2019南洋理工大学本科生招生考核方式及启示*韦骅峰摘 要:南洋理工大学是“一带一路”沿线的世界一流大学。
目前南洋理工大学实行多元化的本科生招生考核方式,将GCE A-Level考试、新加坡理工学院文凭、新加坡国立大学高中文凭、国际文凭、其他国家和地区高中文凭和特殊人才自主招生,都纳入到其招生考核方式中,呈现学院招生自主权大、考核评价方式多元化和招生对象国际化等特点。
1. 笔试笔试分为两个部分:英语和数学。
2. 面试面试通常是在考试结束后由学校招生办安排的。
1. 英语英语部分考试内容包括语法、词汇、阅读理解、完形填空和写作等多个方面。
2. 数学数学部分的考试内容包括代数、几何和数据分析等方面。
新加坡留学考试 SM1考试过程介绍
新加坡留学考试 SM1考试过程介绍摘要:以下是以为参加SM1考试的学生,感激网上以前考生的信息,得以通过,所以在此分享一下他的经验。
新加坡留学考试 SM1考试过程介绍……我是今年参加SM1考试的学生,感激网上以前考生的信息,得以通过,所以在此分享一下我的经验。
P.S:Some Tips(仅为猜测)将会的东西答对,不会的尽努力。
最新2012 新加坡高中毕业统考 考试大纲8809_2012
PROJECT WORKHIGHER 1(Syllabus 8809)INTRODUCTIONThis document explicates the intent and design of Project Work (PW) at the Higher 1 (H1) level, the expected learning outcomes of the students offering it as a course of study, and the means of appraising their performance in progress and upon completion of the course.In today’s dynamic and fast-changing world, students need to learn how to engage with issues, and process information that is presented in a manner that is less structured, not subject-specific and open-ended. Students need to learn to work together on tasks that require a repertoire of skills and to apply what they have learned to complete a project in a group. This is the principle on which PW at the H1 Level has been anchored and developed.AIMSPW is a learning experience which aims to provide students with the opportunity to synthesise knowledge from various areas of learning, and critically and creatively apply it to real life situations. This process, which enhances students' knowledge and enables them to acquire skills like collaboration, communication and independent learning, prepares them for lifelong learning and the challenges ahead.LEARNING OUTCOMESThe learning outcomes identify the key areas of learning of the subject. Four learning outcomes are separately articulated: knowledge application, communication, collaboration and independent learning. While students learn to work in groups, they will also learn independently through self-reflection and evaluation of their own work processes. These learning outcomes exist in dynamic interplay rather than as compartmentalised and distinct categories. The following are the learning outcomes for PW:∙Knowledge ApplicationStudents will acquire the ability to make links across different areas of knowledge and to generate, develop and evaluate ideas and information so as to apply these skills to the project task.∙CommunicationStudents will acquire the skills to communicate effectively and to present ideas clearly and coherently to a specific audience in both the written and oral forms.∙CollaborationStudents will acquire collaborative skills through working in a team to achieve common goals.∙Independent LearningStudents will be able to learn on their own, reflect on their learning and take appropriate action to improve it.ASSESSMENT OBJECTIVESThe assessment in PW aims to measure the extent to which the students have achieved the expected learning outcomes. During the course, the students have to demonstrate their ability, individually and as a group, by applying the knowledge learned to develop a project task.Students will be assessed in the following areas:∙Knowledge ApplicationCandidates are expected to demonstrate the ability to generate, develop and evaluate ideas and information so as to apply these skills as they carry out a project task.∙CommunicationCandidates are expected to demonstrate the ability to present ideas clearly and coherently to a specific audience in both the written and oral forms.NOTE: Collaboration and Independent Learning are not assessed.ASSESSMENT FRAMEWORKStudents are assigned to work in project groups, with each project group having 4 to 5 members. The project groups are to work on a task that is designed to be broad enough to allow students to display their various skills and abilities. The groups are expected to complete the task within 28 weeks (recommended time of 60–75 hours, assuming an average of 2.5 hours per week) where they will define the project focus, analyse and evaluate the information gathered, prepare an oral presentation and submit a written report.Students will be assessed on their performance both as members of the group and as individuals. Assessment is made of students carrying out the project and of the final products delivered.The performance of individual students and that of groups is assessed through the following means: written report, oral presentation and the group project file.Table 1 shows the assessment criteria, and Table 2 shows the assessment framework.∙Written ReportAt the end of the project, each group is required to submit a piece of written work based on the task that they have completed. This component assesses students on their performance pertaining to knowledge application and written communication. Only a group mark is awarded for this component; this is to encourage the group to apply the skills that they have learned and to demonstrate their abilities collectively in a final product.