Great Expectations
《远大前程》(Great Expectations)故事梗概

在小说的结尾,孤独无依、年迈体衰的郝薇香小姐对自己的所为心生悔意,她在一次火灾中受重伤而死。马格维奇被判绞刑后,病死在监狱医院里。骗取郝薇香小姐钱财的康培生在与马格维奇的搏斗中落水身亡。匹普ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ姐姐死后,乔与匹普的朋友贝蒂结为夫妻,过着幸福的生活。在婚姻生活中惨遭不幸的艾丝黛拉终于对爱情有所感悟,与匹普走到了一起。

期待的的英语作文Title: Great Expectations。
Great expectations are what drive us to strive for excellence, to reach for the stars, and to never settle for anything less than our best. It is the anticipation of something wonderful, the hope for a better future, and the belief that our efforts will be rewarded. In life, we all have our own great expectations –whether it’s for our careers, relationships, or personal growth. These expectations give us purpose, motivation, and the drive to keep moving forward.One of the most common great expectations that people have is for their careers. We all dream of achieving success, recognition, and fulfillment in our professional lives. We set high expectations for ourselves, envisioning a future where we are thriving in our chosen field, making a difference, and earning the respect of our peers. These expectations push us to work harder, to pursue furthereducation and training, and to seize every opportunity that comes our way. We believe that our efforts will pay off,and that we will one day achieve the success we desire.Another area where great expectations come into play is in our relationships. Whether it’s with our family, friends, or romantic partners, we all have hopes and dreams for our connections with others. We expect to be loved, supported, and understood. We hope for deep, meaningful connections with those we care about, and we anticipatethat our relationships will bring us joy, fulfillment, anda sense of belonging. These expectations drive us to be better communicators, listeners, and companions, as westrive to create and maintain strong, healthy relationships.Furthermore, great expectations also play a role in our personal growth and development. We all have dreams and aspirations for the kind of person we want to become. We expect to grow, to learn, and to evolve into the best version of ourselves. We hope to overcome our weaknesses,to build on our strengths, and to become more confident, resilient, and compassionate individuals. Theseexpectations motivate us to seek out new experiences, to challenge ourselves, and to push beyond our comfort zones in pursuit of personal growth and self-improvement.However, it’s important to recognize that while great expectations can be a powerful force for positive change, they can also be a source of stress, disappointment, and frustration. When our expectations are not met, we may feel let down, disillusioned, and even defeated. It’s important to strike a balance between having high expectations and being realistic about what is achievable. We must also be open to adjusting our expectations as circumstances change, and to be kind and forgiving to ourselves and others when things don’t go according to plan.In conclusion, great expectations are a natural and essential part of the human experience. They give us hope, motivation, and purpose, and they drive us to pursue our dreams and aspirations. Whether it’s for our careers, relationships, or personal growth, our expectations shape the way we approach life and the choices we make. Whileit’s important to dream big and aim high, it’s alsoimportant to be flexible and understanding when things don’t go as planned. By finding a healthy balance between ambition and acceptance, we can navigate the ups and downs of life with grace and res ilience. So, let’s continue to hold onto our great expectations, while also embracing the beauty of life’s unexpected twists and turns.。
【精品文档】great expectations的中文翻译是什么-实用word文档 (2页)

【精品文档】great expectations的中文翻译是什么-实用word文档
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great expectations的中文翻译是什么
great和expectations都是比较常见的英语单词,所以两者的组合词汇也不难理解,现在就跟随小编一起学习 great expectations的英语知识吧。
great expectations的中文翻译
Great Expectations——远大前程
n.希望( expectation的名词复数 );预料;(被)预期;[常作复数] 期望的事情
great expectations的双语例句
1 We have great expectations of him.
2 I also know that you have great expectations of me.
3 Now that our two groups have merged we can all have great expectations for thefuture.。

课时:1课时教学目标:1. 知识目标:学生能够掌握本课的基本词汇和句型,了解《Great Expectations》的基本背景和人物关系。
2. 能力目标:学生能够运用所学词汇和句型进行简单的口语交流,提高阅读理解能力。
3. 情感目标:学生能够通过阅读《Great Expectations》对文学作品有更深入的了解,培养对文学的兴趣。
教学内容:1. 《Great Expectations》简介2. 课文朗读与词汇学习3. 阅读理解练习4. 课堂讨论与口语练习教学过程:一、导入(5分钟)1. 教师简要介绍《Great Expectations》的作者查尔斯·狄更斯及其作品特点。
2. 提问学生对于《Great Expectations》的了解,激发学生兴趣。
二、课文朗读与词汇学习(10分钟)1. 教师带领学生朗读课文第一段,注意语音语调。
2. 教师讲解重点词汇和短语,如:expectations, wealth, fortune, gentleman 等。
3. 学生跟读并复述重点词汇和短语。
三、阅读理解练习(15分钟)1. 教师分发阅读理解材料,要求学生在规定时间内完成。
2. 学生独立完成阅读理解练习,教师巡视指导。
3. 教师组织学生交流阅读心得,总结文章主旨。
四、课堂讨论与口语练习(10分钟)1. 教师提出与课文相关的问题,如:主人公皮普的性格特点、故事背景等。
2. 学生分组讨论,每组派代表发言。
3. 教师点评并总结。
五、总结与作业布置(5分钟)1. 教师对本节课所学内容进行总结,强调重点。
2. 布置课后作业:预习课文第二段,准备下周课堂讨论。
教学反思:本节课通过课文朗读、词汇学习、阅读理解、课堂讨论等多种形式,使学生全面了解了《Great Expectations》的基本内容。
在教学过程中,教师应注重以下几点:1. 注重学生的参与度,鼓励学生积极发言。
2. 注重词汇和句型的实际运用,提高学生的口语表达能力。
远大前程英语 Great Expectations English

great expectations 远大前程charles dickens 狄更斯my first name was Philip,but when i was a small child i could only manage to say Pip.教名so Pip was what everybody called me.i lived in a small village in Essex with my sister,who was over 20 years older than parents had died when i was a baby,so i could not remember them at all. quite often i used to visit the churchyard,about a mile from the village,to look at their names on the gravestones.经常,教堂墓地,墓碑sit on a gravestone in the churchyard one cold,grey,December afternoon.十二月份的一个寒冷阴沉的下午listen to the rushing sound of the sea in the distance.听着远处大海刮出的嗖嗖呼啸声don't say a word!别出声!a man jumped up from among the graves and caught hold of me.墓地里跳出一个人,一把抓住了我if you shout i will cut your throat. 敢叫就割断你的喉咙he was a big man,dressed all in black,with an iron chain on his leg.身材高大,一身黑衣服,腿上拴着铁链his clothes were wet and torn.衣服湿淋淋的,并且破破烂烂he looked exhausted,and hungry,and very fierce.筋疲力竭,饥饿,凶残。

great_expectations用法"Great Expectations" is a novel by Charles Dickens, first published in 1861. It is considered one of Dickens' most famous and important works. The novel tells the story of Pip, a young orphan who dreams of becoming a gentleman and is given the opportunity to do so through a mysterious benefactor. However, as Pip navigates the trials and tribulations of his new life, he learns important lessons about love, friendship, and the true meaning of success.In terms of usage, "Great Expectations" can refer to the book itself or can be used more broadly to describe a situation in which someone has high hopes or aspirations. For example, if someone says, "I have great expectations for this project," they mean that they have high hopes and anticipate a successful outcome.Additionally, "Great Expectations" can be used as a shorthand reference to the themes and motifs explored in the novel, such as social class, ambition, and the impact of one's upbringing on their life trajectory. For example, if someone says, "This situation reminds me of 'Great Expectations'," they likely mean that they see parallels between the current situation and the themes and events depicted in the novel.Overall, "Great Expectations" is a versatile phrase that can be used to refer to the book, evoke a sense of high hopes or aspirations, or draw connections to the novel's themes and motifs.。

kind-hearted diligent
satisfied with his life
Mrs. Joe Gargery
Role : Pip ’ s s i s t e r
Characteristic : hot-tempered aggressive
Role : ◆ Magwitch ’s (the
Characteristic : eccentric manic often seemed insane
Role : ◆the convict (badly trea by an unjust society and resolved to fight back) ◆a man who help Pip f u l f i his temporary great expectation ◆Estella ’s father
Miss Havisham
Role : ◆ a wealthy eccend a great proper ◆ adopted a l i t t l e g i r l : E s
just for revenge, for breaking all men ’s hear
Characteristic : have the sense of gratitude kind and generous to Pip
Role : ◆ Pip ’s friend ◆ represents the
opposite of Este l
Characteristic : simple kindhearted plain moral
Brief Introduction
Great Expectations《远大前程(1998)》完整中英文对照剧本

