奥巴马在2016白宫记者协会晚宴的演讲英文全文|附段子解析"奥巴马最后以致敬篮球运动员科比的方式扔掉麦克风,并说'Obama,out', 大步流星的走下舞台,令人唏嘘。
"美国时间上周六晚间,美国总统奥巴马在他最后一次的白宫记者协会的晚宴上,又一次段子手上身,不但狂黑各大媒体,对Hillary、Trump,Ted Cruz等正激烈竞争总统宝座的候选人们也毫不留情。
CARAOL: Mr.President. The podium is yours.THE PRESIDENT: You can’t say it, but you know it’s tr-ue.开场音乐是Anna Kendrick的“When I’m Gone”,这句话是在玩这个梗,因为奥巴马即将卸任(be gone)。
Good evening, everybody. It is an honor to be here at my last —and perhaps the last —White House Correspondents’ Dinner.You all look great. The end of the Republic has never looked better.I do apologize — I know I was a little late tonight. I was running on C.P.T. —which stands for “jokes that white people should not make.” It’s a tip for you, Jeff.1, C.P.T是指Colored People's Time,吐槽黑人被说迟到。
2,反击纽约市长Bill de Blasio此前关于C.P.T的玩笑。
Bill de Blasio之前在另一个场合迟到,于是开了一个玩笑I am running on CP Time.结果全场陷入尴尬。
- 210-校园英语 / 语言文化幽默的修辞作用——以2015年奥巴马白宫记者招待会晚宴演讲为例华北理工大学外国语学院外国语言学及应用语言学/赵雪 王晓玲【摘要】通过对奥巴马2015年白宫记者招待会晚宴演讲的分析,探讨幽默在修辞中的作用,研究奥巴马如何利用双关、讽刺、反语等修辞手段以一种轻松愉悦的幽默气氛达到演讲的政治目的。
【关键词】修辞 演讲 幽默引言幽默是一门艺术。
我 们 看 到 记 者 在 提 问 时 闻发 言人 如 何 回应 的 关 注度 。 援 引 发 言 人 的 原 话 容 易 缩 短 没 有 大量 地 针 对 墨 西 哥 疫 情 显 然 这 个 问题 受 到 了奥 巴 马 提 问者 和 回答 者 之 问 的 沟 通 的背景 陈 述 , 是 直 接 切入 何 的 高度 重 视 , 首先 表 明 自己 距 离 , 时通 过 从 对 方 的 原话 而 他 同
多个 问题 环 环 相 扣
问的 机 会 。 问到 : 我 的 问题 去 繁 就 简 ,没 有 连 篇 的 寒 暄 他 “ 白宫 总 统 记 者 招 待 会 一 是 关 于美 国的对 外 政 策 。 的 语 和 冗 长 的 背 景 交 代 ,形 成 您 般 时 长 1 小 时 。 去 总 统 开 美伊 战略 是什 么 ? 将 什 么 时 了开 门见 山 、直 奔主题 的提 个 除 您 篇 的 简 短 发 言 ,通 常 只 有 1 候 开 始实 施该 战略 ? 朗选 举 问方 式 。 2 伊
们 和 发 言人 斗 志 斗 勇 、互 相 这 1 名 记 者 当 中,有 5 记 者 忆 和 回答 。 0 名 博 弈 的 最 佳 平 台 。笔 者 拟 结 的提 问包 含 了 3 小 问题 ,名 个 2 开 门见 山 直 奔 主 题 合 奥 巴 马执 政 以来 召 开 的 若 记 者 的提 问 由4 以上 的小 问 个
干场总统记者 招待会 实例对 题 组 成 。 白 宫 记 者 在 获 得 提 问 机 白宫 记 者 的提 问 技 巧 进 行 梳 我 们 试 看 一 例 :0 9 2 会 后 ,通 常 向新 闻 发 言 人 简 20 年 理 , 以期 对 我 国 刚 刚 起 步 的 月 9 日,在 奥 巴马 召 开 的任 职 单 致 谢 表 示 必 要 的 尊 重 后 就 新 闻发 言 人 制度 有 所 帮 助 。 后 首 次记 者 招 待会 上 , 透 社 直 接 提 问 。他 们 往 往 省 略 一 路 记 者 C rn o a 获 得 了 提 些 礼 节 性 和 修 饰 性 的 语 言 , ae B h n
例如:(1)At this point, my legacy is finally beginning to take shape.(在这一点上,我的遗产终于初见成效)。
我们试看一例:2009年2月9日,在奥巴马召开的任职后首次记者招待会上,路透社记者Caren Bohan 获得了提问的机会。
白宫记者晚宴段子手奥巴马的告别秀白宫记者晚宴,“段子手”奥巴马的告别秀Obama Needles Clinton and G.O.P. Field at Correspondents‟ Dinner白宫记者晚宴,“段子手”奥巴马的告别秀WASHINGTON —President Obama poked fun at Hillary Clinton‟s lack of appeal among young people Saturday night, joking at the annual White House press corps dinner that Mrs. Clinton was like an aging relative who cannot figure out how to use Facebook.华盛顿——周六晚,在每年一次的白宫记者晚宴上,奥巴马总统拿希拉里·克林顿(Hillary Clinton)对年轻人缺乏吸引力开玩笑,说克林顿夫人像是一个不知道怎么用Facebook的长辈亲戚。
“Did you get my poke? Is it on my wall?” he said, imagining Mrs. Clinton trying to use the popular social media site. “I‟m not sure I‟m using this right. Love, Aunt Hillary.”奥巴马想象希拉里试图使用这个流行社交媒体网站时这样问人,“你收到我的戳一下(poke)了吗?它在我的墙上吗?我不知道我用的对不对。
”Mr. Obama also needled Mrs. Clinton for paid speeches she gave for Goldman Sachs. He noted that if his comedy routine, during his final appearance at the White House Correspondents‟ Association dinner, was successful, he could earn “serious Tubmans” — a nod to Harriet Tubman, the American abolitionist whose image will be printed on future $20 bills.奥巴马还拿希拉里挣给高盛演讲的钱开心。
奥巴马如何改变美国2009-01-13 17:04分类:默认分类字号:大中小我们如何从演讲中去认识奥巴马?他的上台是否能够挽救美国经济?他的经济政策对中国有着什么样的影响? 在奥巴马的执政纲要中他强调的是改变,而他发表的《更完美的联邦》演讲和林肯的就职宣言是一样的伟大!奥巴马是一个什么样的人?奥巴马是一个非常深奥的一个人,我们把他看的太简单了,我举个例子, 他从竟选的第一天到他当选总统值得欢呼的那一天,我没有看他笑过,我也没有看他哭过,也就是他的喜怒不形于色,随时随地都是非常稳定的个性,当他受到别人攻击的时候,包括别人攻击他的牧师,他的反映简直让我感到震惊,像他这种冷酷的性格,如果他选不上总统话,他做基金经理最适合.尤其在中国做基金经理最适合.而且这个人很幽默,上次他去美国南达科他州,有四个总统雕像在那里,记者问他:你想不想当第五个雕像呀?他想了半天说:不行,我的耳朵太大,可能挂不住.另外他曾经遭到一个最大的挫败.那就是他的一个黑人牧师,像疯子一样的说“911事件是上帝对于美国的诅咒!”这个牧师与奥巴马的关系非常好,他的两个女儿信基督教的时候也是这个牧师替他洗礼的.但是这个牧师非常痛恨美国白人的牧师,天天在骂,说非洲的爱滋病是美国人带进去的. 911事件是上帝对于美国的诅咒!等等之类的话, 等到奥巴马出来竞选总统的时候,就被对方给突然宣布出来,奥巴马是如何来处理这个问题的?按照我们一般人的做法,就会说“我错了, 对不起.....!我本来就讨厌那个牧师…..!切断关系,划清界线!”。
奥巴马2014白宫记者协会晚宴演讲稿中英文全文2014年5月3日,美国总统奥巴马在华盛顿希尔顿酒店出席一年一度的白宫记者协会晚宴(White House Correspondents Dinner, WHCD),这是奥巴马第六次出席白宫记者协会晚宴。
Remarks by the President at White House Correspondents' Dinner10:21 P.M. EDTTHE PRESIDENT: Thank you so much,e very body. Have a seat, have a seat. Before I get started, can we get the new presidential setup out here?(Aides bring out two ferns.)It was worked before. (Laughter and applause.) That’s more like it.It is great to be back. What a year, huh? I usually start these dinners with a fewself-deprecating jokes. After my stellar 2013, what could I possibly talk about? (Laughter.)I admit it -- last year was rough.Sheesh.