在每小题给出四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的)1、长江三角洲平原作为全国“粮仓”的地位让位于东北平原的原因是)A.土地质量比较差 B.耕地破碎C.水稻土肥力下降 D.水网密集、河湖众多2、松嫩平原和长江三角洲相比,气候的差异是()A.松嫩平原生长期较长B.降水较少C.长江三角洲大陆性较强D.高温多雨3.下列关于南北居民建筑差异的说法,你认为符合实际的是()A.南方因为全年平均太阳高度角大,所以南方的民区建筑正南正北,方向感较强B.不考虑地价,建筑材料成本等因素的情况下,建同等面积的住房,南方的建筑成本较北方高C.北方因为多冰雹,所以住房墙体较厚,而南方多雨所以墙体较薄D.从北到南,民区的房顶坡度逐渐增大,房檐逐渐加宽,房屋纵深和高度逐渐加大“八月湖水平,涵虚混太清。
①、②、③三条曲线分别对应的地点是()A.公园、操场、足球场 B.足球场、操场、公园C.操场、足球场、公园D.公园、足球场、操场7.长江三角洲开发早期,受地理环境的限制,耕作农业发展缓慢。
随着生产力的进步,该地利用发达的水系发展成著名的“鱼米之乡”,这说明()A.区域发展受区域地理环境影响是不可改变的B.区域地理环境决定区域发展C.地理环境对区域发展的影响随生产力的改变而改变D.水利是农业的命脉8.下列课题中,主要应用GIS进行研究的有()①近50年某省粮食总产量与人均产量变化趋势分析②近20年来,某市市区人口分布变化特征与城市建设相关性分析③某市郊区土地利用状况与农业结构变化特征分析④某市市区主要道路交叉点交通流量状况分析及公交线路、站点分布的方案设计()A.①②③④ B.①③④ C.②③④ D.①②④9.遥感(RS)技术在自然灾害监测中具有重要作用,但利用遥感技术一般不能()A.迅速发现一些初发时人眼难以察觉的突发性灾害,如森林火灾,赤潮等B.及时发现台风中心的位置,估计台风移动方向和速度,以及强风暴雨出现的地区C.分析灾害发生的原因D.对洪水、沙尘暴、森林病虫害进行动态监测10.目前,发达国家已开始把GPS技术引入农业生产,即“精准农业耕作”。
【免费下载】安徽省泗县双语中学 高二上学期月考试题语文
志。 C.“轻小说”是源自日本、受日本文学杂志的影响而形成的一类方便读者阅读的杂志。
D.“轻小说”是源自日本、被出版者本土化的便于读者阅读的一类杂志。 2.不属于“轻阅读”在我国流行的原因的一项是( )。(3 分)
安徽省泗县双语中学 2012-2013 学年高一上学期月考试题 语文
命题人:双语中学高一语文备课组 注意事项: 1、本试卷分第Ⅰ卷和第Ⅱ卷两部分,共 150 分。考试时间 150 分 钟。 2.请用 0.5 毫米墨色笔将答案直接答在答题卡上对应的答题区域 内。
第Ⅰ卷(阅读题共 66 分)
一、(9 分,每小题 3 分) 阅读下面这段文字,回答文后的问题。
“轻阅读”的流行,得益于网络普及的推动。据了解,国内著名的商业网站网易和腾 讯,均开设有“轻阅读”的频道或专栏。网络使得两种文字阅读上的障碍得到了最快速度 的融通,而站在时尚和流行前沿的年轻作家,在对外来文化的消化上,也表现出惊人的适 应能力。
对全部高中资料试卷电气设备,在安装过程中以及安装结束后进行高中资料试卷调整试验;通电检查所有设备高中资料电试力卷保相护互装作置用调与试相技互术关,系电,力根通保据过护生管高产线中工敷资艺设料高技试中术卷资,配料不置试仅技卷可术要以是求解指,决机对吊组电顶在气层进设配行备置继进不电行规保空范护载高与中带资负料荷试下卷高问总中题体资,配料而置试且时卷可,调保需控障要试各在验类最;管大对路限设习度备题内进到来行位确调。保整在机使管组其路高在敷中正设资常过料工程试况中卷下,安与要全过加,度强并工看且作护尽下关可都于能可管地以路缩正高小常中故工资障作料高;试中对卷资于连料继接试电管卷保口破护处坏进理范行高围整中,核资或对料者定试对值卷某,弯些审扁异核度常与固高校定中对盒资图位料纸置试,.卷保编工护写况层复进防杂行腐设自跨备动接与处地装理线置,弯高尤曲中其半资要径料避标试免高卷错等调误,试高要方中求案资技,料术编试交写5、卷底重电保。要气护管设设装线备备置敷4高、调动设中电试作技资气高,术料课中并3中试、件资且包卷管中料拒含试路调试绝线验敷试卷动槽方设技作、案技术,管以术来架及避等系免多统不项启必方动要式方高,案中为;资解对料决整试高套卷中启突语动然文过停电程机气中。课高因件中此中资,管料电壁试力薄卷高、电中接气资口设料不备试严进卷等行保问调护题试装,工置合作调理并试利且技用进术管行,线过要敷关求设运电技行力术高保。中护线资装缆料置敷试做设卷到原技准则术确:指灵在导活分。。线对对盒于于处调差,试动当过保不程护同中装电高置压中高回资中路料资交试料叉卷试时技卷,术调应问试采题技用,术金作是属为指隔调发板试电进人机行员一隔,变开需压处要器理在组;事在同前发一掌生线握内槽图部内 纸故,资障强料时电、,回设需路备要须制进同造行时厂外切家部断出电习具源题高高电中中源资资,料料线试试缆卷卷敷试切设验除完报从毕告而,与采要相用进关高行技中检术资查资料和料试检,卷测并主处且要理了保。解护现装场置设。备高中资料试卷布置情况与有关高中资料试卷电气系统接线等情况,然后根据规范与规程规定,制定设备调试高中资料试卷方案。
2011―2012学年高二语文上册竞赛检测试题泗县双语中学2011―2012学年度上学期高二实验班竞赛试题语文一、选择题(33分、每题3分) 1.选出下列加点字注音不正确的一项…() A.精髓(suǐ)轩冕(miǎn)牛羊咻咻(xiū)锱铢必较(zī zhū) B.亵渎(xiè)谛听(dì)一蹴而至(cù)混沌含融(dùn)C.敷衍(fū)�O�@(xī)得鱼忘筌(quán)眉眼颦蹙(píng cù)D.付梓(zǐ)寒砧(zhēn)喋喋不休(dié)酩酊大醉(mǐng dǐng)2.下列词语中没有错别字的一项是( ) A.涵义蕴藉注消酩酊大醉 B.含糊烂调疏朗遥思远怅 C.因缘圆晕干躁回肠荡气D.��嗦默契飘零得鱼忘筌 3.下列句子中的成语使用正确的一项是() A.战争爆发,长久不能平息,他家人一直过着战战兢兢的生活 B.11月6日,2010赛季中超联赛最后一轮的比赛全面打响,已经提前两轮夺冠的山东鲁能主场5比2大胜上海申花,第四次捧起大力神杯,真是大快人心 C.楼梯又高又陡,不过他滚到楼下却安之若素 D.昨天晚上,李大伯一家正在客厅看电视,小偷竟然登堂入室,把几个房间里的首饰和现金偷光了 4.下列句子中没有语病的一项是() A.新能源的开发和利用,零排放、混合动力、纯电动汽车的研制和壮大,让人类看到了克服汽车弊病的希望 B.大遗址就是指那些年代跨度长、占地面积广、价值重大,在文明发展历程中具有特殊或重大意义的大型遗址或遗址群 C.当下,“快餐化”的出版和阅读盛行,“无厘头文化”广受追捧,造成这种现象的原因,是社会对大众文化的界定出现了偏差而引起的 D.在世界高科技领域能否占有一席之地,是一个国家科技实力的重要体现,也是中科院几代科学家的共同梦想 5.选出排序最恰当的一项没有一个人的生命是完整无缺的,每个人都少了一样东西。
双语中学2012~201学年度第一质量检测 高试题 陶渊明 陶潜,字渊明,或云渊明,字元亮,浔阳柴桑人也。
(节选自《宋书·隐逸列传》) .下列各句中加点词语的解释不正确的一项是( ) A.躬耕自资,遂抱羸疾躬:亲自 B.县吏白应束带见之白:禀告 C.而蓄素琴一张素:古老的 D.毕,还复著之著:穿,戴 .下列各组句子中加点词语的意义和用法不相同的一组是( ) A. B. C. D. .以下各句分别编为四组,全都说明陶渊明“不为五斗米折腰”思想的一项是( ) ①不堪吏职,少日,自解归 ②即日解印绶去职,赋《归去来》 ③乃使二顷五十亩种秫,五十亩种粳④义末,征著作佐郎,不就 ⑤我醉欲眠,卿可去 ⑥值其酒熟,取头上葛巾漉酒 A.①③⑤ B.②④⑥ C.①②④ D.③⑤⑥ .下列对原文的叙述和分析不正确的一项是( ) A.陶潜自幼志向高远,但因家境贫困,父母年迈,不得不去做官;又因无法容忍官府的束缚,所以不久便又辞官。
泗县二中2011―2012学年上学期高二年级期末测试英语试卷总分: 150分时量: 120分钟Part Ⅰ Listening Comprehension(30 marks)Section A(22.5 marks)Conversation 1Where did the man get his new tie?A. He bought it from the market.B. He bought it from the Internet.C. His daughter gave it to him.2.What will the woman give her father?A. A tie.B. A suit.C. A hat.Conversation 23.Where will the speakers have lunch?A. At Macdonald’s.B. At KFC.C. At a Sichuan food restaurant.4. How will the speakers get there ?A. By car.B. By taxi.C. By bus.Conversation 35.What can we learn from the conversation?A. The man answered Kristin’s call several times.B. The man didn’t want to answer Kristin’s call.C. Kristin said nothing to the man in her first call.6.What do we know about Kristin?A. She wants to make fun of the man.B. She probably forgot to lock her mobile keyboard.C. She likes talking with the man on the phone.Conversation 47.For whom is the woman planning to buy a gift?A. Her nephew.B. Her brother.C. Her aunt.8.How much does the football cost?A. 18 dollars.B. 23 dollars.C. 20 dollars.9.What does the woman finally decide to buy?A. A pen and a notebook.B. A desk lamp.C. A football.Conversation 510.Where was the bomb?A. In a phone box.B. In a corner of the post office.C. Outside the studio. 