

news 的定义

news 的定义

新闻的定义:1.News is a fresh report of events,facts,or opinions that people did not know before they read your story。


)2.News is anything timely that interests a number of persons,and the best news is that which has the greatest interest of the greatest number.(凡是及时的、能引起一部分人兴趣的东西,便是新闻。


)3.News is any event,idea or opinion that is timely,that interests or affects a large number of people in a community and that is capable of being understood by them。


)4.News is the reporting of anything timely which has importance,use,or interest to a consi-derable number of persons in a publication audience。


)新闻的价值:1.时效性(timeliness)和时新性(freshness) 2. 重要性(importance)3. 显著性(prominence)4. 接近性(nearness)5 . 奇异性(unusualness) 6. 趣味性(interest)新闻的种类:1.按传播工具分为:报纸新闻(newspaper coverages )、杂志新闻(magazine coverages)、广播新闻(radio news)、电视新闻(TV news)、有线电视新闻(cable news)和通讯社新闻(news agency despatches)。



1. “News 可以当不可数名词用呀,就像“ I heard some news. ”比如说,哎呀,我听到了一些新闻呢!
2. News 也能作可数名词呢,像“ There are a lot of good news. ”看,不是说有好多好消息嘛!
3. 咱不是常说“breaking news”嘛,这表示突发新闻,就好比“ There's breaking news about the earthquake. ”这不,关于地震有突发新闻啦!
4. “be in the news”也很常见呢,像“ He has been in the news recently. ”哇,他最近上新闻了呢!
5. “on the news”也得知道呀,比如说“ I saw it on the news. ”我在新闻上看到它啦!
6. “No news is good news. ”这句话多有意思呀,就像有时候没消息真的就是好消息呀,就像你等成绩的时候,没消息不就说明没挂科嘛!
7. “news agency”这是新闻社的意思呢,像“ The news agency reported the event accurately. ”哎,那个新闻社准确地报道了这个事件呢!
8. “make news”就是制造新闻呀,好比“ The star always makes news. ”那个明星总是制造新闻呀!
9. “ spread the news ”传播消息呀,比如说“ We need to spread the news quickly. ”咱得快点传播这个消息呀!
我觉得呀,news 可是我们日常生活中很重要的一部分呢,它让我们了解世界,知道各种事情的发生,大家可要好好掌握它的用法哦!。



• 国际奥委会取消伊拉克参加北京奥运 会的资格
• 新华网7月25日电 ,记者从青海省有关部门获悉, 7月24日17时40分许,青海省大通回族土族自治 县塔尔镇一在建清真寺发生垮塌事故,截至25日 记者发稿时,有8人死亡,3人重伤,20人轻伤。 • 事故发生后,青海省应急救援总队和西宁市、大 通回族土族自治县有关部门已经连夜展开救治和 善后工作。 • 塔尔镇位于大通回族土族自治县城东北方向约8 公里,是个回族聚居区,约有回族群众1.8万多 人。
• 《南方周末》以“贴 近生活,激浊扬清” 为特色;以“维护正 义,坚守良知”为己 责。 • 它是中国评论最犀利、 最具影响力、最为广 大读者喜欢的新闻综 合类周刊。
• 好处:传播广泛, 获取容易,想象不 受限制。
• 坏处:受自然条件 影响,没有画面。
• 优点:很强的阅读 自由度;适合深度 解释新闻;
• 缺点:时效性差, 读者有限,感染性 弱。
• 美国《纽约时报》是 美国影响最大的报纸, 在美国最负盛名。 • 它能充分地报道国内 国际大事,消息灵通, 时事新闻严肃认真, 具有全球性影响力。
• 《华盛顿邮报》是美国 第二大报,由于它地处 首都,一些记者、编辑 与政界很熟,对联邦政 府和国会活动的报道、 评论、分析较多,而且 时有“内幕”新闻透露, 一直被认为是美国政界 人士必读的报纸。
• 美国有线电视新闻网,简 称CNN,通过16颗卫星向 全世界180多个国家和地区 播放 ,尤其以及时客观的 国际新闻报道闻名全球。 • 一旦发生重大事件或突发 事件,CNN会全力以赴, 甚至借用其他电视机构的 人力资源为自己服务 。