∙Oral PresentationEach student from the group is given an opportunity to present a part of the project orally to a target audience and answer questions posed to the individual student. The students will be assessed as individuals and as a group. Emphasis is placed on every student being able to display, individually, his ability to be clear and coherent in presenting his ideas and to address and engage an audience. A group mark is given to recognise the group’s ability to be organised and coherent throughout the oral presentation.∙Group Project FileStudents will be assessed on their abilities to generate and develop ideas, and analyse and evaluate the information they have gathered. Students are expected to show evidence of these processes through the following documents: Preliminary Ideas, Evaluation of relevant print/non-print Material and Insights and Reflections.Table 1: Assessment CriteriaComponents of Assessment IndividualGroupWritten Report∙ Substantiation of ideas∙ Generation of ideas ∙ Analysis andevaluation of ideas ∙Formal exposition of 2500–3000 words∙ Sources must beacknowledged∙ Organisation of ideasOral Presentation∙ Fluency and clarity of speech∙ Effectiveness of oral presentation ∙ Awareness of audience ∙ Response to questions ∙Max. 25 min. per group for groups with 4 students; max. 30 min. for groups with 5 students∙ At least 5 min. per student ∙ May include grouppresentation not exceeding 5 min∙ Q & A sessionGroup Project File∙Individual submission:∙ Preliminary Ideas ∙ Evaluation of relevantprint/non-print Material ∙ Insights and Reflections∙ Generation of ideas ∙ Analysis andevaluation of ideasTable 2: Assessment FrameworkComponent Group Individual TotalWritten Report 40% - 40% Oral Presentation 10% 30% 40% Group Project File-20%20%Total 50% 50% 100%Assessment CriteriaWritten ReportAssessment requirements:∙Formal exposition of around 2500–3000 words ∙Sources must be acknowledgedCriterionNomark ApproachingExpectationMeetingExpectationExceedingExpectationGroupSubstantiation of ideas Main ideas aresupported by fewrelevant details andexamplesMain ideas aresupported by relevantdetails and examplesMain ideas are wellsupported by relevantdetails and examplesGeneration of ideas Ideas are largelyrehashed with little orno modificationIdeas areappropriatelymodified and/ordevelopedIdeas are insightfuland/or innovativeAnalysis and evaluation of ideas Ideas are analysedand evaluated in alimited wayIdeas are sufficientlyanalysed andevaluatedIdeas are thoroughlyanalysed andevaluatedOrganisation of ideas Criterion has not been met Ideas are presentedand organised insuch a way that thereport is difficult tofollowIdeas are presentedand organised insuch a way that thereport is easy tofollowIdeas are presentedand organisedcoherentlyOral PresentationAssessment requirements:∙ Max. 25 min. per group for groups with 4 students; max. 30 min. for groups with 5 students ∙ At least 5 min. per student∙ May include group presentation not exceeding 5 min. ∙ Question & Answer sessionCriterion No. mark Approaching Expectation Meeting ExpectationExceeding ExpectationIndividualFluency andclarity of speech Speaks haltingly and/or mumbles, and is difficult to understand at timesSpeaks clearly and intelligibly most of the time Speaks clearly and fluently throughout, at an appropriate paceAwareness of audience Shows little awareness of audience Shows some awareness of audience Shows personal engagement withaudience Response to questions Criterion has not been met Answers are limited with little or no elaboration Answers are relevant and contain some elaboration of ideas Answers are relevant, well thought out and elaborated on GroupEffectiveness of grouppresentationCriterion has not been metPresentation has limited effect due to lack of cohesion and organisation.Presentation aids do not enhance the presentationPresentation isgenerally effective with some degree of cohesion and organisation.Presentation aids used appropriately toenhance presentationPresentation is highly effective, cohesive and well-organised.Presentation aids used to effectively enhance overall effectGroup Project FileAssessment requirements:∙Individual submission: Preliminary Ideas, Evaluation of relevant print/non-print Material, Insights and Reflections∙Group submission: Group Project Proposal (Note: Groups are required to submit this although this is not assessed)CriterionNomark ApproachingExpectationMeeting ExpectationExceedingExpectationIndividualGeneration of ideas Ideas are largelyrehashed with little orno modification Ideas are appropriatelymodified and/ordevelopedIdeas are insightfuland/or innovativeAnalysis and evaluation of ideas Criterion has not been met Ideas are analysed and evaluated in a limited way Ideas are sufficiently analysed and evaluated Ideas are thoroughly analysed and evaluated。
S M1考试经历学弟学妹们好,我是2015年sm1参考人之一,向珂曼,为了造福后代,特此整理了考试经历供大家参考。
南洋理工大学是享誉世界的一所著名的大学,有不少的学生想要申请到南洋理工大学读研究生,那么它的研究生申请条件有哪些呢?来看看(kàn kàn)的详细分析情况吧!一、新加坡南洋理工大学研究生申请(shēnqǐng)条件1、中国教育部成认的全日制4年本科学历,拥有(yōngyǒu)学士学位。
民办本科〔含本科第三批录取之高校〕和专科生不获承受;2、托福是通行该校被认可的语言测试,可凭托福成绩单申请研究生课程(kèchéng),需到达以下所列程度:600 〔paper-based〕笔试(bǐshì);OR 250 〔computer-based〕机考;OR 88 〔Internet-based〕;新托福IBT。
