DataFlex 产品技术培训-ClariConfigure
Orcaflex不断推出新功能和服务,以满足不断变化的市场需求,并为企业 提供更高效、更智能的解决方案。
Байду номын сангаас
01 02 03 04
支持多种数据格式的导入与导 出,如CSV、Excel、JSON等
选择数据源、配置映射关系、 上传数据文件,完成数据导入 。
根据需求选择导出字段、设置 导出格式,将数据导出到指定 位置。
在导入和导出过程中,提供数 据校验功能,确保数据的准确
用户可以根据需求定制报表模板,包 括表格、图表、图形等多种展示形式 ,满足不同场景的报表需求。
Orcaflex支持基于数据模型动态生成 报表,用户可以根据实际数据情况调 整报表展示效果。
Orcaflex提供数据存储管理功能,支持多种存储方式,如关系型数据库、非关 系型数据库等,方便用户进行数据存储和备份。
05 Orcaflex的案例分析
某企业利用Orcaflex进行销售数据的收集、整合、分析和可视化,帮助管理层更好地了解销售情况,制定针对性 的营销策略,提高销售业绩。
NXT 常用吸嘴类型
• R19-070G-155
•吸嘴盘长度 •吸嘴直径
•是否带 胶皮
Flexa 培训与分析
目的: 1. 此文档的目的是SMT成员进行简单的培训与应用。 2. 在使用fuji flexa时遇到问题时提供一个基本的指导方法去解决问题. 3. 在本指导中,提供不同形式的参数设置分析原理和标准化参数. 4. 程式员负责维护此文件并确认参数更改,然后标准化参数.
Flexa 程序制作培训
程式制作基本步骤 ●坐标导入(坐标文件需EXCEL编辑保存为PRN格式。) ●Bom 导入(BOM文件需EXCEL编辑保存为PRN格式) ●零件外形制作
·Part data ·Shape data ·Package data ●PCB 编辑 ●Feeder 分配 ●制件上料表
•錯誤代碼查詢可 查看NXT 附属软
FEEDER REPORT报告说明,根椐错误代码找出元件错误的原因, 修改元件参数,(更换FEEDER, Teach影像等).
•錯誤代碼查詢可查 看NXT 附属软件
当传送程式时机器屏幕显示DATA CHECK时,请检查程式,打开程式进行数据 检查,如有错误请根椐提示修改正确,如程式没错误请确认PCB下面参数。
显示对要贴装的 元件,在图象处理 错误的主要原因 上元件废弃的比 例。
1 2 3
高级曲面造型 探讨高级曲面造型技术,如NURBS曲面、曲面 修剪与延伸等,提升模型精度和美观度。
参数化与变量化设计 介绍参数化与变量化设计的概念及其在 DynaForm中的实现方式,提高设计灵活性和效 率。
模型优化与简化 分享模型优化与简化的方法和技巧,如减少模型 面数、优化模型结构等,以便更好地进行后续分 析和模拟。
学习过程中的收获与感悟 对DynaForm软件的掌握程度 在实际操作中遇到的问题及解决方法
讨论在学习过程中遇到的难题及解 决方案
通过局部加热使连接处的金属熔 化形成焊缝,如电弧焊、气焊等。
通过施加压力(或同时加热)使 连接处的金属产生塑性变形而实 现连接,如电阻点焊、摩擦焊等。
采用比母材熔点低的金属材料作 钎料,将焊件和钎料加热到高于 钎料熔点、低于母材熔点的温度, 利用液态钎料润湿母材,填充接 头间隙并与母材相互扩散实现连 接焊件的方法。
与其他CAE软件的集成与协同 仿真
在云计算、大数据等新技术领 域的应用探索
DynaForm软件介绍及基本操作 软件界面及功能模块概述
建模与仿真分析 几何建模方法与技巧
设定供料器中是否存在料卷托架。如果将其设定为“Reel holder”,则根据料卷托架式供料器的搭载条件执行优化。如果将其设定为“Reel Holder-E”,则根据料斗型供料器托架的供料器搭载条件执行优化
Configuration 设定的各项解释
Optimize NozzleStation
Job编辑器的优化 Job编辑器的优化 如果是制作程式,建议重新配置供料器。如果是修改程式,建议不要勾选。
注意: 不要优化一半,按终止 影响优化效果
优化 到无错误发生,并检查数据是否各个模组已经很平衡。如果单一模组不能平衡,找出原因。尽量做到各个模组平衡,提高机器利用率
Conveyor Mode
Target Conveyor
设定进行Job 优化的通道。如果选择“Lane 1”,则优化通道1 上进行生产Job
Optimizer Type
选择“Speed”进行优化后,实际生产周期时间会 相对变短。选择“Optimal”进行优化后,实际生 产周期时间会变为最短,但此方法所需优化处理 时间最长。“Time Limit”则是在规定时间(分 钟)内进行和“Optimal”相同的优化处理。
Feeder Duplication
Configuration 设定的各项解释
Use Current Feeder Setup
c1flexgrid 手册
C1FlexGrid 是一款功能强大的表格控件,它提供了丰富的功能,使得在 Web 应用程序中实现表格的显示、编辑和操作变得更加简单。
C1FlexGrid 提供了创建表格、设置属性、数据绑定、格式化单元格和事件处理等功能。
此外,C1FlexGrid 还支持数据绑定,可以将数据源绑定到表格中,实现数据的动态显示和编辑。
C1FlexGrid 的应用场景非常广泛,可以用于各种需要展示和编辑表格数据的 Web 应用程序。
总的来说,C1FlexGrid 是一款非常优秀的表格控件,它具有丰富的功能和灵活的定制能力,可以满足各种不同的需求。
无论是初学者还是专业开发者,都可以通过C1FlexGrid 来快速构建出高质量的 Web 应用程序。
DataFlex 产品技术培训-Clarisoft
Page 9
单击时间按钮,然 后再单击编辑区域, 打开时间属性 在时间格式内选择 班次格式(shift code) 在字体(Font)属性 内选择合适的字库 和字体高度 按确定按钮确定设 置 班次的具体内容是 通过ClarityConfig 来设置的,这里只 是用来设置了一个 班次的格式
Videojet DataFlex and DataFlex ClaritySoft编辑软件
需要有软件密码或硬件密码锁才可以完全使用,否则只能 当演示使用。 编辑各种打印信息并传输到DataFlex内 单行/多行文本 实时日期,实时时间 各种条形码 各种图案(*.bmp文件) 多种语言文字 简单图形 注:ClariSoft不能与Clarity Config同时使用
Page 19
在通用属性栏内,可以给 每个单独的文本框起名字, 以方便操作员工在打码机 上修改。 可以设定此文本框是否为 打印的或隐藏的(Printed or Non-Printed) 可以将此文本框内容进行 反色打印(Field Inverse)
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将DataFlex电源打开,等待机器初始化结束 将RS232串口线连接到DataFlex与电脑上。 确认电脑已安装硬件密码锁或软件密码,打开ClariSoft软 件 ClariSoft初始界面如下
一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十
资料读入 初步处理 命令讲解 钻孔设计 开窗设计 线路设计 文字设计 拼版设计 板边设计 资料输出
GERBER/钻孔资料正确读入,工作料号加载。 层排序/属性定义及命名等操作 软件所有命令功能全解 孔符转换,大小更改,重孔/偏孔检查等 圆孔/通窗处理,如何检测开窗到线路的距离 泪滴增加,自动圆角,线路移动,地铜处理等 文字增加/更改,正负极的处理等 手动拼版(重点),自动拼版的讲解 板边物件的放置/修改,自动程序的编写 钻孔/菲林等各工具的正确导出
2010.07.07 18:00 2010.07.07 18:00 2010.07.10 18:00 2010.07.12 18:00 2010.07.13 18:00 2010.07.14 18:00 2010.07.15 18:00 2010.07.16 18:00 2010.07.08 18:00
Flex System Fabric SI4093系统互连模块产品指南(撤回产品)说明书
Flex System Fabric SI4093 System Interconnect ModuleProduct Guide (withdrawn product)The Flex System™ Fabric SI4093 System Interconnect Module enables simplified integration of Flex System into your existing networking infrastructure and provides the capability of building simple connectivity for points of delivery (PODs) or clusters up to 252 nodes. The SI4093 requires no management for most data center environments, eliminating the need to configure each networking device or individual ports, thus reducing the number of management points. It provides a low latency, loop-free interface that does not rely upon spanning tree protocols, thus removing one of the greatest deployment and management complexities of a traditional switch. The SI4093 offers administrators a simplified deployment experience while maintaining the performance of intra-chassis connectivity. The SI4093 System Interconnect Module is shown in Figure 1.Figure 1. Flex System Fabric SI4093 System Interconnect ModuleDid you know?The base switch configuration comes standard with 24x 10 GbE port licenses that can be assigned to internal connections or external SFP+ or QSFP+ ports with flexible port mapping. For example, this feature allows you to trade off four 10 GbE ports for one 40 GbE port (or vice versa) or trade off one external 10 GbE SFP+ port for one internal 10 GbE port (or vice versa). You then have the flexibility of turning on more ports when you need them using Features on Demand upgrade licensing capabilities that provide “pay as you grow”scalability without the need to buy additional hardware.The SI4093 can be used in the Flex System Interconnect Fabric solution that reduces networking management complexity without compromising performance by lowering the number of devices that need to be managed by 95% (managing one device instead of 20). Interconnect Fabric simplifies POD integration into an upstream network by transparently interconnecting hosts to a data center network and representing the POD as a large compute element isolating the POD's internal connectivity