ZnO thin films produced by magnetron sputtering
Substrate effects of ZnO thin films prepared by PLD technique
Substrate effects of ZnO thin films prepared by PLD techniqueF.K.Shan,B.C.Shin,S.W.Jang,Y.S.Yu *Electronic Ceramics Center,Dongeui University,Busan 614-714,South KoreaAbstractZnO thin films are prepared on the glass,GaAs (100),Si(111),and Si(100)substrates at different temperatures by the pulsed laser deposition (PLD)method.X-ray diffraction (XRD)measurements indicate that the substrate temperatures of 200–500,200–500,300–500,and 300–500 C are the optimized conditions of crystalline for the glass,GaAs (100),Si (111),and Si (100)substrates,respectively.In spite of the films deposited on the different substrates,the films always show (002)orientation at the optimized conditions.Photoluminescence (PL)results indicate that the thin films fabricated at the optimized conditions show the intense near band PL emissions.The optimized conditions for PL are 500,500,400–500,and 500 C for glass,GaAs (100),Si (111),and Si (100)substrates,respectively.#2003Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.Keywords:Films;Optical properties;Substrate effects;X-ray methods;ZnO1.IntroductionSince the late eighties the pulsed laser deposition has been verified as a versatile technique for deposition of various materials including ferroelectrics,amorphous diamond and other ultra hard phases,polymers,com-pound semiconductors,and non-crystalline materials especially for metal oxide materials.1Among the several characteristics that distinguish PLD from other film growth techniques are its simplicity,the in-situ proces-sing of the multi-layer heteo-structures by using the multiple targets,and stoichiometric deposition etc.II–VI semiconductors are attractive in acoustic,electronic,and optical applications such as surface acoustic wave (SAW),acousto-optic,piezo-optic and photoelectric devices in particular,and voltage photophosphorescent devices.2ZnO is a novel photonic material with the properties similar to those of GaN.It has the direct band gap of 3.3eV at room temperature,the large exciton binding energy of 60meV,and the high melting temperature of 2248K.Since the wide applications of GaN,these properties similar to GaN make ZnO a potential candidate material for the optical devices such as light emitting diodes (LEDs)and laser diodes (LDs).So ZnO related materials have received considerable attentions in the recent years.3À6In order to develop ZnO thin films with high quality for devices with good performance,it is necessary to clarify the roles and the effects of additives,the different conditions of growth,and the substrate types.This will result in different microstructures suitable for the different applications.7À9Since ZnO thin films are highly c-axis oriented,the self-textured ZnO films can be synthesized easily on all sub-strates such as glass,GaAs,and Si etc.In this paper we report on the structural and optical properties of ZnO thin films fabricated on the glass,GaAs (100),Si(111),and Si(100)substrates at different temperatures by PLD technique.In this study,XRD and PL are used to eval-uate the temperature and the substrate effects on the properties of ZnO thin films,since it is essential to evaluate the film quality for the device applications.2.ExperimentIn the chamber of the PLD system,there are four target holders on one carousel and one substrate holder.The substrate holder is usually located at the opposite position to one of the target holders.KrF excimer laser (l =248nm, =25ns)is used for the ablation of the ZnO target at the energy density of about 1J/cm 2.The strong absorption of 248nm laser radiation by the tar-0955-2219/03/$-see front matter #2003Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/S0955-2219(03)00397-2Journal of the European Ceramic Society 24(2004)1015–1018/locate/jeurceramsoc*Corresponding author.E-mail addresses:ysyu@dongeui.ac.kr (Y.S.Yu),fkshancn@ (F.K.Shan).get produces an intense plasma plume in front of the target surface.The ablated material is then deposited on the substrate kept at50mm away from the target.The high purity ZnO powder(99.99%,Aldrich Chem. Co.,Inc)is used in the experiment.The disk-shaped specimen of10mm in diameter and2mm in thickness is obtained by the uniaxial pressing at100MPa,followed by the cold iso-static press at200MPa.The disk-like ZnO is sintered at600 C for2h and at1200 C for4h in order to condensate the target.In this study,the experi-ment conditions are as follows;the repetition frequency of the laser is5Hz,the deposition time is30min,the ambient O2pressure is200mTorr,and the temperature of the substrate varies from room temperature to600 C. The structures of ZnO thinfilms are studied by (XRD)measurements(D/MAX2100H,Rigaku,Japan, 40kV,30mA)using the Cu K a1radiation with l=1.54056A.PL measurements are carried out by the excitation of the He–Cd laser with325nm with an out-put power of30mW at room temperature.All optical measurements are performed in air as the reference.The emitting light from the sample is focused into the entrance slit of a spectrometer that has a spectral grat-ing of1200grooves/mm,and it is picked up by PMT.A cutofffilter is used to suppress the scattered laser radia-tion.The cutoffwavelength of thefilter at the ultraviolet side is about340nm.3.Results and discussionFig.1shows XRD patterns of ZnO thinfilms fabri-cated at different substrate temperatures(T s)on glass (A),GaAs(100)(B),Si(111)(C),and Si(100)(D)sub-strates.It is found that the substrate temperature T s plays an important role in determining the structure of ZnO thinfilms.To assess the quality of the thinfilms, the full width at half maximum(FWHM)is measured by omega scan and is shown in the insets of Fig.1(A),(B),(C), and(D),respectively.It is found that FWHM values of (002)ZnO at34.42 are around0.2 ,which means the high quality of the thinfilms fabricated by PLD.Fig.1(A)shows XRD patterns of ZnO thinfilms on the glass substrates.It is clear that thefilm deposited at T s higher than100 C has a polycrystalline structure, with(002)preferred orientation.While the thinfilm fabricated at room temperature has an amorphous nature.As T s is increased to500 C the preferred orientation of(002)shows a further increase in the peak intensity.It is found that FWHM increases atfirst,butit decreases with T s in the following,as shown in the inset of Fig.1(A).FWHM reaches its maximum when the thin film is fabricated at 200 C.While FWHM is correlated with the grain size D by Scherrer formula,10D ¼0:9l cos 0ð1Þl is the radiation wavelength, is the Bragg angle of (002)peak,and is FWHM value.From XRD results on the glass substrates,we conclude that T s of 200–500 C is good for crystalline.Fig.1(B)shows XRD patterns of ZnO thin films on GaAs (100)substrates.The thin film fabricated at room temperature shows the amorphous structure that is the same as the one on the glass substrate.The (002)orien-tation appears at the fabrication temperature of 100 C.The (002)orientation is enhanced when T s is increased from 100to 300 C.When T s surpasses 300 C,the film becomes clearly less oriented,with a resulting decrease in the (002)peak intensity.The variation of FWHM with T s is shown in the inset of Fig.1(B).The same behavior as the thin films on the glass substrates is found.One difference is that FWHMs of the thin films fabricated at 200,300,and 400 C are nearly the same.It is found that the fabrication temperature of 200–500 C is a good condition for crystal structures.Fig.1(C)and (D)show XRD patterns of ZnO thin films on Si (111)and Si (100)substrates,respectively.The (002)orientation in the thin films that are fabri-cated at high temperature and at low temperaturealmost disappears.The variations of FWHM on T s are shown in the insets of Fig.1(C)and (D).The same behavior as that on glass and on GaAs substrates is found in the thin films deposited on Si (111)and Si (100)substrates.In the case of Si (111)substrate,the thin film fabricated at the temperature of about 400 C shows the strongest diffraction peak,and simultaneously the lar-gest FWHM is observed in this thin film.It means the thin film fabricated at 400 C has the smallest grain size.In the case of Si (100)substrates,the thin films fabri-cated at 300–500 C show the intense diffraction peaks.The thin film fabricated at 400 C also exhibits the lar-gest FWHM.XRD results indicate that the c-axes of the grains become uniformly perpendicular to the substrate sur-face at the optimized temperatures.It is suggested that the surface energy of (002)plane is the lowest in the ZnO crystal.11Grains with the lower surface energy will become larger as the film grows.Then the growth orientation develops into one crystallographic direction of the lowest surface energy.This means that the (002)texture of the film may be easily formed.T s is crucial in that the low substrate temperature results in the low surface migration of adatoms,while the high substrate temperature causes the adatoms to re-evaporate from the film surface.The ZnO wurtzite structure makes the film grow in (002)preferred orientation on all substrates at the optimized growth temperature.Fig.2(A),(B),(C),and (D)shows the PL spectra of ZnO thin films on different substrates.Note that PL results of the thin films fabricated at roomtemperature,Fig.2.PL spectra of ZnO thin films fabricated at different temperatures on different substrates.F.K.Shan et al./Journal of the European Ceramic Society 24(2004)1015–10181017100,and600 C are not shown here.Fig.2(A)shows PL of ZnO thinfilms on the glass substrates.Near band emissions are found in all thinfilms,however,the intensity increases with T s.We have to mention here that the slit size of spectrometer for measuring the thin film fabricated at500 C is only1/5,1/6,and1/6com-pared with that for the thinfilm fabricated at400,300, and200 C,respectively.There are small broad green-yellow emissions in the thinfilms fabricated at200,300, and400 C.However,only a little green emission is observed in the thinfilm fabricated at500 C,which indicates its good quality.Fig.2(B)shows PL results from GaAs(100)sub-strates.The thinfilm fabricated at500 C shows the most intense near band emission without green one.The thinfilms fabricated at400,300,and200 C show small broad green and yellow emissions.The slit size of the spectrometer for the thinfilm fabricated at500 C is only1/20,1/20,and1/40compared with those of the thinfilms fabricated at400,300,and200 C,respec-tively.This result indicates that500 C is good for PL. PL results of the thinfilms deposited on Si(111)sub-strates are plotted in Fig.2(C).All ZnO thinfilms on Si (111)show the intense near band emissions.However, only the thinfilms fabricated at200and300 C show broad green emissions.The thinfilms fabricated at400 and500 C do not show green emissions,which means the good quality of the thinfilms.This indicates that the substrate temperature between400and500 C is the best condition for PL.From PL results of ZnO thinfilms on Si(100)sub-strate as shown in Fig.2(D),the strong near band with a little green emission are found in the thinfilms fabri-cated at200,300,and400 C,however,the green emis-sion of the thinfilm fabricated at500 C is invisible.As shown in Fig.2(D),the peak intensities of the thinfilms fabricated at300,400,and500 C are nearly the same. This indicates that the thinfilm fabricated at500 C is of good quality.4.ConclusionsZnO thinfilms are prepared on the glass,GaAs(100), Si(111),and Si(100)substrates at different temperatures by PLD method.XRD and PL are used to characterize ZnO thinfilms.XRD results indicate that the substrate temperatures of200–500,200–500,300–500,and300–500 C are the good conditions for crystalline for the glass,GaAs(100),Si(111),and Si(100)substrates, respectively.In spite of thefilms on the different sub-strates,thefilms always show(002)orientation at the optimized conditions.The thinfilms fabricated at the optimized condition show the intense near band PL emission.As results,the optimized conditions are500, 500,400–500,and500 C for the glass,GaAs(100),Si (111),and Si(100)substrates,respectively. 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Inverted Polymer Solar Cells Integrated with a LowTemperature-Annealed Sol-Gel-Derived ZnO Film as an Electron Transport Layer (溶胶凝胶法)
Preparation of the ZnO Precursor : The ZnO precursor was prepared by dissolving zinc acetate dihydrate (Zn(CH3COO)2·2H2O, Aldrich, 99.9%, 1 g) and ethanolamine (NH2CH2CH2OH, Aldrich, 99.5%, 0.28 g) in 2-methoxyethanol (CH3OCH2CH2OH, Aldrich, 99.8%, 10 mL) under vigorous stirring for 12 h for the hydrolysis reaction in air. Inverted solar cells were fabricated on ITO-coated glass substrates. The ITO-coated glass substrates were first cleaned with detergent, ultrasonicated in water, actone and isopropyl alcohol, and subsequently dried overnight in an oven. The ZnO precursor solution was spin-cast on top of the ITO-glass substrate. The films were annealed at 130 ° C, 150 ° C, or 200 ° C for 1 h in air. The ZnO film thickness was approximately 30 nm, as determined by a profilometer. The ZnO-coated substrates were transferred into a glove box.
