同步伺服电机IndraDyn SMSK 适用于所有要求2Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls同步伺服电机IndraDyn S n MSK 适用于所有要求• 项目规划手册• 适用于爆炸危险场合的应用描述紧凑和高效• 最大扭矩可达 495 Nm • 最大转速可达 9,000 rpm • 用于不同应用的编码器系统• 高防护等级 IP65• 不同的冷却方式MSK 电机的显著特点就是功率范围较宽,尺寸大小分级很细。
该同步伺服电机的高扭矩密度可实现具有高达 495 Nm 最大扭矩的紧凑设计。
轴键槽、保持制动器、较低的侧隙和高防护等级 IP 65 等许多其他选配件意味着其可搭配风扇、液体冷却和 ATEX 使用。
内部安全 IP65 风扇电机(UL 热保护等级 F)确保单相风扇单元的可靠性,无需外部断路器。
技术数据Electric Drives and Controls | Bosch Rexroth AG3同步伺服电机IndraDyn S n MSK 适用于所有要求4Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls 同步伺服电机IndraDyn S n MSK 适用于所有要求上述所有规格数据均基于配有编码器 S1 和无保持制动器的基本型电机750 V 直流母线电压时的数值尺寸Electric Drives and Controls | Bosch Rexroth AG5同步伺服电机IndraDyn S n MSK 适用于所有要求6Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls 同步伺服电机IndraDyn S n MSK 适用于所有要求Electric Drives and Controls | Bosch Rexroth AG7同步伺服电机IndraDyn S n MSK 适用于所有要求上述所有规格数据均基于配有编码器 S1 和无保持制动器的基本型电机Local contact information can be found at:/adressenBosch Rexroth AG Postfach 13 5797803 Lohr, Germany Bgm.-Dr.-Nebel-Str. 297816 Lohr, Germany Tel. +49 9352 18-0Fax +49 9352 18-8400/electrics© Bosch Rexroth AG 2012 Subject to modification.Printed in GermanyThe data specified above only serve to describe the product. As our products are constantly being further developed, nostatements concerning a certain condition or suitability for a certain application can be derived from our information. The information given does not release the user from the obligation of own judgment and verification.It must be remembered that our products are subject to a natural process of wear and aging.。
2004中文版ASME规范 第Ⅱ卷 A篇 铁基材料 2006增补
公制单位”用的‘IEEE/ASTM 10-1997’标准的规则。”
右栏第 2 段第 2 行中“……已在美国的 49 个州…… ”修改为:
“……已在美国的 50 个州……”。
按标准标号顺序、在 SA-240/ SA-240M 行下,新增加:
SA-263 铬- 不锈钢复合钢板
SA-264 铬-镍 不锈钢复合钢板
A961 管道用钢法兰,锻造管配件及阀门零件通用要求 重新编号为 2.3 并删除‘SP25’一行。
重新编号为 2.4 并删除“ASME 锅炉及压力容器规范第 IX 卷,焊接 评定”一行。 在新 2.4 节下新增加 2.5 节如下: 2.5 ASME 锅炉及压力容器规范:
第 IX 卷,焊接评定 原 2.4 节重新编号为 2.6,内容不变。
句中‘特殊级别’后,增加上角标②,并在 5.1.5 条的译文下,增加注②
如下: ② 关于特殊磅级的定义,见 ASME B16.34。
5.2 当第 5.1 条要求热处理时,应按 A961 标准做退火、正火、或正
在第 II 卷 A 篇和 B 篇中的非强制性附录-A 中。”。
xlvi~liv 许用的
对部分规范版本修改,另见本增补第 44~45 页。
Байду номын сангаас
ASME BPVC 2006 增补
第 II 卷 A 篇
04 中文 版页码
06 增 补 修 改 内 容
lv-lvi 材料的多重 每一段落的 对全文 7 个小标题,取消原有编号,但标题名称未改变。 性标志准则 小标题 各标题以下的内容,也没有变更。
汤姆斯 TMS-F D 系列数显温度显示仪器 使用说明书
1、注意事项 非常感谢您的惠顾! 1.1、前言 请在使用仪表前先仔细阅读本说明书,仪表管理员密码出厂为2。
1.2、阅读指导⏹ 对于初次使用本公司仪器的用户,请通读本说明书;若已经有使用过,并熟悉仪表的接线和操作,可只阅读“操作指南”和“功能说明”。
⏹TMS – F / D 系列仪表的显示是通过七段数码管(LED)实现的,因此有些字符的显示与用户平时看的有所差别,它们的对应关系如下:本说明书采用平时的表示方法。
1.3、注意事项⏹ 用户打开仪表包装后,请先检查仪表外观是否有损坏,接着再检查仪表的型号是否与您的定货相符,若有出现上述的问题请立即与本公司更换。
⏹ 请在了解了仪表的接线和操作后再测试或者安装仪表。
⏹ 请在仪表允许的工作条件下使用仪表。
2、概述2.1、主要特点✧ 友好的人机界面,易学易用,操作快捷。
✧ 采用开关电源适应85V-240VAC 范围或者24VDC 电源供电。
✧ 模块化结构,灵活配置,方便升级。
✧ 采用贴片技术(SMT),设计更加简洁、轻巧。
✧ 支持多种输入类型,现场配置灵活方便。
2.2、技术指标● 输入规格(一台仪表即可兼容):热电偶:K 、S 、E 、J 、T 、B 、N 热电阻:Cu50、Pt100线性电压:0-5V 、1-5V 等线性电流:0-10mA 、4-20mA 等(若订货时未注明需外接250Ω精密电阻)扩充规格:在保留上述输入规格基础上,允许用户指定一种额外输入规格(非线性输入可能需要提供分度表) ● 测量范围:K ( -50 ~ 1300℃ )、S ( -50 ~ 1700℃ )、T ( -200 ~ 350℃ ) 、E ( 0 ~ 800℃ )、 J ( 0 ~ 1000℃ )、B ( 300 ~ 1800℃ )、N ( 0 ~ 1300℃ ) Cu50 ( -50 ~ 150℃ ) 、Pt100 ( -200 ~ 600℃ ) 线性输入:-999-+9999由用户定义● 测量精度:0.2级(热电阻、线性电压、线性电流及热电偶输入且采用铜电阻补偿或冰点补偿冷端时)0.2%FS ±2.0℃(热电偶输入且采用仪表内部元件测温补偿冷端时)● 响应时间:≤1秒/通道(设置数字滤波参数FiL=0时)● 输出规格(模块化):继电器触点开关输出:220VAC/3A 、220VAC/0.8A ● 报警功能:上限、下限、公共报警任意组合,最多可输出8路● 电源:85-240VAC ,-15%,+10% / 50-60Hz ;或24VDC/AC ,-15%,+10% ● 电源消耗:≤5W● 环境温度:0-50℃ ● 环境湿度:<85%RH2.3、模电定义JK 继电器常开(压敏电阻吸收)输出模块(容量:30VDC/0.8A ,220VAC/0.8A )JB 继电器常闭触点开关(压敏电阻吸收)输出模块(容量:30VDC/0.8A ,220VAC/0.8A )BKB 继电器常开+常闭触点开关(压敏电阻吸收)输出模块(容量:30VDC/0.8A ,220VAC/0.8A ) J3K 大容量继电器常开触点开关(阻容吸收)输出模块(容量:30VDC/3A ,220VAC/3A ) J3B 大容量继电器常闭触点开关(阻容吸收)输出模块(容量:30VDC/3A ,220VAC/3A )J3KB 大容量继电器常开+常闭触点开关(阻容吸收)输出模块(容量:30VDC/3A ,220VAC/3A ) S 光电隔离RS485通讯接口模块 R 光电隔离RS232通讯接口模块V0/V1/V2 隔离的5V/12V/24V 直流电压输出,可供外部变送器等传感器或其它电路使用,最大电流50mA I2 DC4~20mA 变送输出例1、有一台仪表的型号是:TMS-D02D08HNS1,则它的配置如右:主机型号:TMS-D02,8路巡检仪,统一上限报警,带RS485通讯功能,热电阻、热电偶输入,工作电原:84-245VAC ,外形尺寸:160×80 mm ,3、仪表安装3.1、安装尺寸(单位:mm)示意图如图,尺寸数据如左表:3.2、接线(请以实物的接线为准)F型:D型:4、操作指南4.1、面板说明4.2、仪表工作状态仪表的几种工作状态如右下图所示:注:仪器在正常工作时(即下显示窗巡回显示通道号),短按一次进入暂停状态通过按和来实现查看某一通道的测量值;再按一次转为正常工作状态。
FAQ 04/2016Working with the 3SK2 diagnostic displayEasy diagnosis and transferring of safety programS i e m e n s A G 2016 A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e dThis entry is from the Siemens Industry Online Support. The general terms of use (/terms_of_use ) apply.Security informa-tionSiemens provides products and solutions with industrial security functions that support the secure operation of plants, solutions, machines, equipment and/or networks. They are important components in a holistic industrial securityconcept. With this in mind, Siemens’ products and solutions undergo continuous development. Siemens recommends strongly that you regularly check for product updates.For the secure operation of Siemens products and solutions, it is necessary to take suitable preventive action (e.g. cell protection concept) and integrate each component into a holistic, state-of-the-art industrial security concept. Third-party products that may be in use should also be considered. For more information about industrial security, visit /industrialsecurity . To stay informed about product updates as they occur, sign up for a product-specific newsletter. For more information, visit .Table of contents1 Product overview ............................................................................................... 5 2Controlling and monitoring .............................................................................. 6 2.1 Preparation in the software .................................................................. 8 2.1.1 Filling in of project information ............................................................. 8 2.1.2 Preparation for detailed status information ........................................ 10 2.2 Displaying of plant information ........................................................... 11 2.2.1 Reading out of project information ..................................................... 11 2.2.2 Reading out of status information ...................................................... 12 2.3 Fault diagnostic .................................................................................. 14 3Transferring of projects by the help of the diagnostic display (15)3.1 Preconditions ...................................................................................... 15 3.2 Procedure ........................................................................................... 17 3.3 Use cases ........................................................................................... 20 3.3.1 Fast device exchange ........................................................................ 20 3.3.2 Fast commissioning of same application . (21)4 Contact/Support (22)S i e m e n s A G 2016 A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e dQuestionWhich functionality can be realized by the 3SK2 diagnostic display (MLFB 3SK2611-3AA00)?S i e m e n s A G 2016 A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e dAnswerThe diagnostic display offers easy fault location without PC/PG. It supports fast problem solution by detailed fault messages. There is no engineering in advance in the basic module necessary to connect the display. The connection outside of the control cabinet allows easy access.Furthermore with two integrated memory slots you can use the diagnostic display for saving and transferring of projects. This simplifies commissioning of identical machinery and allows quick device exchange in case of fault. It is especially helpful by use of the 22,5 mm width basic module which has no exchangeable memory module.S i e m e n s A G 2016 A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d1Product overviewBeside the 3SK2 diagnostic display (MLFB 3SK2611-3AA00) the 3RK3 diagnostic display (MLFB 3RK3611-3AA00) still exists. The following table shows an overview of compatibility and functionality.Table 1: Compatibility diagnostic display 3SK2 and 3RK3It is not possible to transfer projects with the 3RK3 diagnostic display.For both displays you need a connection cable, which is available in different lengths and flat and round version: MLFB 3UF793*-0*A00-0.S i e m e n s A G 2016 A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d2Controlling and monitoringBesides the fault detection via monitoring function within the software, the diagnostic display helps for easy problem analysis without connection of PC or PG by detailed error messages. Even in case of no failure project and status information are helpful which are available at the display.In the following image you can see a simplified menu overview of the diagnostic display.Figure 1: Menu structure diagnostic displayS i e m e n s A G 2016 A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e dMenu items have no fixed numbering and can be hidden in the display depending on the connected device and current status. The menu items …Status Info“, …Status“ and …Configuration Transmission “ are shown in detail as they are more relevant for this FAQ.In the menu item …Status “ the state of all in- and outputs can be read out (e.g. “Switching output Switching ON Condition not satisfied ”). Comprehensive project information (e.g. Config-CRC, Project Engineer) can be found in the menu item …System Configuration “. In case of troubleshooting the menu item …Status Info “ is helpful. Here you can see detailed error messages and warnings. All status information which are available in Safety ES can be shown at the display. If no errors are present the menu item is empty.By means of an example with guard door monitoring and emergency stop theeasy diagnose in case of fault and no fault will be shown subsequently.Figure 2: Logic plan application exampleS i e m e n s A G 2016 A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d2.1 Preparation in the softwareThere is no previous engineering of the diagnosis display in the software necessary. The display can be plugged in without any effort in advance.For easy error tracking it is helpful to assign informative names to the function elements which will be shown in the diagnostic display. Furthermore all added project / hardware information can be read out in the display.2.1.1 Filling in of project informationIn …Identification“ and …Configuration“ information regarding project and hardware configuration can be filled in.Figure 3: Filling in of project informationS i e m e