

关于2002 - 2013年国际石油贸易相互关联和演化特征的复杂网络观点

关于2002 - 2013年国际石油贸易相互关联和演化特征的复杂网络观点

A complex network perspective on interrelations and evolution features of international oil trade,2002–2013qRuijin Du a ,⇑,Ya Wang a ,Gaogao Dong a ,⇑,Lixin Tian a ,b ,Yixiao Liu a ,Minggang Wang b ,Guochang Fang caCenter of Energy Development and Environmental Protection,Jiangsu University,Zhenjiang 212013,China bSchool of Mathematical Sciences,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210046,China cSchool of Economics,Nanjing University of Finance and Economics,Nanjing 210023,Chinah i g h l i g h t sThe top 1network model can well reflect countries’preference in choosing oil trade partners.The modified closed-system input-output method can reflect the direct and indirect influences among oil trading countries. The interrelation and evolution features of international oil trade network have been discussed. The result shows us how to make a rational decision for a country to develop oil trade relations.a r t i c l e i n f o Article history:Received 1October 2016Received in revised form 29November 2016Accepted 8December 2016Available online 20December 2016Keywords:International crude oil trade Complex network Top networkModified closed-system input-output analysisInterrelationsEvolution featuresa b s t r a c tIn this paper,a directed and weighted world crude oil trade network is constructed.Based on the built network,we apply top network method and modified closed-system input-output method to assess the relative importance of countries in the international oil trade.The top 1network consisting of top trade relations,can well reflect countries’preference in choosing oil trade partners.As a simplified net-work model of international oil trade network,the top 1network has been analyzed the structure and evolution.In order to identify important oil trading countries,the modified closed-system input-output analysis has yielded some promising results,which show countries who play key role in interna-tional oil trade,are trading large oil volumes.In addition,by describing the influences of countries on each other,we find major oil importers have a much effect on other countries,including major oil expor-ters.The evolution analysis obtained by these two methods coincide with each other.To conclude,some suggestions are given according to the results.Ó2016Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.1.IntroductionCrude oil is still the principal fuel source in the world,it accounts for nearly 32:9%of global energy consumption in 2015.As a national strategic resource,crude oil plays a pivotal role in economic development and national security.Due to the unbal-ance distribution of oil production and consumption,international oil trade gives a big push for the cross-border oil flows,which bind the whole world into a global oil trade network.A detailed understanding of oil trading-based network is meaningful forgovernments because they are eager to understand the global oil trade in order to avoid oil supply risk.Actually,oil trade flows reflect the relationships among coun-tries,which form a network where the countries are taken as the nodes and the trade relationships as the edges.Thus,the develop-ment of ‘‘the new science of networks”[1,2]has offered an effec-tive tool when analyzing the trading patterns.The complex network approach has been proved fruitful and shed new light on international oil trade [3–7].A directed oil trading-based net-work model was established by An et al.to study the relationship between countries with common trade partners [3].Wang et al.employed a complex network approach to research the interaction patterns among the crude oil import dependency countries in the global oil trade network [4].Zhong et al.studied the evolution of communities of the world oil trade network by setting up un-weighted and weighted oil trade network models using data from 2002to 2011,and analyzed their evolutionary features and/10.1016/j.apenergy.2016.12.0420306-2619/Ó2016Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.qThe short version of the paper was presented at CUE2016on June 13–15,Jinan,China.This paper is a substantial extension of the short version of the conference paper.⇑Corresponding authors.E-mail addresses:dudo999@ (R.Du),gago999@ (G.Dong).Applied Energy 196(2017)142–151Contents lists available at ScienceDirectApplied Energyj o ur na l h o me pa ge :w w w.e ls e v ie r.c o m/lo c a t e/ap en e rgystabilities over the time[5].Zhang et al.studied the competition among oil importers using complex network theory,combined with several alternative measures of competition intensity,to ana-lyze the evolution of the pattern and transmission of oil-trading competition[6].Du et al.studied the overall topological structure properties of global oil trade network,and by applying random matrix theory,explored the complex spatiotemporal dynamic from the country level andfitness evolution of the global oil market from a demand-side analysis[7].Existing network studies have greatly contributed to our under-standing of international oil trade.However some shortages are still existed.First,in the above global oil trade network,a country’s trade partners are treated equally.However,not all the trading partners are equally important to a country.A country is concen-trated in its trade with a few partners.This concentration is espe-cially notable for developing countries,as most peripheral countries’foreign trade is heavily dependent on particular core countries,according to world system and dependency theories [8–10].Thus it is necessary to distinguish a country’s top trade partners from nonessential ones and to study the specific trade network based on these top trade relations.By introducing the def-inition of‘export intensity’,Ji et al.constructed a global oil trade core network,which is a simplified model of the whole interna-tional oil trade,and analyzed the overall features,regional charac-teristics and stability of the oil trade by using complex network theory[11].Second,the question of the relative importance of oil trading countries and influences between them has rarely been studied. Even if there existed study of identifying the centrality of nodes, they were often limited to some traditional indicators,such as degree,strength,betweenness,etc.