11.What did the man do when he discovered the bomb?A. He informed the people there. B He called the police. C. He threw the bomb away. 12.What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?A. Teacher and student.B. Policeman and witness.C. Radio presenter and guest.Conversation 613.What does the woman want to do?A. Ask for some information.B. Join the club.C. See Miss Collins.14.What day is it today?A. Sunday.B. Monday.C. Tuesday.15.Which membership does the woman want?A. A lifetime membership.B. A three-year membership.C. A one-year membership. Section B〔7.5 marks〕Part Ⅱ Language Knowledge(45 marks〕Section A (15 marks)Directions:for each of the following unfinished sentences there are four choices marked A,B,C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence.21.--How long ______ in Paris?--I’ll be there for just two days and have to be back for an interview next Saturday.A. have you stayedB. are you staying C do you stay D. did you stay22. ______ his age, he was considered ______ well in the play.A. Considering; to have actedB. Considering; actingC. Considered; actingD. To consider; act23. The food in the restaurant is not as good _______ it was reported on TV.A. thatB. whichC. asD. whether24. Mary is so wet. She _______ in the rain.A. must be caughtB. can have been caughtC. should have been caughtD. must have been caught25. If you wave a book in front of your face, you can feel the air _______ against your face.A. moveB. movingC. to moveD. moves26. We have to admit that never before ________ so greatly.A. did the city changeB. the city has changedC. has the city changedD. the city changed27. Professor Li and his wife are now at work on a novel _______ next year.A. to publishB. being publishedC. publishedD. to be published28. Fan Bingbing is easy to recognize as she’s the only one of the women who________ the bright evening dress tonight.A. wearsB. wearC. has wornD. have worn29. Have you ever received a message that you have won a big prize, _______ later turned out to have been a false one?A. whoB. whichC. thatD. what30. –- Let’s hurry. The lecture is going to be given in 10 minutes.--.Oh, I thought that we ________ it.A. had missedB. missC. are missingD. have missed31. The old man’s only regret is ________ he never achieved his dream of visiting the Great Wall.A. whatB. whichC. thatD. when32. You can tell the twins apart easily, because they dress differently and one is fatter than ______.A. anotherB. othersC. the othersD. the other33. I find _______ impossible for me to work out this math problem alone, so I’ll go to ask Mr Lin for help.A. oneB. thatC. thisD. it34.Project Hope is ______ a national project. It aims to change the lives of poor children in rural areas.A. rather thanB. other thanC. more thanD. better than35. Can you explain _______ you don’t listen to your English teacher in class?A. why it is thatB. why is it thatC. how it is thatD. how is it thatSection B (18 marks)Directions:For each blank in the following passages there are four words or phrases markedA,B,C and D. Fill in each blank with the words or phrases that best fits the context. By the time I was in middle school, my family had already moved many times. And this time I was 36 that we were moving to Ohio. This was to be my second middle school.I had bright red hair, freckles(雀斑),big glasses, and, even worse, I was too fat. It was not gong to be 37 for me. In addition, I was very shy and making friends did not come easily to me. But I expected what was coming.Getting on the school bus the first day, I felt all eyes 38 at me. I could hear the whispers(低语). “Who’s that?〞 and even “She is huge!〞 39 , the kids had known each other over the years and I was a 40 .The following day was even worse. Some boys thought it 41 to tie(系) a shoelace(鞋带) across the passage(过道) to the bottom of the bus seats. I did not notice the shoelace and fell over. I could hear the 42 I managed to 43 any eye contactand found a seat. I looked out of the bus window and held back my tears.It was then that I sank into myself. I 44 that I was thin and pretty with a lot of friends. I started losing weight, and I became more 45 with myself, and be happy with myself.Unbelievably, one of my new-found friends said that I didn’t have to be 46 .I just had to be me, and be happy with myself.Whenever I am 47 with any of life’s issues(问题), I always remember the proverb, “This too shall pass.〞36. A. taught B. told C. warned D. ordered37. A. interesting B. important C. easy D. unfair38. A. looking B. arriving C. knocking D. firing39. A. Secretly B. Curiously C. Carelessly D. Obviously40. A. stranger B. director C. leader D. head41. A. major B. funny C. silly D. clever42. A. noise B. voice C. cry D. laughter43. A. return B. discover C. avoid D. meet44. A. learned B. found C. regretted D. imagined45. A. satisfied B. busy C. patient D. comfortable46. A. eager B. perfect C. careful D. cheerful47. A. concerning B. communicating C. struggling D. fightingSection C (12marks)` I used to work in a hospital as a pharmacy technician(药剂师). 