n s A G 2016 A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e dFigure 4: Filling in of hardware informationIn the main system the diagnostic display can be added on system slot 1 optionally. This is only for documentation purpose and is not mandatory. All project information can be found in the diagnostic display in the menu item …System C onfiguration“.S i e m e n s A G 2016 A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d2.1.2 Preparation for detailed status informationFor easy diagnose it is advisable to name the function elements.Figure 5: Naming of function elementsBy double-clicking on the respective function element a symbolic name can be assigned in the window …properties“. T his name is displayed as further information in the diagnostic display. It is helpful to assign names for all input elements (e.g. “Emergency Stop”) as well for all output elements (e.g. “F -output”).S i e m e n s A G 2016 A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d2.2Displaying of plant informationTo read out information at the diagnostic display an active connection to the energised basic module must be established. There mustn’t be any additional connection from the PCs/PGs via the diagnostic display to basic module. In this case the display is locked.2.2.1Reading out of project informationInformation regarding the project or hardware can be found in the menu item …System Configuration “. In the menu item …Project“ details regarding Config- CRC, Time Stamp, Release and Project Engineer are listed. Certain information are provided automatically from the system. Other information like …Project Engineer “ are only available if the corresponding fields were filled in in thesoftware (see chapter 2.1.1 Filling in of project information).In the menu item …Slot 3“ details regarding the used basic module can be found.Table 1: Project- and HardwareinformationS i e m e n s A G 2016 A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d2.2.2 Reading out of status informationThe full information concerning input and output elements can be found in the menu item …Status“.The elements are displayed as follows:Figure 6: Displaying of status/status infoFor this example the guard door is opened, the Emergency Stop was pushed and released but not acknowledged yet. Thus the output is not activated. These information can be read out in …Status / Input Elements “ as well …Status / Output Elements “.E-Stop 1 (symbolic name of the element),S i e m e nsA G 2016 A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e dProtective Door (type of function element)You can read out status information which are available as element status in the Safety ES (e.g. …Timer running “, …Wa iting for Start“).S i e m e n s A G 2016 A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d2.3Fault diagnosticTroubleshooting with the help of the diagnostic display will be explained by means of the application example of figure 2. There is a cross circuit between input 1 and input 2 of the emergency stop with element number 1.In case of fault detailed information can be found in the menu item “Status Info “. According to the default setting of the display the status info will be directly shown on the start screen in case of a fault (Setting adjustable in …Display Settings/ Statu s Info“)Table 2: Error messages in case of Cross-CircuitThe same procedure applies to other faults like discrepancy fault or fault within the feedback circuit. Below the element you find then the error message ‚Dis crepancy violated ‘ or ‚Feedback Circuit invalid ‘. All element messages which are available in Safety ES can be shown on the diagnostic display as well.S i e m e n s A G 2016 A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d3Transferring of projects by the help of the diagnostic displayThe 3SK2 diagnostic display (MLFB: 3SK2611-3AA00) has two internal memory slots at which Safety ES projects can be stored.NoteThis functionality is only available for the diagnostic display 3SK2611-3AA00. The 3RK3 diagnostic display (MLFB: 3RK3611-3AA00) has no internal memory slots and it is not possible to connect it to the 3SK2.3.1PreconditionsTo be able to transfer Safety ES projects from or to the display an activeconnection to the running basic module must be established. Furthermore it is not possible to have an additional connection from the basic module to the PG/PC via the diagnostic display. In this case the display is locked. Transferring of projects is possible with both types of 3SK2 basic modules (3SK2112, 22,5mm width/ 3SK2122, 45 mm width) as well as with the 3RK3 Advanced and 3RK3 ASIsafe.Preconditions for saving projects in the diagnostic display/ reading configurations from the deviceTo save projects within the diagnostic display 2 memory slots are available. If a project was already stored on the selected memory slot and you read out a new configuration on the same memory slot, the old one will be replaced. There are no restrictions for reading out configurations. It is possible to read out not approved and approved configurations. The device can be in configuration or safety mode. If the protection level ‚write protection‘ was selected by password for the project which will be read out from the basic module, the protection level will be copied to the configuration in the display as well.S i e m e n s A G 2016 A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e dHinweisThe protection level ‚Read Protection ‘ should not be activated in the basicmodule (3SK“/3RK3). In this case it is not possible to read out any configuration. Thus it is not possible to copy a project with Read Protection. This can be set after download via the Safety ES Tool.Preconditions for transferring of projects to the basic module It is possible to transmit a project to the device on condition that: - Device is running in configuring mode. - No password for device access is set.- The configuration on the basic module is not approved or there is no configuration on the basic moduleIf one of these conditions is not fulfilled the download of the project fails. In case that the download fails it is possible to download the project by resetting thebasic module to factory settings via reset button (See manual 3SK2 chapter 8.1/ manual 3RK3 chapter Afterwards the device runs up in configuring mode and the project can be downloaded.DANGERAccidentally start possibleThe operator has to ensure that the configuration is downloaded to the correct machine, otherwise it can lead to a dangerous situation.NoteThe menu …factory settings“ in the diagnostic display refers only to the diagnostic display and not to the basic module. By executing the command the configurations in the diagnostic display among others will be deleted.S i e m e n s A G 2016 A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d3.2 ProcedureFor reading out a configuration from the basic module an active connection to it is necessary. Downloading a project from Safety ES to the diagnostic display is not possible without the basic module.Saving a configuration in the diagnostic displaySelect the favoured Memory Slot e.g.Table 3: Backup of a projectThe project is now saved in the selected memory slot in the diagnostic display.S i e m e n s A G 2016 A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e dThe project information of the saved project (Name, Project Engineer, Company, Config-CRC, Time Stamp, Approval, Cycle Time …) can be read out in the corresponding memory slot.Transmission of a configuration from the diagnostic display to the basic moduleTable 4 Write project to deviceThe configuration is now saved in the basic module.The project information of the downloaded project (Name, Project Engineer, Company, Config-CRC, Time Stamp, Approval, Cycle Time …) can be read out in “System Configuration/ Project”.S i e m e n s A G 2016 A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e dNoteWhen downloading an approved configuration to the basic module the device first stays in configuring mode. To change to safety mode turn off and on the basic module. After running up, the device changes automatically to safety mode.S i e m e n s A G 2016 A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d3.3Use cases3.3.1 Fast device exchangeIn case of a faulty basic module the approved configuration can be transferred fast and easily to the new basic module by the help of the diagnostic display. Thus the plant operation can continue quickly.Figure 7: Fast device exchange NoteBack up the Safety ES project straight after successful commissioning of the safety application to the diagnostic display.3 Transferring of projects by the help of the diagnostic displayWorking with the 3SK2 Diagnostic displayEntry-ID: 109482844, V1.0, 04/201621S i e m e n s A G 2016 A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d3.3.2 Fast commissioning of same applicationBy help of the possibility to download projects from the diagnostic display the commissioning of identical machinery can be sped up. After successful function test and approving once the safety program can be downloaded to the other machinery.Figure 8: Fast commissioning of identical machinery4 Contact/SupportWorking with the 3SK2 Diagnostic displayEntry-ID: 109482844, V1.0, 04/201622Si emensA G2016Al lrigh tsr ese rv ed4 Contact/SupportSiemens AGTechnical AssistanceTel: +49 (911) 895-5900Fax : +49 (911) 895-5907Mail: ******************************** Internet:。
