烧结自动化系统设计 —烧结配料自动控制系统设计 翻译文档
二、设计要求1. 系统可靠性:烧结机作为生产线的关键设备,其自动化控制系统必须具备高可靠性,能够稳定运行并及时响应各种异常情况。
2. 系统安全性:烧结机操作过程中涉及高温、高压等危险因素,自动化控制系统需要具备相应的安全保护机制,确保操作人员和设备的安全。
3. 生产效率:自动化控制系统应能够提高生产效率,实现自动化控制、优化调度和智能化决策,减少人工干预,提高生产线的运行效率。
4. 系统可扩展性:烧结机的自动化控制系统应具备良好的可扩展性,能够根据生产需求进行功能扩展和升级,满足不断变化的生产要求。
三、功能模块1. 过程监控与数据采集:通过传感器和仪表对烧结机的温度、压力、流量等参数进行实时监测和采集,确保生产过程的稳定性和可控性。
2. 过程控制:根据监测到的数据,自动调节烧结机的加热、冷却、通风等参数,实现对烧结过程的精确控制。
3. 故障诊断与报警:通过故障诊断算法和模型,实时监测烧结机的运行状态,一旦发现异常情况,及时发出报警并提供相应的故障诊断信息。
4. 数据分析与优化:对采集到的历史数据进行分析和挖掘,提取关键指标和规律,为生产决策和优化提供依据。
5. 人机界面:设计友好的人机界面,方便操作人员对烧结机的运行状态进行监控和控制,提供实时数据展示、报警信息显示等功能。
四、实施方案1. 硬件选型:选择适合烧结机自动化控制的传感器、仪表、执行机构等硬件设备,确保其性能和可靠性满足系统设计要求。
2. 软件开发:根据功能模块的需求,开发相应的软件程序,包括数据采集、控制算法、故障诊断、数据分析等功能。
3. 系统集成:将硬件设备和软件程序进行集成,搭建烧结机自动化控制系统,确保各个功能模块之间的协调运行。
系统应具备以下功能:1. 温度控制:通过控制燃烧器的燃烧强度和风机的速度,实现烧结机内部的温度控制。
2. 压力控制:通过控制气体进出口的阀门,实现烧结机内部的压力控制。
3. 流量控制:通过控制进出料口的阀门,实现烧结机内部的物料流量控制。
4. 速度控制:通过控制烧结机的转速,实现物料在烧结过程中的速度控制。
5. 故障检测:监测烧结机各个部件的工作状态,及时发现故障并报警。
三、硬件设计1. 控制器选择:选择适合烧结机自动化控制的控制器,如PLC(可编程逻辑控制器)或DCS(分布式控制系统)。
2. 传感器选择:选择适合烧结过程监测的传感器,如温度传感器、压力传感器、流量传感器、速度传感器等。
3. 执行器选择:选择适合控制烧结机各个部件的执行器,如电动阀门、电机等。
4. 信号接口设计:设计合理的信号接口,确保传感器和执行器能够与控制器进行有效的通信。
四、软件设计1. 系统架构设计:根据烧结机的控制需求,设计合理的系统架构,包括控制层、数据采集层和人机界面层。
2. 控制算法设计:设计烧结机的温度、压力、流量和速度控制算法,确保系统能够实现精确的控制。
3. 故障检测算法设计:设计故障检测算法,监测烧结机各个部件的工作状态,及时发现故障并报警。
4. 数据采集与存储:设计数据采集模块,实时采集烧结机各个部件的数据,并将数据存储到数据库中,以备后续分析和报表生成。
5. 人机界面设计:设计人机界面,提供操作员对烧结机自动化控制系统的监控和操作功能。
五、系统测试与调试1. 单元测试:对烧结机自动化控制系统的各个模块进行单元测试,确保其功能正常。
二、设计要求1. 系统可靠性:烧结机自动化控制系统需要具备高可靠性,以确保生产过程的稳定性和安全性。
2. 系统灵活性:系统应具备良好的灵活性,能够适应不同的生产工艺和产品要求。
3. 系统稳定性:系统应具备良好的稳定性,能够在长时间运行过程中保持稳定的性能。
4. 系统安全性:系统应具备良好的安全性,能够避免潜在的危险和事故发生。
5. 系统可扩展性:系统应具备良好的可扩展性,能够满足未来的需求变化和扩展需求。
三、硬件架构烧结机自动化控制系统的硬件架构主要包括以下组成部分:1. 控制器:采用高性能的工业级控制器,具备强大的计算和通信能力。
2. 传感器:包括温度传感器、压力传感器、流量传感器等,用于实时监测烧结过程中的各项参数。
3. 执行器:包括电动阀门、电机等,用于实现对烧结过程中的各项操作和控制。
4. 通信模块:用于实现系统与上位机、其他设备之间的数据交换和通信。
5. 电源模块:用于为系统提供稳定可靠的电源供应。
四、软件功能烧结机自动化控制系统的软件功能主要包括以下方面:1. 参数监测与控制:实时监测和控制烧结过程中的温度、压力、流量等参数,保持参数在设定范围内的稳定性。
2. 过程优化:基于实时数据分析和算法模型,对烧结过程进行优化,提高生产效率和产品质量。
3. 报警与故障诊断:根据实时数据和预设规则,实现对异常情况的报警和故障诊断,及时采取措施避免事故发生。
4. 数据存储与分析:将烧结过程中的数据进行存储和分析,为生产过程的优化和决策提供支持。
5. 远程监控与操作:通过互联网技术,实现对烧结机自动化控制系统的远程监控和操作,提高生产管理的便捷性和效率。
一、系统架构设计1.1 控制层烧结机自动化控制系统的控制层应包括PLC(可编程逻辑控制器)、DCS(分散控制系统)等控制设备。
1.2 通信网络为了实现设备之间的信息交换和数据传输,烧结机自动化控制系统需要建立可靠的通信网络。
1.3 数据采集为了实时监测烧结机的运行状态和生产数据,控制系统需要配置数据采集设备,如传感器、仪表等。
二、控制策略设计2.1 自动调节烧结机自动化控制系统应具备自动调节功能,能够根据生产需求和设备状态自动调整工艺参数,实现最佳生产效率和质量。
2.2 报警系统为了确保生产安全和设备正常运行,控制系统应配置完善的报警系统,能够及时发现并处理异常情况,避免事故发生。
2.3 联锁保护为了防止设备运行时出现不安全状态,控制系统应设计合理的联锁保护策略,确保设备在安全范围内运行。
三、人机界面设计3.1 触摸屏界面为了方便操作人员对烧结机进行监控和控制,控制系统应配置直观友好的触摸屏界面,显示设备运行状态、参数设置等信息。
3.2 远程监控为了方便管理人员对生产过程进行监控,控制系统应支持远程监控功能,可以通过互联网实现对烧结机的远程监控和控制。
3.3 报表分析为了方便管理人员对生产数据进行分析和统计,控制系统应支持报表生成功能,能够输出各种生产数据报表,帮助管理人员做出决策。
四、故障诊断与维护4.1 自诊断功能为了提高设备的可靠性和稳定性,控制系统应具备自诊断功能,能够自动检测设备故障并给出修复建议。
4.2 远程维护为了提高设备的维护效率,控制系统应支持远程维护功能,可以通过互联网实现对设备的远程诊断和维护。
一、硬件设备选型1.1 控制器选型:根据烧结机的控制需求,选择适合的控制器,如PLC(可编程逻辑控制器)、DCS(分布式控制系统)等,并考虑其性能、稳定性、可靠性以及对现有设备的兼容性。
1.2 传感器选型:根据烧结过程中需要监测的参数,选择合适的传感器,如温度传感器、压力传感器、流量传感器等,并考虑其测量范围、精度、稳定性等因素。
1.3 执行机构选型:根据烧结机的动作需求,选择适合的执行机构,如电动执行器、气动执行器等,并考虑其承载能力、响应速度、寿命等因素。
二、软件系统设计2.1 系统架构设计:根据烧结机的控制需求,设计合理的软件系统架构,包括控制层、数据采集层、人机界面等,确保系统的可扩展性和可维护性。
2.2 控制算法设计:根据烧结过程的特点,设计合适的控制算法,如PID控制算法、模糊控制算法等,以实现对烧结机的精确控制。
2.3 人机界面设计:设计友好、直观的人机界面,方便操作人员对烧结机进行监控、参数设置和故障诊断等操作。
三、控制策略优化3.1 过程优化:通过对烧结机运行过程的分析和优化,调整控制策略,提高烧结效率和产品质量。
3.2 能耗优化:通过对烧结机能耗的监测和分析,优化控制策略,降低能耗,减少生产成本。
3.3 故障诊断与预测:设计故障诊断与预测算法,实时监测烧结机的状态,及时发现故障并采取相应措施,提高设备的可靠性和可用性。
四、数据采集与处理4.1 数据采集:利用传感器对烧结机运行过程中的各项参数进行实时采集,如温度、压力、流量等。
4.2 数据传输与存储:通过网络等方式将采集到的数据传输到中央控制系统,并进行实时存储,以备后续分析和处理。
二、系统架构烧结机自动化控制系统的整体架构如下:1. 控制层:包括PLC(可编程逻辑控制器)和DCS(分散控制系统),用于实时监测和控制烧结机的运行状态。
2. 人机界面:通过触摸屏或者计算机软件与操作人员进行交互,实现参数设置、故障诊断等功能。
3. 传感器和执行器:用于采集烧结机各个部位的数据,并控制烧结机的运行状态。
三、硬件设备选型1. PLC选型:根据烧结机的规模和要求,选择适合的PLC型号。
2. 传感器选型:根据需要监测的参数,选择合适的传感器。
3. 执行器选型:根据需要控制的设备,选择合适的执行器。
四、软件编程1. PLC编程:根据烧结机的工艺流程和控制要求,编写PLC程序。
2. 人机界面编程:使用专业的人机界面软件,设计直观友好的界面,使操作人员能够方便地监控和控制烧结机。
3. 数据存储和分析:将烧结机运行数据存储到数据库中,以便后续的数据分析和报表生成。
五、通信协议1. 控制层通信:PLC和DCS之间通过常见的工业通信协议进行数据交换,例如Modbus、Profibus等。
2. 人机界面通信:人机界面与PLC之间通过以太网或者串口进行通信。
3. 数据存储通信:将烧结机运行数据通过以太网或者其他通信方式传输到数据库服务器,以便进行数据存储和分析。
1. 传感器烧结机自动化控制系统需要使用多种传感器来感知烧结过程中的各项参数,如温度、压力、流量、振动等。
2. 执行器执行器用于根据控制系统的指令,控制烧结机各个部件的运行状态。
3. 控制器控制器是烧结机自动化控制系统的核心部件,负责对传感器采集到的数据进行处理,并根据预设的控制算法生成控制指令。
4. 人机界面人机界面用于实现人机交互,方便操作人员对烧结机自动化控制系统进行监控和控制。
以下是常用的控制策略:1. 温度控制烧结过程中的温度是一个重要的参数,直接影响产品的质量和生产效率。
2. 压力控制烧结过程中的压力也是一个重要的参数,影响烧结过程的稳定性和产品的物理性质。
一、传感器选择1.1 温度传感器:用于监测烧结机内部的温度变化,确保烧结过程的稳定性。
1.2 液位传感器:用于监测烧结机内部的矿浆液位,以确保矿石的充分烧结。
1.3 压力传感器:用于监测烧结机内部的压力变化,以确保设备的安全运行。
二、PLC控制系统设计2.1 硬件选型:选择适合烧结机控制的PLC控制器,确保其性能和稳定性。
2.2 程序设计:编写PLC程序,实现对烧结机各个部分的控制和监测。
2.3 界面设计:设计人机界面,方便操作员监控和调节烧结机的运行状态。
三、自动化控制算法设计3.1 温度控制算法:根据温度传感器的反馈信息,调节烧结机的加热和冷却系统,实现温度的精确控制。
3.2 液位控制算法:根据液位传感器的反馈信息,调节烧结机的进料和排料系统,确保矿石的充分烧结。
3.3 压力控制算法:根据压力传感器的反馈信息,调节烧结机的排气系统,确保设备的安全运行。
四、数据采集与分析4.1 数据采集:将传感器采集的数据传输给PLC控制系统,实现对烧结机各个参数的实时监测。
4.2 数据存储:将历史数据存储在数据库中,方便后续分析和优化。
4.3 数据分析:利用数据分析软件对烧结机的运行数据进行分析,发现问题并提出改进措施。
五、远程监控与维护5.1 远程监控:实现对烧结机的远程监控,方便管理人员随时了解设备运行状态。
5.2 远程维护:通过远程控制软件对烧结机进行故障诊断和维护,减少停机时间。
5.3 系统优化:根据远程监控和维护的数据分析结果,对系统进行优化,提高烧结机的生产效率和稳定性。
Blast Furnace Fines Return TransmittingSystemIncluding devicesMix.405,Mix.406.Mix.406:belt conveyor(FC-1)Mix.405:belt conveyor(FC-2)All devices are stopped, then PLC finish the system stop processAll devices are running, then PLC finish the system start process. In system start process, if there is any device multiple fault, PLC finish the system start process , SCADA show alarm message and PLC is waiting next command.All devices in remote condition, system in remote condition.All devices‟s electric loop are ready, system is ready.There is not any multiple fault, system is healthyWhen all above three conditions are ok, system is ok, the interlock start/stop command button is permitted, In SCADA.1. electric symbol: Mix.405 technology symbol: FC-1(1).any one of the under conditions PLC output multiple fault(A or B or C or D or E or F or G)A. device overloadB. sway switch faultC. pull cord faultD. after start the device, if no running status signal feedbackE. in SCADA operator click emergency buttonF. device is running, but running status signal lostG. after device keep running 10s, PLC receive zero speed sensor fault signal(2). device manual start/stop conditions(A