片名:远大前程There either is or is not a way things are.世事无常The color of the day. The way it felt to be a child.以孩童的方式去感知日昼之色The feeling of saltwater on your sunburned legs.是将晒伤的腿浸泡在海水里去感觉水的颜色Sometimes the water is yellow.有时候水是黄色的Sometimes it's red.有时候是红色的But what colour it may be in memory depends on the day. 而我记忆里的颜色则取决于那一天I'm not going to tell the story the way that it happened.我不是要告诉你事情是如何发生的I'm going to tell it the way I remember.我要告诉你它在我记忆里的样子Help! Help!救命救命What's your name?你叫什么名字?Whisper. What's your name?小点声你叫什么?Whisper!小点声Finn.费恩What's your last name?你姓什么?Bell.贝尔Where do you live?住哪儿?Near the pier.码头附近You have tools at home?家里有工具吗?Help!救命Fuck. Do you know what bolt cutters are?You know what they are or you don't know what they are? 知道还是不知道?Listen, I know your name, I know where you live,听着我知道你的名字知道你住哪儿I can find you and gut you like a fish.我可以找到你轻松把你剖开I'll pull out your fucking insides. I'll make you eat them.掏出你的内脏叫你吃掉它们You hear me? I'll make you fucking eat them.听到了吗我要你♥他♥妈♥的吃下去You be here tomorrow morning at dawn明天天一亮你就到这儿来with bolt cutters and any kind of food带上断线钳还有随便什么吃的or I'll kill you for sure. You got me?不然我一定会宰了你听明白了吗?I'll fucking kill you if you tell anyone. Anyone!如果你敢告诉别人任何人我他妈一定宰了你Your folks... They're dead.还有你的家人他们都死了You tell anyone, the last sound you hear如果你告诉别人你最后听到的声音will be your own scream.就是你自己的惨叫Go.走吧Whoa, Finn! Whoa!哇喔费恩哇喔Oh, it's you, Joe.是你啊乔Did I scare you?我吓到你了吗?So you went out today?你们今天有出去吗?Yeah. Got a nice tan.是啊好好晒了晒太阳No fish, of course.当然没有捕鱼Settin' traps like everybody else.没有像别人一样结网捕鱼干嘛这么着急?Nowhere. Just got homework.没什么就是去做作业Hey, listen, Maggie's on a kinda rant today听着麦琪今天有些闹腾so you be careful, ok?所以你最好小心点You coming home soon?你很快就回家吧?In about an hour.大概一个小时吧You finish your work, we'll go to carvel's, ok?你作业做完我们就去帆船店怎么样?You rest up.好好休息Got a gardening job tomorrow.明天有花♥园♥要打理Joe?乔Yeah?怎么了?Nothing.没什么Hey, Finn!费恩How do you smoke a swordfish?怎么把剑鱼当烟抽?Bill in your mouth and light the tail.把喙放到嘴里然后点燃尾巴All right. I'll see you later.好的回头见I was raised in what I suppose我是由我姐姐麦琪带大的was certain amount of freedom from my sister Maggie. 她给了我相当大的自♥由♥Joe was her man.乔是她男朋友They banned the big fishing rigs in the Gulf that year 那一年墨西哥湾禁用大型捕鱼设备and we were poor.We scraped by on what Joe could earn doing charters and lawn work. 我们靠乔做除草之类的工作勉强糊口Hey.喂Hey. Come on. Come here.喂快点到这边来Come on!快点啊You alone?你一个人吗?You deaf? Are you alone?你聋了吗?你是一个人吗?No.不是No what? You're not alone, or you're not deaf?不是什么?你不是一个人?还是不是个聋子?Give me that.把那个给我Come on.拜托Here. I brought you something to drink.给我给你带了点喝的Attaboy.好样的Here. I took this for you.给我给你带了这个What's this? Birth control pills?这是什么?避孕药?Here. This, too.给还有这个Percodan?止痛片?Attaboy. Now you're talking.好样的这就对了What else?还有什么?Come on. Come on. Jesus fucking Christ.快点快点啊该死的You bite your nails?你咬指甲?这可是个坏习惯People tell you the eyes are the windows to the soul. 人们说眼睛是心灵的窗户Bullshit.放屁Hands...手That's the sign of a gentleman.那才是一个绅士的标志Come on. Let's go.行了我们走Come on.来啊What?!什么?Come on. Come on.快来快来Get in the boat.到船里去If I don't get home, my uncle...如果我没回家我叔叔会...Fuck your uncle. Get in the boat.去你♥妈♥的♥叔叔到船里去Come on. Pick up the anchor. Let's go.快点起锚我们走Where are we... Shut up and get in the boat.我们是去... 闭嘴快上船Where are we going?我们是去哪?Mexico.墨西哥What?什么Police boat.巡逻艇What?什么Police boat.巡逻艇Stop. Stop.Ahoy there! Son, are you all right?喂孩子你还好吗?Where you headed?你要去哪?Oh, nowhere.哪也不去An old lady over on Cat Cay thought she saw a raft out here yesterday 猫岛的一个老妇人说她昨天在这里看见了一个筏子A man on it.上面有个男人He'd be wearing an orange prison suit.穿着橙色的囚衣You see anything like that?你有见过吗?Mmm, nope.没有Tie up our line and we'll tow you in.系上绳子我们拖你过来And that was the end of it.事情就这样结束了Perhaps you've had an experience like that也许你在童年有过类似的经历in childhood and told no one.你对谁都没说过Perhaps you've had that brush with a world so large也许世界那么大你与此擦肩而过that you seldom or never saw it again.你很少或再也不会遇见Jesus. It's the land time forgot.天啊这就是那片被时间遗忘之地It's Nora driggers Dinsmoor.诺拉·吉格斯·丁斯莫尔的家You wait here.你待在这I'm gonna find out what they want us to do.我去看看他们要我们做什么Is it all right if I take a look around?我可以四处看看吗?No. You stay put till I come back.不行别动等我回来我说真的God knows what's in these weeds.天知道这些杂草堆里有什么Nora Driggers Dinsmoor...诺拉·吉格斯·丁斯莫尔The richest lady in the Gulf墨西哥湾最富有的女士who had lost her mind 30 years ago自从30年前她的未婚夫在婚礼祭台前离她而去when her fiancé left her standing at the altar.她就变得有些疯疯癫癫的What's your name?你叫什么名字?Finn.费恩Hey, Finn?喂费恩Hey!喂Come on.来Hey, man, we're out of here.伙计我们走吧She slipped me $500 under the door.她从门逢里给我塞了500美元Gas money, she called it.她说是油费Weirdest thing.太奇怪了What? Nothing. Can I ride with you?怎么了?没什么我能坐你旁边吗?Sure. Just don't sit too close.当然别靠太近You smell like fertilizer.你闻起来像肥料Really? I do?真的?会吗?Mag?麦琪Maybe you've got the wrong number.You're not gonna believe where we were...你不会相信我们...Yes, well, he just...是的他只是Did he do something bad?他犯了什么错吗?I'll be glad to.我很乐意That sounds really...听起来很...You got it.是的Okay. 3:00. This Saturday?好的这周六三点?OK. And thank you so much, ma'am. Thank you very...好的太感谢您了夫人太感...Babe, you are not gonna believe where we were today.宝贝你不会相信我们今天去哪儿了Joe, that was Nora Driggers Dinsmoor.乔那是诺拉·吉格斯·丁斯莫尔的电♥话♥See, I knew it was too good to be true.看吧我就知道事情太好了不像是真的What? She want her money back?想干嘛?想要回她的钱吗?She wants him. Finn.她要他费恩The richest lady in the whole goddamn state本州最他妈富有的女人calls me on the phone and wants my little brother to go play with her niece. 打电♥话♥跟我说要我弟弟去陪她侄女玩Yeah? Why?是吗为什么?Why? She met him. The old bat liked you, didn't she?为什么?她见到他了那个老太婆喜欢他不是吗Look. He's a likable kid, Joe. He's adorable.瞧他是个惹人爱的孩子乔他很可爱Who knows? Who cares?谁知道呢?谁在乎?Joe, come on, come on now, this is a really good thing.乔拜托这确实是件好事不不怎么可能丁斯莫尔根本就没看见费恩She wouldn't open the door. She slipped this underneath.她不肯开门她从下面把这个塞了出来What is it? What is it, Joe? God!搞什么怎么回事乔天哪You like living down here?你喜欢住这破地方?You like living here, Joe, you like living with all the dead people down here? 你喜欢和这些死气沉沉的人住一块?What's wrong with the people down here all of a sudden?那些人突然间都怎么了?I'm tired of working so many extra shifts我受够了老是加班加点to put it back into your boat.把它放回船里去Mag, they took away the nets. I can't change that.麦琪他们把鱼网没收了我没办法啊Fuck the nets, Joe!去他的鱼网乔Escaped convict Arthur lustig was recaptured今晚早些时候越狱犯亚瑟·拉斯蒂格earlier this evening by Sarasota police.被萨拉索塔警方抓获This concludes a 4-day, statewide manhunt for lustig,从而结束了对谋杀吉恩·瓦利安特的凶手拉斯蒂格the convicted murderer of gene valiente.长达4天的全州追捕行动Valiente, reputed mob boss of the castellano family瓦利安特著名的卡斯特拉诺家族老大was gunned down in his Bradington home last Christmas.去年圣诞节在他布雷登顿的寓所被枪杀Lustig will return to Raiford penitentiary's death row拉斯蒂格将被送回雷福德监狱的死牢where he is scheduled to die by lethal injection march 16th.3月16日他将在那里执行注射死刑I'm Robin Wagner reporting from...罗宾·瓦格娜为您报道Holy shit.牛逼Hey, you look sharp.How do I smell?我闻起来怎么样?Smell clean.干净清新Ok, tea time.好了喝茶的时间到了Now, be polite in there.要有礼貌Say "yes, ma'am. No, ma'am."要说“是的,夫人;不,夫人”I will.