电影黑天鹅Black Swan英文PPT
- Like someone who's not approaching menopause.
00:06:02,159 --> 00:06:03,592
It's sad.
00:06:03,627 --> 00:06:05,259
It was different choreography, though.
It was more like the Bolshoi's.
00:03:28,292 --> 00:03:29,919
It was the prologue,
- Good morning, company.
- Good morning.
00:09:23,712 --> 00:09:26,035
<i>We will open our season
with Swan Lake.
No one comes 。没人会再来看她。
00:05:47,231 --> 00:05:49,883
Oh, nobody actually comes
to see ballet full stop.
Black Swan黑天鹅
Shadow Line
整个故事的明线就是Nina在她饰演的角色, Thomas还有Lily的影响下,一步一步褪去 她身上柔弱胆怯的羽毛。从一个单纯乖顺, 优柔寡断的女孩儿变成了成熟果断,敢于追 求的女人。但整个过程却几乎是悲剧性的, 她毁了自己的过去,也就是说早在演出前她 就杀了自己。所以这也就暗示着她在完成自 己演出的一瞬间虽然得到了自己想要的完美, 却必须以生命作代价。这部影片的暗线,是 Nina饰演的芭蕾剧的发展情节,孱弱高贵 的白天鹅遇到了心爱的王子,但是却无法表 白,只能是在王子身边躲躲藏藏;而冷艳高 傲的黑天鹅却无所悸怕。王子虽被白天鹅的 善良与美丽所打动,但是他无法抵御黑天鹅 的诱惑。所以白天鹅最终选择含泪离去,这 是她唯一的选择,虽然不舍,但她的天性给 她铺设了死路。这个剧本正好与Nina的故 事暗暗呼应,增强了整个影片的悲剧色彩。
这是一部带有心理学层面挖掘,略带黑暗的影片。 通过一个才华横溢的芭蕾舞女演员Nina,讲述一个 正常善良人被心魔毁灭的故事。不是蛇蝎心肠,也做 不了铜头铁臂之人,不拿自卑搪塞,不找被父母过分 保护的借口,就是忍受不了肮脏虚伪的世界,每时每 刻都有人在这样呐喊,或许就包括你和我。那么,一 个天真善良的人,在无法继续对抗内外负荷的身心状 态下,一经遭遇诱发疯狂的特殊事件,伪装成健康的 心态就一定会蓄势爆发,完全扭曲,彻底崩溃。《黑 天鹅》的影像这样解析了矛盾的人性。 导演选择《天 鹅湖》作为线索的意图明确,借用黑白两只天鹅的形 象,来推动对于人性中两种本质的探究。Dance with your heart,并不是每个人都需要在生活中去 演绎两个角色,但是每个人内心深处都或大或小有一 只黑天鹅,他有不同性格,但是相同的是都与主体对 立。我们并不需要强迫把它放大并且展现出来,但当 它某些时候变强的时候,我们要懂得如何去面对它。
Lily----米拉·库妮丝 Mila Kunis
Lily is the contender of Nina about her role . She represents Nina’s fear about the competition and her weakness.
Beth----薇诺娜·瑞德 Winona Ryder
Nina’s anxiety about
her daughter. So she anchors (寄托) all of
future . Nina is worried
her hopes in Nina and has a strong
about possession of Nina and
Thomas-----文森·卡索 Vincent Cassel
In this film , he is the president of the Ballet Theater and he is the mentor of Nina to surpass(超过) herself and pursue perfection.
Black Swan
Black Swan
Character introduction Plot introduction The wonderful fragment
Nina ----娜塔 莉·波特曼 Natalie Portman
At its centre is young Nina , played by Portman . She is beautiful , fragile , innocent and must dig deep into her own dark side . As her hallucinations(幻觉) and anxiety appear more and more times , her dancing is becoming more and more perfect.
