Stability and Computation of Medial Axes




认证之家 EUROPEAN STANDARDEN 55022 NORME EUROPÉENNEEUROPÄISCHE NORM September 2006CENELECEuropean Committee for Electrotechnical StandardizationComité Européen de Normalisation ElectrotechniqueEuropäisches Komitee für Elektrotechnische NormungCentral Secretariat: rue de Stassart 35, B - 1050 Brussels© 2006 CENELEC - All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CENELEC members.Ref. No. EN 55022:2006 E ICS 33.100.10Supersedes EN 55022:1998 + A1:2000 + A2:2003English versionInformation technology equipment -Radio disturbance characteristics -Limits and methods of measurement(CISPR 22:2005, modified)Appareils de traitement de l'information - Caractéristiques des perturbationsradioélectriques -Limites et méthodes de mesure(CISPR 22:2005, modifiée)Einrichtungen der Informationstechnik - Funkstöreigenschaften - Grenzwerte und Messverfahren (CISPR 22:2005, modifiziert)This European Standard was approved by CENELEC on 2005-09-13. CENELEC members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration.Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national standards may be obtained on application to the Central Secretariat or to any CENELEC member.This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a CENELEC member into its own language and notified to the Central Secretariat has the same status as the official versions.CENELEC members are the national electrotechnical committees of Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.EN 55022:2006– 2 –ForewordThe text of the International Standard CISPR 22:2003 as well as A1:2004 and CISPR/I/136/FDIS (Amendment 3) and CISPR/I/128/CDV (Amendment 2, fragment 17), prepared by CISPR SC I "Electromagnetic compatibility of information technology equipment, multimedia equipment and receivers", together with the common modifications prepared by the Technical Committee CENELEC TC 210, Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), was submitted to the CENELEC Unique Acceptance Procedure for acceptance as a European Standard.In addition, the text of CISPR/I/135A/FDIS (future A2, fragment 1) to CISPR 22:2003, also prepared by CISPR SC I "Electromagnetic compatibility of information technology equipment, multimedia equipment and receivers", was submitted to the CENELEC formal vote as prAD to prEN 55022:2005, with the intention of the two documents being merged and ratified together as a new edition of EN 55022.During the period of voting on these CENELEC drafts, the amendments CISPR/I/135A/FDIS and CISPR/I/136/FDIS (Amendments 2 and 3 respectively) made to CISPR 22:2003, resulted in the publication of a new (fifth) edition of CISPR 22, in accordance with IEC rules. The resulting CISPR 22:2005 was published in April 2005.This resulting version of EN 55022, which was ratified on 2005-09-13, is therefore identical to CISPR 22:2005 except for the common modifications that were included in the document submitted to the CENELEC Unique Acceptance Procedure. The common modifications include CISPR/I/128/CDV, as this draft was not implemented in the unamended CISPR 22:2005.This European Standard supersedes EN 55022:1998 and its amendments A1:2000 and A2:2003.The following dates were fixed:–latest date by which the EN has to be implementedat national level by publication of an identicalnational standard or by endorsement (dop) 2007-04-01–latest date by which the national standards conflictingwith the EN have to be withdrawn (dow) 2009-10-01This European Standard has been prepared under a mandate given to CENELEC by the European Commission and the European Free Trade Association and covers essential requirements of EC Directives 89/336/EEC, 2004/108/EC and 1999/5/EC. See Annex ZZ.__________– 3 – EN 55022:2006CONTENTS INTRODUCTION (6)1Scope and object (7)2Normative references (7)3Definitions (8)4Classification of ITE (9)4.1Class B ITE (9)4.2Class A ITE (10)5Limits for conducted disturbance at mains terminals and telecommunication ports (10)5.1Limits of mains terminal disturbance voltage (10)5.2Limits of conducted common mode (asymmetric mode) disturbanceat telecommunication ports (11)6Limits for radiated disturbance (11)7Interpretation of CISPR radio disturbance limit (12)7.1Significance of a CISPR limit (12)7.2Application of limits in tests for conformity of equipment in series production (12)8General measurement conditions (13)8.1Ambient noise (13)8.2General arrangement (14)8.3EUT arrangement (16)8.4Operation of the EUT (18)8.5Operation of multifunction equipment (19)9Method of measurement of conducted disturbance at mains terminals and telecommunication ports (20)9.1Measurement detectors (20)9.2Measuring receivers (20)9.3Artificial mains network (AMN) (20)9.4Ground reference plane (21)9.5EUT arrangement (21)9.6Measurement of disturbances at telecommunication ports (23)9.7Recording of measurements (27)10Method of measurement of radiated disturbance (27)10.1Measurement detectors (27)10.2Measuring receivers (27)10.3Antenna (27)10.4Measurement site (28)10.5EUT arrangement (29)10.6Recording of measurements (29)10.7Measurement in the presence of high ambient signals (30)10.8User installation testing (30)11Measurement uncertainty (30)EN 55022:2006– 4 –Annex A (normative) Site attenuation measurements of alternative test sites (41)Annex B (normative) Decision tree for peak detector measurements (47)Annex C (normative) Possible test set-ups for common mode measurements (48)Annex D (informative) Schematic diagrams of examples of impedance stabilization networks (ISN) (55)Annex E (informative) Parameters of signals at telecommunication ports (64)Annex F (informative) Rationale for disturbance measurements and methods (67)Annex ZA (normative) Normative references to international publications with their corresponding European publications (75)Annex ZZ (informative) Coverage of Essential Requirements of EC Directives (76)Bibliography (74)Figure 1 – Test site (31)Figure 2 – Minimum alternative measurement site (32)Figure 3 – Minimum size of metal ground plane (32)Figure 4 – Example test arrangement for tabletop equipment (conducted and radiated emissions) (plan view) (33)Figure 5 – Example test arrangement for tabletop equipment (conducted emission measurement – alternative 1a) (34)Figure 6 – Example test arrangement for tabletop equipment (conducted emission measurement – alternative 1b) (34)Figure 7 – Example test arrangement for tabletop equipment (conducted emission measurement – alternative 2) (35)Figure 8 – Example test arrangement for floor-standing equipment (conductedemission measurement) (36)Figure 9 – Example test arrangement for combinations of equipment (conductedemission measurement) (37)Figure 10 – Example test arrangement for tabletop equipment (radiated emission measurement) (37)Figure 11 – Example test arrangement for floor-standing equipment (radiated emission measurement) (38)Figure 12 – Example test arrangement for floor-standing equipment with vertical riserand overhead cables (radiated and conducted emission measurement) (39)Figure 13 – Example test arrangement for combinations of equipment (radiatedemission measurement) (40)Figure A.1 – Typical antenna positions for alternate site NSA measurements (44)Figure A.2 – Antenna positions for alternate site measurements for minimumrecommended volume (45)Figure B.1 – Decision tree for peak detector measurements (47)Figure C.1 – Using CDNs described in IEC 61000-4-6 as CDN/ISNs (49)Figure C.2 – Using a 150 Ω load to the outside surface of the shield ("in situCDN/ISN") (50)Figure C.3 – Using a combination of current probe and capacitive voltage probe (50)Figure C.4 – Using no shield connection to ground and no ISN (51)Figure C.5 – Calibration fixture (53)Figure C.6 – Flowchart for selecting test method (54)Figure D.1 − ISN for use with unscreened single balanced pairs (55)– 5 – EN 55022:2006 Figure D.2 − ISN with high longitudinal conversion loss (LCL) for use with either oneor two unscreened balanced pairs (56)Figure D.3 − ISN with high longitudinal conversion loss (LCL) for use with one, two,three, or four unscreened balanced pairs (57)Figure D.4 − ISN, including a 50 Ω source matching network at the voltage measuringport, for use with two unscreened balanced pairs (58)Figure D.5 − ISN for use with two unscreened balanced pairs (59)Figure D.6 − ISN, including a 50 Ω source matching network at the voltage measuringport, for use with four unscreened balanced pairs (60)Figure D.7 − ISN for use with four unscreened balanced pairs (61)Figure D.8 − ISN for use with coaxial cables, employing an internal common modechoke created by bifilar winding an insulated centre-conductor wire and an insulatedscreen-conductor wire on a common magnetic core (for example, a ferrite toroid) (61)Figure D.9 − ISN for use with coaxial cables, employing an internal common modechoke created by miniature coaxial cable (miniature semi-rigid solid copper screen or miniature double-braided screen coaxial cable) wound on ferrite toroids (62)Figure D.10 − ISN for use with multi-conductor screened cables, employing an internal common mode choke created by bifilar winding multiple insulated signal wires and an insulated screen-conductor wire on a common magnetic core (for example, a ferrite toroid) (62)Figure D.11 − ISN for use with multi-conductor screened cables, employing an internal common mode choke created by winding a multi-conductor screened cable on ferrite toroids (63)Figure F.1 – Basic circuit for considering the limits with defined TCM impedance of 150 Ω..70 Figure F.2 – Basic circuit for the measurement with unknown TCM impedance (70)Figure F.3 – Impedance layout of the components used in Figure C.2 (72)Figure F.4 – Basic test set-up to measure combined impedance of the 150 Ω and ferrites (73)Table 1 – Limits for conducted disturbance at the mains ports of class A ITE (10)Table 2 – Limits for conducted disturbance at the mains ports of class B ITE (11)Table 3 – Limits of conducted common mode (asymmetric mode) disturbanceat telecommunication ports in the frequency range 0,15 MHz to 30 MHz for class A equipment (11)Table 4 – Limits of conducted common mode (asymmetric mode) disturbance at telecommunication ports in the frequency range 0,15 MHz to 30 MHz for class B equipment (11)Table 5 – Limits for radiated disturbance of class A ITE at a measuring distance of10 m (12)Table 6 – Limits for radiated disturbance of class B ITE at a measuring distance of10 m (12)Table 7 – Acronyms used in figures (31)Table A.1 – Normalized site attenuation (A N (dB)) for recommended geometries with broadband antennas (43)Table F.1 – Summary of advantages and disadvantages of the methods described inAnnex C (68)EN 55022:2006– 6 –INTRODUCTIONThe scope is extended to the whole radio-frequency range from 9 kHz to 400 GHz, but limits are formulated only in restricted frequency bands, which is considered sufficient to reach adequate emission levels to protect radio broadcast and telecommunication services, and to allow other apparatus to operate as intended at reasonable distance.– 7 – EN 55022:2006 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY EQUIPMENT –RADIO DISTURBANCE CHARACTERISTICS –LIMITS AND METHODS OF MEASUREMENT1 Scope and objectThis International Standard applies to ITE as defined in 3.1.Procedures are given for the measurement of the levels of spurious signals generated by the ITE and limits are specified for the frequency range 9 kHz to 400 GHz for both class A and class B equipment. No measurements need be performed at frequencies where no limits are specified.The intention of this publication is to establish uniform requirements for the radio disturbance level of the equipment contained in the scope, to fix limits of disturbance, to describe methods of measurement and to standardize operating conditions and interpretation of results.2 Normative referencesThe following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.IEC 60083:1997, Plugs and socket-outlets for domestic and similar general use standardized in member countries of IECIEC 61000-4-6:2003, Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) – Part 4-6: Testing and measurement techniques – Immunity to conducted disturbances, induced by radio-frequency fieldsCISPR 11:2003, Industrial, scientific, and medical (ISM) radio-frequency equipment – Electro-magnetic disturbance characteristics – Limits and methods of measurementCISPR 13:2001, Sound and television broadcast receivers and associated equipment – Radio disturbance characteristics – Limits and methods of measurementCISPR 16-1-1:2003, Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and methods – Part 1-1: Radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus – Measuring apparatusCISPR 16-1-2:2003, Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and methods – Part 1-2: Radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus – Ancillary equipment – Conducted disturbances 1Amendment 1 (2004)___________1There exists a consolidated edition 1.1 (2004) including edition 1.0 and its Amendment 1.EN 55022:2006– 8 –CISPR 16-1-4:2004, Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and methods – Part 1-4: Radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus – Ancillary equipment – Radiated disturbancesCISPR 16-4-2:2003, Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and methods – Part 4-2: Uncertainties, statistics and limit modelling – Uncertainty in EMC measurements3 DefinitionsFor the purposes of this document the following definitions apply:3.1information technology equipment (ITE)any equipment:a) which has a primary function of either (or a combination of) entry, storage, display,retrieval, transmission, processing, switching, or control, of data and of telecommuni-cation messages and which may be equipped with one or more terminal ports typically operated for information transfer;b) with a rated supply voltage not exceeding 600 V.It includes, for example, data processing equipment, office machines, electronic business equipment and telecommunication equipment.Any equipment (or part of the ITE equipment) which has a primary function of radio trans-mission and/or reception according to the ITU Radio Regulations are excluded from the scope of this publication.NOTE Any equipment which has a function of radio transmission and/or reception according to the definitions of the ITU Radio Regulations should fulfil the national radio regulations, whether or not this publication is also valid. Equipment, for which all disturbance requirements in the frequency range are explicitly formulated in other IEC or CISPR publications, are excluded from the scope of this publication.3.2equipment under test (EUT)representative ITE or functionally interactive group of ITE (system) which includes one or more host unit(s) and is used for evaluation purposes3.3host unitpart of an ITE system or unit that provides the mechanical housing for modules, which may contain radio-frequency sources, and may provide power distribution to other ITE. Power distribution may be a.c., d.c., or both between the host unit(s) and modules or other ITE3.4modulepart of an ITE which provides a function and may contain radio-frequency sources3.5identical modules and ITEmodules and ITE produced in quantity and within normal manufacturing tolerances to a given manufacturing specification– 9 – EN 55022:20063.6telecommunications/network portpoint of connection for voice, data and signalling transfers intended to interconnect widely-dispersed systems via such means as direct connection to multi-user telecommunications networks (e.g. public switched telecommunications networks (PSTN) integrated services digital networks (ISDN), x-type digital subscriber lines (xDSL), etc.), local area networks (e.g. Ethernet, Token Ring, etc.) and similar networksNOTE A port generally intended for interconnection of components of an ITE system under test (e.g. RS-232, IEEE Standard 1284 (parallel printer), Universal Serial Bus (USB), IEEE Standard 1394 (“Fire Wire”), etc.) and used in accordance with its functional specifications (e.g. for the maximum length of cable connected to it), is not considered to be a telecommunications/network port under this definition.3.7multifunction equipmentinformation technology equipment in which two or more functions subject to this standard and/or to other standards are provided in the same unitNOTE Examples of information technology equipment include–a personal computer provided with a telecommunication function and/or broadcast reception function; – a personal computer provided with a measuring function, etc.3.8total common mode impedanceTCM impedanceimpedance between the cable attached to the EUT port under test and the reference ground planeNOTE The complete cable is seen as one wire of the circuit, the ground plane as the other wire of the circuit. The TCM wave is the transmission mode of electrical energy, which can lead to radiation of electrical energy if the cable is exposed in the real application. Vice versa, this is also the dominant mode, which results from exposition of the cable to external electromagnetic fields.3.9arrangementphysical layout of the EUT that includes connected peripherals/associated equipment within the test area3.10configurationmode of operation and other operational conditions of the EUT3.11associated equipmentAEequipment needed to maintain the data traffic on the cable attached to the EUT port under test and (or) to maintain the normal operation of the EUT during the test. The associated equipment may be physically located outside the test areaNOTE The AE can be another ITE, a traffic simulator or a connection to a network. The AE can be situated close to the measurement set-up, outside the measurement room or be represented by the connection to a network. AE should not have any appreciable influence on the test results.4 Classification of ITE4.1 Class B ITEClass B ITE is a category of apparatus which satisfies the class B ITE disturbance limits. ITE is subdivided into two categories denoted class A ITE and class B ITE.EN 55022:2006 – 10 – Class B ITE is intended primarily for use in the domestic environment and may include:– equipment with no fixed place of use; for example, portable equipment powered by built-inbatteries;– telecommunication terminal equipment powered by a telecommunication network; – personal computers and auxiliary connected equipment.NOTE The domestic environment is an environment where the use of broadcast radio and television receivers may be expected within a distance of 10 m of the apparatus concerned.4.2 Class A ITE WarningThis is a class A product. In a domestic environment this product may cause radio inter-ference in which case the user may be required to take adequate measures.5 Limits for conducted disturbance at mains terminalsand telecommunication portsThe equipment under test (EUT) shall meet the limits in Tables 1 and 3 or 2 and 4, as appli-cable, including the average limit and the quasi-peak limit when using, respectively, an average detector receiver and quasi-peak detector receiver and measured in accordance with the methods described in Clause 9. Either the voltage limits or the current limits in Table 3 or 4, as applicable, shall be met except for the measurement method of C.1.3 where both limits shall be met. If the average limit is met when using a quasi-peak detector receiver, the EUT shall be deemed to meet both limits and measurement with the average detector receiver is unnecessary.If the reading of the measuring receiver shows fluctuations close to the limit, the reading shall be observed for at least 15 s at each measurement frequency; the higher reading shall be recorded with the exception of any brief isolated high reading which shall be ignored.5.1 Limits of mains terminal disturbance voltageTable 1 – Limits for conducted disturbance at the mains portsof class A ITE Limits dB(μV) Frequency rangeMHzQuasi-peak Average 0,15 to 0,5079 66 0,50 to 30 73 60NOTE The lower limit shall apply at the transition frequency.Class A ITE is a category of all other ITE which satisfies the class A ITE limits but not the class B ITE limits. The following warning shall be included in the instructions for use:Table 2 – Limits for conducted disturbance at the mains portsof class B ITE Limits dB(μV) Frequency rangeMHzQuasi-peak Average 0,15 to 0,5066 to 56 56 to 46 0,50 to 556 46 5 to 30 60 50NOTE 1 The lower limit shall apply at the transition frequencies.NOTE 2 The limit decreases linearly with the logarithm of the frequency in therange 0,15 MHz to 0,50 MHz.5.2 Limits of conducted common mode (asymmetric mode) disturbanceat telecommunication ports 2)Table 3 – Limits of conducted common mode (asymmetric mode) disturbanceat telecommunication ports in the frequency range 0,15 MHz to 30 MHzfor class A equipment Voltage limits dB (μV) Current limits dB (μA) Frequency rangeMHzQuasi-peak Average Quasi-peak Average0,15 to 0,597 to 87 84 to 74 53 to 43 40 to 30 0,5 to 30 87 74 43 30 NOTE 1 The limits decrease linearly with the logarithm of the frequency in the range 0,15 MHz to 0,5 MHz.NOTE 2 The current and voltage disturbance limits are derived for use with an impedance stabilization network (ISN) which presents a common mode (asymmetric mode) impedance of 150 Ω to the telecommunication port under test (conversion factor is 20 log 10 150 / I = 44 dB).Table 4 – Limits of conducted common mode (asymmetric mode) disturbanceat telecommunication ports in the frequency range 0,15 MHz to 30 MHzfor class B equipment Voltage limits dB(μV) Current limits dB(μA) Frequency rangeMHzQuasi-peak Average Quasi-peakAverage 0,15 to 0,584 to 74 74 to 64 40 to 30 30 to 20 0,5 to 30 74 64 30 20 NOTE 1 The limits decrease linearly with the logarithm of the frequency in the range 0,15 MHz to 0,5 MHz.NOTE 2 The current and voltage disturbance limits are derived for use with an impedance stabilization network (ISN) which presents a common mode (asymmetric mode) impedance of 150 Ω to the telecommunication port under test (conversion factor is 20 log 10 150 / I = 44 dB).6 Limits for radiated disturbanceThe EUT shall meet the limits of Table 5 or Table 6 when measured at the measuring distance R in accordance with the methods described in Clause 10. If the reading on the measuring receiver shows fluctuations close to the limit, the reading shall be observed for at least 15 s at each measurement frequency; the highest reading shall be recorded, with the exception of any brief isolated high reading, which shall be ignored.___________2) See 3.6.Table 5 – Limits for radiated disturbance of class A ITE at a measuring distance of 10 mFrequency rangeMHz Quasi-peak limits dB(μV/m)30 to 230 40230 to 1 000 47NOTE 1 The lower limit shall apply at the transition frequency.NOTE 2 Additional provisions may be required for cases where interference occurs.Table 6 – Limits for radiated disturbance of class B ITEat a measuring distance of 10 mFrequency rangeMHz Quasi-peak limits dB(μV/m)30 to 230 30230 to 1 000 37NOTE 1 The lower limit shall apply at the transition frequency.NOTE 2 Additional provisions may be required for cases where interferenceoccurs.7 Interpretation of CISPR radio disturbance limit7.1 Significance of a CISPR limit7.1.1 A CISPR limit is a limit which is recommended to national authorities for incorporation in national publications, relevant legal regulations and official specifications. It is also recom-mended that international organizations use these limits.7.1.2The significance of the limits for equipment shall be that, on a statistical basis, at least 80 % of the mass-produced equipment complies with the limits with at least 80 % confidence.7.2 Application of limits in tests for conformity of equipment in series production7.2.1Tests shall be made: on a sample of equipment of the type using the statistical method of evaluation set out in, for simplicity's sake, on one equipment only.7.2.2Subsequent tests are necessary from time to time on equipment taken at random from production, especially in the case referred to in assessed compliance with limits shall be made as follows:This test shall be performed on a sample of not less than five and not more than 12 items of the type. If, in exceptional circumstances, five items are not available, a sample of four or three shall be used. Compliance is judged from the following relationship:x kS +≤n L wherex is the arithmetic mean of the measured value of n items in the sample()S n x x n 2n 211=−−∑x n is the value of the individual itemL is the appropriate limitk is the factor derived from tables of the non-central t -distribution which assures with 80 %confidence that 80 % of the type is below the limit; the value of k depends on the sample size n and is stated below.The quantities x n , x , S n and L are expressed logarithmically: dB(μV), dB(μV/m) or dB(pW). n3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 k 2,04 1,69 1,52 1,42 1,35 1,30 1,27 1,24 1,21 1,207.2.4 The banning of sales, or the withdrawal of a type approval, as a result of a dispute shall be considered only after tests have been carried out using the statistical method of evaluation in accordance with General measurement conditions8.1 Ambient noiseA test site shall permit disturbances from the EUT to be distinguished from ambient noise. The suitability of the site in this respect can be determined by measuring the ambient noise levels with the EUT inoperative and ensuring that the noise level is at least 6 dB below the limits specified in Clauses 5 and 6.If at certain frequency bands the ambient noise is not 6 dB below the specified limit, the methods shown in 10.5 may be used to show compliance of the EUT to the specified limits. It is not necessary that the ambient noise level be 6 dB below the specified limit where both ambient noise and source disturbance combined do not exceed the specified limit. In this case the source emanation is considered to satisfy the specified limit. Where the combined ambient noise and source disturbance exceed the specified limit, the EUT shall not be judged to fail the specified limit unless it is demonstrated that, at any measurement frequency for which the limit is exceeded, two conditions are met:a) the ambient noise level is at least 6 dB below the source disturbance plus ambient noiselevel;b) the ambient noise level is at least 4,8 dB below the specified limit.。



