ethnic groups
People and Ethnic Groups 美国人口与种族
1848年加州发现了黄金,开启了华人移 民美国的第一波浪潮。当时有30万人蜂拥进 加州,希望实现自己的黄金梦。而同时期, 中国因为鸦片战争和太平天国的战乱,大批 水深火热中的老百姓希望寻找出路。 “黄金梦”通过商人、海员、骗子、传教 士,从香港朝内地扩散。成百上千的失地农 民,通过各种合法和非法的方式,前往梦想 之地。于是“金山”也成为了San Francisco最 早的中文名称,直到后来澳大利亚的墨尔本 发现金矿以后,“金山”才改称为“旧金 山”。
在淘金热过去以后,1865年中央太平洋大铁路(Central Pacific Railroad)的开建也需要从中国引入大量的劳工。许 多华工放下金矿里的工作,会合老家来的新同胞,又投入了 这条沟通美国东西两边大铁路的工程。 华工对于中央大铁路的修建贡献重大,他们吃苦耐劳,任 劳任怨,工价低廉,故铁路公司大量增雇华工。因华工的贡 献,铁路比原定日期竟然早了7年竣工。 随着太平洋大铁路的竣工,需要的劳工大减,同时美国发 生经济危机,失业率激增,民间排华活动日甚,奉行“白人 至上”种族主义的政界人士趁机抨击华人以迎合选民,直至 1882年《排华法案》(Chinese Exclusion Act)的颁布。
犹太人遍布全世界。当今全世界的犹太人 总数约为1300万,主要分布在以色列和美国。 美国有约580万,以色列约442万,其余人口 散布世界各地。 犹太人占全球人口总数不到0.25%, 但却 获得了近25%的诺贝尔奖, 诺贝尔奖获得概 率远高于其他各个民族。爱因斯坦、马克思、 弗洛伊德、毕加索等许多名人都出自这一民 族。
Hispanic(拉美裔,又称拉丁裔Latino) 指从拉丁美洲移居到美国或加拿大的讲西班 牙语或葡萄牙语的人。美国人称拉美裔人为 “西班牙裔”,实际他们和西班牙人不同, 是欧洲人和当地印第安人的混种。美国人把 他们视为有色人种,在被歧视范围之内。 拉丁美洲(Latin America)通常用来指称 美国以南的大部分美洲地区。历史上这一地 区主要是西班牙和葡萄牙的殖民地,而西班 牙语和葡萄牙语衍生于拉丁语,故称拉丁美 洲。
Ethnos(民族)和Ethnic group(族群)的早期含义与应用
概念背景英文ethnic group一词,在20世纪70年代末被国内民族学界引入并使用,起初译为“ 民族群体”,后逐步采纳台湾学者的译法,即“族群”。
英文ethnic group一词,表示具有语言、种族、文化和宗教特点的人们共同体。
——哈佛大学的N·格拉泽和D·P·莫尼汉归纳了一些学者的讨论,并将族群定义为:是指一个较大的文化和社会体系中具有自身文化特质的一种群体;其中最显著的特质就是这一群体具有的宗教的、语言的、习俗的特征,以及其成员或祖先所共有的体质的、民族的、地理的起源(Nathan Glazer & Daniel P.Moynihan,1975)。
“族群”概念是英文ethnic group一词的译法。
英文中的ethnic group一词来自希腊语ethnikos。
Ethnic group (族群)是上个世纪60年代(1960s)国际人类学界广泛运用起来的。
学者首先把英美流行的ethnic group翻译成中文“族群”,受台湾学者的影响,在80-90年代(1980-90s)大陆学者开始引用“族群”这个词,现在被普遍认同并把ethnic group翻译为“族群”。
早期,对ethnic group的汉译有两种观点。
一是反对将ethnic group译为族群,而应翻译为“民族”。
他认为,“族群”显然是指那些尚未发展成为民族的人们共同体,各者使用ethnic group时的涵义是指“民族”,而非“族群”。
[3]最近他还进一步阐述了把ethnic group翻译为民族的理由:(1)美国韦氏词典认为ethnic表示“具有表现在风俗习惯、特征、语言和共同等方面的共同文化遗产的居民群体”,这与我国的民族定义是吻合的;(2)台湾人类学界对世界各国民族共同体的研究不够,基本上局限于台湾省内,因而遣词不当,把ethnic group译为“族群”,并被台独分子利用来分裂汉族,达到搞台独的目的;(3)无论是前苏联学者或俄罗斯学者都把“ethnic group”一词作为民族来看待不是作为“族群”[4]二是对这种译法持肯定态度的学者如石奕龙、黄泽以及国外学者,他们认为,ethnic除了指“民族的”以外,也可指“种族的、部落的、民族或国家以及某一特定文化群体”。
关于族群、种族和民族:在没搞清楚它们有啥区别前最好别乱说关于族群、种族和民族:在没搞清楚它们有啥区别前最好别乱说2016年10⽉02⽇ 10:12来源:凤凰国际智库⽂章来源:微信号“国关国政外交学⼈”编者按:现实中,⼈们常把种族和民族、族群与民族相混淆。
作者:庞中英/ 国际⾦融论坛(IFF)学术委员、中国⼈民⼤学全球治理中⼼主任为了加深对国际社会中民族与民族国家的认识,有必要严格区分族群、种族和民族这样3个经常被混⽤的概念。
这种混淆实在是⼀个很⼤的错误,因为上述国家内部的冲突不是什么种族冲突,⽽是族际冲突,英⽂叫作ethnic conflict。
由于翻译和历史等原因,汉语中的“民族”⼀词含义极为复杂,所以它不仅包含了英⽂等西语的民族(C na-tioW、族群(ethnio group、民族的少数(na-tional minority、⼈类共同体(human com-munity)等含义,⽽且经常与种族⼀词相混⽤(当然这种现象不仅在中⽂中有,在其它语⾔中也存在)。
Unit 6 Ethnic Groups
4. minority (pl. -ies) the smaller number or part, especially a number which is less than half the whole number 少数 Only a minority of British households do not have a car. 英国只有少数家庭没有汽车。 a relatively small group of people, especially one commonly discriminated against in a community, society, or nation, differing from others in race, religion, language, or political persuasion少数民族, 少数信仰不同的人 The interests of the minorities should be protected. 少数民族的利益应该得到保护。
5. 习惯用语 have an addition (to the family) 生孩子, 添人口 in addition 加上, 又, 另外 in addition to 加上, 除...外, 又 with the addition of 外加
Unit 6 Ethnic Groups
1.What ethnic groups is the UK population originated from? 2. Do you know the proportion of white people? 3. Can you describe the major minority ethnic ground from 从...下来 是...的后裔, 源于 descend to 把人格[身分]降低到, 堕落到 转谈细节 descend upon 突然袭击,突然拜访某人
中东民族与宗教 The Ethnic Groups and Religions in the Middle East
The Ethnic Groups and Religions in the Middle EastI. The Ethnic Groups in the Middle EastWhen it comes to countries, we need to talk about people living in these countries.First, I want to let you know what an ethnic group means.An ethnic group (or ethnicity) is a group of people whose members identify with each other, through a common heritage, consisting of a common language, a common culture (often including a shared religion) and a tradition of common ancestry (corresponding to a history of endogamy).Now let’s take a look at the them and start our real learning the ethnic groups in the Middle East.Though the Middle East is a place much smaller than us China, it is also home to numerous ethnic groups, including Arabs, Turks, Persians, Jews, Kurds, Assyrian, Armenians, Azeris, Circassians, Greeks and Georgians. Here I introduce to you four major ethnic groups in this area.Over 350 million people live in the Middle East and four major ethnic groups are Arabs, Turks, Persians and Jewish.Arabs constitute the majority ethnic group in all of the Middle East states except Iran, Israel, and Turkey.Originally, the term "Arab" referred to the peoples that inhabited the northern and central portions of the Arabian Peninsula. Following the spread of variousArab-Islamic empires throughout the Middle East and into Europe and south Asia, the term "Arab" has come to be synonymous with those who speak Arabic. Presently, about 60% of the total population in the Middle East speak Arabic and consider themselves to be an Arab.Today, most Arabs are Muslim, with a minority adhering to other faiths, largely Christianity.Now take a look at Turks.The world's Turkic peoples, numbering perhaps 130 million people in all, are the diverse descendants of large groups of tribes people thought to have originated in Central Asia.Presently, the largest group of Turkic people is living in Turkey. Additionally, other Turkic people live in the Xinjiang region of China, Iran & Afghanistan, and RussiaNow let’s move to the third major ethnic group- Persians.The Persian people are defined by the use of the Persian language as their mother tongue. The Persian language is one of the world's oldest languages still in use today, and is known to have one of the most powerful literary traditions. The Persians are believed to be descendents of the Aryan (Indo-Europeans) tribes that began migrating from Central Asia into what is now Iran in the second millennium BCE. There are around 80 million Persians live in the Middle East and most of them are Muslims. Today, they mainly live in Iran, Georgia, Turkey, Afghanistan,and Northern Pakistan.The Jews, also known as the Jewish people, are a nation and a group originating in the Israelites or Hebrews of the Ancient Near East.Jewish people trace their origin to Abraham, who established the belief that there is only one God, the creator of the universe.There are an estimated 13–14 million Jews worldwide, accounting for around 0.2% of the world's population. Now many of the Jews live in the state of Israel. There are about 4 million Jewish people living there.II . Religions in the Middle EastThe Middle East is very diverse when it comes to religions, many of which originated there. Islam in its many forms is by far the largest religion in the Middle East, but other faiths, such as Judaism and Christianity, are also important.Now I‘d like