圆柱绕流的数值模拟张玉静 20070360204 过控(2)班化工与能源学院摘要:使用计算流体力学软件FLUENT,模拟均匀来流绕固定圆柱的流动,模拟雷诺数为5,20,40,100时的绕流流动,得到流场的流函数等值线图和速度矢量图。
关键词:圆柱绕流;FLUENT;雷诺数Abstract:Uniform flow around a mounting cylinder is simulated with the application of FLUENT software while Reynolds number is 5,20,40,100. Stream function and velocity vector distributions are indicated. The results show that a series of construction appears as Reynolds number increases. When Re is 5, Flow separation does not occur, and it does not form vortex . When Re is 20,40,100, Flow separation occurs, and it forms vortex. V ortex increases with the increase of Re. Using computational fluid dynamics software FLUENT can successfully simulate flow around cylindrical, reflect the flow characteristic.Key words:Flow around a circular cylinder;FLUENT;Reynolds number1 圆柱绕流理论分析研究的状况一个世纪以来,圆柱绕流一直是众多理论分析、实验研究及数值模拟对象。
船舶风载荷数值模拟中流域构造方法的研究与应用张亚1,于晨芳1,蒋武杰2(1. 江南造船(集团)有限责任公司,上海201913;2. 中国船舶及海洋工程设计研究院,上海 200011)摘要:以15 000 TEU集装箱船为计算对象,针对船舶风荷载数值模拟中多风向角工况下大量重复性工作问题,基于STAR-CCM+平台,提出3种计算域构造方法:移动参考系模型法(MRF)、重叠网格法(Overset Mesh)、内外域分区构造法(Subregion),实现多风向角计算模型共享,助力风载荷数值建模的完全流程化和自动化。
关键词:船舶风载荷;流域构造;CFD中图分类号:U661.1 文献标志码:A DOI:10.14141/j.31-1981.2021.03.003Study and Application of Domain Decomposition Method in ShipWind Load SimulationZHANG Y a1, YU Chenfang1, JIANG Wujie2(1. Jiangnan Shipyard (Group) Co., Ltd., Shanghai 201913, China; 2. Marine Design & Research Institute of China, Shanghai200011, China)Abstract: T aken 15 000 TEU container ship as the calculation object, aiming at the problem of lots of repeating work in the numerical simulation of ship wind loads under the multi-wind-angle condition, based on STAR-CCM+ platform, three methods of the computational domain decomposition are proposed such as moving reference frame (MRF), Overset Mesh and Subregion, which realizes the sharing of calculation mode of multi-wind-angle and helps the full process-oriented and automatic numerical model establishment of wind loads. The simulation results of wind loads by the three decomposition methods are of good consistency, which proves the homogeneity of the methods. The longitudinal force coefficient of head wind is compared with the Fujiwara empirical formula and both fit well with no large difference, which preliminarily verifies the accuracy of the calculation results. It will be further verified by the subsequent wind tunnel test.Key words: ship wind load; domain decomposition; CFD0 引言随着船舶能效设计指数(Energy Efficiency Design Index,EEDI)的逐步施行,特别是在国际海事组织(International Maritime Organization,简称:作者简介:张亚(1989—),女,硕士。
轴流泵定常、非定常数值模拟1网格划分1.1. 叶轮[1] 在NX中,【文件(F)】→【导出(E)】→STEP203,将水体转成.stp格式。
[2] 打开ICEM CFD,【File】→【Change working directory】,选择工作目录。
[3] 【File】→【Import Geometry】→【STEP/IGES】,导入几何体,【Apply】如图4-6-1。
图4-6-1 导入几何图4-6-2 划分part[4] 【Geometry】→【Repair Geometry】,,【Apply】。
[5] 为了便于后面的网格划分和后续的CFD设置,将叶轮水体的不同部位设为不同的“part”,如图4-6-2。
[6] 【Creat Body】,点击“2 screen location”后的鼠标箭头,在体上选择两点,要求这两点的连线都在体内,如图4-6-3。
点1点2单击图4-6-3 生成BODY[7] 【Mesh 】→【Global Mesh Setup】进行全局网格设置,“Scale factor”:1.0,“Max element”:10.0,【Apply】。
a·ii·b图4-6-4 全局网格设置[8] 【Mesh】→【Part Mesh Setup】,进行局部网格加密。