and B and C and D)A. device in remote control conditionB. device electric loop is readyC. device no multiple faultD. in SCADA, operator select manual mode(3). device interlock start conditions(A and B)A. All devices are okB. FC-2 belt conveyor is running(4). device interlock emergency stop conditions(A or B)A. FC-2 belt conveyor is stoppedB. FC-1 belt conveyor multiple fault coming(5). device interlock stop conditionsA. FC-2 belt conveyor is stopped2. electric symbol :Mix.406 technology symbol:FC-2(1).any one of the under conditions PLC output multiple fault(A or B or C or D or E or F or G)A. device overloadB. sway switch faultC. pull cord faultD. after start the device, if no running status signal feedbackE. in SCADA operator click emergency buttonF. device is running, but running status signal lostG. after device keep running 10s, PLC receive zero speed sensor fault signal(2). device manual start/stop conditions(A and B and C and D)A. device in remote control conditionB. device electric loop is readyC. device no multiple faultD. in SCADA, operator select manual mode(3). device interlock start conditionsA. All devices are ok(4). device interlock emergency stop conditionsA. FC-1 belt conveyor multiple fault signal coming(5). device interlock emergency stop conditionsA. Always permitted3. blast furnace fines return transmitting system interlock describe(1).blast furnace fines return transmitting system interlock start conditions(A and B and C and D)A. all device in remote control conditionB. all device in remote control condition electric loop is readyC. all device not any one multiple fault signalD. in SCADA, operator switch FC system to auto mode(2).blast furnace fines return transmitting system interlock start sequenceFC-2 → FC-1(3). blast furnace fines return transmitting system interlock stop sequenceFC-1 → FC-24. blast furnace fines return transmitting system start flow5. blast furnace fines return transmitting system stop flowMaterial Transmitting System Including devices:Pro.SL01, Pro.SL02.Pro.SL01: belt conveyor(RM-1)Pro.SL02: belt conveyor(RM-2)All devices are stopped, then PLC finish the system stop processAll devices are running, then PLC finish the system start process. In system start process, if there is any device multiple fault, PLC finish the system start process, SCADA show alarm message and PLC is waiting next command.All devices in remote condition, system in remote condition.All devices‟s electric loop are ready, system is ready.There is not any multiple fault, system is healthyWhen all above three conditions are ok, system is ok, the interlock start/stop command button is permitted, In SCADA.1. electric symbol : Pro.SL01 technology symbol:RM-1(1).any one of the under conditions PLC output multiple fault(A or B or C or D or E or F or G)A. device overloadB. sway switch faultC. pull cord faultD. after start the device, if no running status signal feedbackE. in SCADA operator click emergency buttonF. device is running, but running status signal lostG. after device keep running 10s, PLC receive zero speed sensor fault signal(2). device manual start/stop conditions(A and B and C and D)A. device in remote control conditionB. device electric loop is readyC. device no multiple faultD. in SCADA, operator select manual mode(3). device interlock start conditions(A or B)A. All device are okB. SL02 belt conveyor is running(4). device interlock emergency stop conditions(A or B)A. SL02 belt conveyor is stoppedB. SL01 belt conveyor multiple fault coming(5). device interlock stop conditionsA. SL02 belt conveyor is stopped2. electric symbol :Pro.SL02 technology symbol:SL02(1).any one of the under conditions PLC output multiple fault(A or B or C or D or E or F or G)A. device overloadB. sway switch faultC. pull cord faultD. after start the device, if no running status signal feedbackE. in SCADA operator click emergency buttonF. device is running, but running status signal lostG. after device keep running 10s, PLC receive zero speed sensor fault signal(2). device manual start/stop conditions(A and B and C and D)A. device in remote control conditionB. device electric loop is readyC. device no multiple faultD. in SCADA, operator select manual mode(3). device interlock start conditionsA. All devices are ok(4). device interlock stop conditionsA. RM-2 belt conveyor multiple fault signal coming(5). device interlock emergency stop conditionsA. Always permitted3. Material Transmitting System(1).Material transmitting system interlock start conditions(A and B and C and D)A. all device in remote control conditionB. all device in remote control condition electric loop is readyC. all device not any one multiple fault signalD. in SCADA, operator switch MT system to auto mode(2).Material transmitting system interlock start sequenceSL02 → SL01(3). Material transmitting system interlock stop sequenceSL01 → SL024. Material Transmitting system start flow5. Material Transmitting system stop flowCoke Transmit SystemIncluding devices:Pro.R01,Pro.R02,Pro.R03,Pro.R04,Pro.R05,Pro.R06,Pro.MC1 Pro.R01: Vibrator Feeder (VF-1)Pro.R02: belt conveyor (F-2)Pro.R03: Four Rollers Crasher (CRC-1)Pro.R04: belt conveyor (F-2)Pro.R05: belt conveyor (F-3)Pro.R06: belt conveyor (F-4)Pro.MC1: Magnetic Separator only local control mode(MS-1)In this System “All device” excluding MS-1, Magnetic separator only local control modeAll devices are stopped, then PLC finish the system stop processAll devices are running, then PLC finish the system start process. In system start process, if there is any device multiple fault, PLC finish the system start process , SCADA show alarm message and PLC is waiting next command.All devices in remote condition, system in remote condition.All devices‟s electric loop are ready, system is ready.There is not any multiple fault, system is healthyWhen all above three conditions are ok, system is ok, the interlock start/stop command button is permitted, In SCADA.1. electric symbol :Pro.R01 technology symbol:VF-1(1).any one of the under conditions PLC output multiple fault(A or B or C or D)A. device overloadB. after start the device, if no running status signal feedbackC. in SCADA operator click