Microscopic Theory of Transport lec2


Quasi-ballistic, nonequilibrium electron distribution in inhomogeneous semiconductor struct

Quasi-ballistic, nonequilibrium electron distribution in inhomogeneous semiconductor struct

a r X i v :c o n d -m a t /0503504v 1 [c o n d -m a t .m t r l -s c i ] 19 M a r 2005Quasi-ballistic,nonequilibrium electron distribution in inhomogeneous semiconductorstructuresDan Csontos ∗and Sergio E.UlloaDepartment of Physics and Astronomy,and Nanoscale and Quantum Phenomena Institute,Ohio University,Athens,Ohio 45701,USAWe report on a study of quasi-ballistic transport in deep submicron,inhomogeneous semiconductor struc-tures,focusing on the analysis of signatures found in the full nonequilibrium electron distribution.We perform self-consistent numerical calculations of the Poisson-Boltzmann equations for a model n +−n −−n +GaAs structure and realistic,energy-dependent scattering.We show that,in general,the electron distribu-tion displays significant,temperature dependent broadening and pronounced structure in the high-velocity tail of the distribution.The observed characteristics have a strong spatial dependence,related to the energy-dependence of the scattering,and the large inhomogeneous electric field variations in these systems.We show that in this quasi-ballistic regime,the high-velocity tail structure is due to pure ballistic transport,whereas the strong broadening is due to electron scattering within the channel,and at the source(drain)interfaces.PACS numbers:73.23.Ad,72.15.Lh,72.20.Ht,73.40.KpAs the downscaling of semiconductor devices has reached well into the deep submicrometer regime,the nonequilibrium nature of the carrier dynamics has be-come exceedingly important.In these systems,channel lengths comparable to the electron mean free path are possible at room temperature,and thus,ballistic and hot electron effects are expected to strongly influence the transport properties of modern devices.Although numerous studies of hot electron and ballistic transport have been performed,1there have been very few works on the microscopic carrier dynamics.It is,e.g.,not clear how the details of the scattering at the channel inter-faces,as well as within the channel,affect the ballistic nature of the transport,what the microscopic signatures of quasi-ballistic transport are,and how these issues are responsible for limiting the current in these systems.2,3A comprehensive microscopic analysis of these issues requires the study of the electron distribution function,which is a challenging task,both experimentally and theoretically,due to the strongly nonequilibrium nature of the problem.There have been a few recent theoretical studies of ballistic MOSFETs 2,4in which the electron distribution was obtained by solution of the Boltzmann Transport Equation (BTE)in the collisionless limit.In this pure ballistic limit,according to the models,the electron distribution within the channel is composed of near-equilibrium electron distributions in the contacts,and thus,due to the inhomogeneous self-consistent field,only displays an asymmetric,pronounced high-velocity peak,corresponding to ballistic electrons.In recent experimental studies on the other hand,5the electron distribution in submicron,inhomogeneous III-V systems was measured using Raman spectroscopy,and was shown to display strongly broadened velocity distributions and interesting high-velocity tail struc-ture.It is clear that in realistic room-temperature devices,the electron scattering rate is finite and thus,a full solution of the BTE,including scattering is required.Such an analysis was in fact already initiated by Baranger and Wilkins.6These authors solved theBTE self-consistently with the Poisson equation for n +−n −n +GaAs structures,and found significantly out-of-equilibrium electron distributions in the channel region,and in particular,a high-velocity peak corre-sponding to ballistic electrons.However,the physical mechanisms of the strong broadening and the details of the electron distribution characteristics were not clearly resolved.In addition,the scattering introduced in the BTE was structureless,while the distribution function in inhomogeneous systems is strongly energy-dependent.In this paper we present a numerical analysis of the nonequilibrium electron distribution in submicron,inhomogeneous semiconductor structures.We show that the electron distribution function has a highly nonequilibrium form,is significantly broadened,and displays interesting structure in the high-velocity tail.In addition,the observed features are spatially depen-dent and very sensitive to the inhomogeneous electric field,temperature and detailed characteristics of the scattering,where we find that an energy-dependent scattering process strongly affects the details of the electron distribution.In addition to providing insight to the general quasi-ballistic transport characteristics in the electron distribution of submicron structures,we believe that our results are relevant for the recently observed nonequilibrium velocity distributions observed in the recent experiments.Our study is based on numerical analyses in which we explictly calculate the 1D,steady-state electron ve-locity distribution function,f (x,v ),through a model n +−n −−n +GaAs structure.7We consider a nonde-generate system and use a numerical,self-consistent ap-proach based on the coupled Poisson-Boltzmann equa-tions,which enables us to capture essential nonequilib-rium and inhomogeneous transport phenomena.8Scat-tering is treated within the relaxation-time approxima-tion,using realistic,energy-dependent scattering rates corresponding to polar-optical phonon (POP)scattering,which is the dominating scattering mechanism in GaAs2at room temperature.9The POP scattering rate is given by 10123/2πǫ0¯hε{n 0sinh−1ε¯h ω0−11/2},(1)where κ=(1/ǫ∞−1/ǫ),ǫ∞is the high-frequency dielec-tric constant,ǫis the static dielectric constant,¯h ω0is theoptical phonon energy and n 0=[exp(¯h ω0/k B T )−1]−1is the phonon occupation number.In Eq.(1)the first term corresponds to POP absorption and the second to POP emission,which only occurs when ε(p )>¯h ω0.In Fig.1we show the electron potential energy,elec-tric field and distribution function at T =300K,and V b =−0.3V,for a 200nm long lightly doped (1013cm −3)GaAs slab sandwiched between two highly doped (1017cm −3)long contacts.In order to highlight the effects of inhomogeneities and scattering while keeping the nature of the scattering structureless ,we first use constant scat-tering times in our calculations (in Fig.1,τ2=2.5·10−13s),and subsequently compare these results with realistic energy-dependent scattering times.For comparison,the potential energy and electric field at V b =0are plotted in Fig.1(a)(dashed lines).Several direct observations can be made from the electrostatics depicted in Fig.1(a).A potential barrier is formed in the n −region due to the inhomogeneous doping profile that gives rise to the diffu-sion of electrons from the highly doped n +into the lightly doped n −region.Second,as a result,a strong electric field on the order of 10kV/cm is formed within the de-vice,even in the absence of an external field.Third,as a bias voltage is applied,a large portion of the voltage drop occurs over the submicron n −region,giving rise to a strongly inhomogeneous field distribution,in contrast to the n +contact regions,where the field in comparison is very low and constant.In Fig.1(b),the calculated normalized electron distri-bution function,f (x i ,v )v th /n (x i ),where v th is the ther-mal velocity,is shown at different spatial points along the sample for the V b =−0.3V case.At x 1=−0.15µm,the electrons injected from the source display a shifted MB distribution.This is expected throughout the highly-doped contact regions,where the field is constant and low (≈0.1kV/cm)and thus,the distribution function can be described by the linear response solution to the homoge-neous BTE,f (x,v )=f MB (x,v )[1−veE (x )τ/k B T ].At x 2=−0.07µm,corresponding to the top of the poten-tial barrier,the distribution is asymmetric,showing a suppression of electrons in the v <0tail of the distribu-tion.This is caused by the asymmetric potential barrier,which prevents left-moving electrons (v <0)to reach x 2.Deep in the n −region,for x >x 2,the electron distri-bution displays a strong spatial dependence as well as significant broadening.To better understand the overall spatial dependence of the distribution function,Fig.1(c)shows the contour plot of f (x,v ),around the interestingn −region.It is clear that the electron distribution in the n −region displays a distinct peak that is rapidly shifted toward higher velocities for increasing x >x 2.This is a signature of ballistic transport and occurs due to the rapid and large (compared to k B T )potential energy drop 2,4,6and corresponding strong inhomogeneous electric field.In addition to the ballistic peak,for increasing x >x 2,the electron distribution is broadened and a low-velocity contribution gradually builds up until the distribution is dominated by a low-velocity peak,see point x 5in Fig.1(b)and the spatial dependence in Fig.1(c).The ori-gin of this broadening is two-fold:The thermionically injected electrons at x 2,with v >0,are gradually ther-malized at a rate 1/τas they cross the channel,thus gradually “depopulating”the high-velocity peakFIG.1:(color online)(a)Electric field (thin lines)and po-tential energy (thick lines)profile for V b =0(dashed lines)and V b =−0.3V (solid lines),(b)normalized electron distri-bution calculated at the spatial points denoted by the arrows in (a),and (c)contour plot of f (x,v )v th /n (x )around the n −region for a n +−n −−n +GaAs structure with dimen-sions 1.5/0.2/1.5µm and doping profile 1017/1013/1017cm −3.Scattering time is τ2=2.5·10−13s.3corresponding to ballistic electrons.Second,electrons backscattered at the channel-drain interface,as well as injected electrons with v <0from a near-equilibrium distribution in the drain,penetrate the channel with neg-ative velocities,contributing to the negative and low-velocity end of the electron distribution.These electrons are scattered at a rate 1/τ,but also experience scattering at the steep potential energy barrier close to the source.Hence,close to the source and deep in the n −region,the distribution is dominated by the ballistic peak cor-responding to the source-injected ballistic electrons [see Fig.1(b)].Close to the drain,however,where the ef-fective potential barrier is lower,the drain-injected and reflected electrons dominate the distribution and obscure the ballistic peak.The spatial dependence of the electron velocity distri-bution is strongly influenced by the characteristics of the external and built-in fields,mobility,scattering mecha-nisms and temperature.In Fig.2(a),(b)we show the distribution function calculated for the constant scatter-ing times τ1=1.0·10−13s and τ3=4.5·10−13s,for the same structure and system parameters studied in Fig.1(with τ2=2.5·10−13s).While energy-independent,these scattering times correpond to realistic mobilities of GaAs.For the short scattering time,τ1=1.0·10−13s,the ballistic peak structure seen in Fig.1(c)is signif-icantly less pronounced and the average velocity of the electrons is strongly reduced.The latter observation is a natural consequence of the increase of the scattering rate.However,in addition,the fraction of the potential drop that occurs over the channel region also decreases with an increase in the scattering rate (not shown here)and hence,due to the decreased effective potential bar-rier,the drain-injected and reflected electrons penetrate deep into the channel.Therefore,the resulting distribu-tion,although strongly out-of-equilibrium,does not dis-play distinct ballistic features,but becomes broadened,asymmetric and shifted.For τ3=4.5·10−13s [Fig.2(b)],the opposite effects are observed:A very distinct ballis-tic peak dominates the distribution function deep into the n −region close to the drain,and less broadening is observed.This is due to an increase in the electron veloc-ity given by the decreased scattering rate,and an increase in the effective potential barrier seen by electrons with v <0coming from the drain.In realistic systems,the scattering and relaxation pro-cesses can have a strong energy-dependence and thus,it is interesting to consider the effects of an energy-dependent scattering rate on the nonequilibrium distribution func-tion.In Fig.2(c)the energy-dependent POP scatter-ing time τp (ε),calculated from Eq.(1)at T =300K,is shown.For clarity,in the figure,we have also indi-cated the values of the constant scattering times used in the calculations shown in Figs.2(a),(b)and 1(c).Be-low the threshold for POP emission,the scattering time is in the range ≈3.5−4·10−13s,whereas above the threshold,the scattering time has a relatively weak de-FIG.2:(color online)Normalized distribution function,f (x,v )v th /n (x ),for τ1=1.0·10−13s (a),τ3=4.5·10−13s (b),τp (T =300K)(d),and τp (T =200K)(f).(c)POP scattering time at T =300K.(e)Difference between the nor-malized distribution functions calculated for τp (T =300K)and τ3[plots (d)and (b)].pendence on energy (in this particular energy interval)and is close to ≈1·10−13s.The corresponding elec-tron distribution function,calculated at T =300K is shown in Fig.2(d).Strong signatures of quasi-ballistic transport are seen,i.e.,formation of a ballistic peak that evolves toward higher velocities,similarly to the calcula-tions performed with the constant,energy-independent scattering times,and significant broadening and low-velocity contributions due to the scattering processes dis-cussed above.The details of the distribution function and its spatial dependence are,however,different.In Fig.2(e),the difference between the normalized functions f [x,τp (ε)]v th /n (x )−f (x,τ3)v th /n ′(x )[n (x )and n ′(x )are the electron densities corresponding to the two calculated distribution functions]is shown.The observed difference can be explained as follows:Electrons with velocities be-low v tp ≈4.3·107cm/s,which corresponds to a kinetic energy comparable to the threshold for POP emission [Fig.2(c)],have a large mean free path and behave ballis-tically,as concluded by the results shown by the calcula-tions for τ3shown in Fig.2(b).For electrons with higher kinetic energies on the other hand the scattering rate is higher and thus the electrons relax toward lower ener-gies at an increasing rate.However,the picture is more complicated,since the detailed energy-dependence of the scattering effectively also changes the characteristics of4the inhomogeneousfield due to the charge redistribution caused by the scattering.Finally,we briefly discuss the effects of temperature, which is the parameter that,next to the applied electric field,is most easily tuned in experiments.In Fig.2(f) we show the electron distribution calculated at T=200 K.Below the threshold for POP emission,the calcu-lated scattering time(not shown here)is in the range ≈8.2−9.2·10−13s,whereas above threshold,the scatter-ing time has weak energy dependence and is≈1.5·10−13 s.As anticipated from the above discussion,the main effects of lowering the temperature and,thus,increasing of the phonon scattering time,are:i)higher average ve-locities,ii)larger spatial extension of the ballistic peak, iii)narrowing of the ballistic peak in the n−region as well as the diffusive peaks in the source/drain,and iv) suppression of the drain-injected electron contribution to the electron distribution in the channel region,due to an increase in the effective potential barrier.In summary,we have studied the electron distribu-tion in inhomogeneous,deep submicron semiconductor structures by self-consistent calculations of the semiclas-sical BTE.We have shown that the electron distribution in general is strongly out-of-equilibrium,significantly broadened and displays pronounced structure in the high-velocity tail.These characteristics of quasi-ballistic transport are very sensitive to the energy-dependent scat-tering in the channel and at the source(drain)interface, as well as the strongly inhomogeneous electricfield.Our results are similar to recent experimental observations. Note added after submission:An interesting study of quasiballistic transport in nanoscale semiconductor structures with focus on the scattering and the mathe-matical nature of the BTE at the top of the potential energy barrier at the source-channel interface has been published very recently by Sano.11,12We note that although the calculations were done for completely different material(Si)and system parameters,the features of the distribution shown in Fig.3of Ref.12 are similar to the features of the distributions calculated here,and are due to the mechanisms discussed in our paper.This work was supported by the Indiana21st Century Research and Technology Fund.∗Electronic address:csontos@1See,e.g.,U.Ravaioli,Semicond.Sci.Technol.13,1(1998), and references therein.2M.Lundstrom,and Z.Ren,IEEE Trans.Electron Devices 49,133(2002).3A.Svizhenko,and M.P.Anantram,IEEE Trans.Electron Devices50,1459(2003).4J.-H.Rhew,Z.Ren,and M.S.Lundstrom,Solid State Electronics46,1899(2002).5E.D.Grann et al.,Phys.Rev.B51,1631(1995);E.D. Grann et al.,Phys.Rev.B53,9838(1996);K.T.Tsen et al.,Appl.Phys.Lett.69,3575(1996);W.Liang et al., Appl.Phys.Lett.82,1413(2003);W.Liang et al.,Appl. Phys.Lett.84,3681(2004).6H.U.Baranger,and J.W.Wilkins,Phys.Rev.B36,1487(1987);H.U.Baranger,and J.W.Wilkins,Phys.Rev.B 30,7349(1984).7GaAs material parameters:m∗=0.067m0,ǫ=13.1,ǫ∞=10.92,¯hω0=0.03536eV.8D.Csontos and S. E.Ulloa,(to be published in p.Electronics).Also available at , cond-mat/0411499.9e−−e−scattering,while possibly comparable to POP scat-tering in the n+regions,is much weaker in the channel region due to the low doping(N D=1013cm−3).10B.R.Nag,Theory of electrical transport in semiconductors (Pergamon Press,Oxford,1972).11N.Sano,Phys.Rev.Lett.93,246803(2004).12N.Sano,Appl.Phys.Lett.85,4208(2004).。

A Microscopic Convexity Principle for Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations

A Microscopic Convexity Principle for Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations

In general, ∇2 u may not be separated from the rest of the arguments. The similar situation also arises in the case of geometric flow for hypersurfaces. In this paper, we study the microscopic convexity property for equation in the form of (1.2) and related geometric nonlinear equations of elliptic and parabolic type. The core for the microscopic convexity principle is to establish a strong maximum principle for appropriate constructed functions. The key is to control ceratin gradient terms of the symmetric tensor to show that they are vanishing at the end. There have been significant development of analysis techniques in literature [7, 27, 17, 16, 18, 8] for this purpose, in particular the method introduced in [8]. They are very effective to control quadratic terms of the gradient of the symmetric tensor. For equation (1.2), linear terms of such gradient of symmetric tensor will emerge. All the previous methods break down for these terms. The main contribution of this paper is the introduction of new analytic techniques to handle these linear terms. This type new analysis involves quotients of elementary symmetric functions near the null set of det(uij ), even though equation (1.2) itself may not be symmetric with respect to the curvature tensor. The analysis is delicate and has to be balanced as both symmetric functions in the quotient will vanish at the null set. This is a novel feature of this paper, it is another indication that these quotient functions are naturally embedded with fully nonlinear equations. In a different context, the importance of quotient functions has been demonstrated in the beautiful work of Huisken-Sinestrari [22]. We believe the techniques in this paper will find way to solve other problems in geometric analysis. To illustrate our main results, we first consider the equations in flat domain. Let Ω is a domain in Rn , S n denotes the space of real symmetric n × n matrices, and F = F (r, p, u, x) is a given function in S n × Rn × R × Ω and elliptic in the sense that (1.3) ( ∂F (∇2 u, ∇u, u, x)) > 0, ∂rαβ ∀x ∈ Ω.