to tell more about the three main religions: Islam, Christianity and Judaism.Islam is a strictly monotheistic religion.The literal meaning of Islam is peace; surrender of one’s will i.e. losing oneself for the sake of God and surrendering one’s own pleasure for the pleasure of God. The message of Islam was revealed to the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings on him) 1, 400 years ago. It was revealed through angel Gabriel (onwhom be peace) and was thus preserved in the Holy Quran.The followers of this religion are called Muslims. Muslims are restricted in their diet. Prohibited foods include pork products, blood, dead meat and alcohol.Islam believes that each person is born pure. The Holy Quran (Koran) tells us that God has given human beings a choice between good and evil and to seek God’s pleasure through faith, prayer and charity.At present there are 1.5 billion Muslims worldwide and they form the majority in more than 50 countries of the world. In the Middle East, most Arabics and Persians are Muslims and believe in Islam. Today Islam is the fastest growing faith in the world - its beautiful message is reaching millions in the far corner of the earth.A large number of people in the Middle East in another famous religion called Christianity.Christianity is a monotheistic religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth as presented in the New Testament. Christianity comprises three major branches: Roman Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy (the two split from one another in 1054 A.D.), and Protestantism (which came into existence during the Protestant Reformation of the 16th century). Protestantism is further divided into smaller groups called denominations.Christians believe Jesus is the Son of God, God having become human and the savior of humanity. Christians, therefore, commonly refer to Jesus as Christ orMessiah.As of the early 21st century, Christianity has around 2.2 billion adherents. Christianity represents about a quarter to a third of the world's population and is the world's largest religion. So, we can safely say that one in three persons on earth is Christians. In addition, Christianity is the state religion of several countries.Judaism is the "religion, philosophy, and way of life" of the Jewish people. Judaism, originating in the Hebrew Bible and explored in later texts such as the Talmud, is considered by Jews to be the expression of the covenantal relationship God developed with the Children of Israel. The Hebrews / Israelites were called (referred to) as Jews, already, as early as in the Book of Esther. The term Jews replaced the title "Children of Israel.".Judaism claims a historical continuity spanning more than 3000 years. It is one of the oldest monotheistic religions, and the oldest to survive into the present day. Its texts, traditions and values have inspired later Abrahamic religions, including Christianity and Islam.Today, 14 million people identify themselves as Jewish, and about 4 millions of them live in Israel.References:/wiki/Ethnic_group/earthinfo/meast/MEpeo.html /t/tu/turkic_people.html。
段落翻译A1-工艺美术-瓷器-发展-4中文:中国的制瓷(porcelain)技术从东汉(the Eastern Han Dynasty)以后发展很快,各个历史时期都出现了别具特色的制作瓷器的名窑(kilns)和瓷器新品种。
元代(the Yuan Dynasty)以后,制瓷业迅速发展起来的江西景德镇,被称为中国的“瓷都”。
自汉唐(the Han and Tang dynasties)以来,中国瓷器就大量销往国外,中国的制瓷技术也逐渐传遍世界各地。
语言要点:manufacture; with unique features; the Capital of Porcelain; precious arts and crafts译文:The techniques of manufacturing porcelain have developed rapidly since the Eastern Han Dynasty. Famous kilns producing porcelain products with unique features and new porcelain varieties constantly came forth in the following dynasties. After the Yuan Dynasty, the porcelain industry rose swiftly in Jingdezhen of Jiangxi Province, which became known as the Capital of Porcelain. Chinese porcelain wares are not only delicate daily necessities, but also precious arts and crafts. Since the Han and Tang dynasties, Chinese porcelain wares were exported abroad and their manufacturing techniques gradually spread all over the world.A2-工艺美术-风筝-传承-4中文:风筝,古时候也叫纸鸢(Zhiyuan),是中国人发明的。
Ethnic Groups in America
Ethnic Groups in AmericaEthnic group: An ethnic group' (or ethnicity) is a group of people whose members identify with each other, through a common heritage, often consisting of a common language, a common culture often including a shared religion and an ideology that stresses common ancestry or tradition'Curandero: A curandero (or curandera for a female) is a traditional folk healer or shaman in Hispanic America, who is dedicated to curing physical or spiritual illnesses. The Role of a curandero or curandera can also incorporate the roles of psychiatrist along with that of doctor and healer. Many curanderos use Catholic elements, such as holy water and saint pictures. The use of Catholic prayers and other borrowings and lendings are often found alongside native religious elements.Hispanics have also lived continuously in the Southwest since near the end of the 16th century, with settlements in New Mexico that began in 1598, and which were transferred to the area of El Paso, Texas in 1680.[17] Spanish settlement of New Mexico resumed in 1692, and new ones were established in Arizona and California in the 18th century.[18][19] The Hispanic presence can even be said to date from half a century earlier than St. Augustine, if San Juan, Puerto Rico is considered to be the oldest Spanish settlement, and the oldest city, in the U.S.[20]Rudolfo Anaya, Bless Me, Ultimaplease read this summary etc. The main character is a little boy, and one major issue is cultural identity – they are Hispanic and Indian (Native American), two different cultures.that a person can draw from several cultural traditions to forge a more complex and adaptable identityUltima is a curandera, a woman who is a healer, shaman, and thought of often as a sort of witch. She has an owl which was (and in some areas, still is) thought to be witch-related.Many people of Hispanic/Indian background have managed to blend the two different cultures, the Indian and the Spanish Catholic.I met the author Rudolfo Anaya many years ago, maybe 20 years ago, a brilliant and very nice man. This book is considered a classic by many, including me!SummaryWriting as an adult, Antonio Márez recounts events that occur when he was six years old. Ultima, an elderly curandera, or healer, comes to live with his family. The night before Ultima’s arrival, Antonio lies in his bed in the little attic above his mother’s kitchen. He hears his parents talking about Ul tima. His father, Gabriel, says that Ultima is old, and though she has served the people as a healer her