicles will be very basic — we want to learn from them and adapt them as quickly as possible — but they will take you where you want to go at the push of a button.” The prototype (雏形) is the first of a 100-car fleet the tech giant is building.In the long run, Urmson sees a future of safer roads — the majority of auto accidents are caused by human error — and fewer traffic jams. Robotic cars could also shuttle people who can’t drive because of age or illness.Google has said that self-driving cars could launch new business models in which people buy the use of vehicles they don’t own. The company has already tested other types of self-driving cars on public streets, including modified Lexus sport-utility vehicles, under a special permit program by the California Department ofMotor Vehicles that requires a human driver at the controls.The state has issued six other companies permits to operate such cars, includingDelphi, Mercedes-Benz, Volkswagen, Tesla, Bosch and Nissan. The vehicles that will be tested on open roads this summer will have removable steering wheels, accelerators and brake pedals to allow “safety drivers” to take control if needed.12. According to Chris Urmson, __________.A. self-driving cars can give driving orders to humansB. self-driving cars are specially designed for the elderlyC. software and sensors are vital for self-driving carsD. ordinary vehicles will be replaced by self-driving cars13. Paragraph 4 is meant to tell us that __________.A. many traffic accidents are caused by human errorB. some people can’t drive because of illness or ageC. Urmson has promised to create safer roads in the futureD. self-driving cars will probably help to make safer roads and decrease traffic jams14. The underlined word “issued” in the last paragraph can probably bereplaced by__________.A. givenB. claimedC. awardedD. prohibited15. What’s the author’s attitude towards self-driving cars?A. Objective.B. Indifferent.C. Subjective.D. Favorable.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
