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(1.西北工业大学材料学院,陕西西安 710072;
2.成都飞机工业(集团)有限责任公司热表处理厂,四川成都 610092)
[摘 要] 采用氯化物-硫酸盐型无镉、无氰环保型镀液在300M 超高强度钢基体上制备了Zn-N i 合金镀层,利用弯曲试验、电镜扫描、能谱分析、中性盐雾试验、X 射线衍射和电化学极化方法分别研究了温度和电流密度等工艺参数对Zn-N i 合金镀层的外观和结合力的影响以及镀层镍含量和微观结构与耐蚀性的关系。

结果表明,电流密度对Zn-N i 镀层成分的影响明显,未钝化镀层比松孔镀镉层更耐腐蚀;温度45e 镀层N i 含量质量分数为13.5%,最高耐盐雾腐蚀时间达1632h 。

[关键词] 电镀;300M 超高强度钢;锌镍合金镀层;耐蚀性[中图分类号]TQ 153.2
[收稿日期] 2008-02-19
0 前 言


R.Fratesi 等[2]
论述了工业产品的合金镀层的耐蚀性;H.P ARK 等



E .Belto w ska-Lehm an 等[6,7]
构因素对添加柠檬酸盐和醋酸盐复合物的弱酸性硫酸盐电结晶Zn-N i 合金镀层腐蚀速度的影响。

P .O zga 等
使用EDS 技术研究了镀锌层的腐蚀速度,结果表
明其接近于常数,由LPR 技术测定的腐蚀速度值与EDS 技术测定的腐蚀速度值相近。




K i m 等
开发了Zn-N i 合金镀层,其腐蚀速度为0.502
mm /a 。


基于此,本工作研究了300M 超高强度钢上电镀Zn-N i 合金层的耐蚀性能,并探讨了工艺条件及镀层性能间的关系。

1 试 验
1.1 材料和试样
锌镍合金电镀液配方为:70g /L ZnC l 2,70g /L N -i SO 4#6H 2O,140g /L NaC,l 30g /L NH 4C,l 30g /L H 3BO 3,添加剂少量。


将300M 超高强度钢试样用200号和600号砂纸打磨、去离子水冲洗、丙酮或酒精脱脂、吹干后待用。

1.2 试验方法
1.2.1 试验装置及设备
使用2L 的烧杯配制电镀液。

电镀试样面积精确到1mm 2
,按给定电流密度计算Zn 和N i 阳极的电流,用整流电源分别进行调节。

60)第41卷 第6期2008年6月
材料保护M aterials P rotection
V o.l 41 N o .6June 2008

镀前验收y有机除油y装挂y化学除油y水洗y 冷风吹干y轻吹砂y蒸馏水清洗y电镀锌镍合金y水洗y蒸馏水清洗y冷风吹干y卸挂。

使用SF-850型盐雾试验箱按ASTM B117)2002标准进行中性盐雾试验,每24h观察记录镀层出现红锈的时间。


每片试样至少测不同6点,取均值,精确到0.1L m。

采用JS M-5910LV型扫描电镜测定镀层外观形貌。

用Ox ford7324型能谱分析仪测定镀层中各成分的含量。


使用C H1660B电化学工作站进行电化学测定。

以饱和KC l甘汞电极为参比电极,大面积Pt片作辅助电极,与试样组成三电极体系,试验溶液为3.5%N a C l 溶液,温度为(30?5)e,选定-1.0~0.2V极化范围,极化速率0.166mV/s,从阴极到阳极极化。



在J c=4.0A/dm2、不同温度下电镀10m in所得Zn-N i合金镀层的厚度、外观及结合力状况见表1。


30e,J c在0.5~10.0A/dm2范围内变化时,电镀10m in所得Zn-N i合金镀层(未钝化)的厚度、外观及结合力状况见表2。

表1温度对Z n-N i合金镀层外观及结合力的影响电镀温度/e镀层厚度/L m镀层外观镀层结合力2011.7暗灰合格
A/d m2和5.0A/d m2时所得Zn-N i合金未钝化镀层的外观偏暗,镀层结合力也合格;大于6.0A/dm2时,镀层边缘开始粗糙发暗,边缘镀层易脱落,结合力不合格。

表2阴极电流密度对Z n-N i合金镀层外观及结合力的影响J c/(A#dm-2)镀层厚度/L m镀层外观镀层结合力
综合表1、表2结果可知,在30e电镀10m i n时, J c为6.0,8.0,10.0A/dm2下镀层的结合力均不合格,而0.5,1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0,5.0A/dm2时的镀层结合力均合格。

