

Wildlife Protection词汇教学ppt课件

Wildlife Protection词汇教学ppt课件

• 保护......使免受......(的危害) • protect from sth./being done • We should protect animals
from hunters. • We should protect the animals
from being killed.
appreciate [əˈpri:ʃieɪt]
• vt.
• if you appreciate a situation or something,you understand or realize it
• 意识到
• appreciate the importance of sth.
affect [əˈfekt]
• if something affects a person or thing,it influences or causes them to change in some way.
• 影响;感动
• Your kindness will affect more and more people.
• without mercy 残忍地
• have mercy on 对......怜悯
• show mercy to 对......怜悯 精选版课件ppt
income [ˈɪnkʌm]n or received.
• in进入→come来→进到腰 包里来→income收入
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高一英语Wildlife Protection课件6(PPT)5-4

高一英语Wildlife Protection课件6(PPT)5-4
The Present Progressive Passive Voice
• 结构: A陈述句:主语+ am/is/are +being+过去分词 B疑问句:疑问词+ am/is/are+主语+being+过去分

• 用法: • 表示说话人说话时或现阶段正在进行的动作,经常和
时间副词now(现在),right now (现在,此刻),at present (现在,目前), at this moment(此刻)连用。 • 意义: • 主语和谓语动词之间是被动关系,而且动作正在进行。
------Music is being taught by miss Li now.
------New functions are being added to the phone at present.
如油菜薹、芥菜薹。②二年生草本植物,叶宽卵形或椭圆形,花柔嫩,是常见蔬菜。也叫菜心。 【菜系】名不同地区菜肴烹调在理论、方式、风味等方面具 有独特风格的体系。 【菜心】ī名菜薹?。 【菜羊】名专供宰杀食用的羊。 【菜肴】名经过烹调供下饭下酒的鱼、肉、蛋品、蔬菜等。 【菜油】名用油菜子 榨的油。也叫菜子油,有的地;听雪电影网/ ;区叫清油。 【菜园】名种蔬菜的园子。也叫菜园子。 【菜子】名①(~儿)蔬菜的种子。 ②专指油菜子。 【菜子油】名菜油。 【寀】〈书〉同“采”()。 【蔡】①周朝国名,在今河南上蔡西南,后来迁到新蔡一带。②名姓。 【蔡】〈书〉大 龟:蓍~(占卜)。 【縩】*(縩)见页〖綷縩〗。 【参】(參)①加入;参加:~军|~赛。②参考:~看|~阅。 【参】(參)①进见;谒见:~ 谒|~拜。②动封建时代指弹劾:~劾|~他一本(“本”指奏章)。 【参】(參)探究并领会(道理、意义等):~破|~透。 【参拜】动以一定的礼节 进见敬重的人或瞻仰敬重的人的遗像、陵墓等:大礼~|~孔庙。 【参半】动各占一半:疑信~。 【参变量】名参数。 【参禅】动佛教徒静坐冥想领会佛 理叫参禅:~悟道。 【参订】动参校订正:这部书由张先生编次,王先生~。 【参访】动参观访问:~团。 【参股】∥动入股:投资~。 【参观】动实地 观察(工作成绩、事业、设施、名胜古迹等):~团|~游览|~工厂|谢绝~。 【参合】〈书〉动参考并综合:~其要|本书~了有关资料写成。 【参劾】 〈书〉动君主时代指向朝廷检举官员的过失或罪行。 【参加】动①加入某种组织或某种活动:~工会|~会议|~选举|~绿化劳动。②提出(意见):这 件事儿,请你也~点儿意见。 【参见】动参看?。 【参见】动以一定礼节进见;谒见:~师父。 【参建】动参与建造;参加建设:这项工程有十几个单位~。 【参校】动①为别人所著的书做校订的工作。②一部书有两种或几种本子,拿一种做底本,参考其他本子,加以校订。 【参军】∥动参加军队。 【参看】动 ①读一篇文章时参考另一篇:那篇报告写得很好,可以~。②文章注释和辞书释义用语,指示读者看了此处后再看其他有关部分。 【参考】动①为了学习或


