欺负行为在学生中的盛行以及由此引发的常见症状 毕业论文外文翻译

英语作文校园霸凌Bullying in schools has become a pervasive issue that affects students in many ways.校园霸凌已经成为一个普遍存在的问题,严重影响了学生的生活。
From physical violence to emotional abuse, bullying can have a lasting impact on victims.从身体上的暴力到情感上的虐待,霸凌对受害者都会产生长久的影响。
The effects of bullying can manifest in a variety of ways, including decreased self-esteem, anxiety, and in severe cases, even suicide.霸凌的影响可以表现在各种方面,包括自尊心降低、焦虑,甚至在严重情况下可能导致自杀。
In order to address this issue, it is crucial for schools to prioritize prevention and intervention strategies.为了解决这个问题,学校必须把预防和干预策略放在首要位置。
Preventative measures should include educating students on empathy, conflict resolution, and the importance of inclusivity.预防措施应该包括教育学生关爱、解决冲突和包容性的重要性。
Furthermore, creating a culture of openness and support can encourage victims to come forward and seek help.此外,营造一种开放和支持的文化可以鼓励受害者出来寻求帮助。

校园霸凌的英文作文80词Bullying on campus is a very serious problem that affects many students. (校园霸凌是一个严重的问题,影响着许多学生。
) It can take many forms, including physical violence, verbal abuse, and exclusion from social groups. (它可以采取许多形式,包括身体暴力、言语辱骂和排斥社交群体。
) The impact of bullying can be devastating, leading to low self-esteem, anxiety, and even depression in the victims. (霸凌的影响可以是毁灭性的,会导致受害者自尊心低下、焦虑,甚至抑郁。
)One of the reasons why bullying occurs in schools is the lack of awareness and education about the issue. (校园霸凌之所以会发生,其中一个原因是人们对这个问题缺乏意识和教育。
) Many students may not understand the impact of their actions on others, or may feel powerless to stop the bullying behavior. (许多学生可能不了解他们的行为对他人的影响,或者可能感到无力阻止霸凌行为。
) Therefore, it is important for schools to implement programs that educate students about the consequences of bullying and empower them to stand up against it. (因此,学校有必要实施教育学生有关霸凌后果的计划,并使他们有能力站出来反对霸凌。

校园霸凌问题英语作文Bullying is a pervasive issue in schools, affecting students of all ages and backgrounds. Many students have experienced or witnessed bullying firsthand, leading to negative consequences for both the victims and the perpetrators. Being bullied can have serious long-term effects on a person's mental health and well-being, causing feelings of fear, anxiety, and low self-esteem.霸凌是学校里普遍存在的问题,影响着各个年龄和背景的学生。
There are various forms of bullying that can occur in schools, including physical, verbal, and social bullying. Physical bullying involves acts of violence or physical harm, such as hitting, kicking, or pushing. Verbal bullying includes name-calling, teasing, or spreading rumors. Social bullying involves excluding individuals from social groups or spreading malicious gossip about them. Regardless of theform it takes, bullying can have devastating effects on the victim's mental and emotional well-being.学校里存在各种形式的霸凌,包括身体上的、言语上的和社交上的霸凌。

校园霸凌事件英文作文英文:Bullying is a serious issue that has been prevalent in schools for many years. It is a form of aggressive behavior that is intentional and repeated, causing harm to the victim. Bullying can take many forms, including physical, verbal, and psychological.As a victim of bullying myself, I know firsthand the impact it can have on a person's mental health and well-being. The constant fear and anxiety can lead to depression, low self-esteem, and even suicidal thoughts. It isimportant for schools to take a proactive approach in addressing bullying and creating a safe and inclusive environment for all students.One way to address bullying is through education and awareness. Students should be taught about the harmful effects of bullying and how to intervene when they witnessit happening. Teachers and staff should also be trained on how to identify and address bullying behavior.Another important aspect is support for the victims of bullying. They need to know that they are not alone andthat there are resources available to help them. Schools can provide counseling services and support groups for victims of bullying.In my own experience, I found solace in talking to friends and family about what I was going through. It helped me to feel less alone and more empowered to stand up for myself. It is important for victims of bullying to have a support system and to know that they are not to blame for the bullying.In conclusion, bullying is a serious issue that needs to be addressed in schools. Education, awareness, and support for victims are key in creating a safe andinclusive environment for all students.中文:校园霸凌是一个长期存在于学校中的严重问题。

校园欺凌危害英语作文Bullying on CampusBullying on campus is a serious issue that can havelong-lasting effects on the victims. It can take many forms, including physical, verbal, and emotional abuse. Bullying can occur in any setting, from the classroom to the playground, and it can have a devastating impact on the victims' mental and emotional well-being.One of the most common forms of bullying on campus is verbal abuse. This can take the form of name-calling, teasing, or spreading rumors about the victim. Verbal bullying can be especially damaging because it can bedifficult for the victim to escape from, and it can have a lasting impact on their self-esteem and confidence.Physical bullying is another common form of campus bullying. This can include hitting, kicking, or other forms of physical aggression. Physical bullying can beparticularly harmful because it can cause physical harm to the victim and can also create a climate of fear and intimidation in the school environment.In addition to verbal and physical bullying, there is also emotional bullying, which can take the form of excluding the victim from social activities, spreading rumors, or other forms of social manipulation. Emotional bullying can be particularly insidious because it can be difficult to detect and can have a lasting impact on the victim's mental health.Bullying on campus can have a range of negative effects on the victims, including depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, and academic difficulties. In some cases, it can even lead to more serious issues such as self-harm and suicidal thoughts. It is important for schools to take a proactive approach to preventing and addressing bullying on campus in order to create a safe and supportive environment for all students.In order to address bullying on campus, it is important for schools to have clear and comprehensive anti-bullying policies in place. These policies should outline the consequences for bullying behavior and provide support for victims. Schools should also provide education and trainingfor students, teachers, and staff on how to recognize and address bullying behavior.In addition to having clear policies in place, it is important for schools to create a culture of respect and inclusion. This can be done through promoting positive behavior, fostering a sense of community, and providing support for students who may be experiencing bullying. By creating a positive and inclusive school environment, schools can help to prevent bullying and create a safe and supportive atmosphere for all students.In conclusion, bullying on campus is a serious issue that can have long-lasting effects on the victims. It is important for schools to take a proactive approach to preventing and addressing bullying in order to create a safe and supportive environment for all students.校园欺凌危害校园欺凌是一个严重的问题,它会对受害者产生长期影响。

暴力霸凌的英语作文及翻译Many of us suffer form bully of school-bullies nowadays,you weak it will strong.School is not only a place we can learn something.And school education have many influence for us too.Teachers should have a sense of responsibility and carefully found the things which happened in your students and then timely educate and protect them;School education",it just like a spring.I think if we unite together to fight against with evil;isa popular word in the school during this years,you strong it will weak.As we should have a sense of justice and also have a heart of fighting against with evil.So;t be feared,boycott school education is what everyone in school should do.The school will peace and harmonious again,but also is a small society.我们很多人都被学校欺负,你软弱就会坚强。