Microeconomic Theory by Mas-Colell, Whinston, and Green

Microeconomic Theory by Mas-Colell, Whinston, and Green
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will be low' Moreover, this fact may evenfurtherexacerbate adverse the selection problem: thepricethat can be received selling used is verylow, If by a car only sellers with really bad cars will offer them for sale.As a result,we may see little trade in marketsin which adverse selection present, is evenif a greatdeal of trade would occurwereinformation symmetrically held by all marketparticipants. We also introduceand study in Sectionl3.B an important conceptfor the analysis marketintervention settings asymmetric of in of information: notion of the a constrained Paretooptimalallocation. These allocations are that cannotbe pareto improved upon by a centralauthoritywho,like marketparticipants, cannotobserve individuals'privately information. Pareto-improving held A marketintervention can be achieved suchan authorityonly whenthe equilibrium by allocation fails to be a constrained Paretooptimum.In general, central the authority's inabilityto observe individuals' privatelyheld informationleadsto a more stringenttest for paretoimproving marketintervention. "'-In Sections'13.Cand'13.D; study we how mark'eibehavior may adpi in response to these informational asymmetries. Section In 13.C, consider possibility we the that informed individuals may find waysto signal infot'mation abouttheir unobservable knowledge throughobservable actions. example, seller a used couldoffer For a of car to allow a prospective buyerto takethe car to a mechanic. Because sellers who have good carsare more likely to be willing to take suchan action,this offercan serve as a signalof quality.In Section13.D,we consider possibility the that uninformed parties may develop mechanisms distinguish, screen, to or informed individuals who have differinginformation.For exampie, insurance an companymay ot1ertwo policies: with no deductible a high premiumand another one at with a significant deductibleat a much lower premium. Potentialinsuredsthen sefse lect, with high-abilitydriverschoosingthe policy with a deductible and low-abilitydrivers choosing no-deductible the policy.In both sections, consider welfare we the characteristics theresulting of marketequilibria and thepotential Pareto-improving for market intervention. For expositional purposes, present theanalysis followsin termsof the we all that labormarketexample we shouldnevertheless (i)' emphasize widerange settings the of and fieldswithin economics which these in issues arise. Someof these examples are developed the exercises the end of the chaoter. in at



第三章危险货物与特殊货物§3-1 国际海运危险货物规则1 国际海运危险货物规则的发展The development of the IMDG Code dates back to the 1960 Safety of Life at Sea Conference, which recommended that Governments should adopt a uniform international code for the transport of dangerous goods by sea to supplement the regulations contained in the 1960 International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS).A resolution adopted by the 1960 Conference said the proposed code should cover such matters as packing, container traffic and stowage, with particular reference to the segregation of incompatible substances.A working group of IMO’s Maritime Safety Committee began preparing the Code in 1961, in close co-operation with the United Nations Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods, which in a 1956 report had established minimum requirements for the transport of dangerous goods by all modes of transport.Since its adoption by the fourth IMO Assembly in 1965, the IMDG Code has undergone many changes, both in appearance and content to keep pace with the ever-changing needs of industry. Amendments which do not affect the principles upon which the Code is based may be adopted by the MSC, allowing IMO to respond to transport developments in reasonable time.Amendments to the IMDG Code originate from two sources; proposals submitted directly to IMO by Member States and amendments required to take account of changes to the United Nations Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods which sets the basic requirements for all the transport modes.Amendments to the provisions of the United Nations Recommendations are made on a two-yearly cycle and approximately two years after their adoption, they are adopted by the authorities responsible for regulating the various transport modes. In that way a basic set of requirements applicable to all modes of transport is established and implemented, thus ensuring that difficulties are not encountered at inter-modal interfaces.The Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) at its 72nd session in May 2000 adopted a revised and reformatted International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG) Code, which is intended to be more user-friendly and understandable, known as “Amendment 30”.“Amendment 30” to the IMDG Code involves the complete reformatting of the IMDG Code as well as revisions to various sections of the Code and to transport requirements for specific substances. The reformatted IMDG Code will enter into force on 1 January 2001, with a 12 months transitional period ending 21 December 2001.The reformatted IMDG Code includes seven parts, two appendices and an index;General provisions, definitions and training (Part 1);Classification (Part 2);Dangerous Goods List (DGL) and Limited Quantities Exceptions (Part 3);Packing and Tank provisions (Part 4);Consignment Procedures (Part 5);Construction and Testing of Packagings, Intermediate Bulk Containers (IBCs), LargePackagings, Portable Tanks and Road Tank Vehicles (Part 6);Requirements Concerning Transport Operations (Part 7);Appendix A – List of Generic and NOS (Not Otherwise Specified) Proper Shipping Names;Appendix B – Glossary of terms;Index.The present Code appears in four volumes, but the reformatted Code will appear in two volumes; one covering Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7; the second incorporation Part 3, the two Appendices and the Index.IMDG Code to be made mandatory.The MSC at its 73rd session in Nov-Dec 2000 decided, in principle, to make sections of the International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG) Code mandatory, aiming at an entry-into-force date of 1 January 2004, and instructed the Sub-Committee on Dangerous Goods, Solid Cargoes and Containers at its sixth session in July 2001 and the Secretariat to prepare relevant documents such as draft amendments to SOLAS.The MSC agreed that some chapters of the IMDG Code would remain rcommendatory in nature – including chapter 1.3 (Training); chapter 2.1 (Explosives – Notes 1 to 4); 2.3.3 of chapter 2.3 (Determination of flashpoint); chapter 3.2 (Columns 15 and 17 of the Dangerous Goods List); chapter 3.5 (Transport Schedules); 5.4.5 of chapter 5.4 (Multimodal dangerous goods form); and chapter 7.3 (Special provisions in the event of an incident and fire precautions involving dangerous goods).[注释]Conference 会议,一般指国际上定期举行的会议Recommend 建议,常是必须执行的建议Resolution 决议,这里指国际海事组织大会做出的决定cover 包括,常指责任、权利等方面的范围segregation of incompatible substances 性质不相容的物质的隔离Maritime Safety Committee (国际海事组织)海事安全委员会United Nations Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods 联合国危险品运输专家委员会mode 运输方式,如公路、铁路、水路、航空等Assembly (国际海事组织)大会Amendments 修正案two-year cycle 两年一个周期session 会议,国际海事组织下的各委员会所召开的会议transitional period 过渡期Not Otherwise Specified 未另列明的(危险品)2 国际海运危险货物规则的适用范围2.1 The regulationsThese Regulations prescribe detailed requirements applicable to the transport of dangerous goods. Except as otherwise provided in these Regulations, no person may offer or accept dangerous goods for transport unless those goods are properly classified, packaged, marked, labeled placarded, described and certified on a transport document, and otherwise in a conditionfor transport as required by these Regulations.These Regulations do not apply to the transport of:Dangerous goods in bulk which, in most countries, are subject to special regulations;Dangerous goods that are required for the propulsion of the means of transport or the operation of its specialized equipment during transport (e. g. refrigeration units) or that are required in accordance with the operating regulations (e. g. fire extinguishers); and Dangerous goods, packaged for retail sale, that are carried by individuals for their own use.Note 1: Specific modal provisions for the transport of dangerous goods as well as derogations from these general requirements can be found in the modal regulations.Note 2: Certain special provisions of section 3.3.1 of Chapter 3.3 also indicate substances and articles which are not subject to these Regulations.Exceptions for dangerous goods packed in limited quantities.Certain dangerous goods packed in limited quantities are exempted from certain requirement of these Model Regulations subject to the conditions laid down in Chapter Transport of radioactive materialRegulations regarding the transport of radioactive material have been prepared by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in consultation with the United Nations specialized agencies concerned and the IAEA’s Member States. The most recent publication of the IAEA Regulations was published in 1996 (Regulations for the Safe Transport of Radioactive Material (1996 Edition), IAEA Safety Standards Series No. ST-1).The IAEA Regulations are concerned only with the radioactive and fissile properties of materials; it is necessary however, for consignments of radioactive material to comply with transport regulations applicable to other hazardous properties which such material may prossess. This is specified in the IAEA Regulations in paragraphs 109 and 507.In practice packages containing radioactive material consisting of one or more radio-nuclides, when transported in accordance with the IAEA Regulations will normally be satisfactorily covered in respect of any other hazardous properties possessed by the contents. Thus is the case both when the radioactive material is in isolation and, as is common, when it is associated with small quantities of non-radioactive material.However, it is emphasized that radioactive material transported in accordance with those Regulations may be associated with a comparatively large quantity of a non-radioactive material (particularly a liquid or a gas) which may possess other hazardous properties requiring additional consideration in that respect. This shall be borne in mind particularly for the following radioactive material:Limited quantities of radioactive material in excepted packages, complying with paragraphs 408 to 410; 515 to 520 and 620 of the IAEA Regulations;The low specific activity materials as defined in paragraph 226 of the IAEA Regulations; and The surface contaminated objects as defined in paragraph 241 of the IAEA Regulations.General principles for radiation protection of transport workers and the general public are included in Section III of the IAEA Regulations paragraphs 301 to 307. Compliance with the IAEA Regulations, which utilize the principles set forth in International Basic Safety Standards for Protection against Ionizing Radiation and for the Safety of Radiation Sources (1996 Edition), IAEA Safety Series No.115 will ensure a high degree of safety.2.3 Dangerous goods forbidden from transportUnless provided otherwise by these Regulations, the following are forbidden from transport: Any substance or article which, as presented for transport, is liable to explode, dangerously react, produce a flame or dangerous evolution of heat or dangerous emission of toxic, or corrosive or flammable gases or vapours under normal conditions normally encountered in transport.[注释]Except as otherwise provided…as required by these Regulations 除非本规则另有规定,否则,未经正确分类和妥善包装,做出标志,标签和标牌,在运输文件中做出申报和证明并符合本规则其他运输条件的危险品,任何人均不得交运或承运。



Microencapsulation of Lactobacillus acidophilus CGMCC1.2686via emulsi fication/internal gelation of alginate using Ca-EDTA and CaCO 3as calcium sourcesSha Cai a ,Meng Zhao a ,*,Yapeng Fang a ,*,Katsuyoshi Nishinari a ,Glyn O.Phillips b ,Fatang Jiang aaGlyn O.Phillips Hydrocolloid Research Centre at HUT,School of Food and Pharmaceutical Engineering,Faculty of Light Industry,Hubei University of Technology,Wuhan 430068,China bGlyn O.Phillips Hydrocolloid Research Center,Glyndwr University,Plas Coch,Mold Road,Wrexham LL112AW,UKa r t i c l e i n f oArticle history:Received 5October 2013Accepted 14January 2014Keywords:MicroencapsulationEmulsi fication/internal gelation Lactic acid bacteria Ca-EDTA CaCO 3a b s t r a c tEmulsi fication/internal gelation is an effective encapsulation method to protect probiotics from adverse environment.In this paper,microcapsules of Lactobacillus acidophilus CGMCC1.2686were prepared by emulsi fication and gelation of alginate solutions with slow release of Ca 2þions from calcium carbonate (CaCO 3)and calcium disodium ethylenediaminetetraacetate (Ca-EDTA).Physical characterization of the two types of microcapsules showed that alginate-Ca-EDTA microcapsule was more uniform in size than alginate-CaCO 3,with a span factor of 0.96and 1.20,respectively.Mechanical measurements demon-strated that alginate-CaCO 3microcapsule was more robust and elastic,which was supported by its denser structure as observed by electron scanning microscopy.Bacteria encapsulation yields in the two microcapsules were similar,37.9%for alginate-CaCO 3and 36.9%for alginate-Ca-EDTA.However,alginate-CaCO 3microcapsule exhibited much higher cell survivals in both simulated gastric juice and bile salts solution (22.2%and 2.6*10À2%,respectively)than alginate-Ca-EDTA (7.1%and 0%,respectively),indicating a more effective protection of L.acidophilus CGMCC1.2686.The protection ef ficiency was discussed in relation to the mechanical properties of the microcapsules and the calcium sources used.Ó2014Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.1.IntroductionAs the most common probiotics,lactic acid bacteria (LAB)confer health bene fits to the host.However,LAB are vulnerable to adverse conditions,such as pH,heat,stress and oxygen,resulting in a sig-ni ficant reduction in LAB viable number (Anal &Singh,2007;Burgain,Gaiani,Linder,&Scher,2011).Providing viable LAB with physical barriers to resist environmental conditions received considerable interest.Microencapsulation has been recognized as an effective way to enhance the LAB viability and has been used in the food industry (Allémann,Leroux,&Gurny,1998;Larisch,Poncelet,Champagne,&Neufeld,1994).Alginate is one of the most widely used encapsulating materials,which is a linear heteropolysaccharide composed of b -D -mannur-onic acid and a -L -guluronic acid (Gacesa,1988).Alginate beads are usually formed using the technique of extrusion or emulsi fication.Compared with extrusion,emulsi fication is more practicable in controlling particle size and scaling up (Hoesli et al.,2011;Krasaekoopt,Bhandari,&Deeth,2003).According to different principles and processes,encapsulation using alginate is divided into emulsi fication/external gelation and emulsi fication/internal gelation.Internal gelation approach overcomes the problem of capsule clumping encountered in external gelation approach,by slowly releasing Ca 2þions from insoluble calcium sources instead of adding soluble calcium chloride directly.It thus produces smaller and more uniform microcapsules (Poncelet et al.,1995).Selection of a suitable calcium source is signi ficant for emulsi-fication/internal gelation.Poncelet et al.tested five types of calcium sources (e.g.oxalate,tartrate,phosphate,carbonate and citrate)for the internal gelation of alginate and found that the beads prepared with CaCO 3were the best in sphericity,stability and size uniformity (Poncelet et al.,1995).Ca-EDTA was widely used to prepare alginate gels with gradual hydrolysis of D -glucono-d -lactone (Liu,Qian,Shu,&Tong,2003).Ca-EDTA is a soluble calcium complex,which is in chelation form at neutral pH and releases free Ca 2þions at acidic pHs.This could be taken advantage of to prepare alginate micro-particles of uniform size.*Corresponding authors.Tel.:þ86(0)2788015996;fax:þ86(0)2788015996E-mail addresses:2001zhaomeng@ (M.Zhao),y.fang@ (Y.Fang).Contents lists available at ScienceDirectFood Hydrocolloidsjournal homepa ge:/locate/foodhyd0268-005X/$e see front matter Ó2014Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved./10.1016/j.foodhyd.2014.01.021Food Hydrocolloids 39(2014)295e300In this paper,CaCO3and Ca-EDTA were used to prepare micro-capsules of L.acidophilus CGMCC1.2686,via the approach of emulsification/internal gelation under acidification.Physical prop-erties of alginate-Ca-EDTA and alginate-CaCO3microcapsules,such as size,morphology,mechanical strength and viscoelasticity were investigated.The corresponding bacteria encapsulation yield and cell survivals in simulated gastric juice(SGJ)and bile salts solution (BS)were compared.2.Materials and methods2.1.MaterialsSodium alginate was obtained from FMC BioPolymer(Phila-delphia,USA).Ca-EDTA was purchased from Aladdin Chemistry Co. Ltd(China),which is in powder form and of analytical reagent. Nano-sized CaCO3powder was purchased from Zhenxin Reagent Factory(Shanghai,China),which is also of analytical grade.Bile salt No.3,pepsin(3000U/mg)and the other chemicals were purchased from Sinopharm Chemical Reagent Co.,Ltd(Shanghai,China).2.2.Microorganism and cultivationL.acidophilus CGMCC1.2686was purchased from China General Microbiological Culture Collection Center.This strain was statio-narily cultivated in the de-Man,Rogosa and Sharpe(MRS)medium (De Man,Rogosa,&Sharpe,1960)at37 C for24h.The cells were collected at the late log phase by centrifugation at8000g for 10min,washed twice with sterile saline solution(9g/L NaCl)and re-suspended in the saline solution,resulting in a cell concentrate of about9log colony-forming units per mL(cfu/mL).2.3.MicroencapsulationMicrospheres were prepared by emulsification/internal gelation (Poncelet et al.,1992;Zou et al.,2011)with slight modification.The emulsification and gelation steps were performed in a500mL beaker and using an IKa-Eurostar mixer(Staufen,Germany)with an anchor impeller.Stock solution of750mM Ca-EDTA and stock sus-pension of500mM CaCO3were prepared by dispersing dry powder in Millipore water.When CaCO3was used as calcium source,3g sodium alginate powder,7.5mL suspension of500mM CaCO3and 89.5g water was mixed together.Particularly,CaCO3suspension was ultrasounded for20min before mixing to obtain a homogenous suspension.When Ca-EDTA was used as calcium source,3g sodium alginate powder,5mL solution of750mM Ca-EDTA and92g water was mixed.The above mixtures(3%w/w alginate and37.5mM Calcium)were agitated on a roller mixer at ambient temperature overnight to ensure complete hydration.Cell mixture of LAB,2.0% (w/w)sodium alginate and25mM Calcium(Ca-EDTA or CaCO3)was prepared by well blending10mL cell concentrated suspension with 20mL of the above3%w/w alginate mixture.The cell mixture was then dispersed into70mL soybean oil containing1%(v/v)Span-80. After emulsification for15min at300rpm,20mL soybean oil con-taining glacial acetic acid(0.9g)was added to