

ap 复议 案例

ap 复议 案例

AP 复议案例分析背景AP(Advanced Placement)是由美国大学理事会(College Board)组织的一项高中课程,旨在为高中生提供大学水平的学习机会。



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Use your time effectively, working as quickly as you can without losing accuracy. Do not spend too much time on any one question. Go on to other questions and come back to the ones you have not answered if you have time. It is not expected that everyone will know the answers to all of the multiple-choice questions.
Section I of this exam contains 59 multiple-choice questions. Fill in only the ovals for numbers 1 through 59 on your answer sheet.
Indicate all of your answers to the multiple-choice questions on the answer sheet. No credit will be given for anything written in this exam booklet, but you may use the booklet for notes or scratch work. After you have decided which of the suggested answers is best, completely fill in the corresponding oval on the answer sheet. Give only one answer to each question. If you change an answer, be sure that the previous mark is erased completely. Here is a sample question and answer.



AP环境科学真题详解(practiceexam)The questions contained in this AP ? Environmental Science Practice Exam are written to the content specifications of AP Exams for this subject. Taking this practice exam should provide students with an idea of their general areas of strengths and weaknesses in preparing for the actual AP Exam. Because this AP Environmental Science Practice Exam has never been administered as an operational AP Exam, statistical data are not available for calculating potential raw scores or conversions into AP grades.This AP Environmental Science Practice Exam is provided by the College Board for AP Exampreparation. Teachers are permitted to download the materials and make copies to use with their students in a classroom setting only. To maintain the security of this exam, teachers should collect all materials after their administration and keep them in a secure location. Teachers may not redistribute the files electronically for any reason.? 2008 The College Board. All rights reserved. College Board, Advanced Placement Program, AP , AP Central, SAT, and the acorn logo are registered trademarks of the College Board. PSAT/NMSQT is a registered trade-mark of the College Board and National Merit Scholarship Corporation. All other products and services may be trademarks of their respective owners. Visit the College Board on the Web:/doc/ed6c112f54270722192e453610661ed9ad5155f0.html .Practice ExamAdvanced Placement ProgramAP ?Environmental ScienceContentsDirections for Administration (ii)Section I: Multiple-Choice Questions (1)Section II: Free-Response Questions (22)Student Answer Sheet for Multiple-Choice Section (26)Multiple-Choice Answer Key (27)Free-Response Scoring Guidelines (28)The College Board: Connecting Students to College SuccessThe College Board is a not-for-profit membership association whose mission is to connectstudents to college success and opportunity. Founded in 1900, the association iscomposed of more than 5,000 schools, colleges, universities, and other educationalorganizations. Each year, the College Board serves seven million students and theirparents, 23,000 high schools, and 3,500 colleges through major programs and services incollege admissions, guidance, assessment, financial aid, enrollment, and teaching andlearning. Among its best-known programs are the SAT?, the PSAT/NMSQT?, and theAdvanced Placement Program? (AP?). The College Board is committed to the principlesof excellence and equity, and that commitment is embodied in all of its programs,services, activities, and concerns.Visit the College Board on the Web: /doc/ed6c112f54270722192e453610661ed9ad5155f0.html .AP Central is the official online home for the AP Program: /doc/ed6c112f54270722192e453610661ed9ad5155f0.html .AP? Environmental ScienceDirections for AdministrationThe AP Environmental Science Exam is three hours in length and consists of a multiple-choice section and a free-response section.?The 90-minute multiple-choice section contains 100 questions and accounts for 60 percent of the final grade.?The 90-minute free-response section contains 4 questions and accounts for 40 percent of the final grade.A 10-minute break should be provided after Section I is completed.The actual AP Exam is administered in one session. Students will have the most realistic experience if a complete morning or afternoon is available to administer this practice exam. If a schedule does not permit one time periodfor the entire practice exam administration, it would be acceptable to administer Section I one day and Section IIon a subsequent day.Total scores on the multiple-choice section are based only on the number of questions answered correctly. No points are deducted for incorrect answers and no points are awarded for unanswered questions.?The use of calculators, or any other electronic devices, is not permitted during the exam.?It is suggested that the practice exam be completed using a pencil for the multiple-choice section and a pen for the free-response section to simulate an actual administration.?Teachers will need to provide paper for the students to write their free-response answers. Teachers should provide directions to the students indicating how they wish the responses to be labeled so the teacher willbe able to associate the student’s response with the question the student intended to answer.?Remember that students are not allowed to remove any materials, including the free-response questions or their scratch work, from the testing site. Section IMultiple-Choice QuestionsGO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCESection ITime—1 hour and 30 minutesPart ADirections: Each set of lettered choices below refers to the numbered questions or statements immediatelyfollowing it. Select the one lettered choice that best answers each question or best fits each statement and then fill in the corresponding box on the student answer sheet. A choice may be used once, more than once, or not at all in each set.Questions 1-3 refer to the labeled locations on the map.1. This area has the lowest amount of naturallyavailable freshwater per capita.2. The largest hydroelectric dam in the world islocated on one of the world’s longest rivers inthis area.3. Desalination is used to supply much of this regionwith freshwater.。

ap考试分数取消表格 ap-score-cancellation-form

ap考试分数取消表格 ap-score-cancellation-form

AP® Score Cancellation Form a School Code:Canceling your AP® Exam score permanently deletes it — it cannot be reinstated at a later time. Scores may be canceled at any time. However, for scores not to be sent to the college indicated on your AP answer sheet, AP Services must receive your request by June 15 of the year in which you took the AP Exam. Once you request a cancellation, the exam will not be scored, and a score for that exam will never be available. (Archived scores cannot be canceled.) There is no fee for this service; however, your exam fee is not refunded.By signing this form, you confirm that you agree with the terms and conditions on this form. Y ou also certify that you are the person (or the parent/guardian of the person) whose personal information is being provided for this service.Provide the information requested and mail or fax this form to the address or fax number below. Please print all of the fields except Signature. (Y ou can also give this form to your AP Coordinator after the exam.)AP Services, P.O. Box 6671, Princeton, NJ 08541-6671 Fax: 610-290-8979Please cancel my AP score. I understand that once I request a cancellation, the exam will not be scored, and a score will never be available.First Name:Middle Initial: Last Name:Date of Birth: AP Number(s) Associated with Exam(s): Y ear(s) of the Exam(s) to Be Canceled:Street Address:City: State/Province: ZIP/Postal Code: Country: Signature: Phone Number:(Signature of Student or Parent/Guardian required for processing request)School N ame:City: State/Province: ZIP/Postal Code: Country:Check the appropriate box(es).q The exam(s) indicated below is a/are regularly scheduled exam(s), Exam Code(s):q The exam(s) indicated below is an/are alternate exam(s) for late testing, Exam Code(s): Array© 2015 The College Board. College Board, AP, and the acorn logo are registered trademarks of the College Board.00081-031。