emergency buttonD. device is running, but running status signal lost(2). device manual start/stop conditions(A and B and C and D)A. device in remote control conditionB. device electric loop is readyC. device no multiple faultD. in SCADA, operator select manual mode(3). device interlock start conditions(A and B)A. All devices are okB. F-1 belt conveyor is running(4). device interlock emergency stop conditions(A or B)A. F-1 belt conveyor is stoppedB. VF-1 belt conveyor multiple fault coming(5). device interlock stop conditionsA. F-1 belt conveyor is stopped2. electric symbol :Pro.R02 technology symbol:F-1(1).any one of the under conditions PLC output multiple fault(A or B or C or D or E or F or G)A. device overloadB. sway switch faultC. pull cord faultD. after start the device, if no running status signal feedbackE. in SCADA operator click emergency buttonF. device is running, but running status signal lostG. after device keep running 10s, PLC receive zero speed sensor fault signal(2). device manual start/stop conditions(A and B and C and D)A. device in remote control conditionB. device electric loop is readyC. device no multiple faultD. in SCADA, operator select manual mode(3). device interlock start conditions(A and B and C)A. All devices are okB. CRC-1 four rollers crasher is runningC. MC-1 magnetic separator is running(4). device interlock emergency stop conditions(A or B or C)A. CRC-1 four rollers crasher is stoppedB. F-1 belt conveyor multiple fault comingC. MC-1 magnetic separator is stopped(5). device interlock stop conditionsA. CRC-1 four rollers crasher is stopped3. electric symbol :Pro.R03 technology symbol:CRC-1(1).any one of the under conditions PLC output multiple fault(A or B or C or D)A. device overloadB. after start the device, if no running status signal feedbackC. in SCADA operator click emergency buttonD. device is running, but running status signal lost(2). device manual start/stop conditions(A and B and C and D)A. device in remote control conditionB. device electric loop is readyC. device no multiple faultD. in SCADA, operator select manual mode(3). device interlock start conditions(A and B)A. All devices are okB. F-2 belt conveyor is running(4). device interlock emergency stop conditions(A or B)A. CRC-1 four rollers crasher is stoppedB. F-2 belt conveyor multiple fault coming(5). device interlock stop conditionsA. CRC-1 four rollers crasher is stopped4. electric symbol :Pro.R04 technology symbol:F-2(1).any one of the under conditions PLC output multiple fault(A or B or C or D or E or F or G)A. device overloadB. sway switch faultC. pull cord faultD. after start the device, if no running status signal feedbackE. in SCADA operator click emergency buttonF. device is running, but running status signal lostG. after device keep running 10s, PLC receive zero speed sensor fault signal(2). device manual start/stop conditions(A and B and C and D)A. device in remote control conditionB. device electric loop is readyC. device no multiple faultD. in SCADA, operator select manual mode(3). device interlock start conditions(A and B)A. All devices are okB. F-3 belt conveyor is running(4). device interlock emergency stop conditions(A or B)A. F-3 belt conveyor is stoppedB. F-2 belt conveyor multiple fault coming(5). device interlock stop conditionsA. F-3 belt conveyor is stopped5. electric symbol :Pro.R05 technology symbol:F-3(1).any one of the under conditions PLC output multiple fault(A or B or C or D or E or F or G)A. device overloadB. sway switch faultC. pull cord faultD. after start the device, if no running status signal feedbackE. in SCADA operator click emergency buttonF. device is running, but running status signal lostG. after device keep running 10s, PLC receive zero speed sensor fault signal(2). device manual start/stop conditions(A and B and C and D)A. device in remote control conditionB. device electric loop is readyC. device no multiple faultD. in SCADA, operator select manual mode(3). device interlock start conditions(A and B)A. All devices are okB. F-4 belt conveyor is running (forward or reverse)(4). device interlock emergency stop conditions(A or B)A. F-4 belt conveyor is stoppedB. F-3 belt conveyor multiple fault coming(5). device interlock stop conditionsA. F-4 belt conveyor is stopped6. electric symbol :Pro.R06 technology symbol:F-4(1).any one of the under conditions PLC output multiple fault(A or B or C or D or E or F or G)A. device overloadB. sway switch faultC. pull cord faultD. after start the device, if no running status signal feedbackE. in SCADA operator click emergency buttonF. device is running, but running status signal lostG. after device keep running 10s, PLC receive zero speed sensor fault signal(2). device manual start/stop conditions(A and B and C and D)A. device in remote control conditionB. device electric loop is readyC. device no multiple faultD. in SCADA, operator select manual mode(3). device interlock start conditionsA. All devices are ok(4). device interlock emergency stop conditionsA. F-4 belt conveyor multiple fault coming(5). device interlock stop conditionsA. Always permitted7. Coke Transmitting System(1).Coke transmitting system interlock start conditions(A and B and C and D)A. all device in remote control conditionB. all device in remote control condition electric loop is readyC. all device not any one multiple fault signalD. in SCADA, operator switch CT system to auto mode(2).coke transmitting system interlock start sequenceF-4 → F-3 → F-2 → CRC-1 → F-1 → VF-1(3). coke transmitting system interlock stop sequenceVF-1 → F-1 → CRC-1 → F-2 → F-3 → F-48. Coke Transmitting system start flow9. Coke Transmit system stop flowBin Wall Vibrator SystemIncluding devices: Pro.PZ1, Pro.PZ2, Pro.PZ3, Pro.PZ4, Pro.PZ5, Pro.PZ6, Pro.PZ7, Pro.PZ8, Pro.PZ9, Pro.PZ10, Pro.PZ11, Mix.501Pro.PZ1: Coke intermediate Bin VibratorPro.PZ2: 1# Ore Bin VibratorPro.PZ3: 2# Ore Bin VibratorPro.PZ4: 3# Ore Bin VibratorPro.PZ5: Standby Bin VibratorPro.PZ6: Miscellanceous Bin VibratorPro.PZ7: Limestone Bin VibratorPro.PZ8: Dolomite Bin VibratorPro.PZ9: Quicklime Bin VibratorPro.PZ10: 1# Coke Bin VibratorPro.PZ11: 2# Coke Bin VibratorMix.501: BFR Bin VibratorThere