我会的You ok with this?你没问题吗?He's great. Go ahead.他很棒去吧Say "may I, please." All that stuff.要说“请允许我”之类的话Oh. It's the gardener.是那个园丁The design of this floor was taken from the Alhambra in Spain.这层楼的设计参考了西班牙的阿尔汉布拉宫The ceiling is gold leaf. Real gold.天花板是金叶子真金的It's exactly like the thousand wing ceiling from the Accademia in venice. 就像威尼斯学院的翼状天花板Old Ms. Dinsmoor hadn't been seen in years.很长时间没人见过老丁斯莫尔女士I'd heard that she was crazy.我听闻她疯了Go ahead.进去吧Aren't you coming?你不进来吗?Quel sot.(法语)真傻But nobody knew how crazy.但没人知道有她有多疯Her room smelled of dead flowers and cat piss.她的房♥间充斥着腐烂花朵和猫尿的味道你是谁?Finn, ma'am.费恩夫人What are you doing in my bedroom, Finn? 你来我卧室做什么?费恩I don't know.我不知道Give me your hand.把手给我What is this?这是什么?Your... your boob.您的您的咪♥咪♥My heart. It's my heart.我的心是我的心It's broken.它破碎了Can you tell?你能感到吗?I'm sorry.抱歉It's all right. Come.没关系跟我来Tabby, scram.滚开塔比Wow. That's a big cat.哇是只大猫That's the biggest cat I've ever seen.那是我见过最大的猫What do you feed it?您喂它吃什么?Other cats.别的猫Go ahead.继续You can proceed.你可以继续Dance.跳舞I'd like you to dance for me.That's why you're here.那就是你来这的原因To entertain me. So go ahead, dance, anything. 来逗我开心随意跳吧Pony, fox trot, frug. Philly dog, fandango.小马舞狐步舞节拍舞费城舞凡丹戈舞Anything.随便什么I can't.我不会I'm sorry, ma'am.抱歉夫人You can't?你不会?"I'm sorry, ma'am"?“抱歉,夫人”?Or you won't?You dance! Dance! Dance! Dance! 还是你不愿意?你跳啊快跳Oh, get out of here.滚出去Wait!等等I can draw.我会画画You can use my lipstick and eyebrow pencil你可以用我的口红和眉笔来画over there on the dressing table.就在那边的梳妆台上Estella?艾丝黛拉?Estella?艾丝黛拉?Is tea ready?是茶准备好了?I'd like you to sit for a portrait.我要你坐下来画幅肖像A portrait? By whom?肖像?谁来画?That boy.那个男孩那个园丁?I'll be in my room.我回房♥间了Come back and sit.回来坐下Please.请And you come sit by me...还有你过来坐我旁边Allez, allez.(法语)来开始吧She's beautiful, isn't she?她很漂亮是吧?Une jeune déesse, n'est-ce pas?(法语)一位年轻的女神不是吗?Ne parle pas de moi d'avant ce gargon.(法语)别在这男孩前谈论我What do you think of her?你觉得她怎么样?Come on. Whisper in my ear.说吧悄悄告诉我Come on.说嘛I think she's a snob.我觉得她势利Anything else?还有呢?I think she's real pretty.她很漂亮Anything else?还有呢?I think she doesn't like me.我想她不喜欢我But you love her.但你爱她She'll only break your heart. It's a fact.她只会让你伤心这是个事实It's tragic. You're already in love with her.很不幸你已经爱上了她And even though I warn you, even though I guarantee you,the girl will only hurt you terribly,那个女孩只会深深地伤害你you'll still pursue her.你仍然会追求她Ain't love grand?爱情是不是很伟大?I'd like to go now.我要走了Oh, have you finished?你画完了吗?Before I'm a teenager, please.趁我还年轻请快些Can I go now?我可以走了吗?Would you like to come again?你愿意再来吗?Would you like to see Estella again?你愿意再来看艾丝黛拉吗?Yes.我愿意Poor boy. Poor boy. Poor boy.可怜的孩子可怜的孩子This is yours, dear.这是你的亲爱的The ways of the rich and all my longing我对富人生活方式的所有渴望which began that day就从那天开始了to paint for the rich, to have their freedom,为富人画画为享有他们的自♥由♥ to love Estella...为爱着艾丝黛拉The things we cannot have.这些我们无法拥有的事物Give this to your guardian.把这个给你的监护人Would you see Finn out, please?你可以送费恩出去吗?Want some?来点吗?没有毒的You remember it.记住它You remember how it felt.记住这份感觉And then I went home to draw it.然后我回家画了下来You look in the drawer?抽屉看过了吗?I'm going to work.我要去工作了What are you gonna do before you go to bed? 睡觉前你准备做什么?Brush my teeth.刷牙That's really beautiful, Finn.这真漂亮费恩Keep it up, ok?继续画下去好吗?Maggie left that night.那天晚上麦琪离开了She never came back.她再也没回来I'll see you when you wake up.你醒了我会来看你Joe raised me. We never said a word.乔抚养了我我们再也不提此事I still visited paradiso perduto every Saturday. 每周六我继续拜访“失乐园”Feel it. Feel it. Feel it. Feel it.感受它感受它The money Dinsmoor paid me丁斯莫尔付给我的钱kept me in paints and brushes.让我能够买♥♥画笔和颜料And there was Estella.而且艾丝黛拉也在那里Smile.笑Smile.Smile. All right, don't smile.笑好了别笑了Ahh, yes, feel it!没错感受它Wonderful. Wonderful. Feel it in your bones.好极了从内心去感受它Where are you going, dear?亲爱的你要去哪?I have to get ready.我得去准备I have that cocktail thing at the rewalds.我要去瑞瓦德家参加鸡尾酒会Lane rewald? That old gin blossom?莱恩·瑞瓦德?那个老酒鬼?One more cocktail we'll be able to eat him.再来杯鸡尾酒我们都能把他吃了Karl rewald. Lane is his father.是卡尔·瑞瓦德莱恩是他父亲Karl doesn't even drink.卡尔甚至都不喝酒The whole family's pickled.这一家人都烂醉如泥Who's your escort?谁护送你去?Escort? Please. This is the eighties. I'm going back... 护送我?拜托现在都八十年代了我打算...I'll bring you.我送你Certainly. Finn will make a fine date.无疑费恩会有场不错的约会Oh, god.天哪Then it's done.就这么定了Ok, fine, but you meet me there. 1115 north ocean. 好吧但我们在北洋大街1115号♥那里见All right. Sure.好的一定And wear your dinner jacket.穿上你的晚礼服你还有多少时间?None! I'm late! I'm dead! Wow!没了我迟到了我死定了That'll pass as a dinner jacket, huh?就拿这件当晚礼服吧This is a girl's.这是女款的Just keep it buttoned and no one will notice.扣子扣上没人会注意的Where'd you get this?你从哪找来的?It's Maggie's.这是麦琪的It's the only thing she left.是她唯一留下的东西What a bitch.真是个婊♥子♥Ow! What?!嗷干嘛?"What." come here.“干嘛” 过来Jeez.老天You all right for money?钱够花吗?Yeah, I'm good.嗯够You a little nervous?有点紧张?Yeah, a little.是有点You got it? There you go.好了吗?好了You just be yourself, huh?只要做你自己就行Go on. Have fun.去吧玩得开心You're not on the list.您不在名单上All right. Could you check the name "Dinsmoor"?Yes, I did, sir. You're not on this list.是的先生我查过了您不在名单上I'd appreciate if you'd leave now.如果您现在离开的话我会很感激的All right? Thank you very much.好吗?非常感谢Hi, Mrs. Lake.莱克夫人您好So right in the usual spot, sir.先生就停在老地方Mr. and Mrs. Catcher.卡切尔先生和夫人Hi.嗨You want to get me out of here?想带我离开这儿吗?Yes.是的Come on in.进来吧Where do you want to go?你想去哪里?I don't know. How about your house?不知道去你家怎么样?All right.好的Let's go.我们走The moths around the light bulb here灯泡周围的飞蛾are from the Thousand-Wing Ceiling in Venice, Italy. 就像意大利威尼斯学院的翼状天花板Uh, Joe's not here. He's, um...呃乔不在他去...He's, uh, I don't know, playing dominoes.他去...我不知道去玩多米诺骨牌了吧Is that your room?这是你的房♥间吗?Yeah. Yeah.是的我真没想过会有人陪我你知道的You still draw.你还在画画Yeah.是的Gonna hang a couple of them up at Washington Federal.准备把其中两幅挂到华盛顿联邦去The bank?那家银行?Yeah.对You have to go to New York.你得去纽约New York?纽约?It's the center of the art world.它是世界艺术的中心If you stay here, you'll end up painting coconuts for tourists. 如果你待在这里最终你会为游客画椰子去When did you do this?你是什么时候画的这个?A while ago.不久前I don't wear my hair like that anymore.我不再那样梳头发了But you should.但你该那样I mean... You like it that way?我的意思是你喜欢那样吗?What else do you like?你还喜欢什么?How come all this time we see each other every week,为什么我们每周见面You know, but we never did anything?却什么也不做?Did anything?做什么?Went out, saw a movie, whatever.逛街看电影随便什么You never asked.And if I had?如果我提了呢?I'm here, aren't I?我就在这儿不是吗?Are you with anyone?你和谁一起?Right this second?此刻?No. I mean, like...不我是说比如Like a steady boyfriend?比如说固定的男朋友?Yes.是的No.没有You could have anyone.你想要谁做男友都能如愿No rush.不着急What about you? Finn.那你呢?Why not?为什么不?'Cause I...因为我I...我I just...我只是I know.我知道I know.我知道Hey, what's wrong?怎么了?Nothing. It's late. What time is it?没什么不早了几点了?It's, uh, it's 10:30. Where are you going? 呃 10点半你要去哪儿?我得回家了Why?为什么?'Cause I have a million things to do tonight.因为今晚我有很多事情要做Stay.留下来Je vais aller ãxa0 France demain.(法语)我明天去法国I don't speak French.我不会法语Quel dommage.(法语)真可惜Estella?艾丝黛拉?Excuse me.抱歉Have you seen Estella?您有见到艾丝黛拉吗?Dinsmoor was weirder than usual.