附录三Bullying Among School Children:Prevalence and Association withCommon Symptoms in ChildhoodObjectiveTo estimate the prevalence of bullying among girls and boys in school and examine its association with psychological and psychosomatic symptoms.Bullying is defined as the intentional and unprovoked abuse of power by one or more children to inflict pain or cause distress to another child on repeated occasions. Being a common and neglected form of child abuse, it not only has adverse effects on the victims’ academic performance but also on their physical and psychological health, the various forms of bullying being calling names,physical abuse, teasing, spreading rumors, provoking, social exclusion and threatening. Minimal studies have been conducted on this field in India. Bullying is highly prevalent in India but no steps have been taken to combat this potentially hazardous social evil. Hence, this study was undertaken to assess the prevalence of bullying in schools and its association with common childhood symptoms and to throw light upon the seriousness of the problem.This study has shown that bullying is highly prevalent in schools in this part of the country and the prevalence of bullying noted in the present study(60.4%)could be one of the highest amongst studies carried out worldwide. This estimate is higher than that reported by Kshirsagar et al. who found the bullying in Maharashtra to be 31.4%.Similarly,in a study done in Newham,London,the rate was found to be only 22.4%.Glen M Glew et al. in his study found the prevalence to be 19.1%. Also,the prevalence among boys(63.9%)was more than amonggirls(53%),more so in exclusively boy’s schools than coed schools. The age factor was directly related to bullying and it was found to be increasing with agefrom 8–13 years then decreasing in older children,which can probably be attributed to older children being more influenced by the world around them. This is in tally with the observations of Roberto Forero et al. wherein the prevalence of bullying increased from the 6th year(31.1%)to the 8th year(35.8%)and then decreased in the 10th year(32.4%).It was seen that the most common forms of bullying were non-physical,like calling names(57.9%),followed by making fun of one’s looks(15.5%)and degrading(15.2%)where as physical forms of bullying like hitting formed only 12.5%.A similar finding was made by Kshirsagar et wherein the commonest forms were calling names,followed by making fun and lastly causing physical hurt. But it must always be remembered that even non physical forms of bullying can lead to harmful effects. A pattern was noted in the forms of bullying among girls and boys wherein physical abuse and making fun of one’s looks was more common among boys while isolating and complaining to the teacher was more common among girls. This is probably because of the outgoing and aggressive nature of boy as compared to the softer nature of girls who are silent sufferers who prefer complaining rather than take matters into their own hands.A very characteristic finding was noted regarding the person the victim confided in.The victims’confidence in heir friends increased with age whereas that in their teachers decreased with age.A large fraction of students chose not to confide in anyone.This shows that many students do not take any action about getting bullied either due to fear or ignorance.Bullying is not a harmless phenomenon,but is associated with physical and psychological problems.Majority of the students reported feeling sad and depresses(39.7%)about being bullied.Of all the victims 47.3%complained of health problemswhile only 20.2%of students who were not bullied complained of any problems.According to the study done by Kshirsagar et al. all the bullied children reported at least one symptom,while only 52.5%of the children who were not bullied complained of any health problems.The most common physical manifestation in the present study was seen to be headache and tummy ache followed by loose stools and fever.Headache and falling sick frequently was found to be the most common symptoms even by Kshirsagar et al. Hence,doctors should always consider bullying as a possible reason for unexplained symptoms in children and give the appropriate psychological support.It was alarming to note that only a meager amount of 20 teachers participated in the interview and a significant number of them refused to even admit that bullying was prevalent in their school.This probably is because of the fear of bad reputation in the minds of the teachers leading to denial of the social evil.A majority of the teachers chose to punish(58.6%)instead of counsel(5%)which highlights the inadequate training the teachers have concerning the methods of preventing bullying.The knowledge of parents regarding their children being bullied was also found to be very less,wherein only 38.9%parents agreed that their child was being bullied as compared to the 60.4% prevalence as found out on interviewing the students.In the study carried out by Kshirsagar et al. only 24%of the parents said that they were aware of their child being a victim of bullying,which indicates that most bullied children did not report this to their parents thus taking away an important source of support.It was also shocking to find that parents were asking their children to compromise in a significant number of cases(47.5%)which shows that they do not consider bullying to be a problem in the first place!It was seen that the victims of bullying do not actively participate in class,had an evident decrease in general performance,developed inferiority complex and found it difficult to get along with other students.Teachers play a key role in preventing and intervening with bullying at school,but they have very little training on how to effectively deal with such problems.Hence,teachers must be educated about ways in which they can control bullying and they should also work together with clinicians to deal with the symptoms on bullying and victimization.Keeping in mind that bullying is a serious problem,it is essential to conduct extensive research to highlight the high prevalence of bullying on our country and to deduce methods of dealing with it.Teachers,parents and pediatricians must take this issue seriously and encourage and give moral support to the victims to be bold,counsel students tenderly and should inculcate in the childrens minds the spirit of working in harmony.ConclusionsBulling is a major problem among school children and must be taken seriously.In the present study,the prevalence of bullying was found to be 60.4%which is alarmingly high and could be much higher in the bigger picture.The hazards include psychosomatic symptoms which are potentially harmful for the normal development of the child.Teachers must be trained to deal effectively with both the bullies and the bullied.They should be able to take appropriate measures like giving moral education, counseling and surround the child with positive and sportive thoughts.Pediatricians treating children with unexplained healthrelated symptoms should always consider bullying as causative agent and work in harmony with the teachers and parents to help the child.A better future can be carved out for the younger generation by eradicating this problem and for this a lot more research needs to be done in our country.Correlates of Body Satisfaction and Self-Concept in Third-andSixth-GradersThe purpose of this correlational study was to examine the relationship between body satisfaction and self-concept in elementary school children. Participants were twenty-three boys and twenty-eight girls from the third and sixth grades of a rural public school.Demographic information,body satisfaction scores,self-concept scores,and measures of parental attitudes were obtained from the participants through a questionnaire. It was hypothesized that body satisfaction and self-concept would be related in elementary school children. It was expected that this relationship would be impacted by grade,sex,and parental attitudes. A significant relationship existed between body satisfaction and self-concept in girls,but not boys. No grade differences were detected in the relationship. Body satisfaction was significantly correlated with body criticism from peers among sixth graders. A parent's body satisfaction appeared to be a significant predictor of the body satisfaction of his/her opposite sex child for both third-and sixth-graders.Eating problems are a growing concern for health professionals. Each year,millions of people in the United States are affected by serious and sometimes life-threatening eating disorders. Although most eating disorders are found in teen and young adult women,other segments of the population are experiencing a rise in these disorders. There is presently an increasing prevalence of eating disorders among men(Blackman,1996). Perhaps more alarming,is the expanding body of research demonstrating the existence of eating problems in elementary school children. tudies have shown a fear of fat,drive for thinness,dieting,and other body shape concerns and behaviors in this young age group(Smolak and Levine,1994). The short-and long-term physical and psychological consequences of eating disorders demand that this trend in children be halted. Researchers are currently examining factors involved in the development of eating problems.Rodin(1992)suggests that extreme body concern may be a major source of the widespread eating problems. The size and appearance of one's body has become so important to some individuals that they judge their self-worth solely in terms of their body. Several research efforts have supported Rodin's theory. A study by Nassar,Hodges,and Ollendick(1992)found a relationship between the self-concept and eating attitudes of young adolescent girls. Fisher,Schneider,Pegler,and Napolitano(1991)discovered that adolescent females who reported more unhappiness with their weight were more likely to have lower self-esteem. An investigation by Koff,Rierdan,and Stubbs(1990)revealed that body satisfaction and self-concept were associated in male and female adolescents. The research efforts in this area have mainly focused on the body attitudes and self-concepts of adolescents and young adults. Few studies have looked at these variables in children,yet research on the attitudes of children toward body figures suggests that self-concept and body