
BOOMTECH SEMICONDUCTORS CO.,LTDProduct SpecificationModel : BT1207S/PREV : V1.2DRAWN BY :CHECKED BY :APPD. BY:1. IntroductionBoomtech Semiconductors Co., Ltd the pioneer of the Bluetooth 4.0 class 2 modules BT1207 which is a high performance, cost effective, low power and compact solution. The Bluetooth class 2 module provides a complete 2.4GHz Bluetooth systembased on CSR BC8 chip which is a single-chip radio and baseband IC for Bluetooth 2.4GHz systems including basic rate, EDR to 3Mbps and Bluetooth low energy2. Key Features• Fully Qualified Single-chip Bluetooth® v4.0 System• Bluetooth Class2 operation (up to 10 meters range).•-92dBm (typical) π/4 DQPSK receiver sensitivityand -82dBm (typical) 8DPSK receiver sensitivity• CSR's latest CVC technology for narrowband andwideband voice connections including wind noise reduction•Wideband speech supported by HFP v1.6 profile and mSBC codec•Voice recognition support for answering a call,enables true hands-free use• Multipoint HFP connection to 2 phones for voice• Multipoint A2DP connection enables a headset(A2DP) connection to 2 A2DP source devices for music playback• Audio interfaces: I²S and PCM• aptX, SBC, MP3 and AAC decoder support• Wired audio support (USB)•USB 2.0 (full-speed) interface for audio and charger enumeration• Support for smartphone/tablet applications• 5-band fully configurable EQ•Audio codec with 2 high-quality dedicated ADCSupported sample rates of 8, 11.025, 16, 22.05, 32,44.1, 48 and 96kHz (DAC only)•High-quality audio 95.6 dB SNR on DAC playback■Bluetooth low energy• Dual-mode Bluetooth low energy radio• Support for Bluetooth basic rate / EDR and low energy connections• 3 Bluetooth low energy connections at the same time as basic rate A2DP• Slim module with 15mm x 12mm x 2.0mm• RoHS Compliant3. Applications• Low-cost speakerphones and car-kits• Automotive Hands-Free Kits•Wired stereo headsets and headphones• High Performance Telephony Headsets• Portable stereo speakers15LED2(BLUE) 16SPI_EN17PIO18PIO19PIO20PIO21RESET221V823MFB/POWER 24CHARGE25GND26VBAT27PIO1/TX28PIO_0/RX29USB_N30USB_P31LED332MIC_BIAS 33MIC_BN34MIC_BP35MIC_AN36MIC_AP37GND_AUDIO 38SPK_RN39SPK_RP 40SPK_LN 41SPK_LP 42GND43RF Speaker output positive, rightSpeaker output negative, leftSpeaker output positive, leftGroundBattery Power supply input for 3.0~4.2VUSB data minusUSB data plus with selectable internal1.5kΩ pull-up resistorProgrammable input / output line 1.Alternative function: UART_TX: UART data output Programmable input / output line 0.Alternative function: UART_RX: UART data input Power on/off input key indicationReset if low. Input debounced so must be low for >5ms to cause a resetfor debug onlyInternal charger input for charging(5V)for debug onlyLED driver(Open drain output)Internal 1.8Vfor debug onlyfor debug onlyfor debug onlyANT OUTLED driver(Open drain output)Microphone bias outputMicrophone input negative, channel AMicrophone input positive, channel AGround connection for audio and audio driverMicrophone input negative, channel BMicrophone input positive, channel BSpeaker output negative, rightGround7. Example Application Schematic。