Section 1: Differential CalculusDifferential calculus is concerned with the study of rates of change and slopes of curves. This section of the AP Calculus exam tests students' understanding and application of derivative concepts.1. Example question:Find the derivative of the function f(x) = 3x^2 + 2x - 5.Solution:Using the power rule, we differentiate term by term to obtain f'(x) = 6x + 2.2. Example question:A particle moves along a straight line with position function s(t) = 4t^3 - 6t^2 + 2t + 1. Find the velocity function.Solution:To find the velocity function, we differentiate the position function with respect to time. Thus, v(t) = s'(t) = 12t^2 - 12t + 2.Section 2: Integral CalculusIntegral calculus focuses on the accumulation of quantities and finding areas under curves. This section of the AP Calculus exam examines students' ability to calculate definite and indefinite integrals.3. Example question:Evaluate the definite integral ∫(4x^3 + 2x - 1)dx from x = 1 to x = 3.Solution:Using the power rule and the constant rule, we integrate term by term and evaluate the integral to obtain 110.4. Example question:Fin d the indefinite integral ∫(5e^x + 3/x)dx.Solution:Integrating term by term, we obtain the indefinite integral as 5e^x +3ln|x| + C, where C is the constant of integration.Section 3: Applications of CalculusCalculus is widely used in various real-world applications such as physics, economics, and biology. This section of the AP Calculus exam assesses students' ability to apply calculus concepts to solve practical problems.5. Example question:A tank contains 500 liters of water with a salt concentration of 0.2 grams per liter. Brine with a concentration of 1 gram per liter enters the tank at a rate of 5 liters per minute. The mixture is continuously stirred and drained at a rate of 3 liters per minute. Find the salt concentration in the tank after 10 minutes.Solution:Using the principles of differential equations, we set up a rate of change equation and solve it to find the salt concentration to be approximately 0.439 grams per liter after 10 minutes.Conclusion:The AP Calculus exam covers a wide range of topics in both differential and integral calculus. By reviewing past exam questions, students can gain a better understanding of the exam format and level of difficulty. Mastering calculus concepts and their applications is crucial for success in this exam and for a deeper understanding of the field of mathematics.。






因此,College Board设置了5分容错率,即在一定条件下可以获得5分。

一、什么是AP统计学?AP统计学(Advanced Placement Statistics)是College Board推出的一门高中课程和考试。











根据College Board官方数据显示,2020年AP统计学考试共有23.5%的学生获得了5分,52.3%的学生获得了4-5分,76.9%的学生获得了3-5分。

四、AP统计学有哪些容错率?在AP统计学考试中,College Board设置了一些容错率规定。


具体来说,有以下几种容错率:1. 零点容错率如果一个考生在选择题或者自由响应题中出现了一个小错误(例如漏掉了一个负号),但是这个错误并不影响后面题目的答案,则可以给这个考生加上零点容错率。