achieve afinal pH value of3.5.After a continuous stirring at100rpm for30min, phosphate buffer(0.1M,pH7)was added to separate the micro-spheres from the oil phase.The microspheres were washed with buffer until no oil was left,and were harvested by centrifugation (10,000g,4 C,10min)and stored at4 C for further analysis.2.4.Morphology and size distribution analysisMicrosphere morphology was investigated using optical mi-croscope(BT-1600,Dandong Bettersize,China)and scanning electron microscope(SEM)(JEOL JSM-6390lv,Tokyo,Japan).Size distribution was measured in distilled water using Malvern Mas-tersizer2000(Malvern Instruments Ltd,Malvern,UK).Particle size is expressed as volume mean diameter(m m).Particle size distri-bution is calculated using span factor as an index:span¼[D(v, 90)ÀD(v,10)]/D(v,50),where D(v,90),D(v,10)and D(v,50)are the diameters at90%,10%and50%of the cumulative volume,respec-tively(Lefebvre,1993).It provides a direct indication of the range of droplet sizes relative to volume median diameter,and a higher value of span indicates a wider distribution in size and a higher polydispersity(Lefebvre,1993).2.5.Mechanical strength and viscoelasticity measurementsMechanical strength and viscoelasticity of the microspheres were evaluated on a Haake Rheostress6000rheometer(Thermo Scientific,USA)with a parallel plate geometry(35mm in diameter) at25 C.Mechanical strength was determined by compression using the normal force mode of the rheometer.3g Microsphere slurry was loaded onto the measuring plate and was pressed by the upper plate at a constant speed of0.005mm/s,from an initial gap of 1mm to afinal gap of0.15mm.The change of normal force(F n) during the compression was recorded to characterize the me-chanical strength of microsphere.Viscoelastic properties were evaluated using a dynamic oscillatory mode.Storage(G0)and loss (G00)moduli were recorded in the frequency range of1e100rad/s and within the linear viscoelastic region of the microspheres.2.6.Encapsulation yieldA previously reported procedure was adopted to calculate the encapsulation yield of microcapsules(Zou et al.,2011).One gram of the microspheres was added to9g pre-warmed(37 C)peptone saline(PS,1g/L peptone,8.5g/L NaCl).The suspension was ho-mogenized(PT-MR2100,Kinematica,Switzerland)for30s at 10000rpm and was then gently shaked in a rotary shaker for 30min.The encapsulation yield(EY)of microcapsules was calcu-lated as:EY¼NN0*100%where N is the number of viable cells released from the micro-spheres and N0is the number of viable cells in the cell concentrate for microencapsulation.The enumeration of viable cells in micro-sphere or cell concentrate was carried out through10-fold serial dilutions,spread plating on MRS agar,and counting the number of colonies formed on the plates after anaerobic incubation at37 C for48h(Conway,Gorbach,&Goldin,1987;De Man et al.,1960).2.7.Survival of free and microencapsulated L.acidophilusCGMCC1.2686in SGJSimulated gastric juice(SGJ)was prepared according to a pre-vious report(Nag,Han,&Singh,2011),which consisted of0.2%(w/ v)NaCl and0.32%(w/v)pepsin at pH2.0.One gram of microsphere slurry was added to9g pre-warmed(37 C)SGJ,and then incu-bated in a37 C water bath.After120min of incubation,the sample was removed and the pH was adjusted to6.0e8.0with1M NaOH to stop the enzymatic reaction.The viable cells in microcapsules after exposure to SGJ were enumerated by breaking the microcapsules, shaking,dilution,spread plating,anaerobic incubation and count-ing,as described in Section2.6.Blank control in saline solution(9g/ L NaCl),instead of SGJ,was analyzed to measure the initial counts. The same approach was taken for free cells to determine theS.Cai et al./Food Hydrocolloids39(2014)295e300 296survival in SGJ.Samples were plated in triplicate for each dilution level to obtain mean values.Cell survival rate in SGJ(R SGJ)was calculated according to the following formula:R SGJ¼N SGJ0ÀSGJ*100%where N SGJ is the number of viable cells in microcapsules after exposure to SGJ,and N0-SGJ is the initial counts from the blank control test,using saline solution instead of SGJ.2.8.Survival of free and microencapsulated L.acidophilusCGMCC1.2686in BSCell survival in bile salts solution(BS)was conducted as re-ported previously(Nag et al.,2011).BS consisted of0.68%(w/w) KH2PO4and1.0%(w/w)bile salts at pH6.8.One gram of micro-capsules was added into9g pre-warmed(37 C)BS,and incubated at100rpm in a37 C water bath.Microsphere suspension was sampled after30min of incubation.The viable cells in microcap-sules after exposure to BS were counted following the procedure of enumerating viable cells exposed to SBJ(Section2.7).Blank control in saline solution,instead of BS,was analyzed to measure the initial counts.The same approach was taken for free cells to determine the survival in BS.Cell survival rate in BS(R BS)was calculated from the following equation:R BS¼N BS0ÀBS*100%where N BS is the number of viable cells in microcapsules after exposure to BS,and N0-BS is the initial counts from the blank control test,using saline solution instead of BS.3.Results and discussion3.1.Toxicology evaluation of Ca-EDTA and EDTABefore using Ca-EDTA for encapsulation,the toxicity of Ca-EDTA to the target encapsulated cell(L.acidophilus CGMCC1.2686)should be evaluated.EDTA has been reported to have in vitro inhibitory activity against bacteria(Chang,Gu,&McLandsborough,2012; Chudzik,Malm,Rautar,&Polz-Dacewicz,2007;Gil,Casanova,& Martínez,1994;Raad et al.,2003).The biological activity of EDTA (Na2H2EDTA)has been attributed to its ability to bind free metal ions essential for membrane stabilization and bacterial metabolism (Chang et al.,2012;Raad et al.,2003).In our experiment,we used Ca-EDTA(Na2CaEDTA),which is in chelation form at neutral pH and should exert rare harm to cells.After acid was added to the mixture of alginate and Ca-EDTA,free Ca2þions was rapidly released and react with alginate to form gel.The gel structure can to some extent protect cells from Na2H2EDTA.A control study was done by incubating30mL mixture of L.acidophilus cell(about10log cfu)and EDTA(Na2H2EDTA,final concentration25mM)or Ca-EDTA(Na2CaEDTA,final concentration 25mM)at37 C for1h.Results showed that no decline of LAB viable cells with Ca-EDTA occurred and there was26.4Æ0.8% decline of LAB viable cells with EDTA.This pre-experiment indi-cated that Ca-EDTA was suitable to be a harmless calcium source to encapsulate L.acidophilus cell,although Na2H2EDTA has some passive effect on cells of L.acidophilus CGMCC1.2686.3.2.Morphology and size distribution of alginate microcapsulesAs illustrated in Fig.1,optical micrographs of wet alginate-Ca-EDTA and alginate-CaCO3microcapsules exhibited good dispersion and pared to alginate-CaCO3microspheres, alginate-Ca-EDTA microspheres looked more uniform in size.Mean diameter and span factors measured using Mastersizer2000are presented in Table1.Span factor represents the polydispersity of microspheres.The mean diameter of alginate-Ca-EDTA micro-spheres was343m m,while that of alginate-CaCO3microspheres was323m m.The span factor of alginate-Ca-EDTA and alginate-CaCO3microspheres was0.96Æ0.05and1.20Æ0.04,respectively, indicating that the former is more uniform in size.This agrees with the micrograph observations in Fig.1.The difference in size dis-tribution might be due to the difference in water solubility between Ca-EDTA and CaCO3.Ca-EDTA is water-soluble and can mix well with sodium alginate solutions,thus producing uniform droplets during emulsification.On the other hand,insoluble CaCO3sus-pended in sodium alginate solutions might impede emulsification, producing droplets with broad size distribution.Scanning electron micrographs of freeze dried microcapsules are shown in Fig.2.Alginate-CaCO3microcapsule(Fig.2(b))was spherical while alginate-Ca-EDTA(Fig.2(a))wasflaky.It seems that the structure of alginate-CaCO3microcapsules was denser than that of alginate-Ca-EDTA microcapsules.The surfaces of the two mi-crospheres were quite rough.It has been reported that the wrinkled surface was probably due to the loss of water during free drying process(Li&Chen,2009).3.3.Mechanical properties of alginate microcapsulesMechanical strength and viscoelasticity of the alginate micro-capsules were compared.Mechanical strength was evaluated in compression tests and the normal force e distance curves are shown in Fig.3(a).During compression and with decreasing distance h,FnFig.1.Optical micrographs of L.acidophilus CGMCC1.2686-loaded alginate microcapsules prepared by emulsification/internal gelation:(a)alginate-Ca-EDTA microcapsules;(b) alginate-CaCO3microcapsules.S.Cai et al./Food Hydrocolloids39(2014)295e300297was first constant and nearly zero,but started to increase sharply when the gap between the parallel plates decreased to a critical value.The critical values were about 0.3mm and 0.4mm for alginate-Ca-EDTA and alginate-CaCO 3microcapsules,respectively,and are comparable to the mean diameters reported in Table 1.It could be explained that the micro-beads slid each other at the beginning of the compression,thus a small and stable normal force was detected.When the gap decreased to roughly the diameter of the microspheres,a monolayer of the micro-beads started to sus-tain force and thus F n increased sharply.Interesting,the critical gap for alginate-CaCO 3microcapsules was slightly bigger,which was possibly due to a more broad size distribution.The extremely large particles could sense force earlier during compression.The maximum F n corresponded to the point at which the microcapsules were broken and thus was de fined as fracture force.The fracture force for alginate-CaCO 3and alginate-Ca-EDTA microcapsules was 14.81Æ0.09N and 5.40Æ0.11N,respectively,suggesting a much higher mechanical strength for alginate-CaCO 3microcapsules.Fig.3(b)shows the viscoelastic properties of alginate-CaCO 3and alginate-Ca-EDTA microcapsules.Viscoelastic properties were measured by dynamic oscillatory rheology.G 0and G 00represent the elasticity and viscosity of the measured materials,respectively.For both types of the microcapsules,G 0>G 00and was almost inde-pendent of frequency.This is characteristic of elastic bodies and is expected for the gelled parison of alginate-CaCO 3and alginate-Ca-EDTA shows that the former had a larger G 0,indicating that the alginate-CaCO 3microcapsules were more elastic than alginate-Ca-EDTA.Take the G 0and G 00values at 1rad/s for example.G 0and G 00values of alginate-CaCO 3microcapsules were 228.56and 21.64Pa,respectively,while those of alginate-Ca-EDTA were 102.46and 9.35Pa,respectively.Both the compression test and the dynamic oscillatory rheology pointed to a higher mechanical strength and a larger elasticity for alginate-CaCO 3microcapsules than alginate-Ca-EDTA.This is sup-ported by the denser structure of alginate-CaCO 3microcapsules as observed by SEM (Fig.2).It is surprising to see the big difference in mechanical strength and elasticity between alginate-CaCO 3and alginate-Ca-EDTA microspheres.One possible reason might be that after gelation/solidi fication of alginate capsules the pH of the sys-tem was adjusted back to nearly neutral pH using phosphate buffer.The increased chelating ability of EDTA with Ca ions at neutral pH might decrease the integrity of Ca-crosslinked alginate network,resulting in a decreased mechanical strength of alginate capsules.3.4.Encapsulation yield and cell survivals in SGJ and BSIn order to compare the protection ef ficiency of alginate-Ca-EDTA and alginate-CaCO 3microcapsules for L.acidophilus CGMCC1.2686,the encapsulation yield and cell survivals in SGJ and BS were measured.As shown in Table 2,the encapsulation yields of alginate-Ca-EDTA and alginate-CaCO 3microcapsules were 37.9Æ0.03%and 36.9Æ0.02%,respectively.The encapsulation yields of this LAB are lower than those of Bi fidobacterium bi fidum F-35(in the range of 43e 50%)(Zou et al.,2011)and yeast cells (Y235)(77%)(Song,Yu,Gao,Liu,&Ma,2013)in alginate microcapsules prepared by a similar technique of emulsi fication/internal gelation.This is probably due to the vulnerability of L.acidophilus CGMCC1.2686in acidic condition and a larger amount of glacial acetic acid used during capsule preparation.After exposure to SGJ for 120min,survivals of free cells and encapsulated cells in alginate-Ca-EDTA and alginate-CaCO 3micro-capsules were 1.00Æ0.45*10À4%,7.1Æ 2.73%and 22.2Æ0.18%,respectively (Table 2),demonstrating that the microencapsulation greatly improved probiotic resistance to acidic condition,which is in agreement with the previous reports (Larisch et al.,1994;Poncelet et al.,1992).The cell survival of alginate-CaCO 3microcapsules was three times higher than that of alginate-Ca-EDTA microcapsules,indicating that alginate-CaCO 3microcapsule provided a more ef fi-cient protection for L.acidophilus CGMCC1.2686against acidic injury.This might be explained by the better mechanical properties and denser structure of the alginate-CaCO 3microcapsules,as dis-cussed earlier.Moreover,EDTA is a well-known antimicrobial chemical (Chang et al.,2012;Raad et al.,2003),which might cause some damage to L.acidophilus CGMCC1.2686.After exposure to BS for 30min,survivals of free and encapsu-lated L.acidophilus CGMCC1.2686in alginate-CaCO 3microcapsule were 6.90Æ 1.19*10À5%and 2.60Æ0.13*10À2%,respectively.Interestingly,no viable cells were detected for alginate-Ca-EDTA microcapsule.Higher cell survival in BS of alginate-CaCO 3micro-capsules than free probiotics suggests that the microencapsulation in alginate-CaCO 3effectively improved cell resistance to bile salts,which might be due to the reduced porosity (Fig.2(b))of the alginate-CaCO 3beads as a result of the improved mechanical strength.On the other hand,lower cell survival in BS of alginate-Ca-EDTA microcapsules than that of free probiotics demonstrated that cell survival in microcapsules related not only to the physical as-pects of the protection (such as structure and mechanical strengthTable 1Mean diameter and span factor of alginate-Ca-EDTA and alginate-CaCO 3microcapsules.Alginate-Ca-EDTAAlginate-CaCO 3Mean size (m m)343Æ26323Æ21Span factor0.96Æ0.051.20Æ0.04Fig.2.Scanning electron micrographs of L.acidophilus CGMCC1.2686-loaded alginate microcapsules after freeze drying:(a)alginate-Ca-EDTA microcapsules;(b)alginate-CaCO 3microcapsules.S.Cai et al./Food Hydrocolloids 39(2014)295e 300298of microcapsules),but also to its chemical aspects (such as toxicity of EDTA and bile salts).EDTA reduced the cell membrane stability of bacteria by complexing divalent cations that acted as salt bridges between membrane macromolecules (Chang et al.,2012;Raad et al.,2003),while bile acid and its derivatives from bile salts behaved as biological surfactants,inserting inside the cell mem-brane and damaging the membrane integrity (Provenzano,Lauriano,&Klose,2001;Sung,Shaffer,&Costerton,1993).The synergistic antibacterial effects of EDTA and bile salts overwhelmed the physical protection of microcapsules,resulting in no survival of L.acidophilus CGMCC1.2686.Mechanical strength is one of the most important physical properties of microcapsules regarding the survivability of pro-biotics.Sandoval-Castilla,Lobato-Calleros,García-Galindo,Alvarez-Ramírez,and Vernon-Carter (2010)found that the survivability of Lactobacillus casei in yoghurt,and in simulated gastric juice,was positively correlated with the hardness (that is mechanical strength)and the diameter of the beads.Chan et al.(2011)used starch to fill in the Ca-alginate microcapsules,which improved the mechanical strength,flowability and sphericity of the dried beads and reduced their porosity and pore size,thus signi ficantly enhancing viability of Lactobacillus casei 01during lyophilization and storage.Similar results were obtained in our work.It appears that the reduced porosity (Fig.2(b))of the alginate-CaCO 3beads as a result of the improved mechanical strength (Fig.3)is linked to the higher encapsulation yield,and the higher survival rates in SGJ andin BS (Tables 1and 2).Correlation between LAB survivability in SGJ and in BS and the textural properties of the microcapsules will be researched further.4.ConclusionsCompared with insoluble CaCO 3,the soluble complex Ca-EDTA permitted the formation of beads with more uniform size distri-bution.However,alginate-CaCO 3microcapsule had denser struc-ture,higher fracture force and larger elasticity.Cell survivals of L.acidophilus CGMCC1.2686in both SGJ and BS of alginate-CaCO 3microcapsule were higher than those of alginate-Ca-EDTA.CaCO 3seemed to a more suitable calcium source than Ca-EDTA to solidify alginate for the encapsulation of L.acidophilus CGMCC1.2686using the emulsi fication/internal gelation method.AcknowledgementsThis research was supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Hubei Province (2012FFB00705),National Natural Science Foundation of China (31322043,31171751),the Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University (NCET-12-0710),the Key Project of Chinese Ministry of Education (212117),the Key Project of Natural Science Foundation of Hubei Province (2012FFA004),and the Team Project from the Hubei Provincial Department of Educa-tion (T201307).ReferencesAllémann,E.,Leroux,J.-C.,&Gurny,R.(1998).Polymeric nano-and microparticlesfor the oral delivery of peptides and peptidomimetics.Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews,34(2e 3),171e 189.Anal,A.K.,&Singh,H.(2007).Recent advances in microencapsulation of probioticsfor industrial applications and targeted 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intestinal cells.Journal of Dairy Science,70(1),1e 12.De Man,J.C.,Rogosa,M.,&Sharpe,M.E.(1960).A medium for the cultivation ofLactobacilli .Journal of Applied Bacteriology,23(1),130e 135.Gacesa,P.(1988).Alginates.Carbohydrate Polymers,8(3),161e 182.Table 2Encapsulation yield (EY),and cell survival rate in SGJ (R SGJ )and in BS (R BS )of alginate-Ca-EDTA and alginate-CaCO 3microcapsules.Alginate-Ca-EDTAAlginate-CaCO 3Free cells N EY 4.46Æ0.10*1010 2.39Æ0.11*1010e N 01.21Æ0.73*1011 6.30Æ0.66*1010e EY (%)36.9Æ0.0237.9Æ0.03eN SGJ 2.24Æ0.12*107 4.29Æ0.27*107 2.67Æ1.53*102N 0-SGJ 3.17Æ0.68*108 1.93Æ0.11*108 2.68Æ0.49*108R SGJ (%)7.1Æ2.7322.2Æ0.18 1.00Æ0.45*10À4N BS ND1.80Æ0.23*106 3.80Æ0.47*102N 0-BS 1.55Æ0.16*109 6.90Æ0.88*109 5.50Æ0.50*108R BS (%)2.60Æ0.13*10À26.90Æ1.19*10À5N :The number of viable cells released from the microcapsules.N 0:The number of viable cells in the cell concentrate for microencapsulation.N SGJ :The number of viable cells in microcapsules after exposure to SGJ.N 0-SGJ :The initial counts from the blank control test,using saline solution instead of SGJ.N BS :The number of viable cells in microcapsules after exposure to BS.N 0-BS :The initial counts from the blank control test,using saline solution instead ofBS.Fig.3.Mechanical strength and viscoelasticity of L.acidophilus CGMCC1.2686-loaded alginate-Ca-EDTA and alginate-CaCO 3microcapsules:(a)normal force (F n )-distance curves obtained by compression test;(b)storage (G 0)and loss (G 00)moduli as a function of frequency (u )measured by dynamic oscillatory rheology.S.Cai et al./Food Hydrocolloids 39(2014)295e 300299。

