The Relevance Vector Machine





针对这一问题,本文选取为适应度函数,提出了利用粒子群算法(Particle Swarm Optimization,PSO)进行寻优的方法确定核参数,建立起一种基于PSO-RVM的曲面拟合模型。



由于相关向量机( Relevance Vector Machine, RVM) 作为总体贝叶斯框架下的概率模型, 具有模型结构稀疏、核函数不需满足Mercer 条件及计算的复杂度相对较低等优势,本文提出了一种以高斯径向基函数作为核函数的PSO-RVM曲面拟合模型。


[1] M.E.Tipping, The Relevance Vector Machine, [J], 2000.
[2] 田建忠,王威,谢梅芳,基于粒子群算法的支持向量机训练和实现方法[J]。


[3] 崔庆安,等一种基于支持向量机的非参数双相应曲面法[J]。

天津大学学报,2006, 39( 8):1008~1014.。



2021年4月第28卷第4期控制工程Control Engineering of ChinaApr.2021Vol.28,No.4文章编号:1671-7848(2021)04-0665-07DOI: 10.14107/ki.kzgc.20190644基于R PM D E-M K S V M的锂离子电池剩余使用寿命预测简献忠l a,韦进l b,王如志2(1.上海理工大学a.光电信息与计算机工程学院;b.机械工程学院,上海200090;2.北京工业大学材料科学与工程学院,北京100020)摘要:为了提高锂离子电池剩余使用寿命预测的精度,提出了一种基于随机参数机制差分进化(random parameter machine differential evolution,R P M D E)算法与多核支持向量机(multi-kernel support vector machine,M K S V M)的锂离子电池剩余使用寿命预测模型。


然后,通过R P M D E算法优化M K S V M的惩罚因子和核参数来提高预測模型的精度。

最后,利用美国国家航空航天局的锂离子电池測试数据验证R P M D E-M K S V M模型的准确性。

实验结果表明,相比于差分进化算法模型和粒子群优化算法模型,R P M D E-M K S V M模型不仅具有更快的收敛速度,而且具有更优的预測精度。

关键词:锂离子电池;剩余使用寿命预测;R P M D E算法;多核支持向量机中图分类号:T M912 文献标示码:ARemaining Useful Life Prediction of Lithium-ion Battery Based onRPMDE-MKSVMJ I A N X i a n-z h o n g x\ W E I J i n l b,W A N G R u-zhi2(1.a.School of Optical-electrical and Computer Engineering;b.School of Mechanical Engineering,University of Shanghai forScience and Technology,Shanghai200090, China;2.School of Materials Science and Engineering,Beijing University ofTechnology,Beijing 100020, China)Abstract:In order to improve the prediction accuracy of remaining useful life(R U L)of lithium-ion battery,a R U L prediction model of lithium-ion battery based on ran d o m parameter machine differential evolution (R P M D E)algorithm and multi-kernel support vector machine(M K S V M)is proposed in this paper.Firstly,the differential mutation strategy and rand o m search operator are introduced into the differential evolution (D E) algorithm to enhance the diversity of the algorithm population and improve the global search ability.T h e n, R P M D E algorithm is used to optimize the penalty factors and kernel parameters of M K S V M to improve the accuracy of the prediction m o d e l.Finally,the battery test data of National Aeronautics and Space Administration(N A S A)are used to verify the accuracy of R P M D E-M K S V M m o d e l.T h e experimental results s h o w that R P M D E-M K S V M model not only has faster convergence speed,but also has better prediction accuracy compared with D E algorithm model and particle s w a r m optimization algorithm m o d e l.K e y w o r d s:Lithium-ion battery;remaining useful life prediction;R P M D E algorithm;multi-kernel support vector machineOi引言随着新能源发电技术的发展,国内外已有很多 学者和工程技术人员开展了新能源发电管理系统方 面的研究。



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4 Classification Example: IRIS data 25
4.1 Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
5 Support Vector Regression 29
5.1 Linear Regression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
5.1.1 −Insensitive Loss Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
7 Conclusions 43
A Implementation Issues 45
A.1 Support Vector Classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
A.2 Support Vector Regression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
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基于ELMC的蛋白质折叠识别方法唐立力【摘要】传统的机器学习方法在处理蛋白质折叠类型识别问题时需要花费大量的时间来调节最佳参数,利用一种新的极限学习机(Extreme Learning Machine,ELM)分类优化方法(Extreme Learning Machine for Classification,ELMC)对蛋白质折叠进行识别,仅需调节很少的参数值就可达到很好的测试精度。

与支持向量机(Support Vector Machine,SVM)和推荐相关向量机(Relevance Vector Machine,RVM)相比,ELMC能获得更好的泛化性能,而且在寻找最优解的训练时间比较上,ELMC比SVM平均要快35倍,比RVM要快12倍。

%With traditional machine learning methods, one may spends a lot of time adjusting the optimal parameters in tackling the problem of protein fold recognition. A new optimization method of ELM for classification is used to recognize the protein fold, one can only adjusts few parameters to achieve good enough testing accuracy. Compared to SVM and RVM, better general-ization performance can be obtained by ELMC, in the comparison of training time in finding the optimal solution, ELMC is 35 times faster than SVM averagely and is 12 times faster than RVM averagely.【期刊名称】《计算机工程与应用》【年(卷),期】2013(000)010【总页数】4页(P114-117)【关键词】蛋白质折叠识别;ELM分类优化方法;多类分类【作者】唐立力【作者单位】重庆工商大学融智学院,重庆 400033【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TP315蛋白质的三维空间结构是由它的氨基酸序列决定,而氨基酸序列如何决定空间结构是生物学研究的重要问题之一。



相关向量机相关向量机(Relevance Vector Machine, RVM)是一种基于贝叶斯理论的非参数模型。



一、基本思想 RVM的基本思想是利用贝叶斯框架建立一个线性回归模型,同时为每个权值引入一个像是“自适应稀疏先验”的异常高斯分布。


RVM最大化后验概率(Posterior Probability)来选择重要特征和样本,其数学表达式为:其中w是权值,β是噪声的逆方差,X是m×N的数据矩阵,y是标签向量。


二、 RVM和SVM的比较1. 参数选择在SVM中,我们需要手动选择核函数和相应的参数,以及软、硬间隔等参数。


2. 稀疏性 SVM中的支持向量是决策边界的决定元素,而RVM已经集成了特征选择。


3. 模型求解在SVM中,优化是由二次规划问题(QP)确定的。



这个求解可以通过EM(Expectation Maximization)算法来实现,在计算上更加高效。

4. 鲁棒性 SVM是一种比较鲁棒的模型,其优化过程并不容易陷入局部最优解。




RVM 等 数 据 驱 动 方 法 建 立 预 测 模 型[3,4]。 鉴 于 GPR 参 数 的 难 以 确 定 和 RVM 长 期 预 测 差 的 缺 陷[5,6],本文将具有趋势预测能力强的 DGM 和 RVM 融合,通过 DGM 的动态更新提高 RVM 的长期预测 精度,实现电动汽车电池的 RUL 预测,并通过电池 的 SOH 指导电动汽车电池的运行维护。
1 寿命预测机理
本设计的寿命预测机理采用 DGM 和 RVM 结
合的方法,该方法分为三个阶段: 第一阶段,根据初
始样本数据,定义 DGM( 1,1) 预测模型:
x( 1) ( k + 1) = β1 x( 1) ( k) + β2
( 1)
Байду номын сангаас
以 DGM 的预测值为输入、初始样本数据为输
出,获得 RVM 回归预测模型; 第二阶段,以 DGM( 1,
中图分类号: TM912. 1
文献标识码: A
DOI: 10. 13774 / j.cnki.kjtb.2018. 10. 021
文章编号: 1001-7119( 2018) 10-0121-04
Research on Battery Life Prediction of Electric Vehicle Based on DGM and RVM
1) 的短期预测值为 RVM 回归预测模型的输入,获
根据预测结果动态更新样本数据; 第三阶段,通过灰
关性对 RVM 动态更新,从而提高 RVM 长期预测的
精度。DGM 和 RVM 融合的电动汽车电池寿命预测