APchemistry exam

APchemistry exam

AP chemistry考试题Choose one of the following for questions 1–4.(A) There is no change in the voltage.(B) The voltage becomes zero.(C) The voltage increases.(D) The voltage decreases, but stays positive.(E) The voltage becomes negative.The following reaction takes place in a voltaic cell.Zn(s) + Cu2+(1 M) → Cu(s) + Zn2+(1 M)The cell has a voltage that is measured and foundto be +1.10 V.1. What happens to the voltage when a saturatedZnSO4 solution is added to the zinc compartmentof the cell?2. What happens to the cell voltage when thecopper electrode is made smaller?3. What happens to the cell voltage when thesalt bridge is filled with deionized water insteadof 1 M KNO3?4. What happens to the cell voltage after the cell hasoperated for 10 minutes?Questions 5–8 refer to the following aqueoussolutions. All concentrations are 1 M.(A) H2C2O4(oxalic acid) and KHC2O4(potas-sium hydrogen oxalate)(B) KNO3 (potassium nitrate) and HNO3(nitric acid)(C) NH3 (ammonia) and NH4NO3 (ammoniumnitrate)(D) C2H5NH2(ethylamine) and KOH (potas-sium hydroxide)(E) CH3NH2(methylamine) and HC2H3O2(acetic acid)5. The most acidic solution (lowest pH)6. The solution with a pH nearest 77. A buffer with a pH> 78. A buffer with a pH< 79. An atom of 23892U undergoes radioactive decay by α emission. What is the product nuclide?(A) 23090 Th(B) 23490Th(C) 23092 U(D) 23091Pa(E) 230238 Pu10 . The specific rate constant, k , for radioactive beryllium-11 is 0.049 s−1. What mass of a 0.500 mg sample of beryllium-11 remains after 28 seconds?(A) 0.250 mg(B) 0.125 mg(C) 0.0625 mg(D) 0.375 mg(E) 0.500 mg11. H2PO4−+ H2O ↔ H3O++ HPO42−Which species, in the above equilibrium, behaveas bases?I. HPO42−III. H2O(A) I only(B) I and II(C) II and III(D) I and III(E) III only12. A sample of silver is to be purified by electrorefining.This will separate the silver from an impurityof gold. The impure silver is made into an electrode.Which of the following is the best way toset up the electrolytic cell?(A) an impure silver cathode and an inert anode(B) an impure silver cathode and a pure gold anode(C) a pure silver cathode with an impure silveranode(D) a pure gold cathode with an impure silver anode(E) an impure silver cathode with a pure silveranode13. Cycloalkanes are hydrocarbons with the general formula C n H2n. If a 0.500 g sample of any alkene is combusted in excess oxygen, how many moles of water will form?(A) 0.50(B) 0.072(C) 0.036(D) 1.0(E) 0.01814. The purpose of striking a match against the side of a box to light the match is(A) to supply the free energy for the reaction(B) to supply the activation energy for the reaction(C) to supply the heat of reaction(D) to supply the kinetic energy for the reaction(E) to catalyze the reaction15. When the concentration of H+ (aq) is doubled for the reaction H2O2 (aq) + 2 Fe2+ (aq) + 2 H+(aq) → 2Fe3+(aq) + 2H2O(g), there is no change in the reaction rate. This indicates(A) the H+ is a spectator ion(B) the rate-determining step does not involve H+(C) the reaction mechanism does not involve H+(D) the H+ is a catalyst(E) the rate law is first order with respect to H+16. H2O2(aq) + KIO4(aq) → KIO3(aq) + O2(g) +H2O(l)Choose the true statement from the following list.(A) The iodine oxidation state is reduced from+8 to +6.(B) This is not an oxidation–reduction reaction.(C) H2O2 behaves as a reducing agent.(D) Hydrogen is reduced from +2 to +1.(E) H2O2 behaves as an oxidizing agent.17. Which of the following lists the types of radiation in the correct order of increasing penetrating power?(A) α, γ, β(B) β, α, γ(C) α, β, γ(D) β, γ, α(E) γ, β, α18. C(s)+ H2O(g) ↔CO(g) + H2O(g) endothermicAn equilibrium mixture of the reactants is placedin a sealed container at 150°C. The amount ofthe products may be increased by which of the following changes?I. raising the temperature of the containerII. increasing the volume of the containerIII. adding 1 mol of C(s) to the container(A) II only(B) I and II(C) I only(D) II and III(E) III only19. When a basic solution of KMnO4 is added to anSnCl2 solution, a brown precipitate ofMnO2forms and Sn4+remains in solution. When thesame basic solution of KMnO4 is added to anNaF solution, no reaction occurs. Which of thesubstances involved in these reactions serves asthe best reducing agent?(A) SnCl2(B) KMnO4(C) NaF(D) MnO2(E) Sn4+20. CH4(g)+ CO2(g)↔2CO(g)+ 2H2(g)A 1.00-L flask is filled with 0.30 mol of CH4and0.40 mol of CO2, and allowed to come to equilibrium. At equilibrium, there are 0.20 mol ofCO in the flask. What is the value of K c, the equilibrium constant, for the reaction?(A) 1.2(B) 0.027(C) 0.30(D) 0.060(E) 3.021. Which of the following compounds is optically active?(A) CH3CHClCH2CH2CH3(B) CH3CH=CHCH2CH3(C) CH3CH2CHClCH2CH3(D) CH3CH2CH2CH2OH(E) CH3CH2CH2CH2CH322. All of the following may serve as reducing agents,EXCEPT:(A) Mg(B) Cs(C) Fe2+(D) MnO4−(E) Br−23. If 75% of a sample of pure 31H decays in 24.6 years, what is the half-life of 31H?(A) 24.6 yr(B) 18.4 yr(C) 12.3 yr(D) 6.15 yr(E) 3.07 yr24. The steps below represent a proposed mechanism for the catalyzed oxidation of CO by O3. Step 1: NO2(g) + CO(g) → NO(g) + CO2(g)Step 2: NO(g) + O3(g) → NO2(g) + O2(g)What are the overall products of the catalyzed reaction?(A) CO2 and O2(B) NO and CO2(C) NO2 and O2(D) NO and O2(E) NO2 and CO225. H2C3H2O4+ 2H2O ↔ 2 H3O++ C3H2O42−As shown above, malonic acid is a diprotic acid.The successive equilibrium constants are1.5×10−3(K a1) and2.0× 10−6(K a2). What is the equilibrium constant for the above reaction?(A) 1.0 × 10−14(B) 2.0 × 10−6(C) 4.0 × 10−12(D) 3.0 × 10−9(E) 1.5 × 10−326. How many grams of mercury could be producedby electrolyzing a 1.0 M Hg(NO3)2 solution witha current of 2.00 A for 3.00 h?(A) 22.4 g(B) 201 g(C) 11.2 g(D) 44.8 g(E) 6.00 g27.The organic compound shown above would be classified as(B) an ether(C) an alcohol(D) an aldehyde(E) a ketone22What is the rate law for this reaction?(A) Rate = k[CO](B) Rate = k[CO]2[Cl2](C) Rate = k[Cl2](D) Rate = k[CO][Cl2]2(E) Rate = k[CO][Cl2]29. MnO4−(aq) + H+(aq) + C2O42−(aq) → Mn2+(aq)+ H2O(l) + CO2(g)What is the coefficient of H+when the abovereaction is balanced?(A) 16(B) 2(C) 8(D) 5(E) 3230. The equilibrium constant for the hydrolysis ofC2O42−is best represented by which of the following?(A) K = [OH−][C2O42−]/[HC2O4−](B) K = [H3O+][C2O42−]/[HC2O4−](C) K = [HC2O4−][OH−]/[C2O42−](D) K = [C2O42−]/[HC2O4−][OH−](E) K = [C2O42−]/[HC2O4−][H3O+]31. The slow rate of a particular chemical reaction might be attributed to which of the following?(A) a low activation energy(B) a high activation energy(C) the presence of a catalyst(D) the temperature is high(E) the concentration of the reactants are high32. Co2+ + 2 e−→ Co E° = −0.28 VCd2+ + 2 e−→ Cd E° = −0.40 VGiven the above standard reduction potentials,estimate the approximate value of the equilibriumconstant for the following reaction:Cd +Co2+→Cd2++Co(B) 10−2(C) 104(D) 1016(E) 10233. The mechanism below has been proposed for the reaction of CHCl3 with Cl2.Step 1: Cl2(g) ↔ 2Cl (g) fastStep 2: Cl(g) + CHCl3(g) → CCl3(g) + HCl(g) slowStep 3: CCl3(g) + Cl(g) → CCl4(g) fastWhich of the following rate laws is consistent with this mechanism?(A) Rate= k[Cl2](B) Rate= k[CHCl3][Cl2](C) Rate= k[CHCl3](D) Rate= k[CHCl3]/[Cl2](E) Rate= k[CHCl3][Cl2]1/234. The formation of 23090Th from 23492U occurs by:(A) electron capture(B) α decay(C) β decay(D) positron decay(E) γ decay35. The reaction (CH3)3CBr(aq) + H2O(l) → (CH3)3COH(aq) + HBr(aq) follows the rate law: Rate = k[(CH3)3CBr]. What will be the effect of decreasing the concentration of (CH3)3CBr?(A) The rate of the reaction will increase.(B) More HBr will form.(C) The rate of the reaction will decrease.(D) The reaction will shift to the left.(E) The equilibrium constant will increase.36. A carboxylic acid may be represented as:(A) ROH(B) RCHO(C) R-O-R’(D) RCOOH(E) RCOOR’37.S2O32− + OH−→ SO42− + H2O + e−After the above half-reaction is balanced, whichof the following are the respective coefficients ofOH−and SO42−in the balanced half-reaction?(A) 8 and 3(B) 6 and 2(C) 10 and 2(D) 5 and 2(E) 5 and 138. NO2(g) ↔2NO(g) + O2(g)The above materials were sealed in a flask andallowed to come to equilibrium at a certain temperature. A small quantity of O2(g) was added tothe flask, and the mixture allowed to return toequilibrium at the same temperature. Which ofthe following has increased over its original equilibrium value?(A) the quantity of NO2(g) present(B) the quantity of NO(g) present(C) the equilibrium constant, K(D) the rate of the reaction(E) the partial pressure of NO(g)39. The energy difference between the reactants and the transition state is(A) the free energy(B) the heat of reaction(C) the activation energy(D) the kinetic energy(E) the reaction energy40. C2H4(g) + 3O2(g) ↔ 2 CO2(g) + 2H2O(g)An equal number of moles of each of the reactants are sealed in a container and allowed tocome to the equilibrium shown above. At equilibrium which of the following must be true?I. [CO2] must equal [H2O]II. [O2] must be less than [C2H4]III. [CO2] must be greater than [C2H4](A) II and III(B) I only(C) III only(D) II only(E) I and IIYou have 20 minutes to do the following questions. You may use a calculator and the tables at the back of the book.The alkane hexane, C6H14, has a molecular mass of 86.17 g/mol.a. Like all hydrocarbons, hexane will burn. Write a balanced chemical equation for the complete combustion of hexane. This reaction produces gaseous carbon dioxide and water.b. The complete combustion of 10.0 g of hexane produces 487 kJ. What is the molar heat of combustion (ΔH) of hexane?c. Determine the pressure exerted by the carbon dioxide formed when 5.00 g of hexane are combusted. Assume the carbon dioxide is dry and stored in a 20.0-L container at 27°C.d. Under identical conditions, hexane vapor diffuses at one-half the rate of the vapor of another compound. What is the molar mass of the other compound?e. Hexane, like most alkanes, may exist in different isomeric forms. The structural formula of one of these isomers is pictured below. Draw the structural formula of any two other isomers of hexane. Make sure all carbon atoms and hydrogen atoms are shown.Free-Response Questions 2Answer the following question in 15 minutes. You may not use a calculator. You may usethe tables at the back of the book.The above galvanic cell is constructed with a cobalt electrode in a 1.0 M Co(NO3)2solution in the left compartment, and a silver electrode in a 1.0 M AgNO3solution in the rightcompartment. The salt bridge contains a KNO3solution. The cell voltage is positive.a.What is the balanced net ionic equation for the reaction, and what is the cell potential?b. Which electrode is the anode? Justify your answer.c.CouldKCl be substituted for the KNO3in the salt bridge? Justify your answer.d.If some solid Co(NO3)2is added to the cobalt compartment, what will happen to thevoltage? Justify your answer.e.If the cell is allowed to operate until equilibrium is established, what will the potentialbe? Justify your answer.You have 15 minutes for this question. You may use a calculator and the tables at the backof the book.2ClO2(aq)+2OH−(aq)→ClO3−(aq)+ClO2−(aq)+ H2O(l)A series of experiments were conducted to study the above reaction. The initial concentrations and rates are reported in the table below.a.i. Determine the order of the reaction with respect to each reactant. Make sure youexplain yourreasoning.ii. Give the rate law for the reaction.b. Determine the value of the rate constant, making sure the units are included.c.Calculate the initial rate of disappearance of ClO2in experiment 1.d.The following has been proposed as a mechanism for this reaction.Step 1: ClO2+ ClO2→Cl2O4Step 2: Cl2O4+ OH−→ClO3−+ HClO2Step 3: HClO2+ OH−→ClO2−+ H2OWhich step is the rate-determining step? Show that this mechanism is consistent withboth the rate law for the reaction and with the overall stoichiometry.AP Chemistry 考试题 Answer sheet Class: Chinese name : Free-Response Questions 1 Free-Response Questions 2Free-Response Questions 3。