48 was part of my duty to go around the nursing stations to pick up orders(订单) 49 deliver(派送) medicine. Once I was on my way to a nursing station, I met an elderly lady, 50 was sitting outside a room crying. I stopped to ask if she was Okay. She said her husband was dying in the room. So I just sat there for 51 while, holding her hand and listening to her. This was 52 I would do every time I saw her. Then one day I saw her sitting there, and she wasn’t crying any 53 . She told me that her husband had died the night before. I asked her why she was still there. She replied, “I came back to say thank you for just being there, listening to me and helping me through this.〞 I hugged her and wished her well. I walked away with tears 54 my eyes and a heart filled with joy because I had been 55 to help someone through her darkest days.Part Ⅲ Reading Comprehension (30marks)Directions: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage.AIt seems that there’s a good reason why dogs have remained as man’s best friend. Scientists have found that dogs are the only animals that can read emotion in facesmuch like humans. The finding suggests that like an understanding friend, dogs can see at a glance if we are happy, sad, pleased or angry.When humans look at a new face, their eyes usually wander left, falling on the right hand side of t he person’s face first. This “left gaze bias〞〔左视偏好〕only happens when we look at faces and does not apply(应用于) any other time, such as when looking at animals or objects.A possible reason for the tendency〔倾向〕 is that the right side of the human face is better at expressing emotions.Researchers at the University of Lincoln have now shown that pet dogs also have “left gazes bias〞, but only when looking at human faces. No other animal has been known to show this behavior before.A team, led by Dr Kun Guo, showed 17 dogs images(形象) of human, dog and monkey faces as well as objects.Film of the dog’s eye and head movements shows a strong left gaze bias when the animals were presented with human faces. But this did not happen when they were shown other i mages, including those of dogs.“Guo suggests that over thousands of generations of association〔交往〕 with humans, dogs may have developed the left gaze bias as a way to guess our emotions,〞 New Scientist magazine reported. “Recent studies show that the rig ht side of our faces can express emotions more accurately than the left. If true, then it makes sense for dogs — and humans —to see the right hand side of a face first.〞56. The reason why dogs are man’s best friend is that _______.A. they can read our facial emotions easilyB. they can help us in many waysC. they are the only animal that can protect usD. they are easy to deal with57. The “left gaze bias〞 only happens when we look at _______.A. animalsB. plantsC. peopleD. dogs58. From the passage we can learn that______.A. the left side of the human face is better at expressing emotionsB. only pet dogs have “left gaze bias〞C. Dr Kun Guo is a team leaderD. The “left gaze bias〞happens when dogs were presented with images of dogs59. The passage mainly wants to tell us that ______.A. dogs are man’s best friendB. what is the “left gaze bias“C. dogs can guess our emotionsD. dogs read emotions the same as humans60. The underlined word “accurately〞 in the last paragraph probably means _______.A. luckilyB. exactlyC. slowlyD. easilyBThere is a common belief among parents that schools are no longer interested in spelling. No school I have taught in has ever considered spelling unimportant as a basic skill. There are, however, quite different ideas about how to teach it, or how much priority (优先) it must be given over general language development andwriting ability. The problem is, how to encourage a child to express himself freely in writing without holding him back with spelling.If spelling becomes the only point of his teacher's interest, clearly a bright child will be likely to “play safe〞. He will write only words within his spelling range (范围〕. That's why teachers often encourage the early use of dictionaries and pay attention to content rather than technical ability.I was once shocked to read on the bottom of a sensitive piece of writing abouta personal experience: “This work is terrible! There are far too many spelling mistakes.