Structural properties of In-doped ZnO thin films analyzed by x-ray diffraction at grazing incidence and θ-2θ geometryWei Lan, Xueqin Liu, Chunming Huang, Defeng Guo, Yinyue Wang﹡Department of Physics, School of Physical Science and Technology, Lanzhou University,Lanzhou 730000, P. R. ChinaAbstractIn-doped ZnO thin films were successfully deposited on quartz substrates by sol-gel spin-coating technique. The structural properties of these films were investigated by x-ray diffraction at grazing incidence (GI-XRD) and conventional θ-2θ geometry (C-XRD). It is found that (002) and (103) diffraction peaks are predominant in the GI-XRD patterns (incidence angleα=1°), and when above the critical In doping concentration (~2 at.%), which is related to the solid solubility, the (103) peak gradually becomes the main growth orientation instead of the (002) peak. However, all the thin films only have a preferred (002) orientation in the C-XRD patterns, and the concerned (103) peak doesn’t appear. The doping concentration of 1 at.% is proved to be optimum for In-doped ZnO thin films. Based on the different penetration depths of x-rays between two scattering geometries, it is suggested that the ZnO thin films have different crystal structures at the surface and in the bulk. The increase of the (002) peak and the decrease of the (103) peak atα=5° in the GI-XRD patterns are apparent evidences of structure transition from the surface to the bulk.PACS: 61.10.N; 78.66.H; 61.72; 61.43.DKeywords: Grazing incidence x-ray diffraction; In-doped ZnO thin films; Crystal structure; Sol-gel﹡Corresponding author: Fax: +86-931-891-3554. E-mail address: wangyy@ (Y. Wang).1. IntroductionZinc oxide (ZnO) has been deeply studied as a direct wide bandgap oxide semiconductor (Eg=3.37eV) for its potential utilization in short wavelength light-emitting/detecting devices. It has non-toxicity, high chemical and thermal stability, large mechanical strength and high exciton binding energy (60 meV at room temperature) and that makes it an ideal material for developing room temperature excitonic devices. The hexagonal lattice constants of ZnO are close to those of GaN with the lattice mismatch of 2.2% between them so that it has been proposed as buffer layer for the growth of GaN [1]. In addition, ZnO can also be used for transparent conducting oxide electrodes in flat panel displays, solar cells, gas sensor and surface acoustic wave devices. For a wide bandgap semiconductor, the addition of impurity often induces dramatic changes in its electrical and optical properties [2], and In-doped ZnO thin films also accord with this rule. The resistance obtained from In-doped ZnO thin films was generally 10-3Ωcm [3], which decreases three orders of magnitude compared to the undoped films. It has been investigated and found that the optical bandgap of In-doped ZnO thin films showed an abrupt jump from blueshift to redshift [4]. Besides, microstructure changes of In-doped ZnO thin films should be paid more attention. Many reports [5,6] have indicated the doping effects of In on structural properties of ZnO thin films. These films were generally polycrystalline according to the analyzing results of x-ray diffraction at θ-2θ geometry (C-XRD) or grazing incidence (GI-XRD), and structural properties of them changed dramatically with the increase of In concentration. Therefore, there is an urgent need for a further investigation and improvement in microstructure properties. To learn more about this structural characteristic we used GI-XRD and C-XRD simultaneously at the same instrument. Little work with such methods has been done in the research field of the crystalline structure of ZnO thin films.Until now, ZnO thin films have been prepared by various methods, such as molecular beam epitaxy [7], pulsed laser deposition [8], metal organic chemical vapor deposition [9], sputtering [10], ultrasonic spray pyrolysis [11] and sol-gel [12]. In contrast, sol-gel technique is simple and has low cost, large area deposition and controllability of compositions, and the other important advantage is out of the limitation of vacuum system.In this paper, In-doped ZnO thin films with different dopant concentrations (varying in the 0-5 at.% range) were prepared on quartz substrates by sol-gel spin-coating technique. The doping effects of In on the structural properties of ZnO thin films were observed and discussed.2. Experimental procedureIn-doped ZnO thin films were prepared by the sol-gel spin-coating technique. As a starting material, zinc acetate dihydrate (Zn(CH3COO)2·2H2O) was dissolved in the solvent 2-methoxyethanol (MOE, CH3OCH2CH2OH) at room temperature. Addition of monoethanolamine (MEA, NH2CH2CH2OH) was found necessary because it imparts sol stability for an extended period of time. The molar ratio of [Zn2+]/MOE/MEA was 1:17:1 in the resulting solution. Indium nitrate (In(NO3)3) solution was used as the dopant source of indium and dissolved in the mixed solution described above, in which the molar ratio of [In3+]/[Zn2+] varied from 0 to 5 at.%. The solution was stirred vigorously at 60℃for 2h with reflux to yield a clear and homogenous precursor solution, which served as the coating solution after cooling to room temperature. The coating was usually made 2 days after the solution was prepared so as to increase the viscosity of the solutions. Quartz and Si substrates were used to deposit In-doped ZnO thin films. Prior to thin film deposition, the substrates were ultrasonically cleaned in a series of organic solvents followed by absolute alcohol.The precursor solutions were spin-coated onto the substrates with a dimension 2×2 cm2 at a rotating speed of 3000 rpm for 20s. After deposited by spin-coating, the precursor films were put into preheated furnace and heated at 350℃for 10 min to evaporate the solvent and remove organics. Finally, all films were annealed for 1h in air at 600℃, which was the optimum annealing temperature as testified by our experiments. The In-doped ZnO thin films prepared were free from any cracks, voids etc.Infrared reflection spectra were carried out on the In-doped ZnO thin films as-deposited, preheated and annealed, by the Fourier transform infrared spectrometer (NEXUS 670) in the 400-4000 cm-1 region. The structures of all ZnO thin films were confirmed by x-ray diffractionometer (Philips X’per pro MPD, 45 kV, 40 mA) employing Cu Kαradiation with λ=1.5405Å at both grazing incidence (asymmetric alignment with different incidence angles) and conventional θ-2θ geometry. The grain size of ZnO was calculated by the Scherrer’s equation, D=0.90λ/(W·cosθ), Where λ, θ and W are the x-ray wavelength, Bragg diffraction angle and the full width at half maximum (FWHM) of the diffraction peak, respectively. The ZnO thin films on Si substrates were only used to measure the thickness, which was analyzed by an ellipsometer (Gaertner Scientific Corporation L116E). All the measurements were performed in air at room temperature.3. Results and discussionIn order to clearly understand the decomposition degree of the precursor films, In-doped ZnO thin film with 3 at.% concentration was tested by Fourier transform infrared spectrometer (FTIR). Figure 1 shows the FTIR reflection spectra of the thin film and a bare quartz substrate forcomparison. Solid curve represents the reflection spectrum of the as-deposited film. Except that the narrow band in the range of 1020-1090 cm-1 and the peak at about 804 cm-1 are due to the different vibrations of the substrate SiO2, other peaks and bands on the curve are all corresponding to organic compounds of the precursor film. A broad band between 2800 and 3600 cm-1 and a small peak (1339 cm-1) are attributed to the different vibrations of the –OH and/or –NH2 groups of the solvent and stabilizer (MOE and MEA) [13], and a little water also contributes to the broad band. The two most characteristic peaks located at 1571 and 1413 cm-1 are associated with asymmetric and symmetric stretching vibrations of COO- group of zinc acetate [14]. After the film is preheated at 350℃ for 10 min, all absorption peaks corresponding to organic components decrease obviously (dash curve) and thoroughly disappear until the film is annealed at 600℃for 1h in air (dot curve), which indicates that the precursor films are completely decomposed by the heat treatment process. The infrared reflection spectra of the undoped ZnO thin film scarcely show any major difference as compared with those of the In-doped thin film (not shown).Figure 2 indicates x-ray diffraction at grazing incidence (α=1°) patterns of In-doped ZnO thin films with different concentrations (In/Zn=0, 1, 2, 3 and 5 at.