2021年4月第2期第46卷昆明理工大学学报(自然科学版)JournalofKunmingUniversityofScienceandTechnology(NaturalSciences)Apr.2021No 2Vol 46doi:10.16112/j.cnki.53-1223/n.2021.02.451基于最小二乘滤波-肖维勒准则的光伏异常功率数据清洗及预测应用王 勃1,李振元2,孙 勇2,王凯旋3,裴 岩1(1.新能源与储能运行控制国家重点实验室,中国电力科学研究院,北京100192;2.国网吉林省电力有限公司,吉林长春130021;3.现代电力系统仿真控制与绿色电能新技术教育部重点实验室,东北电力大学,吉林吉林132012)摘要:光伏功率数据受天气情况影响难免存在异常使得多步预测难以达到理想的准确率.为克服这些缺陷,利用最小二乘滤波能准确识别数据时间序列突变的优点,建立了基于最小二乘滤波-肖维勒准则的光伏功率异常数据识别模型.将修正后的吉林省两座光伏电站功率数据应用于傅里叶分解-秩次集对分析模型进行超短期预测,仿真结果表明,与肖维勒准则相比,最小二乘滤波-肖维勒准则模型具有识别准确率高、适用性良好等优点,且修正后的数据运用于超短期预测也具有较高的预测精度.关键词:光伏异常功率识别;超短期预测;最小二乘滤波;肖维勒准则;秩次集对分析中图分类号:TM615 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1007-855X(2021)02-0059-13收稿日期:2020-08-31基金项目:国家电网有限公司科技项目(522300190009)作者简介:王勃(1983-),男,硕士研究生.主要研究方向:数值天气预报、风能和太阳能预测.E-mail:2645952175@qq.comApplicationofPhotovoltaicAbnormalPowerDataCleaningBasedonLeastSquaresFilter-chauvenetCriterionWANGBo1,LIZhenyuan2,SUNYong2,WANGKaixuan3,PEIYan1(1.StateKeyLaboratoryofOperationandControlofRenewableEnergy&StorageSystems,ChinaElectricPowerResearchInstitute,Beijing100192,China;2.StateGridJilinElectricPowerCompanyLimited,Changchun130021,China;3.KeyLaboratoryofModernPowerSystemSimulationandControl&RenewableEnergyTechnology,MinistryofEducation,NortheastElectricPowerUniversity,Jilin,Jilin132012,China)Abstract:Duetotheinfluenceofweatherconditions,thephotovoltaic(PV)powerdatainevitablyhasanoma lies,whichmakesthemulti-steppredictiondifficulttoachievetheidealaccuracy.Toovercomethesedefects,andabnormaldataidentificationmodelofphotovoltaicpowerbasedontheleastsquarefilterandChauvenetCrite riawasestablishedbytakingadvantageoftheleastsquarefilteringtoaccuratelyidentifytheabruptchangesintimeseriesofdata.TherevisedpowerdataoftwophotovoltaicpowerplantsinJilinProvincewasappliedtoFou rierdecompositionandranksetpairanalysismodelstomakeultra-short-termprediction.Thecriterionmodelhastheadvantagesofhighrecognitionaccuracyandgoodapplicability,andtheapplicationofthereviseddatatoultra-short-termpredictionalsohashighpredictionaccuracy.Keywords:abnormalPVpowerrecognition;ultra-short-termprediction;leastsquaresfiltering;ChauvenetCriterion;ranksetpairanalysis昆明理工大学学报(自然科学版) 第46卷0引言大力发展可再生能源是解决全球变暖的重要方案之一,而且光伏系统产生的太阳能是最快、最环保的可再生能源类型之一.2017年中国光伏发电累计装机容量达到77.42GW,自2018年以来,国内光伏发电装机容量达到130.25GW,同比增长高达62.7%[1].相较于风功率预测,光伏功率预测的难度更大,主要表现在:(1)大气状态波动和太阳运动不规律导致的辐照度波动复杂;(2)云团的运动生消导致地表辐照度的突变等.低精度的预测会造成电力系统与实时用电的不平衡,若调度部门无法根据预测结果调整发电计划和优化旋转备用,电力系统就无法达到安全性约束下的最佳经济效益[2].在新能源领域,有一些关于风力发电异常数据识别的研究[3-5],但很少有关于光伏发电异常数据识别的研究.在现有研究中,文献[6]利用滑动标准差法实现对光伏异常数据的识别,判断依据是滑动标准差曲线上翘,识别准确率较高;文献[7]建立四分位模型来识别并剔除异常数据值,然而采用此方法受异常数据分布的影响较大,会造成大量数据识别错误的情况;文献[8]提出了一种基于Copula理论的光伏数据异常识别的方法,仿真结果表明相比于常规3σ识别模型适应性更佳,但计算过程较复杂.根据已有对光伏功率预测方法的研究,大致可分为基于数值天气预报(NumericalWeatherPrediction,NWP)及实际气象因素等进行预测的间接法和基于历史功率数据进行外推的直接法.基于NWP的光伏功率预测是目前主要采用的方法,但一般应用在预测时间尺度大于4h的短期预测中.由于获取精确的NWP数据较为困难,因此在光伏功率超短期预测中直接法的应用更广泛.例如,时间序列预测法[9]、回归模型预测法[10-11]、神经网络法[12-15]和统计模型法[16]等.在文献[17]中,负荷预测模型采用风速、风向作为输入,采用K-means聚类算法和集对分析方法建立超短期风电负荷预测模型,结果表明,该方法提高了预测精度,是一种实用有效的方法.在文献[18]中,提出了一种基于集对分析理论的相似预测模型来预测用水量,将山东省1997—2009年的用水量历史数据用作集对分析的输入,该省2010—2014年的用水量用作输出,取得了良好的预测效果.在文献[19]中,采用秩次集对分析法对SLF方法进行优化,建立RSPA-SLF空间负荷预测模型,结果表明,优化后的模型具有较高的精度.在文献[20]中,对超短期风电功率进行预测,采用EMD分解对集对分析法进行优化,结果表明,改进后的预测精度得到明显提高.这些研究为解决光伏电站功率预测提供了理论基础.光伏电站利用各种传感器对数据进行采样时,由于天气变化、传感器故障等原因会造成所收集的数据异常,因此文中在进行超短期预测前,采用最小二乘滤波-肖维勒准则对所使用的功率数据进行异常识别与修正.另外,在超短期预测中,大部分方法在预测第一步时均表现良好,而当进行外推时,预测准确度往往无法满足要求.首先,本文基于修正后的数据,应用傅里叶分解将光伏功率分解成相对平稳的周期分量和波动剧烈的剩余分量;然后,采用秩次变换将剩余分量按照其变化规律转换为秩次集合,并通过对比不同集合间的相关性系数判别最为相似的集合,将其后续值作为光伏功率的预测值,用滚动的方式实现多步预测;最后,将其与周期分量结合得到最终结果.文中算例采用吉林省内两座不同的光伏电站验证预测模型的适用性,仿真结果表明,在多步预测中,文中所提出预测方法的准确度和误差优于一般方法,其结果表现出较高的有效性和较好的适用性.1数据清洗1.1异常数据识别由于实时天气复杂多变,尤其光伏功率数据易受云层波动等影响,造成功率增减幅度较大的现象.将采集到的时间数据以数值形式作为输入,通过比较前后数值的差值可以判断冗余数据和缺失数据,若数值差值为0,则判断其为冗余数据;若时间差值大于采样间隔,则判断其存在缺失数据.对于突变数据,其形成原因包括传输异常、测量异常、状态异常、限电异常等特殊情况.针对这些情况,文中拟采用最小二乘滤波法和肖维勒准则对突变数据进行识别.06第2期 王 勃,李振元,孙 勇,等:基于最小二乘滤波- 肖维勒准则的光伏异常功率数据清洗及预测应用1.2最小二乘滤波文中通过使用最小二乘滤波对原始功率数据进行平滑处理,其滤波误差能够精确地描述功率突变的情形,其原理是根据最小二乘规则来拟合一个含有事先假定的n次谐波分量、随机分量的函数和原始信号[21].拟合函数如公式(1)所示:f(t)=X0exp-tT()0+∑Nn=1(XRnsin(nkt)+XIncos(nkt))(1)式中:N为一个周期内的功率数据点数;k为拟合后得到的曲线波动频率;t为采样周期;X0为随机分量的初值,呈指数规律衰减;T0为时间常数;XRn为n次谐波信号的实部;XIn为n次谐波信号的虚部;XRn=Xncosθn,XIn=Xnsinθn,Xn为原始信号的幅值,θn为原始信号的初始相角.以吉林省光伏电站A共10d的待处理数据为例,对白天功率点设置随机异常点个数为70,数值设为0,滤波后如图1所示.图1 光伏异常功率数据滤波前后对比图Fig.1 Comparisonofphotovoltaicabnormalpowerdatabeforeandafterfiltering1.3肖维勒准则肖维勒准则指的是在n次实验中,统计待处理数据点误差值出现的可能性为0的点的个数,并计算其概率值.对于正态分布而言,其概率计算式为:1-12槡π∫δn-δnexp-x2()2dx=12n(2)式中,δn表示肖维勒系数,可由实验次数n以及标准正态分布函数表得到.当δn<Vdσ时,则去除数据xi,否则保留,其中数据xi为第i个功率数值,Vd、σ分别为样本的残差及标准差.在应用此准则识别判断突变数据时,首先,需计算待处理数据的均值和标准差;然后,基于突变值与平均值的差值结合正态分布函数表进一步得到肖维勒系数δn,从而推算待处理数据点为突变值的概率;最后,得到此概率值与待处理数据点个数的乘积,其结果若低于0.5,则去除突变值.1.4RVM模型相关向量机(relevancevectormachine,RVM)是在贝叶斯框架下使用自相关理论删除冗余向量的稀疏16昆明理工大学学报(自然科学版) 第46卷概率模型.假定给定的样本训练集{xi,ti}Ni=1,其中N是样本数,t是标量输出,具有如下表达式:ti=∑Ni=1ωiK(x,xi)+ω0+ε(3)式中:ε表示每个独立样本的误差,其服从标准正态分布;权重向量ω=(ω0,ω1,…,ωN)T,ω0是权重的初始值;K(x,xi)表示核函数(此处使用径向基核函数);x、xi表示相关向量.1.5数据清洗流程基于上述理论分析,提出了一种光伏功率异常数据识别和补齐的框架,具体步骤如图2所示.1)首先,根据时间的数值格式计算差值判断冗余数据与缺失数据;2)采用最小二乘滤波法对光伏功率数据进行滤波,得到滤波误差并采用肖维勒准则识别突变数据;3)最后,对缺失数据以及突变数据采用RVM补齐,获得输出后的修正功率数据及误差评价指标.图2 异常数据识别及其补齐算法流程图Fig.2 Flowchartofabnormaldatarecognitionanditscomplementalgorithm1.6评价指标文中采用错误识别率λ、正确识别率μ、总识别率ξ三种评价指标来衡量异常数据的识别结果.错误识别率λ为异常值识别错误的点个数占总识别点个数的比例,正确识别率μ为异常值识别正确的点的个数占实际异常数据点数的比例,总识别率ξ为总识别点个数占总数据点数的比例,对应公式如下所示:ξ=mallM×100%(4)μ=mjudm×100%(5)λ=mfaum×100%(6)式中:mall为识别出的数据异常点个数,M为总数据点数,m为实际异常数据点数,mjud为异常数据识别正确的数据个数,mfau为异常数据识别错误的数据个数.为衡量功率异常数据的补齐效果,选择平均绝对误差(MAE)进行效果评估,计算公式为:MAE=1m∑mi=1Pr,i-Pc,j(7)式中:Pr,i为位置i处的实际功率,Pc,i为位置i处的补齐后的功率.26第2期 王 勃,李振元,孙 勇,等:基于最小二乘滤波-肖维勒准则的光伏异常功率数据清洗及预测应用2集对分析2.1集对分析的基本原理集对分析是由中国学者赵克勤于1989年提出的一种数学方法,主要用于研究系统确定性与不确定性的相互作用,其主要的数学工具是联系数.迄今为止,集对分析已经被广泛应用到各行各业.集对分析是从“同”“异”“反”三个角度来比较不同事物之间的相关程度,其关键是建立不同事物之间的关联度,通过对比关联度的大小,来确定不同事物之间的潜在联系.集对是由具有一定关联的两个集合所组成的对子.对集对中的两个集合A、B作关联分析时,需具体分析两个集合之间的各种关系,然后计算关联度.集对分析的关联度表达式为:μ(A,B)=SN+FNi+PNj(8)式中:μ为A、B集合的关联度;S为集对中秩次相同的元素个数;P为集对中秩次相距较大的元素个数;F为集对中秩次相距较小的元素个数;N为特性的总数即集合中元素个数m,N=S+F+P;i为差异度系数,i∈[-1,1];j为对立度系数,取值一般为-1.建立了关联度,就建立了事物彼此间的关系.2.2秩次集对分析基于集对分析法建立秩次集对分析,其中秩次表示对应元素在集合中的数值大小的序值.例如,集合B:B={5,8,3,6,12,9},则相应的秩次集合B′:B′={2,4,1,3,6,5}.因此,在使用秩次集对分析方法时,首先将时间序列数据转化为集合的形式;其次对转化后的集合使用秩次变换,并与待预测集合构成秩次集对;最后对秩次集对进行相关性分析,得到各个集对的关联度.其目的是找到历史数据中与待预测值之前的m个数值最相似的序列,即寻找最相似的历史时刻,用其后续值作为功率的预测值.光伏功率序列即时间序列,它将历史数据与待预测数据联系在一起,其秩次集合也反映了光伏功率时间序列的变化趋势.因此,可以采用秩次集对分析方法对光伏功率时间序列进行分析.3一种基于频域分解的光伏功率预测频域(frequencydomain,FD)是一种描述信号的频率特性时所采用的坐标系.信号的强度随时间变化而变化,即时域特性[22];信号是由哪些频率的信号叠加得到的,即频域特性[23].频域能够展示出所有包含的正弦曲线的相移的信息,通过重新组合频率分量就能恢复原始时间信号.傅里叶理论表明,任意连续的信号,均可以由无数个频率不同的单一正弦波信号的叠加来表示.3.1对时域信号进行频域分解光伏功率具有明显的日周期性的性质,对指定光伏功率时间序列Xt可做有限的傅里叶分解[24]:Xt=a0+∑N/2i=1[aicos(2πit/N)+bisin(2πit/N)]+aN/2cos(πt)=a0+∑N/2i=1Ricos(ωit+Φi)(9)式中,各余弦项是互相正交的.