(Laughter.) At one point things got so bad, the 47 percent called Mitt Romney to apologize. (Laughter.)Of course, we rolled out . That could have gone better. (Laughter.) In 2008 my slogan was, “Yes We Can.” In 2013 my slogan was, “Control-Alt-Delete.” (Laughter.) On the plus side, they did turn the launch of into one of the year’s biggest movies. (Laughter.)But rather than d well on the past, I would like to pivot to this dinner. Let’s welcome our headliner this evening, Joel McHale. (Applause.) On “Community,” Joel plays a preening,self-obsessed narcissist. So this dinner must be a real change of pace for you. (Laughter.)I want to thank the White House Correspondents Association for hosting us here tonight. I am happy to be here, even though I am a little jet-lagged from my trip to Malaysia. The lengths we have to go to get CNN coveragethese days. (Laughter and applause.) I think they’re still searching for their table. (Laughter and applause.)MSNBC is here. They’re a little overwhelmed. (Laughter.) They’ve never seen an audience this big before. (Laughter.)But, look, e very body is trying to keep up with this incredibly fast-changing media landscape. For example, I got a lot of grief on cable news for promoting Obamacare to young people on Between Two Ferns. But that’s what young people like to watch. And to be fair, I am not the first person on television between two potted plants. (Laughter and applause.)Sometimes I do feel disrespected by yourepo rters. But that’s okay. Seattle Seahawk cornerback Richard Sherman is here tonight. (Applause.) And he gave me some great tips on how to handle it. J ake Tapper, don’t you ever talk about me like that! (Laughter.) I’m the best President in the game! (Laughter.)What do you think, Richard? Was that good? A little more feeling next time?While we’re talking sports, just last month, a wonderful story -- an American won the Boston Marathon for first time in 30 years. (Applause.)Which was inspiring and only fair, since a Kenyan has been president for the last six.(Laughter and applause.)Had to even things out.(Laughter.)We have some other athletes here tonight, including Olympic snowboarding gold medalist Jamie Anderson is here. We’re proud of her. (Applause.)Incredibly talented young lady. Michelle and I watched the Olympics -- we cannot believe what these folks do --death-defying feats -- haven’t seen somebody pull a “180” that fast since Rand Paul disinvited that Nevada rancher from t his dinner. (Laughter.) As a general rule, things don’t like end well if the sentence starts, “Let me tell you something I know about the negro.” (Laughter.) You don’t really need to hear the rest of it. (Laughter andapplause.) Just a tip for you -- don’t start your sentence that way. (Laughter.)Speaking of Rand Paul -- (laughter) -- Colorado legalized marijuana t his year, an interesting social experiment. I do hope it doesn’t lead to a whole lot of paranoid people who think that the federal government is out to get them and listening to their ph one calls. (Laughter.) That would be a problem. (Laughter.)And speaking of conservative heroes, the Koch brothers bought a table here tonight. But as usual, they used a shadowy right-wing organization as a front. Hello, Fox News. (Laughter and applause.)I’m just kidding. Let’s face it, Fox, you’ll miss me when I’m gone. (Laughter.) It will be harder to convince the American people that Hillary was born in Kenya. (Laughter and applause.)A lot of us really are concerned about the way big m one y is influencing our politics. I rememberwhen a Super PAC was just me buying Marlboro 100s instead of regulars. (Laughter.)Of course, now that it’s 2014, Washington is obsessed on the midterms. Folks are saying that with my sagging poll numbers, my fellow Democrats don’t really want me campaigning with them. And I don’t think that’s true -- although I did notice the other day that Sasha needed a speaker at career day, and she invited Bill Clinton. (Laughter.) I was a little hurt by that. (Laughter.)Both sides are doing whatever it takes to win the ruthless game. Republicans -- this is a true story -- Republicans actually brought in a group of consultants to teach their candidates how to speak to women. T his is true. And I don’t know if it will work with women, but I understand that America’s teenage boys are signing up to run for the Senate in droves. (Laughter.)Anyway, while you guys focus on the horserace, I’m going to do what I do -- I’m going to be focused on e very day Americans. Just yesterday,I read a heartbreaking letter -- you know I get letters from folks from around the country; every day I get 10 that I read -- t his one got to me. A Virginia man who’s been stuck in the samepart-time job for years; no respect from his boss; no chance to get ahead. I really wish Eric Cantor would stop writing me. (Laughter.) You can just pick up the phone, Eric. (Laughter.)And I’m feeling sorry -- believe it or not -- for the Speaker of the House, as well. These days, the House Republicans actually give John Boehner a harder time than they give me, which means orange