BM23 Bluetooth®Evaluation Board User’s GuideIndex Preface (4)1 OVERVIEW (6)1.1 INTRODUCTION (6)1.2 BM23 EVALUATION BOARD FEATURES (7)1.3 BM23 EVALUATION BOARD CONTENTS (8)1.4 BM23 EVB KIT CONTENTS (10)2. Getting Started (11)2.1 INTRODUCTION (11)2.2 HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS (11)2.2.1 Hardware Setup (11)2.2.2 Using Evaluation Board (11)2.3 APPLICATION DEMONSTRATION (11)2.3.1 AUDIO DEMONSTRATION (A2DP) (11)2.3.2 HSP/HFP DEMONSTRATION (13)2.4SOFTWARE CUSTOMIZATION (14)2.4.1 UI Tool (14)2.4.2 DSP TOOL (19)2.4.4 EEPROM Parameters Update (27)2.5 MODULE CONFIGURATION (29)APPENDIX A. BM23 AUDIO EVALUATION BOARD SCHEMATICS (30)Abbreviations List:AVRCP: Audio Video Remote Control Profile A2DP: Advanced Audio Distribution Profile HFP: Hands-free ProfileHSP: Headset ProfileNFC: Near Field CommunicationSPP: Serial Port ProfilePrefaceINTRODUCTIONThis chapter contains general information that will be useful to know before using theBM23. Items discussed in this chapter include:●Document Layout●Recommended Reading●The Microchip Web Site●Customer Support●Document Revision HistoryDOCUMENT LAYOUTThis user’s guide describes how to use the BM23 Bluetooth Evaluation Board. The document is organized as follows:●Chapter 1. “Overview” – This chapter introduces the BM23 Bluetooth Evaluation Board and provides anoverview of various features.●Chapter 2. “Getting Started” – This chapter describesThe hardware components and setup of the BM23 Bluetooth Evaluation Board.The application demonstrations of the BM23 Bluetooth Evaluation Board.Software/Utility Requirements of the BM23 Bluetooth Evaluation Board.●Appendix A. “BM23 Audio Evaluation Board Schematics” – This appendix includes a schematic of theBM23 Bluetooth Evaluation Board.RECOMMENDED READINGThis user’s guide describes how to use the BM23 Bluetooth Evaluation Board. Other useful documents are listed below. The following Microchip documents are available and recommended as supplemental reference resources:STEREO Module Data Sheet (BM20/23 Data Sheet)MICROCHIP WEBSITEMicrochip provides online support via our web site at . This website is used as a means to make files and information easily available to the customers. Accessible by using your favorite Internet browser, the website contains the following information:●Product Support – Data sheets and errata, application notes and sample programs, design resources,user’s guides and hardware support documents, latest software releases and archived software●General Technical Support – Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), technical support requests, onlinediscussion groups, Microchip consultant programmer listing●Business of Microchip – Product selector and ordering guides, latest Microchip press releases, listing ofseminars and events, listings of Microchip sales offices, distributors and factory representatives CUSTOMER SUPPORTUsers of Microchip products can receive assistance through several channels:●Distributor or Representative●Local Sales Office●Field Application Engineer (FAE)●Technical SupportCustomers should contact their distributor, representative or Field Application Engineer (FAE) for support. Local sales offices are also available to help customers. A listing of sales offices and locations is included in the back of this document. Technical support is available through the website at:DOCUMENT REVISION HISTORYRevision A (Aug 2015)This is the initial released version of this document.Revision 1.0 : Added details of V4 EVB1 OVERVIEW1.1 INTRODUCTIONThis user’s guide describes the hardware and software setup for the BM23 Bluetooth® Evaluation Board. This board contains the hardware needed to evaluate the BM23 Bluetooth module. The BM23 module is mounted to an evaluation board that demonstrates the module’s key features. The evaluation board contains:●PIC18 MCU and YAMAHA YDA174 DSP on board●12 push buttons to control audio playback●Status LEDs●The BM23 supports the following Bluetooth profiles: A2DP, AVRCP, and HFP/HSP●A2DP stereo audio (Sink mode support for Sub-Band Coding (SBC)),●AVRCP media player remote control●HFP/HSP for accepting a phone call support.For data sheet and other details related to BM23 module, refer to the Microchip website at/bm23.This chapter discusses the following topics:●BM23 Evaluation Board Features●BM23 Evaluation Board Contents and Part DetailsThe BM23 Evaluation Board has the following features:●It includes a Bluetooth module (BM23), MCU (PIC18) and DSP (YDA174) on the board for easyfunction and feature demonstration.●BM23 module is a fully qualified Bluetooth version 4.1, fully compatible with Bluetooth version 3.0, 2.0,1.2.●Embedded BM23 module with postage-stamp size form factor of 15 x 29 x 2.5 mm (include shieldingcase)●Embedded Bluetooth stack profiles: A2DP, AVRCP, and HFP/HSP, Bluetooth SIG certified.●System gets power from 15V / 3A DC adapter for speaker application.●Environmentally friendly, RoHS compliant●Keypad matrix on board and controlled by MCU, easy for playback control (play/pause, Vol Up/Down,forward/rewind, Next/previous track etc.).BM23 Evaluation Board contains the following components as shown in Figure 1-1 which describes the evaluation board’s interfaces and connectors. Table 1-1 describes the various components of the evaluation board.FIGURE 1-1: BM23 EVALUATION BOARDMIC (JP23) ICSP (J5)123456TABLE 1-1:BM23 EVALUATION BOARD HARDWARE1.4 BM23 EVB KIT CONTENTSBM23 EVB kit include: BM23 EVB board, 15V adapter, micro USB cable and 2 speaker cables as shown in Figure 1-2.FIGURE 1-2: BM23 EVB KIT1) 15V adapter: main power source of the whole system.2) USB cable: micro USB cable can connect to P3 of BM23 EVB board to do firmware update onBM23.3) Speaker cable: connect speaker to BM23 EVB J6 and J7.2. Getting Started2.1 INTRODUCTIONThis chapter describes how the BM23 Evaluation Board works. Certain hardware and utilities are essential to support the evaluation/development of demo applications. This chapter discusses the following topics:●Hardware Requirements●Software/Utility Requirements●Module Configuration2.2 HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS2.2.1 Hardware SetupTo setup the evaluation hardware, perform the following steps:1. Make sure pin 1 / 2 / 3 of “SW9” in “Off / Off / On” to make system in application mode.2. Connect the speaker line to the amplifier output connector (J6 / 7).2.2.2 Using Evaluation Board1. Connect 15V adapter P2.2. Connect speaker to J6 and J7.3. Long press MFB button (SW24) to turn-on and enter pairing mode. The status LEDs will blink.4. Press and hold Pairing button (SW34). Blue and Red LED will flash alternately. Release the Pairingbutton. Now the BM23 Evaluation board is discoverable.5. Turn on Bluetooth device manager on a host device (PC or smartphone), the host device willdisplay a list of discoverable Bluetooth devices. Select the BM23-002 EVB and connect with it.6. If the pairing with the device is successful, BM23 evaluation board is connect to the host device.Once connected, BM23 evaluation board enables Advanced Audio Distribution Profile (A2DP) for audio playback and Audio Video Remote Control Profile (AVRCP) for player control.7. Play music and the host device and listen the music on the speaker. This will demonstrate A2DP.8. If host device is cell phone, call you cell phone from another phone. Accept the incoming phone callon your paired and connected cell phone. This will demonstrate HFP.2.3 APPLICATION DEMONSTRATION2.3.1 AUDIO DEMONSTRATION (A2DP)In this demonstration, user can play an audio stream on both BM23 evaluation boards using a computer or smartphone. The following are the steps to perform the demonstration.1. Connect BM23 evaluation board to a host device (PC or smartphone) that has an audio source.2. Connect speakers to BM23 evaluation board J6 / 7.Media Player, iTunes, and Android).4. Start the audio stream on the media player.When BM23 evaluation board is connected to an audio source compatible with Bluetooth AVRCP, the following audio control buttons can be used:●Control the volume of audio output (Vol+ (SW27), Vol- (SW28)).