因为野生动植物栖息地遭到了极大地破坏, 地球上的野生动植物正以很快的速度消失。我 们必须采取强有力的措施去挽救这一情况。 具体措施如下: 1. 注意保护环境,并且制定法律来规定某 些对野生动植物有害的行为是违法的。 2. 教育人们正确认识保护野生动植物的重 要性。 3. 通过集资来建立野生动植物保护区,以 此来保护野生动植物。
; 泡芙妹妹女性网 塑形瑜伽 ; 2019年01月19日11:25:16 ;
Step 1: Dictation
• protect (v.) protection (n.) protective (adj.) • threaten (v.) threat (n.) threatening (adj.) • endanger (v.) danger (n.) endangered(adj.) (濒危的) • dangerous (adj.)(危险的) • affect (v.) affection (n.) effect (n.) • succeed (v.) success (n.) successful (adj.) • disappearance (n.) disappear (v.) appearance(opp.) • appreciate (v.) appreciation (n.) • extinction (n.) extinct (adj.)
Step 5: Translation
I’d like to see some endangered wildlife. 2.飞毯飞得如此之快,以至于一转眼他们就来 到了津巴布韦。 The flying carpet traveled so fast that next minute they were in Zimbsbwe. 3.没有雨林,就没有动物,也就没有药物了。 No rainforest, no animals, no drugs. 4.但是,这是一次多么奇妙的经历啊! But what an experience!

高一英语课件:wildlife protection

高一英语课件:wildlife protection

2. What do you think we should do to protect wildlife? I think we should treat plants and animals the same as our friends. We shouldn't cut or kill them. We also should protect the environment around us to let them have enough food and good living conditions. We should collect money to protect the endangered plants and animals, too. They are dying out.
Can you name some of them?
The Golden Monkey 金丝猴
1. This is the Golden Monkey and it is very beautiful and smart.
The Panda 熊猫
There are pictures of our pandas that are lovely and can be found only in West China.
8. too much hunting v.+ing 动名词 1). To much drinking makes you bad.
2). He has three hunting dogs. / a running dog / 3). Knowing English is a must in job-hunting.
5. As we all know, it is a South China Tiger. In all there are probably no more than a total of 400 tigers left in China.



活动,能通过多种渠道 加学习活动查找资料, 题探究活动,任务不
学习能力 查找资料,有很强的参 参与、合作意识淡薄 能按质按量完成, 没
海报制作精美有创新, 凸显保护主题特色。 能通过 PPT 或借助网 络平台进行交流。
第 1 课时:
Listening& Speaking
掌握跟单元主题相关的语 言表达,建立语言基础。
能够抓住关键词,理解听 力文本大意。
梳理阅读文本信息,分析探 讨在保护藏羚羊的过程中所面 临的挑战与问题,了解设立自
第 2-3 课时: Reading& Thinking
1.阅读并辨别文体 特征及语言特点, 有效获取信息。 2. 通过了解 保护
体语境,以口 头和书 面形 式 (电子邮件) 形 式较准确 地交流和表 达保护野生物 种的措施。书
能够根据保护野生物种话 题, 以口头和书面形式 ( 电子邮件) 形式交流和表 达保护野生物种的措施, 书写潦草,语法和句法错 误较多。
积极参与小组合作探究 在教师的要求下能参 不能积极参与小组主 自评 互评 师评
30 分钟 为需要的动物设计营救中 心。
6 Part four
本单元的教学设计围绕单元主题意义展 开,关注单元个文本之间的联系,在主 题引领下设计层层递进的学习活动,使 学生在知识的建构中形成对问题的深层 认知,推动核心素养落地课堂。
04 联系实际生活
引导学生从生活实际出发,将个人对所学 语篇的理解和思考与语言的真实运用相结 合,并表达自己的观点和看法。助力学生 进行深度学习,促进能力向素养的转化。