《生物信息学》题集一、选择题(每题3分,共30分)1.生物信息学的主要研究对象是什么?A. 蛋白质结构B. 基因序列C. 生态系统D. 细胞代谢2.下列哪项技术不是生物信息学中常用的数据库技术?A. BLASTB. GenBankC. PubMedD. SWISS-PROT3.在生物信息学中,进行多序列比对时常用的软件是什么?A. MATLABB. ClustalWC. ExcelD. PowerPoint4.哪种算法常用于基因表达数据的聚类分析?A. K-meansB. DijkstraC. A*D. Floyd5.生物信息学中,下列哪项不是常用的序列分析技术?A. PCRB. 测序C. 质谱分析D. 芯片技术6.下列哪项不是生物信息学在医学领域的应用?A. 疾病诊断B. 药物设计C. 天气预报D. 个性化医疗7.下列哪项技术常用于生物大分子的结构预测?A. NMRB. X射线衍射C. 同源建模D. 质谱分析8.在生物信息学中,下列哪项不是基因注释的内容?A. 基因功能B. 基因表达水平C. 基因在染色体上的位置D. 基因的长度9.下列哪项技术不是高通量测序技术?A. Sanger测序B. Illumina测序C. 454测序D. SOLiD测序10.下列哪项不是生物信息学在农业领域的应用?A. 作物育种B. 病虫害防治C. 土壤成分分析D. 农产品品质改良二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1.生物信息学是一门交叉学科,它主要涉及______、计算机科学和数学等领域。
















⽬前感兴趣的主要研究⽅向:1、离散事件动态系统; 2、Markov决策过程; 3、排队系统; 4、信息络论⽂著作主要著作殷保群,奚宏⽣,周亚平,排队系统性能分析与Markov控制过程,合肥:中国科学技术⼤学出版社,2004.期刊论⽂Yin, B. Q., Guo, D., Huang, J., Wu, X. M., Modeling and analysis for the P2P-based media delivery network, Mathematical and Computer Modelling (2011), doi:10.1016/j.mcm.2011.10.043. (SCI 收录, JCR II 区) Yin, B. Q., Lu, S., Guo, D., Analysis of Admission Control in P2P-Based Media Delivery Network Based on POMDP, International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, 2011, 7(7B): 4411-4422. (SCI收录, JCR II 区) Kang, Yu, Yin, Baoqun, Shang, Weike, Xi, Hongsheng, Performance sensitivity analysis and optimization for a class of countable semi-Markov decision processes, Proceedings of the World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation (WCICA2011), June 21, 2011 - June 25, 2011, Taipei, Taiwan. (EI收录20113614311870) Li, Y. J., Yin, B. Q., Xi, H. S., Finding Optimal Memoryless Policies of POMDPs under the Expected Average Reward Criterion, European Journal of Operational Research, 2011, 211(2011): 556-567. (SCI 收录, JCR II 区) 江琦,奚宏⽣,殷保群,事件驱动的动态服务组合策略在线⾃适应优化,控制理论与应⽤,2011, 28(8): 1049-1055. (EI收录20114214431454) Jiang, Q., Xi, H. S., Yin, B. Q., Adaptive Optimization of Timeout Policy for Dynamic Power Management Based on Semi-Markov Control Processes, IET Control Theory and Applications, 2010, 4(10): 1945-1958. (SCI收录) Tang, L., Xi, H. S., Zhu, J., Yin, B. Q., Modeling and Optimization of M/G/1-Type Queueing Networks: An Efficient Sensitivity Analysis Approach, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2010, 2010: 1-20. (SCI收录) Shan Lu, Baoqun Yin, Dong Guo, Admission Control for P2P-Based Media Delivery Network, Proceedings of the 29th Chinese Control Conference, July 29-31, 2010, Beijing, China, 2010: 1494-1499. ( EI收录20105113504286) ⾦辉宇,康宇,殷保群,局部Lipschitz系统的采样控制,Proceedings of the 29th Chinese Control Conference, July 29-31, 2010, Beijing, China, 2010: 992-997. ( EI收录20105113504436) 江琦,奚宏⽣,殷保群,络新媒体服务系统事件驱动的动态服务组合,Proceedings of the 29th Chinese Control Conference, July 29-31, 2010, Beijing, China, 2010: 1121-1125. ( EI收录20105113504230) Dong Guo, Baoqun Yin, Shan Lu, Jing Huang, Jian Yang, A Novel Dynamic Model for Peer-to-Peer File Sharing Systems, ICCMS, 2010 Second International Conference on Computer Modeling and Simulation, 2010, 1: 418-422. ( EI收录20101812900175) Jing Huang, Baoqun Yin, Dong Guo, Shan Lu, Xumin Wu, An Evolution Model for P2P File-Sharing Networks, ICCMS, 2010 Second International Conference on Computer Modeling and Simulation, 2010, 2: 361-365. ( EI收录20101712882202) 巫旭敏,殷保群,黄静,郭东,流媒体服务系统中⼀种基于数据预取的缓存策略,电⼦与信息学报,2010,32(10): 2440-2445. (EI 收录20104513372577) 马军,郑烇,殷保群,基于CDN和P2P的分布式络存储系统,计算机应⽤与软件,2010,27(2):50-52. Bao, B. K., Xi, H. S., Yin, B. Q., Ling, Q., Two Time-Scale Gradient Approximation Algorithm for Adaptive Markov Reward Processes, International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, 2010, 6(2): 655-666. (SCI收录, JCR II 区) Jiang, Q., Xi, H. S., Yin, B. Q., Dynamic File Grouping for Load Balancing in Streaming Media Clustered Server Systems, International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems, 2009, 7(4): 630-637. (SCI收录) 江琦,奚宏⽣,殷保群,动态电源管理超时策略与随机型策略的等效关系,计算机辅助设计与图形学学报,2009, 21(11): 1646-1651. (EI 收录20095012535449) 唐波,李衍杰,殷保群,连续时间部分可观Markov决策过程的策略梯度估计,控制理论与应⽤,2009,26(7):805-808. (EI 收录20093712302646) 芦珊,黄静,殷保群,基于POMDP的VOD接⼊控制建模与仿真,中国科学技术⼤学学报,2009,39(9):984-989. 李洪亮,殷保群,郑诠,⼀种基于负载均衡的数据部署算法,计算机仿真,2009,26(4):177-181. 鲍秉坤,殷保群,奚宏⽣,基于性能势的Markov控制过程双时间尺度仿真算法,系统仿真学报,2009,21(13):4114-4119. Jin Huiyu; Yin Baoqun; Ling Qiang; Kang Yu; Sampled-data Observer Design for Nonlinear Autonomous Systems, 2009 Chinese Control and Decision Conference, CCDC 2009, 2009: 1516-1520. 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(EI收录***********)代桂平,殷保群,李衍杰,奚宏⽣,半Markov控制过程基于性能势仿真的并⾏优化算法,中国科学技术⼤学学报,2006, 36(2): 183-186. 殷保群,李衍杰,唐昊,代桂平,奚宏⽣,半Markov决策过程折扣模型与平均模型之间的关系,控制理论与应⽤,2006, 23(1): 65-68. (EI收录***********)江琦,奚宏⽣,殷保群,半Markov控制过程在线⾃适应优化算法,第2xx届中国控制会议论⽂集,2006: 1066-1071. (ISTP收录BFQ63) Dai, G. P., Yin, B. Q., Li, Y. J., Xi, H. S., Performance Optimization Algorithms based on potential for Semi-Markov Control Processes. International Journal of Control, 2005, 78(11): 801-812. (SCI收录) Zhang, D. L., Xi, H. S., Yin, B. Q., Simulation-based optimization of singularly perturbed Markov reward processes with states aggregation. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2005, 3645: 129-138. (SCI 收录) Tang, H., Xi, H. S., Yin, B. Q., The optimal robust control policy for uncertain semi-Markov control processes. International Journal of System Science, 2005, 36(13): 791-800. (SCI收录) 张虎,殷保群,代桂平,奚宏⽣,G/M/1排队系统的性能灵敏度分析与仿真,系统仿真学报,2005, 17(5): 1084-1086. (EI收录***********)陈波,周亚平,殷保群,奚宏⽣,隐马⽒模型中的标量估计,系统⼯程与电⼦技术,2005, 27(6): 1083-1086. (EI收录***********)代桂平,殷保群,李衍杰,周亚平,奚宏⽣,半Markov控制过程在平均准则下的优化算法,中国科学技术⼤学学报,2005, 35(2): 202-207. 殷保群,李衍杰,奚宏⽣,周亚平,⼀类可数Markov控制过程的平稳策略,控制理论与应⽤,2005, 22(1): 43-46. (EI收录***********)Li,Y.J.,Yin,B.Q.,Xi,H.S.,Thepolicygradientestimationofcontinuous-timeHiddenMarkovDecision Processes. Proc. of IEEE ICIA, Hong Kong, 2005. (EI收录************)Sensitivity analysis and estimates of the performance for M/G/1 queueing systems, To Appear in Performance Evaluation, 2006.Performance optimization algorithms based on potential for semi-Markov control processes. International Journal of Control, Vol.78, No.11, 2005.The optimal robust control policy for uncertain semi-Markov control processes. International Journal of System Science, Vol.36, No.13, 2005.A state aggregation approach to singularly perturbed Markov reward processes. 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1.基于显著图的红外图像显著轮廓提取方法研究 [J], 苏爱柳;徐贵力;蔡博;贾银亮;李开宇
2.基于空间分布特性和局部复杂度的显著目标检测算法 [J], 胡正平;孟鹏权
3.视频序列中基于多尺度时空局部方向角模式直方图映射的表情识别 [J], 付晓峰;付晓鹃;李建军;余正生
4.基于全局和局部特征融合的显著性提取方法 [J], 王红艳;高尚兵
5.基于局部层次化混合高斯模型的视频序列运动目标检测 [J], 王威;张鹏;高伟;王润生