如图5,设置max size,CKB(出口边):0.5,JKB(进口边):0.5,KT(壳体):4,LG(轮毂):4,YLCK(叶轮出口截面):4,YLJK(叶轮出口截面):4,YP(叶片):2。
图4-6-5 局部网格加密[9] 【Mesh】→【Compute Mesh】,【V olume Mesh】,“Mesh Type”:Tetra/Mixed,”Mesh Method”:Robust(Octree),如图4-6-6a,【Compute】。
风荷载体型系数μs表1. 介绍风荷载是指风对建筑物、结构物等工程设施所产生的作用力。
2. 风荷载体型系数的计算风荷载体型系数的计算涉及到建筑物的几何特征,如高度、宽度、方向等。
具体的计算方法根据不同的建筑物类型和风荷载标准可能有所不同,下面是一般情况下的计算方法:步骤 1:根据建筑物的形状和尺寸确定所属类别。
步骤 2:根据建筑物的几何特征计算相关参数。
步骤 3:根据建筑物类别和参数计算风荷载体型系数。
3. 风荷载体型系数的应用风荷载体型系数用于计算风荷载的转化系数,将风速转化为作用于建筑物上表面的风力。
1.2.1 圆柱绕流机理 ......................................................................................2 1.2.2 圆柱绕流的国内外研究进展 ..............................................................9 第 2 章 软件概述 .....................................................................................................11 2.1 GAMBIT 简介 ................................................................................................11 2.2 FLUENT 软件简介 .........................................................................................12 2.2.1 模拟能力 ............................................................................................12 2.2.2 求解步骤 ............................................................................................13 2.2.3 求解方式 ............................................................................................13 2.3 Tec plot 后处理软件......................................................................................14 第 3 章 圆柱绕流的非定常数值模拟 .......................................................................15 3.1 湍流模型以及数值模拟的方法 ...................................................................15 3.2 湍流的基本方程 ...........................................................................................17 3.3 圆柱数值模拟步骤与方法 ...........................................................................17 3.3.1 网格的划分即计算区域的离散 ........................................................18 3.3.2 边界条件与收敛准则 ........................................................................19 3.3 对数值模拟结果的分析 ...............................................................................21 3.3.1 计算结果云图显示 ............................................................................21 3.3.2 圆柱绕流的阻升力系数的确定与分析 ............................................26 第 4 章 结论及展望 ...............................................................................................27 参 考 文 献................................................................................................................28 致 谢..........................................................................................................................29
结果显示,在自适应网格条件下的RNG k-ε湍流模型的模拟结果与《建筑结构荷载规范》中给出的圆柱体建筑物风荷载体型系数能够很好的吻合。
【作者单位】广州大学土木工程学院广州 510006;广州大学土木工程学院广州510006; 广州大学广东省建筑节能与应用科技重点实验室广州 510006;广州大学土木工程学院广州 510006;广州大学土木工程学院广州 510006
1.阻塞率对表面风压系数影响的数值模拟 [J], 方平治;顾明;谈建国;栾桂汉
2.基于CFD软件桥梁断面风压系数的数值模拟 [J], 竹剡锋;李彬
3.数值模拟引导的低矮建筑风压系数规范比较研究 [J], 朱伟亮;杨庆山;黄韬颖
4.±1100kV换流站阀厅表面风压系数数值模拟分析 [J], 陈寅;邹琦;张华;朱东
5.水平圆柱体上波流力特征的数值模拟 [J], 王艳;王树齐;王坤鹏
关键词:FLUENT;阻力系数;雷诺数1柱体绕流阻力研究1.1 圆柱绕流的基本参数雷诺数(O.Reynolds)描述粘性流体力学最重要也是最基本的参数,其他无量纲物理量必然依赖于Re数。