丁斯莫尔比平时更古怪了But I had to see Estella.但我必须去见艾丝黛拉I never come here. Never.我从来没来过这里从来没有You know why?你知道为什么吗?26 years ago, I trusted.26年前我相信I saved myself. I was a virgin.我拯救了我自己我那时还是个处♥女♥ It's funny, hmm?很好笑是吗?Those were the times. That's how I was raised.那就是往昔啊我就是这样长大的What kind of creature takes such a thing?什么样的人会接受这么一个东西Such a gift? A trust?这样的一个礼物?一份信托财产?Who does this?Takes advantage of a 42-year-old woman?占一个42岁老女人的便宜?What kind of creature leaves this woman waiting like a fool? 什么样的人会让这个女人像傻子一样苦等?A man. A man does this.一个男人是个男人So men must pay. Am I right?所以男人必须偿还我说得对吗?Estella will make men weep.艾丝黛拉会让男人流泪Do you know where she is?您知道她在哪吗?Oh, yes. She'll break them.是的她会让他们伤心I taught her well. When she returns,我把她教得很好当她回来时she'll cut through them like a hot knife through butter.她会游刃有余地应付他们Returns?回来?Oh, my dear boy,噢我亲爱的孩子Didn't you know?你不知道吗?Estella's left for school abroad.艾丝黛拉去留学了Switzerland for 2 years, then Paris.先去瑞士两年然后是法国She's gone. Didn't she say good-bye?她已经走了没和你道别吗?Oh, I'm sure she meant to.噢我肯定她是故意的See you next week, dear.亲爱的下周见7 years passed.7年过去了I stopped going to Paradiso Perduto.我不再去“失乐园”了I stopped painting.不再画画了我抛开了幻想也忘记了那个不需要我的富有的小仙女None of it would happen to me again.这些不会再发生在我身上了I'd seen through it.我已经看透了I elected to grow up.我选择长大Finn!费恩This is Jerry Ragno.这是杰瑞·拉格诺Um, Jerry... Mr. Ragno is a lawyer in Miami.杰瑞...拉格诺先生是迈阿密的一名律师and New York. We have offices in Manhattan.还有纽约我们在曼哈顿也有事务所So, Finn, I'm empowered by my client费恩我的委托人授权我to make your dreams come true.来实现你的梦想Ha ha ha!哈哈哈Really?真的?Any particular dream or...任何特殊的梦想just all of them?还是全部?Have you ever shown your work?你展出过你的的作品吗?Well, they had Finn's painting up at Washington Federal Bank. 他们把费恩的画挂在华盛顿联邦银行上Come on! That was 7... 8 years ago.拜托那是7...8年前的事了Now I told you I gave all that up.我告诉过你我放弃了I... I don't understand what this is all about, Mr. Ragno.我不知道这是怎么回事拉格诺先生How would you like a show? A one-man show. Thrall Gallery. 办场画展怎么样?一个单人展在萨尔画廊In New York?Yeah. My client Erica Thrall...是我的委托人埃里卡·萨尔wants to bring you to New York for a one-man show...想送你去纽约办场个人画展Why? her gallery.为什么?在她的画廊里I mean this is bullshit. Oh, hear the man now.我说这是在胡扯听这个人说Have you ever sent slides of your work to the Thrall Gallery?你有没有把你作品的幻灯片发送到萨尔画廊?Yeah. Probably. I sent slides everywhere when I was in high school. 大概吧当我读高中的时候我哪儿都送过Look, obviously they made quite an impression.显然你的作品给人留下了深刻的印象A plane ticket to New York plus $1,000 for incidentals.一张去纽约的机票加上1000美元的零用钱Sorry. They're all in hundreds.抱歉都是些百元大钞Well...唔The hundreds aren't the problem.百元大钞不是问题I just... I don't paint anymore.只是我已经不画了Whose business was it?是谁的职责?Whose business was it what I did with my life?决定我人生目标是谁的职责?Who'd gotten my life in order? Me.是谁让我的生活变得井井有条?是我I was in control.由我掌控And everything I wanted, I had.我想要什么就有什么Ms. Dinsmoor?丁斯莫尔女士?Cocktails ready, Thomas?鸡尾酒好了吗?托马斯Uh, no. It's... it's me. It's Finn.不是我费恩我来…Looking for Estella. I know.来找艾丝黛拉我知道That hook is in deep, isn't it, dear?你很痴情不是吗?亲爱的Actually, I came to ask you a question.实际上我是来问您一个问题的I see. After nearly 10 years我明白了将近10年Without a word, without a visit.没有只言片语也未曾登门拜访Come to interrogate me. How interesting.倒过来讯问我了真有趣I'm sorry. Things happened.抱歉发生了一些事I know what happened.我知道发生了什么The love of your life left you.你的一生挚爱离你而去Hurts, doesn't it?受伤了是不是?Come closer.靠近点I've gone red.我染红发了Yeah, I noticed. It's nice.是的我看到了很漂亮And look at you.看看你All grown up. A man.长大了变成男人了Ms. Dinsmoor, a lawyer named Ragno came to see me. 丁斯莫尔女士有个叫拉格诺的律师来找我Spider.蜘蛛You know him?你认识他?Ragno means "spider" in Italian.意大利语里“拉格诺”的意思是蜘蛛You must learn other languages, Finn.This lawyer Ragno says he represents an art gallery owner in New York 这个拉格诺律师说他代表一位纽约的画廊老板and they want to show my work.他们想展出我的作品You can draw.你会画画You can't dance worth a shit,你舞跳得狗屁不如But you can draw.可你挺会画画的I wanted to ask. Did you know anything about this?我想问您知道这件事吗?Estella's in New York.艾丝黛拉在纽约I doubt our paths will cross.我想我们不会相遇So you're going?这么说你打算去了?You think I should?您觉得我该去吗?I remember watching you from that very window over there.我还记得我在那边的窗户看着你A scared little mouse scurrying across my garden一只受惊的小老鼠在我的花♥园♥里跑来跑去And through my front door.穿过我的前门Now...another door opens.现在另一扇门打开了What will our mouse do?我们的老鼠会怎么做?I expect an invitation.我期待收到请柬I'm sorry?什么?To your opening. Your show.一封你画展开幕的请柬Ladys and gentleman. This is your final boarding call.女士们先生们这是最后一次登机广播What kind of equipment you flying?你坐的是什么飞机?什么?They got you on a widebody or 767?你坐的是空客还是767?I have no idea. I just hope it stays up there.不知道我只希望它待在上空Now, you better get on.你最好开始登机了Yeah.好What happens if I get up there and, uh...会发生什么事?如果我到了那然后...I can't? I can't do it? Hey, Finn...我不能我做不到听着费恩Nothing harder than being given your chance.没有什么事比得到机会更难的了At least that's what I heard.至少我是这么听来的Sir? Sir?先生先生You can't proceed without a ticket.没有机票不能进去Taxi!出租车How could you fuck a dead man? Hum? Fack a dead man. 你怎么能干一个死人?干♥死♥人?You know how I know?我怎么会知道?'Cause I'm gonna kill the motherfucker!因为我要杀了那个混♥蛋♥Wait, hold on! Shit! Hold on!等下别挂妈的别挂Hey, you got change for a dollar?喂你有1美元零钱吗?What?什么?Fuck you! Fuck you!去你的去你的Wait-- fuck you, man!等等去你的小子Fuck you!Well, then, there I was.那么我到了Ms. Dinsmoor as my secret benefactor丁斯莫尔女士作为我的秘密赞助人sent me to New York to draw,送我到纽约去画画to have the girl,去见这个女孩to have it all,去拥有一切and I looked out on the great city我向外看着这座如过去很多城市一样as so many before which held it all,容纳着一切的伟大城市and it was that close...它如此之近and it was mine.它是我的Liebchen, gut morgen.(德语)亲爱的早上好Are you still holding the Picasso,你还拿着那幅毕加索的画吗?the red and green one?红红绿绿的那个Good, because I think I have somebody interested.好的因为我觉得有人对此有兴趣No, I can't say right now.不我现在不能说Just the Picasso.只要那幅毕加索的画Fabelhaft. Danke.(德语)非常好谢谢Your work, darling?亲爱的你的作品呢?Here's where you show me your work.这里是你向我展示作品的地方Right. I told you. I don't have it. I mean there isn't any work. 好的我说过我没有我是说一件作品都没有I told the work... Then you better get busy.我说过作品... 那你最好忙起来肚子鼓出来只是...why am I here? You saw some slides?我为什么在这里?你不是看过幻灯片了吗?I gave Keith Haring a show凯斯·哈林在我手心画了几笔后after he drew a sketch in the palm of my hand.我就给他办了画展That worked out.挺成功的Yeah, all right. But which ones? Which paintings did you like? 好吧哪一类的?你喜欢哪种画?The point is I saw something, the beginning of something.关键是我看到了某种东西某种开始And here you are.然后你来了Annette at Sotheby's.苏富比拍卖♥♥行的安妮特What you do here is really up to you, isn't it?你上这来干什么实际取决于你自己不是吗?Stay and paint, or enjoy the sights and go home.留下来画画或者欣赏下风景然后回家Your choice.由你决定Either way, I always enjoy meeting a young painter.不管怎样我总是喜爱见见年轻的画家Ok, I mean, I'll do it.好我是说我会的I said that I'll do it. I'll do the paintings.我说我会的我会画的Wonderful. Call Marcy when you have something for us.好极了当你有作品给我们时打电♥话♥给玛西And I could still draw.我还能画Nothing had lessened it as much as I had abused it,无论我如何挥霍没什么能削弱我这种能力Much as I had abandoned it.尽管我放弃了它It was a gift, and it was still mine.这是种天赋仍旧是我的天赋And everything else was less real.。