●Go to the previous track(SW23)●Go to the next track(SW45)●Start / stop playing the current track (SW31).FIGURE 1-2: BM23 EVALUATION BOARD AUDIO CONTROL BUTTONS2.3.2 HSP/HFP DEMONSTRATIONIn this demonstration, user can explore the hands-free profile setting to receive an incoming voice call from a paired smartphone. This demonstration requires a microphone. It would be good to use a PCheadset/microphone (with two-plugs). The following are the steps to perform the demonstration.1. Connect the speakers / microphone to BM23 evaluation board’s audio out connector (J6/7) and MICinput (P6) respectively.2. Connect BM23 evaluation board to a smartphone that supports the A2DP and HFP/HSP Bluetoothprofiles.3. From another one phone, initiate a call to the smartphone that is paired with BM23 evaluation board. TheA2DP stream pauses and the ringtone plays on the speakers.4. Click butto n “MFB” on BM23 evaluation board to accept the incoming call.5. Once phone call is terminated, A2DP stream resumes.2.4 SOFTWARE CUSTOMIZATIONUser can customized UI and DSP settings according to their requirements. These settings can then be merged along with patch code to create IISC patch file (*.ipf). This patch file then programmed into EEPROM. Process of patch file creation is given below.Tools needed for customizationUI Tool: user can use this tool to create customize Bluetooth behavior like button functionality, Bluetooth name etc.DSP Tool: user can use this tool to modify audio parameter.MPET Tool: user can use this tool to merge UI, DSP and patch code. Details about Patch code will be provided latter section.EEPROM Tool: user can use this tool to upgrade the merged parameter into EEPROM of BM23.All these tools can be obtained from /bm23 or through FAE.2.4.1 UI ToolStep1. Open UI toolStep2. Load appropriate default UI setting (included in UI tool package) or previous saved file.Step3.Click “Edit” to modify the settings.Step4. In the main settings, profile can be enabled/disabled by checking/unchecking the box as shown below.Click “Next” for other setting.Step5. You can do system and functional setting in these pages.Click “Help” you can get more detail information.Step6. After finish parameter selection, click “Finish” button and a message will remind you check EEPROM size on your system.Step7.Click “Save” button to save these UI parameter s as a “.txt” file2.4.2 DSP TOOLStep1. Open DSP toolStep2. Select IC version ““IS2020_XXX_SHS” (XXX is the version of chip, e.g. IS2023S-002)Step3.You can setup all voice and audio function in these pages.Step4. Click “Save” button to save these DSP parameters as a “.txt” file after finish all DSP setting.2.4.3 MERGE TOOLStep1.Open MPET tool, click “Next” to set up.Step2.Select “UI Patch Only” to use full EEPROM table to merge UI and DSP parameter.Step3.Select the bin file (full EEPROM table) and click “Next”Step4. If the bin file includes UI/DSP/patch code, you can see them as shown in the above figure. If you want to keep any one of them in your customization, you can select that and use “pull down” button (2) to add them to merge list. For adding customized parameters, you can use add button (+) (3) to add new parameters (e.g. UI/DSP parameters), into tool to merge with EEPROM table.Step5. Select output path and choose a file name for the merged EEPROM table.Step6.Click “Next” and choose Merge Default Bin to Patch (Patch File, *.ipf) as shown in the following picture and then Click “Next”. “Generate” button to generate the new EEPROM table.Step7. Click Generate buttonStep8.Select all as shown below and then click Next.Step9. Now you have a merged patch file (*.ipf file).2.4.4 EEPROM Parameters UpdateStep1. Make sure SW9 in “ROM TEST” mode. Mode switch (1/2/3 – on/off/on)Step2. Connect EVB “P1” port and PC by USB cable. LED1 & LED2 on EVB will keep lighting. Step3. Run the E2PROM_tool.exe program and a window will be come up as belowStep4. Specify the COM Port (1). Click IC/Module (2) Identify to know IC version of BM23. This is useful to prevent IC version mismatch.Step5. Press ”Browse” (3) to choose the *.ipf file (created in section 2.4.3) and click Write(4)Step6. After data update is completed, remove USB cable and make SW9 to “ROM APP”(mode Switch 1/2/3 off/off/on) mode and power cycle.EVB will be using new setting from EEPROM. Follow section 2.0 to see the effect of parameter customization.2.5 MODULE CONFIGURATION 2.5.1 Mode SettingsSetting in Mode Switch:APPENDIX A. BM23 AUDIO EVALUATION BOARD SCHEMATICS EVB block diagramKey Button Matrix:BM23 BLUETOOTHEVALUTATION BOARD USER ’S GUIDE2K2_02_43_0C 510u /1C O D S Y S _P W R R S T _NC 54.7u /P C B 1J P 11J P 1x 2C I _T XD C I _R X D F 2F o o t i n g 1F 4F o o t i n g1F 3F o o t i n g 1F 1F o o t i n g 1M A I N C I R C U I T4.0B M 23 E V BB48T h u r s d a y , O c t o b e r 01, 201503605F , N o .5, I n d u s t r y E . R d . V I I , H s i n c h u S c i e n c e P a r k ,H s i n c h u C i t y 30078, T a i w a n T E L . 886-3-5778385U 7G 691L 293G N D1R S T 2V C C 3R S T _N S W 10T S 08M -P F21C UP 1P 2P 3P 4P 5T P 6T P 7T P 8T P 9T P 1T P 1T P 1D S P /M C U I N TE RF A C E U 17314u /16V P(15V )S P K O U T0.1u /50VC 106I 2S I N T E R F A C ER 1733R 11833R 1833R 1933B o a r d N a m eS i z e T i t l eR e v D a t e :S h e e t o f P /N D S P _Y D A 1744.0B M 23 E V BB68W e d n e s d a y , J u l y 22, 201503605F , N o .5, I n d u s t r y E . R d . V I I , H s i n c h u S c i e n c e P a r k ,H s i n c h u C i t y 30078, T a i w a n T E L . 886-3-5778385R F S 0S C L K T F S 0D R 0D T 0A M PS P _M U T E S P _S L E E P S P _I C _N S P _P 1_2S P _P 1_3S P _P R O T _N S P _I R Q _N 0.1u /50VC 10513300u /50VR 12R 110V3R 377C U _P 71B U T T O NC U _P 70R 1R 0R 2C U _P 72S W 34T S 08M -P FS W 35T S 08M -P FS W 38T S 08M -P FB o a r d N a m eS i z e T i t l eR e v D a t e :S h e e t o f P /N M C U _B U T T O N4.0B M 23 E V BA88M o n d a y , J u l y 27, 201503605F , N o .5, I n d u s t r y E . R d . V I I , H s i n c h u S c i e n c e P a r k ,H s i n c h u C i t y 30078, T a i w a n T E L . 886-3-5778385Worldwide Sales and ServiceAMERICAS Corporate Office2355 West Chandler Blvd. Chandler, AZ 85224-6199 Tel: 480-792-7200Fax: 480-792-7277 Technical Support:/ supportWeb Address: AtlantaDuluth, GATel: 678-957-9614Fax: 678-957-1455 Austin, TXTel: 512-257-3370 BostonWestborough, MATel: 774-760-0087Fax: 774-760-0088 ChicagoItasca, ILTel: 630-285-0071Fax: 630-285-0075 Cleveland Independence, OHTel: 216-447-0464Fax: 216-447-0643 DallasAddison, TXTel: 972-818-7423Fax: 972-818-2924 DetroitNovi, MITel: 248-848-4000 Houston, TXTel: 281-894-5983 Indianapolis Noblesville, INTel: 317-773-8323Fax: 317-773-5453Los AngelesMission Viejo, CATel: 949-462-9523Fax: 949-462-9608New York, NYTel: 631-435-6000San Jose, CATel: 408-735-9110 Canada - TorontoTel: 905-673-0699Fax: 905-673-6509 ASIA/PACIFICAsia Pacific OfficeSuites 3707-14, 37th FloorTower 6, The GatewayHarbour City, KowloonHong KongTel: 852-2943-5100Fax: 852-2401-3431Australia - SydneyTel: 61-2-9868-6733Fax: 61-2-9868-6755China - BeijingTel: 86-10-8569-7000Fax: 86-10-8528-2104China - ChengduTel: 86-28-8665-5511Fax: 86-28-8665-7889China - ChongqingTel: 86-23-8980-9588Fax: 86-23-8980-9500China - HangzhouTel: 86-571-8792-8115Fax: 86-571-8792-8116China - Hong Kong SARTel: 852-2943-5100Fax: 852-2401-3431China - NanjingTel: 86-25-8473-2460Fax: 86-25-8473-2470China - QingdaoTel: 86-532-8502-7355Fax: 86-532-8502-7205China - ShanghaiTel: 86-21-5407-5533Fax: 86-21-5407-5066China - ShenyangTel: 86-24-2334-2829Fax: 86-24-2334-2393China - ShenzhenTel: 86-755-8864-2200Fax: 86-755-8203-1760China - WuhanTel: 86-27-5980-5300Fax: 86-27-5980-5118China - XianTel: 86-29-8833-7252Fax: 86-29-8833-7256China - XiamenTel: 86-592-2388138Fax: 86-592-2388130China - ZhuhaiT el: 86-756-3210040Fax: 86-756-3210049ASIA/PACIFICIndia - BangaloreTel: 91-80-3090-4444Fax: 91-80-3090-4123India - New DelhiTel: 91-11-4160-8631Fax: 91-11-4160-8632India - PuneTel: 91-20-3019-1500Japan - OsakaTel: 81-6-6152-7160Fax: 81-6-6152-9310Japan - TokyoTel: 81-3-6880- 3770Fax: 81-3-6880-3771Korea - DaeguTel: 82-53-744-4301Fax: 82-53-744-4302Korea - SeoulTel: 82-2-554-7200Fax: 82-2-558-5932 or82-2-558-5934Malaysia - Kuala LumpurTel: 60-3-6201-9857Fax: 60-3-6201-9859Malaysia - PenangTel: 60-4-227-8870Fax: 60-4-227-4068Philippines - ManilaTel: 63-2-634-9065Fax: 63-2-634-9069SingaporeTel: 65-6334-8870Fax: 65-6334-8850Taiwan - Hsin ChuTel: 886-3-5778-366Fax: 886-3-5770-955Taiwan - KaohsiungTel: 886-7-213-7830Taiwan - TaipeiTel: 886-2-2508-8600Fax: 886-2-2508-0102Thailand - BangkokTel: 66-2-694-1351Fax: 66-2-694-1350EUROPEAustria - WelsTel: 43-7242-2244-39Fax: 43-7242-2244-393Denmark - CopenhagenTel: 45-4450-2828Fax: 45-4485-2829France - ParisTel: 33-1-69-53-63-20Fax: 33-1-69-30-90-79Germany - DusseldorfTel: 49-2129-3766400Germany - MunichTel: 49-89-627-144-0Fax: 49-89-627-144-44Germany - PforzheimTel: 49-7231-424750Italy - MilanTel: 39-0331-742611Fax: 39-0331-466781Italy - VeniceTel: 39-049-7625286Netherlands - DrunenTel: 31-416-690399Fax: 31-416-690340Poland - WarsawTel: 48-22-3325737Spain - MadridTel: 34-91-708-08-90Fax: 34-91-708-08-91Sweden - StockholmTel: 46-8-5090-4654UK - WokinghamTel: 44-118-921-5800Fax: 44-118-921-5820。

