商务翻译期末试卷[五篇范文]第一篇:商务翻译期末试卷商务英语翻译期末试卷AⅠMultiple Choices(10 points,2 points for each)1.Assuming the laboratory tests go well, and you can quote us a competitive price, we would certainly be able to place more substantial orders on a regular basis.A.假定实验室检验顺利,并且你的报价有竞争力,我们会大量向贵公司订货的。
2.The new prosperity may represent a long, sustained plateau of brisk demand, plentiful jobs, and increased living standards.A.新的繁荣表现为一段时间持续较长的旺盛的需求、大量就业机会,生活水平也得到了改善。
3.Should for certain reasons the Buyers not be able to inform the Seller of the foregoing details 10 days prior to the arrival of the vessel at the port of loading or should the carrying vessel be advanced or delayed, the Buyer or their chartering agent shall advise the Sellers immediately and make necessaryarrangement.A.由于某种原因,买方不能于装运轮抵达装运港十天前,将有关详情通知卖方或装运轮提前或推迟到达,买方或其运输代理人须立刻通知卖方做出必要的安排。
Scene 1:买方急需订购的500辆轻便摩托车(scooter),要求卖方在签订合同后立即发货。
( 买方:王斐,丰冲龙;买方:武扬丽) 王斐: Well, Ms Yang, let's move on to next point, shall we?武扬丽: OK. It's the question of the delivery date.丰冲龙: What's your deadline?武扬丽: September 20th. We really have to insist on that because we have a very strict timetable. It's essential for us to have it before the 30th, otherwise...王斐: Yes, of course, but let us explain the position.武扬丽: OK, go ahead, please.丰冲龙: As you know, we lack of raw materialsNow. That halted production for 10days.武扬丽: Yes, you told me.王斐: So, eh, there's a backlog of orders to fill.武扬丽: I understand but...丰冲龙: We're working at full capacity, but the earliest delivery date we can make is the last week in September.武扬丽: I'm afraid that's not good enough.王斐: Why not?武扬丽: We need to develop South America market . That takes time. I do hope you'll appreciate our position,Mr,Feng . Can't you arrange delivery for September 20th?丰冲龙: Mm! We can try but we can't guarantee it.武扬丽: If not the 20th, then when?王斐: We can guarantee September 25th.武扬丽: Why the 25th?丰冲龙: That's the date the ship is scheduled to arrive. We can't make an earlier shipment because production won't be complete in time.武扬丽: Let me see, it'll take about a week for onward transport to the destination until the 5th of October.丰冲龙: Yes, I'm sorry. We can try to meet an earlier date but I don't hold out much hope.武扬丽: OK, let's make it the 25th. But we must install absolutely on September 25th as the last possible date.王斐: Fair enough.武扬丽: All right, then. Let's make it the 25th of September. But if it is possible earlier then all the better.丰冲龙: Of course. You can count on me. I'll do my best.Scene 2:买方订购的500辆轻便摩托车,按照双方达成的交货时间按时到达了,但当买方打开集装箱时,发现运来的不是摩托车,而是自行车。
1. Dear sirs,We are writing to you at the suggestion of our commercial counselor's office of the Embassy in our country.we would like to introduce ourselves to you as a corporation specializing in the export business of silk piece goods.And we are interested in establishing direct business relation with your corporation for the purpose of supplying you the commodities you want.To give you a general idea of our products,we enclose our latest catalogue together with a complete set of leaflets,for you reference . If you find any of the article of the interest ,please let us have your specific enquires so as to enable us to send you our quotation.very truly yours,敬启者:经我国驻贵国大使馆商务参赞处的介绍,今写信给贵方,我们很高兴作为一个丝绸商品进出口业务公司作自我介绍。
《商务英语写作》考试大纲 一、期末考试要求“商务英语写作”是英语专业专科商务方向的限选课程。
第一部分 填空题一、请把下面所给词语放进原文中适当的位置,让他们在信件中执行相应的语言功能这部分为选词填空。
