上海市2016届高三英语核心词汇复习:第11课时(funeral -harvest)
Book 11 Unit 151pace n.1tectonic adj.52insurance n.2geological adj.53insure vt. & vi.3geology n.54theft n.4plateau n.55handy adj.5backbone n.56consultant n.6graze vi.57guidance n.7strip n.58database n.8carve vt.59cater vi. & vt.9paddle vt.60cater for sb/sth10uninhabited adj.61enquiry n. ( =inquiry )11extinction n.62extension n.12fern n.63vertical adj.13scarce adj.64axis n.14warlike adj.Book 11 Unit 2 15tribe n.1detect vt.16wipe out2jogger n.17take over3forensic adj.18fence n.4spray vt.19immunity n.5fingerprint n.20immune adj.6stain n.21treaty n.7wrap vt.22representative n.8bind vt.23ownership n.9torso n.24unrest n.10surgeon n.25civilian n.11X-ray vt.26fasten vt.12abnormal adj.27elastic adj.13emergency n.28suspension n.14by law29appetite n.15jury n.30buffet n.16imprisonment n.31pasta n.17assessment n.32porter n.18widow n.33suite n.19compensate vt.34lounge n.20maximum n. & adj.35laundry n.21motive n.36helicopter n.22savagely adv.37brunch n.23ward n.38dairy n.24lame adj.39statistics n. (pl)25thriller n.40eco-friendly adj.26confidential adj.41subtropical adj.27ministry n.42fiord n.28funeral n.43not to mention29memorial n.44recreation n.30trend n.45raft n.31unemployment n.46get around32taxpayer n.47hemisphere n.33import vt.48schedule n.34aluminium n.49extensive adj.35surplus adj.50flexible adj.36flame n.37 greengrocer n.38greengrocer’s39alley n.40 remark vi. & vt.41make of sth/sb42candidate n.43furnish vt.44expel vt.45allowance n.46every so often47peculiar adj.Book 11 Unit 3 1strategy n.2myth n.3harmony n.4depressed adj.5well-balanced adj.6prescription n.7cope vi.8cope with9let down10proportion n.11fulfill vt.12effective adj.13agenda n.14interval adj.15session n.16contradictory adj.17revise vt.18curriculum n.19informal adj.20deadline n.21rigid adj.22subscribe vi. & vt.23post-graduate adj. 24academy n.25stead n.26stand sb in good stead 27employer n.28diploma n.29Format n.30glory vi.31glory in32forgetful adj.33administration n.34choir n.35postcode n.36 withdraw vi. & vt.37sake n.38for one’s own sake39pursuit n. 40 pursue vt.41 pedicab n.42sleep rough43feed on44philosophical adj.45socialism n.46receipt n.47overweigh vt.48ensure vt.49reproach n.50jealousy n.51cease vt.52cease to be53count up54reinforce vt.Book 11 Unit 41split vt. & vi.2violate vt.3temporary adj.4statesman n.5statesmanlike adj.6unconditional adj.7scar n.8howl vt.9merciful adj.10at the crack of dawn11quick as a flash12hatch vt.13whistle n.14heel n.15 a wolf in sheep clothing’s16 pint n.17dead to the world18socket n.19stagger vi.20agony n.21belly n.22wrestle vt. & vi.23marble n.24arch n.25coarse adj.26pillow n.27quilt n.28trough n.29slice n.30wear off31saucer n.32circus n.33freeway n.34plug n.35hydrogen n.36clay n.33missile n.37moustache n.34circuit n.38mustard n.35go on-circuit39enlarge vt.36razor n.40tournament n.37shaver n.41fist n.38oval adj.42combat n.39orbit n.43walnut n.40substance n.44transparent adj.41curriculum vitae (CV) n.45transparently adv.42nickname n.46tug vi. & vt.43presentational adj.47dismay vt.44fabulous adj.48pulse n.45IELTS abbr. International English 49zoom nguage Testing Service50zoom in on46accountancy n.51insignificant adj.47function n.52fleece n.48bureaucratic adj.Book 11 Unit 549ethos n.1vice versa adv.50minefield n.2(be) faced with scholarship n. 奖学金51unwary adj.3in disbelief不相信;怀疑52autobiography n.4drop into偶然进入(某地);顺便拜访53build on5unsettling adj. 使人不安的;(消息)混乱54prosperous adj.的55to tell you the truth6dozens of 许多的56tempt vt.7now and again不时地;有时57appendix n.8expectantly adv. 预期地;期望地;期待地58roundabout adj.9suck vt. 吸;吮Book 11 Unit 110co-operate vi. (常与 with 连用)合作65地壳构造上的;起因于地壳运动的11hand out拿出来;分发66地质学的;地质的12preference n. 偏爱;优先选择67地质学13pleasurable adj. 愉快的;快乐的;高兴的68高地;高原14anticipation n. 预期;预想;期待69脊椎;脊柱;主要山脉15intellectual adj. 智力的,有智力的70放牧;吃草16arithmetic n. 算术学;算术71狭长的地域或水域17algebra n. 代数;代数学72雕刻;切开18interpersonal adj. 人际的;人与人之间的73用桨划(小船);(用桨划船)运送19complex adj.复杂的74无人居住的;杳无人迹的20agro-scientific adj. 农业科学的75灭绝;绝种21core n. 中心;核心76蕨类植物22drop in顺便走访77缺乏的;不足的23recommendation n. 推荐信;介绍;介绍信78好战的;尚武的;善战的24call on 拜访79部落;部族25composer n. 作曲家80清除;垮台26mathematician n. 数学家81接管;接收27stewardess n. (轮船,飞机等)女乘务员82栅栏;篱笆;围墙28diplomat n. 外交家;外交官83免疫性29embassy n. 使馆人员;大使馆84免疫的;免受(伤害)的30referee n. 介绍人;裁判85条约;协议;协定31brake n. (常用复数)制动装置;刹车86代表32swerve vt. 突然转向;突然离开正路87所有权;物主身份88不安的状态;动乱57外科医生89平民58照X光;照 X射线90系牢;拴紧;使固定59不正常的;反常的;变态的91有弹性的60紧急情况;紧急事件92吊;县挂;悬浮61根据法律93食欲;胃口62陪审团;评判委员会;陪审员94自助餐63关押;监禁95意大利面食(包括通心粉及面条等)64评估;评价96守门人;行李搬运工65寡妇97(宾馆中的)套房66补偿;赔偿;酬报98起居室;休息室67最大量(的);最大限度(的);极大(的)99洗衣店68动机;目的100直升飞机69野蛮地;残酷地101早午餐;晚早餐70病房;病室102牛奶场;乳品店71跛的;瘸的103统计;统计数字72惊险读物(电影)104对生态环境友好的;不妨害生态环境的73机密的;秘密的105亚热带的74(政府的)部门106峡湾;海湾75葬礼;丧礼107不必提及;更不用说76纪念物;纪念碑108. 娱乐;消遣77趋势;趋向109木筏;木排78失业;失业状态110到处走动79纳税人111半球80输入;进口;引进112时间表;进度表81铝113广阔的;大量的;广泛的82过剩的;剩余的 n. 剩余物;盈余114灵活的;可通融的83火焰115速度;步调84蔬菜水果商116保险85蔬菜水果商店117(常与 against 连用)保险;确保86小巷,胡同118盗窃87说;谈论;评论119近便的;便利的;容易取得的88了解;理解120顾问;咨询者89应试者;候选人;候补者121指导;指引90陈设;布置122数据库;基本数据;资料库91开除;赶出123备办酒菜;承办酒席;提供食物(娱乐节目)92津贴;补助124为某人提供;适合某人的需要93偶尔;时常125询问;探究94古怪的;奇特的;特殊的;罕见的126(电话)分机;延伸;伸展Book 11 Unit 3127垂直的55策略128轴;轴线56神话;虚构的理念或故事Book 11 Unit 257和谐;融洽48侦查;探测;检定58沮丧的 .49跑步锻炼的人;慢跑者59很平衡的;正常的;意识健全的50法庭的;法医学的60药方;处方药51喷射;喷溅61(妥善地)处理;对付;应付;克52指纹;手印62应付;对付;克服53污点;污处63使失望 ; 辜负54包;裹64均衡;比例;比率55缚;绑65满足;实现;达到56(人体的)驱干66有效的67议程(表)60嚎叫;呼号;咆哮68间隔;间歇;幕间(工间)休息61仁慈的;宽大的;宽容的69一段(活动的)时间62黎明;大清早70矛盾的;同⋯⋯相反的63立刻;马上;一刹那71复查; (Brt) 复习64孵化;出壳72课程65口哨;哨子73非正式的;非正规的66脚后跟;踵74最后时间;最后期限67披着羊皮的狼;伪装友好的敌人75刻板的;僵硬的;严格的68品脱( =0.5 夸脱;英制液量0.568 升;美制76(常与 to 连用)同意;赞同液量 0.473 升)77研究生的 n. 研究生69熟睡的;完全失去知觉的78高等专科院校;研究院;学术团体70孔;洞;眼窝79替代;用处;好处71蹒跚;摇晃;踉跄80对某人很有用72极度的痛苦81雇主;老板73腹部82文凭;毕业证书 .74与⋯⋯搏斗;把⋯⋯摔倒83设计;安排75大理石84自豪;得意76拱门85以⋯⋯为荣77粗糙的;鲁莽的86健忘的78枕头87. 管理;行政管理79被褥;被子88合唱团80饲料槽89邮政编码;邮编81片;薄片90withdraw vi. & vt.收回;撤回;变得沉默82逐渐消失;磨灭;损耗寡言;冷漠;冷淡83茶托;茶杯碟;碟状物91sake n. 