are three control mode: local control, remote manual control, remote auto control.1. Local controlDevice in local control condition, Operator use AOC box start/stop vibrator at field.2. Remote manual controlDevice in remote control condition, and operator select manual control mode. start/stop vibrator at control room, if operator click start button the vibrator will keep running10s,in this 10s, operator can click stop button to stop the vibrator.3. Remote Auto controlDevice in remote control condition, and operator select Auto control mode. Operatorinput the sp valve. SP: belt scale speed SP. PV: belt scale process valve. BIAS: belt scalebiasIf SP – PV > BIAS, this condition keep 10s, then the vibrator will auto start and keeprunning 5s.After vibrator stop, CPU start next condition calculate.4. Vibrator system Auto start flowProportioning SystemIncluding devices: Pro.P201, Pro.P202, Pro.P301, Pro.P302, Pro.P401, Pro.P402 Pro.P501, Pro.P502, Pro.P601, Pro.P602, Pro.P701, Pro.P801, Pro.P901, Pro.P902 Pro.P903, Pro.P101, Pro.P111, Mn_402, Mix.301CWF1: Pro.P201, Pro.P202, 1# ore bin feed outCWF2: Pro.P301, Pro.P302, 2# ore bin feed outCWF3: Pro.P401, Pro.P402, 3# ore bin feed outCWF4: Pro.P501, Pro.P502, Standby bin feed outCWF5: Pro.P601, Pro.P602, Miscellanceous bin feed outCWF6: Pro.P701, Limestone bin feed outCWF7: Pro.P801, Dolomite bin feed outCWF8: Pro.P901, Pro.P902, Pro.P903, Quicklime bin feed outCWF9: Pro.P101, 1# coke bin feed outCWF10: Pro.P111, 1# coke bin feed outHR: Mn_402 (DF-7) Hot return disk feederCWF11: Mix301, BFR bin feed outTest mode: In this condition, proportioning system bypass the M-1 belt conveyor and operators can input the wet material set point directly. This modedesign for belt scale test. It’s not normal condition.Fast start: In this condition, All proportioning devices in auto control mode will be started at once, after M-1 belt conveyor is running.1. electric symbol : Pro.P201, Pro.P202 technology symbol:CWF1(1).any one of the under conditions PLC output multiple fault(A or B or C or D)A. device overloadB. after start the device, if no running status signal feedbackC. in SCADA operator click emergency buttonD. device is running, but running status signal lost(2). device manual start/stop conditions(A and B and C and D)A. device in remote control conditionB. device electric loop is readyC. device no multiple faultD. in SCADA, operator select manual mode(3). device interlock start conditions1> Pro.P201A. P202 belt scale is running2> Pro.P202A. M-1 belt conveyor is running(4). device interlock emergency stop conditions(A or B or C)A. M-1 belt conveyor is stoppedB. Any one proportion auto device multiple fault comingC. Operator click emergency button(5). device interlock stop conditions1> Pro.P201A. Always permitted2> Pro.P202A. M-1 belt conveyor is stopped2. electric symbol : Pro.P301, Pro.P302 technology symbol:CWF2(1).any one of the under conditions PLC output multiple fault(A or B or C or D)A. device overloadB. after start the device, if no running status signal feedbackC. in SCADA operator click emergency buttonD. device is running, but running status signal lost(2). device manual start/stop conditions(A and B and C and D)A. device in remote control conditionB. device electric loop is readyC. device no multiple faultD. in SCADA, operator select manual mode(3). device interlock start conditions1> Pro.P301A. P302 belt scale is running2> Pro.P302A. M-1 belt conveyor is running(4). device interlock emergency stop conditions(A or B or C)A. M-1 belt conveyor is stoppedB. Any one proportion auto device multiple fault comingC. Operator click emergency button(5). device interlock stop conditions1> Pro.P301A. Always permitted2> Pro.P302A. M-1 belt conveyor is stopped3. electric symbol : Pro.P401, Pro.P402 technology symbol:CWF3(1).any one of the under conditions PLC output multiple fault(A or B or C or D)A. device overloadB. after start the device, if no running status signal feedbackC. in SCADA operator click emergency buttonD. device is running, but running status signal lost(2). device manual start/stop conditions(A and B and C and D)A. device in remote control conditionB. device electric loop is readyC. device no multiple faultD. in SCADA, operator select manual mode(3). device interlock start conditions1> Pro.P401A. P402 belt scale is running2> Pro.P402A. M-1 belt conveyor is running(4). device interlock emergency stop conditions(A or B or C)A. M-1 belt conveyor is stoppedB. Any one proportion auto device multiple fault comingC. Operator click emergency button(5). device interlock stop conditions1> Pro.P401A. Always permitted2> Pro.P402A. M-1 belt conveyor is stopped4. electric symbol : Pro.P501, Pro.P502 technology symbol:CWF4(1).any one of the under conditions PLC output multiple fault(A or B or C or D)A. device overloadB. after start the device, if no running status signal feedbackC. in SCADA operator click emergency buttonD. device is running, but running status signal lost(2). device manual start/stop conditions(A and B and C and D)A. device in remote control conditionB. device electric loop is readyC. device no multiple faultD. in SCADA, operator select manual mode(3). device interlock start conditions1> Pro.P501A. P502 belt scale is running2> Pro.P502A. M-1 belt conveyor is running(4). device interlock emergency stop conditions(A or B or C)A. M-1 belt conveyor is stoppedB. Any one proportion auto device multiple fault comingC. Operator click emergency button(5). device interlock stop conditions1> Pro.P501A. Always permitted2> Pro.P502A. M-1 belt conveyor is stopped5. electric symbol : Pro.P601, Pro.P602 technology symbol:CWF5(1).any one of the under conditions PLC output multiple fault(A or B or C or D)C. in SCADA operator click emergency buttonD. device is running, but running status signal lost(2). device manual start/stop conditions(A and B and C and D)A. device in remote control conditionB. device electric loop is readyC. device no multiple faultD. in SCADA, operator select manual mode(3). device interlock start conditions1> Pro.P601A. P602 belt scale is running2> Pro.P602A. M-1 belt conveyor is running(4). device interlock emergency stop