给出一段文章,文章中有10 个空格,要求从所给的10个词语中选择合适的词语填入文章。
第二部分 配对题二、阅读下列两组句子。
从Part B 中选择适当的句子与Part A 中的句子配对。
本题要求把Part A 部分的5个句子和Part B 部分的5个句子进行配对。
第三部分 判断题本部分5小题,每小题3分,共15分。
第四部分 翻译题本部分为商务信函英译中,要求翻译一篇信函,本题共20分。
第五部分 写作题本部分为根据要求,写一封商务信函,本题共20分。
《商务英语写作》参考资料我们在学习书信范例时应该从哪些方面入手呢? 范例的学习也非常重要。
大家学习书信范例可以从以下几个方面入手:1、书信的写作格式2、书信中常用的表达方式(包括用词、常用套语与语法)3、措辞与结构4、方法策略的应用5、注意与中文译文相对照在学完本学期教学内容后,应该做到: 1、熟悉常用商务英语文体。
10 points, 1 eachII.多项选择题,选自课外。
10 points, 1 eachIII.匹配题10 points, 1 eachIV.翻译30points.汉译英(10个课外句子) 20 points, 2 each英译汉(课内的一封信)10 pointsV.书信写作40 points, 20 each外贸英语期末考试说明期末考试采取开卷方式,占课程总成绩的80%,考试按教学大纲的要求进行,由江苏电大统一命题。
期末考试题型:I. Translate the following phrases into English.40 points, 2 each词组翻译, 选自课文的Special Terms及课后练习。
II. Make the best choice.20 points, 2 each单项选择,选自课后练习及课外。
III. Fill in the following blanks with the words or expressions given below. 10 points, 1 each选词填空,选自课后练习。
(10个句子) IV. Translate the following into Chinese.20 points, 10 each段落英译汉,选自课文,不包括课后补充阅读。
V. Answer the following questions in English.10 points, 5 each回答问题,选自课后练习。
验 。 下 面就 我 系 0 级 学 生 《 务 英语 翻译 》 末 考 试 作 简 单 总 6 商 期
结 和 分析 。 考 试 试 卷 的 内 容 课 程 考 试 主 要 是 测 试学 生 在 某 一 段 时 间 内 .对 一 门课 程 知识 掌握 的程 度 和 能 力 发 展 的 水平 。 此 , 试 既 考 查学 生对 因 考
外 语 系《 务 英 语 翻 译 》 末 考 试 试 卷 分 析 商 期
张 云
( 南 城市 学 院 外 语 系 , 南 益 阳 湖 湖 摘 要 : 末 考 试 具 有 检 验 学 生 学 习结 果 和 教 师教 学 成 期 果 的 双 重 目的 ; 卷 分 析 , 对 考 试 成 绩 的 一 次 总 结 , 可 了 试 是 既 解 学 生对 语 言 的运 用 水 平 ,也 可 为教 师 以后 的教 学 活 动 和 试 题 开 发 创 造 基 础 。 本 文 对《 商务 英 语 翻 译 》 末 考 试 试 卷 进 行 期
生 的得 分 情 况 却 不 佳 的原 因 3学 生 笔 误 造 成 丢 分 。 由 于 考 试 时 间 紧 , 量 比较 大 . . 题 学 生 考 试 时 没 有 多 余 时 间 检 查 语 法 或 书 写 错 误 ,这 就 使 得 试 卷 上 出 现 了 很 多 基 本 的 语 法 错 误 。 如 A C c m a y h v s B o p n , a ei t
从 本 次 考 试 来 看 , 课 教 师认 为考 题 紧扣 教 学 大 纲 要 求 , 任 也 是学 生 比较 熟 悉 的 题 材 , 分应 该 比较 高 , 考 试 结 果 却 大 得 但 大低 于期 望 值 ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้这 反 映 了 如 下 问题 : 1教 师 对 学 生 了 解 不 深 . 于 学 生 所 学 知 识 达 到 何 种 程 . 对 度 、 准 确 性 如何 等 情 况 把 握 不 清 楚 。给 予 学 生 的辅 导 时 间 不 其 够 , 基 本 知 识 所 做 的 训 练 不 多 ; 时 , 课 教 师 在 引 导 学 生 对 同 任 分 析 问题 解 决 问 题 上所 做 的努 力 也 需 增 多 。
《高级商务英语写作》课程考核说明一、有关说明( 三) 考核目标本课程的考核目标分商务英语写作基础知识和写作技能要求两方面。
1. 知识要求:1) 能结合语境准确和恰当地使用所学的语言和表示方式。
2) 了解并掌握商务英语中的英汉互译的方法。
3) 了解或掌握商务英语写作中的结构逻辑关系。
2. 写作要求:1) 能以书面形式比较自如地表示个人观点;2) 能在规定时间内根据作文题目、提纲或图表等完成写作任务;3) 能写简短的求职应聘、企业对外宣传、商务社交、业务磋商、执行合同等场景有关的商务文件。
在完成上述任务时, 做到语句连贯, 条理清楚, 结构合理, 语言正确, 表示得体。
( 四) 考核方式及计分方法本课程的考核采取两种形式: 形成性考核和课程终结考试。
课程总成绩为百分制, 形成性考核占30%, 课程终结性考试占70%。
( 五) 考核依据本课程形成性考核的内容和课程终结考试的命题依据”高级商务英语写作教学大纲”和《高级商务英语写作》( 中央广播电视大学出版社, )二、考核方式具体要求( 一) 形成性考核1. 考核目的本课程形成性考核的目的旨在加强对学生平时自主学习过程的指导和监督, 重在对学生自主学习过程进行评价和检测, 引导学生按照教学要求和学习计划完成学习任务, 达到掌握知识、提高能力的目标。
2. 考核手段形成性考核当前采用纸质形成性考核册。
3. 形成性考核各部分所占比重及计分方法形成性考核由学习内容考核和学习过程考核构成。
形成性考核中, 学习内容考核占80分, 学习过程考核占20分。
4. 考核计分方法教师随课程进度, 安排布置和提交学习内容考核任务的具体时间, 原则上可依照下表中的时间安排。
Cash-in-Advance预付货款With cash-in-advance payment terms, the exporter can avoid credit risk because payment is received before the ownership of the goods is transferred. Wire transfers and credit cards are the most commonly used cash-in-advance options available to exporters. However, requiring payment in advance is the least attractive option for the buyer, because it creates cash-flow problems. Foreign buyers are also concerned that the goods may not be sent if payment is made in advance.Thus, exporters who insist on this payment method as their sole manner of doing business may lose to competitors who offer more attractive payment terms.以预付货款为付款条件,出口商可以在货物所有权转移之前收到货款,从而避免信用风险。