目的;利益84马戏团;马戏表演92for one’s own sake为了⋯⋯的缘故85高速公路93寻求;追求86电插头;插销94追求;寻求;不断努力以取得87氢95(人力)三轮车88黏土;泥土96露宿89. 胡子97从⋯⋯中得到滋养或满足90芥末98哲学上的91增大;扩大99社会主义92联赛;锦标赛;比赛100接受;收到;收据;收条93拳头101比⋯⋯更重要 ; 胜过94斗争;战斗;争斗102确保;保证95核桃,胡桃103责备;责骂96透明的;显然的;一目了然的104妒忌;羡慕97显然地;清楚地105结束;停息;终止98用力拉或拖(某物)106不再是99使沮丧;使灰心107把⋯⋯加起来100脉搏108增强;补充101飞驰;飞快地掠过Book 11 Unit 4102推近;聚焦于53分开;分离103 无关紧要的;无用的54违犯;违反;破坏104 羊毛55暂时的;临时的;一时的Book 11 Unit 556政治家;国务活动家59反之亦然57有政治家才干和风度的60面临58无条件的;无限制的;绝对的61奖学金59疤;伤疤;创伤62不相信;怀疑63偶然进入(某地);顺便拜访111自传64使人不安的;(消息)混乱的112建立于65许多的113成功的;繁荣的;兴旺的66不时地;有时114老实说(插入语)67预期地;期望地;期待地115诱惑;引诱68吸;吮116附录;附言69(常与 with 连用)合作117迂回的;委婉的70拿出来;分发71偏爱;优先选择72愉快的;快乐的;高兴的73预期;预想;期待74智力的,有智力的75算术学;算术76代数;代数学77人际的;人与人之间的78复杂的79农业科学的80中心;核心81顺便走访82推荐信;介绍;介绍信83拜访84composer n. 作曲家85mathematician n. 数学家86stewardess n. (轮船,飞机等)女乘务员87diplomat n. 外交家;外交官88embassy n. 使馆人员;大使馆89referee n. 介绍人;裁判90(常用复数)制动装置;刹车91突然转向;突然离开正路92导弹;飞弹93环形道路94巡回95剃刀;剃须刀96剃须刀;电动剃须刀97卵形的;椭圆的98(天体、人造卫星的)轨道99物质100履历;简历101绰号;浑名102表达的;描述性的103巨大的;绝妙;精彩104国际英语测试,俗称雅思考试(是由英国文化委员会组织、剑桥大学地方考试委员会编制的英语水平测试)105会计工作;会计职务106功能;作用;职责;职能107官僚的;官僚般的108(集体、社团、文化的)气质、道德观、思想或信仰109布雷区;充满隐伏危险的事物或场合110无警惕的;易受欺骗的。
Unit 1Auckland n. 奥克兰Maori /'mauri/ n.毛利人;毛利语kiwi /'ki:wi/ n.几维鸟Stewart Island 斯图尔特岛tectonic /tek'tɔnik/ adj.地壳构造上的;起因于地壳运动的geological /dʒiə'lɔdʒikəl/ adj.地质学的;地质的geology /dʒi'ɔlədʒi/ n.地质学plateau /'plætəu/ n.高地;高原Alps /ælps/ n.阿尔卑斯山backbone /'bækbəun/ n.脊椎;脊梁;主要山脉graze /greiz/ vi.放牧;吃草strip /strip/ n.狭长的地域或水域Christchurch /'kraisttʃə:tʃ/ 克赖斯特彻奇carve /kɑ:v/vt.雕刻;切开paddle /'pædl/ vt.用桨划;运送uninhabited /'ʌnin'hæbitid/ adj.无人居住的;杳无人迹的extinction /iks'tiŋkʃən/ n.灭绝;绝种fern /fə:n/ n.蕨类植物scarce /skɛəs/ adj.缺乏的;不足的warlike /'wɔ:laik/ adj.好战的;尚武的;善战的tribe /traib/ n.部落;部族wipe out 去除;垮台take over 接收;接收fence /fens/ n.栅栏;篱笆;围墙immunity /i'mjuniti/ n.免疫性immune /i'mjun/ adj.免疫的;免受的Christianity /'kristi'æniti/ n.基督教treaty /'tri:ti/ n.条约;协议;协定representative /'repri'zentətiv/ n.代表ownership /'əunəʃip/ n.所有权;物主身份unrest /'ʌn'rest/ n.不安的状态;动乱civilian /si'viljən/ n.平民bungee jumping 蹦极跳fasten /'fɑ:sn/vt.系牢;栓紧;使固定elastic /i'læstik/ adj.有弹性的suspension /səs'penʃən/ n.吊;悬挂;悬浮appetite /'æpitait/ n.食欲;胃口buffet /'bufei, 'bʌfit/ n.自助餐pasta /'pɔstə/ n.意大利面食porter /'pɔ:tə/ n.守门人;行搬运工suite /swi:t/ n.套房lounge /laundʒ/ n.起居室;休息室laundry /'lɔ:ndri/ n.洗衣店helicopter /'helikɔptə/ n.直升飞机brunch /brʌntʃ/ n.早午餐;晚早餐Napier n.皮尔Burma /'bə:mə/ n.缅甸Lake Taupo 波湖dairy /'dɛəri/ n.牛奶场;乳品店statistics /stə'tistiks/ n.统计;统计数字eco-friendly 对生态环境友好的;不妨碍生态环境的subtropical /sʌb'trɔpikl/ adj.亚热带的fiord /fjɔ:d/ n.峡湾;海湾not to mention 不必提与;更不用说recreation /'rekri'eiʃən/ n.娱乐;消遣raft /rɑ:ft/n.木筏;木排abseil /'ɑ:bzail, 'ɑ:p-/ n.缘绳下降;悬绳滑索get around 到处走动hemisphere /'hemisfiə/ n.半球schedule /'ʃedju:l/ n.时间表;进度表extensive /iks'tensiv/ adj.广阔的;大量的;广泛的flexible /'fleksəbl/ adj.灵活的;可通融的pace /peis/ n.速度;步调insurance /in'ʃuərəns/ n.保险insure /in'ʃuə/ vt.vi.保险;确保theft /θeft/n.盗窃handy /'hændi/ adj.近便的;便利的;容易取得的consultant /kən'sʌltənt/ n.顾问;咨询者guidance /'gaidəns/ n.指导;指引database n.数据库;根本数据;资料库cater /'keitə/ vi.vt.备办酒菜;承办酒席;提供食物cater for sb/sth 为某人提供;适合某人的需要enquiry n.询问;探究extension /iks'tenʃən/ n.分机;延伸;伸展vertical /'və:tikəl/ adj.垂直的axis /'æksis/ n.轴;轴线Unit 2detect /di'tekt/ vt.侦查;探测;检定Bahmad 巴姆德jogger n.跑步锻炼的人;慢跑者forensic /fə'rensik/ adj.法庭的;法医学的spray /sprei/ vt.喷射;喷溅fingerprint /'fiŋgəprint/ n.指纹;手印stain /stein/ n.污点;污处wrap /ræp/ vt.包;裹bind /baind/ vt.缚;绑torso /'tɔ:sou/ n.躯干Dempsey /'dempsi:/ 登普西surgeon /'sə:dʒən/ n.外科医生X-ray vt.照X光;照X射线abnormal /æb'nɔ:məl/ adj.不正常的;反常的;变态的Shipley 希普利emergency /i'mə:dʒənsi/ n.紧急情况;紧急事件by law 根据法律jury /'dʒuəri/ n.陪审团;评判委员会;陪审员imprisonment /im'priznmənt/ n.关押;监禁assessment n.评估;评价widow /'widəu/ n.寡妇compensate /'kɔmpenseit/ vt.补偿;赔偿;酬谢maximum /'mæksiməm/ n.adj.最大量(的);最大限度(的);极大(的) motive /'məutiv/ n.动机;目的savagely /'sævidʒli/ adv.野蛮地; 残酷地ward /wɔ:d/ n.病房;病室lame /leim/ adj.跛的;瘸的thriller /'θr ilə/ n.惊险读物(电影)confidential /'kɔnfi'denʃəl/ adj.秘密的;的ministry /'ministri/ n.(政府的)部门funeral /'fju:nərəl/ n.葬礼;丧礼memorial /mi'mɔ:riəl/ n.纪念物;纪念碑trend /trend/ n.趋势;趋向unemployment /'ʌnim'plɔimənt/ n.失业;失业状态taxpayer /'tæks'peiə/ n.纳税人import /im'pɔ:t' 'impɔ:t/ vt.n.输入;进口;引进aluminium n.铝surplus /'sə:pləs/ adj.过剩的;剩余的 n.剩余物;盈余Arthur Conan Doyle 亚瑟.柯南.道尔Jabez Wilson 杰贝兹.威尔逊Sherlock Holmes n.夏洛克.福尔摩斯[名侦探]flame /fleim/ n.火焰greengrocer /'gri:n'grəusə/ n.蔬菜水果商greengrocer's 蔬菜水果商店alley /'æli/ n.小巷,胡同remark /ri'mɑ:k/vt.vi.说;谈论;评论make of sth/sb 了解;理解candidate /'kændidit/ n.应试者;候选人;候补者furnish /'fə:niʃ/ vt.设;布置expel /iks'pel/ vt.开除;赶出allowance /ə'lauəns/ n津贴;补助every so often 偶时;时常peculiar /pi'kju:ljə/ adj.古怪的;奇特的;特殊的;罕见的Unit 3strategy /'strætidʒi/ n.策略myth /miθ/n.神话;虚构的理念或故事harmony /'hɑ:məni/ n.和谐;融洽depressed /di'prest/ adj.沮丧的well-balanced adj.很平衡的;正常的;意识健全的prescription /pris'kripʃən/ n.药方;处方药cope /kəup/ vi.处理;对付;应付;克制cope with 应付;对付;克制let down 使…失望;辜负proportion /prə'pɔ:ʃən/ n.均衡;比例;比率fulfil /ful'fil/ vt.满足;实现;达到effective /i'fektiv/ adj.有效的agenda /ə'dʒendə/ n.议程(表)interval /'intəvəl/ n.间隔;间歇;幕间休息session /'seʃən/ n.一段(活动的)时间contradictory /kɔntrə'diktəri/ adj.矛盾的;同...相反的revise /ri'vaiz/ vt.复查;复习curriculum /kə'rikjuləm/ n.课程informal /in'fɔ:məl/ adj.非正式的;非正规的deadline /'dedlain/ n.最后时间;最后期限rigid /'ridʒid/ adj.刻板的;僵硬的;严格的subscribe /səb'skraib/ vi.vt.同意;赞同post-graduate adj.研究生的 n.研究生academy /ə'kædəmi/ n.高等专科院校;研究院;学术团体stead /sted/ n. 代替;用处;好处stand sb in good stead [/ 对某人很有用employer /im'plɔiə/ n.雇主;老板diploma /di'pləumə/ n.文凭;毕业证书format /'fɔ:mæt/ n.设计;安排glory /'glɔ:ri/ vi.自豪;得意glory /'glɔ:ri/ n.以...光荣forgetful /fə'getful/ adj.健忘的administration /əd'minis'treiʃən/ n.管理;行政管理choir /'kwaiə/ n.合唱团postcode /'pəust'kəud/ n.邮政编码;withdraw /wið'drɔ:/ vt.vi.收回;撤退;变得沉默寡言;冷漠;冷淡sake /seik/ n.目的;利益for one's own sake 为了...的缘故pursuit /pə'sju:t/ n.寻求;追求pursue /pə'sju:/ vt.寻求;追求;不断努力以取得pedicab /'pedikæb/ n.(人力)三轮车sleep rough 露宿feed on 从...中得到滋养或满足philosophical /'filə'sɔfikəl/ adj.哲学上的socialism /'səuʃəlizəm/ n.社会主义receipt /ri'si:t/ n.承受;收到;收据;收条outweigh /aut'wei/ vt.比...更重要;胜过ensure /in'ʃuə/ vt.确保;保证reproach /ri'prəutʃ/ n.