conditions(A or B or C)A. M-1 belt conveyor is stoppedB. Any one proportion auto device multiple fault comingC. Operator click emergency button(5). device interlock stop conditions1> Pro.P601A. Always permitted2> Pro.P602A. M-1 belt conveyor is stopped6. electric symbol : Pro.P701 technology symbol:CWF6(1).any one of the under conditions PLC output multiple fault(A or B or C or D)A. device overloadB. after start the device, if no running status signal feedbackC. in SCADA operator click emergency buttonD. device is running, but running status signal lost(2). device manual start/stop conditions(A and B and C and D)A. device in remote control conditionB. device electric loop is readyC. device no multiple faultD. in SCADA, operator select manual mode(3). device interlock start conditionsA. M-1 belt conveyor is running(4). device interlock emergency stop conditions(A or B or C)A. M-1 belt scale is stoppedB. Any one proportion auto device multiple fault comingC. Operator click emergency button(5). device interlock stop conditionsA. M-1 belt conveyor is stopped(A or B or C or D)A. device overloadB. after start the device, if no running status signal feedbackC. in SCADA operator click emergency buttonD. device is running, but running status signal lost(2). device manual start/stop conditions(A and B and C and D)A. device in remote control conditionB. device electric loop is readyC. device no multiple faultD. in SCADA, operator select manual mode(3). device interlock start conditionsA. M-1 belt conveyor is running(4). device interlock emergency stop conditions(A or B or C)A. M-1 belt scale is stoppedB. Any one proportion auto device multiple fault comingC. Operator click emergency button(5). device interlock stop conditionsA. M-1 belt conveyor is stopped8. electric symbol : Pro.P901, Pro.P902, Pro.P903 technology symbol:CWF8(1).any one of the under conditions PLC output multiple fault(A or B or C or D)A. device overloadB. after start the device, if no running status signal feedbackC. in SCADA operator click emergency buttonD. device is running, but running status signal lost(2). device manual start/stop conditions(A and B and C and D)A. device in remote control conditionB. device electric loop is readyC. device no multiple faultD. in SCADA, operator select manual mode(3). device interlock start conditions1> Pro.P901 (VF-1a)A. SCR-1 screw scale is running2> Pro.P902 (QD-1)A. M-1 belt conveyor is running3> Pro.P903 (SCR-1)A. QD-1 screw conveyor is running(4). device interlock emergency stop conditions(A or B or C)A. M-1 belt conveyor is stoppedB. Any one proportion auto device multiple fault comingC. Operator click emergency buttonA. Always permitted2> Pro.P902 (QD-1)A. SCR-1 screw scale is stopped2> Pro.P903 (SCR-1)A. VF-1a vane feeder is stopped9. electric symbol : Pro.P101 technology symbol:CWF9(1).any one of the under conditions PLC output multiple fault(A or B or C or D)A. device overloadB. after start the device, if no running status signal feedbackC. in SCADA operator click emergency buttonD. device is running, but running status signal lost(2). device manual start/stop conditions(A and B and C and D)A. device in remote control conditionB. device electric loop is readyC. device no multiple faultD. in SCADA, operator select manual mode(3). device interlock start conditionsA. M-1 belt conveyor is running(4). device interlock emergency stop conditions(A or B or C)A. M-1 belt scale is stoppedB. Any one proportion auto device multiple fault comingC. Operator click emergency button(5). device interlock stop conditionsA. M-1 belt conveyor is stopped10. electric symbol : Pro.P111 technology symbol:CWF10(1).any one of the under conditions PLC output multiple fault(A or B or C or D)A. device overloadB. after start the device, if no running status signal feedbackC. in SCADA operator click emergency buttonD. device is running, but running status signal lost(2). device manual start/stop conditions(A and B and C and D)A. device in remote control conditionB. device electric loop is readyC. device no multiple faultD. in SCADA, operator select manual mode(3). device interlock start conditionsA. M-1 belt conveyor is running(4). device interlock emergency stop conditions(A or B or C)A. M-1 belt scale is stoppedA. M-1 belt conveyor is stopped11. electric symbol : Mn.402 technology symbol:HR(1).any one of the under conditions PLC output multiple fault(A or B or C or D)A. device overloadB. after start the device, if no running status signal feedbackC. in SCADA operator click emergency buttonD. device is running, but running status signal lost(2). device manual start/stop conditions(A and B and C and D)A. device in remote control conditionB. device electric loop is readyC. device no multiple faultD. in SCADA, operator select manual mode(3). device interlock start conditionsA. M-1 belt conveyor is running(4). device interlock emergency stop conditions(A or B or C)A. M-1 belt scale is stoppedB. Any one proportion auto device multiple fault comingC. Operator click emergency button(5). device interlock stop conditionsA. M-1 belt conveyor is stopped12. electric symbol : Mix.301, Mix.302 technology symbol:CWF11(1).any one of the under conditions PLC output multiple fault(A or B or C or D)A. device overloadB. after start the device, if no running status signal feedbackC. in SCADA operator click emergency buttonD. device is running, but running status signal lost(2). device manual start/stop conditions(A and B and C and D)A. device in remote control conditionB. device electric loop is readyC. device no multiple faultD. in SCADA, operator select manual mode(3). device interlock start conditions1> Mix.301 (F2-16)A. F2-17 belt scale is running2> Mix.302 (F2-17)A. M-1 belt conveyor is running(4). device interlock emergency stop conditions(A or B or C)A. M-1 belt conveyor is stopped。
1.1 控制系统主要包括哪些组成部分?
1.2 控制系统的通信方式有哪些选择?
1.3 控制系统的硬件配置应该如何设计?
2.1 烧结机控制系统需要哪些传感器来实现自动化控制?
2.2 传感器的选择应该考虑哪些因素?
2.3 传感器的安装位置对系统性能有何影响?
3.1 控制策略应该如何设计才能实现烧结机的自动化控制?
3.2 如何根据烧结机的工艺特点制定相应的控制策略?
3.3 控制策略的实时性和稳定性如何保证?
4.1 人机界面的设计应该考虑哪些因素?
4.2 如何设计直观、易操作的人机界面?
4.3 人机界面的实时监控和数据分析功能如何实现?
5.1 烧结机自动化控制系统的安全保护措施有哪些?
5.2 如何设计安全保护系统以应对突发情况?
5.3 安全保护系统的自动化程度如何提高?