Bayersian modeling of the microscopic traffic charaterristices of overtaking in two lane highways

Bayersian modeling of the microscopic traffic charaterristices of overtaking in two lane highways

Bayesian modeling of the microscopic traffic characteristics of overtaking in two-lane highwaysEleni I.Vlahogianni ⇑,John C.GoliasNational Technical University of Athens,5Iroon Polytechniou Str.,Zografou Campus,15773Athens,Greecea r t i c l e i n f o Article history:Received 15November 2011Received in revised form 13February 2012Accepted 17February 2012Keywords:Overtaking maneuver Two-lane highwaysMicroscopic traffic flow characteristics Driving simulator Bayesian networksa b s t r a c tBayesian networks are employed to model the uncertainty hindering in the overtaking behavior of young drivers in two-lane highways and reveal the traffic related microscopic characteristics that may influence the decision to overtake.Results using data from an experiment conducted on driving simulator show that male drivers,on average,accept smaller gaps for overtaking than female drivers.For both male and female drivers,the spacing with the lead and the opposing vehicle is more influential to the probability to overtake compared to vehicle speed.Moreover,a thorough look at the relationships between the microscopic traffic characteristics and the probability to overtake reveals dif-ferences between male and female drivers regarding the road traffic scene appraisal mech-anism on the emergence of an opportunity to overtake.Ó2012Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.1.IntroductionOvertaking in two-lane highways has been for long a critical consideration in traffic engineering.Overtaking involves a chain of actions related to accelerating,braking and steering of the vehicle,while the driver may a priori or concurrently have to observe,analyze and judge in order to make a decision of which action to take.The lack of the ability to overtake may result to large queues formation,traffic capacity decrease,as well as environmental impacts (HCM2000).Overtaking involves abrupt and short-term decision making,it may easily result to an increased in the accident risk (Bar-Gera &Shinar,2005).Until now,research on overtaking in two-lane highways have focused on modeling the sight distance (Glennon,1988;Brown &Hummer,2000;Harwood,Gilmore,&Richard,2010;Llorca &Garcia,2011;Polus,Livneh,&Frischer,2000),the lateral displacement during overtaking (Charlton,2007),the speeds of both the vehicle overtaking and the lead vehicle (Bar-Gera &Shinar,2005)or the speed difference between the vehicle overtaking and the lead vehicle (Jenkins &Rilett,2004),as well as the gap acceptance of impatient drivers (Pollatschek &Polus,2005).Other studies have focused on the fre-quency and type of overtakes (Hegeman,2004)and the categorization of the overtaking based on whether the driver changes its driving (accelerating of decelerating)or conduct an overtaking,without altering his/her speed (Jenkins &Rilett,2004).Moreover,a recent focus is on the modeling of the Time-To-Collision (TTC),an indicator widely considered in traffic safety (Farah,Bekhor,&Polus,2009;Kiefer,Flannagan,&Jerome,2006).Moreover,the macroscopic characteristics of traffic flow,such as the variations of volume in both directions have been also found to be critical in the overtaking process in two-lane highways (Romana,1999).Regarding methodologies,until recently the analytical approaches to model overtaking behavior in two-lane highways have dominated the literature (Glennon,1988,Rilett,Hutchinson,&Whitney,1990,AASHTO,1994;Brown &Hummer,2000;Hassan,Easa,&Abd El Halim,1996;Liu &Herman,1996;Polus et al.,2000);these models have been quite popular 1369-8478/$-see front matter Ó2012Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved./10.1016/j.trf.2012.02.002⇑Corresponding author.Tel.:+302107721369;fax:+302107721454.E-mail addresses:elenivl@central.ntua.gr (E.I.Vlahogianni),igolias@central.ntua.gr (J.C.Golias).E.I.Vlahogianni,J.C.Golias/Transportation Research Part F15(2012)348–357349 in highway design and have mainly focused on minimum sight distance and critical gap consideration.Microscopic simula-tion has also been used to describe overtaking;Farah and Toledo(2010)review the simulation tools for two-lane highways that incorporate overtaking models but underline their lack of complexity.Bella and D’Agostini(2010)also emphasize the significant restrictions that microscopic simulation imposes on the modeling of the behavioral characteristics of overtaking and state that the driver behavior in real road traffic is more diverse and less predictable than can be implemented within a model.Interestingly,until now the overtaking models have been mainly based on observations and manual video data collection. Manual data collection from video recordings has been popular over the years(Gattis,Alguire,Townsend,&Rao,1997;Llorca &Garcia,2011;Polus et al.,2000).However,video recordings does not provide an efficient manner for continuously collect-ing detailed microscopic traffic variables and,thus,fully describe complex driving maneuvers,such as overtaking during the process of driving.The required data should be of high resolution and detailed in the parameters in order to capture the diversity and abrupt changes in driving styles imposed by the abrupt decisions the driver has to make just before or during overtake.Such data collection has for long been a serious consideration.Apart from video recordings,other methods imple-mented include manual data collection from observations and moving observer methods(Hassan et al.,1996;Hegeman, Hoogendoorn,&Brookhuis,2005)or instrumented vehicles(Lerner,Steinberg,Huey,&Hanscom,2000;Llorca,García,Perez, &Moreno,2012).An efficient approach to reveal the factors that affect overtaking is the driving simulators.Driving simulators extend the capabilities of the microscopic simulation models by continuously tracking the drivers’actions or reactions to stimuli from diverse road,traffic and control environments in a‘‘safe’’and‘‘low-cost’’experimental environment;in this way,the impact of extreme and/or non recurrent conditions–for example adverse weather,critical geometry,extreme driver’s conditions, e.g.impaired drivers,or combination of the above–on driving and accident risk may be evaluated,while different traffic engineering improvements or the effect of Intelligent Transportation Systems on driving may be tested(Underwood, Crundall,&Chapman,2011).An important feature of driving simulators is that,when they involve a high degree of realism imposed by sophisticated motion and visual systems,they may enable the researchers to fully evaluate the manner the driver perceives and interacts with the road environment(Bella&D’Agostini,2010).The use of driving simulators is almost dominant in recent drivers behavioral studies and includes studies on the control strategies and decision making of drivers who were executing overtaking maneuvers(Gray&Regan,2005),the speed difference threshold at which drivers will decide to pass(Bar-Gera&Shinar,2005),the effect of visibility(fog)(Kang,Ni,&Andersen,2008),alcohol and distraction (Rakauskas et al.,2008),the reaction of drivers to emergency response warning(Lenne,Triggs,Mulvihill,Regan,&Corben, 2008),drivers’faulty decision making in two-lane highways(Farah,Yechiam,Bekhor,Toledo,&Polus,2008),rear-end col-lision risk analysis in two-lane highways(Bella&D’Agostini,2010)and the desire to pass and the decision whether or not to accept an available passing gap in two-lane highways(Farah&Toledo,2010;Farah et al.,2009).A critical look at the literature shows that,although overtaking may be considered one of the most demanding maneuvers especially in terms of mental skills,the study of the younger drivers’behavior during overtaking has not yet been system-atically addressed.The interest in such a study stems from the fact that until now it has been systematically shown that younger drivers have a different perception of risk depicted by the more frequent overtaking than the other drivers,while they may react less efficiently due to their inexperience and recklessness(Bar-Gera&Shinar,2005;Matthews et al.,1998). Moreover,all modeling approaches documented so far are based on classical statistical inference;computational intelligence models for overtaking behavior have not been documented so putational intelligence approaches encompass several advantages over classical statistical modeling,such as the modeling complex non-linear data,the robustness over erroneous or missing values that may wellfit the uncertainty and complexity hindering overtaking maneuvers in two-lane highways (Karlaftis&Vlahogianni,2011).The present paper extends past research on driving simulators experiments for investigating the differences between young male and female drivers overtaking behavior in two-lane highways.A Bayesian framework is proposed to reveal the car following characteristics of traffic,such as the spacing from the lead and opposing vehicle,the subject vehicle’s speed, the lead vehicle’s speed and the opposing vehicle’s speed that may influence the overtaking likelihood.2.Bayesian networks for overtaking risk modelingBayesian Networks(BNs)are computational intelligence models for reasoning under uncertainty by combining probability and graph theory;probabilities act as a connector between simple parts that based on the graph theory form a complex modular system(Charniak,1991).BNs share the idea of conditional dependence between variables and the updating of knowl-edge based on Bayes’theorem.Their probabilistic nature may explicitly account for uncertainties frequently met in dynamical systems.Moreover,they can easily integrate qualitative and quantitative information,and/or erroneous or missing data in the modeling process(Uusitalo,2007).Bayesian networks can also be supplemented with decision support tools(Jensen,2001). BNs have been successfully applied to traffic analysis and forecasting(Castillo,Menendez,&Sanchez-Cambronero,2008; Vlahogianni,Webber,Geroliminis,&Skabardonis,2007)and incident detection and analysis(Lee&Wei,2010;Vlahogianni, Karlaftis,Golias,&Halkias,2010).Ellison(2004)concisely summarizes the differences between Bayesian and frequentist inference into four issues:First, frequentist inference estimates the probability of the data having occurred given a particular hypothesis,whereas Bayesianinference provides a quantitative measure of the probability of a hypothesis being true in light of the available data.Second, according to frequentists,probability is defined in terms of long-run(infinite)relative frequencies of events,whereas Bayes-ian inference defines probability as an individual’s degree of belief in the likelihood of an event.Third,frequentist inference uses the sample data,whereas Bayesian inference uses prior knowledge along with the sample data.Fourth,Bayesian infer-ence treats model parameters as random variables whereas frequentist inference considers them to be estimates offixed,‘‘true’’quantities.It is common to consider BNs with discrete variables;nevertheless,it is possible to work with some continuous distribu-tions(Jensen,2001).A formalism of(discrete)BNs is as follows:A Bayesian network BN¼h N;L;H i is a directed acyclic graph h N;L i of n2N nodes that represent the x i random variables of the network(Pearl,1988).Nodes are connected by links l2L that describe the probabilistic relationship between interconnected nodes;this relationship is quantified using a conditionalprobability distribution h i2H for each node n i(Friedman,Geiger,&Goldszmidt,1997):h xi j P xi¼P Bðx i j P xiÞ,where P xi2P X i,where P Xistands for the set of parents of X i in the network.Independency between variables is denoted by the lack of a link.A BN defines a unique joint probability distribution over X given by(Friedman et al.,1997):P Bðx1;...;x nÞ¼Y ni¼1P Bðx i j P xiÞ¼Y ni¼1h i j Piðx i j P xiÞð1ÞA Gaussian BN is a BN where the joint probability distribution associated with its variables X is a multivariate normal distribution N(l,R),where l is the n-dimensional mean vector and R the positive definite covariance matrix of dimension nÂn(Castillo et al.,2008).In this paper the focus in on developing discrete BNs classifiers.The general framework for classification using BNs is as follows:given the characteristics x i2X as inputs(for example the riding parameters)and a set of classes Z(for example the riding situations),a new unclassified observation S can be assigned to a class by the rule(Friedman et al.,1997):classifyðx1;...;x nÞ¼arg maxn pðzÞY ni¼1pðx i z jÞð2ÞThe classifier presented by Eq.(2)is called naive Bayes and can be extended to represent the dependences among attri-butes by letting each attribute have connections with only one parent from another attribute node apart from the class node; these networks are called Tree Augmented naive Bayes(TAN)and are found to be more accurate than naive Bayes and still maintain low structural complexity(Friedman et al.,1997).The BN development involves the structural and the parameters’learning.Structural learning is based on a maximum spanning tree algorithm(Friedman et al.,1997).In brief,the optimization problem consists onfinding a tree defining func-tion over the random variables x i such that the log likelihood is maximized.For quantifying the amount of informationflow between two nodes x i and x j the concept of mutual information is utilized.The mutual information Iðx i;x jÞbetween variables x i and x j measures the expected information gained about x j,after observing the value of the variable x i(Friedman et al., 1997):Iðx i;x jÞ¼Xx i2X;x j2X Pðx i;x jÞlogPðx i;x jÞi jð3ÞMoreover,the informationflow with respect to the set of‘‘evidence’’variables(condition-set),in this case the Class mem-bership Z Iðx i;x j j zÞis given by conditional mutual information(Friedman et al.,1997):Iðx i;x j j zÞ¼Xx i2X;x j2X;z2Z Pðx i;x j;zÞlogPðx i;x j j zÞPðx i j zÞPðx j j zÞð4ÞBased on conditional mutual information,Friedman et al.(1997)describe the learning procedure usingfive steps:First, the algorithm computes the conditional mutual information between each pair of variables,x i and x j,where i–j.Then,it builds a complete undirected graph in which the vertices are the variables in X.Following,the edges are annotated using the weight of an edge connecting x i and x j quantified by the conditional mutual information.Based on these weights a max-imum weighted spanning tree is created.Next,the algorithm transforms the resulting undirected tree to a directed one by choosing a root variable and setting the direction of all edges to be outward from it.Finally,the algorithm constructs a TAN model by adding a vertex labeled by C(where C is the class variable)and adding an arc from C to each x i.This approach is an alternative to the popular approach of Chow and Liu(1968)that have shown that this procedurefinds the tree that maxi-mizes the likelihood given the data.3.The experimentThe experiment is conducted in the Traffic Engineering Laboratory of the School of Civil Engineering at the National Tech-nical University of Athens(Greece).The driving simulator is a Dr.Foerst F12PF-3A88-NR Simulator with a Ford Focus cabin and a Motion System equipped with a pitching and a rolling stand to simulate acceleration forces and ascends.The virtual visibility angle is180°.The driving scenarios refer to a route of5km two-lane highway section with lane width3.6km.The 350 E.I.Vlahogianni,J.C.Golias/Transportation Research Part F15(2012)348–357E.I.Vlahogianni,J.C.Golias/Transportation Research Part F15(2012)348–357351 selected route encompasses extended straight sections followed by high angle curvatures for maximizing sight distance.The scenario akos refers tofine weather conditions.From the5km,thefirst2were used for the familiarization of the driver with the conditions and the simulator and the following3km for the real experiment and the data recording.The decision for such a short route was made in order to avoid possible sickness symptoms(e.g.eye stain,dizziness,and headache)due to extended exposure to the driving simulator(Jenkins&Rilett,2004).Moreover,in order to avoid duplication of driving scenarios,for each participant,the position and the speeds of vehicles are randomly initiated.Speeds are normally distributed with mean value60km/h and standard deviation6km/h.During the driving scenario,in each time interval(33ms),all vehicles positions and speeds,as well as the time the driver steps on the opposing lane are calculated.The above are used to calculate the following microscopic traffic variables for modeling the overtaking behavior:The speed of the subject vehicle S(km/h),The speed of the lead vehicle S l(km/h),The speed of the opposing lane vehicle S o(km/h),The spacing from the lead vehicle d(m),The spacing from the opposing vehicle d o(m).Regarding the detection of overtaking attempts,it is assumed that a driver begins to think whether to overtake or not when he/shefirst sees the lead vehicle.Evidently,the decision to overtake in a two-lane highway requires that the driver enters the opposing traffic lane with the most imminent accident risk coming from the opposing traffic.Consequently,in order to overtake,there should be adequate gap between vehicles of the opposing traffic.For the specific experiment,every opposing traffic gap is considered as a chance to overtake;this chance ends by the time the opposing car passes by the sub-ject vehicle,while a new chance for overtaking begins.Each time,the driver may decide to accept the gap and overtake or not to pass the lead ing this approach,all overtaking attempts are codified with1,if the overtaking attempt is suc-cessful,and0,in any other case.4.The participantsThe sample involves57participants between20–28years old,51%male and49%female,with a driving license of at least 1year old.Before the experiments,all participants were suggested to drive with their usual style.After the completion of the experiment each participantfilled in a questionnaire.The questionnaire involved three parts of questions:in thefirst part, questions aimed at gathering the basic characteristics of the sample,such as age,gender,years of licensing,km travelled per week,whether or not drivers were involved in an accident the last3years and its severity(damages,injuries,fatalities).The second part aimed at evaluating the degree of realism of the simulator as perceived by the participants.In particular,the participants were asked to evaluate using a scale from1to10(fully compatible to reality)at what degree the simulator’s driving environment may resemble to the real driving environment,whether they perceived a change in the manner they had driven on the simulator compared to their usual driving style in terms of risk(yes for change,no for not change), and if their behavior was influenced,in what degree they judged this influence(limited,medium or strong change).The third section referred to the real driving behavior or the participants,if they perceive their behavior as aggressive in general(scale 1to10,10being very aggressive),if they usually exceed the speed limits and how often.Table1shows the descriptive statistics of the participants’sample data,for all the entire sample,as well as only for the male and female drivers.The results of a Wilcoxon Signed Rank test,a nonparametric version of the paired t-test that com-pares the sizes of the positive differences to the sizes of the negative differences(Conover,1999),show that,at99%signif-icance level,apart from the number of accidents involved,there exist no significant difference between the age,km travelled of the male and female drivers.Moreover,Fig.1shows the distribution of overtakes with age,years of license and km trav-eled for both male and female drivers.Although thesefigures cannot describe the interactions of the age,the years of license and the km per week traveled with the overtaking likelihood,there are quite informative in order to acquire a picture of the distributional characteristics of the sample of the observed overtakes with respect to the different characteristics of the male and female drivers.During the experiment1194overtaking chances were observed.These chances can be classified into those that resulted in an overtaking,those that did not resulted in an overtaking and those that resulted in an aborted overtaking;the last were few(<1%)and,therefore,were omitted from further modeling.Approximately25%of the total overtaking chances were suc-cessful.Approximately58%of the successful overtaking maneuvers were observed for male drivers,whereas unsuccessful overtakes were evenly distributed between male and female drivers.Regarding successful overtakes,the larger part of the observed overtaking maneuvers that took place involved accelerative maneuvers,meaning that the subject vehicle fol-lowed the lead vehicle and waited for a sufficient gap to perform the overtaking maneuver,only these were considered for further analysis.In a small percentage of overtakes(2%),the subject vehicle performed the maneuver without adjusting its speed with the lead vehicle(flying overtake);however,due to their small percentage,flying overtakes were jointly consid-ered with the accelerative overtakes.352 E.I.Vlahogianni,J.C.Golias/Transportation Research Part F15(2012)348–357Table1descriptive statistics of the participants’sample data.Mean Standard deviation Kurtosis Skewness Min MaxAll dataAge23.68 2.59À1.040.031928 Years of license 4.99 2.43À0.710.24110 km traveled248.1496.28À0.390.0850500 Nr.of accidents*0.450.50À1.960.2101MaleAge23.61 2.51À0.960.221928 Years of license 5.03 2.34À0.770.31110 km traveled275.0691.44À0.010.12100500 Nr.of accidents*0.720.45À1.02À0.9901FemaleAge23.74 2.68À1.09À0.141928 Years of license 4.96 2.52À0.690.19110 km traveled219.2092.97À0.920.0850400 Nr.of accidents a0.150.36 1.81 1.9501a In the last3years.Table2shows the descriptive statistics of the car-following characteristics of male and female participants at the emer-gence of an overtaking opportunity,as well as the results of the Wilcoxon Signed Rank test;at99%significance level,apart from the opposing vehicle spacing,there exist significant differences between the car-following characteristics of the male and female drivers.Finally,the analysis of the questionnaire responses reveals some qualitativefindings.On average,both male and female participants think on average that the simulated environment bares a good similarity to real driving conditions.However,all participants think that their driving behavior on the simulator was more reckless and aggressive than in real life.Moreover,a Wilcoxon Signed Rank test demonstrates that although male and female drivers provide similar rankings for the degree of realism of simulator environment,the distributions of rankings they provided on the change of their driving style they per-ceived on the simulator are not similar.On the manner they perceive their own driving behavior in real life situations,on average,all participants–regardless gender–state that they usually do not obey the speed limits;they frequently overtake the slow moving vehicle and characterize their own driving skills as being similar to other drivers.Further,a Wilcoxon Signed Rank test shows that male and female perception of their driving style differentiates regarding the distributional characteristics of the tendency to disobey in speed limits and the evaluation of their own skills compare to others.It is to note that by further studying the questionnaire results,meaningful information on the manner drivers perceive or evaluate their driving style and the simulator environment may be acquired.However,the further analysis of such information is beyond the scope of the paper.Fig.1.Distribution of overtakes with age,years of license and km traveled for male and female participants.For learning,continuous variables need to be discretized,since only very limited computational methods exist for dealing with continuous variables in BNs;a k-means approach is undertaken in order to convert the continuous variables to discrete.Evidently,based on the results depicted on Table 1,that demonstrate the differences between the distributions of the car-following characteristics for the male and female drivers,different discretization is utilized for male and female drivers,as seen in Table 3.Both models have high classification accuracy (mean absolute percent error 84.95%and 86.26%for male and female participants equally).Tables 4and 5summarize the results regarding the interrelations between the car-following characteristics and the prob-ability of overtaking (1for successful attempt to overtake and 0for unsuccessful attempt to overtake);results are summa-rized using the binary mutual information (Eq.(4)).Moreover,the mean and the modal (most probable)value of the car-following characteristics,along with its probability of occurrence are also presented.Observing the values of the mutual information,it is found that,for both successful and unsuccessful attempts to over-take,the spacing from the lead and the opposing vehicle is more influential than speeds in the probability to overtake;this finding applies to both male and female drivers.Moreover,in the case of male drivers,the speed of the driver seems to be more influential than the speed of the opposing vehicle,whereas the lead vehicles speed is the least influential parameter to the probability of pared to the male drivers,female drivers are more likely to be influenced first by the opposing traffic speed and then by their own speed and the lead vehicle’s speed.The mean and modal values of the microscopic parameters in Tables 4and 5reveal some interesting findings on the mean driving behavior can be inferred.On average,for male drivers that drive with speed less than 100km/h,an overtake may not be completed in case the spacing with the lead vehicle is very small and less than 30m and the spacing with the opposing traffic less than 270m;in the case the average spacing is higher than 270m male drivers will most likely succeed to over-take.Female drivers that drive –on average –with speed equal or less than 80km/h seem to be slightly more reluctant as they tend to reject 6%higher gaps with opposing traffic compared to male driver.Results also show that both male and fe-male considered overtaking in cases the other vehicles involved were moving with low speed,less than 70km/h.Figs.2and 3depict the relationship between the overtaking probability P(Overtake|...)and the spacing from the lead vehicle d and the opposing vehicle d o respectively.Fig.2shows that,on the emergence of an opportunity to overtake,the increase of the spacing with the lead vehicle results to a decrease of the probability to overtake for both male and female drivers;male drivers accept shorter spacing values from the lead vehicle when compared to women drivers.Moreover,re-sults point to the existence of a lead vehicle spacing threshold value under which the probability to overtake is higher for men than for women drivers;whereas for larger spacing values for the lead vehicle than the specific threshold,the overtak-ing probability is low,but higher for women compared to men drivers.Furthermore,the overtake probability increases withTable 2Descriptive statistics of the car-following characteristics and the results of the Wilcoxon Signed Rank test of male and female participants at the emergence of an overtaking opportunity.Speed (km/h)Lead vehicle speed (km/h)Spacing (m)Opposing vehicle speed (km/h)Opposing vehicle spacing (m)All participants Mean 75.0859.9719.4561.09331.03St.Dev.15.47 6.5916.98 6.73177.9Male Mean 78.2460.5620.3661.63308.11St.Dev.16.7 6.4614.22 6.56104.58Female Mean 71.0759.0618.3460.36359.72St.Dev.12.6 6.7520.27 6.99243.09Wilcoxon Test Statistic S 23,66212323.5À1800.510,434À6479Signed rankProb<S 1.0000.9990.3220.9970.048aaSignificant at 5%.Table 3Discretized car following variables.Spacing (m)Opposing vehicle spacing (m)Speed (km/h)Lead vehicle speed (km/h)Opposing vehicle speed (km/h)Male participants 63061706606506506706270680660660613064006100670670>130>400>100>70>70Female participants 6406170660650650680627068066066061406400690670670>140>400>90>70>70E.I.Vlahogianni,J.C.Golias /Transportation Research Part F 15(2012)348–357353。



