

海尔 LW-139A 立卧组合冷冻微冻柜 服务手册

海尔 LW-139A 立卧组合冷冻微冻柜 服务手册

下载网址:技术培训/支持-培训资料-冷柜-产品知识-LW-139A 服务手册技术支持邮箱:zhlgkjsb@LW-139A立卧组合冷冻微冻柜服务手册型号:LW-139A目录1.产品特点介绍 (3)2.产品外观结构及内部结构特征图 (3)3.产品部件结构名称 (4)4.产品改进介绍 (4)5.产品详细技术数据 (4)6.产品使用及日常维护保养知识 (5)7.电路图及电气连接示意图 (6)8.工作原理及参数………………………………………………………………………………..7-89.产品的安装及维护和维修 (9)10.产品爆炸图 (9)11.爆炸图明细…………………………………………………………………………….……10-111.1产品功能以及特点① 汇集立式冷柜和卧式冷柜结构优点于一身国际首创,已申请国际PCT专利,外型美观大方。

② 上箱、下箱独立设计,食品存取方便。

③ 产品满足ST气候类型要求,下箱微冻设计,箱内温度≤-5℃,适用于肉类、鱼类食品的短期保鲜贮存;上箱具有冷冻功能,箱内温度≤-18℃,适用于冷冻食品的长期储存,保持食品原有营养成份及风味。

1.2产品型号含义LW - 139 A第一次改进产品此型号冷柜的有效容积;立卧组合柜;二、产品外观结构及内部结构特征图LW-139A外观图LW-139A部件结构名称四、产品改进介绍本产品是在出关美国产品LW145AW的基础上,进行了升级改进,更适合在国内使用。



4、压机更改为L88CY,温控器使用WFPFE30L-L防爆温控器5、增加机舱护罩,压机底板喷粉避免小孩划伤六、产品使用及日常维护保养知识6.1 产品使用安装方面和日常使用中维护关键保养知识均同普通冷柜 6.2 特殊点说明:A、LW-139A 底脚为不可调,附图,B、下抽屉取出后的安装方法:先将抽屉盒放置到下门体的滑竿上,抽屉盒放平稳,然后以滑竿上的滑轮为接触点,沿着滑道推入箱体中。


标题:层析实验冷柜yc-1和层析实验冷柜价格库号:JX140220 价格:搜【润联网】查询主要技术参数:
技术参数:红酒分杯机的特点: 1、红酒分杯机具有分杯、保鲜、冷藏等功能,使红酒开瓶半月不坏; 2、红酒分杯机可任意设置每个出酒口的出酒量,可任意设置每款酒分杯销售的价格,可自动记录每位客户消 费的情况;3、红酒分杯机通过IC卡来控制红酒分杯机的出酒量及每杯酒的价格; 二、红酒分杯机功能: 特点一:红酒分杯机惰性气体保鲜功能: 通过惰性气体氩气,完全隔绝瓶内酒液面与空气接触,瓶内无氧气,达到长时间保存葡萄酒单宁、果香、分杯品酒,售酒保鲜提供两星期以上的保鲜能力。氩气瓶自带方便,更换简单,使用方便。 特点二:红酒分杯机保温功能: 红酒分杯机采用国际最先进的压缩机制冷技术,制冷效果佳,通过红酒分杯机可调的温度控制,可以按照不同的葡萄酒品种调节合适的保鲜温度,带有温度显示,可调节温度控制(5℃-20℃),给不同的葡萄酒设定不同的温度,从而达到最佳饮用状态。 特点三:红酒分杯机整体美观: 高级拉丝不锈钢外壳,整洁美观。采用厚聚胺脂泡沫保温,活动门选用高档亚克力透明视窗,保持箱体密封,能清晰展示葡
标题:流动冰淇淋展示柜和冷风电风扇参数库号:JX140214 价格:搜【润联网】查询主要技术参数:
我公司产品符合SB142-144-84《冷柜型式,基本参数、技术要求和试验方法》、GB4760.1《家用和类似用途电器的安全.通用要求》及其它有关标准。该系列产品外箱采用进口优质SUS430不锈钢,内胆采用304#不锈钢。箱体为整体发泡,保温层加厚,采用进口PU(聚氨脂发泡料)保温材料,自动回门,密封性能好;并采用国产、进口知名品牌压缩机丹佛斯或意大利阿斯帕拉,静音运转,制冷强劲。该系列产品分为直冷和风冷两种:风冷柜制冷快,数字温控精确控温,且温度可调,柜内温度均匀,而且有自动除霜系统;直冷柜也能实现同步降温,空间温度均匀,保湿性良好等优点。该系列产品是酒店、宾馆、食堂、超市、便利店、蛋糕店等最佳冷储设备。冷藏柜也适用于科研、医疗单位存放药品; 型号规格(mm)柜内温度(℃)额定功率(W)制冷剂重量(kg)L* W* H 四门LG-40GD/F1210*800/760*1975-21/2~10℃950/615R22/R404a115 &n

AIP大尺寸触摸通用型温控器 调节器产品说明书

AIP大尺寸触摸通用型温控器 调节器产品说明书

AIP -516/516P/519/526/526P 大尺寸触摸通用型温控器/调节器产品说明书AIP□-516/516P/519/526/526P系列一体屏目录1、产品概述 (1)2、主要技术指标 (2)2.2、显示功能 (2)2.3、存储功能 (2)2.4、仪表输入 (2)2.5、仪表输出 (3)2.6、通讯功能 (3)2.7、控制功能 (3)2.8、综合参数 (3)3、仪表型号定义及模块使用 (4)3.1、型号定义 (4)3.2、模块使用 (5)4、仪表安装 (7)4.1、尺寸图 (7)4.2、安装示意 (7)4.3、挂钩安装示意图 (7)5、仪表接线 (8)5.1、AIP5系列接口形式 (8)5.2、AIP7/AIP9系列接口形式 (8)5.3、AIP5系列接线 (9)5.4、AIP7/AIP9系列接线 (9)6、操作说明 (11)6.1、首次操作说明 (11)6.2、显示画面界面操作说明 (12)6.3、操作画面界面操作说明 (13)6.4、历史趋势界面操作说明 (16)6.5、数据报表界面操作说明 (17)6.6、报警信息界面操作说明 (18)6.7、系统设置界面操作说明 (19)7、扩展应用 (21)7.1、扩展说明 (21)8、附录 (22)8.1、系统参数说明 (22)8.2、特殊功能补充说明 (40)8.3、程序控制(仅适用AI-516P/526P系列) (40)8.4、自整定操作 (43)8.5、以太网访问(拥有以太网功能的屏具备此功能) (44)●在使用本产品前,请仔细阅读此说明书,正确使用,并妥善保管,以便随时参考。












IC-RT-126A 平台式冷藏柜 冷冻柜 使用说明书

IC-RT-126A 平台式冷藏柜   冷冻柜 使用说明书

1. 内部、外部、层板.............................................................................................................................5
2. 线性冷凝器.........................................................................................................................................5
6. 保修....................................................................................................................................................6
II. 操作说明..................................................................................................................................................3
3. 空气过滤网(冷冻柜)...........................................................................................................................6
4. 报修前................................................................................................................................................6