二、设计要求1. 系统稳定性:控制系统应具有良好的稳定性,能够在不同工况下保持稳定的控制效果。
2. 系统可靠性:控制系统应具备高可靠性,能够在长期运行中保持正常工作,避免故障和停机时间。
3. 系统灵便性:控制系统应具备较高的灵便性,能够适应不同的工艺参数和生产要求,方便系统的调整和优化。
4. 系统安全性:控制系统应考虑到安全因素,能够实现对烧结机运行状态的实时监测和报警,确保操作人员的安全。
5. 系统可扩展性:控制系统应具备较高的可扩展性,能够方便地进行功能扩展和升级,以满足未来的需求变化。
三、功能模块1. 系统监测模块:该模块用于实时监测烧结机的运行状态,包括温度、压力、转速等参数的监测,并能够根据设定的阈值进行报警。
2. 过程控制模块:该模块用于控制烧结机的运行过程,包括调节燃烧器的燃料供应、控制风机的转速、调节进料速度等操作,以实现烧结过程的最佳控制。
3. 数据采集模块:该模块用于采集烧结过程中的相关数据,包括原料成份、烧结温度、燃烧器燃料消耗等数据,以便后续的数据分析和优化。
4. 报表生成模块:该模块用于生成烧结过程的报表,包括烧结效率、能耗、产量等指标的统计和分析,为管理层提供决策依据。
四、技术指标1. 控制精度:温度控制精度应达到±1℃,压力控制精度应达到±0.1MPa,转速控制精度应达到±10rpm。
2. 响应时间:系统的响应时间应在毫秒级别,以保证对烧结过程的及时响应和调整。
3. 通信协议:控制系统应支持常用的通信协议,如Modbus、Profibus等,以便与其他设备进行数据交互和集成。
4. 可视化界面:控制系统应具备友好的可视化界面,能够直观地显示烧结机的运行状态和参数,方便操作人员进行监控和操作。
一、系统架构设计1.1 控制层:烧结机自动化控制系统的控制层包括PLC(可编程逻辑控制器)和DCS(分散控制系统)。
1.2 数据层:烧结机自动化控制系统的数据层主要包括传感器、执行器和数据采集模块。
1.3 人机界面:烧结机自动化控制系统的人机界面主要由操作面板和监控系统组成。
二、控制策略设计2.1 温度控制:烧结机的温度控制是其中一个重要的控制策略。
2.2 氧含量控制:烧结机的氧含量控制是另一个重要的控制策略。
2.3 速度控制:烧结机的速度控制也是一个关键的控制策略。
三、故障诊断与维护3.1 故障诊断:烧结机自动化控制系统设计中必须考虑故障诊断功能。
3.2 维护管理:烧结机自动化控制系统设计中还需要考虑维护管理功能。
二、设计要求1. 系统稳定性:烧结机自动化控制系统应具备高稳定性,能够在长期运行中保持良好的控制性能,确保生产过程的稳定性和可靠性。
2. 系统可扩展性:烧结机自动化控制系统应具备良好的可扩展性,能够根据生产需求进行模块的添加和更新,以适应未来的技术发展和生产变化。
3. 系统安全性:烧结机自动化控制系统应具备高度的安全性,能够预防事故的发生,保护设备和人员的安全。
4. 系统可靠性:烧结机自动化控制系统应具备高度的可靠性,能够在各种环境条件下正常运行,且能够自动检测和纠正故障,确保生产过程的连续性。
5. 系统操作性:烧结机自动化控制系统应具备良好的操作性,操作界面简洁直观,操作流程合理,降低操作人员的工作负担。
三、功能模块1. 过程监控:烧结机自动化控制系统应能够实时监测烧结过程中的关键参数,如温度、压力、流量等,并能够记录历史数据以供分析和报表生成。
2. 故障诊断:烧结机自动化控制系统应能够自动检测设备故障,并给出相应的故障诊断结果和处理建议,以减少停机时间和维修成本。
3. 过程优化:烧结机自动化控制系统应能够根据实时监测的数据,自动调整烧结过程中的参数,以优化生产效率和产品质量。
4. 报警管理:烧结机自动化控制系统应能够对异常情况进行实时报警,并提供相应的报警处理流程,以确保设备和人员的安全。
5. 数据分析:烧结机自动化控制系统应能够对历史数据进行分析和统计,为生产管理提供决策依据和优化方案。
四、实施方案1. 硬件选型:根据烧结机的具体要求和控制系统的功能需求,选择适合的硬件设备,包括控制器、传感器、执行器等。
2. 软件开辟:根据烧结机的工艺流程和控制需求,进行软件开辟,包括界面设计、算法编写、数据库设计等。
二、设计要求1. 系统稳定性:自动化控制系统应能稳定运行,不受外界干扰影响,并能自动识别和处理异常情况。
2. 系统可靠性:系统应具备高可靠性,能够长期连续运行,减少停机时间和维修成本。
3. 系统安全性:系统应具备完善的安全保护措施,如防火、防爆、防电击等,确保操作人员的人身安全。
4. 系统可扩展性:系统应具备良好的可扩展性,能够方便地增加或者替换控制设备,以适应生产工艺的变化和升级。
5. 系统易操作性:系统操作界面应简洁明了,操作人员能够轻松掌握系统的使用方法,减少人为操作错误。
6. 系统高效性:系统应能够快速响应操作指令,实现烧结过程的精确控制和调节。
三、功能模块1. 传感器模块:通过安装在烧结机上的传感器,实时采集烧结机的温度、压力、流量等参数,并将数据传输给控制模块。
2. 控制模块:根据传感器模块采集到的数据,通过控制算法对烧结机进行控制和调节,以实现烧结过程的自动化控制。
3. 人机界面模块:提供直观的操作界面,显示烧结机的运行状态、参数和报警信息,并允许操作人员进行参数设置和控制命令下发。
4. 通信模块:实现与上位机或者其他设备的数据通信,将烧结机的运行数据传输给上位机进行数据分析和监控。
四、硬件配置1. 控制器:选用高性能的工控机作为控制器,具备强大的计算和控制能力,能够满足烧结过程的实时控制需求。
2. 传感器:选择适合烧结机工况的温度传感器、压力传感器、流量传感器等,确保数据采集的准确性和稳定性。
3. 执行机构:根据烧结机的运行要求,选用合适的执行机构,如电动阀门、机电等,以实现对烧结过程的精确控制。
4. 人机界面设备:采用触摸屏或者工控机作为人机界面设备,提供友好的操作界面和丰富的功能,方便操作人员进行参数设置和控制操作。
TECHNOLOGY AND INFORMATION96 科学与信息化2023年5月下烧结配料自动化控制系统江琼 曾攀宝信软件(武汉)有限公司 湖北 武汉 430080摘 要 智能制造趋势下,人们对工业生产各个环节提出了全新的要求,许多生产环节需大力推行先进技术,以构建现代化生产体系。
关键词 烧结配料系统;自动化控制;设计要点Sintering Proportioning Automation Control System Jiang Qiong, Zeng PanBaosight Software (Wuhan) Co., Ltd., Wuhan 430080, Hubei Province, ChinaAbstract Under the new trend of intelligent manufacturing, people have put forward new requirements for all aspects of industrial production, and many aspects of production need to vigorously promote advanced technology in order to build a modern production system. The sintering proportioning system is the key process link in the sintering production, the original equipment and process are relatively backward, the control efficiency of the sintering proportioning system is low, the precision is insufficient, which affect the sintering quality. With the improvement of sintering process, production equipment, testing technology and information technology, many enterprises follow the trend of the industry and start the construction and transformation of the automation control system of sintering proportioning. Based on this condition, this paper focuses on the analysis of the relevant design points of sintering proportioning automation control system, provides guidance and reference for the actual work.Key words sintering proportioning system; automation control; key points of design1 烧结配料自动化控制系统应用的意义在烧结生产环节,烧结机为不可或缺的生产要素,可将成分、粒度不同的精矿粉、富矿粉烧结成块,去除矿石中的硫、磷等杂质。
二、设计原则1. 系统稳定性:烧结机自动化控制系统应具备较高的稳定性,能够在长期运行过程中保持稳定的控制效果。
2. 精确控制:系统应能够精确控制烧结机的温度、压力、流量等关键参数,以确保烧结矿的质量和生产效率。
3. 实时监测:系统应能够实时监测烧结机的工作状态,及时发现故障并采取相应的措施,以避免生产中断和设备损坏。
4. 可靠性:系统应具备较高的可靠性,能够在各种环境条件下正常运行,并能够自动应对异常情况。
5. 易于操作:系统应具备友好的人机界面,方便操作人员进行参数设置、故障排除等操作。
三、硬件配置1. 传感器:烧结机自动化控制系统应配置温度传感器、压力传感器、流量传感器等多种传感器,用于实时监测烧结机的工作状态。
2. 执行器:系统应配置执行器,如电动调节阀、电动执行器等,用于实现对烧结机关键参数的精确控制。
3. 控制器:系统应配置PLC(可编程逻辑控制器)作为控制核心,用于接收传感器信号、执行控制算法,并输出控制信号给执行器。
4. 通信模块:系统应配置通信模块,用于与上位机进行数据交互,实现远程监控和操作。
四、软件开辟1. 数据采集:系统应编写数据采集程序,用于实时获取传感器数据并存储到数据库中,以备后续分析和监控。
2. 控制算法:系统应编写控制算法,根据烧结机的工艺要求和实时监测数据,对关键参数进行精确控制。
3. 报警处理:系统应编写报警处理程序,当监测到异常情况时,及时发出报警信号,并采取相应的措施,如停机、调整参数等。
4. 远程监控:系统应编写远程监控程序,实现对烧结机的远程监控和操作,方便操作人员随时了解烧结机的工作状态并进行必要的操作。
二、设计要求1. 系统稳定性:烧结机自动化控制系统需要具备良好的稳定性,能够在长期运行过程中保持稳定的工作状态。
2. 生产效率:系统设计应能提高烧结机的生产效率,包括提高块状物料的产量和质量。
3. 能耗控制:系统应具备能耗监测和控制功能,通过优化控制策略,降低能耗。
4. 安全性:系统设计应考虑烧结机操作过程中的安全问题,包括温度、压力等参数的监测和报警功能。
5. 远程监控:系统应支持远程监控和操作,方便运维人员对烧结机进行实时监测和控制。
三、硬件架构设计1. 控制器:选择高性能的工业控制器作为烧结机自动化控制系统的核心控制设备。
2. 传感器:选择适合烧结机控制的传感器,包括温度传感器、压力传感器、流量传感器等。
3. 执行器:选择合适的执行器,包括电动执行器、气动执行器等。
4. 通信设备:选择可靠的通信设备,支持与上位机和其他设备的数据交换和通信。
四、软件架构设计1. 数据采集:通过传感器采集烧结机运行过程中的各种参数数据,包括温度、压力、流量等。
2. 数据处理:对采集到的数据进行处理和分析,提取实用信息,为后续的控制决策提供依据。
3. 控制算法:根据烧结机的工作要求和实时数据,设计合适的控制算法,实现对烧结机的自动控制。
4. 状态监测:监测烧结机的运行状态,包括温度、压力等参数的实时监测和报警功能。
5. 远程监控:通过网络通信,实现对烧结机的远程监控和操作,方便运维人员进行实时监测和控制。
五、功能模块实现1. 温度控制:根据烧结机的工作要求,设计温度控制算法,实现对烧结机温度的自动控制,保持在设定的范围内。
二、设计要求1. 系统稳定性:烧结机自动化控制系统应具备良好的稳定性,能够在不同工况下保持正常运行,并对异常情况进行及时处理和报警。
2. 系统可靠性:系统设计应考虑到设备的可靠性要求,如故障自动检测、故障自动恢复等功能,以确保生产过程的连续性和稳定性。
3. 系统安全性:烧结机自动化控制系统应具备完善的安全保护功能,包括防火、防爆、防电击等,以确保操作人员和设备的安全。
4. 系统灵便性:系统设计应具备一定的灵便性,能够适应不同规格和型号的烧结机,以及不同生产工艺的需求。
5. 系统可扩展性:系统设计应考虑到未来的扩展需求,能够方便地增加新的功能模块或者接口,以适应生产工艺的变化和技术的更新。
三、功能模块1. 过程控制模块:该模块负责监测和控制烧结过程中的各个参数,如温度、压力、流量等,并根据设定值进行调节,以实现烧结过程的稳定性和优化。
2. 故障诊断模块:该模块负责监测设备的运行状态,检测故障信号,并对故障进行诊断和报警,提供相应的故障处理建议。
3. 数据采集模块:该模块负责采集和存储烧结过程中的各种数据,如温度曲线、压力曲线等,以供后续分析和优化。
4. 人机界面模块:该模块提供直观友好的人机界面,方便操作人员对系统进行监控和操作,同时提供报警信息和操作指导。
5. 通信模块:该模块负责与其他设备或者系统进行数据交换和通信,如与生产计划系统、ERP系统等进行数据对接,以实现信息的共享和集成。
四、技术参数1. 控制精度:烧结机自动化控制系统的控制精度应达到±1℃,以确保烧结过程中的温度稳定性和一致性。
2. 响应时间:系统的响应时间应小于1秒,以便及时响应异常情况并进行相应的控制和处理。