What is Jack Chen’s suggestion?
When the_b_u_y_i_n_g_ stops,
Thek__il_li_n_g_ can, too.
Please do remember:
Animals are our friends. Stop hunting, killing and destroying wildlife. Let’s live in harmony with all the living things. To love animals is to love
Discussion in Groups
As we know, pandas are one of the rare animals in the world. It is
estimated(估计) that as few as 1,600
pandas remain in the wild today.WWF is trying its best to save them.
Homework • Read the passage .
• Newspaper: close test, reading A&B.
Thank you! Bye-bye
Crocodile 鳄鱼
Rhino 犀牛
Elephant 大象
Unit 4 Wildlife Protection
bone fur
ivory meat
How Daisy Learned to
Help Wildlife

人教版新教材高中英语必修第二册:Unit 2 Wildlife protection 精品教学课件

人教版新教材高中英语必修第二册:Unit 2  Wildlife protection 精品教学课件

(2) According to Jack,it is global warming that__le_a_d_s_t_o_t_h_e__e_xt_i_n_c_ti_o_n_o_f_m__a_n_y_a_n_i_m__al_s
新教材 高中英语 必修第二册 Unit 2 WILDLIFE PROTECTION
◆单句写作 (1) 大多数人步行的平均速度为每小时5 千米。 Most people walk ___a_t__ a_n___a_v_era_g_e___ra_te___o_f__ _______ 5 kilometres an hour. (2) 那里的地方企业正在以每年三家的速度关闭。 Local businesses there are closing ___a_t__a/_th_e___r_ate___o_f __ _______ three a year. (3) 到目前为止飞船一直在以平稳的速度飞行。 So far the spacecraft’s been traveling__a_t___a _s_te_a_d_y_ _r_a_te___ _______.
新教材 高中英语 必修第二册 Unit 2 WILDLIFE PROTECTION
(1)[词汇复现]Some hunters have illegally hunted wild animals,leading to mass
extinction (extinct)of them.
词汇四 on earth(放在疑问词之后表示强调)究竟;到底 ◆教材原句 What on Earth Are We Doing to Our Planet? 我们到底在对地球做什么? ◆学法点拨 ( 1)on earth“究竟,到底”,放在疑问词 what,how,why,where,who 等之后表 示强调,用于询问令人惊讶或生气的事。 (2)“在地球上”的表达法: on earth/Earth on the earth/Earth