SURFACE MOUNT SCHOTTKY BARRIER DIODEFeatures• Low Forward Voltage Drop• Guard Ring Die Construction for Transient Protection • Ideal for Low Logic Level Applications• Low Capacitance• Lead, Halogen and Antimony Free, RoHS Compliant "Green" Device (Notes 2 and 3)Mechanical Data• Case: SOD-323• Case Material: Molded Plastic. UL Flammability Classification Rating 94V-0• Moisture Sensitivity: Level 1 per J-STD-020D• Leads: Solderable per MIL-STD-202, Method 208• Lead Free Plating (Matte Tin Finish annealed over Alloy 42 leadframe).• Polarity: Cathode Band• Marking Information: See Page 3• Ordering Information: See Page 3• Weight: 0.004 grams (approximate)Top ViewMaximum Ratings@T A = 25°C unless otherwise specifiedCharacteristic Symbol Value UnitPeak Repetitive Reverse Voltage Working Peak Reverse Voltage DC Blocking Voltage V RRMV RWMV R40 VRMS Reverse Voltage V R(RMS)28 V Maximum (Peak) Forward Current I FM30 mANon-Repetitive Peak Forward Surge Current @8.3msSingle half sine-wave superimposed on rated load(JEDEC method)I FSM200 mA Thermal CharacteristicsCharacteristic Symbol Value UnitPower Dissipation P D160 mWThermal Resistance, Junction to Ambient Air RθJA625 °C/W Operating and Storage Temperature Range T J, T STG-40 to +125 °CElectrical Characteristics@T A = 25°C unless otherwise specifiedCharacteristic Symbol Min Typ Max Unit Test Condition Reverse Breakdown Voltage (Note 1) V(BR)R40 ⎯⎯V I R = 10uAForward Voltage Drop V F⎯290 370 mV I F = 1mALeakage Current (Note 1) I R⎯0.20 0.5 μA V R = 30VTotal Capacitance C T⎯ 2 ⎯pF V R = 1V f = 1.0 MHz Notes: 1. Short duration pulse test used to minimize self-heating effect.2. No purposefully added lead. Halogen and Antimony Free.3. Product manufactured with Data Code V9 (week 33, 2008) and newer are built with Green Molding Compound. Products manufactured prior to DateCode V9 are built with Non-Green Molding Compound and may contain Halogens or Sb2O3 Fire Retardants.Please click here to visit our online spice models database.I , I N S T A N T A N E O U S F O R W A R D C U R R E N T (A )F V , INSTANTANEOUS FORWARD VOLTAGE (V)Fig. 1 Typical Forward Characteristics F 100m 1m10m100µ10µ1µ1I , I N S T A N T A N E O U S R E V E R S E C U R R E N T (A )R V , INSTANTANEOUS REVERSE VOLTAGE (V)Fig. 2 Typical Reverse Characteristics R100n1n1010001015C , T O T A L C A P A C I T A N C E (p F )T V , DC REVERSE VOLTAGE (V)Fig. 3 Total Capacitance vs. Reverse Voltage R0.10.20.5152100481216202428t , RE V E R S E R E C O V E R Y T I M E (n s )r r I , FORWARD CURRENT (mA)Fig. 4 Typical Reverse Recovery Time Characteristics F500255075100125P , P O W E R D I S S I P A T I O N (m W )D T , AMBIENT TEMPERATURE (C)Fig. 5 Power Derating CurveA °100200150Ordering Information (Note 4)DevicePackaging Shipping SDMK0340L-7-FSOD-323 3000/Tape & ReelNotes: 4. For packaging details, go to our website at /datasheets/ap02007.pdf.Marking InformationSRSR = Product Type Marking CodePackage Outline DimensionsSuggested Pad LayoutIMPORTANT NOTICEDiodes Incorporated and its subsidiaries reserve the right to make modifications, enhancements, improvements, corrections or other changes without further notice to any product herein. Diodes Incorporated does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product described herein; neither does it convey any license under its patent rights, nor the rights of others. The user of products in such applications shall assume all risks of such use and will agree to hold Diodes Incorporated and all the companies whose products are represented on our website, harmless against all damages.LIFE SUPPORTDiodes Incorporated products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems without the expressed written approval of the President of Diodes Incorporated.SOD-323 Dim Min Max A 0.25 0.35 B 1.20 1.40 C 2.30 2.70 H 1.60 1.80 J 0.00 0.10 K 1.0 1.1 L0.20 0.40 M 0.10 0.15α0° 8°All Dimensions in mmDimensions Value (in mm)Z 3.75 G 1.05 X 0.65Y1.35C2.40分销商库存信息:DIODESSDMK0340L-7-F SDMK0340L-7。
TMS320LF2407芯片是TI公司 TMS320系列中的一种 16 位定点DSP芯片, 是目前应用最为广泛的芯片。
一、2407的基本特点和资源配置LF2407 DSP具有TMS320系列DSP的基本功能之外,还有其自身特点:➢采用高性能静态CMOS技术,使得供电电压降为3.3V,减小了控制器的功率损耗;30MIPS的执行速度是的指令周期缩短到33ns(30MHZ),从而提高控制器的实时控制能力;➢基于TMS320C2XX DSP的CPU内核保证了TMS320LF2407DSP代码和TMS320系列DSP代码兼容;➢片内有高达32K字×16位的Flash程序存储器;高达2.5K×16位的数据/程序RAM;2K 字的单口RAM;➢SPI/SCI引导ROM;➢两个事件管理模块EVA和EVB,每个均包括如下资源:两个16位通用定时器;8个16位的脉宽调制通道(PWM),可以实现三相反相器控制、PWM的中心或边缘校正、当外部引脚\PDPINTX出现低电平时快速关闭PWM通道;防止击穿故障的可编程的PWM死去控制;对外部事件进行定时捕获的3个捕获单元;片内光电编码器接口电路;16通道的同步ADC转换器。
➢可扩展的外部存储器具有192K×16位空间,分别为64K字程序存储空间,64K字的数据存储空间和64K字的I/O存储空间;➢看门狗(WD)定时器模块;➢10位的ADC转换器,其特性为:最小转换时间为500ns,16个多路复用的输入通道、可选择两个事件管理器来触发两个8通道输入ADC转换器或一个16通道输入的A/D转换器;➢基于锁相环(PLL)的时钟发生器;➢高达41个可单独编程或复用的通用输入输出引脚(GPIO);➢5个外部中断(两个驱动保护、复位和两个可屏蔽中断);➢电源管理,具有3种低功耗模式,能够独立的将外围器件转入低功耗工作模式;二、数字和混合信号的外设●事件管理器;●CAN(Controller Area Network),即控制器区域网;●串行通信接口(SCI)和16位串行外部设备接口(SPI);●模数转换器(ADC);●系统保护,例如低电压保护和看门狗定时器。
Motor ControllersAC Semiconductor Motor ControllerType RSQK•Soft starting,soft stopping of 3-phase induction motors•Energy optimising 3-phase controlled softstarter •Adjustable integrated overload protection•Operational voltage:230-460VAC/400-575VAC/500-690VAC 3-phase•Operational current:22-1800Arms•Keypad operation and LCD monitoring menu •Adjustable Overcurrent "shearpin"protection•Ramp-up and Ramp-down time settings up to 255sec •In Delta compatibility•Optional Modbus and Remote Keypad operation •Automatic application setup•Approvals:cULus (Up to 900Arms -RSQK40and RSQK50-V00andV0F versions only)Product DescriptionRSQK is a series of 3-phase controlled softstarters for 3-phase induction motors.Advanced features of the product include automatic application setup,energy optimising capability,keypadprogramming,LCD monitor-ing menu and much more.The robust design of the product ensures that even applications with starting trip class 30can be soft-started and softstopped.Type SelectionTypeRated operational Rated operational Control voltage voltage U ecurrent I eU cRSQK:Q-line 40:(230-460VACrms)0023:23AACrms 0370:370AACrms B:115or 230VACrms *motor controller 50:(400-575VACrms)0030:30AACrms 0500:500AACrms with Keypad 60:(500-690VACrms)(1)0044:44AACrms 0600:600AACrms settings0059:59AACrms 0750:750AACrms 0072:72AACrms 0900:900AACrms 0085:85AACrms 1100:1100AACrms (1)0105:105AACrms 1200:1200AACrms (1)0146:146AACrms 1400:1400AACrms (1)0174:174AACrms 1600:1600AACrms (1)0202:202AACrms 1800:1800AACrms (1)0242:242AACrms 0300:300AACrms*To be supplied to terminals X1,X2for internal control circuitrySelectionGuideRSQKTrip Class Trip Class Trip Class Trip Class Ie (A)kW HP Motor kW HP 10B102030400V 400V 460V Current 400V 460V 231115391925RSQK..0023B10V..RSQK..0023B10V..RSQK..0030B1.V..RSQK..0044B1.V..301520512534RSQK..0030B1.V..RSQK..0030B1.V..RSQK..0044B1.V..RSQK..0059B1.V..442230763851RSQK..0044B1.V..RSQK..0044B1.V..RSQK..0059B1.V..RSQK..0072B1.V..5930421025172RSQK..0059B1.V..RSQK..0059B1.V..RSQK..0072B1.V..RSQK..0085B1.V..7237541246493RSQK..0072B1.V..RSQK..0072B1.V..RSQK..0085B1.V..RSQK..0105B1.V..85456014777103RSQK..0085B1.V..RSQK..0085B1.V..RSQK..0105B1.V..RSQK..0146B1.V..105557518195129RSQK..0105B1.V..RSQK..0105B1.V..RSQK..0146B1.V..RSQK..0174B1.V..14675106252129183RSQK..0146B1.V..RSQK..0146B1.V..RSQK..0174B1.V..RSQK..0202B1.V..17490150301155259RSQK..0174B1.V..RSQK..0174B1.V..RSQK..0202B1.V..RSQK..0242B1.V..202110175349190303RSQK..0202B1.V..RSQK..0202B1.V..RSQK..0242B1.V..RSQK..0300B1.V..242132200419228346RSQK..0242B1.V..RSQK..0242B1.V..RSQK..0300B1.V..RSQK..0370B1.V..300160250519277363RSQK..0300B1.V..RSQK..0300B1.V..RSQK..0370B1.V..RSQK..0400B..V..370200270640346381RSQK..0370B1.V..RSQK..0370B1.V..RSQK..0400B..V..RSQK..0500B..V..400220300692381433RSQK..0400B..V..RSQK..0400B..V..RSQK..0500B..V..RSQK..0600B..V..500250360866433519RSQK..0500B..V..RSQK..0500B..V..RSQK..0600B..V..RSQK..0750B..V..6003204001039554649RSQK..0600B..V..RSQK..0600B..V..RSQK..0750B..V..RSQK..0900B..V..7504006001299692935RSQK..0750B..V..RSQK..0750B..V..RSQK..0900B..V..RSQK..1100B0.V..90050075015588661160RSQK..0900B..V..RSQK..0900B..V..RSQK..1100B0.V..RSQK..1200B0.V..1100630915190510911299RSQK..1100B0.V..RSQK..1100B0.V..RSQK..1200B0.V..RSQK..1400B0.V..12007101000208712291558RSQK..1200B0.V..RSQK..1200B0.V..RSQK..1400B0.V..RSQK..1600B0.V..14008501165242414721905RSQK..1400B0.V..RSQK..1400B0.V..RSQK..1600B0.V..RSQK..1800B0.V..16009501250277116452165RSQK..1600B0.V..RSQK..1600B0.V..RSQK..1800B0.V..Note (1)180010501400311718182424RSQK..1800B0.V..RSQK..1800B0.V..Note (1)Note (1)In n I en i LDeltaNote:Please refer to Product Selector Guide for further information on how to select the correct softstarter.Rated OperationalRated OperationalControl Cooling Fans Type Selection GuideRSQKGeneral SpecificationsSupply SpecificationsInput Specifications(1).RSQKDimensions -IP20Housing (RSQK......B1....)plastic moulding incorporating the control card and keypad,and 30mm for the right hand door (i.e.90+675+30=795mm as an overall cabinet opening)Note:When fitting a RSQK into a cabinet,ventilation must be provided if the heat output of the unit is greater than the cabinet will e the following formula to determine the fan requirement.An allowance has been incorporated in the formula so that the figure for Q is the air delivery quoted in the fan suppli-ers data.An approximation of the heat produced by the RSQK (in Watts)is available in the table hereunder.Q -required volume of air (cubic metres per hour [m 3/h])Wt -heat produced by the unit and all other heat sources within the enclosure (Watts)tmax -maximum permissible temperature within the enclosure (40˚C for a fully rated RSQK)tamb -temperature of the air entering the enclosure (˚C)Q =4xWt(tmax -tamb)RSQKHeat Output of RSQK Units*Housing Size 1RSQK..0030B1...90RSQK..0044B1...120RSQK..0059B1...155RSQK..0072B1...210RSQK..0085B1...220RSQK..0105B1 (275)RSQK..0146B1…440Housing Size 2RSQK..0202B1…610RSQK..0242B1…650RSQK..0300B1…850RSQK..0370B1…970Housing Size 3RSQK..0600B1…2000RSQK..0750B1…2500RSQK..0900B1…3000*At rated operational current Ie,Unit Full load current (FLC)Dimensions -IP00Housing (RSQK......B0....)(1)All dimensions in mm(1).Not cULus approvedRSQKDimensions -IP00Housing (RSQK......B0....)cont...(1)All dimensions in mmNote:Fans for RSQK..0400B0.V ..Up to RSQK..0750B0.v..are fixed voltage and must be specified as either 115V or 230V (refer to Ordering Key section)DimensionsWidth (W)Height (H)Depth (D)Unit Cooling MethodMounting ClearanceSideT op &BottomFrontRSQK..0400B0.V ..To RSQK..0600B0.V ..(1)490648285RSQK..0750B0.V ..(1)508738282RSQK..0900B0.V ..To RSQK..1100B0.V ..(1)635746322RSQK..1200B00V ..(1)635782322RSQK..1400B00V ..T o RSQK..1800B00V ..(1)770775475(1).Not cULus approvedForced-air with built in fan2002525RSQKConductor Data(1).Not cULus approvedDimensions -IP00Housing (RSQK......B0....)cont...(1)RSQKConductor Data (cont.)*The conductor sizes indicated in the above table are the maximum allowed for each chassis size.The actual conductor used must comply with local wiring regulations.Note:To maintain approvals for cable connections,the wire terminals should conform to local regulations and be fitted using specified crimping tools as indicated by the manufacturer.Environmental Specifications(1).RSQKNote1:The in-line configuration shown above requires that the firing mode be set to'0'.Note2:The In-Delta configuration requires that the firing mode be set to'1'.An in-line contactor controlled by the RSXK MUST be used in the In-Delta firing mode.In Line Connection of Motors(Note1)In Delta Connection of Motors(Note2)Note3:The bypass configuration is automatically detectedas"Auto Bypass"is set as default.Note4:Contactor K3is required for the‘operation inBypass Power Circuit’and is controlled by theprogrammable relay set as‘Top of Ramp’relay. Connection for bypass operation(Note3)Control Circuit Wiring(Note4)Wiring DiagramsRSQKApplicable to RSQK..0023B1.V ..up to RSQK..0370B1.V ..Applicable for RSQK..0500B0.V ..up to RSXK..0900B1.V ..Terminal DiagramElectronic Control CardX 1,X 2Auxiliary Function CardElectronic Control CardApplicable for RSQK..0500B0.V ..up to RSQK..1800B0.V ..