I felt perfect. I was perfect. 我感觉到了完美。我曾是完美。 I'm the Swan Queen, You're the one who never left the corps. 我是天鹅女王。你只能一辈子跑龙套。 The only person standing in your way is you. It's time to let it go. Loose yourself. 你的本性在阻碍你。赶走她,释放你自己。 Perfection is not just about control. It's also about letting go. 完美不是控制出来的,是爆发出来的。 Every great career has to come an end. 每个伟大的事业都有结束的一天。
Nina:actress,性格胆怯,追求 完美, 有些人格分裂(白天鹅) Lily:support actress,富有激情和攻击性 (黑天鹅) Beth:an old ballerina,万念俱灰,自残
Thomas Leroy:the boss,与女演员暧昧
Erica:mom of the actress,强烈的控制欲
Darren Aronofsky's Black Swan is an examination of obsession. Obsession in striving for beauty, acceptance, and most of all perfection. It explores the dichotomy involved in both loving and hating yourself. As Nina (Natalie Portman) begins to lose her mind it becomes more difficult for the viewer to tell what is real and what isn't. This is the point at which the film starts blurring the lines between psychological thriller and horror. The movie can make one feel uncomfortable at times, grossed out, and tense. The whole audience moved and gasped as one or flinched and turned their head away from the screen multiple times throughout the movie, showing just how powerful the Black Swan can be.
铁娘子The Iron Lady
• 《铁娘子》是一部讲述英 国历史上唯一一位女首相 玛格丽特· 撒切尔的传记电 影,由梅丽尔· 斯特里普领 衔主演。影片以撒切尔的 老年生活为主线,将她对 参政、竞选首相、马岛战 争、下台等重大历史事件 的回忆穿插其间,用撒切 尔的眼睛带领观众重温了 上世纪下半叶的英国。该 片获得第84届奥斯卡金像 奖最佳女主角、最佳化妆 奖。
平民窟的百万富翁Slumdog Millionaire
• 是英国导演丹尼· 博伊尔所执导 的电影,于2008年上映,是根 据印度作家维卡斯· 史瓦卢普 (Vikas Swarup)的作品 《Q&A》所改编的。这部电影 有着好莱坞式的流畅的叙事, 悬念从生,惊心动魄的讲故事 的方法,有美国式故事的浪漫 和光明,童话气质,有史诗片 式的大格局,有欧洲电影的人 文关怀,有丹尼· 保尔式的在影 像和思想方面的锋锐和透彻。 在第66届美国电影金球奖上, 《贫民窟的百万富翁》异军突 起成为当晚最大的赢家,获得 了最佳剧情类影片、最佳导演、 最佳编剧、最佳原创电影音乐 四项大奖。
• 《我的名字叫可汗》印度导演 卡伦· 乔哈尔执导的悲情电影, 影片由在印度妇孺皆知的万人 迷影帝沙鲁克· 罕担纲本片主演。 影片讲述患有自闭症的里兹瓦 恩· 罕与信奉印度教的曼迪娅结 婚。911事件后,社会对于穆斯 林的态度发生变化,曼迪娅无 力承受这样的压力,与里兹瓦 恩分离,为了赢回他的爱人, 他踏上了一场横穿美国的旅程。 本片汇集了相当戏份的现实题 材,从美国的911后遗症到其他 的现实社会背景。该片入围 2010年第60届柏林电影节的非 竞赛单元。
危情谍恋Knight & Day
• 讲述的是一个极具趣味性的动 作冒险传奇,汤姆· 克鲁斯 (Tom Cruise)再一次化身成 一个秘密特工,而卡梅隆· 迪亚 茨(Cameron Diaz)则变成一 个不幸被卷进来的“受害者”, 陪着他们满世界奔跑的是训练 有素的顶级杀手,中间还交织 着各种阴谋诡计和造成了巨大 的混乱的追击以及枪战,他们 很快就意识到,两个人只有信 赖彼此,才有ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้能从这样严密 的围追堵截当中存活并脱身。
All the pressure leads to her illusion and oversensition. Since her mother has called to Thomas to say Nina is sick, Thomas assignes understudy Lily to take over, but reluctantly(不情愿的) gives away when Nina insists on performing. The first act(White Swan) goes well, until Nina is distracted by a hallucination during a lift,causing her partner, playing the Prince, to drop her. Distraught, she returns to her dressing room and finds Lily here.Lily announces that she is to play the Black Swan.
smile steal the show when she's on camera.