topology and protocols from the rest of the network.Click here to check for updatesTable 3. Supported transceivers and direct-attach cablesDescription Partnumber FeaturecodeMaximumquantitysupportedSerial console cablesFlex System Management Serial Access Cable Kit90Y9338A2RR1 SFP transceivers - 1 GbELenovo 1000BASE-T SFP Transceiver (does not support 10/100 Mbps)00FE333A5DL14 Lenovo 1000BASE-SX SFP Transceiver81Y1622326914 Lenovo 1000BASE-LX SFP Transceiver90Y9424A1PN14 SFP+ transceivers - 10 GbELenovo 10GBASE-SR SFP+ Transceiver46C3447505314 Lenovo 10GBASE-LR SFP+ Transceiver90Y9412A1PM14 Optical cables for 1 GbE SX SFP and 10 GbE SR SFP+ transceiversLenovo 1m LC-LC OM3 MMF Cable00MN502ASR614 Lenovo 3m LC-LC OM3 MMF Cable00MN505ASR714 Lenovo 5m LC-LC OM3 MMF Cable00MN508ASR814 Lenovo 10m LC-LC OM3 MMF Cable00MN511ASR914 Lenovo 15m LC-LC OM3 MMF Cable00MN514ASRA14 Lenovo 25m LC-LC OM3 MMF Cable00MN517ASRB14 Lenovo 30m LC-LC OM3 MMF Cable00MN520ASRC14 SFP+ direct-attach cables - 10 GbELenovo 1m Passive SFP+ DAC Cable90Y9427A1PH14 Lenovo 1.5m Passive SFP+ DAC Cable00AY764A51N14 Lenovo 2m Passive SFP+ DAC Cable00AY765A51P14 Lenovo 3m Passive SFP+ DAC Cable90Y9430A1PJ14 Lenovo 5m Passive SFP+ DAC Cable90Y9433A1PK14 Lenovo 7m Passive SFP+ DAC Cable00D6151A3RH14 QSFP+ transceiver and cables - 40 GbELenovo 40GBASE-SR4 QSFP+ Transceiver49Y7884A1DR2 Lenovo 40GBASE-iSR4 QSFP+ Transceiver00D9865ASTM2 Lenovo 40GBASE–eSR4 QSFP+ Transceiver00FE325A5U92 Lenovo 40GBASE-LR4 QSFP+ Transceiver00D6222A3NY2 Optical cables for 40 GbE QSFP+ SR4/iSR4/eSR4 transceiversLenovo 10m QSFP+ MTP-MTP OM3 MMF Cable90Y3519A1MM2 Lenovo 30m QSFP+ MTP-MTP OM3 MMF Cable90Y3521A1MN2 Lenovo 10m QSFP+ MTP-MTP OM3 MMF Cable (replaces 90Y3519)00VX003AT2U2 Lenovo 30m QSFP+ MTP-MTP OM3 MMF Cable (replaces 90Y3521)00VX005AT2V2 Optical breakout cables for 40 GbE QSFP+ iSR4/eSR4 transceiversLenovo 1m MTP-4xLC OM3 MMF Breakout Cable00FM412A5UA2 Lenovo 3m MTP-4xLC OM3 MMF Breakout Cable00FM413A5UB2 Lenovo 5m MTP-4xLC OM3 MMF Breakout Cable00FM414A5UC2 QSFP+ breakout cables - 40 GbE to 4x10 GbEFigure 2. Location of the I/O bays in the Flex System chassisThe SI4093 module can be installed in bays 1, 2, 3, and 4 of the Flex System chassis. A supported adapter card must be installed in the corresponding slot of the compute node. Each adapter can use up to four lanes to connect to the respective I/O module bay. The SI4093 is able to use up to three of the four lanes.Prior to Networking OS 7.8, with four-port adapters, an optional Upgrade 1 (95Y3318) was required for the SI4093s to allow communications on all four ports. With eight-port adapters, both optional Upgrade 1(95Y3318) and Upgrade 2 (95Y3320) were required for the module to allow communications on six adapter ports, and two remaining ports are not used. With Networking OS 7.8 or later, there is no need to buy additional module upgrades for 4-port and 8-port adapters if the total number of port licenses on the SI4093 does not exceed the number of external (upstream network ports) and internal (compute node network ports) connections used.In compute nodes that have an integrated dual-port 10 GbE network interface controller (NIC), NIC ports are routed to bays 1 and 2 with a specialized periscope connector, and the adapter card is not required. However, when needed, the periscope connector can be replaced with the adapter card. In this case, integrated NIC will be disabled.Table 4 shows compatibility information for the SI4093 and Flex System chassis.Table 4. Flex System chassis compatibilityDescription Partnumber EnterpriseChassis withCMMEnterpriseChassis withCMM2Carrier-gradeChassis withCMM2Flex System Fabric SI4093 System InterconnectModule95Y3313Yes Yes NoThe midplane connections between the adapters installed in the compute nodes to the switch bays in the chassis are shown diagrammatically in the following figure. The figure shows both half-wide compute nodes, such as the x240 with two adapters, and full-wide compute nodes, such as the x440 with four adapters.Figure 3. Logical layout of the interconnects between I/O adapters and I/O modulesTable 5 shows the connections between adapters installed in the compute nodes to the I/O bays in the chassis.Table 5. Adapter to I/O bay correspondenceI/O adapter slotin the compute node Port on the adapter Corresponding I/O module bay in the chassisBay 1Bay 2Bay 3Bay 4Slot 1Port 1YesPort 2YesPort 3YesPort 4YesPort 5YesPort 6YesPort 7*Port 8*Slot 2Port 1YesPort 2YesPort 3YesPort 4YesPort 5YesPort 6YesPort 7*Port 8*Slot 3(full-wide compute nodes only)Port 1YesPort 2Yes Port 3YesPort 4Yes Port 5YesPort 6Yes Port 7*Port 8*Slot 4(full-wide compute nodes only)Port 1YesPort 2Yes Port 3YesPort 4Yes Port 5YesPort 6Yes Port 7*Port 8** Ports 7 and 8 are routed to I/O bays 1 and 2 (Slot 1 and Slot 3) or 3 and 4 (Slot 2 and Slot 4), but these ports cannot be used with the SI4093.The following table lists the adapters that are supported by the I/O module.Table 6. Network adaptersDescription Part number Feature code50 Gb EthernetThinkSystem QLogic QL45212 Flex 50Gb 2-Port Ethernet Adapter7XC7A05843B2VT7XC7A05845B2VVThinkSystem QLogic QL45262 Flex 50Gb 2-Port Ethernet Adapter withiSCSI/FCoE25 Gb EthernetThinkSystem QLogic QL45214 Flex 25Gb 4-Port Ethernet Adapter7XC7A05844B2VU10 Gb EthernetEmbedded 10Gb Virtual Fabric Adapter (2-port)†None NoneFlex System CN4022 2-port 10Gb Converged Adapter88Y5920A4K3Flex System CN4052 2-port 10Gb Virtual Fabric Adapter00JY800*A5RPFlex System CN4052S 2-port 10Gb Virtual Fabric Adapter00AG540ATBTFlex System CN4052S 2-port 10Gb Virtual Fabric Adapter Advanced01CV780AU7XFlex System CN4054 10Gb Virtual Fabric Adapter (4-port)90Y3554*A1R1Flex System CN4054R 10Gb Virtual Fabric Adapter (4-port)00Y3306*A4K2Flex System CN4054S 4-port 10Gb Virtual Fabric Adapter00AG590ATBSFlex System CN4054S 4-port 10Gb Virtual Fabric Adapter Advanced01CV790AU7YFlex System CN4058S 8-port 10Gb Virtual Fabric Adapter94Y5160A4R6Flex System EN4172 2-port 10Gb Ethernet Adapter00AG530A5RN1 Gb EthernetEmbedded 1 Gb Ethernet controller (2-port)**None NoneFlex System EN2024 4-port 1Gb Ethernet Adapter49Y7900A10Y* Withdrawn from marketing† The Embedded 10Gb Virtual Fabric Adapter is built into selected compute nodes.