新人教版2018届高三英语暑假一轮复习基础知识自测课件book 6 Unit 5 The power of nature (共97张PPT)


2018高考英语一轮复习课件 选修6 Unit 3 精品

2018高考英语一轮复习课件 选修6 Unit 3 精品
a ban on/against…禁止……
【经典例句】 ►They signed agreements banning the use of chemical weapons. 他们签订了禁止使用化学武器的协议。 ►In some countries advertising alcoholic drinks or tobacco is banned together. 在有些国家,烟酒广告一律遭到禁止。 ►She was banned from competing for two years after failing a drug test. 她没有通过药检,被禁赛两年。 ►The beef export ban is likely to be lifted this year. 牛肉出口的禁令今年有可能被解除。 ►There is to be a total ban on smoking in the office. 在办公室吸烟将遭到全面禁止。
• 9a.uto_m_a_tic_a_ll_y ____ n.收回;撤退;戒毒(或脱
• 11.me_n_ta_l _______ adj.精神的;智力的
• →_m_en_t_al_ly______ adv.精神上;智力上 • →_ph_y_s_ic_al______ adj.(反义词)身体的,肉体
• 7.ad_d_ic_ti_on______ adj.入了迷的;上了瘾的
• →a_d_d_ic_ti_ve______ n.沉溺;嗜好

• 8.wit_hd_r_aw_a_l_____ vt.使习惯于
• →a_u_to_m_a_tic______ adj.惯常的;习惯了的

2018版高考英语人教通用大一轮复习课件:第一部分 选修六 unit 5 精品

2018版高考英语人教通用大一轮复习课件:第一部分 选修六 unit 5 精品
and went away. 3.The ages of the kids in the kindergarten ________ 2 years old
________ 5 years old. 4.After admiring the beautiful view,she ________________ the
答 案 1.panicked 2.actually 3.guaranteeing 4.suitable 5.Anxious 6.appointment 7.various 8.equipment
【联想·积累】 ❶“惊慌,恐慌”家族 ①panic vi.& vt.惊慌 n.惊慌;恐慌 ②alarm vt.使惊慌 n.惊恐,警报,警报器 ③scare v. 使惊恐,受惊吓 n.惊恐,惊吓 ④frighten vt.& vi.(使)惊恐 ⑤terrify vt.使恐怖,使惊吓,恐吓
8.In addition to their simple beauty , what makes the adobe dwellings admirable is their ability to “air condition” a house without using electric ________ (equip).(2015·全国Ⅱ,语法填空)
【联想·积累】 ❶only to do...作结果状语 ①only to do作结果状语,表示“不料……;结果(却)……”是
一个没有料到的、事与愿违的结果。 ②v.-ing分词短语做结果状语时,表示的结果为一种合乎自然
的、顺理成章的结果。 ❷“it’s+过去分词+that”小结 ①It is thought that...大家认为…… ②It is believed that...人们相信…… ③It is hoped that...人们希望…… ④It is well-known that...众所周知……

【步步高】高考英语大一轮复习 Book6 Unit 1 Art课件 新人教

【步步高】高考英语大一轮复习 Book6 Unit 1 Art课件 新人教

•11、凡为教者必期于达到不须教。对人以诚信,人不欺我;对事以诚信,事无不成。 •12、首先是教师品格的陶冶,行为的教育,然后才是专门知识和技能的训练。 •13、在教师手里操着幼年人的命运,便操着民族和人类的命运。2022/1/162022/1/16January 16, 2022 •14、孩子在快乐的时候,他学习任何东西都比较容易。 •15、纪律是集体的面貌,集体的声音,集体的动作,集体的表情,集体的信念。 •16、一个人所受的教育超过了自己的智力,这样的人才有学问。 •17、好奇是儿童的原始本性,感知会使儿童心灵升华,为其为了探究事物藏下本源。2022年1月2022/1/162022/1/162022/1/161/16/2022 •18、人自身有一种力量,用许多方式按照本人意愿控制和影响这种力量,一旦他这样做,就会影响到对他的教育和对他发生作用的环境。 2022/1/162022/1/16
重点单词 1.adopt vt.采纳;采用;收养
adoption n.采用;收养 adopted adj.收养的;领养的 adopt an idea采纳意见 adopt a(n) approach/policy/attitude采取方法/政策/态度
(1)She was forced to have her baby adopted . 她被迫把婴儿交给别人收养。
He drew scores of paintings,many of which are of great value.
5.许多艺术家认为他的绘画风格独一无二,值得研究。(be worth
Manles are unique and they are worth studying.
(2)I have adopted a new teaching method. 我已采用了一种新的教学方法。