3、大学本科加权平均分80分以上〔按百分计〕,成绩总评GPA 3.5分〔按4.0总分值计算〕;4、中国985工程、211工程重点高校毕业生优先考虑,民办本科、专升本、自学考试、远程教育、网络教育不获承受;5、如各学院需要申请人提供GRE和GMAT等考试凭证,以各学院招生要求为准,优秀的博士学位申请者可以通过参加TPT和EPT考试替代GRE和TOEFL考试;6、华文授课的硕士课程〔金融学、公共管理、经济管理等〕,请与本校招活力构、在华官方机构或政府部门联络和推荐,由南大研究生院统一录取;7、南大不设研究生课程的语言直升班,以及预科班课程,申请前请务必确认到达南大入学资格;8、新加坡高等学府与加拿大、澳大利亚、英国等高校招生方式不同,南大从不委托和使用任何中介招生,有任何问题请与学校联络,假设发现采用任何形式中介的申请者,新加坡南洋理工大学保存无理由回绝其申请的权利。
建议大家选择休息。因为考场机房一般都会缺氧。出去上个厕所,去放书包的柜子那点东西吃,喝点水补充一下都可以。当你选择10分钟休息时,屏幕会锁住,只 有管理员才能来解锁。并且10分钟倒计时。如果10分钟后你没有回来,屏幕依然是锁住状态,但程序会进入到下一个考试部分并且倒计时开始。
1. 作文。考前只写了四五篇,于是就临场发挥了哈。感觉很好,虽然只有两三百字,但文风跟官方范文很像哈~~整个考场噼里啪啦的键盘声,自己却慢悠悠的打丫打丫。
People should undertake risky action only after they have carefully considered its consequences.
哦对。。忘了说了,我选得最纠结的是送分学校。。。因为还没有开始选校。。。我妈帮我找了点学校填' O, k1 J, \; ~$ l" ~
概况1、笔试内容:智商,物理、数学,英语,重要性降序排列2、考试与A-LEVEL相似3、考试时间:智商:20min 物理:90min 数学120min 英语:120min+30min(作文二选一)内容智力测试1、30多道图形推断题,大同小异,万变不离其宗。
其中有一本是“模拟题",老师会先带着你做这本题(糟糕,我忘记是哪一本了),告诉你基本的解题思路(最关键的要仔细观察和平心静气), 然后给我们五分钟的时间来做这本模拟题,答案也是涂在答题卡上,但不计入总成绩。
南洋理工大学生物医学数据科学 笔试
新加坡jpact考试词汇总结-概述说明以及解释1.引言1.1 概述概述新加坡JPACT考试是一项重要的英语考试,旨在评估考生的英语水平和语言运用能力。
1.2文章结构1.2 文章结构本文将按照以下结构进行论述:1. 引言1.1 概述- 介绍新加坡JPACT考试的背景和重要性,为读者提供了解该考试的基本概念。
1.2 文章结构- 提供了本文的整体结构,让读者明确了解每个部分的内容。
1.3 目的- 阐述本文的写作目标和意义,为读者建立了阅读的动机。
2. 正文2.1 考试概述- 详细介绍了新加坡JPACT考试的背景,包括考试的历史、目的和评估标准等方面的内容。
2.2 考试内容- 对新加坡JPACT考试的各个部分进行了全面而详细的介绍,包括听力、阅读、口语和写作等方面的内容。
2.3 考试准备- 提供了备考新加坡JPACT考试的有效方法和建议,包括词汇积累、模拟考试和学习技巧等方面的内容。
3. 结论3.1 总结考试词汇- 对新加坡JPACT考试中常见的词汇进行总结和归纳,为考生提供了备考的重要参考资料。
Exam:190-622Titl e :Notes Domino 6 Managing Servers and Users��Ver : 01.09.06QUESTION 1Which one of the following explains why Hans cannot retrieve an HTML file whichhe knows is on the Domain server?A. The CGI script are not enabled.B. The default URL is set to ?Open.C. Hans has Depositor access to the Domino server.D. The HTML files are not located in the HTML directory listed in the server or Web site configuration documents.Answer: AQUESTION 2Jim's Notes workstation's Smart Upgrade did not work. Which one of the following could be the cause of Smart Upgrade failing?A. Jim did not access his mail database.B. Jim's Personal Address Book has the filename JIM.NSF.C. Jim's Location document does not correctly specify his home server.D. Jim does not have administrator access to his Windows 2000 workstation. Answer: AQUESTION 3When a policy selected for a particular user?A. During registrationB. During workstation setupC. When the user's certifier ID is createdD. When the user accesses their mail serverAnswer: BQUESTION 4Jessica wants to assign an explicit policy to a user. Which one of the following documents should be modified to assign the policy to the user?A. The policy documentB. The user's Person documentC. The office Location documentD. The mail server's configuration documentAnswer: BQUESTION 5Which one of the following statements about the Smart Upgrade database isTRUE?A. The database must have ODS version 41.B. The database must have the filesystem SMUPKIT.NSFC. The database must contain the relevant Notes RS information.D. The database must exist on at least one server in the domain.Answer: DQUESTION 6Amy wants to decommission an existing source server. Before transferring the applications, she runs a Decommission Server Analysis report. Which one of the following types of information does this tool provide?A. Source server information onlyB. Target server information onlyC. A compression between source server and target serverD. A detailed report of everything transferred from the souce server to te target server once the transfer takes placeAnswer: CQUESTION 7In addition to Notes database, which one of the following files on a Domino server should be backed up in order that new users can created in case of the server?A. The CACHE.DSK fileB. Certifier ID filesC. The user's DESKTOP.DSK fileD. The server's BOOKMARK.NSF file.Answer: BQUESTION 8Brie left the Create New Replicas field blank in a Server document. Who can create new replica databases on that server?A. No oneB. AdministratorsC. Local Domain ServerD. Everyone in the domainAnswer: AQUESTION 9Which one of the following statements about the compact server task is TRUE?A. The compact process re-indexes views.B. By default, compact runs every day at 3 P.M.C. Compact may be scheduled via a program document.D. Compact is listed in the TASKS line on all Notes 6/6.5 workstations.Answer: CQUESTION 10Josh has cross certified the /BOX organization to his /ACME organization. An administrator from the BOX organization has cross certified the /ACME to the/BOX organization. When a /BOX server attempts to assess a /ACME server, it receives a " You are not authorized to access this server" error. Which one of the following could be the cause of this error?A. The Box server's ID does not contain a copy of the Acme certifier.B. The Box server's ID file needs to be updated with the cross certificate.C. The Box administrator needs to add the Box server to the LocalDomainServer group.D. The Box server has not been granted access to the Acme server in the Acme server document.Answer: DQUESTION 11Suzanne, a Notes administrator sets the "Allow Anonymous Notes connections" setting in