satisfaction may also be related in this younger age group. Children express negative attitudes toward chubby body figures(Kirkpatrick and Sanders,1978). If children's attitudes about others are based on body shape,it is likely that their attitudes about themselves will be related to their own body shape. While few studies have examined the relationship of these two factors in children,initial work indicates that a significant relationship exists in this younger population(Folk et al.,1993;Lawrence and Thelen,1995).The relationship between body satisfaction and self-concept may not be the same for all children. For instance,societal standards that place great importance on body size as a determinant of female beauty encourage all females to be extremely attentive to the appearance of their bodies(Adams et al.,1993),while the standards for males are less stringent. The effects of this societal double-standard can be seen in the body concerns of females as compared to males. Murray,Touyz,and Beumont(1995)found that females as a whole were significantly more likely than males to report that other people influenced their body shape-and weight-related attitudes and behaviors. Thelen,Powell,Lawrence,and Kuhnert(1992)found that among fourth-and sixth-graders,girls indicated more concern about being or becoming overweight,more dieting behavior,more restrained eating behaviors,and a greater desire to be thinner when compared to boys. It follows that young girls will place more importance on their bodies when forming self attitudes than will boys.Parents have been implicated in the body attitudes and eating behaviors of their children. Evans and le Grange(1995)looked at body satisfaction in a small sample of eating disordered mothers and their children,and normal mothers and their children. The results showed a strong relationship between the children's body satisfaction and their mothers'satisfaction with their own weight and shape. In the present study,children's reports of their parents'appearance-related behaviors were used as an indicator of the parents'body satisfaction. Earlier research suggested that children are accurate in reporting others'behaviors(Aloise,1993).Other research suggests that parents influence their children's body attitudes through explicit messages. Thelen and Cormier(1995)contend that parents directly communicate the type of attitude they hold about their child's body to the child. hese researchers found daughters'body weight,desire to be thinner,and dieting patterns were positively associated with their parents'reported encouragement of the daughters to control weight. Levine,Smolak,and Hayden(1994)found that weight/shape-related teasing and criticism by family were related to drive for thinness and disturbed eating patterns in middle school girls.Body criticism from parents may also influence a child's total self-concept. Killeen(1993)reported that children's self-esteem reflects their own view of how their parents evaluate them in specific and general areas. If a child perceives that his/her parent is critical of his/her body,then this perception may influence the total self-concept of the child. It may be expected that body criticism from parents would be associated with a child's own body satisfaction and,in turn,total self-concept.Peers may also influence children's body satisfaction and self-concept,especially as the children enter adolescence. Time spent with parents,emotional closeness,and yielding to parents in decision making all decrease during the pubertal period(Paikoff and Brooks-Gunn,1991). At the same time,adolescents seek acceptance from and intimacy with their peers. As a result,adolescence is typically a time of growing peer influence and diminishing parental influence,especially on matters of personal taste and life-style(Myers,1992). The increasing influence of peers may also be expected to be reflected in the body satisfaction of older elementary schoolchildren:children who receive more criticism from their peers may have lower levels of body satisfaction and self concept.DISCUSSIONThe three main hypotheses of the study were all,at least partially,confirmed.The central hypothesis of the study was that the body satisfaction of elementary-school-aged children would be significantly correlated with their total self-concept,particularly for girls.This hypothesis was supported.Girls with high body satisfaction scores tended to have high self-concept scores.In fact,for girls,49 percent of the variance in self-concept is explained by variance in body satisfaction.For boys,however,the correlation did not reach statistical significance.These findings support the idea that girls place more importance on their bodies when forming self-attitudes than do boys.This tendency may stem from Western society's belief that physical attractiveness is more important in women than in men(White,1992).Similarly,Thelen et al.(1992)reported that in fourth-and sixth-grades,girls show a stronger association between body satisfaction and self-concept than do boys.It appears that body satisfaction does play a role in the self-concept of this younger population.It is clear from the results of these studies that body attitudes are related to how young children view themselves.The existence of this relationship may explain why so many elementary school children are expressing body shape concerns and dieting behavior(Smolak and Levine,1994).The second hypothesis was that the frequency of body criticism a child receives from others would be negatively correlated with his/her body satisfaction.In general,the results of the study provided mixed support for this hypothesis.As predicted,criticism from peers is significantly correlated with a child's body satisfaction.These results coincide with research by Levine et al.(1994)which looked atbody criticism and body satisfaction in an older population of females.Levine et al.found that the amount of peer teasing middle school girls received about their body weight and shape was the best predictor of these girls'body dissatisfaction.Also as expected,the older children in the present study appeared to be more sensitive to peer criticism than were the younger children,probably as a reflection of the increasing influence of peers on young adolescent children.It was also found that girls'body satisfaction is more strongly related to criticism from peers than is boys'.Although this result had not been predicted,it does not seem to be particularly surprising given the double standard within our culture that places greater value on physical appearance for females than for males.Unexpectedly,the present study did not find significant relationships between parental criticism and body satisfaction.This is in conflict with the findings of Levine et al.(1994),who found that weight/shape-related teasing and criticism by family were related to body concerns in middle school girls and Killeen(1993),who found that children's self-esteem reflects their own view of how their parents evaluate them in specific and general areas.The reason for the failure of the present study to find a significant correlation between body satisfaction and parental criticism is unclear.The pattern of results for peer criticism fit the predictions based on previous research and theory;so,it is possible that the Body Criticism Scale used in this study is not sensitive to the types or amounts of parental criticism measured in the previous studies.Further studies are needed to establish the extent of the validity of this instrument.The third hypothesis held that a child's perception of a parent's body satisfaction would be positively associated with the child's body satisfaction.It was found that,overall,parents who were perceived to have high body satisfaction tended to have children with high body satisfaction.However,the present study revealed an interesting pattern where mothers'body satisfaction predicts body satisfaction in their sons,while fathers'body satisfaction predicts body satisfaction in their daughters.These findings,both the overall relationship and the cross-sex parent/child pattern,seem to be congruent with the results of the study by Evans and le Grange(1995),who found a relationship between children's body satisfaction and their mothers'satisfaction with their own weight and shape.Evans and le Grange found the relationship to be strongest among eating-disordered mothers and their children,more than three-quarters of whom were male.Furthermore,while most researchers have argued that the mother/daughter relation ship is the most important familial relationship for eating disordered girls(Sights and Richards 1984;Pole et al.,1988),new findings suggest otherwise.Phares(1997)found that the father/daughter relationship appeared to be problematic in families with an eating-disordered daughter.Maine(1991)also concluded that fathers contribute to their daughters'eating problems.The cross-sex effect found in the present study adds to this new body of research and may provide further support for an important link between fathers and daughters.Future studies should explore the opposite-sex parent/child relationship to confirm these results and determine in what other age groups this relationship might exist.The findings of this study may have implications for the treatment of children and adolescents who have low self-concepts,and possibly even for the prevention and treatment of eating problems.It is evident that body attitudes and overall self-evaluations are associated in elementary school children,especially girls.Since this relationship has been implicated in eating problems,prevention programs focusing on health and body acceptance should be implemented at an early age.The findings of this study would suggest that treatment programs focus on the body satisfaction of the opposite-sex parent as it is perceived by the child,since parents who are reported to express dissatisfaction about their own bodies tend to have children with lower body satisfaction.This may,in turn,put children at risk for lower self-concept,and may increase the odds that they will develop eating disorders.This proposed sequence(from parental body dissatisfaction to child body dissatisfaction to low self-concept and then eating problems)needs to be tested in future studies with larger sample sizes,perhaps utilizing path analysis.欺负行为在学生中的盛行以及由此引发的常见症状目的检验欺负行为在校园男女生中的盛行率以及由此引发的生理和心理的症状。