Gain Setting AD 转换器增益设置
原始值: 1
范 围: 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128
Mode Setting AD 转换器模式设置
原始值: Double
范 围: Double
Calib Unit Flag 标定单位标志(自动存储)
原始值: 0
Filter Time 2 滤波器 2 使能
原始值: No
范 围: No
Filter Time 2 滤波器 2 滤波时间
原始值: 1.5s
范 围: 0.05 ~6s
P42 P43 P44 P45 P46 P47 P48 P49 P50
AW7714 快速启用手册
范 围: 0~100%
Zero Range 置零跟踪范围
原始值: 0
范 围: 0~100%
Zero Caliber Time 除皮时间
原始值: 20s
范 围: 1~600s
Span Caliber Time 量程校正时间
原始值: 20s
范 围: 1~600s
Return Caliber Va.
Target Va.HL 上限目标值
原始值: 0
范 围: 0~100%
Target Va.LH 下限目标值
原始值: 0
范 围: 0~100%
Target Va.LL 下下限目标值

Summary1介绍 (2)2蓝牙射频性能测试 (2)2.1发射功率 (2)2.2调制特性:频率偏移 (3)2.3初始载波频率容许量 (3)2.4灵敏度 (4)2.5灵敏度限值 (4)2.6阻塞 (4)3无线链路范围 (5)4协同工作能力 (5)4.1GSM通信下的蓝牙灵敏度 (5)4.2蓝牙通信下的GSM灵敏度限值 (5)5附录 (6)5.1测试条件 (6)5.1.1常规测试条件 (6)5.1.2极限测试条件 (6)1介绍在M5和E6项目中采用的蓝牙模块是菲利普的BGB204。
在M5和E6项目中,蓝牙模块支持class 2功率等级,并且不支持功率控制。
参考文档:Core System Package Part A : Radio Frequency Test Suite Structure (TSS) and Test Purposes (TP)Specification 1.2 : Revision 1.2.3 Document n° 20.B.353/1.2.3测试设备:Rohde & Schwarz CMU200 option K53 (Bluetooth)2蓝牙射频性能测试蓝牙射频性能测试的所有测试项目都是在连接模式下进行的。
2.1发射功率蓝牙模块符合class 2 功率等级,所以发射功率应该满足下面要求:-6dBm < Pout < 4dBm.测试方法:蓝牙模块通过50ohm连接器与蓝牙测试设备CMU连接。

1. 单芯片集成方案单芯片集成(System-on-Chip,SoC)蓝牙方案是一种将蓝牙功能与其他芯片功能集成到一个芯片上的方案。
常见的单芯片集成方案有:•Nordic Semiconductor:Nordic Semiconductor是一家知名的无线解决方案提供商,其nRF系列芯片广泛应用于蓝牙低功耗(Bluetooth LowEnergy,BLE)设备。
•Texas Instruments:Texas Instruments是一家全球领先的半导体公司,其CC系列芯片也是常用的蓝牙芯片方案之一。
2. 蓝牙模块方案蓝牙模块是一种将蓝牙功能封装在一个独立的模块中,可以方便地与其他设备进行连接和通信。
•BLE模块:BLE(Bluetooth Low Energy)模块是一种低功耗蓝牙模块,被广泛应用于智能家居、运动设备等领域。