really is the new black. (Laughter and applause.)But I have not given up the idea of working with Congress. In fact, two weeks ago, Senator Ted Cruz and I, we got a bill d one together. And I have to say, the signing ceremony was something special. We’ve got a pictur e of it I think. (Laughter.)Look, I know, Washington seems more dysfunctional than ever. Gridlock has gotten sobad in t his town you have to wonder: What did we do to piss off Chris Christie so bad? (Laughter and applause.)One issue, for example, we haven’t been able to agree on is unemployment insurance. Republicans continue to refuse to extend it. And you know what, I am beginning to think they’ve got a point. If you want to get paid while not working, you should have to run for Congress just like e very body else. (Laughter and applause.)Of course, there is one thing that keeps Republicans busy. They have tried more than 50 times to repeal Obamacare. Despite that, 8 million people signed up for health care in the first open enrollment. (Applause.) Whichdoes lead one to ask, how well does Obamacare have to work befo re you don’t want to repeal it? What if e very body’s cholesterol drops to 120? (Laughter.) What if your yearly checkup came with tickets to a Clippers game? (Laughter.) Not the old, Donald Sterling Clippers-- the new Oprah Clippers. Would that be good enough? (Laughter.) What if they gave Mitch McConnell a pulse? (Laughter.) What is it going to take? (Laughter.)Anyway, this year, I’ve promised to use mo re executive actions to get things d one without Congress. My critics call t his the “imperial presidency.” The truth is, I just show upe very day in my office and do my job. I’ve got a picture of this I think. (Laughter and applause.) You would think they’d appreciate a more assertive approach, considering that the new conservative darling is none other than Vladimir Putin. (Laughter.) Last year, Pat Buchanan said Putin is “headed straight for the Nobel Peace Prize.” He said t his. Now I know it sounds crazy but to be fair, they give those to just about anybody these days. (Laughter.) So it could happen.But it’s not just Pat -- Rudy Giuliani said Putin is “what you call a lead er.” Mike Huckabee and Sean Hannity keep talking about his bare chest,which is kind of weird. (Laughter.) Look it up -- they talk about it a lot. (Laughter.)It is strange to think that I have just two and a half years left in t his office. E very where I look, there are reminders that I only hold this job temporarily. (Laughter.)But it’s a long time between now and 2016, and anything can happen. You may have heard the other day, Hillary had to dodge a flying shoe at a press conference. (Laughter and applause.) I love that picture. (Laughter.)Regardless of what happens, I’ve runmy last campaign and I’m beginning to think about my legacy. Some of you know -- Mayor Rahm Emanuel recently announced he is naming a high school in Chicago after me, which is extremely humbling. I was even more flattered to hear Rick Perry, who is here tonigh, is doing the same thing in Texas. Take a look. (Laughter.) Thank you, Rick. It means a lot to me. (Laughter and applause.)And I intend to enjoy all the free time that I will have. George W. Bush took up painting after he left office, which inspired me to take up my own artistic side. (Laughter.) I’m sure we’ve got a shot of t his. (Laughter.)Maybe not. The joke doesn’t work without the slide. (Laughter.)Oh well. Assume that it was funny. (Laughter.) Does this happen to you, Joel? It does? Okay.On a more serious note, tonight reminds us that we really are lucky to live in a country where reporters get to give a head of state a hard time on a daily basis -- and then, once a year, give him or her the chance, at least, to try to return the favor.But we also know that not every journalist, or photographer, or crewmember is so fortunate, because even as we celebrate the free press tonight, our thoughts are with those in places around the globe like Ukraine, and Afghanistan, and Syria, and Egypt, who risk everything -- in some cases, even give their lives -- to report the news.And what tonight also reminds us is that the fight for full and fair access goes beyond the chance to ask a question. As Steve menti one d, decades ago, an African American who wanted to cover his or her President might be barred from journalism school, burdened by Jim Crow, and, once in Washington, banned from press conferences. But after years of effort, black editors and publishers began meeting with FDR’s press secretary, Steve Early. And then they met with the President himself, who declared that a black reporter would get a credential. And even when Harry McAlpin made his tory as the first African American to attend a presidential news conference, he