〞 It may have been a sharp criticism(批评) of the pupils technical abilities in writing, but it was also a sad thing for the teacher who had omitted (略过) to read the composition, which contained some beautiful expressions of the child's deep feelings. The teacher was not wrong to draw attention to the mistakes, but if his priority had centered on the child's ideas, an expression of his disappointment with the presentation would have given the pupil more hope to seek improvement.61. Teachers differ in their opinions(意见不同) about ______.`A. the difficulties in teaching spellingB. the role of spelling in general language developmentC. the importance of the basic writing skillsD. the necessity (必要性) of teaching spelling62. The expression “play safe〞 probably means ______.A. to write carefullyB. to do as teachers sayC. to use dictionaries frequentlyD. to avoid using words one is not sure of63. Teachers encourage the use of dictionaries so that______.A. students will be able to express their ideas more freelyB. teachers will have less trouble in correcting mistakesC. students will have more trust in writingD. students will learn to spell words correctly64. The writer seems to think that the teacher's judgement on that sensitive pieceof writing is______.A. reasonableB. foolishC. unfairD. careless65. The major point discussed in the passage is _______.A. the importance of developing writing skillsB. the importance of spellingC. the correct way of marking compositionD. the relationship between spelling and the content of a compositionCThe United States is one of the few countries in the world that has an official day on which fathers are honored by their children. On the third Sunday in June, fathers all across the United States are given presents, treated to dinner orotherwise made to feel special.However, the idea for creating a day for children to honor their fathers began in Spokane, Washington. A woman by the name of Sonora Smart Dodd thought of the idea for Father's Day while listening to a Mother's Day sermon(说教) in 1909. Having been raised by her father, Henry Jackson Smart, after her mother died, Sonora wanted her father to know how special he was to her.It was her father that made all the parental sacrifices(牺牲) and was, in the eyes of his daughter, a selfless(无私的) and loving man. Sonora's father was born in June, so she chose to hold the first Father's Day celebration in Spokane, Washington on the 19th of June, 1910.In 1924 President Calvin Coolidge declared the third Sunday in June as Father's Day. Roses are the Father's Day flowers: red to be worn for a living father and white if the father has died.When children can't visit their fathers or take them out to dinner, they send a greeting card. Traditionally, fathers prefer greeting cards that are not too sentimental(伤感的, 忧伤的). Most greeting cards are too special so fathers laugh when they open them. Some give heartfelt thanks for being there whenever the child needed Dad.66. The United States is special in Father's Day because ______.A. many people celebrate the dayB. only America celebrates the dayC. America makes it an official dayD. all men are honored in America67. At first, Father's Day was fixed on June 19th because ______.A. Sonora honored her father on her father's birthdayB. Sonora's birthday was June 19C. it was decided by the president at that timeD. her mother died on June 1968. How many years has passed before Father's Day became an official day sincethe father's day was celebrated?A. 4B. 10C. 14D. 2469. According to the passage, on Father's Day, ______.A. people will wear the same flowers to honor their fathersB. only daughters wear red flowers to honor their fathersC. children must go home to honor their fathersD. fathers are often honored in different ways70. According to the passage, we can infer that Henry Jackson Smart ______.A. was very kind to anyoneB. did a lot for his daughterC. was the first father honored in 1924D. always help others by giving money Part Ⅳ Writing (45marks)SectionA (10 marks)Directions: Read the following passage. Fill in the numbered blanks by using the information from the passage. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.Today, February twenty-ninth, is leap day. This date only appears on the calendar once every four years. But why?Everyone knows the Earth takes three hundred sixty-five days to travel around the sun. Well, that is not exactly correct. The Earth really takes three hundred sixty-five days, five hours, forty-eight minutes and forty-six seconds to complete its orbit around the sun.The problem for people developing calendars (日历) was what to do with the extra(额外的) five hours, forty-eight minutes and forty-six seconds.People needed calendars to help them know when to plant crops and when to celebrate religious holidays. The ancient Greeks and Chinese had a solution(解决方法). They produced