产品概述E32系列是基于SEMTECH公司SX1276/SX1278射频芯片的无线串口模块(UART),透明传输方式,LoRa扩频技术,3.3V TTL电平输出。
该系列默认空中速率为2.4kbps,6级可调;通信接口为UART串口,有8N1、8E1、8O1(出厂默认为8N1),1200bps~115200bps (出厂默认为9600bps)共8种波特率。
目录目录产品概述 (1)目录 (3)1.产品特点 (4)2.技术参数 (4)2.1.通用参数 (4)2.2.电气参数 (5)2.3.射频参数 (8)2.4实测距离 (9)3.机械特性 (10)3.1.E32-TTL-100(433T20DC)/E32(915T20D)/E32(868T20D) (10)3.2.E32(433T20S) (11)3.3.E32(433T20S2T) (12)3.4.E32(433T27D)/E32-TTL-1W(433T30D)/E32(915T30D)/E32(868T30D)/E32(170T30D) (13)3.6.E32(868T20S)/E32(915T20S)/E32(400T20S) (15)4.推荐连线图 (16)5.功能详解 (16)5.1.定点发射 (16)5.2.广播发射 (17)5.3.广播地址 (17)5.4.监听地址 (17)5.5.模块复位 (17)5.6.AUX详解 (17)5.6.1.串口数据输出指示 (17)5.6.2.无线发射指示 (18)5.6.3.模块正在配置过程中 (18)5.6.4.AUX注意事项 (18)6.工作模式 (19)6.1.模式切换 (19)6.2.一般模式(模式0) (19)6.3.唤醒模式(模式1) (19)6.4.省电模式(模式2) (20)6.5.休眠模式(模式3) (20)7.指令格式 (20)7.1.出厂默认参数 (20)7.1.1.工作频率433MHz (20)7.1.2.工作频率470MHz (21)7.1.3.工作频率868MHz (21)7.1.4.工作频率915MHz (21)7.1.5.推荐工作频率170MHz (21)7.2.工作参数读取 (22)7.3.版本号读取 (22)7.4.复位指令 (22)7.5.参数设置指令 (22)8.参数配置 (24)9.生产指导 (25)9.1.回流焊温度 (25)9.2.回流焊曲线图 (25)10.常见问题 (26)10.1.通信距离很近 (26)10.2.模块易损坏 (26)11.重要声明 (26)1.产品特点●【LoRa扩频】:LoRa直序扩频技术将带来更远的通讯距离;发射功率密度低,不易对其他设备造成干扰;保密性高,被截获的可能性极低;抗干扰能力强,对同频干扰及各种噪声具有极强的抑制能力;具有极好的抗多径衰落性能。
亿佰特 E104-BT52 BLE5.0低功耗贴片型蓝牙转串口模块规格书说明书

E104-BT52/E104-BT52X产品规格书DA14531BLE5.0低功耗贴片型蓝牙转串口模块目录第一章概述 (3)1.1简介 (3)1.3应用场景 (4)第二章规格参数 (4)2.1极限参数 (4)2.2工作参数 (4)第三章机械尺寸与引脚定义 (6)第四章基本应用 (8)4.1推荐电路 (8)第五章功能说明 (9)5.1角色说明 (9)5.2电源模式 (10)5.3数据传输模式 (10)5.4MAC地址绑定 (11)5.5广播 (11)5.6配置 (12)5.7数据指示 (12)5.8UUID说明 (13)5.9状态或事件打印 (13)第六章AT指令 (14)6.1指令说明 (14)6.2错误代码 (14)6.3状态打印 (14)6.4指令表 (14)第七章快速使用 (28)7.1配置模式快速使用指南 (28)7.2数据传输 (30)第八章常见问题 (32)8.1传输距离不理想 (32)8.2模块易损坏 (32)8.3误码率太高 (33)第九章焊接作业指导 (34)9.1回流焊温度 (34)9.2回流焊曲线图 (34)第十章相关型号 (35)第十一章批量包装方式 (36)修订历史 (37)关于我们 (37)第一章概述1.1简介E104-BT52/E104-BT52X是一款基于蓝牙协议5.0版本的串口转BLE蓝牙主从一体模块,体积小、功耗低,工作在2.4GHz 频段。
PANASONIC PAN1740蓝牙模块设计指南说明书

6.1.FunctionalityAtmel µC includes Segger USB-to-UART programmer (serial number on the backside) OTP cannot be damaged - Failsafe development Runs with Dialog ’s Keil compiler projects Runs with "Connection Manager"USB >> UART by Segger SN ModuleBreak Out SectionLDO Power Supply USB -5V1.1.FunctionalityAtmel µC includes Segger USB-to-UART programmer (serial number on the backside) OTP cannot be damaged - Failsafe development Runs with Dialog ’s Keil compiler projects Runs with "Connection Manager"USB >> UART by Segger SN ModuleBreak Out SectionLDO Power Supply USB -5V2.1. Functionality3.1. SchematicPCI-E-64PCI-E-64V C CV C CV C Cn .c ./0VCC VPP SW_CLK SW_DIOP0.012P0.111P0.210P0.39P0.46P0.55P0.64P0.73P1.024P1.123P1.222P1.321N.C.13RST 2GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GNDMOD1PAN1740A1A2A3A4A5A6A7A8A9A10A11A12A13A14A15A16A17A18A19A20A21A22A23A24A25A26A27A28A29A30A31A32J1_AB1B2B3B4B5B6B7B8B9B10B11B12B13B14B15B16B17B18B19B20B21B22B23B24B25B26B27B28B29B30B31B32J1_BR 11JP1P0.0P0.0P0.1P0.1P0.2P0.2P0.3P0.3P0.4P0.4P0.5P0.5P0.6P0.6P0.7P0.7P1.0P1.0P1.1P1.1P1.2P1.2P1.3P1.3RSTRST VPP SWCLK SWDIO Reset PIN resistor is not mounted if the module is empty4.1. SchematicB S S 84W 0.1n.c./0Ohm VCC 8VPP 14SW_CLK 16SW_DIO18P0.012P0.111P0.210P0.39P0.46P0.55P0.64P0.7324GND 1GND 715MOD1PAN1740Q 1C2R1VBA VEEPROMP0.0P0.1P0.2P0.3P0.4P0.5P0.6P0.7P1.0VPP SW_CLK SW_DIOThe Beacon-Kit consists of:The Beacon software is stored in the SPI Flash (IC2) on the PCB and can be changed bybetween Dialog’s Motherboard and a BeacAdapter Board and the FFC as shown below.An FFC longer than 5cm can cause transmission errors when using JTAG. Hence, longer cables should use the UART interface to download software to the Beacon. Simply change Dialog’s Beacon code available on our website to your needs with KeilNote: The above recommendation for the Ground plane is based on a double layer PCB. If7.4.3. IPhone Demo“Bluetooth Smart Scanner” may be replaced by other BLE Apps for Android or WindowsOpen the proximity project example found in the Dialog SDK. The project is located in theClick the Debug tab. Setup the Port in the J-Flash Settings to “SW”. Press “OK”.The proximity project has now been compiled and downloaded into the RAM of theNote: Debug session must be stopped.Transmitter Configuration:The dongles are now connected with the proximity profile.When the application launches the first time, there will be no projects to select. The user will have to create one by pressing the “New” button. The name should not contain any spaces or special characters.After selecting a project, the user will have to select the DA14580 chip version and a virtual COM port which is assigned to the connected dialog development kit.Finally, the user needs to press Open to establish a connection to the development kit. TheThis previous figure from the Smart Snippets help shows an example that prefers theThis pin assignment can be changed to any desired pin assignment in the application source This assignment does only require a simple amendment in the code.The next step is to disable the sleep mode, as this is not fully supported for software flowAfter that, the amended source codes have to be compiled and the output .hex files have toMore details are explained in the help file of Smart Snippets.。
成都亿佰特电子科技有限公司E72-2G4M23S1A ZigBee 6LoWPAN无线模块产品规格书