[12–14].In fact,the actual international oil trade network is both directed and weighted sys-tem,and trade relationship between two countries are presented as direct or indirect connections.In the former study,the indirect relation of oil exporters and oil importers has been neglected.For example,if there is an oil importer C,which heavily relies on oil exporter B,which in turn imports oil from another country A,then it is clear that even if there are no direct connections from A to C,A is a major contributor to C.Therefore,it would be significant to have a means of reflecting trade direction,trade volume,direct as well as indirect trade relations.In light of these gaps,we specifically construct a top1import network and a top1export network based on top trade relations. The simplified network model can describe countries’preference in choosing trade partners well,and also reflect the positions of oil trading countries and evolution features well.We further develop a modified closed-system input-output analysis method, which not only contains the direction and the intensity of oil trade relations,but also considers the direct and indirect influ-ences among oil trading countries,to discuss the relative impor-tance of these countries and how this evolves.The results of the above two methods are compared.In this paper,Section2intro-duces the model and methodology.Section3is empirical analysis for global oil trade network.Section4is conclusions and suggestions.2.Model and methodology2.1.The global oil trade network modelingWe construct a model of directed and weighted global oil trade network,whose nodes are the nations,and edges are the oil trade relationships between nations.The oilflow out of and into a coun-try can be presented by an edge with direction.The weight of the edge is measured by the trading volumes.Since the international oil trade includes import and export flows,the network can be divided into oil import network,in which the in-degree and in-strength of nodes are only considered, and oil export network,in which the out-degree and out-strength of nodes are only considered.The in-degree k in of a node(country) measures the number of countries,which export oil to the country. The out-degree k out measures the number of countries,which import oil from the country.The in-strength s in of a country means its total imports,and the out-strength s out is its total exports.Fig.1 is an example of the directed and weighted network.Fig.1is an example of the directed and weighted network.Sup-pose there are crude oil trade relationships among four countries named A,B,C and D.Take node B for example,if B imports5tons of crude oil from A,the weight of the directed edge,which repre-sents the oilflow from A to B,is5.Thus,for B,k in¼1;s in¼5.At the same time,B exports2tons of crude oil to D,and exports1 ton crude oil to C.The weights of the two directed links connecting B to D,and B to C,are2and1separately.Thus,for B,we have k out¼2;s out¼3.2.2.Top network analysis methodBased on the above international oil trade network,we further build a simplified network to capture most important relations in the oil trade by using the core idea of Ref.[10].The specific simpli-fied network is on the base of top oil trading relations,that is,if country j is country i’s top trade partner,country i is linked to country j;otherwise,there is no tie between i and j.Particularly, we consider oil import network.If country i imports oil from j and other countries,we rank the import trade relations of i with other countries by importing volumes.Thus,the top1oil import network is constructed by including each country’s topmost import trade relation only.In the same way,by ranking the export trade relations of each country with other countries by exporting volumes,the top1oil export network is built by including each country’s topmost export trade relation only.If each country’s top two importing or exporting trade relations are kept,the resul-tant network is called top2import or export network.Further,we can go down the ranking of trade relations and obtain the top net-works of the selected standard.One key characteristic of the top import/export network is that all nodes have an in-degree/out-degree not exceeding the selected standard,but the out-degree/ in-degree varies acrossnodes.R.Du et al./Applied Energy196(2017)142–1511432.3.Modified closed-system input-output analysis methodThe input-output theory was first proposed in 1936by Ameri-can economist Leontief,and answered two typical questions:first,what happens if the final demand increases?Second,which eco-nomic sector is the most important for the whole economy [15]?Tang et al.established an input-output model to calculate oil embodied in the international trade of China [16].Shen et al.revealed the interrelations among scientific fields and their relative influences by an input-output analysis,in which the element x i j of input-output matrices reflected a citation received by paper in field i from paper in field j [17].Because of including both direct and indirect connections,the relationships among countries can be revealed deeper with the input-output analysis method,than with the traditional measure of complex network by calculating degrees and strengths.Assume the global oil trade network has N countries.Denote the weighted adjacent matrix as W ,which is also called the input-output matrix,whose element x ij represents the volume of oil flow-ing from country i to country j .Let A be the direct input-output coefficients matrix,the element of which isa ij ¼x ijx j;i ;j ¼1;2;...;N ;ð1Þwhere x j ¼Pk x jk .With these elements a ij ,we obtainx i ¼XjA ij x j )X ¼AX :ð2ÞEq.(2)means that X is an eigenvector of matrix A corresponding to the eigenvalue 1,the largest eigenvalue of matrix A .For simplicity,the eigenvector corresponding to the largest eigenvalue is called the largest eigenvector.A ðÀj Þis what remains of matrix A after its j th row and j th column are removed.Denote the largest eigenvalue of matrix A ðÀj Þby k ðÀj Þ.If country j has hardly any trading connections to other countries,i.e.,the values in the j th row and/or column are very small compared with other elements of A ;k ðÀj Þis very close to 1.Otherwise,if country j relates closely to other countries,k ðÀj Þis much smaller than 1.Therefore,the input-output factor on the input side (In-IOF)is given [17]S j IO ¼1Àk ðÀj Þð3Þto calculate the relative importance of country j .The practical inter-pretation of the largest eigenvector is:the vector X can be regarded as the specific combination of oil from different countries,that results in well operating of oil trading system.The k th element of X ,denoted as h k j X i ,can be interpreted as the supplying of the kth144R.Du et al./Applied Energy 196(2017)142–151country to the global oil trade network.h k j k ðÀj Þi ,the k th element of the largest eigenvector of matrix A ðÀj Þ,can be understood as the con-tribution of country k for the oil trade system without country j .Thus,to reflect the influence of country j to country k ,we pro-pose the input-output influence on the input side (In-IOI)definedbyR.Du et al./Applied Energy 196(2017)142–151145D j k ¼1Àh k j kðÀjÞih k j X i;ð4ÞObviously,for a given country j;D jkdescribes if j is removed from the global oil trading network,how much the oil imports/exports ofcountry k changes,directly and indirectly.When D jk(0,countryk relies strongly on country j,and when D jk)0,country k can be regarded as a competitor of country j.The above analysis are applicable to the import side.For the same reason,when we transpose the input-output matrices ðx ijÞNÂN,by using the above two equations,we can get the input-output factor(Out-IOF)and input-output influence(Out-IOI)on the export side.The modified closed-system input-output analysis method can show the characteristics of the real oil trade, since it is based on the weighted adjacent matrix of global oil trade network,which not only mirrors the direction of oilflow,but also reflects the quantity of oil trade.3.Empirical analysis for global oil trade network3.1.DataWe employ bilateral tradeflows data from the United Nations Commodity Trade Database(UN Comtrade;http://comtrade.un. org).We build a balanced panel of N¼183countries and regions for which we have commodity-specific imports and exportsflows from2002to2013(T¼12years).The used code is HS270900: crude