采用此方法将功率分解为角频率分别是2π/N,4π/N,…,π的分量.依据其功率周期性[25]的特点,并且按幅值Ri和角频率ωi的大小通过适当的组合可将功率时间序列Xt分解为两种不同形式的分量.文中给出了光伏电站A共7d的输出功率时间序列,经傅里叶分解后得到的两种分量如图3所示.可以看出,图3(b)是96个时间间隔为一个周期,即以1d为变化周期的日周期分量,而图3(c)是7d中除去周期分量的随机波动分量,即剩余分量.由于周期分量的波动是规律的,因此在预测过程中我们只需对剩余分量进行预测,再与相应时刻的周期分量进行叠加,即可得到超短期预测功率.3.2预测原理1)应用傅里叶分解法将历史光伏出力序列分解为周期分量与剩余分量;建立剩余分量的出力序列36昆明理工大学学报(自然科学版) 第46卷(a)光伏实际输出功率(b)光伏功率周期分量(c)光伏功率剩余分量图3 光伏功率傅里叶分解Fig.3 Fourierdecompositionofphotovoltaicpowerx1,x2,…,xn,且xi与m个邻近的历史出力xi-1,xi-2,…,xi-m相关;2)集合Bi={xi,xi+1,…,xi+m-1}(i=1,2,…,n-m),保留Bi的后续值xi+m,另外取集合Bn+1={xn-m+1,xn-m+2,…,xn-1,xn},建立其与集合Bi的秩次集对;3)通过秩次集对分析的最大关联度原则获取与集合Bn+1最相似的集合Bk;4)将集合Bk的后续数值用作xn+1的预测值,即剩余分量的预测值,将剩余分量的预测值与原周期分量叠加,从而得到光伏功率多步预测结果.综合傅里叶理论和秩次集对分析法,建立基于频域分解-秩次集对分析的光伏功率多步预测模型的46第2期 王 勃,李振元,孙 勇,等:基于最小二乘滤波- 肖维勒准则的光伏异常功率数据清洗及预测应用原理框图,如图4所示.图4 多步预测算法流程图Fig.4 Multi-steppredictionalgorithmflowchart4仿真实验4.1数据来源与评价指标文中选取中国吉林省某光伏电站A2017年4月1日至5月16日输出的总功率数据作为算例,装机容量为40MW,采样间隔为15min.由于秩次集对分析法的优点是寻找的历史时间序列越长,预测结果的准确率越高,因此在进行超短期预测时,选取时间跨度为31d的前24d的数据用于功率分量分解和秩次集对分析训练模型,对后7d的数据进行预测.选取日均准确率、日均合格率和全天均方根误差作为模型精度的衡量标准,各个指标的表达式分别为:1)日均准确率r1:r1i=1-116∑16t=1PtMi-PtPi()槡[]Cap(10)r1=196∑96i=1r1i(11)式中:r1i为第i次超短期预测的准确率,PtMi为超短期预测中第i次第t个时刻的光伏功率实际值,PtPi为超短期预测中第i次第t个时刻的光伏功率预测值,Cap为光伏电站整场开机容量.2)日平均预测合格率r2:r2i=116∑16i=1Bti×100%(12)1-PtMi-PtPi()Cap×100%≥85%,Bti=1(13)1-PtMi-PtPi()Cap×100%<85%,Bti=0(14)r2=196∑96i=1r2i(15)式中,r2i为第i次超短期预测的合格率.3)全天预测结果均方根误差r3:r3=196×16∑96i=1∑16i=1PtMi-PtPi()槡Cap(16)4.2算法与结果分析首先,以吉林省光伏电站A共10d的待处理数据为例,采用肖维勒准则、滑动标准差、最小二乘滤波-肖维勒准则对异常功率点进行识别,如表1和图5所示,并使用线性插值、三次样条插值、RVM对缺失点进行补齐,结果如图6和表2所示.56昆明理工大学学报(自然科学版) 第46卷图5 光伏功率异常数据识别结果Fig.5 Recognitionresultsofabnormalphotovoltaicpowerdata表1 光伏电站A异常功率数据识别结果评价表Tab.1 EvaluationtableofabnormalpowerdataidentificationresultsofPVpowerstationA%光伏电站A错误识别率正确识别率总识别率最小二乘滤波-肖维勒准则2.94194.1187.083滑动标准差5.49689.5729.013肖维勒准则4.37185.1686.052表2 光伏电站A异常功率数据补齐结果评价表Tab.2 EvaluationtableofabnormalpowerdatacompletionresultsofPVpowerstationA %光伏电站AMAERVM3.09线性插值13.10三次样条插值13.35图6 RVM补齐光伏功率数据效果图Fig.6 RVMcomplementstheeffectdiagramofphotovoltaicpowerdata 由图5、表1可知,文中提出的方法识别准确率高,这是因为滑动标准差法在识别的过程中,当从功率全为0MW的时段逐渐增加时,此时标准差陡增会导致发生误识别的情况;而肖维勒准则未经过滤波,对66第2期 王 勃,李振元,孙 勇,等:基于最小二乘滤波-肖维勒准则的光伏异常功率数据清洗及预测应用因云层变化造成的正常功率波动易产生误识别的情况.从图6、表2的缺失点补齐可以看出,当缺失点不连续时,线性补齐的效果最佳;而发生连续缺失的情况时,线性插值、三次样条插值得出的结果精度迅速下降,而在这两种情况,RVM补齐相对保持平稳.总体来看,数据补齐选择RVM效果更好.然后,将前24d共2304个点的时间序列进行傅里叶分解,得到周期分量序列与剩余分量序列.接着,对剩余分量序列的秩次集对进行预测.选取建立集合时元素的个数为6,即m=6.将2304个点构造成2298个集合B1,B2,…,B2298和待预测集合B2299,分别对前2298个集合和B2299做秩次变换,得到秩次集合B1′、B2′、…、B2298′和B2299′,然后将B2299′分别与经过秩次变换的2298个集合构成秩次集对,计算彼此的关联度.在计算关联度前,首先要确定同一度和差异度,即i和j的取值.由于i表示两个集合的差异程度,取i=0.5,即不能确定两个集合是否相似;j表示对立程度,故取j=-1.计算构成集对的两个集合对应元素的绝对误差,记为d,如果d=0,则对应元素秩次相同;如果0<d≤m-2则判定对应元素秩次相异;如果d>m-2则判定对应元素秩次相反.统计所有集对中d所产生的S、N、F的个数,得到秩次集对之间的关联度.最终,由公式(8)计算可得所有集对H(Bi′,B2299′)(i=1,2,…,2298)的关联度来确定B2299′的最相似集合.文中采用等容最小间距法确定最相似集合.由于相似集合Bk可能有多个,且秩次只能反映时间序列的变化趋势,其幅值有可能有较大差异.如果得到的最相似集合和B2299幅值差距过大,则会产生较大的误差.因此选择与B2299有较大关联度的50个集合作为相似集合,将其后续值作为功率的预测值.两个集合距离dk计算公式如下:dk=∑k+T-1i=0Y(k+i)-Y(t-T+i)(17)式中:Y(k+i)为Bk中的元素,Y(t-T+i)为B2299中的元素.为了验证文中方法的有效性,代入数据进行预测,预测时长分别为1d与7d,结果如表3所示.表3 光伏电站A预测时长为1d和7d的误差比较Tab.3 ComparisonoftheerrorbetweenthepredicteddurationofphotovoltaicpowerplantAfor1dand7d %指标r1r2r3预测时长1d89.0681.1011.68预测时长7d90.0778.1412.80 由表1可看出,无论预测时长为1d还是7d,频域分解-秩次集对模型在准确率、合格率和全天均方根误差上均表现出了良好的有效性,具有较高的实用价值.4.3与其他方法的比较为进一步说明基于频域分解-秩次集对分析的光伏功率超短期预测模型的优越性,文中与持续法、直接法对历史光伏功率序列进行预测,并对三种预测模型的预测结果进行比较,结果如图7~图8和表4所示.表4 不同方法预测时长为1d和7d的误差比较Tab.4 Comparisonoftheerrorbetweenthepredictiontimeof1dand7dbydifferentmethods%指标(1d)文中方法秩次集对法持续法r189.0681.0485.58r281.162.3568.9r311.6822.4620.21指标(7d)文中方法等容最小间距法持续法r190.0679.7686.6r278.1460.4671.67r312.827.3818.576昆明理工大学学报(自然科学版) 第46卷(a)预测效果最好对比图(b)预测效果最差对比图图7 文中方法与其他方法在超短期预测的最好最坏效果对比图Fig.7 Comparisonofthebestandworsteffectsofthismethodandothermethodsinultra-short-termprediction图8 各种方法准确率频数直方图Fig.8 Frequencydistributionhistogramofallmethods 图7为三种方法分别在5月13日某个时点的超短期预测最好最坏曲线对比图,可以看出当预测效果最好时,文中方法优于集对方法,持续法效果最差;当预测效果最差时,文中方法的预测效果也好于另外两种方法,集对法表现最差.图8为5月10日至16日共672个时点的准确率频率直方图,频域分解-秩次集对模型在80%以上准确率的频数远高于其他两种方法.而在预测时长1d与7d的平均指标上,文中方法86第2期 王 勃,李振元,孙 勇,等:基于最小二乘滤波-肖维勒准则的光伏异常功率数据清洗及预测应用也具有更优越的性能.为验证文中方法的普适性,再次选取吉林省某光伏电站B进行验证,装机容量为49.914MW,采样间隔为15min,预测结果如图9、表5所示.从表5可以看出,文中方法在持续法、集对法预测效果不佳时准确率仍接近90%,7d平均均方根误差为17.44%,也明显小于其他两种方法,证明了文中方法具有良好的普适性,所以文中的方法在光伏功率超短期预测上具有较高的实际应用价值.(a)预测效果最好对比图(b)预测效果最差对比图图9 文中方法与其他方法在超短期预测的最好最坏效果对比图Fig.9 Comparisonofthebestandworsteffectsofthismethodandothermethodsinultra-short-termprediction表5 光伏电站B预测时长为1d和7d的误差比较Tab.5 ComparisonoftheerrorsbetweenthepredicteddurationofphotovoltaicpowerplantBof1dand7d %指标(1d)文中方法秩次集对法持续法r188.2979.4272.1r267.5864.2648.31r314.3231.3437.83指标(7d)文中方法等容最小间距法持续法r186.0879.4271.22r265.4867.1450.26r317.4431.239.496昆明理工大学学报(自然科学版) 第46卷5结论光伏电站功率数据的质量优劣对功率预测的意义十分重要,文中依据异常功率数据特点及生成原因进行异常数据识别,将其剔除后进行补齐重构,在此基础上应用于光伏功率的超短期预测.仿真实验结果表明:1)对于光伏功率异常数据,采用最小二乘滤波-肖维勒准则能够准确识别异常数据点,异常数据识别率达到94%左右,为后续的研究提供了较为准确的数据.2)基于频域分解的秩次集对光伏功率多步预测模型是一种相似预测模型.本模型计算简单、预测性能高,在光伏功率预测中具有良好的实用性.3)文中方法的预测模型结果与持续法、秩次集对法模型比较,各项指标均优于另外两种预测模型,显示出了良好的优越性.通过对两座光伏电站进行超短期预测,表现出模型的普适性,而且全天预测结果的均方根误差不超过15%,在实际工程中具有较高的实用价值.文中光伏功率异常数据的研究仅限于随机缺失,而对于实际情况,采集到的光伏功率数据是否正常易受天气变化的影响,异常数据的持续时间较长.因此,持续时间长、连续缺失的数据补齐是下一步值得研究的方向.参考文献:[1]上官小英,常海青,梅华强.太阳能发电技术及其发展趋势和展望[J].能源与节能,2019(3):60-63.[2]李军徽,冯喜超,严干贵,等.高风电渗透率下的电力系统调频研究综述[J].电力系统保护与控制,2018,46(2):163-170.[3]SUYAN,CHANLC,SHUL,etal.Real-timepredictionmodelsforoutputpowerandefficiencyofgrid-connectedsolarphotovoltaicsystems[J].AppliedEnergy,2012,93(5):319-326.[4]MAYERSCH?NBERGERV,CUKIERK.Bigdata:arevolutionthatwilltransformhowwelive,work,andthink[J].Mathematics&ComputerEducation,2014,47(17):181-183.[5]YAOHC,PENGQW,HEWG,etal.IntegratedcommunicationtechnologyforsupervisorycontrolanddataacquisitionsystemofPVpowerstation[C]//2012InternationalConferenceonIntelligentSystemDesign&EngineeringApplications,January6,2012,HunanUniversityofTechnology,Sanya,China:1277-1280.[6]肖心园,江冰,任其文,等.基于插值法和皮尔逊相关的光伏数据清洗[J].信息技术,2019,43(5):19-22.[7]时珉,尹瑞,胡傲宇,等.基于滑动标准差计算的光伏阵列异常数据清洗办法[J].电力系统保护与控制,2020,48(6):108-114.[8]朱晓荣,金绘民,王羽凝.基于混合高斯模型与Copula函数结合的光伏电站功率相依结构建模[J].太阳能学报,2019,40(7):1912-1919.[9]杨茂,朱亮.基于FA-PCA-LSTM的光伏发电短期功率预测[J].昆明理工大学学报(自然科学版),2019,44(1):61-68.[10]张爱兰,唐虹.线性规划在多元线性回归中的解法及应用[J].昆明理工大学学报(自然科学版),2014,39(1):53-57.[11]YANGMAO,HUANGXIN.Ultra-Short-TermpredictionofphotovoltaicpowerbasedonperiodicextractionofPVenergyandLSHalgorithm[J].IEEEAccess,2018,6:51200-51205.[12]LICUIPING,ZHOUHENGYU,LIJUNHUI,etal.Economicdispatchingstrategyofdistributedenergystoragefordeferringsubstationexpansioninthedistributionnetworkwithdistributedgenerationandelectricvehicle[J].JournalofCleanerProduc 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A Tutorial on Relevance Vector Machine楊善詠June9,20061前言這篇文章的內容主要在介紹Relevence Vector Machine(RVM)的基本概念與做法。