Fortunately, he got an opportunity to inherit a fortune and to be well educated as a gentleman. He felt abashed of Joe and even looked down upon his old friends. Nevertheless, after Pip had discovered the unbelievable truth, he gradually woke up to reality and realized his fault. He forgave and save his enemy, protected and supported his friends and became grateful to Joe. In the end, he gained his love.
Three periods of Pip’s characteristics
1.Innocent kind generous
2.Snnobish seeking for vanity and self-conceited and a little greedy
3.Full of love loya. He created some of the world's best-known fictional characters and is regarded by many as the greatest novelist of the Victorian era. His novels and short stories enjoy lasting popularity.
great expectation的内容介绍

great expectation的内容介绍《Great Expectations》是英国著名小说家查尔斯·狄更斯的代表作之一,被誉为英国文学史上最重要的小说之一。
许多学者认为《Great Expectations》是关于人性内在的冲突和成长的独立之旅;同时也是一部关于阶级和社会晋升的描写,涉及了英国社会中不同阶层的隔阂和人们对财富的渴望。
此外,《Great Expectations》的叙述方式引人入胜。
总之,《Great Expectations》是一部不容错过的经典小说。
英国文学选读课件Great Expectations

• I had asked him the question inhospitably enough, for I resented the sort of bright and gratified recognition that still shone in his face. I resented it, because it seemed to imply that he expected me to respond to it. But, I took him into the room I had just left, and, having set the lamp on the table, asked him as civilly as I could, to explain himself.
• “不要这样!”我说道,“离远些!如果你因为我在孩子 时为你做过些事要感谢我,我认为你只要改过自新,就表 明了你的感谢。
• If you have come here to thank me, it was not necessary. Still, however you have found me out, there must be something good in the feeling that has brought you here, and I will not repulse you; but surely you must understand that - I--‘
Great Expectations by Charles Dickens远大前程 查尔斯·狄更斯