wasn’t always welcomed by the other reporters. But he was welcomed by the President, whoto ld him, I’m glad to see you, McAlpin, andI’m very happy to have you here.Now, that sentiment might have worn off once Harry asked him a question or two -- (laughter) -- and Harry’s battles continued. But hemade his tory. And we’re s proud of Sherman and his family for being here tonight, and the White House Correspondents Association for creating a scholarship in Harry’s name. (Applause.)For over 100 years, even as the White House Correspondents Association has told the story of America’s progress, you’ve lived it, too -- gradually allowing equal access to women, and minorities, and gays, and Americans with disabilities. And, yes, radio, and television, and Internet reporters, as well. And through it all, you’ve helped make sure that even as societies change, our fundamental commitment to the interaction between those who govern and those who ask questions doesn’t change. And as Jay will attest, it’s a legacy you carry on enthusiastically e very single day.And because this is the 100th anniversary of the Correspondents’ Association, I actually recorded an additional brief video thanking all of you for your hard work. Can we run the video?(Video fails to play.)THE PRESIDENT: What’s going on? (Laughter.)I was told this would work. Does anybody know how to fix this? (Laughter.)(Secretary Sebelius enters from backstage.) THE PRESIDENT: Oh, thank you. (Laughter and applause.) You got it?SECRETARY SEBELIUS: I got t his -- I see it all the time. There, that should work.(Video plays.)THE PRESIDENT: Thank you very much, everybody. God bless you. And God bless America, and thank you, Kathleen Sebelius. (Applause.)我要感谢白宫记者协会举办今晚的活动。
国外政要在会上的“小动作”作者:王寅佳来源:《决策与信息》 2013年第7期“普京玩笔”,这是眼下许多人津津乐道的一个“段子”。
我们通过通过《平价医疗法案》(Affordable Care Act)实现了全民医疗保健的目标,使数百万美国人获得了医疗保险。
2012年11月中旬,美国政府帮助反对派成立了新的政治组织——叙利亚全国反对派和革命力量联盟(the National Coalition of Syrian Revolutionary and Opposition Forces)。
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口译现场口译资料英语采访美剧天下欧美影视英语视频口译现场(视频+文本)————经典口译视频资料伦敦20国峰会英国首相布朗记者招待会(视频+文本)伦敦20国峰会奥巴马记者招待会(视频+文本)口译现场:09两会-杨洁篪答中外记者全程交传视频口译现场:2月21日希拉里与杨洁篪(视频+文本)口译现场:十一届人大二次会议就扩内需促就业保增长举行记者会090310口译现场:李肇星十一届全国人大二次会议首场新闻发布会同传现场:商务部人保部发布会(一个半小时)口译现场:李毅中在人大两会中发言(只有记者提问时才有口译,其他部分无口译)同传现场:2009温家宝政府工作报告(英文同传版+中文温家宝版+中英文档)口译现场:09.3.13温家宝答记者问(全程口译视频)(视频+中英对照)口译资料:温家宝在剑桥大学的演讲(视频1小时13分钟)2009世界经济论坛年会开幕式(世界经济论坛主席施瓦布致辞+瑞士联邦主席默茨致辞+俄罗斯总理普京演讲)(视频+中英文本)口译资料:温家宝在世界经济论坛2009年年会上的讲话视频口译资料:奥巴马总统就职典礼前林肯纪念堂(Lincoln Memorial)演讲视频口译资料:世界经济论坛2009年会--会前记者招待会奥巴马就职典礼庆祝音乐会(2小时)(视频22分钟+中英文本)口译资料:奥巴马就职演说(视频演讲--附9个视频+幻灯片)口译资料:Subtle Art of Doing Business with the Chinese同传现场:(视频+文本)胡锦涛在第七届亚欧首脑会议上的讲话同传现场:(视频+文本)第七届亚欧首脑会议记者招待会胡锦涛主席在日本早稻田大学的演讲2007博鳌论坛2005年世界经济论坛年会黄菊汉英同传国务院新闻办——中国就业政策和状况国务院新闻办——国家安全生产监督管理局副局长报告李肇星就国际形势和我国外交工作答中外记者问口译:9月2日布什参与古斯塔夫飓风会商并谈及能源问题奥巴马在阵亡将士纪念日的演讲(中英对照+视频)布什总统在耶鲁大学毕业典礼上的演讲八国峰会胡锦涛主席与布什总统会晤现场翻译(附音频)妮可基德曼“口译”面试NBC版本的2008北京奥运会开幕式下载,口译资料:看看白宫里面什么样(54分钟视频)(英文字幕)视频口译资料:奥巴马经济顾问委员会主任Christina Romer谈论一份关于就业机会的报告口译资料:国际货币基金组织懂事总经理2008年12月15日西班牙讲话(视频+译文)口译资料:奥巴马首次发表网络视频讲话经典名人演讲(含视频)比尔盖茨在上海交大的演讲比尔盖茨CES2008演讲比尔盖茨斯坦福大学的演讲Tom Brokaw在斯坦福大学06毕业典礼上的演讲Dana Gioia 在斯坦福大学07毕业典礼上的演讲Oprah Winfrey在斯坦福大学08毕业典礼上的演讲布什总统在耶鲁大学毕业典礼上的演讲布莱尔在清华大学的演讲沃伦·巴菲特:巴菲特在佛罗里达大学的演讲北大教授朱苏力在美国大学的演讲克林顿演讲时全场像明星演唱会一样美国优秀教师莱福•艾斯奎斯演讲理查安利十周年庆典晚会上演讲克林顿在清华就艾滋病等问题发表演讲(实录)布什介绍椭圆形办公室林毅夫《剑桥马歇尔讲座》马云在英国演讲视频(英文)比尔盖茨北大演讲比尔·盖茨博鳌亚洲论坛发表演讲比尔盖茨在清华大学的演讲J·K·罗琳在哈佛大学08年毕业典礼上的演讲第十一届21世纪全国英语演讲比赛前十名选手的精彩视频(视频+中英文本)口译资料:布什2009告别演说(视频演讲)口译资料:Speech by a school girl in UN conference on environment(视频+文本)2008美国总统大选汇总帖(总统辩论及分析+民主党大会各演讲+共和党大会各演讲)总统辩论及分析:《2008年美国总统第一场辩论》在线观看+文本《2008年美国总统第一场辩论》分析《2008年美国总统第二场辩论》在线观看+文本《2008年美国总统第二场辩论》分析《2008年美国总统第三场辩论》在线观看+文本《2008年美国总统第三场辩论》分析 The Grand Finale《2008年美国副总统辩论》在线观看+文本《2008年美国副总统辩论》分析民主党大会各演讲:《奥巴马8月28日在民主党大会接受总统候选人提名演说》在线观看+文本《Joseph R. Biden民主党大会接受副总统候选人提名演讲》在线观看+文本《比尔·克林顿8月27日在民主党大会上声援奥巴马演说》在线观看+文本《希拉里8月26日在民主党大会上声援奥巴马演说》在线观看+文本《2008美国大选民主党大会上Michelle Obama演讲》在线观看+文本《2008美国大选民主党大会上Edward Kennedy演讲》在线观看+文本《2008美国大选民主党大会上Al Gore演讲》在线观看+文本共和党大会各演讲:《麦凯恩共和党大会接受总统候选人提名演说》在线观看+文本《佩林9月3号在共和党大会接受副总统候选人提名演说》在线观看+文本《2008美国大选共和党大会上Rudy Giuliani 演讲》在线观看+文本《2008美国大选共和党大会上Joe Lieberman 演讲》在线观看+文本《2008美国大选共和党大会上布什演讲》在线观看+文本颁奖典礼《第81届奥斯卡颁奖典礼》完整版 175分钟第81届奥斯卡颁奖典礼红地毯2009年全英音乐奖颁奖典礼全场完整呈现2009第51届格莱美颁奖典礼149分钟完整版(中文字幕)35届人民选择奖颁奖典礼(35th People's Choice