
易瑞格Vario 5用户手册说明书

易瑞格Vario 5用户手册说明书

Weight complete with 2,5 vest adjustable arm +130.........................4,7 kg (9 Ibs) Weight complete with Cine 3 vest adjustable arm +130..................5,2 kg (11 Ibs) Weight complete with Gimble vest adjustable arm +130 ................5,5 kg (12 Ibs) Height (mounted) .................................................................97–114 cm (38–45 in) Height (folded) ...................................................................................60 cm (24 in) Suspension line (fully stretched) ........................................................90 cm (35 in) Load range.................................................................................5-17 kg (11-38 Ibs) Designed and made in Sweden - 23Congratulations on your new Easyrig Vario 5! The Easyrig vario 5 has an adjustable weight range from 5-17kg (11-38 lbs). By turning the adjustment screw located on the back, you can easily change the tension / power of the line.The Easyrig vario 5 gives you the same advantages as our other Easyrig models with the added benefit of being able to adjust the line tension to adapt to many different cameras and configurations. The Easyrig vario 5 still delivers the same steady hand held shots while relieving you back, neck and shoulders. The load is redistributed to the hips allowing you to shoot hand held in comfort for hours.The Easyrig vario 5 will be your best tool when it comes to hand-held shooting for Movies, Commercials, Television and any other situation where stability and freedom of movement are crucial.The Easyrig vario 5 is manufactured in Sweden and is built to the highest standards. The Easyrig vario 5 is ergonomically designed and field tested to achieve maximum results.To get the most out of your Easyrig vario 5, please read this user manual carefully.Thank you for your investment in the Easyrig vario 5.Good Luck!Johan HellstenCameraman and Inventer of EasyrigUsing the Easyrig Vario 5It´s easy to get into the Easyrig vario 5 vest, just as with a backpack. Your Easyrig vario 5 is loaded with adjustments for your customized comfort.When the vest is adjusted properly you should feel the weight of the camera primarily on your hips. It is also important that the support bar is vertical. If not, the load will be unevenly distributed on the hips causing the camera to possibly contact the bar.The waist belt adjustment should be tightened so that the vest doesn’t slide down around the hips but sits firmly on the hips. The shoulder straps are mainly for support and balancing the Easyrig. They prevent it from tilting.When attaching the hook onto the camera, you might find it easier to set the camera on a table or a bench first. Try and find the balancing point of the camera then secure the hook at that point on the handle and tighten the lock on the camera hook.Don’t forget to fasten the safety line between the camera handle and the vest.Shooting from the HipThe Easyrig vario 5 gives you the freedom to shoot at various height levels, from the shoulder to the waist by simply moving the camera down from your shoulder. You should feel only a fraction of the camera´s weight. When shooting at hip level, lean slightly backwards while pushing the camera forward. This will minimize the load on your back. The length of the suspension line makes it possible to position the camera as far as your arms can reach.45Fig. 1 Unlatch the buckle and unfold the support arm. Fig. 2 Let the tube attatched to the support arm slide into the lower tube section and pull over the bellows.Fig. 3 With the Easyrig vario 5 firmly sitting on ground, attach the camera to the hook. Check to make sure the camera is supported properly. • If the tension is incorrect to support your camera weight, continue to step 4a. • If the tension is correct to support your camera weight, continue to step 6.Fig. 4Locate the adjustment Allen-key 6mm toolbehind the Easyrig vario 5 cover and pull it out.Getting started with the Easyrig Vario 56Fig. 4b You can adjust the line tension for different camera weights by using the 6mm adjustment tool. Turn clockwise to add more tension to the line or counterclockwise to reduce the amount of tension. The faster the camera descends, the more weight there will be on your shoulder, (less line tension.) Observe, the adjustment tool will move as the line is pulled down. Remember, “righty tighty, lefty loosy.“Fig. 5 Check again to make sure your camera is supported properly. Repeat step 4b if necessary.Fig. 6 Put on your Easyrig vario 5 vest. Adjust the waist belt snugly to ensure the weight sits firmly on your hips. Then set the other vest adjustments to make sure your Easyrig vario 5 is comfortable and and gives you the proper amount of support.Fig. 7 Attach your camera to the Easyrig vario 5 hook. Loosen the lock knob and use your middle finger to open the hook. Once attached to your camera handle, secure the hook by turning the lock knob clockwise.67Fig. 8 Make sure your Easyrig vario 5 feels comfortable and that the support arm is in a good vertical position, not too high or too low.Fig. 10 Adjust the height of the support arm by removing the Easyrig vario 5 cover located on the back of your Easyrig vario 5. Locate the two cover screws and unscrew them with the 6mm Allen-key to remove the cover.Fig. 11Using the same 6mm Allen-key, locate and loosen the four adjustment screws on the Easyrig vario 5 mechanism.Fig. 9 Leave a gap of approximately 2-15 cm (1-6 inches) between the top of the camera hook and the support arm. • If there is a need for adjustment, continue to step 10 or 12b.• If everything is correct, continue to step 13.8Fig. 12 Adjust the support arm height by sliding the entire mechanism up or down to find the correct position. Then, tighten the four adjustment screws with the 6mm Allen-key. Replace the cover and tighten the cover screws.Fig. 12B If more adjustments is required, you can also change the position of the 20 mm tube inside the support arm at it´s base under the bellows.Fig. 14 By twisting the side support arm you can shorten or lenghten them to adjustthe amount of weight on your hips. This will fine tune your Easyrig vario 5 vest to a comfortable position.Fig. 13 The Easyrig vario 5 support arm is now in thecorrect position.9Powered shock absorber range:Fig. 15 Adjust the chest strap if necessary, but do not pull it too tight.Fig. 16 Attach the safety line between your vest and your camera. Fasten one end to the loop on the left shoulder pad of the Easyrig vario 5 vest and the other through your camera handle. YourEasyrig vario 5 is now ready to be used.Safety precautions!Always hold the camera when working with the Easyrig vario 5and Always attach the safety strap between the camera and theEasyrig vario 5 vest shoulder loop.Never undo the waist belt buckle when the camera isattached to the Easyrig vario 5! If the waist buckle isreleased while the camera is attached, the weight of thecamera will pull the top of the Easyrig vario 5 down, andcould cause you to lose control of the camera. ArrayIf you fall into water while wearing the Easyrig vario 5, it’simportant to get the equipment off quickly. Just releasethe waist, chest and shoulder strap buckles. Then slide theshoulder straps over and off of your arms.Be especially careful when filming in rugged terrain. Makesure to wear appropriate comfortable shoes and clothing. Ifyou work with the Easyrig vario 5 under special conditions,i.e. in a car, boat, plane or helicopter, always use a safety beltor harness.10Some practical advice• Try to keep the camera as close to your body as possible, to avoid unnecessary strain on your back.• When filming upwards, you might find it easier if you have the camera tucked under your arm.• When filming at hip level during longer periods of time, rest the camera on the hip belt to increase stability.• Use the Easyrig vario 5 for transporting your camera to and from the filming site.• When folding your Easyrig vario 5 for storage, always make sure to tuck the upper part of the support arm inside the hip belt and fasten the buckle at the back of the hip belt. This will prevent the suspension line from wearing.• If your Easyrig vario 5 will be inactive for more than a couple of months, make sure to store it standing up. This will keep the shock absorber gasket from drying out.11Easyrig vario 5 limited WarrantyManufacturer’s products are warranted to be free from defects caused by faulty materials or workmanship for a period of two years from the date of purchase. The liability of the Manufacturer under this warranty is limited to repairing, replacing, or at its option issuing credit for any of its products which are returned by purchaser during such period provided, however, that:A. Warranty card is properly filled out and returned to Manufacturer within 30 days of purchase.B. Defective merchandise is returned to Manufacturer accompanied by a report of findings indicating the basis of/for rejection and with transportation charges paid by the purchaser.C. That such defects exist and have not been caused by abuse, misuse, neglect, improper installation or assembly, repair, alteration or accident.In no event shall Manufacturer be liable for collateral or consequential damages of any nature. This warranty is in lieu of all other warranties expressed or implied.Easyrig vario 5 Warranty Information CardRegistration of your newly bought Easyrig can also be done on our website . [please fill in and mail within 30 days of purchase]Name ..........................................................................................................Title ................................... Company .............................................................Type of business ...................................................... Address.................................................................................................................................................. City ......................................................................Postal code .............................................................. Country.................................................................................................................................................. Phone ..................................................................Fax ........................................................................... E-mail..................................................................................................................................................... Easyrig serial No .................................................................................................................................... Purchase location/company .......................................................................Date ..................................Please send to: Easyrig AB or fax to: +46 90 77 60 01Anumark 231S-905 95 UmeåSweden Thank you!。



Flowserve 公司,Valtek 控制产品 电话:美国 801 489 8611 51-1流体控制部安装、使用、维修说明书Logix520数字式定位器一般资料下面的说明用于按照Logix TM 500数字式定位器的要求进行开箱、安装和维修。


Logix520指明该定位器使用HART ®协议。


关于阀门、执行机构以及其它辅件,Valtek 有单独的安装、使用、维修说明书。


警告:本产品有电气导管连接,使用规格为0.5英寸的美国标准螺纹(NPT )或M20螺纹。




如果不配,应使用适合的适配器或与Flowserve 公司办公室联系。



开箱1、 打开Logix500定位器包装箱时,应按照装箱单检查收到的产品。





2、 如果发现运输损坏,应立即与运输公司联系。

3、 万一发生问题,请与Flowserve 公司的代理联系。

目录一般资料-------------------------------------------1 开箱-------------------------------------------------1 Logix520定位器概述----------------------------3 技术指标-------------------------------------------3 定位器的运转-------------------------------------4 组装和安装----------------------------------------4 直行程执行机构----------------------------5角行程执行机构----------------------------7定位器到执行机构的接管----------------8接线和接地指南----------------------------9接地螺钉-------------------------------------9恒流输出电压-------------------------------9起动-------------------------------------------10初始DIP开关设定-------------------------11快速校准操作-------------------------------12Logix520定位器状态工况代码----------13 HART275手持通信器---------------------------16 限位开关-------------------------------------------16 型号选择-------------------------------------16运转原理-------------------------------------16安装-------------------------------------------16起动-------------------------------------------16 故障查找-------------------------------------------18 备件套件-------------------------------------------20 安装套件-------------------------------------------20Logix500数字式定位器51-2 Flowserve公司,Valtek控制产品电话:美国801 489 8611Logix520定位器概述Logix500系列定位器是两线制、4~20毫安输入信号控制的、数字式阀位控制器,通过直行程和角行程安装,控制单作用执行机构。