[远大前程/ 查尔斯·狄更斯著]Great Expectations by Charles Dickens■简介总是希望和周围的朋友攀比,这是人类的一大弱点。
■人物介绍Pip 匹普又名Handel汉德尔;教名菲利普Abel Magwitch,a convict阿伯尔·马格韦契,一名罪犯Mrs Joe Gargery,Joe's wife and Pip's sister乔·葛吉瑞夫人,乔的妻子,匹普的姐姐Joe Gargery,the village blacksmith乔·葛吉瑞,乡村铁匠Compeyson,a convict 康培生,一名罪犯Mr Pumblechook,Joe's uncle潘波趣先生,乔的舅舅Mr Wopsle,church clerk伍甫赛先生,教堂里的办事员Biddy,Mr Wopsle's young cousin毕蒂,伍甫赛先生的表妹Miss Havisham 郝薇香小姐Estella,adopted by Miss Havisham艾丝黛拉,被郝薇香小姐收养Herbert Pocket 赫伯特·朴凯特Matthew Pocket,Herbert's father马修·朴凯特,赫伯特的父亲Orlick奥立克Mr Jaggers,a London lawyer贾格斯先生,一名伦敦律师Mr Wemmick,Mr Jaggers’clerk文米克先生,贾格斯先生的雇员Bentley Drummle本特利·朱穆尔Startop史达多蒲Miss Skiffins,engaged to Wemmick斯基芬小姐,已与文米克先生有婚约The aged parent,or the Aged,Wemmick's father年老的父亲,或老年人,文米克的父亲■1 Pip meets a strangerMy first name was Philip,but when I was a small child I could only manage to say Pip.So Pip was what every-body called me.I lived in a small village in Essex with my sister,who was over twenty years older than me,and married to Joe Gargery,the village blacksmith.My parentshad died when I was a baby,so I could not remember them at all,but quite often I used to visit the churchyard,abut a mile from the village,to look at their names on their gravestones.My first memory is of sitting on a gravestone in that church-yard one cold,grey,December afternoon,looking out at the dark,flat,wild marshes divided by the black line of the River Thames,and listening to the rushing sound of the sea in the distance.‘Don't say a word!’cried a terrible voice,as a man jumped up from among the graves and caught hold of me.‘If you shout I'll cut your throat!’He was a big man,dressed all in grey,with an iron chain on his leg.His clothes were wet and torn.He looked exhausted,and hungry,and very fierce.I had never been so frightened in my whole life.‘Oh!Don't cut my throat,sir!’I begged in terror.‘Tell me your name,boy!Quick!’he said,still holding me.‘And show me where you live!’‘My name's Pip,sir.And I live in the village over there.’He picked me up and turned me upside-down.Nothing fell out of my pocket except a piece of old bread.He ate it in two bites,like a dog,and put me back on the gravestone.‘So where are your father and mother?’he asked.‘There,sir,’I answered,pointing to their graves.‘What!’he cried,and was about to run,when he saw where I was pointing.‘Oh!’he said.‘I see.They're dead.Well,who do you live with,if I let you live,which I haven't decided yet?’‘With my sister,sir,wife of Joe Gargery,the blacksmith.’Blacksmith,you say?And he looked down at his leg.Then he held me by both arms and stared fiercely down into my eyes.‘Now look here.You bring me a file.You know what that is?And you bring me some food.If you don't,or if you tell anyone about me,I'll cut your heart out.’‘I promise I'll do it,sir,’I answered.I was badly fright ened and my whole body was trembling .‘You see,’he continued,smiling unpleasantly,‘I travel with a young man,a friend of mine,who roasts boys’hearts and eats them.He'll find you,wherever you are,and he'll have your heart.So bring the file and the food to that wooden shelter over there,early tomorrow morning,if you want to keep your heart,that is Remember,you promised!’I watched him turn and walk with difficulty across the marshes,the chain hanging clumsily around his leg.Then I ran home as fast as I could.My sister,Mrs Joe Gargery,was very proud of the fact that she had brought me up‘by hand’.Nobody explained to me what this meant,and because she had a hard and heavy hand,which she used freely on her husband as well as me,I supposed that Joe and I were both brought up by hand.She was not a beautiful woman,being tall and thin,with black hair and eyes and a very red face.She clearly felt that Joe and I caused her a lot of trouble,and she frequently complained about it.Joe,on the other hand,was a gentle,kind man with fair hair and weak blue eyes,who quietly accepted her scolding.Because Joe and I were in the same position of being scolded by Mrs Joe,we were good friends,and Joe protected me from her anger whenever he could.So when I ran breathless into the kitchen,he gave me a friendly warning.‘She's out look-ing for you,Pip!And she's got the stick with her!’This stick had been used so often for beating me that it was now quite smooth.Just then Mrs Joe rushed in.‘Where have you been,you young monkey?'she shouted.I jumped behind Joe to avoid being hit with the stick.‘Only to the churchyard,’I whispered,starting to cry.‘Churchyard!If I hadn't brought you up,you'd be in the churchyard with our parents.You'll send me to the church-yard one day!Now let me get your supper ready,both of you!’For the rest of the evening,I thought of nothing but the stranger on the marshes.Sometimes,as the wind blew round the house,I imagined I heard his voice outside,and I thought with horror of the young man who ate boys’hearts.Just before I went to bed,we heard the sound of a big gun on the marshes.‘Was that a gun,Joe?’I asked.‘Ah!'said Joe.‘Another convict's escaped.One got away last night.They always fire the gun when one escapes.’‘Who fires the gun?’I asked.Joe shook his head to warn me.‘Too many questions,’frowned my sister.‘If you must know it's the men in the prison-ships who fire the gun.’‘I wonder who is put into prison-ships,and why?’I asked,in a general way,quietly desperate to know the answer.This was too much for Mrs Joe.‘Listen,my boy,I didn't bring you up by hand to annoy people to death!There are ships on the river which are used as prisons.People who steal and murder are put in the prison-ships,and they stay there for years sometimes.And they always begin their life of crime by asking too many questions!Now,go to bed!’I could not sleep at all that night.I was in terror of the young man who wanted my heart,I was in terror of the man with the iron chain,I was in terror of my sister,who would soon discover I had stolen her food.As soon as there was a lit-tle light in the sky outside my window,I got up and went qui-etly down to the kitchen.I stole some bread,cheese and a big meat pie,hoping that,as there was a lot of food ready for Christmas,nobody would notice what was missing.I did not dare take the whole brandy bottle,so I poured some into a smaller bottle to take away with me.Then I filled up the brandy bottle with what I thought was water from a big brown bottle.I took a file from Joe's box of tools,and ran out on to the dark marshes.The mist was so thick that I could not see anything.Al-though I knew my way to the shelter very well,I almost got lost this time.I was near it when I saw a man sitting on the ground,half asleep.I went up and touched his shoulder.He jumped up,and it was the wrong man!He was dressed in grey,too,and had an iron chain on his leg.He ran away into the mist.‘It's the young man!’I thought,feeling a pain in my heart.When I arrived at the shelter,I found the right man.He looked so cold and hungry that I felt sorry for him.Trembling violently he swallowed the brandy and ate the food like a hunt-ed animal,looking around him all the time for danger.‘You're sure you didn't tell anyone?Or bring anyone?’‘No,sir.I'm glad you're enjoying the food,sir.’‘Thank you,my boy.You've been good to a poor man.’‘But I'm afraid there won't be any left for him.’‘Him?Who's that?’My friend stopped in the middle of eating.‘The young man who travels with you.’‘Oh,him!’he replied,smiling.‘He doesn't want any food.’‘I thought he looked rather hungry,’I answered.He stared at me in great surprise.‘Looked?When?’‘Just now,over there.I found him half asleep and I thought it was you.He was dressed like you,and—’I was anxious to express this politely‘-he had the same reason for wanting to borrow a file.’‘Then I did hear them fire the gun last night!You know,boy,when you're on the marsh alone at night,you imagine all kinds of things,voices calling,guns firing,soldiers marching!But show me where this man went.I'll find him and I'll fin-ish with him!I'll smash his face!Give me the file first.’I was afraid of him now that he was angry again.‘I'm sorry,I must go home now,’I said.He did not seem to hear,so I left him bending over his leg and filing away at his iron chain like a madman.Halfway home I stopped in the mist to listen,and I could still hear the sound of the file.■1 匹普与一位陌生人相遇我的教名叫菲利普,但是在我小时候,我仅会说匹普。