petroleum oils.3.2.Top1oil trade network:revealing the structure and evolutionThe top oil trade networks extract the most important relation-ships from the global oil trade network.Fig.2shows the trade vol-ume percentages of various import and export top networks in the overall international oil trade.According to Fig.2(a)and(b),oil flows in the top1import and export networks make up more than 30%of total imports and exports,respectively.The top2,top6and top10networks account for approximately50%,80%and90%of total global oil trade.These percentages have almost been stable over time.This illustrates top trade relations can indeed reflect the global oil trade network well.Fig.2(c)and(d)further shows the relationship between top networks and their percentages in total oil trade in the years2002,2008,2010and2013.All curves start above30%,then rise up and approach100%as more trade relations are brought into the top networks.However,the trend of the percentages appears a convex increasing parabolic curve, thus the growth rate is decreasing.Since top1relations are included by all types of top networks,and the top1network alone accounts for more than30%of the overall oil trade,in this study we analyze the structure and evolution of top1import and export networks.Fig.3visualizes the top1oil import and export networks in 2013.In the top1oil import network,each major oil exporter,Rus-sia,Saudi Arabia,United Arab Emirates,United States of America, etc.,leads a large cluster.Although the total exports of United States of America are not much,but the number of countries USA exporting oil to are relative larger,and many of these countries have USA as their largest import source.Russia,Saudi Arabia,Uni-ted Arab Emirates are countries with larger exports,and are the top sources of many oil importers.In the top1oil export network,each major oil importer,China,United States of America,India,Japan, etc.leads a large cluster.Besides the big clusters,there also exist some small clusters surrounding around some local centers.In order to better understand the hierarchical structure of the top1oil trade networks,we apply the degrees to reflect the status of countries.In the top1oil import network,all countries have in-degree1or0,but have different out-degrees.The out-degree can determine the status of countries in the network.Similarly,in the top1oil export network,all countries have out-degree1or 0,but different in-degrees,which can reflect the position of coun-tries in the network.Table1shows the top10countries in the top 1oil import network between2002and2013.From Table1,the ten countries can be roughly divided into three levels.The central Status of Russia and Saudi Arabia have been stable over time.They can be regarded as thefirst level.The second level consists of four members:United Arab Emirates,Nigeria,South Africa and United States of America.The average out-degree of each member isTable1Out-degree for major countries in top1oil import network,2002–2013.Country200220032004200520062007200820092010201120122013Russia202023252023222222232221 Saudi Arabia121312131613151513141112 United Arab Emirates559571011971289 Nigeria866565687564 South Africa765767786364 USA534437634547 Norway655563333233 Kazakhstan314233444465 Libya333334332021 Iran233343214310Table2In-degree for major countries in top1oil export network,2002–2013.Country200220032004200520062007200820092010201120122013USA17141615161614141416127 China15548866781013 Japan976566555455 Germany334356655574 Australia455544554453 Italy655444533463 India000022483796 Korea713122344433 Sweden452531222431 Canada104572511201 146R.Du et al./Applied Energy196(2017)142–151R.Du et al./Applied Energy196(2017)142–151147between5and8,and their out-degrees are all above3in the whole time period.Positions of Norway and Iran decrease gradually.It means many countries who before had the two countries as their top oil import sources have shifted to other countries.In contrast, the position of United Arab Emirates increases obviously.The third level includes four members:Norway,Kazakhstan,Libya and Iran. The average out-degree of each member is between2and4.Table2shows the in-degree for major countries in the top1oil export network from2002to2013.The10countries can be roughly divided into four levels.Thefirst level only has United States of America,whose average in-degree is above14.This illus-trates the United States of America is the biggest oil export market for many countries.The second level consists of two members: China and Japan.The average in-degree of each member is between148R.Du et al./Applied Energy196(2017)142–1515and 7.The third level includes five members:Germany,Australia,Italy,India and Korea.The average in-degree of each member is between 3and 5.The fourth level contains countries as Sweden and Canada.The central position of the United States of America has remained stable during the 12years.The status of Japan has shown a gradual decline over the 12years.This means many coun-tries who before had Japan as their export market have shifted to other countries.On the contrary,the trends of China and India’s positions have been on the rise year by year.It shows an increasing diversity of their import sources.3.3.Modified closed-system input-output analysis:revealing the interrelation and evolutionWe construct the input-output network (matrices)from 2002to 2013by extracting 46major oil trading countries (the crude oil trading volume of each country is above 100million tons in 2013).They are Algeria,Angola,Australia,Azerbaijan,Belarus,Bel-gium,Brazil,Canada,China,Colombia,Congo,Ecuador,Finland,France,Germany,Greece,India,Indonesia,Iran,Iraq,Italy,Japan,Kazakhstan,Korea,Kuwait,Libya,Malaysia,Mexico,Netherlands,Nigeria,Norway,Oman,Poland,Portugal,Qatar,Russia,Singapore,South Africa,Spain,Sweden,Chinese Taipei,Thailand,UnitedKingdom,United States of America,Saudi Arabia,United Arab Emi-rates.The closed-system input-output method is applied to ana-lyze the relative importance of and influences among these major oil trading countries.First,we examine the correlation of the relative importance,as measured by IOF,degree and strength.Fig.5(a)shows the in-degree and in-strength rankings of USA,India,Netherlands,etc.are the same.There also exist countries of which the two rankings are different obviously.For example,the in-degree rankings of Sin-gapore and Thailand are in the top,while the in-strength rankings are a little lower.Their imports are nearly 0.12billion tons less than that of Japan,but their importing countries are more than Japan’s.This effectively spreads the imports risk,and reduces the dependency on exporters.Fig.5(b)shows the correlation of in-IOF ranking with in-degree ranking is very similar with Fig.5(a).We examine the correlation between in-IOF and in-strength.The countries are almost on the diagonal line in Fig.5(c).From Fig.5(d),we find countries like Libya,Angola,Algeria,etc.,whose exports are about 0.3billion tons less than Saudi Arabia,but the out-degrees of which are very close to that of Saudi Arabia.It means that Libya,Algeria,etc.have a wider export market.Fig.5(e)shows the correlation of out-IOF ranking and out-degree rank-ing is very similar with Fig.5(d).From Fig.5(f),we find theout-IOFFig.8.A comparison of different methods to measure the countries who play more important role in global oil trade.R.Du et al./Applied