校园霸凌的原因英语作文Bullying in schools is a serious issue that affects many students around the world. There are various reasons for why bullying occurs, and it is important to understand these causes in order to effectively address and prevent bullying.在学校里霸凌是一个严重的问题,影响着世界各地的许多学生。
One of the main reasons for bullying in schools is the need for power and control. Children who bully others often feel the need to exert power and control over their peers in order to feel a sense of dominance and superiority.学校霸凌的一个主要原因是对权力和控制的需要。
Additionally, social and familial influences can also contribute to the occurrence of bullying in schools. Children who witness aggressionor bullying at home or in their communities may be more likely to engage in similar behaviors at school.此外,社会和家庭影响也可以导致学校霸凌的发生。

校园霸凌英语作文80词Bullying is a serious issue that affects many students in schools. Itcan be defined as the repeated aggressive and negative behavior towards another person, which can cause harm physically, mentally, and emotionally to the victim. 校园霸凌是一种严重的问题,影响着许多学生。
From the perspective of the victim, being bullied can lead to feelings of fear, loneliness, and low self-esteem. Victims may experience physical symptoms such as headaches and stomach aches due to the stress caused by the bullying. 从受害者的角度来看,被欺负会导致恐惧、孤独和自尊心低下的感觉。
Furthermore, the impact of bullying can extend beyond the school environment and into the victim's personal life. They may struggle to concentrate on their studies, have difficulty forming relationshipswith others, and may even experience depression and anxiety. 此外,霸凌的影响可能会超出校园环境,影响受害者的个人生活。

关于校园霸凌的英文作文高中(中英文实用版)Title: An Essay on Campus Bullying in High SchoolBullying, an ignoble act that has unfortunately become a prevalent issue in high schools, not only disrupts the academic environment but also leaves indelible scars on the psyche of the affected students. This essay aims to shed light on the severity of campus bullying and the urgent need for collective efforts to combat this social evil.标题:论高中校园霸凌现象霸凌,一个令人不齿的行为,却在高中校园中日益普遍,它不仅破坏了学术环境,还在受害学生心中留下了难以磨灭的创伤。
The typical high school bully may exhibit a range of behaviors, from verbal taunts to physical assaults, which can have a devastating impact on the victims' self-esteem and mental health. The consequences of bullying can extend far beyond the school years, often resulting in long-term psychological issues.典型的校园恶霸可能会采取各种行为,从言语嘲讽到身体攻击,这些行为对受害者的自尊心和心理健康可能造成毁灭性影响。
school bullying 英语作文

school bullying 英语作文(中英文版)Title: School BullyingIn the midst of academic pressures and social complexities, the issue of school bullying has become increasingly prevalent, casting a dark shadow over the supposed haven of knowledge and growth.It is a problem that not only scars the psyche of the victims but also creates a toxic environment that hampers the mental and emotional well-being of all students.标题:校园欺凌在学术压力与社交复杂性之中,校园欺凌问题日益突出,给这片知识的乐土带来了阴霾。
While the consequences of bullying are severe, it is encouraging to witness a growing awareness among educators, parents, and students themselves.Innovative anti-bullying programs are being implemented, aiming to foster empathy, understanding, and a culture of respect within the school community.尽管欺凌的后果严重,令人欣慰的是,教育工作者、家长以及学生本身对此问题的意识正在增强。

专升本英语作文校园霸凌Bullying is a serious issue that often occurs in schools, and it can have a long-lasting impact on the victims. 校园霸凌是一个严重的问题,经常发生在学校,对受害者产生长久的影响。
It can take many forms, including physical, verbal, and emotional abuse. 它可以采取许多形式,包括身体、言语和情感上的虐待。
Unfortunately, many students sufferin silence, afraid to speak out against their bullies. 不幸的是,许多学生在沉默中受苦,害怕公开反对他们的欺凌者。
The effects of bullying can be devastating, leading to low self-esteem, anxiety, depression, and even suicidal thoughts. 欺凌的影响可能是毁灭性的,导致自尊心低、焦虑、抑郁,甚至出现自杀的想法。
It can also affect a student's academic performance and their ability to form healthy relationships. 它还可能影响学生的学业表现和他们建立健康关系的能力。
Schools have a responsibility to create a safe and supportive environment for all students, and to address bullying behavior when it occurs. 学校有责任为所有学生创造一个安全和支持的环境,并在发生欺凌行为时予以处理。