由於RVM使用機率的方法來克服Support Vector Machine(SVM)的缺點,因此我也會一併介紹一些重要的機率概念。


為了避免混淆,在所有的數學式中,一般的小寫斜體表示純量,如w i,t i等;小寫粗體表示向量,如x,w,α等;而大寫正體或大寫希臘字母表示矩陣,如A,Φ,Σ等。


2簡介Supervised learning意指我們要解決如下的問題:給定一群向量{x i}N i=1與對應的目標{t i}N i=1作為輸入,我們想要找出x i與t i之間的對應關係,讓我們能夠在遇到一個新的向量x∗時,能夠預測出它所對應的目標t∗。

這邊的t i可能是類別標籤(分類:classification),或是任意實數(回歸:regression)。

如果使用SVM解這類問題,會導出x與t的對映關係符合以下的函數:t=y(x;w)=Ni=1w i K(x,x i)+w0(1)其中K(x,x i)是我們選用的kernel function,而w i則代表不同的權重。

只有在x i是屬於support vector之一時,w i才會是零以外的值。


然而SVM並非沒有缺點,以下是SVM較為人垢病之處:•雖然support vector的數量會明顯少於training instance的個數,但依然會隨著train-ing instance的數量線性成長。




基于RVM的多类分类概率输出方法李睿;王晓丹【期刊名称】《计算机科学》【年(卷),期】2017(044)003【摘要】基于相关向量机(Relevance Vector Machine,RVM)可以输出各类别成员概率的特点,对RVM二分类模型分别采用多元sigmoid方法和pairwise coupling万法,将其扩展为一对多分类器和一对一分类器,实现了多类分类及概率输出.基于人工高斯数据集和UCI数据集的实验仿真结果表明,所提方法不仅能够准确地求解样本后验概率,而且运行效率也比较高,同时能够保证较高的分类正确率.%Based on the probability of memberships estimated by RVM (Relevance Vector Machine) basic model,posterior probability estimating approaches in one-versus-all strategy by multivariate sigrnoid function and one-versus-one strategy by pairwise coupling werepresented.Experimental results based on artificial gauss datasets and UCI datasets show the proposed approaches can calculate posterior probability precisely and are more efficient,as well can ensure high classification performance.【总页数】5页(P242-246)【作者】李睿;王晓丹【作者单位】空军工程大学防空反导学院西安710051;空军工程大学防空反导学院西安710051【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TP181【相关文献】1.基于粗糙集与SVM概率输出的中医舌象特征融合方法研究 [J], 张新峰;沈兰荪;刘垚巍;蔡轶珩2.基于SVM概率输出与证据理论的多分类方法 [J], 权文;王晓丹;王坚;张玉玺3.基于混淆矩阵的自适应纠错输出编码多类分类方法 [J], 周进登;王晓丹;周红建4.基于概率输出弹性凸包的滚动轴承故障诊断方法 [J], 杨路航;李宝庆;王平;王健;杨宇5.基于RVM和全纯嵌入法的考虑多风电场出力相关性的电-热互联概率能流计算方法 [J], 朱溪;苏晨博;刘教民因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。