高三英语一轮复习人教版选修6 unit3 A healthy life 单元复习课件

高三英语一轮复习人教版选修6 unit3 A healthy life 单元复习课件

5. __a_s_h_a_m__e_d__ adj. 感到惭愧或羞耻的 __s_h_a_m__e____ n. 羞耻; 惭愧; 遗憾的事情 __s_h_a_m__ef_u_l__ adj. 可耻的; 惭愧的 __sh__a_m_e_l_e_ss__ adj. 无耻的; 不知羞耻的
6. _s_t_re_s_s___ n. 压力; 重音 vt. 加压力于 _s_tr_e_s_s_fu_l_ adj. 产生压力的; 紧张的 _s_t_re_s_s_e_d_ adj. 感到有压力的; 紧张的
To quit smoking, you should be well-prepared and make 8 _a__list of all the benefits you may get after quitting. Developing some new 9 __h_a_b_it_s__(habit) like listening to music, reading novels or doing housework may distract your attention and help you to forget your need for a cigarette. But if you really feel bad, you should consult a doctor or chemist to get some professional help. Remember, if you keep trying, you 10 _w__il_l _s_u_c_c_e_e_d__(succeed) one day.
(a ccu st om )
2.Yester day I went to climb the mountain top to _b_r_e_at_h_e__ the

2018版高考英语全国用大一轮复习讲义课件book 6 Unit 1 精品

2018版高考英语全国用大一轮复习讲义课件book 6 Unit 1 精品
Book 6 Unit 1
晨背佳作 积累素材
1.abstract adj.抽象的 2.exhibition n.展览 3.style n.风格 4.traditional adj.传统的 5.typical adj.典型的;有代表性的 6.inspiration n.灵感;启发 7.art gallery画廊;美术馆 8.work of art艺术作品 9.under the influence of受……的影响 10.break away from脱离;放弃
19.allergic adj._过__敏__性__的__;__过__敏__的__ 20.exhibition n._展__览__;__陈__列__;__展__览__会_ 21.aggressive adj._敢__作__敢__为__的__;__侵__略__的__;__好__斗__的__ 22.avenue n._林__荫__道__;__道__路__;__大__街__ 23.preference n.喜__爱__;__偏__爱__
边讲边练 突破核心词汇 自主训练 突破常考词汇 点拨规律 突破经典句型
边讲 边练
aim n.目标;目的 vt.& vi.瞄准;(向某方向)努力;对准;目的在于
(1)More recently,the Paris Agreement,stuck by nearly 200 countries, also aims to limit global warming. 最近,接近200个国家遵守的《巴黎协议》,也旨在限制全球变暖。
Among the painters who broke away from the traditional style of painting were the Impressionists,who lived and worked in Paris. 在那些突破传统画法的画家中有生活和工作在法国巴黎的印象派画家。 仿写 地板上是一堆堆的书、杂志和报纸。 On the floor were piles of books,magazines and newspapers.

2018版高考英语全国用大一轮复习导学案课件Book6 Unit 2 精品

2018版高考英语全国用大一轮复习导学案课件Book6 Unit 2 精品
Book 6 Unit 2
晨背佳作 积累素材
话题词汇 1.poetry n.诗歌 2.poet n.诗人 3.rhyme n.韵脚;押韵 4.transform v.转化;改造 5.appropriate adj.适当的;正当的 6.be popular with受……欢迎 7.take one’s advice接受某人的建议 8.be made up of由……构成 9.give sb. a deep impression给某人一个深刻的印象 10.translate...into...把……翻译成……
Wendy是你的美国笔友,非常喜欢中国文化,故给你(张伟)写信想 了解唐诗。请你根据下列要点提示给她写一封回信,对唐诗加以介绍。
1.形式多样:有古体诗和近体诗。就字数来看基本上有五言和七言 两种;
2.题材广泛:反映社会状况,描绘祖国风景等; 3.著名诗人:……
佳作欣赏 Dear Wendy,
→One agent recommended a house particularly .
8. by chance 偶然,碰巧 (1)by accident 偶然;碰巧 by design 故意地 (2)An artist who was recently traveling on a ferry to the southern island discovered by chance a long lost antique Greek vase. 最近乘渡船去南部岛屿旅行的一位艺术家偶然发现了一个久已失 传的希腊特有花瓶。
a load of/loads of相当于a lot of,lots of,后跟可数名词或不可数名 词,作主语时,谓语动词的单复数与of后的名词保持一致。 Loads of/A load of stuff is going to waste. 大量的材料要被浪费掉。 Loads of/A load of people are coming to our party. 许多人要来参加我们的聚会。