在4.0A/d m2时,温度从20e到63e,电镀10m i n,其镀层结合力均合格,可见在该电流密度和温度范围内,镀层结合力受温度影响较小。

由图1温度与镀层N i含量的关系曲线可以看出,操作温度在30~49e时,镀层中的镍含量质量分数在
亮,镀层的金相SE M 形貌(见图2)观察表明,镀层颗粒均匀、细致,排列很紧密,尤其是当温度为45e 时,镀层镍含量达到13.5%,外观较亮;当温度大于58e 时,镀层镍含量大于15.5%;到63e 时,镀层镍含量20.2%;镀层颗粒逐渐变得粗大、不均匀、呈絮状,排列逐渐杂乱、甚至可以看到镀层有较大凹坑出现;22e 时,镀层的分层现象最为严重;30e 和41e 的镀层均颗粒细小、排列较为均匀、

电流密度对电镀Zn-N i 合金层成分的影响非常明显,具体情况见图3。

由图3可知,电流密度为2.0~4.0A /d m 2
时N i 含量由10.3%升到11.9%,此后,4.0~8.0A /dm 2时N i 含量由11.9%基本呈线性下降到9.3%,6.0A /d m 2
时N i 含量为10.4%。

SE M 形貌显示出4.0A /dm 2
时的镀层颗粒细致、分布均匀,大于6.0A /d m 2
时,随电流密度增加,含镍量达到10.4%,所得镀层灰暗,结合力不合格,SE M 微观形貌显示出有较多裂纹。

30e 不同阴极电流密度下Zn-N i 合金镀层的SE M 微观形貌见图4。

2.2.3 镍含量与镀层耐蚀性的关系
对吹砂基体在J c =4.0A /dm 2
不同温度下进行10m i n Zn-N i 合金电镀所得未钝化镀层的耐中性盐雾腐

由表3可知,镀层N i含量质量分数为13.5%时耐盐雾腐蚀时间最长,达到1632h,此时的电镀温度为45e。

而N i含量为10.9%~15.5%之间时,耐盐雾腐蚀的时间在792h以上,电镀的温度范围为32~58e。

表3不同温度下电镀10m i n所得Zn-N i
温度/e镀层镍含量/%出现红锈时间/h 227.9408
Zn-N i合金镀层相对于钢铁是阳极镀层,具有良好的电化学保护作用。

含N i量在10%~15%的Zn-N i 合金镀层为单一的C相金属间化合物结构,具有最好的热力学稳定性,而且电极电位比Zn正,Zn-N i/Fe组成的原电池的腐蚀电动势小,故腐蚀速度慢,耐蚀性最好。

合金镀层腐蚀产物主要是黏附性的ZnC l2# 4Zn(OH)2,其均匀致密地覆盖在表面上,并具有良好的绝缘性,对镀层的进一步腐蚀起很好的阻滞作用。

在Zn-N i合金镀层发生腐蚀时,Zn首先发生反应,生成导电性较差的Zn(OH)2,能在镀层表面形成绝缘层,从而抑制腐蚀的继续进行。






这时镀层的电位变得更正,锌的腐蚀产物ZnC l2#Zn(OH)2沉积

含N i量不同时,其晶体结构和腐蚀产物也不同,导致耐蚀性也不一样。



由表3可以看出,锌镍合金镀层N i含量与镀层耐蚀性有一定的关系。

不同N i含量合金镀层的XRD谱见图5。

当含镍量为9.4%时,合金镀层出现红锈的时间为492h,XRD谱显示镀层为复相结构;含镍量为20.2%时,合金镀层出现红锈的时间为264h, XRD谱显示镀层也为复相结构;含镍量为13.5%时,合金镀层出现红锈的时间最晚,为1632h,镀层的耐蚀性能最佳,XRD谱显示镀层几乎呈单相结构。



单相合金镀层的耐蚀性能与E.Be lto w ska-Lehm an等[7]发现的单相镀层比三相镀层有更低的腐蚀速度的结论一致,也与H.Park等[3]获得的N i含量大约在13.0%的镀层显示出最低腐蚀电流的结论一

图5不同N i含量Zn-N i镀层的XRD谱)
3.3 锌镍合金镀层的电化学研究
在J c =4.0A /dm 2
、45e 下,吹砂基体Zn-N i 合金电镀10m i n 后的未钝化镀层的电化学极化曲线见图6。