ensemble报错英[ɒn'sɒmb(ə)l]美[ɑn'sɑmbl]跟读口语练习∙n. 全体;总效果;全套服装;全套家具;合奏组∙adv. 同时∙oxide-assistant growth氧化物辅助生长penetration[pen·e·tra·tion || ‚penɪ'treɪʃn]n.穿透; 穿透深度; 穿透能力; 渗透electrode[e·lec·trode || ɪ'lektrəʊd]n.电极weak[wɪːk]adj.不牢固的, 虚弱的, 弱的trivial[ˈtriviəl]a.琐碎的,不重要的type[taɪp]n.类型, 模范, 典型hybrid['haibrid]n.混血儿, 杂种, 混合物a.混合的, 杂种的, 混合语的potential barrier penetration 势垒贯穿linear harmonic oscillator 线性谐振子zero proint energy 零点能Coulomb field 库仑场operator 算符angular momentum operator 角动量算符eigen value 本征值secular equation 久期方程dipole transition 偶极子跃迁filter[fil·ter || 'fɪltə(r)]n.过滤器, 用于分隔过滤的东西;v.过滤, 走漏, 渗透; 滤过; 走漏; 渗入thermionic[,θә:mi'ɒnik]a.热离子的[电]热离energy barrier2能障(能量位垒)trade off物物交换, 交换; 权衡, 让步parameter[pa·ram·e·ter || pə'ræmɪtə(r)]n.参数, 参量; 界限; 因素, 特征;external[ex'ter·nal || -nl]n.外部; 外面adj.外部的, 表面的, 客观的finite[fi·nite || 'faɪnaɪt]adj.有限的; 限定的; 有穷的an idealized quantum wirecomplementaryadj.补充的; 补足的seebeck coefficient[电]塞贝克系数generic[ge·ner·ic || dʒɪ'nerɪk]adj.属的; 一般的; 类的tuning[tun·ing || 'tuːnɪŋ/'tju-]n.调音, 调律, 调整coefficient[co·ef·fi·cient || ‚kəʊɪ'fɪʃnt]n.系数power factor[化]功率因数evaluate[e·val·u·ate || ɪ'væljʊeɪt]v.评估, 赋值, 评价open circuit[化]开路; 断路[医]断路, 切断电路operatinga.操作的, 工作的, 营业上的, 业务的, 关于收支的, 关于损益的, 外科手术的approach[əˈprəutʃ]v.靠近n.接近,临近;途径;方式,方法chemical potential化学势mechanism[mech·a·nism || 'mekənɪzm]n.机械, 结构, 机构be independent of temperature.compare our results across the three systems configuration[con·fig·u·ra·tion || kən‚fɪgjʊ'reɪʃn] n.结构; 形态; 表面配置; 行星的方位for simplicity为简单起见symmetrically[si'metikli]ad.匀称地, 对称地equilibrium[,i:kwi'libriәm]n.平衡, 平静, 均衡[化]平衡[医]平衡at equilibriumnonlinear operationnonlinear[ˈnɔnˈliniə]非线性; 非线性的; 非直线型的非线性运算division[di·vi·sion || dɪ'vɪʒn]n.区分, 分开, 除法; 部门magnetotransport磁运输measurement['meas·ure·ment || 'meʒə(r)mənt] n.测量法; 尺寸; 度量presence[pres·ence || 'prezns]n.出席, 存在, 到场the orbital motion of electrons电子轨道运动preserveda.喝醉的[计]保留的spin-orbit interaction[化]自旋轨道偶合interaction[ˌintəˈrækʃən]n.相互作用,相互影响fluctuation[fluc·tu·a·tion || ‚flʌktʃʊ'eɪʃn]n.波动; 动摇; 变动deduce[diˈdju:s]vt.推论,推断,演绎ground state基态first excited statea fixed number of electronspromising['prom·is·ing || 'prɑmɪsɪŋ/'prɒm-] adj.有希望的, 前途有望的spintronics自旋电子学effective mass[电]有效质量magnetic moment[化]磁矩concerning[con'cerning || -nɪŋ]prep.关于spin[spin]n.旋转, 自旋, 疾驰, 情绪低落fabrication[fab·ri·ca·tion || ‚fæbrɪ'keɪʃn] n.制作; 伪造物; 构成fabrication[fab·ri·ca·tion || ‚fæbrɪ'keɪʃn] n.制作; 伪造物; 构成epitaxial[ˏepɪˋtæksɪəl]外延的render[ˈrendə]vt.使得,致使;给予,提供;翻译magnetic field磁场spectrum[spec·trum || 'spektrəm]n.谱; 频谱; 光谱; 射频频谱the quenching of the orbital momentum轨道动量的淬灭quantum devices量子器件nanomaterialparticle[par·ti·cle || 'pɑrtɪkl /'pɑːt-]n.粒子, 极小量, 点A strongreduction in the effective electron or hole g factor toward 2 ultra[ul·tra || 'ʌltrə]adj.过度的, 极端的, 过激的heterostructure[ˏhetərəʊˋstrʌktʃə(r)]异晶结构; 异质结构exceed[ex·ceed || ɪk'siːd]v.超过, 胜过, 超越magnetic field splitting磁场劈裂complementaryadj.补充的; 补足的blockade[block·ade || blɒ'keɪd]n.封锁; 障碍物, 阻碍物; 道路阻塞v.封锁; 挡住; 阻塞chargestabilitydiagram电荷稳定性图conductance ridges电导脊fabricate['fab·ri·cate || 'fæbrɪkeɪt]v.制造; 伪造; 组装; 杜撰reactor[riˈæktə]n.反应堆aerosol['єәrәusɒl]n.烟, 雾[化]气溶胶; 烟雾剂diameter[di·am·e·ter || daɪ'æmɪtə]n.直径substraten.底层, 地层, 衬底, 基底, 基质, 酶作用物, 酶解物[计]衬底; 基片[化]反应物nucleation[化]成核作用with respect to关于,至于indiumn.铟antimony[an·ti·mo·ny || 'æntɪmənɪ]n.锑blende[blend]n.闪锌矿stacking faults,twin boundarieswithatomically flat {110}doped[dəupt]掺杂的; 掺杂过的thick[θɪk]adj.厚的, 浓的, 粗壮的adv.厚厚地; 浓浓地; 密集地; 强烈地capping layer覆盖层lithography[li'θɒgrәfi]n.平版印刷术electron beam.电子束etch[etʃ]v.蚀刻, 蚀镂; 施行蚀刻法solution[so·lu·tion || sə'luːʃn]n.解决, 溶液, 解答evaporation[e·vap·o·ra·tion || ɪ‚væpə'reɪʃn]n.蒸发; 消失; 发散rinse[rɪns]n.冲洗; 染发; 漂洗; 染发剂v.以清水冲洗, 漂清, 漱arebriefly etched in a (NH4)2S x solution followed by a rinse inH2Ofabricate['fab·ri·cate || 'fæbrɪkeɪt]v.制造; 伪造; 组装; 杜撰probe[prəʊb]n.探针, 探测针, 调查v.用探针测, 详细调查; 用探针探查, 探测; 调查; 查究probe station探针台cryostat['kraiәstæt]n.低温恒温器versus[ˈvə:səs]prep.以…为对手,对;与…相比之下source-drain voltageback gate voltage, V bgcontact separation[电]接触分离diamond-shaped[ˋdaɪəməndˋʃeɪpt]菱形even['i:vәn]a.平坦的, 相等的, 连贯的, 均等的, 公平的, 偶数的, 平均的, 平衡的, 恰好的vt.使平坦, 使相等vi.变平, 成为相等ad.甚至, 实际上, 完全, 十分odd[ɑd /ɒd]adj.奇数的, 剩余的, 古怪的alternate['ɒ:ltәnәt]a.交替的, 轮流的, 间隔的vt.轮流, (使)交替vi.轮流, (使)交替alternating交替的; 更迭的spin degeneracy[化]自旋简并性degeneracy[diˈdʒenərəsi]蜕化; 退化; 简并度; 简并性lateral[lat·er·al || 'lætərəl]n.侧部; 边音; 支线adj.侧面的, 旁边的oscillation[os·cil·la·tion || ɑsɪ'leɪʃn /ɒs-] n.摆动; 振动评击]wurtzite[ˈwəːtsait]纤维锌矿; 纤锌矿in thewurtzite phase,in the zinc blende phasedetachment[diˈtætʃmənt]after detachment from the growthsubstratequantized量子化的topological拓扑的helical[ˈhelikəl]螺线; 螺旋; 螺旋形plateau[ˈplætəu]n.高原;(上升后的)稳定时期(或状态)subband次能带spin−orbit coupling自选轨道耦合in the presence of a strong spin−orbit coupling由于一个强的自旋轨道耦合quasi['kwɑ:zi:]a.类似的, 准的computation[com·pu·ta·tion || ‚kɒmpjuː'teɪʃn]n.计算, 计量, 计数platform[plat·form || 'plætfɔrm /-fɔːm]n.月台, 坛, 讲台polarization[po·lar·i·za·tion || ‚pəʊləraɪ'zeɪʃn]n.产生极性; 偏振; 极化; 对立, 给予两个相反的倾向;hybrid[ˈhaibrid]桥接; 桥接岔路; 杂化; 杂种; 间生; 混合; 混合; 混合物; 混频环; 混杂的fulfillment[ful'fill·ment || fʊl'fɪlmənt]n.完成, 履行; 满足, 成就; 实现extent[ikˈstent]n.程度,范围,限度;广度,宽度,大小signature['signәtʃә]n.签字, 识别标志, 调号diffusive[di'fju:siv]a.散播的, 冗长的, 扩散的The formation of subbandsspin-degenerate自旋简并suppression[sup'pres·sion || sə'preʃn]n.压制; 禁止; 镇压; 抑制micrometer[mai'krɒmitә]n.测微计[医]微米imperfection[im·per·fec·tion || ‚ɪmpə(r)'fekʃn]n.不完美; 瑕疵; 缺点scatteringn.分散; 散落backscattering[ˋbækˏskætərɪŋ]geometry[ge'om·e·try || dʒɪ'ɑmɪtrɪ/-'ɒm-]n.几何学constriction[kәn'strikʃәn]n.压缩, 收缩, 紧压的感觉trajectory[trəˈdʒektəri]n.(抛射物)弹道轨道indication[in·di·ca·tion || ‚ɪndɪ'keɪʃn]n.指出; 迹象; 指示quasi['kwɑ:zi:]a.类似的, 准的spectroscopy[spek'trɒskәpi]n.光谱学lock(-)in同步intermediate[,in·ter'me·di·ate || ‚ɪntə(r)'mɪːdɪeɪtd] n.中间物, 调停者v.作中间人; 干预adj.中间的, 中级的fraction[frac·tion || 'frækʃn]n.分数, 破片, 小部分confirmation[con·fir·ma·tion || ‚kɒnfə'meɪʃn]n.证实, 批准, 巩固; 确认derivative[diˈrivətiv]变型; 导数; 从变量; 派生的; 派生物; 衍化物; 衍生物; 诱导剂The derivative of conductance to gate voltage电导对于栅电压的导数transconductance[计]跨导intersect[ˌintəˈsekt ; -ər-]交叉; 相交schematicallyadv.纲要性地; 图表式地pronounced[pro'nounced || prə'naʊnst]adj.显著的, 明白的, 断然的dominate['domi·nate || 'dɑmɪneɪt /'dɒm]v.支配, 控制, 统治; 高耸于dominated中等的; 中等木obscure[əbˈskjuə]a.不著名的;费解的vt.使变模糊,掩盖enabling observation of the 0.5g Qplateau for B ≥2 T and the 1.0g Q plateau for B ≥3 T.schematic[sche·mat·ic || skɪː'mætɪk]adj.概要的, 图解的macroscopic英[,mækrə(ʊ)'skɒpɪk]美[,mækrə'skɑpɪk]adj. 宏观的;肉眼可见的coherent transport line for microscopic quantum system 微观量子系统的相干输运过程intersection英[ɪntə'sekʃ(ə)n]美[,ɪntɚ'sɛkʃən]∙n. 交叉;十字路口;交集;交叉点The schematic of Ohm’s law of classical transport for macroscopic system 对于宏观系统经典输运欧姆定律的图解discharge英[dɪs'tʃɑːdʒ]美[dɪs'tʃɑrdʒ]∙vt. 解雇;卸下;放出;免除∙vi. 排放;卸货;流出∙n. 排放;卸货;解雇放电the microstructure evolution of silicon nanowires during the charge/discharge process as severing for the anodematerialforlithium-ion batteries;thecharge-dischargecharacteristic curves.充放电特征曲线锂电池充放电过程中硅纳米线作为阳极的演化规律anode英['ænəʊd]美['ænod]∙n. [电子] 阳极,[电] 正极。

Random data Cauchy theory for supercritical wave equations II A global existence result

Random data Cauchy theory for supercritical wave equations II  A global existence result

Abstract. — We prove that the subquartic wave equation on the three dimensional ball Θ, with Dirichlet boundary conditions admits global strong solutions for a large set of random supercritical initial data in ∩s<1/2 H s (Θ). We obtain this result as a consequence of a general random data Cauchy theory for supercritical wave equations developed in our previous work [6] and invariant measure considerations which allow us to obtain also precise large time dynamical informations on our solutions.
2 (∂t − ∆)w + |w|α w = 0,
(w, ∂t w)|t=0 = (f1 , f2 ),
u |Rt ×∂ Θ = 0,
பைடு நூலகம்α>0
with radial real valued initial data (f1 , f2 ). Our aim is to give a proof of the following result.
arXiv:0707.1448v1 [math.AP] 10 Jul 2007



学术研讨交通运输标准国际化现状与实施路径研究■ 潘 硕 张 宇 王 冀(交通运输部科学研究院标准与计量研究中心)摘 要:近年来,世界发达国家积极实施标准化战略,增强标准国际化与标准化战略的融合度和协调性。



关键词:标准国际化,国际标准化,标准制修订,标准化战略DOI编码:10.3969/j.issn.1002-5944.2021.05.005Research on Status and Implementation Path of Internationalization ofTransportation StandardsPAN Shuo ZHANG Yu WANG Ji(Standardization and Metrology Research Centre, China Academy of Transportation Sciences)Abstract: In recent years, the developed countries in the world have actively implemented the standardization strategy to enhance the integration and coordination of the internationalization and standardization strategies. In order to improve the international development level of China's transportation industry standards, the status quo and implementation path of transportation standards internationalization were studied. Firstly, the participation of relevant standardization organizations of China's transportation industry participating in the development and revision of international standards and the work of international standardization organizations was investigated through questionnaire; Combined with policy research and case analysis, this paper summarized the problems existing in the standardization work of industry standardization institutions; Finally, on the basis of summarizing and analyzing the policies and measures of standards internationalization in some developed countries, this paper compared the development status and existing problems of industry standards internationalization, and put forward the implementation path and specific measures suitable for the internationalization development level of transportation industry standards in China.Keywords: Standard internationalization, international standardization, standard formulation and revision, standardization strategy基金项目: 本文受交通运输标准国际合作交流发展战略研究项目(项目编号:2020-99-053)资助。

Micro 02 Choice 微观经济学

Micro 02 Choice 微观经济学

+ + Lecture 2Consumer Choice and Demand Function (Ch 2, MWG)Consider consumer demand in a market economy . The decision problem faced by the consumer in a market economy is to choose the most desirable (and affordable) consumption levels of the various goods and services that are available for purchase in the market. We call these goods and services commodities . For simplicity, we assume that the number of commodities is finite and equal to L (indexed by l =1,…, L ).A consumption set is a subset of the commodity spaceR L , denoted by X ⊂ R L , whoseelements are the consumption bundles that the individual can conceivably consume given the physical constraints imposed by his environment.For simplicity, we consider the simplest sort of consumption set:X = R L = {x ∈ R L : x ≥ 0, ∀l = 1,..., L }.+lMuch of the theory to be developed applies for general convex consumption sets as well as forR L . Some even survive in the absence of the convexity.In addition to the physical constraints , the consumer also faces an economic constraint : his consumption choice is limited to those commodity bundles that he can afford. We assume that the prices of the commodities are publicly quoted and the consumers are price-takers.(Competitive) Budget set B p ,w = {x ∈ R L: p ⋅ x ≤w } is the set of all feasible consumptionbundles for the consumer who faces market prices p and has wealth w .x 1x 2x LLL k x 1( p 1,..., p L , w ) A consumer’s Walrasian (or market) demand correspondence x ( p , w ) =#( p 1,..., p L , w )assigns a set of chosen consumption bundles for each price-wealth pair ( p , w ) . When x(p,w) is single-valued, we call it a demand function .Definition E1 The Walrasian demand correspondence x ( p , w ) is homogeneous of degree zero ifx (α p ,α w ) = x ( p , w ) for any p, w and α > 0 .Definition E2 The Walrasian demand correspondence x ( p , w ) satisfies Walras’ law if for everyp » 0 and w > 0 , we have p ⋅ x = w for all x ∈ x ( p , w ) .Proposition E1 If a Walrasian demand function x ( p , w ) is homogeneous of degree zero , then forany price vector p and wealth w , we have∑ ∂x l ( p , w ) p +∂x l ( p , w )w = 0 , [or ∑e + e= 0 ], for l = 1,..., L .k =1 ∂p k∂wk =1lk lwProposition E2 If demand function x ( p , w ) satisfies Walras’ law , then for any p and w , we have∑ ∂x l ( p , w ) p + x ( p , w ) = 0 , for k=1, …, L,l =1∂p k L l k∂x l ( p , w )Land ∑ l =1p l = 1 [or ∑ s l e lw = 1]. l =1Comparative Statics of Walras demand functionWealth effects : For fixed prices p , the function of wealthx ( p , w ) is called the consumer’sEngel function . A commodity l is normal for the consumer at (p,w ) if∂x l ( p , w ) ≥ 0 , which∂wmeans the consumer buys more of the commodity when she is richer at (p,w );A commodity is inferior at (p,w ) if∂x l ( p , w ) < 0 . If every commodity is normal at all (p,w ),∂wL ∂wR + then we say that the demand is normal .x 2x 2Income effectx 1Price effectx 1Price effects: Keeping wealth and other prices fixed, the locus of points demanded in Las werange over all possible values of the price of a commodity is called an offer curve of thecommodity. More generally, the derivative ∂x l ( p , w ) ∂p kis known as the price effect of pricep k on the demand for good l . Good l is a Giffen good at (p,w ) if∂x l ( p , w ) > 0 .∂p lThe Weak Axiom of Revealed PreferenceAssume that x (p,w ) is single-valued, homogeneous of degree zero, and satisfies Walras’s law.Definition F1 The Walrasian demand functionx ( p , w ) satisfies the weak axiom of revealedpreference if the following property holds for any two prices-wealth situations ( p , w ) and( p ', w ') : If x ( p ', w ') ≠ x ( p , w ) andp ⋅ x ( p ', w ') ≤ w , then p '⋅ x ( p , w ) > w ' (i.e., ifx ( p ', w ') ≠ x ( p , w ) , then ┐( p ⋅ x ( p ', w ') ≤ w and p '⋅ x ( p , w ) ≤ w ' ). )Lemma 1 Suppose that Walrasian demand function x ( p , w ) is homogenous of degree zero andsatisfies Walras’ law. If the WA does not hold, then there are two prices-wealth situations( p , w ) and ( p ', w ') with x ( p ', w ') ≠ x ( p , w ) and p ⋅ x ( p ', w ') = w , but p '⋅ x ( p , w ) ≤ w ' .Proof: Suppose that there is a violation of WA, then ∃ ( p ', w ')and ( p ", w ")such thatx ( p ', w ') ≠ x ( p ", w ") , p "⋅ x ( p ', w ') ≤ w " and p '⋅ x ( p ", w ") ≤ w ' . If one of the two inequalitiesholds with equality, it’s done. Otherwise supposep "⋅ x ( p ', w ')<w " and p '⋅ x ( p ", w ")<w ' .Define p = α p '+ (1 - α ) p " such thatp ⋅ x ( p ', w ') = p ⋅ x ( p ", w ") ≡ w(which means α = w "- p " x 'w "- p " x '+ w '- p ' x "). We have,p ⋅ x ( p , w ) = p ⋅ x ( p ', w ') , i.e.,α p ' x ( p , w ) + (1- α ) p " x ( p , w ) = α p ' x ( p ', w ') + (1- α ) p " x ( p ', w ') .With p "⋅ x ( p ', w ')<w " we haveα p ' x ( p , w ) + (1- α ) p " x ( p , w ) < α w '+ (1- α )w " .Hence either p ' x ( p , w ) < w ' or p " x ( p , w ) < w " . Suppose the first one holds, then we havex ( p ', w ') ≠ x ( p , w ) , p ⋅ x ( p ', w ') = w , and p ' x ( p , w ) < w ' , which is a violation of the WA forthe compensated price change from (p ', w ') to ( p , w ) .x 2x 1Law of DemandThe weak axiom has significant implications for the effects of price changes on demand. Imagine a situation in which a change in prices is accompanied by a change in the consumer’s wealth that makes his initial consumption bundle just affordable at the new prices . That is, if the consumer is originally facing prices p and wealth w and chooses consumption bundle x ( p , w) ,then when prices change to p’, we let the consumer’s wealth adjusted tow ' = p '⋅ x ( p , w ) . Thusthe wealth adjustment is ⊗w = ⊗p ⋅ x ( p , w ) . This kind of wealth adjustment is known as Slutskywealth compensation . We have following compensated law of demand .x 2xx 1x 1Proposition F1 Suppose demand functionx ( p , w )is homogeneous of degree zero and satisfiesWalras’ law . Then x ( p , w ) satisfies the weak axiom if and only if: For any Slutsky compensatedprice change from ( p , w ) to a new price-wealth pair ( p ', w ') = ( p ', p '⋅ x ( p , w )) , we have( p '- p ) ⋅[x ( p ', w ') - x ( p , w )] ≤ 0 ,with strict inequality whenever x ( p ', w ') ≠ x ( p , w ) .Proof: “=>” Suppose x ( p ', w ') ≠ x ( p , w ) .( p '- p ) ⋅[x ( p ', w ') - x ( p , w )] = p '[x ( p ', w ') - x ( p , w )] - p [x ( p ', w ') - x ( p , w )].But p '[x ( p ', w ') - x ( p , w )] = 0 and p [x ( p ', w ') - x ( p , w )]=px (p ',w ')-w > 0 (by WA).“<=” If the WA does not hold, then there are (p ', w ') and ( p , w ) such thatx ( p ', w ') ≠ x ( p , w ) , p ⋅ x ( p ', w ') = w and p ' x ( p , w ) ≤ w ' . Hence with Walras’ Law( p '- p ) ⋅[x ( p ', w ') - x ( p , w )]= p '[x ( p ', w ') - x ( p , w )] - p [x ( p ', w ') - x ( p , w )] = (w '- p ' x ( p , w )) - ( p ⋅ x ( p ', w ') - w ) = w '- p ' x ( p , w ) ≥ 0It violates ( p '- p ) ⋅[x ( p ', w ') - x ( p , w )] < 0 when x ( p ', w ') ≠ x ( p , w ) . QED .xp w p w p w p w ' L ∞The inequality above can be written in shorthand as⊗p ⋅ ⊗x ≤ 0 , where ⊗p is anexogenously-given row vector and ⊗xis a column vector. It can be interpreted as a form of thelaw of demand : demand and price move in opposite directions . The case with price change of one good is illustrated below.x 1( p 1,..., p L , w ) When consumer demand function x ( p , w ) =# is a differentiable function of( p 1,..., p L , w )prices and wealth, Proposition F1 tells that dp ⋅ dx ≤ 0 . Sincedx ( p , w ) = [D x ( p , w )](dp )T+ [D x ( p , w )]dw = [D x ( p , w )](dp )T + [D x ( p , w )][x ( p , w )T (dp )T ]= [D x ( p , w ) + D x ( p , w )x ( p , w )T ](dp )T .Hence the compensated law of demand impliesdp ⋅ dx = dp ⋅[D x ( p , w ) + D x ( p , w )x ( p , w )T ]⋅ (dp )T≤ 0 .We define the matrix by S (p,w ). Formally,ϒ s 11( p , w ) … s 1L ( p , w )/S ( p , w ) = ' # % # ∞ '≤s L 1 ( p , w ) … s LL ( p , w )∞ƒwhere s ( p , w ) = ∂x l ( p , w ) + ∂x l ( p , w ) x( p , w ) . ∂p k∂w kNote that s lk ( p , w ) measures the differential change in the consumption of commodity l due to adifferential change in the price of commodity k when wealth is adjust so that the consumer can still just afford his original consumption bundle.Proposition F2 If a differentiable Walrasian demand function x(p,w) satisfies Walras’ law, homogeneity of degree zero, and the weak axiom , then at any (p,w ), the Slutsky matrix S(p,x) satisfies v ⋅ S ( p , w ) ⋅ (v )T ≤ 0 for any v ∈ R L .A matrix satisfying the property of Proposition F2 is called negative semi-definite . Matrix,lkS(p,w) being negative semi-definite implies thats ( p , w ) =∂x l ( p , w ) + ∂x l ( p , w ) x ( p , w ) ≤ 0 , for alll ∈ L .ll∂p ∂w lHence a good can be a Giffen good at (p,w) only if it is inferior . When L >2, matrix S (p,w ) need not be symmetric under the three assumptions.PQProposition F3 If a differentiable Walrasian demand function x(p,w) satisfies Walras’ law andhomogeneity of degree zero , then p ⋅ S ( p , w ) = 0 and S ( p , w ) ⋅ p = 0 for any (p,w ).It is “almost but not quite” true that if a demand function satisfies Walras’ law, homogeneity of degree zero and has a negative definite substitution matrix, it must satisfy the weak axiom. For Walrasian demand functions, the theory derived from the weak axiom is weaker than the theory derived from rational preferences.Readings:Dougan, William R., 1982, “Giffen Goods and the Law of Demand.” Journal of Political Economy, 90(4), 809-815.Kihlstrom, R., A. Mas-Colell and H. Sonnenschein, 1976, “The Demand Theory of the Weak Axiom of Revealed Preference.” Econometrica , 44(5), 971-978.Homework: Page 37-39, 2.F.3, 2.F.12 and 2.F.14.l。



