佳格输送机IO 表
M-00018 QT200配备FEDEK DH65棒料输送机式样

QT200配备FEDEK DH65棒料输送机式样1. 系统:MAZATROL 640T2. 参数:R19:工件号TOP CUT程序号R49 Bit0(M0)=1 采用卡盘行程确认Bit1(M1)=1 自动卡盘Bit6(M6)=1 Bar Feeder有效R57 Bit3(M5123)=1 选择B/F报警信号类型1:报警信号ON时有效Bit6Bit7R46 Bit63. Remote I/O(AP26)跳线:J16 2-3:JUMPER, SW1:5(确定I/O地址)4. Bar-Feeder主程序流程图CHUNK开指令时的刀具编号和Top Cut Program的最初刀具应该是一样的(此时刀具是通常所说的Stopper)Top Cut Program是从STOPPER移动到确定位置向Z轴正方向移动,此时单动程序不向刀具交换位置后退,后退速度如果太慢,工件排出的时候可能有不能与后退相协调的时候,此时可以加快后退速度Bar-Feeder的B.D.T信号和START信号B.D.T信号是棒料输送机送完料后向NC发出的信号向Top Cut Program移动的时间是B.D.T信号出现时,卡盘开指令出现的时间。
即在卡盘开状态下,B.D.T信号出现出现时,并不是向Top Cut Program移动。
即B.D.T信号出现时加工进行,下一个卡盘开的时候,才向Top Cut Program移动,也就是说B.D.T 信号出现,还是要做一次加工循环后才执行Top Cut ProgramTop Cut Program启动时间图是棒料输送机将残料推出的时候。
通常一种棒料只加工一种工件时,加工程序的Z偏移和Top Cut Program的Z偏移是一样的。
但是如果要实现用一种棒料加工几种不同的工件时,此时工件程序可以通过互相调用执行加工不同工件,只是Top Cut Program的Z偏移应该和工件最长的程序Z偏移一样,同时对棒料输送机F1和F3参数的设定也应该做相应修改,即F1应该是最短工件的长度,F3应该是最长工件的长度。
奥姆吉-24路TTL输入 输出板说明书

81,7(' 67$7(6 ZZZRPHJDFRP 7&20(*$
Number of Channels: 24 (TTL) Power Requirement: ±5V @ 1A Output Specifications: Sink up to 24 mA; source up to 15 mA Connector: 50 pin header Operating Temperature: 0 to 70°C (32 to 158°F) Storage Temperature: -50 to 105°C (-58 to 221°F) Humidity Range: 10 to 90% RH Dimensions: 64 W x 119 mm L (2.5 x 4.7") Weight: 45 g (1.6 oz)
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iO-GRID M控制模块操作手册版本历史日期版本内容作者2017/12/29 1.0初版Matthew 2018/01/05 1.1iO-GRID M章节调整Matthew 2018/01/24 1.2Matthew 2018/02/05 1.3参数设定章节调整Matthew 2018/03/09 1.3.1新增异常纪录寄存器位址介绍Matthew目录1.控制模块列表 (4)2.控制模块规格 (5)2.1GFMS-RM01N (5)3.控制模块介绍 (6)3.1控制模块尺寸规格 (6)3.2控制模块面板介紹 (7)4.模块安装拆卸介绍 (9)4.1安装 (9)4.2拆卸 (9)5.iO-GRID M系列介绍 (10)5.1iO-GRID M组件 (10)5.2iO-GRID M接线 (12)5.3iO-GRID M设定接线介绍 (15)6.控制模块参数设定介绍 (16)6.1模块初始设定与设定软件功能 (16)6.2iO-GRID M Utility软件操作步骤 (16)7.控制模块映射寄存器介绍 (23)7.1输入寄存器位址介绍0x1000 – 0x10F6(可读) (24)7.2输出寄存器位址介绍0x2000 – 0x20F6(可读写) (24)7.3异常纪录寄存器位址介绍 (25)7.4支持Modbus function code (25)产品料号产品叙述备注GFMS-RM01N RS485控制模块, RTU/ASCII2.1 GFMS-RM01NTechnical Data模块型别Modbus Master RS485最大扩充模块数247额定电压值5V DC via DINKLE Bus 电流消耗48mA @ 5V指示灯RUN : 绿(电源指示灯)ERR : 红(通信异常指示灯)DI ERR : 红(输入模块异常指示灯) DO ERR : 红(输出模块异常指示灯)Communication Data总线界面RS485 via DINKLE Bus 总线协议Modbus RTU / ASCII鲍率范围1200bps to 1.5Mbps总线接口RJ45*3General Data模块尺寸宽x深x高20 x 100 x 95 mm模块重量Approx. 80 g工作温度0 (55)储存温度-25 (85)相对湿度RH 95%, noncondensing 保护等级IP20产品认证CE3.1 控制模块尺寸规格3.1.1 GFMS-RM01N单位:mm图1控制模块GFMS-RM01N尺寸规格3.2 控制模块面板介紹LED 訊號指示燈RS485#1通訊RJ45接口RS485#2通訊RJ45接口Mini USB 接口,用於設定控制模塊相關訊息: 站號, 鮑率, I/O 模塊參數等。