Piping for the One-touch fitting•Insert the tube all the way into the fittingso that it cannot be pulled out.•Insertion with excessive force can cause damage.•Ensure there is no leakage after piping.•Use the product within the specified operating pressure and temperature range.TroubleshootingSpecifications / DimensionsRefer to the product catalogue or operation manual from SMC website(URL ) for more information about the product specifications anddimensions.Note: Specifications are subject to change without prior notice and any obligation on the part of the manufacturer.© 2011-2015 SMC Corporation All Rights ReservedAkihabara UDX 15F, 4-14-1, Sotokanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0021, JAPANPhone: +81 3-5207-8249 Fax: +81 3-5298-5362URL Refer to the operation manual from SMC website (URL ) for moreinformation about troubleshooting.Function SettingPress the S buttonfor 2 secondsor longer.Press the S button once in measurement mode.[P_1] or [n_1] and [the current set value] are displayed in turnS∗: For models with switch outputs for both OUT1 and OUT2, [P_2] or [n_2] will be displayed too.Set as above.∗: If a mode other than Hysteresis Mode is selected, refer to the operation manual from SMC website(URL ) or contact SMC.∗: Note that the set value and hysteresis settings are limited by each other.<Operation>(The illustration shows PFMB7201, when not using the reversed display function.)Press the △or ▽button to change the set value.The △button is to increase and the ▽button is to decrease the set value.Press the△button continuouslyto keep increasing the set value.Press the S button to complete the setting.Return to measurement mode.S∗2: This setting is only available for models with switch outputs for both OUT1 and OUT2.∗3: This setting is only available for models with the external input.∗4: This setting is only available for models with the analogue output.Peak/Bottom value displayThe maximum (minimum) flow from when the power was supplied to this moment isdetected and updated. In peak/bottom display mode, the maximum (minimum) flow isdisplayed•For peak display, when the △button is pressed for 1 second or longer,[the maximum flow] and [Hi] are displayed in turn.To release holding the display of the maximum flow, press the △button for 1 second orlonger again to return to measurement mode.•For bottom display, when the ▽button is pressed for 1 second or longer,[the minimum flow] and [Lo] are displayed in turn.To release holding the display of the minimum flow, press the ▽button for 1 second orlonger again to return to measurement mode.If the △and ▽buttons are pressed simultaneously for 1 second or longer while the flowvalue is being held, the peak (bottom) values are reset.Reset operationThe accumulated flow value can be reset, when displaying the accumlated flow.The reset the accumulated flow, press the △and ▽buttons simultaneously for1 second or longer.The peak/bottom value can be reset, when displaying the peak value (bottom value).To reset the peak/bottom value, press the △and ▽buttons simultaneously for 1 secondor longer.Key lock functionTo use each of these functions, refer to the operation manual from SMC website(URL ) or contact SMC.MaintenanceTo change setting, refer to the operation manual from SMC website(URL ) or contact SMC.12321Safety InstructionsMounting•Never mount the product in a place where it will be used as a mechanical support.•Mount the product so that the fluid flows in the direction indicated by the arrow on the sideof the body.Safety InstructionsMounting and InstallationThese safety instructions are intended to prevent hazardous situations and/orequipment damage.These instructions indicate the level of potential hazard with the labels of"Caution", "Warning" or "Danger". They are all important notes for safety and mustbe followed in addition to International standards (ISO/IEC) and other safetyregulations.InstallationPanel mounting (Only PFMB7201)•Refer to the diagram and table below for mounting details.•Refer to the dimension from SMC website (URL )for panelthickness and panel mount cut-out dimensions.OperatorBodyPFMB7201PFMB7501/7102/7202DisplayPFMB7201PFMB7501/7102/7202Bracket mounting•Refer to the diagram and table below for mounting details.•Refer to the dimension from SMC website (URL )for bracketthickness and mounting hole dimensions.Connecting/Disconnecting•When mounting the connector, insert it straight into the socket, holding the lever andconnector body, and push the connector until the lever hooks into the housing, and locks.+ 2 1-1234Power is supplied∗: The outputs will continue to operate during setting.∗: If a button operation is not performed for 30 seconds during the setting, the display will flash.(This is to prevent the setting from remaining incomplete if, for instance, an operator were to leave during setting)∗: 3 step setting mode and Function selection mode are reflected on each other.Flow Setting (set value only) of OUT1 · OUT2Flow[L/min][H_1]Switch ONSwitch OFFSet value[P_1]Outline of settingsDIN rail mounting (Only PFMB7201)•Refer to the diagram and table below formounting details.3 step setting modeIn this mode, only the set values can be input, in just 3 steps.∗: When the reversed display is used, the function of the△and▽buttons is reversed.Piping•Never mount the product upside down.•The straight piping length shall be 8 cm or longer.Otherwise, if a straight section of piping is not installed, the accuracy varies byapproximately ±2%F.S.•Avoid sudden changes in the piping size on the IN side of the product.•Do not release the OUT side piping port of the product directly to the atmospherewithout the piping connected.If the product is used with the piping port released to atmosphere, the accuracy may vary.Piping for the metal attachment•Tighten to the specified torque. Refer to the table below for the required torque values.•Use a suitable spanner for the appropriate torque. Do not use a spanner 40 cm orlonger.•If the tightening torque is exceeded, the product can be broken.If the tightening torque is insufficient, the fitting may become loose.•Avoid any sealing tape getting inside the flow path.•Ensure there is no leakage after piping.•When mounting the fitting, a spanner should be used on the metal part (attachment) ofthe fitting only.Holding other parts of the product with a spanner may damage the product.Specifically, make sure that the spanner does not damage the connector.Direct mounting•Refer to the diagram and table below for mounting details.•Refer to the dimension from SMC website (URL )for mountinghole size.Thank you for purchasing an SMC PFMB7 series Digital Flow Switch.Please read this manual carefully before operating the product and make sure youunderstand its capabilities and limitations. Please keep this manual handy forfuture reference.Before UseDigital Flow SwitchPFMB7201/7501/7102/7202Connector pin numbers (lead wire)Press the▽button continuouslyto keep decreasing the set value.PF※※-OMP0003-AHow to reset the product after a power cut or when the power has beenunexpectedly removedThe settings of the product are retained from before the power cut orde-energizing.The output condition also recovers to that before power cut or de-energizing, butmay change depending on the operating environment. Therefore, check the safetyof the whole installation before operating the product.settingsdefault settings are shown below.When the flow exceeds the set value [P_1], the switch will be turned ON.When the flow falls below the set value by the amount of hysteresis [H_1] or more, theswitch will turn OFF.If the operation shown in the diagram below is acceptable, then keep these settings.For more detailed settings, set each function in the function selection mode.Default settingsWiringConnection•Connections should only be made with the power supply turned off.•Use a separate route for the product wiring and any power or high voltage wiring.Otherwise, malfunction may result due to noise.•Ensure that the FG terminal is connected to ground when using a commerciallyavailable switch-mode power supply. When a switch-mode power supply is connectedto the product, switching noise will be superimposed and the product specification canno longer be met. This can be prevented by inserting a noise filter, such as a line noisefilter and ferrite core, between the switch-mode power supply and the product or byusing a series power supply instead of a switch-mode power supply.Error indicationNOTEThe direct current power supply used should be UL approved as follows.Circuit (class 2) of maximum 30 Vrms (42.4 V peak) or less, with UL 1310class 2 power supply unit or UL 1585 class 2 transformer.The product is a UL approved product only if it has a mark on the body.Function selection modeIn measurement mode, press the S button for 2 seconds or longer, to display [F 0].The [F] indicates the mode for changing each Function Setting.Press the S button for 2 seconds or longer in function selection mode to return tomeasurement mode.。