the Server document to yes. Which one of the following levels of accesswill Bob, Notes user, have when he accesses a database with the following settings:-Default- Editor*/ACME - ReaderAnonymous - AuthorOtherDomainServer -NoAccessA. ReaderB. AuthorC. DefaultD. No AccessAnswer: BQUESTION 12Amy is setting up session-based name-and-password authentication. Which one ofthe following is required for this to work?A. JavaB. COBRAC. CookiesD. JavaScriptAnswer: CQUESTION 13Jeff cross certified the Organizational Unit (OU) /NYC/ACME with his organization's /BOX Organizational (O) certifier. Which one of the following statements are correct for this scenario?A. Users or server with /NYC/BOX certificate can access /ACME servers.B. Users with an ACME ID can access any of Box's severs that have a /NYC/BOX certificate.C. Any user or server ID with the /NYC/ACME certificate can access any server in the /BOX organization if they have the appropriate cress certificate.D. Server with the /NYC/ACME certificate can access any server in the /BOX organization if they have the appropriate cress certificate but no .NYC/AME user can access /BOX servers.Answer: AQUESTION 14Robert's windows 200 Domain server has frozen with no error output on theserver's screen or other indication that anything is wrong. Which on of the followig can cause this problem?A. The server was replicating with another serverB. The server's transaction log was being updated.C. Robert has forced mail routing to another server.D. Microsoft windows Quick Edit mode was enabled for the server console window. Answer: DQUESTION 15Bob left the Create New Databases field empty in a Server document. Who is authorized to create new databases on the server?A. No oneB. Administrators onlyC. LocalDomainServer onlyD. Anyone with access to the serverAnswer: DQUESTION 16Which one of the following statements about transaction logging is TRUE?A. The transaction log is always named TRANSLG.NSFB. Transaction logging must be enabled on all Domain 6/6.5 servers.C. All database changes are written to a transaction log in a batch.D. Transaction logging is enabled by default on all Domain 6/6.5 servers. Answer: CQUESTION 17Raul wants to review reads and writes to databases from various Notes user. Where would he locate this information?A. LOG.NSFB. DOMLOG.NSFC. ACTINFO.NSFD. ACTIVIOTY.NSFAnswer: AQUESTION 18Which one of the following statements about Domino SSL server security is TRUE?A. SSL must be enabled for all server ports.B. SSL can only be enabled for POP3, IMAP and SMTP.C. If a server is using SSL, users must access the server using a browser.D. You can require SSL connections for all databases on a server or for an individual database.Answer: DQUESTION 19Dawn used the Administration Process (AdminP) to convert a non-roaming Note user to a roaming Notes user. In which one of the following does the Administration Process update the user's status from non-roaming to roaming?A. Person documentB. Server documentC. Location documentD. Configuration documentAnswer: AQUESTION 20Orin changes the name of a group using the Domino Administrator client. How often does the Administration process (AdminP) update group names in Author and Reader Names fields?A. DailyB. HourlyC. WeeklyD. ImmediatelyAnswer: CQUESTION 21Jonathan has been moved out of one group and into another. How long before this change will be effective throughout the seventeen servers in his domain?A. One hour.B. ImmediatelyC. It is dependent on the replication schedule for NAMES.NSF.D. The Administrator Process (AsminP) will change his group membership throughout the domain within 24 hours.Answer: CQUESTION 22Maria got married ad changed her last name. She needs to have her name changedin the Domino Directory. Which one of the Following actions did the administrator use to change Maria's name?A. Edit PersonB. Move to folderC. Rename Selected PeopleD. Recertify Selected PeopleAnswer: CQUESTION 23Karen uses the Administration Process (AdminP) to move a user's main file to a different mail server. Which one of the following must Karen do in order for thenew mail file to be created and the old mail file to be deleted?A. Update the user's Location documents.B. Modify the mailserver field in the user's person documentC. Approve the deletion of the old mail file in the ADMIN4.NSF database.D. Give the user rights to create new databases on the new mail server.Answer: CQUESTION 24When a user is deleted from the Domino Directory, which one of the following tasks must be approved in the ADMIN4.NSF database by the administrator before theAdministration process (AdminP) performs the task?A. Remove the user from groups.B. Delete the user's mail database.C. Add the user to a Terminations groupD. Remove the Person document from the domain's Domino Directly.Answer: BQUESTION 25Jennifer is moving user from /Madrid/ACME to /Boston/ACME. Which one of the following will she need to perform this task?A. The Web Administrator clientB. Just the destination certifierC. Author access to the domain's Domino DirectoryD. Both the /Madrid/ACME and the /Boston/ACME certifier ID