定量给料机检定测试记录表 No: Weighing Feeder Calibration and Testing Sheet给料机型号规格 DEL0820T6 出厂编号 000710 Feeder Model Product No.控制仪表型号 FIP0403 传感器型号规格 Z6FD1/50 Control Instrument Type Sensor Model编号 B95086 仪表标定系数 0.998No. Instrument Calibration factor:流量范围(Max) 1.0~10 t/h准确度 <1% Capacity Range Accuracy检定日期 2000.9.24 检定员(签字) •Test Date 24.9.2000 Inspector(Signature)━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━1.静态线性度(Static State Linearity): 测试时间(Test Time)敁 3 敋分/次(min/time) ┌──┬──┬──────────────┬────┬─────┬───┐│序号│加载│进回程显示值(kg) │平均值│理论值│误差││││ Plus and Minus │││││ No.│Load│ Display Values │ Average│ Theoretic│Error │││├────┬───┬────┤ Values│ Values ││(kg)│ 1 │ 2 │ 3 │ Di │ Di │ ( %) │├──┼──┼────┼────┼────┼────┼─────┼───┤│ 1 │ 0 │ 1.6 │ 1.4 │ 1.4 │ 1.43 │ 1.43 ││├──┼──┼────┼────┼────┼────┼─────┼───┤│ 2 │ 2 │ 84.0 │ 83.6 │ 84.1 │ 83.50 │ 85.12 │ 0.39 │├──┼──┼────┼────┼────┼────┼─────┼───┤│ 3 │ 4 │ 167.6 │ 167.4 │ 167.0 │ 167.3 │ 168.81 │ 0.35 │├──┼──┼────┼────┼────┼────┼─────┼───┤│ 4 │ 6 │ 252.0 │ 251.8 │ 251.5 │ 251.76 │ 252.50 │ 0.18 │├──┼──┼────┼────┼────┼────┼─────┼───┤│ 5 │ 8 │ 335.4 │ 334.5 │ 335.0 │ 334.97 │ 336.19 │ 0.29 │├──┼──┼────┼────┼────┼────┼─────┼───┤│ 6 │ 10 │ 420.2 │ 420.6 │ 418.8 │ 419.86 │ 419.86 ││└──┴──┴────┴────┴────┴────┴─────┴───┘2.重复性(Repeatability)┌─────┬──┬─────┬─────────────────┬────┬─────┬───┐│项目│加载│测试时间│称量显示值(kg) │平均值│极差│误差││││ (分) │ Weighing Display Values │Average │ MAX. │ Error││ Item │Load│Test Time ├──┬───┬───┬───┬───┤ Values │Difference││││(kg)│ (min) │ 1 │ 2 │ 3 │ 4 │ 5 │ Di │ (kg) │ ( %) │├───────┼──┼─────┼──┼───┼───┼───┼───┼────┼─────┼───┤│静态│ 8 │ 6 │284.5│ 284.0│ 284.8│ 284.2│284.5 │ 284.40 │ 0.8 │ 0.28 ││Static State │││││││││││├───────┼──┼─────┼──┼───┼───┼───┼───┼────┼─────┼───┤│动态│ 8 │ 6 │283.0│ 283.6│ 284.1│ 283.4│283.2 │ 283.46 │ 1.1 │ 0.39 ││Dynamic State │││││││││││└───────┴──┴─────┴──┴───┴───┴───┴───┴────┴─────┴───┘3.零值稳定性及空秤最大累计量误差(Zero Stability and Empty Scale MAX. Accumulation Error)┌───────┬──┬─────┬──────────────┬─────┬─────┬─────────┐│项目│加载│测试时间│称量显示值(kg) │极差│允差│空秤最大累计量││││ (min/次) │ Weighing Display Values │ MAX. ││误差││ Item │Load│Test Time ├──┬──┬──┬──┬──┤Difference│ Tolerance│Empty Scale MAX. │││(kg)│(min/time)│ 1 │ 2 │ 3 │ 4 │ 5 │ (kg) │ (kg) │Accumulation Error│├───────┼──┼─────┼──┼──┼──┼──┼──┼─────┼─────┼─────────┤│静态│ 0 │ 6 │ 1.6│ 1.5│ 1.5│ 1.5│ 1.6│ 0.25 │ 0.10 │││Static State │││││││││││├───────┼──┼─────┼──┼──┼──┼──┼──┼─────┼─────┼─────────┤│动态│ 0 │ 6 │-0.1│ 0.2│ 0.4│ 0.3│ 0.2│ 0.5 │ 0.70 │ 4.0 ││Dynamic State │││││││││││└───────┴──┴─────┴──┴──┴──┴──┴──┴─────┴─────┴─────────┘4.分辨限(Distinguishability)┌───────┬─────┬─────┬────────┬────────┬─────┐│项目│允加砝码│测试时间│空载显示值(kg │加载显示值(kg) │结论││││ (min/次) │ Empty Load │ Load Display ││││Permitted ││ Display Values │ Values │Conclusion││ Item │add Weight│Test Time ├──┬──┬──┼──┬──┬──┤│││ (g) │(min/time)│ 1 │ 2 │ 3 │ 1 │ 2 │ 3 ││├───────┼─────┼─────┼──┼──┼──┼──┼──┼──┼─────┤│静态│ 100 │ 3 │0.8 │1.0 │0.8 │ 3.8│ 3.6│ 3.9│√││Static State ││││││││││├───────┼─────┼─────┼──┼──┼──┼──┼──┼──┼─────┤│动态│ 200 │ 3 │0.1 │0.1 │ 0.1│ 5.2│ 5.2│ 4.9│√││Dynamic State ││││││││││└───────┴─────┴─────┴──┴──┴──┴──┴──┴──┴─────┘5.偏载误差(Deflection Load Error)(B>1000mm)┌────┬─────┬─────────┬───────────┬────────┬────┐│加载值│测试时间│中心位置称量值│偏载位移量│偏载称量值│误差││ Load │Test Time │ Weighing Values │ Deflection Load │Deflection Load │ Error ││ Values ││of Center Position│displacement magnitude│Weighing Values│││ (kg) │ (min) │ (kg) │ (mm) │ (kg) │ ( %) │├────┼─────┼─────────┼───────────┼────────┼────┤│ 8 │ 5 │ 165.0 │ 100 │ 165.4 │ 0.24 │└────┴─────┴─────────┴───────────┴────────┴────┘6.动态累计误差(Dynamic State Accumulate Error)┌───────┬───────────────┬──────────────┐│测试点│ ( 40 )% Qmax │ ( 100)% Qmax ││ Test Point │││├───────┼───┬─────┬─────┼────┬────┬────┤│测试次数│ 1 │ 2 │ 3 │ 1 │ 2 │ 3 ││ Test Time │││││││├───────┼───┼─────┼─────┼────┼────┼────┤│实物质量(kg) │ 251.3│ 200.0 │ 203.5 │ 351.5 │ 348.0 │ 363.5 ││ Object Mass │││││││├───────┼───┼─────┼─────┼────┼────┼────┤│显示质量(kg) │ 252.1│ 201.6 │ 203.0 │ 353.4 │ 350.4 │ 362.8 ││ Display Mass │││││││├───────┼───┼─────┼─────┼────┼────┼────┤│误差 % │ -0.52│ -0.80 │ +0.24 │ -0.54 │ -0.69 │ +0.19 ││ Error │││││││└───────┴───┴─────┴─────┴────┴────┴────┘7.控制误差(Control Error)┌─────────┬────┬─────┬─────┬─────┬─────┐│给定百分比 % │ 50 │ 90 │││││Feeding Percent ││││││├─────────┼────┼─────┼─────┼─────┼─────┤│给定流量(kg/s) │ 0.347 │ 0.625 │││││Feeding Capacity ││││││├─────────┼────┼─────┼─────┼─────┼─────┤│测试时间(s) │ 500 │ 500 │││││ Test Time ││││││├─────────┼────┼─────┼─────┼─────┼─────┤│累计显示量(kg) │ 173.1 │ 310.2 │││││ Accumulate │││││││Display magnitude ││││││├─────────┼────┼─────┼─────┼─────┼─────┤│平均流量(kg/s) │ 0.3462 │ 0.6204 │││││Average Capacity ││││││├─────────┼────┼─────┼─────┼─────┼─────┤│误差 % │ 0.29 │ 0.70 │││││ Error ││││││└─────────┴────┴─────┴─────┴─────┴─────┘测试结论(Calibration and Testing Conclusion):合格 QUALIFIED深圳市科尔达电气设备有限公司质检部SHENZHEN KERTA ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT CO.,LTD QUALITY TESTING BRANCH技术参数表┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┯┯━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓┃设备名称:定量给料机││传动方式: 左传动□┃┠─────────────────┤│┃┃出厂编号:000710 ││右传动□┃┠─────────────────┤├──────────────────┨┃规格型号:DEL0820T6 ││秤体安装方式:水平□┃┠─────────────────┤│┃┃设备总重:880kg ││倾斜□度┃┠─────────────────┤├──────────────────┨┃输送物料:备用││电机型号: DM80K4 功率: 0.55 KW ┃┃│├──────────────────┨┃物料容重: 1.00 t/m3││减速机型号:SA62R42 孔径:Φ 45 ┃┃││速比:276 ┃┃物料粒度: <30 (mm) │├──────────────────┨┠─────────────────┤│平台长度: 600mm ┃┃额定流量: 10.0 t/h │├──────────────────┨┠─────────────────┤│有效平台长度:300mm ┃┃额定带速: 0.047 m/s │├──────────────────┨┠─────────────────┤│杠杆比:0.8636 ┃┃控制方式: 直流调速□│├──────────────────┨┃交流调速□││标定砝码:标定棒□件数:1 ┃┃恒速□││砝码□件数: ┃┠─────────────────┤│质量:10 kg/件┃┃皮带宽度: 800 mm │├──────────────────┨┃││称重传感器型号:Z6FD1 ┃┃皮带长度: 4600 mm ││特征值(灵活度) 2.00 mv/v┃┃││┃┃皮带特征: 常温□││额定负荷(量程) 50 kg ┃┃高温□│├──────────────────┨┠─────────────────┤│速度信号源: 传感器□┃┃料斗型号: T6 ││变频器□┃┠─────────────────┤├──────────────────┨┃主、从动滚筒中心距 2000 mm ││速度传感器型号: 特征值: I/m┃┠─────────────────┤├──────────────────┨┃主、从动滚筒直径: Φ 190 mm ││变频器型号:FVR-E9S 0.75KW ┃┠─────────────────┤│┃┃轴承型号:主动滚筒: UKFC210 ││变频器功能码 42 FMP 设置 24 ┃┃││┃┃从动滚筒: UCT210 ││速度特征值: 25540 I/m┃┃│├──────────────────┨┃托辊: 204 ││配套称重仪型号: ┃┠─────────────────┤│ INTECONT PLUS 0403 ┃┃跑偏行程开关型号:JLXK1-111 ││┃┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┷┷━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛深圳市科尔达电气设备有限公司 2000 年9月25日Technical Parameters Sheet┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┯┯━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓┃Equipment name: Weighing feeder ││Transmission method: ┃┠─────────────────┤│ left transmission: □┃┃Product No: 000710 ││ right transmission: □┃┠─────────────────┤├──────────────────────┨┃Specification:DEL0820T6 ││Scale body installation method: ┃┠─────────────────┤│ horizon: □┃┃Total weight: 880kg ││ inclination: □ dgr ┃┠─────────────────┤├──────────────────────┨┃Material for conveying: limestone ││Motor type: DM80K4 Power:0.55KW ┃┃│├──────────────────────┨┃Material capacity: 1.00 t/m3││decelerator type: SA62R42 ┃┃││Aperture:Φ 45mm i:276 ┃┃Grain size: < 30 (mm) │├──────────────────────┨┠─────────────────┤│Platform length:600mm ┃┃Rated throughput: 10.0 t/h │├──────────────────────┨┠─────────────────┤│Effective platform length:300mm ┃┃Rated belt speed: 0.047 m/s │├──────────────────────┨┠─────────────────┤│Lever ratio:0.8636 ┃┃Control Method: │├──────────────────────┨┃ DC adjust speed □││Calibration weight: ┃┃ AC adjust speed □││ Calibration stick:□ Quantity: 1 ┃┃ contant speed □││ weight: □ Quantity: ┃┠─────────────────┤│ mass: 10 kg/unit ┃┃Belt width: 800 mm │├──────────────────────┨┃││Weighing sensor type:Z6FD1 ┃┃Belt length: 4600 mm ││┃┃││ characteristic value(sensitivity):2.00 mv/v┃┃Belt feature: normal temperature□││┃┃ high temperature □││ rated load(measuring range): 50 kg ┃┠─────────────────┤├──────────────────────┨┃Hopper type: T6 ││Speed signal source: sensor □┃┠─────────────────┤│ frenquency inverter □┃┃Centre Distance of driving roller │├──────────────────────┨┃and driven roller 2000 mm ││Speed sensor type: ┃┠─────────────────┤│Characteristic value: I/m ┃┃Diameter of driving roller and │├──────────────────────┨┃driven roller Φ 190mm ││Frequency inverter type:FVR-E9S 0.75KW ┃┠─────────────────┤│┃┃Bearing type: ││Frequency inverter code: 42 ┃┃ driving roller: UKFC210 ││FMP PULSES setting 24 ┃┃││┃┃ driven roller: UCT210 ││Speed characteristic value: 25540 I/m┃┃│├──────────────────────┨┃ idler:204 ││Equipped with weighing instrument: ┃┠─────────────────┤│ INTECONT PLUS FIP0403 ┃┃Stroke switch type:JLXK1-111 ││┃┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┷┷━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛SHENZHEN KERTA ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT CO.,LTD DD:2000-25-09。
OMEGA ENGINEERING CPP 系列可移动时间百分比拨码温度调节器说明书

• 120 or 240VAC • 15 Amp Fuse • Maximum controller exposure temperatures: -40 to 160°F (-40 to 71°C) • Range: 5 to 100% • Enclosure: Cast Aluminum table model with rubber feet. For indoor use. • Input power cord 6 feet (1.8m) long with standard plug
Read and understand this entire manual before operating this controller.
TP0 portable time percentage dial temperature controllers are designed for temporary use applications and must be monitored while in operation.
Failure to observe these warnings may result in personal injury or damage to the temperature controller.
• Inspect all components before use.
• Do not use control and heating system if any component is damaged.
Belimo NRYD24-SR-SI 短轨迹阀门电动驱动器说明书