8175 TX-I O 模块 TXM1.6R TXM1.6R-M 说明书

8175 TX-I O 模块 TXM1.6R TXM1.6R-M 说明书

8175TX-I/O™Relay modules TXM1.6RTXM1.6R-M∙Two fully compatible versions:– TXM1.6R:– 6 volt-free relay outputs– Individual I/O point signaling with green I/O status LED– TXM1.6R-M: As TXM1.6R, but with the following additional features– Three-color I/O status LED (red, yellow or green)– Local override (to ISO 16 484-2)∙ 6 relay outputs, which can be individually configured as:– Maintained contact or pulse, 1 … 3-stage– Three-position control output with stroke algorithm∙Mixed voltages (AC 250 V mains voltage and SELV/PELV 24 V) as well asmixed phases are permitted on adjacent I/O points of the module∙Compact DIN format, small footprint∙ Separate terminal base and plug-in I/O module for convenient handling– Self-establishing bus connection for maximum ease of installation– Terminal isolation function for fast commissioning– I/O module replaceable in seconds, without rewiring and without affectingthe full functioning of the remaining I/O modules∙Terminal strips are required to connect N and PE of the field devices∙Simple strategy for operation and display– I/O status LED for each I/O point– LEDs for fast diagnostics∙Double-sided labels for identification of all I/O pointsCM2N8175en_112/10FunctionsThe modules support the following I/O functions:Signal type (TRA)Signal type DescriptionBO Relay NO 250V BO Relay NC 250V Q250Maintained contact relay, changeover contact N/O, N/C contact BO Pulse On-Off Q250-P Q250A-P On/off pulse Q250-P With self-latching and 2 channels Q250A-PWith dual-winding switchBO Pulse *)PulseMO Steps Q-M1…M4Multistate maintained contact, 1…6-stage mutually exclusive electronic relay interlock MO Pulse Q250-P1…P5Multistate pulse, 1…5-stagemutually exclusive electronic relay interlock BO 3-Pos RelayY250TPulse, control signal, three-position output,internal algorithm for stroke running time*) DESIGO V4, V5: Use MO Q250-P1.For a detailed description of these functions, please refer to document CM110561,"TX-I/O™ functions and operation".∙Q250B Use TXM1.6RL with BO Bistable NO / NCFor switched current <100mA, see CM110563, Replacement of legacy signal types.∙QD Feedback must be implemented using separate digital inputse.g. with TXM1.8D, see CM110563.CompatibilitySupport of signal types and functions in different building automation and control systems: see TX-I/O Engineering and installation manual, CM110562Type summary Relay module TXM1.6RRelay module TXM1.6R-M with local overrideThe terminal base and the plug-in I/O module are interconnected and delivered in the same box.The available accessories include address keys, label sheets, and spare transparent label holders. Refer to data sheet CM2N8170.NotesASNDeliveryAccessories3/10Technical and mechanical designFor a description of the features common to all TX-I/O™ modules, please refer to the TX-I/O™ Engineering and installation manual, document CM110562.Indicators and operator controlsConnection terminals (No. 1 screwdriver for slotted or recessed-head * screws)with test pickup (for 1.8...2 mm pins) and terminal number Signal designationOverride status LEDs (yellow)Address key and module status LEDI/O point numbersOverride button (TXM1.6R-M only)I/O status LEDs (TXM1.6R: green;TXM1.6R-M: colors can be configured, green/yellow/red)* Combined slotted / recessed-head screws from mid-2012∙The I/O status LEDs indicate the status of the relays ∙The LEDs on the TXM1.6R are green.∙In the case of the TXM1.6R-M the LEDs are three-colored. If the I/O function supports it, the module can display Alarm = red and Service = yellow, besides Normal = green∙The LEDs are also used for diagnostics∙The module status LED illuminates the transparent address key∙The (green) LED shows the module status as a whole (as opposed to the I/O points)∙It is also used for diagnostics∙The module operates only with the address key inserted∙The module address is mechanically encoded in the address key∙When replacing the plug-in I/O module, the address key must be swiveled outward. It remains plugged into in the terminal base.∙The relay contacts of the individual I/O points are volt-free, and are notinterconnected. The switched voltage must be provided separately for each I/O point.∙Mixed voltages (AC 250 V mains voltage and SELV/PELV 24 V) as well as mixed phases are permitted on adjacent I/O points of the moduleI/O status LEDsModule status LEDsAddress keyTerminals4/10Local override (TXM1.6R-M only)∙Pressing an override button in the middle enables/disables local override∙Pressing "+" for one of the I/O points activates the relay or switches control to the next stage up (depending on function)Repeated or sustained pressure switches several stages until the function stops at the highest stage.∙Pressing "–" for one of the I/O points deactivates opens the relay or switches control to the next stage down (depending on function)Repeated or sustained pressure switches several stages until the function stops at the lowest stage.∙The yellow "Override" LED indicates that local override is active∙All safety-relevant functions must be implemented with external solutions ∙The local override must not be used for safety shutdown operations∙In compliance with the standard (ISO 16 484-2, Section 3.110), the module executes all local overrides directly, without safety precautions or interlocks.→ Full responsibility lies with the operator.←Module labelingThe plug-in I/O module has a removable transparent cover (the label holder) for insertion of a label.DisposalThe device is classified as waste electronic equipment in terms of the European Direc-tive 2012/19/EU and should not be disposed of as unsorted municipal waste.The relevant national legal rules are to be adhered to.Regarding disposal, use the systems setup for collecting electronic waste.Observe all local and applicable laws.Override buttonOverride status LEDEngineering, mounting, installationPlease refer to the following documentsDocument NumberTX-I/O™ functions and operation CM110561TX-I/O™ Engineering and installation manual CM110562Replacement of legacy modules CM110563 *)*) Login with Siemens account necessary.MountingThe TX-I/O™ devices can be installed in any orientation:It is important to provide adequate ventilation so that the admissible ambienttemperature (max. 50°C) is not exceeded.Technical dataSupply(bus connector on side)Operating voltageExtra low voltage SELV or PELVin accordance with HD384DC 21.5 ... 26 VMax. power consumption TXM1.6R 1.7 WTXM1.6R-M(for the sizing of power supplies, see CM110562)1.9 WProtection Bus connector on side No protection against shortcut andincorrect wiring with AC/DC 24 VSwitching outputs Number of switching outputs 6 (changeover contact)External fuse protection for incoming cable∙Slow blow fusible link Max. 10 A∙Circuit breaker Max. 13 ACircuit breaker tripping characteristic Type B, C or D to EN 60898 Contact data for AC Voltage range min. AC 12V max. AC 250VCurrent,resistive load max. 4ACurrent, inductive load (cos phi≥ 0.6)max. 3ASwitching current min. 1 mA at AC 250 Vmin. 10mA at AC 12VCurrent on make max. 20 A during max. 10 msmax. 10A during max. 1sFor UL applications 3 FLA, 9 LRA, 1/4 HP, 4 (3) A Contact data for DC Voltage range min. DC 12V, max. DC 30VCurrent, resistive load max. 3 A at DC 30 Vmin. 10mA at DC 12VCurrent on make max. 3 AService life of contact With 0.1 A resistive8 million switching operations for AC 250 V With 0.5 A resistive 2 million switching operationsWith 4.0 A resistive(N/O)0.2 million switching operationsReduction factor with inductive load(cos phi≥ 0.6)0.6 (max. 3 A inductive)Insulation resistance Reinforced insulation between relay outputs andsystem electronicsAC 3750 V, to EN 60 730-1Mixed voltages (AC 250 V mains voltage and SELV/PELV 24 V) as well asmixed phases are permitted on adjacent I/O points of the modulePermitted orientation5/10Connection terminals Mechanical designSolid conductorsStranded conductors without connector sleevesStranded conductors with connector sleeves(DIN46228/1)Cage clamp terminals1 x 0.5 mm2to 4mm2or 2 x 0,6 mm∅ to 1.5 mm2 1 x 0.5 mm2 to 2.5 mm2or 2 x 0,6 mm∅ to 1.5 mm2 1 x 0.25 mm2 to 2.5 mm2 or 2 x 0,6 mm∅ to 1.5 mm2Screwdriver No. 1 Screwdriver for slotted orrecessed-head * screwswith shaft diameter ≤ 4.5 mm* Combined slotted / recessed-head screws from mid-2012Max. tightening torque0.6 NmTest pickups (terminals)For pin diameter 1 x 1.8 … 2.0 mmLocal override(TXM1.6R-M only)Local override device ISO 16 484-2, Section 3.11Classification to EN 60730Mode of operation of automatic electrical controlsContamination levelMechanical designType 12Devices are suitable for use in equip-ment with protective class I and IIHousing protection standard Protection standard to EN 65029Front-plate components in DIN cut-outTerminal baseIP30IP20Ambient conditions OperationClimatic conditionsTemperatureHumidityMechanical conditions To IEC 60721-3-3 Class 3K5-5...50 °C5…95 % rh Class 3M2Transport / storageClimatic conditionsTemperatureHumidityMechanical conditions To IEC 60721-3-2 Class 2K3-25…70 °C 5…95 % rh Class 2M2Standards, directives and approvals Product standard EN 60730-1Automatic electrical controls forhousehold and similar use Electromagnetic compatibility (Applications)For use in residential, commercialand industrial environmentsEU conformity (CE)CM1T10870 *)RCM conformity (EMC)T10870en_C1 *)UL approbation UL 916, UL 864Environmental compatibility The product environmental declaration containsdata on RoHS compliance, materials composition,packaging, environmental benefit,disposal)CM2E8175 *)Color Terminal base and plug-in I/O module RAL 7035 (light gray) Dimensions Housing to DIN 43 880, see "Dimensions"Weight Without / with packaging TXM1.6R231 / 252 gTXM1.6R-M241 / 262 g*) The documents can be downloaded from /bt/download.6/107/10Connection diagrams (examples)TXM1.6R, TXM1.6R-M I/O point (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)Supply3915202632N/O contact 2814212733N/C contact41016192531For functions with several I/O points:∙Always use adjacent I/O points∙Each function must be confined to one module only∙The I/O points have a fixed sequence within the function, e.g. the first I/O point is for switch-off.Maintained contact BO Relay NO 250V BO Relay NC 250V8175z 13_01U Relay moduleQ1 Switched load(N/O contact)Q2 Switched load(N/C contact)K3 Step switch /pulse switch /bistable relayOn/off pulseBO Pulse On-Off Self-latching and 2channels (Q250-P)Dual-winding switch (Q250A-P)U Relay moduleK1 Power contactor,self-latchingK2 Dual-winding steppingswitch, bistable relay Pulse on I/O point (2) = K1 ON Pulse on I/O point (1) = K1 OFFPulse on I/O point (4) = K2 ON Pulse on I/O point (3) = K2 OFFPulse control for single-stage load with control from two separate control loops of equal statusBO Pulse On-OffU Relay module K1Power contactor,self-latchingControl circuit 1:Pulse on I/O point (2) = ON Pulse on I/O point (1) = OFF Control circuit 2:Pulse on I/O point (4) = ON Pulse on I/O point (3) = OFFTerminal layout8/10Pulse control for single-stage load with control of equal status from tworemote switching locations BO Pulse On-OffU Relay module K1Power contactor,self-latchingControl circuit 1:Pulse on I/O point (2) = ON Pulse on I/O point (1) = OFF External control location A:S1OFF button S2ON button External control location B:S3OFF button S4ON buttonMaintained contact,3-stage MO Steps81AC / DC 24 ... 230 VU Relay moduleK1, K2, K3Contactors for Stages 1 (3)I/O point (1) ON = Stage 1I/O point (2) ON = Stage 2I/O point (3) ON = Stage 3Pulse, 1-stage DESIGO V4, V5:Use Q250-P1 DESIGO TRAUse BO PulsePulse, 3-stage MO PulseURelay module K1, K2, K3Contactors with self-latching feature for Stages 1 (3)Pulse on I/O point (1) = OFF Pulse on I/O point (2) = Stage 1Pulse on I/O point (3) = Stage 2Pulse on I/O point (4) = Stage 3*)External self-latching is optional**)For other means of control,replace bridge with external circuit9/10Pulse control for a three-stage load with control from two control loops of equal status MO PulseU1, U2Relay modules Control loop 1:U1 Pulse on I/O point (1) = OFF U1 Pulse on I/O point (2) = Stage 1U1 Pulse on I/O point (3) = Stage 2U1Pulse on I/O point (4) = Stage 3K1, K2, K3 Contactors with self-latching feature for Stages 1 … 3*)External self-latching is optionalControl loop 2:U2 Pulse on I/O point (1) = OFF U2 Pulse on I/O point (2) = Stage 1U2 Pulse on I/O point (3) = Stage 2U2 Pulse on I/O point (4) = Stage 3Control signal, three-position output BO 3-Pos Relay8175z 17URelay moduleY1 Control signal OPEN Y2 Control signal CLOSE10/10DimensionsDimensions in mm8172M 01Published by:Siemens Switzerland Ltd.Smart Infrastructure Global Headquarters Theilerstrasse 1a CH-6300 Zug SwitzerlandTel. +41 58 724-2424/buildingtechnologies© Siemens Switzerland Ltd 2007Delivery and technical specifications subject to change。