%) on quartz substrates. All the thin films were preheated at 350℃followed by annealed at 600℃for 1h in air. The use of GI-XRD technique, which is more appropriate in the studies of surface structure properties of the films, reveals the presence of several crystalline orientations in the prepared films. These peaks at about 31.8º, 34.5º, 36.3º, 47.6º and 62.9ºcorrespond to the diffraction planes (100), (002), (101), (102) and (103) in ZnO with the hexagonal wurtzite, respectively. The (002) and (103) diffraction peaks become predominant compared to the others, which deserves to be discussed. No phases corresponding to indium oxide or to other indium compounds were detected.For convenience here a parameter P is defined, which is the intensity ratio of the (103) to (002) peaks (P=I(103) /I(002)). The value P is plotted as a function of dopant concentration for In-doped ZnO thin films as shown in figure 3, and the intensity values of the (002) and (103) peaks are also exhibited. The intensity of the (002) peak gradually decreases and then scarcely changes with increasing In concentrations, whereas that of the (103) peak always rises except a small reducing at the 1 at.% concentration. It is found that, from the asterisk curve, the value P hardly changes up to ~2 at.%, whereafter increases suddenly upon further increasing In concentrations, which indicates ~2 at.% is a critical doping concentration for In-doped ZnO thin films. The variation could be related to the solid solubility limit of the dopant element in the ZnO lattice, which is 1-2 at.% for the In-doped thin films [15]. The values of P varying from 0.52 (undoped) to 2.83 (5 at.%) are all bigger than that of ZnO powder (0.29), which was calculated according to JCPDS records. It is well known that the (002) diffraction peak is the strongest in ZnO thin films due to its lowest surface energy [16], but when more In impurities (above ~2 at.%) are introduced in the thin films, the (103) plane become gradually the most important growth orientation instead of the (002) plane with increasing dopant concentrations. This behavior reveals that the surface energy of the (103) plane might be reduced due to the In doping.In order to compare the measurement difference between GI-XRD and C-XRD, all the same samples were performed conventional x-ray diffraction on the same apparatus. As shown in the figure 4, the particularly concerned (103) peak doesn’t appear in the patterns. The (002) diffraction peak is the only evident one at around 34.42ºindicating that these samples all exhibit preferential orientation with the c-axis orientation of ZnO grains perpendicular to the substrate. The peak intensity of the film with 1 at.% concentration is much stronger compared to the others (figure 5), which is consistent with the results of others [15,17]. The peak intensity decreases gradually at higher doping concentration, which is supposed that redundant In atoms in ZnO thin films prevent the grain growth in (002) direction [18]. To validate the dependability of experiments, In-doped ZnO thin films prepared on silicon substrate by magnetron reaction sputtering were carried out GI-XRD and C-XRD, and the measurement results were in agreement with those described above.The penetration depth of x-rays inside the films increases with the increase of the incidence angle of GI-XRD, and structure information of a deeper layer of the films is revealed. Therefore, the In-doped ZnO thin film with 1 at.% was detected using GI-XRD at different incidence angles (α=1, 2, 3 and 5°) as shown in Figure 6, and the intensity of (002) and (103) peaks and the calculated values of P were plotted as functions of incidence angle in the figure 7. As can be seen, the results are in accord with our expectation. The reduction of the (103) peak intensity atα=5° reveals that ZnO grains with (103) plane decrease under the surface of the film, which is a apparent evidence of structure transition from the surface to the bulk. Tarey et. al [19] reported that titanium nitride films on stainless steel (SS) substrates, deposited by cathodic arc plasma deposition method in presence of nitrogen atmosphere, were detected using GI-XRD and C-XRD, and the results suggested that different crystal phases were present at the surface and in the bulk of the films. Nath, et. al [20] also found that there were different diffraction patterns using GI-XRD and C-XRD for La0.8Ca0.2MnO3 epitaxial thin films.GI-XRD is a scattering geometry combining the Bragg condition with the conditions for x-ray total reflection from crystal surfaces. This provides superior characteristics of GI-XRD compared to C-XRD in the studies of thin surface layer of films [21], since the penetration depth of x-rays inside the films is reduced by three orders of magnitude typically from micron to nanometer. The thicknessof the ZnO thin films was analyzed in the range of 210-240 nm as shown in table 1. According to the different penetration depths of x-rays between two scattering geometries, it is suggested that ZnO grains with the (103) plane only present on the surface layer of the thin films. As the dopant incorporated into ZnO thin films is below the critical concentration ~2 at.%, In atoms are preferably located at substitution sites (Zn sites), and the In concentration of 1 at.% is the optimum doping for ZnO thin films. Whereas above ~2 at.%, the dopant atoms start to segregate at the grain boundaries, which restrain the growth of the (002) orientation and simultaneously further enhance that of the (103) orientation due to the decrease of the surface energy of the (103) plane. The growth of the (002) orientation in the bulk of ZnO thin films is also deteriorated, which may result from the stresses formed by the different ion sizes between zinc (0.74Å) and the dopant Indium (0.81Å) [22] and from the segregation of dopant in grain boundaries for high doping concentrations. The grain sizes corresponding to (002) and (103) diffraction peaks in the Fig. 2 and Fig. 4 were summarized in Table 1. It is very clear that the grain size associated with the (002) peak measured by C-XRD is much larger than that of GI-XRD related to either the (002) or (103) peak. Therefore, it is proposed that the ZnO thin films have different crystal structures at the surface and in the bulk. That is, large grains with (002) plane are packed up to form the bulk layer of the films along perpendicular orientation with the substrate, and small grains with (002) and (103) planes comprise the surface layer.4. ConclusionsIn-doped ZnO thin films were prepared on quartz substrate by sol-gel spin-coating technique. The results of FTIR indicate that the ZnO precursor films are thoroughly decomposed bypost-deposition heat treatment. All the thin films mainly show (002) and (103) diffraction peaks in the GI-XRD patterns. The (103) diffraction peak gradually becomes the preferential growth orientation instead of the (002) peak. The (002) peak intensity increases while the (103) peak intensity decreases detected by GI-XRD at large incidence angle. However, the preferred (002) peak solely appears in the C-XRD patterns and the (103) peak doesn’t exhibit. The critical concentration ~2 at.% is related to the solid solubility and 1 at.% is the optimum doping concentration for In-doped ZnO thin films. According to the different mechanisms between GI-XRD and C-XRD, it is proposed that the ZnO thin films is composed of the bulk layer packed up by large grains with (002) plane and the surface layer by small grains with (002) and (103) planes.AcknowledgementsThis work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China through Grant No. 50272027.References[1]R. D. Vispute, V. Talyansky, Z. Trajanovic, S. Choopun, M. Downes, R. P. Sharma, T. Venkatesan, Appl. Phys. Lett. 70 (1997) 2735.[2]B. E. 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Figure captionsTable 1 The grain sizes corresponding to the (002) and (103) peaks measured by GI-XRD and C-XRD and thickness for all the thin filmsFig. 1: FTIR reflection spectra of In-doped ZnO thin film with 3 at.% as-deposited, preheated and annealedFig. 2: GI-XRD patterns of In-doped ZnO thin films with different doping concentrations (0-5 at.%)Fig. 3: The plots of the value P, the intensity values of (002) and (103) peaks as functions of In doping concentrationFig. 4: C-XRD patterns of In-doped ZnO thin film with different doping concentrations (0-5 at.%)Fig. 5: The intensity dependence of (002) diffraction peak on In doping concentration in the C-XRD patternsFig. 6: GI-XRD patterns of In-doped ZnO thin film with 1 at.% concentration at different incidence angles (1-5º)Fig. 7: The plots of the value P, the intensity values of (002) and (103) peaks as functions of incidence angle for In-doped ZnO thin film with 1 at.% concentrationLan et. al -Fig. 1. EPSLan et. al -Fig. 2. EPSLan et. al -Fig. 3. EPSLan et. al -Fig. 4. EPSLan et. al -Fig. 5. EPSLan et. al -Fig. 6. EPSLan et. al -Fig. 7. EPSTables:The grain size (nm)C-XRD(002) GI-XRD(002) GI-XRD(103) Thickness (nm)(Si substrate)Refractiveindexundoped 40.4 22.8 22.5 214 1.176 1at.% 38.0 21.3 19.0 232 1.138 2at.% 38.1 17.7 18.6 244 1.105 3at.% 33.7 17.3 20.2 241 1.095 5at.% 37.1 18.5 23.9 214 1.170Lan et. al -Table 1.doc。