责备;责骂jealousy /'dʒeləsi/ n.妒忌;羡慕cease /si:s/ vt.完毕;停息;终止cease to be 不再是count up 把…加起来reinforce /'ri:in'fɔ:s/ vt.增强;补充Unit 4Odysseus /ə'disju:s/ n.奥德修斯TrojanIthaca /'iθəkə/ n. 伊萨卡岛Telemachus /tə'leməkəs/ 忒勒玛科斯split /split/ vt.vi.分开;别离violate /'vaiəleit/ vt.违犯;违反;破坏temporary /'tempərəri/ adj.暂时的;临时的;一时的Penelope /pə'neləpi/ n.Odysseus的妻子statesman /'steitsmən/ n.政治家;国务活动家statesmanlike adj.有政治家才干和风度的unconditional /ʌnkən'diʃənl/ adj.无条件的;无限制的;绝对的Cyclops /'saiklɔps/ n.赛克罗波斯scar /skɑ:/n.疤;伤疤;创伤howl /haul/ v.嚎叫;呼号;咆哮merciful /'mə:siful/ adj.仁慈的;宽大的;宽容的at the crack of dawn 黎明;大清早quick as a flash 立刻,马上;一刹那hatch /hætʃ/ vt.vi.孵化;出壳whistle /'wisl/ n.口哨;哨子heel /hi:l/ n.脚后跟;踵a wolf in sheep's clothing [/ n.披着羊皮的狼;伪装友好的敌人pint /paint/ n.品脱dead to the world 熟睡的;完全失去知觉的socket /'sɔkit/ n.孔;洞;眼窝stagger /'stægə/ vi.蹒跚;摇晃;踉跄agony /'ægəni/ n.极度的痛苦belly /'beli/ n.腹部wrestle /'resl/ v.与...搏斗;把...摔倒Circe /'sə:si/ n.瑟茜marble /'mɑ:bl/n.石arch /ɑ:tʃ/ n.拱门coarse /kɔ:s/ adj.粗糙的;鲁莽的pillow /'piləu/ n.枕头quilt /kwilt/ n.被褥;被子trough /trɔ:f/ n.饲料槽slice /slais/ n.片;薄片wear off 逐渐消失;磨灭;损耗saucer /'sɔ:sə/ n.茶托;茶杯碟;碟状物circus /'sə:kəs/ n.马戏团;马戏表演freeway /'fri:'wei/ n.高速公路plug /plʌg/ n.电插头;插销hydrogen /'haidridʒən/ n.氢clay /klei/ n.黏土;泥土moustache /məs'tɑ:ʃ/ n.(嘴唇上面的)胡子mustard /'mʌstəd/ n.芥末Theseus /'θi:sju:s/n.忒修斯enlarge /in'lɑ:dʒ/ vt.增大;扩大tournament /'tuənəmənt/ n.联赛;锦标赛;比赛fist /fist/ n.拳头combat /'kɔmbæt/ n.斗争;战斗;争斗walnut /'wɔ:lnət/ n.核桃;胡桃transparent /træns'pɛərənt/ adj.透明的;显然的;一目了然的transparently adv.显然地;清楚地tug /tʌg/ vi.vt.用力拉或拖dismay /dis'mei/ vt.使沮丧;使灰心pulse /pʌls/ n.脉搏zoom /zu:m/ vi.飞驰;飞快地掠过zoom in on 推近;聚焦于insignificant /'insig'nifikənt/ adj.无关紧要的;无用的Sinis 西尼斯Procrustes /prə'krʌsti:z/ n.普罗克拉斯提斯(古代希腊的强盗) Crete /kri:t/ n.克里特岛(在地中部的希腊岛屿)fleece /fli:s/ n.羊毛Perseus /'pə:sju:s/ n.珀尔修斯Unit 5vice versa adv. 反之亦然(be) faced with 面临scholarship /'skɔləʃip/ n.奖学金in disbelief 不相信;怀疑drop into 偶然进入;顺便拜访unsettling /'ʌn'setliŋ/ adj.使人不安的;混乱的dozens of 许多的now and again 不时地;有时expectantly adv.预期地;期望地;期待地suck /sʌk/ vt.吸;吮co-operate vi.合作hand out 拿出来;分发preference /'prefərəns/ n.偏爱;优先选择pleasurable /'pleʒərəbl/ adj.愉快的;快乐的;高兴的anticipation /æn'tisi'peiʃən/ n.预期;预想;期待intellectual /'inti'lektjuəl/ adj.智力的;有智力的arithmetic /ə'riθmətik/ n.算术学;算术algebra /'ældʒibrə/ n.代数;代数学interpersonal /intə'pə:sənl/ adj.人际的;人与人之间的complex /'kɔmpleks/ adj.复杂的agro-scientific adj.农业科学的core /kɔ:/ n.中心;核心drop in 顺便走访recommendation /'rekəmen'deiʃən/ n.推荐信;介绍;介绍信call on 拜访composer /kəm'pəuzə/ n.作曲家mathematician /mæθəmə'tiʃən/ n.数学家stewardess /'stju:ədis/ n.女乘务员diplomat /'dipləmæt/ n.外交家;外交官embassy /'embəsi/ n.使馆人员;大使馆referee /'refə'ri:/ n.介绍人;裁判brake /breik/ n.制动装置;刹车swerve /swə:v/ vt.突然转向;突然离开正路missile /'misail/ n.导弹;飞弹bishop /'biʃəp/ n.主教circuit /'sə:kit/ n.环行道路go on circuit 巡回razor /'reizə/ n.剃刀;剃须刀shaver n.剃须刀;电动剃须刀oval /'əuvəl/ adj.卵形的;椭圆的orbit /'ɔ:bit/ n.轨道substance /'sʌbstəns/ n.物质curriculum vitae履历;简历nickname /'nikneim/ n.绰号;诨名presentational /'prezen'teiʃənəl/ adj.表达的;描述性的fabulous /'fæbjuləs/ adj.巨大的;绝妙;精彩IELTS abbr.国际英语测试,雅思考试accountancy /ə'kauntənsi/ n.会计工作;会计职务function /'fʌŋkʃən/ n.功能;作用;职责;职能bureaucratic /bju:rə'krætik/ adj.官僚的;官僚般的ethos /'i:θɔs/ n.气质、道德观、思想或信仰minefield n.布雷区unwaryautobiography /ɔ:təbai'ɔgrəfi/ n.自传build on建立于prosperousto tell you the truth老实说tempt/tempt/ vt.诱惑;引诱appendix/ə'pendiks/ n.附录;附言roundabout/'raundəbaut/ adj.迂回的;委婉的。
演漏市慢寨学校高考英语一轮复习 第一 Module 1 Basketball7高三7英语试题
![演漏市慢寨学校高考英语一轮复习 第一 Module 1 Basketball7高三7英语试题](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/c31be60ccd1755270722192e453610661ed95abc.png)
漫滴州演漏市慢寨学校Module 1 BasketballⅠ.情景默写1.Susan works hard and I think she deserves(值得) to be well paid.2.Whoever commits(犯) a crime must be punished whatever his position is.3.In order to confirm(确认) the data collected in the first report,a second study was performed in 2017.4.Attention was focused on what was needed to obtain(获得) the required answer.5.He was not a talented(天才的) speaker,but he had a gift for mechanics.6.The man was badly wounded and needed an immediate(立即的) treatment.7.He was a good student and scored above average(平均) in most subjects.8.I can’t receive your phone call at 8 o’clock tomorrow,because I will be attending(参加) the meeting.9.Those who make mistakes deserve(应得) to be punished.10.The stronger the motivation(动力) is,the more quickly a person will learn a foreign language.11.There are various(各种各样的) ways to solve the problem.12.The problem is not as complicated(复杂的)as you imagine.13.The writer was so absorbed(精神集中的) in her work that she didn’t notice him enter the room.14.Mr.Sun was appointed(任命) as headmaster of the school at the beginning of the school year.15.Li Gang was required to apologise(道歉) to the people present at the meeting for what he had done.16.After all,the doctor-patient relationship is based on(以……为基础)trust,and thereforehonesty is essential.17.The purpose of the article is to draw people’s attention to(吸引人们对……的关注)the problem.18.It is difficult for the old to get used to(习惯于)another country’s customs.19.He doesn’t want to be rude to(对……粗鲁)her.He wants to avoid hurting her feelings.20.It is not a good idea to have the machine running all the time(一直).Ⅱ.词性转换1.Kelly wrote a letter to Kim to apologise(apology) for his calling her nickname,but Kim didn’t accept his apology.2.The firemen drove to the big fire immediately they received the call,and after arriving at the spot,they started working immediately.Now,their immediate concern was to stop the fire from spreading.(immediate)3.Xiao Li made an appointment with the manager and arrived at the appointed ter,he was appointed as his sole agent.(appoint)4.John is very reliable(rely)—if he promises to do something he will do it,so you can rely on him to help you when you are in trouble.5.Considering his young age,it is quite considerate of him to consider other people before makinga decision.(consider)6.Kate is a talented(talent) singer.She showed talent for singing when she was young.1.句型公式:the+序数词(+名词)+to do(作定语)约翰逊据说是今年你们大学晋级教授的第一位年轻教师。