entire life, she has now been reduced to living alone out on the llano, the great New Mexico grassland near Antonio’s home. Antonio knows that his fath er is a vaquero, a cowboy, and loves the wildness ofthe llano, while his mother, María, is from the Luna family, who are all farmers, and prefers civilization. Long ago, María convinced Gabriel to move to the town of Guadalupe so that their children could have an education, and Gabriel still misses the life on the open plains of the llano.Antonio is happy that his parents have decided to take Ultima into their home and to provide for her. As he drifts off into sleep, he has a dream in which he floats over the hills of the llano to the village of Las Pasturas and toward the window of a lighted hut. There, a woman is in labor, and Antonio recognizes that he is witnessing his own birth. After the baby Antonio is born, his mother’s brothers arrive and declar e that he will be a Luna and perhaps become a priest. His father’s brothers declare that he will continue their tradition of restless wandering on the llano. Each family wishes to dispose of the afterbirth according to their family traditions: the Lunas seek to bury it in the earth, while the vaqueros seek to burn it and scatter the ashes across the open plains. Ultima halts the ensuing disagreement by stating that she will bury the afterbirth herself. She declares that only she will know Antonio’s destiny.Later that day, Gabriel arrives with Ultima. When Antonio shakes Ultima’s hand, he senses the power of a whirlwind pass around him. He calls her by her given name instead of the customary salutation, Grande, and Ultima says that she knew when he was born that she would one day be close to him. Ultima’s owl takes up residence near Antonio’s home. Although owls are said to be a disguise taken by brujas, or witches, Antonio dreams that the owl carries the Virgin of Guadalupe and all the babes of Limbo to heaven.AnalysisFrom the beginning of the novel, Anaya links Antonio’s anxieties about change in his life to the culture in which he lives. Ultima’s entrance into Antonio’s life marks a stressful time of change for Antonio. Anaya emphasizes Antonio’s position on the threshold of change by portraying his nervousness about beginning school, separating from his mother, and facing his uncertain future. Because of the conflicted nature of his parents’ marriage, Antonio is essentially caught between two competing cultures, each of which carries its own set of expectations and assumptions. The vaquero lifestyle favored by his father emphasizes the values of independence, freedom, and mobility, all of which are manifest in the vaqueros’ love of the llano. The Luna family lifestyle favored by Antonio’s mother, on the other hand, emphasizes stability, productivity, and family, which manifest themselves in the Lunas’ desire to fence the llano and build towns. Even though Antonio is only six years old, his future already ha ngs between these two contrasting alternatives, and Antonio’s dream about his birth reveals the anxiety this pressure causes him. Ultima’s declaration that she is the one who knows Antonio’s destiny foreshadows Ultima’s role as Antonio’s guide in the proce ss of reconciling his heritages and building a future out of both.Ultima’s role as a curandera demonstrates the extent to which Chicano culture is a mixture of multiple, and often conflicting, influences. Curanderismo is the practice of folk medicine, a healing art heavily influenced by the knowledge and ancient religions of indigenous peoples. Curanderismo is associated with the treatment of both physical and supernatural illnesses. When Spanish Catholics arrived in the New World, they regarded curanderismo as a form of witchcraft and often killed those who practiced it.However, over the course of time, the intermixing between Spaniards and native people produced a mixed religious culture. In Antonio’s small town, curanderismo exists side by side with Cat holicism and often in harmony with it. Anaya also illustrates this blend of religious belief in the portrayal of Antonio’s mother, María, who is a devout Catholic and yet respects and even reveres Ultima’s powers.Antonio’s inherent trust of the old woman underscores Anaya’s implication that the Catholic Church cannot explain certain kinds of power, especially Ultima’s. The practitioners of curanderismo are still regarded with suspicion by many, a distrust that reveals a lingering conflict between European and indigenous religious practices. Antonio’s trust in her goodness reveals that Antonio is on his way to independent decision-making, because he can reconcile conflicting belief systems.Antonio’s feeling of conflict results from the demands placed upon him to reconcile his parents’ radically different heritages. His attempt to do so forms the main discussion of the novel. María and her family have a profoundly spiritual relationship with the earth, which is symbolized by their desire to bury Antonio’s a fterbirth in the ground. Their hope that Antonio will become a priest attests to their devout Catholic faith. The mystical character of their relationship to the earth is deeply tied to indigenous spirituality, while their devotion to Catholicism represents the extent to which European culture has shaped them. Despite the violent clash between Spanish and indigenous religions, a culture that contains harmonious elements of both has survived.Gabriel’s family lives the vaquero, or cowboy, way of life. They a re driven by the same adventurous, restless spirit that drove the Spaniards across the ocean to the New World, as their name, derived from the Spanish word for ocean, implies. They are also superb horsemen. However, Gabriel’s reverence for Ultima shows that his worldview is heavily influenced by indigenous culture. Like the Luna family, he has a spiritual and mystical relationship with the land, but he expresses it in a different manner. His love of the open llano is just as spiritual as the Lunas’ love of their farmland, but it embodies an incompatible view of the world. He cannot easily adapt to the slow and stable life of towns and farms, as we see in Gabriel’s general antipathy toward life in Guadalupe and in his deep nostalgia for life on the open plains.ThemesThemes are the fundamental and often universal ideas explored in a literary work.The Importance of Moral IndependenceAn emphasis on thinking independently about moral decisions pervades Bless Me, Ultima. Antonio’s progress toward moral independence is the main marker of his maturity and development throughout the novel. Antonio’s struggle to reconcile the complexities of his experience with his