2018届高考英语一轮复习课件:选修6 Unit 3

2018届高考英语一轮复习课件:选修6 Unit 3

我上瘾是这三个方面的原因,因此戒烟很难。 quit doing sth.放弃做某事;停止干某事
quit office离职 quit school退学
①He quarreled with the boss and wanted to quit. 他和老板吵了一架,不想干了。 ②I was trying to quit________at that time. 那时我正在尽力戒烟。 ③He has to____________because he can not afford the tuition. 他负担不起学费,因此不得不辍学了。 答案:②smoking ③quit school
欠款的;预定的;到期的 停止(做某事);离开
绝望的;拼命的 局促不安的;笨拙的
stress 8.__________( n.)压力;重音(vt.)加压力于;使紧张 stressful adj.)产生压力的;紧张的 →__________( stressed adj.)焦虑不安的 →__________(
I still remember__________________I first met you three years
5.It is no good crying over spilt milk. 覆水难收。 [解读] [仿写] It is no good/use doing sth.做某事无用。 劝说他没用,他不会改变主意。
5.effect n. 结果;效力 [教材原句] When I was young,I didn't know much about the harmful effects of smoking. 年轻时,我不太了解吸烟的危害性。 (1)have an effect/influence on/upon对„„产生影响 come/go into effect生效 bring/carry/put...into effect实施;使生效/起作用 side effect副作用

2018届高考人教版英语一轮复习课件选修六unit 1

2018届高考人教版英语一轮复习课件选修六unit 1

8. ______________
9. 做某事是某人的特点 10. 偏爱二十世纪以前的西方绘画
the controversial Impressionist paintings
it is typical _______ sb. to do sth. have a _______ for pre-twentieth century Western paintings
词汇接龙 8. _______(n. 信任;信心;信念)→_______(adj. 忠实的)→_______(adv. 忠实地)→_______(adj. 不忠实的;无信的;无宗教信仰的) 9. _______(n. 喜爱;偏爱)→_______(vt. 喜爱;偏爱)→_______(adj. 优先 的;首选的)→_______(adj. 更好的;更可取的;更合意的) 10. ________〔n. 巧合(的事);(事情、口味、故事等)相合〕→________ 〔adj. (在空间、时间方面)巧合的;重合的〕→_______〔adj. 碰巧的; 同时发生(或存在)的〕
【构词】aimless adj.漫无目的的 aimlessly adv.漫无目的地 【拓展】be aimed at doing sth.意思是“旨在„„;目的是„„”,主语 多为物。 1. This activity is aimed to improving the students’ ability of listening and speaking. 2. (山东卷改编) The project aims to get kids to a stage called “deep reading”, ________ they can read to learn. Key:1. to改为at 2. where

2018版高考一轮总复习英语课件:1-6-1a选修6Unit 1 Art 精品

2018版高考一轮总复习英语课件:1-6-1a选修6Unit 1 Art 精品

18.A.seeking C.checking
B.performing D.finishing
解析:句意:下次,当你面临一项新的工作时,一定 要反复审视它。故选C。
19.A.wrong C.suitable
B.wild D.crazy
解析:此处与本句中的right构成对比,表示这样你就 能确保自己理解可能会出错的地方。
2.A.stopping C.walking
B.looking D.working
解析:根据下文中的“it becomes a project that we work on together”可知,此处指作者喜欢在房子周围干活。
3.A.feeling B.method
板块四 限时·规范·特训
Ⅰ.完形填空(建议用时17′) 25 years ago I got married; little did I know I would commit to lifelong household renovations (整修)! My wife likes __1__, so for her, renovations are just part of life. I love __2__ around the house, and it becomes a project that we work on together and it's an incredible (不可思议的) __3__ to look at your home and appreciate all the hard work and sweat that go into it. We really do get a sense of great __4__