** The Embedded 1 Gb Ethernet controller is built into selected compute nodes.The adapters are installed in slots in each compute node. Figure 4 shows the locations of the slots in the x240 Compute Node. The positions of the adapters in the other supported compute nodes are similar.Figure 4. Location of the I/O adapter slots in the Flex System x240 Compute NodeConnectors and LEDsFigure 5. Front panel of the Flex System Fabric SI4093 System Interconnect ModuleNetwork cabling requirementsThe network cables that can be used with the SI4093 module are shown in Table 7.Table 7. SI4093 network cabling requirementsTransceiver Standard Cable Connector 40 Gb Ethernet40GBASE-SR4 QSFP+ Transceiver (49Y7884)40GBASE-SR410 m or 30 m MTP fiber optics cables supplied by Lenovo(see Table 3); support for up to 100 m with OM3 multimodefiber or up to 150 m with OM4 multimode fiberMTP40GBASE-iSR4 QSFP+ Transceiver (00D9865)40GBASE-SR410 m or 30 m MTP fiber optics cables or MTP-4xLCbreakout cables up to 5 m supplied by Lenovo (see Table3); support for up to 100 m with OM3 multimode fiber or upto 150 m with OM4 multimode fiberMTP40GBASE-eSR4 QSFP+ Transceiver (00FE325)40GBASE-SR410 m or 30 m MTP fiber optics cables or MTP-4xLCbreakout cables up to 5 m supplied by Lenovo (see Table3); support for up to 300 m with OM3 multimode fiber or upto 400 m with OM4 multimode fiberMTP40GBASE-LR4 QSFP+Transceiver (00D6222)40GBASE-LR41310 nm single-mode fiber cable up to 10 km LCDirect attach cable40GBASE-CR4QSFP+ to QSFP+ DAC cables up to 7 m; QSFP+ to 4xSFP+ DAC break-out cables up to 5 m for 4x 10 GbESFP+ connections out of a 40 GbE port (see Table 3)QSFP+ 10 Gb Ethernet10GBASE-SR SFP+ Transceiver (46C3447)10GBASE-SR Up to 30 m with fiber optic cables supplied by Lenovo (seeTable 3); 850 nm OM3 multimode fiber cable up to 300 mor up to 400 m with OM4 multimode fiberLC10GBASE-LR SFP+Transceiver (90Y9412)10GBASE-LR1310 nm single-mode fiber cable up to 10 km LC Direct attach cable10GSFP+Cu SFP+ DAC cables up to 7 m (see Table 3)SFP+ 1 Gb Ethernet1000BASE-T SFPTransceiver (00FE333)1000BASE-T UTP Category 5, 5E, and 6 up to 100 meters RJ-451000BASE-SX SFP Transceiver (81Y1622)1000BASE-SX Up to 30 m with fiber optic cables supplied by Lenovo (seeTable 3); 850 nm multimode fiber cable up to 550 m (50 µ)or up to 220 m (62.5 µ)LC1000BASE-LX SFPTransceiver (90Y9424)1000BASE-LX1310 nm single-mode fiber cable up to 10 km LC Management ports1 GbE management port1000BASE-T UTP Category 5, 5E, and 6 up to 100 meters RJ-45External RS-232 management port RS-232DB-9-to-mini-USB or RJ-45-to-mini-USB console cable(comes with optional Management Serial Access Cable,90Y9338)Mini-USBWarrantyThe SI4093 carries a 1-year, customer-replaceable unit (CRU) limited warranty. When installed in a chassis, these I/O modules assume your system’s base warranty and any warranty service upgrade.Physical specificationsFigure 6. SI4093 connectivity topology - Link Aggregation Figure 7. SI4093 connectivity topology - Virtual Link AggregationFigure 8. SI4093 in the 10 GbE networkTable 8. Components that are used in 10 GbE solution with the SI4093 (Figure 8)Diagram reference Description PartnumberQuantityFlex System Virtual Fabric solutionFlex System CN4054 10Gb Virtual Fabric Adapter90Y3554 1 per compute nodeFlex System Fabric SI4093 System Interconnect Module95Y3313 2 per chassisFlex System Fabric SI4093 System Interconnect Module (Upgrade 1)*95Y3318 1 per SI4093RackSwitch G8264, G8316, or G8332* The Upgrade 1 might not be needed with flexible port mapping if the total number of the internal and external ports used on the SI4093 is less or equal to 24.Note: You also need SFP+/QSFP+ modules and optical cables or SFP+/QSFP+ DAC cables (not shown in Table 8; see Table 3 for details) for the external 10 Gb Ethernet connectivity.SI4093 in the converged FCoE networkSI4093 supports Data Center Bridging (DCB), and it can transport FCoE frames. These interconnect modules provide an inexpensive solution for transporting encapsulated FCoE packets to the Fibre Channel Forwarder (FCF), which is functioning as both an aggregation switch and an FCoE gateway. Vendor-specific examples of this scenario are shown in Figure 9, Figure 10, and Figure 11. The solution components that are used in the scenarios that are shown in Figure 9, Figure 10, and Figure 11 are listed in Table 9, Table 10, and Table 11, respectively.Figure 9. SI4093 in the FCoE network with the RackSwitch G8264CS as an FCFFigure 10. SI4093 in the FCoE network with the Brocade VDX 6730 as an FCFFigure 11. SI4093 in the FCoE network with the Cisco Nexus 5548/5596 as an FCF Table 9. SI4093 with the G8264CS as an FCF (Figure 9)Diagram reference Description PartnumberQuantityFlex System FCoE solutionFlex System CN4054 10Gb Virtual Fabric Adapter90Y3554 1 per compute node Flex System CN4054 Virtual Fabric Adapter Upgrade90Y3558 1 per VFAFlex System Fabric SI4093 System Interconnect Module95Y3313 