Item PNC ELC Brand Model MarketSPARE PARTS LISTFreestanding fridge-freezers, top freezers3713A 925053050 00 Electrolux EME3500SA VNE Electrolux Thailand Co.,Ltd. 1910 Electrolux Building New Petchburi Rd. Bangkapi HuaykwangBangkok , 10310 Tel : +662 725 9000Publication-No. 130709Freestanding fridge-freezers,top freezersSAFETY WARNINGAlways turn off and unplug the machine before detaching any parts.When servicing machines, do not removeANY detachable parts while the machine is powered. The reason is internal faults may cause shorts to components that are normally at low voltage presenting a shock hazard.A 925053051 00 Electrolux EME3500SA PHH A 925053052 00 Electrolux EME3500SA SGE A 925053053 00 Electrolux EME3500SA MYH A 925053054 00 Electrolux EME3500SA THE A 925053086 00 Electrolux EME3500SA IDHModel : PNC :Ex. View DrawingEME3500SACabinet Assembly49Pos.Part No. DescriptionE M E 3500P N C 9250 E M E 3500P N C 9250E M E 3500P N C 9250E M E 3500P N C 9250 E M E 3500P N C 9250 E M E 3500P N C 92501 811924701CABINET FOAMED MD350 GRVN 1 1 811924601 CABINET FOAMED MD350 GRPH 1 811924501 CABINET FOAMED MD350 GRSG 1 811924401 CABINET FOAMED MD350 GRMY 1 811991901 CABINET FOAMED MD350 GR1 2 811999101 HINGE BOTTOM BASE RIGHT 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 811996201 FEET BASE HINGE 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 811998901 FEET LEVER2 2 2 2 2 2 5 811949503 SCREW TRUSS 4.2x13 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 811999001 FEET BASE1 1 1 1 1 1 7 811943001 SWITCH DOOR TF DOUBLE 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 811943601 SWITCH DOOR2 2 2 2 2 2 9 811981301SUPPORT HEATER MD1 1 1 1 1 811981402 SUPPORT HEATER TF R600a1 10 811981801HEATER DEFROST R134A 240V 1 1 1 1 1 811981701 HEATER DEFROST R600A 240V1 11 811981201COVER HEATER R134A 1 1 1 1 1 811981101 COVER HEATER R600a 1 12 811980401 CLAMP NTC EVAPORATOR 1 1 1 1 1 1 13 811944701 HARNESS THERMO FUSE 1 1 1 1 1 1 14 811948501 CABLE TIES 2.5x1204 4 4 4 4 4 15 811982002 EVAPORATOR 7 PASSES 6.5 1 1 1 1 1 1 16 811981501 RETAINER THERMAL FUSE 1 1 1 1 1 1 17 811974401 SHROUD FAN1 1 1 1 1 1 18 811974301 BRACKET SHROUD FAN 1 1 1 1 1 1 19 811972801 GROMMET FAN SIDE2 2 2 2 2 2 20 1446048 GROMMET , FAN MOUNTING 2 2 2 2 2 2 21 1451299 BLADE ASSY FAN1 1 1 1 1 1 22 811973301MOTOR FAN 240V/50HZ 1 1 1 1 1 811973302 MOTOR FAN 240V/60HZ 1 23 242585005 PCBA MAIN ERF2002 1 1 1 1 1 1 24 811968401 HOUSING BOX PCB 1 1 1 1 1 1 25 811968301 COVER BOX PCB1 1 1 1 1 1 26 811974701COVER EVAPORATOR FRONT TF1 1 1 1 1 1 811971901 COVER EVAPORATOR MD 1 1 1 1 1 1 28 811972601COVER MID CONNECTOR HOUSIN1 1 1 1 1 1 29 811930402 COVER DEODORIZER BLUE3 3 3 3 3 3 30 811972201 DUCT EVAPORATOR REAR MD111111Pos.Part No. DescriptionE M E 3500P N C 9250 E M E 3500P N C 9250E M E 3500P N C 9250E M E 3500P N C 9250 E M E 3500P N C 9250 E M E 3500P N C 925031 811972901 DUCT MID EPS REAR MD 1 1 1 1 1 1 32 811973101 DUCT MID EPS FRONT MD 1 1 1 1 1 1 33 811969301 BAFFLE DOUBLE MD1 1 1 1 1 1 34 811951901 TAPE ALUMINUM EVC REAR MD1 1 1 1 1 1 35 811971601 COVER SCREW5 5 5 5 5 5 36811974201COVER MULTIFLOW FRONT LUX MD S1 1 1 1 1 1 37 811973401 COVER MULTIFLOW SLIDE 1 1 1 1 1 1 38 811973201 COVER MID FRONT MD1 1 1 1 1 1 39 811944801 HARNESS MULTIFLOW TF LUXUR 1 1 1 1 1 1 40 811974001 DUCT MULTIFLOW TF SMALL 1 1 1 1 1 1 41 811930301 DEODORIZER NANO COPPER 1 1 1 1 1 1 42 811943801 PCBA LIGHTING LED HSLB3 3 3 3 3 3 43 811971501 LENS MULTIFLOW TF 1 1 1 1 1 1 44 811971201 LENS FREEZER MD 350 2 2 2 2 2 2 45 811999201 HINGE CENTRE RIGHT 2 2 2 2 2 2 46 811999401 HINGE TOP RIGHT1 1 1 1 1 1 47 811998801 HINGE TOP COVER RIGHT GR 1 1 1 1 1 1 48 811949401 SCREW TRILOB M5x16 8 8 8 8 8 8 49 811942601 HARNESS SENSOR111111Model : PNC :Ex. View DrawingEME3500SACabinet InteriorParts Assembly25Pos.Part No. DescriptionE M E 3500S A P N C 925053050 E M E 3500S A P N C 925053051E M E 3500S A P N C 925053052E M E 3500S A P N C 925053053 E M E 3500S A P N C 925053054 E M E 3500S A P N C 9250530861 811956701 T&S ASSY WHITE 1 1 1 1 1 12 811956801 FRAME ICE T&S 1 1 1 1 1 13 243262600 T&S ICE CUBE TRAY 2 2 2 2 2 24 811957001 SUPPORT ICE T&S 1 1 1 1 1 15 243262903 KNOB ICE T&S WHITE 2 2 2 2 2 26 811956601 BIN ICE1 1 1 1 1 1 7 1451543 SPRING TWIST&SERVE2 2 2 2 2 2 8 811957201 LID FREEZER SHELF 60W LUX 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 811957701 SHELF FZR FOLDABLE FRONT 60W1 1 1 1 1 1 10 811957501 SHELF FZR FOLDABLE REAR60W1 1 1 1 1 1 11 811957901 SHELF FZR ASSY 60W1 1 1 1 1 1 12 811956201 DRAWER MIDDLE BODY MD350 1 1 1 1 1 1 13 811958101 TRAY CHILL ROOM 60W L 1 1 1 1 1 1 14 811955401 SHELF SPLIT ASSY 60W LUX 1 1 1 1 1 1 15 811958701 SHELF FC ASSY 60W1 1 1 1 1 1 16 811959001 COVER CRISPER ASSY 60W 1 1 1 1 1 1 17 807323001 CRISPER BODY 60W LUX 1 1 1 1 1 1 18 811960201 CRISPER FRONT TF 60W 1 1 1 1 1 1 19 811959801 CRISPER HANDLE TF 60W 1 1 1 1 1 1 20 811959601 DIVIDER CRISPER TF 60W 1 1 1 1 1 1 21 811967901 HOUSING PCBA VLIGHT1 1 1 1 1 1 22 807238301 LIGHT GUIDE N-LIGHT 4LED 1 1 1 1 1 1 23 807114501 LENS N LIGHT 4LED 1 1 1 1 1 1 24 807114301 PCB N LIGHT 60W 4LED 1 1 1 1 1 1 25 811956401 SHELF MID ASSY MD350 1 1 1 1 1 1 26 811967801 COVER PCBA VLIGHT 1 1 1 1 1 1 27 811949501 SCREW TRUSS 4.2x35 1 1 1 1 1 1 28 811958501 LID CHILL ROOM 60W1 1 1 1 1 1 29 811956001 DRAWER MIDDLE FRONT MD350 1 1 1 1 1 1 30 811960801 DRAWER HANDLE MID MD350 1 1 1 1 1 1 31 811959201 KNOB HUMIDIFIER111111Model : PNC :Ex. View DrawingEME3500SASystemcompartment Assembly2.1Pos.Part No. DescriptionE M E 3500S A P N C 925053050 E M E 3500S A P N C 925053051E M E 3500S A P N C 925053052E M E 3500S A P N C 925053053 E M E 3500S A P N C 925053054 E M E 3500S A P N C 9250530861 811998401 BASE COMPRESSOR 60W1 1 1 1 1 12 811979402 COMPRESSOR ACC GVY57AG1 811979301 COMPRESSOR ACC HXK95AA 1 811979003 COMPRESSOR WANBAO ASF 1 1 1 1 2.1 807305701 TERMINAL BLOCK ACC1 1 807306201 TERMINAL BLOCK HXK 1 807280401 BLOCK TERMINAL WANBAO 1 1 1 1 3 811978901 GROMMET COMPRESSOR 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 811998601 CLAMP COMPRESSOR2 2 2 2 2 2 5 811978201 CLAMP DRYER 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 811945601 CAPACITOR 4UF1 1 1 1 811945602 CAPACITOR 4UF 4.8mm1 1 7 811943301 POWERCORD REFRIGERATOR VN1 811943401 POWERCORD REFRIGERATOR PH 1 1 811943201 POWERCORD REFRIGERATOR SG 1 1 811943101 POWERCORD REFRIGERATOR TH 1 8 811942901 HARNESS EARTH1 1 1 1 1 1 9 811949301 SCREW TRILOB M3x102 2 2 2 2 2 10 1441189 DRYER1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1401884 TUBE PROCESS2 2 2 2 2 2 12 811983601 TUBE DISCHARG EXTENSION ACC11 1 1 811983501 TUBE DISCHARG EXTENSION ACC2 1 811983301 TUBE DISCHARG EXTENSION WANB 1 1 13 811982501 TUBE SUCTION EXTENSION ACC11 1 1 811982401 TUBE SUCTION EXTENSION ACC2 1 811982201 TUBE SUCTION EXTENSION WANBA 1 1 14 811978101 PAN DRAIN WATER ACC1 1 1 811977901 PAN DRAIN WATER HXK 1 896113194 PAN DRAIN WATER WANBAO 1 1 15 811949401 SCREW TRILOB M5x162 2 22 2 2Model : PNC : Ex. View DrawingEME3500SA Door Assembly5. 6.2Pos.Part No. DescriptionE M E 3500S A P N C 925053050 E M E 3500S A P N C 925053051E M E 3500S A P N C 925053052E M E 3500S A P N C 925053053 E M E 3500S A P N C 925053054 E M E 3500S A P N C 9250530861 811933901 DOOR FOAMED FC MD350 SS 1 1 1 1 1 12 811933701 DOOR FOAMED MID MD350 SS 1 1 1 1 1 13 811934801 DOOR FOAMED FZR MD350 SS 1 1 1 1 1 14 811986804 RAIL DOOR SUPPORT 60W SILV 1 1 1 1 1 1 5.1 811988515 GASKET FC MD350 1 1 1 1 1 1 5.2 811988514 GASKET MID MD350L 1 1 1 1 1 1 5.3 811988502 GASKET FZR TF60W1 1 1 1 1 1 6.1 807439106 HANDLE FC MD ASSEMBLY 1 1 1 1 1 1 6.2 807439105 HANDLE FC MID ASSEMBLY 1 1 1 1 1 1 6.3 807439104 HANDLE FC FZR ASSEMBLY 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 811962002 BIN DOOR BOTTLE ASSY 60W 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 811961501 BIN DOOR FLEX 1/2 ASSY 1 1 1 1 1 1 811961401 BIN DOOR FLEX 2/3 ASSY 2 2 2 2 2 2 9 807489801 TRAY EGG 10 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 811960701 BIN DAIRY ASSY 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 811960601 CLIP BAG DOOR2 2 2 2 2 2 13 811962102 BIN DOOR SHALLOW ASSY 60W 1 1 1 1 1 1 14 811967401 DOOR COMPLETE UI ASSY TF 1 1 1 1 1 1 15 811969601 PCBA UI1 1 1 1 1 1 16 811988701 BEARING AUTO CLOSER R 3 3 3 3 3 3 17 811948801 SCREW COUNTERSUNK M4.8x19 3 3 33 3 3Model : PNC : - 11 -EME3500SA SAFETY WARNINGAlways turn off and unplug the machine before detaching any parts. When servicing machines, do not remove ANY detachable parts while the machine is powered. The reason is internal faults may cause shorts to components that are normally at low voltage presenting a shock hazard.。