filesAnswer: DQUESTION 26Which one of the following processes ensures that group names in ACLs are updated when an administrator changes the name of the group in the domain's Domino Directory?A. UpdateB. UpdallC. ConvertD. Administration Process (AdminP)Answer: DQUESTION 27Which one of the following may cause the error "You are not authorized to use the server on remote consol"?A. The user is not authorized to use the server.B. The server does not allow remote administration.C. The user's ID file is not cress certified with the server.D. The person in not listed in the Administrators field of the Server document. Answer: DQUESTION 28Jose wants to see the replication topology map of his Notes domain. To see this topology, what must he do?A. Load the MAPS EXTRACTOR server task.B. Load the TOPMAPS EXTRACTOR server task.C. Load the MAPTOP EXTRACTOR server task.D. Load the TOPOLOGY EXTRACTOR server task.Answer: AQUESTION 29Which one of the following would be helped by using the Mail Trace feature?A. A user cannot read encrypted e-mail.B. All mail messages to a particular user are not routing properly.C. Mail is not routing from outside your domain to your domain's mail servers.D. Mail messages from one user in your domain are not routing properly to external users.Answer: BQUESTION 30Geoff wants to force replication of NAMES.NSF between ServerA/Acme and ServerB/Acme. Which one of the following console commands will accomplish this?A. LOAD REPLICATIONB. REP SERVERA SERVERBC. REP SERVERB/ACME NAMESD. TELL SERVERA REP SERVERB NAMESAnswer: CQUESTION 31Both Server A and Server B are in the domain and in the same Domain Network Name. What is the minimum number of Connection Documents needed for replication to occur in both directions?A. TwoB. OneC. ThreeD. NoneAnswer: BQUESTION 32Which one of the following may prevent the Administration Process (AdimnP)from updating a user's name in their ID file?A. The user accepted the name change.B. The CERTLOG.NSF database does not include a copy of the user's certificate.C. The user's name is not listed in the Domino Directory's Access Control List (ACL).D. The user did not accept the name change in the first twenty-four hours after the administrator initiated it.Answer: BQUESTION 33An agent that is designed to run "On schedule more than once daily" does not complete. Which one of the following could cause this problem?A. The agent must be initiated by user action.B. The agent can only run hourly, weekly or monthly.C. The developer must start the agent manually the first time.D. The agent has exceeded the value in the Max Execution time in the Agent Manager settings of the Server document.Answer: DQUESTION 34Koki, a Domino administrator, is trying to move a server within the certification hierarchy by running the administration Process task. He recertifies the server witha different certifier ID but the change never tasks place. Which one of the following will cause the recertifying process to fail?A. The server has a hierarchical certificate.B. The Administration Process was enabled.C. The Certification Log was placed on the Domino Administrator workstation.D. A replica copy of the Administration Requests database was placed was placed on every server in the domain.Answer: CQUESTION 35Which one of the following may cause the error "You are not autjorized to accessthe server"?A. The user's ID file has expired.B. The server's ID file has expired.C. The cross certificate exists on both directions.D. The Access List in the Server document denies the user access.Answer: DWhich one of the following types of information is stored in an .NSD file?A. Current server statusB. Notes storage directoriesC. Information regarding a system crashD. HTTP access information for the serverAnswer: CQUESTION 37Both Server A and Server B are in the Acme domain, are correctly listed in DNS, are in the same Domino Network Name. How many Connection Document are required mail to route for Server B and from Server A to Server B and form Server B to Server A?A. OneB. TwoC. ThreeD. NoneAnswer: DQUESTION 38Which one of the following may cause the error "Unable to find path to server" on a Notes workstation?A. The user's ID file has expired.B. Server's hostname is not resolving.C. The Personal Address Book has been deleted.D. Server does to have a Connection document to the server.Answer: BQUESTION 39Jeff is trying to create a replica of STATUS.NSF but is unable to create the local copy. Which one of the following could cause this problem?A. Jeff only has Reader access in the database's Access Control List (ACL).B. Jeff only has Author access in the database's Access Control List (ACL).C. Jeff only has Editor access in the database's Access Control List (ACL).D. Jeff has not been given the right to replicate or copy documents in the database's Access Control List (ACL).Answer: DWhat is the minimum level of access a Notes 6/6 5 user must have to run the Out of Office agent?A. AuthorB. EditorC. ManagerD. DesignerAnswer: BQUESTION 41Jose is creating a new password for himself. Which one of the following will password quality checking indicate as the