EN 55022-2010

EN 55022-2010

EUROPEAN STANDARD EN 55022NORME EUROPÉENNEEUROPÄISCHE NORMDecember 2010CENELECEuropean Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization Comité Européen de Normalisation Electrotechnique Europäisches Komitee für Elektrotechnische NormungManagement Centre: Avenue Marnix 17, B - 1000 Brussels© 2010 CENELEC - All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CENELEC members. Ref. No. EN 55022:2010 EICS 33.100.10 Supersedes EN 55022:2006 + A1:2007 + A2:2010English versionInformation technology equipment - Radio disturbance characteristics - Limits and methods of measurement(CISPR 22:2008, modified)Appareils de traitement de l'information - Caractéristiques des perturbations radioélectriques -Limites et méthodes de mesure (CISPR 22:2008, modifiée) Einrichtungen der Informationstechnik - Funkstöreigenschaften -Grenzwerte und Messverfahren (CISPR 22:2008, modifiziert)This European Standard was approved by CENELEC on 2010-12-01. CENELEC members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration.Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national standards may be obtained on application to the Central Secretariat or to any CENELEC member.This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a CENELEC member into its own language and notified to the Central Secretariat has the same status as the official versions.CENELEC members are the national electrotechnical committees of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.--``,```,`,`,`,`,,````,,,,,```,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---EN 55022:2010- 2 -ForewordThe text of the International Standard CISPR 22:2008, prepared by CISPR SC I, "Electromagnetic compatibility of information technology equipment, multimedia equipment and receivers", together with common modifications prepared by the Technical Committee CENELEC TC 210, "Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)", was submitted to the Unique Acceptance Procedure and was approved by CENELEC as EN 55022 on 2010-12-01.Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. CEN and CENELEC shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.This document supersedes EN 55022:2006 + A1:2007 + FprA2:2009. The following dates were fixed:– latest date by which the EN has to be implemented at national level by publication of an identical national standard or by endorsement(dop)2011-12-01 – latest date by which the national standards conflicting with the EN have to be withdrawn(dow)2013-12-01This European Standard has been prepared under a mandate given to CENELEC by the European Commission and the European Free Trade Association and covers essential requirements of EC Directives 2004/108/EC and 1999/5/EC. See Annex ZZ. Annexes ZA and ZZ have been added by CENELEC._________Endorsement noticeThe text of the International Standard CISPR 22:2008 was approved by CENELEC as a European Standard with agreed common modifications as given below.BS EN 55022:2010--``,```,`,`,`,`,,````,,,,,```,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---- 3 - EN 55022:2010BS EN 55022:2010Annex ZAPublication Year Title EN/HD YearCISPR 16-1-1 A1 Specification for radio disturbance and immunitymeasuring apparatus and methods -Part 1-1: Radio disturbance and immunitymeasuring apparatus - Measuring apparatusEN 55016-1-1A120072007CISPR 16-1-4 Specification for radio disturbance and immunitymeasuring apparatus and methods -Part 1-4: Radio disturbance and immunitymeasuring apparatus - Ancillary equipment -Radiated disturbancesEN 55016-1-4 2007 Publication Year Title EN/HD YearCISPR 16-2-3 A1 20032005Specification for radio disturbance and immunitymeasuring apparatus and methods -Part 2-3: Methods of measurement ofdisturbances and immunity – Radiateddisturbance measurementsEN 55016-2-3A120042005(informative)--``,```,`,`,`,`,,````,,,,,```,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---EN 55022:2010- 4 -BS EN 55022:2010Annex ZZ (informative)Coverage of Essential Requirements of EC DirectivesThis European Standard has been prepared under a mandate given to CENELEC by the European Commission and the European Free Trade Association and within its scope the standard covers essential requirements as given in Annex I Article 1(a) of the EC Directive 2004/108/EC, and essential requirements of Article 3.1(b) (emission only) of the EC Directive 1999/5/EC.Compliance with this standard provides one means of conformity with the specified essential requirements of the Directives concerned.WARNING: Other requirements and other EC Directives may be applicable to the products falling within the scope of this standard.______________--``,```,`,`,`,`,,````,,,,,```,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`-----``,```,`,`,`,`,,````,,,,,```,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---This page deliberately set blankSC CIS/I/Publication CISPR 22 (2008), Sixth edition/I-SH 01INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY EQUIPMENT – RADIO DISTURBANCE CHARACTERISTICS – LIMITS AND METHODS OF MEASUREMENTINTERPRETATION SHEET 1This interpretation sheet has been prepared by CISPR subcommittee I: Electromagnetic compatibility of information technology equipment, multimedia equipment and receivers, of IEC technical committee CISPR: International special committee on radio interference. The text of this interpretation sheet is based on the following documents:ISHReport on votingCISPR/I/299/ISH CISPR/I/312/RVDFull information on the voting for the approval of this interpretation sheet can be found in the report on voting indicated in the above table.___________Introduction:At the CISPR SC I plenary, held on the 27thOctober 2007, a decision was taken to set the maintenance date for CISPR 22, Edition 6 to 2012. As a result the work identified within CISPR/I/279/MCR will not be started for the time being. At the subsequent meeting of CISPR SC I WG3 it was decided that certain items within the MCR would benefit now from further clarification and an interpretation sheet would be helpful to users of the standard, with the intent of including this information in a future amendment to the standard.This information does not change the standard; it serves only to clarify the points noted. CISPR SC I WG3 hopes that these clarifications will be of use to users and especially laboratories testing to CISPR 22, Edition 6.0. The document is based on the comments received on CISPR/I/290/DC. Interpretation:1. Selection of Average detectorCISPR 22 defines limits for radiated emissions at frequencies between 1 GHz and 6 GHz with respect to both average and peak detectors. CISPR 16-1-1 defines two types of Average detector for use above 1 GHz. For the limits given in CISPR 22 the appropriate average detector is the linear average detector defined in 6.4.1 of CISPR 16-1-1:2006 with its Amendments 1:2006 and 2:2007.BS EN 55022:2010--``,```,`,`,`,`,,````,,,,,```,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---2. Measurement of conducted emissions on cabinets containing multiple items of equipmentWhere the EUT is a cabinet or rack that contains multiple items of equipment that are powered from an AC power distribution strip and where the AC power distribution strip is an integral part of the EUT as declared by the manufacturer, the AC power line conducted emissions should be measured on the input cable of power distribution strip that leaves the cabinet or rack, not the power cables from the individual items of equipment. This is consistent with the requirements in 9.5.1 paragraph 1 and sub paragraph c).___________BS EN 55022:2010--``,```,`,`,`,`,,````,,,,,```,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---BS EN 55022:2010– 1 –SC CIS I/Publication CISPR 22:2008, Sixth edition/I-SH 02INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY EQUIPMENT –RADIO DISTURBANCE CHARACTERISTICS –LIMITS AND METHODS OF MEASUREMENTINTERPRETATION SHEET 2This interpretation sheet has been prepared by CISPR subcommittee I: Electromagnetic compatibility of information technology equipment, multimedia equipment and receivers, of IEC technical committee CISPR: International special committee on radio interference.The text of this interpretation sheet is based on the following documents:ISH Report on votingCISPR/I//323/ISH CISPR/I/326/RVDFull information on the voting for the approval of this interpretation sheet can be found in the report on voting indicated in the above table.___________IntroductionAt the CISPR SC I plenary, held on the 27th October 2007, a decision was taken to set the maintenance date for CISPR 22, Edition 6 to 2012. As a result the work identified within CISPR/I/279/MCR will not be started for the time being. At the subsequent meeting of CISPR SC I WG3 it was decided that 3 items within the MCR would benefit now from further clarification and an interpretation sheet would be helpful to users of the standard, with the intent of including this information in a future amendment to the standard.The first draft of an interpretation sheet CISPR/I/290/DC addressed the 3 items, however it was clear from the comments received (CISPR/I/293A/INF) that further work was required on the 3rd item related to ISN selection, and it was decided that this would be the subject of a separate document.This information does not change the standard; it serves only to clarify the points noted. CISPR SC I WG3 hopes that these clarifications will be of use to users and especially laboratories testing to CISPR 22:2008 (Edition 6.0).Selection of ISN for unscreened balanced multi-pair cablesSubclause of CISPR 22 states that:“When disturbance voltage measurements are performed on a single unscreened balanced pair, an adequate ISN for two wires shall be used; when performed on unscreened cables containing two balanced pairs, an adequate ISN for four wires shall be used; when performed on unscreened cables containing four balanced pairs, an adequate ISN for eight wires shall be used (see Annex D)”Therefore the selection of ISN is based on the number of pairs physically in the cable, not the number of pairs actually used by the interface in question.--``,```,`,`,`,`,,````,,,,,```,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---– 2 –However, selection of a suitable ISN design from the examples given in Annex D requires further consideration. The ISN designs given in Figures D.4 to D.7 are only appropriate for use where all of the balanced pairs in the cable are ‘active’ and hence their use requires a more detailed knowledge of the EUT port being tested. The ISN designs given in Figures D.1 to D.3 have no such limitation and are better suited to applications where the actual use of the pairs is unknown.The ISN designs given in Figures D.2 and D.3 are also suitable for measurements on unscreened cables containing fewer balanced pairs than the maximum number of pairs the ISN is designed for (see example 2).The following definitions have been developed to help in determining what should be considered an ‘active’ pair of conductors:An active pair is a pair of conductors that completes an active digital, analogue, or power circuit, or is terminated in a defined impedance, or is connected to earth or the equipment frame/chassis.NOTE These circuits include such applications as "Power over Ethernet".A circuit is an a ctive circuit when it is in a state that is performing its intended function, which may include communications, voltage/current sensing, impedance matching or power supply.NOTE A conductor with no intended function is not part of an active circuit.A measurement using an ISN described in Figures D.4 to D.7, when not all of the pairs are ‘active’, may result in a significant error in the measured emissions. It is therefore important that test laboratories determine on which of the designs given in the annexes their particular ISNs are based. From this they can then determine if they need to establish the number of ‘active’ pairs within the cable or not and then whether their ISNs are suitable for the port being measured or whether an alternative measurement technique needs to be used. This is applicable when measuring in accordance with or It is recommended that test reports should make reference to:• the ISN category used;• the Annex D figure corresponding to their particular ISN design;• the total number of pairs in the cable and number of these that where active. Example 1:The EUT has an Ethernet port to which either a CAT 5 or 6 cable is connected. Typically these cables have four pairs requiring use of a four pair ISN. Transmission using 1000Base-T Ethernet protocol uses all four pairs of a typical cable. Transmission using 10Base-T and 100 Base-T Ethernet protocol uses only two of the four pairs for communication. One of the following ISNs could therefore be used:1) ISN as shown in Figure D.3, or2) ISN as shown in Figures D.6 or D.7 if it is known that all the pairs within the cable are‘active’. This would be the case if a 1000BaseT Ethernet protocol were being used. These ISNs would also be suitable for 10BaseT or 100BaseT protocol if the unused pairs have controlled terminations in the EUT port by design, making all pairs ‘active’ from an EMC perspective. Should an EUT with an Ethernet port be provided with a cable that contains only 2 pairs within it, then any of the following types of ISN could be used: D2, D3, D4 or D5.BS EN 55022:2010--``,```,`,`,`,`,,````,,,,,```,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---– 3 –Example 2:The EUT has a single ADSL port and is provided with a cable containing 2 pairs. ADSL is a single pair system so only 1 pair is active. The following ISNs could be used:1) ISN as shown in Figure D.2 or