它反映了惯性力与粘性力的比值:(1-1)其中ρ为流体的密度,U、L分别描述流体的特征速度和结构物的特征长度;μ、υ分别为流体的动力学及运动学粘性系数;决定圆柱绕流流态的是雷诺数的值 ,雷诺数在300≤Re≤3×105范围内的称为亚临界区,此时边界层仍是层流分离,而尾迹中己经是湍流涡街了;当雷诺数增加到3×105≤Re≤3.5×106时为临界区,边界层从层流分离转化为湍流分离;而后当Re≥3.5×106时为过临界区,完全变为湍流分离[1]。
斯特鲁哈数(Strouhal number)St:斯特鲁哈数根据罗斯柯(A .Roshko)1954年的实验结果,它只于雷诺数有关,在大雷诺数(Re>1000)它近似地等于常数0.21[2]。
它是描述圆柱绕流的一个非常重要的无量纲数:(1-2)U是的均匀来流速度,直径为D的静止柱体,泻涡频率为;升力系数(1ift coemcient):(1-3)阻力系数(dragcoefficient):(1-4)式中为作用于单位长度圆柱上的升力,为作用于单位长度圆柱上的阻力。
建筑防火设计非直轴线射流风机特征参数的数值模拟丁智伟,陈 潇,陆守香(中国科学技术大学火灾科学国家重点实验室,安徽合肥230026)摘要:为了避免风机出风口的气流与上、下壁面形成康达 效应,基于流体动力学仿真模拟软件平台,建立二维仿真模型,研 究地铁区间隧道内非直轴线射流风机特征参数影响下的速度场与压力场分布。
根据模拟结果可知,在不同进出口角度下,非直轴线射流风机靠近上壁面的出口风速沿隧道纵向呈现二项分布,且风机进出口角度在4°〜6°范围内其速度场受壁面摩擦影响较小,排 烟效果最佳;相同进出口角度情况下,安装高度越大,出风口风流 与隧道上壁面接触的位置越远。
关键词:非直轴线射流风机;康达效应;安装高度;进出口角度;数值模拟中图分类号:X913.4,TU834.4,U453.5文献标志码:A 文章编号:1009-0029(2019)05-0630-03随着城市人口的增长,地铁成为缓解城市交通压力的重要交通工具。
与此同时,地铁的消防安全问题日益凸显,如防烟防火分隔措施及排烟设施不完善,疏散救援困 难等。
地铁隧道通风系统对地铁隧道的安全有举足轻重的 作用。
地铁区间隧道机械通风系统大多采用直线式射流风 机。
实际应用中,直线式射流风机悬挂在隧道内顶部,当 风机工作时,从出风口推送出去的风流不可避免地会与隧道上壁面发生摩擦,产生康达效应(Coanda Effect)»为避 免康达效应的影响,专家学者研制了非直轴线射流风机 (见图1)。
这种风机能够调节进、出风口角度,以此来减弱 风流与隧道顶部之间产生的摩擦。
图1地铁区间隧道与非直轴线射流风机示意图笔者利用CFD 模拟软件,基于实际地铁区间隧道建 立二维仿真模型,研究地铁区间隧道内非直轴线射流风机 在可调节范围内,不同安装高度及进出口角度等特征参数影响下的速度场分布与压力场分布。
二、桥梁风荷载分析1. 桥梁风荷载的特点桥梁作为连接两个地点的工程结构,其设计需要考虑到风荷载对其产生的影响。
2. 桥梁风荷载的计算方法桥梁风荷载的计算方法主要分为两种:一种是基于经验公式的计算方法,根据桥梁类型、平均风速等参数进行估算;另一种是基于风洞试验和数值模拟的方法,通过实际测量和模拟计算得出较为准确的结果。
3. 风振问题的研究与防治在桥梁风荷载分析过程中,风振问题是一个需要关注的重要方面。
三、建筑物风荷载分析1. 建筑物风荷载的特点建筑物的风荷载分析与桥梁类似,但也存在一些差异。
2. 建筑物风荷载的计算方法建筑物风荷载的计算方法也可采用经验公式、风洞试验和数值模拟等多种手段。
计算流体动力学(CFD)在风工程中的的应用为风荷载 的研究提供了一个新的、有别于风洞试验和现场实测的 研究手段。
课题以基于CFD技术的软件Fluent6.0为依托,采用可 以考虑雷诺应力方向性影响的、具有较高精度和通用性 的雷诺应力方程湍流模型(RSM), 对独柱支承广告牌和开 洞高层建筑结构等的静力风荷载进行了大量的数值模拟 研究。
入口来流条件:以具有代表性的地貌类别对应的大气 边界层流为来流条件进行计算。模型化后风剖面(模型比1:S) 的表达式为:
风场模拟中,我国现行规范还没有明确的湍流度要求, B、C和D类地貌的湍流强度分别采用澳大利亚规范中第2、3 和4类地貌的。
程专用风洞。 5. 1974年,the Journal of Wind Engineering创刊。 6. 1975年成立“国际风工程协会”(International Association
for Wind Engineering,简称IAWE) 。 7. 第8届ICWE (1991)上几篇CFD论文得以入选论文集。 8. 国内对风工程的研究起步相对较晚。
题;工程中用于优化灭火喷头的设计,以便产生灭火效果较好的 水雾。
3、采暖与通风 4、建筑风环境设计:峡谷效应对行人的影响等。 5、结构所受风荷载分析与研究
1、空气无时不与我们同在,空气的流动就是我们通常所 说的风。风对处于其中的结构均存在荷载作用。对于超高层 建筑,风载效应可达总效应的50%以上。
(优选)结构风荷载数值模拟 研究
第一章 CFD的应用范围
The 12th International Symposium on Structural EngineeringNUMERICAL SIMULATION OF WIND LOADS AND WIND ENVIRONMENT IN SUPER-STAR HOTEL AT SANYA PHOENIX ISLANDZhupan Li, Xi Wang, Yiping ZhangSichuan Provincial Architectural Design InstituteAbstract: Computational fluid dynamics software is used to simulate the mean wind-induced pressure and wind environment in Super-star Hotel at Sanya Phoenix Island. The distribution regularity and behavior of mean wind pressure were analyzed using different inflow wind directions. The representative simulated wind pressure was then compared with wind tunnel test data. Results show that the numerical simulation agrees well with the wind tunnel test, verifying the accuracy of the former. The wind interference effects on the building are also discussed in detail.Keywords: High-rise building, numerical simulation, mean wind pressure, wind environment1 INTRODUCTIONLocated on man-made Phoenix Island on the south of Sanya Bay, Sanya City, the Sanya Phoenix Island Super-star Hotel