阿尔法酷核储器100奥拉罗D5 VPP阿克里尔 阿克里克水冷系统储器说明书

阿尔法酷核储器100奥拉罗D5 VPP阿克里尔 阿克里克水冷系统储器说明书

The Alphacool Core reservoir combines performance with design. Thetube of the reservoir is made of acrylic, the D5/VPP pump top and thelid of acetal. The combination of these two materials gives theexpansion tank a discreet appearance. The wow effect is provided by12 digitally addressable RGB LEDs in the pump top and the Lighttowerwater effect inside the acrylic tube.•Simple maintenance and control of the water cooling system •Easy filling, draining and venting possible •Brilliant digital aRGB illuminationV. 1.002 // 05.2022Alphacool Core 100 Aurora Reservoir D5/VPP Acetal/AcrylAlphacool article number: 153931x Core 100 Aurora reservoir D5/VPP Acetal/Acryl, black 4x M4x6 screws8x M4x8 screws8x M4x12 screws4x M3x5 screws4x M4 nuts2x 120mm bracket2x 120 - 140mm bracket 2x stand bracket1x screw plug1x Allen key1x Plug tool1x Digital-RGB adapter 1x O-Ring 53x3,5 pump1x pump mountingThe Alphacool Core reservoir combines performance with design. The tube of the reservoir is made of acrylic, the D5/VPP pump top and the lid of acetal. The combination of these two materials gives the expansion tank a discreet appearance. The wow effect is provided by 12 digitally addressable RGB LEDs in the pump top and the Lighttower water effect inside the acrylic tube.What's new?Compared to the previous Eisbecher models, the acrylic tube of the Core reservoir has an external thread. This provides more stability and safety when connecting the lid and pump top to the tube. Also new is the integrated digital aRGB lighting. 12 digitally addressable RGB LEDs in the pump top are included in the scope of delivery of the Core reservoir and no longer have to be purchased separately.Extensive mounting optionsMounting option 1:Stands are included in the scope of delivery, which, among other things, allow the expansion tank to be mounted on the bottom of the enclosure.Mounting option 2:Included in the scope of delivery are 120mm/140mm mounting frames, which can be used to mount the Core expansion tank as desired on free fan spaces, radiators or on the fans on radiators.Digitally addressable RGB lighting12 digitally addressable RGB LEDs illuminate the aycryl tube of the reservoir. They are mounted in a ring at the lower end of the tube in the transition to the pump top and provide brilliant illumination of the entire expansion tank. In combination with the Lighttower water effect, a very special ambience is achieved. The digital aRGB LED lighting is connected via a JST 3-pin connector and can be controlled with a digital RGB controller (e.g. Alphacool Aurora Eiscontrol, Art.15360) or a digital RGB capable mainboard.Lighttower water effectA special water effect is created in the core reservoir via the riser tubes. If you do not fill the reservoir beyond the top edge of the riser tube, you get a kind of fountain effect. In this case, the water is pushed out the sides of the riser tube and splashed against the glass tube. Depending on the flow of the circuit, the effect is stronger or weaker. The effect can be placed at the lower or upper inlet using the riser tubes included in the delivery.Pump compatibilityThe Alphacool Core expansion tank has an integrated pump top and is compatible with all original D5 pumps as well as all Alphacool VPP pumps. The pump retaining ring, a pump O-ring and all screws are included in the scope of delivery.Drawing。