D.3.Cable length between ISN and EUT when measuring telecommunication portsSubclause 9.5.1 of CISPR 22 requires that the distance between the ISN and the EUT be nominally 0.8m and also clause 9.5.2 states that:“Signal cables shall be positioned for their entire lengths, as far as possible, at a nominal distance of 0,4 m from the ground reference plane (using a non-conductive fixture, if necessary).”No other requirement is given on the actual length of the cable to be used.Measurements have shown that non-inductive bundling of any excess cable can result in slightly higher emission levels measured at the ISN.It is therefore recommended that the cable between the telecommunication port and the ISN should be kept as short as possible, in order to avoid the need to bundle any excess, while maintaining the requirements given in 9.5.1 and 9.5.2.BS EN 55022:2010--``,```,`,`,`,`,,````,,,,,```,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---CONTENTSINTRODUCTION (7)1Scope and object (8)2Normative references (8)3Definitions (9)4Classification of ITE (10)4.1Class B ITE (11)4.2Class A ITE (11)5Limits for conducted disturbance at mains terminals and telecommunication ports (11)5.1Limits of mains terminal disturbance voltage (11)5.2Limits of conducted common mode (asymmetric mode) disturbanceat telecommunication ports (12)6Limits for radiated disturbance (13)6.1Limits below 1 GHz (13)6.2Limits above 1 GHz (13)7Interpretation of CISPR radio disturbance limit (14)7.1Significance of a CISPR limit (14)7.2Application of limits in tests for conformity of equipment in series production (14)8General measurement conditions (15)8.1Ambient noise (15)8.2General arrangement (15)8.3EUT arrangement (18)8.4Operation of the EUT (20)9Method of measurement of conducted disturbance at mains terminals and telecommunication ports (21)9.1Measurement detectors (21)9.2Measuring receivers (21)9.3Artificial mains network (AMN) (21)9.4Ground reference plane (22)9.5EUT arrangement (22)9.6Measurement of disturbances at telecommunication ports (24)9.7Recording of measurements (28)10Method of measurement of radiated disturbance (28)10.1Measurement detectors (28)10.2Measuring receiver below 1 GHz (28)10.3Antenna below 1 GHz (28)10.4Measurement site below 1 GHz (29)10.5EUT arrangement below 1 GHz (30)10.6Radiated emission measurements above 1 GHz (30)10.7Recording of measurements (30)10.8Measurement in the presence of high ambient signals (31)10.9User installation testing (31)11Measurement uncertainty (31)Annex A (normative) Site attenuation measurements of alternative test sites (42)Annex B (normative) Decision tree for peak detector measurements.....................................48--` ` , ` ` ` , ` , ` , ` , ` , , ` ` ` ` , , , , , ` ` ` , , -` -` , , ` , , ` , ` , , ` ---Annex C (normative) Possible test set-ups for common mode measurements (49)Annex D (informative) Schematic diagrams of examples of impedance stabilizationnetworks (ISN) (56)Annex E (informative) Parameters of signals at telecommunication ports (65)Annex F (informative) Rationale for disturbance measurements and methods on telecommunications ports (68)Annex G (informative) Operational modes for some types of ITE (77)Bibliography (78)Figure 1 – Test site (32)Figure 2 – Minimum alternative measurement site (33)Figure 3 – Minimum size of metal ground plane (33)Figure 4 – Example test arrangement for tabletop equipment (conducted and radiated emissions) (plan view) (34)Figure 5 – Example test arrangement for tabletop equipment (conducted emission measurement - alternative 1a) (35)Figure 6 – Example test arrangement for tabletop equipment (conducted emission measurement – alternative 1b) (35)Figure 7 – Example test arrangement for tabletop equipment (conducted emission measurement – alternative 2) (36)Figure 8 – Example test arrangement for floor-standing equipment (conducted emission measurement) (37)Figure 9 – Example test arrangement for combinations of equipment (conductedemission measurement) (38)Figure 10 – Example test arrangement for tabletop equipment (radiated emission measurement) (38)Figure 11 – Example test arrangement for floor-standing equipment (radiated emission measurement) (39)Figure 12 – Example test arrangement for floor-standing equipment with vertical riser --``,```,`,`,`,`,,````,,,,,```,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---and overhead cables (radiated and conducted emission measurement) (40)Figure 13 – Example test arrangement for combinations of equipment (radiatedemission measurement) (41)Figure A.1 – Typical antenna positions for alternate site NSA measurements (45)Figure A.2 – Antenna positions for alternate site measurements for minimumrecommended volume (46)Figure B.1 – Decision tree for peak detector measurements (48)Figure C.1 – Using CDNs described in IEC 61000-4-6 as CDN/ISNs (50)Figure C.2 – Using a 150 Ω load to the outside surface of the shield ("in situ CDN/ISN") (51)Figure C.3 – Using a combination of current probe and capacitive voltage probe with atable top EUT (52)Figure C.4 – Calibration fixture (54)Figure C.5 – Flowchart for selecting test method (55)Figure D.1 − ISN for use with unscreened single balanced pairs (56)Figure D.2 − ISN with high longitudinal conversion loss (LCL) for use with either one ortwo unscreened balanced pairs (57)Figure D.3 − ISN with high longitudinal conversion loss (LCL) for use with one, two,three, or four unscreened balanced pairs (58)Figure D.4 − ISN, including a 50 Ω source matching network at the voltage measuringport, for use with two unscreened balanced pairs (59)Figure D.5 − ISN for use with two unscreened balanced pairs (60)Figure D.6 − ISN, including a 50 Ω source matching network at the voltage measuringport, for use with four unscreened balanced pairs (61)Figure D.7 − ISN for use with four unscreened balanced pairs (62)Figure D.8 − ISN for use with coaxial cables, employing an internal common modechoke created by bifilar winding an insulated centre-conductor wire and an insulatedscreen-conductor wire on a common magnetic core (for example, a ferrite toroid) (62)Figure D.9 − ISN for use with coaxial cables, employing an internal common modechoke created by miniature coaxial cable (miniature semi-rigid solid copper screen or miniature double-braided screen coaxial cable) wound on ferrite toroids (63)Figure D.10 − ISN for use with multi-conductor screened cables, employing an internal common mode choke created by bifilar winding multiple insulated signal wires and an insulated screen-conductor wire on a common magnetic core (for example, a ferrite toroid) (63)Figure D.11 − ISN for use with multi-conductor screened cables, employing an internal common mode choke created by winding a multi-conductor screened cable on ferrite toroids (64)Figure F.1 – Basic circuit for considering the limits with defined TCM impedance of 150 Ω (71)Figure F.2 – Basic circuit for the measurement with unknown TCM impedance (71)Figure F.3 – Impedance layout of the components used in Figure C.2 (73)Figure F.4 – Basic test set-up to measure combined impedance of the 150 Ω and ferrites (74)Table 1 – Limits for conducted disturbance at the mains ports of class A ITE (11)Table 2 – Limits for conducted disturbance at the mains ports of class B ITE (12)Table 3 – Limits of conducted common mode (asymmetric mode) disturbanceat telecommunication ports in the frequency range 0,15 MHz to 30 MHz for class A equipment (12)Table 4 – Limits of conducted common mode (asymmetric mode) disturbance at telecommunication ports in the frequency range 0,15 MHz to 30 MHz for class B equipment (12)Table 5 – Limits for radiated disturbance of class A ITE at a measuring distance of 10 m (13)Table 6 – Limits for radiated disturbance of class B ITE at a measuring distance of 10 m (13)Table 7 – Limits for radiated disturbance of Class A ITE at a measurement distance of 3 m (13)Table 8 – Limits for radiated disturbance of Class B ITE at a measurement distance of 3 m (14)Table 9 – Acronyms used in figures (32)Table A.1 – Normalized site attenuation (A N (dB)) for recommended geometries with broadband antennas (44)Table F.1 – Summary of advantages and disadvantages of the methods described inAnnex C (69)INTRODUCTIONThe scope is extended to the whole radio-frequency range from 9 kHz to 400 GHz, but limits are formulated only in restricted frequency bands, which is considered sufficient to reach adequate emission levels to protect radio broadcast and telecommunication services, and to allow other apparatus to operate as intended at reasonable distance.--``,```,`,`,`,`,,````,,,,,```,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY EQUIPMENT –RADIO DISTURBANCE CHARACTERISTICS –LIMITS AND METHODS OF MEASUREMENT1 Scope and objectThis International Standard applies to ITE as defined in 3.1.Procedures are given for the measurement of the levels of spurious signals generated by the ITE and limits are specified for the frequency range 9 kHz to 400 GHz for both class A and class B equipment. No measurements need be performed at frequencies where no limits are specified.The intention of this publication is to establish uniform requirements for the radio disturbance level of the equipment contained in the scope, to fix limits of disturbance, to describe methods of measurement and to standardize operating conditions and interpretation of results.2 Normative referencesThe following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.IEC 60083:2006, Plugs and socket-outlets for domestic and similar general use standardized in member countries of IECIEC 61000-4-6:2003, Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) – Part 4-6: Testing and measurement techniques – Immunity to conducted disturbances, induced by radio-frequency fields1Amendment 1 (2004)Amendment 2 (2006)CISPR 11:2003, Industrial, scientific, and medical (ISM) radio-frequency equipment – Electro-magnetic disturbance characteristics – Limits and methods of measurement2Amendment 1 (2004)CISPR 13:2001, Sound and television broadcast receivers and associated equipment – Radio disturbance characteristics – Limits and methods of measurement3Amendment 1 (2003)Amendment 2 (2006)CISPR 16-1-1:2006, Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and methods – Part 1-1: Radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus – Measuring apparatus4Amendment 1 (2006)Amendment 2 (2007)___________1There exists a consolidated edition 2.2 (2006) including edition 2.0, its Amendment 1 (2004) and its Amendment 2 (2006).2There exists a consolidated edition 4.1 (2004) including edition 4.0 and its Amendment 1 (2004).3There exists a consolidated edition 4.2 (2006) including edition 4.0, its Amendment 1 (2003) and its Amendment 2 (2006).4There exists a consolidated edition 2.2 (2007) including edition 2.0, its Amendment 1 (2006) and its Amendment 2 (2007). --` ` , ` ` ` , ` , ` , ` , ` , , ` ` ` ` , , , , , ` ` ` , , -` -` , , ` , , ` , ` , , ` ---CISPR 16-1-2:2003, Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and methods – Part 1-2: Radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus – Ancillary equipment – Conducted disturbances 5Amendment 1 (2004)Amendment 2 (2006)CISPR 16-1-4:2007, Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and methods – Part 1-4: Radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus – Ancillary equipment – Radiated disturbances6CISPR 16-2-3:2006, Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and methods – Part 2-3: Methods of measurement of disturbances and immunity – Radiated disturbance measurementsCISPR 16-4-2:2003, Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and methods – Part 4-2: Uncertainties, statistics and limit modelling – Uncertainty in EMC measurements3 DefinitionsFor the purposes of this document the following definitions apply:3.1information technology equipment (ITE)any equipment:a) which has a primary function of either (or a combination of) entry, storage, display,retrieval, transmission, processing, switching, or control, of data and of telecommunication messages and which may be equipped with one or more terminal ports typically operated for information transfer;b) with a rated supply voltage not exceeding 600 V.It includes, for example, data processing equipment, office machines, electronic business equipment and telecommunication equipment.Any equipment (or part of the ITE equipment) which has a primary function of radio trans-mission and/or reception according to the ITU Radio Regulations are excluded from the scope --``,```,`,`,`,`,,````,,,,,```,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---of this publication.NOTE Any equipment which has a function of radio transmission and/or reception according to the definitions of the ITU Radio Regulations should fulfil the national radio regulations, whether or not this publication is also valid.Equipment, for which all disturbance requirements in the frequency range are explicitly formul-ated in other IEC or CISPR publications, are excluded from the scope of this publication.3.2equipment under test (EUT)representative ITE or functionally interactive group of ITE (system) which includes one or more host unit(s) and is used for evaluation purposes3.3host unitpart of an ITE system or unit that provides the mechanical housing for modules, which may contain radio-frequency sources, and may provide power distribution to other ITE. Power distribution may be a.c., d.c., or both between the host unit(s) and modules or other ITE___________5There exists a consolidated edition 1.2 (2006) including edition 1.0, its Amendment 1 (2004) and its Amendment 2 (2006).6There exists a consolidated edition 2.1 (2008) including edition 2.0 and its Amendment 1 (2007).。