AP考试模拟试题与答案1-微积分BC- AP Calculus-BC

AP考试模拟试题与答案1-微积分BC- AP Calculus-BC

6. The graph of the function f is shown in Figure 1T-3. Which of the following statements is/are true?
I. f (0) = 0
II. f has an absolute maximum value on [a , b]
Use the answer sheet provided on the previous page. All questions are given equal weight. Points are not deducted for incorrect answers and no points are given to unanswered questions. Unless otherwise indicated, the domain of a function f is the set of all real numbers. The use of a calculator is not permitted in this part of the exam.
(C) e 2
Figure 1T-1 A possible graph of f is (see Figure 1T-2):
Figure 1T-2



七年级英语月份记忆练习题50题含答案解析1. My birthday is in ____.A. JanuryB. JanuaryC. JenuaryD. Jenury答案:B。





2. She was born in ____.A. FebuaryB. FebruaryC. FebruryD. Feburary答案:B。





3. The festival is in ____.A. MarchB. MerchC. MarthD. Mrach答案:A。





4. His vacation is in ____.A. AprilB. AprelC. AprillD. Apryl答案:A。





5. We will have a party in ____.A. MayB. MeyC. MaiD. Mae答案:A。





6. The exam is in ____.A. JuneB. JuinC. JunD. Juen答案:A。



[名师点津] aboard 与 abroad 二者容易混淆。abroad 意为“在国外,到
[即时巩固] 完成句子 ①He was already _a_b_o_a_rd__th_e_p_l_a_n_e__. 他已经登机了。 ②The ship went down with all its crew ___o_n_b_o_a_r_d______. 船和船上的全体船员一起沉下去了。 ③The plane is taking off. Please ___g_o_a_b_o_a_rd______. 飞机就要起飞了,请登机。 ④The passengers ____bo_a_r_d_e_d______ the plane at 9:00 am. 乘客在上午 9:00 登机了。
[归纳拓展] (1)apply (to sb.) for (向某人)申请 apply to 适用于(to 为介词) apply...to 把……运用于…… apply to do sth. 申请去做某事 apply oneself to 致力于,集中精力于 (2)application n. 请求;申请,申请表;应用 applicant n. 申请人
[归纳拓展] (1)offer to do sth. 主动做某事 offer sb. sth.=offer sth. to sb.给某人提供某物 offer sb. money for sth. 出价买某物 (2)make an offer to do sth./of sth. 提议做某事 accept one's offer 接受某人的建议
[归纳拓展] (1)go aboard (the plane) 登(机) All aboard! [口]请大家上船(或车、飞机等)! Welcome aboard! 欢迎乘坐! (2)board n. 木板;董事会,委员会;膳食,) on board(=aboard) 在船上(或飞机上、火车上) go on board 上车/船/飞机等 (3)broad adj. 宽阔的;adv.宽阔地 (4)abroad adv.在/到国外 at home and abroad 国内外



初中python考试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. Python中用于定义函数的关键字是:A. defB. functionC. funD. method答案:A2. 下列哪个选项是Python中的注释方式?A. //B. /* */C. #D. --答案:C3. 在Python中,以下哪个是正确的字符串定义方式?A. "Hello, World!"B. 'Hello, World!'C. `Hello, World!`D. A和B答案:D4. Python中,以下哪个关键字用于循环遍历列表?A. forB. whileC. repeatD. loop答案:A5. 下列哪个选项是Python中的逻辑运算符?A. andB. orC. notD. 以上都是答案:D6. 如何在Python中定义一个空列表?A. list = []B. list = list()C. list = {}D. list = None答案:A7. 在Python中,以下哪个函数用于将字符串转换为大写?A. lower()B. upper()C. capitalize()D. swapcase()答案:B8. Python中,以下哪个函数用于计算字符串中字符出现的次数?A. count()B. len()C. find()D. index()答案:A9. 在Python中,以下哪个关键字用于创建一个新类?A. classB. newC. typeD. define答案:A10. Python中,以下哪个函数用于将列表转换为字符串?A. str()B. list()C. join()D. split()答案:C二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. 在Python中,使用________关键字可以定义一个空集合。

答案:set2. Python中,使用________函数可以将列表中的元素连接成一个字符串。



网络工程师试题(精选8篇)篇1:网络工程师笔试题网络工程师笔试题(1)下列关于RPR技术的描述中,错误的是A)RPR与FDDI一样使用双环结构B)在RPR环中,源节点向目的节点成功发出的数据帧要由源节点从环中收回C)RPR环中每一个节点都执行SRP公平算法D)RPR能够在50ms内隔离出现故障的节点和光纤段(2)下列不属于无线接入技术的是A)APONB)Ad hocC)WiMAXD)WiFi(3)按照ITU标准,传输速率为622.080Mbps的标准是A)OC-3B)OC-12C)OC-48D)OC-192(4)下列关于光纤同轴电缆混合网HFC的描述中,错误的是A)HFC是一个双向传输系统B)Cable Modem利用频分多路复用方法将信道分为上行信道与下行信道C)Cable Modem传输方式分为对称式和非对称式两类D)HFC通过Cable Modem将光缆与同轴电缆连接起来(5)下列关于服务器技术的描述中,错误的.是A)热插拔功能允许用户在不切断电源的情况下更换硬盘、板卡等B)集群系统中一台主机出现故障时不会影响系统的正常服务C)服务器的可用性用MTBF描述D)服务器磁盘性能表现在磁盘存储容量与速度(6)一台交换机的总带宽为8.8 Gbps,如果该交换机拥有两个全双工1000Mbps光端口,那么最多还可以提供的全双工10/100Mbps电端口的数量是 A)12B)16C)24D)48(7)下列关于典型的高端路由器可靠性与可用性指标的描述中,错误的是 A)无故障连续工作时间大于1万小时B)系统故障恢复时间小于30分钟C)主备用系统切换时间小于50毫秒D)SDH接口自动保护切换时间小于50毫秒(8)EP地址块202.192.33:160/28的子网掩码可写为A)篇2:网络工程师试题及答案网络工程师试题及答案一、选择题1.无类域间路由CIDR技术出现在IP地址概念与划分技术的第__C__个阶段。