Awards)欧美影视:第66届美国金球奖颁奖典礼(CCTV-6,中文字幕)口译文本资料————演讲文稿(中英对照)口译资料:中国政府白皮书《中国的减灾行动》(中英对照)口译资料:杨洁篪在外交部五四青年节开放日上的致辞(中英对照)口译资料:大学生公众代表在外交部“五四”青年节大学生专场公众开放日上的发言(中英对照)口译资料:中欧应扩大合作共同反对贸易保护主义(王岐山撰文)(中英对照)口译资料:曾培炎在博鳌亚洲论坛2009年年会午餐会上的讲话(中英对照)口译资料:郑新立在博鳌亚洲论坛年会上的发言(中英对照)口译资料:刘结一部长助理在联合国亚太经社会第65届会议一般性辩论中的发言(中英对照)(原稿+译稿)温家宝在2009博鳌亚洲论坛开幕式上的演讲口译资料:精诚携手共克时艰——驻悉尼总领事胡山谈中国与新州合作关系(原稿+译文)口译资料:上海合作组织阿富汗问题特别会议中方讲话(中英对照)胡锦涛在G20国金融峰会上的讲话(中英对照)口译资料:4月1日《中法新闻公报》全文(中英对照)口译资料:上海合作组织成员国和阿富汗伊斯兰共和国关于打击恐怖主义、毒品走私和有组织犯罪的声明(中英对照)口译资料:2009年2月27日中国商务部长陈德铭在中英经贸合作研讨会致辞(中英对照)口译资料:09.3.12杨洁篪在美国战略与国际问题研究中心演讲(中英对照)口译资料:杨洁篪部长第十八届世界公共关系大会上做主旨发言(中英对照)口译资料:戴秉国在美国布鲁金斯学会发表纪念中美建交30周年演讲(中英对照)口译资料:何亚非副部长在安理会索马里海盗问题部长级会议上的发言(中英对照)口译资料:2008诺贝尔奖颁奖典礼开幕辞口译资料:英国首相布朗、法国总统萨科齐和欧盟委员会主席巴罗佐8日在伦敦的新闻发布会口译资料:第五次中美战略经济对话成果情况说明口译资料:加拿大总理电视演-讲抨击反对党结盟口译资料:奥巴马感恩节发表讲话鼓励国人挺过难关口译资料:胡锦涛在APEC第16次领导人非正式会议上的讲话(中英对照)口译资料:欧盟主席巴罗佐国家行政学院讲话口译资料:胡锦涛在APEC工商领导人峰会上的演讲(中英对照)口译资料:适应时代的需要,发挥建设性作用--前中国央行行长戴相龙二十国集团成立十周年感想(中英对照)口译资料:美国《新闻周刊》独家专访温家宝:我们应携手合作(中英对照)口译资料:刘振民大使在联大审议联合国建设和平委员会报告及秘书长关于建设和平基金报告时的发言(中英对照)温家宝出席美国友好团体欢迎午宴就中美关系发表演讲(中英对照)温家宝在联合国千年发展目标高级别会议上的讲话(中英对照)温家宝在2008年世界经济论坛(夏季达沃斯论坛)上的讲话(中英对照)王光亚大使在联合国发起支持中国汶川地震灾区早期恢复呼吁会议上的讲话(中英对照)杨洁篪外长在联合国非洲发展高级别会议上的讲话(中英对照)温家宝在第63届联大一般性辩论上的发言(中英对照)2008年刘淇在北京奥运会闭幕式上的致辞(中英对照)2008年残奥委会主席克雷文在北京残奥会开幕式的致辞(中英对照)2008年刘淇在北京残奥会开幕式上的致辞(中英对照)2008年胡锦涛在欢迎出席残奥会贵宾宴会上的祝酒词(中英对照)2008年残奥委会主席克雷文在北京残奥会闭幕式的致辞(中英对照)口译:2008年罗格在国际奥委会第120次全会开幕式上的讲话(中英对照)口译:2008年胡锦涛在北京奥运会欢迎宴会上的祝酒词(中英对照)口译:奥巴马在阵亡将士纪念日的演讲(中英对照)口译:胡锦涛博鳌亚洲论坛2008年年会开幕式上演讲【中英对照】罗格在奥运开幕式+闭幕式发言(中英对照)其他资料资料下载:美国19家银行测试报告概述(PDF,38页)英国政府发布的《流感信息宣传手册》(中英Pdf版本)口译资料:崇泉部长助理在中欧知识产权高层论坛上的演讲(中英对照)口译资料:博鳌亚洲论坛简介(全文)National Human Rights Action Plan of China (2009-2010)口译资料:全国人民代表大会常务委员会工作报告(中英对照)(中英对照)经典口译资料:中美能源与气候变化合作路线图(PDF报告58页英文+54页中文+新闻发布会信息)口译资料:比尔与美琳达·盖茨基金会(Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation)2009年度报告(附视频)口译资料:英方首次公开发表对华战略文件《英中合作框架》--(The UK and China: A framework for engagement )口译资料:中日韩领导人会议发表《中日韩合作行动计划》(中英对照)口译资料:中日韩《三国伙伴关系联合声明》(中英对照)口译资料:中美战略经济对话介绍-China-U.S. Strategic Economic Dialogue 口译资料:20国集团通过应对当前金融危机的《华盛顿声明》口译资料:20国集团介绍口译资料:20国集团财政部长与央行行长会议公报口译资料:中越联合声明口译资料:G20领导人金融市场和世界经济峰会——专题整理口译资料:二十国集团金融市场和世界经济峰会的宣言(音频+文本)口译资料:11月14日布什在G20金融市场和世界经济峰会前宴会上的讲话(音频+文本)口译资料:11月15日布什在G20金融市场和世界经济峰会结束记者招待会上的讲话口译资料:20国集团财政部长与央行行长会议公报口译资料:胡锦涛在二十国集团领导人金融市场和世界经济峰会上的讲话口译资料:适应时代的需要,发挥建设性作用--前中国央行行长戴相龙二十国集团成立十周年感想口译资料:20国集团通过应对当前金融危机的《华盛顿声明》口译资料:20国集团介绍口译资料:第七届亚欧首脑会议汇总贴(胡锦涛温家宝演讲+开幕式+记者招待会+三份文件)同传现场:同传现场:(视频+文本)胡锦涛在第七届亚欧首脑会议上的讲话同传现场:第七届亚欧首脑会议开幕式同传现场:(视频+文本)第七届亚欧首脑会议记者招待会口译资料:温家宝在第七届亚欧首脑会议上的讲话(中英对照)口译资料:口译资料:第七届亚欧首脑会议关于国际金融形势的声明(中英对照)口译资料:第七届亚欧首脑会议主席声明(中文+英文)口译资料:第七届亚欧首脑会议-可持续发展北京宣言(中文+英文)中高口二阶段练习素材系列中高口二阶段练习素材:金融危机与亚洲中高口二阶段练习素材:危机中的中英合作中高口二阶段练习素材:庆祝和展望中高口二阶段练习素材:知识产权中高口二阶段练习素材:回顾2008成就中高口二阶段练习素材:加强中美经济关系的四点建议奥巴马+希拉里——近期演讲系列(视频+文本)奥巴马:奥巴马演讲:应对甲型H1N1流感(视频下载+文本)希拉里阐述奥巴马政府外交政策(视频+文本)奥巴马访弱势群体学校发表演讲(视频+文本)奥巴马+副总统演讲:美国复苏与再投资法案奥巴马复活节演讲(视频下载+文本)奥巴马访问土耳其兜售新战略(视频+文本)奥巴马就美国汽车业形势发表讲话(音频+文本)奥巴马阿富汗巴基斯坦新战略(音频+文本)3月24日奥巴马新闻发布会(音频+文本)奥巴马:美国伊朗能有新开始(视频+文本)奥巴马演讲:小企业救助计划(视频+文本)希拉里:希拉里International Roma Day演讲(视频+文本)希拉里美洲开发银行会议演讲(视频+文本)希拉里阐述奥巴马政府外交政策(视频+文本)希拉里演讲:领跑世界能源环境合作(视频+文本)。
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Full transcript of President Obama’s White House Correspondents’ Association dinner toastGood evening, everybody.Welcome to the White House Correspondents’ dinner. A night when Washington celebrates itself. Somebody’s got to do it. And welcome to the fourth quarter of my presidency. It’s true —that’s Michelle cheering.The fact is I feel more loose and relaxed than ever. Those Joe Biden shoulder massages —they’re like magic. You should try one. Oh, you have.I am determined to make the most of every moment I have left. After the midterm elections, my advisors asked me “Mr. President, do you have a bucket list?” And I said, “Well, I have something that rhymes with bucket list.”Take executive action on immigration. Bucket.New climate regulations. Bucket. It’s the right thing to do.My new attitude is paying off. Look at my Cuba policy. The Castro brothers are here tonight. Welcome to America, amigos. Que pasa? What? It’s the Castros from Texas. Oh. Hi, Joaquin. Hi, Julian.Anyway, being president is never easy. I still have to fix a broken immigration system, issue veto threats, negotiate with Iran. All while finding time to pray five times a day. Which is strenuous.And it is no wonder that that people keep pointing out how the presidency has aged me.I look s o old John Boehner’s already invited Benjamin Netanyahu to speak at my funeral.Meanwhile, Michelle hasn’t aged a day. I ask her what her secret is and she just says “fresh fruits and vegetables.” It’s aggravating.Fact is though, at this point my legacy is finally beginning to take shape. The economy is getting better. Nine in ten Americans now have health coverage. Today thanks to Obamacare you no longer have to worry about losing your insurance if you lose your job. You’re welcome, Senate democrats.Look, it is true I have not managed to make everybody happy. Six years into my presidency some people still say I’m arrogant, aloof, condescending. Some people are so dumb. No wonder I don’t meet with them. And that’s not all people say about me. A few weeks ago, Dick Cheney says he thinks I’m the worst presid ent of his