校园霸凌的危害和严重后果英语作文Bullying on campus is a serious issue that can have harmful effects on both the victims and the perpetrators. The consequences of campus bullying can be long-lasting and can impact the mental, emotional, and physical well-being of those involved. In this essay, we will discuss the dangers and severe consequences of campus bullying.Firstly, bullying on campus can have a detrimentaleffect on the mental health of the victims. Being subjected to constant harassment, intimidation, and humiliation can lead to feelings of fear, anxiety, depression, and lowself-esteem. Victims of bullying may also experience difficulty concentrating in school, have trouble forming relationships, and may even develop symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder.Secondly, the emotional impact of campus bullying can be severe. Victims may feel isolated, lonely, and helpless, leading to feelings of hopelessness and despair. They may also experience feelings of anger, resentment, and a desire for revenge. In some cases, victims of bullying may evenresort to self-harm or suicidal thoughts as a way to cope with the pain and trauma they are experiencing.Furthermore, the physical consequences of campusbullying can also be serious. Victims may suffer from physical injuries such as bruises, cuts, and broken bonesas a result of being physically assaulted by their bullies. In some cases, victims may also develop stress-relatedhealth issues such as headaches, stomach problems, andsleep disturbances.In addition to the harm caused to the victims, campus bullying can also have negative effects on the perpetrators. Engaging in bullying behavior can lead to feelings of guilt, shame, and remorse. Perpetrators may also face disciplinary actions from school authorities, such as suspension or expulsion, which can have long-term consequences on their academic and social lives.Overall, the dangers and severe consequences of campus bullying cannot be ignored. It is important for schools, parents, and students to work together to create a safe and supportive environment where bullying is not tolerated. By raising awareness, promoting empathy, and providingresources for victims and perpetrators, we can help prevent the harmful effects of campus bullying and create a more inclusive and respectful community.校园霸凌是一个严重的问题,会对受害者和施暴者都产生有害影响。

校园欺凌的危害英语作文Campus bullying is a serious issue that can have lasting effects on victims. The harm caused by bullying canmanifest in a variety of ways, including physical injuries, emotional trauma, and even academic decline. It isimportant for schools to address this issue and create a safe and supportive environment for all students.Physical harm is one of the most obvious dangers of campus bullying. Victims may suffer from injuries such as bruises, cuts, and even broken bones as a result ofphysical altercations with their bullies. In extreme cases, bullying can escalate to the point of physical assault, leading to serious harm or even death. It is crucial for schools to take proactive measures to prevent physical bullying and to provide support for victims.Emotional harm is another significant consequence of campus bullying. Victims may experience anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem as a result of the constant harassment and intimidation they face. This can have a detrimental effect on their mental health and overall well-being. In some cases, victims of bullying may even develop post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) as a result of their experiences. It is essential for schools to provide counseling and mental health support for students who have been affected by bullying.Academic decline is yet another consequence of campus bullying. Victims may struggle to concentrate in class, complete assignments, and perform well on exams due to the emotional distress caused by bullying. This can lead to a decline in their academic performance and overall achievement. In some cases, victims may even drop out of school as a result of the bullying they have experienced. It is imperative for schools to provide academic support and accommodations for students who have been impacted by bullying.In conclusion, the dangers of campus bullying are significant and far-reaching. It is essential for schools to address this issue and to create a safe and supportive environment for all students. By taking proactive measures to prevent bullying and to support victims, schools can help to mitigate the harmful effects of bullying and to create a positive and inclusive campus community.校园欺凌是一个严重的问题,对受害者产生持久的影响。

The Dangers and Grave Consequences ofSchool BullyingSchool bullying is a serious issue that has been plaguing educational institutions worldwide. It involves the repeated and intentional use of power, threat, or coercion by one or more students against another student, resulting in physical, psychological, or social harm. The harmful effects of school bullying are profound and can have long-lasting consequences for the victims.Physically, victims of school bullying often suffer from physical injuries such as bruises, cuts, and broken bones. These injuries can be painful and require medical attention. In extreme cases, school bullying can even lead to death. Psychologically, the impact of school bullying is equally devastating. Victims often experience feelings of anxiety, depression, and helplessness. They may lose confidence and feel like they are not worth anything. These feelings can lead to isolation and social withdrawal, further exacerbating the problem.Socially, school bullying can have a profound impact on a victim's ability to form and maintain relationships.Bullied students may be ostracized and rejected by their peers, leading to a sense of exclusion and loneliness. This isolation can make it difficult for them to seek help and support, which can exacerbate the problem.Moreover, school bullying can have long-term consequences for victims. They may experience ongoing psychological distress, including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety, and depression. They may also have difficulty in school and social settings, affecting their academic and social development. In extreme cases, victims of school bullying may even consider suicide.It is crucial to address school bullying to mitigateits harmful effects. Schools and communities should create a safe and inclusive environment where all students feel valued and respected. Anti-bullying policies should be implemented to prevent and respond to bullying incidents. Students and staff should be educated on the importance of respect and inclusivity, and they should be encouraged to report any bullying behavior they witness.Additionally, support systems should be established for victims of school bullying. This includes providingpsychological counseling and therapy to help victims cope with the emotional trauma they have experienced. Victims should also be encouraged to seek help and support from family, friends, and community organizations.In conclusion, school bullying is a serious issue that has profound and long-lasting consequences for the victims. It is crucial to address this issue by creating a safe and inclusive environment, implementing anti-bullying policies, and providing support systems for victims. By doing so, we can help mitigate the harmful effects of school bullying and ensure that all students have a safe and positive educational experience.**校园霸凌的危害和严重后果**校园霸凌是一个全球范围内困扰教育机构的严重问题。

校园霸凌:无声的呐喊In the quiet corners of our schoolyards, a silent epidemic is brewing. It's a plague that knows no bounds, creeping its way through the halls and classrooms, leavingin its wake a trail of broken hearts and shattered spirits. This epidemic is called bullying, and it's a problem that demands our urgent attention.Bullying takes many forms, from the subtle taunts and sneers to the more overt acts of violence. It can be verbal, physical, or even cyberbullying, and its victims are often those who are already feeling vulnerable or alone. These children, often silenced by fear, are too afraid to speak out, trapped in a cycle of silence and suffering.The impact of bullying is devastating. It can lead to emotional and psychological scars that last a lifetime. Victims may experience feelings of helplessness, worthlessness, and hopelessness. They may withdraw from social interactions, their academic performance may suffer, and they may even consider harming themselves.As a society, we must recognize that bullying is not just a schoolyard problem; it's a societal issue that requires a collective effort to address. Parents, teachers, and community leaders must work together to create a safe and inclusive environment where every child feels valued and respected.Education is key in preventing bullying. We need to teach our children the importance of empathy and kindness. We need to instill in them the values of respect and inclusivity. We need to show them that every individual, regardless of their differences, is worthy of being treated with dignity and compassion.Moreover, we must also provide support systems for those who are already victims of bullying. We need to create safe spaces where they can seek help and healing. We need to ensure that they are not alone in their struggle, that they have people who will believe them, support them, and stand by their side.In conclusion, bullying is a serious issue that must be addressed with urgency and compassion. It's a problem that affects us all, regardless of our age, gender, orbackground. It's a problem that requires a combined effort from all stakeholders - parents, teachers, community leaders, and government officials - to create a safe and inclusive society where every child can grow and thrive. Only by working together can we break the silence and end the suffering. Only by standing united can we ensure that no child will ever have to face the horrors of bullying alone. Let us join hands and make a difference, for the sake of our children and for the future of our society.**校园霸凌:无声的呐喊**在我们学校的安静角落,一场无声的流行病正在蔓延。