(1)2X ,1X Auxiliary Function Cardcooling Electronic Control CardElectronic Control Card ConnectionStandardsAlarmsFault Code ExplanationOverload Trip CurvesCurrent Limit','Overload level'and'Overload delay'settings may be adjusted to limit overload currents in accordance with the trip curves shown here.For motors with FLC's lower than the rated current of the RSQK,the'Overload Level'may be adjusted using the following formula:Overload level=Motor FLC x 1.1(A)Note:The overload monitors one of the phases only and the'Current Limit'level is only active during motor starting.It is recommended that the control supply is maintained between starts to ensure the integrity of the overload,which will reset on its removal.Type of coordination:1Semiconductor Fuse Types UL requires recognised special purpose fuses (JFRH2)for the protection of semiconductor devices,rated 700Vac,as indi-cated in the above table,can be used to obtain the short circuit ratings required by UL.Suitable for use on a circuit capable of delivering not more than the RMS Symmetrical Amperes indicated in the above table at maximum rated operational volt-age,when protected by Semiconductor Fuse Type,Manufactured by Company and Mod.No.indicated in the above table.Fuse rated 700Vac,Amps as indicated in the above table.These fuses are for short circuit protection of the semiconductors and must be mounted externally by the user between the unit and the mains supply,not between the unit and the motor.Short Circuit ProtectionThe currents listed in the above table are for 3-phase,4-pole motors operating on 50/60Hz supplies.Actual currents ofmotors may vary by +/-10%depending on size and manufacturer.Motors of lower speeds generally draw higher currents for the same rated output.Typically +10%for 6-pole or +20%for 8-pole compared to 4pole motors.Typical Motor Powers at rated voltages(1).Not cULus approvedAccessories •Ordering Code:MMRK•Can be used on a one to one basis,or one Keypod can control several Soft Starters•Seven buttons with individual Start and stop •Display via a 2line 32character LED•Eliminates panel mounted Start and Stop push buttons,Ammeters,Run,Top of Ramp and Alarm Lamps•The Keypod gives continuous display of motor phase current and control status,Starting,Stopping,Full Volts,Optimising,Current Limitation,Overload and Fault Indication•Ordering Code:MMKC or Option VC.(refer to RSQK ordering code)•Enables the set up,control and monitoring of single or multiple RSQK softstarters•RS485interface with 50V isolation for demanding industrial applications•Interface is suitable for conection to the remote keypod or a standard Modbus network running at 9600baud 8N1.•Connection via standard CA T5RJ45terminated ethernet cable •Onboard RJ45connector for mulitple softstarter connection•Standard twisted pair wiring may also be used via the secondary screw terminalsAP9A00circuitboardKeypodCommunications Card (Modbus)(1)Connection of multiple RSQK softstarters via RJ45connectors(1).Not cULus approvedInstallation Instructions (J1-J5Link Options)Connection DiagramJ1:When linked,12V is passed through to the RJ45connectors.This is for use with the Carlo Gavazzi net only.It supplies power to the remote keypod.Only the unit closest to the keypod should have this link fitted.J2:When linked,the onboard 1k grounding resistor is shorted out.This is for use with Carlo Gavazzi net only.Only the unit closest to the keypod should have this link fitted.J3:When linked,the serial communications isolated ground is connected to the local unit ground.If muliple MAX3157(isolated comms)chips are connected,J3must be shorted.J4:When linked,a 100ohm terminating resistor is connected between the A and B RS485lines on both the RJ45and screw terminal connections.For RS485networks only,the nodes at each physical end of the network have terminating resistors fitted.J5:When linked,a 1k resistor is connected between screw terminal G and local ground.Normally,only one of the units would have this link fitted.•When connecting the remote Keypod through the RJ45connector to a single softstarter,links J1,J2,J4and J5should be linked.•When connecting the softstarter to a PLC/HMI through twisted pair connection,fit terminating resistor (may be internal)at PLC/HMI end and links J4and J5on thesoftstarter.Connection of multiple RSQK softstarters via RJ45connectors(1)•Ordering Code:MMFC or Option V .F (refer to RSQK ordering code)•Two 0-10V Analogue Outputs •One 0-21V DC Input •One 4-20mA Input •One Thermistor Input•Two Programmable Output Relays •Two Programmable Input RelaysAuxiliary Function CardConnection Diagram。
w3000 user manual chinese
。 双方都没有权利复制或将内容泄漏给第三方或竞争对手
1.摘要………………………………………………………………….. 1
2. 使用用户界面……………………………………………………….. 2
8.2 热回收………………………………………………………….. 17
8.3 节能制冷……………………………………………………….. 18
8.3.1 节能制冷启动百分比…………………………………... 18
8.3.2 节能制冷低温控制……………………………………... 18
8.3.3 风扇分步的节能制冷调节
描述 制冷模式 制冷模式加热回收 供热模式 夏季模式制冷 夏季模式制冷加热回收 夏季模式热回收 仅热回收 夏季自动模式 冬季模式热泵 冬季模式热回收 冬季自动模式 自动模式
5.2.1 参数:
进入“set point menu”显示“operating mode”参数 设定:首先确保机组处于关闭状态.按“Enter”键切换到“Operating mode”.再次按“Enter”键 进行确认.如设定信息持久显示的话表示操作模式更改完成.
3.1 符号
符号 Off Ch nr Ch Ch + R Hp nr Hp R nr R Pd Defr Drip Bands Fcool Limit
描述 机组/回路关闭 制冷回路没有响应调温器的降温需求 制冷回路响应调温器的降温需求 制冷回路及热回收系统响应调温器的需求 热泵回路没有响应调温器的需求 热泵回路响应调温器的需求 仅热回收系统回路没有响应调温器的需求 仅热回收系统响应调温器的需求 回路处于 Pump-down 状态 回路在除霜模式 回路在吹干模式 时间设定功能激活 系统处于节能制冷模式 能量限制功能启动(要求限制)
Modicon Quantum 32 O 型号 140DDO35300 产品数据表说明书
D i s c l a im er : T h i s d o c u m e n t a t i o n i s n o t i n t e n d e d a s a s u b s t i t u t e f o r a n d i s n o t t o b e u s e d f o r d e t e r m i n i n g s u i t a b i l i t y o r r e l i a b i l i t y o f t h e s e p r o d u c t s f o r s p e c i f i c u s e r a p p l i c a t i o n sProduct data sheetCharacteristics140DDO35300discrete output module Modicon Quantum - 32 O solid stateMainRange of productModicon Quantum automation platform Product or component type Dc discrete output module Discrete output number32ComplementaryGroup of channels 4 groups of 8Discrete output logic Positive logic (source)Addressing requirement 2 output words Discrete output voltage 24 V DC Output voltage limits 19.2...30 VAbsolute maximum output 56 V for 1.3 s decaying pulse Voltage drop0.4 V 0.5 A Maximum load current16 A per module 16 A per module 4 A per group 4 A per group Surge current <= 5 A for 0.0005 s Response time <= 1 ms at state 0 to state 1<= 1 ms at state 1 to state 0Leakage current 0.4 mA 30 VLoad inductance Inductance(H) = 0.5/((current(A))² x (switching frequency(Hz))) 50 Hz Fault indication Blown fuseLoss of field power Associated fuse rating3 A each point 3 A each point 5 A per group 5 A per groupIsolation between channels and bus 1780 Vrms DC for 1 minute Isolation between group 500 Vrms DC for 1 minuteProtection typeInternal output protection by 5 A fuse per groupPower dissipation 1.75 W + (0.4 V x total module load current)Marking CELocal signalling1 LED green bus communication is present (Active)1 LED red external fault detected (F)32 LEDs green input status Bus current requirement 330 mA 330 mA Module format Standard Product weight0.45 kgEnvironmentProduct certificationsABS BV C-Tick DNVFM Class 1 Division 2GL GOST RINA RMRSSafety certification non interfering StandardsCSA C22.2 No 142UL 508Resistance to electrostatic discharge 4 kV contact conforming to IEC 801-28 kV on air conforming to IEC 801-2Resistance to electromagnetic fields 10 V/m 80...2000 MHz conforming to IEC 801-3Ambient air temperature for operation 0...60 °C Ambient air temperature for storage -40...85 °CRelative humidity 95 % without condensation Operating altitude<= 5000 mOffer SustainabilitySustainable offer status Green Premium productRoHS (date code: YYWW)Compliant - since 0848 - Schneider Electric declaration of conformity Schneider Electric declaration of conformity REAChReference not containing SVHC above the threshold Reference not containing SVHC above the threshold Product environmental profileAvailableProduct environmental Product end of life instructionsAvailableEnd of life manualContractual warrantyWarranty period18 monthsDimensions DrawingsRacks for Modules MountingDimensions of Modules and Racks(1) 2 slots (2) 3 slots (3) 4 slots (4) 6 slots (5)10 slots (6)16 slotsConnections and Schema24 Vdc Discrete Output Source Module Wiring Diagram。
官方微信官方网站目 录SDAC6000(u)量热仪SDACM4000量热仪SDACM3100量热仪SDC712量热仪SDC715量热仪01-05热值分析系列020*********-11元素分析系列SDCHN536碳氢氮元素分析仪SDCH536红外碳氢仪SDH536红外测氢仪SDS350红外定硫仪SDS820自动定硫仪SDS720自动定硫仪SDS-V 定硫仪SDFCl3000自动氟氯分析仪SDFCl1000(a)氟氯分析仪070707080909101111SDTGA8000(a)工业分析仪SDTGA6000工业分析仪SDTGA6000A 工业分析仪SDTGA6000V 工业分析仪SDTGA5000a 工业分析仪SDTGA520(a)水分测试仪SDTGA500光波水分测试仪SDIMF200智能马弗炉SDMF300马弗炉SDIDB413智能干燥箱SDDH315通氮鼓风干燥箱SDDH323鼓风干燥箱SDDH313鼓风干燥箱SDDH306鼓风干燥箱12-22成分分析系列1314151516171819202121222222SDAF105(a /b )灰熔融性测试仪SDAF4000灰熔融性测试仪SDHG60a 哈氏可磨性指数测定仪23-26物理特性分析系列242526S DUC3150(D )联合制样机S DHD150t 锤式破碎缩分机S DHC锤式破碎机S DJC颚式破碎机S DRC对辊破碎机S DHCW400×260湿煤破碎机S DPP制样粉碎机S DMD16自动机械缩分器S DNS300环保振筛机S DNS200a标准振筛机S DRD二分器采制样辅助工具30-38样品制备系列313232333334343535353637-38激光盘料仪系列SDLM200便携式激光盘料仪SDLM1250固定式激光盘料仪39-41404142-43公司简介44发展历程45运维服务2829S DVD25风透 式快速除湿干燥系统S DVD3mm 风透 干燥机27-29风透 式低温快速除湿干燥系列热值分析系列适用范围符合标准GB/T213-2008GB/T384-1981 GB/T30727-2014ASTM D5865-2007ISO 1928-2009 JC/T1005-2006《煤的发热量测定方法》《石油产品热值测定法》《固体生物质燃料发热量测定方法》《煤与焦炭总热值的标准试验方法》《固体矿物燃料-氧弹式量热计测定总值并计算净热值》《水泥黑生料发热量测定方法》三德科技是中国第一台自动量热仪(1996年)的发明者,先后自主研发出6代量热仪,缔造了2个“国家重点新产品”。
GPI-M3 即热式电热水器用户手册说明书