2024年ap英语语言和写作考试资料Title: 2024 AP English Language and Composition Exam MaterialsIntroductionThe 2024 AP English Language and Composition exam is an important assessment for high school students seeking college credit or advanced placement in English courses. This document provides detailed information about the exam format, content, and resources for preparation.Exam FormatThe 2024 AP English Language and Composition exam consists of two sections: a multiple-choice section and afree-response section. The multiple-choice section contains52-55 questions that assess students' ability to analyze and interpret a variety of texts. The free-response section requires students to write essays that demonstrate their understanding of rhetorical analysis, argumentation, and synthesis.Exam ContentThe exam content is organized into three main categories: rhetorical analysis, argumentation, and synthesis. Students areexpected to analyze and evaluate the rhetorical strategies used in a variety of texts, including nonfiction prose, visual images, and multimedia presentations. They must also develop and support arguments with evidence from texts and effectively synthesize information from multiple sources.Preparation ResourcesTo prepare for the 2024 AP English Language and Composition exam, students can use a variety of resources, including review books, online practice tests, and study guides. They can also attend review sessions offered by teachers or participate in study groups with peers. Additionally, students should practice writing essays in timed settings to improve their writing skills and time management.ConclusionThe 2024 AP English Language and Composition exam is a rigorous assessment that requires students to analyze and interpret complex texts, develop persuasive arguments, and synthesize information from multiple sources. By using a variety of preparation resources and practicing writing essays, students can improve their chances of success on the exam. Good luck to all students taking the exam in 2024!。



python大学考试题目及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. Python中,以下哪个关键字用于定义一个函数?A. classB. defC. returnD. import答案:B2. 在Python中,以下哪个选项是正确的列表定义方式?A. [1, 2, 3]B. {1, 2, 3}C. (1, 2, 3)D. 1, 2, 3答案:A3. 下列哪个选项是Python中的注释方式?A. //B. #C. /* ... */D. <!-- ... -->答案:B4. 在Python中,以下哪个选项是正确的字典定义方式?A. {1: 'a', 2: 'b'}B. [1: 'a', 2: 'b']C. (1: 'a', 2: 'b')D. 1: 'a', 2: 'b'答案:A5. 在Python中,以下哪个选项是正确的条件语句?A. if x > 0:B. if x > 0 then:C. if x > 0 else:D. if x > 0 fi:答案:A6. Python中,以下哪个函数用于计算字符串的长度?A. len()B. length()C. count()D. size()答案:A7. 在Python中,以下哪个选项是正确的元组定义方式?A. (1, 2, 3)B. [1, 2, 3]C. {1, 2, 3}D. <1, 2, 3>答案:A8. Python中,以下哪个关键字用于循环结构?A. forB. whileC. repeatD. loop答案:A9. 在Python中,以下哪个选项是正确的集合定义方式?A. {1, 2, 3}B. [1, 2, 3]C. (1, 2, 3)D. 1, 2, 3答案:A10. Python中,以下哪个函数用于将字符串转换为小写?A. upper()B. lower()C. capitalize()D. title()答案:B二、填空题(每题3分,共30分)1. 在Python中,可以使用________关键字来创建一个空列表。

ap homeschool and self-study codes list

ap homeschool and self-study codes list

ap homeschool and self-study codes list 问题,并提供相关的信息和参考资料。


AP课程是由美国大学理事会(The College Board)组织的一项高中课程项目,旨在为具备高等教育水平的学生提供大学水平的学习经历。

本文将为您提供一份AP自学和家庭教育课程编码列表,以帮助学生、家长和教育者更好地了解和选择合适的AP 课程。

一、什么是AP课程编码列表?AP课程编码列表(AP Course Ledger)是由美国大学理事会维护的一个在线数据库,列出了所有提供AP课程的学校、机构和教育组织。







3.筛选结果:根据搜索结果,学生可以进一步筛选出符合自己需求的AP 课程。






我如何准备AP考试 How do I prepare for the AP Exam 英语介绍

我如何准备AP考试 How do I prepare for the AP Exam 英语介绍

How do I prepare for the APExamIf you are going to appear AP exam, then you must know that it probably comes in May officially. May is a very tough month for students with exams, finals and end-of-year events. Thus, it is better to prepare before time and repeatedly is the superlative way to ensure you will do your best for these vital exams.Why does this exam matter to students?This exam is a national test, precise to each course that has been prepared to examine theability of a student to perform at a college level. Every student appears the same test at the same time nationwide.Though this score won’t concern your high school class grade, but it has an even more crucial function: generally this score is used by colleges and universities to aid them figure out what kind of courses you should take in your college. And, if you have a great score, then it can be even counted for course credit. At the same time as rules vary, scoring a four or five on the AP exam naturally will be accepted for credit.Below there are some points which will aid you in your preparation.Preparation for AP Exam:After review of your subject that you have already finished, you can do exercises to review past work to refresh your memory on a very regular basis. It is one of the best strategy for efficient learning.Mark the important points of each module as it is freshly fed into your mind, and ensure to note the areas where you faced difficulties. In this way, you can attempt in your daily or weekly APExam study sessions. Regularly approach the new material with an eye toward the test for the best result.Read the overview of course and practice quizzes offered on the website regularly which is extremely beneficial. You should practice each subject which will break down the main themes you will want to know. For some of the subjects, it even splits down the percent of the exam that covers each topic. You will also discover samples of free question and answers from past AP Exams, so you can revise the type of topics can be covered. Also with the questions andscoring guidelines, sample student answers with observations on those responses and exam statistics very clearly.Do not depend on the faculty only to finish your subjects and to prepare you. It does not allow ample time for thorough revision.AP Exams are very crucial to go away from studying to the last minute. Regular learning can ensure you that you are ready for this important exam and the college credit, here you come!。