高考英语复习备考:高考英语核心词汇(涵盖近十年试题高频词汇)高考英语核心词汇A部分1. acknowledge 承认,感谢51. ashamed 害羞的2. ambition 抱负,野心52. adjust 调整3. apologize 道歉53. attack 攻击4. actively 积极地,主动地54. attract 吸引5. academic 学术的55. abandon 放弃6. appropriate 合理的56. affection 感情57. aggressive 有7. adopt 收养,采取侵略性的58. authentically确8. accustomed 习惯的实地,真正地59. attend 参加,照9. accumulate 积累料10. absorb吸收,消化60. adult 成年人61. annoying 令人11. absence 缺席恼怒的62. application 申12. actually 事实上请,应用程序63. artificial 人13. awful 糟糕的造的14. awkward 令人尴尬的,难对付的,笨拙的64. appearance 出65. approach 接近;途15. accommodation 住所径,方法66. available 可得16. attractive 有吸引力的到的,可利用的67. athletic 运动17. avoid避免的,运动员的18. apply申请,应用68. accompany 陪伴19. abstract抽象的69. acquire 获得70. adapt 适应,改20. abundant充足的编71. acceptable 可21. anxiety焦虑接受的22. anxious焦虑的72. annual 每年的73. approve 批准,23. accessible可接近的,可达到的同意24. almost几乎,差不多74. arrest 逮捕75. astonishmen25. attention 注意t 惊讶76. afford 支付得26. attraction吸引起27. appointment约定77. affair 事情28. accurately精确地78. amused 愉快的,29. admirable令人尊敬的79. audience 观众30. alarm警告80. admire 钦佩81. appreciate 欣31. automatically自动的赏,感激,意识到32. adjust调整、以适应82. apartment 公寓83. atmosphere 气33. astonished惊讶的氛34. abuse滥用,妄用84. assume 假设35. ability 能力85. adventure 冒险86. accidentall36. acceptable 接受的y 意外地,偶然地87. absolutely 绝37. accelerate加快,增速对地38. awareness 察觉,意识,注意88. average 平均的39. afford承担得起89. attempt 试图90. advocate 提倡,40. affect影响拥护41. access 通道入口接通91. attend to 专注92. anxiously 焦虑42. allocate分配分派的43. alternatively代替的,可供选择的(两者93. attach 粘贴选一,要不然)94. amusingly 有趣44. absolutely当然,明显地地45. admit承认95. assist 帮助46. addict 使沉醉,入迷的,上瘾的96. attempt 尝试97. acquaint 认识;熟47. apparently 显而易见的悉48. analyse 分析98. affect 影响99. attentive 注意49. appeal 呼吁,吸引的,周到的50. arrange 安排B 部分11. briefly简短地,1. bright 明亮的简而言之2. badly糟糕地12. benefit有利的13. block 街区阻3. beneficial 有益的碍妨碍4. bravery 勇敢14. burden 负担5. basically 基本的15. bring about造成16. be aware of 意6. be filled with 充满识到17. be fond of 喜7. be pleased with 对.....感到满意欢18. be worthy o8. be equipped with 配备有......f 值得19. brilliant 杰出9. betray 背叛的,才华横溢的10. break in 闯进,打断20. budget 预算C部分1. consequently 因此,所以46. competition竞争47. completely 完2. occasion 场合全地3. consume 消费,消耗48. career事业4. command 命令49. check 检查50. conclusion 结5. cultivate 培养论51. competent 有能6. complexity 复杂力的52. creative 有创7. contribution 贡献造力的53. classificatio 8. catch up with 追赶上n 分类54. cultural 文化9. come up with 想出的55. certainly 肯定10. consult 咨询地,当然11. curious 好奇的56. contract 合同12. congratulate 祝贺57. cruel 残忍的58. comfortable 舒13. challenge 挑战服的,舒适的59. complicated 复14. convince 使确信,说服杂的15. confuse 使迷惑,使混淆60. control控制16. clumsy 笨拙的61. compromise妥协62. common共同的,普17. constant 连续的遍的18. concern 关心,担心63. conclude总结19. confirm 证实;批准64. copy拷贝65. consequent作为20. considerable 相当多的,可观的结果的,随之发生的66. contemporary当21. characteristic 特征,特性代的67. consistent一致22. concentrate 集中的,符合的23. comment 评论68. clarify分类69. character性格,24. contain 包含角色70. carelessly粗心25. cause 原因地26. casual随意的71. cheat欺骗72. conduct引导,管27. convenient方便的理73. conscious注意到28. controversially 争议的的,蓄意的29. comfort 安逸的,舒适,安慰74. courage勇气75. corrupt堕落的,30. certain 某一个,确定的腐败的31. consequence结果76. overcome克服77. compulsory强制32. coincidence巧合的,必须的33. critics 批评78. curiosity好奇心79. convincing肯定34. charge 掌管,收费,控诉的80. correctly 正确35. conclude 总结地36. commit 犯罪81. conflict 冲突37. conventional 传统的82. concept 概念83. crash 撞碎,坠38. complain 抱怨毁84. countless 数不39. capture 夺取尽的40. commitment 承诺85. consistently 一贯地,一致地86. ceremony 典礼,41. considerate 考虑周到的,体贴的仪式87. comfortable 舒42. curiosity好奇心服的,舒适的43. come over顺便来访88. charity慈善89. cautiously 谨44. cooperation 合作慎地45. confident 自信的90. credit信用,学分91. cautious 小心的D部分1. doubtful怀疑的24. defeat打败25. decline下降,减2. disturbance 打扰少,衰退3. deliberately 故意地26. departure离开27. deliberately敌4. desire 愿望对地5. depressed 沮丧的,萧条的28. defence防御29. delicate 微妙6. drop 掉下,(水)滴的30. distribute 分7. determination 决心配8. dismiss 解雇31. defend 防御9. donate 捐赠32. deserve 值得33. dilemma 进退两10. dependent 依赖的难11. decorate 装饰34. devote 致力于12. demonstrate 证明,演示,显示35. deny 否认13. declare 宣布,声明36. defeat 打败14. delighted 高兴的37. depart离开38. discourage 使15. deny 否认气馁,使沮丧16. diligent 勤奋的39. dignity 尊重17. destroy 毁坏40. doubt 怀疑18. develop 发展41. describe 描述19. disappear消失42. disease 疾病43. desperate 绝望20. description描述的44. display 显示,21. distinguish 区分陈列45. definitely 明22. demand要求确地,肯定地46. demanding 要求23. differ不同高的E部分20. expression 表1. evident 明显的达,表情21. expect 期待,预2. establish 建设计22. experience 经3. employment 就业,雇用验,经历23. environmen4. entertainment 娱乐t 环境24. essential必要5. economic 经济的,合算的的,本质的6. examination 考试,检查25. express表达7. expectation 期待26. equally 平等地8. ensure 确保27. edit编辑9. emphasize 强调28. express表达29. especially尤其10. effective 有效的地30. emotional情感上11. exchange 交换的12. evaluate 评价,估价31. explanation解释13. exhausted 筋疲力尽的32. emotion心情14. elegant 优雅的33. effort 努力15. expose 暴露34. expense 开支16. embarrassed 尴尬的35. eager 渴望17. eventually 最后36. energy 精力18. enthusiasm 热情37. existence存在19. entrance 入口F部分15. figure out 算1. frequent频繁的出,想出2. fierce凶猛的16. faint 头晕的17. frightened 害3. fluent流利的怕的4. fancy想象18. function 功能19. fortunately 幸5. fun有趣,快乐运地20. favour喜爱,帮6. formal 正式的助,恩惠21. fruitless 没有7. force 强迫收获的8. fundamental 基础的22. fail 失败23. fascinate 吸引9. fulfill 履行(诺言),执行(命令)人的10. flexible 灵活的24. feared 害怕的11. financial 金融的25. funeral 葬礼26. firmly 稳固的,12. forgiveness 原谅牢固的13. frequently 频繁地27. feature特征14. faithful 忠实的,忠诚的G部分9. generally 一般1. guilt 犯罪来说2. gradually逐渐地10. garment 衣服11. grasp 抓住,理3. gesture手势,姿势解4. growth成长12. gesture 姿势13. graduate毕业,毕5. grateful 感激的业生6. gratitude 感激14. guarantee 保证15. get rid of 消7. generosity慷慨的除,摆脱16. generous 慷慨8. guard守卫的,大方的H部分1. horror 恐惧8. hit轰动一时的2. harmony 和谐9. hesitate犹豫10. hesitation 犹3. hold up 举起,支撑豫11. honorable 值得4. hopefully希望尊敬的5. harm有害,伤害12. hardly几乎不6. hold 坚持,握住13. honor 荣耀7. hobby爱好I部分1. income 收入,薪水23. innocent无辜的24. immediately立即2. inform告诉通知地3. instantly片刻,立刻地25. invest 