lifetime. Which is interesting because I think Dick Cheney is the worst president of my lifetime. Quite a coincidence. I mean everybody’s got something to say these days.Mike Huckabee recently said people shouldn’t join our military until a tru e conservative is elected president. Think about that. It was so outrageous 47 Ayatollahs wrote us a letter trying to explain to Huckabee how our system works.It gets worse. Just this week, Michele Bachmann actually predicted that I would bring about the biblical end of days. Now, that’s a legacy. That’s big. I mean, Lincoln, Washington, they didn’t do that.You know, I just have to put this stuff aside. I have to stay focused on my job. Because for many Americans this is still a time of deep uncertainty. For example, I have one friend just a few weeks ago, she was making millions of dollars a year and she’s now living out of a van in Iowa.Meanwhile, back here in our nation’s capital we’re always dealing with new challenges.I’m happy to report that the S ecret Service — thanks to some excellent reporting by white house correspondents — they are focusing on some of the issues that have come up. And, they have finally figured out a fool proof way to keep people off my lawn. [image of John McCain] It works. I t’s not just fence jumpers. Some of you know, a few months ago, a drone crashed landed out back. That was pretty serious, but don’t worry, we installed a new state-of-the-art security system. [image of Joe Biden] You know, letme set the record straight. I tease Joe Biden, but you know he has been in my side for seven years. I love that man. [applause] He’s not just a great Vice President, he is a great friend. We’ve gotten so close in some places in Indiana, they won’t serve us pizza anymore. [laughter] [applause]I want to thank our host for the evening, a Chicago girl, the incredibly talented Cecily Strong. [applause] On Saturday Night Live, Cecily impersonates CNN anchor Brooke Baldwin, which is surprising, because usually the only people impersonating journalists on CNN are journalists on CNN. [laughter]ABC is here with some of the stars from their big new comedy “Black-ish.” It’s a great show, but I have to give ABC fair warning, being black-ish only makes you popular for so long. Trust me. There is a shelf life to that thing.As always, the reporters here had a lot to cover over the last year here on the East Coast. One big story was the brutal winner. The polar vortex caused so many record lows, they renamed it MSNBC.But, of course, let’s face it, there is one is sue on every reporters minds, and that is 2016. Already, we’ve seen some missteps.It turns out Jeb Bush identified himself as Hispanic back in 2009, which, you know what, I —look, I understand. It’s an innocent mistake. It reminds me of when I identified myself as American back in 1961. [laughter] [applause]Ted Cruz said that denying the existence of climate change made him like Galileo. Now that’s not really an apt comparison. Galileo believed the Earth revolves around the sun. Ted Cruz believes the Earth revolves around Ted Cruz.And just as an aside, I want to point out, when a guy who has his face on a Hope poster calls you self-centered, you know you’ve got a problem. The narcissism index is creeping up a little too high.Meanwhile, Rick Santorum announced that he would not attend the same-sex wedding of a friend or loved one, to which gays and lesbians across the country responded, that’s not going to be a problem. Don’t sweat that one. [laughter]And Donald Trump is here. Still. [laughter]Anyway, i t’s amazing how time flies. Soon, the first presidential contest will take place, and I for one cannot wait to see who the Koch brothers pick. It’s exciting. Marco Rubio, Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, Jeb Bush, Scott Walker, who will finally get that redrose? [laughter]The winner gets a billion dollar war chest. The runner-up gets to be the bachelor on the next season of “The Bachelor.”I mean seriously, a billion dollars from just two guys. Is it just me, or does that feel a little excessive? I mean, it’s almost insulting to the candidates. The Koch brothers think they think to spend a billion dollars to get folks to like one of these people. It’s got to hurt their feelings a little bit. And, look, I know I’ve raised a lot of money too, but in all fairness, my mid dle name is Hussein. What’s their excuse? [laughter] [applause]The trail hasn’t been easy for my fellow Democrats either. As we all know Hillary’s private e-mails got her in trouble. Frankly, I thought it was going to be her private Instagram account that was going to cause her bigger problems. [Shows photos of Hillary Clinton]Hillary kicked things off by going completely unrecognized at a Chipotle. Not to be outdone, Martin O’Malley went completely unrecognized as a Martin O’Malley campaign event. And Be rnie Sanders might run. I like Bernie. Bernie’s an interesting guy. Apparently, some folks want to see a pot-smoking socialist in the White House. We could get a third Obama term after all. It could happen.Anyway, as always, I want to close on a more serious note. You know, I often joke about tensions between me and the press, but honestly, what they say doesn’t bother me. I understand we’ve got an adversarial system. I’m a mellow sort of guy. And that’s why I invited Luther, my anger translator, to join me here tonight.