获得的腐蚀电流为I corr =4.315@10
A,比J c =8.0A /dm 2
、25e 下吹砂基体松孔镀镉10m in 后的钝化镀层(见图7)的腐蚀电流(I cor r =5.054@10-5
A )要小,更

4 结 论
(1)采用氯化物-硫酸盐型无镉、无氰环保型电镀液可在300M 超高强度钢表面获得耐蚀性良好的Zn-N i 合金镀层。

(2)在J c =4.0A /dm 2
、温度30~54e 时,电镀10m in 所得Zn-N i 合金未钝化镀层的外观、结合力均合格,且20~63e 时,镀层结合力受温度影响较小、均合格。

(3)在30e 、J c =0.5~5.0A /dm 2
下电镀10m in 的Zn-N i 合金未钝化镀层结合力均合格;在2.0~4.0A /dm 2
时镀层的外观较亮;电流密度对Zn-N i 合金电镀成分的影响非常明显。

(4)在J c =4.0A /d m 2
、温度30~49e 时,镀层N i 含量可达10.9%~14.5%,耐盐雾腐蚀的时间均在792h 以上;温度为45e 时,获得的未钝化Zn-N i 合金镀层的N i 含量为13.5%,镀层几乎为单相结构,耐盐雾腐蚀时间最长,达到1632h ,是很好的300M 超高强度钢防护镀层。