(1812-1870) BY BOYS GROUP
Charles Dickens Literary Status Life
Bildungsroman (教育小说) Definition/Characteristics/Representatives
Great Expectations
The protagonist Pip was once a poor orphan, but he lived a happy life with his brother-in-law Joe. Later, as soon as he met and fell in love with Estella, he always compared himself with her and felt ashamed of himself
Ⅱ Surroundings shape characters, both internally and externally.
Married the daughter of a magazine owner/ Fallen love with a young actress/ Divorced his wife
Rose to his reputation/ public reading tour for money Died of a stroke in 1870 and buried at Westminster Abbey
Ⅲ When he realized money and social status is not the most
远大前程(Great Expectations)

The First Expectation
Pip continues to live his unual diary life afterward. However,after he met Miss Havisham, a wealthy old lady with mental probiems,who had a beautiful but selffish companion,Estella.His prospect for future life got changed.Pip did not want to live a simple life any longer.Instead,he was determind to become a gentleman foe Estella for whom he had a deep affection .He was regular visitor to Miss Havisham and Estella in childhood.
The First Expectation
• Pip,a young orphan lives a humble existence with his ill-tempered older sister and her strong but gentle husband,Gargery. On Christmas Eve of 1812,Pip steals food and drink from the Gargery pantry to help an escaped convint.But soon the older escaped convint was arrested by policeman when he was fighting with another convint,and Pip did not hear from him over his childhood.
great expectations名言

great expectations名言Retributive Justice——Analysis One Of The Themes In Great Expectations;一报还一报——探究《远大前程》中的主题之一Great Expectations: Narration, Focalization And Suspense;《远大前程》:叙述、聚焦与悬念Bounded Soul ——“Prison Image”In Charles Dickens Great Expectations;被禁锢的心灵——查尔斯·狄更斯小说《远大前程》中的“监狱意象”1.A Narratological And Stylistic Analysis Of Great Expectations;《远大前程》的叙事学与文体学研究2.A Comparative Study Of The Three Chinese Versions Of Great Expectations;《远大前程》三种中译本的比较研究3.The Biblical Myth Archetypes In "Great Expectations";《远大前程》中的圣经创世神话原型4.On Romantic Tendency In Dicken S Great Expectations;论狄更斯《远大前程》中的浪漫主义倾向5.My Qpinion Of The Translation Of One Sentence In The Chinese Version Of Great Expectations;《远大前程》中译本中一处翻译之我见6.A Study Of Rmantic Tendency Of Dickens In Gerat Expectiations论狄更斯《远大前程》的浪漫主义倾向7.On Pip's Anima And Its Developing Process In Great Expectations论《远大前程》中皮普的阿妮玛原型及其发展过程8.Mist Is A Symbol Of Danger And Uncertainty In Great Expectations.在《远大前程》中雾是危险和不确定性的象征。

对美好期待的英语作文Great Expectations。
Great expectations are what drive us to strive for excellence and reach for our dreams. It is the anticipation of something wonderful that keeps us motivated and gives us the strength to overcome obstacles and challenges. Whether it's a personal goal, a career aspiration, or a dream for the future, having high expectations can lead to great achievements and fulfillment in life.In my own life, I have always had great expectationsfor myself. From a young age, I was taught to aim high and never settle for mediocrity. My parents instilled in me the belief that with hard work and determination, I could achieve anything I set my mind to. This mindset has shaped my entire outlook on life, and I have always approached every endeavor with the highest of expectations.One of my greatest expectations is to pursue asuccessful career in the field of medicine. Ever since I was a child, I have been fascinated by the human body and the intricacies of the medical world. My dream is to become a doctor and make a difference in the lives of others. I have always set my expectations high, knowing that the road to becoming a doctor is long and challenging. However, I am determined to work tirelessly to achieve this dream and make it a reality.In addition to my career aspirations, I also have great expectations for my personal growth and development. I strive to be a kind, compassionate, and empathetic individual, and I am constantly working on improving myself in these areas. I expect myself to be a lifelong learner, always seeking new knowledge and experiences to broaden my horizons. I believe that having high expectations for my personal growth will lead to a more fulfilling and meaningful life.Furthermore, I have great expectations for the world around me. I believe in the power of positivity and the potential for positive change. I expect to see a worldwhere people are kinder, more compassionate, and more understanding of one another. I expect to see a world where everyone has equal opportunities and access to basic necessities. These expectations drive me to be an advocate for change and to work towards creating a better world for future generations.In conclusion, great expectations are what fuel our ambitions and drive us towards greatness. Whether it's in our personal lives, our careers, or the world around us, having high expectations can lead to incredible achievements and a more fulfilling life. I will continue to hold myself to the highest of expectations and work tirelessly to turn my dreams into reality. I believe that with perseverance and determination, anything is possible, and I am excited to see where my great expectations will lead me.。

日期:2023年4月15日课程名称:大学英语授课班级:英语专业三年级一班授课教师:张伟教学内容:《Great Expectations》阅读与讨论一、教学目标1. 理解《Great Expectations》的基本情节和人物关系。
2. 提高学生的阅读理解能力和批判性思维能力。
3. 培养学生的口语表达能力和团队合作精神。
二、教学重点与难点1. 教学重点:掌握《Great Expectations》的基本情节和人物关系,提高阅读理解能力。
2. 教学难点:分析人物性格特点,理解作品主题,培养学生的批判性思维能力。
三、教学过程1. 导入新课- 简要介绍《Great Expectations》的作者查尔斯·狄更斯及其作品特点。
- 提出问题:为什么《Great Expectations》被称为狄更斯的代表作?2. 阅读与讨论- 学生分组,每组阅读《Great Expectations》的一章,然后进行讨论。
- 每组选派一名代表,分享本组讨论的成果。
- 教师对学生的讨论进行点评,引导学生深入理解作品。
3. 人物分析- 分析作品中的主要人物:皮普、哈维、乔斯等。
- 学生分组,每组负责分析一个人物的性格特点。
- 各组进行展示,教师点评并总结。
4. 主题探讨- 引导学生探讨作品的主题:人性、社会阶层、成长等。
- 学生分组,每组提出一个观点,并进行辩论。
- 教师点评,总结作品的主题。
5. 课堂小结- 回顾本节课的学习内容,强调重点和难点。
- 布置课后作业:阅读《Great Expectations》的其他章节,撰写一篇读书笔记。
四、教学反思1. 本节课通过分组讨论、人物分析、主题探讨等形式,提高了学生的阅读理解能力和批判性思维能力。
2. 学生在讨论过程中表现出较高的积极性,课堂氛围活跃。
3. 在教学过程中,要注意引导学生关注作品的主题,培养学生的文学素养。
4. 在今后的教学中,可以尝试更多样化的教学方法,激发学生的学习兴趣。
英文原著阅读报告 great expectations 远大前程