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思想情感:李诗表达了自己在外面漂泊的孤凄之感,表达自己 仅仅赢得一点虚名实则壮志未酬的郁闷和遗憾之情;
王诗表达的是归家之后和亲人团聚的欢乐和看到乡邻和乐、民 风淳朴的欣慰之情。
16. (1)此先汉所以兴隆也 此后汉所以倾颓也 (2)地崩山摧壮士死 然后天梯石栈相钩连 (3)苟非吾之所有,虽一毫而莫取
2.C 【思路点拨】引用的目的是为了强调形而上学思维对论述问题的重要性。
3.D 【思路点拨】A项:“由于语文的特殊性,使得我们在寻找语文一切所共 有的真理时相对可能更为艰难”于文无据,原文表述为:“语文广大无边、丰富无 比、庞杂无比,它能不能经过 ……”不能推断出“更为艰难”;B项:“终将会艰 难地找到表达之道--语文的本体”有误,根据原文“表达之道——语文的本体,永 远处于艰苦卓绝的寻求和发现之中,永远处于无与伦比的认识和发展之中”可知, “找到”一词不合文意。C项“来源于我们的现实经验”有误,原文“本体论作为 世界终极存在的追问,不属于经验世界,而属于超验世界”可知,“本体论”不属 于“经验世界”自然谈不上“来源于经验世界”。
太仓这个人,是齐国都城管理粮仓的长官,他是临淄(zī,资)人,姓 淳于名叫意。在年轻时,就喜好医术药剂之方,用学到的医术方剂试着 给人看病大多没有效验。到了高后八年(前180),得以拜见老师临淄 元里的公乘阳庆。阳庆这时七十多岁,淳于意得以拜见侍奉他。他对淳 于意说:“全部抛开你学过的医书,这些都不正确。我有古代先辈医家 传授的黄帝、扁鹊的诊脉书,以及观察面部颜色不同来诊病的方法,使 你能预断病人的生死,决断疑难病症,判定能否医治,还有药剂理论的 书籍,都非常精辟。我家中富足,只因心里喜欢你,才想把自己收藏的 秘方和书全教给你。”淳于意说:“太幸运了,这些不是我敢奢望的。” 说完淳于意就离开坐席再次拜谢老师。淳于意学习了他传授的《脉书》、 《上经》、《下经》,从脸色诊病术、听诊术、从外观测度阴阳术、药 理、砭石神术等秘藏书籍和医术,学习时注解析体验,这样用了约一年 时间。第二年,淳于意试着为人治病,虽有效,还不精到。淳于意一共 向他学习三年,淳于意曾经治过的病人,诊视病情决断生死的人,都有 效,已达到了精妙的程度。
各位老师,我谈一点感受,大家参考:这次的作文 题,从材料主体(马克思、95后青年)看是矛盾关 系型材料作文,但从材料内容(观点)看是从属关 系型(抽象与具体)材料作文。立意时,材料一是 一个标准,以此为标准来探讨材料二中择业观是否 可行。问题可转化为:选择网红主播等职业能否实 现两个“完美”,辩证思维也必须在这一论述中体 现。50分以上的作文一定要有思想性!(长郡中学 王老师)
4.C 【思路点拨】A项:“针对现代城市而言的夜间经济是城市服务 业在第二时空的延伸”错误,材料一第二段提到“夜经济是以服务业为 主体的城市经济在第二时空的进一步延伸”,选项以偏概全;B项: “许多国家为平衡发展“夜经济”和鼓励人们努力工作、好好休息之间 的矛盾”错误,材料二中并没有谈到国家政府介入。D项中“就能成为 一种‘软实力’”表述过于绝对。
11.C (“五色”指“青、赤、白、黑、黄”。)
12. A (“我家供富”是“我家中富足”)
13.(1)你有病,四五天前,你腰胁疼得不能俯仰,不马上医 治,病邪就会浸润肾脏。
(2)如果不能精心切脉,所断定的死生时间及能否治愈,也往 往会出现差错。
齐国名叫信的中御府长病了,淳于意去他家诊治,切脉后告诉 他说:“是热病的脉气,然而暑热多汗,脉稍衰,不致于死。” 又说:“得这种病,是天气严寒时曾在流水中洗浴,洗浴后身 体就发热了。”他说:“嗯,就是这样!去年冬天,我为齐王 出使楚国,走到莒(jǔ,举)县阳周水边,看到莒桥坏得很厉 害,我就揽住车辕不想过河,马突然受惊,一下子坠到河里, 我的身子也淹进水里,差一点儿淹死,随从官吏马上跑来救淳 于意,我从水中出来,衣服全湿了,身体寒冷了一阵,冷一止 住全身发热如火,到现在不能受寒。”淳于意立即为他调制液 汤火剂驱除热邪,服一剂药不再出汗,服两剂药热退去了,服 三剂药病止住了。
齐王黄姬的哥哥黄长卿在家设酒席请客,请了淳于意。客人入 座,还没上菜。淳于意见王后弟弟宋建容色异常就说:“你有 病,四五天前,你腰胁疼得不能俯仰,不马上医治,病邪就会 浸润肾脏。趁着还没滞留在五脏,迅速治愈。现在你的病情只 是病邪刚刚侵入浸润着肾脏,这就是人们说的‘肾痹’。”宋 建说:“你说对了,我确实曾腰脊疼过。四五天前,天正下雨, 黄氏的女婿们到我家里,看到了我家的方石,就要弄举起,我 也想要效仿去做,举不起来,就把它放下了。到了黄昏,就腰 脊疼痛,到现在也没有痊愈。”他的病是因喜好举重物引起。 淳于意所以能诊治他的病,是因看到他的容色,太阳穴处色泽 枯干,两颊显示肾病部位边缘四分处色泽干枯,所以才知道四 五天前病发作。淳于意为他调制柔汤服用,十八天病就痊愈了。