Enterprise Development专业品质权威Analysis Report企业发展分析报告安徽艾立普斯制冷设备有限公司免责声明:本报告通过对该企业公开数据进行分析生成,并不完全代表我方对该企业的意见,如有错误请及时联系;本报告出于对企业发展研究目的产生,仅供参考,在任何情况下,使用本报告所引起的一切后果,我方不承担任何责任:本报告不得用于一切商业用途,如需引用或合作,请与我方联系:安徽艾立普斯制冷设备有限公司1企业发展分析结果1.1 企业发展指数得分企业发展指数得分安徽艾立普斯制冷设备有限公司综合得分说明:企业发展指数根据企业规模、企业创新、企业风险、企业活力四个维度对企业发展情况进行评价。


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SKOPE 立式冷冻柜 TMEF 系列用户手册说明书

SKOPE 立式冷冻柜 TMEF 系列用户手册说明书

TMEF Series U s e r M a n u a lM AN1132Rev .1.Oct.210SKOPE Vertical FreezerTMEF SeriesSKOPE Vertical FreezerType: (CAREL ir32 Controller)User ManualMAN10132Rev. 1.0 Oct. 2010© 2010 SKOPE Industries Limited. All rights reserved.SKOPE Industries Limited reserve the right to alter specifications without notice.is a registered trademark of SKOPE Industries Limited. SKOPE INDUSTRIES LIMITEDHead OfficePO Box 1091, ChristchurchNew ZealandFreephone************Fax: (03) 983 3896E-mail:****************.nzWebsite: Trademark InfringementThe SKOPE trademark on this product is infringed if the owner, for the time being, does any of the following:•Applies the trade mark to the product after their state, condition, get-up or packaging has been altered in any manner•Alters, removes (including part removal) or obliterates (including part obliteration) the trade mark on the product•Applies any other trade mark to the product•Adds to the product any written material that is likely to damage the reputation of the trade markNotice of the above contractual obligations passes to:•Successors or assignees of the buyer•Future owners of the productSKOPE TMEF Series User Manualiii CONTENTS1 InstallationSafety First . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4Positioning the Cabinet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Before Operating. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5Power Cord . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5Cabinet Location. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5Ventilation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6Shelves. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .62 OperationAutomatic Start-Up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7Loading Product . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7CAREL Electronic Controller. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 Faceplate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9Controller Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9Defrost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9Alarms and Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10Programming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10Setpoint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10Manual Defrost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10Continuous Refrigeration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10Display Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10Buzzer Off . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11Parameter Modification (if keypad is enabled) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .123 ServicingCleaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 Cabinet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13Condenser Coil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 Lighting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 Interior Side Light . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14Centre Pillar Light . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14SKOPE TMEF Series1 InstallationSafety First Always observe safety precautions when using any electrical appliance.Read these instructions carefully and retain them for future reference.When the appliance is used by or near young children or infirm persons,close supervision is necessary, especially to ensure children do not playwith it.Do not use this appliance for other than its intended use.Do not cover the grilles or block the entry or exhaust of airflow byplacing objects up against the refrigeration freezer unit.Do not probe any opening.Only use this appliance with the voltage specified on the cabinet ratinglabel affixed to the refrigeration unit.Ensure the freezer has adequate ventilation as this is essential toeconomical, high performance.Be careful not to touch moving parts and hot surfaces.For your own safety and that of others, ensure that all electrical work isdone by authorised personnel.If the power supply flexible cord becomes damaged, it must be replacedby an authorised service agent or similarly qualified person in order toavoid a hazard.Ensure all necessary safety precautions are observed during installationor removal of the refrigeration unit.The freezer is not designed to be stable while in motion. Use extremecaution when moving or transporting the freezer.WARNINGThe TMEF1500 (3 door) freezer has two seperate powersupplies.CAUTIONAlways isolate the cabinet from the power supply beforeattempting any maintenance.CAUTIONNever overload the power supply, which could damage thechiller and product. See the rating label inside the cabinet forthe safe power supply and current draw.4InstallationUser ManualSKOPE TMEF SeriesInstallation User ManualPositioning the Cabinet BeforeOperating Follow the below steps to ensure the back sign panel is reversed and the rear spacer is protruding from the back of the cabinet (TMEF1500 3 door cabinet only). This will provide the necessary air gap at the rear of the cabinet for correct operation.1.Cut the cable ties securing the sign back panel to the sign side panels.2.Reverse the sign back panel so that the rear spacer protrudes from therear of the cabinet, and attach the sign back panel to the cabinet by hooking into the slots on the sign side panel ends.3.Retrieve and unravel the power cords and fit through the exit holes ontop of the rear spacer.Power Cord The freezer has a flexible power cord fitted with a 3-pin plug, which exits from the top rear of the cabinet. Pull the power cord around so that it’s nottrapped before you position the cabinet.Note: The TMEF1500 (3 door) freezer has two power cords, one for eachrefrigeration unit.Cabinet Location The location of the freezer may be the single most important decision that will extend its life and ensure economical, high performance. We recommend that you put the freezer in the coolest place possible because it will use less power and last longer.Avoid direct sunlight, warm draughts etc. Allow adequate space for doors to open and close properly. Self-closing doors have internal torsion bars pretensioned at the factory, and must be unobstructed. Ensure the cabinet sits on a level surface so that the doors shut and correctly seal. Level footing also prevents the condensate tray from overflowing.Power CordRear Spacer Power Cord Exit HoleSign Back Panel Back of Cabinet Hanging Hook/Slot Hanging Hook/SlotVentilation Slots56InstallationUser ManualSKOPE TMEF SeriesVentilation Adequate ventilation is essential:Ensure the is a minimum of 200mm of space above the cabinet and100mm behind the cabinet.Air onto the refrigeration unit should not exceed 25°C.Do not cover any ventilation holes on the front and back of the freezer.Ensure there is always at least a 200mm gap above the cabinet, and when installing a TMEF1500 (3 door) cabinet a 100mm gap behind the cabinet (see below). Keep the ventilation slots at the top of the cabinet clear at all times, never store cardboard cartons or other objects on top of the freezer.ShelvesShelves may be positioned at different heights to suit various products. Always ensure that the shelf clips are securely engaged in each of the shelf support strips. Support strips are marked ‘+’ for easy location of shelf clips.TMEF650/1000TMEF1500200mm min 200mm min 100mm min7SKOPE TMEF SeriesOperation User Manual 2 OperationAutomatic