Emulex VFA5.2 网络适配器家族产品指南说明书

Emulex VFA5.2 网络适配器家族产品指南说明书

Emulex OCe14100B VFA5.2 Adapter FamilyProduct GuideThe Emulex Virtual Fabric Adapter 5 Generation 2 (VFA5.2) Network Adapter Family, which includes the OCe14104B-NX 10 GbE adapter builds on the foundation of the previous generation of Emulex VFA5 adapters by delivering performance enhancements, including RoCE v2 support and management enhancements with improved support for Lenovo XClarity. These new features help reduce complexity, reduce cost, and improve performance with Lenovo servers.The following figure shows the Emulex VFA5.2 ML2 Dual Port 10GbE SFP+ Adapter.Figure 1. Emulex VFA5.2 ML2 Dual Port 10GbE SFP+ AdapterDid you know?The Emulex VFA5.2 adapters support three methods to virtualize I/O, out of the box: Virtual Fabric Mode (vNIC1), Switch Independent mode (vNIC2) and Unified Fabric Port (UFP) mode. With Virtual Fabric, up to eight virtual network ports (vNICs) can be created with a single two-port 10 GbE network adapter.On System x adapters, storage protocols such as iSCSI and FCoE are also supported by Features on Demand upgrades. Using a common hardware infrastructure for Ethernet and SAN and by virtualizing your network adapter, you can reduce your infrastructure capital expense.Click here to check for updatesTable 3. Optical cablesPart number Feature code DescriptionLC-LC OM3 Fiber Optic Cables (requires transceivers)00MN499ASR5Lenovo 0.5m LC-LC OM3 MMF Cable00MN502ASR6Lenovo 1m LC-LC OM3 MMF Cable00MN505ASR7Lenovo 3m LC-LC OM3 MMF Cable00MN508ASR8Lenovo 5m LC-LC OM3 MMF Cable00MN511ASR9Lenovo 10m LC-LC OM3 MMF Cable00MN514ASRA Lenovo 15m LC-LC OM3 MMF Cable00MN517ASRB Lenovo 25m LC-LC OM3 MMF Cable00MN520ASRC Lenovo 30m LC-LC OM3 MMF CableSFP+ 10Gb Active Optical Cables00YL634ATYX Lenovo 1m SFP+ to SFP+ Active Optical Cable 00YL637ATYY Lenovo 3m SFP+ to SFP+ Active Optical Cable 00YL640ATYZ Lenovo 5m SFP+ to SFP+ Active Optical Cable 00YL643ATZ0Lenovo 7m SFP+ to SFP+ Active Optical Cable 00YL646ATZ1Lenovo 15m SFP+ to SFP+ Active Optical Cable 00YL649ATZ2Lenovo 20m SFP+ to SFP+ Active Optical CableThe following table lists the supported direct-attach copper (DAC) cables.Table 4. Copper cablesPart number Feature code DescriptionSFP+ Passive DAC Cables00D6288A3RG0.5m Passive DAC SFP+ Cable90Y9427A1PH1m Passive DAC SFP+ Cable00AY764A51N 1.5m Passive DAC SFP+ Cable00AY765A51P2m Passive DAC SFP+ Cable90Y9430A1PJ3m Passive DAC SFP+ Cable90Y9433A1PK5m Passive DAC SFP+ CableSFP+ Active DAC Cables00VX111AT2R Lenovo 1m Active DAC SFP+ Cables00VX114AT2S Lenovo 3m Active DAC SFP+ Cables00VX117AT2T Lenovo 5m Active DAC SFP+ CablesSFP28 25Gb Passive DAC Cables7Z57A03557AV1W Lenovo 1m Passive 25G SFP28 DAC Cable 7Z57A03558AV1X Lenovo 3m Passive 25G SFP28 DAC Cable 7Z57A03559AV1Y Lenovo 5m Passive 25G SFP28 DAC CableThe following figure shows the Emulex VFA5.2 2x10 GbE SFP+ PCIe Adapter.Figure 2. Emulex VFA5.2 2x10 GbE SFP+ PCIe AdapterFigure 3. ThinkSystem Emulex OCe14104B-NX PCIe 10Gb 4-Port SFP+ Ethernet AdapterTable 6. Server support - ThinkSystem (Part 2 of 3)Part NumberDescriptionDense V32S Intel V2AMD V1Dense V24S V28SEthernet only; No upgrade to FCoE and iSCSI00AG570Emulex VFA5.2 2x10 GbE SFP+ PCIe AdapterN N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N NY7ZT7A00493ThinkSystem Emulex OCe14104B-NX PCIe 10Gb 4-Port SFP+ Ethernet AdapterN N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N NY Table 7. Server support - ThinkSystem (Part 3 of 3)Part NumberDescription 4S V11S Intel V12S Intel V1Dense V1Ethernet only; No upgrade to FCoE and iSCSI00AG570Emulex VFA5.2 2x10 GbE SFP+PCIe AdapterY Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N N N N7ZT7A00493ThinkSystem Emulex OCe14104B-NX PCIe 10Gb 4-Port SFP+ Ethernet AdapterY Y Y N N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N N N NS D 665 V 3 (7D 9P )S D 665-N V 3 (7D A Z )S D 650 V 3 (7D 7M )S D 650-I V 3 (7D 7L )S T 650 V 2 (7Z 75 / 7Z 74)S R 630 V 2 (7Z 70 / 7Z 71)S R 650 V 2 (7Z 72 / 7Z 73)S R 670 V 2 (7Z 22 / 7Z 23)S R 635 (7Y 98 / 7Y 99)S R 655 (7Y 00 / 7Z 01)S R 655 C l i e n t O S S R 645 (7D 2Y / 7D 2X )S R 665 (7D 2W / 7D 2V )S D 630 V 2 (7D 1K )S D 650 V 2 (7D 1M )S D 650-N V 2 (7D 1N )S N 550 V 2 (7Z 69)S R 850 V 2 (7D 31 / 7D 32)S R 860 V 2 (7Z 59 / 7Z 60)S R 950 (7X 11 / 7X 12)S R 850 (7X 18 / 7X 19)S R 850P (7D 2F / 2D 2G )S R 860 (7X 69 / 7X 70)S T 50 (7Y 48 / 7Y 50)S T 250 (7Y 45 / 7Y 46)S R 150 (7Y 54)S R 250 (7Y 52 / 7Y 51)S T 550 (7X 09 / 7X 10)S R 530 (7X 07 / 7X 08)S R 550 (7X 03 / 7X 04)S R 570 (7Y 02 / 7Y 03)S R 590 (7X 98 / 7X 99)S R 630 (7X 01 / 7X 02)S R 650 (7X 05 / 7X 06)S R 670 (7Y 36 / 7Y 37)S D 530 (7X 21)S D 650 (7X 58)S N 550 (7X 16)S N 850 (7X 15)Server support - System xThe Emulex VFA5.2 adapter family is supported in the System x servers that are listed in the following tables.Support for System x and dense servers with Xeon E5/E7 v4 and E3 v5 processorsTable 8. Support for System x and dense servers with Xeon E5/E7 v4 and E3 v5 processorsPartnumber Description00AG570Emulex VFA5.2 2x10 GbE SFP+ PCIe Adapter Y Y Y Y Y Y N 00AG580Emulex VFA5.2 2x10 GbE SFP+ Adapter and FCoE/iSCSI SW N N Y Y Y Y N 00AG560Emulex VFA5.2 ML2 Dual Port 10GbE SFP+ Adapter N N Y Y Y Y N 01CV770Emulex VFA5.2 ML2 2x10 GbE SFP+ Adapter and FCoE/iSCSISWN N Y Y Y Y N7ZT7A00493ThinkSystem Emulex OCe14104B-NX PCIe 10Gb 4-Port SFP+ Ethernet Adapter N N N N N N N x325M6(3943)x325M6(3633)x355M5(8869)x365M5(8871)x385X6/x395X6(6241,E7v4)nx36M5(5465,E5-26v4)sd35(5493)Support for servers with Intel Xeon v3 processors Table 3. Support for servers with Intel Xeon v3 processorsPart number Description00AG570Emulex VFA5.2 2x10 GbE SFP+ PCIe AdapterN N Y Y Y Y Y 00AG580Emulex VFA5.2 2x10 GbE SFP+ Adapter and FCoE/iSCSI SW N N Y Y Y Y Y 00AG560Emulex VFA5.2 ML2 Dual Port 10GbE SFP+ AdapterN N N Y Y Y Y 01CV770Emulex VFA5.2 ML2 2x10 GbE SFP+ Adapter and FCoE/iSCSI SWN N N N N Y Y 7ZT7A00493ThinkSystem Emulex OCe14104B-NX PCIe 10Gb 4-Port SFP+Ethernet AdapterNNNNNN NSupport for servers with Intel Xeon v2 processors Table 9. Support for servers with Intel Xeon v2 processorsPart number Description00AG570Emulex VFA5.2 2x10 GbE SFP+ PCIe AdapterN N N N N N Y Y 00AG580Emulex VFA5.2 2x10 GbE SFP+ Adapter and FCoE/iSCSI SWN N N N N N Y Y 00AG560Emulex VFA5.2 ML2 Dual Port 10GbE SFP+ Adapter N N N N N N Y Y 01CV770Emulex VFA5.2 ML2 2x10 GbE SFP+ Adapter and FCoE/iSCSI SWN N N N N N N Y 7ZT7A00493ThinkSystem Emulex OCe14104B-NX PCIe 10Gb 4-PortSFP+ Ethernet AdapterNNNNNNNN Modes of operationx 3100 M 5 (5457)x 3250 M 5 (5458)x 3500 M 5 (5464)x 3550 M 5 (5463)x 3650 M 5 (5462)x 3850 X 6/x 3950 X 6 (6241, E 7 v 3)n x 360 M 5 (5465)x 3300 M 4 (7382)x 3500 M 4 (7383, E 5-2600 v 2)x 3550 M 4 (7914, E 5-2600 v 2)x 3630 M 4 (7158, E 5-2400 v 2)x 3650 M 4 (7915, E 5-2600 v 2)x 3650 M 4 B D (5466)x 3750 M 4 (8753)x 3850 X 6/x 3950 X 6 (6241, E 7 v 2)In pNIC mode,the adapter operates as a standard dual-port 10 Gbps Ethernet adapter, and itfunctions with any 10 GbE switch. In pNIC mode, with the Emulex FCoE/iSCSI License, the card operates in a traditional Converged Network Adapter (CNA) mode with two Ethernet ports and two storage ports (iSCSI or FCoE) available to the operating system.The following table compares the three virtual fabric modes.Table 10. Comparison of virtual fabric modesFunction Virtual Fabric Mode(vNIC1)Switch Independent Mode(vNIC2)UFP ModeDescription Intelligence in the NetworkingOS working with selectEmulex adapters. VLANbased.Intelligence in the adapter,independent of the upstreamnetworking device.Intelligence in the adapter,independent of theupstream networkingdevice.Supported switches G8124E, G8264, G8264T,G8264CSAll 10 GbE switches G8272, G8264CS, andG8264 (NOS 7.9 or later)Number of vNICs per physical 10 Gb port 4 (3 if storage functions areused to provide a vHBA)4 (3 if storage) 4 (3 if storage)MinimumvNICbandwidth100 Mb100 Mb100 MbServer-to-switch bandwidth limit per vNIC Yes No Yes, maximum burstallowed and minimumguaranteeSwitch-to-server bandwidth limit per vNIC Yes No Yes, maximum burstallowed and minimumguaranteeIEEE 802.1q VLAN tagging Optional Required (untagged traffic will betagged with LPVID which isconfigured in UEFI on a per-vNICbasis)Optional for Trunk orTunnel mode; notsupported for accessmode.Isolated NICteamingfailover pervNICYes No Yes (NOS 7.9 or later)Switch modes Tunnel mode Access or Trunk Mode (two vNICwhich are part of the same physicalport cannot carry the same VLAN)Access, Trunk, Tunnel, and FCoE modesUplink connectivity Dedicated Share Dedicated for Tunnelmode; Shared for othermodesiSCSI/FCoEsupportYes Yes Yes Physical specificationsTable 11. Operating system support for Emulex VFA5.2 2x10 GbE SFP+ PCIe Adapter, 00AG570 (Part 1of 2)Operating systemsMicrosoft Windows Server 2008 R2N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Microsoft Windows Server 2012N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Microsoft Windows Server 2016Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Microsoft Windows Server 2019Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Microsoft Windows Server 2022N N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Microsoft Windows Server version 1709N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Microsoft Windows Server version 1803N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 Server x64 Edition N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.10N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.9N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.3N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.4N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.5Y Y Y N N N N N N N N N N N N Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.6N N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.7Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.8Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.9Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.0Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.1Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.2Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.3Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.4Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.5Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.6Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.0Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP4N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP4 with Xen N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP2N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP2 with Xen N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP3Y Y Y N N N N N N N N Y N N N SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP3 with Xen Y Y Y N N N N N N N N Y N N N SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP4N N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YS R 150S R 250S T 250S D 530 (X e o n G e n 2)S R 530 (X e o n G e n 2)S R 550 (X e o n G e n 2)S R 570 (X e o n G e n 2)S R 590 (X e o n G e n 2)S R 630 (X e o n G e n 2)S R 650 (X e o n G e n 2)S R 850 (X e o n G e n 2)S R 850P (X e o n G e n 2)S R 860 (X e o n G e n 2)S R 950 (X e o n G e n 2)S T 550 (X e o n G e n 2)SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP4 with Xen N N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP5Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP5 with Xen Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP1Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP1 with Xen Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP2Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP2 with Xen Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP3Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP3 with Xen Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP4Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP4 with Xen Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 with Xen Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y VMware vSphere 5.1 (ESXi)N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi) 5.5N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi) 6.0 U3N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi) 6.5N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi) 6.5 U1N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi) 6.5 U2Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi) 6.5 U3Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi) 6.7Y Y Y N N N N N N N N N N N N VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi) 6.7 U1N N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi) 6.7 U2Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi) 6.7 U3Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi) 7.0Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi) 7.0 U1Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi) 7.0 U2Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi) 7.0 U3Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YOperating systemsS R 150S R 250S T 250S D 530 (X e o n G e n 2)S R 530 (X e o n G e n 2)S R 550 (X e o n G e n 2)S R 570 (X e o n G e n 2)S R 590 (X e o n G e n 2)S R 630 (X e o n G e n 2)S R 650 (X e o n G e n 2)S R 850 (X e o n G e n 2)S R 850P (X e o n G e n 2)S R 860 (X e o n G e n 2)S R 950 (X e o n G e n 2)S T 550 (X e o n G e n 2)Table 12. Operating system support for Emulex VFA5.2 2x10 GbE SFP+ PCIe Adapter, 00AG570 (Part 2of 2)Operating systemsMicrosoft Windows Server 2008 R2N N N N N N N N N N N Y N N N Y Y Y Y N Microsoft Windows Server 2012N N N N N N N N N N N N Y Y Y Y Y N Y N Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Microsoft Windows Server 2016Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YMicrosoft Windows Server 2019Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y N N N Y N Y Microsoft Windows Server 2022Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N