[Applause: Keegan-Michael Key joins on stage.]LUTHER: Hold on to your lily white butts!OBAMA: In our fast-changing world, traditions like the White House Correspondents’ dinner are important.LUTHER: I mean, really! What is this dinner? And why am I required to come to it? Jeb Bush, do you really want to do this!OBAMA: Because despite our differences, we count on the press to shed light on the most important issues of the day.LUTHER: And we can count on Fox News to terrify old white people with some nonsense! (inaudible) That was ridiculous.OBAMA: We won’t always see eye to eye.LUTHER: And, CNN, thank you so much for the wall-to-wall Ebola coverage. For two whole weeks, we were one step away from “The Walking Dead.” Then y’all got up an d just moved on to the next day. That was awesome. Oh, and by the way, if you haven’t noticed, you don’t have Ebola!OBAMA: But I still deeply appreciate the work that you do.LUTHER: Y’all remember when I had that big old hole in the bottom of the gulf of Mexico, and then I plugged it? Remember that? Which Obama’s Katrina was that one? Was that 19 or was it 20, because I can’t remember.OBAMA: Protecting our democracy is more important than ever. For example, the Supreme Court ruled that the donor who gave Ted Cruz $6 million was just exercising free speech.LUTHER: Yes, it’s the kind of speech like this, I just wasted $6 million.OBAMA: And it’s not just Republicans. Hillary will have to raise huge sums of money too.LUTHER: Aw yeah, she’s going to get that money! She’s going to get all the money! Khaleesi is coming to Westeros! Watch out! Woo!OBAMA: The non-stop focus on billionaire donors creates real problems for our democracy.LUTHER: And that’s why we’re running for our third term!OBAMA: No, we’re no t.LUTHER: We’re not?OBAMA: No.LUTHER: Who the hell said that!OBAMA: But we need to focus on big challenges like climate changes.LUTHER: Hey, folks, if you haven’t noticed, California is bone dry. It looks like a trailer for the new “Mad Max” movie up in there. Y’all think that Bradley Cooper came here because he wants to talk to Chuck Todd? He needed a glass of water! Come on.OBAMA: The science is clear, the science is clear. Nine out of the 10 hottest years ever came in the last decade.LUTHER: Now I’m not a scientist, but I do know how to count to ten.OBAMA: Rising seas, more violent storms…LUTHER: You got mosquitoes, sweaty people on the trains stinking it up. It’s just nasty!OBAMA: I mean, look at what’s happening right now. Every serious scient ist says we need to act. The Pentagon says it’s a national security risk. Miami floods on a sunny day and instead of doing anything about it, we’ve got elected officials throwing snowballs in the Senate.LUTHER: Okay, I think they got it, bro.OBAMA: It is crazy! What about our kids? What kind of stupid, short-sided irresponsible bull —LUTHER: Whoa, whoa whoa, whoa!OBAMA: What?LUTHER: Hey!OBAMA: What!LUTHER: All due respect, sir, you don’t need anger translator. You need counseling.LUTHER: And I’m out of here, man. I ain’t trying to get into all this.OBAMA: Go.LUTHER: [to Michelle Obama] He crazy.OBAMA: Luther, my anger translator, ladies and gentlemen.[Applause]Now that I got that off my chest — you know, investigative journalism, explanatory journalism, journalism that exposes corruption and justice gives voice to the different and the marginalized, the voiceless —that’s power. It’s a privilege. It’s as important to America’s trajectory, to our values, our ideals, than anything that we could do in elected office.We remember journalists we lost over the past year. Journalists like Steven Sotloff and James Foley, murdered for nothing more than trying to shine a light into some of the world’s darkest corners.We remember the journalists unjustly imprisoned around the world, including our own Jason Rezaian. For nine months, Jason has been imprisoned in Tehran for nothing more than writing about the hopes and the fears of the Iranian people, carrying their stories to the readers of “The Washington Post,” in an effort to bridge our common humanity. As was already mentioned, Jason’s brother Ali is here tonight and I have told him personally, we will not rest until we bring him home to his family safe and sound.[Applause]These journalists and so many others view their work as more than just a profession, but as a public good, an indispensable pillar of our society, so I want to give a toast to them. I raise a glass to them and all of you, with the words of the American foreign correspondent Dorothy Thompson.It is not the fact of liberty but the way in which liberty is exercised that ultimately determines whether liberty itself survives.Thank you for your devotion to exercising our liberty and to telling our American story. God bless you. God bless the United States of America.。