Please read these instructions and warranty information carefullybefore use and keep them handy for future reference.Online Warranty RegistrationU S E R M A N U A LGPI-M3Instantaneous ElectricWater HeaterPLU G & U S EF OR13A S O CKE TContent 1.Important Notes1.1 Using the instructions Array Please read these instructions carefully before installing or using the appliance! Keep the instructionshandy with the appliance for future use! These instructions are intended for the specialist who is responsible forthe installation of the appliance, and for the end user.The latest version of the instructions can be found online at .1.2 Safety instructions- Do not use the appliance until it has been correctly installed andunless it is in perfect working order.- Do not remove the front cover under any circumstances beforeswitching off the mains electrical supply to the unit.- Never make technical modifications, either to the appliance itselfor the electrical leads and water pipes.- The appliance must be earthed at all times.- Pay attention to the fact that water temperatures in excess of approx.43°C are perceived as hot, especially by children, and may cause afeeling of burning. Please note that the fittings and taps may be veryhot when the appliance has been in use for some time.- The appliance is only suitable for domestic use and similarapplications inside closed rooms, and must only be used to heatincoming water from the mains supply.- The appliance must never be exposed to frost.- The values stated on the rating plate must be observed.- In case of malfunction, disconnect the fuses immediately. In caseof leaks, cut off the mains water supply instantly. Repairs mustonly be carried out by the customer service department or anauthorised professional.1.Important Notes- This appliance can be used by children aged from 3 years and above and persons with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities or lack of experience and knowledge if they have been given supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance in a safe way and understand the hazards involved. Children shall not play with the appliance. Cleaning and user maintenance shall not be made by children without supervision. - If the connection cable is damaged, it must be replaced withan original spare cable from the manufacturer by an authorised technician in order to avoid any hazards.- In accordance with VDE 0700, a circuit breaker with a contact opening gap of at least 3 mm for each pole must be provided on the mains side of the connecting box for appliances with a fixed connection. - The wall bracket must be secured with the supplied screws and dowels. The appliance must be secured to the wall bracket. The appliance may only be operated if it has been properly mounted on the wall bracket.- The prescribed nominal pressure stated on the rating plate may not be exceeded at any time.- The required water resistance may not fall below the value stated on the rating plate at any time.- To observe additionally for pressureless installation:• The water outlet behind the devices must not be blocked,and the water flow must not be restricted.• The water outlet facilities, such as shower head, jet controland other outlet unit, must be decalcified regularly. Deposits must be removed in regular intervals.• Only the fittings recommended by the manufacturer may be used.• This appliance must not connect to a shower.1.1 使用本說明書- 為安全起見,安裝產品及初次使用產品前請先細閱本說明書,並保存說明書,以便作參考之用。
III Fire Service meter is designed to measure both domestic and fire service water usage through a single water line.The HP PROTECTUS III Fire Service meter measures extremely wide flow ranges at 100% +/- accuracy. All HP Fire Service meters meet or exceed AWWA C703 Standard, are certified to NSF/ANSI 61, Annex G and Annex F requirements, and are Underwriters Laboratory (UL) Listed and Factory Manual (FM) Approved The HP PROTECTUS III Fire Service meter is designed to measure both domestic and fire service water usage through a single water line. A typical application would be in a warehouse, hotel, or hospital where one water line may supply any number of faucets or bathrooms as well as an automatic sprinkler system.At low flow rates, all flow is through the bypass meter. As flow increases, pressure loss through the bypass meter increases and the detector check valve automatically opens. This condition occurs, for example, when a fire sprinkler system goes into operation. This permits flow through the mainline turbine meter. As flow decreases, reduced pressure loss closes the detector check valve and flow is again directed through the bypass meter.Epoxy-coated steel mainline body4” AccurAcy4” HeADloss6” AccurAcy6” HeADloss8” AccurAcy8” HeADloss10” AccurAcy10” HeADlossThese charts show typical meter performance. Individual results may vary.4” HP PROTECTUS IIIAccuracy vs. Flow Rate4” HP PROTECTUS IIIHeadlossA c c u r a c y (%)Flow Rate (gpm)Flow Rate (gpm)H e a d l o s s (P S I )A c c u r a c y (%)Flow Rate (gpm)Flow Rate (gpm)H e a d l o s s (P S I )6” HP PROTECTUS IIIAccuracy6” HP PROTECTUS IIIHeadlossA c c u r a c y (%)Flow Rate (gpm)Flow Rate (gpm)H e a d l o s s (P S I )8” HP PROTECTUS IIIAccuracy8” HP PROTECTUS IIIHeadlossA c c u r a c y (%)Flow Rate (gpm)Flow Rate (gpm)H e a d l o s s (P S I )10” HP PROTECTUS IIIAccuracy10” HP PROTECTUS IIIHeadlossN e p t u n e e n g a g e s i n o n g o i n g r e s e a r c h a n d d e v e l o p m e n t t o i m p r o v e a n d e n h a n c e i t s p r o d u c t s . T h e r e f o r e , N e p t u n e r e s e r v e s t h e r i g h t t o c h a n g e p r o d u c t o r s y s t e m s p e c i fi c a t i o n s w i t h o u t n o t i c e .。
Seals technical details :Seal code Fluid Temperature (Deg. F)Max speed(ft/s)ApplicationN Mineral oil, petroleum base-31 to 176 2.25Typical industrial Automotive transmission fluidL Mineral oil-31 to 24815Low friction Water glycol(HFC)+50 to 1583Fire retardant fluidsOil in water emulsions(HFA)Water in oil emulsions(HFB)T/R Mineral oil-13 to 39215High temperature Phosphate esters, Petroleum oil brands+32 to 39215Fyrquel 220, 550, 1000Hought-safe1340Pydraul 200, 230C, 280, 312C, 540C, A200C Mineral oil, petroleum base-31 to 176 2.25Typical industrialAutomotive transmission fluid2 SEAL KIT DETAILS FOR STANDARD SERIES E-CYNZ-BB006-E1—March 2017 N – Normal seal kitsItem Description Qty.Material1Rod Wiper 1Nitrile 2Wear band 1Composite fabric*3Rod cartridge 1Cast Iron / Ductile 4Rod seal 1Polyurethane 5Bearing back up 1PTFE 6Bearing O-ring 1Nitrile 7Piston seal 1GFT 8Piston wear band 1Bronze filled PTFEote:N *For rod sizes 0.63 & 1.00 wear band material is bronze filled PTFERod dia Rod seal kit Item 1,2,4,5,6Rod cartridge assembly $0.636533N-NZC NZ-681-S-051.006533N-NZE NZ-681-S-081.386533N-NZH NZ-681-S-111.756533N-NZL NZ-681-S-142.006533N-NZM NZ-681-S-162.506533N-NZP NZ-681-S-203.006533N-NZU NZ-681-S-243.506533N-NZV NZ-681-S-284.006533N-NZW NZ-681-S-324.506533N-NZY NZ-681-S-365.006533N-NZZ NZ-681-S-405.506533N-NZ1NZ-681-S-44ote:N $-Includes rod seal kit with cartridgeBore dia Piston seal Kit *(Item # 7, 8)1.506633N-NZC2.006633N-NZD 2.506633N-NZE3.256633N-NZG4.006633N-NZH5.006633N-NZK6.006633N-NZL7.006633N-NZM8.006633N-NZN ote:N *Piston seal kit contains body seal (not shown, Qty 2)3SEAL KIT DETAILS FOR STANDARD SERIES E-CYNZ-BB006-E1—March 2017 L – Low friction seal kitsItem Description Qty.Material1Rod wiper1Nitrile2Wear band1Br filled PTFE3Rod cartridge1Cast iron / Ductile iron4Rod seal2Br filled PTFE +Nitrile O-ring5Bearing back up1PTFE6Bearing O-ring1Nitrile7Piston seal1GFT8Piston wear band1Bronze filled PTEERod diaRod seal kitItem 1,2,4,5,6Rod cartridge assembly $0.636533L-NZC NZ-681-L-051.006533L-NZE NZ-681-L-081.386533L-NZH NZ-681-L-111.756533L-NZL NZ-681-L-142.006533L-NZM NZ-681-L-162.506533L-NZP NZ-681-L-203.006533L-NZU NZ-681-L-243.506533L-NZV NZ-681-L-284.006533L-NZW NZ-681-L-324.506533L-NZY NZ-681-L-365.006533L-NZZ NZ-681-L-405.506533L-NZ1NZ-681-L-44ote:N$-Includes rod seal kit with cartridgeBore dia Piston seal Kit *(Item # 7, 8)1.506633L-NZC2.006633L-NZD2.506633L-NZE3.256633L-NZG4.006633L-NZH5.006633L-NZK6.006633L-NZL7.006633L-NZM8.006633L-NZNote:N*Piston seal kit contains body seal (not shown, Qty 2) 4 SEAL KIT DETAILS FOR STANDARD SERIES E-CYNZ-BB006-E1—March 2017 T – High temperature seal kitsItem Description Qty.Material1Rod Wiper1FKM2Wear band1Br Filled PTFE3Rod cartridge1Cast iron / Ductile iron4Rod seal2Br filled PTFE + FKM O-ring 5Bearing back up1PTFE6Bearing O-ring1Viton7Piston seal1GFT8Piston wear band1Bronze filled PTTERod dia Rod seal kitItem 1,2,4,5,6Rod cartridge assembly $0.636543T-NZC NZ-681-T-051.006543T-NZE NZ-681-T-08 1.386543T-NZH NZ-681-T-111.756543T-NZL NZ-681-T-142.006543T-NZM NZ-681-T-162.506543T-NZP NZ-681-T-203.006543T-NZU NZ-681-T-243.506543T-NZV NZ-681-T-284.006543T-NZW NZ-681-T-324.506543T-NZY NZ-681-T-365.006543T-NZZ NZ-681-T-40 5.506543T-NZ1NZ-681-T-44 ote:N$-Includes rod seal kit with cartridge Bore dia Piston seal Kit *(Item # 7, 8)1.506643T-NZC2.006643T-NZD2.506643T-NZE3.256643T-NZG4.006643T-NZH5.006643T-NZK6.006643T-NZL7.006643T-NZM8.006643T-NZNote:N*Piston seal kit contains body seal (not shown, Qty 2)5SEAL KIT DETAILS FOR STANDARD SERIES E-CYNZ-BB006-E1—March 2017 C – Normal with cast iron piston ringsItem Description Qty.Material1Rod Wiper1Nitrile2Wear band1Composite Fabric*3Rod cartridge1Cast Iron / Ductile Iron4Rod seal1Polyurethane5Bearing back up1PTFE6Bearing O-ring1Nitrile7Piston seal4GFTRod dia Rod seal kitItem 1,2,4,5,6Rod cartridge assembly $0.636533N-NZC NZ-681-S-051.006533N-NZE NZ-681-S-08 1.386533N-NZH NZ-681-S-111.756533N-NZL NZ-681-S-142.006533N-NZM NZ-681-S-162.506533N-NZP NZ-681-S-203.006533N-NZU NZ-681-S-243.506533N-NZV NZ-681-S-284.006533N-NZW NZ-681-S-324.506533N-NZY NZ-681-S-365.006533N-NZZ NZ-681-S-40 5.506533N-NZ1NZ-681-S-44 ote:N$-Includes rod seal kit with cartridge Rod dia Piston seal Kit *(Item # 7, 8)1.506633C-NZC2.006633C-NZD2.506633C-NZE3.256633C-NZG4.006633C-NZH5.006633C-NZK6.006633C-NZL7.006633C-NZM8.006633C-NZNote:N*Piston seal kit contains body seal (not shown, Qty 2)6 SEAL KIT DETAILS FOR STANDARD SERIES E-CYNZ-BB006-E1—March 2017 R – High temperature with cast iron ringsItem Description Qty.Material1Rod Wiper1FKM2Wear band1Br filled PTFE3Rod cartridge1Cast iron / Ductile iron4Rod seal2Br filled PTFE + FKM O-ring5Bearing back up1PTFE6Bearing O-ring1Viton7Piston seal1GFTRod dia Rod seal kitItem 1,2,4,5,6Rod cartridge assembly $0.636543T-NZC NZ-681-T-051.006543T-NZE NZ-681-T-08 1.386543T-NZH NZ-681-T-111.756543T-NZL NZ-681-T-142.006543T-NZM NZ-681-T-162.506543T-NZP NZ-681-T-203.006543T-NZU NZ-681-T-243.506543T-NZV NZ-681-T-284.006543T-NZW NZ-681-T-324.506543T-NZY NZ-681-T-365.006543T-NZZ NZ-681-T-40 5.506543T-NZ1NZ-681-T-44 ote:N$-Includes rod seal kit with cartridge Bore dia Piston seal Kit *(Item # 7, 8)1.506633C-NZC2.006633C-NZD2.506633C-NZE3.256633C-NZG4.006633C-NZH5.006633C-NZK6.006633C-NZL7.006633C-NZM8.006633C-NZNote:N*Piston seal kit contains body seal (not shown, Qty 2)7SEAL KIT DETAILS FOR STANDARD SERIES E-CYNZ-BB006-E1—March 2017 Rod cartridge retainers – either with circular retainer / full front plateCylinders with the following bore and rod combinations use circular retainers which permit removal of rod cartridge without disassembling the cylinder:•2 1/2” bore with 1” rod •3 1/4” bore with 13/8” rod • 4” bore and larger with all rod diametersBore dia Tie rod torque(Ft-lbs)Tie rod torque(Ft-lbs) for 15 Mount1.5030172.0040362.5080563.251701184.001701605.005503506.007005607.009508408.0012501200ote:N Please refer for complete maintenance manual at/ecm/groups/public/@pub/@eaton/@hyd/documents/content/pct_1272924.pdfPressure PressureTorque on circular retainer socket head cap screwsScrew size1/4-205/16-183/8-167/16-145/8-113/4-10Torque(ft/lb)13284870220340Cylinders with the following bore and rod combinations use Full front plate as rod cartridge retainer.