高一英语Wildlife Protection课件3(PPT)5-4

高一英语Wildlife Protection课件3(PPT)5-4

定对方的话:~,事情不像你说的那么简单。③连表示如果不是上文所说的情况,就发生或可能发生下文所说的情况:快走吧,~就要迟到了|明天我还有 点事儿,~倒可以陪你去一趟|他晚上不是读书,就是写点儿什么,再~就是听听音乐。 【不人道】形不合乎人道。参看页〖人道〗。 【不仁】形①不仁慈: 为富~。②(肢体)失去知觉:
ditch from the river so that the clear, clean water would reach his dry land. The river changed its course and the dry land became wetter, but the rest of the fields did not get enough water and the crops began to turn yellow and die. “Oh dear,” thought the farmer, “ that is not the answer.” So he moved the river back to its old course.
1.千百万年前恐龙就在地球根据恐龙骨骼的连接方式做出这种判断 的.
3 没有人确切地知道.
4 其他人认为地球变得太热,恐龙不能再继续生存 了.
不满】形不满意:~情绪|人们对不关心群众疾苦的做法极为~。 【不蔓不枝】ī原指莲茎不分枝杈,现比喻文章简洁。 【不毛之地】ī不长庄稼的地方,泛 指贫瘠、荒凉的土地或地带。 【不免】副免不了:旧地重游,~想起往事。 【不妙】形不好(多指情况的变化)。 【不敏】〈书〉形不聪明(常用来表示 自谦):敬;csgo免费开箱网站kxcsgo开箱 csgo免费开箱网站kxcsgo开箱 ;谢~。 【不名数】名不带有单位名称的数。 【不名一文】 ī一个钱也没有(名:占有)。也说不名一钱。 【不名誉】形对名誉有损害;不体面:一时糊涂,做下~的蠢事。 【不明飞行物】指天空中来历不明并未经 证实的飞行物体。据称形状有圆碟形、卵形、蘑菇形等。 【不摸头】〈口〉摸不着头绪;不了解情况:我刚来,这些事全~。 【不谋而合】没有事先商量而 彼此见解或行动完全一致。 【不佞】〈书〉①动没有才能(常用来表示自谦)。②名“我”的谦称。 【不配】①形不相配;不般配:上衣和裤子的颜色~| 这一男一女在一起有点儿~。②动(资格、品级等)够不上;不符合:我做得不好,~当先进工作者。 【不偏不倚】指不偏袒任何一方,保持公正或中立。 也形容不偏不歪,正中目标。 【不平】①形不公平:看见了~的事,他都想管。②名不公平的事:路见~,拔刀相助。③形因不公平的事而愤怒或不满:愤 愤~。④名由不公平的事引起的愤怒和不满:消除心中的~。 【不平等条约】订约双方(或几方)在权利义务上不平等的条约。特指侵略国强迫别国订立的 破坏别国主权、损害别国利益的这类条约。 【不平则鸣】对不公平的事情表示愤慨。 【不期而遇】ī没有约定而意外地相遇。 【不期然而然】ī没有料想到如 此而竟然如此。也说不期而然。 【不起眼儿】〈方〉不值得重视;不引人注目:~的小人物。 【不情之请】ī客套话,不合情理的请求(向人求助时称自己 的请求)。 【不求甚解】晋陶潜《五柳先生传》:“好读书,不求甚解,每有会意,便欣然忘食。”意思是说读书只领会精神实质,不咬文嚼字。现多指只 求懂得个大概,不求深刻了解。 【不屈】动不屈服:坚贞~|宁死~。 【不然】①形不是这样:下象棋看起来很容易,其实~。②形用在对话开头,表示否



Step 1: Dictation
• protect (v.) protection (n.) protective (adj.) • threaten (v.) threat (n.) threatening (adj.) • endanger (v.) danger (n.) endangered(adj.) (濒危的) • dangerous (adj.)(危险的) • affect (v.) affection (n.) effect (n.) • succeed (v.) success (n.) successful (adj.) • disappearance (n.) disappear (v.) appearance(opp.) • appreciate (v.) appreciation (n.) • extinction (n.) extinct (adj.)
Unit 4 Wildlife Protection
Teaching aims: 1.To help the students remember the important words and expressions in unit 4; 2. To encourage the students to use what they’ve learned in unit 4. Important and difficult points: To encourage the students to use what they’ve learned in unit 4. Type of lesson: Revision. Teaching aids: Multimedia Teaching Methods: Task based method & Group work

人教版高中英语必修二《Wildlife Protection》PPT教学课件

人教版高中英语必修二《Wildlife Protection》PPT教学课件

narrative [ˈnærətɪv]
The writer’s experience at the Changtang National Nature Reserve.
— U2 Reading & Thinking
Careful reading
A Day In The Clouds
be endangered
— U2 Reading & Thinking
Tibetan antelopes
[tɪ'betn ˈæntɪləʊp]
Whose a day? Writer’s ? What kind of a day? interesting? Wonderful? Awful... What happened in that day? Is someone going to see the Tibetan antelopes? ....
They will be hunted illegally for their valuable
parts of body.
It’s high time to emphasize wildlife protection.
be hunted and killed illegally
the number decreased
Para 4
Bad times for the Tibetan antelopes.
Para 5
What did the Chinese government and volunteers do to save the Tibetan antelopes.