AP微观经济学 教学大纲1 Microeconomics_Syllabus_1

AP微观经济学 教学大纲1 Microeconomics_Syllabus_1

AP ® Microeconomics Syllabus 1Objectives: Students will be able toDemonstrate economic questioning and analysis skills.• [C1]Interpret a variety of graphical models • [C6] and paraphrase economic concepts. Analyze the development of modern economic theory. • Explain the basic connections between economics and calculus. • Use and interpret the language of business and basic measurements of • economics performance.Apply economic skills and concept knowledge to higher college-level • economic courses.Course PlannerContent SummarySemester 1—Microeconomics1. Basic economic concepts: scarcity, choice, opportunity cost, PPF [C1]2. Nature and function of product markets: supply and demand, elasticity, consumer choice, firm production costs and revenues, pricing, perfect competition, imperfect competition [C2]3. Factor markets: derived demand, factor pricing [C3]4. History of economic thought: Adam Smith, Thomas Malthus, David Ricardo, Karl Marx, John Maynard Keynes5. Role of government: government regulation, public goods, externalities distribution of wealth [C4]6. Gains from trade and absolute and comparative advantage [C1]C1—The course teaches students basic economic concepts C6—The course teaches how to generate, interpret, label, and analyze graphs, charts, and data to describe and explain economic concepts C2—The course provides students with instruction in the nature and functions of product markets C3—The course provides students with instruction in factor markets C4—The course provides students with instruction in market failure and the role of governmentUnit 1: Basic Concepts 1 weekKey Topics: Scarcity, Choice, Opportunity Cost, PPF, Basic Marginal Benefit/ Marginal Cost Analysis [C1, C5]Readings: Mankiw, Principles of Economics, Chapter 1, pp. 4–11; Chapter 2, pp. 24–28 Assessment:Quiz with two short-answer questions and six to eight multiple-choice questionsUnit 2: Supply and Demand 3 weeks Topics: Demand, Law of Diminishing Marginal Benefits, Supply, Consumer and Producer Surplus, Consumer Choice/Optimal Purchase Rule, Allocative Efficiency, Deadweight Loss, Elasticity, Total Revenue Test, Price Discrimination, Price Floors and Ceilings, Efficiency versus Equity[C2]Readings:Mankiw, Principles of Economics, Chapter 4; Chapter 5, pp. 89–99; Chapter 6; Chapter 7; Chapter 8, pp. 164-69; Chapter 15, pp. 337-39 Assessment: Test with one long-answer question, two short-answer questions, and eight to twelve multiple-choice questions.Unit 3: Costs and Revenues 3 weeks (emphasis on graphs) [C6]Topics: Law of Diminishing Marginal Returns, Economies of Scale, Costs (fixed, variable, marginal), Cost Curves (relationship between curves), Total and Marginal Revenues, Profit and Loss (MR/MC and TR/TC), Break-Even, Shut Down, Economic Profit versus Normal Profit[C2]Readings: Mankiw, Principles of Economics, Chapter 13Assessment:Test with one long-answer question, two short-answer questions, and eight to twelve multiple-choice questionsUnit 4: Perfect Competition 3 weeks Topics: A ssumptions, R elationship b etween I ndustry a nd F irm, P rofit M aximization, Long-Run Equilibriums, Short-Run Equilibriums and the Adjustment Mechanism, Allocative Efficiency[C2] (for a firm)Readings: Mankiw, Principles of Economics, Chapter 14Assessment: Test with one long-answer question, two short-answer questions, and eight to twelve multiple-choice questionsUnit 5: Imperfect Competition 3 weeks Topics: Relationship Between Price and MR, Barriers to Entry, Profit Maximization, Monopoly, Regulation, Natural Monopoly, Oligopoly and Duopoly Game Theory with Game Tree and Payoff Matrix (dominant strategy, Nash Equilibrium, col-lusion, prisoner’s dilemma, interdependence), Collusive Oligopoly, Monopolistic Competition (long run and short run) (Note: In each imperfectly competitive C1—The course teaches students basic economic conceptsC2—The course provides students with instruction in the nature and functions of product marketsC5—The course promotes understanding of economic decision-making and its factors, such as marginal analysis and opportunity costsC6—The course teaches how to generate, interpret, label, and analyze graphs, charts, and data to describe and explain economic conceptsmarket structure, examine its effect on allocative efficiency and consumer andproducer surplus, and make comparisons to perfect competition.) [C2]Readings: Mankiw, Principles of Economics , Chapter 15; Chapter 16, pp. 345-61; Chapter 17, pp. 373-80, 385Assessment: Test with one long-answer question, two short-answer questions, and eight to twelve multiple-choice questions Unit 6: Factor Markets 2 weeks Topics: Factors of Production (review definitions of marginal revenue, marginal product, the law of diminishing marginal returns), Derived Demand, Marginal Revenue Product Analysis, Optimal Purchase Rule, Perfectly Competitive Factor Markets, Profit Maximization/Cost Minimization Rules, Monopsony, Economic Rent, Distribution of Income Among Factors, Unions [C3, C5]Readings: Mankiw, Principles of Economics , Chapters 18 and 19; Chapter 20, pp. 440-45Assessment: Quiz with two short-answer questions and six to eight multiple-choice questions Unit 7: The Role of Government 2 weeks Topics: Role ofGovernment, Public versus Private Goods, Marginal Social Cost/Marginal Social Benefit Analysis, Market Failures, Positive and Negative Externalities, Taxes, Free Riders, “Tragedy of the Commons” [C4]Readings: Mankiw, Principles of Economics , Chapters 10 and 11 (and parts of 12, if time allows)Assessment:1. Quiz with two short-answer questions and six to eight multiple-choice questions2. Extra-credit AP® Exam free-response sectionComprehensive Final Exam: One long-answer question, two short-answer ques-tions, and a full multiple-choice section (60 questions) of an AP Released Exam. Two hours are planned for the exam.Teaching Strategies Complete AP Exam problems in class.• Give students 10 to 15 minutesto work out the answers to an old AP free-response question. Let the students work in small groups if they (or you) prefer. When a group finishes quickly, have them put their answer on the board. I do this several days a week, at either the beginning or the end of the period. It has several benefits:C2—The course provides students with instruction in the nature and functions of product markets C3—The course provides students with instruction in factor markets C5—The course promotes understanding of economic decision-making and its factors, such as marginal analysis and opportunity costs C4—The course providesstudents with instructionin market failure and the role of governmentVisit weaker groups or students so that they can get some ■individualized instruction.Assess where common misunderstandings are happening. If I get ■questions from several groups on the same part of the problem, I know to review or reteach that idea.Students learn to do AP problems in the amount of time they will get ■on the actual AP Exam. This helps them know how to pace themselves when it counts.Give reading previews.• Give introductory lectures to the upcomingreading from the textbook. Emphasize that these lectures are not meant to be a perfect substitute for the reading; rather, they let students read new material with some familiarity. Economics textbooks are not the easiest to read. When students tackle the textbooks having already seen the big ideas, they get the most from the time they spend on the reading.Frontload on fundamental topics.• Extend the units at the beginning of the course and make sure that as many students as possible are on board with the basics such as opportunity cost, supply and demand, and the cost curves. Spending more time on these topics the first time through will save you a lot of time later. Students can pick up new topics quickly if they are well grounded in the topics that come early. Hours spent up front can save you days later on in the semester!Use the newspaper.• Nothing motivates students like seeing thateconomics is being put to use every day around them. Finding good articles for class is easy. Look in the Wall Street Journal on page A2, “The Economy.” The commodities page has a supply-and-demand article every day. The Sunday “Business” section in the New York Times almost always has something you can use, as do the editorial pages. Make a “clip-and-save” file, gather articles as you see them, and then break them out when you cover that topic. Searching the paper for a few minutes every day will quickly produce more good articles than you can use.Student EvaluationStudent grades are determined as an average of tests, quizzes, papers, and extra-credit assignments. Grades are broken down as follows:Tests 40%Units 2, 3, 4, 5Quizzes 10%Units 1, 6, 8Papers 30%Nickel and Dimed summer reading, Nickel andDimed supply-and-demand analysis, The WorldlyPhilosophers paper Project 10%Mutual fund project, AP Released Exam free-response sectionFinal 10%ComprehensiveTeacher ResourcesEconomics U$A. Video series. Produced by Educational Film Center. N.p., 2002.Ehrenreich, Barbara. Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By In America. New York: Metropolitan Books, 2001.Heilbroner, Robert L. The Worldly Philosophers: The Lives, Times, and Ideas of the Great Economic Thinkers. Rev. 7th ed. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1999.Mankiw, N. Gregory. Principles of Economics. 3rd ed. Mason, Ohio: Thompson South-Western, 2004.Morton, John S., and Rae Jean B. Goodman. 2004. Advanced Placement Economics: Microeconomics, Student Activities. 3rd ed. New York: National Council on Economic Education.The New York TimesThe Wall Street Journal。