•1 1/2” bore with 5/8” and 1” rods •2 1/2” bore with 13/8” and 1 3/4” rods •2” bore with 1” and 1 3/8” rods • 3 1/4” bore with 1 3/4” and 2” rods8 SEAL KIT DETAILS FOR STANDARD SERIES E-CYNZ-BB006-E1—March 2017 Seal components :Rod seal codes – N&CRod dia Normal sealing Wiper seal Rod seal Wear band Bearing O-ring Bearing backup0.636533N-NZC C-6905-CN C-514-058124-00625145-123C-359-1231.006533N-NZE C-6908-CN C-514-088124-01005145-129C-359-1291.386533N-NZH C-6911-CN C-514-117945-01385145-137C-359-1371.756533N-NZL C-6914-CN C-514-147945-01755145-144C-359-1442.006533N-NZM C-6916-CN C-514-167945-02005145-148C-359-1482.506533N-NZP C-6920-CN C-514-207945-02505145-152C-359-1523.006533N-NZU C-6924-CN C-514-247945-03005145-241C-214-243.506533N-NZV C-6928-CN C-514-287945-03505145-245C-214-284.006533N-NZW C-6932-CN C-514-327945-04005145-249C-214-324.506533N-NZY C-6936-CN C-514-367945-04505145-254C-214-365.006533N-NZZ C-6940-CN C-514-407945-05005145-258C-214-405.506533N-NZ1C-6944-CN C-514-447945-05505145-260C-214-44Rod seal codes – LRod dia Low friction Wiper seal Rod seal Rod sealenergizer Wear band Bearing O-ring Bearing backup0.636533L-NZC C-6905-CN7951-00625145-1168124-00625145-123C-359-1231.006533L-NZE C-6908-CN7951-01005145-1228124-01005145-129C-359-1291.386533L-NZH C-6911-CN7951-01385145-1288125-0405145-137C-359-1371.756533L-NZL C-6914-CN7951-01755145-2258124-01755145-144C-359-1442.006533L-NZM C-6916-CN7951-02005145-2278124-02005145-148C-359-1482.506533L-NZP C-6920-CN7951-02505145-2318124-02505145-152C-359-1523.006533L-NZU C-6924-CN7951-0300-A5145-2358124-03005145-241C-214-243.506533L-NZV C-6928-CN7951-0350-A5145-2398124-03505145-245C-214-284.006533L-NZW C-6932-CN7951-0400-A5145-2438124-04005145-249C-214-324.506533L-NZY C-6936-CN7951-04505145-3518124-04505145-254C-214-365.006533L-NZZ C-6940-CN7951-05005145-3558124-05005145-258C-214-405.506533L-NZ1C-6944-CN7951-05505145-3598124-05505145-260C-214-449SEAL KIT DETAILS FOR STANDARD SERIES E-CYNZ-BB006-E1—March 2017 Seal components :Piston sealing code – NBore dia N Piston seal O-ring Wear band Body seal1.506633N-NZC CP-316-035145-123C-315-02-08 (4.25)C-255-032.006633N-NZD CP-316-045145-131C-315-02-08 (5.75)C-255-042.506633N-NZE CP-316-055145-139C-315-02-08 (7.31)C-255-053.256633N-NZG CP-316-0655145-233C-315-02-08 (9.63)C-255-0654.006633N-NZH CP-316-085145-239C-315-02-08 (12)C-255-085.006633N-NZK CP-316-105145-247C-315-02-12 (15.06)C-255-106.006633N-NZL CP-316-125145-254C-315-02-12 (18.21)C-255-127.006633N-NZM CP-316-145145-260C-315-02-12 (21.31)C-255-148.006633N-NZN CP-316-165145-264C-315-02-12 (24.41)C-255-16Rod seal codes – T & RRod dia High temp Seal Wiper seal Rod seal Rod seal energizer Wear band Bearing O-ring Bearing backup 0.636543T-NZC C-6905-V 7951-00625147-1168124-00625147-123C-359-1231.006543T-NZE C-6908-V 7951-01005147-1228124-01005147-129C-359-1291.386543T-NZH C-6911-V 7951-01385147-1288125-0405147-137C-359-1371.756543T-NZL C-6914-V 7951-01755147-2258124-01755147-144C-359-1442.006543T-NZM C-6916-V 7951-02005147-2278124-02005147-148C-359-1482.506543T-NZP C-6920-V 7951-02505147-2318124-02505147-152C-359-1523.006543T-NZU C-6924-V 7951-0300-A 5147-2358124-03005147-241C-214-243.506543T-NZV C-6928-V 7951-0350-A 5147-2398124-03505147-245C-214-284.006543T-NZW C-6932-V 7951-0400-A 5147-2438124-04005147-249C-214-324.506543T-NZY C-6936-V 7951-04505147-3518124-04505147-254C-214-365.006543T-NZZ C-6940-V 7951-05005147-3558124-05005147-258C-214-405.506543T-NZ1C-6944-V 7951-05505147-3598124-05505147-260C-214-4410 SEAL KIT DETAILS FOR STANDARD SERIES E-CYNZ-BB006-E1—March 2017 Seal components :Piston sealing code – LBore dia L Piston seal O-ring Wear band Body seal1.506633L-NZC CP-316-035145-123C-315-02-08 (4.25)C-255-032.006633L-NZD CP-316-045145-131C-315-02-08 (5.75)C-255-042.506633L-NZE CP-316-055145-139C-315-02-08 (7.31)C-255-053.256633L-NZG CP-316-0655145-233C-315-02-08 (9.63)C-255-0654.006633L-NZH CP-316-085145-239C-315-02-08 (12)C-255-085.006633L-NZK CP-316-105145-247C-315-02-12 (15.06)C-255-106.006633L-NZL CP-316-125145-254C-315-02-12 (18.21)C-255-127.006633L-NZM CP-316-145145-260C-315-02-12 (21.31)C-255-148.006633L-NZN CP-316-165145-264C-315-02-12 (24.41)C-255-16Piston sealing code – TBore dia T Piston seal O-ring Wear band Body seal1.506643T-NZC CP-316-035147-123C-315-02-08 (4.25)C-255-032.006643T-NZD CP-316-045147-131C-315-02-08 (5.75)C-255-042.506643T-NZE CP-316-055147-139C-315-02-08 (7.31)C-255-053.256643T-NZG CP-316-0655147-233C-315-02-08 (9.63)C-255-0654.006643T-NZH CP-316-085147-239C-315-02-08 (12)C-255-085.006643T-NZK CP-316-105147-247C-315-02-12 (15.06)C-255-106.006643T-NZL CP-316-125147-254C-315-02-12 (18.21)C-255-127.006643T-NZM CP-316-145147-260C-315-02-12 (21.31)C-255-148.006643T-NZN CP-316-165147-264C-315-02-12 (24.41)C-255-16Piston sealing code – CBore dia C Piston seal Body seal1.506633C-NZC5170-1.500C-255-032.006633C-NZD5170-2.000C-255-042.506633C-NZE5170-2.500C-255-053.256633C-NZG5170-3.250C-255-0654.006633C-NZH5170-4.000C-255-085.006633C-NZK5170-5.000C-255-106.006633C-NZL5170-6.000C-255-127.006633C-NZM5170-7.000C-255-148.006633C-NZN5170-8.000C-255-1611SEAL KIT DETAILS FOR STANDARD SERIES E-CYNZ-BB006-E1—March 2017 Eaton is a registered trademark. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.Eaton 1000 Eaton Boulevard Cleveland, OH 44122United States © 2017 Eaton All Rights Reserved Printed in USA Document no. E-CYNZ-BB006-E1March 2017。
Mitsubishi Electric 38MBR-03S 系列单区制冷制热单通风系统安装说明书
Fig. 1 —Size 36KFig. 2 —Sizes 48K and 58KNOTE: Read the entire instruction manual before starting the installation.NOTE: Images are for illustration purposes only. Actual models may differ slightly.TABLE OF CONTENTSSAFETY CONSIDERATIONS (2)PARTS LIST (3)SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS (4)WIRING (4)DIMENSIONS (5)CLEARANCES (7)INSTALLATION TIPS (8)ELECTRICAL DATA (10)CONNECTION DIAGRAMS (10)SYSTEM VACUUM AND CHARGE (10)START-UP (11)OUTDOOR UNIT DIAGNOSTIC GUIDES (12)Installation InstructionsSpecifications subject to change without notice.SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS Installing, starting up, and servicing air- conditioning equipmentcan be hazardous due to system pressures, electrical components,and equipment location (roofs, elevated structures, etc.).Only trained, qualified installers and service mechanics should install, start- up, and service this equipment.Untrained personnel can perform basic maintenance functions such as coil cleaning. All other operations should be performed by trained service personnel only.When working on the equipment, observe the precautions in the literature and on tags, stickers, and labels attached to the equipment.Follow all safety codes.Wear safety glasses and work gloves. Keep a quenching cloth and a fire extinguisher nearby when brazing. Use care in handling, rigging, and setting bulky equipment. Read these instructions thoroughly and follow all warnings or cautions included in literature and attached to the unit. Consult local building codes and National Electrical Code (NEC) for special requirements. Recognize safety information.This is the safety- alert symbol . When you see this symbol on the unit and in instructions or manuals, be alert to the potential for personal injury. Understand these signal words: DANGER,W ARNING, and CAUTION. These words are used with the safety- alert symbol. DANGER identifies the most serious hazards which will result in severe personal injury or death. WARNING signifies hazards which could result in personal injury or death. CAUTION is used to identify unsafe practices which may result in minor personal injury or product and property damage.NOTE is used to highlight suggestions which will result in enhanced installation, reliability, or operation.ELECTRICAL SHOCK HAZARDFailure to follow this warning could result in personal injury or death. Before installing, modifying, or servicing system, main electrical disconnect switch must be in the OFF position. There may be more than 1 disconnect switch. Lock out and tag switch witha suitablewarning label.EXPLOSION HAZARDFailure to follow this warning couldresult in death, serious personal injury,and/or property damage.Never use air or gases containing oxygenfor leak testing or operating refrigerantcompressors. Pressurized mixtures of airor gases containing oxygen can lead toan explosion.EQUIPMENT DAMAGE HAZARDFailureto follow this caution may result in equipment damage or improper operation.Do not bury more than 36 in. (914 mm) of refrigerant pipe in the ground. If any section of pipe is buried, there must be a 6 in. (152 mm) vertical rise to the valve connections on the outdoor units. If more than the recommended length is buried, refrigerant may migrate to the cooler buried section during extended periods of system shutdown. This causes refrigerant slugging and could possibly damage the compressor at start-up.2 Specifications subject to change without notice. 38MBR-03SI38MBR-03SI Specifications subject to change without notice. 3PARTS LISTTable 1 —Parts ListFig. 3 —Parts ListNOTE:- If the outdoor unit is higher than the indoor unit, prevent rain from flowing into the indoor unit along the connection pipe by making a downward arc in the connection pipe before it enters the wall to the indoor unit. This ensures that rain drips from the connection pipe before it enters the wall.- Piping and the interconnecting wiring are field supplied.