N N N N N N N Microsoft Windows Server version 1709Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Microsoft Windows Server version 1803Y N N N N Y Y Y Y Y N N N N N N N Y N Y Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 Server x64EditionN N Y N N N N N N N N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.10Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.9Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.3Y Y Y N N Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.4Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.5Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.6Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.7Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.8Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.9Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.0Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y N N N N N N N Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.1Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y N N N N N N N Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.2Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y N N N N N N N Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.3Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y N N N N N N N Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.4Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N N N N N N N N Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.5Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N N N N N N N N Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.6Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N N N N N N N N Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.0Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N N N N N N N N SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP4Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y N Y N SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP4 with XenY Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y N Y Y Y N Y N SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP2Y Y Y N N Y Y Y N Y YYYY Y Y Y Y Y YS D 530 (X e o n G e n 1)S R 530 (X e o n G e n 1)S R 550 (X e o n G e n 1)S R 570 (X e o n G e n 1)S R 590 (X e o n G e n 1)S R 630 (X e o n G e n 1)S R 650 (X e o n G e n 1)S R 850 (X e o n G e n 1)S R 860 (X e o n G e n 1)S R 950 (X e o n G e n 1)S T 550 (X e o n G e n 1)x 3850/3950 X 6 (6241, E 7 v 3)x 3850/3950 X 6 (6241, E 7 v 4)x 3250 M 6 (3633)n x 360 M 5 (5465)x 3500 M 5 (5464)x 3550 M 5 (5463)x 3550 M 5 (8869)x 3650 M 5 (5462)x 3650 M 5 (8871)11SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP2 with XenY Y Y N N Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP3Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP3 with XenY Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP4Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP4 with XenY Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP5Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP5 with XenY Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N Y N Y SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP1Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N Y N Y SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP1 with XenY Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N Y N Y SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP2Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N Y N Y SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP2 with XenY Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N Y N Y SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP3Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N N N N N N N N SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP3 with XenY Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N N N N N N N N SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP4Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N N N N N N N N SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP4 with XenY Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N N N N N N N N SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 with Xen Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N Y N Y VMware vSphere 5.1 (ESXi)N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Y Y Y N Y N VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi) 5.5N N N N N N N N N N N N N Y Y Y Y N Y N VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi) 6.0 U3Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi) 6.5Y Y Y N N Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi) 6.5 U1Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi) 6.5 U2Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi) 6.5 U3Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi) 6.7Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y N Y N Y VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi) 6.7 U1Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y N Y N Y VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi) 6.7 U2Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y N Y N Y VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi) 6.7 U3Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YNYY Y Y N Y N YOperating systemsS D 530 (X e o n G e n 1)S R 530 (X e o n G e n 1)S R 550 (X e o n G e n 1)S R 570 (X e o n G e n 1)S R 590 (X e o n G e n 1)S R 630 (X e o n G e n 1)S R 650 (X e o n G e n 1)S R 850 (X e o n G e n 1)S R 860 (X e o n G e n 1)S R 950 (X e o n G e n 1)S T 550 (X e o n G e n 1)x 3850/3950 X 6 (6241, E 7 v x 3850/3950 X 6 (6241, E 7 v x 3250 M 6 (3633)n x 360 M 5 (5465)x 3500 M 5 (5464)x 3550 M 5 (5463)x 3550 M 5 (8869)x 3650 M 5 (5462)x 3650 M 5 (8871)VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi) 7.0Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N N N N N N N N VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi) 7.0 U1Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N N N N N N N N VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi) 7.0 U2Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N N N N N N N N VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi) 7.0 U3Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YNNN N N N N N NOperating systems[in box driver support only]Table 13. Operating system support for Emulex VFA5.2 ML2 Dual Port 10GbE SFP+ Adapter, 00AG560(Part 1 of 2)Operating systemsMicrosoft Windows Server 2008 R2N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Microsoft Windows Server 2012N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2N N N N N N N N N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Microsoft Windows Server 2016Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Microsoft Windows Server 2019Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Microsoft Windows Server 2022Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Microsoft Windows Server version 1709N N N N N N N N N N Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Microsoft Windows Server version 1803N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Y Y Y Y Y Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 Server x64 Edition N N N N N N N N N N N Y N N N N N N N Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.10N N N N N N N N N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.9N N N N N N N N N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.3N N N N N N N N N N Y Y N N Y Y Y N Y Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.4N N N N N N N N N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.5N N N N N N N N N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.6Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.7Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.8Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.9Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.0Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YS D 530 (X e o n G e n 1)S R 530 (X e o n G e n 1)S R 550 (X e o n G e n 1)S R 570 (X e o n G e n 1)S R 590 (X e o n G e n 1)S R 630 (X e o n G e n 1)S R 650 (X e o n G e n 1)S R 850 (X e o n G e n 1)S R 860 (X e o n G e n 1)S R 950 (X e o n G e n 1)S T 550 (X e o n G e n 1)x 3850/3950 X 6 (6241, E 7 v x 3850/3950 X 6 (6241, E 7 v x 3250 M 6 (3633)n x 360 M 5 (5465)x 3500 M 5 (5464)x 3550 M 5 (5463)x 3550 M 5 (8869)x 3650 M 5 (5462)x 3650 M 5 (8871)1S R 530 (X e o n G e n 2)S R 550 (X e o n G e n 2)S R 570 (X e o n G e n 2)S R 590 (X e o n G e n 2)S R 630 (X e o n G e n 2)S R 650 (X e o n G e n 2)S R 850 (X e o n G e n 2)S R 850P (X e o n G e n 2)S R 860 (X e o n G e n 2)S R 950 (X e o n G e n 2)S R 530 (X e o n G e n 1)S R 550 (X e o n G e n 1)S R 570 (X e o n G e n 1)S R 590 (X e o n G e n 1)S R 630 (X e o n G e n 1)S R 650 (X e o n G e n 1)S R 850 (X e o n G e n 1)S R 860 (X e o n G e n 1)S R 950 (X e o n G e n 1)Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.1Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.2Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.3Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.4Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.5Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.6Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.7Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.0Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP4N N N N N N N N N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP4 with Xen N N N N N N N N N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP2N N N N N N N N N N Y Y N N Y Y Y N Y SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP2 with Xen N N N N N N N N N N Y Y N N Y Y Y N Y SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP3N N N N N N N Y N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP3 with Xen N N N N N N N Y N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP4Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP4 with Xen Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP5Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP5 with Xen Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP1Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP1 with Xen Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP2Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP2 with Xen Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP3Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP3 with Xen Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP4Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP4 with Xen Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 with Xen Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y VMware vSphere 5.1 (ESXi)N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi) 5.5N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi) 6.0 U3N N N N N N N N N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi) 6.5N N N N N N N N N N Y Y N N Y Y Y N Y VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi) 6.5 U1N N N N N N N N N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi) 6.5 U2Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi) 6.5 U3Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YOperating systems S R 530 (X e o n G e n 2)S R 550 (X e o n G e n 2)S R 570 (X e o n G e n 2)S R 590 (X e o n G e n 2)S R 630 (X e o n G e n 2)S R 650 (X e o n G e n 2)S R 850 (X e o n G e n 2)S R 850P (X e o n G e n S R 860 (X e o n G e n 2)S R 950 (X e o n G e n 2)S R 530 (X e o n G e n 1)S R 550 (X e o n G e n 1)S R 570 (X e o n G e n 1)S R 590 (X e o n G e n 1)S R 630 (X e o n G e n 1)S R 650 (X e o n G e n 1)S R 850 (X e o n G e n 1)S R 860 (X e o n G e n 1)S R 950 (X e o n G e n 1)VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi) 6.7N N N N N N N N N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi) 6.7 U1Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi) 6.7 U2Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi) 6.7 U3Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi) 7.0Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi) 7.0 U1Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi) 7.0 U2Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi) 7.0 U3Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YOperating systemsTable 14. Operating system support for Emulex VFA5.2 ML2 Dual Port 10GbE SFP+ Adapter, 00AG560(Part 2 of 2)Operating systemsMicrosoft Windows Server 2008 R2Y N N Y Y Y N Microsoft Windows Server 2012N Y Y Y N Y N Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2N Y Y Y Y Y Y Microsoft Windows Server 2016Y Y Y Y Y Y YMicrosoft Windows Server 2019N Y N N Y N Y Microsoft Windows Server 2022N N N N N N N Microsoft Windows Server version 1709Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Microsoft Windows Server version 1803N N N N Y N Y Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 Server x64 Edition N Y Y Y Y Y Y Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.10N Y Y Y Y Y Y Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.9N Y Y Y Y Y Y Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.3Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.4Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.5Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.6Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.7YYY Y Y Y YS R 530 (X e o n G e n 2)S R 550 (X e o n G e n 2)S R 570 (X e o n G e n 2)S R 590 (X e o n G e n 2)S R 630 (X e o n G e n 2)S R 650 (X e o n G e n 2)S R 850 (X e o n G e n 2)S R 850P (X e o n G e n S R 860 (X e o n G e n 2)S R 950 (X e o n G e n 2)S R 530 (X e o n G e n 1)S R 550 (X e o n G e n 1)S R 570 (X e o n G e n 1)S R 590 (X e o n G e n 1)S R 630 (X e o n G e n 1)S R 650 (X e o n G e n 1)S R 850 (X e o n G e n 1)S R 860 (X e o n G e n 1)S R 950 (X e o n G e n 1)x 3850/3950 X 6 (6241, E 7 v 3)x 3850/3950 X 6 (6241, E 7 v 4)n x 360 M 5 (5465)x 3550 M 5 (5463)x 3550 M 5 (8869)x 3650 M 5 (5462)x 3650 M 5 (8871)11。