Energy 196(2017)142–151149and out-strength rankings of top ten countries are almost the same.Almost all the countries are distributed around the diagonal line.Besides,we perform comparisons of degree,strength and IOF rankings on the input and output sides in2002and2008 separately,as shown in Fig.6.These all illustrate that countries with large influences,whatever on the input side or on the output side,are with large strengths,that are large importers or exporters.Fig.7shows the evolution of In-IOF and Out-IOF.In Fig.7(a),we find the United States of America played the most important role on the import side over a period of12years,from2002to2013. It’s worth mentioning that China and India played increasingly important roles in international oil trade.However,the importance of Japan was decreasing gradually.In Fig.7(b),Saudi Arabia and Russia lied in essential positions on the export side during the whole sample period.The importances of United Arab Emirates and Iraq have strengthened from2002through2013.But Norway and Iran became continually less important.This result coincides with that of Top network analysis.Besides comparing the evolution trend,the following Fig.8per-forms a comparison about the relative importance of countries in 2013based on the above metrics methods.The result shows that the measurement results obtained by the three indicators: strength,IOF and degree of top network,are very close,especially by strength and IOF.Pursuing stable oil supply has been a great concern for both pol-icy makers of most industrialized nations and scholars especially since the break of two global oil crises of the1970s.It is generally known that oil-exporting countries have played an essential role in international oil-trading network.OPEC(Organization of the Petro-leum Exporting Countries)has played a dominant role in the globalinfluence on the input side in2002,2008and2013. 150R.Du et al./Applied Energy196(2017)142–151oil sector by coordinating and unifying petroleum policies among its member countries.As of2015,the14member countries accounted for an estimated43%of global oil production and73% of the world’s‘‘proven”oil reserves.Sudden change in oil-exporting countries will causefluctuation of oil supply.Much work has been done on the supply side[18–21].In Fig.9,we report influ-ences among major oil importers and exporters by using a heat-map,in which the color corresponds to the IOI from the row to the column countries.From Fig.9,wefind that the major impor-ters,such as United States of America(USA),China(CHN),Japan (JPN),United Kingdom(UK),Singapore(SIN),Netherlands(NED), Korea(KOR),Germany(GER),France(FRA),Spain(ESP),and Aus-tralia(AUS),etc.have great influence on other countries,including major oil exporters.Therefore,while special attention is paid to the oil supply side,the demand side of the international oil trade should also be concerned with by policy makers and scholars.4.Conclusions and suggestionsIn this paper,we tried to answer the question:how important is the country in the international crude oil trade?The global crude oil trade network model is built from crude petroleum data from2002 to2013.We applied the modified closed-system input-output analysis method and top network analysis method to reveal the structural features and evolution of the global oil trade system.Not all relations in the international oil trade network are of the same importance.Although the top1network is a simplified model, which only consists of countries’topmost trade relations,but it can well reflect countries’preference in choosing oil trade partners.By the structural analysis of top1oil import or export network,wefind the whole network is separated by clusters,most of the countries in which are surrounding around global or local centers,that is,major oil exporters,such as Russia,Saudi Arabia,United Arab Emirates, etc.,or major oil importers,such as China,United States of America, India and Japan,etc.These global and local centers are regarded as the main oil importing sources or exporting destinations.Further, the evolution features of major countries in top networks are ana-lyzed.The result offers a way to make a rational decision for a coun-try to develop oil trade relations.The modified closed-system input-output analysis method has considered both direct and indirect effects in measuring which country contributes more in the global oil trade and thus may be traded preferentially.Wefind that a country with greater influ-ence,is also with larger oil trading volume.The evolution of IOF analysis follows the same trend with that of top network analysis. Moreover,the heatmap of IOI describes the influences of countries on each other.Particularly,wefind major oil importing countries have great influence upon not only the marginal countries,but also major oil exporting countries.Therefore,when people are paying continual attentions to the issues related to major oil exporting countries,they also should concern the series of problems brought by oil importing countries.In addition,the above two methods are applicable to more energy systems that have input-output relations among their ele-ments.When combined with time-series data,the methods can also be adopted to track the evolution of the elements.AcknowledgementsThe authors thank Prof.Jinshan Wu and Dr.Zhesi Shen from School of Systems Science,Beijing Normal University for their valuable discussions.This work is supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant Nos.61403171,71403105, 71303095,71303205,71503132,71673116),Major Research plan of the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No. 91546118),Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province(Grant Nos.BK20140569,14KJB120001),Jiangsu Postdoctoral Science Foundation(Grant Nos.1402077B,1501100B),China Postdoctoral Science Foundation(Grant Nos.2015M581738,2015M80519) and Senior talents Foundation of Jiangsu University(Grant Nos. 14JDG143,14JDG144).References[1]Barabási AL.Linked:the new science of networks.Cambridge,MA:PerseusPublishing;2002.doi:/10.1119/1.1538577.[2]Watts DJ.The‘new’science of networks.Annu Rev Sociol2004;30:243–70.doi:/10.1146/annurev.soc.30.020404.104342.[3]An HZ,Zhong WQ,Chen YR,Li HJ,Gao XY.Features and evolution ofinternational crude oil trade relationships:a trading-based network analysis.Energy2014;74:254–9.doi:/10.1016/j.energy.2014.06.095.[4]Wang MG,Tian LX,Du RJ.Research on the interaction patterns among theglobal crude oil import dependency countries:a complex network approach.Appl Energy2016;180:779–91.doi:/10.1016/j.apenergy.2016.08.026.[5]Zhong WQ,An HZ,Gao XY,Sun XQ.The evolution of communities in theinternational oil trade network.Physica A2014;413:42–52.doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.physa.2014.06.055.[6]Zhang HY,Ji Q,Fan petition,transmission and pattern evolution:anetwork analysis of global oil trade.Energy Policy2014;73:312–22.doi: /10.1016/j.enpol.2014.06.020.[7]Du RJ,Dong GG,Tian LX,Wang MG,Fang GC,Shao S.Spatiotemporal dynamicsandfitness analysis of global oil market:based on complex network.PloS ONE 2016;11:e0162362.doi:/10.1371/journal.pone.0162362. 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关键词:复杂网络;世界贸易;网络模体;聚类分析中图分类号:F740; ; ; ; 文献标志码:A; ; ; 文章编号:1673-291X(2019)01-0159-03引言经济全球化让世界各国在经济上相互联系与依存、相互竞争与制约、相互渗透,无论哪个国家都难以离开其他国家的影响而独立地运转,全球经济逐渐形成一个互相依赖、不可分割的整体。