You can see exactly why Nina would be intimidated (威胁)by her. While some of the symbols and metaphors(象征) were a bit
acted by Natalie Portman
Nina is a world-class ballet dancer, she lives with her mother who also was a ballet dancer,in order to give a birth to Nina, quit her dancing career. As most professional ballet dancer, her life almost all occupied by dancing. But her mother's strong manipulation let her feel stifled(窒息的). Nina wants to be perfect. Under a lot of pressure, her life appears illusion and distortion, she loses and hurts herself.
B、从托马斯的办公室出来后,妮娜盘坐在墙角(她总是独个儿坐在墙角, 是胆怯小女孩的表现),狠狠地将散发再次绑起,这意味着她后悔方才的 “放荡”,要迅速回到令自己感到安全的、清心寡欲的壳子去。
(在影片45分钟时,妮娜第一次在练习舞蹈时拆散了发髻,旋转时,长发 在空中飘散出曼妙曲线,喻意她内心的“黑天鹅”的风情初露。)
C、托马斯的理解是:舞者要散发出性的魅惑,要让观众爱上你。 他亲自与妮娜共舞,用手掌娴熟地抹过女子的敏感处所,成功地唤起妮娜的
迷狂。背景弦乐逐渐加强,危险而充满诱惑,黝暗的练功房恍如亚当夏娃的 园子,托马斯反复说“open your mouth”,妮娜逐渐情动,扬起手反抚住 托马斯的头颈,与他唇舌交缠。这是她的性意识被彻底唤醒的关键时刻。
“完美”这个词(舞者大多是完美主义者,扑朔 迷离的“完美”,往往令他们陷入走火入魔的境 地)。托马斯扳过她细巧的下巴,恶狠狠地吻着 了她。若是旁的女人,恐怕立即香舌暗度、运津 咀华,顺势往来一番,然而竟有妮娜这等不晓事 的,咬了上司一口。可以说托马斯早就心有定案, 要扶助妮娜成为白天鹅,一切波折只是故意锻造 她的过程,或可说在妮娜的咬啮中,托马斯看到 了她并不懦弱、甚至有些凶狠的一面,于是相信 她仍是可造之材。 在某些时候,灰色托马斯的举动,会引人误解他是个想把妮娜潜规则的上司, 其实他绝非心地龌龊,他看出这女孩有如浑金璞玉,希望通过爱欲的打磨,令她 升华到更高境界。 所有艺术最高形式的魅力,其实都是模拟性快感。因此,不懂得爱与性爱的
2010 American psychological thriller and horror film directed by Darren Aronofsky
In a prestigious ballet company, the production requires a ballerina to play both the innocent White Swan and the sensual Black Swan. One dancer, Nina (Portman), is a perfect fit for the White Swan, while Lily (Kunis) has a personality that matches the Black Swan. When the two compete for the parts, Nina finds a dark side to herself.
Darren Aronofsky's Black Swan is an examination of obsession. Obsession in striving for beauty, acceptance, and most of all perfection. It explores the dichotomy involved in both loving and hating yourself. As Nina (Natalie Portman) begins to lose her mind it becomes more difficult for the viewer to tell what is real and what isn't. This is the point at which the film starts blurring the lines between psychological thriller and horror.