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今天抄读的这篇文献是2019年来自于中山大学发表的一篇m6A 相关的文献。











一组是SW480 vs SW620。


所以就做了SW620 VS 敲除METTL3的SW620细胞系(这个分组的SW620估计就是之前的第一组的那个吧)。






矩阵理论经典书籍推荐矩阵理论经典书籍推荐1、《矩阵分析:卷1,卷2》《MATRIX ANALYSIS》由美国著名数学家R.A.Horn教授和C.R.Johnson教授合著,是矩阵理论方面的经典著作,不论是对从事线性代数纯理论研究还是从事应用研究的人员,本书都是一本很好的参考书。





3、《矩阵计算》-《Matrix Computations》Third Edition约翰霍普金斯大学出版的计算类书籍,自问世以来多次印刷和被引用,网上的电子版似乎都不全,系统地介绍了矩阵计算的基本理论和方法.内容包括:矩阵乘法、矩阵分析、线性方程组、正交化和最小二乘法、特征值问题、Lanczos方法、矩阵函数及专题讨论等的实现,是中国科学院研究生教学丛书。



《Matrix Computation》是Gene Howard Golub和Charles F. van Loan合作撰写的一部关于矩阵计算的专著。

说起这本书就不得不说说书的作者,特别是Gene Howard Golub,他可以说是计算数学界的大牛,是那种牛的不能再牛的牛,其中他最著名的成果是关于矩阵奇异值分解的计算算法,就是他提供的简单的,稳定的算法影响了整个计算数学的进展,搜索表明有大约67,000篇重要的英文文章涉及到他的研究成果,当然中文可能更多,不信可以去CNKI上搜下。

他是美国Stanford University 的终身教授,美国两院的院士,著作等身,很多计算数学方向的大家都是他的学生。



西北师范大学博士学位论文信息分析中的化学计量学和生物信息学新方法研究------基于支持向量机、小波变换、傅里叶变换、分子对接、动力学模拟的化学和生物信息分析姓名:***申请学位级别:博士专业:分析化学指导教师:***2009-06摘 要在当今信息时代,信息科技的快速发展和广泛渗透已成为一个重要的时代特征。



本文主要针对化学和生物研究领域中的一些复杂信息,在化学计量学的小波变换 (Wavelet Transform, WT)、支持向量机(Support Vector Machine, SVM) 和傅里叶变换 (Fourier Transform, FT) 等分析方法及生物信息学的分子对接 (Dock)和分子动力学模拟 (Molecular Dynamics, MD) 等研究技术的基础上,对以下几方面内容进行了研究:1. 抗生素分子与DNA的相互作用研究; 2. 基于小波变换的频率分析方法在化学振荡信号和基因序列分析中的应用; 3. Wangzaozin A诱导癌细胞凋亡和其药理学蛋白靶标分析; 4. 化学计量学方法在电化学信号分析中的应用。

具体内容概括如下:1. 抗生素分子与DNA的相互作用研究在支持向量机 (SVM) 方法的基础上建立了最优预测集支持向量机方法用来研究抗生素分子与DNA的相互作用。

在抗生素分子与DNA相互作用的30种实验数据和24种结构量化参数的基础上,通过该方法预测了抗生素分子与DNA 的相互作用模式并对影响抗生素分子与DNA相互作用的主要分子结构参数进行了分析。




其 中,一元柯西分布被大众所熟知,本文以此引入多元柯西分布的分析,初步介绍了多元柯西分布的定义和相关性质。

关键词多元柯西分布特征函数密度函数中图分类号:〇212文献标识码:ADOI : 10.16400/j .cnki .kjdk .2021.10.020Multivariate Cau c h y Distribution and i t s CharacteristicsLI Ziyan(School o f Mathematics and Statistics, Central China Normal University, Wuhan, Hubei 430079)Abstract Cauchy distribution is a kind of distribution based on median and absolute deviation of median , which hasimportant significance and role in mathematics , physics and so on . Among them , the univariate Cauchy distribution is well known by the public . This paper introduces the analysis of multivariate Cauchy distribution , and introduces the definition and related properties of multivariate Cauchy distribution .Keywords multivariate Cauchy distribution ; characteristic function ; density function 柯西分布也叫作柯西-洛伦兹分布,它是以奧古斯丁 • 路易•柯西与亨德里克•洛伦兹名字命名的连续概率分 布,目前最广泛应用的是一元柯西分布,它的概率密度函 数为:/(x ;x 〇-r ) = ^[(^7T 7]其中心为分布峰值位置的位置参数,y 为最大值一半处 的一半宽度的尺度参数。

成素梅 量子 因果

成素梅 量子 因果

















1.基于类内超平面距离度量模糊支持向量机的语音情感识别 [J], 张波;张雪英;陈桂军;孙颖
2.一种基于支持向量机中分离超平面求取的算法 [J], 易校石;刘念
3.迭代算法求解支持向量机中的分离超平面 [J], 易校石;刘念
4.基于不等距超平面距离的模糊支持向量机 [J], 李村合;姜宇;李帅
5.基于异类类内超平面的模糊支持向量机及其应用 [J], 陈继强;余志鹏;张峰;张丽娜



1.一种抑制直扩通信窄带干扰的新型非线性自适应预测滤波器 [J], 黄高勇;张家树
2.混沌时间序列的Volterra自适应预测滤波器定阶 [J], 郭双冰;肖先赐
3.混沌时间序列的一种多步预测滤波器 [J], 甘建超;肖先赐
4.一类改进的混沌时间序列局域非线性自适应预测 [J], 方芬;蔡茜
5.基于稀疏Volterra滤波器混沌时间序列自适应预测 [J], 陆振波;蔡志明;姜可宇



【摘要】不完备数据是造成信息系统不确定的主要原因之一,对数据挖掘、知识发现等造成了困难.本文提出一种基于最小描述长度原则的不完备数据处理方法,实例证明这种方法是有效的.Rose工具的规则提取结果证明此方法在规则的集中性和支持度方面优于粗糙集辨识矩阵方法和Conditioned mean completer方法.
1.基于随机矩阵理论和最小描述长度的机载前视阵雷达杂波自由度估计 [J], 李海;刘新龙;蒋婷;吴仁彪
2.基于最小描述长度的Context量化方法研究 [J], 卜春芬;陈旻;殷启新
3.基于最小描述长度的图分割结构检测改进算法 [J], 魏长宝;姚汝贤
4.基于最小描述长度准则的数字信道化接收机频谱检测方法 [J], 胡君朋;古兆兵;齐
5.基于最小描述长度原则的属性图概要方法 [J], 张陶;于炯;廖彬;毕雪华



1.基于变分法的超声图像斑点噪声自适应滤波算法 [J], 张琼;沈民奋;方若宇
2.基于小波变换的变步长LMS自适应滤波算法 [J], 卢炳乾;冯存前;龙戈农
3.基于自适应形态滤波算法的斑点噪声抑制 [J], 蒋立辉;郭艳颖
4.基于多尺度小波变换的改进型自适应滤波算法 [J], 李金龙;胡贞
5.基于双曲正弦函数和多尺度小波变换的自适应滤波算法 [J], 刘思雨;和伟



1.基于一阶差分滤波器的水下目标纯方位角跟踪 [J], 王宏健;徐金龙;王奎民;边信黔
2.最小二乘矩阵滤波器在目标方位估计中的应用 [J], 张书第;韩磊;韩东
3.基于初距划分的纯方位目标跟踪的EKF滤波器群 [J], 许志刚;盛安冬
4.基于距离参数化EKF滤波器的纯方位目标运动分析 [J], 樊垚; 费玮玮; 杨洪康; 刘海旻
5.基于二阶差分滤波器的水下目标纯方位角跟踪 [J], 王宏健;徐金龙;么洪飞;张爱华















1.基于集体噪声信道三量子比特纠缠态测量相关性的鲁棒量子对话 [J], 叶天语;
2.基于三粒子非最大纠缠态的两粒子概率远程态制备 [J], 徐毅琼;唐永旺;郭克坤;
3.基于Bell态信道直接远程制备任意二量子比特态 [J], 陈遵一;侯奎
4.用三粒子纠缠态和Bell态作量子信道实现非局域的态交换(英文) [J], 陈立冰;刘玉华;白宜红;路洪
5.非最大量子纠缠信道的量子态传送——在腔QED系统中利用非最大三粒子纠缠GHZ态传送未知原子态 [J], 杜茜华;陈复;陈子翃;林中晞;林秀敏



1.一种高稳定性钆类核磁共振成像造影剂的合成 [J], 程丽坤;钱伟桥;丁云;胡爱国
2.岩石的核磁共振自旋密度微成像 [J], 肖立志;杜有如
3.岩石的核磁共振弛豫时间加权微成像 [J], 肖立志;杜有如
4.一种通用的岩心核磁共振实验数据分析软件设计与实现 [J], 覃莹瑶;张宫;何宗斌;张家成
5.一种用于核磁共振成像系统的新型数字谱仪 [J],