韩晓东简历简 历韩晓东,男, 1968 年 5 月生,北京工业大学教授,博士生导师,2008 年国家杰出青年基金获得者;2009 年“百千万人才工程”北京市国 家级人选候选人;2009 年北京市高层次人才候选人。
一、 主要学历1985/9---1989/7 哈尔滨工业大学,学士 (导师:赵连城院士) 1989/9---1992/7 哈尔滨工业大学,硕士 (导师:赵连城院士) 1992/7--1996/12 大连理工大学,博士(导师:杨大智 教授) 二、主要工作经历1997.1----1998.6 香港城市大学,应用物理系,博士后研究方向:材料的微结构与物性相关性研究导师:钟志远教授,李述汤院士。
1998.6--- 2001.3 美国匹兹堡大学材料系;博士后研究员研究方向:镍基高温合金的动态再结晶导师:Prof. A.J. DeaArdo and Prof. Garcia 2001.3---- 2004.3 美国HKL科技公司研究员2004.3-----至今 北京工业大学 教授三、主要获奖情况1. 2006 年,教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划;2.2006 年,北京工业大学科技成果 1 等奖;3.2007 年,"中国高等院校十大科技进展"- 主要完成人(第二完 成人)。
四、主要学术成绩、创新点与科学意义近年,申请者主要在材料物理、材料的力学性能与显微结构相关 性研究领域开展了基础研究工作。
(1)发展了一维纳米单体材料应力 /应变状态下显微结构演化的实验电子显微学技术并初步实现了共价 键一维纳米材料 Si 和 SiC 在应力状态下应变与显微结构的原子尺度 的相关性研究,并提出了相应的原子机制;(2)初步开展了多尺度下 (扫描电镜、透射电镜及原子力显微镜)材料物理及力学性能与显微 结构相关性研究的电子显微学技术(3)开展应用电子显微学技术较 系统解析了多种重要合金相的晶体结构及薄膜物理等。
主要学术成绩包括:(一) 利用自主研发的一系列原位外场作用下针对一维纳米单体 材料的力学性能与显微结构相关性研究的方法和装置 1)专利:碳支 持膜卷曲变形纳米线;2)专利: 双金属片/记忆合金等驱动的变形纳 米线等, 3)在国际上首次发现作为现代信息产业重要基础材料的硅在 一维纳米尺度具有室温大应变塑性行为 Advanced Materials, (2007);4)在国际上首次发现作为极端环境下使用的现代信息产业 重要基础材料碳化硅在一维纳米尺度具有室温大应变塑性行为 NanoLetters,(2007),;5) 在国际上首次发现碳化硅在一维纳米尺度具 有室温呈现超塑性 Advanced Functional Materials,(2007);6) 在 国际上首次发现共价键结构非晶纳米线具有大应变拉应变塑性行为 Science (2008), Advanced Materials (2007),Nano Letters (2007),Advanced Functional Materials(2007), PRL (2009), PRB (2009), 等。
Preparation and Investigation of Optical Properties of ZnO Films
Zinc oxide(ZnO)is an important II-IV compound semiconductor with a wide direct band gap of 3.3eV at room temperature and a large excitation binding enery of 60meV.ZnO films have many realized and potential applications in many fields, such as surface acoustic wave devices,transparent electrodes,ultraviolet photodetectors,light emitting diodes,piezoelectric devices,gas sensors and planar optical waveguides,etc,due to their excellent optical and piezoelectric properties.In recent years,with widespread developing in short wavelength luminescent devices,
目前,已出现的可以制备ZnO薄膜材料的技术有很多种,如金属有机化学气相沉积、磁控溅射、分子束外延、喷雾热解、脉冲激光沉积、化学水浴等,不同技术在制备ZnO 薄膜材料过程中都体现出特有的优势和局限性。
实验中利用MOCVD法生长n-ZnO 薄膜,经退火处理实现了n型向p型的转换,获得了p-ZnO:As薄膜。
测试结果显示,ZnO 基同质结LED表现出良好的整流特性。
而后在n-GaN薄膜上,利用等离子体增强MOCVD技术沉积一层厚度为500nm 的p-ZnO:N薄膜,并对器件进行了退火处理。
测试结果显示,此器件表现出明显的整流特性,电致发光光谱中出现了一个位于390nm 的强烈的紫外发光谱峰。
关键词:ZnO;GaAs;蓝宝石;MOCVD;CBDThe Preparation and Investigation of ZnO-based Lighting-emittingDiodeAbstractIn recent years, because ZnO material has many unique characteristics in photoelectric field, it has become the most high-profile material in the field of photoelectricity. ZnO possesses a wide and direct band gap. And at the same time, it also has a large exciton binding energy. These advantages make ZnO materials to be the expected material to prepare ultraviolet light-emitting diodes (LEDs).As a kind of indispensable exist, ZnO is a vital composition to produce UV LEDs and laser diode. ZnO material is also suitable for the preparation of nano generator, biological detector, ultraviolet laser tube and other advanced devices.Now, there are many technologies for preparation of ZnO thin film, such as metal organic chemical vapor deposition, magnetron sputtering technology, molecular beam epitaxy, spray pyrolysis, pulsed laser deposition, etc. Different technologies in the process of preparation of ZnO thin film materials have their unique advantages and disadvantages.In this paper, ZnO thin film and ZnO based LED are prepared by different technology, and the performances of ZnO films and ZnO based device are studied. Specific content is as follows:GaAs is used as a substrate of ZnO homojunction LED. n-ZnO thin film is deposited by MOCVD, the following step is annealing treatment to achieve the conversion of n to p type ,then the p-ZnO: As thin film is completed. And then using the magnetron sputtering technology to sputter a seed crystal layer on p-ZnO: As layer, the sample is put in a container. CBD method is conducted to grow ZnO nanometer array. The test results show that the device reveals good rectification characteristics. When injection current is set up to 40 mA, this device shows obvious electroluminescent characteristics with a strong ultraviolet spectrum peak at 383 nm. Selecting the sapphire (Al2O3) as substrate, and using industrialized MOCVD technique grows n-GaN film on the substrate. By controlling the growth parameters, a 1500 nm thin film is grown on sapphire. Using plasma enhanced MOCVD technique to deposit a p-ZnO: N thin layer with a thickness of 500 nm. And after the following step of annealing treatment, a heterojunction LED with a structure of p-ZnO:N/n-GaN:Si is achieved. Test results show that this device reveals obvious characteristics of rectification. The device shows a electroluminescent characteristics including a strong ultraviolet spectrum peak located at 390 nm.Key Words:ZnO;GaAs;sapphire;MOCVD;CBD图1-2 ZnO的纤锌矿结构图Fig.1-2. Schematic of wurtzite crystalline structure of ZnO表1-1 纤锌矿结构ZnO的物理参数Table.1-1. Characteristic parameters of wurtzite crystalline structured ZnO图2-1 溅射法原理示意图Fig.2.1 Schematic structure of Sputtering Method图2-2 利用水溶液法生长ZnO纳米棒工艺示意图Fig.2-2Schematic illustration of solution method growth mechanism图2-3 X射线衍射原理图Fig.2-3 Schematic structure of diffraction of X-ray图2.4 扫描电子显微镜(SEM)原理及结构示意图Fig.2.4 Schematic diagram and structure diagram of SEM图3-1 实验中所用的MOCVD示意图Fig.3.1 The diagram of MOCVD device applied in this experiment.图3-2 实验中所用的退火炉Fig.3.2 The diagram of Annealing furnace device applied in this experiment.图3-3 ZnO基同质结发光器件的结构示意图Fig.3-3Schematic diagram of ZnO-based homojunction LED图3-4(a) ZnO纳米墙的SEM侧视图Fig.3-4.(a) Cross SEM image of ZnO nanowalls图3-4(b) ZnO纳米墙的SEM俯视图Fig.3-4.(b)Top-view SEM image of ZnO nanowalls.图3-4(c) 1D-ZnO纳米棒/2D-ZnO:As薄膜结构的SEM侧视图Fig.3-4.(c)Cross SEM image of 1D-ZnO-nanorods/2D-ZnO:As film structure.图3-4(d) 1D-ZnO纳米棒的SEM俯视图Fig.3-4.(d)Top-view SEM image of 1D-ZnO-nanorods.图3-5 ZnO薄膜及其器件的XRD图谱。
添加量 ( φ) /%
滋味 组织状态 总分
1. 0
2. 0
3. 0
4. 0
5. 0
2. 2. 2 理化指标 酒度: 0. 5% ~ 1. 5% ( V / V) ; 总酸: 6. 0 ~ 7. 0 g / L; 糖度:
第 43 卷第 5 期
朱海良,等: 柠檬格瓦斯饮料的制备
1. 4. 4 配 料 取一定量的柠檬汁加入糖化液中搅拌混合。
1. 4. 5 发 酵 将 3% 保加利亚乳杆菌接入混合原料中,于 20 ℃ 发酵 2 d,
再接入 2% 酿酒酵母于 20 ℃ 发酵 3 d。待酒精度达到 1. 0% ( V / V) 左右时停止发酵,得到柠檬格瓦斯饮料。
* 基金项目: 国家级大学生创新创业训练计划项目 ( 201210380026) ; 巢湖学院科学研究项目 ( XLY - 201305) 。 第一作者: 朱海良 ( 1994 - ) ,男,巢湖学院化学化工与生命科学学院 2011 级本科生。 通讯作者: 张凤琴 ( 1985 - ) ,女,硕士,研究方向: 发酵工程。
挑选优质麦芽进行粉碎,按 8% 面包渣和 1% 麦芽加水混 匀,不断加热并搅拌,65 ℃ 保持 8 h 进行糖化,糖化结束后过 滤去除固体物质,加入 6% 的白砂糖,继续加热煮沸,冷却至 室温再过滤,制得澄清的无菌糖化液。 1. 4. 3 柠檬汁的制备
S/CdS/ZnO/ZAO/Al,其光电转换效率达到 7.3%(25 ℃, AM 0)。
中图分类号:TM 914.4
文章编号:1002-087 X(2009)05-0406-03
Preparation and property of CuIn1-xGaxSe2 thin film solar cells on flexible substrates
ZnO∶Al films 高电导 ZnO∶Al(ZAO)薄膜不仅可采用直流磁控溅射 法制备,亦可采用射频直流磁控溅射法制备。两种不同方法制 备的薄膜,不仅形貌不同,其光透过率以及电导性能亦差别很 大。用射频磁控溅射法制备的薄膜其光透过率以及表面电导 性能均优于直流磁控溅射法的,制得的厚度约为 800 nm 的 ZAO 薄膜,其在 550 nm 时光透过率 >88%,表面均匀,结晶良
采用溅射法在柔性金属衬底上制备 Cu-In-Ga 金属预制 膜后,对后硒化法制备 CIGS 吸收层的工艺进行研究。实验表 明,元素分层远不如元素混合溅射形成合金层后再硒化[图 2 (b)]的效果好。因此采用 CuIn 和 CuGa 合金靶溅射,考察比 功率、电流、真空度、靶材与基片的距离、衬底的旋转以及 CuIn、CuGa 靶分时溅射和共溅射等因素对金属预制膜的影 响 , 在 镀 钼 的 钛 箔 上 制 备 的 Cu-In-Ga 金 属 预 制 膜 厚 度 在 0.8~1.0 mm,薄膜均匀致密,如图 2(a)所示。 2.2.2 硒化过程
2009.5 Vol.33 No.5
2 结果与讨论
2.1 底电极的制备
在柔性衬底上采用溅射方法制备底电极 Mo,如若在较高 氩气压强下制备金属 Mo 层,则可得到与衬底结合良好的底电 极,但电阻较高,不能很好地满足薄膜太阳电池对底电极的电 导要求, 会影响太阳电池的转换效率;若在较低的氩气压强下 制备金属 Mo 层,则得到的底电极电阻小,但与衬底的结合差, 容易剥落、爆皮。因此,我们创新地采用双层膜结构,首先靠近 衬底采用在较高氩气压强下溅射 Mo 使其与衬底有良好附着, 再在较低的氩气压强下溅射 Mo,使其具有高电导率,满足薄 膜太阳电池的要求。在钛箔上制备的 Mo 膜不仅具有良好的表 面形貌,晶粒均匀,表面致密,如图 1(a)所示,且可以保证在后 期的吸收层制备和化学浴法制备缓冲层的过程中保持与衬底 的良好结合, 如图 1(b)所示。依据以上实验结果,优化实验参 数,在钛箔上制备厚度为 0.8~1.0 mm 的均匀致密 Mo 薄膜。
文献综述 硅基异质结太阳电池的研究
文献综述硅基异质结太阳电池的研究————————————————————————————————作者:————————————————————————————————日期:华南理工大学本科毕业设计文献综述硅基异质结太阳电池的研究班级_______09级信息工程2班__ 姓名___________胡思凯_________ 学号_________200931281039_____ 指导教师________耿魁伟____________作为一种取之不尽的清洁能源,太阳能的开发利用引起人类的极大关注[1 3]。