boasts of a novel shape and a connected twin tower structure. It is 202 m high and 100 m wide. Surrounding the hotel are five high-rise buildings and a large-span international conference center, all of which exert a considerable effect on the surrounding wind environment and wind pressure distribution over the hotel surface.In wind tunnel tests on a rigid structural model of the Super-star Hotel, its wind environment with and without surrounding architecture was considered. The wind pressure coefficients with and without the interference effects of surrounding architecture were also measured.In this study, the computational fluid dynamics software Ansys Fluent was used to perform a numerical simulation of the average wind pressure and airflow field over the architecture surface. A-class geomorphology at a return period of 100-year return period was examined by calculating the wind pressure coefficient (with gradient wind pressure as the reference wind pressure) and wind pressure distribution over the Super-star Hotel with and without surrounding architectures. Furthermore, the effect of these wind environments on the airflow field and the wind comfort provided by block walks were analyzed. 2 NUMERICAL SIMULATION MODELThe established numerical simulation model enables geometric modeling, grid generation, selection of turbulent physical models, and definition of boundary conditions (Figure 1, with surrounding architectures). Applying a non-structuralized blended grid not only simplifies the grid division of complicated geometric structures, but also achieves grid automation. User-defined functions (UFDs) were applied in computing the average wind velocity profile of the hotel entrance, turbulent kinetic energy, and turbulent dissipation rate. The boundary conditions of the wind speed at the entrance were determined by connecting Fluent UDF interfaces. A completely developed outflow was used to determine exit boundary conditions. For practical ground simulation, a non-slip boundary condition was applied to calculate the architecture surface and domain undersurface. For an approximate simulation of wide space surfaces, the domain top surface and two side walls were determined using free-slip boundary condition symmetry. The realizable k-ε turbulence model was used for numerical simulation. The model provides separate methods for solving the governing equation after discretization. In these methods, a second-order windward scheme is used to discretize the convective term and consequently enhance calculation accuracy. The turbulence model does not consider heat exchange and shielded energy·721·equations. The speed pressure coupling method applies SIMPLEC solutions and relatively small coordinates because of the relaxation coefficient. Residual error convergence is applied during the simulation and the convergence standard (residual limits of two iterations) is set at 10-4. Furthermore, when the average pressure of the monitored architecture surface remains the same, computational fluid dynamics is regarded as having entered the steady state, finally reachingthe convergence solution.Figure 