温度梯度铁电材料热释电性质的微观机制研究李元宏 安祥鲁 陈明雨 李文治 张新欣 陈辉*沈阳化工大学理学院 辽宁沈阳 110142摘要:在平均场近似的理论框架下,采用拓展的横场伊辛模型理论,引入分布函数描述材料内部的量子起伏效应和温度梯度导致的铁电畸变,探讨影响温度梯度铁电材料热释电性质的微观机制。



关键词:伊辛模型 温度梯度 量子起伏 铁电畸变 热释电系数中图分类号:O469文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-3791(2024)03-0049-03 Reaearch on the Microscopic Mechanism of the PyroelectricProperties of Temperature Gradient Ferroelectric Materials LI Yuanhong AN Xianglu CHEN Mingyu LI Wenzhi ZHANG Xinxin CHEN Hui* College of Science, Shenyang University of Chemical Technology, Shenyang, Liaoning Province, 110142 China Abstract:Under the theoretical framework of mean field approximation, the extended transverse Ising model theory is adopted, a distribution function is introduced to describe the quantum fluctuation effect in the material and ferroelectric distortion caused by temperature gradient, and the micro mechanism that affects the pyroelectric prop‐erties of temperature gradient ferroelectric materials is explored. Research has shown that the quantum fluctuation effect and ferroelectric distortion are two important factors affecting the pyroelectric properties of ferroelectric ma‐terials. As the quantum fluctuation effect increases, the peak value of the pyroelectric coefficient gradually decreases, but it has no significant effect on the position of the peak value of the pyroelectric coefficient. Due to the presence of ferroelectric distortion, the peak value of the pyroelectric coefficient of the material is greatly increased, and the moment of phase transition in the first layer of temperature gradient ferroelectric materials is the most significant factor affecting the appearance of the peak of the pyroelectric coefficient of the material.Key Words: Ising model; Temperature gradient; Quantum fluctuation; Ferroelectric distortion; Pyroelectric coef‐ficient热释电效应在红外探测、热成像技术、能量转化、自供电线系统等诸多领域都有着十分广泛的应用。

Quantum magneto-oscillations in a two-dimensional Fermi liquid

Quantum magneto-oscillations in a two-dimensional Fermi liquid

a r X i v :c o n d -m a t /0302054v 1 [c o n d -m a t .m e s -h a l l ] 3 F eb 2003Quantum magneto-oscillations in a two-dimensional Fermi liquidGregory W.Martin,Dmitrii L.Maslov,and Michael Yu.Reizer ∗Department of Physics,University of Florida,P.O.Box 118440,Gainesville,FL 32611(February 2,2008)Quantum magneto-oscillations provide a powerfull tool for quantifying Fermi-liquid parameters of metals.In particular,the quasiparticle effective mass and spin susceptibility are extracted from the experiment using the Lifshitz-Kosevich formula,derived under the assumption that the properties of the system in a non-zero magnetic field are determined uniquely by the zero-field Fermi-liquid state.This assumption is valid in 3D but,generally speaking,erroneous in 2D where the Lifshitz-Kosevich formula may be applied only if the oscillations are strongly damped by thermal smearing and disorder.In this work,the effects of interactions and disorder on the amplitude of magneto-oscillations in 2D are studied.It is found that the effective mass diverges logarithmically with decreasing temperature signaling a deviation from the Fermi-liquid behavior.It is also shown that the quasiparticle lifetime due to inelastic interactions does not enter the oscillation amplitude,although these interactions do renormalize the effective mass.This result provides a generalization of the Fowler-Prange theorem formulated originally for the electron-phonon interaction.Patterns of quantum magneto-oscillations in thermo-dynamic (de Haas-van Alphen effect)and transport (Shubnikov-de Haas effect)quantities encode three im-portant parameters of a Fermi-liquid metal.The pe-riod of the oscillations gives the area of the extremal cross-section of the Fermi surface,the slope of the tem-perature dependence of the oscillations amplitude pro-vides the quasiparticle effective mass,and the phase shift between oscillations of spin-up and-down electrons yields the (renormalized)spin susceptibility.Magneto-oscillations studies of the Fermi-liquid (FL)state in two-dimensions (2D)date back to the early 70s,when semiconductor heterostructures first became available [1].Another surge of the activity in this field,which occurred in mid 90s,was stimulated by the discovery of the metal-lic state at ν=1/2[2].Recently,Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations have been used to determine the parameters of the “anomalous”metallic state in Si MOSFETs and other semiconductor heterostructures exhibiting an ap-parent metal-insulator transition in zero magnetic field [3–6].Despite the long and successful history of quan-tifying FLs in 3D via magneto-oscillations,this method remains controversial in 2D.The primary goal of our pa-per is to resolve some of the open issues.The first controversy is related to the applicability of the current theory of magneto-oscillations to the 2D case.The analysis of the experimental data in 2D is often based on the premise that the classic result for magneto-oscillations in a Fermi liquid for the 3D case,known as the “Lifshitz-Kosevich (LK)formula”[7–9],is transferrable to 2D upon a trivial change in the electron spectrum.The crucial features of the LK formula,i.e.,its validity for arbitrarily strong interactions (without de-stroying the FL)and the fact that the FL parameters entering the formula are taken at zero magnetic field,survive on this premise.The deviations of the observed oscillation pattern in stronger fields from that predictedby the LK formula are ascribed to oscillations in the ef-fective g -factor [1]and the effective mass [10].On the other hand,there have been warnings that the 3D LK formula is non-transferrable to 2D [11,12]for any field strength.Hence the situation needs to be clarified.The second controversy–not specific to 2D–is related to the effect of quasiparticle damping.It is often mentioned in the literature that any scattering of quasiparticles,elas-tic and inelastic,contributes to the smearing of magneto-oscillations via the effective Dingle temperature (scatter-ing rate)for a given process.Alternatively,Fowler and Prange [13]showed that the electron-phonon scattering rate does not appear in the oscillations amplitude due to the cancellation of two T −dependent parts of the Mat-subara self-energy (cf.also [14]).To the best of our knowledge,this cancellation has never been discussed for other interactions,including the electron-electron one,which is of a primary importance for 2D electron systems.The last issue to be addressed in this paper (and not dis-cussed previously in the literature)is the effect of inter-ference between electron-impurity and electron-electron scattering on magneto-oscillations,neglected in the LK formula.The theory of interference effects in the ballis-tic regime [15],when T τ≫1,where τis the electron-impurity scattering time (we set =k B =1throughout the paper),offers a plausible explanation of the metal-lic temperature dependence in the metallic phase of the 2D metal-insulator transition.Unusual (within the LK framework)temperature dependences of the oscillation amplitude are also commonly observed in Si MOSFETs [6,16],but the proper theory is currently lacking.Our answers to these open questions are as follows.i)Although it is true that the LK formula does not work in 2D at T =0and in the absence of disorder,it is still applicable to the situation when finite temperature and/or disorder cause the oscillations to be exponentially small.ii)The cancellation of the scattering rate term inthe Matsubara self-energy is pertinent to any inelastic interaction,including the electron-electron one.Due to this cancellation,the scattering rate of inelastic processes does not enter the oscillation amplitude.iii)Interference between electron-impurity and electron-electron interac-tions gives a new,T ln T,dependence of the amplitude’s argument,that can be interpreted equivalently either as a“T−dependent”effective mass or Dingle temperature. The functional form of this dependence is the same in the diffusive(Tτ≪1)and ballistic(Tτ≫1)regimes. We limit our analysis to the de Haas-van Alphen effect and assume the chemical potential isfixed.The main features of the results for the de Haas-van Alphen effect, in particular,the T-dependence of the oscillation ampli-tude,are commonly expected to apply to the Shubnikov-de Haas effect as well,although a rigorous proof of that is currently lacking.Assuming afixed chemical potential is not essential for the case of small oscillations,which is the focus of this paper(see below).We begin with a brief reminder of how the LK formula is derived in the Lut-tinger formalism[8,9].The key issue here is whether the zero-field FL parameters determine uniquely the oscilla-tion pattern in afinite(and not small)field.The(Mat-subara)self-energy(that encodes all FL parameters)has consists of partsΣ=Σ0+Σosc,whereΣ0may contain a monotonic(nonoscillatory)dependence on magneticfield andΣosc oscillates with thefield.For electron-electron interactions in3D,|Σosc|/|Σ0|∼N−3/2,where N is the number of occupied Landau levels,whereas the leading term in the oscillatory part of the thermodynamic po-tentialΩfalls offas N−5/2forΣosc=0.ExpandingΩinΣosc up to the second order(thefirst order term van-ishes due to the propertyδΩ/δΣ=0),onefinds that the oscillatory part ofΣcan always be neglected in the semi-classical regime(N≫1).With this simplification and for a momentum-independent self-energy,the amplitude of the k th harmonic inΩis given byA k=4π2kTωc ,(1)whereεn=π(2n+1)T andωc=eB/mc.Notice that iΣ0is real and does not contain a constant term. The second argument ofΣ0emphasizes the fact that the temperature entersΣ0in two ways:via the Mat-subara frequency and via the thermal distribution of electrons and other degrees of freedom.For a generic Fermi liquid and in the presence of short-range impuri-ties,iΣ0(iεn,T)=αεn+sgnεn/2τ,so that the effective mass is defined as m∗=m(1+α).The amplitude then assumes a familiar formA k=2π2kT/ωcωc ,(2)whereω∗c=eB/m∗c and T D=1/2πτis the Dingle temperature.Momentum-dependence ofΣ0of the form βv F(p−p F)results in a change of the effective mass in (2)to m∗=m(1+α)(1+β)−1and in multiplying(2) by Z s m∗/m,where Z s is the renormalization factor.In arbitrary dimensionality D,the estimates for the ratio of oscillatory to monotonic-in-field parts of the self-energy and for the leading oscillatory term inΩchange to N−D/2and N−(D+2)/2,respectively.For D=2,the oscillations in the self-energy are as important as in the thermodynamic potential itself[12].The Luttinger ex-pansion at T=T D=0breaks down and the LK formula is not,generally speaking,valid[12].The physical rea-son is that the ground states of an interacting system at B=0and in afinitefield are not adiabatically con-nected in2D.This fact has been emphasized by recent findings that the ground state of a2D electron liquid is not a Fermi liquid even for N≫1,but rather a charge-ordered state[17].Nevertheless,an absense of the full LK formula in2D does not preclude a canonical analysis of magneto-oscillations,if under more restrictive condi-tions,as the FL-behavior is restored at higher energies. The power-counting argument for(against)neglecting the oscillatory part of the self-energy in3D(2D)is valid at T=T D=0.If the real and/or Dingle temperatures are sufficiently high,i.e.,2π2(T/ω∗c+T D/ωc) 1,(3) the amplitudes of all oscillatory quantities,including the self-energy,are exponentially small.Neglecting the oscil-latory part of the self-energy,the amplitude of thefirst harmonic takes the formA1= 4π2T/ωc exp(−2π[πT+iΣ0(iπT,T)]/ωc),(4) where,due to condition(3),we limited the Matsubara sum by thefirst termε0=πT.The oscillatory part of Σresults in a correction to A1which is itself of order A1(with exponential accuracy).The net contribution to Ωis of order A21,which is of the same order as A2for Σosc=0.Thus,harmonics with k≥2are affected by the oscillations inΣand a2D analog of the LK formula, which includes the sum over all k,can only be derived in a perturbation theory for a specific interaction but not for a generic FL.However,the k=1harmonic does not includeΣosc and,as long as(3)is satisfied,the analysis can proceed as in the3D case.In what follows,we as-sume that(3)is satisfied and the amplitude of thefirst (and only important)harmonic is given by(4).Next we discuss whether the quasiparticle relaxation rate affects the amplitude of magneto-oscillations.We set T D=0temporarily.Suppose that a quasiparticle re-laxation rate is measured in a clean Fermi liquid,e.g.,via electron heat conductivity,with a result that1/τe-e∝T2. It seems natural to assume that the same rate contributes also to the Dingle temperature of magneto-oscillations. That this is not the case was shown for the electron-phonon interaction by Fowler and Prange[13].Here we generalize their arguments for the electron-electron in-teraction in3D and2D,and then give a general theorem for an arbitrary interaction.For a generic FL in3D,theMatsubara self-energy,up to the quadratic inεn and T terms,can be written asiΣ0(iεn,T)=αεn+iβv F(p−p F)+γ (πT)2−ε2n .(5)In addition to a direct calculation,the validity of the quadratic term in(5)is readily established by noticing that upon analytic continuation iεn→ε+i0this term gives the correct form for the imaginary part of the on-shell self-energy:−ImΣR0∝(πT)2+ε2[18].The am-plitude of thefirst harmonic(4)contains iΣ0(iπT,T),in which the quadratic term vanishes identically.The T2-terms from higher Matsubara frequencies(legitimately considered within this scheme in3D)increase the ampli-tude and cannot be interpreted as”damping.”In2D,the integral over momentum transfers diverges logarithmically at the lower limit,changing the behaviorof ImΣR0to E2ln E,where E=max{ε,T}.This change does not alter the principal result.Consider the simplest case of a contact interaction.To the second order in this interaction,the quadratic term in(5)is replaced byi˜Σ0(iεn,T)=−U2m2(2π)DdωF(ω) cothω2T ,where F(ω)= d D qδ(ω−v F·q)Im V R(ω,q)and V R(ω,q)is the retarded interaction potential.As a func-tion of a complex variable z,f(z)≡ImΣR(z)has the following properties in the upper half-plane:i)all lines Im z=π(2n+1)T are branch cuts on which Re f is continuous but Im f changes jumpwise;ii)due to the fact that tanh(x−iπ(n+1/2))=coth x,all pointsz=iπ(2n+1)T are zeroes of f(z).Thus,function f(z)is analytic in the band0≤Im z<πT including the point z=iπT.Analytic continuation from the real axis into this band is legitimate and at z=iπT it yields the Matsubara self-energy˜Σ0(iε0=iπT,T),which is equalto zero.Zeroes of f(z)at z=iπ(2n+1)T with n≥1 do not lead to vanishing of˜Σ0(iεn,T)for n≥1because those zeroes are separated from the real axis by branch cuts and thus are not accessible by analytic continuation. The2D case is special only in that the q−integration re-sults in the lnωfactor in F(ω)which does not change the reasoning given above.In particular,for a dynamically screened Coulomb interaction in2D,F(ω)∝ωln|ω|and still˜Σ0(iπT,T)=0.As this result does not depend on the particular form of the interaction,it can be viewed as a generalization of the Fowler-Prange theorem.No-tice that in3D the Fowler-Prange theorem is of limited applicability because nothing prevents one from consid-ering k>1and lower values of T+T D,when the effect ofΣ0(iεn>0,T)needs to be taken into account.In2D, one is bound to consider onlyΣ0(iεn=0,T)within the Luttingerapproximation.FIG.1.(a)The interference correction to the self-energy.(b)The vertex correction is assigned to either one of the vertices in(a)because the self-energy arises as insertions into the thermodynamic potential(closed loops).(c)Sin-glet/triplet-channel contributions to the effective potential. Finally,we discuss the effect of interference between electron-electron and electron-impurity scattering on magneto-oscillations,extending the analysis of the in-terference corrections to the self-energy in2D from the diffusive(Tτ≪1)[19]to the ballistic(Tτ≫1)limit. The general form of the interference correction to the Matsubara self-energy is(see Fig.1)Σint0(iεn,p)=−2Tεn(ωm−εn)>0d2q(|ωm|τ+1)2+(qv Fτ)2−1)−1reduces toΓ= Dτq2+|ωm|τ −1andΓ=τ−1 |ωm|2+(qv F)2 −1/2 in the diffusive and ballistic limits,respectively.The gen-eral form of the(small q)polarizarion operatorΠ(iωm,q)=−ν[1−|ωm|τΓ(iωm,q)](8)reduces toΠ(iωm,q)=−νDq2/ Dq2+|ωm| in the dif-fusive limit,where D=v2Fτ/2,and toΠ0(iωm,q)=−ν 1−|ωm|/m∗ln(εF/T)∗Permanent address:5614Naiche Rd,Columbus,OH43213.[1]See T.Ando,A.B.Fowler,and F.Stern,Rev.Mod.Phys.54,437(1982)and references therein.[2]R.R.Du et al.,Phys.Rev.Lett.73,3274(1994);D.R.Leadley at al.,Phys.Rev.Lett.73,3274(1994).[3]S.J.Papadakis et al.,Science283,2056(1999).[4]S.A.Vitkalov et al.,Phys.Rev.Lett.85,2164(2000).[5]S.V.Kravchenko et al.,.116,495(2000);A.A.Shashkin et al.,cond-mat/0301187.[6]V.M.Pudalov et al.,Phys.Rev.Lett.88,196404(2002);V.M.Pudalov,M.E.Gershenson,and H.Kojima,cond-mat/0110160.[7]I.M.Lifshitz and A.M.Kosevich,Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz.29,730(1955)[Sov.Phys.JETP2,636(1956)].[8]J.M.Luttinger,Phys.Rev.121,1251(1961).[9]Yu.A.Bychkov and L.P.Gor’kov,Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz.41,1592(1961)[Sov.Phys.JETP14,1132,(1962)].[10]A.P.Smith,A.H.Macdonald,and G.Gumbs,Phys.Rev.B45,8829(1992).[11]K.Miyake and C.M.Varma,.85,335(1993).[12]S.Curnoe and P.C.E.Stamp,Phys.Rev.Lett.80,3312,(1998).[13]M.Fowler and R.E.Prange,Physics1,315(1965).[14]S.Engelsberg and G.Simpson,Phys.Rev.B2,1657(1970).[15]G.Zala,B.N.Narozhny,I.L.Aleiner,Phys.Rev.B64,214204(2001).[16]V.M.Pudalov(private communication).[17]A.A.Koulakov,M.M.Fogler,and B.I.Shklovskii,Phys.Rev.Lett.76,499(1996);M.P.Lilly et al.,ibid.82,394(1999);W.Pan et al,ibid83,820(1999).[18]A.A.Abrikosov,L.P.Gorkov,and I.E.Dzyaloshin-ski,Methods of quantumfield theory in statistical physics,(Dover Publications,New York,1963).[19]See B.L.Altshuler and A.G.Aronov,in Electron-electron interactions in disordered conductors,edited byA.L.Efros and M.Pollak(Elsevier,1985),p.1.,andreferences therein.[20]As in[15],we make a model assumption of F0σto havethe same value in the diffusive and ballistic limits.[21]A.M.Rudin,I.L.Aleiner,and L.I.Glazman,Phys.Rev.B55,9322(1997).[22]C.M.Varma,P. 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Chapter1 Introduction
Chemicals:the utility lies primarily in their consumption.Materials: can be used repeatedly or continuously for an application that does not irreversibly convert them to something else.
Chapter1 Introduction
1.1 材料与化学
Materials and Chemistry
—— connected with function and, through that function, utilities.
Distinguish between
Chemicals and Materials
Chapter1 Introduction
Materials Science and Chemistry
Atomic-molecular level interaction
Macroscopic perspective
Chapter1 Introduction



第36卷第5期2020年10月山东体育学院学报Journal of Shandong Sport UniversityVol.36No.5October2020•专题研究中国滑雪“热”动因与本质——基于科尔曼“浴缸”模型的解释Motivation and nature of Chinese skiing“fever":Based on the"bathtub"model of Coleman吴晓华・2,刘哲剑3WU Xiaohua1,2,LIU Zhejian3摘要:中国成功申办冬奥会后,滑雪形成一种时尚热潮,对中国滑雪"热”的全面认识成为业界的新思考。





关键词:中国滑雪;滑雪“热”;科尔曼“浴缸”模型;动因;本质中图分类号:G863.1文献标识码:A文章编号:1006-2076(2020)05-0030-07Abstract:After China successful bid for Winter Olympic Games,skiing has become a fashion band­wagon,and the comprehensive understanding of China's ski“fever”has become a new thinking inthe industry.With the help of American sociologist Coleman's bathtub model,the analysis frameworkfrom macro to micro,then from micro to macro is helpful to understand the generation and essence ofChinese ski“fever”.Although the macro motivation of Chinese skiing"fever"is triggered by winterOlympics,but also driven by the economy,culture and mass media.Micro motivation is driven by theattraction,appeal and expression of skiing itself.Ski"fever"is the result of the continuous interactionbetween individuals and groups with the same emotion,idea and value orientation,and is a specialexpression of social identity formed by the common class and group with skiing as the carrier.It hasgreat social value to hold the Winter Olympic Games,build a healthy China and national fitness.Key words:Chines skiing;skiing“fever”;Coleman's“bathtub”model;motivation;nature收稿日期:2020-08-16基金项目:国家社会科学基金项目(18BTY032)。


气压到数十个大气压),间隙距离通常也很大 两者间的主要差异可概述如下
(1) 放电外形 均匀连续,如辉光放电 分枝的明细通道
(2) 放电时间 电子崩的形成需要时间,火花放电时间的计算
(3) 击穿电压 Pd较大时,计算值与实验值有很大出入 (4) 阴极材料的影响 实测得到的大气压下的击穿电压和阴极材
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汤逊理论认为,当均匀电场、低气压、短间隙 (pd较小)条件下,电子的碰撞电离和正离子 撞击阴极造成的表面电离起主要作用,气隙的 击穿电压大体上是pd的函数
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E#ects of #exibility and #uctuations

E#ects of #exibility and #uctuations

W. Sung, P.J. Park / Physica A 254 (1998) 62–72
Fig. 1. Cross-sectional view of membrane and protein.
their unique biological functions (Fig. 1) [1]. On a mesoscopic length scale, l, these structures tend to be soft, or exible. A basic entity on this scale has the interaction energy, U , of the order or multiples of kB T , the thermal energy. The elastic modulus that scales as ∼Ul−3 , therefore tends to be much smaller than that of hard (condensed) matter wherein the typical interaction energy is of the order of eV. Because of this exibility, the biological systems on mesoscopic levels tend to be susceptible to thermal uctuation and external noises, and thus undergo a variety of transitions (equilibrium or nonequilibrium) at physiological temperatures. Examples of the conformational transitions in proteins and membranes are the above-mentioned protein folding, membrane lipid bilayer self-assembly, and membrane shape transitions such as budding or ssion over the length much larger than lipid size.