religion leads him to conclude that he must make his own decisions. He becomes increasingly frustrated by the failure of the church to explain the most pressing questions about morality and human experience.Ultima acts as Antonio’s guide as he learns the importance of moral independence. Ultima teaches him that the most difficult questions about life can never be answered entirely by a single religion or cultural tradition. Antonio has questions about evil, forgiveness, truth, and the soul,questions he can answer only for himself. Antonio once believed that the Communion ritual would answer all his questions, but Ultima teaches him that he must think for himself and arrive at his own conclusions.The Influence of Culture on IdentityBless Me, Ultima explores the difficulty of reconciling conflicting cultural traditions. In the end, Anaya suggests that a person can draw from several cultural traditions to forge a more complex and adaptable identity. Antonio is so eager to find a single, definitive answer to the questions that haunt him because he has been influenced by many conflicting cultures. The first major conflict involves his parents. His Luna mother wishes for him to become a priest, while his vaquero father wishes for him to ride the llano. Each parent has deeply rooted cultural convictions. Next is the conflict within his town between its Spanish and indigenous cultures. We see evidence of this conflict in the pronounced tension between Ultima’s mystical folklore and the Catholic church. Another conflict takes place at Antonio’s school between Spanish and English speakers.Anaya uses these conflicts to explore the influence of culture on identity. Many characters in the book are limited by their cultural prejudices and never learn to look beyond their own assumptions. For example, the townspeople condemn Narciso for being a drunk and refuse to acknowledge that his traumatic experience in the war might play a part in his psychological state. Ultima teaches Antonio to avoid the limitations inherent in abiding by one culture, one religion, or one creed. Instead, Ultima encourages Antonio to embrace all of the cultural influences in his life to become a better person.MotifsMotifs are recurring structures, contrasts, or literary devices that can help to develop and inform the text’s major themes.DreamsAntonio has a number of dreams throughout the novel, from his early dream about watching his own birth to his later dreams about his brothers calling for his help. Anaya uses the recurrent dream motif to show how Antonio’s interpretations of his thoughts and experiences change as he develops as a character. In his early dreams, for instance, Antonio is largely preoccupied with the question of his destiny, of whether he will become a vaquero or a priest. But in his later dreams, he is preoccupied with much larger questions of family, morality, and duty. This gradual transformation, traced in dreams, reflects Antonio’s growth from childhood to maturity. His dreams also offer him a rich and variable set of images and symbols with which to understand his own life.FamilyThe recurring presence of various family relationships—uncles, siblings, and parents, especially—provides a subtle commentary on the nature of identity and ultimately underscores the book’s main theme of moral independence. Many of Antonio’s family members seek to define his future, espec ially his uncles, who argue about whether he will become a priest or a vaquero. Antonio looks to other members of his family to help define his identity, especially when he tries to model himself afterAndrew, his older brother. In the end, Antonio must learn to make his own choices, drawing from the wisdom and experience of his family, but not being limited by their wishes and perspectives.Learning and EducationUltima once predicts vaguely that Antonio will be a “man of learning.” Many scenes in the book explore Antonio’s education, both religious (his Communion classes) and academic (his school classes). Antonio’s growth and development serve as example s of education. Ultima believes that every experience helps inform one’s identity and perspective on life. Bless Me, Ultima is the story of Antonio’s growth from childhood to maturity. His progress is represented by his gradually expanding education, both in the classroom and in his own introspective interpretation of his experience.Tolerance and UnderstandingUltima represents the importance of tolerance and understanding. Though she comes from an indigenous mystical tradition, she openly acknowledges the value of the Catholic faith. She also encourages Antonio to draw from the various conflicting sets of ideals that define his outlook. Learning the importance of tolerance marks Antonio’s growth, especially as he begins to realize that some religions may be better suited to some people than to others, as Florence is seemingly better suited to the faith of the golden carp than to Catholicism.SymbolsSymbols are objects, characters, figures, or colors used to represent abstract ideas or concepts.The Golden CarpThe golden carp represents a magical religious order not connected to Catholicism. The golden carp legend offers its own brand of wisdom, comfort, and moral guidance. Within the context of the novel’s themes, the carp supports the idea that every religious tradition offers different, but equally valid, lessons about the world. Antonio first rejects the golden carp, feeling that he is abandoning God by simply pursuing an interest in the magical fish. He learns later that the carp can actually help in his endeavor to draw from all the cultural and religious sources available to him in crafting his own identity and finding his own answers.Ultima’s OwlUltima’s owl represents her life force and the power of her religious mysticism. The owl sings softly outside Antonio’s window at night. Its song symbolizes Ultima’s comforting presence in Antonio’s life and the protective power of her magic. At the end of the novel, Tenorio’s killing of the owl literally destroys Ultima’s life force and leads very quickl y to her death. Antonio equates Ultima with the owl—when he buries it, he says that he is really burying Ultima.The Virgin of GuadalupeMaría’s statue of the Virgin of Guadalupe symbolizes forgiveness, understanding, and the resolution of cultural conflict. The story of the dark-skinned Virgin represents the reconciliation of the European Catholic Church with the indigenous culture of Antonio’s homeland. Antonio turns to the Virgin repeatedly when he is frustrated by his failure to find a forgiving god.。