Cryo 5 用户手册说明书

Cryo 5 用户手册说明书

Cryo 5 Users Manual Front PanelCryo 5 Back PanelDescription of the Front Side2a Therapy Time Adjustment2b Digital Therapy Time Display3a Air Current Flow Regulation Key3b Air Current Flow Indication Display4Start/Stop Key5a Defrosting Key5b Defrosting Indication Display6After-Sales-Service Indication Display7Indication Display for Emptying the Defrosted Water Container 8Indication Display for Cleaning the Filter9On/Off Indication Display10Stand-by Indication DisplayDescription of the Back Side1On/Off Switch11Filter for Room Air12Access Door to the Container for Defrosted Water13Power Fuses14Identification Plate15Power Cable16Holder for Treatment Tube17Treatment Tube18Base and CastorsCryo 5Table of Contents Page1.Assembly Notice52.Short Start-Up Procedure63.Device Description74.Description of the Front Panel95.Description of the Back Panel126.Modifications of the Treatment Parameters137.Indications / Contraindications148.Advice159.Technical Information1610.Accessories1718 11.Safety and Maintenance•Safety•Functional and Safety Test•General Comment•Error Indications•Casing Care•Disposal12.UL Classification201. Assembly Notice1.Castors(18)If the desired castors are not mounted on the Cryo 5, proceed as follows:•Lay the Cryo 5 on its left side, opposite to the one with the holder for the treatment tube. Pay attention not to damage the filter at the backside.•Castor axle can be plugged in the 4 special holes on the base of the unit.2.Holder forTreatment tube(16)Holder is affixed with the 2 corresponding screws on the right side of the unit.3.TreatmentTube(17)The tube can be screwed on below the front panel of the Cryo 5. The cold air exit is situated there.4.Handpiece To be inserted into the distal end of the treatment hose toprovide a smaller, more easily directed flow of air.2. Short Start-Up Procedure1.Switch onthe Device Press the On/Off Key (1)The On/Off Indication Display (9) is then lit.When the Cryo 5 has been switched on, it begins to store a reserve of cold air. The unit needs 10 minutes to reach the minimal cold temperature. The loading time is indicated by the blinking of the Stand-By Indication Display (10), during which time the device cannot be used.2.Utilization When the unit has reached its minimal cold temperature, it isready for use and the Stand-By Indication Display (10) stopsblinking. It is then constantly lit.3.Beginning ofthe Treatment The unit is preset with an air current flow level of 3 (3b) and a treatment time of 15 minutes (2b). Select the desired air output. Press the Start/Stop Key.4.End of theTreatment The end of the treatment is indicated by the stop of the air current flow and an acoustic signal.3. Device DescriptionWhat is theCryo 5?A compact device which generates cold air for skin cooling.What does it produce?The Cryo 5 produces cold air at that can be applied with variable air current flows.What are the advantages of the Cryo 5?The preset parameters are user friendly. A large cold air production capacity is provided. Only ambient room air and electricity are required. No consumables.How can you reach the desired cold concentration?Depending upon the surface and the access of the area to be treated, the device offers 6 air current flow levels (level 1 = 300 l/min, level 6 = 700 l/min.).The Running of the Cryo 5In order to employ Cryo 5 in its entire capacity, the daily running stages and principal elements should be understood.The Cryo 5 is basically composed of the following elements:- a "cold circuit" with a cold reserve,- a compressor,- a cooling fan (Fan C), situated in the low part of the unit,- a therapy fan (Fan T),- a defrosting system of the cold reserve,- a micro-processor controlled driving system.The daily running of the Cryo 5 consists of the following stages:The Minimal Load With "Load", we mean the time the device needs to produce acertain quantity of cold that it will store in its reserve. The"Minimal Load" of the Cryo 5 begins to be created as soon as thedevice is switched on. This phase is characterized by thesimultaneous working of the compressor and the Fan C. These 2elements are always functioning together. During the MinimalLoad, no functions are available and the indication displays onlybring a horizontal slash; no therapy is possible.When the unit has reached its minimal cold temperature, theStand-By Indication Display (10) stops blinking. The compressorand Fan C still function and now produce the Additional or TotalLoad.The Total Load (Additional)The Total Load refers to the steady maintenance of the maximum cold temperature in the cold reserve.For example: During a treatment (Starting of Fan T with the Start Key), the compressor and the Fan C run automatically in order to compensate for the loss of cold capacity. When the Fan T stops (end of treatment) the compressor and Fan C will continue running in order to complete the cold reserve.During this loading period, treatment is possible. Afterwards, the unit remains in Stand-By Mode.The Stand-by If the device is not used for approximately 30 minutes, (in Stand-by Mode), the cold reserve will naturally lose part of its capacity.The compressor and Fan C will then start running in order tocomplete the cold reserve.During the Stand-by Mode, treatment is possible.Cold reserve additions are made automatically. The frequencyrequired to maintain adequate cold reserve may changeaccording to the climatic conditions around the Cryo 5.Important Advice for Optimal Use The first treatment should be made after the cold reserve is complete or Total Load and not after the Minimal Load. Otherwise, the possibility exists that the unit may not have enough cold reserve for subsequent treatments; it would then automatically proceed to the Minimal Load and treatment would not be possible for a few minutes.4. Description of the Front Panel Displays and Keys Function(2a)Therapy TimeAdjustmentThe therapy time can be adjusted with these 2 keys.Any modification of the treatment time in Stand-By Mode will bestored for the following treatments.Lightly typing , results in decreasing the treatment timefrom 15 to 0 minutes.Lightly typing , results in increasing the treatment time from15 to 30 to 60 minutes.(2b)Digital TherapyTime DisplayDuring the Minimal Load or the Defrosting Phase, this displaydoes not indicate a treatment time, rather "--:--".The therapy time is pre-set at 15 minutes, but is modifiable to suitthe user’s needs. During treatment, the time counts down by thesecond.At the end of treatment, 00:00 is indicated in the Digital TherapyTime Display. The end of the treatment is indicated by the stop ofthe air current flow and an acoustic signal.(3a)Air CurrentFlow Regula-tion KeyThe unit is preset with an air current flow 3. But it may bemodified before, as well as during the treatment.Lightly typing results in reducing the air current flow toLevel 1.Lightly typing results in increasing the air current flow toLevel 6.Holding the key pressed modifies the air current flow eachsecond.(3b)Air CurrentFlow IndicationDisplayDuring the Minimal Load or the Defrosting Phase, this displayindicates "-".When the Minimal Load has been reached, it indicates the presetLevel 3.(4)Start/StopKeyThis key has the following functions:• In Stand-by mode or during additional loading, the treatment begins by pressing this key. The treatment time counts down by the second. During the treatment the compressor functions permanently.• The treatment can be interrupted by pressing this key. The air current flow and the therapy time stop.• By pressing this key again, the interrupted treatment can be continued. Therapy time starts again at the previous value.• At the end of the treatment, Cryo 5 returns to Stand-by Mode.All parameters return to their default value. The device can be used again for a treatment.(5a)DefrostingKeyDefrosting is made in Stand-by Mode by pressing both keys simultaneously for a few seconds. Defrosting should be started in 2 cases:• When the air current flow of the Cryo 5 is lower than normal (the cold reserve is blocked with ice and the air cannot circulate freely. The cause of this is a very humid environment).• When the Cryo 5 will not be used for an extended period (i.e.holidays), it is suggested to defrost the unit and to empty the Water Container prior to leaving in order to prevent water accumulation in the device.During defrosting, the Stand-By Indication Display stops blinking and the Defrosting Indication Display is lit. The device draws in the ambient air, which passes through the cold circuit (without being cooled) and draws it out through the treatment tube. The defrosted water flows into the container at the back of the device.The defrosting procedure stops automatically, once the temperature of the cold circuit has reached ambient room temperature, or manually by pressing both keys again. After defrosting, the device proceeds to a Minimal Load.(5b)DefrostingIndicationDisplayIt indicates that the defrosting procedure is running. Once completed, the display stops blinking.(6)After-Sales-ServiceIndicationDisplay This indication display is lit when the Cryo 5 presents a defect in the functioning. It is indicated by an acoustic signal and an error number in the Digital Therapy Time Display: F --.It is then better to switch off the device and call your distributor.With the error number, he can give instructions on how toproceed.(7)IndicationDisplay forEmptying theDefrosted Water ContainerThis display indicates that the container for defrosted water should be emptied. The container is accessible through the door at the back of the device. When the indication display is lit, no treatment is possible.(8)IndicationDisplay forCleaning theFilterIn order to protect the cold circuit and to control the purity of the air drawn out of the Cryo 5, a filter has been installed (11) at the back of the device. The indication display is lit when the filter should be cleaned. Switch off the device and clean the filter with a vacuum.After cleaning, the filter display must be switched off manually.Proceed as follows: Hold the Start/Stop key pressed and switch on the device.(9)On/Off Indica-tion DisplayThis display is lit as long as the device is switched on. If it should go out along with the other indication displays, it is possible that a malfunction of the Cryo 5 has occurred which burned out the primary fuses of the device. In this case, please contact your After-Sales-Service Representative, who will then check the cause of the break down and change the primary fuses if needed.(10)Stand-By Indi-cation Display • When this display is lit, the Cryo 5 is ready for use; it has enough cold capacity to proceed to treatments.• When this display blinks, the Cryo 5 is proceeding to a Minimal Load or defrosting. No treatment is then possible.5. Description of the Back Panel(1)On/OffSwitch Upon switching on the Cryo 5, an acoustic signal sounds. The device checks the correct functioning of keys and indication displays in 2 ways:- Graphic elements check- Typical display check with treatment time and parameters. Afterwards, Cryo 5 begins to store its cold reserve and all displays indicate "--" until the device is ready for use.(11)Filter forRoom Air In order to clean the treatment air of larger impurities, the Cryo 5 is equipped with a metallic filter at the back of the device. Its maintenance is very simple: it should be cleaned regularly with a vacuum cleaner. The operation must only be made when the indication display for cleaning the filter is lit.(12)Access Doorto the Containerfor DefrostedWater By switching on the Cryo 5 or by starting "defrosting", the cooling system warms and produces defrosted water. The Water Container holding approx. 2 liters can be reached through the door at the rear of the device. It can be opened by pushing the black slide downwards.It is advisable to disinfect the Water Container after emptying. The level sensor (hanging ball) should also be cleaned. Check before closing the door to be sure that the ball is placed in the Water Container. The device should only be used when the Water Container is placed in the unit.6. Modification of Preset ParametersCryo 5 provides the possibility to individualize the treatmentaccording to your needs.Air Current FlowAir Current Flow is preset at Level 3 and can be modified bypressing the keys / .Treatment TimeTreatment Time is preset at 15 minutes; it may be modified to30:00 and 60:00 minutes.When these parameters are modified in Stand-by Mode (beforepressing Start/Stop to begin a treatment) they are stored until thedevice is switched off. After switching off and on, the presetparameters are available again.7. Indications / Contra-Indications Indications The Cryo 5 Cold Air Device is intended to minimizediscomfort associated with laser treatments. Alternativeuses include skin cooling as a local anesthetic forprocedures that induce minor discomfort..Contra-Indications•Hyper-sensitivity to cold•Areas of impaired sensation•Areas of impaired circulation•Open wounds•Do not use in the presence of explosive gases.8. AdviceCaution•After transporting Cryo 5 (especially sideways), wait at least30 minutes before switching on the unit.•Do not place the Cryo 5 near a heating device: heatingsystem, fango unit, sauna, etc... Insure a minimum of 24” freespace behind Cryo 5 for air circulation.•Under extreme environmental conditions (over 86°F and highhumidity) Cryo 5´s cooling capacity may be reduced.•Electrical and magnetic fields may interfere with the normalfunctioning of the device. The use of Cryo 5 close to anydevice generating electromagnetic fields (radiology,diathermy...) is impermissible.•Cryo 5 packaging is to be disposed of and kept out of thereach of children.•Cryo 5 should not be used the presence of explosive orflammable gases.9. Technical InformationOperating Voltage: 120V / 60 HzThermal-Magnetic Circuit Breaker: 12A or 14APower Input: 1.4 kVAPower Input in Stand-by: about 260 WVolume Level: 70 dBa max.Treatment Temperature: -29°F max. (-35°C)Air Volume: 1000l/min max.Protection Class: Class I, Type B according IEC 601-1 MDD/MPG: Class IlaTreatment Tube Length: 71 inches (180 cm)Housing Dimensions: H 38 inches (970 mm) /W 13 inches (330 mm) /L 18 inches (460 mm)Dimensions of the Base: W 470 mm / L 510 mmHeight with Castors 3 Inches (75 mm): 43 inches (1080 mm)Weight: 121 lbs. (55 kg)Environmental Conditions: Temperature from +50°F to +95°F: Steady humidity level from 30 to 95%: Pressure from 700 hPa to 1060 hPa Storage Conditions: Temperature from -38°F to +158°F: Relative humidity from 10 to 100%: Pressure from 500 hPa to 1060 hPa Packaging: The device should only be shipped inthe original packagingStorage and shipment only with an empty water container!Explanation of Labels Device Type B:Protection level against electricshock.Refer to user manual!Technical changes possible10. AccessoriesOnly authorized accessories should be used.Accessories delivered with unit 1 User Manual1 air hose1 mounting bracket for air hose 1 Container for defrosted waterAvailable Accessories*Accessory Number95370000 Air Hose80025520Container for defrosted Water 65440611Base80400751Castor Ø 75 mm65370620mounting bracket for air hose 95372210Air Hose* Changes possible11. Safety and MaintenanceSafety Cryo 5 is produced in accordance with Safety Standard VDE0750 Part 1 (IEC 601-1), UL 2601, Good ManufacturingPractices, and Safe Medical Devices Act and Amendments.As the manufacturer, Zimmer Elektromedizin GmbH can only beheld responsible for safety and reliability of the device when:•the device is connected to the correct “hospital grade”electrical outlet,•the device is used in accordance with the User Manual,•repairs, modifications or any other changes are made only bythose authorized to do so by Zimmer Elektromedizin.The device consists of no parts which must be user-supplied.(The user must only vacuum the filter (11) when the indicationlight is lit, and empty the Water Container (12) when full.)If any functional and safety test is required, proceed as follows: Functional andSafety TestThese control checks should only be made by knowledgeable,qualified personnel with the practical necessities, which enablethese technical checks to be independently performed.The following controls must be made:•Control of the outside function and safety state of the deviceand accessories.•Control of readability of descriptions and displays.•Control of functioning according User Manual, Chapter 4,On/Off Switch.•Control of the protective earth resistance according IEC 601-1maximal value: 0,2 Ω.•Control of ground leakage current according UL 2601maximal value: 300 µA.The controls checked, as well as the results, must be mentionedin the device book.If any control is not operating correctly, the device must berepaired or the user must be informed that it is dangerous. General Comment This User Manual is to be considered as part of the device itselfand is therefore always to be kept in close vicinity of the device.The User Manual is the basis for correct usage and handling ofthe device as well as for the patients and operators safety.Error Indications If an error is detected, an error indication is displayed on the screen as follows:In some cases, the error is self-correctable after the device has been switched-off. In this case, wait a few seconds and switch the device back on.If the error indication is still displayed after switching the device back on, contact customer service.In the event of an Error “F22”, switch off the device and wait 30 minutes before switching on again.Certified Service Personnel can be reached by contacting the sales representative or by contacting Zimmer Elektromedizin directly.When the expulsed air or air volume temperature is decreasing, defrosting is necessary.Casing Care Cryo 5 casing should be cleaned with commercial plastic cleaner. Glass front panel, treatment tube and nozzels are easy to be cleaned with a non abrasive glass cleaning product.Disposal The device must be given to specifically authorized personnel ororganization for disposal.12. UL ClassificationThe device bears the following UL Mark:CLASSIFIED BY UNDERWRITERS LABORATORIES INC.WITH RESPECT TO ELECTRIC SHOCK, FIRE,MECHANICAL HAZARDS ONLYIN ACCORDANCE WITH UL 2601-1 AND CAN/CSA C22.2 NO. 601.11KD1。