校园霸凌原因英语作文English: Bullying on campus is a complex issue that can have various causes. One of the main reasons is the imbalance of power, where the bully feels the need to assert their dominance over a weaker peer. This could stem from personal insecurities or a need for control. Additionally, peer pressure and the desire to fit in with a particular social group can also contribute to bullying behavior. In some cases, the bully may be dealing with their own personal issues at home orin their personal life, leading them to take out their frustrations on others. Furthermore, lack of proper supervision and intervention from adults, as well as a culture that tolerates or even encourages aggressive behavior, can also lead to a prevalence of bullying on campus. Additionally, the use of technology and social media has created new pathways for bullying to occur, making it even more pervasive and difficult to escape. Overall, bullying on campus can be caused by a combination of personal, social, and environmental factors that create a hostile and unsafe environment for students.中文翻译: 校园霸凌是一个复杂的问题,可能有各种原因。

有关学生霸凌的英语作文英文版:Bullying in Schools: A Growing ConcernBullying has become an increasingly prevalent issue in schools worldwide. It is a serious problem that can have long-lasting effects on the mental health and well-being of students. Bullying can take many forms, including physical, verbal, and cyber bullying, all of which can be equally damaging to the victim.The reasons behind bullying are complex and varied. Some bullies may act out due to their own insecurities, while others may be influenced by peer pressure or a desire for power and control. Regardless of the reasons, it is crucial that schools take a proactive approach in addressing and preventing bullying.One effective way to combat bullying is through education and awareness. Schools should implement programs that teach students about the harmful effects of bullying and encourage them to speak out if they witness or experience it. Teachers and staff should also be trained to recognize the signs of bullying and intervene when necessary.Another important step is to create a positive school culture that promotes kindness, respect, and inclusion. This can be achieved through various initiatives, such as peer mentoring programs, anti-bullying clubs, and school-wide events that celebrate diversity and foster a sense of community.In addition, schools should have clear policies and procedures in place for reporting and addressing incidents of bullying. Students should feel safe and supported when coming forward, and there should be consequences for those who engage in bullying behavior.Ultimately, addressing bullying requires a collaborative effort from students, teachers, parents, and the community as a whole. By working together and taking a stand against bullying, we can create a safer and more positive environment for all students to learn and grow.中文翻译:校园霸凌:日益严重的问题校园霸凌已成为全球学校日益普遍的问题。

分析校园欺凌的危害英语作文Bullying in schools is a pervasive issue that can have profound and lasting effects on both the victims and the perpetrators. The impacts of bullying extend far beyond the immediate situation and can affect various aspects of a student's life.First and foremost, bullying can cause severe emotional distress for the victims. Constant harassment, physical violence, and social exclusion can lead to feelings of fear, anxiety, and depression. Victims of bullying often experience low self-esteem and a sense of helplessness, which can hinder their academic performance and overall well-being.Moreover, bullying can have long-term consequences on mental health. Victims may carry the emotional scars of bullying well into adulthood, impacting their relationships, career prospects, and overall mental health. Similarly, perpetrators of bullying may develop aggressive behavior patterns that persist into adulthood, affecting their interactions with others and potentially leading to legal issues.In addition to the psychological effects, bullyingcan also impact the physical health of both victims and perpetrators. Stress-related illnesses, sleep disturbances, and even self-harm behaviors can result from the trauma of being bullied or from the guilt and shame of being a bully.To combat the harmful effects of bullying, it is essential for schools to create a safe and inclusive environment where students feel supported and empowered to speak out against bullying behavior. Educating students about empathy, respect, and conflict resolution can help foster a culture of kindness and understanding, ultimately reducing the prevalence of bullying and its detrimental effects on individuals and communities.中文翻译:学校欺凌是一个普遍存在的问题,它对受害者和施暴者都可能产生深远且持久的影响。