NRYD24-SR-SIModulating short-stroke actuator for themotorisation of Siemens short-stroke globevalves in HVAC systems• Actuating force 500 N• Nominal voltage AC/DC 24 V• Control modulating 0...10 V• Stroke 5.5 mmTechnical dataElectrical data Nominal voltage AC/DC 24 VNominal voltage frequency50/60 HzNominal voltage range AC 19.2...28.8 V / DC 21.6...28.8 VPower consumption in operation 1.5 WPower consumption for wire sizing 3 VAConnection supply / control Cable 1 m, 4x 0.75 mm²Parallel operation Yes (note the performance data)Functional data Actuating force motor500 NOperating range Y0...10 VInput impedance100 kΩOperating range Y variable 2...10 VPosition feedback U0...10 VPosition feedback U note Max. 1 mAPosition accuracy±5%Manual override temporary and permanent gear traindisengagement with rotary knob on thehousingStroke 5.5 mmRunning time motor35 s / 5.5 mmDuty cycle value75% (= active time 35 s / operating time 47 s)Sound power level, motor45 dB(A)Position indication Reversible scale plateSafety data Protection class IEC/EN III, Safety Extra-Low Voltage (SELV)Degree of protection IEC/EN IP40EMC CE according to 2014/30/EUType of action Type 1Rated impulse voltage supply / control0.8 kVPollution degree3Ambient humidity Max. 95% RH, non-condensingAmbient temperature0...50°C [32...122°F]Storage temperature-30...80°C [-22...176°F]Servicing maintenance-freeWeight Weight0.51 kgHousing colours Housing cover orangeNRYD24-SR-SI•••••Safety notesThis device has been designed for use in stationary heating, ventilation and air-conditioning systems and must not be used outside the specified field of application, especially in aircraft or in any other airborne means of transport.Only authorised specialists may carry out installation. All applicable legal or institutional installation regulations must be complied with during installation.The actuator is to be protected against moisture. It is not suitable for outdoor applications.The device does not contain any parts that can be replaced or repaired by the user.The device contains electrical and electronic components and must not be disposed of as household refuse. All locally valid regulations and requirements must be observed.Operating mode Simple direct mountingManual overrideHigh functional reliabilityProduct featuresThe actuator is connected with a standard control signal of 0...10 V and drives to the position defined by the control signal.Straightforward direct mounting on the valve with one knurled nut.Manual override with lever possible. Temporary gear train disengagement by pushing therotary knob. Permanent disengagement by pushing and simultaneous rotating the rotary knob clockwise 90°.The actuator is overload protected and automatically stops when the end stop is reached.Wire colours:1 = black 2 = red 3 = white 5 = orangeElectrical installationSupply from isolating transformer.Parallel connection of other actuators possible. Observe the performance data.The actuator is activated with a standard control signal 0...10 V.Wiring diagramsAC/DC 24 V, modulatingNRYD24-SR-SI Operating controls and indicatorsDimensions。

文档名称 编写部门 发布日期 制定 审阅
ICS-17JS-矿用隔爆兼本安型称重仪表用户手册 技术部 2012 年 12 月 30 日 田栢林
斯凯尔工业自动化 北京市煤炭矿用机电设备技术开发公司
3.4 显示屏 .......................................................................................................................... 25
3.5 环境要求 ..................................................................................................................... 26
4.4.1 操作选择菜单结极 .............................................................................................. 34
4.4.2 操作选择菜单的选择步骤 .................................................................................. 34
4.1 上电自检 ..................................................................................................................... 28

夹钳控制主开关 夹钳控制主开关 夹钳控制主开关 夹钳控制主开关 泵驱动齿轮箱 啮合/脱开 泵驱动齿轮箱 啮合/脱开 开关 开关
2X 2X 2X 2X 2X 2X 2X 2X 2X 2X 2X 2X 2X 2X 2X 2X 2X 2X 2X 2X 2X X 2X 2X 2X X 2X 2X 2X 2X 2X 2X 2X 2X 2X 2X 2X 2X 2X 2X 2X X X 2X 2X 2X 2X 2X 2X
B28箱的G70 B81箱DS35 前转向架支撑开关 道碴犁下降开关
B4箱抄平系统零位调整电位计激活开关 横平设置电位计激活开关
制动压力开关 制动压力开关 总风压力开关
1X 1X 1X 1X 1X 1X 1X 1X 1X 1X 1X 1X 1X 1X 1X 1X 1X 1X 1X 1X 1X 1X 1X 1X 28X X X 4X 4X X X X X X X X 4X 4X 112X 112X 112X 4X 4X X X 1X X 1X 1X 第9页 共120页
工作小车纵向锁定 工作小车纵向解锁 工作小车作业模式选择开关 夹钳锁定/解锁开关 道床犁锁定主开关 道床犁锁定主开关 测量小车锁定主开关 测量小车锁定主开关 锁定装置的桥接开关 前捣固装置锁定/解锁开关 后捣固装置锁定预选择开关 前张紧测量小车预选择开关 工作小车车轴点动挂挡按钮
第3页 共120页
左侧前捣固装置停止按钮 左侧后捣固装置停止按钮 操纵杆 前面位置=前部捣固装置加宽 操纵杆 后面位置=后部捣固装置加宽 侧面位置=前部和后部捣固装置加宽 工作小车自动横移选择开关 操纵杆 位置左 操纵杆 位置右 操纵杆 位置前=手动捣固(夹持)操作 操纵杆 位置后=作业驱动向后 电喇叭按钮 捣固 (夹持) 压力增加 左侧前面夹钳动作按钮 左侧后面夹钳动作按钮 作业驱动速度调整转换开关 右侧前捣固装置作业停止按钮 右侧后捣固装置作业停止按钮 超高基准轨选择开关 起道修正电位计激活开/关 捣固 (夹持) 压力增加 右侧前夹钳动作 右侧后夹钳动作

3. 从上下两面装上安装夹,把其置于水平位置后可向前推动,直到夹紧为止。 注意:为了从仪表面板上取下仪表,可用手指或者螺丝刀从仪表的侧面将安装夹挑开。
表芯的拨插 如果需要,表芯是可以通过拨动外侧的锁耳,将其从外壳里向前拔出来。当要将表
45 x 45 mm +0.6
所推荐的仪表 间最小间隔
1.77 x 1.77 in +0.02
10mm (0.4in)
图1-6 2416外型 北京佳瑞翔
38mm (1.5in)
2400 Installation and Operation Handbook
2416/VP,V4 2408/VP, V4, VM和2404/VP, V4, VM型
附录A, “如何理解定货代码”中介绍了特殊仪表的软硬件配置。
1. 按照仪表的开孔尺寸在面板上开好孔,见图1-4,1-5和1-6。
所有的电缆接线均在控制器的背面,以螺钉端子的方式连接。如果想要使用插接端子, 插头应是AMP的 349262-1。 应使用0.5- 1.5 mm2 (16 to 22 AWG)的电缆线。端子部分是 用一块塑料防护罩保护的,以防止手指或者金属偶然触到裸露的导线。
后部端子排布可见图 1-7,1-8和1-9。右边第一排接线端子是用来提供电力的,还有数字
150mm 5.91in
GODEX EZ1100手册

P/N. 920-011321-03Edition 4JAN.29EZ-1100/EZ-1200/EZ-1300操作手册FCC COMPLIANCE STATEMENTFOR AMERICAN USERSThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a CLASS A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense.EMS AND EMI COMPLIANCE STATEMENTFOR EUROPEAN USERSThis equipment has been tested and passed with the requirements relating to electromagnetic compatibility based on the standards EN50081-1 (EN55022 CLASS A) and EN61000-4-2/-3/-4/-5/-6/-8/-11 (IEC Teil 2,3,4). The equipment also tested and passed in accordance with the European Standard EN55022 for the both Radiated and Conducted emissions limits.EZ-1000 SerialTO WHICH THIS DECLARATION RELATESIS IN CONFORMITY WITH THE FOLLOWING STANDARDSEN55022 : 1998,CLSPR 22 , Class A / EN55024 : 1998 IEC 61000-4 Serial / EN61000-3-2 : 2000 / EN 61000-3- 3 : 1995 / CRF 47, Part 15/CISPR 22 3rd Edition : 1997,Class A / ANSI C63.4 : 2001 / CNS 13438,CISPR22(Class A) / IEC60950 3rd Edition (1999) / GB4943 : 2001 / GB9254 : 1998 / GB17625.1 : 2003CAUTIONDanger of explosion if battery is incorrectly replacedReplace only with the equivalent type recommended by the manufacturer.Dispose of used batteries according to the manufacturer’s instructions.Specifications are subject to change without notice.警告使用者:这是甲類的信息产品,在居住的环境中使用时,可能会造成射频干扰,在这种情况下, 使用者会被要求采取某些适当的对策.第 1 章条形码机 (3)1-1. 简介 (3)1-2. 系列机种 (3)1-3. 全机器材 (3)1-4. 规格說明 (4)1-5. 通讯端口规格 (5)1-6. 条形码机标准配备零件图示 (6)第 2 章条形码机标准配备安装說明 (7)2-1. 碳带安装 (7)2-2. 标签纸安装 (8)2-3. 纸滚动条心安装說明 (9)2-4. 吊牌安装說明 (10)2-5. USB 驱动程序安装方式 (10)2-6. 移除USB 驱动程序 (11)2-7. 计算机連结 (12)第 3 章条形码机选购装备安装說明 (13)3-1. 自动剥纸器零件图示說明 (13)3-2. 自动剥纸器安装方式 (13)3-3. 剥纸器安装图示說明 (15)3-4. 裁刀零件图示 (16)3-5. 裁刀安装方式 (16)3-6. 记忆卡零件图示說明 (19)3-7. 记忆卡安装方式 (19)3-8. ETHERNET零件图示說明 (21)3-9. ETHERNET安装方式 (21)第 4 章. LED讯息說明 (23)4-1. LED 讯息說明 (23)4-2. 一般操作 (23)4-3. 自我测试 (24)4-4. 倾印模式 (24)4-5. 卷标纸自动侦测模式 (25)4-6. 热感/热转切换模式 (25)4.7 操作错误讯息 (26)第 5 章保养维謢与调校 (27)5-1. 印表头保养与清洁 (27)5-2. 印表头平衡调校 (27)5-3. 列印线调整 (28)5-4. 裁刀卡纸排除 (28)5-5. 故障排除 (29)第1章条形码机1-1.简介EZ-1000 系列为商业型条形码机,具人性化设计,不须训練即可操作;可视需求扩充功能,使工作更为流畅。
Omega DPG110数字压力计说明书