calendars that included extra months every nineteen years.The ancient Romans had a different solution. In the year forty-six, the Roman ruler Julius Caesar made a new calendar. The Julian calendar included an extra day every four years. But there was a problem.The Julian year was just over eleven minutes longer than the cycle(循环) of the seasons. In fifteen eighty-two, Pope Gregory the Thirteenth established a new calendar to keep a better recorder of the days. Pole Gregory was the religious leader of most of Europe. He decided that years that could be dividedby four would add a day. However, years that ended in two zeros and that could not be evenly(均匀地) divided by four hundred would not be leap years. For example, the years seventeen hundred, eighteen hundred and nineteen hundred were not leap years. But the years sixteen hundred and two thousand were leap years So leap years are years with three hundred sixty-six days, instead of the usual three hundred sixty-five. This extra day is added to the calendar on February twenty-ninth, sometimes known as leap day. People born on leap day may be called“leaplings.〞They usually celebrate their birthday on February twenty-eight or March first.Section B(10 marks)Directions: Read the following passage. Answer the questions according to the information given in the passage and the required words limit. Write your answers on your answer sheet.A blind boy sat on the steps of a building with a box by his feet. He held up a sign which read, “I am blind, please help.〞 There were only a few coins in the box. The boy felt sad.A man walked by. He took a few coins from his pocket and dropped them into the box. Then he took the sign, turned it around and wrote some words. He put the sign back so that everyone who walked by would see the new words.Soon the box was full. A lot more people were giving money to the blind boy.That afternoon the man who had changed the sign came to see how things were. The boy recognized his footsteps and asked, “Were you the one who changed my sign this morning? What did you write?〞That man said, “I only wrote the tru th . I said what you said but in a different way.〞What he had written was, “Today is a beautiful day and I can not see it.〞Do you think the first sign and the second sign were saying the same thing? Of course, but the second sign told people they were so lucky that they were not blind.Great men say, “In the journey of life, if you want to travel without fear, you must have the ticket of a good conscience〔良心〕.〞It’s a beautiful thing to see a pe rson smiling! And it’s even more beautiful to know that you a re the reason of a person’s smiling!81. Why did the blind boy feel sad?(no more than 10 words)_______________________________________________________________________82. When did the man change the boy’s sign?(no more than 3words)________________________________________________________________________83. Why did the second sign have a better effect?(no more than 10 words)________________________________________________________________________84. According to the last paragraph, what is the most beautiful thing? (no more than 15 words)_______________________________________________________________________Section C (25 marks)Directions: Write an English composition according to the instructions given belowin Chinese.感恩,是我们生活中永恒的话题。
安徽省泗县双语中学高二上学期第二次月考语文试题注意事项:本试卷共分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分,共150分,时间为1 。
祝你考试顺利!第Ⅰ卷(选择题)一、语言知识及运用(15分,每小题3分)1.下列词语中加点的字,读音全部正确的一组是()A.逮.捕(dài)氛.围(fēn)泠.(líng)然逸兴遄.(chuán)飞B.叨.(tāo)陪妊娠.(shēn)省.(xǐng)视心宽体胖.(pàng)C.熟稔. (rěn) 感喟.(kuì)重创.(chuàng)稗.官野史(bài)D.憎.(zèng)恶游说.(shuì)炮.制(páo)暴虎冯.河(píng)2.下列词语中只有一个错别字的一组是()A.必竟渡假村高朋满座一愁莫展B.亲睐明信片人情事故形影相吊C.编篡挖墙角穷且意坚墨守成规D.追溯水笼头世外桃源萍水相逢3.下列各句中划线的词语使用恰当的一项是A.社会上出现的浮躁和急功近利之风,已经无孔不入地腐蚀着教育界和学术界,“教育和学术腐败使最后的净土沦丧”已经不是微言大义。
双语中学2011-2012学年度高三年级上学期第一次月考 语 文 试 卷 温馨提示:本试卷分第1卷(阅读题)和第Ⅱ卷(表达题)两部分,全卷满分150分,考试时间150分钟。
第Ⅰ卷 (阅读题共66分) 一、(9分) 阅读下面的文字,完成1~3题。
中华民族凝聚力形成的历史根源 中国疆土辽阔,地域相连,四周有自然屏障,内部有结构完整的体系。
3. 命题范围:必修五第一、二单元第Ⅰ卷(阅读题共70分)一、(9分,每小题3分)联系《装在套子里的人》的有关情节,回答1~3题。
关于非物质文化遗产,以下说法正确的是( )①非物质文化遗产是民族文化的集中展示②中华民族创造了光辉灿烂的历史文化③必须继承和发扬中华民族优秀文化传统④非物质文化遗产的展示有利于推动我国文化大发展大繁荣A.①②③B.②③④C.①③④D.①②③④2.中国的京剧、书法、武术为世界独有,俄罗斯的芭蕾舞,意大利的歌剧等享誉天下,这一切形成了世界文化大观园。
假如你是一位亚运会志愿者,在服务过程中应当()①遵循各国文化一律平等的原则②做各国文化的弘扬者、建设者③尊重文化之间的差异④做中外文化交流的友好使者A.①②③B.①②④C.②③④D.①③④6.2010年 9月11日,第九届海峡两岸各民族中秋联欢晚会在深圳举行。