校园霸凌的英语作文互译【中英文版】Campus bullying has become a prevalent issue in our society, demanding immediate attention and effective solutions.It is an act of aggression, intimidation, or coercion carried out by one student against another, often resulting in severe emotional and psychological consequences.To tackle this problem, it is crucial to raise awareness and encourage open discussions among students, parents, and educators.校园霸凌已成为我国社会普遍关注的问题,迫切需要我们采取行动,寻求有效的解决之道。
English essays on campus bullying can serve as a powerful tool to express feelings, share personal experiences, and propose potential remedies.By writing and translating these essays, students can develop empathy, enhance their language skills, and cultivate a sense of responsibility towards creating a harmonious learning environment.关于校园霸凌的英语作文能够成为表达情感、分享个人经历和提出潜在解决办法的有力工具。
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Bullying Among School Children:Prevalence and Association with CommonSymptoms in ChildhoodObjectiveTo estimate the prevalence of bullying among girls and boys in school and examine its association with psychological and psychosomatic symptoms.Bullying is defined as the intentional and unprovoked abuse of power by one or more children to inflict pain or cause distress to another child on repeated occasions. Being a common and neglected form of child abuse, it not only has adverse effects on the vi ctims’ academic performance but also on their physical and psychological health, the various forms of bullying being calling names,physical abuse, teasing, spreading rumors, provoking, social exclusion and threatening. Minimal studies have been conducted on this field in India. Bullying is highly prevalent in India but no steps have been taken to combat this potentially hazardous social evil. Hence, this study was undertaken to assess the prevalence of bullying in schools and its association with common childhood symptoms and to throw light upon the seriousness of the problem.This study has shown that bullying is highly prevalent in schools in this part of the country and the prevalence of bullying noted in the present study(60.4%)could be one of the highest amongst studies carried out worldwide. This estimate is higher than that reported by Kshirsagar et al. who found the bullying in Maharashtra to be 31.4%.Similarly,in a study done in Newham,London,the rate was found to be only 22.4%.Glen M Glew et al. in his study found the prevalence to be 19.1%. Also,the prevalence among boys(63.9%)was more than among girls(53%),more so in exclusively boy’s schools than coed schools. The age factor was directly related to bullying and it was found to be increasing with age from 8–13 years then decreasing in older children,which can probably be attributed to older children being more influenced by the world around them. This is in tally with the observations of Roberto Forero et al. wherein the prevalence of bullying increased from the 6th year(31.1%)to the 8th year(35.8%)and then decreased in the 10th year(32.4%).It was seen that the most common forms of bullying were non-physical,like calling names(57.9%),followed by making fun of one’s looks(15.5%)and degrading(15.2%)where as physical forms of bullying like hitting formed only12.5%.A similar finding was made by Kshirsagar et wherein the commonest forms were calling names,followed by making fun and lastly causing physical hurt. But it must always be remembered that even non physical forms of bullying can lead to harmful effects. A pattern was noted in the forms of bullying among girls and boys wherein physical abuse and making fun of one’s looks was more common among boys while isolating and complaining to the teacher was more common among girls. This is probably because of the outgoing and aggressive nature of boy as compared to the softer nature of girls who are silent sufferers who prefer complaining rather than take matters into their own hands.A very characteristic finding was noted regarding the person the victim confided in.The victims’confidence in heir friends increased with age whereas that in their teachers decreased with age.A large fraction of students chose not to confide in anyone.This shows that many students do not take any action about getting bullied either due to fear or ignorance.Bullying is not a harmless phenomenon,but is associated with physical and psychological problems.Majority of the students reported feeling sad and depresses(39.7%)about being bullied.Of all the victims 47.3%complained of health problems while only 20.2%of students who were not bullied complained of any problems.According to the study done by Kshirsagar et al. all the bullied children reported at least one symptom,while only 52.5%of the children who were not bullied complained of any health problems.The most common physical manifestation in the present study was seen to be headache and tummy ache followed by loose stools and fever.Headache and falling sick frequently was found to be the most common symptoms even by Kshirsagar et al. Hence,doctors should always consider bullying as a possible reason for unexplained symptoms in children and give the appropriate psychological support.It was alarming to note that only a meager amount of 20 teachers participated in the interview and a significant number of them refused to even admit that bullying was prevalent in their school.This probably is because of the fear of bad reputation in the minds of the teachers leading to denial of the social evil.A majority of the teachers chose to punish(58.6%)instead of counsel(5%)which highlights the inadequate training the teachers have concerning the methods of preventing bullying.The knowledge of parents regarding their children beingbullied was also found to be very less,wherein only 38.9%parents agreed that their child was being bullied as compared to the 60.4% prevalence as found out on interviewing the students.In the study carried out by Kshirsagar et al. only 24%of the parents said that they were aware of their child being a victim of bullying,which indicates that most bullied children did not report this to their parents thus taking away an important source of support.It was also shocking to find that parents were asking their children to compromise in a significant number of cases(47.5%)which shows that they do not consider bullying to be a problem in the first place!It was seen that the victims of bullying do not actively participate in class,had an evident decrease in general performance,developed inferiority complex and found it difficult to get along with other students.Teachers play a key role in preventing and intervening with bullying at school,but they have very little training on how to effectively deal with such problems.Hence,teachers must be educated about ways in which they can control bullying and they should also work together with clinicians to deal with the symptoms on bullying and victimization.Keeping in mind that bullying is a serious problem,it is essential to conduct extensive research to highlight the high prevalence of bullying on our country and to deduce methods of dealing with it.Teachers,parents and pediatricians must take this issue seriously and encourage and give moral support to the victims to be bold,counsel students tenderly and should inculcate in the childrens minds the spirit of working in harmony.ConclusionsBulling is a major problem among school children and must be taken seriously.In the present study,the prevalence of bullying was found to be 60.4%which is alarmingly high and could be much higher in the bigger picture.The hazards include psychosomatic symptoms which are potentially harmful for the normal development of the child.Teachers must be trained to deal effectively with both the bullies and the bullied.They should be able to take appropriate measures like giving moral education, counseling and surround the child with positive and sportive thoughts.Pediatricians treating children with unexplained healthrelated symptoms should always consider bullying as causative agent and work in harmony with theteachers and parents to help the child.A better future can be carved out for the younger generation by eradicating this problem and for this a lot more research needs to be done in our country.Correlates of Body Satisfaction and Self-Concept in Third-and Sixth-Graders The purpose of this correlational study was to examine the relationship between body satisfaction and self-concept in elementary school children. Participants were twenty-three boys and twenty-eight girls from the third and sixth grades of a rural public school.Demographic information,body satisfaction scores,self-concept scores,and measures of parental attitudes were obtained from the participants through a questionnaire. It was hypothesized that body satisfaction and self-concept would be related in elementary school children. It was expected that this relationship would be impacted by grade,sex,and parental attitudes. A significant relationship existed between body satisfaction and self-concept in girls,but not boys. No grade differences were detected in the relationship. Body satisfaction was significantly correlated with body criticism from peers among sixth graders. A parent's body satisfaction appeared to be a significant predictor of the body satisfaction of his/her opposite sex child for both third-and sixth-graders.Eating problems are a growing concern for health professionals. Each year,millions of people in the United States are affected by serious and sometimes life-threatening eating disorders. Although most eating disorders are found in teen and young adult women,other segments of the population are experiencing a rise in these disorders. There is presently an increasing prevalence of eating disorders among men(Blackman, 1996). Perhaps more alarming,is the expanding body of research demonstrating the existence of eating problems in elementary school children. tudies have shown a fear of fat,drive for thinness,dieting,and other body shape concerns and behaviors in this young age group(Smolak and Levine,1994). The short-and long-term physical and psychological consequences of eating disorders demand that this trend in children be halted. Researchers are currently examining factors involved in the development of eating problems.Rodin(1992)suggests that extreme body concern may be a major source of the widespread eating problems. The size and appearance of one's body has become so important to some individuals that they judge their self-worth solely interms of their body. Several research efforts have supported Rodin's theory. A study by Nassar,Hodges,and Ollendick(1992)found a relationship between the self-concept and eating attitudes of young adolescent girls. Fisher,Schneider,Pegler,and Napolitano(1991)discovered that adolescent females who reported more unhappiness with their weight were more likely