2018版高考一轮总复习英语课件:1-6-3a选修6Unit 3 A healthy life 精品

2018版高考一轮总复习英语课件:1-6-3a选修6Unit 3 A healthy life 精品
解析:细节理解题。根据文章第二段第二、三句可 知,作者患了ADHD;而由文章第四段第一句“...my disease got worse.”可知,作者病情加重,无法上Байду номын сангаас学。故选B。
2.As for the working environment, Tanis prefers ________.
A.working by herself B.dealing with the public C.competing against others D.staying with ADHD students
篇章导读:本文提出我们应该珍视夫妻关系,并论述 了在出现矛盾时如何修补这种破裂关系。
4.It is essential to fix a troubled relationship in that ________.
A.arguments seem to come naturally B.arguments are not allowed in a good relationship C.companions provide us with comfort and support D.sometimes we inevitably go through troubled periods 解析:细节理解题。通过第三段可知,配偶是我们最 宝贵的财富,给予我们安慰与支持。故选C。第二段和第 三段是相互呼应、前后衔接的。注意:in that意思是“因 为”。
Thank you. You've given me hope that I can follow my
heart. For the first time, I feel good about myself because I'm



put up with 14 _____________________ 忍受;容忍 glance at 15_____________________ 一瞥
五 词组运用 词组填空 从上面的短语中选择恰当的短语填空。 1. We’re _________________ him finishing her job by depending on Friday.
二、单词运用 根据句子的结构和意义,以及中文提示,
1 Coal is one of the cheapest types of _________. fuel
2 You must drink a large _______________ of water. quantity
8.The little girl drank four _______ cans (罐) of beer, which
made us surprised. 9 Students numbers will have____________( decreased 减少) to
3000 by the end of this term.
一、单词拼写 根据读音、词性和词义写下下列单词。 1 ___________ graph [^rB:f ]n. 图表; 坐标图。
phenomenon [fi5nCminEn]n. 现象。 2 _________________
3____________ [fjuEl]n. 燃料 fuel
data 4 ___________ [5deitE] n. 资料; 数据
3 She enjoyed w________________ fame afer her new widespread fiave to take the _________________ consequences (后果)of the

2018版高考英语全国用大一轮复习讲义课件book 6 Unit 3 精品

2018版高考英语全国用大一轮复习讲义课件book 6 Unit 3 精品

直击重点 突破考点
边讲边练 突破核心词汇 自主训练 突破常考词汇 点拨规律 突破经典句型
边讲 边练
stress n.压力;强调;紧张;重要性;重音 vt.强调;使紧张;加压力于;用重音读
(1)Janet’s been under a lot of stress since her mother’s illness. 珍妮特自从母亲病倒后一直忧心忡忡。(朗文词典) (2)In the passage,the author mainly stressed the importance of small and ordinary work. 在这篇文章里,作者强调了小而平凡的工作的重要性。
从句、原因状语从句、定语从句等复杂句及动名词短语作主语和in one’s opinion,for the sake of,stay away from,prevent...from... 等高级词汇的运用,增强了文章的表达力。
自主排查 语境提升 直击重点 突破考点 教材升华 综合运用
自主排查 语境提升
2. do表强调的用法
I do hope so because I want you to live as long and healthy a life as I have. 我的确希望你把烟戒掉,因为我希望你能像我这样活得健康长寿。 仿写 我的确希望能被选中担任北极熊代言人。 I do hope I can be chosen as a spokesman for polar bears.
In a word,if you want to stay healthy,you should have a balanced diet.And I hope to hear you feel better soon.