一种改进的再生核支持向量机回归模型再生核支持向量机 (Relevance Vector Machine, RVM) 是一种非常有效的机器学习算法,常用于分类和回归任务。

相比于传统的支持向量机 (SVM) 模型,RVM 的优势在于它使用稀疏贝叶斯方法自动选择重要的支持向量,从而减少了运算时间和内存消耗。

在本文中,我们将介绍一种改进的 RVM 回归模型,主要包括以下方面:1.EM 算法的优化2.模型的正则化3.与传统 SVM 的对比4.实验结果以及分析EM 算法是一种迭代算法,用于在含有隐变量的概率模型中进行参数估计。

在 RVM 模型中,EM 算法用于计算每个特征的权重以及噪声的方差。

原始的 EM 算法在迭代过程中可能会陷入到局部最优解中,影响模型的精度和鲁棒性。

因此我们使用了一种改进的 EM 算法,即二阶有效牛顿优化方法,来解决这个问题。


RVM 模型是一种稀疏的贝叶斯模型,通过正则化方法可以增加模型的泛化性能。

我们引入了 L1 正则化方法,对每个特征的权重进行约束,实现了特征的自动选择。

同时,L2 正则化方法用于控制模型产生过拟合现象。


在我们的实验中,我们将改进的 RVM 和传统 SVM 进行了对比。

结果显示,改进的RVM 模型在多个数据集上均获得了更好的表现。

这是由于 RVM 模型使用了稀疏贝叶斯方法自动选择支持向量,在保证模型精度的同时减少了计算量和内存消耗。


结果显示,改进的 RVM 模型在这些数据集上均取得了更好的表现,并且与传统 SVM 模型相比,RVM 模型具有更好的稀疏性和泛化性能。

在具体实现中,我们使用了 Python 编程语言以及相关的机器学习库,如 Scikit-learn 等。




中华精神科杂志2021 年 2 月第54 卷第1期Chin J Psychiatry,February 2021, Vol. 54, No. 1•专论.信息时代精神医学临床研究的机遇与挑战方贝台儒牛志昂彭代辉陈俊上海市精神卫生中心临床研究中心上海交通大学心境障碍诊治中心200030通信作者:方赔儒,Em ail: yirufang@aliyun •com【摘要】信息时代技术的迅猛发展,为医疗行业带来了深刻的变化,尤其人工智能技术与医疗服务的紧密结合,在临床诊治与临床研究方面展现了潜在应用价值。





【关键词】精神医学;人T•智能;信息技术基金项目:国家重点研发计划“重大慢病重点专项”项目(2016YFC1307100);国家自然科学基金委重点项目(81930033);上海市精神卫生中心临床研究中心大数据分析专项(CRC2018DSJ01-1)Opportunities and challenges of clinical research on psychiatry in the information ageFang Yiru, Niu Zhiang, Peng Daihui, Chen JunClinical Research Center o f Shanghai Mental Health Center, Management Center fo r Mood Disorders ofShanghai J iao Tong University School of M edicine, Shanghai 200030, ChinaCorresponding author: Fang Yiru,Email:*******************【Abstract 】The rapid development of technology in the information age has broughtprofound changes to healthcare. In particular, the close integration of artificial intelligencetechnology and medical services has demonstrated potential application value in disease diagnosis,treatment and clinical research. Psychiatry strives to keep pace with the times and of informationtechnology. Artificial intelligence has made multi-faceted explorations in psychiatric clinicalresearch. The process is not only full of opportunities and challenges, but also insightful dawn.Meanwhile, the application of information technology in psychiatric clinical research also hasinevitable limitations. Psychiatric clinical research needs to pay attention to real data in the realworld. On the basis of standardization and safety, it should be expected that artificial intelligencetechnology and real data in psychiatric clinical diagnosis and treatment should be combined tostrengthen evidence-based studies, update clinical diagnosis and treatment guidelines, and promotea tool for translational application. From the perspective of scientific development, these tools willeventually help psychiatrists benefit the majority of patients with mental illness and promote thevigorous development of psychiatry.【K eyw ords】Psychiatry; Artificial intelligence; Information technologyFund program: National Key R&D Project of China (2016YFC1307100); Natural ScienceFoundation of China (Key Program 81930033); SM HC-CRC (CRC2018DSJ01-1)DOI :10.3760/ 113661 -20201127-00483收稿日期2020-11-27 本文编辑常静引用本文:方贻儒,牛志昂,彭代辉,等.信息时代精神医学临床研究的机遇与挑战[J|.中华精神科杂志,2021, 54(1): 3-8. DOI: 10.3760/ 113661-20201127-00483.• 4 •中华精神科杂志2021 年2 月第54 卷第1期Chin J Psychiatry, February 2021,Vol. 54, No. 1人类已经进入信息时代,信息技术发展迅猛,医疗行业也不可避免地跨入了信息时代,医患双方 均深切感受到海量信息以及信息技术带来的变化。








城市快速路交通事件自动检测算法邴其春;龚勃文;林赐云;杨兆升【摘要】In order to improve the accuracy of traffic incident detection for urban expressway,through analyzing the change rules of traffic flow parameters,the initial variables set of traffic incident detection which contains 12 variables was built,and the random forest method was used to select the key variables.Then combined kernel function,relevance vector machine model was constructed based on particle swarm optimization.Finally,validation and comparative analysis were carried out using inductive loop parameters measured from the north-south viaduct in Shanghai.The results show that the key variable selection can effectively improve the accuracy of traffic incident detection.The detection performance of combined kernel function RVM model is also better than that of the single kernel function RVM model and SVM model.%为了进一步提高城市快速路交通事件检测的精度,在分析交通事件上、下游交通流参数变化规律的基础上,构建包含12个变量的交通事件检测初始变量集,并采用随机森林方法对初始变量集的关键变量进行筛选,进而构建基于粒子群优化的组合核函数相关向量机模型.最后,利用上海市南北高架快速路的感应线圈实测参数进行实验验证和对比分析.研究结果表明:关键变量筛选可以有效提高交通事件检测的精度,组合核函数相关向量机模型也明显优于单一核函数相关向量机模型和支持向量机模型.【期刊名称】《中南大学学报(自然科学版)》【年(卷),期】2017(048)006【总页数】6页(P1682-1687)【关键词】交通事件自动检测;随机森林;相关向量机模型;组合核函数【作者】邴其春;龚勃文;林赐云;杨兆升【作者单位】吉林大学交通学院,吉林长春,130022;青岛理工大学汽车与交通学院,山东青岛,266520;吉林大学交通学院,吉林长春,130022;吉林大学汽车仿真与控制国家重点实验室,吉林长春,130022;吉林大学交通学院,吉林长春,130022;吉林大学汽车仿真与控制国家重点实验室,吉林长春,130022;吉林大学交通学院,吉林长春,130022;吉林大学汽车仿真与控制国家重点实验室,吉林长春,130022【正文语种】中文【中图分类】U491城市快速路是城市路网的重要组成部分,承载着城市中大部分出行交通,快速路的畅通程度直接影响着城市路网的总体运行效率。



第 6期
张 研,等:基于相关向量机的蒋家沟泥石流平均流速预测模型
泥石流是一种多爆发于山区的常见突发性地质灾害,我国山体面积约占国土面积的三分之二,导致我国 已经成为世界上受泥石流灾害威胁最严重的国家之一[1-3]。近年来,我国泥石流灾害频发,特别是以 2010 年 8月甘肃舟曲特大泥石流、2011年 7月四川茂县泥石流、2016年 7月四川九寨沟泥石流等为代表的特大 泥石流灾害,造成巨大损失,对人民群众的生命财产安全产生了极大的威胁,其中舟曲泥石流更是成为新中 国成立以来破坏性最强、死亡人数最多、救灾难度最大的泥石流灾害[4]。因此,泥石流灾害的预测对有效的 进行防灾减灾具有一定的指导意义。
Abstract:DebrisflowisacommongeologicaldisasterinChina,theaveragevelocityofdebrisflowisoneofthe importantparametersforthepreventionandcontrolofdebrisflowdisaster.Predictingtheaveragevelocityofdebris flowaccuratelyhasagreatsignificancefordisasterprevention.Inthispaper,apredictionmodelisbuiltforaverage velocityofJiangjiagoudebrisflowbasedonrelevancevectormachine.Thepredictionaccuracyofthemodelisveri fiedbycomparingthepredictionresultswiththemodelbasedonsupportvectormachineandBPneuralnetwork. Averagerelativeerrorandmeansquareerrorareusedtoevaluatethewholeperformanceandstabilityofeachmod el.Theresultsshowthatcomparedwiththemeasuredvalues,themaximum relativeerrorofrelevancevectorma chinepredictionisonly2.02%,theaveragerelativeerroris0.64%,themeansquareerroris0.06,farlower thantheBPneuralnetworkmodelandthesupportvectormachinemodelpredictionresults.Inconclusion,thepre dictionmodelbasedonrelevancevectormachineproposedinthispaperisobviouslybetterthantheothertwomod els.Thepredictionresultsaremoreaccuratewhilethemodelismorestable,sotherelevancevectormachinepro videsanewwaytoobtaintheaveragevelocityofdebrisflow. Keywords:relevancevectormachine;debrisflow;averagevelocity;prediction;disaster