MMBT5401高电压PNP Silicon M5A艾克拉特透视器数据表说明书

MMBT5401高电压PNP Silicon M5A艾克拉特透视器数据表说明书

mW/oC oC/W mW
mW/oC oC/W
ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T =25OC unless otherwise noted) A
Collector-Emitter Breakdown Voltage (I C=-1.0mAdc,I B=0) Collector-Base Breakdown Voltage (I C=-100μAdc,I E=0) Emitter-Base Breakdown Voltage (I E=-10μAdc,I C=0) Collector Cutoff Current (VCB=-120Vdc, I E=0) (VCB=-120Vdc, I E=0, TA=100oC)
June 5,2018-REV.03
Fig.35 PAGE . 1
Total Device Dissipation FR-4 Board (Note 1) TA=25oC Derate Above 25oC Thermal Resistance, Junction-to-Ambient Total Device Dissipation Alumina Substrate (Note 2) TA=25oC Derate Above 25oC Thermal Resistance Junction-to-Ambient

Orolia GSG-5 6系列GNSS模拟器说明书

Orolia GSG-5 6系列GNSS模拟器说明书

Simulation is simply the best way to test and verif y proper operation of devices, systems and software reliant on global navigation satellite signals. Orolia GSG-5/6 series simulators are easy to use, feature-rich and affordable to offer the best value compared to alternative testing tools or the limitations of testing from “live sky” signals.Basic PrincipleGSG-5/6 simulators can generate any combination o f GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, BeiDou, QZSS, SBAS satellite signals under any condition simultaneously through a single RF output (type N connector). Configurations with higher channel counts generate new, modernized, signals on any of the navigation f requencies, including IRNSS, even those currently under development. Based on a test scenario that includes date, time and power levels, the generated signals correspond to any position on, or above, the earth (below the satellite orbits at approximately 20,000 km). It is easy to test dynamic conditions by defining a trajectory of the receiver under test. The simulator manages all the dynamics including relativistic effects.Test Solutions•Position/navigation accuracy •Dynamic range/sensitivity•Simulate movements/trajectories any way on or above earth •Susceptibility to noise•Sensitivity to GPS impairments: loss of satellites, multi-path, atmospheric conditions, interference, jamming and spoofing •Conducted or over-the-air RF •GPS time transfer accuracy •Effect of leap second transition •Multiple constellation testing •Modernization signals/ frequencies•Keyless military SAASM and dual-frequency and survey-grade receiver testing •Controlled radiation pattern antennas (CRPA)•Hardware-in-the-loop integrationEasy to Use•Pre-defined or user-defined test scenarios•Full control over all test parameters •Front panel interface/stand-alone operation•Windows-based scenario builder software including Google MapsFlexible•Remote operation by Ethernet,GPIB, USB•Built-in or downloadable navigation files•Full control over trajectories and other dynamicsPowerful•Up to 64 simultaneous signals •All GNSS constellations and frequencies•Accurate, adjustable power levels •Synchronization features to external devices or other simulatorsProvided by: (800)404-ATECAdvanced Test Equipment Corp .®Rentals • Sales • Calibration • ServiceSimple Set-up and Operation Even the most inexperienced operator can configure scenarios on the fly without the need for an external PC and pre-compilation phase. Via the front panel, the user can swiftly modify parameters. Each unit comes with a license or GSG StudioView™ Windows sof tware to graphically create, modify, and upload scenarios.A Google Maps inter f ace makes trajectory creation easy. Trajectories can also be defined by recorded or generated NMEA f ormats. Connectivity Extends Ease-of-use and FlexibilityGSG simulators can be controlled via an Ethernet network connection, USB or GPIB. A built-in web interf ace allows complete operation of the instrument through front panel controls. It also allows for file transfers. Connectivity also supports the integration of GNSS simulation into a wide range of other applications. There is an option to control signal generation in real-time through a simple command set. It can synchronize to external systems in many other ways based on its precision timing capabilities and the ability to automatically download ephemeris and almanac data via RINEX files.Input/OutputRF GNSS Signal Generation• Connector: Type N female• DC blocking: Internal, up to 7 VDC; 470 Ω nominal load• Frequency bands:• L1/E1/B1/SAR: 1539 to 1627 MHz• L2/L2C: 1192 to 1280 MHz• L5/E5/B2: 1148 to 1236 MHz• E6/B3:1224 to 1312 MHz• Output channels:• 1 (GSG-51); 4, 8, 16 (GSG-5); 32 (GSG-62),48, (GSG-63), 64 (GSG-64)• Any channel can generate anyconstellation or a derivative signal(multipath, interference, jamming)• Any set of 16 channels can generatewithin a frequency band• Constellations: GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, BeiDou, QZSS, IRNSS• Modulations: BPSK, QPSK, BOC (all)• SBAS: WAAS, EGNOS, GAGAN, MSAS, SAIF (included)• Spurious transmission: ≤40 dBc• Harmonics: ≤40 dBc• Output signal level: -65 to -160 dBm;0.1 dB resolution down to -150 dBm;0.3 dB down to -160 dBm• Power accuracy: ±1.0 dB• Pseudorange accuracy: 1mm• Inter-channel bias: Zero• Inter-channel range: >54 dB • Limits Standard ExtendedAltitude18,240 m(60,000 feet)20,200,000 m(66,273,000 feet)Acceleration 4.0 g No limitsVelocity515 m/s (1000knots)20,000 m/s(38,874 knots)Jerk20 m/s3No limit• White noise signal level: -50 to -160 dBm;0.1 dB resolution down to -150 dBm;0.3 dB down to -160 dBm. ±1.0 dB accuracyExternal Frequency ReferenceInput• Connector: BNC female• Frequency: 10 MHz nominal• Input signal level: 0.1 to 5Vrms• Input impedance: >1kΩFrequency Reference Output• Connector: BNC female• Frequency: 10 MHz sine• Output signal level: 1Vrms in to 50 Ω loadExternal Trigger Input• Connector: BNC female• Level: TTL level, 1.4V nominalXPPS Output• Connector: BNC female• Rate: 1, 10, 100, 1000 PPS (configurable)• Pulse ratio: 1/10 (1 high, 9 low)• Output signal level: Approx. 0V to +2.0V in50 Ω load• Accuracy: Calibrated to ±10 nSec of RFtiming mark output (option to reduce bya factor of ten with a characterization ofoffsets)Built-in TimebaseInternal Timebase – High StabilityOCXO• Aging per 24 h: <5x10-10• Aging per year: <5x10-8• Temp. variation 0…50°C: <5x10-9• Short term stability (Adev @1s): <5x10-12Auxiliary FunctionsInterface• GPIB (IEEE-488.2), USB 1.X or 2.X(SBTMC-488), Ethernet (100/10 Mbps)Settings• Predefined scenarios: User can changedate, time, position, trajectory, numberof satellites, satellite power level andatmospheric model• User defined scenarios: Unlimited• Trajectory data: NMEA format (GGA orRMC messages, or both), convert fromother formats with GSG StudioView™ (seeseparate datasheet)General SpecificationsCertifications• Safety: Designed and tested forMeasurement Category I, Pollution Degree2, in accordance with EN/IEC 61010-1:2001• EMC: EN 61326-1:2013, increased test levelsper EN 61000-6-3:2001 and EN 61000-6-2:2005Dimensions• WxHxD: 210 x 90 x 395 mm(8.25” x 3.6” x 15.6”)• Weight: approx. 2.7 kg (approx. 5.8 lb)Optional Antenna• Frequency: 1000 to 2600 MHz• Impedance: 50 Ω• VSWR: <2:1 (typ)• Connector: SMA male• Dimensions: 15 mm diameter x 36 mmlengthEnvironmental• Class: MIL-PRF-28800F, Class 3• Temperature: 0°C to +50°C (operating);-40°C to +70°C non-condensing @<12,000 m (storage)Humidity:• 5-95 % @ 10 to 30°C• 5-75 % @ 30 to 40°C• 5-45 % @ 40 to 50°CPower• Line Voltage: 100-240 VAC, 50/60/400 H z• Power Consumption: 40 W max.Optional FeaturesRecord and Playback (OPT-RP)This option provides the easiest way to create acomplex scenario by recording satellite signalson a route. It includes a recording receiver andsoftware to automatically generate a simulationscenario that can be modified to ask ‘what if’questions.• True life constellation replication• Automatic scenario generation• Ability to modify signal parameters• Compatible with any recording that includesNMEA 0183 RMC, GGA, and GSV sentencesReal-time Scenario Generator(OPT-RSG)This option supports generation o f 6DOFtrajectory in f ormation via position, velocity,acceleration, or heading commands as theinput f or GPS RF generation. Vehicle attitudeand attitude rate changes, as well as satellitepower levels, are also controllable via real-timecommands.• Control trajectories using 6DOF• Low fixed latency from command input toRF output• Hardware-in-the-loop applications• Includes sensor simulation optionRTK/DGNSS Virtual Reference Station (OPT-RTK)This option supports generation o f RTCM correction data messages for testing an RTK/ Differential-GNSS receiver.• Generates RTCM 3.x correction data via 1002, 1004, 1006, 1010, 1012, and 1033 messages• User settable base station location• Support for GNSS RTK receivers using serial interfacesHigh Velocity Option (OPT-HV) This option extends the limits f or simulated trajectories. As of August 2014, the extended limits are no longer USA export controlled. (See Limits chart under Input/Output specifications.) Jamming Simulation (OPT-JAM) This option extends the capability o f the standard interf erence simulation f eature. Set noise or sweep types of interference and create a location-based jammer to test your system’s susceptibility.• Adjustable bandwidth and amplitude interference• Location-based jamming• Swept-frequency jammingeCall Scenarios (OPT-ECL)This option provides scenarios for testing eCall in vehicle systems per Regulation (EU) 2017/79. Sensor Simulation (OPT-SEN)This option generates sensor data in response to a query according to the trajectory of the GPS RF simulation in real-time. See technical note for more details.• Simultaneously test GPS plus other sensor inputs to your nav system• Simulate data for accelerometers, gravimeters, gyroscopes and odometers UN R144 Test suite (OPT-UNR)This option provides scenarios and test suitefor testing UN R144 in vehicle systems.Ordering InformationBase Configurations• GSG-51: Single channel GPS L1 generator(contact the factory for alternativeconstellations and upgrades to multi-channel and/or frequencies)• GSG-5: 4-channel GPS L1 simulator.Software options increase output channelsto 8 or 16, and adds GLONASS, BeiDou (B1),Galileo (E1), or QZSS constellations. Factoryupgradable to GSG-62 to add more channeland/or frequencies)• GSG-62: 32-channels and up to 2simultaneous frequency bands. Softwareoptions adds GLONASS, BeiDou, Galileo,QZSS or IRNSS constellations; and addssignals on other frequencies (P-code, L2,L2C, Galileo E5a/b, BeiDou B2)• GSG-63: 48-channels and up to 3simultaneous frequency bands. Samesoftware options as GSG-62• GSG-64: 64-channels and up to 4simultaneous frequency bands. Samesoftware options as GSG-62Included with instrument• User manual and GSG StudioView software(one license per unit) on CD• RF cable, 1.5 m• SMA to Type N adapter• USB cable• Certificate of calibration• 3-year warranty1Optional Accessories• Option 01/71: Passive GNSS antenna• Option 22/90: Rack-mount kit• Option 27H: Heavy-duty hard transport case• OM-54: User manual (printed)• Additional StudioView licenses are availableOptional UpgradesConstellations• OPT-GLO: GLONASS Constellation• OPT-GAL: Galileo Constellation• OPT-BDS: BeiDou Constellation• OPT-QZ: QZSS Constellation• OPT-IRN: IRNSS Constellation (requires atleast GSG-62 and OPT-L5)Frequencies (requires at least GSG-62; non-GPS signals are enabled when constellationoption is installed)• Option L2• Option L1C• Option L2C• Option L5• Option L6Channels/Simultaneous Frequencies2• Option 8: 4-channel to 8-channel upgrade• Option 16: 8-channel to 16-channel upgrade• Option 32/2: 16-channel to 32-channel, dualfrequency upgrade• Option 48/3: 32-channel to 48-channel,three frequency upgrade• Option 64/4: 48-channel to 64-channel,four frequency upgradeApplication Packages (typical requirementfor 16 channel min)• OPT-RSG: Real-time scenario generator• OPT-HV: High velocity upgrade to extendedlimits• OPT-RP: Record and playback package• OPT-JAM: Jamming package• OPT-RTK: RTK virtual base station scenarios• OPT-UNR: UN R144 test suite• OPT-ECL: eCall test suiteOptional Services• Calibration/GSG: GSG Calibration Service• Option 95/05: Extended warranty to 5 years• GSG-ASP: GSG Annual Service Plan• GSG-INST: User Training and Installation1Warranty period and available services may vary dependenton country.2Option may require the unit to be returned to factory forupgrade.Configuration Summary03 September, 2021 - GSG-5/6 Series (C)Specifications subject to changeor improvement without notice.© 2021 Orolia。