37 eV)和激子束缚能(~60 mV),而且热稳定性好、抗氧化性能优越,已经成为一种极具发展前景的II–VI族半导体材料,其在光电子应用领域也已经引起了广泛关注。
第52卷第11期 辽 宁 化 工 Vol.52,No.11 2023年11月 Liaoning Chemical Industry November,2023基金项目: 辽宁省“兴辽英才计划”项目(项目编号:XLYC1907167);辽宁省教育厅项目(项目编号:LJ2020027)。
收稿日期: 2023-03-24氮化锌的制备及应用研究进展康珍,李胜楠,徐成瑜,熊莉佳,窦泽伟,李晓月,范天博,张福群,郭洪范*(沈阳化工大学,辽宁 沈阳 110142)摘 要: 氮化锌属于过渡金属氮化物,具有反方铁锰矿结构,呈n 型导电性。
关 键 词:氮化锌;制备方法;应用;晶体管;传感器中图分类号:TQ132.4+1 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1004-0935(2023)11-1644-05在当今生活中,半导体材料发挥着越来越重要的作用[1]。
其中,氮化锌(Zn 3N 2)作为n 型半导体材料[3],属于过渡金属氮化物,具有低电阻率、高电子迁移率和高载流子浓度的优 点[4],可作为性能优良的半导体材料,是光电应用领域的一种新型材料[5]。
JIA [6]等采用磁控溅射技术以N 2为氮源,通过控制溅射气体组成和流量制备了光学带隙约为1.2~1.5 eV 的Zn 3N 2薄膜。
冯军勤[7]等同样采用磁控溅射技术,以NH 3为氮源,获得的Zn 3N 2薄膜其光学带隙高达为3.2 eV。
ZnO退火中存在的问题张贺秋,胡礼中大连理工大学物理与光电工程学院,大连(116024)Email:hqzhang@摘 要:由于光电子技术、信息技术、航空航天等高技术领域对短波长发光器件的迫切需求,ZnO等宽禁带半导体成为世界范围内的研究热点。
关键字:ZnO,光电薄膜,退火中图分类号:O484.1一、引言ZnO 是Ⅱ-Ⅵ族化合物,它是直接带隙宽禁带半导体材料,室温下的禁带宽度为3.37eV。
其激子束缚能高达60meV,比室温热离化能(26meV) 大很多,是一种适合于室温或更高温度下的紫外光发光材料。
ZnO生长温度比GaN低1/ 2,这在很大程度上避免了外延膜与衬底间的互扩散,有利于提高成膜质量。
在ZnO 薄膜中掺入Mg、Cd 等元素能有效地调节禁带宽度,带宽覆盖红光到紫外,有望开发出紫外、蓝光和绿光等多种器件。
ZnO 与同为第三代半导体的GaN 的晶格失配度仅为1.7%,可互为缓冲层。
ZnO 薄膜还是极好的透明电极材料,具有优异的透明导电性能,无毒性,价廉易得,稳定性高;特别是在氢等离子体中比ITO 稳定,正成为ITO 薄膜的替代材料,在显示器和太阳能电池等领域得到应用,并具有在航空领域应用的优势。
低成本ZnO 紫外激光器的开发又将使之在高密度数据存储、固态光源、安全通讯、生物探测器等领域得到重要应用。
关键词:AZO薄膜溅射氩气压强电阻率透过率1 前言透明导电氧化物(TCO),由于其具有良好的导电性和透光性,已经被广泛应用于太阳能电池、显示发光器件、透明热反射材料、电磁屏蔽等领域[1]。
2 试验试验采用JCP-350磁控溅射镀膜机。
薄膜样品采用日本RIGAKU的D/max 2200VPC 型X-射线衍射仪(XRD)进行晶体结构分析(2θ范围为20°~80°),采用UV-2501PC紫外可见分光光度计测量薄膜的可见光透过率,采用范德堡方法测量薄膜的电阻值,薄膜的厚度和沉积速率利用TPY-1型椭圆偏振测厚仪测量。
Preparation of YSZ films by magnetron sputtering for anode-supported SOFC中文翻译
Preparation of YSZ films by magnetron sputtering for anode-supported SOFC磁控溅射制备阳极支撑固体氧化物燃料电池的YSZ薄膜Haiqian Wang a,,Weijie Ji a, Lei Zhang a, Yunhui Gong a, Bin Xie a, Yousong Jiang b, Yizhou Song bHefei National Laboratory for Physical Sciences at the Microscale, and USTC-Shincron Joint Lab., University of Science and Technology of China, PR China Shincron Co. Ltd., 3-5 Minatomirai, 4 Chome, Nishi-ku, Yokohama, JapanabstractYSZ films for anode-supported SOFCs were prepared by reactive sputtering method. It was found that the surface morphology of anode substrate has a very important effect on the quality of sputtered films. By applying an anode functional layer and making the anode surface smooth, dense and uniform YSZ films of 10 μm in thickness were successfully fabricated. The sintering behaviors of the sputtered YSZ films were also discussed. It is suggested that the optimized densification condition for the deposited YSZ films is sintering at 1250 °C for 4 h. Single cells with sputtered YSZ film as electrolyte and LSM–YSZ as active cathode materials were tested. 1.08 V open circuit voltage and a 700 mW/cm2maximum power density were achieved at 750 °C by using humidified H2as fuel and air as oxidant. Tape castYSZ薄膜的阳极支撑固体氧化物燃料电池是由反应溅射的方法制备的。
氧化锌薄膜的微观结构及其结晶性能研究陈首部;陆轴;兰椿【摘要】以普通玻璃作为衬底材料,采用射频磁控溅射方法制备了氧化锌(ZnO)透明导电薄膜,通过X射线衍射(XRD)和X射线光电子能谱(XPS)测试,研究了衬底温度对薄膜微观结构及其结晶性能的影响.结果表明:所制备的ZnO薄膜均为(002)晶面择优取向生长的多晶薄膜,其微观结构和结晶性能与衬底温度密切相关.衬底温度对ZnO薄膜的织构系数TC(hkl)、平均晶粒尺寸、位错密度、晶格应变和晶格常数都具有不同程度的影响,当衬底温度为800 K时,ZnO薄膜样品的织构系数TC(002)最高(4.929)、平均晶粒尺寸最大(20.91 nm)、位错密度最小(2.289×1015 line·m-2)、晶格应变最低(2.781×10-3),具有最高的(002)晶面择优取向生长性和最佳的微观结构性能.%The transparent conducting oxide thin films of zinc oxide ( ZnO) were deposited on glass substrates by radio-frequency magnetron sputtering method . The influence of substrate temperature on the mirostructure and crystalline characteristics of ZnO thin films was investigated by X-ray diffraction ( XRD ) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy ( XPS ) , respectively . The results indicate that the deposited thin films with the hexagonal crystal structure are polycrystalline and have a strongly preferred orientation of (002) plane.The mirostructure and crystalline characteristics of the thin films are observed to be subjected to the substrate temperature .When the substrate temperature is 800 K, the deposited ZnO sample exhibits the best crystalline and microstructural properties , with the highest texture coefficient of (002) plane of 4.929, the largest average grain size of 20.91nm, t he minimum dislocation density of 2.289 ×1015 line· m-2 and the lowest lattice strain of 2.781 ×10 -3 .【期刊名称】《中南民族大学学报(自然科学版)》【年(卷),期】2017(036)004【总页数】6页(P67-72)【关键词】氧化锌;薄膜;微观结构;结晶性能【作者】陈首部;陆轴;兰椿【作者单位】中南民族大学电子信息工程学院,武汉430074;中南民族大学电子信息工程学院,武汉430074;中南民族大学电子信息工程学院,武汉430074【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TM914作为第三代新型半导体材料的主要代表之一,氧化锌(ZnO)不仅自然储量丰富、价格低廉、绿色环保,同时还具有优异的光电、光敏、压电和压敏等性质.它与硫化锌(ZnS)和氮化镓(GaN)相比,ZnO在室温条件下具有较宽的直接带隙和较高的自由激子结合能,是制备光电功能器件的优良材料,已被广泛应用于太阳能电池[1-5]、发光显示器[6-11]、半导体激光器[12]、紫外探测器[13]、声表面波器件[14]以及触摸控制面板[15]等领域具有广阔的应用前景.目前,制备ZnO薄膜的方法多种多样,如水热法[16]、溶胶-凝胶法[17]、化学气相沉积法[18]、原子层沉积法[19]、脉冲激光沉积法[20]、喷雾热分解法[21]和磁控溅射法[22-25]等,其中磁控溅射技术具有工艺简单、成膜均匀、致密性好、成本低廉、易于大面积制备等优点,因此得到了业界的广泛应用.ZnO薄膜的晶体质量及其性能与其制备工艺参数密切相关,其中影响较大的工艺因素有衬底温度、溅射功率和工作压强等,因此深入研究溅射工艺参数对ZnO薄膜微观结构的影响具有十分重要的意义.本文以普通玻璃作为衬底材料,采用射频磁控溅射方法制备ZnO薄膜样品,通过X射线衍射(XRD)和X射线光电子能谱(XPS)测试表征,研究了衬底温度对ZnO薄膜微观结构及其结晶性能的影响.采用普通玻璃作为衬底材料,切割成大小为30 mm×30 mm的方块,实验时按照如下程序对玻璃衬底进行处理:(1)采用丙酮擦拭衬底表面,并用清水冲洗干净;(2)依次使用丙酮、无水乙醇和纯净水对衬底进行超声清洗13 min,以去除衬底表面的微粒和有机污染物;(3)在无水乙醇中煮沸,吹干待用.利用射频磁控溅射方法在玻璃衬底上制备ZnO薄膜样品,所用实验设备为KDJ-567型高真空复合镀膜系统,溅射源为直径50 mm、厚度4 mm的ZnO陶瓷靶材,它以ZnO粉体(999.99%)为原料通过常压固相烧结工艺制成.溅射制备ZnO 薄膜样品之前,将溅射室的真空度抽至5×10-4 Pa后通入99.999%的高纯氩气作为工作气体,并先采用氩等离子体对玻璃衬底表面清洗7 min,然后再预溅射10 min以清洁靶材表面和稳定系统,提高沉积ZnO薄膜样品的质量.实验时,衬底与靶材之间的距离为75 mm、溅射功率为200 W、工作气压为0.5 Pa、沉积时间为25 min、衬底温度为600~800 K.通过X射线衍射仪(Bruker advance D8型,德国Bruker公司)对ZnO薄膜样品进行晶体结构表征,测试时使用Cu Kα射线源(波长λ=0.1541 nm),采用θ-2θ连续扫描方式,扫描速度为10°/min,扫描步长为0.0164 Å,扫描范围为20°≤2θ≤70°,工作电压为40 kV,工作电流为40 mA.利用X射线光电子能谱仪(VG Multilab 2000型,美国Thermo Electron公司)对ZnO薄膜样品进行XPS 分析,测试时本底真空度为2.0×10-6 Pa,X射线源为单色Al Kα射线源(hv=1486.60 eV),采用C 1s结合能(284.60 eV)作为内标,对所有测试谱峰进行荷电校正.所的测试均在室温条件下完成.图1为不同衬底温度时ZnO薄膜样品的XRD图谱,由图可见,在2θ为20 °~70°的扫描范围内,所有ZnO薄膜样品在峰位2θ为30.9°和34.1°附近都出现了2个特征峰,比对ZnO的标准PDF卡片(JCPDS #36-1451,见图1)可以看出,这2个衍射峰分别与ZnO的(100)和(002)晶向相吻合.另外从图1中还可看到,衬底温度不同时,ZnO薄膜样品还存在有其它晶向的特征峰,如衬底温度为600和800 K时,分别显示有(110)和(103)晶面的衍射峰,而衬底温度为700 K时,则显示有(110)、(102)和(103)等多个晶面的衍射峰.上述XRD图谱结果表明,所制备的ZnO样品均为多晶薄膜,并具有六角纤锌矿结构.观察图1的XRD图谱还可以看出,衬底温度对衍射峰位2θ的影响较小,而对各个晶向的衍射峰强度的影响较大,为了评估ZnO薄膜样品沿某一晶面(hkl)的择优取向程度,本文采用织构系数(TC(hkl))来定量表征样品沿不同晶面生长的取向程度.织构系数TC(hkl)定义如下[26]:(1)式中,下标h、k、l表示密勒指数,TC(hkl)表示(hkl)晶面的织构系数,I(hkl)为ZnO薄膜样品在(hkl)晶面的衍射强度,Ir(hkl)为标准ZnO粉未试样(JCPDS #36-1451)在(hkl)晶面的衍射强度,n为计算时所取的衍射峰数目.TC(hkl)的数值越大,说明薄膜中有更多的晶粒沿(hkl)晶面生长,即薄膜在(hkl)晶面的择优取向性越好.表1列出了不同衬底温度时ZnO薄膜样品的织构系数TC(hkl),由表1可见,当衬底温度为600、700和800 K时,ZnO薄膜样品的TC(002)值分别为4.916、4.363和4.929,均远远高于其它晶面的TC(hkl)数值,这说明所制备的ZnO样品都表现出明显的(002)晶面择优取向生长特征,并且衬底温度升高时,TC(002)的数值呈现出先减小后增大的变化趋势.可见,衬底温度从600 K增加到800 K时,虽然没有改变ZnO薄膜(002)择优取向生长特征,但是对其择优取向程度有一定的影响,当衬底温度为800 K时所制备的ZnO样品具有最高的(002)择优取向程度.其原因是:ZnO薄膜在(002)晶面的表面自由能密度是最小的,因此晶粒沿(002)晶面具有生长优势,在生长过程中晶粒极易沿c轴即(002)晶面平行于衬底的方向生长[27,28].图2为衬底温度800 K时所制备ZnO薄膜样品的XPS能谱图,由图2可见,XPS图谱上除了Zn和O原子的光电子特征峰之外,在284.6 eV处还存在有C1s特征峰,这可能是由于溅射镀膜时油扩散泵污染或者ZnO薄膜样品暴露在大气中吸附了CO2所造成的[29].图3(a)为不同衬底温度时ZnO薄膜样品的(002)衍射峰半高宽(B)数值,可见半高宽B的值与衬底温度密切相关,衬底温度增加时,半高宽B单调减小,当衬底温度为800 K时,ZnO薄膜样品(002)衍射峰的半高宽B最小值为0.392°,说明衬底温度为800 K时制备的ZnO薄膜样品具有最大的晶粒尺寸和最佳的结晶性能.ZnO薄膜样品的平均晶粒尺寸(D)可以根据谢乐公式[30]计算:(2)式中,K为谢乐常数(这里取K=0.89),θ为所(002)晶面的布拉格角,B为(002)衍射峰的半高宽数值,λ为XRD测试时的X射线波长[31].图3(b)为不同衬底温度时ZnO薄膜样品的平均晶粒尺寸D,从图中3(b)看出,衬底温度对ZnO样品的平均晶粒尺寸D具有明显的影响.当衬底温度为600~800 K时,ZnO样品的平均晶粒尺寸D为9.73~20.91 nm,平均晶粒尺寸D随衬底温度增加而增大,当衬底温度为800 K时,ZnO薄膜样品的D值最大(20.91 nm).ZnO薄膜样品的位错密度(δ)[31]利用公式(3)计算获得:(3)式中,D为ZnO薄膜样品的平均晶粒尺寸.ZnO薄膜样品的位错密度δ随衬底温度变化的曲线如图4所示,可以看出,随着衬底温度的增加,δ呈现出单调减小的变化趋势,当衬底温度为800 K时,ZnO薄膜样品的位错密度δ最小为2.289×1015 line·m-2.ZnO薄膜样品的晶格应变(ε)可由下式[32]计算:(4)式中,K为由谢乐常数,θ为所(002)晶面的布拉格角,B为(002)衍射峰的半高宽数值.不同衬底温度时ZnO薄膜样品的ε值如图5所示,从图5看出,衬底温度对ZnO薄膜ε值具有明显的影响,ε值随着衬底温度的增加而逐渐减小,当衬底温度为800 K时,ZnO薄膜样品具有最小的晶格应变ε,其值为2.781×10-3. ZnO薄膜样品为六角纤锌矿结构,其晶格常数由公式(5)确定[33,34]:(5)式中,a和c为ZnO样品的晶格常数.对于(002)晶面,由(5)式可得:对于(100)晶面,(5)式可简化为:图6为不同衬底温度时ZnO薄膜样品的晶格常数a、c和c/a的数值,从图6看出,衬底温度增大时,a先减后增、c单调增加、c/a先增后减,在衬底温度的变化范围为600~800 K时,a、c和c/a的数值范围分别为0.32845~0.33608 nm、0.52259~0.52857 nm和1.57275~1.59411,这些结果与标准ZnO试样(JCPDS #36-1451)数据(a=0.32498 nm、c=0.52066 nm、c/a=1.60213)是一致的.文献[35,36]在研究掺钇ZnO和掺锂ZnO薄膜时也有类似的报道.ZnO薄膜样品的Zn-O键长(L)[37]可由公式(8)计算获得:(8)式中,a和c为ZnO薄膜样品的晶格常数,u与a、c之间满足关系式[37]:图7为ZnO样品薄膜Zn-O键长L随衬底温度的变化曲线,从图可知,衬底温度对ZnO薄膜的Zn-O键长L具有一定的影响,当衬底温度为600、700和800 K 时,ZnO样品的Zn-O键长L值分别为0.2002、0.19957和0.20337 nm,其结果与标准ZnO试样(JCPDS No. 36-1451)数据(L=0.19778 nm)基本一致.Anandan等人[35]和Srinivasan小组[36]在研究掺杂ZnO薄膜时也报道过类似的结果.采用ZnO陶瓷靶为溅射源材料,利用射频磁控溅射技术在普通玻璃衬底上制备了ZnO薄膜样品,通过XRD和XPS测试表征,研究了衬底温度对ZnO薄膜样品微观结构及其结晶性能的影响.结果表明,所有ZnO薄膜样品均为六角纤锌矿结构的多晶薄膜,并且衬底温度对薄膜生长特性及其微观结构性能具有明显的影响.衬底温度升高时,ZnO薄膜的织构系数TC(002)、晶格常数a和Zn-O键长L先减后增,平均晶粒尺寸D和晶格常数c单调增加,而位错密度δ和晶格应变ε则单调减小,当衬底温度为800 K时,ZnO薄膜样品的织构系数TC(002)最高为4.929、平均晶粒尺寸D最大为20.91 nm、位错密度δ最小为2.289×1015 line·m-2、晶格应变δ最低为2.781×10-3,所制备的ZnO薄膜具有最高的(002)晶面择优取向生长性和最好的微观结构性能.【相关文献】[1] Liu H, Avrutin V, Izyumskaya N, et al. 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溅射氩气压对射频磁控溅射制备 ZnO∶Al 薄膜性能的影响