Great ExpectationsIntroductionThe novel I read this time is “Great Expectations” written by Charles Dickens (1812-1870). He is the greatest representative of English critical realism. Dickens was born in a poor family. At the age of 12, his father was put in prison and young Dickens was sent to work in a factory. From 1827 to 1829, Dickens worked as a clerk in a low firm and later as a newspaper reporter. Dickens was horned by the Queen of England three months before his death on June 9, 1810. The wo rds of his grave read as follows “by his death, one of England’s greatest writers is lost to the world.”He has many masterpieces, s uch as “A tale of cities” “David Copperfield” “Hard time” “Oliver Twist” and so on. “Great Expectations” is one of his masterpieces. The story in this book happened in middle of 19 century and it reflects the gap between the rich and the poor in the capitalistic society.The summary of the bookThis story tells us about a young man who wished for the unreal/imaginary lives, and eventually his hope was extinguished by the real life. Pip was an unfortunate boy. His parents both died when he was a baby. He was brought up by his elder sister and her husband Joe Gargery. Joe was kind to Pip and he also wanted Pip to be a good blacksmith. But the emergence of Estella has changed his life. He fell in love with Estella and he wanted to be a gentleman for her. Then a mysterious person came to help him to realize his great expectations. At first Pip thought that it was Miss Havisham, a strange woman made plans for him. But at last, it proved that an escaped convict who he had helped when he was a little boy was his benefactor. When the escaped convict was arrested again, his expectations were at an end. Finally he realized that he only wanted to be a gentleman but he had ignored his old friends. He came to the real life again eventually. After suffering so many pains he and Estella came together at last.My view on this story“Great Expectations”, I think there is an irony included in this title. It relates to some unrealistic dreams. From this novel, I have learnt a lot.Firstly, I pick up several lessons from Pip. One can have great dreams, but we should achieve our dreams by our own effort instead of depending on other people. In this story, Pip had an unrealistic dream. He didn’t want to be a poor blacksmith like Joe. He wanted to be upper class people, to be a gentleman and he imagined that there was someone had made a plan for him. It is true that Abel Magwitch helped him secretly. But when Abel Magwitch was arrested, it put an end to Pip’s great expectations. He ha d nothing left. And in this book, Herbert and Pip form a poignant contrast. Herbert made great efforts to realize his dreams. In the end, his business was doing well, and his company had offices overseas. Therefore, we should realize that if we want to achieve something or fulfill one of our ambitions, we must make efforts by ourselves. There is no one in the world that makes plans for us. And there is no short cut for success.Secondly, I have learned from Pip’s experience that we should be grateful to others. We know that Pip was brought up by his sister and Joe. And Biddy was also friendly to him when he was at home. But when he was helped by a mysterious person, he moved to London to learn being a gentleman. He began to be proud and look down upon those people at home. He wanted to forget his poor life and his poor friends. But when his “great expectations” were ruined, it was still those people who helped him out of trouble. However, when he began to realize it, his sister has died; it was too late to say thanks to her. What I want to say is that no matter how successful we are, we should not be proud; we should not forget the people who had helped us, and return for them. If I have learned anything about giving thanks, it is this: give it now .Don’t hesitate until it is too late to give our thanks.Thirdly, I also learn some lessons from Miss Havisham, She is a woman full of hatred, and she lived in hatred for so many years. She brought Estella up in order to revenge on man.I think what she did is not worth at all. On one hand, she was not in real happiness, although she revenged on other peo ple. On the other hand, she had ruined Estella’s life. In addition, she also made other men miser able. As for as I’m concerned, if I was Miss Havisham, I will choose another different kind of life. I will make myself live better than before to prove that I can live better without that man. From her experience, I think we should learn to forgive,learn to give up some bad things that had happened. No matter what had happened in the past, we should not be always lost in the past and we are supposed to look forward, and continue our new life. There is no doubt that if she had chosen a positive way, she will have a satisfactory life.What’s more, when it comes to Estella, I want to say that we should live our own life, and do not only live up to others’ expect ations. We know that, Estella was brought up by Miss Havisham to revenge on man. She did everything that Miss Havisham told her. We can say that she was “made” by Miss Havisham, and she was proud, cold. At last, following Miss havisham’s requirements she married to a man she didn’t love at all. I think she lived an unhappy life. She only did as other people told her. And she didn’t do something what she liked. I think this kind of life is meaningless. We should have our freedom. It occurred to me that nowadays, parents have high expectations on their children. They decide so many things for their children without getting their children’s permission. I think children should have their choice of life. Parents should not put their children into cage. It is wise for them to set their children free to look for their own sky.In a word, from this book, I have learnt how to be myself, how to realize my dreams and how to live my own life.。
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Mr/Mrs.Hubble:word attacker "why is it that the young are never grateful?"
Pumblechook:good at talk "if you had been born such,would you have been hre now? not you ..."
Kind , very good to Pip
"Loe gave me some more gtavy."
Man cheracter
The escaped prisoner:hungry/crazy "I'll eat my breakfast afore they're the death pf me." Mr.Wopsle:very prond of "had a deep voice which he was uncommonly prond of"
13."Have a little brandy, uncle"said my sister. "Tar" 14."You must know,""it's a pie, a savory pork pie" I released the leg of table,and ran for my life.
The conclusion
The paper discusses the characteristics in Great Expectations,and put forward some views which different with the traditional views.Many people say that,Pip changes from an innocent boy into a superior,snobbish and selfish person when he was in small London.Finally,he was just made a circle and then back to the old lifestyle.This paper holds that: Pip is not "make a circle" and then come back to where he started.He will never feel happy but for this experience.This experience is not a loss of his great expectations but a gain in another way;and Joe is not a model in moral authority as well. 许多人都说,匹普在小伦敦时,由一位天真少年变成一个高傲、 势利、自私的人,最后他"转了一个圈",又回到了以前的生活。 其实,匹普不是"转了一个圈"回到原地,若不是这段经历,他永 远不会快乐。这段经历不是他远大前程的失落,而是另一种意 义上的获得。另外,乔也不是一个值得效仿的道德典范。
main contents
9.Mr. Wopsle, the clrk at church, was to diner with us, and Mr. Hubble,the wheelwright and Mrs. Hubble,and ancle Pumblec, without bringing with it any relief to my feelings,and the company came.
6.I told him I must go,but he took no notice,so I thought the best thing I could do was to slip off.
About the story
chapter 4 7.Mrs.Joe was prodigiously busy in getting the house ready for the festivities of the day... 8.Mrs.Joe was in a cross temper, this was so much her normal state.
1.A rimy morning and very damp......
chapter 3
...The mist was heavier yet when i got out upon the marshes,so that instead of my running at everything...
4."I said I was glad you enjoyed it" "Thankee,my boy. I do."
5."Where is he?"... "I'll pull him down, like a bloodhound. Curse this iron on my sore leg! Give us hold of the file,boy."
2."It's the young man!"I thought ,feeling my heart shoot as I identified him.
About the story
main contents
3.I handed him the file...
welcome use these PowerPoint templates, New I opendto the bundle and emptied my pockets... Content design, 10 years experience
Man cheracter
nervous/hot heart/helpful
"I held on tight."
"Brandy."I said.
"I couldn't keep eys off him"
"feeling my heart shoot."
Mrs. Joe
Easy get angry. "Mrs.Joe was in a cross temper."
Great Expectations
main contents of chapter 3 to 4
----------by feelanwong
About the story Man cheracter The conclusion
About the story
Thank you!
About the story
11.It began the moment we sat down to diner. Mr.Wopsle said grace with theatrical declamation,---as it now appears to me 12."Do you hear that? Be grateful."...... Joe gave me some more gravy.