投资26. intention 意4. inquire询问图,目的27. in advanc5. indicate暗示e 提前28. impression 印6. inspect视察,检查象29. in spite o7. inspire 激发,鼓舞f 不管30. in view of 根8. imitate 模仿据9. involve 包含,使参与31. in case 万一10. independence 独立32. insist 坚持11. in other words换句话说33. identify 鉴定,34. intelligent 智12. invisible 看不见的能的,聪明的35. independent 独13. instruction 说明立的36. instruction 教14. interrupt 打扰导,说明37. inefficient 效15. in honor of 纪念率低的38. isolation 隔16. instead代替离,孤立39. imaginary 想象17. imply暗示力丰富的40. interactive 相18. in vain徒劳,白费互的,互动的19. identity身份41. incident 事件42. in particula 20. indeed事实上r 尤其21. influence影响43. image 形象44. in reality 事22. initially起初的实上J部分K部分1. justice 公正 1. keep up with 跟L部分5. leave for 离开1. lead引导去到6. lean against 靠2. long for 渴望着3. limit限制7. link联系4. loyalty 忠实M部分11. merciful 可怜1. manage 管理,成功做成的2. magnificent 壮丽的12. mild温顺的3. mercy 怜悯13. match匹配4. modify 修改14. meanwhile 同时5. memorable 值得纪念的15. mostly大多数的6. meaningful 有意义的16. mature 成熟的17. measure策略,措7. moderate 中等的,适度的施8. method 方法18. messy 乱的19. march 行军,前9. misunderstand 误解进10. modern 现代的20. manufacture 制造,制造业N部分1. negative 消极的,否定的7. notice注意8. nearly几乎,差不2. nonsense 废话,荒谬的多3. normally正常地9. narrow狭窄的4. now that 因为10. nervous 紧张的5. negotiate 协商11. neglect 忽视6. necessarily需要地O部分1. obtain 获得11. owe感激,归功于12. other than 除2. on the contrary 相反了13. on behalf o3. on the whole 整体上f 代表4. overlook 忽视14. offer提供15. operation手术,5. occasionally 偶尔地操作16. observe 观察,6. obvious 明显的遵守,庆祝17. outstanding 出7. original 原始的,起初的色的8. object 反对18. opinion意见9. optimistic 乐观的19. ordinary普通的10. occupy 占据P部分37. possession 财1. permanent永恒的产38. precious 珍贵2. preferably更好地的39. puzzled 感到迷3. prove 证明惑的40. put up with 忍4. pattern类型受41. practical 实际5. promote 晋升,提升的,实用的42. pick up 拾起,6. privilege优先权学会,接7. performance表演,演出43. pioneer 先锋44. plain 平的,朴8. provide提供素的,简单的45. phenomenon 现9. primitive原始的象10. permission允许46. predict 预测11. priority优先权47. privately 私人地48. permanent 永久12. partly部分的的13. primary重要的,起初的49. principle 原则50. prohibit 禁止,14. pressure压力阻止51. preserve 保护,15. presence在场,出现保存52. professiona16. properly合适的l 职业的,专业的17. patience耐心53. possess 拥有54. possibility 可18. pessimistic悲观的能性55. physical 身体19. package包装,包裹的,物理的56. particularl20. point要点,关键之处y 尤其,特别57. purpose 目的,21. push aside排挤,不管意图58. previous 先前22. praise 赞扬的,早先的59. promising 有前23. particular 特殊的途的60. profitable 有24. priceless 无价的利可图的61. promote 促进,25. permit允许提升62. poisonous 有毒26. profession 职业,专业的27. probably大概63. pleased 满意的64. patient 有耐心28. participate 参加的65. perform 表演,29. presence 出席执行66. probably 可能30. protection 保护地31. purchase 购买67. pretend 假装32. prejudice 偏见68. prepare 准备33. persistent 坚持不懈的69. public公众的34. prosperously 繁荣的70. privilege 优先35. potential 潜在的,潜能71. program 节目72. precise 精确36. punish 惩罚的,精准的Q部分1. question 质问 3. quit停止2. quarrel 争吵 4. quality 质量,品质R部分1. remain 留下,保持30. root根,起源31. respectable 尊2. reluctant 勉强的,不愿意的重的32. rarely很少的,稀3. relatively 相对的,比较的少的4. relief 安慰,减轻33. rank地位,等级34. regard as认为5. replace 代替把.....当作6. restore 恢复35. rate比率7. roughly 粗略地36. risk风险,冒险8. realize 意识到37. refusal 拒绝38. responsibility 9. review 复习,评论责任10. roll 滚39. require要求11. regularly 规则地,规律地40. request请求12. reaction 反应41. react反应13. recall 回想起42. reward回报值得14. recite 背诵43. review回顾15. random 随机的44. remind提醒16. resist 抵制45. release释放17. reputation名誉46. regulation规则47. represent代表、18. repay 偿还,报答象征19. recognize 认出,认可48. respect尊重20. reflection 反射,沉思,映象49. regret后悔21. responsible 有责任的50. remove移除51. regardless o22. relationship 关系f 不管23. rewarding 回报的52. reject拒绝53. recruit新兵,新学24. receipt 收据员;招聘25. recognize 辨认出54. reserve 保护区55. routine常规;日常26. ridiculous 荒谬的的27. regard as 把....作为56. restrict限制57. refund归还,偿还28. recommend 推荐额,退款29. reliable 可靠的S部分1. similarly 同样地,相识的43. swiftly迅速的44. spare空闲的,抽2. severe严重的空3. somehow不知怎么地,以某种方式45. supply提供46. sufficient充足4. salary 收入薪水的5. smartly聪明机灵的47. source资源6. suspicious 怀疑的48. save节约,拯救7. slightly 轻微地49. sense感觉8. stubborn 固执的50. support支持51. serious严重的,9. settle down 定居,安定下来严肃的10. share 分享,共有52. specially尤其的11. spotless 无暇的53. sight风景12. stressful 有压力的54. sweep打扫55. sympathetic同情13. spiritual 精神的,心灵的的56. solid固体的,固14. situation 情况,处境态的57. suitable合适的,15. stable稳定的舒适的16. strengthen 加强58. share分享17. suspect 怀疑59. specific具体的18. somehow 不知怎么地60. symbol象征,标志19. sincerely 真诚地61. submit提交,屈服20. secondary 次要的62. simple 简单的21. show off 炫耀63. sensible敏感的22. sensitive 敏感的64. stupid愚蠢的23. guidance 指导65. switch变化24. sharpen 使锋利66. strict严格的67. satisfaction满25. sample 样本足26. somewhat 稍微,有点68. state状态,陈述27. standard 标准69. statement陈述28. steady 稳定的70. suitable合适地71. spirit 精神心29. system 系统灵30. skeptical 怀疑的72. sorrow 悲伤的73. set aside 放31. seize 抓住到...边;为...节省32. smooth 平稳的74. status 身份;雕像33. suspension 暂停75. style 风格76. separate 单独34. stick to 坚持的,分开的35. shadow 阴影77. sacrifice 牺牲36. spread 传播78. symbolize 象征37. set apart 分开79. set up 建立80. straight 直接38. significant有意义的的39. sponsor提倡者,赞助商81. stabilize 稳定40. solution 解决(办法)82. sympathy 同情41. struggle 挣扎,奋斗83. scared 害怕的42. shrink 缩水T部分1. tough 艰难的18. transform改变19. thoroughly完全2. terrify 使害怕地、彻底地3. terrible 可怕的,糟糕的20. thrill 激动的4. technology 技术21. tremble 颤抖5. tragedy 悲剧22. tough坚韧的23. take up占据,开6. trick 欺骗,把戏始从事7. treasure 珍惜,宝藏24. theory 理论8. theme主题25. tolerate 忍受26. turn out 结果9. temporary临时的,当代的是,证明是10. typically典型地27. target 目标28. thought 想法,11. traditional传统的思想12. trouble麻烦29. temporary临时的30. thankfully 幸13. threaten 威胁运地31. talented 有天14. track 轨迹赋的15. trap 陷阱,困住32. treat对待33. tiresome 令人16. tight牢的,紧的生厌的,无聊的17. trap诱骗,陷阱34. take over 接管U部分1. unique 独一无二的7. unfair 不公平的8. unconscious 无2. undeserved 不应得的意识的9. underline下划线3. undoubtedly 毫无疑问地的10. undertake担任,4. unbearable 不能忍受的着手,开始5. urge 急促,催促11. update更新6. urgent 急促的V部分6. vividly 生动地,1. voluntarily 自愿地逼真地,鲜明地活泼地2. various 各种各样的7. value 价值,重视8. varied 多变的,3. vague模糊的,不清楚的各种各样的4. valueless 没有价值的9. valuable有价值的5. virtually事实上W部分1. wealth财富 6. wonder 想知道7. willingly 愿意2. withdraw取回地3. wisdom智慧8. wander 闲逛4. worthy值得的9. wag 拽5. witness 目击。