4 结论 本本文将 RVM 算法成功应用于小样本数据预测分析中,实验 结果表明,相比于 BP 算法以及 SVM 算法,RVM 在精确性上优于 BP。在运行效率上优于 SVM,精度与 SVM 大致相当。同时实例分析 表明,RVM 算法动态地对各因素间权重参数进行调整,使得无需过 多关注评价模型内各指标相互间的关系,从而验证了该理论模型应 用于小样本数据预测分析领域的可行性。
IT 大视野
基于 RVM 的小样本数据预测模型
石昀 凯里学院 大数据工程学院 摘要:针对小样本数据的实际分析需求,利用相关向量机理论模型算法,实现对小样本数据预测。同时,通过相关实验表明采用相关 向量机用作小样本数据预测效果优于传统人工神经网络、支持向量机等算法。该方法提高了小样本数据预测的精确度、执行时间效率,为 小样本数据分析提供参考。 关键词:小样本数据 预测 相关向量机
1 引言 关于小样本数据预测模型,前人在此之前进行过大量的研究, 如 Delphi 法、TOPISIS 法、AHP 法、BP 法、DEA 法、GRA 等 [1,2,3]。 上述方法存在着如下不足:一是过于依赖定量数据 [4],如 DEA、 AHP 等;二是主观因素影响过大 [4],如 Delphi 法、模糊评价法等 [5][6]。 三是容易出现收敛速度慢以及过拟合的情况,如 BP 法、SVM 法 [6]。
表 3-1 汽车油r wei acc ye or
1 16 8 304 150 3433 12 70 1
2 17 8

392 28 4 120 82 2625 18.6 82 1
其中,数据一共 392 条,mpg 为油耗量,数值范围 [9,46.4];cyl 为气缸数,数值范 [3,8];dis 为行驶距离,数值范围 [68,455];hor 为马力, 数值范围 [46,230];wei 为汽车自重,数值范围 [1613,5140];acc 为加 速度,数值范围 [8,24.8];ye 为制造厂年份,数值范围 [70,82];or 为产地, 数值范围 [1,3]。
































考虑业扩报装的相关向量机月度负荷预测方法江梦洋;程浩忠;吴臻;黄锦华【摘要】Considering that the traditional monthly load forecasting method doses not take the load's intrinsic factors in?to account,a monthly load forecasting method is proposed with the consideration of business expansion based on rele?vance vector machine(RVM). In the proposed method,the electricity consumption trend after business expansion is studied by using growth curve fitting and k-means clustering algorithm,which is further used to extract monthly effect ratio and calculate the business expansion increment that has a substantial impact on the monthly load. Then,a load forecasting model is established based on SVM with the actual business expansion increment and historical load data as sample inputs. Meanwhile,particle swarm optimization and compound kernel function are used to improve the adapt?ability of the proposed model. From the comparison of forecasting results among the models which consider the actual and unmodified business expansion increments respectively,as well as the one that does not consider business expan?sion increment,it is proved that the actual business expansion increment influences the monthly load obviously and it can help to improve the accuracy of forecasting effectively.%针对传统月度负荷预测方法缺乏考虑负荷内在影响因素的问题,该文提出了考虑业扩报装的相关向量机月度负荷预测方法.该方法通过生长曲线拟合和k-均值聚类研究业扩报装后的用电趋势,提取出逐月影响比例,计算得到对当月负荷具有实际影响的业扩增量;将实际业扩增量和历史负荷数据作为样本输入,建立基于相关向量机的负荷预测模型,同时利用粒子群优化参数和组合核函数提高模型适应度.考虑实际业扩增量、考虑未修正业扩增量以及不考虑业扩报装的预测结果比较表明,实际业扩增量对月度负荷有较重要的影响,可以有效提高预测的精度.【期刊名称】《电力系统及其自动化学报》【年(卷),期】2017(029)007【总页数】6页(P1-6)【关键词】月度负荷预测;生长曲线;业扩报装;实际业扩增量;相关向量机【作者】江梦洋;程浩忠;吴臻;黄锦华【作者单位】电力传输与功率变换控制教育部重点实验室(上海交通大学),上海200240;电力传输与功率变换控制教育部重点实验室(上海交通大学),上海 200240;国网浙江省电力公司经济技术研究院,杭州 310008;国网浙江省电力公司经济技术研究院,杭州 310008【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TM715月度负荷预测属于中期负荷预测的范畴,包括月最大负荷、月最小负荷、月用电量等多项负荷特性指标的预测,是合理安排电力系统中期运行计划、降低运行成本、提高供电可靠性的重要保障[1]。