2 per chassisFlex System Fabric SI4093 System Interconnect Module (Upgrade 1)*95Y3318 1 per SI4093RackSwitch G8264CSBrocade or Cisco MDS SAN fabricStorage systemsIBM DS3000 / DS5000IBM DS8000IBM Storwize V3700 / V5000 / V7000 / SAN Volume ControllerIBM XIV* The Upgrade 1 might not be needed with flexible port mapping if the total number of the internal and external ports used on the SI4093 is less or equal to 24.Table 10. SI4093 with the Brocade VDX 6730 as an FCF (Figure 10)Diagram reference Description PartnumberQuantityFlex System FCoE solutionFlex System CN4054 10Gb Virtual Fabric Adapter90Y3554 1 per compute nodeFlex System CN4054 Virtual Fabric Adapter Upgrade90Y3558 1 per VFAFlex System Fabric SI4093 System Interconnect Module95Y3313 2 per chassisFlex System Fabric SI4093 System Interconnect Module (Upgrade 1)*95Y3318 1 per SI4093Brocade VDX 6730 Converged SwitchBrocade SAN fabricStorage systemsDS3000 / DS5000DS8000®Storwize V3700 / V5000 / V7000 / SAN Volume ControllerXIV* The Upgrade 1 might not be needed with flexible port mapping if the total number of the internal and external ports used on the SI4093 is less or equal to 24.Table 11. SI4093 with the Cisco Nexus 5548/5596 as an FCF (Figure 11)Diagram reference Description PartnumberQuantityFlex System FCoE solutionFlex System CN4054 10Gb Virtual Fabric Adapter90Y3554 1 per compute nodeFlex System CN4054 Virtual Fabric Adapter Upgrade90Y3558 1 per VFAFlex System Fabric SI4093 System Interconnect Module95Y3313 2 per chassisFlex System Fabric SI4093 System Interconnect Module (Upgrade 1)*95Y3318 1 per SI4093Cisco Nexus 5548/5596 SwitchCisco MDS SAN fabricStorage systemsDS3500 / DS5000DS8000®Storwize V3700 / V5000 / V7000 / SAN Volume ControllerXIV* The Upgrade 1 might not be needed with flexible port mapping if the total number of the internal and external ports used on the SI4093 is less or equal to 24.Note: You also need SFP+ modules and optical cables or SFP+ DAC cables (not shown in Table 9, Table 10, and Table 11; see Table 3 for details) for the external 10 Gb Ethernet connectivity.Lenovo provides extensive FCoE testing to deliver network interoperability. For a full listing of supported FCoE and iSCSI configurations, see the System Storage Interoperation Center (SSIC) website at:/systems/support/storage/ssicFigure 12. SI4093 in the Flex System Interconnect Fabric solutionThe solution components that are used in the scenario that is shown in Figure 12 is listed in Table 12. Table 12. SI4093 in the Flex System Interconnect Fabric solution (Figure 12)Diagram reference Description PartnumberQuantityRack and PDU infrastructure42U 1200mm Deep Dynamic Rack93604PX10U 12 C19/12 C13 32A 3 Phase PDU46M414321U Quick Install Filler Panel Kit25R55592Top of Rack switchesRackSwitch G8264CS (Rear-to-Front)7309DRX23m Passive DAC SFP+ Cable90Y9430161m Passive DAC SFP+ Cable90Y942710Flex System Enterprise Chassis with SI4093 modulesFlex System Enterprise Chassis with 2x2500W PSU8721A1G3Flex System Enterprise Chassis 2500W Power Module43W904912Flex System Fabric SI4093 System Interconnect Module95Y33136Flex System Fabric SI4093 System Interconnect Module (Upgrade 1)*95Y33186Flex System Chassis Management Module68Y70303Flex System Enterprise Chassis 80mm Fan Module Pair43W90786Management application (optional)Switch Center, per install with 1 year software subscription and support for 20switches00AE2261* Upgrade 1 is required for x222 compute nodes or compute nodes with 4-port network adapters installed. Upgrade 1 is not required if 2-port LOM on the compute node other than x222 is used for network connectivity.Note: Cables or SFP+ modules for the upstream network connectivity are not included.Related publications and linksTrademarksLenovo and the Lenovo logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Lenovo in the United States, other countries, or both. A current list of Lenovo trademarks is available on the Web athttps:///us/en/legal/copytrade/.The following terms are trademarks of Lenovo in the United States, other countries, or both:Lenovo®Flex SystemRackSwitchThinkSystem®VMready®The following terms are trademarks of other companies:Intel® is a trademark of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries.Other company, product, or service names may be trademarks or service marks of others.。
Airflex 产品选择和程序册:工业紧耦合和断机产品说明书
Airflex®Product selection and program brochureIndustrial Clutch and Brake Products2WCBWCBD/33,400 - 6003,400 - 6003,400 - 7001,200 - 600EDCBby electronic controls. When a system overload isdetected, the TLC automatically disengages.*Speed decreases as torque increases due to increasing inertiaExpanding Clutches and BreaksDrum style products that when pressurized, expandradially outward forcing their friction shoes againstan inner cylindrical drum surface.*Speed decreases as torque increases due to increasing inertiaTLCSinglePneumatic Controls – Quick Release Valves (QRV)Engineered to automatically close uponpressurization and open when a pressure dropoccurs – reducing lag time to exhaust the system.Four valve sizes are available.Pneumatic Controls – RotorsealsAllow passage of pressurized fluids from a stationary inlet to arotating shaft end. Available with single and dual passages.