泗县双语中学2011-2012高二第一次周考测试 英语卷 (满分120分;时间100分钟) 一 单项填空 1. He suggests we ____ to the cinema at once, otherwise we ____ late.A must go; areB go ; will beC will go ; will beD would go ; are 2. The writer ___ his writing so that he forgot to have his lunch.A absorbedB was absorbed intoC absorbed intoD was absorbed in 3 .The president ____ the new economic policy.A announcedB toldC informedD promised 4 ._____ the injuries to his face, he broke both legs.A In addition toB ExceptC ButD Except for 5. I don’t understand what you are talking about, would you ____ a little ?A explain youB express youC explain yourselfD express yourself 6.Before using the machine, you must ____ carefully to these instructions .A joinB join inC take part inD attend 7.The meeting ______ tomorrow will be of great importance. All of us should attend it. A? held? B? to be held? C being held D is going to be held 8Who is ____ the patient? Maybe his sister.A taking careB looking forC joining inD attending on 9. I had no idea when and where ________..A. it happenedB. does it happenC. it had happenedD. had it happened 10?Did you remember to give Mary the money you owed to her? --- Yes, I gave it to her ____ I saw her.A whileB the momentC suddenlyD once 11?The ___ look on his face showed that he hadn’t expected it .A astonishedB astonishingC being astonishedD having astonished 12Do you still remember the chicken farm ___ we visited three months ago?A whereB whenC thatD what 13.?He ____ her to go to school, even though she did not want to .A advisedB suggestedC madeD persuaded 14.Only when the war was over ____ return to his hometowns.A have the soldiersB the soldiersC the soldiers didD did the soldiers 15.? I feel it is your husband who ____ for the spoiled child .A is to blameB is going to blameC is to be blamedD should blame 二 完型填空 阅读下面短文,撑握其大意,然后从—35各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项 (共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分) If you really want to know about paper and paper making, you’ve got to know trees. Trees are all around 6 . But have you ever really 17 about how they are put together? Just look at a tree trunk (body). They bark (skin) protects the inner wood 18 weather, insects and other dangers. Just inside the bark is a thin 19 called the cambium(形成层), 0 cells become both bark and inner wood. 21 is sapwood (树皮和心材之间的边材), which carries nourishing (rich) sap throughout the tree the 2 way our blood flows through our 23 to nourish(养育) us. Heartwood(树木的心材) is the 24 part of the trunk, and even though it isn’t 25 ,it provides the tree with strength and structure. All the wood material is formed of 26 . It’s by 27 and reorganizing those fibers 28 we make paper. Some paper is made brand-new (崭新的) from 9 small trees harvested just for that prupose, or the leftover from saw-mill (锯木厂) when larger trees are made into lumber. A 30 source of paper-makingmaterial is 31 fibers. Each year, more and more paper is recycled-its fibers are used a second, third or fourth time. Every year, about 50% of the paper Americans 32 is recovered for recycling and other uses. 33 all of the paper you use today is made of wood fibers. But some 34 papers, like money and some special stationary, are made from linen(亚麻), cotton, 35 other plants. 16.A.the earth B.the wood C.the forest D.you e B.thought C.told D.known 18. A.to B. from C. of D.about 19. yer B.material C.thing D.bark 20.A.which B.whose C.who D.that 21.A.Secondly B.Next C.Inside D.Near 22.A.very B.right C.same D.alike 23.A.hearts B.cells C.skins D.bodies 24. st B. innermost C.next D.just 25.A.dead B.alive C.small D.powerful 26.A.fibers B.paper C.trunks D.bark 27.A.dividing B.separating C.lining D.cutting 28.A.that B.which C.as D.although 29.A.not only B.also C.neither D.either 30.A.next B.second C.few D.third 31.A.recycled B.to use C.recycling ing 32.A.take e C.make D.produce 33.A.For B.None of C.Almost D.Mostly 34.A.especially B.specially C.kind of D.special 35.A.or B.but C.except D.as well 三. 阅读理解: 阅读短文,从每题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳选项.(分) A The first people to drink tea were the Chinese because the bush grew wild all over the south oftheir country. They liked the taste, and found that the drink refreshed (使振作) them. People living in Europe first learned about tea growing and drinking from a book printed in Italy in 1599. The writer claimed(声称) that tea was a wonderful medicine! Although people in Europe knew about tea in 1599, it was another fifty years before the first cargo (货物) of tea form China reached Holland. A few years later, tea was brought overland from China to Russia. The long difficult journey had to be made over mountains and across deserts. The new drink reached England in 1657. It was sold at one of the coffee houses. Only the very rich could afford to drink it. 36. The Chinese drank tea first because .A.the tea bush grew all over the south of their countryB.they learned it from their parentsC.the leaves of the tea smelled goodD.they happened to know it could be drunk 37.The Chinese liked the taste of tea because .A.the tea