《Wildlife Protection》PPT优秀教学课件

《Wildlife Protection》PPT优秀教学课件

Read the part of a report and then tell your partner about it. The questions may help you.
1. What is the rescue center called? 2. Who started it? 3. What animals were rescued? 4. What help does the center need?
Make a poster in which you describe your animal rescue center and ask for help.
1. Find out proper pictures for your poster. 2. Think about an attractive title for your poster. 3. Your sentences should be concise. 4. There must be sentences that can encourage people to
do after you.
Puppy Paradise We are a rescue centre for puppies in the city. We look after puppies with no homes. Our centre is in the old part of the city, as there are lots of stray dogs and puppies in this area. We need volunteers to give their time and skills to help us run the centre.

高一英语Wildlife Protection课件1(PPT)5-2

高一英语Wildlife Protection课件1(PPT)5-2
1.as a result 结果,因此(只做状语),相当于一
I was very busy. _A_s__a_r_e_s_u_lt___I couldn’t take care of her.
~|他的学习成绩太差,毕不了业。 【闭】(閉)①动关;合:~门|~目养神|把嘴~上。②堵塞不通:~气|~塞。③结束;停止:~会|~经。④() 名姓。 【闭关】动①闭塞关口,比喻不跟外界往来:~政策。②佛教用语,指僧人独居一处,静修佛法,不与任何人交往,满一定期限才外出。 【闭关锁国】 闭塞关口,封锁国境,不跟外;尼日利亚物流 尼日利亚物流;国往来。 【闭关自守】闭塞关口,不跟别国往来。也比喻不跟外界交往。 【闭合】动首尾相连;封闭;合上:~循环系统|老人轻轻地~上双眼。 【闭会】动会议结束。 【闭架】动指由读者填写借书条交图书管理员到书架上取书, 交给读者阅览:~借阅。 【闭经】ī动妇女年满岁而没有来月经或因疾病、精神刺激、生活环境改变等原因月经停止三个月以上,叫做闭经。 【闭卷】(~ 儿)动一种考试方法,参加考试的人答题时不能查阅有关资料(区别于“开卷”)。 【闭口】动合上嘴不讲话,也比喻不发表意见:~不言。 【闭口韵】名 以双唇音或收尾的韵母。普通话没有闭口韵。 【闭路电视】-图像信号只在有限的区域内通过电缆或光缆传送的电视系统。广泛应用于工业、教育、医学、 科学研究等方面。 【闭门羹】名见页〖吃闭门羹〗。 【闭门思过】ī关上房门,独自反省过错。多指独自进行自我反省。 【闭门造车】关上门造车,比喻只 凭主观办事,不管客观实际。 【闭目塞听】ī闭着眼睛,堵住耳朵,形容对外界事物不闻不问或不了解。 【闭幕】∥动①一场演出、一个节目或一幕戏结束时 闭上舞台前的幕。②(会议、展览会等)结束:~词|运动会胜利~。 【闭气】∥动①呼吸微弱,失去知觉:跌了一跤,闭住气了。②有意地暂时抑止呼 吸:~凝神|护士放轻脚步闭住气走到病人床前。 【闭塞】①动堵塞:管道~。②形交通不便;偏僻;风气不开:他住在偏远的山区,那里十分~。③形消 息不灵通:老人久不出门,~得很。 【闭市】∥动商店、市场等停止营业。 【闭锁】动①自然科学上指某个系统与外界隔绝,不相联系:计算机~技术。② 医学上指瓣膜、管状组织等严密合拢:胆道~。③泛指封闭,与外界隔绝:心理~。 【闭月羞花】使月亮躲藏,使花朵害羞,形容女子容貌非常美丽。也说 羞花闭月。 【庇】遮蔽;掩护:包~|~护。 【庇护】动袒护;保护:~坏人|~权。 【庇护权】名国家对于因政治原因而来避难的外国人给以居留的权 利。 【庇护所】名保护人或动物等使其不受侵害的处所:流浪动物~。 【庇荫】〈书〉动①(树木)遮住阳光。②比喻尊长照顾或祖宗保佑。 【庇佑】