AP评分标‎准发布‎时间:20‎10-04‎-12 1‎5:00:‎14‎W hen ‎y ou r‎e ceiv‎e you‎r AP ‎S core‎Repo‎r t an‎d fin‎d out‎what‎scor‎e you‎earn‎e d on‎that‎exam‎you ‎t ook ‎i n Ma‎y, yo‎u may‎wond‎e r ju‎s t ho‎w you‎got ‎a n AP‎scor‎e of ‎3 ins‎t ead ‎o f a ‎4, or‎a 4 ‎i nste‎a d of‎a 3.‎What‎happ‎e ned ‎i n th‎a t ti‎m e be‎t ween‎mid-‎M ay a‎n d ea‎r ly J‎u ly, ‎t her‎e sult‎s of ‎w hich‎you ‎s ee i‎n the‎scor‎e rep‎o rt? ‎H ere ‎i s th‎e sto‎r y:当‎你拿到你的‎A P分数报‎告,看到了‎你在五月份‎的考试中得‎到的分数时‎,你可能想‎知道你怎么‎会得到3分‎而不是4分‎,或者是4‎分而不是3‎分。


‎S cori‎n g th‎e AP ‎E xams‎Afte‎r the‎May ‎A P Ex‎a ms, ‎p arti‎c ipat‎i ng s‎c hool‎s ret‎u rn a‎l l AP‎Exam‎mate‎r ials‎to t‎h e AP‎Prog‎r am.‎A P考试的‎评分在五‎月份的AP‎考试之后,‎参与的学校‎要把所有的‎A P考试材‎料返回AP‎项目部。

‎? The‎mult‎i ple-‎c hoic‎e sec‎t ion ‎i s sc‎o red ‎b y co‎m pute‎r. Ea‎c h an‎s wer ‎s heet‎is s‎c anne‎d and‎the ‎t otal‎mult‎i ple-‎c hoic‎e sco‎r e is‎comp‎u ted ‎b y ad‎d ing ‎t he n‎u mber‎of c‎o rrec‎t res‎p onse‎s and‎subt‎r acti‎n g a ‎f ract‎i on f‎o r ea‎c h in‎c orre‎c t re‎s pons‎e as ‎a n ad‎j ustm‎e nt f‎o r ha‎p haza‎r dgu‎e ssin‎g.选‎择题由电脑‎评分,每‎一张答题纸‎都会被扫描‎,整个选择‎题部分的评‎分是通过将‎答对的题数‎相加,减去‎一部分不正‎确的答案以‎此作为对随‎意猜测的答‎案的惩罚。

apset 评分算法 -回复

apset 评分算法 -回复

apset 评分算法-回复APSET评分算法是一种用于学术成就评估的工具,可以帮助评委们对申请人的学术能力进行定量评估。



这个过程可以分为以下几个步骤:1. 数据预处理:在评估之前,论文需要经过一系列的预处理步骤,如去除停用词、标点符号和数字。


2. 主题模型训练:在数据预处理完成后,需要使用主题模型对论文进行训练。

主题模型是一种通过对文档进行潜在主题分配的概率模型,常用的主题模型有Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA)和Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA)等。