溅射氩气压对射频磁控溅射制备ZnO∶Al 薄膜性能的影响刘超英;陈玮;徐志伟;付静;左岩;马眷荣【摘要】采用磁控溅射方法在玻璃衬底上使用掺杂3%(质量分数)Al2 O 3的 ZnO 陶瓷靶材制备出了掺铝氧化锌(ZnO ∶ Al,AZO)透明导电薄膜.分别用XRD、SEM、四探针测试仪、紫外-可见分光光度计对薄膜的性能进行了表征和分析.研究了溅射过程中不同氩气压强(0.3~1.2 Pa)对薄膜结构、形貌及光电性能的影响.XRD 测试结果表明,所制备的薄膜均具有呈c 轴择优取向的纤锌矿结构.当氩气压强为0.3 Pa时,AZO 薄膜的电阻率最低为6.72×10-4Ω•cm.所有样品在可见光波段的平均透过率超过85%.%Transparent conductive aluminum-doped zinc oxide (AZO)films were deposited on glass substrates by RF magnetron sputtering from ZnO∶3wt% Al2 O 3 ceramic target.The films obtained we re characterized and analyzed by XRD,SEM,four-point probes,ultraviolet-visible light spectrophotometer.The dependence of ar-gon gas pressure on the structure,morphology,electrical and optical properties were investigated.The argon sputtering pressure was varied between 0.3 and 1.2 Pa.The XRD analysis indicated that AZO films deposited under various argon gas pressures were a polycrystalline wurtzite structure with a [002]preferred orientation. The lowest resistivity was 6.7×10 -4 Ω•cm (sheet resistance=1 1.2 Ω/□ for a thickness=600 nm)which was obtained at an argon sputtering pressure of 0.3 Pa.The average transmittance was over 85% in the visible range for all samples.【期刊名称】《功能材料》【年(卷),期】2015(000)007【总页数】4页(P7052-7055)【关键词】氩气压力;射频磁控溅射;AZO 薄膜;光电性能【作者】刘超英;陈玮;徐志伟;付静;左岩;马眷荣【作者单位】中国建筑材料科学研究总院,北京 100024; 国家玻璃深加工工程技术中心,北京 100024; 绿色建筑材料国家重点实验室,北京 100024;中国建筑材料科学研究总院,北京 100024; 国家玻璃深加工工程技术中心,北京 100024;中国建筑材料科学研究总院,北京 100024; 国家玻璃深加工工程技术中心,北京100024;中国建筑材料科学研究总院,北京 100024; 绿色建筑材料国家重点实验室,北京 100024;中国建筑材料科学研究总院,北京 100024; 国家玻璃深加工工程技术中心,北京 100024;中国建筑材料科学研究总院,北京 100024【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TB341 引言透明导电薄膜是一种重要的半导体光电材料,具有高电导率的同时具备高的可见光区透过率,广泛地应用于平面显示、太阳能电池、特殊功能窗口涂层、气体传感器及其它光电、热电器件领域[1-4]。
第 44 卷第 10 期2023年 10 月Vol.44 No.10Oct., 2023发光学报CHINESE JOURNAL OF LUMINESCENCE高增益ZnO肖特基紫外光电探测器光响应特性段雨晗1,2*,蒋大勇1,2,赵曼1,2(1. 长春理工大学材料科学与工程学院,吉林长春 130022; 2. 光电功能材料教育部工程研究中心,吉林长春 130022)摘要:ZnO宽禁带半导体紫外光电探测器具有稳定性高、成本低等诸多优势,在国防、医疗、环境监测等领域具有重要的应用前景。
10 V偏压下,探测器的响应度和外量子效率分别为4.90 A/W和1668%。
关键词:ZnO;紫外光电探测器;响应度;增益效应;耗尽层中图分类号:O472 文献标识码:A DOI: 10.37188/CJL.20230169Responsivity Characteristics of ZnO SchottkyUltraviolet Photodetectors with High GainDUAN Yuhan1,2*, JIANG Dayong1,2, ZHAO Man1,2(1. School of Materials Science and Engineering, Changchun University of Science and Technology, Changchun 130022, China;2. Engineering Research Center of Optoelectronic Functional Materials, Ministry of Education, Changchun 130022, China)* Corresponding Author, E-mail: duanyuhan@Abstract:The wide bandgap semiconductor ZnO ultraviolet (UV)photodetector has many advantages,such as high stability,low cost,and has important application prospects in fields such as national defense,medical care,and environmental monitoring. In this work, ZnO thin films were fabricated on SiO2 substrate using radio frequency magnetron sputtering.Subsequently,a ZnO UV photodetector with a high-gain metal-semiconductor-metal (MSM)structure was achieved. At a bias voltage of 10 V, the detector exhibited a responsivity of 4.90 A/W and an external quantum efficiency of 1668%. This high gain was attributed to the hole trapping at the semiconductor-metal interface under illumination.Furthermore,the modulation rules and influence mechanisms of gain effect,applied bias volt⁃age,and depletion layer width on the responsivity of ZnO UV photodetector were thoroughly investigated.This re⁃search provides an important reference for the development and performance control of high-performance UV photode⁃tectors.Key words:ZnO; ultraviolet photodetector; responsivity; gain effect; depletion layer1 引 言紫外探测技术在导弹制导、紫外预警、保密通讯、电网安全监测、人类医疗健康以及全球环境监测等领域具有重要的应用前景[1-6]。
ZnO thin-film varistors and method of making the s
专利名称:ZnO thin-film varistors and method of making the same发明人:Takeshi Ito,Shuzo Hiraide,Michael C.Scott,Carlos A. Paz de Araujo,Larry D.McMillan申请号:US08/408723申请日:19950322公开号:US05699035A公开日:19971216专利内容由知识产权出版社提供摘要:A thin-film zinc oxide varistor (10) for use in integrated circuits and the like is produced by applying a polyoxyalkylated metal complex, such as a metal alkoxycarboxylate, to a substrate (12, 14, and 16) for the formation of a dried nonohmic layer (18). The method of production includes the steps of providing a substrate and a precursor solution including a polyoxyalkylated zinc complex (P22, P24), coating a portion of the substrate with the precursor solution (P26), drying the coated substrate (P32), and crystallizing the dried thin-film zinc oxide layer (P30). The resultant crystalline zinc oxide varistor layer (18) may be doped with bismuth, yttrium, praseodymium, cobalt, antimony, manganese, silicon, chromium, titanium, potassium, dysprosium, cesium, cerium, and iron to provide a non-ohmic varistor. The varistor layer (10) is annealed at a temperature ranging from about 400 to about 1000. degree. C. to provide a layer having a thickness ranging from about 50 nanometers to about 500 nanometers and an average grain size diameter less than about 200 nanometers.申请人:SYMETRIX CORPORATION代理机构:Duft, Graziano & Forest, P 更多信息请下载全文后查看。
氧化锌铝的典型性能与研究进展王志勇;彭超群;王日初;王小锋;刘兵【摘要】The Al-doped-ZnO (ZAO) is a kind of complex oxide semiconductor with wide application prospect and development potentiality. The typical properties, such as transparent conductivity, photoluminescence and infrared reflection, were introduced. Several synthesis processes, such as sol-gel method, hydrothermal method, refluxing method and co-precipitation method, were discussed. The preparation processes of ZAO were expounded. The preparation technologies, namely sol-gel method, metal chemical vapor deposition, magnetron sputtering, pulsed laser deposition and thermal spray of ZAO films were analyzed. Finally, the directions of research and development were described.%氧化锌铝是一种具有广阔应用前景和发展潜力的复合氧化物半导体材料.介绍ZAO材料的透明导电性、光致发光和红外发射等典型性能;讨论溶胶-凝胶法、水热法、沸水回流法和共沉淀法等粉体制备方法;阐述ZAO 靶材的制备方法;分析溶胶-凝胶、金属化学气相沉积、磁控溅射、脉冲激光沉积和热喷雾分解等ZAO薄膜的制备技术;最后指出ZAO的发展方向.【期刊名称】《中国有色金属学报》【年(卷),期】2012(022)002【总页数】11页(P416-426)【关键词】氧化锌铝;典型性能;制备技术;粉体;靶材;薄膜【作者】王志勇;彭超群;王日初;王小锋;刘兵【作者单位】中南大学材料科学与工程学院,长沙410083;中南大学材料科学与工程学院,长沙410083;中南大学材料科学与工程学院,长沙410083;中南大学材料科学与工程学院,长沙410083;中南大学材料科学与工程学院,长沙410083【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TU214随着半导体、计算机和太阳能等领域的迅速发展,透明导电氧化物(TCO)薄膜由于兼有优越的光学、电学性能,可广泛应用于透明电极、液晶显示器(LCD)、等离子显示器(PDP)、有机发光二极管(OLED)等高清晰平板显示器,太阳能电池和各种光电设备中[1]。
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Ceramics International 30(2004)1155–1159ZnO thin films produced by magnetron sputteringWei Gao ∗,Zhengwei LiDepartment of Chemical and Materials Engineering,The University of Auckland,Auckland,New ZealandReceived 28November 2003;accepted 22December 2003Available online 25June 2004AbstractZnO thin films were deposited onto glass substrates with direct current (dc)or radio frequency (rf)magnetron sputtering using Zn or ZnO target.SEM and XRD analysis demonstrated that the type of deposition mode,plasma excitation,working pressure and oxygen partial pressure,bias,working distance,and doping could significantly change the quality and microstructure of the films.The electrical conductivity of ZnO films is strongly affected by the deposition mode (dc or rf),crystal structure,chemical composition and microstructure.Photoluminescence of these films were also studied,and the relationships of processing parameters,microstructure,and properties were explored.