专题2.2 The Olympic Games【学以致用】一、重点词汇细解1.compete vi. 比赛;竞争(教材原句)How many countries competed in the ancient Olympic Games?有多少国家参加古代奥运会?【归纳拓展】①compete for 为……而竞争compete in 参加比赛compete to do sth. 竞争做某事compete with/against 与……竞争②competition n. 竞争 attend a competition 参加竞赛competitor n. 参赛者competitive adj. 竞争的;有竞争性的(1)Runners from many countries are the international prize.来自许多国家的赛跑运动员正在为获得这项国际奖而竞争。
(2)The firm is too small to large international companies.这个公司太小,不能与跨国大公司竞争。
(3)There is now intense (compete) between schools to attract students.现在学校之间为了招揽学生展开了激烈竞争。
【语境助记】As the youngest competitor,I had to compete in the writing contest against/with 20 other top students for the writing award.I must be very competitive to be the winner.作为最年轻的比赛者,我必须和另外20个顶尖的学生在写作比赛中竞争以获得这次写作奖。
2.admit vt.&vi. (admitted; admitted) 容许;承认;接纳(教材原句)Only athletes who have reached the agreed standard for their event will be admittedas competitors.只有达到他们各自项目统一标准的运动员才会被接受参加奥运会。
例:peacock 孔雀pea 豌豆cock 公鸡enterprise 企业enter 表进入praise 表扬beam 衡量,平衡木be - amfreshman 大学一年级学生fresh 新鲜man 人income 收入in 在什么里面come 来2、换顺序法a、把字母顺序变化位置组成熟悉的单词;b、重组后单词的意思要和原文有一定的关联;例:awl 钻,钻研law 法律evil 犯罪live 生活funeral 葬礼fun (有趣的) - earl - real (真正的,真实的)reed 芦苇deer 鹿提示:各种方法可以结合使用。
例:roast 烤,烧烤coast 海滩worm 小虫子warm 温暖的merry 愉快的,惬意的marry 结婚4、加减字母法a、加或减字母组成认识的单词;b、重组的单词意思与生词有联系;例:coast 海滩coat 衣服,外套launch 发射lunch 午饭pace 步骤,脚步peace 和平总结以上四种方法的核心思想将生词通过各种方式联系到学过的熟悉单词5、谐音法外来词例:motor摩托车model模特clone 克隆Disney 迪斯尼heroin 海洛因shopping 购物,血拼pest 昆虫,小虫子envelop 信封6、构词法根据前后缀的意思,猜出单词的含义词根:词头和词尾词头anti 反,相反的,反对的anti-American 反美的antifreeze 防冻剂ex 在什么以前ex-president 前总统ex-girl friend 前女友bi 双,两个bilingual 双语的biweekly 每两周一次tele 遥远telephone 电话telescope 望远镜telegraph 电报词尾icide 杀害suicide 自杀pesticide 杀虫剂ism 表示什么主义socialism 社会主义cs 表示学科physics 物理学politics 政治学7、拟态法例:loom 织布机拟态法的特点:1)优点:如果可以找到联系,可以很快记住单词;2)缺点:适用范围小;背单词的技巧之二:不断的重复背诵单词流程1、读单词,读七遍2、琢磨记忆单词的方法3、按照步骤2的方法,默记七遍4、用所记的生词造句记忆单词的周期以及时间安排以七天作为一个周期第一天:第一次记单词把时间安排到晚上;浏览200个左右;第二天:1)刚睡醒时,再看一遍昨晚浏览的单词;2)午饭前,看早上浏览的单词;3)睡觉前,看200个新单词;第三天:1)刚睡醒时,再看一遍昨晚浏览的单词;2)午饭前,看早上浏览的单词;3)睡觉前,浏览一二天看的400个单词;第四天、第五天、第六天重复前三天的过程,记忆了400个新单词;第七天:重复复习前六天学过的800个单词。
2021版《三维设计》高考英语(外研版)大一轮复习教师用书:选修七 Word版含答案
![2021版《三维设计》高考英语(外研版)大一轮复习教师用书:选修七 Word版含答案](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/6fc5f5629a6648d7c1c708a1284ac850ad02044d.png)
Module 1BasketballⅠ.单词—在语境中默写,在联想中积累[写得准][用得活][积得多]1.attend v.上(学);出席2.deserve v. 应得;值得3.outstanding adj. 杰出的;优秀的;精彩的4.generation n. 一代人5.adequate adj. 适当的,足够的6.absorb v. 消减,缓冲;吸取;使并入;理解7.defend v. 防守;为……辩护8.obtain v. 获得,得到9.confirm v. (通过供应证据)证明10.rely v.信任,依靠→reliable adj.牢靠的,可依靠的11.apologise v.赔礼,谢罪→apology n.赔礼12.appoint v.任命,委派→appointment n.约会,预约13. talented adj.有天资的→ talent n.天资;天赋;才能用所给词的适当形式填空1. Kelly wrote a letter toKim to apologise for hiscalling her nickname, butKim didn't accept hisapology.(apology)2.The firemen drove to thebig fire immediately theyreceived the call, and afterarriving at the spot, theystarted workingimmediately. Now, theirimmediate concern was tostop the fire fromspreading.(immediate)3.Xiao Li made anappointment with themanager and arrived at theappointed time. Later, hewas appointed as his soleagent.(appoint)1.“聪慧”形容词家族①talented有才能的②gifted 有天赋的③intelligent 聪慧的④brilliant 有才气的⑤bright 聪慧的⑥smart 聪慧的,机灵的⑦wise 明智的,英明的2.“负面心情”形容词集锦①upset担忧的②anxious 焦虑的③annoyed 恼火的;生气的④depressed 消沉的;懊丧的⑤frustrated 失意的;挫败的⑥pessimistic 悲观的14.various adj.各种各样的→varyv.变化;不同→variety n.种类15.immediate adj.马上的;即刻的→immediately ad v.马上;马上16.frustration n.挫折,绝望,失意→frustrate v.使灰心,使受挫→frustrated adj.受挫的,懊丧的→frustrating adj.使人不快的,令人懊丧的17.considerate adj.考虑周到的,爱护的→consider v t.考虑;认为→considerable adj.相当多的,相当大的→consideration n.考虑→considering prep.考虑到,鉴于4.John is very reliable — ifhe promises to do somethinghe will do it, so you canrely on him to help youwhen you are introuble.(rely)5.Considering his youngage, it is quite considerate ofhim to consider other peoplebefore making adecision.(consider)6.Kate is a talented singer.She showed talent forsinging when she wasyoung.(talent)⑦blue 懊丧的;悲观的⑧down 心情低落的3.盘点后缀-able形容词①considerable 相当多的②respectable 可敬的③adjustable 可调整的④reasonable 合理的⑤reliable 牢靠的⑥suitable 合适的⑦usable 可用的⑧fashionable 时尚的Ⅱ.短语—在应用中记牢,在归纳中记多[写得准][用得活][积得多]1.in_the_history_of在……历史上2.grow_up 成长,长大3.with_an_average_of 平均为……4.all_the_time 始终5.be_based_on 依据,以……为基础6.be_rude_to 对……粗鲁7.be/get_used_to 习惯于(某事物)8.draw_sb.'s_attention_to 引起某人留意(某事物)9.take_possession_of 占有,占据,拥有选用左栏短语填空1.After all, thedoctor-patient relationshipis_based_on trust, andtherefore honesty isessential.2.The purpose of the articleis todraw_people's_attention_to the problem.3.It is difficult for the old toget_used_to anothercountry's customs.4.He doesn't want tobe_rude_to her. He wantsto avoid hurting her1.“习惯于”短语荟萃①be/get/become used to②be/get/becomeaccustomed to③accustom oneself to2.grow短语清单①grow up成长,长大②grow up to be 成长为③grow into (渐渐)成长为④grow on sb. 使(某人)越来越宠爱⑤grow away from sb.10.if_necessary 假如有必要的话feelings.5.It is not a good idea tohave the machine runningall_the_time.渐渐疏远某人Ⅲ.句式—在解读中学懂,在仿写中学通[背原句][记句式][会仿用]1.In 1987, Jordan became only the second player to score more than 3,000 points in a season.在1987年,乔丹成为其次个在一个赛季得分超过3 000的选手。
第11课时(funeral ~harvest)
![第11课时(funeral ~harvest)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/82b890170740be1e650e9aca.png)