*Speed at Maximum TorqueQRVFlow Rate (ft3/m)Dual Electronic Controls – Slip Detection ControlsAborts the start if excessive slip is detected.It also detects slippage during operation.3almost every industry. To reach the application engineering team, please contact:Email: (best and preferred method) *********************Website for product support:/en/products/dps/clutches-and-brakes/Literature and Reference MaterialFor more information: • Go to PowerSource, , Products, Clutches and Brakes • Online at /en/products/dps/clutches-and-brakes/Airflex quality has been proven with over 80 years of field experience, across multiple markets and countless applications. This warranty serves to provide even further confidence and value in the Airflex brand.4Airflex Clutches and BrakesProduct NomenclatureConstrictingType CB, Type CM, Type VCThese elements are identified by the drum diameter in inches on which they constrict and the width in inches of their friction lining. For instance, a size 26CM475 is designed to constrict on a 26 inch diameter drum and has a friction lining width of 4.75 inches.Airflex® clutches and brakes embody the principles of classic design: superior performance, long life, and high quality. For over 80 years, we’ve been providing superior drivetrain products by continuously adapting and innovating our products to meet industry requirements. With global operations—including manufacturing, sales, and distribution—spanning multiple continents worldwide, our dedicated team can help you select or develop customized solutions for your individual needs.Air-CooledType DBA, Type DBB, Type DBBS, Type DCThese elements’ sizes are indicated by the number of brake/friction discs and the disc diameter in inches. For instance, a size 229DBA has two discs 29 inches in diameter.ExpandingType E, Type EB, Type ERThese elements are identified by the inside drum diameter in inches to which they expand and the width in inches of their friction lining. For instance, a size 16E475 is designed to expand to a 16 inch diameter drum and has a friction lining width of 4.75 inches.Spring AppliedType CS, Type CSA, Type CTEFor these elements, sizes are identified by the outside drum diameter in inches on which the brake worksand the width in inches of their friction lining. For instance, a size 9CSA200 is designed to operate on a 9 inch diameter drum and has a friction lining widthof 2 inches.Water-CooledType WCB2/WCBD, Type WCS, Type WCSBFor these elements, sizes are indicated by the number of friction discs and the disc diameter in inches. For instance, size 224WCB has two friction discs 24 inches in diameter.5Market ApplicationConstricting Expanding Coupling Spring Applied Market Application CB VC CM E EB ER TLC CS CTEOil/Gas/Water Drilling Systems Cat Head Compound Drawworks Offshore Pipe Laying Mooring Systems Power Take Off PumpsRotary TableSand ReelTop DriveMining and Cement ConveyorsCrushersDraglinesGrinding MillsShovelsMarine Anchor Winch/WindlassBow ThrusterDredgesGeneratorMain PropulsionPipe Laying EquipmentPower Take OffPropeller Shaft BreakPumpsCan Making BodymakerCupperPulp and Paper CalendarConvertersConveyorsCouchDryerPressesPulpersReelRewind StandSlittersUnwind StandYankee DryerMetalworking Alligator SheersCar ShreddersCoining PressDraw BenchesExpandersForging PressesHeaders/UpsettersMachine ToolsMulti-SlidePowder Metal PressesPress BrakesRebar ShearRewind StandsRoll FormingRoller LevelerShearsSlittersSpring CoilingStamping, Punching, FormingUnwind StandsWire CageDynamometer AbsorberHolding BrakeEngines Generator SetPower Take OffLogging SkiddersYardersDrum Product 67Drawworks:only mechanical brake needed. The water cooled portionof the brake offers energy absorption (HP) capacity, whilethe spring set function accommodates “fail safe” brakingDragline:exceptional friction life and the capability to quickly makefriction changes. It is supplied with long wearing, organicfriction material and a rugged solid cast, rotating disc thatprovides lower intertia than typical caliper brakes.FHB9Rewind, Unwind Stand:tension or pull on the material. Improper tensioningwhile winding can result in roll dishing or telescoping.It could also cause clutter, affecting the reprocessing 1011© Danfoss | Power Solutions | January 2023AD426647228681en-000201Any information, including, but not limited to information on selection of product, its application or use, product design, weight, dimensions, capacity or any other technical data in product manuals, catalogues descriptions, advertisements, etc. and whether made available in writing, orally, electronically, online or via download, shall be considered informative, and is only binding if and to the extent, explicit reference is made in a quotation or order confirmation. Danfoss cannot accept any responsibility for possible errors in catalogues, brochures, videos and other material. Danfoss reserves the right to alter its products without notice. This also applies to products ordered but not delivered provided that such alterations can be made without changes to form, fit or function of the product. All trademarks in this material are property of Danfoss A/S or Danfoss group companies. Danfoss and the Danfoss logo are trademarks of Danfoss A/S. All rights reserved.Danfoss Power Solutions, Nordborgvej 81, 6430 Nordborg, Denmark, Tel. +45 74 88 22 22, Fax +45 74 65 25 80 ,E-mail:****************。
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Allura Flex安装指南说明书