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Stability and Computation of Medial Axes:A State-of-the-Art ReportDominique Attali1,Jean-Daniel Boissonnat2,and Herbert Edelsbrunner31Gipsa-lab,ENSE3,Domaine Universitaire,BP46,38402Saint Martin d’H`e res,France Dominique.Attali@gipsa-lab.inpg.fr2INRIA,2004Route des Lucioles,BP93,06904Sophia-Antipolis,FranceJean-Daniel.Boissonnat@sophia.inria.fr3Department of Computer Science,Duke University,Durham,and Raindrop Geomagic, Research Triangle Park,NC,USAedels@Summary.The medial axis of a geometric shape captures its connectivity.In spite of its inherent instability,it has found applications in a number of areas that deal with shapes.In this survey paper,we focus on results that shed light on this instability and use the new insights to generate simplified and stable modifications of the medial axis.1IntroductionIn this paper,we survey what is known about the medial axis of a geometric shape. To get an intuitive feeling for this concept,consider starting a grassfire along a curve in the plane,like the outer closed curve in Fig.1.Thefire starts at the same moment, everywhere along the curve,and it grows at constant speed in every direction.The medial axis is the set of locations where the front of thefire meets itself.In mathemat-ical language:it is the set of points that have at least two closest points on the curve. If we start thefire along the boundary of a geometric shape in R k we generically get a medial axis of dimension k−1,one less than the dimension of the space.In the plane,the medial axis is a(one-dimensional)graph whose branches cor-respond to regions of the shape it represents.Its structure has found applications in image analysis for shape recognition[52]and in robotics for motion planning[42]. The distance-to-boundary recorded at points of the medial axis provides information about local thickness,which can be used to segment the shape,separating it into large regions with relatively narrow connections[21,25,45].In reverse engineering,the medial axis appears naturally as a tool to characterize the sampling density needed to reconstruct a curve in the plane and a surface in space[1,2].Other applications include domain decomposition in mesh generation[46,50],feature extraction in geo-metric design[38,39],and tool-path creation in computer-aided manufacturing[36].In this paper,we make no attempt to cover the large amount of work on medial axes in digital image processing and instead refer to texts in the area[35,40,41]. T.M¨o ller et al.(eds.),Mathematical Foundations of Scientific Visualization,Computer109 Graphics,and Massive Data Exploration,Mathematics and Visualization,DOI:10.1007/978-3-540-49926-8,c 2009Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg110 D.Attali et al.Fig.1.Medial axis of shape whose boundary is the outer closed curve.The distance-to-boundary function has three critical points,one saddle and two maxima.One of the maxima coincides with a branch pointWhenever possible,we state the definitions and results for R k,where k is an arbitrary butfixed constant,but sometimes we need to limit ourselves to R2and R3.Since most applications are in two and three dimensions,this limitation implies only a minor loss of relevance.The style adopted in this paper is not that of a typical survey paper.Rather than aiming at a broad coverage of the literature,we focus on a small number of results that we deem important.Those are centered around questions of stability and computation of the medial axes.We encapsulate the various topics in a relatively large number of small and by-and-large independent sections.Starting with fundamental properties,we slowly progress towards more advanced results.In Sect.2,we define medial axes and skeletons.Sections3and4state properties of the medial axis that concern itsfiniteness and its homotopy type.Sections5,6,and12 discuss the stability of the medial axis under various notions of distance.Section7 recalls that computing the medial axis exactly runs into obstacles except for certain classes of shapes,and Sect.8introduces the approximation paradigm designed to circumvent these obstacles.Sections9,10,11and13describe steps and aspects of this paradigm.Wefind that topics of stability and computation are related,which is the reason for interleaving the sections as enumerated.2Medial Axis and SkeletonThere is no generally agreed upon definition for either the medial axis or the skeleton of a shape;the precise meaning of these terms changes from one author to another. The medial axis has been introduced by Blum[12]as a tool in image analysis.In this paper,we adopt the definitions given in[43].Let X be a bounded open subset of the k-dimensional Euclidean space,R k.The medial axis,M[X],is the set of points that have at least two closest points in the complement of X.We call an open ball B⊆X maximal if every ball that contains B and is contained in X equals B.The skeleton is the set of centers of maximal balls.The two notions are closely related but not the same.Specifically,the medial axis is a subset of the skeleton which is, in turn,a subset of the closure of the medial axis[44,Chap.11].In the most generalStability and Computation of Medial Axes111 case,the skeleton is not necessarily closed and the last inequality is strict.Examples of shapes in R2whose skeletons are composed of an infinite number of curves and which are not closed can be found in[16,22].A simple example of a skeleton in R3 that is not closed is given in[20].Even though medial axes are not necessarily the same as skeletons,the two concepts are too similar to warrant a balanced treatment of both.The rest of this paper will therefore focus exclusively on the medial axis.If we weight each point x of the medial axis with the radiusρ(x)of the maximal ball centered at x,then we have enough information to reconstruct the shape.In other words,the medial axis together with the mapρprovides a reversible coding of shapes.This coding is not necessarily minimal and some shapes,such asfinite unions of balls,can be reconstructed from proper subsets of their weighted medial axes.3Finiteness PropertiesThere are cases in which the medial axis has infinitely many branches,even if the shape is bounded and its boundary is C∞-smooth[22].To construct such an example, let f:R→R be a C∞-smooth function defined byf(x1)=⎧⎨⎩1−e−1x21sinπx12if|x1|<1, 1if|x1|≥1.Consider the set of points X⊆R2above its graph,as shown in Fig.2.The medial axis of X consists of infinitely many branches,one for each oscillation of f.To obtain a bounded shape,we apply inversion,mapping every point x∈X toι(x)= x/ x 2.The inversion preserves circles and incidences between curves.It follows that the medial axis ofι(X)has the same structure and number of branches as the medial axis of X.More specifically,if we compactify R2and join all branches of M[X]at the added point at infinity,then we have a homeomorphism between M[X] and M[ι(X)].The point at infinity maps to the center of the circle that is theimageFig.2.The upper“half-plane”X bounded by a smooth curve and its image under inversion. Both shapes have medial axes with infinitely many branches112 D.Attali et al.of the line x2=1.We note,however,that the homeomorphism between the two medial axes is different fromι,which does not preserve centers of circles.The above construction can be extended to produce medial axes with infinitely many branch points and similar pathological examples in higher dimension.In the plane,Choi et al.[22]establish that the medial axis of a bounded shape whose boundary is piecewise real analytic is afinite graph.Chazal and Soufflet[20] extend this result to semianalytic bounded open sets,which are bounded and open subsets X⊆R k for which every point of R k has a neighbourhood U with X∩U defined by afinite system of analytic equations and inequalities.They prove that such sets have medial axes which admit stratifications and satisfyfiniteness properties. Specifically,the medial axis can be decomposed into afinite number of strata,each a connected i-manifold with boundary,for i<k.Furthermore,the medial axis has finite j-dimensional volume,where j denotes the largest dimension of any stratum. In addition,in R3the boundary of the medial axis consists of afinite union of points and curves offinite length.For shapes in R3,a classification of points in the closure of the medial axis can be found in[4,33].4Homotopy EquivalenceIn[43],Lieutier proves that any bounded open subset X⊆R k is homotopy equiva-lent to its medial axis.Unlike earlier works[51,53],he assumes no regularity condi-tion on the boundary of X.Intuitively,this result implies that the medial axis and the shape are connected the same way,ignoring local dimensionality.To be formal,we say that two maps f and g from X to Y are homotopic if there exists a continuous map H:X×[0,1]→Y with H(x,0)=f(x)and H(x,1)=g(x).Using this def-inition,two spaces X and Y are homotopy equivalent if one canfind two continuous maps f:X→Y and g:Y→X such that g◦f is homotopic to the identity on X and f◦g is homotopic to the identity on Y.To establish the homotopy equivalence between a shape X and its medial axis,Lieutier considers the distance-to-boundary function,ρ,which associates to each point x∈X its distance to the complement of X and defines the vectorfield∇ρ:X→R k by∇ρ(x)=x−c(x),(1)ρ(x)where c(x)is the center of the smallest ball enclosing the set of points in the com-plement of X closest to ed before for the purpose of surface reconstruction in[29,34],this vectorfield extends the gradient ofρto points on the medial axis, where the gradient is not defined.The extended vectorfield is not continuous but inducesflow lines used in the proof to map the shape to its medial axis.Specifi-cally,each point x is mapped to the point f(x)it occupies afterflowing along the vectorfield∇ρfor a sufficiently long but constant amount of time.The proof uses f:X→M[X]and the inclusion map g:M[X]→X to establish the homotopy equivalence.Stability and Computation of Medial Axes113 5Instability and Semi-continuityWe think of M as a transform that maps the shape X to its medial axis,M[X].Asemphasized in[43],geometric shapes are usually not known exactly and represented by approximations of one kind or another.For example,the boundary of a shape maybe approximated by a triangulation obtained by software for surface reconstructionor segmentation.Under these circumstances,it would be important that the transform be continuous.In other words,one should be able to compute an arbitrarily accurateapproximation of the output for a sufficiently accurate approximation of the input. Most commonly,one would use the Hausdorff distance to quantify the differencebetween two inputs and two outputs and this way define what it means for the trans-form to be continuous.Unfortunately,the medial axis transform is not continuous under this notion of distance:small modifications of the input shape can induce largemodifications of its medial axis.This effect is illustrated in Fig.4,where we comparethe medial axis of an oval on the left with the medial axis of a set whose Hausdorff distance to the oval is bounded from above by >0.The difficulty of approximat-ing the medial axis due to its instability with respect to the Hausdorff distance is a well-known but until recently not well-understood problem.One can observe experimentally that small modifications of a shape do not af-fect the entire medial axis.Typical effects for shapes in R2arefluctuating branches that leave the rest of the medial axis unchanged.Similarly,for shapes in R3wenoticefluctuating spikes,added to or removed from the otherwise stable structure.This observation is consistent with the fact that the medial axis is semicontinuous with respect to the Hausdorff distance[44,Chap.11].To explain this concept,welet A and B be subsets of R k and write d H(A|B)=sup x∈A d(x,B)for the one-sided Hausdorff distance of A from B,where d(x,B)is the infimum of the Eu-clidean distances between x and points y in B.Observe that d H(A|B)< if andonly if A is contained in the parallel body B+ ={x∈R k|d(x,B)< }.The Hausdorff distance between A and B is d H(A,B)=max{d H(A|B),d H(B|A)}. We write A c and B c for the complements of A and B and note that the Haus-dorff distance between A c and B c is generally different from that between A and B.Indeed,d H(A c,B c)is forgiving for small islands of A far away from B,while d H(A,B)is forgiving for small holes of A far away from B c.With this notation,we are ready to define the concept of semicontinuity.Specifically, a transform T is semicontinuous if for every bounded open subset X⊆R k and for everyδ>0,there exists >0such that for every open subset Y of R k,d H(X c,Y c)< =⇒d H(T[X]|T[Y])<δ.(2)Note that depends on X.In words,small Hausdorff distance between the comple-ments of X and Y implies that T[X]is contained in a tight parallel body of T[Y]. As mentioned earlier,this condition is satisfied for T=M.114 D.Attali et al.6Stability Under C2-PerturbationsIn[20],Chazal and Soufflet prove that the medial axis transform is continuous when C2-perturbations are applied to shapes in R3.To define what this means,we call two multilinear maps -close if the norm of their differences is less than .A map f:R3→R3is an -small C m-perturbation if:(1)f(x)=x outside some compact subset of R3.(2)f is a C m-diffeomorphism.