E72-2G4M23S1A产品规格书CC2630+PA+LNA ZigBee 6LoWPAN 无线模块第一章概述1.1 简介E72-2G4M23S1A是基于美国德州仪器(TI)生产的CC2630为核心自主研发的最大发射功率为100mW的小体积贴片型ZigBee、6LoWPAN无线模块,采用24MHz工业级高精度低温漂有源晶振。
CC2630芯片内部集成有 128KB 系统内可编程闪存和 8KB 缓存静态RAM(SRAM)与ZigBee、6LoWPAN无线通信协议,由于其内部具有独特的超低功耗传感器控制器,因此非常适合连接外部传感器。
1.2 特点功能⚫内置PA+LNA,理想条件下,通信距离可达1.5km;⚫最大发射功率100mW,软件多级可调;⚫内置ZigBee、6LoWPAN协议栈;⚫内置TI原装射频范围扩展器CC2592;⚫内置32.768kHz时钟晶体振荡器;⚫支持全球免许可ISM 2.4GHz频段;⚫内置高性能低功耗Cortex-M3与 Cortex-M0双核处理器;⚫丰富的资源,128KB FLASH,28KB RAM;⚫支持2.0~3.6V供电,大于3.3V供电均可保证最佳性能;⚫工业级标准设计,支持-40~+85℃下长时间使用;⚫双天线可选(PCB/IPX),用户可根据自身需求选择使用。
1.3 应用场景⚫智能家居以及工业传感器等;⚫安防系统、定位系统;⚫无线遥控,无人机;⚫无线游戏遥控器;⚫医疗保健产品;⚫无线语音,无线耳机;⚫汽车行业应用。
第二章规格参数2.1 极限参数主要参数性能备注最小值最大值电源电压(V)0 3.8 超过3.8V 永久烧毁模块阻塞功率(dBm)- 10 近距离使用烧毁概率较小工作温度(℃)-40 +85 工业级2.2 工作参数主要参数性能备注最小值典型值最大值工作电压(V) 1.8 3.3 3.8 ≥3.3V 可保证输出功率通信电平(V) 3.0 使用5V TTL 有风险烧毁工作温度(℃)-40 - +85 工业级设计工作频段(GHz) 2.402 - 2.480 支持ISM 频段功耗发射电流(mA)182.5 瞬时功耗接收电流(mA)11.1休眠电流(μA) 1.4 软件关断最大发射功率(dBm)22.6 23.0 23.2接收灵敏度(dBm)-100.5 -102.0 -103.5 空中速率为250kbps空中速率(bps)250k - 1M 用户编程控制主要参数描述备注参考距离1500m 晴朗空旷,天线增益5dBi,高度2.5米,空中速率250kbps 晶振频率24MHz/32.768KHz支持协议ZigBee封装方式贴片式接口方式 1.27mmIC全称CC2630F128RGZRFLASH 128KBRAM 28KB内核Cortex-M3+Cortex-M0外形尺寸17.5*33.5 mm天线接口PCB/IPEX 等效阻抗约50Ω第三章机械尺寸与引脚定义引脚序号引脚名称引脚方向引脚用途1、2、3 GND 地线,连接到电源参考地4 DIO_0 输入/输出通用IO口,传感器控制器(详见CC26xx 手册)5 DIO_1 输入/输出通用IO口,传感器控制器(详见CC26xx 手册)6 DIO_2 输入/输出通用IO口,传感器控制器(详见CC26xx 手册)7 DIO_3 输入/输出通用IO口,传感器控制器(详见CC26xx 手册)8 DIO_4 输入/输出通用IO口,传感器控制器(详见CC26xx 手册)9 DIO_5 输入/输出高驱动通用IO口,传感器控制器(详见CC26xx 手册)10 DIO_6 输入/输出高驱动通用IO口,传感器控制器(详见CC26xx 手册)11 DIO_7 输入/输出高驱动通用IO口,传感器控制器(详见CC26xx 手册)12 DIO_8 输入/输出通用IO口,详见CC26xx 手册)13 DIO_9 输入/输出通用IO口,详见CC26xx 手册)14 DIO_10 输入/输出通用IO口,详见CC26xx 手册)15 DIO_11 输入/输出通用IO口,详见CC26xx 手册)16 DIO_12 输入/输出通用IO口,详见CC26xx 手册)17 DIO_13 输入/输出通用IO口,详见CC26xx 手册)18 DIO_14 输入/输出通用IO口,详见CC26xx 手册)19 DIO_15 输入/输出通用IO口,详见CC26xx 手册)20 JTAG_TMS 输入/输出JTAG_TMSC, 高驱动能力(详见CC26xx 手册)21 JTAG_TCK 输入/输出JTAG_TCKC, 高驱动能力(详见CC26xx 手册)22 DIO_16 输入/输出高驱动通用IO口,JTAG_TDO(详见CC26xx 手册)23 DIO_17 输入/输出高驱动通用IO口,JTAG_TDI(详见CC26xx 手册)24 DIO_18 输入/输出通用IO口,详见CC26xx 手册)25 DIO_19 输入/输出通用IO口,详见CC26xx 手册)26 DIO_20 输入/输出通用IO口,详见CC26xx 手册)27 GND 地线,连接到电源参考地28 DIO_21 输入/输出通用IO口,详见CC26xx 手册)29 VCC 电源,1.8~3.8V30 DIO_22 输入/输出通用IO口,详见CC26xx 手册)31 DIO_23 输入/输出通用IO口,传感器控制器,数模(详见CC26xx 手册)32 nRESET 输入复位,低电平(详见CC26xx 手册)33 DIO_24 输入/输出通用IO口,传感器控制器,数模(详见CC26xx 手册)34 DIO_25 输入/输出通用IO口,传感器控制器,数模(详见CC26xx 手册)35 DIO_26 输入/输出通用IO口,传感器控制器,数模(详见CC26xx 手册)36 DIO_27 输入/输出通用IO口,传感器控制器,数模(详见CC26xx 手册)37 DIO_28 输入/输出通用IO口,传感器控制器,数模(详见CC26xx 手册)38 DIO_29 输入/输出通用IO口,传感器控制器,数模(详见CC26xx 手册)39 DIO_30 输入/输出通用IO口,传感器控制器,数模(详见CC26xx 手册)40、41、42 GND 地线,连接到电源参考地第四章基本操作4.1硬件设计⚫推荐使用直流稳压电源对该模块进行供电,电源纹波系数尽量小,模块需可靠接地;⚫请注意电源正负极的正确连接,如反接可能会导致模块永久性损坏;⚫请检查供电电源,确保在推荐供电电压之间,如超过最大值会造成模块永久性损坏;⚫请检查电源稳定性,电压不能大幅频繁波动;⚫在针对模块设计供电电路时,往往推荐保留30%以上余量,有整机利于长期稳定地工作;⚫模块应尽量远离电源、变压器、高频走线等电磁干扰较大的部分;⚫高频数字走线、高频模拟走线、电源走线必须避开模块下方,若实在需要经过模块下方,假设模块焊接在Top Layer,在模块接触部分的Top Layer铺地铜(全部铺铜并良好接地),必须靠近模块数字部分并走线在Bottom Layer;⚫假设模块焊接或放置在Top Layer,在Bottom Layer或者其他层随意走线也是错误的,会在不同程度影响模块的杂散以及接收灵敏度;⚫假设模块周围有存在较大电磁干扰的器件也会极大影响模块的性能,跟据干扰的强度建议适当远离模块,若情况允许可以做适当的隔离与屏蔽;⚫假设模块周围有存在较大电磁干扰的走线(高频数字、高频模拟、电源走线)也会极大影响模块的性能,跟据干扰的强度建议适当远离模块,若情况允许可以做适当的隔离与屏蔽;⚫通信线若使用5V电平,必须串联1k-5.1k电阻(不推荐,仍有损坏风险);⚫尽量远离部分物理层亦为2.4GHz的TTL协议,例如:USB3.0;⚫天线安装结构对模块性能有较大影响,务必保证天线外露,最好垂直向上。
BLE4.2 低成本贴片型 蓝牙转串口模块E104-BT06 使用简介

BLE4.2 低成本贴片型 蓝牙转串口模块
目录 第一章 概述................................................................................................................................................................................................ 4
1.1 简介.............................................................................................................................................................................................4 1.2 特点功能.....................................................................................................................................................................................4 1.3 应用场景...................................................................................................................................................................

USB口、RS232串行口(TTL电平)、Audio模拟语音接口(SPK,MIC),SPI编程口,2路AIO模拟量接口,7路数字PIO 接口
频段:2.40GHz—2.48GHz,ISM Band
蓝牙协议:BlueTooth V1.2
蓝牙4.0模块简介 V1.1

八、 BLE 协议说明(APP 接口)
移动设备写入的数据将会从串口输出(数 据包长小于 20 字节)
Notify or read
四、 电气特性
技术指标 电压范围 频率范围 频率误差 调制方式 数据传输速率 接收灵敏度 接收灵敏度 接收电流 接收电流 发射电流 天线阻抗 工作温度 电压范围 尺寸大小
参数 2.0V -- 3.6V
备注 直流,推荐使用 3.3V
2402MHz to 2480MHz
深圳市百智康科技有限公司 一、 模块简介
SZBZK-BT40-CC01 模块为针对蓝牙低功耗、低成本的片上系统(SOC)应用 模块。该模块内含一个 RF 收发器和一个工业级 8051 内核,适用于低功耗需求应 用系统中,符合全球无线电频率法规的无线系统,包括:ETSI EN 300 328 和 EN 300 440 Class 2(欧洲),FCC CFR47 Part 15(美国)和 ARIB STD-T66(日本), 拥有精确的数字接收信号强度指示器(RSSI),较宽供电电压压范围(2V—3.6V)。
TYBT1 蓝牙模块中文规格书