Installation Guidance Note:Allura FlexGeneral AdviceThe appearance, performance and durability of the installed floorcovering will be determined to a large extent by the quality of the prepared subfloor and the conditions in which they are laid. As with any resilient floor covering irregularities in the subfloor will be apparent in the finished flooring.The installation of Allura Flex should be carried out in accordance with BS8203:2017 installation of resilient floor coverings - Code of practice. Areas to receive flooring should be free from other trades, fully enclosed and weather tight.Subfloors should be clean and free of all contaminants, smooth, sound, even and permanently dry.Note: contaminants can affect the adhesion of the new floor covering and/or cause migrating stains. It is therefore important that contaminants such as cleaning chemical residues, old adhesive residues and remains of old floor coverings such as residues of carpet tile backings are removed or, where permissible, isolated with an appropriate subfloor treatment.Areas to receive flooring shall be adequately lit to allow for proper inspection of the substrate, installation and for final inspection.Always conduct moisture tests on all substrates. All ground-based level floors should have an effective moisture barrier.It is essential that the laying area is at a steady temperature of 18 to 27o C for 48 hours prior to, during, and for 24 hours after installation. The material and adhesive should be conditioned in the same environment for at least 24 hours prior to the installation. Where the floorcoverings have been stored or transported immediately prior to delivery in temperatures below 10o C the acclimatisation period should be extended to 48 hours.Prior to installation tiles should be checked to ensure that the correct colour, batch number and quantity have been received and that the material is in good condition. No claim will be accepted for incorrect colour, pattern or obvious damage if the material has been fitted.Use material from the same batch/dye lot. The use of different production batches will always result in visible shade differences. The batch number is clearly marked on the material packaging and must be checked before commencement of installation.Store Allura Flex tiles and planks in cartons stacked, maximum 5 cartons, ensuring that they fully supported and are laying flat.Do not remove more tiles from the box than can be installed within 1 hour.Allura Flex is occupier ready on completion of the installation. However, if the newly installed floor is going to be subjected to site traffic, particularly heavy, high point load wheeled traffic, the floor should be protected during this phase (see “on completion” at the end of this guide).Note: Installation over the following substrates falls outside the scope of BS8203:2017 and the recommendations below should be followed:Raised Access FloorsThese should be smooth, level and clean of all contaminants. Degreasing may be necessary on steel faced panels (chemical cleaning agents should be thoroughly rinsed/neutralized after cleaning). All old adhesive/floor covering residues must be removed.Raised access flooring panels have a tendency to settle shortly after installation and this should be taken into account when assessing the appearance of the Allura Flex tiles or planks fitted onto raised access flooring systems. Ridges between uneven raised access floor panels and/or gaps between adjacent panels will telegraph through to the finished tile installation.Panels should be checked before commencing installation to ensure that they are close fitting and level. Uneven or loose floor panels should be levelled or re-fixed before installing Allura Flex tiles or planks.Notes:•Incidental low-level light will exaggerate any unevenness in the subfloor.•If a suitably flat and level raised access panel substrate cannot be achieved, the raised access floor should be overlaid with plywood or levelled using a suitable self-levelling smoothing underlaymentcompound.•See additional advice below for the installation of Hungarian point planksOld resilient flooringIt is recommended that existing floor coverings are removed, and that the subfloor is prepared in accordance with BS8203:2017.If existing floor coverings cannot be removed contact Forbo Technical Services for further advice.Underfloor heatingAs with all Forbo floor coverings, Allura Flex can be used in conjunction with under-floor heating systems.It is imperative that the underfloor heating systems have been previously commissioned and found to be functioning correctly prior to the floor finish being installed. Ensure that the underfloor heating system is switched off 48 hours prior to the floor covering installation commencing and remains off for at least 48 hours after the installation is complete.During the period of decommissioning of the underfloor heating system, an alternative heating source should be provided, if required, to ensure that the area of installation is kept at a constant temperature of 18o C – 27o C. Gradually increase the temperature over a number of days by only a few degrees per day until the desired room temperature is reached.The temperature should never exceed the industry agreed maximum of 27o C at the underside of the floor covering (the adhesive line). Failure to follow these guidelines can result in the floor covering de-bonding, joints opening, and on some occasions discolouring, all of which can occur within a long or short period of time. Further information on the requirements for underfloor heated subfloors can be found in BS8203:2017.Adhesive Recommendations and applicationThe following information is provided for general guidance. In all cases the adhesive manufacturers’ full usage and application instructions should be consulted and followed before commencing the installation.Allura Flex tiles should be installed using a high grab, plasticizer migration resistant tackifier adhesive. Forbo recommends Forbo Eurocol 542 Eurofix Tack Plus. If alternative products