1. Three-dimensional numerical model3 COMPARISON OF THE RESULTS OF NUMERICAL SIMULATION AT 0° WINDDIRECTION AND WIND TUNNEL TESTThe effect of the 0° wind direction (x direction in Figure 1) was chosen because the hotel lies downwind of four surrounding high-rise buildings, a significant circumstance in studying interference effects.The numerical simulation results for the 0° wind direction, with surrounding architecture, are discussed as follows. Figure 2 shows a chart that illustrated the clouds and wind pressure over the windward side (north), lee side (south), and side wind of the Super-star Hotel. The windward side experiences positive pressure, and the central line of the tower has a relatively larger wind pressure coefficient. This coefficient gradually shifts to a negative value along the two sides and eventually becomes a negative value on the lee side. The wind pressure distribution around the building is consistent with single cylinder architecture and with the wind tunnel test. However, the data show wind pressure coefficients that are larger on both sides of the architecture than on the lee side. Furthermore, the joint of the two towers experiences considerably negative pressure because of theslit effect.Windward sideLee sideSide windFigure 2.Chart showing wind pressure and cloud cover at the 0° wind direction (without surrounding architecture)The comparison and analysis of the wind pressure coefficients of representative test points on the windward side, lee side, and side wind with and without interference from surrounding architecture are shown in Figs. 3-5. The selected test points lie on the top to bottom of the building’s side line and central line at 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 140, 160, 180, and 200 m.Figure 3. Windward side·722·Figure 4. LeesideFigure 5. Side wind faceFigs. 3-5 show a deviation between the simulated results and test data. This deviation increases and decreases at different test points because the k-ε model exhibits poor accuracy when areas with flow separation and severe vortex shedding are simulated. The increase and decrease in deviation is also attributed to the fact that numerical wind tunnel simulation uses prototype size for modeling, whereas the wind tunnel test is a cutdown model. Other factors cause such errors; thus, differences in results are a reasonable phenomenon. Nevertheless, the overall trend obtained in this study agrees with the test curve.The surrounding architecture imposes considerable interference on the Super-star Hotel, with decreasing absolute value of wind pressure coefficient on the windward side, lee side andside wind. Because of the 0° wind direction and the four high-rise buildings at the right-side frontof the hotel, the building suffers primarily from wake flow impact, which is completely different from the wind effect on a single architecture. The wake flow impact results in an essential change in the wind field around the windward side, lee side, and side face. The average wind speed in front of the hotel significantly decreases, as does the average wind pressure, because of