Start-UpAfter the cabinet has been positioned in a suitable place, plug it in and check the following activity.Loading ProductLet the freezer run 30 minutes before loading it with product the first time.Allow adequate air space around each item to ensure even cooling and efficient operation of the chiller.Do not exceed a maximum load of 20kg per shelf.Leave airspace of at least 75mm (3”) above the product on the top shelf. Do not cover air outlet at the bottom of the cabinet with product as this may cause spot freezing of products and other products to be warm. Remove some product if the shelves are flexing.Do not let anything overhang the shelves because this might stop the doors from shutting or even break something.Item ActivityCondenser FanThe condenser fan runs continuously throughout all operations of the machine.LightingThe sign and interior lights turn on and stabilise after a few flickers. ElectronicControllerAn electronic controller runs the chiller and is visible behind the front panel. The display panel first shows - - - before stabilising on the cabinet temperature. Compressor The compressor starts about one minute after the lights go on. The compressor should switch off when the cabinetinternal air reaches the preset ‘set point’ temperature.Evaporator FanThe evaporator fan which circulates the cabinet air will notoperate until the defrost probe senses a temperature of-8°C. On initial start up the fan should come on after adelay of approximately four minutes (verified by air blowingout of the bottom duct and the green LED.8OperationUser Manual SKOPE TMEF SeriesCAREL Electronic ControllerFaceplate8791011136524No.Item Description1Silences alarm buzzer.Allows entry to frequent parameters section, if pressed for 5seconds.Allows entry to configuration parameters section, if pressedsimultaneously with ‘SEL’ for 5 seconds.Locks in new parameters, and exits parameter sections.Activates reset procedure.2Displays setpoint in run mode.Displays selected parameter in parameter mode.Allows entry to configuration parameters section if pressedsimultaneously with ‘PRG’ for 5 seconds.3Adjustment locked outAlters parameters in parameter mode.Activates and deactivates continuous refrigeration mode with ‘def’key.4Adjustment locked outActivates manual defrost cycle.Alters parameters in parameter mode.Activates and deactivates continuous refrigeration mode with ‘aux’key.5Decimal point indicator.6Unused.7Defrost cycle on indicator 8Evaporator fan on indicator.9Continuous refrigeration mode on indicator (fast freeze).10Compressor on indicator.11Remote controller indicator.9SKOPE TMEF SeriesOperationUser Manual Operation The operation of this cabinet is controlled by a pre-programmedmicroprocessor. The Microprocessor display indicates the temperature of the cabinet ambient probe, except during a defrost where the temperature of the cabinet probe is locked in, and during an alarm condition.The display also has LED indicators showing the activation of the compressor, the fan and the defrost. At alarm activation, the displayindicates the type of alarm signal; and an audible alarm sounds. The alarm can be muted at the controller.Controller Components A controlling probe located in a thermal mass inside the evaporator box,called a ‘Cabinet Ambient Probe’.An evaporator probe located within the evaporator coil, referred to as a ‘Defrost Probe’.Defrost The first defrost will occur in 6 hours. During a defrost cycle (indicated by thegreen defrost LED on the control panel) the compressor and the evaporator fan will switch off. Four elements inside the evaporator box will then melt away any ice build up. The duration of a defrost cycle depends on the quantity of ice build up (usually about 10 minutes). A maximum of 22 minutes is preset. Defrost cycles are pre-programmed at 6 hour intervals.During and after each defrost, the display will read the temperature detected before the defrost cycle. The display will then show the return air temperatures as the machine cycles during normal operation.Defrosts should occur during off-peak periods to maximise the efficiency of the machine. This can be achieved by switching the power off, then on again, so that the subsequent 6 hourly cycle defrosts will not coincide with peak periods.Note:A power cut would reset the defrost cycles. This freezer has an over temperature cut-out inside the refrigeration unitevaporator box. This is to safe guard the possibility of the defrost elements remaining on under fault conditions (set at 55°C).The light which illuminates the cabinet interior is permanently on, where applicable.Ensure the door gaskets form a good seal with the ponentDescription Microprocessor:Located behind ventilated unit front cover.Controller Relay Module:Located in control box. Performs processor switching.Module Connector Cable:Flat black cable connecting module to microprocessor.Probes:2 x NTC probes are used.10OperationUser Manual SKOPE TMEF SeriesAlarms and Signals Note: Alarm HI may activate during cabinets initial pull down cycle, after being first powered up. Alarm may be muted; and will automatically reset when cabinet passes alarm setpoint.Programming To access the controller1.Press and hold PRG and SEL simultaneously for more than 5 seconds until 00 is displayed.2.Press aux (up) until 22 is displayed.3.Press SEL to confirm selection. The first parameter /C is displayed.To turn the controller keypad on1.Follow Access / Entry above, until the first parameter /C is displayed.2.Press def (down) two times, until H2 is displayed.3.Press SEL to display the ‘value’ of the parameter.4.Press aux (up) to increase or def (down) to decrease, until 01 is displayed.5.Press SEL to accept the ‘value’.6.Press PRG to lock in new value and to exit program.Setpoint Press SEL key for 1 second and the ‘Setpoint’ will be displayed. Onreleasing the key, the display will flash. To alter the ‘Setpoint’, press aux (up) or def (down). Press SEL to lock in the value and return to cabinet temperature.Manual Defrost Follow steps above to access the controller, and press def (down) key for more than 5 seconds to manually initiate a defrost.Continuous Refrigeration Press aux (up) and def (down) together, (down key first) to initiate a ‘Continuous Refrigeration’ mode. The compressor will run withoutinterruption to the parameter ‘cc’ (6 hours: SKOPE programme). Its purpose is to achieve a fast product pull-down.Display Function During run mode, the display shows the value measured by the ‘Cabinet Ambient Probe’. In alarm status, the display indicates the relative alarmcode.Buzzer Off Press mute key to silence the buzzer. The alarm display remains while thealarm condition exists.SignalDescription EO onIndicates faulty ambient probe.El blinkingIndicates faulty defrost probe.IA blinkingIndicates unit has high pressure fault.Note: At alarm initiation, check condenser radiator for blockage, and clean if necessary. To reset alarm, cabinet must be replugged into power supply.LO blinkingIndicates low temperature alarm.HI blinkingIndicates high temperature alarm.EA , EB or EEblinkingIndicates data acquisition failure.The controller requires re-programming.Ed blinking Indicates defrost timed out.Factory setting:-21°C Maximum:-18°C Minimum:-21°C11OperationUser Manual Parameters The following table describes SKOPE settings for CAREL controller IR32POLBRO.WARNINGThe following parameters (Table 1: pp.10,11) are set exclusively for the SKOPE freezer program, with its dedicated CAREL controller.Any alteration from this program may adversely effect the operation of the freezer.For full specifications, a detailed CAREL controller manual is available.SKOPE Settings Type Min Max Def ParameterPA 22C 0019922Password Probe Parameters /00NTCproben.a.010Type of probe used (NTC or PTC). Available after ‘Reset