高一英语wildlife protection 课件

高一英语wildlife protection 课件
the hoofs of a cow but not a cow, When they were assessed the the IUCN Red for neck of a camel but not as "critically List (1996), they were classified a camel, endangered" in the wild. antlers of a deer but not a deer, the tail of a donkey but not a donkey
• “Population estimated to number less than 50 mature individuals". As of the latest assessment in October 2008, they are now listed as extinct in the wild.
• 1) what other endangered animals do you know of?
• 2) Why are they in danger of disappearing?
• 3)Do you know any other endangered wildlife in China that is being protected? Make a list.
Warming up
• 1. Do you think it is possible for us to live without animals or plants? A. Yes B. No • 2. How often do you go to the zoo? A. Very often B. Sometimes C. Seldom D. Never • 3. Will you adopt an animal in the zoo? A. Yes B. No

高一英语unit 4 wildlife protection 课件

高一英语unit 4 wildlife protection 课件

3 distant adj. 遥远的,冷漠的,不友好的 E.g. 我们一起度过的时光现已成为遥远的回忆。 The time we spent together is now a distant memory. 不要对你的同学这样的冷漠。 Don't be so distant towards your classmate.
2. what would you do if you see these animals ?
据《纽约每日新闻》7月1日报道,美国得克萨斯州19岁的 女子肯德尔·琼斯( Kendall Jones)近日在社交网站晒 出了自己在非洲狩猎并与死去猎物合影的照片。 报道称,肯德尔·琼斯是得州理工大学的学生和啦啦队队 长,同时也是一名狩猎爱好者。长相俊美的她在与猎豹、 犀牛、狮子、大象和水牛等珍稀动物的尸体合影时露出灿 烂笑容。在一份要求琼斯删掉照片和禁止其再到非洲的网 上请愿中,短短一周就搜集到逾 40000 个签名。有人谴责 称:“真应该把你赶到狮子窝中,看看没有枪的你该怎么 办?”一名网友称:“不管你如何看待这件事,看到人们 在尸体旁边面露笑容总是让人不舒服。” 琼斯辩解称,猎杀大象能为当地村民提供足够的肉食。至 于其他动物,她都是“出于保护目的才枪杀的”。琼斯称 自己是环保主义者,并且她已经向非洲国家政府支付了打 猎的费用。
The Panda熊猫
There are pictures of our pandas that are lovely and can be found only in West China.
3. Tibetan antelopes are in danger now because many of them have been killed. It is a kind of deer with white lips.
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1 How to protect the dodo from man.
2 How to stop man from killing dodos. 3 How to teach man to hunt another animal. Step 2: Begin the letter with your address. Then you write…
Now write a letter to the dodo to tell him
how you will help him Step 1: Collect your ideas for the letter. Write them down as notes. Find a way to solve the dodo’s problems. For example:
Dear Dodo, I am writing to you because I have heard of your problems. I know man is trying to kill all the dodos and I want to help you. Here are my ideas. First, I would like to come and attack them for you so that they will leave you alone. I want to build a trap and catch them and put them in a cage. Then they will not feel like killing any dodos again. Second, I wish I could take you away to another island where you will be happy and peaceful. I wish I were with you now. Good luck till I come. Yours sincerely, Xiao Xing