目录摘要 (1)ABSTRACT (2)0 引言 (3)1 烧结自动控制系统概述 (4)1.1烧结工艺流程 (4)1.1.1 烧结工艺流程图 (4)1.1.2 原料接受、贮存、准备及配料 (5)1.1.3 混合、烧结、冷却 (5)1.1.4 烧结成品矿系统 (5)1.2烧结系统组成 (5)1.3烧结自动控制系统概述 (6)1.3.1 控制原则 (6)1.3.2 各部分的功能 (6)1.3.3 设备启动顺序 (7)1.3.4 控制方式 (7)1.3.5 连锁条件 (7)1.5烧结自动控制系统的选型 (7)1.5.1 S7-400系列PLC的特点 (8)1.5.2 PLC在烧结自动化系统中的主要功能 (9)1.5.3 变频器的选型 (9)1.6烧结车间自动控制系统的构成 (9)1.6.1 配料监控部分主要完成功能 (9)1.6.2 破碎筛分系统控制主要完成功能 (10)1.6.3 点火炉监控主要完成功能 (10)1.6.4 烧结机系统监控主要完成功能 (10)1.6.5 其他画面主要完成功能 (10)1.7烧结车间低压系统 (10)1.8系统自动检测项目 (11)2 烧结配料及混料自动控制系统仪表选型 (12)2.1仪表选型的主要依据 (12)2.1.1 工艺过程的条件 (12)2.1.2 操作上的重要性 (12)2.1.3 自动化水平和经济性 (12)2.1.4 仪表选型的原则 (12)2.2检测元件的选型 (12)2.2.1 压力检测仪表选型 (13)2.2.2 流量测量仪表的选型 (13)2.3变送单元的选型 (14)2.3.1 温度变送器 (14)2.3.2 压力变送器 (14)2.3.3 流量变送器 (14)2.4执行器的选择 (15)2.5控制器选型 (15)2.5.1 控制器参数的选择 (16)2.5.2 控制器正反作用的选择 (16)2.6显示仪表选型 (16)2.7辅助设备选型 (17)2.7.1 电动操作器 (17)2.7.2 电线、电缆的选用 (17)2.7.3 工控机的选型 (17)3 烧结配料及混料自动控制系统设计 (18)3.1配料及混料自动化控制统技术说明 (18)3.1.1含铁原料、熔剂、燃料供应 (18)3.1.2配料混合系统 (21)3.2.1 烧结矿碱度 (24)3.2.2 烧结矿MgO含量 (25)3.2.3 各配入物料的湿料重和配入料总重 (26)3.2.4 各物料的配比(湿)和生产中正使用的配料槽额定给料量 (26)3.2.5 混合料水分 (26)3.3配料控制模式 (27)3.4系统设计及工艺要求 (27)3.4.1 称量装置 (27)3.4.2 控制方式 (27)3.4.3 焦粉测水 (28)3.4.4 其它原料水分监视 (28)3.4.5 混合料湿度控制 (28)3.4.6 对系统设计及控制的要求 (28)3.5配料及混料自动控制系统 (28)3.5.1 配料及混料自动控制系统功能 (28)3.5.2 自动控制系统的硬件设计 (30)3.7下位机软件 (33)3.7.1 控制软件 (34)3.7.2 电机运行控制 (35)3.7.3 系统各故障的处理 (37)4 应用画面及程序 (43)4.1W IN CC软件系统 (43)4.1.1WinCC项目工程环境 (43)4.1.2WinCC运行系统 (43)4.2系统控制和显示 (43)4.2.1 控制方式 (43)4.2.2 WINCC的设计和界面 (43)4.3上位机软件 (44)4.5程序设计的主要步骤 (47)结束语 (48)谢辞 (49)参考文献 (50)烧结系统控制实现从配料、混合到烧结以及除尘、能源介质等附属设施的整体控制,并通过与原料系统,高炉系统的联网数据信息交流,实现管理控制一体化。
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河北联合大学轻工学院COLLEGE OF LIGHT INDUSTRY, HEBEI UNITED UNIVERSITY 中英文翻译设计题目:烧结自动化系统设计—烧结配料自动控制系统设计学生姓名:学号:专业班级:09自动化3班学部:信息科学与技术部指导教师:2013年5月30日目录原文 (1)译文 (5)原文如今社会钢铁行业发展迅速,前景十分良好,随着高炉对烧结矿品质要求的不断提高,配料已成为烧结技术改造的关键环节。
自上个世纪60 年代冶金自动化装备问世以来,取得了极其迅猛的发展。
特别是上世纪80 年代种类繁多的PLC和DCS 的出现,冶金自动化装备的可靠性和实时性、可操作性和可维护性都得到极大地改善。
据相关统计,目前我国有烧结机近500台,其中在建和投产的180~660 m2的大中型烧结机有125台,烧结机面积已达近40000平方米。
同时还可根据各种原料的粒度、熔点及烧结性能配入适量的燃料,保证烧结料含碳量适合于烧结生产的要求,并为有效地除去有害渣质和控制FeO 的含量创造条件。
译文Now the iron and steel industry the rapid development of society, foreground is very good, with the blast furnace to sinter quality requirements increasing, ingredients has become a key link in modification of sintering technology. As everyone knows, batching system sintering plant is the whole sintering production source, it undertakes the mixture supply task for all of the sintering machine, if you encounter problems batching system, then the whole sintering production could be forced to stop, and the calculation burden system should also be accurate, many think of sintering material, change of ingredients with delivery channel. The proportion of change, each single ingredients can change at any time according to the requirements of production, but also in the production process, material proportion, viscosity, particle size and environmental temperature, humidity changes, will seriously affect the lower accuracy, therefore, batching system for improving the quality of vital sinter.Since the last century since the 60's of metallurgical automation equipment available, has been developing very rapidly. Especially there are many kinds of PLC and DCS in the 80's of the last century, metallurgical automation equipment reliability and real-time performance, operability and maintainability are greatly improved. The software is convenient and friendly man-machine interface, continuously improve the performance price ratio, the equipment and technology of metallurgical automation has been popularized and use fast. "Fifteen" period, the development of key metallurgical production process automation, intelligent process and management of information technology in our country, which focus on the promotion and development of technology in sintering process automation system.Sintering is the powdery material into a compact body, is a traditional process. People are already using this technology to the production of ceramic, powder metallurgy, refractories, high temperature materials etc.. In general, the powder after forming, compact body obtained by sintering is a polycrystalline material, the microstructure consists of crystal, vitreous and hole. Sintering process directly affect the microscopic structure of the grain size, pore size and shape and the distribution of grain boundary. Properties of inorganic materials not only with material (chemical composition and mineral composition), it also has a close relation with the material's microstructure.Sintering batching control system now is widely used in automatic control instrument, especially. In this respect according to the demand of sintering process can be all kinds of mine in accordance with the required amount of automatic input, by the belt to the mixer for next process. In recent years, the development of iron and steel smelting industry in China is very rapid, sinter is the main raw material for iron making, and the ingredients of this process is an important link of influence of sintering quality, each weighing equipment only reaches a certain precision to ensure the quality of mine. Therefore the sintering batching control system is essential for the large-scale iron and steel plant, but also can greatly improve the production efficiency.The process of sintering production generally include: raw material acceptance, storage and flux, fuel preparation, batching, mixing, ignition cloth, sintering, hot ore crushing, hot mine sieving and cooling, cold sinter screening and cold ore crushing, bedding, storage and output of finished sinter, mineral storage process.The main purpose of sintering production is for the blast furnace to provide excellent quality, high strength, less powder, good reducibility and stable composition of sinter.Commonly used at home and abroad is often type draught sintering machine, in our local small iron works and quite a part of ground air firing and box draught sintering. In addition, there is the rotary kiln sintering method, suspended sintering method.According to the relevant statistics, at present our country sintering machine 500 sets, which in the construction and production of 180 ~ 660 m2 large sintering machine 125 Taiwan, sintering machine area has reached 40000 square meters. Future, sintering machine in China will continue to advance the process technology and equipment upgrading, SIMATICPCS7 fully integrated process control system provides the Siemens, can help the iron and steel enterprises in upgrading the quality of products at the same time will also further reduce the energy consumption, reduced pollutant discharge. Thus, the automatic control system of sintering burdening is very optimistic about the prospects, the demand for it will become more and more big, will not be reduced. The rapid development of sintering industry is in recent years, new technology developments in the performance of the:(1) to further improve the sintering process.