英语国家概况第⼀章知识点Chapter 1 Land and People第01讲Geographical Features & Climate Part I the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Chapter 1 Land and PeopleNames【译⽂】第⼀编英国第⼀章国⼟与⼈民名称different names for 英国The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Irelandthe United Kingdomthe UKGreat Britain (GB)BritainEnglandthe total population: 63 million.the third-largest in the European Union (behind Germany and France) and the 22nd-largest in the world.【译⽂】“英国”不同的名称:⼤不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国联合王国⼤不列颠(GB)不列颠英格兰总⼈⼝:6300 0000英国是欧洲第三⼈⼝⼤国(排在德国和法国后⾯),是世界第⼆⼗⼆⼈⼝⼤国。
The UK is a developed country.the sixth-largest national economy in the world (and third-largest in Europe)measured by nominal GDP and eighth-largest in the world (and second-largest in Europe) measured by purchasing power parity (PPP).It was the world’s first industrialized country and the world’s foremost power during the 19th and early 20th centuries.【译⽂】英国是⼀个发达国家。
The Li ethnic group is one of the ethnic minorities in China,primarily residing on the southern island of Hainan.They have a rich cultural heritage and unique traditions that are worth exploring.Geographically,the Li people are mainly found in the central and southern parts of Hainan Island,with a population of around1.5million.Their settlements are often located in mountainous areas,which have shaped their way of life and cultural practices. The Li language is part of the Austroasiatic language family,and it has its own script known as the Li script.However,due to the influence of the Han Chinese,many Li people also speak Mandarin Chinese.The Li ethnic group has a matrilineal society,where lineage and inheritance are traced through the mothers side.Women traditionally hold significant roles in the family and community,and they are involved in decisionmaking processes.One of the most distinctive aspects of Li culture is their traditional clothing.Women wear colorful dresses with intricate patterns,often handwoven,and they adorn themselves with silver jewelry.Men typically wear simpler clothing,consisting of a shirt and trousers. Agriculture is the main occupation of the Li people,with rice being the primary crop. They also engage in fishing,hunting,and gathering activities.Traditionally,the Li people have practiced a form of shifting cultivation,where they clear land by cutting and burning vegetation,then plant crops for a few years before moving to a new area.The Li people have a rich tradition of folk arts,including music,dance,and storytelling. Their music often features unique instruments like the liuqin,a type of lute.Li dances are characterized by graceful movements and are often performed during festivals and celebrations.Festivals are an essential part of Li culture,with the most famous being the March3rd Festival.This festival is celebrated on the third day of the third lunar month and involves various activities such as singing,dancing,and traditional sports.In recent years,the Chinese government has implemented policies to protect and promote the culture of the Li ethnic group.Efforts have been made to preserve their language, traditions,and way of life,while also providing opportunities for economic development and integration with mainstream society.In conclusion,the Li ethnic group is an integral part of Chinas diverse cultural landscape.Their unique customs,traditions,and way of life offer valuable insights into the rich tapestry of Chinese ethnic groups.As China continues to develop and modernize,it is essential to respect and preserve the cultural heritage of all its ethnic minorities,including the Li people.。
给西方和中方民族做介绍英语作文Alright, here's an introductory essay about the ethnic groups in the West and China, written in an informal and conversational tone, while maintaining the requested characteristics:When talking about the ethnic groups in the West, it's hard not to mention the diversity that's so deeply ingrained in our societies. You have Italians with their passion for food and family, French with their chic fashion sense and love for art, and Germans with their meticulous engineering spirit. Each ethnic group brings a uniqueflavor to the cultural melting pot, making the West what it is today.And when it comes to China, the ethnic diversity isjust as fascinating. You've got the Han Chinese, thelargest ethnic group, with their rich history and culture spanning thousands of years. Then there are the Tibetans, known for their high altitude homes and spiritual beliefs.The Uyghurs, with their distinctive language and cuisine, are a vibrant community in the northwestern regions. Each ethnic group in China contributes to the tapestry of this ancient civilization.The Western ethnic groups often pride themselves on their individualism and the freedom to express themselves. They celebrate their differences and use them as a source of strength. While in China, the emphasis is more on harmony and unity. The various ethnic groups coexist peacefully, respecting each other's traditions and customs while sharing a common sense of belonging to a greater nation.So, whether you're exploring the ethnic flavors of the West or delving into the rich cultural heritage of China.。
五十六个民族为主题的作文China, a vast and diverse country, is home to 56 ethnic groups, each unique in their culture, traditions, and way of life. The beauty of these ethnic groups is not just in their rich cultural heritage but also in their unity and diversity, which together form the fabric of China's multicultural society.The 56 ethnic groups of China are like 56 jewels in a crown, each shining brightly with its own unique characteristics. The Han Chinese, the largest ethnic group, have a deep-rooted history and culture that dates back thousands of years. They have made significant contributions to China's political, economic, and cultural development.The minority ethnic groups, though numerically smaller, are no less rich in culture and tradition. From the vibrant dances and vibrant music of the Tibetans to the intricate patterns and vibrant colors of the Uyghurs, from the precise agriculture of the Han Chinese to the nomadic way of life of the Mongolians, each ethnic group has its own unique way of life and culture.The beauty of these ethnic groups is not just in their cultural diversity but also in their unity. Despite their differences, the 56 ethnic groups of China have always stood together, united by a shared history, culture, and values. They have worked together to build a harmonious and prosperous society, contributing to China's development and progress.The celebration of the 56 ethnic groups' beauty is not just a matter of pride but also a matter of respect. It is a recognition of the rich cultural heritage and the diverse way of life that make China a truly unique and beautiful country. It is a reminder that diversity is a strength, not a weakness, and that unity in diversity is the key to a harmonious and prosperous society.In conclusion, the beauty of China's 56 ethnic groups lies in their rich cultural diversity, their unity in diversity, and their contribution to the development and progress of China. It is a beauty that should be celebrated and respected, as it is a testament to the resilience and vitality of Chinese culture and society.中文篇:在这片古老而辽阔的土地上,生活着五十六个民族,他们如同璀璨的繁星,共同构建了中华民族多元一体的美丽星空。