《商务英语》期末试题与答案1、FOB(Free On Board):船上交货2、 CIF(Cost、 Insurance and Freight):成本、保险费加运费3、L/C:信用证(Letter of Credit,L/C)4、B/L:提单(Bill of Lading,B/L)5、D/P,Documents against Payment 付款交单6、 D/A 全称为documents against acceptance 承兑交单Translate the following Chinese into English:1.请随时向我方报告下列货物的最新价格。
Please keep us informed of the latest quotation for the following items.2.我方打算按照当前的国际市场价格给你报个价。
We are prepared to give you a quotation which is based upon the prevailing international market price.3.很遗憾,我们的价格与你方还盘之间的差距太大。
I’m sorry the difference between our price and your counteroffer is too wide. 4.能不能互相让步我想我们双方都坚持自己的价格是不明智的。
How about meeting each other half way? I don’t think it wise for either of us to insist on his own price.5.我们不能做这笔交易因为卖方提价百分之五并降低数量百分之二十五。
We cannot do the business, because the sellers have increased their price by 5% and reduced the quantity by 25%.6.关于价格问题,我认为在购买商品时,应该考虑的不仅是价格,还有品质。
商务英语期末考试作文模板80字带翻译DearAfter checking with all of our other stores in the area,I regret to inform you that I have been unable to locate another [item requested] for you.If you would like me to place a special order,I would be most happy to do so. Normally,it takes between four to six weeks to receive merchandise ordered in this manner. If this is your desire,please call me at your convenience at [telephone and extension].On behalf of [name of firm] I would like to thank you for shopping at our store and if there is any way that we can be of further assistance to you,please let us know.翻译:亲爱的在与我们在该地区的所有其他商店核对后,我很遗憾地通知您,我一直无法找到另一件需要为您购买的物品。
1. 知识要求:1)能结合语境准确和恰当地使用所学的语言和表达方式。
2. 写作要求:1)能以书面形式比较自如地表达个人观点;2)能在规定时间内根据作文题目、提纲或图表等完成写作任务;3)能写简短的求职应聘、企业对外宣传、商务社交、业务磋商、执行合同等场景有关的商务文件。
(五)考核依据本课程形成性考核的内容和课程终结考试的命题依据“高级商务英语写作教学大纲”和《高级商务英语写作》(中央广播电视大学出版社,2014)二、考核方式具体要求(一)形成性考核1. 考核目的本课程形成性考核的目的旨在加强对学生平时自主学习过程的指导和监督,重在对学生自主学习过程进行评价和检测,引导学生按照教学要求和学习计划完成学习任务,达到掌握知识、提高能力的目标。
2. 考核手段形成性考核目前采用纸质形成性考核册。
3. 形成性考核各部分所占比重及计分方法形成性考核由学习内容考核和学习过程考核构成。
4. 考核计分方法教师随课程进度,安排布置和提交学习内容考核任务的具体时间,原则上可依照下表中的时间安排。
《商务英语翻译》期末考试复习资料《商务英语翻译》期末考试复习资料I. Answer the following four questions in English. (5’×4=20’)1. What is Business English?Business English must be seen in the overall context of English for Specific Purpose (ESP), as it shares the important elements of needs analysis, syllabus design, and materials selection and development which are common to all fields of work in ESP. As with other varieties of ESP, business English implies the definition of a specific language corpus and emphasis on particular kinds of communication in a specific context.2. What is register(语域)?Register consists of three elements: field(语场), tenor(语旨)and mode(语式).3. What is the main content of Business English Correspondence(商务英语函电)?Business English Correspondence includes establishing business relations(建立贸易关系); enquiries and replies(询价及回复); quotations, sales letters, offers and counter offers(报价、推销信、报盘及还盘); orders, acceptance and rejections(订单、接受和回绝); sales confirmation and purchase contract(销售确认书及购货合同); payment(支付); packing(包装); transport and insurance(装运与保险); complaint, claim and settlement (申诉索赔和理赔)and so on.4. What do “7Cs” include?7Cs: courtesy(礼貌), consideration(体谅), completeness (完整), clarity(清楚), conciseness (简洁), concreteness(具体), correctness(正确).5. What are the Grice principles?Maxim of Quality(质的准则), Maxim of Quantity(量的准则), Maxim of Relation(关系准则), Maxim of manner(方式准则).6. What are the seven categories of advertisement translation strategies?