Tuya Smart BLE 模块1.产品概述TYBT1是由杭州涂鸦科技有限公司开发的一款适用于输出LED 控制信号的嵌入式蓝牙模块。
TYBT1还包含低功耗的32位MCU ,BLE/2.4G Radio ,512Kbyte flash ,16Kbyte SRAM ,5-channel PWM ,1对I2C 和1对UART 串口。
用户可以基于PWM 信号对接方式,开发满足自己需求的带蓝牙的LED 产品。
TYBT1结构图如图1所示:图1TYBT1结构图1.1特点✧内置低功耗32位MCU ,可以兼作应用处理器●主频支持48MHz ✧工作电压:1.9V-3.6V✧外设:1xI2C ,5xPWMs ,1xUART ✧BLE RF 特性●兼容BLE 4.0●射频数据速率高达2Mbps ●TX 发射功率:+7dBm ●RX 接收灵敏度:-92dBm ●内嵌硬件AES 加密12M 晶体PCB 天线BLEBLE 4.0/Slave 2.4GHz radioMCU FREQ 48MHzSRAM 16K BytesFLASH512KI2C3.3V inputPWM●板载PCB天线●工作温度:-20℃to85℃1.2主要应用领域✧智能LED✧智能家居目录1.产品概述 (1)1.1特点 (1)1.2主要应用领域 (2)2.模块接口 (4)2.1尺寸封装 (4)2.2引脚定义 (4)3.电气参数 (5)3.1绝对电气参数 (5)3.2工作条件 (5)3.3工作模式下功耗 (5)4.射频特性 (6)4.1基本射频特性 (6)4.2RF输出功率 (6)4.3RF接收灵敏度 (6)5.天线信息 (7)5.1天线类型 (7)5.2降低天线干扰 (7)6.封装信息及生产指导 (8)6.1机械尺寸 (8)6.2生产指南 (8)图目录图1TYBT1结构图 (1)图2TYBT1示意图 (4)图3TYBT1尺寸图 (8)表目录表1TYBT1接口引脚排列说明 (4)表2绝对参数 (5)表3正常工作条件 (5)表4TX连续发送时功耗 (5)表5射频基本特性 (6)表6TX连续发送时功率 (6)表7RX灵敏度 (6)2.模块接口2.1尺寸封装TYBT1电气接口为双面金手指,引脚间距为2.0mm。

10 Bi-Directional Programmable input/output
23 Bi-Directional Programmable input/output
line, control output for
LNA(if fitted)
可以外部供电 1.8V
默认为内部供电 1.8V
电话:020-84083341 传真:020-84332079 技术销售 QQ:1043073574
地址:广州市海珠区昌岗中路昌岗南街 50 号叠翠苑综合楼首层 A016 邮编:510260
CMOS output, tri-stable with weak internal
CMOS input with weak internal pull-down
CMOS input with weak internal pull-down
CMOS output, Tri-stable with weak internal
低功耗 高性能无线收发系统 低成本 应用领域
蓝牙车载免提 蓝牙 GPS 蓝牙 PCMCIA , USB Dongle 蓝牙数据传送 软件 CSR
电话:020-84083341 传真:020-84332079 技术销售 QQ:1043073574
line Programmable input/output
line Programmable input/output

它使用和 -差(Σ-Δ)转换技术以实现高达24位的无误码性能。
调制器的输出由片内数字滤波器处理 [1]。
各引脚定义如下:图1 AD7714的封装及其引脚引脚1 SCLK:串行时钟。
引脚2 MCLKIN:器件的主时钟信号。
引脚3 MCLKOUT:配合MCLKIN使用,当器件的主时钟是晶振时,晶振跨接在MCLKIN 和MCLKOUT引脚之间。
引脚4 POL:时钟极性,逻辑输入端。
引脚5 SYNC:逻辑输入端 ,当使用多个AD7714时,它用于数字滤波器和模拟调制器的同步。
引脚6 RESET:逻辑输入端,低电平有效输入,它把器件的控制逻辑、接口逻辑、数字滤波器以及模拟调制复位到上电状态。
引脚7(8) AIN1(AIN2):可编程模拟输入通道1(2)。
引脚9(10) AIN3(AIN4):可编程模拟输入通道3(4)。
Bluetooth Smart Module FEAT UR ES 产品说明书

26080111240012608011024001Bluetooth® Smart Module∙Embedded 2.4 GHz Bluetooth 4.2 module∙ 1.7 to 3.6 V operation∙Up to +2 dBm output power∙-96 dBm sensitivity∙UART∙Event driven API∙Automated power management system withautomatic power management of each peripheral∙AES HW encryption∙Compact dimensions: 11 x 8 x 1.8 mm∙Antenna options: integrated or RF padThe AMB2621 is an ultra-low power 2.4 GHz wireless module integrating the nRF52832 System on Chip including a 2.4 GHz transceiver and an ARM Cortex TM-M4F CPU with flash memory. The module is optimized for applications where costs and low-power optimization really matter. Several pins with alternate functions are available to e.g. connect LEDs, or realize an SPI, I2C, ADC or handshake for the UART as well as NFC.By default the AMB2621 contains the AMBER firmware according to option 1. Upon request the customer’s own firmware (option 2) may be flashed during production.Option 1: AMBER firmwareBy default, the module provides the industry proven, fully qualified Bluetooth® Smart (previously called Bluetooth low energy) stack from Nordic, plus the AMBER firmware. The latter contains an SPP-like profile, which offers a fast secured data transmission of packets with up to 128 bytes payload. Furthermore the AMB2621 includes an easy-to-use command interface allowing a convenient configuration and operation. The module can perform both, an advertising mode in order to be found, or a scan for finding other devices, which are advertising. Data transmission can be executed as soon as a (secured) connection has been set up. In addition data can be broadcasted quickly using so called Beacons. The module enables distance estimation (localization) using RSSI and output power in just one advertise packet for optimized power consumption.As a second option the module can be switched into peripheral only mode with transparent UART and static passkey pairing.As interface to the host system a 2-wire UART interface is provided with a default data rate of 115200 Baud. OTA firmware update via PC or Android / iOS App is supported. An Android App supporting the SPP-like operation is also available on request.Option 2: Custom developmentBased on the free Nordic Semiconductor SDK and demo examples various BLE-profiles and custom applications can be realized and flashed on the AMB2621 module. The versatile and well documented Nordic stack ensures quick and easy realization of various standard BLE-profiles, such as:∙HID services∙Medical services (BLS, HRS, HTP…)∙Alert services (ANS, IAS, PASS …)∙In formation services (CTS, DIS, TPS …)∙and othersFor full feature list see the nRF52832 documentation .SpecificationsTA = 25°C, VCC = 3 V if nothing else stated. Performance RF data rate 1 Mbit/sInterface data rate Typ. 115200 BaudOutput power Up to +2 dBm @ 50 OhmRF sensitivity Typ. -96 dBm @ 50 OhmRange AMB2621: 50m, AMB2621-1: 125mGeneral Power supply 1.7 - 3.6 VPower consumption TX: typ. 5.3 mA @ 0dB, 7.5 mA@ 4dBm / RX: 5.4 mA *Low Power: typ. 0.4 µA (System OFF mode)Dimensions 8 x 11 x 1.8 mmOperating temperature -40 to +85 °CWeight Approx. 3 gAntenna Integrated antenna or RF padRF Technology Bluetooth® Smart 4.2Frequency range 2.402 GHz to 2.48 GHzModulation DSSSCompliance Europe EN 60950, EN 301 489, EN 62311, EN 300 328US FCCBluetooth SIG SIG listing is mandatory* DC/DC converter in use, transceiver only. Complete currents with CPU active: TX 8mA @ 0 dBm, TX 11mA @ 4 dBm, RX 8mA Dimensions and Pin AssignmentNo. Pad Name No. Pad Name1 RF 1 9 P0.09/NFC1 22, 17 GND 10 P0.00/XL1 23 SWDCLK 11 P0.01/XL2 24 SWDIO 12 P0.02/AIN0 25 P0.21/Reset 13 P0.03/AIN1 26 P0.05/AIN3 214 P0.04/AIN2 27 VDD 15 P0.28/AIN4 28 P0.10/NFC2 216 P0.29/AIN5 212 can be used with customer specific firmware. Refer to AMB2621 manual for function in standard (SPP-like)firmwareOrdering InformationItem No. DescriptionAMB2621 Bluetooth Smart Module w/ integrated antennaAMB2621-1 Bluetooth Smart Module w/ RF padAMB2621-EV Bluetooth Smart Evaluation Board (Module AMB2621) Phone +49.651.993.550**************************** Internet 26080111240012608011024001。