was a bit bitterB.they wouldn't be thirsty when they smelled itC.the drink refreshed themD.the tea was the only drink they liked 38.People in Europe first learned that tea was .A.a wonderful medicineB.beautiful leavesC.sweet leavesD.a flower 39.It was in that the first cargo of tea from China reached Holland.A.1599B.1649C.1657D.1655 B In the West, advertisements are the fuel that makes mass media (传媒) work. Many TV stations, newspapers, magazines,radio stations are privately (私人地) owned. The government does not give themmoney. So where does the money come from? From advertisements. Without advertisements, there would not be these private businesses. Have you ever asked yourself what advertising is? Through the years, people have given different answers to the question. For some time it was felt that advertising was a means of “keeping your name before the public”. And some people thought that advertising was “truth well told”. Now more and more people consider it in this way:Advertising is the paid, non-personal, and usually persuasive presentation of goods, services and ideas by some certain sponsors(发起人) through various media. First, advertising is usually paid for. Various sponsors pay for the advertisements we see, read, and hear over the various media. Second, advertising is non-personal. It is not face-to-face communication. Although you may feel that a message in a certain advertisement is aimed directly at you, in reality, it is directed at large groups of people. Third, advertising is usually persuasive. Directly or indirectly it asks people to do something. All advertisements try to make people believe that the product, idea, or service advertised can benefit them. Fourth, the sponsots of the advertisement must show their names.From the advertisement, we can see if the sponsors is a company, or a single person. Fifth, advertising reaches us through old media and mass media. Included in the old media are newspapers, magazines, radios, televisions, and films. Modern media include emails, matchbox covers, and boards on top of buildings. 40.The existence of the privately owned mass media depends on the support of .A.the governmentB.their owner’s familiesC.advertisementsD.the TV stations 41.The passage seems to say that different ideas of advertising are given due to .A.the change of timeB.the subject of the advertisementsC.people’s age differenceD.people’s different opinions 42.Which of the following is not considered modern mass media?A.NewspapersB.E-mails.C.Magazines.D.Films. 43.According to the passage, which of the following statements about advertisements is NOT true? A.The sponsors are always mentioned. B.Advertising must be honest and humorous. C.There is the description of things advertised. D.Advertising is meant for large groups of people. C I shall never forget the day when the earthquake took place. The time was about 5 o’clock in the afternoon and I was driving along the road to take my daughter from school. Our plan was to go swimming together. I finished my work at 4 o’clock and then went to the post office. Then I stopped off at a shop in order to get some fresh fruit. We’d like to have some fruit after swimming. I was driving along a high road on my way to my daughter’s school. Over my road was another road, which was built like a bridge for cars coming to the other way. I was hungry so I put the bag of apples in the seat beside me and started to eat one. Suddenly I saw the cars in front of me start to move from side to side. Then my car started to shake! I didn't know what was happening.Perhaps something had gone wrong with my car. I drove more slowly and then I stopped the car and at the same moment the road fell onto the cars in front of me. I found myself in the dark. I couldn't move. The bottom parts of both of my legs and my feet were hurting badly and I couldn't move them. All around me was quiet. But above me I could hear shouts and a lot of noise. Then I memorized what had happened. I had been in an earthquake. For about two hours nobody came. Luckily I could reach the bag of apples, so at least I had plenty to eat. Then I heard people climbing towards me. A team of people had come to see if anyone was under the broken road. I called out, “I’m here!” when I heard a shout. Soon a stranger climbed to the side of the road near my car. “How are you doing?”he asked. “Not too bad, ”I said. “But my feet and legs feel as if they’re broken.” “We’ll have you out of there just as soon as we can.” They didn't get me out until the next morning. I had been in my car for fourteen hours. 