DPG110DC Loop PoweredDigital Pressure GaugeIntroductionDPG110 is digital pressure gaugepowered by a seperate loop powersupply from 12 to 30VDC. It ismade for easy on-site installation.The DPG110 uses a high-precisionpiezo-resistive pressure sensor.The output signal is amplified by ahigh-precision, low-temperature driftamplifier. T he signal is then fed intoa high accuracy A/D converter for themicroprocessor to process and thenshow on the LED display.This flexible, simple to operatedigital pressure gauge is safe,reliable, and easy to debug. T heDPG110 is widely used in hydro-power, water, petroleum, chemical,mechanical, hydraulic, and otherindustries.Features• 4-20mA interface• 4-digit 0.56” LED display• Ceramic pressure sensor core• Digital Calibration• Anti-jamming design suitable forelectromagnetic and harsh industrialenvironments.• IP65 rated outlet port connectorSpecifications•Measuring Range 0- 20MPa •Overload Pressure150%~200%•Pressure Type A/G•Stability≤0.2% FS per year•Power Supply 12-30VDC•Display 4 digits LED•Accuracy Range ±0.25% for gauge pressure >5psi ±0.5% FS for all others including absolute, compound gauge, and Vacuum ranges •IP Rating IP65•Output 4-20mA Signal •Operating Temp -30ºC ~ 80ºC •Relative Humidity ≤90%•Thread Size 1/4 NPT •Thread Material SS316Dimensions Control Method Digital Pressure Gauge 24VDC Loop Power Supply Receiver ++--+-Operating Instructions •Wiring RED: +24VDC Black: Ground •Calibration Press ▼for 5 seconds for zero callibration.Press ▲ for 5 seconds for full scale calibration M5701/11181. Operation panel description:• The transmitter board provides a three-button and Led display man-machine interface to operate all transmitter Settings and calibration parameters.• Key functions are multiplexed. A down key is a shift key when the input data is shifted.2. Clear the zero deviation:• Given zero standard pressure, long press increase button for 10 seconds to calibrate full degree.• Given full standard pressure, hold down the reduce button for 10 seconds to calibrate zero.This operation is a shortcut provided to customers, generally not end users do not enter this function to prevent calibration data damage.3. Menu operation, as shown below:Calibration menu is the transmitter calibration way for factory calibration and general technical supervision department, general users do not enter the setting of any data, non-professionals modify any data may lead to the transmitter completelyunable to work.Circuit board through the panel of the three keys to achieve all the parameters input and calibration data Settings, collection. The circuit board on the meter setting and input to take a variety of optimization measures to improve customer operation speed:•The decrease key and increase key of the meter have variable speed function •For the menu that needs to be modified by a large number, the menu that needs to continuously input data adopts the shift mode, and the menu that needs to continuously input data adopts the incremental mode•The meter will stop analog output in the set state, so if the user does not operate the meter within 3 minutes, it will automatically exit to the measurement state•The shift input has a flashing prompt function•The full meter data will flash when it exceeds 120% of the normal setting display value. Less than 0.2% of the zero-setting value, the instrument displays the zero value, which can realize the zero-shielding function of the sensor •When the meter enters the factory password menu in the state of zero clearance, the zero-clearance value will be automatically cleared when the menu exits•The meter saves all settings only when it exits the menu normallyWARRANTY/DISCLAIMEROMEGA ENGINEERING, INC. warrants this unit to be free of defects in materials and workmanship for a period of 13 months from date of purchase. OM EGA’s WARRANTY adds an additional one (1) month grace period to the normal one (1) year product warranty to cover handling and shipping time. This ensures that OMEGA’s customers receive maximum coverage on each product.If the unit malfunctions, it must be returned to the factory for evaluation. OMEGA’s Customer Service Department will issue an Authorized Return (AR) number immediately upon phone or written request. Upon examination by OM EGA, if the unit is found to be defective, it will be repaired or replaced at no charge. OMEGA’s WARRANTY does not apply to defects resulting from any action of the purchaser, including but not limited to mishandling, improper interfacing, operation outside of design limits, improper repair, or unauthorized modification. This WARRANTY is VOID if the unit shows evidence of having been tampered with or shows evidence of having been damaged as a result of excessive corrosion; or current, heat, moisture or vibration; improper specification; misapplication; misuse or other operating conditions outside of OM EGA’s control. Components in which wear is not warranted, include but are not limited to contact points, fuses, and triacs.OMEGA is pleased to offer suggestions on the use of its various products. However, OMEGA neither assumes responsibility for any omissions or errors nor assumes liability for any damages that result from the use of its products in accordance with information provided by OMEGA, either verbal or written. OMEGA warrants only that the parts manufactured by the company will be as specified and free of defects. OMEGA MAKES NO OTHER W ARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND W HATSOEVER, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, EXCEPT THAT OF TITLE, AND ALL IMPLIED W ARRANTIES INCLUDING ANY W ARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE HEREBY DISCLAIMED. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: The remedies of purchaser set forth herein are exclusive, and the total liability of OMEGA with respect to this order, whether based on contract, warranty, negligence, indemnification, strict liability or otherwise, shall not exceed the purchase price of the component upon which liability is based. In no event shall OMEGA be liable for consequential, incidental or special damages.CONDITIONS: Equipment sold by OMEGA is not intended to be used, nor shall it be used: (1) as a “Basic Component” under 10 CFR 21 (NRC), used in or with any nuclear installation or activity; or (2) in medical applications or used on humans. Should any Product(s) be used in or with any nuclear installation or activity, medical application, used on humans, or misused in any way, OMEGA assumes no responsibility as set forth in our basic WARRANTY / DISCLAIMER language, and, additionally, purchaser will indemnify OMEGA and hold OMEGA harmless from any liability or damagewhatsoever arising out of the use of the Product(s) in such a manner.RETURN REQUESTS / INQUIRIES Direct all warranty and repair requests/inquiries to the OM EGA Customer Service Department. BEFORE RETURNING ANY PRODUCT(S) TO OMEGA, PURCHASER MUST OBTAIN AN AUTHORIZED RETURN (AR) NUMBER FROM OMEGA’S CUSTOM ER SERVICE DEPARTM ENT (IN ORDER TO AVOID PROCESSING DELAYS). The assigned AR number should then be marked on the outside of the return package and on any correspondence.The purchaser is responsible for shipping charges, freight, insurance and proper packaging to prevent breakage in transit.FOR WARRANTY RETURNS, please have the following information available BEFORE contacting OMEGA:1. P urchase Order number under which the product was PURCHASED,2.M odel and serial number of the product under warranty, and3. R epair instructions and/or specific problems relative to the product.FOR NON-WARRANTY REPAIRS, consult OMEGA for current repair charges. Have the following information available BEFORE contacting OMEGA:1.Purchase Order number to cover the COST of the repair,2. Model and serial number of the product, and 3. R epair instructions and/or specific problems relative to the product.OM EGA’s policy is to make running changes, not model changes, whenever an improvement is possible. This affords our customers the latest in technology and engineering. OMEGA is a trademark of OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC.© Copyright 2018 OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC. All rights reserved. This document may not be copied, photocopied, reproduced, translated, or reduced to any electronic medium or machine-readable form, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC.The information contained in this document is believed to be correct, but OMEGA accepts no liability for any errors it contains, and reserves the right to alter specifications without notice.WARNING : These products are not designed for use in, and should not be used for, human applications.Servicing North America:U.S.A. Omega Engineering, Inc. Headquarters: Toll-Free: 1-800-826-6342 (USA & Canada only) Customer Service: 1-800-622-2378 (USA & Canada only) Engineering Service: 1-800-872-9436 (USA & Canada only) Tel: (203) 359-1660 Fax: (203) 359-7700 e-mail:**************For Other Locations Visit /worldwide***********************。
AGCO白色8800 8500系列拖拉机吊架重量计安装和维修部件指南说明书