2016届高三英语核心词汇复习:第11课时(funeral ---harvest)I. 单词拼写1. We parked our car in an underground g 车库near the hotel.2. I feel really g 愧疚at forgetting her birthday again.3. After g 毕业from high school, Jayne went to engineering college.4. The fight started when one of the fans made a rude g 姿势at a player.5. My friend offered to pay my plane fare, which was very g 慷慨of him.6. The f (葬礼) will be held at St. Mar—tin’s Church.7. I helped him choose the f (家具) for his house.8.The boy likes eating h (汉堡包) in KFC.9. The g (政府) has promised to cut taxes.10.Of all the courses, we like g (地理) lessons best.II. 词形变化1.No pains, no (gain).2. (general) speaking, the more expensive the MP3 player is, the better it is.3.He is a (gift) musician.4.The chemicals are (harm) to the environment.5.The guilty man was (hang) for murder.6.As the weeks passed, I (gradual) accept—ed the idea of him leaving.7.Money is not the key to (happy).8.Vitamins are important for healthy (grow).9.I was looking forward to working under her ex—pert (guide).10.Ducks, (goose), chickens and also pigeons were kept on the farm.III. 单项选择1.—Do you understand?—Yeah, we’ve it.A. gotB. gainedC. graspedD. guessed.2.I missed a opportunity to become a millionaire.A. goldB. goldenC. handsomeD. generous3.As the weeks , I become more and more worried.A. went onB. went awayC. went byD. went out4.Don’t be hard Jack; after all, he’s a child.A. onB. toC. forD. with5.Some people find the idea of relativity difficult to . I can’t understand it, either.A. giveB. handleC. seizeD. grasp6.Regular exercise is a good habit for kids to .A. developB. breakC. becomeD. grasp7.Can you give me a ? I need some help.A. handB. gameC. harmonyD. gift8. it happens, I know someone who might be able to help you.A. WhenB. AsC. withD. Whatever9.Her confidence , and soon she was able to go out driving on her own.A. gainedB. grewC. greetedD. glared10.She had sat down when the phone rang.A. nearlyB. badlyC. generallyD. hardly1.Don’t worry about Henry —he’ll soon the problem.2.At the sad news, Sue tried to smile, but her voice her . 3.Although I disagreed, I had to to Dad —he’s usually right anyway. 4.The man his watch and told us the time.5.The ring was to her from her grandmother.6.He was leaflets to members of the audience.7.At the end of the telephone conversation, I said goodbye and . 8.That little girl a lovely young woman.9.Boys, what do you want to be when you ?10.I want to learn German but I don’t know the best way to it.V. 句子翻译1.这女孩对音乐有天赋。
英语分类识记 影视拓展系列---第九波- 高三英语一轮复习素材
![英语分类识记 影视拓展系列---第九波- 高三英语一轮复习素材](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/2692a3dd51e2524de518964bcf84b9d528ea2cc2.png)
文科类学习1人文学科终极分类词[pl]文科art [a:t]历史history ["hrstri]文化culture ['kAltJa(t)]外语foreign language ['foron][lengwrd3]法律law [lb:]翻译translation [trens'ler n]文学literature ['rtrat[o(r)]出版学publication [,pablt'ker[n]社会学sociology [saosi'olad3i]动画animation [enr'mer[n]教育学education [edu'kerjn]心理学psychology [sar'kolad3i]图书馆学library science ['larbrori] ['sarons]人文学科humanities [hju:'menatiz]书法calligraphy [ka'ligrafi]经典影视句It's fairly common for some things to get lost in translation.翻译时往往都会丢失含义。
——《迷失》The notion of secrecy is central to Western literature.西方文学的核心在于保密的观念。
——《朗读者》Well, they could monitor scientific publications and see if anyone posts such a cogent restatement in the next couple of months.他们可以监视科学刊物,看看有没有人在接下来几个月里发表一篇有力的重述。
- -—《生活大爆炸》From what I hear, they'vegot someone big to replace Martha for the psychology of business lecture.据我所知,他们找了个大人物来接替马莎进行这次商业心理讲座。
2018广州天河中学高考英语一轮复习重点词汇专项检测试题: 06 含答案
![2018广州天河中学高考英语一轮复习重点词汇专项检测试题: 06 含答案](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/5b553de6ec3a87c24028c4b9.png)
2018广州天河中学高考英语一轮复习重点词汇专项检测试题06字母f (1)I. 核心词汇1. He finally won his f ________ after twenty years in jail.2. Tomorrow will be my mother’s _________(五十)birthday.3. These poor children have to go out for food in _____(冰冻)weather.4. They met with a traffic accident during the ride. _________(幸运地), nobody was injured.5. Students in this school are ______(禁止)to carry mobile phones to the classroom.6. Her ________(手指) were cut when she was cutting meat last week.7. Please put some ________(柴火)on the fire, or it will go out.8. At the sound of the gun, all the birds in the tree f _______ away in all directions.II.熟词生义练习: 把下列句子译成汉语,注意黑体字的含义1. The fall of the river here is three feet.2. Does he have any family?3. She’s a very good woman; unkindness is foreign to her nature.4. He started getting fresh with the new secretary.III. 用方框中短语的适当形式填空1.She really ____ having a talk with him about his study at school.2. The drug problem is getting so widespread throughout the world that no countries can boast of _______it.3. We cannot ____why quite a number of insects, birds and animals are dying out.4. You should ____ your attention ____ your work.5. He left an hour early ______ missing the train.IV. 单项填空1.When we visited my old family home, memory came _____ back.A. floodingB. to floodC. floodD. flooded2. But for their help, we _______the program in time.A. can not finishB. will not finishC. had not finishedD. could not have finished3. At first he hated the new job but decided to give himself a few month to see _____ it got any better.A. whenB. howC. whyD. if4. You’d sound a lot more polite if you make a request _____ a question.A. in search ofB. in the form ofC. in need ofD. in the direction of5. Hearing the dog barking fiercely, away _______.A. fleeing the thiefB. was fleeing the thiefC. the thief was fleeingD. fled the thief6. Most air pollution is caused by the burning of ____ like coal, gas and oil.A. fuelsB. articlesC. goodsD. products7. The newly-designed shirt ____ me but the color ____ me well.A. doesn’t fit; fitsB. isn’t fit forC. doesn’t fit; suitsD. isn’t fit for; suits8. It is one of the funniest things ___ on the internet so far this year.A. findingB. being foundC. to findD. found9. This is the first time I ______really relaxed for months.A. feelB. have feltC. feltD. will have felt10. Some teenagers tend to be distracted by new things so that they cannot ___ on their study.A. absorbB. attractC. focusD. appeal字母f (2)I. 