3. 特征提取:在主题模型训练完成后,需要对论文进行特征提取。



4. 评分模型训练:在特征提取完成后,可以使用机器学习算法训练评分模型。



5. 评分结果生成:在评分模型训练完成后,可以使用该模型对待评估的论文进行评分。






  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

Art History40%Section I SAMESection IPart A:Part A: SAME5 sets of questions based on color images (20 minutes)Part B:Part B:79 questions (40 minutes)60%Section II SAMESection IIPart A:Part A: SAME2 long essays, one of which requiresincorporating examples of art beyond the European tradition (60 minutes)Part B:Part B: SAME6 short essays based on color images and/or text (60 minutes)Biology 60%Section I50%Section I100 questions (80 minutes)69 questions (63 multiple-choice questions plus 6 grid-in questions; 90 minutes)40%Section II50%Section II4 required essays (10-minute reading period, 90-minute writing period)8 questions (2 ten-point questions, 3 four-point questions, and 3 three-point questions; 10-minute reading period, 80-minute writing period)Note: Four-function calculators (with square root) are permitted for the entire 2013 AP Biology Exam. Calculus AB50%Section ISAMESAMEPart A: No calculator28 questions (55 minutes)Part B: Graphing calculator required 17 questions (50 minutes)50%Section IISAME SAMEPart A: Graphing calculator required 2 problems (30 minutes)Part B: No calculator 4 problems (60 minutes)Calculus BC50%Section ISAMESAMEPart A: No calculator28 questions (55 minutes)Part B: Graphing calculator required 17 questions (50 minutes)50%Section IISAME SAMEPart A: Graphing calculator required 2 problems (30 minutes)Part B: No calculator 4 problems (60 minutes)Chemistry50%Section I SAMESAMENo calculator75 questions (90 minutes)50%Section IISAME SAMEPart A: Calculator allowed3 required questions (55 minutes)Part B: No calculator3 required questions (40 minutes)Multiple-choice questions (40 minutes): precise number varies each year to total 115 multiple-choice questions in Section I, both Part A and B.Note : For Section II, if students finish Part A before the end of the timed 30 minutes for Part A, they cannot begin working on Part B; students must wait until the beginning of the timed 60 minutes for Part B. However, during the timed portion for Part B, students may work on the problems in Part A without the use of a calculator.Note: For Section II, if students finish Part A before the end of the timed 30 minutes for Part A, they cannot begin working on Part B; students must wait until the beginning of the timed 60 minutes for Part B. However, during the timed portion for Part B, students may work on the problems in Part A without the use of a calculator.Note: Calculators allowed ONLY for Section II, Part A of the exam.Chinese Language and 50%Section ISAMESAMECulture70 questions (90 minutes)Part A:Listening (20 minutes)Part B:Reading (60 minutes)50%Section IISAME SAME4 tasks (45 minutes)Part A:Writing (30 minutes)Part B:Speaking (11 minutes)Computer Science A50%Section ISAMESAME40 questions (75 minutes)50%Section IISAME SAME4 questions (105 minutes)Note : The GridWorld Exam Appendix is included in the exam booklets. The language used on the exam will be Java.Economics: Macro66.67%Section ISAMESAME60 questions (70 minutes)33.33%Section IISAME SAME3 required free-response questions Note: Calculator not permitted.Economics: Micro66.67%Section ISAMESAME60 questions (70 minutes)33.33%Section IISAME SAME3 required free-response questions Note: Calculator not permitted.45%Section ISAMESection I54 questions (60 minutes)55 questions (60 minutes)55%Section IISAMESAME45%Section ISAME SAME55 questions (60 minutes)55%Section IISAME SAME3 essays (120 minutes)Environmental Science 60%Section ISAME SAME100 questions (90 minutes)40%Section IISAME SAME4 questions (90 minutes)Note: Calculator not permitted.European History50%Section ISAMESAME80 questions (55 minutes)50%Section IISAME SAMEDBQ and 2 thematic essays (1 each from 2 groups of 3 essays), (15-minute reading period, 115-minute writing period)English Language and Composition(10-minute reading period, 50-minute writing period)(10-minute reading period, 50-minute writing period)Note: Times listed are approximate. The total time listed for each section takes into account time for reading directions, moving from question to question, etc. As a result, the estimated time for each section may be greater than the sum of the estimated times for each part.English Literature and Composition3 essays (15-minute reading period, 120-minute writing period)French Language and 50%Section I SAME SAME Culture65 questionsPart A:Tasks without audio stimuli (40 minutes)Part B:Tasks with audio stimuli(approximately 55 minutes)50%Section II SAME SAME4 tasksPart A:Tasks with written responses(approximately 70 minutes)Part B:Tasks with spoken responses(approximately 15 minutes)German Language and50%Section I SAME SAME Culture65 questionsPart A:Tasks without audio stimuli (40 minutes)Part B:Tasks with audio stimuli(approximately 55 minutes)50%Section II SAME SAME4 tasksPart A:Tasks with written responses(approximately 70 minutes)Part B:Tasks with spoken responses(approximately 15 minutes)Government and Politics:50%Section I SAME SAME Comparative55 questions (45 minutes)50%Section II SAME SAME8 required questions (5 short-answerconcept questions, 1 conceptual analysisquestion, 2 country context questions;100 minutes)Government and Politics:50%Section I SAME SAME United States60 questions (45 minutes)50%Section II SAME SAME4 required questions(100 minutes)Human Geography50%Section I SAME SAME75 questions (60 minutes)50%Section II SAME SAME3 essays (75 minutes)Italian Language and 50%Section I SAME SAME Culture70 questionsPart A:Listening (approximately 25 minutes)Part B:Reading (55 minutes)50%Section II SAME SAME4 tasksPart A:2 tasks with written responses(approximately 70 minutes)Part B:2 tasks with spoken responses(approximately 15 minutes)Japanese Language and 50%Section ISAMESAMECulture70 questions (90 minutes)Part A:Listening (20 minutes)Part B:Reading (60 minutes)50%Section IISAME SAME4 tasks (45 minutes)Part A:Writing (30 minutes)Part B:Speaking (10 minutes)Latin40%Section I50%SAME50 questions (60 minutes)60%Section II50%SAME5 questions (15-minute reading period, 105-minute writing period)Questions 4 and 5 will be short answer questions, not essay questions.Music Theory 45%Section ISAMESAME75 questions (approximately 80 minutes)Section II 45%Part A:SAME SAMEDictation, Part writing, Composition: 7 exercises (approximately 68 minutes)10%Part B:SAME SAMESight-singing: 2 exercises(approximately 8 minutes per student)Physics B 50%Section I SAME SAMENo calculator70 questions (90 minutes)50%Section IISAME SAMECalculator allowed6 or7 questions (90 minutes) dependent on the version of the exam givenNote: Calculator permitted on Section II only. See the AP Physics Course Description, Effective Fall 2012for more details.Physics C: Electricity and 50%Section I SAMESAMEMagnetismNo calculator35 questions (45 minutes)50%Section IISAME SAMECalculator allowed3 questions (45 minutes)Note: Calculator permitted on Section II only. See the AP Physics Course Description, Effective Fall 2012for more details.Physics C: Mechanics50%Section I SAMESAMENo calculator35 questions (45 minutes)50%Section IISAME SAMECalculator allowed3 questions (45 minutes)Note: Calculator permitted on Section II only. See the AP Physics Course Description, Effective Fall 2012for more details.Psychology66.67%Section ISAMESAME100 questions (70 minutes)33.33%Section IISAME SAME2 essays (50 minutes)Note: Times listed are approximate. The total time listed for each section takes into account time for reading directions, moving from question to question, etc. As a result, the estimated time for each section may be greater than the sum of the estimated times for each part.Spanish Language50%Section I SAME SAMEPart A:Listening: 34 questions(approximately 35 minutes)Part B:Reading: 36 questions (45 minutes)Section II SAME SAME4 tasks30%Part A:Writing: 2 tasks (approximately 65 minutes)20%Part B:Speaking: Simulated conversation, oralpresentation (approximately 30 minutes)Spanish Literature and40%Section I50%Section ICulture65 questions (80 minutes)Part A:Interpretive Listening (approximately 20 minutes)Part B:Reading Analysis (60 minutes)60%Section II50%Section II3 essays (110 minutes)4 tasks (100 minutes)Questions 1 and 2 (suggested time 15 minutes each)Questions 3 and 4 (suggested time 35 minutes each) Statistics50%Section I SAME SAMEGraphing calculator expected40 questions (90 minutes)50%Section II SAME SAMEGraphing calculator expected6 questions (90 minutes)Studio Art33.33%Section I (Quality)SAME SAMEDrawing and 2-D Design Portfolios:(5 actual works)3-D Design Portfolio: 10 digital images(2 views each of 5 works)33.33%Section II (Concentration)SAME SAMEDrawing, 2-D Design, and 3-D Portfolios:12 digital images33.33%Section III (Breadth)SAME SAMEDrawing and 2-D Design Portfolios:12 digital images3-D Design Portfolio: 16 digital images(2 views each of 8 works)U.S. History50%Section I SAME SAME80 questions (55 minutes)50%Section II SAME SAMEDBQ and 2 essays (1 each from 2 groupsof 2 essays) (15-minute reading period,115-minute writing period)World History50%Section I SAME Section I70 questions (55 minutes)50%Section II SAME Section II3 required essays: DBQ, continuity/change-over-time essay, and comparative essay (10-minute reading period, 120-minute writing period)Number and type of questions remain the same, as does the scoring rubric. Questions 2 and 3 will be based on the AP World History Curriculum Framework.All questions will be based on the AP World History Curriculum Framework.。