D3879-US – Rev CDecember 2, 2011AGCO - White 8816, 88248516, 8523, 8524, 8531Planter ScaleInstructionsAnd Repair PartsFt. Atkinson, Wisconsin USAPanningen, The NetherlandsAGCO – White – 8800/8500 Series D3879-US – Rev BTABLE OF CONTENTSINTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 1 Charging Battery and Welding ....................................................................................................................................................................... 1 SCALE BRACKET AND LOAD CELL MOUNTING INSTALLATION ................................................................................................................. 2 Load Cell Assemblies - 8800/8500 Series Load Cells ................................................................................................................................... 4 Assembled Bar and Bracket Assemblies, Wide View .................................................................................................................................... 5 Indicator and Hopper ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 5 How to Use a Scale on a Central Fill System ................................................................................................................................................ 5 JUNCTION BOX MOUNTING ............................................................................................................................................................................ 6 Connect Load Cell and J-Box Cable .............................................................................................................................................................. 6 Installing wires into Terminal Block ................................................................................................................................................................ 6 INDICATOR MOUNTING ................................................................................................................................................................................... 7 Power Connection: ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 7 Load Cell Connection:.................................................................................................................................................................................... 7 TROUBLE SHOOTING ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 8 How to Check the Drill Scale after Installation ............................................................................................................................................... 8 REPAIR PARTS ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 9 406275 Kit – Scale AGCO – White - 8816, 8824 ........................................................................................................................................... 9 406528 Kit – Scale AGCO - White – 8816, 8824 - Cab ................................................................................................................................. 9 407128 Kit – Scale AGCO – White - 8516, 8523, 8524 and 8531 ............................................................................................................... 10 407129 Kit – Scale AGCO - White – 8516, 8523, 8524 and 8531 - Cab ..................................................................................................... 10 INDICATOR SWIVEL MOUNT ........................................................................................................................................................................ 11 LICENSE AGREEMENT . (12)All rights reserved. Reproduction of any part of this manual in any form whatsoever without Digi-Star’s express written permission is forbidden. The contents of this manual are subject to change without notice. All efforts have been made to assure the accuracy of the contents of this manual. However, should any errors be detected, Digi-Star would greatly appreciate being informed of them. The above notwithstanding, Digi-Star can assume no responsibility for errors in this manual or their consequence.© Copyright! 2008 Digi-Star, Fort Atkinson (U.S.A.).D3879-US – Rev B AGCO – White – 8800/8500 Series 1INTRODUCTIONCongratulations on the purchase of your new Digi-Star Planter Scale for AGCO – White 8816, 8824, 8516, 8523, 8524 and 8531 series planters.The scale system is specially designed to weigh the central commodity seed hopper. The scale will record and monitor seed weigh going into or out of the CFS Central Fill System.This scale system is covered by the following US patents: 6732667, 7059258 and 7273017. The single-use license is included with this document (see page 12).This SAFETY ALERT SYMBOL indicates important safety messages in the manual. When you see this symbol, be alert to the possibility of PERSONAL INJURY and carefully read the message that follows.NEVER OPERATE WITHOUT ALL COVERS, SHIELDS AND GUARDS IN PLACE. KEEPHANDS, FEET AND CLOTHING AWAY FROM MOVING PARTS. FAILURE TO HEED MAY RESULT IN SERIOUS PERSONAL INJURY OR DEATH.Some covers and guards have been removed for illustrative/photographic purposes only in this manual.For information on ordering repair parts, refer to Parts Section in this book.This supersedes all previous published instructions. Important!Charging Battery and WeldingDisconnect all cables from the weighing indicator before charging the battery or welding on the machine. Ifcables are left connected, the weighing indicator and connected load cells could be damaged.Important: Do not weld near indicator, load cells or cables; remove from area to be welded. Place ground close to area to be welded to prevent current from passing through electronic parts.Scale Indicator Remote IndicatorOptionalJ-Box2 AGCO – White – 8800/8500 Series D3879-US – Rev BSCALE BRACKET AND LOAD CELL MOUNTING INSTALLATIONTwo kits are available for the AGCO-White CFS Planters.• If the rear hopper frame comes straight down to the main frame the planter is an 8800 Series.• If the rear hopper frame angles downward toward the planter frame, the planter is an 8500 Series. The8500 Series planter scale kit takes a different rear top weldment.The front load cell supports are the same for both 8500 & 8800 series of planters.See ‘Rear Support for Two 8500 Series LoadCells’, page 4, for assembling details.See ‘Load Cell Supports For All Three 8800 Series Load Cells & Front Load Cell SupportFor One 8500 Series Load Cell’, page 4, for assembling details.D3879-US – Rev B AGCO – White – 8800/8500 Series 31. Assemble the bottom support bracket weldment to the three load cells with 3/4 x 3.25” fine thread boltand 3/4” jam nut. Slide a 3/4” flat washer onto 3/4” x 3.25” bolt and insert bolt from the bottom side for all three load cells. Tighten the 3/4” bolt until the load cell is drawn tight against the 1/4" shim plate. Next apply Loctite thread adhesive to 3/4" jam nut and tighten. IMPORTANT : Orientate the load cell so the load cell decal arrow is pointing upward. Make sure the 1/4" shim plate on the bottom support weldment is on the bottom side of the load cell.4AGCO – White – 8800/8500 SeriesD3879-US – Rev BLoad Cell Assemblies - 8800/8500 Series Load Cells1. Assemble the load cell to the top baseweldment with two 3/4 x 3.50” bolt and 3/4” top lock nut. Repeat for the two remaining load cells. 2. Lift and support the front hoppersupport. Remove the 1-1/8 x 4” pin that holds the hopper support to the planter frame. IMPORTANT : The lifting chains, bucket attachments, loader/skid steer or winch must be capable of lifting and controlling 1000-1500 lbs. 3. Mount the top base bracket weldmentto the hopper support leg with 1-1/8 x 4” bolt and 1-1/8” top lock nut. The load cell needs to point toward the front of the planter.4. Use the 7/8” or 3/4” leveling bolts onthe top base bracket weldment to levelthe bracket. Use existing 1-1/8” x 4.0” pin to mount the load cell to the base bracket on the planter. Repeat steps 3 – 5 for the rear two supports.D3879-US – Rev BAGCO – White – 8800/8500 Series5Assembled Bar and Bracket Assemblies, Wide ViewIndicator and HopperHow to Use a Scale on a Central Fill SystemThe example uses 2000 lbs of seed evenly filled in both hoppers. There is 25 lbs of seed left from the last fill.1. Push the ‘Start’ button. The screen will show zero, and the arrow is now pointing to ‘Net’ on the screen.This is a temporary zero point to start loading the planter with seed. Next, fill 1000 lbs of seed into the left hopper.2. Push the ‘Stop’ button. The readout will read 1025 lbs of seed inventory.3. Push the ‘Start’ button again. The screen will say zero again. Load another 1000 lbs of seed into theright side.4. Now push ‘Stop’ and the screen will read 2025 lbs of seed. The numbers will work lower as the seed isplanted.6AGCO – White – 8800/8500 SeriesD3879-US – Rev BJUNCTION BOX MOUNTINGThe junction box is water resistant, not water-proof. It should be mounted to avoid submersion during wet weather and to avoid physical abuse. The junction box can be mounted on the front or rear of the drill, planter or seeder. All load cell cables must reach the J-Box. Install by removing the double sided tape backing and apply to cleaned surface.Connect Load Cell and J-Box Cable1. Route front and rear load cell cables to J-box location. Make sure they are not bound or pinched. Cable tie (customer provided) load cell cables in place.2. Insert load cell and J-box cables through each of the water-tight strain-reliefs.3. Remove each terminal block from the J-box.4. Connect wires of the same color to the same terminalblock. See instructions below.5. Install terminal block into the J-box as shown (location not important).6. Tighten nuts on the water-tight strain-reliefs.7. Assure that gasket is properly installed in the cover.8. Attach cover using 4 screws (provided).Installing wires into Terminal Block1. Open levers 90º to locked position.2. Insert individual wires into terminal.3. Close lever.4. Tug wire to assure solid connection.Note: Wire strip length is 7/16” (11mm).406232J-Box Lever Nut 4Pt (Planter)141837 Cable - 30Ft J-Box 406074 Cable - 45Ft J-Box 403335 Cable - Power 17Ft 2-Wire 406073 Cable - Power 36Ft 2-Wire 406072 Cable - Power 6Ft 2-Wire 824316 Cable - 15Ft-J-Box 145096 Cable - 70Ft-J-Box 406276 Cable – Power 65Ft 2-WireD3879-US – Rev BAGCO – White – 8800/8500 Series7INDICATOR MOUNTINGThe scale indicator can be mounted in the tractor cab or on the drill, planter or seeder with swivel mounting pack (406629). Two cables must be connected to the indicator bottom panel, J-Box and power cables. Refer to Indicator Manual D3831-US for details of indicator mounting options and connection of power cord.1. Bolt the readout in the cab, or mount the swivel bracket on the drill, planter or seeder.2. Install power cord to a 12-volt negative ground battery.3. Route J-box cable to indicator and install to indicator bottom panel.4. Program indicator with set-up #115015 and calibration #4072. This is for scale system with 10,000 lbscapacity load cells.Power Connection:The power cable should be connected directly to a vehicle battery or regulated power supply. The scale end of the power cable is attached to the J901 connector located on the bottom panel of the indicator.Connect the RED wire from the power cable to +12 VDC and the BLACK wire to GROUND. The indicator is fused internally at 4 amps.Power Cable Connections: Wire color Wire Function Red Battery (+12 VDC) Black GROUND Load Cell Connection:The indicator is designed to operate with strain gage load cells. The indicator will normally be supplied with a “J-BOX” cable going between the scale and the load cell junction box. Extension kits are available from your dealer in various lengths. Load Cell Wire Digi-StarFunction1RED+EX 2 GREEN -SIG 3 WHITE +SIG 4 BLACK -EX 5CLEAR SHIELDINDICATOR MOUNTINGS TRACTOR CAB MOUNTING U-BOLT RAM MOUNT8 AGCO – White – 8800/8500 Series D3879-US – Rev BTROUBLE SHOOTINGHow to Check the Drill Scale after InstallationFor the first test, lift the drill, planter or seeder all the way up, to a level area. Put 200-250 pounds of weight on the right side, then compare it to the left. Both sides should be within four to six pounds of each other.• If the weight is not within the four to six pound range, inspect the scale system for loose or misalignmounts.The second test is to lift the drill, planter or seeder to a level area and zero the scale. Lift thedrill/planter/seeder up and down two to three times, checking to see if the scale zeros out. Each time the scale is in the up position, it should be within four to six pounds.If further assistance is necessary, please call Digi-Star, LLC at 920-563-9700.***The example we are using is 2000 lbs of seed evenly filled in both hoppers. There is 25 lbs of seed left from the last fill.Push the “Start” button. The screen will show zero, and the arrow is now pointing to “Net” on the screen. This is a temporary zero point to start loading the planter with seed. You will now fill 1000 lbs of seed into the left hopper.Push the “Stop” button, the readout now reads 1025 lbs of seed inventory.Push the “Start” button again. The screen will say zero again. Load another 1000 lbs of seed into the right side.Now push “Stop” and the screen will read 2025 lbs of seed. The numbers will work lower as the seed is planted.REPAIR PARTS406275 Kit – Scale AGCO – White - 8816, 8824 406528 Kit – Scale AGCO - White – 8816, 8824 - CabKEY QTY. PART NO. DESCRIPTION1 3 406254 Weld – Base Bracket AGCO2 3 406252 Weld – Support Bracket AGCO3 3 406267 SCR – 1 1/8-7 x 4.5 HHCS ZP Grd 54 6 406068 SCR – 3/4-10 x 3.5 HHCS Grd 8 ZP5 3 406266 SCR – 3/4-16 x 3.25 HHCS ZP Grd 56 6 403128 Wash – 3/4” Flat Type A ZP7 3 406269 Nut-1 1/8-7 Top Lock ZP8 6 405921 Nut – 3/4-10 Top Lock ZP9 3 406268 Nut – 3/4-16 Hex Jam ZP10 3 406270 Cell-SB 10KLBS 20’ Cable407128 Kit – Scale AGCO – White - 8516, 8523, 8524 and 8531 407129 Kit – Scale AGCO - White – 8516, 8523, 8524 and 8531 - CabKEY QTY. PART NO. DESCRIPTION1 1 406254 Weld – Base Bracket AGCO2 3 406252 Weld – Support Bracket AGCO3 2 407132 Weld – Base Rear AGCO (8500)4 3 406267 SCR – 1 1/8-7 x 4.5 HHCS ZP Grd 55 6 406068 SCR – 3/4-10 x 3.5 HHCS Grd 8 ZP6 3 406266 SCR – 3/4-16 x 3.25 HHCS ZP Grd 57 6 403128 Wash – 3/4” Flat Type A ZP8 3 406269 Nut-1 1/8-7 Top Lock ZP9 6 405921 Nut – 3/4-10 Top Lock ZP10 3 406268 Nut – 3/4-16 Hex Jam ZP11 3 406270 Cell-SB 10KLBS 20’ CableINDICATOR SWIVEL MOUNT406629 KEYQTY. PART NO. DESCRIPTION 1 1 403180 Assembly – 1” Ram Mount 2 1 403179 Mount Base – 1” Ball U-Bolt 3 4 403779 SCR #10 x 5/8” PHSTS 48-2 Blk ZP406385KEYQTY. PART NO.DESCRIPTION11404230Ram Suction Cup with Twist Lock 2 1 403180 Assembly – 1” Ram Mount 3 4 403779 Scr - #10 x 5/8 PHSTS 48-2 Blk ZPLICENSE AGREEMENTIMPORTANT NOTICE: Acceptance and use of the enclosed electronic scale products (hereinafter referred to as “Purchased Product”) constitutes your agreement to the following terms and conditions. Please carefully read the following terms and conditions before using or reselling the Purchased Product.1.Limited License. Digi-Star, LLC, a Wisconsin limited liability company(“Owner”) is the owner of the following U.S. Patents related to grain drills: 6,732,667, 7,059,258, 7,273,017, 7,357,087, 7,448,335, 7,523,710 and any other patents which result from continuation applications thereof (“Patents”). Owner hereby grants to the customer (“Customer”) a non-exclusive, non-transferable, revocable, limited license to use the technology described in the Patents to use the Purchased Product to assemble a seed planter product covered by the Patents (“Licensed Product”), and to sell and offer for sale one (1) unit of the Licensed Product in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth herein. Alternatively, Customer may resell the Purchased Product to another entity for the purpose of that entity assembling one (1) unit ofa Licensed Product under a permitted sublicense from the Customerwith the same terms as this Agreement. If Customer would like to assemble, use, sell or offer for sale more than one (1) Licensed Product, or resell more than one (1) Purchased Product, Customer understands and agrees that it must purchase another Purchased Product from Owner or acquire a separate license by requesting and purchasing another unit of the same SKU number that resulted in this purchase.2.Acceptance of Terms and Conditions. Customer warrants that it has theauthority to enter into this binding agreement. If Customer does not accept the terms and conditions, Customer shall not use the Purchased Product. Customer understands and agrees that if it uses the Purchased Product as permitted herein, it will be deemed to have accepted these terms and conditions and they shall become a binding agreement.3.Limitations on Use. Customer agrees that it will use the LicensedProduct only as expressly authorized in this Agreement, and that any use not expressly authorized in this Agreement is prohibited. Customer agrees that it will not: (i) loan, rent, lease, assign, sublicense, distribute or otherwise transfer its rights under this Agreement to a third party, other than to resell the Purchased Product to another entity for the purpose of that entity assembling one unit of a Licensed Product; (ii) copy or reproduce the Licensed Product; or (iii) grant any sublicenses other than to an end user of the Licensed Product, or to another entity for the purpose of that entity assembling one unit of a Licensed Product.Customer agrees to use reasonable efforts to prevent any unauthorized use or copying of the Licensed Product and will notify Owner immediately upon learning of any such unauthorized use or copying.Customer’s obligations under this section shall survive any termination of this Agreement or the license granted hereunder. Any unauthorized use of the Licensed Product will result in, among other things, the immediate termination of this license.4.Ownership of Proprietary Rights. Customer acknowledges that theLicensed Product is covered intellectual and/or proprietary rights, and that all such intellectual and proprietary rights are owned by Owner.Customer hereby acknowledges that it has no rights in the foregoing except as expressly granted herein.5.NO WARRANTY. Customer agrees to fully test and evaluatethe Purchased Product and Customer acknowledges and agrees that Owner will not assume any product liability or any otherliability for the Purchased Product or the Licensed Product. The Purchased Product is furnished to Customer “AS IS.” Except as otherwise provided by separate documentation, OWNER MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WITH RESPECT TO THE PURCHASED PRODUCT. Customer agrees that Owner shall have no liability resulting from Customer’s use of the Purchased Product for any indirect damages including consequential, incidental or special damages for loss of profit, good will or otherwise. Customer shall indemnify and hold Owner harmless from any and all losses, expenses, damages, costs or expenses of any kind, including but not limited to reasonable attorneys’ fees, incurred by Owner resulting from Customer’s use of the Purchased Product. NO ORAL OR WRITTEN STATEMENTS MADE BY OWNER OR ITS EMPLOYEES INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO STATEMENTS REGARDING CAPACITY, SUITABILITY FOR USE, OR PERFORMANCE OF THE PURCHASED PRODUCT SHALL BE DEEMED A WARRANTY OR REPRESENTATION BY OWNER FOR ANY PURPOSE NOR GIVE RISE TO ANY LIABILITY OR OBLIGATION OF OWNER.6.Remedies for Violations. Owner reserves the right to seek allremedies available at law and in equity for violations of this Agreement, including but not limited to the right to recover the Licensed Product.7.Fees. In consideration for the rights granted under thisAgreement, Customer has paid a license fee that was included in the amount invoiced to the Customer for the sale of the Purchased Product.8.Entire Agreement. Except as expressly stated herein to thecontrary, this Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties regarding the subject matter hereof, and no verbal or written prior statements or representations of any sort made by any party shall be effective or valid for any purpose whatsoever. This Agreement may be amended only upon the mutual consent of all parties in writing.9.Severability. If any provision of this Agreement shall be held tobe invalid, illegal or unenforceable, the validity, legality and enforceability of the remaining provisions shall not in any way be affected or impaired thereby. The failure of any party to enforce any provision of this Agreement shall not be considereda waiver thereof, nor shall such failure prevent the futureenforcement of any such provision.erning Law. This Agreement and the relationship betweenthe parties shall be governed in all respects by the laws of the State of Wisconsin and the United States of America. The parties consent to the jurisdiction and venue of the Wisconsin and United States courts located in Wisconsin for resolution of any dispute under to this Agreement.Use or sale of the Licensed Product or of Purchased Product shall bind Customer to all terms and conditions herein without the necessity of signatures on this Agreement.。
Omega FPDM1000系列液压流量计说明书