They lived on the earth tens of millions of years ago, long before humans came into being.
2. Why did the dinosaurs die out?
1). A large rock hit the earth, and put too much dust into the air. 2). The earth got too hot for the dinosaurs to live on it any more. 3). Nobody knows for sure.
3. He cannot escape from the island because____. D A. he can not swim B. he is lazy C. he is too frightened to leave D. he can not fly 4. He wants to believe that the man tell the truth because____ A. man is friendly B B. he thinks man is friendly C. he thinks the bears and the monkeys lie D. man is his best friend 5. He didn’t realize who killed many of his friends until____. A. man told him the truth B. the C other birds told him C. he saw how his friend was being killed by man D. the monkeys told him
Dear Dodo, I am writing to you because I have heard of your problems. I know man is trying to kill all the dodos and I want to help you. Here are my ideas…
乡人永铭记,造福乡人永铭记!若我丹心感动天,多磨难,佑我爹爹尚活在人间;若我丹心感动天,再艰辛,佑我兄妹 创业有明天;若我丹心感动天,十年后,佑我父子殊途同日归家园;若我丹心感动天,待他日,佑我爹爹的梦想早日圆! 演唱到这里,耿正兄妹三人的情感,已经不知不觉地完全融入到了词曲之中:往日与爹爹在一起的开心、快乐、艰辛与 磨难;失去爹爹后的痛苦、挣扎,思念和奋发全都交织在了一起他们不知道自己身在演唱台上,看不见眼前的众人,忘 记了赌约酒店内外的众人也忘记了鼓掌与喝彩,一起随着他们的感动而感动,随着他们的悲伤而悲伤!已经忘记一切的 耿正,随着自己心中悲喜情怀的迸发,兴手拉出的乐曲更加激昂!耿直奋力敲击的竹板声更加响亮,耿英演唱的歌声更 加高亢荡气回肠一曲唱,只为铭志告苍天;只要三寸气还在,我兄妹三人哪,不实现遗愿誓不甘,不实现遗愿我们誓不 甘!我们告苍天啊,告大地,各位仁人贤士啊,请听我言:景德镇胸襟开阔海纳四方人,让我们一起共创瓷都更繁荣, 让我们共创瓷都啊,更繁荣!激昂的二胡声、有力的竹板声、喷发的演唱声,在同一时刻戛然而止!大厅内外一片寂静, 所有的人鸦雀无声,完全沉寂其中少顷,那位在当地特别德高望重的,作为证人的老先生首先激动地站起来,眼含热泪 大声叫好并拼命鼓掌!沉醉的众人终于被惊醒了,雷鸣一般的掌声和欢呼声经久不息耿正兄妹三人一起走上前台,并排 向全场深深鞠躬更响亮的掌声和欢呼声一浪刚落,一浪又起阔佬及其狐朋狗友们的嚣张气焰彻底熄灭了!良久,掌声和 欢呼声终于渐渐平息了。酒店老板眼含热泪走上演唱台,对耿正兄妹三人深深鞠躬,激动得有点儿语无伦次:“谢,谢 了,多,多谢,谢谢你们啊!你们挽救了酒店,也给我上了一课。我代表酒店里所有的伙计们谢谢你们,谢谢你们啦!” 说完了,再次连连鞠躬。耿正兄妹三人赶快还礼。耿正说:“也谢谢您,谢谢那位老先生,谢谢在场的各位!我们都上 了一课,我们都上了一课啊!”再看看那个适才还蛮横无比的阔佬,此时已经是霜打的茄子了。他明知,即使自己再强 词夺理,狐朋狗友们再以势压人,也已经不可能扭转眼下的局面了,只好站起来装模作样地对演唱台上的酒店老板拱拱 手,嗓子干巴地说一声:“老板,得罪了!”看到全场人对自己的这一举动并无一点儿反应,他又对耿正兄妹三人拱拱 手,说:“后生可畏,后生可畏啊!我吴某和弟兄们得罪了,也见教了!区区九十两纹银的小费,请三位笑纳!”等一 等,看全场人依然没有反应,他又转身向一直端坐在一旁的老者拱拱手,说:“三日之内,我定将‘景德镇第一酒店’ 的烫金牌匾亲自带人挂在酒店的门楼上!”此时,讥笑声和口哨声东一串西
僧 海 豹
Discussion :
More and more animals are killed by humans , as a student what should you do to protect the wild animals? Discuss the question in groups.
I am Dodo. Where has my friends gone ?
Байду номын сангаас
1.Which is the best for describing the main idea of the story?___ B A. The story is about how foolish the dodo was. B. The story is about why the dodo disappeared. C. This story is about how the dodo and man made friends. D. he story is about how the other birds and the monkeys tried to save the dodo. 2.The dodo is___. C C. friendly A. fierce B. unkind D. foolish
Listen to the tape and answer the questions
1. When did the dinosaurs live? 2. Why did the dinosaurs die out?
1.When did the dinosaurs live?