©2004Elsevier Ltd and Techna Group S.r.l.All rights reserved.Keywords:B.Microstructure;D.ZnO;Thin films;Magnetron sputtering deposition;Conductivity;Photoluminescence1.IntroductionZinc oxide,one of the most important binary II–VI com-pounds,is a direct semiconductor of wurtzite structure.Its minimum energy gap is 3.2eV at room temperature and 3.44eV at 4K [1].ZnO thin films present many remarkable characteristics due to their large bond strength,good optical quality,extreme stability of excitons,and excellent piezo-electric properties,therefore,they have been studying ac-tively in various fields,and have many potential applications in various technological domains,such as transparent con-ducting films/electrodes in display devices and solar energy cells,surface and bulk acoustic wave devices (SAW)and acoustic-optical devices,and light-emitting diodes (LEDs)and laser diodes (LDs)[2–5].Another advantage of zinc ox-ide relative to other materials is its low price,placing it as a highly potential candidate for industrial applications.A number of techniques have been used for fabrication of ZnO thin films,including chemical vapour deposition,sol–gel,spray-pyrolysis,molecular beam epitaxy,pulsed laser deposition,vacuum arc deposition,and magnetron sputtering [6–12].In the present project,we used mag-netron sputtering deposition to prepare ZnO thin films.The influences of processing parameters on the structural,elec-∗Corresponding author.Tel.:+64-9-373-7599;fax:+64-9-373-7463.E-mail address:w.gao@ (W.Gao).trical and optical properties of thin films were studied and discussed briefly.2.ExperimentalThe substrate selected for the deposition was glass slide.The slides with a typical size of ∼12mm ×10mm ×1mm were ultrasonically cleaned in acetone,rinsed in alcohol and then dried in hot air.When the working chamber was pumped down to ∼2×10−6Torr,a radio frequency (rf)plasma cleaning was conducted for 1.5h.After that,argon or a mixture of argon and oxygen was introduced.Sputter-ing was performed with a dc power of 0.25A,or an rf power of 125/250W for direct deposition from a ZnO target or re-active sputtering deposition from a Zn target.During depo-sition,the substrates were rotating with a speed of 3rpm.The surface and fractured cross-section morphologies of the thin films were observed with an FEG-SEM (Philips XL-30S);and phase characterisation was carried out with an X-ray diffractometer (Bruker D8)using Cu K ␣radia-tion.Electrical conductivity was measured with a typical four-point electrical resistance probe or by a Hall automatic measuring system using the Van Der Pauw technique.For PL measurements,a continuous wave He–Cd laser (325nm)with a power density of 1W/cm 2was used.The spectra were dispersed by a 0.5m single grating monochromator0272-8842/$30.00©2004Elsevier Ltd and Techna Group S.r.l.All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.ceramint.2003.12.1971156W.Gao,Z.Li /Ceramics International 30(2004)1155–1159(SpectraPro-500i)and detected by an air-cooled GaAs pho-tomultiplier.3.Results and discussions 3.1.Microstructure3.1.1.Sputtering deposition from a ZnO targetFor the direct sputtering deposition from a ZnO target with dc power,the surface morphology showed that with a low Ar working pressure (2.0mTorr)the surface of the film was not flat,showing the formation of oxide islands among smaller clusters.As the number of oxide islands decreased with increasing pressure,the size of the clusters increased.With an Ar working pressure of 10.0mTorr,the surface became flat without islands.As the Ar pressure increased further,the grain size did not changed much,but the edge of the grains became less sharp (Fig.1a and b ).ZnO thin films with rf sputtering demonstrated similar features;higherworkingFig.1.ZnO thin films produced by magnetron sputtering deposition:(a)ZnO target,dc power,p Ar =2mTorr;(b)ZnO target,dc power,p Ar =20mTorr;(c)ZnO target,rf power,p Ar =20mTorr;(d)Zn +Al target,reactive sputtering,dc power,P =5mTorr;(e and f)Zn +Al target,reactive sputtering,rf power,P =10mTorr.pressure led to a flatter top surface.In comparison with dc sputtering,rf sputtering resulted in larger clusters but smaller grains inside (Fig.1c ).3.1.2.Reactive sputtering deposition from a Zn targetReactive magnetron sputtering deposition was firstly per-formed using dc power.At the lowest pressure,the film was not uniform;large islands (∼150–250nm)were presented among smaller clusters (∼70nm).These islands and clus-ters consisted of smaller grains (∼10–25nm),which form a porous columnar structure as observed from the fracture cross-section.As the oxygen partial pressure (p O 2)increased to 1mTorr,the average grain size increased to ∼29nm,and the large islands disappeared.When the total and oxygen pressure increased further,a film composed of grains of ∼53nm was developed.Fracture cross-section morphology showed a more distinct columnar structure,in which voids were still presented.The negative bias appeared to have cer-tain effects on the film morphology.In comparison with the deposition using −50V ,the deposition with a bias of −150VW.Gao,Z.Li/Ceramics International30(2004)1155–11591157Fig.2.X-ray diffraction spectra of magnetron-sputtered ZnO thinfilms: (a)ZnO target,dc sputtered,p Ar=5mTorr and(b)Zn+Al target,dc reactive sputtering,P=10.0mTorr.demonstrated more uniform and denserfilms,composed of grains with an average size of∼24nm.A small Al sheet was attached onto the Zn target for the deposition of Al-doped ZnO thinfilms(∼2at.%Al). In comparison with the undopedfilms,the Al-dopedfilms were more uniform with smaller grains.In general,the frac-ture cross-section showed that thesefine grains formed a less distinct columnar structure in comparison with the ZnO without Al-doping(Fig.1d–f).Allfilms exhibited(002)preferential orientation with clear peak shape and high intensity,and Al-doping decreased the intensity of(002)to a certain degree(Fig.2).With reactive magnetron sputtering using rf,it was ob-served that the negative bias applied had certain influence on the uniformity and compactness of thefilms.Thefilm with a bias of−50V was more uniform than the other two, while thefilm with−100V bias showed the densest struc-ture among these three samples.It was known that an in-crease in bias voltage could increase the average energy of the bombarding ions to the growingfilm,therefore,enhanc-ing the adatom mobility on the surface.Undoped ZnOfilms showed regular grain shape,indicating that Al dopant might have negative influence on the crystal growth.Decreasing the distance between substrate and target did not change the grain size significantly,but led to the formation of small clusters,which were composed of smaller grains.Its fracture cross-section showed thisfilm had distinct columnar struc-ture with significantly reduced number of pores/voids.With rf excitation,strong(002)preferential orientation was also achieved on all the samples.3.1.3.Processing and microstructureObviously,direct sputtering deposition from oxide target using dc or rf power was significantly influenced by the working pressure in the chamber.Higher Ar pressure led toflatterfilm surface and more regular grain shape.It is supposed that at a low working pressure,sputtering yields of ZnO was low;film growth on the substrate mainly depends on the further development of the relatively large and stable clusters since the nucleation rate is limited due to the short supply of particles.This leads to the generation of large oxide islands.At a high pressure,the plasma intensity is high enough to strike out a large amount of particles from the target,thus nucleation and growth offilm will be fully guaranteed,leading to a smooth and uniform surface. Reactive sputtering deposition from a metal target is a complex process in comparison with direct deposition.It highly relies on the generation,absorption and reaction of the reactive species(atoms or ions).The depositing mate-rial must react rapidly or it will be buried by the subsequent depositing material.Therefore,the reaction rate is an impor-tant factor,and is determined by the reactivity of the species, their supply,and the substrate temperature.In this study,it was observable that the quality and mi-crostructure of thefilms changed with the total and oxygen pressure.It is believed that,at a low p O2,the amount of Zn arrival on the substrate surface is sufficiently high.High nucleation rate and low growth rate of the existing particles led to afilm withfine grains.The supply of oxygen may not be sufficient.Formation of zinc oxide with good stoichiom-etry requires continuous transport of oxygen from the gas phase and the complete reaction between Zn and O.Thus,a stable growth of ZnO grains with perfect crystallinity may not be able to realise.With an increased p O2,the generation of Zn species would be inhibited,whereas output of oxy-gen ions might be increased,larger grains could therefore be formed.While further increasing p O2and total pressure increases the generation offilm components,a lower nu-cleation rate and higher growth rate would occur,resulting in larger grain size in thefilm.Due to the sufficient supply of oxygen,grains will be able to grow stably;the number of oxygen vacancies could also be reduced;andfilms with better crystallinity would form.The results also showed that the rffilms had better quality than dcfilms.It is believed that rf excitation has a higher degree