1. Clean all components before reassembly.
2. Before reassembly, check the condition of the rotors. Replace if necessary.
3. Replace the rotor (with the gear) on the short shaft in the housing. Then place the second rotor onto the shaft so as the rotors are at 90 degrees to each other. (See Figure 3)
When fluid passes through the meter, the rotors turn. The gear located on top of one of the rotors drives the mechanical registers gear train which provides an accurate readout.
6. Replace the meter cap. Make sure the meter cap and the gear on the rotor meshes correctly with the gear in the meter cap. Insert the allen screws and tighten in the sequence 1, 4, 2 and 3.
Omega DPGM409S数字压力计说明书

DIGITAL PRESSURE GAUGE FORSANITARY/CLEAN-IN-PLACE APPLICATIONS HIGH 0.08% ACCURACYU E asy to Read 25 mm (1")Backlit LCD Display U H igh 0.08%Accuracy Typical U H i and Lo AlarmsStandard U M IN/MAX/AVG ReadingU U ser Selectable AnalogOutput 0 to 5 Vdc, 0 to 10 Vdc or 4 to 20 mAU D ata Logging andCharting Software IncludedU W ireless TransmitterOption Sends Reading to Remote LocationU T ested to IndustrialCE Standards U B attery Powered withLong Battery Life U 5-Point NIST Traceable Calibration Certificate Omega's DPGM409S Sanitary/CIP digital pressure gauges with metric ranges incorporates a rugged 316 SS enclosure designed for washdown and marine applications with a precision 0.08% accuracy pressure transducer with 316L SS wetted parts and body. The result is an extremely durable digital pressure gauge designed to survive harsh industrial environments. The large 25 mm (1") display is easy to read at a distance up to 11 m (36'). Models are available in gauge, sealed gauge, compound gauge, absolute, vacuum and barometric pressure ranges. Standard features include a highly stable silicon sensor, selectable MIN/MAX and AVG readings, Hi and LO alarms and an externally powered user selectable analog output.An optional wireless transmitter feature with software allows the signal to be transmitted to a remote location such as a PC for charting and data logging. Power is from an internal long life battery (included) or an externally supplied dc voltage source. Each unit is supplied with configuration software that allows the user connect to a pc via a standard USB connection (cable included) and select a variety of user configurable features including update rate, dampening, units, backlight and auto off. The analog output can also be independently scaled from the display.Gauge, Absolute, Sealed Gauge Compound Gauge, Vacuum and Barometric Models 0-25 mb to 0-41 barIP65 case.DPGM409S15-17.5BG shown smaller than actual size.DPGM409S Metric Sanitary SeriesNote:Because of transmission frequencyregulations, wireless models may only be used in the US, Canada and Europe.SPECIFICATIONSRoHS CompliantCE Compliant: Meets industrial emissions and immunity standardIEC61326 for industrial locations Accuracy: ±0.08% Best StraightLine Typ. (Linearity, Hysteresis and Repeatability combined) Calibration: 5-Pt NIST traceable calibration with zero and span values, calibrated in horizontal direction (compound gauge models calibratedin positive direction only). calibrated in horizontal directionZero Balance: ±0.5% FS typical ±1% maximum (for ranges ≤170 mb ±1% Typical ±2% maximum)Span Setting: ±0.5% FS typical ±1% maximum (for ranges ≤170 mb ±1% Typical ±2% maximum)Storage/Operating Temperature Range: -15 to 115°C (-5 to 240°F) Compensated Temperature Range:R anges ≤350 mb: 4.4 to 60°C(40 to 140°F)Ranges >350 mb: -4 to 85°C(25 to 150°F)Zero and Span shift over Compensated Range:R anges ≤170 mb:Zero: 1.00% Span: 0.70%Range = 350 mb:Zero: 0.80% Span: 0.50%Ranges > 350 mb:Zero: 0.50% Span: 0.50%550 & 880HB Barometric Range: Zero: 0.90% Span: 0.50% Minimum Isolation Between Case and Output Terminations:100M Ω @ 50 VdcAnalog Output: User selectable0 to 5 Vdc, 0 to 10 Vdc of 4 to 20 mA (external 24 Vdc power supply required for all analog output types)Note: Compound gage ranges have a unidirectional analog output equal to their full span; i.e. -1 to +1 bar = 0 to 10 Vdc.Set Jumper to Select Current or Voltage: Software selection of 0 to 5 Vdc, 0 to 10 Vdc, or 4 to 20 mAAnalog Output Cable: 2.7 m (8.9') with ferrite core includedAnalog Output Accuracy: 0.08% typical (0.15% max in RF field @10V/m)Pressure Cycles: 250,000, minimum Long Term Stability (1-Year): ±0.1% FS Typical Fill Fluid: NEOBEE M5 Food GradeApproved to 3A SanitarySpecification 74-05Environmental Protection:NEMA 4X (IP65) depending uponelectrical terminationPressure Rating: 1½" and 2" Tri-Grip™fitting (compatible the Tri-Clamp®):40 bar using suitable clampOver Pressure: 4 x rated pressure tomaximum rated flange pressureSecondary Containment: 6 x ratedpressure to a maximum of 138 bar (notin clamp)Display: 4-digit LCD with userselectable backlighting, (9999 count)25 mm (1") character heightComputer Interface: UBS connectionfor set-up, cable includedSample/Display Range: Userselectable from 0.35 to 30 seconds(preset to 1/second)Power: One 3.6V lithium 8.4 Ahcapacity (C cell) Included (two includedwith wireless option) (replacementbattery model no. BATT-C-3.6VBattery Life (Typical): Up to 4-yearsEnclosure Material: 316 stainlessSteel and ABS center gasketEnclosure Finish: ElectropolishedEnclosure Environmental Rating:Weatherproof, NEMA 4X (IP65)Connection Location: Lower(head rotates to position display)Front Panel FunctionsBacklight: Manually turns backlighton/offMin/Max: Recalls min/max valuesZero/Clear: Zeros display or clearsmin/maxSoftware Settings (via USB)Update Rate: 4 options; 10, 5, 2, 1times per secondUnits: psi, inHg, inH2O, bar, mbarLock: Allows the lock-out of frontpanel functionsAlarms: User selectable High andLow alarm limits (open collector)Backlight: On/Off, 10 sec, 30 sec,1 min, 5 minWireless Transmitter (Optional):channel number, Transmission rate,alarms, sensor offset, chart recording,data loggingCalibrate: Zero and SpanOverrange Indication: "_ _ _ _"Wireless Option SpecificationsTransmit Sample Rate: Userprogrammable from 1 sample/2 minuteto 1 sample/2 secondsRadio Frequency (RF) TransceiverCarrier: ISM 2.4 GHzRF Output: 10 dBm (10 mW)Range of RF Link:O utdoors (Line of Sight):Up to 120 m (400')Indoors/Urban: Up to 40 m (130')Included Software: Requires Windows®7 (32 bit); XP, VistaData Transmission to Host: Pressurereading, ambient temperature reading,RF transmit strength and battery levelDimensions:D isplay: 115 D x 89 W x 74 mm H(4.5 x 3.5 x 2.9")S ensor: 72 to 89 mm L (2.8 to 3.5")below displayWeight: 900 g (2 lb) typical dependingupon configurationferrite core, one 3.6V lithium C cell battery (two with wireless option) and 5-pt NIST traceable calibration. Wireless option also includes charting and databasing software.[**] Specify analog output signal: “V1” for 0 to 5 Vdc; “V2” for 0 to 10 Vdc; “TC” for Type K thermocouple, or “MA” for 4 to 20 mA, no extra charge.For wireless option add “-W” suffix for additional cost (includes data logging and graphing software).Ordering Examples: DPGM409S15-007BG, digital pressure gauge with 1.5" sanitary fitting, 7 bar gauge range.DPG409S20-070HCG, digital pressure gauge with 2" sanitary fitting, ± 70 mb compound gauge range.DPG409S15-001BV-W, digital pressure gauge with wireless transmitter option, 1.5" sanitary fitting, 0 to -1 bar vacuum range.Exploded view showingDPGM409S15-17.5BG shown smaller thanactual size.。
plc 爬坡料斗正文