(5)在J c =4.0A /dm 2、45e 时,吹砂基体Zn-N i


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o rocarbon res i n w as de ter m i ned to be(2.0:1.0~2.5:1.0),the p i gm ent and binder rati o w as dete r m ined as(2.18~3.27):1.00, wh ile t he dosage of d i spersi ng agent and thicken i ng ag ent was sugges-ted as0.15%~0.20%and1%~2%,respecti ve l y.The resu lti ng coa ting s howed good phy si cochem ical properti es and w as su itab l e to the protection and decorati on o f A l a ll oy s.A t the same ti m e,the coa ting was i nfla mm able and di dn.t e m it nox ious gases and heavy s m oke at e l eva ted te m pera t ure,sho w i ng a certa i n degree o f fire-re-si stant and anti-fla m i ng capability.
K ey wo rds:a l u m i num a lloy;silica so;l com posite pa i nt;fire resis-t ant;fl uorocarbon resi n emu l s i on
Process for Preparation of E lectrop l ated Antitarn is h i n g Ag/C N ano-Co mposite Coati ng
W ANG Suang-yuan,Z HANG X iao-l,i W ANG W e i(D epart m ent o f A pp lihed Che m i stry,T ian jin U n i versity,T i anji n200072,China). Cailiao B aohu2008,41(06),41~43(Ch).A g/C nanoco m po site coa tings w ere prepared by electroplati ng i n a so l ution conta i n i ng C4H4 KN aO6as the co m plex ing agent,a i m ing at developi ng A g coa tings w it h good antitarnishing capability.T he m o rpho l ogy and structure o f the coa tings w ere charac terized by m eans o f scanning e l ec tron m i c ros-copy and X-ray d iffracti on,wh il e the i r resi stance and antitarn i sh i ng behav i o r w ere a lso m easured.R esu lts showed tha t the content of C nano-powders i n the co m pos i te coati ngs first i ncreased w ith i ncreasi ng concentration o f C nano-powders i n t he ba t h so l u ti on and then de-creased therew i th at a concentrati on o f over10g/L of C nano-pow-ders i n t he ba t h so l ution.In the current density range of0.6~0.8 A/d m2,the content o f C nano-pow ders i n the co m pos ite plati ng was about8%.A t the sa m e ti m e,the Ag ma trix g ra i ns i n the co m po site coa tings had nanosca l e size and pre ferential orien tati on along cry sta l p l ane(220),and the A g/C nanoco m po site coati ng s hav i ng a l m ost the sa m e resistance as bright A g coati ng show ed much better antitar-n i sh i ng per f o r m ance.
K ey wo rds:Ag/C;nano-co m pos ite coa ti ng;antitarn i sh i ng
E ffec t of Bath Co mposition on M icrostructu re and P rop erties of E lectroless N ick el Coati ng on M agnesiu m A ll oy
C HEN Zhi-yong,L IU Sha-sha,L I Zhong-hou(R esearch Institute o f Surface Eng i neer i ng,T aiyuan U n i versity of T echno logy,T a i yuan 030024,Ch i na).Cailiao Baohu2008,41(06),44~46(Ch).A m eta ll u rg ica l m i croscope and A x i overt25CA optic i m ag e apparatus w ere perfo r med to analyze t he mo rpho l ogy and m icrostruc t ure of e lec-troless N i coa ti ng on M g a lloy sur f ace,and a g low-discha rge spec-tro m eter w as used to ana l y ze t he e l ementa l distr i bution of the coating. Besi des,t he adhesion strength o f t he coa ting to the substrate was m easured using a W S-97sound em iss i on scra tch i ng apparatus,and the e ffects of bat h compositi on,i n particu lar,of comp l ex i ng ag ents inc l udi ng su lfosa licycli c aci d,sod i u m citra te,and c itric acid on the m orpho l ogy,P content,and adhes i on streng t h t o substra te o f the coa ting w ere h i gh li ghted.R esu lts ind i cated that the co ati ng prepared fro m t he bath conta i n i ng sodi u m c itrate as the comp lex i ng ag ent had a h i gh adhesion streng t h to the M g all oy substrate,wh i ch was as m uch as60N.T he coati ng prepa red from the bat h so l ution con tai n i ng citric aci d as the comp l ex i ng agent had co m pact m i crostructure,w hil e the content o fN i and P i n t he N i-P all oy coati ng w as h i gh l y dependent on the p H va l ue of t he plati ng bath.
K ey w ords:e l ec tro less p lati ng;ba t h co m positi on;m icrostructure; properties;P content
Perfor m ance Ana l ysis and Q uality E val uat i on of Anod ic-O x i da-tion/E lectrophoresis Co mposite Coatings on A l um inum A lloys as M ol d ed Bu ild i ng M ater i a ls
ZHU Zu-fang(N ationa lCenter for Q uality Superv isi on and Inspecti on o f N on-fe rrous M eta l s,C entra l A cademy o f N on-ferrous M eta ls a t Be ijing,Be iji ng100088,Ch i na).Ca iliao Baohu2008,41(06),47 ~50(Ch).
K ey wo rds:alu m i nu m a ll oys;m olded bu il d i ng m ateri a l s;anodic ox i da-ti on;e l ectrophoresis composite coati ng;perf or m ance ana l ysis
Curren t S tatus and Progress of Coati n g T echnol ogy for Surface M od ificati on of D eflection A lum i num A lloy
L IU Chao-feng1,S UN B i n2,GU Shu-hua1(1.H enan P rov i nc i a lK ey Laboratory o f Surface&Interface Sc i ence,Zhengzhou U n i versity o f L i ght Industry,Zhengzhou450002,Chi na;2.D epart m ent ofM ater i a l s and Chem ical Eng i nee ri ng,Zhongyuan Institute of T echnology,Zheng-z hou450007,Ch i na).Cailiao Baohu2008,41(06),51~55(Ch).K ey words:de flection alu m i nu m a ll oy;surface coati ng;surface mod-i