44.When the earthquake took place, the writer was .A.on his way to the post officeB.stopping off at a shopC.doing some shoppingD.under a road built like a bridge 45.The writer’s car began to move from side to side because .A.there was something wrong with his carB.he ate apples as he droveC.an earthquake happenedD.he drove too fast 46.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A.When the earthquake happened, the writer was with his daughter together. B.The writer’s legs and feet were badly wounded in the earthquake. C.The writer was saved as soon as the stranger climbed up the road. D.The writer was so frightened that he forgot everything that happened around him. 47.Which of the following shows the right order of what happened to the writer? a.A stranger climbed to the side of road near his car and asked how he was doing. b.The writer finished his work. c.He felt his car shaking on his way to his daughter’s school. d.He bought some fresh fruit in a shop. e.He was saved the next morning. f.The writer found himself in the dark. g.He went to the post office.A.b,g,d,c,f,a,eB.b,d,c,g,f,a,eC.d,b,c,f,g,a,eD.c,a,f,g,b,d,e 48.From the passage we’re sure that the writer was .A.a teacher of a schoolB.a manager of a girlC.a father of a girlD.a worker of a post office D Well, Mrs Evans, I’ve done my best to look after David. I’ve tidied his room up every day, got him a meal together whenever he needed one and made sure he’s always had a clean shirt to put on. It’s not been easy, with two of my own to worry about, as well. David had the best of attention, I must say. But now because I asked him to give up bringing that American friend to his home he has got quite miserable and unfriendly. He comes in at all hours and his behaviour—well, it’s quite hard to put up with—and it’s all because of this friend. I’m sure he’s a bad influence. You see, David’s a visitor and doesn’t fully understand our ways. He used to study most evenings. He’s got through quite a bit of work. He did up his room quite nicely, with bookshelves and large poster. He’s asked Mr. Smith and me up for a drink and cheer us up with songs from his country. He’s very good at the guitar, you know. I don’t want to appear as if I’m running after him, but it’s about time we made it up. I’m sure he’s upset because I told him off. It might be a good idea to take him out for a meal, perhaps even with his friend. I don’t know whether it will do any good but we can try. I’m glad I’ve had this little chat with you, Mr. Evans, and I’ll let you know how I get on. 49.. David is ____ .A. an American friendB. Mr. Smith’s sonC. a visiting studentD. a singer 50. Mr. Smith believes that David is not the cause of the quarrel but that the main cause isA. Mr. SmithB. too much homeworkC. David’s friendD. David’s behaviour 51. Mrs Smith wants to make up the quarrel by ____.A. cooking a mealB. giving them drinksC. inviting David and his friend outD. running after David 52. David’s present attitude to Mrs Smith is ____.A. very attentiveB. unfriendlyC. cheerfulD. unhappy E Did you notice the buttons (钮扣) on the sleeves (袖子) of men’s jackets? There are many stories explaining how they came to be there. One story is connected with Frederick the Great, who was King of Prussia in the 18th century. His armies fought in a great many battles, and he was often on the field of battle with his troops. One of his conerns (关心), as the story goes, was the appearance (外表) of his soldiers. Once as he went about inspecting his troops, he became quite upset at the dirty sleeves of their uniforms (军服). When he asked why the sleeves were dirtier than the rest of the uniforms, he was told that the soldies wiped the sweat from their faces on their sleeves. Frederick refused to let this habit continue. So to stop it, he ordered metal (金属) buttons be sewed on the top side of all soldiers’ sleeves. That way, if the men wiped their faces using their sleeves, they would get badly scratched. Later, there buttons were put on ordinary people’s jackets as well, but only as decoration (装饰). So if you notice button on your father’s jacket sleeves, don't think that your mother put them there to stop him from wiping his face with them. The buttons are only for decoration! 53.Frederick the Great was King .A.of Prussia in the early 18th centuryB.of Prussia in the late18th centuryC. of Prussia in the 18th centuryD.of Egypt in the 18th century 54.Frederick the Great .A.often shared in the danger with his troops.B.became famous for the good appearance C.was never on the field of battle with his trops D.got used to wearing uniforms durning the wartime 55. ,Frederick the Great felt rather unhappy.A.Watching his soldiers wiping the sweat with their sleevesB.Defeated in some battlesC.Seeing the dirty sleeves of his soldiers’ uniformsD.Not winning many battles 写作。
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