中国的民族和习俗英语作文China's Ethnic Groups and TraditionsChina is a country renowned for its rich cultural diversity and long-standing traditions. With a population of over 1.4 billion people, China is home to 56 officially recognized ethnic groups, each with its own unique customs, beliefs, and way of life. From the vibrant Tibetan Buddhist communities in the Himalayas to the ancient Confucian traditions of the Han Chinese, the cultural tapestry of China is truly awe-inspiring.One of the most striking aspects of China's ethnic diversity is the vast array of minority groups that call this vast land home. The Zhuang, the largest ethnic minority in China, are known for their intricate embroidery and traditional music, which often incorporates the sounds of the lusheng, a type of reed pipe. The Uighur people of Xinjiang are renowned for their delicate hand-crafted textiles, elaborate ceramics, and the captivating melodies of their folk music.The Mongolian ethnic group, with its nomadic lifestyle and deep connection to the vast grasslands of the north, has contributed greatly to China's cultural heritage. From the iconic Genghis Khan tothe vibrant Naadam festival, which celebrates traditional Mongolian sports such as wrestling, archery, and horse racing, the Mongolian people have left an indelible mark on the country.One of the most fascinating aspects of China's ethnic diversity is the way in which these different groups have coexisted and influenced one another over the centuries. The Han Chinese, the largest ethnic group in the country, have long been a dominant force in Chinese culture, but they have also been profoundly shaped by the traditions and beliefs of the minority groups around them.For example, the Lunar New Year, one of the most important festivals in the Chinese calendar, is celebrated by people of all ethnic backgrounds in China. The traditions associated with this celebration, such as the hanging of red lanterns, the exchange of gifts, and the preparation of special foods, reflect the blending of Han Chinese and minority cultural practices.Another example of the interplay between China's ethnic groups can be seen in the architecture and design of the country's historic sites. The stunning Potala Palace in Lhasa, the former residence of the Dalai Lamas, is a prime example of the fusion of Tibetan and Han Chinese architectural styles. The intricate woodcarvings, vibrant colors, and intricate mandalas that adorn the palace's walls and ceilings are a testament to the rich cultural exchange that has takenplace over the centuries.Beyond the realm of material culture, China's ethnic diversity is also reflected in the country's rich oral traditions and performing arts. The Naxi people of Yunnan province, for example, are renowned for their Dongba script, a unique writing system that combines pictographic and phonetic elements. The Naxi also have a rich tradition of storytelling, with their ancient epics and folktales being passed down through generations.Similarly, the Dai people of Yunnan are known for their exquisite Dai opera, a form of musical theater that combines elements of dance, music, and drama. The Dai opera is a celebration of the group's unique cultural heritage, with its intricate costumes, elaborate stage sets, and captivating performances.In recent years, there has been a growing recognition of the importance of preserving and celebrating China's ethnic diversity. The Chinese government has implemented a range of policies and initiatives aimed at protecting the traditional practices and beliefs of the country's minority groups, from the establishment of ethnic autonomous regions to the promotion of cultural tourism.At the same time, many of China's ethnic minority communities have been actively working to maintain their traditions and pass them onto future generations. This has involved the revitalization of traditional crafts, the preservation of endangered languages, and the continued practice of time-honored rituals and ceremonies.One example of this is the Miao people of Guizhou province, who have worked tirelessly to preserve their intricate silver jewelry-making techniques. The Miao are renowned for their exquisite silver accessories, which are often adorned with intricate patterns and symbols that reflect the group's rich cultural heritage.Another example is the Tibetan community, which has fought to maintain its unique Buddhist traditions in the face of political and cultural challenges. From the construction of sacred monasteries to the preservation of ancient scriptures and teachings, the Tibetan people have worked to ensure that their cultural legacy continues to thrive.In conclusion, China's ethnic diversity is a testament to the country's rich cultural heritage and the resilience of its people. From the vibrant traditions of the Zhuang and Uighur to the ancient Confucian practices of the Han Chinese, the cultural tapestry of China is a testament to the power of human creativity and the enduring spirit of human diversity. As China continues to evolve and modernize, it is crucial that the country's ethnic minority groups are given thesupport and resources they need to preserve their unique traditions and share them with the world.。