核心词汇1. The old lady’s f_______ was held at the local church.2. We shall be landing shortly and please f _______ your seat-belts.3. Buses run ___________(频繁)between the city and the airport.4. He was born on F_____________ 20, 1972.5. He made a___________(发财) in real estate.6. She looks _________(面熟)to me, but I don’t remember her name.7. They bought a lot of _________(家具) after they moved into their new flat.8. The People’s Republic of China was _________(建立)in 1949.II.熟词生义练习: 把下列句子译成汉语,注意黑体字的含义1. The show was far from being a failure; it was a great success.2. The driver paid a fifty-dollar fine for speeding.3. She’ll soon leave London for good.4. She had fair hair and skin.5. She signed the letter in good faith, not realizing its implications.III. 用方框中短语的适当形式填空1.He’s working hard for fear that he would ________________.2.I’ve often talked to him on the telephone, but I’ve never met him _________________.3.Mrs. Rumbold’s eyes were _________________the plate and in a short time she was busyeating.4.The man on the motorbike _________________ and hurt himself.5.Please _________________ when the ship sails for New York.IV. 单项填空1.He hated the war so much that he decided to leave the army _______.A. for longB. once in a whileC. for goodD. once upon atime2. The noise was so ____ that only those with excellent hearing were aware of it.A. dimB. softC. faintD. gentle3. –This doesn’t ____ me. Do you have a larger one? --Sorry, but the color is different. Does it ____ you?A. fit; suitB. suit; fitC. fit; fitD. suit; suit4. The government plans to bring in new laws ___ parents to take more responsibility for the education of their children.A. forcedB. forcingC. to be forcedD. having forced5. Amy joined a painting group but didn’t seem to ______, so she left.A. show offB. go upC. fit inD. come over6. The art show was ______being a failure; it was a great success.A. far fromB. along withC. next toD. regardless of7. –Hey, you haven’t been acting like yourself. Is everything OK? --__________.A. I’m fine, thanksB. Sure, it isC. That’s goodD. It’s OK8. ____ to reach them on the phone, we sent an email instead.A. FailB. FailedC. To failD. Having failed9. The children went home from the grammar school, their lessons ____ for the day.A. finishingB. finishedC. had finishedD. were finished10. We all know that, _____, the situation will get worse.A. not if dealt carefully withB. if not carefully dealt withC. if dealt not carefully withD. not if carefully dealt with参考答案F (1)I. 1. freedom 2. fiftieth 3. freezing 4. Fortunately 5. forbidden 6. fingers 7. firewood 8. flewII. 1. 这里河水落差为三英尺。
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(funeral ---harvest)
I. 单词拼写
1. We parked our car in an underground g near the hotel.
2. I feel really g at forgetting her birthday again.
3. After g from high school, Jayne went to engineering college.
4. The fight started when one of the fans made a rude g at a player.
5. My friend offered to pay my plane fare, which was very g of him.
6. The f (葬礼) will be held at St. Mar—tin’s Church.
7. I helped him choose the f (家具) for his house.
8.The boy likes eating h (汉堡包) in KFC.
9. The g (政府) has promised to cut taxes.
10.Of all the courses, we like g (地理) lessons best.
II. 词形变化
1.No pains, no (gain).
2. (general) speaking, the more expensive the MP3 player is, the better it is.
3.He is a (gift) musician.
4.The chemicals are (harm) to the environment.
5.The guilty man was (hang) for murder.
6.As the weeks passed, I (gradual) accept—ed the idea of him leaving.
7.Money is not the key to (happy).
8.Vitamins are important for healthy (grow).
9.I was looking forward to working under her ex—pert (guide).
10.Ducks, (goose), chickens and also pigeons were kept on the farm.
III. 单项选择
1.—Do you understand?
—Yeah, we’ve it.
A. got
B. gained
C. grasped
D. guessed.
2.I missed a opportunity to become a millionaire.
A. gold
B. golden
C. handsome
D. generous
3.As the weeks , I become more and more worried.
A. went on
B. went away
C. went by
D. went out
4.Don’t be hard Jack; after all, he’s a child.
A. on
B. to
C. for
D. with
5.Some people find the idea of relativity difficult to . I can’t understand it, either.
A. give
B. handle
C. seize
D. grasp
6.Regular exercise is a good habit for kids to .
A. develop
B. break
C. become
D. grasp
7.Can you give me a ? I need some help.
A. hand
B. game
C. harmony
D. gift
8. it happens, I know someone who might be able to help you.
A. When
B. As
C. with
D. Whatever
9.Her confidence , and soon she was able to go out driving on her own.
A. gained
B. grew
C. greeted
D. glared
10.She had sat down when the phone rang.
A. nearly
B. badly
C. generally
D. hardly
1.Don’t worry about Henry —he’ll soon the problem.
2.At the sad news, Sue tried to smile, but her voice her . 3.Although I disagreed, I had to to Dad —he’s usually right anyway. 4.The man his watch and told us the time.
5.The ring was to her from her grandmother.
6.He was leaflets to members of the audience.
7.At the end of the telephone conversation, I said goodbye and . 8.That little girl a lovely young woman.
9.Boys, what do you want to be when you ?
10.I want to learn German but I don’t know the best way to it.
V. 句子翻译
7.Jelf 养成了晚饭后散步的习惯。
8.Tom 准时交作业了吗?(hand)
I. 单词拼写
1. garage
2. guilty
3. graduation
4. gesture
5. generous
6. funeral
7. furniture
8. hamburgers
9. government 10.geography II. 词形变化
1. gains
2. Generally
3. gifted
4. harmful
5. hanged
6. gradually
7. happiness
8. growth
9. guidance 10. geese
III. 选择填空
1 – 5 ABCAD 6 – 10 AABBD
IV. 选词填空
1. get over
2. gave…away
3. give in
4. glanced at
5. handed down
6. handing out
7. hung up
8. grew into
9. grow up 10. go about V. 句子翻译
1.The girl has a gift for music.
2.He graduated from the school two years ago.
3.The child grasped his / her mother’s arm firmly.
4.Some people are greedy for money and power.
5.I guarantee that you’ll love the film.
6.He felt guilty about not visiting his parents often.
7.Jeff has been in the habit of taking a walk after dinner.
8.Did Tom hand in his homework on time?
9.I want to hang the picture by the door.
10.I happened to be out when you called.。