Congestion pricing for Latin America:Prospects and constraintsCharles R.Rivasplata a ,b ,*a San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency,One South Van Ness Avenue,San Francisco,CA 94103,United States bSan Jose State University,Urban Planning Department,One Washington Square,San Jose,CA 95192,United Statesa r t i c l e i n f oArticle history:Available online 23June 2012Keywords:Congestion pricing Traf fic restraintTravel demand management (TDM)a b s t r a c tIn an effort to reduce the adverse impacts of the car and promote sustainable transport in Latin America,some governments have either implemented travel demand management policies or have considered ways of directly reducing the number of vehicles in congested areas.While demand management measures have been promoted in a small number of countries,including vehicular restrictions as well as the promotion of public transport modes,there are currently no congestion pricing programmes in operation in Latin America.This paper begins with an overview of travel demand management,including its principal aims as well as its primary objectives within the Latin American context.It discusses past efforts to promote traf fic restraint and perspectives for developing congestion pricing schemes in both São Paulo and Santiago.Finally,it examines the potential role of congestion pricing as a demand management tool.While it is one of the most effective demand management measures in the indus-trialised world,a number of barriers currently prevent it from being widely adopted in Latin America.Ó2012Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.1.IntroductionIn recent decades,transport planners have become increasingly aware of the need to promote Travel Demand Management (TDM)strategies,particularly in light of the decentralisation of activities away from urban centres.The negative impacts of increasing private vehicle use (e.g.,rising levels of traf fic congestion and fatalities,deteriorating air quality conditions,lack of physical activity)on cities and suburban areas are well documented,causing a great deal of concern among local residents (WHO,2011).As a result,many local governments have sought to curb private vehicle use,employing practical,low-cost solutions.Governments have found that while it is necessary to build urban infrastructure for the movement of goods and services,it is also important to make ef ficient use of existing facilities when designing mobility programmes and promoting alternative modes to the private vehicle.This is especially true in low density communities where public transport is limited.In order to be effective,vehicle restriction and/or congestion pricing should form part of a comprehensive transport plan.This paper proposes to explore the past development of TDM strategies in Latin America,particularly traf fic restraint measuresand proposals to implement congestion pricing schemes in cities in the region.It will seek to de fine TDM programme policies that have been successfully implemented,and where appropriate,will discuss their potential applications.In many cities throughout the Americas,there have been serious efforts to introduce TDM plans aimed at providing accessible alternatives to the private vehicle.In Latin America,these programmes have often consisted of vehicle restriction schemes in major cities,which have been coupled with public transport enhancements.Prompted by an increasing level of awareness of the negative effects of motorised transport on local environments,a number of countries have identi fied the need to reduce private vehicle use.Many local authorities in the industrialised world have adopted TDM schemes that make better use of available resources and educate the populace on the bene fits of using alternative modes to the car.Similarly,in the developing countries,a small number of governments have recently begun to embrace demand-side solu-tions on a trial basis.However,planners have come to understand that even TDM strategies are not always transferrable and what works in Europe may very well not work in Latin America.Thus,these planners have had to adapt these strategies to their own local conditions.This paper begins with an overview of travel demand manage-ment and its evolution both in the developed world as well as Latin America.Next,it explores the role of congestion pricing,one component of a larger set of available TDM tools.This innovative form of vehicle use rationalisation has been implemented in*San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency,One South Van Ness Avenue,San Francisco,CA 94103,United States.Tel.:þ14157015383.E-mail address:Charles.Rivasplata@.Contents lists available at SciVerse ScienceDirectResearch in Transportation Economicsjournal h omepage:ww w.else/locate/retrec0739-8859/$e see front matter Ó2012Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved./10.1016/j.retrec.2012.06.037Research in Transportation Economics 40(2013)56e 65a number of European and Asian cities,and studied in a small number of cities in Latin America.In particular,the paper reviews past attempts to mitigate growing traffic congestion in two Latin American cities:São Paulo, Brazil and Santiago,Chile.It also explores the prospects of intro-ducing congestion pricing in these cities,to better manage traffic congestion and generate new revenues for public transport and non-motorised transport infrastructure.In both cities,there has been a focus on developing sustainable transport strategies that can effectively achieve the broader objective of greater access for all.The following section provides background on public transport integration,its principal goals and objectives and its significance in regionwide transport planning.2.Travel demand managementIn its efforts to promote sustainable transport options,TDM and its supporting programmes are designed to provide the traveller with a wide array of alternatives to the private vehicle.Collectively, these alternatives offer the traveller multiple transport options, reducing dependence on the private vehicle.2.1.Overview of TDMEssentially,TDM comprises a diverse set of transport strategies that collectively promote the effective,efficient and equitable use of existing and renewable resources(adapted from VTPI(2010)and TRB(2012)).Increasingly,local authorities and planners have embraced TDM as a viable link through which to strengthen and coordinate regional transport,for the purposes of managing traffic congestion and reducing both vehicle emissions and traffic fatali-ties/injuries.Rather than accept the traditional predict and practice of increasing the supply of road space to meet private vehicle demand,TDM strategies advocate increased use of alternative options,such as public transport,bicycling or walking(Goodwin, 1999).This demand-side focus responds to evidence showing that increases in road capacity often do not provide long-term solutions to traffic congestion,but rather,promote vehicle use, leading to increases in traffic levels and congestion(Noland& Lem,2000).Demand-side options normally require far less space and are more energy-efficient than vehicle-oriented, supply-side options.In addition,they are far cheaper to use, i.e.,when gas,maintenance,insurance and other costs are taken into consideration.In general,TDM programmes and strategies have focused on producing changes in travel behaviour,improving access to public transport and non-motorised modes,making it more difficult to travel alone by private vehicle.These strategies are charged with decreasing vehicle occupancy,often placing restrictions and/or fees on private vehicle use.The principal types of TDM measures are education,promotion and outreach,and travel incentives and disincentives,which are complemented by sustainable travel options and supportive land use practices(Transport Canada, 2012).Under this framework,vehicle restrictions and congestion pricing are the principle TDM measures,complemented by enhanced urban public transport.In practice,TDM strategies have been developed to address all kinds of trips,such as those based on geographic location,trip purpose,route,mode and time of day.The development and implementation of these strategies normally entail a good deal of planning and negotiation with authorities and businesses.Often, they are closely linked to wider government policies and actions advocating low-cost solutions to many of the urban mobility issues encountered by both large and medium-size cities.While TDM has seen widespread application in Europe and North America since the1970s,it has only recently been introduced in Latin America.In retrospect,many of the concepts central to TDM evolved from programmes implemented during World War II, when U.S.residents were required to reduce their consumption of energy in support of the war ter,TDM strategies were adjusted to respond to the oil and congestion crises of the1970s and became commonplace by the1980s and1990s.Today,they include not only employer-based programmes,but also demand-side applications for schools,special events,recreational centres, emergency situations(FHWA,2004).In the past decade,Latin America has become increasingly aware of the need to seek low-cost solutions to curb explosive growth in motorisation.The following section reviews efforts made to apply demand management in the region.2.2.TDM in Latin AmericaIn Latin America,as in many other regions of the Developing World,TDM provides an opportunity to develop sustainable transport options,tailoring strategies to local conditions.Many countries in the region are economically constrained and cannot finance high capital investments in transport without assuming a significant level of debt,effectively preventing investments in other critical sectors(Diaz Olvera,Plat,&Pochet,1997).In contrast,TDM offers localities a general framework through which to make efficient use of resources and low-cost invest-ments,providing residents and other travellers with a set of mobility options through which to perform activities (Vasconcellos,2001).Recently,many transport policies in Latin America have been linked to investments in road infrastructure,highway manage-ment and technology,commonly regarded as supply-side measures.However,in some cases,these have been com-plemented by demand-side measures that are linked to improvements in transport organisation,traveller information and awareness campaigns.In addition,demand-side measures have included successful marketing efforts,such as the promotion of public transport,bicycling and walking(Bovy,2000).These alternative modes have been found to stimulate urban develop-ment and sustainable transport,i.e.,in response to problems related to social exclusion and economic hardship(Vasconcellos, 2001).2.2.1.BrazilIn Latin America,Brazil has taken the initiative to create TDM-related legislation,providing a political response to perceived mobility issues.In2004,the National Policy on Sustainable Mobility entered into practice.This policy is considered innovative for Latin America,and its introduction is considered to be afirst step towards implementing TDM measures there(Rodrigues da Silva,da Silva Costa,&Macedo,2009).It embodies a new focus on people and not vehicles,developing individual policy compo-nents for transport,accessibility,circulation and urban space; stimulating the use of non-motorised modes of transport;to reduce spatial exclusion;and improving the quality of urban environ-ments.Subsequently,the government launched the following programmes(Xavier&Boareto,2009):Accessible Brazil,which allows states and townships to develop actions for ensuring the accessibility of the disabled and elderly to public transportBicycle Brazil,which aims at stimulating the use and circulation of bicycles in a way that is integrated with collective transport systems.C.R.Rivasplata/Research in Transportation Economics40(2013)56e6557This policy could contribute to resolving many of the conflicts facing Brazilian cities,as it appears to transcend the existing barriers that have limited policymaking and transport planning in Brazil.National transport policies there have traditionally been car-oriented,targeted at residents that can afford the costs of owning a private vehicle(Vasconcellos,1997),to the detriment of the majority of residents that cannot.It is interesting to note that in the case of Brazil,45percent of the urban population makes less than three minimum wage salaries,limiting this sector’s access to transport(Ministerio das Cidades,2003).2.2.2.ColombiaAnother country that has advanced in the development of infrastructure investment programmes is Colombia(CAF,2010). Based on the need to initiate a structural change in transport to improve liveability and make Bogotámore efficient and competi-tive,the municipal government designed and implemented a comprehensive strategy to improve urban mobility(Hidalgo, 2004).Government plans,such as Por la Bogota que Queremos and Bogota Para Vivir Todos del Mismo Lado,adopted under Mayors Peñalosa(1998e2001)and Mockus(2001e2004),respectively, called for prioritising non-motorised and public transport and reducing car use(Alcaldía Mayor de Bogotá,1998,2001).Cen-trepieces of this strategy included an extensive bicycle path network(“ciclorutas”)and the Transmilenio project,a landmark Bus Rapid Transit(BRT)system.Collectively,these efforts have played an important role in the advancement of TDM in Colombia.A general referendum was placed before the voters to gauge the level of support for TDM measures,such as Car Free Day campaigns in Bogotá.This refer-endum,thefirst of its kind in Latin America to be passed by a majority of the voters,reflects a significant change in the attitudes of users,operators and the community in general.2.2.3.ChileWhile Chile has yet to identify a set of TDM policies at the national level,the Transantiago Plan and reorganisation of transport in Santiago,have supported demand management principles.For example,this plan promotes the use of public transport and non-motorised modes through improved facilities.One of the prin-cipal objectives of the Transantiago Plan has been to make public transport a better choice for travellers through the establishment of higher standards of planning and investment,i.e.,contributing to the development of an environmentally sustainable system (Rivasplata,2006).2.2.4.VenezuelaIn the past decade,Venezuela has made advances in the development and dissemination of TDM strategies,with plans for involving the general public in future campaigns.However,while the National Assembly approved legislation in support of the Kyoto Protocols,there is not yet a clear policy direction stemming from this action,nor is there widespread understanding of the potential benefits of TDM.In recent years,a small number of cities and states in Venezuela have begun to appreciate and even embrace some of the key principles of TDM,in a few cases,adjusting traditional programmes and campaigns to better suit the needs of local users.Nevertheless, efforts in such cities as Caracas and Merida(e.g.,“Dia sin Carro”) have yielded only limited success.In the latter case,despite a concerted effort to involve the public in ongoing TDM campaigns, a change in local government eventually ended these efforts.Having reviewed some recent attempts to develop TDM in Latin America,we now turn our attention to congestion pricing,a tool that has proven to effectively reduce trafficflows during key periods of congestion.3.Congestion pricing as a TDM toolDifferent types of disincentives to vehicle use,including congestion pricing,have proven to be an effective form of travel demand management.By pricing roadways according to the rela-tive level of traffic congestion at specific times,it provides greater choice to the traveller.3.1.Overview of congestion pricingIn essence,congestion pricing encompasses a set of strategies and techniques aimed at developing charges that will effectively discourage motorists from entering a congested area during certain periods of high traffic congestion(Hau,1992;Vickrey,1969).In conjunction with other TDM measures,congestion pricing is an effective way of discouraging private vehicle use,especially where other alternatives exist.The concept behind congestion pricing is derived from the economic theory of efficiency and externalities,which states that people make socially efficient decisions if they fully consider the social costs and benefits.The optimal congestion tax is the marginal external cost at the point where the marginal social cost is equal to the marginal social benefit(Button,1993).In practice,an analysis of pricing schemes ensures that congestion taxes are appropriately set.Multiple forms of congestion pricing have been implemented, including schemes covering the inner city(as in London),a signifi-cant part of the metropolitan area(as in Singapore),or a wider, perimeter area(as in Oslo).Other proposals have looked at charging on the basis of such factors as time of day or type of vehicle.According to GTZ(2002),the principal objectives of road and congestion pricing are the following:Produce a shift in routes;Bring a change in the time of travel;Generate revenue;Mitigate negative environmental impacts;andImprove quality of life.In this section,this paper explores the potential for imple-menting congestion pricing schemes in large cities of Latin Amer-ica.Thus far,most city-based congestion pricing schemes have either employed cordon charges,wherefixed or variable amounts are charged within a congested area;or areawide charges,where distance-based amounts are charged on all roads in an area(Larson &Sasanuma,2010;Mahendra,2008).In addition,over the past few decades,a number of other forms of congestion pricing have evolved,including:Variable Roadway Tolls,charging tolls on an entire road or highway;Variably-Priced Lanes,such as high-occupancy or express toll lanes;andVariably-Priced Highway Ramps,charging traffic to enter/leavea freeway.These strategies have been shown to reduce traffic congestion, decrease vehicle emissions,increase public transport patronage, improve service reliability,and importantly,reduce the number of vehicle accidents on areawide roadways.In addition,the proceeds from congestion pricing can serve as a key source of revenue for other transport programmes(Litman,2006).For example,in moreC.R.Rivasplata/Research in Transportation Economics40(2013)56e65 58than one case,these revenues have helped fund public transport, which in turn,provides residents with an alternative option to the car(Rivasplata,2006).Congestion pricing has had a significant impact on traffic volumes in some areas.In London,it resulted in a26percent reduction in congestion delays.A recent study in the U.S.estimated that congestion pricing can bring reductions of up to5.7percent in vehicle kilometres travelled(VKT)and as much as4.2percent of vehicle trips in a region(TRAC,2007).Standard tolls differ from congestion pricing in that the former comprisefixed amounts charged on a single road or highway facility.In the past few decades,advances in technology have facilitated the design and operation of electronic toll and conges-tion pricing facilities,eliminating the need for toll booths.As a result,many of the current toll facilities in the U.S.are automated, reducing vehicle processing time and administrative costs.Simi-larly,some congestion pricing systems have already successfully applied these electronic toll technologies.Thus far,congestion pricing has been implemented in a limited number of cities,including Singapore,London and Stockholm, while serious proposals have been rejected in Manchester(U.K.), Birmingham,and Edinburgh.In New York,a pricing scheme was rejected not by a metropolitan body,but by the state legislature (Larson&Sasanuma,2010).Nevertheless,areawide congestion pricing proposals are currently being considered in a number of cities,including Beijing and San Francisco(SFCTA,2010).London introduced a system of congestion charging in its central area in2003.This areawide scheme requires that most motorists leaving or entering the city’s congestion zone(on weekdays) between7:00a.m.and6:30p.m.pay a congestion fee at vending machines,the Internet,or by phone.The system employs a vast network of cameras that record licence plates both entering and leaving the congestion zone(Litman,2006),allowing for motorists to be charged accordingly e the initial fee of£5($8)was increased to£8($13)in2007.In Stockholm,a congestion tax in the city centre was introduced on a trial basis in2006,and was subsequently adopted by refer-endum when studies showed that traffic levels had decreased by20 percent in less than a year.Fees to enter the city centre vary by time of day,from a low of about$3to a high of about$9,and can be automatically deducted from a bank account or be paid for(with cash or a credit card)at convenience stores(Larson&Sasanuma,2010).The Singapore scheme also provides a model for areawide congestion pricing.In1975,the city introduced the Singapore Area Licensing Scheme,the world’sfirst pricing system,which was converted in the late1990s into an electronic road pricing scheme (GTZ,2002).Recent advances in technology have permitted real-time variable pricing to be introduced as well.While congestion pricing features a clear set of benefits,critics have argued that it also generates equity issues.On the one hand,it assigns costs to those middle and high-income travellers that contribute most to congestion;however,it can also befinancially burdensome to low-income residents that are dependent on a car, particularly if they have few viable alternatives(Ecola&Light, 2009).In some areas,efforts have focused on ensuring that congestion pricing programmes include discounts or free passes for low-income households(Frick,Heminger,&Dittmar,1996).Despite equity concerns,there is evidence that in some cases, the public is ready to accept congestion pricing.In the U.S.,a study commissioned by the Transportation Research Board(TRB)found that in the aggregate,there is significant support for tolls and road pricing.Based on quantitative analysis,this study determined that some important factors influencing public opinion include the type of pricing,the use of tolling revenues,and the clarity of information provided to the public(Zmud&Arce,2008).In addition,other research indicates that equity issues may not be as much of a concern in practical applications.According to a Federal Highway Administration(FHWA)study on the income-based equity impacts of congestion pricing in value pricing projects,the perception of unfairness may have been exaggerated in projects funded under the early phases of the programme.For example,equity impacts relating to income were not evaluated in the case of“full facility”pricing projects(e.g.,on tollways).The study concludes that the perception that conges-tion pricing is an inequitable way of responding to the problem of traffic congestion does not appear to be borne out by experience (FHWA,2009).3.2.Congestion pricing in Latin AmericaWhile no congestion pricing schemes have yet been imple-mented in Latin America,a number of cities have discussed managing congestion.Some cities in the region,including Bogotá, Medellin,Mexico City,La Paz,Quito,Santiago and São Paulo,have attempted to alleviate congestion by strategically imposing restrictions on vehicles.In other cases,governments have imposed fuel taxes.In most cases,these cities have prohibited vehicle use on a given day of the week,based on the last digit of a vehicle’s licence plate (Mahendra,2011).These schemes,locally known as“pico y placa”in Bogotá,“restricción vehicular”in Santiago,and“Rodizio”in São Paulo,limit the number of vehicles on the road,but are heavily dependent upon ongoing enforcement.Vehicle restriction schemes are still very much in practice in the aforementioned Latin American cities.Despite some opposition, often from elements directly linked to the automotive industry,it is believed that these existing schemes still provide limited relief from increasing congestion.While congestion has progressively worsened in cities such as São Paulo,Santiago or Mexico City, without some form of vehicle restriction,conditions would prob-ably be far worse than they are.What is often not discussed is the idea of switching to a more effective alternative for restricting traffic during congested periods.While vehicle restriction has had some success,in time motor-ists have found ways to circumvent the system.In all of these cities, many of the residents living in high-income communities(where car ownership is typically higher)have simply bought a second car, effectively doubling their level of access to the city.In Mexico City and Bogota this pattern has been particularly evident and is a key reason why some experts in these cities have turned to other schemes for reducing traffic congestion(Mahendra,2011).In the past few years,there have been ongoing debates on congestion pricing both in Santiago,Bogota and São Paulo.In Santiago,a study directed by Francisco Martinez of the University of Chile and a team from the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean(ECLAC)found that with900new cars per day, Santiago can expect drastic consequences by2030.To avoid this pending disaster,the authors of the study recommended that congestion pricing be introduced along with improvements to the Transantiago scheme.The Interministerial Office of Transport Planning(Sectra)is said to be developing a strategic transport plan for Greater Santiago that will include pricing(Valencia,2011).Similarly,in Bogota newly-elected Mayor Petro has stated that he intends to introduce a congestion pricing scheme that would involve charging a fee for the use of specific corridors.While this proposal is still under discussion,it is envisioned that fee revenues would go towards improvements to the public transport system. One idea is to establish route concessions with private companies that would collect tolls for a specific route and transfer revenues to the city(Juaber,2011).C.R.Rivasplata/Research in Transportation Economics40(2013)56e6559Clearly,in the cities with vehicle restriction,these measures alone cannot reduce or even stabilise congestion levels.Experts argue that congestion pricing is one of the most effective ways of restricting access to heavily congested urban areas.It can effectively introduce a price mechanism to limit vehicle entry to congested areas,and generate revenue to cover administrative costs and investments in alternative transport.The fact that congestion charges can be increased or decreased to control traffic volumes is especially attractive.That is not to say that there aren’t serious barriers to adopting a congestion pricing scheme,particularly in Latin America,where incomes are lower and resources are scarcer than in Europe. Depending on the size of the congestion zone and the tolling technology used,these pricing systems can run millions of dollars to design,set up and operate.In the case of London,the initial costs were sizeable(Litman,2006)e start-up costs totalled over£160 million($250million)in2007currency(BBC,2007).In addition,the provision of additional public transport service provides an alternative to the car.In London,a significant increase in public transport was provided in support of the congestion pricing scheme(Rivasplata,2006).There are also grounds to believe that BRT can play an important role,as it is highly competitive with the private vehicle.Similarly,in Latin America congestion pricing schemes will need to secure design and start-up funding as well as initial operating funds.They will require the installation of sophisticated tracking systems,including electronic facilities and equipment,as well as the placement of cameras(CEPAL,1999).The introduction of congestion pricing will also require not only coordination between municipalities or districts in a city or urban region,but also a great deal of political commitment,public acceptance,institutional capacity and ernment must inform important sectors of the population,including motorists,other transport users,community groups,employers,and of course,society as a whole.In addition,a number of economic and institutional issues will need to be overcome.For example,a multi-million dollar conges-tion pricing programme will likely deprive other projects,sectors and geographic regions of important investments,regardless of the primary source of funding.This is a major concern,particularly in middle-income countries like Mexico or Colombia.On the institu-tional side,one key hurdle will be to ensure that the lead agency and consultants implementing these schemes have the capacity to successfully set up and operate such a programme.Equally important will be the need for the implementing agency to receive support from other cooperating agencies.After carefully considering the pros and cons of introducing congestion pricing,another issue that needs to be carefully considered by transport authorities is the choice of pricing scheme. Each city is unique in its geography,socioeconomic structure and set of travel patterns,and distinct from cities where congestion pricing has been implemented,such as Singapore or London(Hook &Ferreira,2004).It is important that planners study potential congestion zones and based on a number of factors(e.g.,future traffic levels,size,density),target one or more areas for imple-mentation.In addition,for maximum effect,thought should be given to combining congestion pricing with other TDM measures.Certainly the argument that congestion pricing generates inequities between income classes carries less weight in Latin America and other areas of the developing world.In these coun-tries,car ownership is largely a privilege of the high-income resi-dent and to some extent,the middle-income resident.In Latin America,most low-income residents have very low levels of purchasing power and often,do not own a private vehicle(nor have access to one).In most countries of the region,low-income residents are public transport-dependent and/or heavily reliant on non-motorised transport for most of their daily trips.In order to gain a greater perspective concerning some of the issues involved in deciding whether or not to introduce a conges-tion pricing programme,the next section explores congestion-related issues in two Latin American cities where such a pro-gramme has been seriously discussed.4.Case studies:São Paulo and SantiagoThis section provides a profile of each case city,its urban transport network,past attempts to restrict traffic in different parts of the city and more recent proposals for introducing congestion pricing in the city.In São Paulo,traffic restrictions have been introduced,but toll facilities are not widely used.In the case of Santiago,authorities have implemented electronic toll roads in the past decade,providing a mechanism for recouping the costs of infrastructure investments.4.1.São PauloOver the past few decades,the issue of traffic congestion has increasingly become a central issue in São Paulo(see Fig.1). International news sources have commented on this problem,with Time magazine noting that the city has the world’s worst traffic jams(Downie,2008)and an IBM study placing it among the top six cities for commuter pain(IBM,2010).The following paragraphs provide background on Greater São Paulo,its regional network and past attempts to implement vehicle restriction.Greater São Paulo,the capital of São Paulo State,is the principal population and commercial centre of Brazil,concentrating a very high proportion of the country’s industry andfinancial services. With close to19million inhabitants(CAF,2010),it is currently the largest city in South America(see Table1).The city is located on a plateau within the Serra do Mar,about70km west of the Atlantic Ocean and360km southwest of Rio de Janeiro.The metropolis has an average density of just over8300persons per square kilometre,comparable to the average densities of some European cities,but certainly lower than a number of other cities in the region,such as Bogotáor Caracas.Over the years,a relatively high level of car ownership has led to urban sprawl away from the city centre and longer average daily commutes.This pattern has resulted in greater car dependence and less use of alternative modes.Despite its high levels of congestion,São Paulo does have a comprehensive set of public transport modes.Currently,the formal public transport network consists of standard buses, trolley buses,minibuses,heavy rail metro,and commuter rail.In addition,a number of vans,formerly part of the informal transport sector,carry a significant share of all trips in the region.Collec-tively,public transport carries about12million daily trips(over one third of the region’s35million daily trips):75percent(9 million)by bus or van,and25percent(3million)by rail(see Table2).Greater São Paulo grew at a relatively rapid pace between the 1950s and1980s,overtaking Rio de Janeiro as the nation’s largest metropolis.During this period,new roadways were built and car-oriented development was encouraged,much as it was in the U.S. (Vasconcellos,1997).In the past few decades,a general lack of coordination between transport investments and land use planning has characterised many world cities,including Sao Paulo.An increase in car ownership(generated by rapid growth in incomes) without adequate travel demand management has often resulted in severe air pollution and congestion during extended periods of the day(Anas&Timilsina,2009).C.R.Rivasplata/Research in Transportation Economics40(2013)56e65 60。