各族人民大团结万岁英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Long live the great unity of all ethnic groups!The unity of all ethnic groups is the foundation of our country's strength and prosperity. As a country with diverse cultures and traditions, China has over 56 ethnic groups living harmoniously together. The unity among these different ethnic groups is not only crucial for the stability of our society but also essential for the development of our nation.The great unity of all ethnic groups in China can be traced back to thousands of years of history. Throughout the centuries, different ethnic groups have learned to live together in harmony, respecting each other's customs and traditions. This unity has allowed us to build a strong and prosperous nation, with each ethnic group contributing to the development of our society.In today's modern society, the unity among different ethnic groups is more important than ever. With the rapid globalization and advancements in technology, the world has become a more interconnected place. In order to compete in the global marketand ensure our country's prosperity, we must continue to strengthen the unity among all ethnic groups.The unity of all ethnic groups is not only important for our country's development but also for the well-being of each individual. When people from different ethnic backgrounds come together, they can learn from each other's experiences, broaden their perspectives, and build a more inclusive society. This unity can help us to overcome challenges and build a better future for ourselves and our children.As we celebrate the great unity of all ethnic groups, let us remember the importance of tolerance, respect, and understanding. Let us embrace our differences and cherish our diversity, for it is what makes us strong and unique. Long live the great unity of all ethnic groups!篇2Long Live the Great Unity of All Ethnic PeoplesThe unity of all ethnic peoples is the cornerstone of a harmonious society and a prosperous nation. In a country as diverse as ours, with different ethnic groups living together, unity becomes even more important. The great unity of all ethnicpeoples is not just a slogan, it is a reality that we must all strive to achieve.The unity of all ethnic peoples in our country has a long history. Throughout the centuries, different ethnic groups have lived side by side, learning from each other, and enriching each other's cultures. Our diversity is our strength, and it is what makes our nation unique and vibrant.But unity is not just about living together peacefully, it is also about working together for the common good. In a society where people from different backgrounds come together, there are bound to be differences of opinion and conflicting interests. But it is the ability to overcome these differences and work towards a common goal that truly defines unity.The unity of all ethnic peoples is essential for the development and progress of our nation. When people from different backgrounds come together and bring their unique perspectives and skills to the table, great things can be achieved. Whether it is in the fields of science, technology, arts, or sports, the unity of all ethnic peoples can lead to innovation and success.But unity is not just about achieving great things, it is also about maintaining peace and stability. In a world where conflictsand tensions are on the rise, the unity of all ethnic peoples becomes even more important. By standing together and supporting each other, we can ensure that our nation remains strong and united.The unity of all ethnic peoples is not something that can be achieved overnight. It requires constant effort and commitment from all of us. We must strive to understand and respect each other's cultures, traditions, and beliefs. We must be willing to listen to each other and find common ground. And most importantly, we must be willing to work together for the greater good of our nation.As we celebrate the great unity of all ethnic peoples, let us remember that it is not just a slogan, it is a way of life. Let us continue to build bridges of understanding and cooperation between people of all backgrounds. Let us stand together in times of adversity and triumph. And let us work together to create a better future for our nation and for all mankind.Long live the great unity of all ethnic peoples!篇3Long live the great unity of all ethnic groups!Unity is strength. This age-old adage holds true for all societies, especially for a diverse country like ours, where people belonging to different ethnic groups coexist harmoniously. The unity of all ethnic groups in our country is a precious asset that we must cherish and nurture.Our country is home to myriad ethnic groups, each with its unique culture, traditions, and beliefs. The Han Chinese, the largest ethnic group, coexist with minority groups like the Tibetan, Uighur, Mongolian, and many others. Despite the differences in language, customs, and appearance, we are all citizens of one nation, bound by a common identity and shared aspirations.The spirit of unity among all ethnic groups is exemplified in our shared history of struggle and resistance against foreign aggression. From the Opium Wars to the Japanese invasion, people from all ethnic groups have stood together, shoulder to shoulder, to defend our motherland and safeguard our sovereignty. This united front has ensured our country's survival and prosperity in the face of numerous challenges.In times of peace, the unity of all ethnic groups has enabled us to achieve remarkable progress and development. Through mutual respect, understanding, and cooperation, we have built aharmonious society where people of all backgrounds can live and work together in peace and prosperity. Our diversity has become a source of strength, enriching our culture, art, and literature with vibrant colors and flavors.However, unity is not a given; it must be actively promoted and protected. The seeds of discord and division can easily be sown, leading to mistrust, animosity, and conflict among ethnic groups. Therefore, it is essential for all of us to uphold the principles of equality, inclusivity, and diversity, and to reject all forms of discrimination and prejudice.Education plays a crucial role in fostering unity among all ethnic groups. By promoting mutual understanding, tolerance, and respect, our schools and universities can cultivate a new generation of citizens who appreciate and celebrate our diversity. History lessons should highlight the contributions of all ethnic groups to our nation's development, thereby instilling a sense of pride and belonging in all students.In addition to education, government policies and programs can also promote unity among all ethnic groups. By ensuring equal rights, opportunities, and representation for all, the government can create a level playing field where people from different backgrounds can thrive and succeed. Affirmative actionpolicies should be implemented to address historical injustices and inequalities, thus promoting social cohesion and solidarity.The media also plays a crucial role in shaping public perceptions and attitudes towards different ethnic groups. By promoting positive stereotypes and narratives, the media can help break down barriers and foster cross-cultural understanding. Diversity in media representation can showcase the richness and complexity of our society, thereby challenging stereotypes and prejudices.In conclusion, the unity of all ethnic groups is a cornerstone of our national identity and success. By embracing our diversity and working together in solidarity, we can overcome any challenges and build a brighter future for our country. Long live the great unity of all ethnic groups!。