(2) to further improve the sintering equipment.(3) the new technology research.At present, China's steel production is still the majority of obsolete equipment, part of the manual operation, the degree of automation is not high, in batching system due to a lower degree of automation, the traditional sintering process mainly depends on the experience of regulation, so the existing problems in the following aspects:1. relying too much on ingredients work experience, flow rate changes to the scale of each ingredient known as a variation of 1Hz frequency corresponding to the should for how many, if the ingredients work experience, will prolong the adjustment time2. the adjustment is not timely, disc material is always given frequency, if the feed weight changes, will make the ratio of the scale changes between;3. ingredients work half an hour to run a time, workload.4.due to dust pollution material is more serious, serious impact on the health of workers.Along with the gradually improve the degree of automation of sintering plant dosing system, industrial requirements of ingredients are also more stringent, if batching system abnormalities, can cause the sinter ore rate increases, nodes ore rate is low, at the same time lead sinter fuel consumption rise, many problems of sinter composition fluctuation is too large, due to oxidation. Therefore, improving sintering batching system is very important to improve the technical and economic index of plant. This paper introduces the design and application of the success of Siemens S7-300/400 series PLC Series in practice in batching system.Production process of sintering of roughly as follows:1.raw material receiving, storage, preparation and ingredientsFeeding system, mainly including car dumper system, feeding trough, concentrate warehouse, solvent warehouse, storage bunker, the main task is to take the raw material receiving, shipping and storage.Raw material preparation system, including neutralization iron-containing raw material, fuel flux crushing, crushing and screening. Its task is ready for raw materials, flux and fuel production requirements for batch process.Batching system, including ore groove, between ingredients feed disc, weighing equipment etc.. According to the chemical composition, sintering ore specified by calculation, according to the ratio, weight of feeding, mixed feeding to ensure stable and sinter chemical composition, and responsible for lime water and fuel adjustment.2.mixed, sintering, cooling, ventilationMixing, pelleting system, including a mixed, mix mine groove, two mixed work (if you use hot returning ore, including mineral water), whose mission is to add water, wet mixture, then mixed the mixture mixing, resulting in the ball, and preheating the mixture.The sintering system, including paving, ignition, sintering etc..The ventilation system, including wind, dust, dust, exhaust and so.Product handling system, including crushing, cooling, screening, mineral processing and bedding out, finished product transportation.In order to meet the requirements of blast furnace sinter, must according to the raw material conditions, the accurate calculation of iron material, solvent, fuel ratio, and according to the proportion of ingredients, the technical standard with the main content of material such as iron, calcium oxide, silicon oxide, sulfur two stone, fixed carbon, according to the provisions. Comparison of multiple sintering plant using a variety of raw materials, chemical composition of various raw materials are also great, even with a variety of raw materials, its chemical composition has fluctuation. The batching process is according to the requirement of quality index of sinter, calculate ingredients, chemical composition and control of stabilized sinter fluctuations in the allowed range. At the same time can also be based on a variety of grain size of raw material, melting and sintering properties of adding fuel, ensure sinter carbon content is suitable for sintering production requirements, and effectively remove the content of harmful residues and control FeO conditions.The automatic batching control process is a multiple input, the majority, and each ingredient conveying production line strictly coordinated control, on the material level, flow of timely and accurate monitoring and regulation. Therefore, the system consists of a programmable controller and electronic belt scale is composed of a bipolar computer control system. On-site instrumentation, control computer, PLC, frequency converter and intelligent degree high, processing equipment speed through the field bus connectionIn the production process of the automatic batching process, the material and main material in certain proportion, completed by the belt weigher conveying belt conveyor material measurement. PLC is mainly responsible for the process of conveying equipment, weighing system for real-time control, and complete the system fault detection, display and alarm, and adjust the speed of belt conveyor to the transducer output signal.WinCC is industrial technology-neutral system to solve the visualization and control tasks in production and process automation. It provides suitable for industrial graphic display, news, filing and report function template. The process coupling, high performance fast picture updating, and the reliable data which has high practicability. This set of system to consider the use of distributed control system. An overview of WinCC, PLC technology, variable frequency speed control technology. In this control system, the computer keyboard operation of each instrument ratio setting and start and stop the action of each instrument data, computer is mainly responsible for the management, not directly control the ingredients, so the computer failure can be shut off the computer, this instrument can only from the ingredient, forming a small loop. Realization of field dynamic picture monitor, display equipment status, can implement a fixed value, proportion, material, time setting, can record query, display real-time trend curve of history, and the fault, abnormal situation record, save, print and query, so this system can meet the process very good requirements. The design of the control software of S7-300 to complete the task by the programmable controller, process monitoring and remote operation is completed by WinCC.9。