- The illustration above is only a sketch. Different models may be slightly different.The following units are covered in these installation instructions.Table 2 — Unit SizesPART NO.PART NAMEQTY.1Outdoor unit1-Literature package including installation instructions and warranty1-Grommet to secure the outdoor unit (helps with vibration prevention during unit operation)4-Drain Joint 1-Drain Hose1SYSTEM TONSKBTUH VOLTAGE - PHASEOUTDOOR MODEL 336,000208/230 - 138MBRQ36A - - 3448,000208/230 - 138MBRQ48A - - 3558,000208/230 - 138MBRQ58A - - 34 Specifications subject to change without notice. 38MBR-03SISYSTEM REQUIREMENTSAllow sufficient space for airflow and service of the unit. See Fig. 6 for the required minimum distances between the unit, walls or ceilings.PipingIMPORTANT: Both refrigerant lines must be insulated separately.Table 3 contains piping information for the product covered within this document.Table 3 — Piping and Refrigerant InformationAll outdoor units have an electronic expansion valve to manage the refrigerant flow of the fan coil connected.WIRINGAll wires must be sized per NEC (National Electrical Code) or CEC (Canadian Electrical Code) and local codes. Use Electrical Data table MCA (minimum circuit amps) and MOCP (maximum over current protection) to correctly size the wires and the disconnect fuse or breakers respectively.SIZES 36 - 58 RECOMMENDEDCONNECTION METHOD FOR POWER AND COMMUNICATION WIRINGPower and Communication Wiring:The main power is supplied to the outdoor unit. The field supplied power wiring from the outdoor unit to the indoor unit consists of three (3) wires and provides the power for the indoor unit. Two wires are high voltage AC power and one is a ground wire. To minimize voltage drop, the factory recommended wire size is 14/2stranded with a ground.Communication Wiring:A separate shielded stranded copper conductor only, with a 600 volt rating and double insulated copper wire, must be used as the communication wire from the outdoor unit to the indoor unit.Please use a separate shielded 16GA stranded control wire.SYSTEM SIZE36K 48K 58K PIPINGMin. Piping Length ft(m)10(3)10(3)10(3)Standard Piping Lengthft(m)25(7.5)25(7.5)25(7.5)Max. outdoor - indoor height difference (OU higher than IU)ft(m)98(30)98(30)98(30)Max. outdoor - indoor height difference (IU higher than OU)ft(m)98(30)98(30)98(30)Max. Piping length with no additional refrigerant charge ft(m)26(8)26(8)26(8)Max. Piping Lengthft(m)213(65)213(65)213(65)Additional refrigerant charge(between Standard - Max piping length)Oz/ ft(g/m)0.32 (30)0.32(30)0.32(30)Gas Pipe (size - connection type)in(mm)5/8(16)5/8(16)3/4(19)Liquid Pipe (size- connection type)in(mm)3/8(9.52)3/8(9.52)3/8(9.52)REFRIGERANTRefrigerant Type - - R410A R410A R410A Charge AmountLbs(kg)6.72(3.05)9.26(4.2)10.19(4.62)EQUIPMENT DAMAGE HAZARDFailure to follow this caution may result in equipment damage or improper operation.Wires should be sized based on NEC and local codes.EQUIPMENT DAMAGE HAZARDFailure to follow this caution may result in equipment damage or improper operation.Be sure to comply with local codes while running wire from the indoor unit to the outdoor unit.Every wire must be connected firmly. Loose wiring may cause the terminal to overheat or result in unit malfunction. A fire hazard may also exist. Ensure all wiring is tightly connected.No wire should touch the refrigerant tubing, compressor or any moving parts.Disconnecting means must be provided and shall be located within sight and readily accessible from the air conditioner.Connecting cable with conduit shall be routed through the hole in the conduit panel.38MBR-03SI Specifications subject to change without notice. 5DIMENSIONSSize 36KFig. 4 —Size 36K Table 4 — Dimensions 36KUNIT SIZEWIDTH IN (MM)DEPTH IN (MM)HEIGHT IN (MM)L1 IN (MM)L2 IN (MM)OPERATING WEIGHT LB (KG)36K37.24 (946)16.14 (410)31.89 (810)26.50 (673)15.87 (403)136.47 (61.9)Sizes 48K and 58KFig. 5 —Sizes 48K and 58KTable 5 — Dimensions 48K and 58KUNIT SIZE WIDTH IN (MM)DEPTH IN (MM)HEIGHT IN (MM)L1 IN (MM)L2 IN (MM)OPERATINGWEIGHT LB (KG) 48K37.22 (945)15.58 (396)52.48 (1333)24.96 (634)15.90 (404)217.4 (98.6) 58K37.22 (945)15.58 (396)52.48 (1333)24.96 (634)15.90 (404)217.4 (98.6)6 Specifications subject to change without notice. 38MBR-03SI38MBR-03SI Specifications subject to change without notice. 7CLEARANCESFig. 6 — Outdoor Unit ClearancesTable 6 — Outdoor Unit Clearance DimensionsFig. 7 —Clearances for multiple unitsUNIT MINIMUM VALUEIN. (MM)A 24 (610)B 24 (610)C 24 (610)D 4 (101)E4 (101)8cm) o r more ultiple parall el range ment cm) or more on le para llel un it ementor mo re or mor e on a multip le para llel unit ar rangem ent 24in (61cm) o r more on a si ngle p arallel unit ar rangem entINSTALLATION TIPSIdeal installation locations include:Outdoor Unit• A location which is convenient to installation and not exposed to strong winds.• A location which can bear the weight of the outdoor unit and where the outdoor unit can be mounted in a level position.• A location which provides appropriate clearances (see Fig. 6).•Do not install the indoor or outdoor units in a location with special environmental conditions. For those applications, contact your Ductless representative.OUTDOOR UNIT INSTALLATIONe a rigid base to support the unit in a level position.2.Locate the outdoor unit and connect piping and wiring.Fig. 8 —High Wind InstallationMAKE REFRIGERANT PIPING CONNECTIONS (OUTDOOR UNIT) IMPORTANT: Use refrigeration grade tubing ONLY. No other type of tubing may be used. Use of other types of tubing will void the manufacturer's warranty.Do not open the service valves or remove the protective caps from the tubing ends until all connections are made.Bend the tubing with bending tools to avoid kinks and flat spots. Keep the tubing free of dirt, sand, moisture, and other contaminants to avoid damaging the refrigerant system.Avoid sags in the suction line to prevent the formation of oil traps. Insulate each tube with a minimum 3/8-in. (10 mm) wall thermal pipe insulation. Inserting the tubing into the insulation before making the connections will save time and improve installation quality.1.Remove the service valve cover, if provided with the unit.2.Cut the pipe, with a pipe cutter, at 90 degrees (see Fig. 9).3.Remove the service connection, if provided with the unit.Fig. 9 —Cut the pipe 4.Remove all the burrs from the cut cross section of the pipe avoidingany burrs inside the tubes.5.Remove the flare nuts attached to the indoor and outdoor units.6.Install the correct size flare nut onto the tubing and make a flareconnection. Refer to Table7 for the flare nut spaces.Table 7 — Flare Nut SpacingFig. 10 —Flare Nut Spacing7.Apply a small amount of refrigerant oil to the flare connection onthe tubing.8.Align the center of the pipes and/or service valve.Fig. 11 —Align Pipe Center9.Connect both the liquid and gas piping to the indoor unit.10.Tighten the flare nut using a torque wrench as specified in Table8.plete the installation.Table 8 — Tightening TorqueFig. 12 —Tighten the Flare Nut EQUIPMENT DAMAGE HAZARDFailure to follow this caution may result in equipment damage orimproper operation.In regions with snowfall and cold temperatures, avoid installing theoutdoor unit in areas where it can be covered by snow. If the outdoorunit is installed in areas where heavy snow is expected, a fieldsupplied ice or snow stand and/or field supplied-installed wind baffleshould be installed to protect the unit from snow accumulation and/orblocked air intake. Blocking the air intake may result in reducedairflow, significantly reduced performance and damage to theequipment.StrongwindOUTER DIAM. (MM)A (MM)MAX. MIN.Ø1/4”(6.35)0.05 (1.3)0.03 (0.7)Ø3/8”(9.52)0.06 (1.6)0.04 (1.0)Ø1/2”(12.7)0.07 (1.8)0.04 (1.0)Ø5/8”(15.88)0.09 (2.2)0.08 (2.0)PIPE DIAMETERINCH (MM)TIGHTENINGTORQUEFT - LB N- MØ1/4” (6.35)10 to 1313.6 to 17.6Ø3/8” (9.52)24 to 3132.5 to 42.0Ø1/2” (12.7)37 to 4650.1 to 62.3Ø5/8” (15.88)50 to 6067.7 to 81.3Flare nutCopper tubeEQUIPMENT DAMAGE HAZARDFailure to follow this caution may result in equipment damage orimproper operation.Excessive torque can break the flare nut depending on installationconditions.CAUTION8 Specifications subject to change without notice. 38MBR-03SI38MBR-03SI Specifications subject to change without notice. 9Install All Power and Interconnecting Wiring to Outdoor Units1.Mount the outdoor power disconnect.2.Run the power wiring from the main box to disconnect per NEC and local codes.3.Remove the field wiring cover from the unit by loosening the screws.4.Remove the caps on the conduit panel.5.Connect the conduit to conduit panel (see Fig.13).6.Properly connect both the power supply and control lines to the terminal block per the connection diagram for the appropriate unit capacity and voltage.7.Ground the unit in accordance with NEC and local electrical codes. e the lock nuts to secure the conduit.9.Reinstall the field wiring cover.Fig. 13 —Field WiringDrain ConnectionsInstall drains must meet local sanitation codes.Install the outdoor unit drain jointFit the seal into the drain joint, then insert the drain joint into the base pan hole of the outdoor unit. Rotate 90° to securely assemble them. Connect the drain joint with an extension drain hose to avoid condensate from draining off the outdoor unit during the heating mode.Fig. 14 —Drain JointNOTE: Images are for illustration purposes only.NOTE: Basepan built-in with multiple holes for properdraining during defrost. For applications where it is required to seal these holes, and re-direct the condensate drain, rubber plugs are available through RCD.Table 9 — Base Pan Base Rubber PlugsEQUIPMENT DAMAGE HAZARDFailure to follow this caution may result in equipment damage or improper operation.Be sure to comply with local codes while running wire from indoor unit to outdoor unit.Every wire must be connected firmly. Loose wiring may cause the terminal to overheat or result in unit malfunction. A fire hazard may also exist. Therefore, ensure all wiring is tightly connected. No wire should be allowed to touch the refrigerant tubing, compressor or any moving parts.Disconnecting means must be provided and shall be located within sight and readily accessible from the air conditioner.Connecting cable with the conduit shall be routed through hole in the conduit panel.O v OUTDOOR UNIT MODEL NUMBERPER UNIT BASE PAN BASE RUBBER PLUGS RCDPART NUMBER QUANTITY38MBRQ36A - - 312600801A00117538MBRQ48A - - 312600801A00118538MBRQ58A - - 312600801A001185Seal Base pan holeDrain jointSealBase panDrain jointEQUIPMENT DAMAGE HAZARDIn cold climates, ensure the drain hose is as vertical as possible to ensure swift water drainage. If water drains too slowly, it can freeze in the hose and flood the unit.10 Specifications subject to change without notice. 