经济学家很早以前就将国际贸易作为一个网络来研究,Higerdt利用被社会学家Jacob L.Moreno称为“社群图”的图来表示第二次世界大战前国际贸易情况[1~2] 。





国际经济学家Garlaschelli D and Loffredo M的研究集中利用国家之间的贸易数据构建世界贸易网络,描述其网络统计特征及其随时间的演化[4~7]。


还有关于国际贸易网络分析法的具体应用方面,例如:Reyes和Faigolo通过测算拉美国家和东亚国家在WTN中的随机游走中心度,来说明二者在WTN中的地位重要性的变化,试图对两个经济体不同的经济发展表现给出解释[8];Li Xiang收集了IMF的数据,针对在2000年互相间的贸易额在100万美元以上的国家间的贸易关系建立国际贸易网络,讨论了国际贸易网络的无标度属性与经济周期同步性的相关关系[9]。














1 我国原油进口贸易空间格局演进1.1 中东和亚太地区占优势的1996-1999年这一时期主要从亚太和中东进口原油为主,从中东和亚太进口的原油的比重一般都超过了80%有些年份甚至更高。






1.2 中东主要地位强化、非洲比重不断上升的2000-2005年由于这一时期初期中东原油价格的飘升,所以中国对中东地区原油的进口没有多大增加。






世界原油贸易格局分析1 世界原油贸易新格局和趋势分析1.1 世界原油贸易格局2017年,原油国际贸易持续上涨,贸易总量达到21.84×108t,相比2016年增长了6800×104t。



根据挪威独立咨询机构Rystad Energy发布的数据,新发现原油储量仅为9.12×108t,为70年来最低水平。



图1 2017年全球原油储量分布占比数据来源:BP世界能源统计年鉴在供应方面,中东产量全球第一,北美地区的产量持续增加。

201 7年全球原油产量约为43.87×108t,从产量分布看,中东地区原油产量最高,达到14.81×108t,占比33.76%;北美地区产量达到9.2×1 08t,占比20.9%;欧洲及欧亚大陆达到8.6×108t,占比19.65%;非洲、中南美洲及亚太分别占比8.74%、8.39%、8.56%(见图2)。