新闻名词英语1. 新闻报道(News Reporting):是指对事实、事件、观点或主题进行描述的文本形式,以传播信息和触发公众对话为目的。

2. 新闻编辑(News Editing):是指对新闻材料进行整理和修改的过程,以确保信息的准确性、客观性和可读性。

3. 采访(Interviewing):是指记者与新闻事件的当事人、专家或相关人士进行交流和提问,以获取信息和观点。

4. 新闻价值(News Value):指一个事件或故事被认为对公众有足够重要和有趣的程度,从而被媒体报道的程度。

5. 报道对象(News Source):是指提供新闻信息的个人、组织或机构。

6. 即时新闻(Breaking News):指突发事件或重大新闻,在第一时间发布的新闻报道。

7. 头条新闻(Headline News):是指被置于报纸或新闻网站首页最突出位置的重要新闻。

8. 新闻稿(News Release):是由公司、政府或其他组织发布的一种新闻信息,通常包含最新的消息、声明或事件。

9. 专题报道(Feature Story):是指对某一具体主题进行深入报道和分析的新闻作品。

10. 新闻评论(News Commentary):是指对新闻事件或新闻报道进行观点表达和分析的文章。

11. 新闻热点(News Trend):是指当前受到媒体和公众关注度较高的新闻话题。

12. 新闻媒体(News Media):是指传播新闻信息的各种媒介形式,包括报纸、电视、广播和互联网。

13. 新闻自由(Press Freedom):是指媒体在报道新闻时的独立性和言论自由。

14. 虚假新闻(Fake News):是指故意虚构或误导公众的虚假新闻报道。

15. 新闻倫理(Journalistic Ethics):是指记者在报道新闻时应遵守的道德规范和职业准则。







新闻的英语说法1:news新闻的英语说法2:Journalism新闻的相关短语:新闻组 Newsgroup ; Usenet ; Usenet newsgroup ; Usegroup 每日新闻 Mainichi Shimbun ; Daily News ; Mainichi ;新闻学 journalism ; Journalistik ; Print journalism ;新闻媒体 news media ; Media ; Press corps ; Media outlets产经新闻 Sankei Shimbun ; Sankei ; Chanjing ; Sangyou Keizai Shimbun新闻节目 news program ; News bulletin ; News programming ; news zero新闻聚焦 NewsFocus ; Newsreel ; News ; focus晚间新闻Evening News ; News Roundup ; Nightly News ; Newsnight新闻的英语例句:1. I use the short-wave radio to get the latest war news.我用短波收音机收听最新的战事新闻。

2. Politicians want a lap-dog press which will uncritically report their propaganda.政客们想要的是不问是非、甘为他们搞宣传的哈巴狗一样的新闻媒体。

3. At a later news conference, he said differences should not be dramatized.在后来的新闻发布会上,他说不应夸大分歧。



4. The Los Angeles Times The Los Angeles Times, also called the LA Times is a daily newspaper distributed throughout Western United States. The paper is published in Los Angeles, California. Founded in 1881, it is the second-largest metropolitan newspaper in the U.S and the fourth-most widely distributed newspaper here.

德新社:DPA(Deutsche Presse Agentur) 巴通社:Associated Press of Pakistan 合众国际社:UPI (United Press International) 韩国广播公司:KBS (Korea Broadcasting System) 半岛电视:Al Jazeera 澳大利亚联合新闻社 Australian Associated Press (AAP) 泛亚社(香港) Pan-Asian News Agency 共同社(日) Kyodo News Service; Kyodo Tsushinsha

7. Chicago Tribune A flagship publication of the Tribune Company, the Chicago Tribune is a major daily newspaper based in Chicago, Illinois. Originally called as the ―World‘s Greatest Newspaper‖, it still is one among the most popular newspapers of the Great Lakes region and Chicago Metropolitan area.


