模型图传送带、爬斗的布置,其工作过程(工作循环)如图系统结构模型表1工作循环图2.1总体设计思路根据已知情况、控制要求、设计要求,此PLC-控制装置的设计可按照“大而化小,分而治之”的思路,划分为以下5个部分,依序进行,各部分的设计任务分配如下:(1) 程序设计及调试拟采用切换法,完成程序的设计,并在实验室环境中进行模拟调试;(2)电气设计完成电气线路原理图、元件位置图、接线图、元件明细表的设计;唐山学院课程设计(3)后期工作说明操作过程、拟定常见故障排除方案等。
2.2输入输出端口分配I/O分配表原始要求表2 I/O分配表原始要求根据设计说明书对输入输出端口进行分析选取将输出端口Y4分解为上升指示灯和下降指示灯方便输出。

送料杆缩回I 0.1金属检测I 0.0送料杆伸出I 0.2电容检测I 0.1真空检测I 0.3光电检测I 0.2摆杆左限位I 0.4下限位I 0.3摆杆右限位I 0.5上限位I 0.4料仓情况I 0.6工件弹出I 0.5开始按钮I 4.0检测器到位I 0.6复位按钮I 4.1开始按钮I 4.0消除报警I 4.2复位按钮I 4.1AUTO/MAN选择开关I 4.3位置按钮I 4.2停止按钮I 4.4AUTO/MAN选择开关I 4.3Quit按钮I 4.5停止按钮I 4.4联网开关I 4.6Quit按钮I 4.5送料Q 0.0通讯开关I 4.6吸料Q 0.1料台升起Q 0.0放料Q 0.2料台下降Q 0.1左摆Q 0.3弹出工件Q 0.2右摆Q 0.4检测器伸出Q 0.3开始指示灯Q 4.0喷射气流Q 0.4复位指示灯Q 4.1开始指示灯Q 4.0辅助指示灯Q 4.2复位指示灯Q 4.1辅助指示灯Q 4.2入口有工件I 0.0工位确认I 0.1真空检测I 0.0工件自由I 0.2左限位I 0.1工件固定I 0.3右限位I 0.2电钻上限位I 0.4伸出位置I 0.3电钻下限位I 0.5缩回位置I 0.4检测器伸出I 0.6上限位I 0.5检测器缩回I 0.7下限位I 0.6开始按钮I 4.0开始按钮I 4.0复位按钮I 4.1复位按钮I 4.1消除警报I 4.2手动启动搬运按钮I 4.2AUTO/MAN选择开关I 4.3AUTO/MAN选择开关I 4.3停止按钮I 4.4停止按钮I 4.4Quit按钮I 4.5Quit按钮I 4.5通讯开关I 4.6通讯开关I 4.6电钻启动Q 0.1大臂伸出Q 0.0加工台转动Q 0.2大臂缩回Q 0.1退钻Q 0.3大臂左摆Q 0.2下钻Q 0.4大臂右摆Q 0.3固定工件Q 0.5吸住工件Q 0.4检测工件Q 0.6放下工件Q 0.5开始指示灯Q 4.0吸盘降下Q 0.6复位指示灯Q 4.1开始指示灯Q 4.0辅助指示灯Q 4.2复位指示灯Q 4.1辅助指示灯Q 4.201-供料站地址表02-检测单元地址表03-加工单元地址表M P S 地 址 总 表04-搬运单元地址表拦截位置I 0.1大活塞准备I 0.0放行位置I 0.2小活塞准备I 0.1缓存区无工件I 0.3弹簧装填I 0.2出口无工件I 0.4弹簧准备I 0.3入口无工件I 0.5盖子装填I 0.4电感传感器I 0.6盖子准备I 0.5开始按钮I 4.0盖子用尽I 0.6复位按钮I 4.1大口径工件I 0.7位置按钮I 4.2开始按钮I 4.0AUTO/MAN选择开关I 4.3复位按钮I 4.1停止按钮I 4.4消除警报I 4.2Quit按钮I 4.5AUTO/MAN选择开关I 4.3通讯开关I 4.6停止按钮I 4.4档杆放行Q 0.0通讯开关I 4.6传送带运行Q 0.1机器人工作完毕I 8.4开始指示灯Q 4.0由机器人控制装配槽I 8.5复位指示灯Q 4.1工件运至检测位置I 8.6辅助指示灯Q 4.2提供小活塞Q 0.0提供大活塞Q 0.1送出弹簧Q 0.2阻拦位置I 0.0固定工件Q 0.3放行位置I 0.1送出盖子Q 0.4通过位置I 0.2开始指示灯Q 4.0分拣位置I 0.3复位指示灯Q 4.1工件待运I 0.4辅助指示灯Q 4.2工件入仓I 0.5使能机器人Q 8.3开始按钮I 4.0通知机器人,工件可加工Q 8.4复位按钮I 4.1通知机器人,工件不可加工Q 8.5位置按钮I 4.2允许机器人放开工件Q 8.6AUTO/MAN选择开关I 4.3停止按钮I 4.4Quit按钮I 4.5料槽有料I 0.0通讯开关I 4.6气抓手在料槽位置I 0.1分拣放行Q 0.0气抓手在滑槽位置I 0.2阻拦杆放行Q 0.1中间位置I 0.3传送带运行Q 0.2气抓手在下位I 0.4开始指示灯Q 4.0气抓手在上位I 0.5复位指示灯Q 4.1开始按钮I 1.0辅助指示灯Q 4.2停止按钮I 1.1自动/手动开关I 1.2复位按钮I 1.3左移动气抓手Q 0.0右移动气抓手Q 0.1下降气抓手Q 0.2气抓打开Q 0.3开始_灯Q 1.0复位_灯Q 1.109-抓取单元地址表M P S 地 址 总 表05-缓存单元地址表 07-装配单元地址表08-分捡单元地址表。
OMEGA DPGM409数字压力表产品说明书