尽管中东地区的原油产量远高于其他地区,但近年来产量增幅有限,从20 07年的12.1×108t增加到2017年的14.8×108t,年均增速仅约为2. 03%;而同期北美地区则因为页岩油的开采,产量从6.3×108t增长到9.2×108t,年均增速达到3.86%;其余地区近年来产量并没有增长,反而呈现出略微下降的趋势。


































出口技术复杂度作为外贸发展方式转型升级的重要内容,被认为是衡量一国或地区出口产品技术水 平和商品结构的有效指标,并在一定程度上反映了该国或地区的国际分工地位。⑷一国出口技术复杂度 的提升是一个系统性工程,受诸多因素影响。要素禀赋结构[5],基础设施水平[6],人力资本积累[7],金融 体系的发展[8]等都构成了一国出口技术复杂度提升的动力机制。随着全球价值链分工体系的深入发展, 出口技术复杂度的贸易因素引起了国内外学者的广泛关注 。Geref;(2016)认为一国出口技术复杂度的提
现有文献对于贸易网络与出口技术复杂度的研究大都从两个平行维度出发,鲜有文献将两者放在同 一框架内进行研究。本文采用社会网络分析方法构建全球贸易网络,刻画网络的整体概况及各国在贸易 网络中的相对地位和网络特征。在此基础上,实证考察一国在全球贸易网络中的地位对出口技术复杂度 提升的作用程度,为我国对外贸易战略转型提出政策建议。本文的创新点在于:第一,从贸易网络的视角 出发,分析全球贸易网络的整体格局和国家的贸易网络地位及特征;第二,实证检验一国贸易网络地位对 其出口技术复杂度的影响,并且进一步分析在出口技术复杂度条件分布不同的情况下,一国贸易网络地 位对其的差异性影响。第三,结合门槛分析方法进一步考察了贸易自由化对一国贸易网络地位与出口技 术复杂度之间关系的调节作用,并就中国如何在国际贸易摩擦加剧的背景下实现出口技术复杂度的攀升 提出政策建议"
优势,并且在产品创新及开发方面也具有更多的比较优势。&12'—方面,中心性较高的国家通过选择与价值 链高端的国家建立紧密贸易关联,可以获取高端技术外溢和市场规模开拓,促进其在全球价值链分工中 地位的攀升;&13'另一方面,由于网络中其他国家对该国贸易具有较强的依赖性,中心性较高的国家可以通



的系统是 可 以 自我调 整 的 , 种调 整不 是 被动 的 , 这 而 且 这种 现象 对世 界具 有极 大 的影 响 效果 。
素( 或子 系统 ) 的非线 性 关联 使 运 动 轨迹 ( 系统 的 其 他层 次或 其他 部分 又可 能是混 沌 或无 序 的 。复 杂 或
第 3卷
21 0 0年
第 5期
西南 石油 大学 学报( 会科 学版 ) 社
Junl f otw s P t l m U iesy Sca Sine d i ) ora o uh et e oe nvri (oil c cs io S r u t e E tn
V 1 3 No. o. 5
油价 波动 的复 杂性 、 沌 性 认 识 。正 如 乔 治 ・ 盛 混 华
可 以存在 着秩 序 , 公 认 有 序 的 确 定 性 系统 里 又可 而
顿大 学著名 管理 专家威 廉 ・ 哈拉 尔所 指 出的 :复 杂 “ 过 自上而 下 的 中 心 控 制 体 制 对 复 杂 的环 境 加 以 控
摘 要 : 于复 杂 系统 混 沌 理 论 的 视 角 , 基 分析 了国 际原 油 价 格 波 动及 国 际 原 油 市 场 运 行 系统 的 复 杂 性 , 为 国际 油 价 认 的 波 动 是 国际 经 济 、 融 、 油 生 产 、 易 、 费 及 地 缘 政 治 等 多 因素 构 成 一 个 相 互 影 响 、 互 作 用 的 非 线 性 系统 网 金 石 贸 消 相
1 复杂 系统 的 混 沌 现 象
所 谓复 杂 系统 , 通 过 系 统 的组 元 之 间形 成 非 始条 件具 有极 为 敏 感 的依 赖 性 , 是 初始 条 件 极 小 的偏



石油贸易格局的网络结构分析作者:卜晶晶王博君来源:《当代经济管理》2018年第03期摘要:演以丝绸之路经济带沿线带的核心区、扩展区、辐射区共25个国家为研究对象,根据其研究数据建立石油贸易网络并采用社会网络分析法进行综合分析,进一步采用QAP 模型提出影响石油贸易网络的重要因素。

研究结果表明:(1)丝绸之路经济带沿线国家石油贸易联系在2005~2014 年期间整体上保持不变,石油贸易量逐年增长,石油贸易网络结构呈非典型的无标度网络。





关键词:演丝绸之路经济带;石油贸易;社会网络;QAP模型[中图分类号] F416.22 [文献标识码] A [文章编号]1673-0461(2018)03-0063-08一、引言古丝绸之路作为亚欧国家文化交流和贸易物流大通道,其发展可以快速推动沿线区域国家经济的发展,对亚欧国家开展合作具有深远影响。

