Procedure’/C 2.02°CF -20200Calibration offset for cabinet temperature display /204-C 1154Probe reading stability (lower the number, faster the response)/308-C 1158Probe reading speed (lower the number, slower the response)/400probeC 01000Designation as controlling probe /500°CC 010Units of temperature measurement /600YesC 010Decimal point display Cycle Parameters rd 3.03°CF 0.1202Refrigeration differential r1-26-26°CC -40r2-40Minimum allowable setpoint r2-16-16°CC r119990Maximum allowable setpoint r301YesC 010Enabling of ED alarm (defrost interrupted because maximum duration has been reached, parameter dP) 0=No, 1=Yes r4 3.03C 0203Not used. Must be 3r501YesC 010Enabling of minimum / maximum temperature monitoring rt --F 0199-Actual interval in maximum / minimum temperature reading rH --F -50+90-Maximum temperature reading in the ‘rt’ interval rL --F -50+90-Minimum temperature reading in the ‘rt’ interval Compressor Parameters c001 1minuteC 0150Compressor and evaporator fan start delay at power on c103 3minutesC 0150Minimum time between compressor starts c203 3minutesC 0150Minimum compressor OFF time c3000C 0150Minimum compressor ON time c49999minutes C 01000Compressor backup for ‘Ambient’ probe failure (On for c4, off for 15 min)cc04 4 hours C 0154Duration of ‘Continuous Refrigeration Mode’c602 2 hours C 0152Duration of alarm override after ‘Continuous Refrigeration Mode’Defrost Parameters d000Electric C 010Type of defrost dl06 6 hours F 01998Time interval between defrosts dt612°C F -401994Defrost termination temperature dP 2222minutes F 119930Maximum defrost timeContinued over page12OperationUser Manual* High Pressure trip is maintained as alarm status by latching relay. To reset, the freezer must be unplugged and then replugged into the power supply.Parameter Modification (if keypad is enabled)1.Press aux (up) or def (down) to show the code of the parameter that has to be changed.2.Press SEL to display the selected parameter value.3.Press aux (up) or def (down) to increase or decrease the value.4.Press SEL to temporarily confirm the new value, and display its code.5.Repeat above procedures to alter further parameters.Press PRG to lock in the new parameters and exit parameter modification procedure.SKOPE Settings Type Min Max Def Parameterd400No C 010Defrost at cabinet plug in d500No C 01990Defrost delay at cabinet plug in d601Yes C 011Lock in temperature display during defrost dd03 3 minutes F 0152Defrost drip time, before compressor and evaporator fan start d801 1 hour F 0151Continuation of d6 at defrost end (until setpoint or d8 elapses)d900No C 010Compressor protection times observed at defrost (c1, c2, c3)d/--F n.a n.a n.a Evaporator temperature (via defrost probe) is displayed dC 00hrs /minsC 010Time basis for parameter ‘dl’ and ‘dp’Alarm Parameters AO 1.0 1.0°CC 0.1200.2Alarm and fan differential AL 10-32°C /-31°CF 019910Low temp alarm (On=Setpoint -AL-A0) (Off=Setpoint -AL)AH 09-11°C /-12°CF 019910High temp alarm (On=Setpoint +AH+A0) (Off=Setpoint +AH)Ad 6060minutesC 0199120Alarm delay time A401OnC 050Immediate external alarm i.e. High pressure switch trip*A500-C 050Not used. must be 0A699 99minutesC 01000Compressor run lock time due to A4 function. Compressor will still cycle with HP switch A700-C 01990Not used. must be 0Fan Parameters F002On C 010Evaporator fan control type (controlled by Evaporator DefrostProbe). Must be 2F114.0-8°C /-7°C F 0205Evaporator fan start temperature (On=Setpoint +F1 -A0)(Off=Setpoint +F1)F200No C 011Evaporator fan off while compressor is offF301Yes C 011Evaporator fan off during defrostFd 01 1minuteF 0151Evaporator Fan delay after defrost Other Selections H000-C 0150Serial address H100-C 011Not used. Must be 0H200NoC 031Enable keypad & remote control (must be ‘01’ to enable)H30000C 01990Password for remote control13Servicing User Manual 3 ServicingCleaningCabinet Periodically wipe the inside and outside of the cabinet with a damp cloth,taking care to keep moisture away from electrical parts. As with anymaintenance, ensure the cabinet is disconnected from the power supply before cleaning.Condenser Coil To ensure trouble-free performance, we strongly urge monthly cleaning with a soft brush to remove dust and fluff. A more thorough cleaning isrecommended every six months by qualified service personnel. The condenser coil must be kept clean for efficient and reliable operation.To clean the condenser coil(TMEF650 single door & TMEF1000 2 door cabinets)1.Disconnect the cabinet from the mains power supply.2.Remove the top panel (above the doors) by releasing the sign clips above the panel and unscrewing the 2 fixing screws. Lift up and out from the cabinet.3.Clean the condenser coil with a soft brush (see image below).4.Carefully place the top panel back into position by hooking into the slots on the sign side ends, repositioning the sign clips and fix in place with the fixing screws.To clean the condenser coil(TMEF1500 3 door cabinet)1.Disconnect both power cords from the mains power supply.2.Remove the sign back panel lifting up and out from the cabinet.3.Clean the condenser coil with a soft brush (see image below).Note: The TMEF1500 (3 door) cabinet is fitted with two refrigeration units, each with a condenser coil.4.Carefully place the top panel back into position by hooking into the slots on the sign side ends.CAUTIONDisconnect the cabinet from the power supply before cleaning the condenser coil.TMEF650TMEF150Condenser Coil Condenser Coil14ServicingUser Manual LightingInterior Side Light TMEF650 (single door) cabinet.The cabinet interior is lit by one 58 Watt T8 fluorescent tubes (Ø26mm x1150mm), which can be replaced without moving shelves or removing product.To replace the interior side light1.Disconnect the cabinet from the power supply.2.Remove the diffuser by squeezing it until it is released from thealuminium housing, and then push the diffuser out of the way.3.Rotate the fluorescent tube until the pins on the ends of the tube alignwith the slots, then slide it out.4.Fit a new fluorescent tube taking care that the printing on the tube is atthe bottom (tube orientation is important).5.Refit the diffuser by slipping the back section into the housing, thensqueezing and snapping the front section of the diffuser into place as you work down the length of the light.Centre Pillar Light TMEF1000 (2 door) and TMEF1500 (3 door) cabinets.The cabinet interior is lit by one or two 58 Watt T8 fluorescent tubes (Ø26mmx 1150mm), which can be replaced without removing shelves or removing product.To replace the sign light1.Disconnect the cabinet from the mains power supply.2.Remove the top panel (above the doors) by unscrewing the fixingscrew/s and lifting up and out from the cabinet. Keeping all wires attached, carefully place on top of the cabinet.3.Unscrew the bottom fixing screw from the centre pillar cover and unclipfrom the centre pillar.4.Rotate the tube until the pins on the ends of the tube align with the slots,then slide the tube out.5.Fit the new fluorescent tube taking care that the printing on the tube is atthe bottom (tube orientation is important).6.Refit the centre pillar cover by clipping back onto the centre pillar andreattach the bottom fixing screw.7.Carefully place the top panel back into position by hooking into the slotson the sign side ends and reattach the fixing screw.Flourescent TubeCentre Pillar CoverCentre Pillar15ServicingUser Manual New Zealand Contact SKOPE INDUSTRIES LIMITED Head Office PO Box 1091, Christchurch New Zealand Freephone************Fax: (03) 983 3896E-mail:****************.nz Website: Australian Contact SKOPE AUSTRALIA PTY LTDA.C.N. 000 384 270PO Box 7543, Baulkham Hills B.C.NSW 2153, AustraliaFreephone: 1800 121 535Fax: 1800 121 533E-mail:*****************.au Website: .auS K O P E C o n t a c t s。