黑天鹅ppt 读书分享 读书笔记课件.ppt
一般来说,“黑天鹅”事件是指满足以下三 个特点的事件:
首先,它具有意外性。 第二,它产生重大影响。 第三,人的本性促使在事后为它的发生编造
理由,并且或多或少认为它是可解释和可预 测的。
逻辑分析 大约在400年前,培根就曾经发出这样的警告:当心被
我们自己思想的丝线束缚。但我们总是犯这种错误,总 是以为过去发生过的事情很有可能再次发生,所以免不 了会凭经验办事。比如,我们经常编出简单的理由或故 事来解释我们尚不知晓的复杂事情。例子:我们无法预 知在未来的某一天股市的涨跌,据以预测的理由要么过 于简单化了,要么根本就是错误。事实上,真正重大的 事件是无法预知的, Taleb把这称为“黑天鹅”。作者 的这一论点,对于那些靠预测经济发展为业的专家们而 言,可以说是沉重的一击。
1990年,马科维茨与威廉夏普及默顿米勒 分享了当年诺贝尔经济学奖。
长期资本管理公司,成立于1994年,却在 1998年末破产。在五年间创造了对冲基金 盈利的多项记录。在1998年初时其净资产 46亿美元,管理的资产总额多达1500亿美 元,杠杆比率1:33。公司合伙人股权比率 占40%。
金融风暴 长期资本管理公司依据历史数据建立了复杂的定量 模型,并认为新兴市场利率将降低,发达国家的利 率走向相反,于是大量买入新兴市场债券,同时抛 空美国国债。出乎预料,1998年8月,俄罗斯宣布 卢布贬值延迟三个月偿还外债,俄罗斯国债大幅贬 值并完全丧失流动性。从5月俄罗斯金融风暴到9月 全面溃败,这家声名显赫的对冲基金在短短150余天 内资产净值下降90%,出现43亿美元巨额亏损,仅 剩5亿美元,濒临破产。俄罗斯国债的大幅贬值就是 一只无人能预见的黑天鹅,它再次印证了这一观点: 对于不可预计的突发事件的发生,金融市场是没有 准备的。
• 其实善与恶都是人内心的 欲望。我们可以逃避欲望, 我们可以藏匿欲望,我们 可以压抑欲望,可是,我 们不能无视欲望。如今的 中国人,特别是80后一代, 正如同Nina一样,压抑着 却无法了解自己。欲望如 同住在你心里的恶狗,如 果你不能够从一开始就知 道它要什么?它怕什么? 总有一天它会咬上你一口。
不过,悬念仍未解开:化妆间中还有一只死去的黑天 鹅。妮娜用粉色的毛巾遮挡住门缝里渗出的血泊,却惊见 莉莉推门道贺,悬念之弦被绷上了最紧的一扣——死去的 到底是谁?镜子确实碎裂一地,但门下并没有血……弦乐 始终阴森急促地迫在空气中,妮娜泫然呆怔,慢慢垂下头, 从小腹一起一伏的伤口中拿出了折断的镜子碎片。真相大 白。 这一段波曼的面部表情丰富刻骨,恍然、惶然、悲凄、 绝望、悔疚、无措、忍痛、坚忍……层次感极强的表演毫 不脱力地支撑起这个最高潮的情节。最后,她低泣着在镜 前坐下,用粉扑抹去眼泪,肌肉受到被动拉扯,硬生生把 戚容转换为微笑。黑天鹅已死在舞台上,白天鹅也要在舞 台上死去。 而在最后一跃中,遍体雪白的妮娜终于带着黑天鹅的 伤口,回归纯白世界。 “完美。我得到了完美。” 在经历灵与肉的双重磨难之后,黑天鹅与白天鹅在纠 缠中合为一体,创造出完美的境地,俱获安宁。 当然,为什么观众始终看不到血渍?为什么众人围 上来时没有第一时间看到白裙上的鲜血?我们也很疑 问。。。。。。
四、贝丝: 妮娜在被贝丝砸得乱七八糟的化妆间中, 偷取了一只唇膏。这表示她其实暗暗期望像 贝丝一样有魅惑人心的女性魔力;贝丝的小 刀象征她的略性——那也是白天鹅潜意识 中期望得到的。 她所担心的:贝丝的今日就是她的明日, 失掉舞者的腿,失掉容貌。因此幻觉中看到 贝丝/自己疯狂地将刀子向脸上插去。
“女神的男人”文森特女神的男人”文森特 女神的男人 卡索,乍看普通,多看 卡索,乍看普通, 几眼,便觉优雅迷人、 几眼,便觉优雅迷人、 透骨而来, 透骨而来,暗叹莫妮卡 挑枕边人的眼光着实了 得。文森特的面目恰到 好处地有点肉欲色彩, 好处地有点肉欲色彩, 时有媚气一闪, 时有媚气一闪,符合他 在女人堆厮混的身份; 在女人堆厮混的身份; 他特殊之处是双眼生得 有些开,感觉像《潘神 有些开,感觉像《 的迷宫》中的潘神—— 的迷宫》中的潘神 半羊半人的潘神, 半羊半人的潘神,凑巧 也是欲望的象征。 也是欲望的象征。
黑天鹅电影简介 PPT
Barbara Hershey Barbara Hershey(中文名: 芭芭拉· 赫尔希),1948年 2月5日出生于加利福利亚, 美国好莱坞资深演员。在 黑天鹅中饰演女主角妮娜 的母亲
• 人性中的善与恶、美与丑、正与邪都在内心的一念 之差,贪婪、奸诈、虚荣、嫉妒、毁灭正是导演用黑天 鹅隐喻人性中的邪恶丑,用幻想意识流审视窥探人性在 名利场上的得失心态究竟会达到哪种可怕的境地?人性的 黑与白正是内心面临巨大诱惑时难以左右难以抉择难以 自控的矛盾临界,每个人心中都有两只天鹅,飞出白还 是黑?没逼到绝境谁都不知道,这就是电影的伟大:永远 探寻人性黑白,灵魂深处拘禁黑天鹅,放飞白天鹅,愿 全人类都如此!