of ionisation/dissociation,which leads to a higher oxidation rate at the substrate surface due to the larger ratio of O to Zn that arrive at the substrate.rf discharge also leads to a more intensive ion bombardment of the growingfilm, both by higher ion densities and energy[13].This additional energy input into thefilm causes increased surface mobility of the adatoms,which improves thefilm perfection.ZnOfilms showed porous to a relatively dense columnar structure,especially for those with reactive sputtering de-position.This might be partially caused by the low homol-ogous temperature,T/T m[14].Since the substrate was not intentionally heated,only the energyflow from the sputtered1158W.Gao,Z.Li /Ceramics International 30(2004)1155–1159Table 1Resistivity of ZnO thin films deposited by magnetron sputtering Number P (mTorr)Power TargetResistivity ( cm)1 5.0/Ar dc ZnO 3.7×105210.0/Ar dcZnO 1.0×106310.0/Ar rf/125W ZnO 0.0306420.0/Ar rf/125W ZnO 1.06510.0/Arrf/250W ZnO0.0096 2.0/Ar:O 2=6:4dcZn,reactive2.0×106710.0/Ar:O 2=9:1rf/250WZn +Al,reactive0.137particles and the heat of formation of the oxide could con-tribute to the substrate heating up.The accurate temperature of the substrate was not measured,however,according to the previous studies,it should be lower than 100–150◦C.This gives T /T m =0.04–0.06,and a dense structure may not be achieved easily.However,the results showed that a decrease of the sub-strate to target distance promoted the formation of dense columnar structure.This is hard to explain [15].The films by dc sputtering from ZnO target showed a denser columnar structure according to our studies.It was re-ported that ion current (density)increased with decreasing substrate-to-target distance.Thus,it is supposed that with a high ion current drawn at the substrate,the reaction be-tween Zn and O could well complete.Additionally,high ion bombardment could lead to the densification of the film,and transfer more energy to the substrate,which could increase the temperature of the substrate and improve the density of the film.3.2.Electrical propertyThe measured conductivity of a number of ZnO films is shown in Table 1.In general,some phenomena could be observed:Firstly,the ZnO thin films with good conductivity show that the (002)d -space is close to that of the standard power sample,while film with poor conductivity has a large d -space value.It was revealed that the d -space and log ρhas a good linear relationship (Fig.3).The change of d -space for (002)2.62.612.622.63-4.000.00 4.008.00log ρ (Ω.cm)dFig.3.The relation between (002)d -spacing and conductivity of ZnO films.peak suggests that the unit cell might be elongated along the c -axis,and stress existed in the plane.The stress in the film was then derived and plotted against log ρ,yielding a similar linear relation [16].This indicated that the stress generated in the film during deposition had certain influence on the electrical properties.Secondly,almost all films prepared by dc sputtering from the Zn or ZnO target have high resistivity,while the films with rf sputtering have low resistivity to the level of 10−3 cm.In rf sputtering,breakdown ionisation oc-curs by heating electrons in gas plasma with a fluctuating field,an effect that is not present with a constant dc field.In comparison with dc discharge,rf excitation leads to a self-sustained and stable sputtering process,suitable for poor conducting materials.A homogeneous distribution of grains with a good crystalline quality results in a higher carrier mobility,and therefore a higher conductivity [16].Thirdly,SEM observations suggest that the conductivity of the films may be affected by their microstructure.From the cross-sectional micrographs,it can be seen that the oxide grains in the dc films grow mainly along the c -axis to form a good columnar structure,while the rf films grow also along c -axis,but the grains grew with less columnar structure and much diverse orientations.The surface morphology shows that the rf films have denser feature (smaller gaps between clusters)than the dc films.Dense microstructure with diverse growth direction seems helpful to electron conduction.3.3.Photoluminescence (PL)propertyFig.4shows a typical PL spectrum of the ZnO films de-posited on glass substrate under different conditions.Nor-mally,rf films showed better stimulated emission properties than the dc films.A sharp emission peak dominating attheFig.4.Typical PL spectra of ZnO films deposited on glass substrates.W.Gao,Z.Li/Ceramics International30(2004)1155–11591159wavelength around380nm was observed,corresponding to the UV near-band edge emission.A relatively broad emis-sion of510–700nm was also found,and showed certain relation with processing conditions.These results are quite close to those indicated in the earlier reports[17,18].It was reported that the blue/green emission from ZnO is associated with defect-related states,located in the band gap of ZnO, involving oxygen vacancies[19],oxygen interstitials[20], Zn vacancies[21],Zn interstitials[22]and/or antisite defect O Zn[23].The stronger UV emission from the rf-sputtered films then indicates that the stoichiometry and quality of the ZnOfilms,critical to its optical properties,could be con-trolled by the deposition conditions.The relation between processing and property will contribute to a better under-standing of the origin of luminescence from ZnO.4.ConclusionsZnO thinfilms were deposited onto glass substrate with direct or reactive sputtering process using dc or rf power. Direct sputtering deposition from oxide target was highly influenced by the pressure level in the working chamber.A high pressure producedfilms with smooth and regular mor-phological features.Reactive sputtering deposition was de-pendent on the oxygen partial pressure and total pressure.A high pressure led to the formation offilms with large grain size and good crystal quality.ZnOfilms deposited with rf power were generally better than thefilms with dc deposi-tion.It is believed that with a good control of processing conditions,such as the total and oxygen partial pressure, type of plasma excitation,bias voltage,target to substrate distance,and doping,thinfilms with optimised microstruc-ture and high conductivity could be obtained. AcknowledgementsThis project is supported by a Marsden Grant from the Royal Society of New Zealand.The authors would like to thank the following people for their contributions:Drs.R. Reeves,M.Hodgson,J.Metson,H.Gong,A.Asadov,S.-S. Chiang,Mr.J.Lee and R.Harikisun.References[1]L.I.Berger,Semiconductor Materials,CRC Press,Boca Raton,1997.[2]F.R.Blom,F.C.M.Van de Pol,G.Bauhuis,T.J.A.Popma,R.F.planarmagnetron sputtered ZnOfilms:II.Electrical properties,Thin Solid Films204(1991)365.[3]W.E.Devaney,W.S.Chen,J.M.Stewart,R.A.Mickelsen,Structureand properties of high efficiency ZnO/CdZnS/CuInGaSe2solar cells, IEEE Trans.Electron Devices37(1990)428.[4]F.S.Mahmood,R.D.Gould,M.H.Salih,D.C.properties of ZnO thinfilms prepared by R.F.magnetron sputtering,Thin Solid Films270 (1995)376.[5]C.R.Gorla,N.W.Emanetoglu,S.Liang,W.E.Mayo,Y.Lu,M.Wraback,H.Shen,Structural,optical,and surface acoustic wave properties of epitaxial ZnOfilms grown on(0112)sapphire by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition,J.Appl.Phys.85(1999) 2595.[6]B.S.Li,Y.C.Liu,Z.S.Chu,D.Z.Shen,Y.M.Lu,J.Y.Zhang,X.W.Fan,High quality ZnO thinfilms grown by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition,J.Appl.Phys.91(2002)501.[7]M.J.Alam,D.C.Cameron,Preparation and properties of transparentconductive aluminum-doped zinc oxide thinfilms by sol–gel process, J.Vac.Sci.Technol.A19(2001)1642.[8]A.J.C.Fiddes,K.Durose,A.W.Brinkman,J.Woods,P.D.Coates,A.J.Banister,Preparation of ZnOfilms by spray pyrolysis,J.Cryst.Growth159(1996)210.[9]T.Ohgaki,N.Ohashi,H.Kakemoto,S.Wada,Y.Adachi,H.Haneda,T.Tsurumi,Growth condition dependence of morphology and electric properties of ZnOfilms on sapphire substrates prepared by molecular beam epitaxy,J.Appl.Phys.93(2003)1961.[10]Y.R.Ryu,S.Zhu,J.D.Budai,H.R.Chandrasekhar,P.F.Miceli,H.W.White,Optical and structural properties of ZnOfilms de-posited on GaAs by pulsed laser deposition,J.Appl.Phys.88(2000) 201.[11]T.Minami,S.Ida,T.Miyata,High rate deposition of transparentconducting oxide thinfilms by vacuum arc plasma evaporation,Thin Solid Films416(2002)92.[12]K.H.Kim,K.C.Park,D.Y.Ma,Structural,electrical and opticalproperties of aluminum doped zinc oxidefilms prepared by radio frequency magnetron sputtering,J.Appl.Phys.81(1997)7764. 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