①Literal Translation(直译)/ Semantic Translation(语义翻译)/ Foreignization Translation(异化翻译);②Free Translation(意译)/ Flexible, Dynamic, or Functional Equivalence(灵活对等、动态对等、功能对等翻译)/ Communicative Translation(传意翻译)/ Domestication Translation(归化翻译);③Creative Transl ation(再创型翻译/ 创译);④Supplementary Translation/ Over Translation(增补型翻译);⑤Condensed Translation(浓缩型翻译);⑥Zero Translation(不译);⑦Adaptation(编译).7. What are the three types or forms of discourses according to Newmark?Expressive(表达型), informative(信息型)and vocative (呼唤型).II. Translate the following terms into English. (2’×10=20’)D. D.; D/ D demand draft 即期汇票CN consignment note 铁路运单1C.H. clearing house 票据交换所EF Exchange Fund 外汇基金DLD deadline date 最后时限EOD every other day 每隔一日f. fairs 定期集市F.A. face amount 票面金额P/ A payment of arrival 货到付款P. O. R payment on receipt 货到付款C.O.D cash ondelivery 货到付款F.A. fixed assets 顾定资产fad. free delivery 免费送货CR cash receipts 现金收入sae stamped addressed envelope 已贴邮票D/A deposit account 存款帐户TNC transnational company 跨国公司D/A document against acceptance 承兑交单D/D documentary draft 跟单汇票SC supplier credit 卖方信贷TC tariff circular 关税通报T. C. traveler’s check旅行支票SC sales contract 销售合同U/A underwritting account 保险账户B.C. bank clearing 银行清算C/I certificate of insurance 保险凭证BOT balance of trade 贸易余额TAT truck- air- truck 陆空联运DP document against payment 交单付款TOD time of delivery 发货时间CP. commercial paper 商业票据SKD separate knock-known 部分散件2。
A: B,do you know that a group of people from a foreign trade delegation are visiting your company next month.?B:yes,l see .And I have been asked to help prepare a program of activities for the visitors. But I am not familiar with this,can you help me ?A:Of course. I am pleasure to.B:Thank you very much.let's start ,ok?A:OK.What I want to tell you first is that we have to plan a tight schedule of travel. The activities that you choose will constitute a part of the first impression that you will give to your clients. So you should be careful when choosing the type of activities.B:Yeah,l got it. Firstly,! would take them around our company .Showing to them how our company work everyday.and Strengthen their confidence in cooperation with us.A: AbsolutelyiBut what do you arrange for outside working hours.?B:Actually I have thought ut a series of activities, Such as a sightseeing tour, a football match, a ballroom party, an orchestra performance, a ballet show, a fashion show, playing tennis and a formal meal, etc. A:That's great.but You also need to consider the clients age, educational and cultural backgrounds and do some research about your clients' characters and hobbies.B: I see what you mean.Let me see.They are young clients,! can take them to some more fashionable activities, such as a music bar, a pop music show, a fashion show.A: most imporant of all. you should end up all kind of activities with having a formal meal. You can talk about business with your clients at that time.B: That's marvelous. Thanks for your help!A: You're welcome. Gook luck to you!A: *, The Managing Director is concerned about the quality of presentations given by staff at meetings.So we have been asked to help organize some training for staff in giving presentations.B:yeah,it is really a big concern.and it is important for our company. But how to organize this training?A: first of all,I