【关键词】跨区域原油贸易、重要性、研究目的、现状分析、影响因素、发展趋势、挑战和机遇、案例分析、结论、发展方向、总结、展望1. 引言1.1 跨区域原油贸易的重要性跨区域原油贸易的重要性在全球贸易中占据着重要地位。











1.2 研究目的研究目的的核心在于深入了解跨区域原油贸易的现状情况,探讨其影响因素和发展趋势。




论文编号:外交学院本科毕业论文论文标题:国际石油贸易的社会网络分析作者:叶玉平学号:200915001系别:国际经济学院专业:国际经济与贸易班级:2009512导师及职称:曹胜玉讲师最终成绩:论文打印日期:2013年5月12 日摘要石油贸易是国际大宗商品交易中最重要的组成部分,参与国家多、涉及范围广,关乎到全球市场的繁荣和稳定。





关键词:国际石油贸易社会网络分析整体网络个体网络AbstractThe oil trade, which involves many countries all over the world, is the most important part of international commodity trading and it’s essential to the prosperity and stability of global market. Oil trading in massive volume across the borders and oceans and political, economic, and other nationally strategically multi-sphere factors have made oil trading network extremely complex. Network analysis is a good method in studying global oil trading about the overall network structure and the status of major players in oil trading. Based on 2011 statistics from the UN, this article analyze the characteristics of overall trading network and sub-networks including the node degree, node weight, density, etc., and specifically observes and researches some core trading countries, and also makes some preliminary exploration about oil strategies corresponding to oil security. The results show that it’s of sparsity and great disparity in the whole network and only has a few reciprocal ties between different parties, and node degree is highly related to node weight, and there is a directional trade flow in the core network. With different status in the core network, core players have different oil strategy. This article gives us a profounder understanding about international oil trade, and especially the comparison among core countries is of great importance in upholding China’s oil security.Key words:International oil trade Social Network analysis Overall network Ego-network目录引言 (1)一、网络分析方法 (1)(一)网络分析方法的基本介绍 (1)(二)网络分析方法在国际贸易研究中的应用 (2)二、数据与网络模型 (3)(一)数据搜集处理 (3)(二)模型构建与基本方法 (3)三、国际石油贸易的整体网络特征 (4)(一)不加权的网络分析 (4)1、节点度与度分布 (4)2、密度 (6)3、有向关系网络的凝聚子群 (6)(二)加权的网络分析 (8)1、点权 (8)2、点权与节点度 (9)四、主要石油贸易国的比较分析 (10)(一)贸易核心网络 (10)1、核心网络的构建 (10)2、核心网络的分析 (11)(二)贸易次级网络 (14)1、次级网络的基本特征 (15)2、中心度 (16)3、中介性 (17)五、结论 (19)参考文献 (20)附录 (21)引言石油作为目前人类最重要的常规能源,具有重要的战略意义,石油贸易、能源安全始终是大家关注的热点问题。



Connectivity Reliability of Maritime Transportation Network for Crude Oil Based on Uncertainty Theory 作者: 吕靖;王爽
作者机构: 大连海事大学交通运输工程学院,辽宁大连116026
出版物刊名: 运筹与管理
页码: 85-94页
年卷期: 2018年 第5期
主题词: 原油海运网络;连通可靠性;不确定理论;最可靠路径选择





































复杂断块油藏开发动态分析前言 (2)§1 注水油田开发中存在的主要矛盾 (2)§2 复杂断块油藏开发动态分析 (9)2、平面矛盾的调整 (14)3、层内矛盾的调整 (14)前言采油矿和采油队作为采油厂的采油管理单位,其管理水平和技术水平的高低,直接关系到采油厂的决策能否坚决的、全面的得到实施,关系到采油厂能否实现持续、稳定发展的发展目标,而采油队技术人员作为采油厂决策的直接实施者,其自身素质的高低直接决定了实施效果,所以,如何提高采油队技术人员的业务素质,提高其理解上层领导的决策意图的能力就显得尤为重要,下面就采油队技术管理人员生产中遇到的主要问题进行探讨,希望能够给大家带来一定的收获。

§1 注水油田开发中存在的主要矛盾在油田注水开发过程中,多油层非均质油藏由于储层渗透率在纵向上和平面上的非均质性,注入水沿着相对高渗透层或高渗透条带窜流,而相对中低渗透层和中低渗透条带吸水较少,使得油层生产能力不能得到充分发挥,从而引起一系列矛盾,归纳起来有三大矛盾,它们是影响高产稳产和提高采收率的基本因素。

要搞好油水井的管理和分析,首先要分析油水运动的规律,正确认识三大矛盾:§1.1 层间矛盾层间矛盾是指高渗透储层与中低渗透储层在吸水能力、水线推进速度等方面存在的差异性。