least secure password?A. Mixed case passphrasesB. All uppercase passwordsC. Passphrases containing numbers and punctuationD. Would found in Notes dictionaries during spell checkAnswer: DQUESTION 42Kurt created an event generator. Which one of the following will this do?A. Restart the event task.B. Initiate a task a server.C. Create entries in the EVLOG.NSF databases.D. Monitor a task a task or statistic by probing a server.Answer: AQUESTION 43Which one of the following controls when an agent runs on a server?A. The Agent Manager taskB. Server document, Agent Settings field.C. Configuration document, Agent Setting filed.D. The AGENTSCHED parameter in the server's NOTES.INI file.Answer: BQUESTION 44Why did Sophia create an event handler?A. To define a threshold for a statistic.B. So that server sets quotas on database size.C. In order to have the server log events to the EVENTS4.NSF database.D. To be notified via page if the server's available disk space fails below 25%. Answer: DQUESTION 45What is the DOMLOG.NSF database used for?A. To track all users who access the Domino serverB. To track users who access the Domino server via HTTPC. To track users who access the Domino server via NNTPD. To track user who authenticate with the Domino server.Answer: BQUESTION 46Which one of the following best describes the available directory architecture in a Domino 6 domain?A. A centralized directory architectureB. Both distributed and centralized directory architecturesC. None of the answers applyD. A distributed directory architectureAnswer: BNotes & Domino 6 supports both a distributed directory architecture and a central directory architecture.In a Distributed Directory architecture in a Domino domain, in which all servers use the standard Domino Directory in a central directory architecture,some servers store Configuration Directories (contains configuration settings only) and then use the standard Domino Directories on remote servers for lookups. QUESTION 47What is the significance of Kit Type=1 and where is it located?A. Server, in the Notes.iniB. Workstation, in the server documentC. Workstation, in the Notes.iniD. Server, in the configuration documentAnswer: CSpecifies which program you are running:1 - Workstation2 - ServerQUESTION 48Which on of the following is the proper syntax for forcing replication via a Domino server console command?A. Replicate [databasename] servernameB. Replicate servername [databasename]C. Replicate sourceservname/sourcedatabasenamedestinatationservername/destinationdatabasenameD. Replicate servername/databasenameAnswer: BSyntax: Replicate servername [databasename]Description: Forces replication between two servers (the server where you enter this command and the server you specify). Use the server's full hierarchical name. If the server name is more than one word, enclose the entire name in quotes. To force replication of a particular database that the servers have in common, specify the database name after the server name. The initiating server (where you're currently working) first pulls changes from the other server, and then gives the other server the opportunity to pull changes from it. You can use this command to distribute changes quickly or to troubleshoot a replication or communication problem.QUESTION 49Mary needs to rebuild all used views in her database. Which one of the following commands could she issue on the Domino server console?A. UPDALL -ALLB. UPDALL -*C. UPDALL -RD. UPDALL -XAnswer: CRebuild: All used viewsUPDALL -RRebuilds all used views. Using this option is resource-intensive, so use it as a last resort to solve corruption problems with a specific database.QUESTION 50What database is created when you run the Decommission Server Analysis tool?A. Log AnalysisB. DecommissionC. Server analysisD. ResultsAnswer: DWhen you run the Decommission Server Analysis tool, you create a Results databasecontaining detailed information comparing the source server and the target server. The source server is the server being removed from service, and the target server is the server taking the place of the source server. The source and the target servers must be Domino servers that have hierarchical names and that are in the same domain.QUESTION 51Which of the following uniquely identifies a document across all replicas of a database?A. UNIDB. NotelIDC. ReplicalDD. OFIDAnswer: AThe UNID (universal ID) is a 32-character combination of hexadecimal digits (0-9, A-F) that uniquely identifies a document across all replicas of a database.QUESTION 52A Program document can not be used to run which of the following types of commands or programs?A. API programsB. UNIX shell scriptsC. OS/2 command filesD. Java appletsAnswer: DA Program document is used to automatically run a server task at a specific time. You can also use a Program document to run an OS/2 command file, a UNIX shell script or program, or an API program. You can use the Program document to schedule tasksand/or programs.QUESTION 53Sandra has migrated all of her users and applications from Nagano/CertFX toMoscow/CertFX. Which one of the following can she use to