static force. Given the effects of the wake flow vortex, some regions experience negative pressure distribution, which is particularly evident in the connection between the hotel and the conference center. In addition, the wind field flow changes around the side wind face and lee side, thereby decreasing the absolute value ofnegative pressure (Fig.6).Figure 6. Average wind vector at 10 m and 0°wind direction.4 CONCLUSIONS 1) This paper presented the wind pressuredistribution law without surrounding architecture at the 0° wind direction. A comparative analysis of numerical simulations and wind tunnel tests with and without surrounding architecture was also carried out. In the comparison, the tests points of representative surfaces were selected. 2) The analysis of the average wind vector value of the wind field surrounding the Sanya Phoenix Island Super-star Hotel indicates that the surrounding architecture impose a considerable effect on the hotel.3) On the basis of the analyses and comparisons, we conclude that the numerical wind tunnel method more accurately predicts the average wind pressure distribution of mega-high-rise buildings and the interference effects of surrounding wind environments.REFERENCES Chen Shuifu, Sun Bingnan. (1998). Numerical Simulation and Test Investigation of Wind Pressures on a Multiple-body Tall Building. Acta Aerodynamica Sinica, 16: 181-186.Hai Ying, Xuan Jie. (1999). Wind Environment Surrounding Two Neighboring High-rise Buildings. Environmental engineering, 17(2): 52-55.Simiu E, Scanlan R H. (1978). Wind Effects on Structures: An Introduction to Wind Engineering. A Wiley-Interscience Publicat ion.。
如下的问题[2]: (1)过大的风荷载会引起主体结构或结构构件开裂或失稳; (2)过大的风荷载会引起结构或结构构件的挠度或变形增大; (3)围护结构和外部装饰材料等容易剥落、损坏,如窗户、覆面材料等; (4)有时虽然风荷载不是很大,但由于反复作用,会导致对风敏感的主体结构、 结构构件或构件材料发生疲劳、失稳而破坏; (5)由于风致振动的时间很长, 容易使结构长时间摆动, 有时甚至摆动幅度很大, 这样使用者在建筑物内就会感到不适; (6)建筑结构的负气动阻尼过大会产生气动弹性失稳现象, 最终导致结构跨塌或 失稳,高层结构、悬索桥、烟囱等都有可能因为空气动力失稳现象而引起破坏。 因此探讨复杂体型建筑的风荷载的特性,有极其重要的现实意义。限于笔者 水平,本文以正在修建的重庆大剧院为工程背景,对复杂体型建筑的风荷载特性 进行粗浅研究。 重庆大剧院,它是集歌剧、戏剧、音乐会演出、文化艺术交流等多功能为一 体的大型社会文化设施,是重庆市十大公共建筑之一,是一幢有核心作用的标志 性大型公共建筑。该建筑位于重庆市江北城江北嘴两江汇合处临江地段,北距重 庆江北机场约 20 公里,距规划的龙头寺重庆铁路客运站约 3 公里;南有朝天门码 头,与渝中半岛隔江相望,有独特的地理优势。大剧院用地规模 4.97 公顷,总建 筑面积约 99010 平方米[3]。建筑地下一层,地上七层,功能为剧场。建筑物立面由 11 个不规则条带组成,总高度为 63.85 米[3]。结构采用钢筋混凝土框架—剪力墙结 构体系,结构安全等级为一级,抗震设防烈度为 6 度,为乙类建筑[4]。这类建筑为 了建筑造型需求,一般其主体或附属结构等具有质量轻、跨度大、柔性大、阻尼 小、自振频率低的特点,而且这类结构往往比较低矮,在大气边界层中处于风速 变化大、湍流度高的区域,再加上体型多不规则而复杂,绕流和空气动力作用十 分复杂,其流动的机理十分复杂,因此这类建筑对风荷载十分敏感。风荷载成为 其设计的主要控制荷载。
School of Civil and Architectural Engineering Wuhan Hubei 430072, P. R. C November 2010
本人的学位论文是在导师指导下独立撰写完成的, 学位论文没有 剽窃、抄袭、造假等违反学术道德、学术规范和侵权行为,否则,本 人愿意承担由此而产生的法律责任和法律后果,特此郑重声明。
面压力特性不可忽略的因素。 关键词:矩形超高层建筑;雷诺数效应;数值模拟;边界条件;雷诺平均模型; 大涡模拟;风洞试验;缩尺比