fi cation techno l ogy
Corrosion Control and P reven ti on T echn i que for Fasten er s M ade of T itan i um A lloys
HUANG X iao-x i a,L I R ong-q i ang,Z HANG Y an-x i a(N o.59Institu-
te,Chi na O rdnance Industry,Chongq i ng400039,China).Caili ao
B aohu2008,41(06),56~59(Ch).
K ey words:titan i u m all oy;fastener;corrosi on causes;co rros i on con-
tro;l protection techn i que
Corrosion R esistance of E lec trop l a ted Zn-N i A lloy Coating on 300M U ltra-H igh Strength Stee l
Z HANG X i ng-wen1,2,FE I J i ng-y i n1,ZHOU Guo-hua2(1.Schoo l o f
M aterials and Engnee ri ng,N orth w estern Po lytechnica lU nniversi nty,
X ia'n710072,Ch i na;2.H ea t-T reat m ent&Surface T reat m ent Facto-
ry,Chengdu A ircraft Industr i a l Co rporati on,Chengdu610092,Ch-i
na).Caili ao Baohu2008,41(06),60~64(Ch).Zn-N i a lloy coa-t
i ng was prepa red on300M u ltra-h i gh strength stee l by e lectrop lati ng
i n Cd-free and cyani de-free env iron m entall y fr i end l y ba t h of chlor i de
-s u lfate.The e ffects o f plati ng para m e ters on t he appea rance and ad-
hesi on streng th of the all oy coati ng,and the re l a tionsh i ps a m ong N i conten t and m icrostructure and co rrosion resistance of the coatings
w ere i nvestigated us i ng bend i ng test,scann i ng e l ec tron m i croscopic a-
nalysis,energy d ispersive spectrom etr ic ana l ys i s,neu tra l-sa lt-spray
test,X-ray d iffracti on,and e l ectroche m i ca l po lariza tion test.It was
found that curren t density had obv ious e ffect on t he compositi on of the
Zn-N i all oy coa ti ng,t he unpassivated a ll oy coati ng had better an ti-
corrosi on ability than porous e lectrop l a ted Cd coati ng.M oreover,the
a lloy coati ng conta i n i ng13.5%N i had the hi ghest endurati on of1
632h to neu tra l sa lt spray test,i nd i cating t hat the Zn-N i all oy coa-t
i ng has good corrosi on resistance.
K ey wo rds:e l ectroplati ng;300M ultra-h i gh streng t h stee;l Zn-N i a-l
l oy coa ti ng;corro si on resi stance
Syn ergistic E ffec t of M g2+and Cu2+on Smoke-Free Chem ical Polish i ng of A l um i num A lloy
Z HONG Ji an-hua,L IU Ji n-m ing,JI N P ing(Schoo l o fM ater i a l&
Che m i ca lEng i neer i ng,Jiangx i U niversit y of Sc i ence and T echnology,
G anzhou341000,Chi na).Caili ao Baohu2008,41(06),65~66
(Ch).Co mb i natory add iti ves w ere added into conventi ona l phospho ric
ac i d-sulfuric ac i d so l u tions f o r s moke-free che m ica l po li sh i ng of i ndus-
tria l al u m i num,ai m i ng at i m prov i ng the polis h i ng efficacy.A nd the
po li sh i ng e fficacy was co m pared among t he present poli sh i ng fl u i d and
conventional t hree-aci ds flui d as w el.l Itw as found that the heavy m e-t
a l add iti ves such as Cu and N i i n conventional po li sh i ng fl u i ds are fa-
vorab l e to the f o r ma tion of ox i dati on fil m and show s moothen i ng effec t
as w el.l W hen M g2+w as added a t an a m ount equal to t hat of Cu2+,
t he t wo types of additi ves sho w ed synerg i sti c effec t,contr i buti ng to i m-
prov i ng the appea rance qualit y o f the po li shed A l surface.T he opti m a l add i tion ofM g2+was suggested as1.2~1.8g/L.
K ey wo rds:che m ical polishi ng;a l u m i num a lloy;m eta llic add i tives; Cu2+;M g2+;syne rg istic effect
D esi gn of Cathod ic Protection and Eva l uation of Protection Eff-i cacy for Ball ast Tank
HOU Zh i-q i ang1,X ING Shao-hua2(1.Q i ngdao Shuangru iA ntico r-
rosion and A ntif ou li ng Eng i neer i ng Co.L t d.,Q ingdao266071,Ch-i
na;2.K ey L aboratory o fO cean Corrosi on and P reventi on for N a tiona l
D e f ense Science and T echno l ogy,Q i ngdao266071,Chi na).Caili ao
B aohu2008,41(06),67~68(Ch).Coati ng comb i ned w it h sacr if-i
c ial anode-t ype cat hodic protection was use
d as a jo i nt corros i on-pre-
venti on technique to con tro l the corros i on o f ba ll ast tanks o f sh i ps.
Conventiona l desi gn me t hods we re thus adopted for desi gn i ng sacr if-i
c ial anode-type catho
d ic pro tecti on,and th
e boundary cond i tions
w ere deter m i ned based on si m u l a ti on tests.A t the sa m e ti m e,
BEASY so ft w are w as used t o ca rry ou t nu m erical si m ulation of t he e-f fi cacy of cathod ic protection,and t he feas i bility o f the desi gn i ng p l an w as a lso d iscussed.R esu lts i ndicated t hat t he design plan was ra ti on-a,l and t he plan fo r the arrangem ent o f the sac rificial anodes w as fea-s i ble.M o reover,t he i nsuffi c ientl y protec ted areas o f t he cathod ic-pro tecti on syste m inc l uded the jo i nts bet w een the bott om and the si de w alls and tho se side-w all zones w ithout sacrificia l anodes.
K ey words:ball ast tank;sacrifi c i a l anode-t ype cat hod i c protecti on;nu-
mer i cal sm i ulati on;BEASY soft ware;protection effec;t eva l uation
Journa l ofM aterials Pr o tecti o n。