NEMA 4X 等级外壳。
DPG409-500G , 图片小于实际尺寸。
规格CE 合规性: 当使用3 m (98')的模拟输出电缆和随附的铁氧体磁心时,符合EN1326-1:2006关于工业场所的规定精度(综合线性度、滞后性和重复性) : ±0.08% BSL (复合压仅可正向校准)温度:储存温度: -40 ~ 82°C (-40 ~180°F) 工作温度: -18 ~ 66°C (0 ~ 150°F)热效应(在工作范围内) : 零点平衡: 范围 >5 psi: 量程的±0.3% 范围 ≤5 psi: 量程的±0.5% 量程设置: 范围 >5 psi: 量程的±0.3% 范围 ≤5 psi: 量程的±0.5%传感器壳体与任何电缆之间的最小电阻: 100M Ω @ 50 Vdc 压力循环: 至少100万次长期稳定性(1 年): 通常为满量程的±0.1% 模拟输出: 用户可选0 ~ 5 Vdc 、 0 ~ 10 Vdc 或4 ~ 20 mA (需要外部24 Vdc 电源)注: 复合压力范围具有等于其满量程的单向模拟输出,即-15 ~ +15 psi = 0 ~ 10 Vdc 。
设置跳线可选择电流或电压 软件选择 0 ~ 5 Vdc 、0 ~ 10 Vdc 或4 ~ 20 mA模拟输出 电缆: 2.7 m (8.9'),带铁氧体磁心精度: 通常为0.08%(10V/m 射频场中最大0.15%)过压力: 表压和密封压10 inH 2O: 10倍量程1 psi: 6倍量程2.5 ~ 3500 psi:4倍量程 5000 psi:最大15,000 psi绝对压力/大气压范围 5 psia: 6倍量程,范围 >5 psia , 4倍量程 5000 psi 范围: 达15,000 psia 围阻压力: 表压 10 inH 2O ~ 5 psi: 达1000 psi 15 ~ 1000 psi: 达3000 psi 1500 ~ 5000 psi: 达15,000 psi绝对压力/大气压:5 ~ 1000 psi :达6000 psia显示屏: 4位数字LCD ,用户可选背光, (9999计数)25 mm (1")字符高度计算机接口: 用于设置的USB 连接, 含电缆采样/显示范围: 用户可选0.38 ~ 30 sec (预设为1/sec )电源: 含一节3.6V 8.4 Ah 锂电池 (C 电池)(对于无线选件, 则提供两枚)(备用电池零件号 BA TT -C-3.6V ) 电池寿命(常规): 可达4年 外壳: 材质: 316不锈钢和ABS 中心垫圈 表面处理: 电镀 环境等级:防水,NEMA 4X (IP65)传感器接液部件: 316L 不锈钢压力连接口: 1⁄4-18 NPT 外螺纹连接位置: 下部外形尺寸: 显示屏: 115(高) x 89(宽) x 74 mm (厚)(4.5 x 3.5 x 2.9") 传感器: 显示屏下方 72 ~ 89 mm 长 (2.8 x 3.5")重量: 900 g (2 lb)典型,取决于配置前面板功能背光: 手动开/关背光最小/最大值: 调用最小/最大值归零/清除: 归零显示或清除最小/ 最大值软件设置(通过USB )更新速率: 4个选项:每秒10、 5、 2或1次单位: psi 、inHg 、inH 2O 、bar 、mbar 、hPa 锁定: 允许锁定前面板功能报警: 用户可选“上限”和“下限”报警限值 (开路集电极)背光: 开/关、10 sec 、30 sec 、 1 min 、5 min无线变送器(可选): 通道编号、 传输速度、报警、传感器偏移、 图表记录、数据记录校准: 归零和量程 超出范围指示: “_ _ _ _”无线选件规格传输采样率: 用户可编程:从1个采样/2分到1个采样/2 秒 射频(RF)收发器 载波: ISM 2.4 GHz射频输出: 10 dBm (10 mW)射频链路范围: 室外(视线内): 最远120 m (400')室内/市区: 最远40 m (130') 随附的软件: 需要Windows ® 7(32位);XP 或Vista传输到主机的数据: 压力读数、环境温度读数、射频传输强度及电池电量水平新的安全功能使用磁针(内含) 激活键盘。
INTECONT PLUS定量给料机新仪表(VEG)参数设定表

第 1 页
F12 皮带速度上限值事件级别 F13 待机设定值极限值 F14 低于待机设定值极限值事件级别 G组--滤波时间设置: G01 实际流量I显示值 G02 实际流量I模拟输出值 G03 测量载荷Q显示值 G04 皮带速度V显示值 G05 称重传感器滤波时间 G06 皮带惯性产生的测量延时 H组--附加装置: H01 小流量切除功能有效 H02 小流量切除极限值 I组--批量方式: I01 批量低速喂料点 I02 批量结束喂料点 I03 批量校正系数 I04 批量允许的误差 I05 批量超差事件级别 I06 自动打印 I07 批量控制源 J组--打印机设置: J01 波特率 J02 批量自动打印 J03 打印页长度 K组--设备维护时间: K01 控制仪表维护时间 K02 超过控制仪表维护时间事件级别 K03 机械设备维护时间 K04 超过机械设备维护时间事件级别 L组--总线通讯接口 L01 通讯协议 L02 上位机通讯时间 L03 上位机故障事件级别 L04 地址 L05 分辨率 L06 字结构 L07 通讯口 L08 波特率1 L09 数据传输方式 M组-秤检测功能 M01 测量点位移补偿功能有效 M02 测量点到下料点的长度 M03 测量点位移补偿功能有效 M04 皮带圈数传感器源 M05 皮带影响补偿功能有效 M06 皮带感应器长度 M07 皮带感应器宽度 M08 皮带感应器位移补偿量 M09 皮带跑偏位移量 M10 皮带跑偏事件级别 M11 皮带扭曲位移量 M12 皮带扭曲事件级别 M13 皮带打滑极限值 M14 皮带打滑事件级别 M15 皮带跑偏输出DO M16 皮带扭曲输出DO
编号 中文名称 A组--显示语言: A01 显示语言 A02 显示单位 B组--额定数据: B01 流量单位 B02 额定流量 B03 测速传感器输入点 B04 速度传感器系数 B05 额定速度 B06 启动/停止源 B07 设定值源 B08 外部百分比设定值源有效 B09 称重传感器有效 B10 计数器Z1单位 B11 计数器Z1输出脉宽 B12 计数器Z2单位 B13 计数器Z3单位 B14 累计量输出 B15 每个脉冲代表的重量 C组--标定数据: C01 运行标定程序所需的皮带整圈数 C02 皮带转一周的时间 C03 称重传感器灵敏度 C04 称重传感器总载荷 C05 有效称量长度 C06 杠杆比 C07 皮带倾角 C08 标定砝码重量 D组--标定结果: D01 额定皮带载荷 D02 量程校正系数 D03 总皮重 ( D03=D04+D05 ) D04 基本皮重 D05 调零皮重 D06 皮带运行一周的累计测速脉冲总数 E组--模拟输出: E01 模拟输出源AO1:控制变频 E02 模拟输出AO1:零点 E03 模拟输出AO1:量程 E04 模拟输出源AO2:流量 E05 模拟输出AO2:零点 E06 模拟输出AO2:量程 F组--极限值: F01 流量下限值 F02 流量下限值事件级别 F03 流量上限值 F04 流量上限值事件级别 F05 皮带载荷下限值 F06 皮带载荷下限值事件级别 F07 皮带载荷上限值 F08 皮带载荷上限值事件级别 F09 皮带速度下限值 F10 皮带速度下限值事件级别 F11 皮带速度上限值 英文名称 A. Dialog Behaviour Language Units B. Rated Data Feed Rate Unit Nominal Feed Rate Tacho Source vs Charact.Value Nominal Speed START Source P-Source Prel EXT. ACTIVE WZ Active FMZ1 Unit FMZ1 Pulse Duration FMZ2 Unit FMZ3 Unit PULSE OUTPUT WEIGHT PER PULSE C. Calibrating Data Belt Circuit No. Belt Circuit Time L/C Charac. Value L/C Rated Capacity Effective Platform Length Lever Ratio Angle a Effective Check Weight D. Calibration Results Nominal Belt Load Span Correction Total Tare Basic Tare N Tare Correction T Belt Circuit Char E. Anlog Output Source AO1 Elevation AO1 Limit Value AO1 Source AO2 Elevation AO2 Limit Value AO2 F. Limit Values F01. Value for I MIN F02. Event Class I MIN F03. Value for I MAX F04. Event Class I MAX F05. Value for Q MIN F06. Event Class Q MIN F07. Value for Q MAX F08. Event Class Q MAX F09. Value for V MIN F10. Event Class V MIN F11. Value for V MAX 输入参数值 ENGLISH SI - - - - -. - t/h 500.000 t/h DI I+. DI7 620.0 I/m 0.42 m/s DI I+.DI1 AI I+ NO YES - - - - - Kg 1000 ms - - - - - -t ------t DO I+.DO5 1000Kg 2.00 15.3 s 2.0000 mV/V 200 kg 0.300 m 1 0.00 degr. 20.000 kg 输入参数值
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UO 9 UO 10 UO 11 UO 12 UO 13 UO 14 UO 15 UO 16 UO 17 UO 18
电池报警输出 处理器忙输出
UO 19 UO 20
发那科ROBOT----IO Profeibus地址分配 输入 28-59 地址分配 UI信号注释 UOP---INPUT UI 1 UI 2 UI 3 UI 4 UI 5 UI 6 UI 7 UI 8 UI信号注解 *IMSTP *HOLD *SFSPD CYCLE FAULT STOP RESET 紧急停机信号 (正常状态ON) 暂停信号 安全速度信号 (正常状态ON) 周期停机信号 报警复位信号 启动信号 (信号下降沿有 效) 回HOME信号 (需要设置宏程 序) 使能信号 (正常状态ON) W#16#18 DB202 DBB24-W#16#21 DB202 DBB33 DB202.DBX24.0 DB202.DBX24.1 DB202.DBX24.2 DB202.DBX24.3 DB202.DBX24.4 DB202.DBX24.5 DB202.DBX24.6 DB202.DBX24.7
地址分配 UOP---OUTPUT UO 1 UO 2 UO 3 UO 4 UO 5 UO 6 UO 7 UO 8 UO信号注解 Cmd enabled system ready prg running prg paused motion held fault at perch TP ENABLED W#16#1C INPUT".INPUT[28] W#16#25 INPUT {37} 命令使能输出 系统准备完毕 程序执行输出 程序状态暂停输出 暂停输出 报警输出 机器人就位输出 示教盒使能输出
UI 9 UI 10 UI 11 UI 12 UI 13 UI 14 UI 15 UI 16 UI 17 UI 18
DB202.DBX25.0 DB202.DBX25.1 DB202.DBX25.2 DB202.DBX25.3 DB202.DBX25.4 DB202.DBX25.5 DB202.DBX25.6 DB202.DBX25.7 DB202.DBX26.0 DB202.DBX26.1