to have lower self-esteem. An investigation by Koff,Rierdan,and Stubbs(1990)revealed that body satisfaction and self-concept were associated in male and female adolescents. The research efforts in this area have mainly focused on the body attitudes and self-concepts of adolescents and young adults. Few studies have looked at these variables in children,yet research on the attitudes of children toward body figures suggests that self-concept and body satisfaction may also be related in this younger age group. Children express negative attitudes toward chubby body figures(Kirkpatrick and Sanders,1978). If children's attitudes about others are based on body shape,it is likely that their attitudes about themselves will be related to their own body shape. While few studies have examined the relationship of these two factors in children,initial work indicates that a significant relationship exists in this younger population(Folk et al.,1993;Lawrence and Thelen,1995).The relationship between body satisfaction and self-concept may not be the same for all children. For instance,societal standards that place great importance on body size as a determinant of female beauty encourage all females to be extremely attentive to the appearance of their bodies(Adams et al.,1993),while the standards for males are less stringent. The effects of this societal double-standard can be seen in the body concerns of females as compared to males. Murray,Touyz,and Beumont(1995)found that females as a whole were significantly more likely than males to report that other people influenced their body shape-and weight-related attitudes and behaviors. Thelen,Powell,Lawrence,and Kuhnert(1992)found that among fourth-and sixth-graders,girls indicated more concern about being or becoming overweight,more dieting behavior,more restrained eating behaviors,and a greater desire to be thinner when compared to boys. It follows that young girls will place more importance on their bodies when forming self attitudes than will boys.Parents have been implicated in the body attitudes and eating behaviors of their children. Evans and le Grange(1995)looked at body satisfaction in a smallsample of eating disordered mothers and their children,and normal mothers and their children. The results showed a strong relationship between the children's body satisfaction and their mothers'satisfaction with their own weight and shape. In the present study,children's reports of their parents'appearance-related behaviors were used as an indicator of the parents'body satisfaction. Earlier research suggested that children are accurate in reporting others'behaviors(Aloise,1993).Other research suggests that parents influence their children's body attitudes through explicit messages. Thelen and Cormier(1995)contend that parents directly communicate the type of attitude they hold about their child's body to the child. hese researchers found daughters'body weight,desire to be thinner,and dieting patterns were positively associated with their parents'reported encouragement of the daughters to control weight. Levine,Smolak,and Hayden(1994)found that weight/shape-related teasing and criticism by family were related to drive for thinness and disturbed eating patterns in middle school girls.Body criticism from parents may also influence a child's total self-concept. Killeen(1993)reported that children's self-esteem reflects their own view of how their parents evaluate them in specific and general areas. If a child perceives that his/her parent is critical of his/her body,then this perception may influence the total self-concept of the child. It may be expected that body criticism from parents would be associated with a child's own body satisfaction and,in turn,total self-concept.Peers may also influence children's body satisfaction and self-concept,especially as the children enter adolescence. Time spent with parents,emotional closeness,and yielding to parents in decision making all decrease during the pubertal period(Paikoff and Brooks-Gunn,1991). At the same time,adolescents seek acceptance from and intimacy with their peers. As a result,adolescence is typically a time of growing peer influence and diminishing parental influence,especially on matters of personal taste and life-style(Myers,1992). The increasing influence of peers may also be expected to be reflected in the body satisfaction of older elementary school children:children who receive more criticism from their peers may have lower levels of body satisfaction and self concept.DISCUSSIONThe three main hypotheses of the study were all,at least partially,confirmed.The central hypothesis of the study was that the body satisfaction of elementary-school-aged children would be significantly correlated with their total self-concept,particularly for girls.This hypothesis was supported.Girls with high body satisfaction scores tended to have high self-concept scores.In fact,for girls,49 percent of the variance in self-concept is explained by variance in body satisfaction.For boys,however,the correlation did not reach statistical significance.These findings support the idea that girls place more importance on their bodies when forming self-attitudes than do boys.This tendency may stem from Western society's belief that physical attractiveness is more important in women than in men(White,1992).Similarly,Thelen et al.(1992)reported that in fourth-and sixth-grades,girls show a stronger association between body satisfaction and self-concept than do boys.It appears that body satisfaction does play a role in the self-concept of this younger population.It is clear from the results of these studies that body attitudes are related to how young children view themselves.The existence of this relationship may explain why so many elementary school children are expressing body shape concerns and dieting behavior(Smolak and Levine,1994).The second hypothesis was that the frequency of body criticism a child receives from others would be negatively correlated with his/her body satisfaction.In general,the results of the study provided mixed support for this hypothesis.As predicted,criticism from peers is significantly correlated with a child's body satisfaction.These results coincide with research by Levine et al.(1994)which looked at body criticism and body satisfaction in an older population of females.Levine et al.found that the amount of peer teasing middle school girls received about their body weight and shape was the best predictor of these girls'body dissatisfaction.Also as expected,the older children in the present study appeared to be more sensitive to peer criticism than were the younger children,probably as a reflection of the increasing influence of peers on young adolescent children.It was also found that girls'body satisfaction is more strongly related to criticism from peers than is boys'.Although this result had not been predicted,it does not seem to be particularly surprising given the double standard within our culture that places greater value on physical appearance for femalesthan for males.Unexpectedly,the present study did not find significant relationships between parental criticism and body satisfaction.This is in conflict with the findings of Levine et al.(1994),who found that weight/shape-related teasing and criticism by family were related to body concerns in middle school girls and Killeen(1993),who found that children's self-esteem reflects their own view of how their parents evaluate them in specific and general areas.The reason for the failure of the present study to find a significant correlation between body satisfaction and parental criticism is unclear.The pattern of results for peer criticism fit the predictions based on previous research and theory;so,it is possible that the Body Criticism Scale used in this study is not sensitive to the types or amounts of parental criticism measured in the previous studies.Further studies are needed to establish the extent of the validity of this instrument.The third hypothesis held that a child's perception of a parent's body satisfaction would be positively associated with the child's body satisfaction.It was found that,overall,parents who were perceived to have high body satisfaction tended to have children with high body satisfaction.However,the present study revealed an interesting pattern where mothers'body satisfaction predicts body satisfaction in their sons,while fathers'body satisfaction predicts body satisfaction in their daughters.These findings,both the overall relationship and the cross-sex parent/child pattern,seem to be congruent with the results of the study by Evans and le Grange(1995),who found a relationship between children's body satisfaction and their mothers'satisfaction with their own weight and shape.Evans and le Grange found the relationship to be strongest among eating-disordered mothers and their children,more than three-quarters of whom were male.Furthermore,while most researchers have argued that the mother/daughter relation ship is the most important familial relationship for eating disordered girls(Sights and Richards 1984;Pole et al.,1988),new findings suggest otherwise.Phares(1997)found that the father/daughter relationship appeared to be problematic in families with an eating-disordered daughter.Maine(1991)also concluded that fathers contribute to their daughters'eating problems.The cross-sex effect found in the present study adds to this new body of research and may provide further support for an important link between fathers and daughters.Futurestudies should explore the opposite-sex parent/child relationship to confirm these results and determine in what other age groups this relationship might exist.The findings of this study may have implications for the treatment of children and adolescents who have low self-concepts,and possibly even for the prevention and treatment of eating problems.It is evident that body attitudes and overall self-evaluations are associated in elementary school children,especially girls.Since this relationship has been implicated in eating problems,prevention programs focusing on health and body acceptance should be implemented at an early age.The findings of this study would suggest that treatment programs focus on the body satisfaction of the opposite-sex parent as it is perceived by the child,since parents who are reported to express dissatisfaction about their own bodies tend to have children with lower body satisfaction.This may,in turn,put children at risk for lower self-concept,and may increase the odds that they will develop eating disorders.This proposed sequence(from parental body dissatisfaction to child body dissatisfaction to low self-concept and then eating problems)needs to be tested in future studies with larger sample sizes,perhaps utilizing path analysis.欺负行为在学生中的盛行以及由此引发的常见症状目的检验欺负行为在校园男女生中的盛行率以及由此引发的生理和心理的症状。