美国国家航空航天局(NASA)允许72岁的参议员约翰·格伦(John Glenn)重返太空的决定(格伦曾于1962年2月20日进入太空,是美国第一位环绕地球的宇航员),激起了媒体的极大关注和狂热躁动,仿佛格伦对他22年俄亥俄州参议员的生涯极不开心。



雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:news 新闻.doc

雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:news  新闻.doc

雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:news 新闻Are you interested in the news?你对新闻感兴趣吗?I’m kind of into news especially those IT related news. I am always waiting for the latest version of products from some big high-tech companies. So, technically, I’m a news lover.我对新闻感兴趣,尤其是IT相关的新闻。



Why do you want to know the latest news?为什么你最想了解最近的新闻?The reason why I want to get the latest news is that it will definitely bring me something fresh that really influences my life. For instance, if I knew the increasing value of Bitcoin, I would definitely make a large sum of money by stepping into the market earlier.原因就是因为新闻会对我生活产生很大的影响。


How important is it to you to get the news every day?得到每天的新闻对你来说有多重要?Like I said, news is to me is like what water is to fish. I need to constantly get those up-to-date information to keep myself competitive. Sometimes, knowing something is better than nothing.正如同我之前说的,新闻对于我来说就像鱼与水的关系。

news 可数还是不可数

news 可数还是不可数

news 可数还是不可数

当我们谈论“一条新闻”时,通常会说“a piece of news”或者“a report”,而不是直接用“a news”。


例如,在句子“There are two important news today”(今天有两条重要新闻)中,“news”被视作可数名词。






下面就让店铺给大家分享单词news详细的中文意思吧,希望能对你有帮助!news的中文意思英 [nju:z] 美 [nu:z]news 基本解释名词新闻; 消息; (可当作新闻内容的)人; 物例句1. The news is at eight.新闻节目在八点播出。

2. We listen to the news on the radio.我们收听广播里的.新闻报导。

3. A few days later he told me an exciting piece of news.几天之后他告诉我一个令人振奋的消息。

4. I have had no news from him for a long time.我好久不知道他的消息了。

news的单语例句1. China Business News calls it the first mobile game tailored for consumer products in China.2. Police would not comment on the information the man provided to the West Business News.3. China Business News reported yesterday that Barclays Plc Chairman Marcus Agius said the bank hopes to become an investment manager for CIC.4. Liu's remarks were in response to a China Business News report on Saturday.5. The China Business News report said a difference inpatterns of cooperation also plays a role.6. And that can only be good news for Sarah who admits that spaghetti bolognese with lashings of butter and parmesan cheese is her favourite food.7. It condemned the act of fabricating news following a government announcement that the report on buns stuffed with cardboard aired on Beijing TV was fake.8. If the newspaper only had good news, nobody would buy it and I'd be out of a job.9. Copper prices fell steeply on the London Metal Exchange because of news that China's State Reserves Bureau had suspended a copper buying program.news的词典解释1. 新闻;消息News is information about a recently changed situation or a recent event.e.g. We waited and waited for news of him...我们左等右等,盼着他的消息。