经济刺激计划 。为了使计 划在议会顺 利
通 过 , 巴 马 向 10 万 支 持 者 群 发 邮 件 : 奥 30 “ 爱 的朋 友 , 希 望 在 未 来 数 周 内将 经 亲 我 济 刺 激 方 案 写 进 法 律 , 我 需 要 你 们 的 但
以及 德 国总理默 克尔 、 周总统 萨科奇 法 等 , 自都有 引人 注 目的“ 各 网事 ” 国外 。 政要 触 网 , 是利 用 网络 了解 民意 。作 一
为一 国之领 导人 , 民意 是 有 效 执 政 的 基
天盖地 的涉 及住房 、 劳资 、 生 、 卫 社保 等
棘 手 的 问 题 。二 是操 守 上 的监 督 。 越 南
础 。网络提供 了通达而节 俭的 民意新渠
道 。 奥 巴 马 每 天 回复 邮 件 , 接 与 民众 直 联系, 目的 是 “ 人 民 知 道 他 在 想 什 么 , 让 以 及 让 他 知 道 人 民 在 想 什 么 ” 普 京 开 。 设 了个 人 网 站 , 民 可 以 发 送 电 子 邮 件 网 得 到 相 关 的 回答 。 越 南 总 理 阮 晋 勇 自 己
总理 与网 民议 政 , 网民提 出的最 受关 注 的问题是越南 当局对腐败案件 的查 处进
程 。 有 的 网 民 直 截 了 当 质 问 : 总 理 先 “ 生 , 什 么 查 处 腐 败 案 件 的 进 展 非 常 缓 为 慢 ? 这 使 人 们 对 政 府 打 击 腐 败 的决 心 和 能 力 产 生 了 怀 疑 。您 有 什 么 新 办 法 吗 ? ”
为就 政治传 统来 说 , 这些 现象 无非是 信
息 的 进 一 步 公 开 , 论 监 督 的进 一 步 延 舆 展, 只能 接 受 。
以下是讲话全文:President Obama’s Closing Remarks at the Nuclear Security Summit He thanks leaders, says world will be more secure after historicgatheringWashington Convention Center, Washington, D.C.April 13, 2010美国总统奥巴马发表核峰会闭幕词华盛顿会议中心华盛顿哥伦比亚特区2010年4月13日THE PRESIDENT: Good afternoon, everybody. We have just concluded an enormously productive day.总统:大家好。
I said this morning that today would be an opportunity for our nations, both individually and collectively, to make concrete commitments and take tangible steps to secure nuclear materials so they never fall into the hands of terrorists who would surely use them.我在上午说过,今天我们各国面临一个机会,可以分别和共同作出具体承诺和采取明确措施,确保核材料的安全,防止核材料落入那些无疑会利用它们的恐怖主义分子手中。
This evening, I can report that we have seized this opportunity, and because of the steps we’ve taken -- as individual nations and as an international community -- the American people will be safer and the world will be more secure.今晚,我可以这么说,我们成功地把握了这一机遇,作为具体的国家和国际社会,我们已经采取了措施,美国人民将因此更安全,世界将更稳定。
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1.Your Excellency President Obama,
and dear friends from the news media,
ladies and gentlemen:
I’m very happy to meet our friends from the press and media. To begin with, I w ould like to extend on behalf of the Chinese government and people a warm welcome to President Obama on his state visit. Welcome to China.
Against this new backdrop, China and United States share extensive common interests and broad prospect for cooperation on a series of major issue important to mankind’s peace and stability and development.
During the talks, I underlined to President Obama that given our differences in national conditions, it is only normal that our two sides may disagree on some issues. What is important is to respect and accommodate each other’s core interests and major concerns.
The two sides reaffirmed the fundamental principle of respecting each other’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. Neither side supports any attempts by any force to undermine this principle. We will continue to act in the spirit of equality, mutual respect, and a noninterference in each other’s internal affairs, and engage in dialogue and exchanges on such issues as human rights and religion in order to enhance understanding, reduce differences, and broaden common ground.
The China-U.S. relationship is very important. To preserve and promote the growth of this relationship is a shared responsibility for both China and the United States. The Chinese side is willing to work with the U.S. side to ensure the sustained, sound, and steady growth of this relationship to the greater benefits of peoples of our two countries and people throughout the world.
Good afternoon. I want to start by thanking President Hu and the Chinese people for the warmth and hospitality that they have shown myself and our delegation since we arrived.
We meet here at a time when the relationship between the United States and China has never been more important to our collective future.
That’s why the United States welcomes China’s efforts in playing a greater role on the world stage -- a role in which a growing economy is joined by growing responsibilities. And that’s why President Hu and I talked about continuing to build a positive, cooperative, and comprehensive relationship between our nations.
Our relationship going forward will not be without disagreement or difficulty.。