Hale Waihona Puke 米拉· 库尼斯(Mila Kunis),1983年8 月14日出生于乌克兰切尔诺夫策,美 国影视演员。 9岁时被娱乐经纪人Susan Curtis发掘 进入演艺圈。1998年,14岁的米拉谎 报年龄参加《70年代秀》。2010年, 米拉在《黑天鹅》中饰演莉莉一角。
文森特· 卡塞尔(Vincent Cassel,原名Vincent Crochon),1966年11月23日 出生于法国巴黎,法国演员、 导演、电影制作人、剧作家 和配音员。
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The only person standing in your way is you. It's time to let it go. Lose yourself. 你的本性在阻碍你。赶走她,释放你自己。 Perfection is not just about control. It's also about letting go. 完美不是控制出来的,是爆发出来的。
The Black Swan《黑天鹅(1942)》完整中英文对照剧本
12点!12:00!12点,一切正常!12:00 and all is well!夜色很美!The night is fair!风停了!The wind is down!指挥官的女儿已经从病中恢复过来了!And the commander's daughter has recovered from the sickness! 12点!12:00!十二点钟,瓜德拉人♥民♥感谢今晚的和平!12:00,and the people of Guadela are grateful for a night of peace! 感谢上帝在他的天堂,午夜敲响,一切都好!God be thanked in his heaven that midnight strikes and all is well! 12点!12:00!12点,一切正常!12:00 and all is well!12点!12:00!虽然收获不多,但很容易。
A poor haul, but an easy one.我们在马拉开波会做得更好。
We'll do ourselves better in Maracaibo.你为什么闷闷不乐?What are you moping about?在这里。
Here. Drink this.没有?No?啊!Ahhh!打起来很容易,杰米。
It was an easy scuffle, Jamie-Boy.啊,这是。
嘿,你揉鼻子干什么?-Aye, it was. -Hey, what are you rubbing your nose for?-我在想一些事。
用它治疗!-I'm thinking on something. -Out with it!他们这周要绞死摩根船长,在伦敦的码头上绞死他。
They're hanging Captain Morgan this week,hanging him on the docks in London.这就是我在想的。
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The wonderful fragment
Classic dialogue
1.Well Fonteyn danced into her fifties. (玛格.芳延一直跳到了50岁。) 2.I felt perfect. I was perfect, (我感觉到了完美。我曾是完美。) 3.I'm the Swan Queen, You're the one who never left the corps. (我是天鹅女王。你只能一辈子跑龙套。) 4.The only person standing in your way is you. It's time to let it go. Lose yourself. (你的本性在阻碍你。赶走她,释放你自己。) 5.Perfection is not just about control. It's also about letting go. (完美不是控制出来的,是爆发出来的。) 6.Surprise yourself so you can surprise the audience. (超越自己,征服自己,征服观众。) 7.Every great career has to come an end. (每个伟大的事业都有结束的一天。)
Title: Black Swan Production year: 2010 Country: USA Cert: 15(UK), R(US) Runtime: 103 mins Directors: Darren Aronofsky Cast: Barbara Hershey, Mila Kunis, Natalie Portman, Vincent Cassel, Winona Ryder
Beth is bygone Swan Queen。She is symbol of Nina’s anxiety about the future. Nina is worried about that there will be new competitors and she will be eliminated in the future.