Wind tunnel test is a credible studying method in wind engineering and many projects, but numerical simulation has also become an important method as numerical simulation developing and popularizing. Because high Reynolds number of the actual field can’t be got in wind tunnel, errors of wind tunnel test due to Reynolds number effects has been a great theme in wind engineering. Reynolds number effects of circular structures have got attentions, but Reynolds number effects of bluff body structures are ignored by traditional viewpoint. Based on numerical simulation method of commercial software Fluent, fundamental problems and engineering applications of blunt body Reynolds number effects has been studied in this paper. Systematic comparative study of the numerical simulation of wind pressure distribution and wind tunnel test results for different aspect ratio rectangular cylinder in a certain range of Reynolds number are carried out. Main contents and results of this paper are as follows: 1. Numerical simulation of the surface pressure of TTU standard model will be influenced by grids; many grid cases are calculated based on Reynolds-averaged turbulence model, and results effected by the first grid length and normal elongation ratio to wall surface are discussed in this paper. 2. The turbulent kinetic energy boundary conditions in categories B, C, D are fit according to wind tunnel test data and self-sustaining equilibrium of different boundary conditions are tested by k turbulence model in calculation domain. Results show: self-sustaining equilibrium of velocity profiles is better than turbulent kinetic energy and dissipation rate profiles in entrance boundary conditions; and logarithm law is better than exponential law to fit boundary near the surface. 3. Fluctuating wind velocity field in category B are simulated by the weighted amplitude wave superposition method and the linear filtering method, and the efficiency and precision are comparatively analyzed. Velocity time history of category B by artificial simulation is used as inflow conditions, self-sustaining characteristics of flow field in time domain and frequency domain can be kept in calculation zone by LES model. 4. Under Reynolds number of the wind tunnel experiment, surface pressures of the single building and community buildings got by numerical simulating and wind tunnel tests are contrasted. By comparison of numerical simulation cases, when Reynolds number is increased by increasing velocity and model size, the pressure distribution of streaming structure have some changes; but pressure distribution of bluff body in community buildings have no change, and its wind field have changes in some wind direction. 5. In 5% turbulent flow, 15% turbulent flow and flow filed of category B, surface pressure distribution and flow filed shape of different breadth-length ratios rectangle models are simulated,and are contrasted to wind tunnel tests with the same Reynolds number of numerical simulation case. The relationship of mean wind pressure distribution and Reynolds number are summarized to different breadth-length ratios
1.不等直径串列双圆柱体绕流的数值模拟 [J], 于定勇;刘洪超;王昌海
2.串列不等直径双圆柱海流能发电振子涡激振动数值模拟 [J], 白旭;陈云
3.不等直径串列双圆柱绕流的数值模拟 [J], 贺飞翔;翟少华;喜冠南;刁海参
4.不等直径并列双圆柱绕流数值模拟研究 [J], 张艺鸣;罗良;陈威;林永水;池晴佳
5.圆柱体在普通平板间镦粗时应力场的数值模拟 [J], 张庆;梁辰;王连东;刘国晖;刘助柏
【摘要】为保证某型天线的指向稳定性和结构安全性,采用基于Spalart-Allmaras 方程模型的DES方法,对其简化的非等径旋成体进行了非定常流动数值模拟研究.计算结果表明,对于变直径圆柱,各等直径段在长径比足够大时仍能使各段大部分区域保持稳定的周期性涡脱落;各段涡街的频率与采流速度、当量直径之间仍符合Strouhal关系式.研究结果可为各类非等径圆柱在不同风荷载下的结构安全性分析提供依据.