9. .①最后一段是小说的补叙部分,使情节更丰富完整;
②小说以爷爷给父亲取名字开始到我给自己的儿子取名 结束,在结构上首尾呼应;
③升华主旨:父辈的爱国精神是无形的灯塔,是灭的 火种,代代相传!(每点2分)
10.C (然!往冬时,为王使于楚,至莒县阳周水,而莒 桥梁颇坏,信则车辕未欲渡也,马惊,即堕。信身入水 中,几死,吏即来救信,出之水中)
17. B (不胜枚举:不能够一个一个全部列举出来,形容数量 很多。俯拾即是:只要弯下腰来拾取,到处都是。形容数量非 常多,很容易得到。然而:转折;因而:结果。遏制:制止; 控制;杜绝:制止;消灭(坏事)谋划:愿望:希望将来能达 到某种目的的想法。愿景:所向往的前景)
18.D (A递进关系倒置;B “可以解决”前面缺少主语;C “技术的进步”缺少介词)
19.B (先肯定现在中国实力是直接原因,再讲中国的长期在 Ai的长期战略,再上升到中国历史文化,层层递进)
21. “第六届中国廉政文化书画展”展出各界作品818件,形 式多样,宣传党风廉政建设和反腐败斗争显著成果,融思想性、 艺术性、群众性为一体。
淳于意说:医治病人时,一定先为他切脉后,才去 医治。如果脉象衰败与病情违背的不给他医治,只 有脉象和病情相顺应的才给他医治。如果不能精心 切脉,所断定的死生时间及能否治愈,也往往会出 现差错。
14. D 王诗后四句表达的意思是:我们一家人在新房子通宵 达旦的畅欢,说着以前的农事,太平的乡村
人们生活安逸和睦,晚上睡觉也不用关门。“反衬”手法和 “贫寒破旧”表述错误。
1.C 【思路点拨】A项:“当思维从具体上升到抽象,就会接近真理”有误, 由原文“当思维从具体的东西上升到抽象的东西时,它不是离开——如果它是正确 的——真理,而是接近真理。”可知,忽略了“如果它是正确的”这一前提,而且 第一段最后也说“一切科学的抽象,都更深刻、更正确、更完全地反映着自然”; B项:“语文形而上的本体之道是言意关系,它通过‘言’塑造“象”来表‘意’ 有误,根据原文“其中文学就是通过‘言’塑造‘意’来表‘意’的”可知,“语 文”不等同于“文学”,选项偷换概念。D项:“言意关系作为语文的形而上之道, 与古代“文道之争”中的“道”是不同的”可知,文章只提出二者“不同”,没有 说“无关联”。
8. 母亲的形象:①坚定执着:选择嫁给父亲,几十年不离不弃的陪伴父亲;
②乐观明理、任劳任怨:给未来的孩子起名字,怀孕了还在夜里和丈夫一起维护航 灯,
③默默奉献,永远理解和支持丈夫:父亲的事业背后是母亲的默默支撑,只有母亲 了解父亲的遗愿,要求把两个人的骨灰撒在当年的海岛。(答案每点1分,共3分)
创作用意:①写母亲的种种表现是为了更加突出父亲作为一名守岛战士的执着坚强 以及对祖国忠贞不渝的军人形象;
②写母亲在岛上和父亲的日常生活可以更全面地展现守岛生活的艰辛,推动了情节 发展;
③母亲父亲相得益彰,夫唱妇随,突出了小说主旨:一个平凡的战士和自己的妻子 在孤岛上守护航灯四十年,他们把最美好的青春无怨无悔献给祖国,他们就是无形 的灯塔!
(话题“第六届中国廉政文化书画展”1分,“融融思想性、艺 术性、群众性为一体”1分,“各界作品818件”1分,“宣传 党风廉政建设和反腐败斗争显著成果”2分,超过60字,5字以 内扣3分,超过5字不给分)
22. 参考立意:
试题提供了两则材料,第一则材料是马克思的青年择业观,第 二则材料是当代许多大学生想当网红的事,前者强调择业时只 有努力为他人的幸福而工作才能使自己过得完美,强调职业的 高尚情怀和奉献精神!第二则材料突出了许多大学生不愿吃苦 就想成功的思想。写作时应当对两则材料进行辩证分析,我们 在敬仰马克思伟大择业观的时候不能生硬要求每个人都成为人 类的思想者,但一定要有奉献精神;运用第二则材料时也不要 极力批判网红,想当网红没有错,但要批判材料中的不良思想, 不只看到网红的光鲜,更要看到网红背后的“精耕细作”!
5.A 【思路点拨】A项“夜经济的发展将成为整个城市经济增长的一 个重要空间”有误,据原文“夜间维度的经济发展已成为整个城市经济 增长的一个重要空间”可知,选项用“将”替代了原文的“已”,时态 错误。
6. 正确看待:①城市夜间经济不同于一般意义上的夜市,夜间 维度的经济发展已成为整个城市经济增长的一个重要空间,对 城市社会的健康运行具有重要意义。②“夜经济”是经济社会 繁荣的产物,“夜经济”是休息日消费方式的纵深化,不是 “熬夜经济”。(一点一分)
措施:①积极引导,给予各种业态尤其是第三产业充分的生长 空间(1分);②城市治理升级,调整公共交通的运营时间,让 其交通更便利(1分);加强夜间治安,保障夜间停车便利(1 分),借鉴外来经验,建立夜生活负责制等(1分)。(答案不 具体酌情扣分)