think we should encourage employees to take part in the training., if they don't participate in ,all is useless.So we must do a good job in Propaganda .B:yes,l can't agree with you more. Now let's come to the question that what kind of schedule would be suitable for the training?A:I think we can hire some specifics in giving presentations to give courses to staff.B: That's a good idea.English is a ofFical language, And Daily greeting and email main use English.so I think we should add english courses.A:yeah!it can Provide more team engagement chance for practising oral English.too.B:besides courses,what we should care about?A:as for time ,1 think we should limit the training time,or they will be tired.B:in the training ,1 think Q&A is necessary.do you think so>?A:yes,That's absolutely true.B:ok! I don't know how to decide whether training has been successful.? What do you think about this?A: er,we can ask staff if this training is beneficial to them ...B:oh,l see. We can let them to give presentations to everyone.they can show what they have learnt by it.B:Fine.How about you?Are you busy recently?A:Yeah.We are looking for a new head of Human Resource.Would you help me select the candidates?B:Sure.l would like to.But what experience and skills you will look for in applicants?A:Of course we need a man who has relevent experiences at least five years.Then,human resource management should be responsible for the labor relations coordination, th is request must be known as countries for labor relations legislation,at the same time it is the content of the interpersonal relationship is to coordinate between the enterprises and workers.B:So he first should be a man enjoying making friends and willing to communicate.Then.he should be thoughtful and have Strong interpersonal sensitivity.A:More important is the ability of resist compression and good control of his emotion.B:Yes.You are right.A:ls there any package like perk, or benefits in addition to a basic starting salary?B:Oh,l nearly forget about it.We will provide good training opportunity for the staff,So can not only improve the capacity of employees, and increasing staff change the security of face.A: How about paid vacation?B:lt's a good idea.We need do something like this to motivate the employees.Our company will provide paid vacation and person insurance,including some extra entertainment activities.A:There are almost 27 candidates.And some of them is really good from each point of view.So.it's really a tough task.Thanks so much for helping me.B:lt doesn't matter.Wish both us and the candidates aood luck.。
Directions: For this part,you are allowed 30minutes to write a short essay on the topic“世界这么大,我想去看看”You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.方向:对于这部分,你被允许30分钟的“世界这么大话题写一篇短文,我想去看看”你应该写至少120字,字数不超过180。
参考范文:The world is such a big place that I feel like going out to view it . Recently this quotation from a resignation letter of a young female teacher has roused a heated discussion among the working class as well as the youngsters who are still studying in college campus.As an energetic group of college students who are all for taking adventures,they find this sentence fascinating and are itching top attern themselves on this young woman.As far as I am concerned, college students are still too immature to handle this complex world, their lack in enough social experiences will get them in trouble if they actually goon a trip without planning. Moreover,they don’t have enough income to support such a big adventure,at the end of the day, they are pure consumers whose money are mostly from their parents.To sum up,I think college students should be realistic and keep their minds on their study for the time being.。