ensure she has transferred all database and settings?A. Tivoli Server Analyzer for Lotus DominoB. The administration client action "Show Server Difference"C. Cluster comparison toolD. Server decommission Analysis toolAnswer: DThe Decommission Server Analysis tool generates a categorized list of items that were analyzed. Each category represents a different aspect of a server's configuration thatneeds attention. Within each category, items are listed alphabetically. Each item lists any differences between the source and the target server's settings or values. In the Results database, you can view the categorized list of the items that were analyzed. QUESTION 54A Security Policy Settings document controls which of the following?A. The Notes and Internet passwordsB. None of the aboveC. The administration ECL as well as Notes and Internet passwordsD. The administration ECL as well as Internet passwordsAnswer: CA Security policy settings document controls the Administration ECL as well as Notes and Internet passwords.QUESTION 55Which one of the following can you specify in the setup profile when performing a seamless upgrade?A. To which groups the client must be addedB. Which mail file template to apply according to the Lotus Notes client versionC. All of the aboveD. Which address book template to apply according to the Lotus Notes client version Answer: BWhen the Domino server receives the call to upgrade a mail file template, the server checks for a Desktop policy settings document or Setup Profile assigned to the user. The Desktop policy settings document and the Setup Profile contain a "Mail Template Information" section. This section is new to Setup Profiles in Notes 6. In this section, you can specify which mail file template to apply according to the Lotus Notes client version. QUESTION 56Which one of the following is not an Event Generator document?A. TCP server even generatorB. NRPC server event generatorC. Task status event generatorD. Statistic event generatorAnswer: BMonitoring Configuration documents define and configure what constitutes an event and how the event is handled. You can also use these documents to customize the message that appears on screen when an event occurs. The Monitoring Configuration documents are stored in EVENTS4.NSF.Event Generator documents are also stored in the Monitoring Configuration database, EVENTS4.NSF.QUESTION 57Which one fo the following best describes the information that can be found in the DOMLOG.nsf database?A. Both Lotus Notes and web activity on the Domino serverB. Lotus Notes activity on the Domino serverC. Web activity on the Domino serverD. Activity trends and health reporting of the Domino serverAnswer: CYou can log your server activity and Web server requests to the Domino Web server log (DOMLOG.NSF) database. This option may be preferable if you want to create views and view data in different ways. Logging to a database is somewhat slower than logging to text files, especially at very busy sites, and the size of the database can become large so that maintenance becomes an issue. However, if you use the Domino Web server log, you can treat this information as you would other Notes databases, and you can use built-in features to analyze the results.QUESTION 58Michael needs to force replicate between the following two servers:Notes Hub/Tools/ CertkillerSametime Hub/Tools/ CertkillerMichael is using a remote console on SametimeMichael is using a remote console on Sametime Hub/Tools/ Certkiller . Which oneof the following Domino server console commands did he issue?A. REPLICATE NotesHubB. REPLICATE Notes HubC. REPLICATE Notes Hub/Tools/ CertkillerD. REPLICATE Notes Hub/Tools/ Certkiller "Answer: DSyntax: Replicate servername [databasename]Description: Forces replication between two servers (the server where you enter this command and the server you specify). Use the server's full hierarchical name. If the server name is more than one word, enclose the entire name in quotes. To force replication of a particular database that the servers have in common, specify the database name after the server name. The initiating server (where you're currently working) first pulls changes from the other server, and then gives the other server the opportunity to pull changes from it. You can use this command to distribute changes quickly or to troubleshoot a replication or communication problem.Which one of the following is not an available policy settings document?A. Ecplicit policiesB. Exception policiesC. Implied policiesD. Organizational policiesAnswer: CA policy is a collection of individual policy settings documents.There are three types of policies: Organizational policies, Explicit policies and Exception policies.Organizational policies are applied automatically to users or groups based on the organizational structure.Explicit policies, like they sound, are assigned explicitly. They apply settings directly to a user, instead of through the organizational hierarchy.Exception policies allow users to control their own user settings.QUESTION 60Which one of the following statements about transaction