§1.1.1 层间干扰与稳产基础的关系§ 波及体积与采收率的关系表征油藏开发效果的参数非常的多,其中经济采收率是表征油藏开发效果最重要的参数之一[1]。

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结 构 中的贸易 流量 的重要度 。表 示为 : Ki = W /∑ ( 4 )
根据 熵 的 涵义 , 熵刻 画 了系 统 的 均质 程度 , 当 系统 完
全均 质时 , 即 K =1 / N, 权重熵 最大 , 即: J … =l n N; 当 贸易 空 间结构强 度集 中 于一 个 国家 时 , 空 间结 构 最 不 均匀 ,
构成 的差 异 。 产业 结构 的相似 系 数是 由联合 国工 发组 织 ( U N I D O)
向线段 a (i =1 , 2 , …, n ) 所 组 成 的 邻 接 向量 , 即 A=
{。 ,a : ,… , 口 }, 。 取 0或 1 , 当 =0, 代 表 进 口国与
出 口国之 间不存 在 原油 贸易关 系 , 当a =1 则 代 表 有原 油 贸 易流 自出 口国 流 向进 口 国 , 且 A 中 的任 意 一 条 线 a 都以 与 进 口国为端 点 , 任 意 一条 线 除端 点外 , 没 有其 他 公共 点 。那 么 与 A共 同构 成 了特定 时 点 某 国原 油 进 口 贸 易空 间结 构 网络 , 记作 G =( , 4 ) 。
不能 准确描 述原 油 贸易空 间格局 的结 构特 征 , 所 以引入 了 对 贸易强度 的研 究 。在 网络拓 扑 中 , 节 点间关 联 强 度是 由 权重来 表示 的 , 则 权重 向量 可 以表 示为 :
与西 班牙 、 亚 洲 的中 国 、 F t 本、 韩国、 中国 台湾 与 印度 , 及 北 美 的美 国。这 1 0 个 国家与 地 区的石油 消 费量 约 占世界 石
空间结构权重熵进行归一化处理 , 得到标 准权重熵 J s , 即: J s =( . , 一J …) /( t , …一 - , i ) ( 5 )
1 . 2 空间 结构相 似指 数 本 文运 用借用研 究 产 业 结 构差 异 的产业 结 构 相 似性 指数 , 从 进 口权重 构成方 面测算 了各 国原 油 贸易空 间格 局
1 . 1 . 1 度 与 贸 易联 系
国际工业研 究 中心提 出 的度 量方 法 , 用于 比较 两个 区域 产 业结 构 的相 似性 , 现被 广 泛用 于不 同主体 构 成 的 比较 , 相 似 系数 的数值一 般是 介于 0和 1 之 间 。
该指 数用公 式可 表述如 下 :

在 贸易 空 间格局形 成 中 的作 用 。
1 , K i = 0 ( i ≠1 ) , 权 重熵取 最小值 J …= 0。
为了消除进 口来源 国数量不 同给权重熵 比较 的影 响 , 对
1 . 1 原油 贸 易空 间格 局 网络 描 述 设 是一个 由 r t 个 国家 ( i = 1 , 2 , …, n ) 所组成 的原 油 出 口国集 合 , 即V ={ 。 , ,… , } , A是 由 n条有
油为标的物 比较了主要石油进 口国的原油贸易空间格局 。 文 中的主要 原油 进 口国是 来 自全球 三 大 石 油 消费 区 域的 1 0个 国家 和地 区 , 分 别 为西 欧 的法 国 、 德 国、 意大 利
对度 的研究 仅考 虑 了原 油 贸易关 系建 立 情况 , 没有 考 虑原 油贸 易流量 的规模 , 当前 的 国际原 油贸 易格 局 中流 量 的规模 极不 均衡 , 少数 贸 易 联 系 的流 量 规 模 巨 大 , 而 绝 大 多数 贸易联 系 的流 量规 模 却 很 小 , 因此 , 仅 对度 进 行 分 析
油 消费 总 量 的 7 0 %左右, 在 世 界 石 油 贸易 格 局 的形 成 中
有着 决定性 的影 响 。 ( 2 )
研究 数据来 源 于贸 易 中心 ( I n t e r n a t i o n a l T r a d e C e n t e r , I T C) 公 布 的统计 数 据 。I T C是 世 界 贸 易 组 织 和 联合 国 的
— —
代表 在某 时点进 口 国 自 N 个 国家 进 口原 油 。根 据 对 度 的描述 可 以看 出 不 同 的原 油进 口国所 建 立 的 贸易 联 系 状况 , 并 通过 时 间序列 的描述 了解 不 同原油进 口国贸易 联
系 的演进状 况 。
1 . 1 . 2 权 重 与 贸易联 系强度
度是 指某 时点 与进 口节点 相连 的有 向线 段 a , 的数 量 为 Ⅳ, 即: N=∑a ( n =0 , 或1 ) ( 1 )
5 f =∑
/ ( ∑ 氍∑ )
国自 第n— 国与 国进 口区域 的相似性 指数 ;
/ 国自 第n 个 区域 的进 口比重 ;
1 . 3 数据 说 明
在全 部石 油 贸易 中 , 原 油贸 易一直 保持 在石 油 贸易 的 7 0 % 以上 , 部分年 份达 8 0 % 以上 , 因此一 般认为 原油 的经 济
持续供给是保 障一 国石油安全 的关键。基于此 , 本文选择 原
程淑佳等 : 基于复杂 网络理论的原油贸易空 间格局差异分析
人们 对复 杂 网络 的研 究 主 要针 对 现 实 网 络 的拓 扑 结 构进 行测 度 , 及在 对 网络 拓扑 结构 认识 的基 础 上研究 网络 演进 机制 。而 网络作 为复杂 系统 的抽 象 , 关 注 的是 节 点 之 间连接 , 而 非节 点 的位 置 和边 的形态 。所 以在 对现 实 网 络 的研 究 中 , 还应结 合 对 区域 的分 析 , 相 似 系数 分 析 则 是 在前两 者基 础上 , 进 一步 分析 贸易 空间格 局 的差 异及 区位