商务笔译期末报告Department of Business Foreign LanguagesHebei Finance University作者姓名:胡荣菊俞晓琦所在系:商务外语系专业:商务英语班级:2015级商务英语本科三班提交日期:2017年6月25日Parti参见《国际贸易实务(英文版)》第25页Specim en 1.2 Sales Con tract销售合同按标准格式翻译如下:销售合同本合同由总部位于中国广东省广州市武昌大街78号的ABC公司(以下称卖方)和总部位于美国纽约州纽约市华尔街35号的XYZ公司(以下称买方)签订于2014年7月15 口,双方同意按下列条款由卖方出售,买方购进下列货物:1.货物:女用双折叠雨伞2•质量:双节铁制镀铭伞柄,单面镀钻伞骨架,涂硅酮防水素色尼龙伞布,同质尼龙伞护套。
3.数量:10000打4.单价:按纽约GIF到岸价14美元每打总量:140000美元(大写:拾肆万美元整)纽约CIF到岸价格5•包装:1打装1盒,10盒装1箱6.装运暖头:合同编号:236包装件数:80件7.装运:2014年12月31 口之前装运,但要以买方2014年10月最后一-天收到可接受信用证为条件,允许分批装运和转船装运。
教学点(函授站):专业:年级:学号:姓名: 密封线内 严禁答题试卷号: ********学院20**学年度第1学期 期末考试试卷 考试年级 13.14。
15 专业 商务英语 科目 商务英语翻译 出卷老师 *****一请将下列合成词译成汉语:( 1* 15=15) 1。
free-spender 2。
good--to —excellent care 3。
office-bearer 4 。
character-building 5 Bad news travels quickly . 6 knock —out system 7 marriage lines 8 nest egg 9 off-hour hobby 10 off-the —job training 11 on-the-job training 12 on-the —spot broadcasting13 pension insurance14 red—hot news15 red-letter day二下面的句子可采用增减词法来翻译,请写出具体的增词法或具体的减词法:(2*5=10)1。
Rumors had already spread along the streets and lanes。
2. I could knit when I was seven.3。
The day when he was born remains unknown.4.W e live and learn.5。
Once you are in , you wouldn't be allowed to get out。
三写出下列每组分别属于何种合译:(2*5=10)1.to and from here and there off and onup and down2.often and often by and by men and men hours and hours3.thick and thin within and without off and on fair or foul4.forgive and forget now or never high and dry mend or end5.bread and butter pick and steal odds and ends house and home四。
2. 课程终结考试
工程技术大学 商务英语 期末复习重点 翻译写作
We have been handling light industrial products for 20 years.2.我们从商会得知你公司有意购买大量红茶。
We have learned from the Chamber of Commerce that you are in the market for a large quantity of black tea.3.如果你认为我方的价格合理,请与我方联系。
If you find our price reasonable, please contact us.4.我们将非常乐意收到你方寄来的最新商品录。
We shall be pleased to receive your latest catalogue.5.我们从互联网上得知贵公司的名称和地址。
We have learned your name and address from the Internet.6.小企业由于资金不足或管理能力有限而难以扩展。
Small businesses find it hard to grow because of inadequate financing or limited management capability.7.到2005年,在发达国家,雇员平均工作时间超过半数的时间将在家里度过。
By 2005, more than half of the average working hours of employees in developed countries will be spent at home.8.上海是中国通向世界的东大门,是中国最大的海港城市。
Shanghai is China’s east gate to the outside world and its largest seaport.9.上海是现代中国城市的象征,是地球上最具活力、最有希望的城市之。
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10 points, 1 each
10 points, 1 each
III.匹配题10 points, 1 each
汉译英(10个课外句子) 20 points, 2 each
英译汉(课内的一封信)10 points
V.书信写作40 points, 20 each
I. Translate the following phrases into English.
40 points, 2 each
词组翻译, 选自课文的Special Terms及课后练习。
II. Make the best choice.
20 points, 2 each
III. Fill in the following blanks with the words or expressions given below. 10 points, 1 each
(10个句子) IV. Translate the following into Chinese.
20 points, 10 each
V. Answer the following questions in English.
10 points, 5 each
I. Choose the best answer.
II. M atching.
III. Multiple choice questions
IV. Activity design.