2018版高考英语人教通用大一轮复习课件:第一部分 选修六 unit 3 精品

2018版高考英语人教通用大一轮复习课件:第一部分 选修六 unit 3 精品

2.常考词汇 ①tough adj.________________ ②abnormal adj.________________ ③addicted adj._______________ addiction n._______________ addictive adj. ________________addict vt.________________ n.________________ ④accustom vt._____________ accustomed adj._____________ ⑤survival n.________________ ⑥prejudice n.________________ 答案 ①困难的,强硬的 ②畸形的,异常的 ③入了迷的; 上了瘾的 沉溺;嗜好 使人上瘾的 使上瘾 有瘾的人 ④使习惯于 惯常的;习惯了的 ⑤幸存 ⑥偏见;成见
cancer.(2015·江苏,完形) 2.“Have you ____________ a date for your wedding?” the girl’s
mother asked.(2016·南京一模,语法填空) 3.Some students are ____________ playing computer games and
句型公式仿写 1.as引导定语从句+主句
____________( 正 如 人 们 所 料 ) , Wu Minxia won the championship in the Olympic in Rio,2016. 2.before+从句 “在……之前” ①Write down the telephone number __________ (在你没有忘记 之前). ②____________ (不久) he learned to use the computer.

2018版高考英语人教通用大一轮复习课件:第一部分 选修六 unit 1 精品

2018版高考英语人教通用大一轮复习课件:第一部分 选修六 unit 1 精品

句型公式仿写 1.it is/was+adj.+that...(主语从句)
很显然他们没有干这项工作的经验。(汉译英) ____________________________________________________ 2.would rather do...than do...宁愿干……而不愿干…… 她宁愿在网上购物也不愿去超市。(汉译英) ____________________________________________________ 答案 1.It’s evident that they have no experience in this work. 2.She would rather do shopping on the Internet than go to the supermarket.
Ⅲ.经典句式→识记·思考·运用 原句背诵感悟 1.It was evident that ideas were changing in the 13th century
when painters began to paint religious scenes in a more realistic way. 很显然在13世纪时(人们的)思想正经历着变化,一些画家开 始以一种比较现实的风格来画宗教场景。 2.Many art lovers would rather visit this small art gallery than (visit)any other in New York.很多艺术爱好者宁愿参观这种小 画廊,也不愿参观在纽约的其他画廊。
4.The systems that make young children feel good about figuring something out may ________ (adopt) by adult scientists.(2016·浙江,阅读C)