1.直齿圆柱齿轮减径挤压成形的数值模拟及分析 [J], 李明亮;杨永顺;钱宗仁
2.异径混合非球形颗粒在移动床中流动特性的数值模拟 [J], 陶贺;钟文琪;金保昇;
3.圆柱分度凸轮非等径数控加工自动编程 [J], 滕皓;蔡卫东;郭培全
4.非等径两坐标加工圆柱凸轮的刀具创成廓面及误差 [J], 迟荣兰;牛兴华;王媛;孙其新
5.圆柱族包络面的非等径重构问题的理论研究 [J], 何有钧;邹慧君;郭为忠
首先,以圆柱体计算流域模拟龙卷风的风场,采用雷诺平均Navier-Stokes方程(RANS)描述流域内的湍流运动,计算分析龙卷风的速度分布和气压分布,研究结果与经典的兰金涡流(Rankine vortex)模型吻合良好,验证了方法的可靠性。
图1 计算区域1.2网格划分及边界条件设置为提高模拟精度,计算区域采用分块网格划分与结构化网格划分相结合的技术。
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l e n t d i a me t e r s t i l l a c c o r d wi t h t h e S t r o u h a l r e l a t i o n s h i p . Th e c o n c l u s i o n s c a n p r o v i d e t h e b a s i s or f s t r ue t u r — a l s a f e t y a n a l y s i s o f a l l k i n d s o f n o n—e q u a l d i a me t e r c y l i n d e r u n d e r d i f f e r e n t wi n d l o a d s . Ke y wo r d s: n o n・e q ua l d i a me t e r c y l i n d e r ; n a t u r a l f r e q u e n c y; v o r t e x s h e d d i n g f r e q u e n c y; s t r o u h a l n umb e r
e q u a l d i a me t e r c y l i nd e r ;t h e v o te r x s h e d di ng ̄e q u e n c y o f e a c h l e v e l , t h e lo f w v e l o c i t y a n d t h e e q ui v a ・
关键词 : 非等径 圆柱 ; 自然频率 ; 脱 落涡频率 ; 斯特 劳哈 尔数 中图分类号 : V 2 1 1 . 3 文献标识码 : A 文章编号 : 1 6 7 1 — 6 5 4 X( 2 0 1 3 ) 0 2 — 0 0 6 4 — i mu l a t i o n o f No n— e q ua l Di a me t e r Cy l i nd e r un d e r W i n d Lo a d s
( 1 . 西d k x - 业大 学 航 空 学院 , 陕西 西安 7 1 0 0 7 2 ; 2 . 西北 工业 大学 无人机 特种 技术 重点 实验 室, 陕西 西安 7 1 0 0 6 5 )
摘 要: 为 保证 某 型 天 线 的指 向稳 定性 和 结 构 安 全 性 , 采 用基 于 S p l a a r t — A l l ma r a s方程 模 型 的 D E S方 法 , 对 其 简化
Ab s t r a c t : I n t h i s p a p e r, un s t e a d y n u me r i c a l s i mul a t i o n h a s b e e n c a r r i e d o ut o n t he s i mp l i f i e d n o n—e q u a l d i a me t e r c y l i n d e r u s i n g t h e DES me t h o d b a s e d o n S pa l a r t —Al l ma r a s e q u a t i o n mo d e l t o e n s u r e po i n t i n g
的非等径 旋成体进行 了非定 常流动数值模拟研 究。计算结果表 明, 对 于变直径 圆柱, 各等 直径段 在 长径比足 够大 时仍 能使各段 大部 分区域保持稳定的周期性涡脱落 ; 各段 涡街的频率与来流速度、 当量直径之 间仍符合 S t r o u h a l 关
系式 。研 究 结果 可 为各 类非 等 径 圆柱 在 不 同风 荷 载 下 的 结 构 安 全性 分析 提 供 依 据 。
s t a b i l i t y a n d s t r uc t u r a l s a f e t y o f a c e r t a i n t y p e a n t e n n a . Th e r e s u l t s s h o w t h a t e a c h l e v e l c a n s t i l l ma i n t a i n s t a bl e p e r i o d i c a l v o te r x s he d d i n g ph e n o me no n wh e n t h e l e ng t h—d i a me t e r r a t i o i s l a r g e e n o u g h f o r t h e n o n
第4 3卷
第 2期
航 空 计 算 技 术
Ae r o na u t i c a l Co mp u t i ng Te c h ni q ue
Vo 1 . 4 3 No . 2
Ma r . 201 3
2 0 1 3年 3月
非 等径 圆柱 风 荷载 的数 值 模拟
刘建 军 , 姚 磊 江 , 杨 广 琚 卫
L I U J i a n — j u n , Y A O L e i - j i a n g , Y A N G G u a n g — j u n ’
( 1 . S c h o o l o fA e r o n a u t i c s , N o r t h w e s t e r n P o l y t e c h n i c a l U n i v e r s i t y , X i a n 7 1 0 0 7 2 , C h i n a ; 2 . N a t i o n a l l a b o r a t o r y o f U A V S p e c i a l T e c h n o l o g y , N o r t h w e s t e r n P o l y t e c h n i c a l U n i v e r s i t y , X i a n 7 1 0 0 6 5 , C h i n a )