MCC 022 V P-10 R B X A IA
额定制冷量,022代表22X100W 设计序列
制热方式: 10-电加热型,电加热量10X100W
~ MDS080DR5 MDS540DR5
1 MDS1506-A0 Part No: M08019472008
! 注意
目录 1 产品系列介绍 ................................................................................................................................................................ 2 2 机组的使用方法 ............................................................................................................................................................ 4 3 机组的保养措施 ............................................................................................................................................................ 4 4 安全使用注意事项与用户须知 .................................................................................................................................... 5



the opportunity for independent operation of both dry cooler coils. Dedicated series for compressor oil coolers (BDO).Capacities * 16 up to 1028 kW* water, EN1048.Finned coilAn innovative coil design provides excellent heat transfer. In standard execution dry coolers are fitted with smooth copper tubing (BD) or stainless steel tubing (BDY) .Available with two Alu-fin types:Turbo finsmaximized capacity Industrial power fins (IF)long lasting performanceAvailable in different fin thicknesses and fin spacings.Coil c onfiguration optimized according to liquid flow. ConstructionFrame construction provides high rigidity for protection against vibration and thermal expansion. Casing and frame made of corrosion resistant pre-galvanized sheet steel,epoxy coated white RAL 9002 on both sides. Separated fan sections.Fan motorsHigh efficiency AC or EC fan motors, available in different fan diameters (800, 910 & 1000 mm) and noise levels, power supply 400/50/3. Motors with external rotor, protection class IP 54 according to DIN 40050. Integrated thermo contacts provide reliable protection against thermal overload. Options• Mounting feet for vertical airflowavailable in 3 heights: 500, 850 & 1200 mm• Spray water kit (KW)• Vibration dampers (VD)• Hinged fan panels (HF)• Upon request fan motor options-400V/3ph/60Hz -480V/3ph/60Hz (IP54) -Protection class IP55 -High-temperature motors• Coil corrosion protection-Fins epoxy coated (EP) -Fins seawater resistant (SWR) -Blygold treatment (BY) -F-coat treatment (FC) -Copper fins (CU)• Packing options-Pallet (P)-Protection pallet (PP) for dual fan row models -Crate (CR) for single fan row modelsAlfa Laval Blue dry cooler Benefits • H eavy duty design with high corrosion r esistance • Reduced liquid charge • A vailable with easily cleanable industrial power fins • E xcellent sound characteristics• Reliable performance, Eurovent certified (only for models included in Eurovent scope)• Easy installation & maintenance.• Energy efficient: low total cost of ownership.• Two-year product guarantee.• Easy access to additional on-line product information (QR code)How to contact Alfa LavalUp-to-date Alfa Laval contact details forall countries are always available on ourwebsite at AHE00066EN 1703Alfa Laval reserves the right to change specification without prior notification.Dimensions BDMDimensions BDDModel L*L W H*+ 60 mm for BDDY modelsL ss:for coolers with same-side connectionsL os:for coolers with opposite-side connections.Dimensions mm (indicative)Code description• Electrical accessories-Switch on/off (SW)-Connection box: for AC fans (CB), for EC fans (CBP), for EC fansincluding master controller and temperature probe (CBMT)-Basic switchboard for AC fans (BS)-Basic switchboard for AC fans and step controller (BST)-Basic switchboard for EC fans (ECCB)-Basic switchboard for EC fans and master controller (ECCBM)-EC fans full management system (ICM)CertificationsThe Alfa Laval quality system is in accordance with ISO 9001.All products are manufactured according to PED. Euroventcertified performance for models included in the scope of theprogramme.Design pressureDesign pressure 10 bar. Each heat exchanger is leak testedwith dry air.SelectionSelection and pricing is to be performed with our Alfa Lavalair heat exchanger selection software. Selection outputincludes all relevant technical data and dimensional drawings.。



新型的内门系统:配备铸模门 把手和防结冰门锁,既方便开 启,又保证密封性
1 2 搬运便捷,备耐用的脚轮。 (U101 底部配有滚轮)
远程控制和数据记录 BioCommand SFI Software 控 制软件 通过一台电脑,同时远程控制 32 台低温冰箱数据记录、温 度控制和报警
1 3 可选配数据记录器记录温 度变化
虽然其他超低温冰箱也使用具有真空绝热技术的材料,但 我们使用的 Vacupor™ 材料更具优势: ● 其他同类型材料随着时间推移,由于气体分子的聚积, 真空强度和绝热效果都会减弱。
Vacupor™ 材料由金属电镀高分子膜密封,以保持其真空。 甚至在真空屏障完全失效的情况下,Vacupor™ 的绝热效 果也优于泡沫材料。(Vacupor™ 为 Porexthem GmbH 的 注册商标) ● 使用可降解、无氟氯化碳和无氟氯烃的环保材料
传统柜体(130 mm)
Innova 柜体 (80 mm)
超薄柜体 增加 30% 储存空间
U101 立式
U535 立式
U725 立式
U410 立式
U570 立式
系列 Innova Innova Innova Premium Premium
容量 (L) 101 535
1 外门低温密封圈能防止冷气流失 内门密封圈能降低冰箱内部温度波动,减少冷 气损失(Innova 系列)
2 强力静音风扇能降低噪音,减少维修
3 多个独立隔间具有绝热门,能够保护样品, 提高能源利用率
5 16



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主营: 冰柜 名 称 报价 (打折前)
主营: 冰柜 名 称 报价 (打折前)
880.00 999.00 959.00 3,350.00 3,600.00 1,980.00 2,660.00 1,855.00 1,670.00 1,360.00 1,990.00 4,330.00 1,730.00 1,199.00 1,480.00 1,129.00 2,880.00 949.00 1,119.00 1,575.00 1,280.00
信用 商品 等级 详情
8 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 4 11 6 11 9 6 6
1、惠康108L冰柜 单顶开门全冷冻柜冷 柜 小冰柜冷藏冷冻 全国联保 2、美的 BD/BC-61SM冰柜冷柜 冷冻冷藏 家用卧式 迷你小 保鲜速冻包you 3、星星BD/BC-70J 小冰柜 单温 单门顶 开 冷藏冷冻 小冰箱冷柜 4、穗凌岛柜DLCD-3300升弧型面玻璃展 示柜冰柜冷柜冷冻冷藏 点菜海鲜 5、穗凌卧式 大岛柜 大冰柜 大展示柜 WD4-580 750 860 970升冷冻 6、穗凌冰柜立式保鲜展示柜LG4-319LT 冷柜冷藏柜商用水柜 包you 7、穗凌大冷柜冰柜BD-580 508 429 399 商用 卧式单温冷冻冷藏柜冻肉 8、穗凌立式LG4348 双门单温直冷保鲜 冷藏冰柜啤酒饮料水果展示柜 9、穗凌冰柜冷柜展示柜WT4-250X 斜面 卧式冷柜冷冻冷藏 展示 10、穗凌双温冰柜冷柜卧式冷冻冷藏 BCD-226 286 256 196 176 内置玻璃 11、穗凌BCD-336 386升 双温双室卧式 双顶开门冰柜冷柜 雪糕饮料柜 12、穗凌LG4-428 848升 冰柜冷柜立式 展示柜立式四面玻璃柜 保鲜冷藏 13、穗凌LT4-248 318升 冷柜 冷冻 冷 藏立式展示柜 冰柜双温 商用雪糕 14、星星BD/BC-146J 冷冻冷藏转换 冷 柜 卧式冰柜 单温 顶开门 商用 15、KEG/韩电 BC/BD-108QB/冰柜/小型/ 单门式/家用/冷藏冷冻互换/联保 16、【mai贵赔十倍】容声友田 KCD152c冰柜 小型冰柜 家用冷冻冰柜 17、星星BD/BC-518A 冷冻冷藏转换 冷 柜 卧式冰柜 单温 双门 包you 18、【十一提前gou】容声友田86L冰柜 小型冷柜 家用 冷冻冷藏转换 19、KEG 韩电 韩电168升冰柜 立体式冰 柜 BC/BD-168QB(普白) 20、穗凌冰柜 卧式冷柜 双温 冷冻冷藏 BCD-286 256 226 196升特jia 21、穗凌WD4-205 165 235 275 325透明 玻璃门卧式冰柜 冷冻特jia



iTrust Adapt 1-20kVA UPS是艾默生网络能源有限公司开发的智能化在线式正弦波不间断电源系统,可为用户的精密仪器设备提供可靠、优质的交流电源,采用模块化设计,可以根据需求装配为塔式或机架式,兼容单进单出和三进单出,适用于小型计算机中心、网络间、通信系统、自动控制系统和精密仪器设备的交流供电。