2018版高考英语人教通用大一轮复习课件:第一部分 选修六 unit 2 精品

2018版高考英语人教通用大一轮复习课件:第一部分 选修六 unit 2 精品
7.If,____________,you meet Mike,please tell him that his sister asked him to write her back as soon as possible.
答案 1.had run out of 2.in particular 3.is made up of 4.tried out 5.is let out 6.take it easy 7.by chance
答案 1.Eventually 2.appropriately 3.exchanged 4.scholarship 5.endless 6.patterns 7.warmth 8.to translate
【联想·积累】 ❶“最终,最后”家族 ①eventually adv.终于,最后;eventual adj. 最终的 ②finally adv.最后,终于;final adj.最后的,最终的 ③lastly adv.最后(一点) ④at last 最后 ⑤in the end最后
1.convey vt.传达;表达;运送;传导;传播 [高考佳句]In this letter,I would like to convey my sincere appreciation to you for your assistance/help.(2012·山东,书面表达) 对于您的帮助,我想在这封信中表达对您衷心的感谢。
⑦________ vt.传达;运送
⑧end vi.& n.结束;终点 ________ adj.无穷的;无止境的
⑨change n.& v.变化;改变________n.& vt. 交换;互换 答案 ①concrete ②flexible ③pattern ④tease ⑤branch ⑥sponsor;sponsor ⑦convey ⑧endless ⑨exchange
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He made an effort to climb the wall.
1. It shows a erupting. erupt. vi ( 指火山,战争,危机,问题等) 爆发;突然发生 足球赛后城里发生了暴力事件。 Violence erupted in the city after the football match. eruption . n eruptive adj. in eruption 在喷发中
3. Yet, however weak we are, we are not completely powerless. yet. 在此是连词,作“但是,然而” (but, however) I have slept eight full hours, yet I’m still sleepy. 我睡了足足8个小时了,可还是想睡。
五、词组运用 词组填空 根据句子提供的语境,从第四大题中选一个 适当的词组并用其适当的形式填空。 compare with 1. Living in a town can't ________________living in the country in many respects. made their way 2. It was a dark rainy night and they ______________ to the village at the foot of the mountain. 3. There are different kinds of computers in the store vary from to and their prices ______________2,000 yuan ______ 12,000 yuan. 4. About 71 % of the surface of the earth ____________________water. is covered with
二、单词运用 根据句子的结构和意义,以及首字母或
1.The students were e_________ excited to hear the news that
their team had won the game.
boring that 2.Sometimes the teacher’s teaching is b_________
9. _____________ [Ed5ventFE]n.冒险
1._____________ [vCl5keinEu] n. 火山
10.____________ [i5vAljueit]v. 评价;估计 11.____________ [ik5sait]n.使兴奋;使激动 evaluate 12.____________ [fAn5tAstik]adj.奇异的;极好的 excite 13.____________ [5fauntin]n. 喷泉 fantastic 14.____________ [5AbsElu:tli]adv. 绝对地;完 fountain 全地 absolutely 15._________________ [Qn5fC:tjJnEtlI]adv. unfortunately 不幸地 panic 16.____________ [5pAnik]vi.& n. 惊慌 precious 17.____________ [5preFEs]adj. 珍贵的;贵重的 potential 18.____________ [pE5tenF(E)l]adj.潜在的;可 impress 能的 guarantee 19.____________ [im5pres]vt. 给…留下深该印象 20.____________ [7^ArEn5ti:]vt. 保证;担保
翻译填空 根据汉语意思,从上述短语中选一个恰当 的词组完成句子。 met with 遇到) a former 5. In the bookstore, I__________( classmate. glance through (看看) the figures for 6. Can you _________________ me? 7. The big fire _________ burned the house ________________ to the ground (夷为平地).
f______________, fortunately it wasn't serious.
5.People all over the world were a_____________ anxious to have peace. 6.The soldier had shown great __________( courage 勇气) in the battle.
四、词组互译 将下列词组或短语译成中文或英文。
pare… with_______________ 与„„相比 前往 2. make one’s way _____________
3. vary from…to ________________ 由„„到„„不等 4. meet with _________________ 偶遇, 遭受 努力 5. make an effort ________________
一、单词拼写 根据读音、词性和词义写出下列单词。
volcano 2._____________ [i5rQpt]vi. (火山) 爆发 erupt 3. _____________[AN^5zaiEti] n. 担心;焦虑 anxiety 4._____________ [5trembl] vi. 摇晃;颤动 tremble 5._____________ [bC:]vt. 使感到厌烦 bore 6._____________ [5kAnsEl]vt. 取消;撤消 cancel 7._____________ [5kQridV]n. 勇气,胆量 courage 8._____________ [dai5vE:siti]n. 多样性;多 diversity 种多样 adventure
explode 爆炸 burst 爆炸,炸开 erupt 爆发 a volcano erupting 是一个动名词的复合结 构, 在此作shows的宾语,其中a volcano 是动名 词erupting 逻辑上的主语。 I don’t understand his / him behaving like that. 我不明白他有那种行为。
Adventures 冒险) 10.All the children listened to his_____________(
with eager attention.
三、词语派生 用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。 exciting (excite) 1. The crowd feel excited to hear the __________ news。 2. The Anthem Olympic Games was really an _____________( impressive impress) one. 3. Thanks to your ________________(encourage), I’ve encouragement made great progress in my study. anxiety 4. The teacher praised him for his ______________ (anxious)for knowledge. Unfortunately (fortunate), belts are worn 5.________________ only by a small percentage of drivers and passengers.
句子翻译 从上述短语中选择恰当的短语翻译下列句子。 8.教师的工作常被比作蜡烛。 A teacher's work is often compared to a candle. 9.他冒险过这座旧桥。
He took a risk when he crossed the old bridge.
6._________(bathe) in the polluted water resulted in Bathing their disease. 7.The research project has only been under way for three months, so it's too early ________________(evaluate) to evaluate its success fantastic (fantasy)place for the 8.It is really a ___________ children to play. 9.Real friend ship is ________________(precious) more precious than money. be cancelled (cancel) in 10.The meeting had to _______________ the end because of the heavy storm.
2. Share your knowledge with others in your class. share. vt. 分享,分配,分摊 ; 共有, 共用; 有同样的感情(或想法,经历等) Sue shares a house with three other students . We shared the pizza between the four of us. Men often don’t like to share their problems. Both drivers shared the blame for the accident. share. n 一部分;一定量,一份,股份 the lion’s share 最大,(或最好)的一份