1.The 68th Annual Golden Globe Awards 2011 (2011年第68届美国电视电影金球奖 ) 最佳女主角 —— 娜塔丽· 波特曼
2.第83届 奥斯卡(美国电影学院奖) 2011 最佳女主角 娜塔丽· 波曼 最佳导演 (提名) 达伦· 阿伦诺夫斯基 最佳影片 (提名) 迈克· 麦达沃伊 最佳影片 (提名) Brian Oliver 最佳影片 (提名) Scott Franklin 最佳摄影 (提名) 马修· 利巴提克 最佳剪辑 (提名) Andrew Weisblum
妮娜是生活在纽约的一个芭蕾舞演员,和她的同行一样,妮 娜这一生中的绝大多数时间和精力都奉献给了芭蕾舞。她和 自己固执的妈妈艾瑞卡住在一起。艾瑞卡曾经也是一名芭蕾 舞演员,现在她不再跳舞,但是为了让女儿能在舞蹈上有所 建树,她对自己的女儿施行着令人窒息的管教。 现在,妮娜所在的芭蕾舞团要排演《天鹅湖》。导演托马 斯· 勒罗伊也准备替换掉原先的首席芭蕾舞演员贝丝· 麦金泰 尔,使用妮娜做为这出新演出季的首演演员。妮娜是他的第 一选择,但不是唯一选择。
• But Nina has competition: a new dancer, Lily (Kunis), who impresses Leroy as well. Swan Lake requires a dancer who can play both the White Swan with innocence and grace, and the Black Swan, who represents guile and sensuality. Nina fits the White Swan role perfectly but Lily is the personification of the Black Swan. As the two young dancers expand their rivalry into a twisted friendship, Nina begins to get more in touch with her dark side - a recklessness that threatens to destroy her. Written by Fox Searchlight Pictures
Lily is the contender of Nina about her role. She represents Nina’fear about the competition and her weakness。
Her mother used to be a ballet dancer,nothing but than a walkon.Because she was pregnant,she had to give up her favourite job and took her daughter at home.She anchored all of her hopes in Nina and has a strong desire to be in possession of Nina and treats her as a baby who will nver grow up:she bought pink dolls for her and decorate her room into pink,which lead to the dependence and recreance of Nina in character.Just as most of traditional Chinese parents,she turned Nina into a obedient "sweet girl".While she is dangcing,she never make mistakes as she knows the technique,however,she never lose and relax herself.
White Swan:chaste(纯洁)
kind-hearted autonomic(自律)
Black Swan:tameless(野性)
self-centred(自我) apolaustic(放纵)
At its centre is young ballerina Nina Sayers, played by Natalie Portman. She is beautiful, vulnerable, sexually naive and susceptible to mental illness. To play the role of a lifetime, Nina must delve deep into her own dark side. As her hallucinations and anxiety attacks escalate in tandem with her progress in rehearsal, artistic breakthrough fuses with nervous breakdown. This is a movie about fear of penetration, fear of your body, fear of being supplanted in the affections of a powerful man, love of perfection, love of dance, and perhaps most importantly of all, passionate and overwhelming hatred of your mother.
In the film,Thomas,the president of the Ballet Theater,is the mentor of Nina to surpass herself and pursue perfection.He knows that there are two swans in Nina's mind. The suppression of various factors in the outside world,especially from her mother,does not inspire her character of black swan outl. He helps Nina realize her darkness in her mind.He helps Nina overcome her fearness and also leads to her self-destruction.
Nina (Portman) is a ballerina in a New York City ballet company whose life, like all those in her profession, is completely consumed with dance. She lives with her obsessive former ballerina mother Erica (Hershey) who exerts a suffocating control over he