PY542INFORMATION Fall2008Instructor:Sidney Redner(321SCI,x2618)Office Hours:Tues.&Fri.9-10:30am,and by appointment.General:This course treats non-equilibrium statistical mechanics and transport phenom-ena.Because of the rapid developments in thefield,the breadth of topics,and the lack of an established formalism,most of the classic texts no longer seem appropriate for this course.For this reason,the“unofficial”course text is a book that I am currently writing with2co-authors.It is continuously being updated and individual chapters are posted on the course website.Other books that should be helpful during the semester include:(i)N.G.Van Kampen,Stochastic Processes in Physics and Chemistry(North-Holland). This gives an excellent treatment of stochastic processes.Buy it used if you can.I would have assigned this as the text if the price was a factor2smaller.(ii)S.Redner,A Guide to First-Passage Processes(Cambridge University Press).This book gives background on random walks and diffusion processes,as well as a reference for the portion of the course onfirst-passage phenomena.If you purchase the hardcover version,I will refund you my royalty(approximately$5.50per book),but the paperback version is much cheaper.I will also post relevant excerpts on the course website. (iii)F.Reif,Statistical and Thermal Physics(McGraw-Hill).A standard advanced un-dergraduate text for statistical mechanics.The last few chapters provide a particularly useful introduction to various aspects of non-equilibrium processes.(iv)K.Huang,Statistical Mechanics2nd edition(Wiley).Relevant chapters are3and 5that deal with kinetic theory and transport phenomena.(i)N.Wax(editor),Selected Papers on Noise and Stochastic Processes(Dover).This book contains reprints of some of the most important classic research articles on stochas-tic processes.Although out of print,it may be possible to obtain used somewhere.How-ever,the book contains reprints of articles that are generally available on the web.The most useful is“Stochastic Problems in Physics in Astronomy”by S.Chandrasekhar, Rev.Mod.Phys.15,1–89(1943).Other useful articles include“On the Theory of the Brownian Motion”,by G.E.Uhlenbeck and L.S.Orenstein,Phys.Rev.26,823–41(1930)&“On the Theory of the Brownian Motion II”by M.C.Wang and G.E. Uhlenbeck,Rev.Mod.Phys.17,323–42(1945).(v)R.Kubo,M.Toda and N.Hashitsume,Statistical Physics II(Springer-Verlag). Contains a particularly good discussion of linear response theory and thefluctuation-dissipation theorem.(vi)J.A.McLennan,Introduction to Non-Equilibrium Statistical Mechanicsi(Prentice-Hall).This book contains a thorough discussion of the Boltzmann transport equation. (vii)H.J.Kreuzer,Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics and its Statistical Foundations (Oxford University Press).Comprehensively treats transport theory from the macro-scopic viewpoint and has an excellent discussion of the Rayleigh-B´e nard instability.Course organization:Lectures:Lectures will be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays from2:00—3:30in SCI B58.The accompanying outline represents a rough approximation to the material that will be covered this semester.Discussion:Sections will be held weekly starting Wed.Sept.3at2:00pm in PRB365.Homework:Approximately10assignments will be handed out.While some collab-oration on homework is acceptable,what is turned in should represent your personal effort.Exams and Grading:The average of the homeworks will count approximately30±5% of the total class grade.I will give one midterm exam(exact format to be determined) that will count approximately30±5%of the total class grade.For thefinal,I am currently planning a take-home but time-limitedfinal exam that will count for the approximately remaining40%of the total course grade.。

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22.103 Microscopic Theory of Transport (Fall 2003)Lecture 2 (9/10/03)Diffusion and the Mean Square Displacement_______________________________________________________________________ References --Boon and Yip, Chap.2.McQuarrie, Chap. 16.Bird, Stewart, Lightfoot, Chap 16.________________________________________________________________________ We begin with the simplest transport process, that of mass or particle diffusion.The basic quantity in this discussion is the self-diffusion coefficient D which is a material constant usually introduced in a phenomenological expression called the Fick's law,=−∇ (2.1)J D nwhere J is the particle current, and n is the particle density (or concentration). In other words, D is the proportionality constant between a current (or flux) and a gradient of a density. A similar relation may be written between the momentum flux and the velocity gradient, in which case the constant is the viscosity η(sometimes the symbol µ is used),or between the heat current and the temperature gradient, in which case the constant is the thermal conductivity (sometimes denoted asκλ).Fick's law is useful because by invoking it we convert the continuity equation into a time-dependent diffusion equation. This is fine if what we want to do is solve the diffusion equation subject to an initial condition and appropriate boundary condition (we will dothis later). On the other hand, (2.1) tells us nothing about what is D (how to find it), how does D depend on the motions of the molecules that are undergoing diffusion, or howdoes D vary with the state of the system.Consider a simple fluid (only one type of molecule) in equilibrium at some pressure Pand temperature T. One can ascribe to this system a diffusion coefficient D, which is a function of P and T. Usually, P is replaced by the fluid number density n or the mass density ρ. For now we will not be concerned about the density and temperature dependence of D; it should be understood that later D really means (,)ρ.D TFor now we focus on the relation between D and the atomic motions of the particles inthe fluid. If we know D, what information does that give about the motions, and vice versa? Another question is how can we calculate D, i.e., what expression can we use and what information about the fluid do we need for such a calculation? Asking such questions means that we are starting to think about diffusion as a transport phenomenon taking place on the molecular level. Suppose we imagine we can watch all the molecules moving around, and we have the ability, in principle, of following the trajectory of any single molecule that we pick. Since all the molecules are identical, the trajectory of anyzzmolecule, statistically, has the same importance as any other molecule. It then follows that all the molecules must contribute equally to the estimation of the self-diffusion coefficient. (In a one-component fluid the diffusion process is called self-diffusion , in contrast to mutual diffusion in a multicomponent system. In the latter one keeps of the particle species as diffusion takes place.)There are two ways of defining the diffusion coefficient D which are more useful than (2.1) for understanding diffusion on a molecular level. The goal of this and the next lecture is to introduce them by explaining how they come about. We first define the mean square displacement function,211()[()(0)]N i i i r t R t R N =<∆>=<−>∑2 (2.2) where ()R t is the position of molecule i in the fluid, which we take to be a finite systemof volume V containing N identical molecules, see Fig. 2.1. The angular brackets < > in Fig. 2.1. A system of N particles and volume V. The instantaneous (at time t) position and velocity of the ith particle are denoted as ()R t and velocity ()V t .(2.2) indicate an average over initial (at time t = 0) positions and velocities of themolecules. Notice that the quantity inside the angular brackets is the square of thedisplacement that molecule has undergone during a time interval t. Summing over all the molecules and dividing by the number of molecules gives the mean value, so (2.2) is the mean square displacement of the molecules in the fluid over a period of time t. The angular brackets in (2.2) denotes what is known as a thermal or ensemble average. It means that if we were doing an actual measurement of the mean square displacement by starting the molecules off in an initial distribution of positions of the molecules, with each having some initial velocity (according to the temperature of the fluid), we should repeat the measurement, each time choosing for initial positions and velocities of the particles a distribution drawn from an ensemble of distributions. After repeating a number of these measurements we then average the results. In each measurement, the time interval over which we let molecule i wander around in the fluid is the same, and what we record is the square of the vector displacement of molecule i from its initial position (0)i R (when we start over again with a different initial distribution, (0)R will be different from the preceding run).To make clear what is involved in the thermal average, we take any dynamical variable A(t), which is a function of the particle positions at time t, and define33()(0)(0)((0),(0))(())N N N N N eq A t d R d V f R V A R t <>=∫ (2.3)In (2.3) ()N R t stands for a collection of postions, 12(),(),...,()N R t R t R t , all at time t. The integral, however, is taken over the initial positions and velocities, (0)N R and (0)N V , with eq f being an appropriate ensemble distribution. Typically we will take eq f to be thecanonical distribution in thermodynamics, then()/(,)(NB U R k T N N N eq M e )f R V f V Z −= (2.4)where U is the system potential energy, kB the Boltzmann's constant, T the system temperature, and Z is the partition function,()/3N BU R k T N Z d R e −=∫ (2.5)Moreover, in (2.4) f M is the normalized Maxwell distribution of velocities. Except for the velocity distribution we will manipulate eq f only formally.Since the thermal average is involved in the mean square displacement function, the quantity of our interest in this lecture, it is instructive to see how one can perform the indicated integration. To do the integral in (2.3) means we need to know what is the relation between the particle positions and velocities at the initial time t = 0 and their positions at time t later. This relation can be very simple, as in the case of an ideal gas where all particles move in straight lines,()(0)(0)i i i R t R V t =+(2.4)Or it can be very complicated, as in the case of a liquid where one can only write it down formally (which is not that useful for seeing what is going on). Let us now work out the mean square displacement function for the ideal gas. Inserting (2.4) into (2.2) we get22()(0)(0)r t V V t <∆>=<⋅>(2.5) 223ov t =with , is known as the thermal speed. This is a simple and exact result which says that the mean square displacement of a gas in which there are no collisions grows quadratically in time. Since any collision will have the effect of slowing down the2/oB v k T M =o vmolecules, we can expect that when collision effects are taken into account will not grow as quickly at t 2.2()r t <∆>It is instructive to compare the behavior of 2()r t <∆> for three idealized systems, one of them being the ideal gas we have just discussed. The other two are a simple liquid and a solid. These three systems represent the three states of matter that we usually encounter, so it is important to see how varies in each of these idealized systems. Knowing the behavior in these models can help us understand what kinds of atomic motions take place in a particular physical situation. We will defer the derivation of for a liquid and a solid to a later occasion. For now, we show in Fig.2.2 the characteristic behavior of the three systems.2()r t <∆>2()r t <∆>One can see that at short times increases like t 2 for all three systems. This can be seen by the following argument. For any system we can make a Taylor series expansion of the displacement of a particle by writing2()r t <∆>21()(0)(0)()23R t R R t R t O t =+++ (2.6)Inserting this into (2.2) we get a time expansion of 2()r t <∆> ,(2.7) 222()3()o r t v t O t <∆>=+3This says that for any system, behaves initially like an ideal gas up to the second order term in t. We can understand this as just the inertial part of the motion of any physical system. We see in Fig. 2 that the curves for the liquid and the solid rather quickly deviate from the t 2 behavior once the dynamics of the system set in. One way to think about the dynamics is through particle collisions with their neighbors, this is quite intuitive for a liquid environment. For the solid, one can think about restoring forces on each atom provided by the crystal binding. This is what holds each atom in itsequilibrium position in the crystal lattice. In a simplified way we can say that atomic motions in a liquid is like Brownian motion, a particle undergoes continuous collisions with its neighbors as it diffuses through the liquid. On the other hand, a particle in the solid cannot diffuse very far from its lattice site, its motions are vibratory rather than diffusive. This difference is seen in Fig. 2. At long times, the diffusive behavior in the liquid gives rise to a linear time dependence in 2()r t <∆>2()r t <∆>. In contrast, reaches a plateau value because it cannot grow indefinitely, no matter how long one waits. 2()r t <∆>The connection between and the conventional picture of diffusion lies in the behavior of at long times. Fig. 2.2 shows that for times long compared to some typical collision or correlation time t c (we will come back to make this more precisely later), increases linearly with time for a liquid. This linear time2()r t <∆>2()r t <∆>2()r t <∆>dependence is what is characteristic of diffusive motion. In this case the slope of is proportional to the diffusion coefficient D,2()r t <∆>t >> t c (2.8) 2()~6r t Dt <∆>Since goes to a plateau value at long times in a solid, D is effectively zero for a solid according to the definition,2()r t <∆>21()6ct t D r t t >>⎡⎤=∆⎢⎥⎣⎦ (2.9)Eq.(2.9) also shows that for an ideal gas D would have infinite diffusion coefficient. In reality, we know that there is diffusion in the solid, although D(solid) is smaller than D(liquid) typically by several orders of magnitude, and D(gas) is large but finite at any nonzero pressure.Fig.2.2. Mean squared displacement of three idealized systems, an ideal gas (no intermolecular collisions), a liquid, and a solid. The characteristic features ofare a quadratic time dependence for all times for the gas, with ,where T is the temperature and m the particle mass, a long-time linear behavior with a slope given by 6D, where D is diffusion coefficient, for the liquid, and a long-time plateau value of 2()r t <∆>2/o B v k T m =2/B k T m ω, where ωthe characteristic vibrational frequency, for the solid.In the next lecture we will show that 2()r t <∆> can be expressed in terms of the velocity autocorrelation function of the system. Combining this with (2.8) we then obtain a relation between the diffusion coefficient D and the velocity autocorrelation function. This relation turns out to be quite a general result of statistical mechanics and is known as the Green-Kubo expression for the diffusion coefficient. Unlike the Fick's law (2.1), the Green-Kubo relation, or (2.8), can be used to directly calculate the diffusion coefficient.。