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Variational Relevance Vector MachinesChristopher M.Bishop Michael E.TippingMicrosoft Research7J.J.Thompson Avenue,Cambridge CB30FB,U.K.{cmbishop,mtipping}@/{∼cmbishop,∼mtipping}In Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence2000,C.Boutilier and M.Goldszmidt(Eds),46–53,Morgan Kaufmann.AbstractThe Support Vector Machine(SVM)of Vap-nik[9]has become widely established as one of the leading approaches to pattern recogni-tion and machine learning.It expresses pre-dictions in terms of a linear combination of kernel functions centred on a subset of the training data,known as support vectors. Despite its widespread success,the SVM suf-fers from some important limitations,one of the most significant being that it makes point predictions rather than generating pre-dictive distributions.Recently Tipping[8] has formulated the Relevance Vector Ma-chine(RVM),a probabilistic model whose functional form is equivalent to the SVM.It achieves comparable recognition accuracy to the SVM,yet provides a full predictive distri-bution,and also requires substantially fewer kernel functions.The original treatment of the RVM re-lied on the use of type II maximum like-lihood(the‘evidence framework’)to pro-vide point estimates of the hyperparameters which govern model sparsity.In this paper we show how the RVM can be formulated and solved within a completely Bayesian paradigm through the use of variational in-ference,thereby giving a posterior distribu-tion over both parameters and hyperparam-eters.We demonstrate the practicality and performance of the variational RVM using both synthetic and real world examples.1RELEV ANCE VECTORSMany problems in machine learning fall under the heading of supervized learning,in which we are given a set of input vectors X={x n}N n=1together with corre-sponding target values T={t n}N n=1.The goal is to use this training data,together with any pertinent prior knowledge,to make predictions of t for new values of x.We can distinguish two distinct cases:regression,in which t is a continuous variable,and classification, in which t belongs to a discrete set.Here we consider models in which the prediction y(x,w)is expressed as a linear combination of basis functionsφm(x)of the formy(x,w)=Mm=0w mφm(x)=w Tφ(1)where the{w m}are the parameters of the model,and are generally called weights.One of the most popular approaches to machine learn-ing to emerge in recent years is the Support Vector Ma-chine(SVM)of Vapnik[9].The SVM uses a particular specialization of(1)in which the basis functions take the form of kernel functions,one for each data point x m in the training set,so thatφm(x)=K(x,x m), where K(·,·)is the kernel function.The framework which we develop in this paper is much more general and applies to any model of the form(1).However,in order to facilitate direct comparisions with the SVM, we focus primarily on the use of kernels as the basis functions.Point estimates for the weights are determined in the SVM by optimization of a criterion which simultane-ously attempts tofit the training data while at the same time minimizing the‘complexity’of the function y(x,w).The result is that some proportion of the weights are set to zero,leading to a sparse model in which predictions,governed by(1),depend only on a subset of the kernel functions.The SVM framework is found to yield good predictive performance for a broad range of practical applica-tions,and is widely regarded as the state of the art in pattern recognition.However,the SVM suffers from some important drawbacks.Perhaps the most signif-icant of these is that it is a non-Bayesian approach which makes explicit classifications(or point predic-tions in the case of regression)for new inputs.As is well known,there are numerous advantages to pre-dicting the posterior probability of class membership (or a predictive conditional distribution in the case of regression).These include the optimal compensation for skewed loss matrices or unequal class distributions, the opportunity to improve performance by rejection of the more ambiguous examples,and the fusion of outputs with other probabilistic sources information before applying decision criteria.Recently Tipping[8]introduced the Relevance Vec-tor Machine(RVM)which makes probabilistic predic-tions and yet which retains the excellent predictive performance of the support vector machine.It also preserves the sparseness property of the SVM.Indeed, for a wide variety of test problems it actually leads to models which are dramatically sparser than the cor-responding SVM,while sacrificing little if anything in the accuracy of prediction.For regression problems,the RVM models the condi-tional distribution of the target variable,given an in-put vector x,as a Gaussian distribution of the formP(t|x,w,τ)=N(t|y(x,w),τ−1)(2)where we use N(z|m,S)to denote a multi-variate Gaussian distribution over z with mean m and co-variance S.In(2)τis the inverse‘noise’parameter, and the conditional mean y(x,w)is given by(1).As-suming an independent,identically distributed data set X={x n},T={t n}the likelihood function can be writtenP(T|X,w,τ)=Nn=1P(t n|x n,w,τ).(3)The parameters w are given a Gaussian priorP(w|α)=Nm=0N(w m|0,α−1m)(4)whereα={αm}is a vector of hyperparameters,with one hyperparameterαm assigned to each model pa-rameter w m.In the original RVM of Tipping[8] values for these hyperparameters are estimated using the framework of type-II maximum likelihood[1]in which the marginal likelihood P(T|X,α,τ)is maxi-mized with respect toαandτ.Evaluation of this marginal likelihood requires integration over the model parametersP(T|X,α,τ)= P(T|X,w,τ)P(w|α)d w.(5) Since this involves the convolution of two exponential-quadratic functions the integration can be performed analytically,givingP(T|X,α,τ)=N(t|0,S)(6) where t=(t1,...,t N)andS=τ−1I+ΦA−1ΦT(7) in which I is the N×N unit matrix,A=diag(αm), andΦis the N×(N+1)design matrix with columns φm,so that(Φ)nm=φ(x n;x m).Maximization of(6) with respect to the{αm}can be performed efficiently using an iterative re-estimation procedure obtained by setting the derivatives of the marginal log likelihood to zero.During the process of this optimization many of theαm are driven to large values,so that the corre-sponding model parameters w m are effectively pruned out.The corresponding terms can be omitted from the trained model represented by(1),with the train-ing data vectors x n associated with the remaining ker-nel functions being termed‘relevance vectors’.Insight into this pruning process is given in Section3.A sim-ilar re-estimation procedure is used to optimizeτsi-multaneously with theαm parameters.In the classification version of the relevance vector ma-chine the conditional distribution of targets is given by P(t|x,w)=σ(y)t[1−σ(y)]1−t(8) whereσ(y)=(1+exp(−y))−1and y(x,w)is given by (1).Here we confine attention to the case t∈{0,1}. Assuming independent,identically distributed data, we obtain the likelihood function in the formP(T|X,w)=Nn=1σ(y n)t n[1−σ(y n)]1−t n.(9)As before,the prior over the weights takes the form (4).However,the integration required by(5)in order to evaluate the marginal likelihood can no longer be performed analytically.Tipping[8]therefore used a local Gaussian approximation to the posterior distri-bution of the weights.Optimization of the hyperpa-rameters can then be performed using a re-estimation framework,alternating with re-evaluation of the mode of the posterior,until convergence.As we have seen,the standard relevance vector ma-chine of Tipping[8]estimates point values for the hy-perparameters.In this paper we seek a more complete Bayesian treatment of the RVM through exploitation of variational methods.2V ARIATIONAL INFERENCEIn a general probabilistic model we can partition the stochastic variables into those corresponding to the ob-served data,denoted D,and the remaining unobserved variables denotedθ.The marginal probability of the observed data(the model‘evidence’)is obtained by integrating overθP(D)= P(D,θ)dθ.(10)This integration will,for almost any non-trivial model, be analytically intractable.Variational methods[4] address this problem by introducing a distribution Q(θ),which(for arbitrary choice of Q)allows the marginal log likelihood to be decomposed into two terms[6]ln P(D)=L(Q)+KL(Q P)(11) whereL= Q(θ)ln P(D,θ)Q(θ)dθ(12) and KL(Q P)is the Kullback-Leibler divergence be-tween Q(θ)and the posterior distribution P(θ|D),and is given byKL(Q P)=− Q(θ)ln P(θ|D)Q(θ)dθ.(13)Since KL(Q P)≥0,it follows that L(Q)is a rigor-ous lower bound on ln P(D).Furthermore,since the left hand side of(11)is independent of Q,maximizing L(Q)is equivalent to minimizing KL(Q P),and there-fore Q(θ)represents an approximation to the posterior distribution P(θ|D).The significance of this transformation is that,for a suitable choice for the Q distribution,the quantity L(Q)may be tractable to compute,even though the original model evidence function is not.The goal in a variational approach is therefore to choose a suit-able form for Q(θ)which is sufficiently simple that the lower bound L(Q)can readily be evaluated and yet which is sufficientlyflexible that the bound is rea-sonably tight.In practice we choose some family of Q distributions and then seek the best approximation within this family by maximizing the lower bound with respect to Q.One approach would be to assume some specific parameterized functional form for Q and then to optimize L with respect to the parameters of the distribution.Here we adopt an alternative procedure, following[10],and consider a factorized form over the component variables{θi}inθ,so thatQ(θ)= i Q i(θi).(14)The lower bound can then be maximized over all pos-sible factorial distributions by performing a free-form maximization over the Q i,leading to the following re-sultQ i(θi)=exp ln P(D,θ) k=iexp ln P(D,θ) k=i dθi(15)where · k=i denotes an expectation with respect to the distributions Q k(θk)for all k=i.It is easily shown that,if the probabilistic model is expressed as a directed acyclic graph with a node for each of the factors Q i(θi),then the solution for Q i(θi)depends only on the Q distributions for variables which are in the Markov blanket of the node i in the graph.Note that(15)represents an implicit solution for the factors Q i(θi)since the right hand side depends on mo-ments with respect to the Q k=i.For conjugate condi-tional distributions(e.g.linear-Gaussian models with Gamma priors,in the case of continuous variables)this leads to standard distributions for which the required moments are easily evaluated.We can thenfind a so-lution iteratively by initializing the moments and then cycling through the variables updating each distribu-tion in turn using(15).3CONTROLLING COMPLEXITYThe Relevance Vector framework provides a means for solving regression and classification problems in which we seek models which are highly sparse by selecting a subset from a larger pool of candidate kernel func-tions(one for each example in the training set).A key concept is the use of continuous hyperparameters to govern model complexity and thereby avoid the in-tractable problem of searching over an exponentially large discrete space of model structures.This ap-proach,based on a hierarchical prior,was successfully used tofind the optimal number of principal compo-nents in a Bayesian treatment of PCA[2].A conventional way to remove superfluous parameters is to use a‘pruning’prior given by a Laplace distribu-tion of the formP(w)=λexp(−λ|w|).(16)Unfortunately,such a choice of prior does not lead to a tractable variational treatment,since the corre-sponding variational solution given by(15)cannot be evaluated analytically.Here we propose an alternative framework based on a hierarchical prior of the formP(w|α)=N(w|0,α−1)(17)as discussed previously,in which we use a hyperprior given byP(α)=Γ(α|a,b)≡b aαa−1e−bα/Γ(a)(18) whereΓ(a)is the Gamma function.The distribution (18)has the useful propertiesα =a/b, α2 − α 2=a/b2.