可调单进单出、三进单出产品突出特点超高功率密度,整机2-3U超宽输入电压/频率范围,适应恶劣电网环境输出功率因数高达0.9,带载量提升20-30%效率高达92-94%三相单相兼容,适合多种应用场合兼容机架式/塔式安装方式支持并联扩展运行(最大4台)提供丰富机架选件,方便机架内的配电/监控等功能的一体化实施可平滑接入艾默生易睿TM监控系统出色的节能环保特性输入高功率因数高达0.99,实现高电能利用率整机效率高达92%以上,节能效益明显满足欧盟RoHS环保指令ITA系列UPS的产品定位?适用于服务器机房等区域,保护服务器、网络通信等关键设备完全匹配艾默生易睿TM机房整体方案黑色机身设计突显了与服务器、机柜的和谐搭配ITA系列UPS如何确保供电的高可靠性?双变换在线式设计,市电掉电无中断支持N+X冗余方式,实现系统可靠性的大幅提升DSP全数字控制,输出稳压精度高采用最新IGBT器件,实现输入超宽抗电网波动范围输入标配防浪涌电路,实现卓越的抗电网浪涌能力ITA系列UPS如何带来绿色环保?整机效率高达92%以上,节能效益明显输入功率因数高达0.99,电能利用率高满足欧盟RoHS指令,物料/工艺无有毒物质可调速智能风扇,风扇转速自适应调节,有效节能降噪提供ECO运行模式,效率高达98%,显著节能ITA系列UPS如何为您省钱?高达0.9的输出功率因数,挂接更多负载支持并机扩展运行,且无需并机插框系统效率高,省电、运行成本低功率密度高,占用机架空间小,节省机架数量ITA系列UPS如何方便的维护?超大尺寸LCD和LED显示,各类运行数据/系统状态/历史情况一目了然操作显示面板旋转设计,可随安装方式不同自由调整角度,方便直观ITA系列UPS如何提高方案的可用性?兼容三单/单单(5/10KVA),三单/三三(16/20KVA)多种应用场合支持多达4台的并机,系统容量随意扩充可通过级联电池模块方便地延长后备时间ITA系列UPS如何满足各种监控需求?提供最新USB监控端口提供可采集环境量的SIC网络适配卡,支持服务器自动安全关机功能后台软件兼容多种操作系统(Windows/Linux/HP-UX/Sun Solaris/IBM AIX等) 兼容艾默生机房监控平台SiteMonitor,支持Web监控提供Mib库,方便接入各类NMS网管系统ITA系列UPS如何保护和延长电池组寿命?超宽输入电压/频率范围,有效减少电池放电几率,延长寿命温度补偿功能,减少环境温度对电池寿命的影响超强充电能力,有效缩短电池回充时间电池组节数设置灵活,便于电池系统的利旧(16/20KVA)支持共用电池组(16/20KVA),节省电池投资。


这些开关可以根据温度、真空、压力的上升或下降进行设定。由于开 关的复位是自动的,复位点由各系列开关的死区决定。
开关的保护:标准的PVS系列开关可以为绝大多数应用提供优质长寿命 的保护。开关具有防水保护,开关的浸润部分采用防腐材料构成,膜 片通常采用VITON® KAPTON®或EPDM膜片,能满足苛刻的行业应 用。外壳可选用钢铁,黄铜或不锈钢材质。
机械寿命: 1,000,000次
1 2 3
公共端 常闭 常开
调压塞 上盖 密封圈
微动开关 顶杆
限位器 外壳
调节头 弹簧 微动开关外壳
托盘 压盖 缓冲垫 膜片
BPA系列 结构示意图
上海办事处:18930221175 (江楠)Q:2244983398
MVA/MVF 真 空 开 关
.79 1.799.9 19.9
1.29 13.22.99 32.9
2810 Blue RidgCe B29lv6d9.6 West Union, SC 29696
*不适用于 MPA/MVA

pro-face sp5000系列 硬件手册说明书

pro-face sp5000系列 硬件手册说明书

安全信息 ....................................................................................................7 关于本书 ....................................................................................................8 概述......................................................................................................... 11
对于将本指南或其内容用作商业用途的行为,施耐德电气未授予任何权利或许可,但 以“原样”为基础进行咨询的非独占个人许可除外。
由于标准、规格和设计会不时更改,因此本指南中包含的信息可能会随时更改,恕不 另行通知。
在适用法律允许的范围内,对于本资料信息内容中的任何错误或遗漏,或因使用此处 包含的信息而导致或产生的后果,施耐德电气及其附属公司不会承担任何责任或义 务。
标准主机模块 ................................................................................28 增强型主机模块............................................................................. 30 开放型主机模块............................................................................. 32 LED 指示 ......................................................................................34 显示模块 ............................................................................................35 精良显示模块 ................................................................................35 高级显示模块 ................................................................................39 LED 指示 ......................................................................................42 规格......................................................................................................... 44 一般规格 ............................................................................................44 电气规格....................................................................................... 44 环境规格....................................................................................... 46 结构规格....................................................................................... 47 功能规格 ............................................................................................49 显示规格....................................................................................... 49 存储器 ..........................................................................................51 时钟 .............................................................................................51 触摸屏 ..........................................................................................51 接口规格 ............................................................................................52 接口规格....................................................................................... 52 接口连接....................................................................................... 54 用于 COM1/COM2 的串行接口 (RS-232C 和 RS-422/RS485) .............................................................................................57 辅助输出/扬声器输出接口 (AUX) ....................................................59 DVI-D 输出接口.............................................................................60 尺寸......................................................................................................... 62 标准主机模块...................................................................................... 62 SP-5B00 ......................................................................................62 增强型主机模块 ..................................................................................63 SP-5B10 ......................................................................................63 开放型主机模块 ..................................................................................63

0300005ZH EVD evolution 电子膨胀阀驱动器

0300005ZH  EVD evolution 电子膨胀阀驱动器
EVD evolution
Integrated Control Solutions & Energy Savings
CAREL的产品开发完全基于空调行业数十年的经验,以及对产品、程序 和严格的质量控制流程(对100%的产品进行在线功能测试)三方面的 技术创新的持续投资,以及市场上最新的生产技术。 尽管本产品是按照最先进的技术开发的,但是CAREL及其子公司仍无 法确保产品的各个方面以及产品的软件能够满足最终应用的要求。为 了达到特定的最终装置和/或设备的预期效果,客户(最终设备的制造 商、开发商或工程商)可以对本产品进行配置,但与此相关的所有责 任和风ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้由客户承担。根据特定协议,CAREL可以担任最终机组/应用 程序带负荷试运行的顾问,但是不负责最终设备/系统的正确运行。
1. 概述
1.1 型号 ................................................................................................................ 7 1.2 功能和主要特点....................................................................................... 7
6. 功能
6.1 网络连接.....................................................................................................25 6.2 输入端和输出端.....................................................................................25 6.3 控制状态 ....................................................................................................26 6.4 特殊控制状态...........................................................................................27

阿法拉伐 垫片板式换热器保冷箱 说明书 中文

阿法拉伐 垫片板式换热器保冷箱 说明书 中文

文献代号200002797-4-ZH-CN说明手册中文出版方阿法拉伐技术有限公司箱74SE–226 55226 55 Lund, 瑞典电话总机:+46 46 36 65 00******************原始说明为英文版© Alfa Laval 2023-05本文件及其内容受阿法拉伐公司[Alfa Laval AB (publ)]或其任何关联公司(合称“阿法拉伐”)拥有的版权和其他知识产权的约束。




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