PAN1026ABluetooth ® Basic Data Rate and Low Energy ModuleDesign GuideRev. 1.1OverviewThe PAN1026A is a Class 2 Bluetooth 4.2 Basic Data Rate and Low Energy (LE) module for easy implementation of Bluetooth functionality into various electronic devices.Features•Small SMD module: 15.6 mm x 8.7 mm x 1.8 mm •Same form factor as PAN1760A and PAN1762 •Bluetooth 4.2 Basic Data Rate and LE compliant •Bluetooth stack in ROM•Embedded Basic Data Rate Serial PortProfile (SPP) profile•Embedded LE GATT profile •Supported by Toshiba Bluetooth SDK •UART, 10 General Purpose I/Os, wake up control pinsBluetooth•Basic Data Rate SPP profile•LE Peripheral and Broadcast support•LE GATT server and GATT client support •LE Central and Observer not supported Basic Data Rate Features •Faster SPP classic connection and disconnectiontimes•Support for interlaced inquiry and page scan •Support for extended inquiry responseLow Energy Features •Increased LE MTU size of 160 bytes •Increased number of supported GATT services •Increased number of supported GATTcharacteristics•Support for TX power control•Support for LE Secure Connections •Improved peak error rate (PER) Characteristics•Typical sensitivity: -88 dBm•Output power: max. 4 dBm•Typical TX power consumption: 46 mA •Voltage range: 2.7 V to 3.6 V (+/-10 %)•Temperature range: -40 °C to +85 °CBlock DiagramBy purchase of any of the products described in this document the customer accepts the document's validity and declares their agreement and understanding of its contents and recommendations. Panasonic Industrial Devices Europe GmbH (Panasonic) reserves the right to make changes as required at any time without notification. Please consult the most recently issued Design Guide before initiating or completing a design.© Panasonic Industrial Devices Europe GmbH 2019.This specification sheet is copyrighted. Reproduction of this document is permissible only if reproduction is without alteration and is accompanied by all associated warranties, conditions, limitations, and notices. Do not disclose it to a third party.All rights reserved.This Design Guide does not lodge the claim to be complete and free of mistakes.Engineering Samples (ES)If Engineering Samples are delivered to the customer, these samples have the status “Engineering Samples”. This means that the design of this product is not yet concluded. Engineering Samples may be partially or fully functional, and they may differ from the published Product Specification.Engineering Samples are not qualified and they are not to be used for reliability testing or series production.DisclaimerThe customer acknowledges that samples may deviate from the Design Guide and may bear defects due to their status of development and the lack of qualification mentioned above.Panasonic rejects any liability or product warranty for Engineering Samples. In particular, Panasonic disclaims liability for damages caused by:∙The use of the Engineering Sample other than for evaluation purposes, particularly the installation or integration in another product to be sold by the customer,∙Deviation or lapse in function of the Engineering Sample,∙Improper use of the Engineering Sample.Panasonic Industrial Devices Europe GmbH disclaims any liability for consequential and incidental damages. In case of any queries regarding the Engineering Samples, please contact your local sales partner or the related product manager.Table of Contents1About This Document (5)1.1Purpose and Audience (5)1.2Revision History (5)1.3Use of Symbols (5)1.4Related Documents (6)2Overview (7)2.1Block Diagram (7)2.2Pin Configuration (8)2.3UART Interface (10)2.4Bluetooth Features (10)3Reference Design (11)3.1USB Evaluation Kit Schematic (11)3.2Placement Recommendations (11)4Software Related Documents Summary (13)4.1Predefined High Level APIs (13)4.2Validation of Elliptic Curve Parameters (14)4.3Unique Mac/Bluetooth Address (14)5USB Evaluation Kit (15)5.1Overview for the USB Evaluation Board Options (15)5.2Recommended Tools (16)5.3Development of Applications (16)6Appendix (17)6.1Ordering Information (17)6.2Contact Details (18)1 About This Document1.1 Purpose and AudienceThis Design Guide applies to the Bluetooth development platform PAN1026A USB.The intention is to enable our customers to easily and fast integrate our module PAN1026A in their product.This Design Guide describes the hardware and gives useful hints.It is intended for hardware and software engineers. The product is referred to as“the PAN1026A” or “the module” within this document.1.2 Revision History1.3 Use of SymbolsNoteIndicates important information for the proper use of the product.Non-observance can lead to errors.AttentionIndicates important notes that, if not observed, can put the productat risk.TipIndicates useful information designed to facilitate working with the module.1.4 Related DocumentsPlease refer to the Panasonic website for related documents 6.2.2 Product Information.2 OverviewThe PAN1026A is a Bluetooth 4.2 Basic Data Rate and LE module based on the ToshibaTC35661 single-chip controller.It has both a Bluetooth Basic Data Rate Serial Port Profile (SPP) and a Bluetooth LE GATTprofile stack integrated. Enhanced Data Rate (EDR) and GATT Central Mode are notsupported.Only one connection (either Bluetooth Basic Data Rate or LE) at a time is supported,simultaneous operation of Bluetooth Basic Data Rate and LE is not possible.The integrated EEPROM is pre-programmed with a Bluetooth Device Address and can be used to store additional application information such as connection link keys.Compared to the PAN1026, the PAN1026A is fully backwards compatible, but has additionalsupport for increased MTU size, increased number of services and characteristics and now also supports LE Secure Connections.Previously developed Bluetooth LE profiles and applications can be easily migrated with aminimal effort.Please refer to the Panasonic website for related documents ☯ 6.2.2 Product Information.Further information on the variants and versions☯ 6.1 Ordering Information.2.1 Block Diagram2.2 Pin ConfigurationPin AssignmentTop ViewPin Functions2.3 UART Interface•Full-Duplex 4-wire data transfer: Rx, Tx, RTS, CTS•Programmable baud rate: 2 400 bps to 4.33 Mbps•Default baud rate: 115 200 bps•Data format: 8N1, LSB first•Error detection: Character timeout, Overrun error, Framing error2.4 Bluetooth Features•Bluetooth 4.2 with SPP and GATT•GAP support for SPP•GATT server and client mode supported for LE•Class 2 Tc power with or without external PA (improved link robustness)•Excellent link budget (up to 91 dB), enabling long-range applications•GAP peripheral support for LE3 Reference Design3.1 USB Evaluation Kit Schematic3.2 Placement RecommendationsAntennaDo not place any ground plane under the marked restricted antenna area inany layer! This would be affecting the performance of the chip antenna in acritical manner.The following requirements must be met:✓Keep this product away from heat. Heat is the major cause of decreasing the life of these products.✓Keep this product away from other high frequency circuits.Antenna “Keep o ut Area”The antenna requires a cutout area of 5 mm x 3 mm under the PAN1026A module. This “Keep out Area” shall be located in every layer under the module antenna.Impact of Placement on the Antenna Radiation PatternThe placement of the module, surrounding material, and customercomponents have an impact on the radiation pattern of the antenna.It is recommended to verify the perfect position of the module in the target application before fixing the design.4 Software Related Documents Summary4.1 Predefined High Level APIsMake use of the easy-to-use High-Level SPP and Bluetooth LE API for PAN1026A setup,connect and data transfer in an easy way. Driver layer provide access to the entire function setof the module. SPP and Bluetooth LE application example is available on Toshiba ARM ®Cortex ®-M3 MCU with FreeRTOS integration.High Level SPP APIs are sufficient for communication with a remote SPP device. With the LE+GATT Driver the use of PAN1026A Command Interface is simplified. It encapsulates Chiron LE MNG, GAP and GATT Commands in one.4.2 Validation of Elliptic Curve ParametersResearchers at the Israel Institute of Technology identified a security vulnerability in two related Bluetooth features: Secure Simple Pairing and LE Secure Connections.PAN1026A supports those features but does not perform public key validation during the pairing procedure. In this case, connections between devices could be vulnerable to aman-in-the-middle attack that would allow for the monitoring or manipulation of traffic.To remedy the vulnerability, the Bluetooth SIG has now updated the Bluetooth specification to require products to validate any public key received as part of public key-based securityprocedures. In addition, the Bluetooth SIG has added testing for this vulnerability within theBluetooth Qualification Program.The necessary procedures are included starting with the release of the Toshiba Bluetooth SDK version 4.2.2. Further information is included in the documentationToshiba_Bluetooth_Platform_Errata.pdf contained in the SDK.To ensure that the end product is operating according to the Bluetoothspecification the customer application has to follow the above mentionedinstructions.4.3 Unique Mac/Bluetooth AddressThe PAN1026A has a preprogrammed address in the EEPROM that needs to be copied into the RAM during the initialization. Therefore three TCU commands need to be used. Below is anexample with the individual address 00 13 43 00 00 1A.The bold marked Bluetooth address is original and needs to be byte switchedto write into the RAM of the module to be visible in an Bluetooth inquiry asexample.1. Enter the address: 01 08 FC 0B 00 A0 00 00 00 14 5B FF 02 03 01.→The result is: 04 FF 0A 08 00 A0 00 00 00 14 5B 00 00.2. Read the Bluetooth address from E2PROM:01 08 FC 10 00 A1 00 00 00 14 88 FF 10 06 A0 01 01 06 02 00.→The result is:04 FF 11 08 00 A1 00 00 00 14 88 00 10 0600 13 43 00 00 1A.3. Set the address into RAM: 01 13 10 06 1A 00 00 43 13 00.→The result is: 04 0E 04 04 13 10 00.5 USB Evaluation KitPAN1026A USB (easy to use) is a development platform for PAN1026A Bluetooth LE dual module to implement Bluetooth functionality into various electronic devices.The PAN1026A USB is intended for evaluation purpose and can be used together with EasySPP and EasyBLE Software.The API is a very useful abstracted tool, which is described on the Toshiba website.For further details on additional options and services please refer to OptionsUFL-External Antenna USB DirectUFL-external antenna connector can be used if the cap next to the modules shield is moved (de-soldered, soldered) to the other (free) pin.USB DirectUSB DirectUFL-Ext.32KHz LEAntennaClockEEPROM WPUART Exposure5.2 Recommended ToolsEasySPPThe following requirement must be met:Microsoft .NET framework (version 4) which can be downloaded from the Microsoft websiteEasy SPP is the first step to get familiar with the TCU commands. The issued commands canbe copied and then ported to any microcontroller. HyperTerminal is not recommended to usebecause the commands are in binary format.EasyBLEThis tool has the same intention as the EasySPP and shows some example Bluetooth LEprofiles e. g. heart rate sensor. It can be used together with various of the shelf apps running on iPhone and Android phones supporting Bluetooth 4.0. One example is “Wahoo Utility” which is available in the Apples iTunes App Store.EasyBLE documentation includes an application example how to connect PAN1026A USB stick and an iOS device.5.3 Development of ApplicationsPlease contact your local sales office for customized development of your individual application6.2.1 Contact Us.Please note that the individual Mac address is stored in the EEPROM and hasto be loaded into the RAM after each start-up.The following tools are recommended: IAR, J-Link debugger.The BMSKTOPASM369BT(kc) Starter Kit makes it possible to quickly and easily evaluateToshiba’s B luetooth Dual Mode LSI TC35661-5xx in combination with Toshiba ARM®Cortex®-M3 MCU as host MCU. It is made to execute the Toshiba Bluetooth Driver software and debug user application code via an embedded J-Link debugger interface. The TMPM369FDFG Microcontroller offers embedded Ethernet, CAN, USB host, USB device and RS-232connectivity.Starter Kit Content:•Toshiba TOPAS369Bluetooth Board•Segger J-Link JTAG/SWD Emulator with USB interface•J-Link 19-pin Cortex-M Adapter•USB Cable•Rapid Start-Up Guide6 Appendix6.1 Ordering InformationVariants and Versions1 Abbreviation for Minimum Order Quantity (MOQ). The default MOQ for mass production is 1 500 pieces,fewer only on customer demand. Samples for evaluation can be delivered at any quantity via the distributionchannels.2 Samples are available on customer demand.6.2 Contact Details6.2.1 Contact UsPlease contact your local Panasonic Sales office for details on additional product options and services:For Panasonic Sales assistance in the EU, visithttps:///about-us/contact-usEmail: *********************.comFor Panasonic Sales assistance in North America, visit the Panasonic website“Sales & Support” to find assistance near you athttps:///distributorsPlease visit the Panasonic Wireless Technical Forum to submit a question athttps://6.2.2 Product InformationPlease refer to the Panasonic Wireless Connectivity website for further information on ourproducts and related documents:For complete Panasonic product details in the EU, visithttp://pideu.panasonic.de/products/wireless-modules.htmlFor complete Panasonic product details in North America, visit/rfmodules。
蓝牙数据传输模块 产品说明书 北京锦天同业科技有限公司2010年8月蓝牙数据传输模块1. 产品特点● 采用CSR BC4-AUDIO FLASH 芯片,内置6M FLASH ● 内置15 bit 线性语音编解码器● 提供增强数据速率(EDR )功能,兼容2Mbps 和3Mbps 的数据传输速率● 具有PIO0~PIO3、射频接口、SPI 、UART 等多种接口,用户可定制软件,实现各种蓝牙应用 ● 支持与WLAN (802.11)共存2. 产品性能指标蓝牙协议版本蓝牙协议 v2.0,兼容v1.2频率2.4GHz (ISM band)调制方式 GFSK(Gaussian Frequency Shift Keying) 发射功率 ≤4dBm, Class 2灵敏度 ≤-84dBm @ 0.1% BER 通信距离 10m 视距(加天线)通讯速率 最低:1200bps@2%Err ,9600bps@1%Err 最高:3Mbps@1%Err安全特性 Authentication and encryption 应用框架支持 SPP,FTP etc.供电电源 3.0~3.6V ,3.3V TYP 工作温度-20~+55 Centigrade3. 尺寸和引脚定义尺寸图(俯视)引脚定义(俯视)注:尺寸图中与焊盘有关的均表示到焊盘中心的距离,图中的邮票孔左右对称邮票孔定义(仰视)引脚定义(依据上图所标的引脚序号):序号 引脚 说明1UART_RTS 串口请求发送 2 UART_TX 串口数据发送 3 UART_CTS 串口清除发送 4 UART_RX 串口数据输入 5 SPI_MOSI 串行外围接口数据输入 6 SPI_CSB 串行外围接口片选信号 7 SPI_CLK 串行外围接口时钟信号 8 SPI_MISO 串行外围接口数据输出9 3V3 3.3V 电源输入 10 3V3 3.3V 电源输入 11 RESET 低电平复位,至少5ms12 GND 地13 PIO3 输入端口,SET 脚,低电平为数据传输模式,高电平为参数设置模式14 PIO2 可编程输入/输出口 15 PIO1 可编程输入/输出口 16PIO0可编程输入/输出口4. 蓝牙模组AT 指令说明注意:只有当蓝牙模组工作在“参数设置状态”时(PIO(3)置高)才允许执行参数设置命令。
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● CSR BC4(v2.0+EDR),8Mbit FLASH
接口,模块内置8Mbit FLASH,功能强大,用户可定制软件,
● 板载天线,便于嵌入式应用
蓝牙协议版本蓝牙协议 v2.0,兼容v1.2
频率 2.4GHz (ISM band)
调制方式GFSK(Gaussian Frequency Shift Keying)
发射功率≤4dBm, Class II
灵敏度≤-84dBm @ 0.1% BER
通讯速率 Asynchronous:723.2kbps,(Max)/57.6kbps
安全特性Authentication and encryption
应用框架支持 HFP1.5,HFP1.0,SPP
供电电源 3.3V
工作温度-20~+55 Centigrade
序号 引脚 说明
3 UART-CTS UART 清除发送,低电平有效
4 UART-RTS UART 请求发送,低电平有效
5 PCM-CLK PCM 数据时钟
6 PCM-OUT PCM 数据输出
7 PCM-IN PCM 数据输入
9 AIO(0) 可编程输入/输出口 10 AIO(1) 可编程输入/输出口 11 RESET 低电平复位。
12 3.3V +3.3V 电源 13 GND 地 14 GND 地 15 USB D- USB 数据负
16 SPI-CSB SPI 器件片选脚,低电平有效。
17 SPI-MOSI SPI 数据输入口 18 SPI-MISO SPI 数据输出口 19 SPI-CLK SPI 时钟脚。
20 USB D+ USB 数据正 21 GND 地 22 GND 地 23 PIO(0) 可编程输入/输出口 24 PIO(1) 可编程输入/输出口 25 PIO(2) 可编程输入/输出口
26 PIO(3)
输出端口,LINK 指示灯,连接成功置高,
27 PIO(4) 可编程输入/输出口 28 PIO(5) 可编程输入/输出口 29 PIO(6) 输出端口,状态指示灯 30 PIO(7) 可编程输入/输出口 31 PIO(8) 输出端口,状态指示灯 32 PIO(9) 可编程输入/输出口
33 PIO(10)
输入端口,SET 脚,低电平为数据传输
34 PIO(11)
输入端口,SLEEP 脚,平时请置低电平,当需要进入/退出休眠模式,可以置高电
AT\r\n OK 无
AT+BAUD=<para1>\r\n OK AT+BAUD? \r\n OK
<Para1> Para1:波特率(1200、2400、4800、9600、19200、38400、
57600 、115200 、230400 、460800、921600、1382400)
注意:波特率更改以后,如果不是默认的115200,在以后参数设置时依然使用9600 的波特率,在进行数据通信时,使用所
< Para1> \r\n
<Para1> Para1:0 不需鉴权,否则需要鉴权
\r\n OK
指令应答参数AT+ RESTART\r\n OK
AT+NAME? \r\n OK
AT+ ROLE? \r\n OK
<Para1> Para1:0 为从设备,否则为主设备
AT+ ADDR?\r\n OK
<Para1> Para1:本地的蓝牙地址
< Para1>\r\n
<Para1> Para1:设备类型(长
为6 个字节)
\r\n OK
0:1 位停止位
1:2 位停止位
指令应答参数AT+ RESET\r\n OK
< Para1>\r\n
+BIND:<Para1> Para1:0 没有绑定地址,否则绑定地址。
绑定地址时:对于从设备, 如果已经记忆地址,则不准被查询和配对,只能被它记忆的设备连接;对于主设备,如果已经记忆地址,则一直试着连接它记忆的设备;所以当绑定地址时,一旦设备记忆了地址,则连接只能在它与它记忆的设备之间建立,而不会与其它设备建立连接。
OK 无
指令应答参数ATZ?\r\n OK 无
⑴ SEMIT-7714模块的供电电压范围是2.7~3.6V。
材料进行隔离,简易的做法是在该位置放一个整块的丝印(TopOver Lay)。
6.1 硬件设计参考
6.2 使用PSTool修改参数