(19) The marginal distribution of w(a t-distribution)is then obtained by integrating overα.A comparison of this marginal distribution,for a=b=1,with the Laplace distribution(16)is shown in Figure1.Figure1:Comparison of the marginal distribution definedby the hierarchical model P(w)= P(w|α)P(α)dα(solid line),compared to the Laplace distribution(dotted line).The key observation is that the variational frame-work can be rendered tractable by working not di-rectly with the marginal distribution P(w)but in-stead leaving the hierarchical conjugate form explicit and introducing a factorial representation given by Q(w,α)=Q(w)Q(α).A further advantage of this ap-proach is that it becomes possible to evaluate the lower bound L as a closed-form analytic expression.This is useful for monitoring the convergence of the iterative optimization and also for checking the accuracy of the software implementation(by verifying that none of the updates to the variational distributions lead to a de-crease the value of L).It can also be used to compare models(without resorting to a separate validation set) since it represents an approximation to the model ev-idence.We now exploit these ideas in the context of the Relevance Vector Machine.4R VM REGRESSIONFollowing the concepts developed in the previous sec-tion,we augment the standard relevance vector ma-chine by the introduction of hyperpriors given by a separate distribution for each hyperparameterαm of the form P(αm)=Γ(αm|a,b).Similarly,we intro-duce a prior over the inverse noise varianceτgiven by P(τ)=Γ(τ|c,d).We obtain broad hyperpriors by setting a=b=c=d=10−6.Together with the likelihood function(3)and the weight prior(4) we now have a complete probabilistic specification of the model.The probabilistic model can also be rep-resented as a directed graph,as shown in Figure2.tNaNwNFigure2:Directed acyclic graph representing the varia-tional RVM as used for regression.The classification ver-sion is the same,with the omission of theτnode.Next we consider a factorial approximation to the posterior distribution P(w,α,τ|X,T)given by Q(w,α,τ)=Q w(w)Qα(α)Qτ(τ).Due to the con-jugacy properties of the chosen distributions we can evaluate the general solution(15)analytically,giving Q w(w)=N(w|µw,Σw)(20)Qτ(τ)=Γ(τ| c, d)(21)Qα(α)=Nm=0Γ(αm| a m, b m)(22) whereΣw= diag αm + τ N n=1φnφT n −1(23)µw= τ ΣwNn=1φn t n(24)a m=a+1/2b m=b+ w2m /2(25) c=c+(N+1)/2(26)d=d+12N n=1t2n− w T N n=1φn t n+12Nn=1φT n ww T φn.(27) The required moments are easily evaluated using thefollowing resultsw =µw(28)ww T =Σw +µw µT w (29) αm = a m / b m(30) ln αm=ψ( a m )−ln b m(31) τ = c / d(32) ln τ =ψ( c )−ln d(33)where the ψfunction is defined byψ(a )=ddaln Γ(a ).(34)The full predictive distribution P (t |x ,X,T )is givenbyP (t |x ,X,T )=P (t |x ,w ,τ)P (w ,τ|X,T )d w dτ.(35)In the variational framework we replace the true pos-terior P (w ,τ|X,T )by its variational approximation Q w (w )Q τ(τ).Integration over both w and τis in-tractable.However,as the number of data points increases the distribution of τbecomes tightly con-centrated around its mean value.To see this we note that the variance of τis given,from (19),byτ2 − τ 2= c / d2∼O (1/N )for large N .Thus we can approximate the predictive distribution usingP (t |x ,X,T )=P (t |x ,w , τ )Q w (w )d w (36)which is the convolution of two Gaussian ing (2)and (20)we then obtainP (t |x ,X,T )=N (t |µT w φ(x ),σ2)(37)where the input-dependent variance is given byσ2(x )=1τ+φ(x )T Σw φ(x ).(38)We can also evaluate the lower bound L ,given by (12),which in this case takes the formL=ln P (T |X,w ,τ) + ln P (w |α)+ ln P (α) + ln P (τ) − ln Q w (w ) − ln Q α(α) − ln Q τ(τ)(39)in whichln P (T |X,w ,τ) =N2 ln τ −N 2ln(2π)−12 τ Nn =1t 2n −2 w TN n =1φn t n +Nn =1φT n ww Tφn(40) ln P (w |α) =−N +12ln(2π)−12Nm =0 ln αm−12N m =0αm w 2m (41)ln P (α) =(N +1)a ln b +(a −1)Nm =0ln αm−bNm =0αm −(N +1)ln Γ(a )(42)ln P (τ) =c ln d +(c −1) ln τ −d τ −ln Γ(c )(43)− ln Q w =(N +1)(1+ln(2π))/2+ln |Σw |/2(44)− ln Q α=Nm =0a m lnb m +( a m −1) ln αm− b m αm −ln Γ( a m )(45)− ln Q τ= c ln d +( c −1) ln τ − d τ −ln Γ( c ).(46)Experimental results in which this framework is ap-plied to synthetic and real data sets are given in Sec-tion 6.5R VM CLASSIFICATIONThe classification case is somewhat more complex than the regression case since we no longer have a fully con-jugate hierarchical structure.To see how to resolve this,consider again the log marginal probability of the target data,given the input data,which can be writtenln P (T |X )=lnP (T |X,w )P (w |α)P (α)d w d α.(47)As before we introduce a factorized variational poste-rior of the form Q w (w )Q α(α),and obtain the follow-ing lower bound on the log marginal probabilityln P (T |X )≥Q w (w )Q α(α)ln P (T |X,w )P (w |α)P (α)Q w (w )Q α(α)d w d α.(48)Now,however,the right hand side of (48)is in-tractable.We therefore follow Jaakkola and Jordan [3]and introduce a further bound using the inequalityσ(y )t [1−σ(y )]1−t =σ(z )(49)≥σ(ξ)exp z −ξ2−λ(ξ)(z 2−ξ2)(50)where z =(2t −1)y and λ(ξ)=(1/4ξ)tanh(ξ/2).Here ξis a variational parameter,such that equality is achieved for ξ=z .Thus we haveP (T |X,w )≥F (T,X,w ,ξ)=Nn =1σ(ξn )expz n −ξn 2−λ(ξn )(z 2n−ξ2n )(51)where z n =(2t n −1)w T φn .Substituting into (48),and noting that P (T |X,w )/F (T,X,w ,ξ)≥1implies ln P (T |X,w )/F (T,X,w ,ξ)≥0,we obtain a lower bound on the original lower bound,and hence we haveln P (T |X )≥L =d w d αQ w (w )Q α(α)ln F (T,X,w )P (w |α)P (α)Q w (w )Q α(α).(52)We now optimize the right hand side of (52)with re-spect to the functions Q w (w )and Q α(α)as well as with respect to the parameters ξ={ξn }.The varia-tional optimization for Q w (w )yields a normal distri-bution of the formQ w (w )=N (w |m ,S )(53)S= A +2Nn =1λ(ξn )φn φT n−1(54)m =12SNn =1(2t n −1)φn(55)where A =diag αm .Similarly,variational optimiza-tion of Q α(α)yields a product of Gamma distribu-tions of the formQ α(α)=Nm =0Γ(αm | a , b m )(56)a =a +12b m =b +12w 2m .(57)Finally,maximizing (52)with respect to the varia-tional parameters ξn gives re-estimation equations ofthe formξ2n =φT n ww T φn .(58)We can also evaluate the lower bound given by the right hand side of (52)L=ln F + ln P (w |α) + ln P (α) − ln Q w (w ) − Q α(α)(59)where we haveln F =Nn =1ln σ(ξn )+12(2t n −1) w T φn−12ξn −λ(ξn ) φT n ww T φn −ξ2n (60) ln P (w |α) =−12Nm =0αm w 2m+12N m =0 ln αm −(N +1)2ln(2π)(61)ln P (α) =Nm =0−b a / b +(a −1) ψ( a )−ln b+a ln b −ln Γ(a )(62)− ln Q w (w ) =N +12(1+ln 2π)+12ln |S |(63)− ln Q α(α)=Nm =0−( a m −1)ψ( a m )−ln b m + a m +ln Γ( a m ).(64)Predictions from the trained model for new inputs canbe obtained by substituting the posterior mean weights into (8)to give the predictive distribution in the formP (t |x , w ).(65)A more accurate estimate would take account of the weight uncertainty by marginalizing over the poste-rior distribution of the ing the variational result Q w (w )for the posterior distribution leads to convolution of a sigmoid with a Gaussian,which is in-tractable.From symmetry,however,such a marginal-ization does not change the location of the p =0.5de-cision surface.A useful approximation to the required integration has been given by MacKay [5].6EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS6.1REGRESSIONWe illustrate the operation of the variational relevance vector machine (VRVM)for regression using first of all a synthetic data set based on the function sinc(x )=(sin x )/x for x ∈(−10,10),with added noise.Figure 3shows the result from a Gaussian kernel relevance vector regression model,and Figure 4illustrates the mean hyperparameter values and weights associatedFigure3:Examplefit of a variational RVM to50data points generated from the‘sinc’function with added Gaus-sian noise of standard deviation0.1.The sinc function and the mean interpolant are plotted in grey and black respec-tively,and thefive relevance vectors(obtained by thresh-olding the mean weights at10−3)are circled.The RMS deviation from the true function is0.032,while a compara-ble SVM gave error of0.038using36support vectors.The VRVM also gives an estimate of the noise,which in this case had mean value0.0945.Model Error#kernels Noise estimate SVM0.051928.0–RVM0.0494 6.90.0943 VRVM0.04947.40.0950 Table1:RMS test error,number of utilised kernels and, for the relevance models,noise estimates averaged over25 generations of the noisy sinc dataset.For all models,Gaus-sian kernels were used with the width parameter selected from a range of values using5-fold cross-validation.For the SVM,the parameters C(the trade-offparameter)and (controlling the insensitive region of the loss function) were chosen via a further5-fold cross-validation.with the model of Figure3.Results from averaging over25such randomly generated data sets are shown in Table1.As an example of a regression problem using real data, we show results in Table2for the popular Boston hous-ing dataset.6.2CLASSIFICATIONWe illustrate the operation of the VRVM for classi-fication with some synthetic data in two dimensions taken from Ripley[7].A randomly chosen subset of 100training examples(of the original250)was utilised to train an SVM,RVM and VRVM.Results from typi-cal SVM and VRVM classifiers,using Gaussian kernels of width0.5,are shown in Figures5and6respectively.To assess the accuracy of the classifiers on this dataset, models with Gaussian kernels were used,with theFigure4:(Left)Histogram of the mean of the approximate αposterior.(Right)A plot of the51(unthresholded)mean weight values(thefirst weight is the bias,the next50cor-respond to the50data points,read left-to-right,in Figure 3).The dichotomy into‘relevant’and‘irrelevant’weights is clear.Model Error#kernels Noise estimate SVM10.29235.2–RVM10.1741.1 2.49 VRVM10.3640.9 2.49Table2:Squared test error,number of utilised kernels and noise estimates averaged over10random partitions of the Boston housing dataset into training/test sets of size481 and25respectively.A third order polynomial kernel was used.width parameter of the Gaussian chosen by5-fold cross-validation,and the SVM trade-offparameter C was similarly estimated using a further5-fold cross-validation.The results are given in Table3.Model Error#kernelsSVM10.6%38RVM9.3%4VRVM9.2%4Table3:Percentage misclassification rate and number of kernels used for classifiers on the Ripley synthetic data. The Bayes error rate for this data set is8%.The‘Pima Indians’diabetes dataset is a popular clas-sification benchmark.Table4summarises results on Ripley’s split of this dataset into200training and332 test examples.7DISCUSSIONIn this paper we have developed a practical variational framework for the Bayesian treatment of Relevance Vector Machines.Figure5:Support vector classifier of the Ripley dataset for which there are38kernelfunctions.Figure6:Variational relevance vector classifier of the Rip-ley dataset for which there are4kernel functions.Model Error#kernelsSVM69110RVM654VRVM654Table4:Number of misclassifications and number of ker-nels used for classifiers on the Pima Indians data.The variational solution for the Relevance Vector Ma-chine is computationally more expensive than the type-II maximum likelihood approach.However,the advantages of a fully Bayesian approach are expected to be most pronounced in situations where the size of the data set is limited,in which case the computational cost of the training phase is likely to be insignificant.References[1]J.O.Berger.Statistical Decision Theory andBayesian Analysis.Springer-Verlag,New York, second edition,1985.[2]C.M.Bishop.Bayesian PCA.In S.A.SollaM.S.Kearns and D.A.Cohn,editors,Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems,vol-ume11,pages382–388.MIT Press,1999.[3]T.Jaakkola and M.I.Jordan.Bayesian parame-ter estimation through variational methods,1998.To appear in Statistics and Computing.[4]M.I.Jordan,Z.Gharamani,T.S.Jaakkola,andL.K.Saul.An introduction to variational meth-ods for graphical models.In M.I.Jordan,edi-tor,Learning in Graphical Models,pages105–162.Kluwer,1998.[5]D.J.C.MacKay.The evidence framework ap-plied to classification networks.Neural Computa-tion,4(5):720–736,1992.[6]R.M.Neal and G.E.Hinton.A new view ofthe EM algorithm that justifies incremental and other variants.In M.I.Jordan,editor,Learning in Graphical Models.Kluwer,1998.[7]B.D.Ripley.Neural networks and related meth-ods for classification.Journal of the Royal Statis-tical Society,B,56(3):409–456,1994.[8]Michael E Tipping.The Relevance Vector Ma-chine.In Sara A Solla,Todd K Leen,and Klaus-Robert M¨u ller,editors,Advances in Neural Infor-mation Processing Systems12.Cambridge,Mass: MIT Press,2000.To appear.[9]Vladimir N Vapnik.Statistical Learning Theory.Wiley,New York,1998.[10]S.Waterhouse, D.MacKay,and T.Robinson.Bayesian methods for mixtures of experts.In M.C.Mozer D.S.Touretzky and M.E.Has-selmo,editors,Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems,pages351–357.MIT Press, 1996.。