56个民族的传统节日和风俗英语作文The Diversity of Traditional Festivals and Customs among China's 56 Ethnic GroupsChina is a vast and diverse country, home to 56 distinct ethnic groups, each with its own unique cultural heritage and traditions. These vibrant celebrations and customs have been passed down through generations, showcasing the richness and complexity of the Chinese identity. In this essay, we will delve into the fascinating world of the traditional festivals and customs of these 56 ethnic groups, exploring their significance, traditions, and the insights they provide into the tapestry of Chinese culture.The Lunar New Year, or Spring Festival, is perhaps the most well-known and widely celebrated festival across China. Shared by the Han, Manchu, Hui, and other ethnic groups, this lively celebration marks the beginning of a new year and is characterized by vibrant red decorations, firecrackers, family reunions, and the exchange of red envelopes containing money. However, each ethnic group has its own distinct traditions and rituals that add to the overall festivities. The Dai people, for example, celebrate the Dai New Year, or Songkran, with a ceremonial cleansing of Buddha statues, while theMiao people hold grand performances featuring traditional music and dance.Equally captivating are the harvest festivals celebrated by various ethnic groups. The Qiang people, residing in the mountainous regions of Sichuan, celebrate the Torch Festival, where they light torches and engage in traditional dances to commemorate a successful harvest. The Hui people, on the other hand, observe the Mid-Autumn Festival, known as the Moon Festival, by gathering with family, enjoying mooncakes, and admiring the full moon, which symbolizes harmony and reunion.Beyond the major festivals, each ethnic group also has its own unique customs and traditions that reflect their cultural identity and beliefs. The Mongolian ethnic group, for instance, holds the Naadam Festival, a centuries-old celebration of traditional Mongolian sports, including horse racing, wrestling, and archery. The Tibetan people, renowned for their rich spiritual heritage, celebrate the Shoton Festival, which honors the Buddha and features religious rituals, opera performances, and the release of sacred white balloons.The Dong ethnic group is known for its intricate and melodic choral music, which is often performed during their traditional festivals, such as the Sisters' Meal Festival, where women prepare and share a special glutinous rice dish. The Zhuang people, on the other hand,are famous for their stunning embroidery and textiles, which are prominently displayed during their Sanyuesan Festival, a celebration of spring and the natural world.Moreover, many ethnic groups have unique rites of passage that mark important milestones in an individual's life. The Bai people, for example, celebrate the Coming of Age Ceremony, where young men and women are officially recognized as adults and take on new responsibilities within their communities. The Dong people also have a distinctive wedding ceremony, where the bride and groom exchange traditional silver jewelry and the couple is blessed by their elders.Underlying these diverse festivals and customs are the shared values of unity, harmony, and reverence for nature and the divine. From the Miao people's belief in the power of the ancestors to the Mongolian nomads' respect for the land and their livestock, these traditions reflect the deep-rooted spiritual and philosophical foundations of China's ethnic groups.In conclusion, the traditional festivals and customs of China's 56 ethnic groups are a testament to the country's remarkable cultural diversity. Each celebration, ritual, and practice offers a unique window into the rich tapestry of Chinese identity, showcasing the ingenuity, creativity, and resilience of these vibrant communities. Aswe explore and appreciate the beauty and significance of these traditions, we gain a deeper understanding of the complexity and unity that define the essence of China.。
介绍德宏的英语作文Dehong is a beautiful prefecture located in the southwest of China. 德宏是一个位于中国西南部的美丽地区。
It is known for its diverse ethnic groups, rich cultural heritage, and stunning natural landscape. 德宏以多样的民族群体、丰富的文化遗产和令人惊叹的自然风光而闻名。
One of the most fascinating aspects of Dehong is its ethnic diversity. 德宏最迷人的一面是其民族多样性。
The prefecture is home to over 13 different ethnic groups, each with its own unique customs, traditions, and languages. 这个地区有13个以上不同的民族群体,每个民族都有其独特的风俗习惯、传统和语言。
One of the largest ethnic groups in Dehong is the Dai people, who have a rich history and vibrant cultural practices. 德宏地区最大的民族之一是傣族,他们有着丰富的历史和充满活力的文化实践。
The Dai people are known for their colorful festivals, intricate bamboo weaving, and delicious cuisine. 傣族以色彩缤纷的节日、精美的竹编和美味的美食而闻名。
In addition to the Dai people, Dehong is also home to ethnic groups such as the Jingpo, De'ang, Lisu, and Achang. 除了傣族,德宏还是景颇族、德昂族、傈僳族和阿昌族等少数民族的聚居地。
关键词:民族 翻译 民族事务
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As we all known, there are 56 ethnic groups in our homeland. There are so many groups in our country, so we must need peaceful coexistence between the groups. Only the peaceful coexistence can make our country development more quickly.
From ancient times to the present, our country always insists the theme of peace. There are so many reasons to insist the peace. First, peaceful coexistence is the foundation of a united country. This marks the unity of our country. Second, the peace between distinguished groups contributes to the abundant culture very much. This makes us can appreciate a wide variety of culture to develop our field of view. Third, it is because the peaceful coexistence that our country becomes stronger in the world and our country take a very important place in the world. All the people in the 56 ethnic groups are friends, we need peaceful coexistence.
But, we can’t ignore the boundary makers, such as the different clothing, food, economic activities and so on. These boundary makers go against the development of peaceful coexistence. For example, the different language is a big problem. This badly affects the communication between the different groups. We all know there must be many difficulties, but we don’t afraid it and we can overcome these.
Different ethnic groups posse distinct traits, but we can still accomplish the peaceful coexistence to have a wonderful country.。