are to be used consult with the supplier for more information, guidance and warranty.Use a short pile roller to apply the tackifier. It is essential that tackifiers are allowed to dry to a tacky finish before laying the floor covering. Failure to do so could result in a permanent non-release bond.Note:1.The adhesive must be spread evenly over the entire floor area including up to perimeter edges2.Porous substrates may require priming with a diluted application of the adhesive.3.Always clean away excess adhesive with a damp cloth before it is allowed to dry.In most applications Forbo Eurocol 542 tackifier adhesive will be sufficient in heavy commercial usage areas, however, where tiles or planks are liable to be subject to heavy static or dynamic loads, they should be fully adhered using Forbo Eurocol 640 Eurostar special (EC1 Low emission adhesive).Note: Forbo Flooring recommends to fully adhere Allura Flex in areas liable to be subjected to abnormal temperature variation in use, for example, retail premises with glazed window fronts, open spaces in offices with large glazed areas, conservatories etc. The use of a high temperature adhesive that is compatible with the floor covering and the subfloor is recommended.The installation, on completion, should be rolled with an appropriate weighted roller (recommended 68kg) to ensure good contact with the adhesive. Areas that cannot be rolled with the large roller e.g. abutments such as architraves or skirting boards should be rolled with a hand roller or pressed into the adhesive with a rubbing hammer.InstallationFor the installation direction of Allura Flex tile please note the following:•Stone, concrete and sand tiles may be laid either in bond (monolithic) or brick pattern•Textile designs should be installed tessellated.Tessellated Monolithic BrickTraditional wood designs do not require shuffling prior to installation, but dry laying will identify best use of design.Like the natural material, some designs will vary in tone and colour. This is intentional and gives the floor a more authentic appearance.Note:see additional installation advice below for Hungarian point” planksSetting outForbo tile products are installed using conventional tile installationtechniques.The correct starting point for setting out a tiled floor is traditionally thecentre of the area - although this may not be the final starting point whentile laying begins. Some adjustment of the starting point may be required,for example, to avoid small perimeter cuts, where the tiles are to be laidwith a border, or with designs such as Hungarian Point.Figure AIn corridors and small spaces, it may be simpler to work lengthwise fromone end, using the centre line as a guide.The centre line is drawn as follows: a chalk line is snapped from centre of wall A-B (=E) to the centre of wall C-D (=F). The centre of line E-F is found (M). Draw a perpendicular line through M using the 3:4:5 method to establish G-H (Figure A).Starting at centre point M, measure out lengthwise and width wise to the walls. Wherever possible, cuts of less than 60mm or so should be avoided as these are more likely to come loose at some stage in the life of the installation. Adjust the position of lines E-F and G-H if necessary.Laying tiles or planksBegin laying tiles at the starting point, ensuring that the tile is laid exactly along the layout lines. If the first few tiles are not installed accurately, the entire installation will be affected. Lightly roll each row of planks with a hand roller to ensure an initial firm adhesive bond.Note: In a large area, two or more fitters may be placing tiles at the same time. As finger pressure in butting the tiles or planks together may be slightly different, we suggest starting from a common point and work away from it to avoid tiles or planks going out of bond.Remove fresh adhesive residue immediately with a clean white damp cloth. Dried adhesive residue can be removed with a clean white cloth and soapy water.Fully adhered installationIn situations where the tiles or planks are being fully adhered the time it takes to mark and cut the border tiles must be taken into consideration when planning the installation. Without adequate planning, it is likely that the working time of the adhesive in the area of the border tiles will be exceeded before the tiles are installed, which will result in an inadequate bond of the border tiles. The successful installation of border tiles is best accomplished by following one of two strategies:a.When laying out tiles, determine the edge of a field tile a comfortable distance from each wall and thensnap chalk lines around the perimeter of the room. When spreading adhesive, use these lines as a guide to stop spreading adhesive and install the field tiles up to the adhesive spread lines. Once the field tiles have been installed, the border tiles can be “dry” fitted (before spreading the adhesive). After theborder tiles have been cut, adhesive can be applied in the area of the border tiles and the tiles can be placed into the adhesive.b.Plan the sequence of spreading adhesive so that the border tiles can be cut and placed into the adhesivebefore the adhesive working time has been exceeded.Hungarian PointThis design is made up of left and right planks which are installed together in rows (option 1) or either side of a standard plank (option 2). Each box has an equal number of A and B planks packed face-to-face and back-to-back in the box.Hungarian Point Laying Option 1 Hungarian Point Laying Option 2Note: As with any geometric design, irregularities or undulations in