good news佳音知识点

good news佳音知识点

good news佳音知识点"Good news"(佳音)是一个常见的表达,它意味着好消息或者令人高兴的消息。

以下是关于"good news"的一些知识点:1. 定义,"Good news"是指对人们有积极影响或者令人欣喜的消息或信息。


2. 积极心理影响,好消息可以带来积极的心理影响,例如增加幸福感、改善情绪、增强自信心等。


3. 社交影响,好消息通常会被人们分享和传播,从而促进社交互动和增强人际关系。


4. 媒体报道,好消息常常成为媒体报道的焦点,因为它们能够吸引读者、观众或听众的兴趣。


5. 好消息的例子,好消息的种类多种多样,可以是个人生活中的好运气、好成绩、好工作机会等,也可以是社会层面的科学技术进步、环境保护成果、社会公益项目等。


6. 心理应对,好消息对于人们的心理健康和应对能力也有积极作用。


总结起来,"Good news"(佳音)是指令人高兴的消息,它对个人和社会都有积极的影响。


news 怎么读

news 怎么读

news 怎么读




例如,当说“I heard the news last night on TV.”(我昨晚在电视上听到了这个消息。



同时,“news”也可以作为定语,修饰其他名词,如“news report”(新闻报道)、“news paper”(报纸)等。




news翻译【释义】newsn.消息,新情况;新闻(报道);新闻人物,新闻事件;电视新闻节目(the news);(用于报纸名)新闻【短语】1 News Corp新闻集团; 新闻公司; 消息团体; 新闻团体2 Sky News天空新闻; 天空电视新闻网; 英国天空新闻3 news agency通讯社; 新闻社; 新闻通讯社; 通信社4 Fox News福克斯新闻; 福克斯新闻频道; 福克斯新闻网5 bbc newsbbc新闻; 英国广播公司; 新闻频道6 daily news纽约每日新闻; 每日新闻报; 纽约每日新闻报7 ABC NEWS美国广播公司; 美国广播公司新闻网; 美国广播公司新闻频道; 美国广播公司新闻节目8 Kyodo News日本共同社; 共同社; 共同通信社9 News Corporation新闻集团; 新闻公司; 消息团体; 新闻团体【例句】1 The news heartened everybody.这个消息鼓舞了每个人。