38MBR-03SIELECTRICAL DATATable 10 — Electrical Data*Permissible limits of the voltage range at which the unit will operate satisfactorily.LEGENDFLA - Full Load AmpsMCA - Minimum Circuit AmpsMOCP - Maximum Over-Current Protection RLA - Rated Load AmpsCONNECTION DIAGRAMSFig. 15 —Connection DiagramsNOTES:1.Do not use the thermostat wire for any connection between indoor and outdoor units.2.All connections between indoor and outdoor units must be as shown. The connections are sensitive to polarity and will result in a fault code.SYSTEM V ACUUM AND CHARGERefrigerant tubes and the indoor coil should be evacuated using the recommended 500 microns deep vacuum method. The alternate triple evacuation method may beused if the procedure outlined below is followed.NOTE: Always break a vacuum with dry ing Vacuum Pumppletely tighten flare nuts A, B, C, D, connect the manifold gage charge hose to a charge port of the low side service valve (see Fig. 16).2.Connect the charge hose to vacuum pump.3.Fully open the low side of manifold gage (see Fig. 17).4.Start the vacuum pump.5.Evacuate using either the deep vacuum or triple evacuation method.6.After evacuation is complete, fully close the low side of manifold gage and stop the vacuum pump operation.7.The factory charge contained in the outdoor unit is good for up to 25 ft. (8 m) of line length. For refrigerant lines longer than 25 ft. (8m), add refrigerant, up to the allowable length, as specified in the System Requirements section.8.Disconnect the charge hose from the charge connection of the low side service valve.9.Fully open service valves B and A. 10.Securely tighten the service valve caps.Fig. 16 —Service ValveFig. 17 — ManifoldOUTDOOR UNIT SIZE36K 48K 58K POWER SUPPLY208/230 - 1 - 60208/230 - 1 - 60208/230 - 1 - 60Max – Min* Oper. Voltage253 - 187253 - 187253 - 187MCA 303535MOCP505050COMPRESSORVolts- PH- Hz208/230 - 1 - 60208/230 - 1 - 60208/230 - 1 - 60RLA 8.8511.8611.86OUTDOOR FAN MOTORFLA1.21 1.17 1.17Rated HP DAMAGE HAZARDFailure to follow this caution may result in equipment damage or improper operation.Never use the system compressor as a vacuum pump.hosepump38MBR-03SI Specifications subject to change without notice. 11Deep Vacuum MethodThe deep vacuum method requires a vacuum pump capable of pulling a vacuum of 500 microns and a vacuum gage capable of accurately measuring this vacuum depth. The deep vacuum method is the best way to assure a system is free of air and moisture (see Fig. 18).Fig. 18 — Deep Vacuum GraphTriple Evacuation MethodThe triple evacuation method should only be used when the vacuum pump is only capable of pumping down to 28 in. of mercury vacuum and the system does not contain any liquid water.Refer to Fig. 19 and proceed as follows:1.Pump the system down to 28 in. of mercury and allow the pump to continue operating for an additional 15 minutes.2.Close the service valves and shut off the vacuum pump.3.Connect a nitrogen cylinder and regulator to the system and open until the system pressure is 2 psig.4.Close the service valve and allow the system to stand for 1 hr.During this time, dry nitrogen can diffuse throughout the system absorbing moisture.5.Repeat this procedure as indicated in Fig. 19. The system will then be free of any contaminants and water vapor.Fig. 19 — Triple Evacuation MethodFinal Tubing CheckIMPORTANT: Check to be certain factory tubing on both the indoor and outdoor unit has not shifted duringshipment. Ensure tubes are not rubbing against each other or any sheet metal. Pay close attention to the feeder tubes, making sure wire ties on feeder tubes are secure and tight.START-UPTest OperationPerform a test operation after completing a gas leak and electrical safety check. See the indoor unit installation instructions and owner's manual for additional start up information.System Checks1.Conceal the tubing where possible.2.Make sure that the drain tube slopes downward along its entire length.3.Ensure all tubing and connections are properly insulated.4.Fasten the tubes to the outside wall, when possible.5.Seal the hole through which the cables and tubing pass.Outdoor Unit1.Are there unusual noises or vibrations during operation?Explain the Following Items to the Customer (with the aid of the Owner's Manual):1.Explain care and maintenance.2.Present the installation instructions to the customer.500MINUTES123456710001500LEAK IN SYSTEMVACUUM TIGHT TOO WET TIGHTDRY SYSTEM 2000M I C R O N S250030003500400045005000Copyright 2018 CAC/BDP D 3300 Riverwood Parkway Atlanta GA, 30339 Edition Date: 09/18 Catalog No. 38MBR-03SI Manufacturer reserves the right to discontinue, or change at any time, specifications or designs without notice and without incurring obligations. Replaces: 38MBR-02SIOUTDOOR UNIT DIAGNOSTIC GUIDESFor ease of service, the systems are equipped with a diagnostic code display LEDs on both the indoor and outdoor units. The outdoor diagnostic is displayed on the outdoor unit microprocessor board.There may be a few error codes displayed in the indoor unit that might relate to the outdoor unit's problems. If possible, always check the diag -nostic codes displayed on the indoor unit first.The diagnostic codes displayed on the outdoor units are listed on Table 11.Table 11 — Unit Diagnostic GuidesFor additional diagnostic information, refer to the service manual.DISPLAYLED STATUSE1Communication malfunction between indoor and outdoor units.F0Protection of over - currentF1Open circuit or short circuit of outdoor ambient temperature sensor T4F2Open circuit or short circuit of condenser coil temperature sensor T3F3Open circuit or short circuit of Compressor discharge temperature sensor T5F4Outdoor unit EEPROM errorF5Outdoor fan speed has been out of control P0IPM malfunctionP1Over voltage or over low voltage protection P2High temperature protection of compressor top P3Outdoor low temperature protection P4Inverter compressor drive error P7Outdoor IGBT temperature sensor errorJ0High temperature protection of indoor coil in heating J1Outdoor temperature protection of outdoor coil in cooling J2Discharge temperature protection J3Protection of active PFC moduleJ4Communication error between control board and IPM board J5High - pressure switch protection J6Low - pressure switch protection J8AC voltage protection。
□齐全的多种类型输入和多量程范围用户可选择热电偶,RTD铂电阻,V电压,mV电压和电流输入对于4-20mA DC输入需在输入端子上并联一个250Ω电阻□20mm超大高亮数字显示□在远距离和低光度区域可读□40步(段)程序功能□可选RS232C或RS485通讯接口□防尘和防滴式前面板,符合IP66标准FP93系列型号代码超亮度双四位LED显示,40段可编程,无超调专家PID算法,区域PID参数调节,6组PID参数,AT自整定,手/自动无扰动切换,调节输出限幅,3组独立事件输出,2组时标设定,4组外部DI开关输入,4组OC门扩展输出,模拟变送输出,数字通讯等功能。
FP93-外形尺寸:高96×宽96×深110mm,面板开孔尺寸:92×92mm (含4组外部DI输入,3组事件输出)输入8热电偶:B,R,S,K,E,J,T,N,PLII,WRe5-26,U,L铂电阻:Pt100/JPt100电压(mV):-10~10,0~10,0~20,0~50,10~50,0~100mV DC 电压(V):-1~1,0~1,0~2,0~5,1~5,0~10V DC4电流(mA):0~20mA,4~20mA DC。
配250Ω采样电阻调节输出Y-继电器接点,容量:240V AC 2.5A/阻性1A/感性,周期:1~120秒I-电流4~20mA DC,负载阻抗:600Ω最大P-固态继电器(SSR)驱动,12V±1.5V DC/最大30mA,周期:1~120秒V-电压0~10V DC,负载电流:2mA最大电源90-100~240V AC±10%,50/60Hz 08-24V AC/DC±10%,50/60HzDO1-DO4四组OC门状态输出(选件)0无1OC门输出容量:12~24V DC20mA。
模拟变送(选件)0无30~10mV DC,输出阻抗:10Ω44~20mA DC,负载阻抗:300Ω最大60~10V DC,负载电流:2mA最大数字通讯接口(选件)0无5RS-485(隔离型)7RS-232C(隔离型)(注:报价随外汇变化调整)订货例:FP93-8P-90-005自由输入,固态继电器输出,电源220V AC,RS485通讯FP93-4I-90-1074~20mA输入,4~20mA输出,电源220V AC,四组扩展输出,TK-4接口,RS-232C通讯。
裕人横机东元TSTK伺服参数表注:1.依步骤设参数,注意★参数断电重启才生效;第步都必须手动设定,用电脑只可设第3步的参数;2.更换不同型号电机必须先确认Cn030参数,设定Cn030参数要断电重启生效,须Cn029=1初始化断电重启,再设定其它参数;3.Dn-04查看伺服驱动器软件版本,dn-04=之前版本伺服搭配T型电机要设定dn-06=1及On617参数,其它型号电机不能设此参数; H型电机除Cn030(主床Cn030=321,摇床Cn030=211,且都不设On617参数)外,其余参数与T型电机完全相同;4.电机噪音大、震动大,降低Qn401,Qn405参数;5.不同型号电机除加粗的参数不同外,其它参数都相同;伺服使用中遇到的常见问题及解决方法:1.电机型号不匹配:a.伺服一通电、刚运行或运行一段时间就会出现AL-05报警;b.表现为电机不转或运行时电机声音异常,并且电机容易发热;重新确认好电机型号,Cn030具体参数按照实际电机铭牌设定,设定此参数须断电重启,并且要求对伺服作Cn029=1参数初始化。
2.伺服低速会抖动、电机声音偏大及换向感觉振动明显:主要是惯量不匹配或刚性设定太强,a.降低电机惯量Cn025,一般为30-40比较合适,b.降低位置回路增益Qn405,c.电机噪音大,有可能Qn407值偏大,Qn407一般为 0~20比较适合,d.换向震动大,适当设置伺服平滑加减速时间Pn313=10~20,断电重启。
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·Low Forward Voltage Drop
·Guard Ring Construction for Transient Protection ·Negligible Reverse Recovery Time ·Low Capacitance
·Ultra-small Surface Mount Package
Lead Free/RoHS Compliant Version (Note 2)
·Case: SOD-323
·Case material: Molded Plastic. UL Flammability Classification Rating 94V-0
·Moisture Sensitivity: Level 1 per J-STD-020C ·Polarity: Cathode Band
·Leads:Solderable per MIL-STD-202, Method 208
·Lead Free Plating (Matte Tin Finish annealed over Alloy 42leadframe).
·Marking: See Page 3
·SD101AWS Marking Code: S1 or SK ·SD101BWS Marking Code: S2 or SK ·SD101CWS Marking Code: S3 or SC or SK ·
Weight: 0.004 grams (approximate)
Mechanical Data
Maximum Ratings
@ T A = 25°
C unless otherwise specified
Note: 1. Part mounted on FR-4 PC board with recommended pad layout, which can be found on our website at /datasheets/ap02001.pdf.
2. No purposefully added lead.
Notes: 3. Short duration test pulse used to minimize self-heating effect.
Electrical Characteristics
@ T A = 25°C unless otherwise specified
Fig.2Typical Reverse Characteristics
R I ,I N S T A N T A N E O U S R E V E R S E C U R R E N T (n A )
R 0.1
0.8 1.21.0 1.4 1.6
Fig.1Typical Forward Characteristics
F I ,I N S T A N T A N E O U S F O R W A R D C U R R E N T (m A )
F 100
XX = Product Type Marking Code (See Page 1)
Marking Information
Ordering Information
(Note 4)
T ,AMBIENT TEMPERATURE (C)Fig.4Power Derating Curve
A °P ,P O W E R D I S S I P A T I O N (m W )
C ,T O T A L C A P A C I T A N C E (p F )
T V ,REVERSE VOLTAGE (V)Fig.3Typical Capacitance
R Notes: 4. For Packaging Details, go to our website at: /datasheets/ap02007.pdf.
Diodes Incorporated and its subsidiaries reserve the right to make modifications,enhancements,improvements,corrections or other changes without further notice to any product herein.Diodes Incorporated does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product described herein;neither does it convey any license under its patent rights,nor the rights of others.The user of products in such applications shall assume all risks of such use and will agree to hold Diodes Incorporated and all the companies whose products are represented on our website,harmless against all damages.
Diodes Incorporated products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems without the expressed written approval of the President of Diodes Incorporated.。