the subfloor can result in the bond of tiles or planks drifting during installation. This is particularly important with the installation of Hungarian point planks if the points of the planks are to meet consistently and particular attention should be given to the preparation of the subfloor to ensure that the highest standard of subfloor regularity/level is achieved i.e. within SR1 surface regularity standard (no greater than 3mm variance within 2 metres).On completion of the installationFirst impressions may have more impact on the client than hours of skilled fitting.The completed installation should be cleared of scrap material and debris, the floor swept or vacuumed, and any traces of adhesive residues removed from the floor and skirtings.If the floor covering is to be protected from other trades or site traffic prior to project completion, a protection product should be chosen that is appropriate for the type and level of traffic likely to be experienced and the potential for impact, scratching or indentation damage.In many cases it is customary for the initial floor preparation to be left, or subcontracted, to a professional cleaning and maintenance contractor who will have the staff and equipment to do the job thoroughly.If the optimum performance of any new floor covering is to be achieved, it is important that the correct cleaning and maintenance procedures are used from day one. Cleaning and maintenance guides for all Forbo Flooring products are available for download at: /alluraflexCleaning and maintenance guides should be passed onto the main contractor, client or end user as appropriate on completion of the installation, and before any hand over clean is started.If in any doubt contact us:Forbo Flooring UK LtdTel: 0800 0282 162Fax: 01772 646912Samples**************************************Additional Reference documents and information:Forbo Floor Coverings Installation Guide: BS8203:2017 installation of resilient floor coverings - Code of practiceThe CFA Guide to Contract Flooring: https:/// (Tel: 01159 411126)。
罗克韦尔自动化 FLEX 5000 EtherNet IP 适配器 产品说明书
FLEX 5000 EtherNet/IP适配器产品⽬录号 5094-AENTR、5094-AENTRXT、5094-AEN2TR、5094-AEN2TRXT、5094-AENSFPR、5094-AENSFPRXT、5094-AEN2SFPR、5094-AEN2SFPRXT2罗克⻙尔⾃动化出版物 5094-UM005C-ZH-P - 2020 年10 月FLEX 5000 EtherNet/IP 适配器⽤⼾⼿册重要⽤⼾信息在安装、配置、操作或维护本产品之前,请阅读本⽂档以及“其他资源”章节所列的⽂档,了解关于安装、配置和操作该设备的信息。
电击危险:位于设备 (例如,驱动器或电机) 表面或内部的标签,提醒相关人员可能存在危险电压。
详细讲解如何在Dynaform中设计表 单,包括表单元素的添加、属性设置、 布局调整等。
介绍如何在表单中实现数据绑定,包 括数据源的配置、数据字段的映射、 数据验证等。
Байду номын сангаас05
探讨Dynaform的高级功能,如自定义 函数、宏命令、脚本编写等,提升表 单的灵活性和功能性。
通过拖拽组件的方式,设计表单 的布局,包括文本输入框、下拉 框、单选框、复选框等。
为表单中的各个组件设置数据验 证规则,确保用户输入的数据符 合要求。
将设计好的表单发布到指定的网 址或嵌入到应用程序中,供用户
根据实际需求,设计复杂的审批流程,包括多个 审批环节、审批人员、审批条件等。
通过教程的学习,用户 可以掌握Dynaform软 件的基本操作和高级功 能,提高工作效率和质 量。
介绍Dynaform软件的基本操作,包 括界面布局、工具栏功能、文件管理 等。
提供多个实战案例,让用户通过实际 操作加深对Dynaform软件的理解和 掌握。
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Clarity Config操作---打码机软件更新
确认打码机已经与电脑正确连接。 打开ClarityConfig管理器,点击新打码机图标。 按右键打开功能菜单,点击软件更新(Clarity Upgrade) 在文档管理器上找到需要更新的软件文本(<xxx>.cu.r<xx>.cab ) 确认后,大约更新的过程会持续15分钟左右,完成后,打码机会自动执行重起和初始 化过程。
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Clarity Config操作---上传
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Clarity Config操作---上传
将鼠标移动到机器栏里的New Folder上,按鼠标左键 屏幕左下角显示传输状态,右上方则是打输状态栏
当前DataFlex基本 信息
Page 3
Clarity Config操作---串口连接
打开DataFlex电源,等待机器初始化 将RS232连线连接到打码机和电脑 打开Clarity Config软件,如果数据设置和接线正确则在数 据传输状态栏里会显示以下信息“Connection Active”则 说明打码机和电脑已经连接上,否则则说明连接有错,则 需要检查电脑上的数据是否设置正确。 进入控制面板——系统——硬件——设备管理器——端 口——通讯端口(Com) 双击打开端口属性,进入端口设置,检查波特率是否为 115200,再进入高级设置检查端口号是否设置为Com1。
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Clarity Config操作---文件下载
Page 8
Clarity Config操作---打印模式选择
打印模式选择 打开管理器,连接电脑与打码机,点击上传,屏幕右上方会出现所有参数菜单 点击设备(Devices)-打印体(Phds)-再点击1-打印机信息(PrintInformation) 点击打印机类型(PrinterType),屏幕下方会出现选择项(0为间歇式;1为连续式)将光标移动到0或1上,点击左侧的 应用(Apply)即可方便的更改打印的型号,然后将修改过的打印信息下载到打码机即可。
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Clarity Config操作---马达测试
当碰到下列情况时,需要对马达进行测试: 1)打码机软件升级后 2)马达更换后 3)打印体更换后 4)在新安装机器的时候 打开管理器,连接电脑与打码机,点击上传,屏幕右上方会出现所有参数菜单 点击运行(Operations) 点击马达测试(PerformMotorCalibration)屏幕左下方会出现触发按钮,点击它就会自动进 行马达测试了,这个测试会持续大约4分钟。 注意事项:在做马达测试前,请做好以下准备: 1)将打码机处于离线状态(Offline) 2)将色带盒取出,移走上面的色带 3)将两跟卷轴上顶部的各两个螺丝调整到12点钟方向 4)执行马达测试
Page 6
Clarity Config操作---下载
点击屏幕中的下载按钮可以将修改过的参数下载到打码机内 将鼠标移动到New Folder最左边的下拉按钮上,按左键 这时会出现以下菜单 文件菜单Jobs-单击,机器自动将打码机内的打印文件传输到电脑内, 并在屏幕右侧显示所有打印文件 字库菜单-单击,机器自动将打码机内的字库文件传输到电脑内,并 在屏幕右侧显示所有字库文件 语言菜单language-单击,机器自动将打码机内的语言文件传输到电 脑内,并在屏幕右侧显示所有语言文件 日志菜单Log Files-记录文件
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Clarity Config操作---触摸屏校正
确认打码机和电脑已经连接上,点击管理器的上传按钮 在右上方的菜单内点击用户界面(UserInterface),点击Clarity,会有子菜单出现,点击 屏幕校正功能(RecalibrateTouchScreen),屏幕左下方出现触发按钮点击后按Yes确 认即会执行屏幕校正功能。 这时打码机屏幕会变成白屏,在屏幕的左上方会出现一个十字标记,并且屏幕会出现 操作提示信息,按照提示信息依次按屏幕上出现的十字标记,当完成第五个也就是中 间的标记后则校正完成 当屏幕上的按键操作不灵活,甚至出现屏幕死机的情况需要执行屏幕校正
Settings\Jie_Ji\Application Data\Claricom\CLARiTYConfig\Archives
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Clarity Config操作---下载中文字库
当电脑与打码机正确连接后,点击软件屏幕左上方的新机 器(New Coder)图标左面的加号 出现下拉菜单 有右键点击字库图标(Fonts),出现菜单,点击下载字 库(Download Font),从文件对话框里选择需要下载的 中文字库进行下载。 然后用Clarisoft软件编辑所要打印的中文内容并保存,然 后下传到打码机内即可。
Videojet DataFlex and DataFlex Clarity Config管理器
Clarity Config配置管理器简介
下载文件和参数设置到打码机内 从打印机上载所有的参数到电脑内 高级设置 密码设置 不能与ClariSoft编辑软件同时使用
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Clarity Config界面
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Clarity Config操作---保存参数设置
如果对机器的设置修改后,以防以后机器内的设置参数丢失或者方便同样要求的打码 机设置则需要将改变过的设置保存起来 右键点击管理器左上方的档案按钮( Archives) 按新保存功能,屏幕左下方出现文件名称,在名称框内输入想要的文件名称后,按应 用键(Apply)保存即可。文件会自动保存到:C:\Documents and