2 The news astonished everyone.这消息使大家十分惊讶。

3 Loud cheers greeted the news.这消息受到热烈欢呼。

4 The news left her dumbfounded.这消息把她惊呆了。

5 News travels fast these days.如今消息传播得很快。

6 She paled visibly at the news.她听到这消息时脸色明显地变得苍白。

7 They told us the dreadful news.他们告诉了我们这个坏消息。

8 Her mood darkened at the news.听到这消息,她的心情暗淡起来。

9 She told me the news herself.是她本人告诉我这个消息的。


In long sentences, what can we focus on? Five main wh-elements: English sentence, like a tree, is composed by the trunk and leaves. Find the trunk and you will see the whole tree and then the wood.
The Skills for English News Listening
What is news?
1. News is a fresh report of events, facts, or opinions that people did not know before they read your story. 新闻就是针对人们读你的报道以前还不知道的事 件、事实或观点的一种全新报道。 2. News is anything timely that interests a number of persons, and the best news is that which has the greatest interest of the greatest number. 凡是及时的、能引起一部分人兴趣的东西, 便是新 闻。而最好的新闻则是那种能够激起最大多数人最 大兴趣的东西。
A general pattern in a news story is an invertedpyramid style. It moves from the most important to the least important. The main idea usually occurs in the first one or two sentences.
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SAN FRANCISCO —Regulators in Germany, one of the most privacy-sensitive countries in the world, unleashed their wrath on Google on Monday for scooping up sensitive personal information in the Street View mapping project, and imposed the largest fine ever assessed by European regulators over a privacy violation.Go to your Portfolio »The penalty? $189,225.Put another way, that’s how much Google made every two minutes last year, or roughly 0.002 percent of its $10.7 billion in net profit.It is the latest example of regulators’meager arsenal of fines and punishments for corporations in the wrong. Academics, activists and even regulators themselves say fines that are pocket change for companies do little to deter them from misbehaving again, and are merely baked into the cost of doing business.Johannes Caspar, the data protection supervisor in Hamburg, Germany, who led the investigation into the Street View project, said the fine, which was close to the maximum of 150,000 euros, or $195,000, that he could legally impose, was woefully inadequate to stop the data collection practices of companies as large as Google. He called on lawmakers to significantly raise such fines.“As long as violations of data protection law are penalized with such insignificant sums, the ability of existing laws to protect personal privacy in the digital world, with its high potential for abuse, is barely possible,”Mr. Caspar said.In Europe, lawmakers are considering revisions to the main data protection law to allow for fines of up to 2 percent of a company’s annual sales. In Google’s case, based on last year’s revenue, that would have been up to $1 billion.For several years, while Google took photos for its Street View maps, it also collected data like e-mail messages and photos over unencrypted Wi-Fi networks, outraging consumers and privacy advocates and prompting investigations in at least a dozen countries.Peter Fleischer, Google’s global privacy counsel, said the company collected the data inadvertently, did not use it and cooperated with investigators in Hamburg.For Silicon Valley companies, such middling fines are common. For the Street View violation, Google last year paid a $25,000 fine for obstructing the federal investigation, and last month agreed to pay $7 million to settle a lawsuit brought by 38 states. France fined Google 100,000 euros in 2011; Ireland and Britain did not impose fines after Google agreed to delete data collected illegally in their countries.For another privacy violation, related to the Safari browser, the Federal Trade Commission last year settled with Google for $22.5 million, the largest civil penalty it had ever levied, thoughGoogle did not admit any wrongdoing. The commission similarly filed eight complaints against Facebook for “unfair and deceptive”practices related to privacy, with no fine or admission of guilt. In antitrust investigations, Google escaped a fine in the United States and is close to doing the same in Europe.“Especially in these areas like privacy or online access to information, existing law hasn’t really dealt with these issues before because as technology changes, the law needs to play catch-up,”said Martin H. Pritikin, a professor at Whittier Law School who co-writes the blog the Collection Gap, about regulatory enforcement failure.Still, the problem stretches far beyond the tech industry. After the 2008 financial crisis, for instance, lawmakers and even some judges questioned whether government fines amounted to a rounding error for the nation’s biggest banks.Jed S. Rakoff, a federal judge in New York, called the Securities and Exchange Commission’s $150 million settlement with Bank of America over lax public disclosures “half-baked justice at best,”and its $285 million settlement with Citigroup “pocket change.”Even when Goldman Sachs paid a record $550 million fine to the agency in 2010, it amounted to less than 10 percent of the bank’s profit that year.On Wall Street, the public hand-wringing also stemmed from a lack of criminal charges. When the authorities leveled a record $1.9 billion penalty against HSBC in a money-laundering case, they stopped short of indicting the British bank, saying that such a move could jeopardize the financial system. The decision raised concerns that Wall Street was not only too big to fail, but also too big to indict.That reflects a broader attitude against fining companies too severely, Mr. Pritikin said. If a fine is too big, the argument goes, it hurts shareholders if the stock price suffers, and consumers if the company has to raise prices to pay the fine.But when John H. Nugent, a management professor at Texas Woman’s University, studied the topic, he said he was surprised to find that the opposite was true, and that even large fines had little long-term effect on companies’stock prices.“Management will often choose to take actions they may know are improper because they realize the long-term consequences will not affect them,”Mr. Nugent said.Still, even a trivial fine has some consequences, said James M. Anderson, who studies the role of law in regulating business at RAND Corporation.“There may be some good that is accomplished even if the amount in question is all but nominal, in expressing some notion that as a society, we have collectively said this is a problem,”he said.And the public relations fallout of any regulatory penalty can be significant for companies likeGoogle, which is extremely sensitive about its reputation in the eyes of consumers, said Chris Hoofnagle, a lecturer on privacy law at the University of California, Berkeley, School of Law.But Ezra Ross, a professor at the University of California, Irvine, School of Law and a co-writer of the Collection Gap blog, said the German fine had the opposite effect.“They can say, ‘Look at the amount of the fine. Even the government obviously didn’t think this was a very big deal,’”he said.He suggested that regulators find creative ways to punish companies, like preventing Google from using and profiting from the legitimate Street View data it collected while it was inappropriately collecting personal data.Another solution, Mr. Pritikin said, is to punish individuals with fines or jail time, though that is also complicated because companies have insurance to cover such fines and it is often difficult to single out one person responsible for a decision.Enforcement is at a turning point, Mr. Hoofnagle said, and fines could blossom, especially if a tech company’s privacy violation caused serious harm.“We’re still working out as a society what the harms are for privacy violations, and we’re not likely to see hundreds of millions of dollars in fines unless blood is spilled,”he said. “But you can see how that could happen.”。