logging is TRUE?A. Transaction logging is used to support Domino clusteringB. Logged transactions are stored in memoryC. Logged transactions are written to disk in a batchD. Transaction logging is enabled by default on all Domino 6 serversAnswer: CTransaction logging captures all the changes that are made to databases and writes them to a transaction log. The logged transactions are written to disk in a batch when resources are available or at specified intervals.QUESTION 61Hoke needs to make design changes to forms and views of a production database.He plans to make the changes locally in a template and then have the server updatethe production database with the changes. Which one of the following server tasksdoes the administrator run in order for the changes to be propagated?A. The REPLICA server taskB. The FIXUP -D server taskC. The DESIGN server taskD. The UPDALL server taskAnswer: CThe DESIGN or designer task updates all database design elements from their master template(s). The DESIGN task runs daily by default at 1 AM.A user has been added to a group with author access in the salesdatabase. When she enters the database she finds that she is able to change her co-workers documents as well as her own. Why?A. She is listed individually in the ACL with reader accessB. The ACL has become corrupt and needs fixed upC. None of the aboveD. She is listed in another group in the ACL with editor accessAnswer: DA name is included in two or more groups. The name receives the access of the group with the highest access.QUESTION 63Many needs to rebuild all used views in her database. Which one of the following commands could she issue on the Domino server console?A. UPDALL -RB. UPDALL -XC. UPDALL -ALLD. UPDALL -*Answer: ARebuild: All used viewsUPDALL -RRebuilds all used views. Using this option is resource-intensive, so use it as a last resort to solve corruption problems with a specific database.QUESTION 64Which one of the following should not be included in a NNN?A. Domino servers on a WANB. Domino servers on Dial-upC. None of the aboveD. Domino servers on a LANAnswer: BThe Domino Server Setup program automatically places all servers that are in a Domino domain and that run the same network protocol in the same Notes named network (NNN). In the Server document, the setup program assigns each NNN a default name in the format portname network.After you complete the Server Setup program, rename the NNN for each network port in the Server document. It is useful if the name reflects both the location of the network and its protocol. For example, if your company has a TCP/IP network and has LANs in Boston and San Francisco, change the name of the NNN in Boston to "TCPIP Boston。
选择题(Multiple Choice)She _______ for five hours on the computer last night.A. workedB. has workedC. was workingD. had workedThe manager _______ to arrive at 9 a.m., but he didn't show up.A. was supposedB. supposedC. supposesD. has supposed_______ the time I got to the airport, the plane had already taken off.A. AtB. ByC. InD. On_______ is important to eat a balanced diet.A. ItB. ThatC. ThisD. WhatThe more you exercise, _______ healthy you will be.A. the moreB. moreC. theD. much填空题(Fill in the Blanks)My brother _______ (study) in the US for three years now.It was _______ (rain) heavily when I left the office last night._______ (not forget) to bring your umbrella with you tomorrow.The teacher _______ (explain) the problem to us in detail yesterday.She _______ (be) absent from class for two days.简答题(Short-answer Questions)Describe a person who has influenced you most in your life and explain why.What are the main challenges you face in learning English, and how do you plan to overcome them?Discuss the importance of technology in modern education and give examples.Explain the benefits of reading books regularly and how it has improved your life.What are your hobbies and interests? How do they help you in your daily life?。
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A.院长办公会议B.党政联席会议C.院党委(支委)会D.教职工代表大会【答案】:B4.高校实践育人工作主要包括哪些形式()A.实践教学、军政训练、社会实践活动B.实践教学、志愿服务、创新创业C.课外活动、军政训练、社会实践活动1/ 12D.课外活动、志愿服务、创新创业【答案】:A5.高等学校的教师的聘任,应当遵循()的原则,由高等学校校长与受聘教师签订聘任合同。
A.合理评价B.悦纳自己C.孤芳自赏2/ 12D.自我激励【答案】:C10.关于高校教师的专业发展,下列说法中,错误的是()。
新加坡奖学金考试SM3详解新加坡奖学金考试SM3(senior middle school 3)是1990年中新建交时新加坡与中国教育部达成的留学合作项目,新加坡教育部代表两所知名大学新加坡国立大学(National University of Singapore)和南洋理工大学(Nanyang Technological University)每年与国内十余所大学签约并从新生中选拔优秀学生并提供全额奖学金及生活补助,至2011年已经有20届。
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e) 10*pi/(d^2)
3) point A(坐标不记得)到平面3x+2y+6z=6的距离
9)积分号0积分号3 (e^x^2 dxdy)
1 3y
10)y''+y=0 y(0)=1 y'(0)=0求y
1.求面积。2y^2=1-(x^2)^(-1), x轴,y=1/2,这个积分时应该采用换元比较简单,变成对y的积分。
Lim------------= ?(x,y都趋近于0)
高数上来时问你积分符号0 1积分符号3y 3的e的x平方dxdy
第24题是说A sphere of diameter d expand by 10cm^3/h.findthe increasing rate of the diameter in cm/h.
a) 10/(pi*d^2)
b) 20/(pi*d^2)
c) 40/(pi*d^2)
d) 20*pi/(d^2)
8、ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ曲线如下式与x=0,y=0,y=3,围成的面积大小
等边三角形equilateral triangle
5)findthird orderderivertiveof y=arctanx
6)a>0,b>0 lim [ (a^x-a*ln(x))/(b^x-b*ln(x))]^(1/x^2)=?
7) z=(xy)^x求z对x的偏导