(3)The i-th derivatives of f and f−1are -close to the i-th derivative of the identitymap,for all points x∈R3and all i from0to m.Let X be an open subset of R3whose boundary is a C2-smooth manifold[37].Chazal and Soufflet[20]prove that a small C2-perturbation f implies a small Hausdorff dis-tance between the medial axes of X and f(X).Formally,for everyδ>0,there exists >0such that for every -small C2-perturbation f,d H(M[X],M[f(X)])<δ. This result is optimal for m since the medial axis of a shape is already instable under C1-perturbations[20].Therefore,for approximating the medial axis of X with the medial axis of Y,the boundary of Y must be close to the boundary of X both in po-sition,normal direction and curvature.Unfortunately,effective implementations of exact alorithms for the medial axis are known only for restricted families of shapes, such as polyhedra,unions of balls and complements of discrete point sets,whose boundaries are generally not C2.In other words,it is unlikely that the positive ap-proximation result for C2-perturbations can be turned into a practical algorithm.7Exact Computation of Medial AxesA fairly general class of shapes for which it is possible,in principle,to compute the medial axis exactly are the semi-algebraic sets,each the set of solutions of afinite system of algebraic equations and inequalities.The medial axis of such a set is itself semi-algebraic and can be computed with tools from computer algebra.To describe this,let X be a shape in R3whose boundary is a C1-smooth manifold.We introduce the symmetry set of X,consisting of the centers of spheres tangent to the boundary of X at two or more points.It contains all points of the medial axis but possibly additional points since the spheres are not constrained to bound balls contained in X. Suppose now the boundary of X is defined by the algebraic equation f(x)=0and 0is a regular value of f.It follows that the gradient for all points of the boundary is non-zero,∇f(x)=0.In this case,the symmetry set is the closure of the set of points z for which there exists points x and y that satisfy the following system of algebraic equations:⎧⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎨⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎩f(x)=0,f(y)=0,(x−z)×∇f(x)=0, (y−z)×∇f(y)=0, x−z 2= y−z 2, t x−y 2=1Stability and Computation of Medial Axes 115In the last condition,t is an additional free variable that ensures that x and y are distinct.If 0is not a regular value of f ,we need to add ∇f (x)∇f (y)s =1as yet another equation,with s a free variable.Finally,the medial axis is obtained by imposing the additional conditions that u −z 2≥ x −z 2,for all points u on the boundary,and z be contained in X .Considering u a new free variable,we thus remove points from the solution,namely the points z for which f (z)<0or for which there exists u with f (u)=0and u −z 2< x −z 2.This new set is still semi-algebraic since it is the difference between two semi-algebraic sets.Although possible in principle,we are not aware of an implementation that ef-fectively constructs the exact medial axes of general semi-algebraic sets.The most advanced effective implementations are limited to the planar case,to piecewise linear shapes,and to shapes constructed from finitely many balls.Even for shapes bounded by simple curves in the plane,the algebraic difficulties in computing medial axes are significant and satisfactory implementations are rare and far in between.Piece-wise linear curves involve the comparison of expressions with two nested square roots [17]and efficient and fully robust implementations are few [36].Ramamurthy and Farouki tackle the case of algebraic curve segments whose bisectors have ratio-nal parametrizations [47].An exact algorithm for not-necessarily convex polyhedra in R 3can be found in [24].For the complement of a union of balls in R k ,the medial axis can be derived from the Apollonius diagram of the corresponding spheres or from convex hulls of finitely many points in R k +2[11,14].Perhaps suprisingly,the medial axis of the union of finitely many balls is simpler than that of the comple-ment.As first described in [5],it is piecewise linear and can be constructed from the V oronoi diagram of a finite set of points.As discussed in more detail shortly,the cells of dimension less than k in this diagram may be interpreted as the medial axis of a punctured Euclidean space,a case that permits particularly simple exact algorithms.8Approximation Paradigm for Medial AxesThe difficulty of computing medial axes exactly motivates a serious look at approx-imation algorithms.We describe a framework that captures a common line of attack to approximating the medial axis,as sketched in Fig.3.First,we find Y approximat-ing X that belongs to a class of shapes for which the medial axis can be constructed exactly.Second,we construct the medial axis of Y .Third,we prune the medial axis of Y to get a subset P [M [Y ]]⊆M [Y ]that approximates the medial axis of X .X Y P [M [Y ]]M [Y ]-A PPROXIMATE p p p p p p p ?A PPROXIMATE M EDIAL A XIS ?C ONSTRUCT M EDIAL A XISP RUNE Fig.3.An approximation P [M [Y ]]of the medial axis of a shape X can be found as part of the medial axis of a shape Y approximating X116 D.Attali et al.The composition of the three steps provides the approximation of the medial axis ofX.The most challenging step in this paradigm is the extraction of a subset P[M[Y]] of M[Y]that indeed approximates M[X].Recent mathematical results that ratio-nalize this approach are discussed shortly.The notion of approximation used in thefirst step varies between different im-plementations of the approximation paradigm.It either means that Y is the image of X under a small C m-perturbation,or that the Hausdorff distance between thecomplements of X and Y is small,as in[19].Other notions of approximation are conceivable.9Punctured Euclidean SpacesWe start by identifying a class of shapes for which the medial axis can be constructed exactly and efficiently.We obtain shapes in this class by puncturing the k-dimension real space at a discrete set of locations.Equivalently,we consider the complement ofa discrete set of points P in R k.The medial axis of this space is the Voronoi graph of P,which we define as the union of all cells in the V oronoi diagram of dimensionk−1or less.Algorithms for constructing the V oronoi graph are well-studied in com-putational geometry and implementations are available from the geometric software library CGAL(/).For a set P of n points in R k,thegraph can be constructed in time O(n k/2 +n log n),which is optimal in the worst case because the graph can consist of a constant times n k/2 faces.In most practical applications,the number of faces,F,is much less and the output-sensitive algorithmin[18]constructs the graph in R3in time O((n+F)log2F).Examples of point sets with provably small V oronoi graphs are so-calledκ-light -samples of compact smooth generic surfaces in R3,with F=O(n log n)[8],andκ-light -samples of polyhedral surfaces in R3,with F=O(n)[7].Such samples will be studied in more detail shortly.Consider afinite point set P whose Hausdorff distance to the boundary of a shape X is less than and write V or[P]for the V oronoi graph of ing the semicon-tinuity of the medial axis expressed in(2),we can show that the subset of V or[P] inside X contains an approximation of the medial axis of X.In the approximation paradigm for medial axes,this subset can be interpreted as part of the medial axis of a shape Y close to X.Following[19],we let Y be the parallel body X+ of X minus the points in P;see Fig.4.Since the Hausdorff distance between P and the boundary of X is less than ,the same is true for the complements of X and the thus constructed space:d H(X c,Y c)< .In summary,we have M[Y]∩X=V or[P]∩X.10Voronoi Graph and Medial AxisWe now consider results that focus on the detailed relationship between the V oronoi graph of afinite point set and the medial axis of the shape whose boundary the points sample.We need precise notions.A sample of the boundary of a shape X is afiniteStability and Computation of Medial Axes117Fig.4.On the left,a shape X and its medial axis.In the middle,afinite set of points P whose Hausdorff distance to the boundary of X is less than and its V oronoi graph.On the right, X+ −P and its medial axisFig.5.In R2,vertices and edges lying inside a shape and extracted from the V oronoi graph of an -sample of the boundary approximate the medial axis(courtesy of Attali and Montanvert [10])set of points(exactly and not just approximately)on that boundary.An -sample is a sample whose Hausdorff distance to the boundary of X is less than .In other words,every point of the boundary is less than distance away from a point in the -sample.The -sample isκ-light if the number of sample points within distance is never more thanκ.The -sample is noisy if points are not necessarily on the boundary but at Hausdorff distance less than to the boundary.An early result on the connection between the V oronoi graph and the medial axis is due to Brandt[15].Given a shape in R2,he takes an -sample on the boundary curve and considers the V oronoi edges and vertices that are completely contained in the shape;see Fig.5.He then proves that under some technical conditions on the boundary curve,the portion of the V oronoi graph defined by these edges and118 D.Attali et al.Fig.6.On the left we see a triangulation of the boundary of a shape in R3.Its vertices deter-mine a V oronoi diagram whose vertices inside the shape are shown in the middle.The subset of poles inside the shape is shown on the rightvertices approximates the medial axis.Amenta and Bern[1]point out that the direct extension of this result to shapes in R3does not hold;see Fig.6.The validity of the extension is spoiled by the existence of slivers in three-dimensional Delaunay triangulations,which occur for -samples with arbitrarily small >0.Roughly, a sliver is a tetrahedron whose four vertices are almost cocircular.The location of the V oronoi vertex corresponding to the sliver depends on the four vertices but is generally unrelated to any feature of the surface and does not necessarily lie near the medial axis.As afirst step to cope with slivers,Amenta and Bern eliminate all but a few V oronoi vertices they refer to as poles.Every sample point p generates a V oronoi polyhedron and the vertices furthest away from p on the two sides of the surface are the poles of p.Clearly,there are at most2n poles for a sample of n points.As proved in[3],for a shape whose boundary is a smooth C1-manifold,the poles tend to the medial axis of the shape and its complement as goes to zero.To extend the result of Brandt to R3,we need more than just points(the poles) near the medial axes,we also need to connect them to form a geometric structure approximating the medial axis.In[3],Amenta,Choi and Kolluri use simplices of the(weighted)Delaunay triangulation of the poles.To avoid the construction of this weighted Delaunay triangulation and connect the poles directly inside the V oronoi graph,we need to know about its local distance from the medial axis.Bounds on this distance can be found in[6,13,23].Assuming the boundary of the shape is a smooth C1-manifold and using these bounds,among other things,Dey and Zhao[27]give an algorithm that identifies a subgraph of the V oronoi graph that approximates the medial axis for the Hausdorff distance.We note that the above results are limited to smooth surfaces and to samples of points that lie on that surface.The next two sections deal with more general data.11Pruning in the Presence of NoiseAssuming the medial axis of a shape Y approximating X has been constructed,we prune M[Y]to retrieve an approximation of M[X].In this paragraph,the terms shape,medial axis,and stable part refer to Y,M[Y],and P[M[Y]],respectively.Pruning methods shorten peripheral branches of the medial axis,trying to capture its stable part.Typically,points on the border are successively removed until a stopping condition is satisfied.This condition may be a threshold on the difference between the initial shape and the shape reconstructed from the simplified medial axis [16,23,28,48,49],or it may be based on an estimate of the stability of portions of the medial axis [9,10,26,31,32,45].We present experimental results due to Attali and Montanvert [10]that shed light on the latter approach.To each point y ∈Y ,we associate the distance to Y c ,the complement of Y ,and the largest angle formed by points in Y c closest to y :ρ(y)=d(y,Y c )and θ(y)=max a,b ∈ (y)∠ayb,where (y)={x ∈Y c |d(y,Y c )= y −x }.We obtain the parameter graph by collecting,for all points y of the medial axis,the points (θ(y),ρ(y))in the two-dimensional parameter space [9,10].Points in this graph lie on curves associated with branches of the medial axis,as illustrated in Fig.7.When noise is added to the boundary,new branches appear on its medial axis;see Fig.8.The corresponding00. 1.52 2.53E1E2E3E1E2E3θρFig.7.Medial axis,parameter graph and simplified medial axis obtained by keeping points in the upper right quadrant of the parameter graph (courtesy of Attali and Montanvert [10]) 1.52 2.53θρFig.8.A small amount of noise added to the boundary of a shape suffices to dramatically change its medial axis.The simplified medial axis is defined by points in the upper right quadrant of the parameter graph (courtesy of Attali and Montanvert [10])effect on the parameter graph is the appearance of a hyperbola-like point cloud lo-cated near the coordinate axes.This experimental observation suggests a method for recognizing points on the medial axis that owe their existence to noise in the in-put data.As afirst cut,we remove points y for whichρ=ρ(y)is smaller than a first threshold orθ=θ(y)is smaller than a second threshold.In order to refine the method,let us introduce h(y)=sup a,b∈ (y) a−b /2.The new quantity,h=h(y) is related to the previous ones byρ=hsin(θ/2).For eachfixed h we getρas a function ofθ.By plotting a few of these functions, we can experimentallyfind a value of h for which the graph of this function approx-imates the hyperbola-like point cloud induced by the noise.This suggests that the stable part of the medial axis corresponds to points y for which h exceeds a giventhreshold.The next section describes a theoretical justification of this experimen-talfinding.12Stability of theλ-Medial AxisChazal and Lieutier[19]define theλ-medial axis of a bounded open subset X of R kand prove its stability under the Hausdorff distance,for regular values ofλ.Remem-ber that this property is not shared by the medial axis transform.To describe their results,let r(x)be the radius of the smallest ball enclosing (x),the set of points inthe complement of X with minimum distance to x.By definition,theλ-medial axisof X isMλ[X]={x∈X|r(x)≥λ}.Forλ>0,theλ-medial axis is a subset of the medial axis and the Hausdorff distancebetween the two tends to zero whenλgoes to zero.We say thatλis a regular valueof X if the function that mapsμ∈R to Mμ[X]in R k is continuous under the Hausdorff metric atμ=λ.In other words,a small modification of a regular valueλimplies a small modification of theλ-medial axis.Typical non-regular values areradii of locally largest maximal balls.We are now ready to give a precise statementof the result in[19]:ifλis a regular value of a shape X,theλ-medial axis transformis continuous at X for the Hausdorff distance.In other words,for everyδ>0,there exists >0such that for every open subset Y of R k,d H(X c,Y c)< =⇒d H(Mλ[X],Mλ[Y])<δ.(3) Note the similarity with(2),which expresses the same property using one-sided in-stead of two-sided Hausdorff distance.As part of the approximation paradigm for medial axes,this result sheds new light on the pruning method described above, which is now seen as approximating theλ-medial axis.Furthermore,an approxima-tion of the medial axis can be obtained by forcingλto decrease as Y gets closer to X.。