1 LRK-TRH-DFX 反应应用修复安装说明书

1 LRK-TRH-DFX 反应应用修复安装说明书

IMPORTANT SAFEGUARDSWhen using electrical equipment, basic safety precautions should always be followed including the following: READ AND FOLLOW ALL SAFETY INSTRUCTIONSa) This equipment is designed for use with germicidal UV radiation sources and must be installed in compliance with competent technical directions to prevent risk of personal injury from UV radiation.b) UV radiation can pose a risk of personal injury. Overexposure can result in damage to eyes and bare skin. To reduce the risk of overexposure this equipment must be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s site plan-ning recommendations. This may include instructions on the relative location of each germicidal system compo-nent, the minimum distances between UV-generating devices and other objects or surfaces, and protection from line-of-sight exposure to UV radiation in occupied spaces located above the equipment mounting area (e. g. upper floor balconies, open staircases, etc.)c) UV and optical radiation can be reflected by surrounding surfaces such as ceilings and walls. Since the reflec-tive properties of surfaces can vary widely, it should be considered as part of site planning. Follow the manufactur-er’s recommendations for selecting appropriate ceiling and wall finishes.d) IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE INSTALLER TO ENSURE THAT PERSONS WILL NOT BE EXPOSED TO EXCESSIVE UV OR OPTICAL RADIATION DURING EQUIPMENT OPERATION. THIS WILL REQUIRE THE INSTALLER TO CONDUCT AN ASSESSMENT OF IRRANDIANCE OR ILLUMINANCE LEVELS IN THE SURROUNDING OCCUPIED SPACES PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY.e) Equipment should be mounted in locations and at heights where it will not readily be subjected to tampering by unauthorized personnel.f) Maintenance and servicing of this UV generating equipment shall be performed by authorized personnel. Ser-vice personnel must wear appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) if the equipment will be in operation during the maintenance or servicing work. Contact the equipment manufacturer for PPE recommendations and guidance.g) The use of accessory equipment not recommended by the manufacturer may cause an unsafe condition.h) Do not use this equipment for other than intended use.SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONSInstallation Instruction GuideAvailable in a wide range of configurations with standard sizes.The retrofit kit is designed to retrofit Listed Recessed Fluorescent Troffer Luminaires of sizes 2x2, 2x4, 1x4 with minimum depth of 3.5”NOTES- Installation should be completed by an individual familiar with the construction and operation of the luminaire.- Installation of luminaire must be in accordance with the requirements of the Canadian Electrical Code and National electrical code for the specific hazardous locations area classification of the installation.- Carefully read and follow all warnings and instructions before installing or servicing the luminaire.- Do not restrict luminaire ventilation.- Ensure LED luminaire is not covered with material that will prevent convection or conduction cooling.- Do not exceed luminaire’s maximum ambient temperature rating as marked on the luminaire.- The retrofit kit is accepted as a component of a luminaire where the suitability of the combination shall be determined by authorities having jurisdic-tion. Product must be installed by a qualified electrician in accordance with the applicable and appropriate codes. The installation guide does not supersede local or national regulations for electrical installations.WARNINGSElectric shock:- Disconnect or turn off power before installing or servicing luminaire. - All electrical wiring to be completed by a qualified licensed electrician in accordance with local and National/Canadian Electrical Code.- Ensure supply voltage corresponds to that marked on the luminaire. If there is a mismatch DO NOT proceed!- Avoid exposing wiring to metal edges and sharp objects.- Ensure that the luminaire is properly grounded to prevent electric hazards.- All supply field wiring to the luminaire shall be rated 600V and 75°C minimum.Fire:-Keep flammable and combustible materials away from the light sourceand/or lens.-Use correctly rated supply conductors as indicated by product label-ing.Burn:- Allow luminaire to cool before handling luminaire.Personal Injury:- Wear safety glasses and gloves when handling the luminaire to avoidphysical injury.- Avoid direct eye contact with light source.Manufacturer is not responsible for any injuries due to the improper installation or handling of its products.READ AND FOLLOW ALL SAFETY INSTRUCTIONSTools RequiredWARNINGRISK OF FIRE, ELECTRIC SHOCK, OR PERSONAL INJURY- LED retrofit kit installation requires knowledge of luminaires electrical system. If not qualified, do not attempt installation. Contact qualified electrician.- Install this kit only in the luminaires that have the construction features and dimensions shown in the photographs and/or drawings and where the input rating of the retrofit kit does not exceed the input rating of the luminaire.- To prevent wiring damage or abrasion, do not expose wiring to edges of sheet metal or sharp objects.- Luminaire wiring and electrical parts may be damaged when drilling for installation of LED retrofit kit. Check for enclosed wiring and com-ponents.- Only those open holes indicated in the photographs and/or drawings may be made or altered as a result of kit installation. Do not leave any other open holes in an enclosure of wiring or electrical components.- CAUTION—RISK OF PERSONAL INJURY. Do not use this retrofit kit to convert portable or hand-held luminaires.- Do not install this equipment in a dwelling.Component List for Kit- 1x Door Frame Assembly- 2x Frame Angle Bracket- 2x Tether Cables- 1x Fixture LabelVerify Voltage of the Retrofit kit matches existing Voltage – If there is a mismatch DO NOT proceed! The luminaire needs to be supported independent of ceiling grid.Remove the lens, cover with ballast,socket strap from the fluorescent fixture.Disconnect any wiring from the electricalcomponents being retrofitted.Step 4:Raise the frame, push up into the existing fixture and close the cam latches. Installation complete.Diffuser retaining bracket comes with 2 tamper resistant center-pin Torx screws. For servic-ing luminaire from room side, a center-pin Torx screwdriver (by others) will be required to remove diffuser.。

AXIS P3215-V网络摄像头说明书

AXIS P3215-V网络摄像头说明书

DatasheetAXIS P3215-V Network CameraStreamlined and versatile varifocal with HDTV1080pAXIS P3215-V is a streamlined fixed dome with HDTV1080p video quality and up to2MP resolution.It features a varifocal lens,P-Iris control and day/night functionality.P-Iris control provides optimal depth of field,resolution,image contrast and clarity.Remote zoom and focus eliminate the need for hands-on fine tuning,and day and night function-ality provide superb image quality both in daylight and dark conditions.AXIS P3215-V provides multiple,individually configurable H.264and Motion JPEG video streams.With a built-in memory card slot,the camera enables local storage of video.The IK08-rated AXIS P3215-V is dust-resistant and impact-resistant.>HDTV1080p and H.264>Day/night functionality>Remote zoom and focus>P-Iris control>IK08impact-resistantAXIS P3215-V Network Camera CameraImage sensor Progressive scan RGB CMOS1/2.8”Lens Varifocal,3.0-10.5mm,F1.4Horizontal angle of view:95°-34°Vertical angle of view:49°-20°Remote focus and zoom,P-Iris control,IR correctedDay and night Automatically removable infrared-cut filterMinimum illumination Color:0.25lux,F1.4 B/W:0.05lux,F1.4Shutter time1/33500s to2sCamera angleadjustmentPan±180°,Tilt90°,Rotation±95°VideoVideo compression H.264(MPEG-4Part10/AVC)Baseline,Main and Baseline Profile Motion JPEGResolutions1920x1080to160x90Frame rate Up to25/30fps with power line frequency50/60Hz in allresolutionsVideo streaming Multiple,individually configurable streams in H.264andMotion JPEGControllable frame rate and bandwidth,VBR/MBR H.264Multi-viewstreaming2individually cropped out view areasImage settings Compression,Color,Brightness,Sharpness,Contrast,Whitebalance,Exposure control(including automatic gain control),Exposure zones,Backlight compensation,Fine tuning of behaviorat different light levels,WDR-Dynamic Contrast,Text and imageoverlay,Mirroring of images,Privacy maskRotation:0°,90°,180°,270°,including Corridor FormatPan/Tilt/Zoom Digital PTZNetworkSecurity Password protection,IP address filtering,HTTPS a encryption,IEEE802.1X a network access control,Digest authentication,Useraccess log,Centralized Certificate ManagementSupported protocols IPv4/v6,HTTP,HTTPS a,SSL/TLS a,QoS Layer3DiffServ,FTP, CIFS/SMB,SMTP,Bonjour,UPnP TM,SNMP v1/v2c/v3(MIB-II), DNS,DynDNS,NTP,RTSP,RTP,SFTP,TCP,UDP,IGMP,RTCP,ICMP, DHCP,ARP,SOCKS,SSHSystem integrationApplication Programming Interface Open API for software integration,including VAPIX®and AXIS Camera Application Platform;specifications at AXIS Video Hosting System(AVHS)with One-Click Connection ONVIF Profile S,specification at Analytics Video motion detection,Active tampering alarmSupport for AXIS Camera Application Platform enablinginstallation of AXIS Video Motion Detection3,AXIS Cross Line Detection,AXIS Digital Autotracking andthird-party applications,see /acapEvent triggers Analytics,Edge storage eventsEvent actions File upload:FTP,SFTP,HTTP,HTTPS,network share and email Notification:email,HTTP,HTTPS,TCP and SNMP trapVideo recording to edge storagePre-and post-alarm video bufferingSend video clipOverlay textData streaming Event dataBuilt-ininstallation aidsRemote zoom,Remote focus,Pixel counterGeneralCasing Aluminum inner camera module with encapsulated electronicsIK08impact-resistant,dust-resistant,polycarbonate casing withdehumidifying membraneColor:White NCS S1002-BFor repainting instructions of skin cover or casing and impact onwarranty,contact your Axis partner.Memory256MB RAM,128MB FlashPower Power over Ethernet IEEE802.3af/802.3at Type1Class2Max4.8W,Typical3.5WConnectors RJ4510BASE-T/100BASE-TX PoEEdge storage Support for microSD/microSDHC/microSDXC cardSupport for recording to dedicated network-attached storage(NAS)For SD card and NAS recommendations see Operatingconditions0°C to50°C(32°F to122°F)Humidity10to85%RH(non-condensing)Storageconditions-40°C to65°C(-40°F to149°F)Approvals EN55022Class B,EN61000-6-1,EN61000-6-2,EN55024,EN50121-4,IEC62236-4,FCC Part15Subpart B Class A+B,ICES-003Class B,VCCI Class B,C-tick AS/NZS CISPR22Class B,IEC/EN/UL60950-1,IEC60068-2-1,IEC60068-2-2,IEC60068-2-6,IEC60068-2-14,IEC60068-2-27,IEC60068-2-78,IEC/EN60529IP42,IEC/EN62262IK08 Weight550g(1.2lb)Dimensions101x149x149mm(4.0x5.9x5.9in)IncludedaccessoriesInstallation Guide,Windows decoder1-user license,Mountingbracket,Cable gasket,Resistorx T20L-key,Drill template OptionalaccessoriesAXIS T90B IlluminatorsAXIS ACI Conduit Bracket BAXIS T94S01S Mounting BracketAXIS ACI Conduit AdaptersAXIS T94K01L Recessed MountAXIS T94K01D Pendant KitAXIS Skin Cover C,BlackVideomanagementsoftwareAXIS Camera Companion,AXIS Camera Station,Videomanagement software from Axis’Application DevelopmentPartners available on /techsup/software Languages German,French,Spanish,Italian,Russian,Simplified Chinese,Japanese,Korean,PortugueseWarranty Axis3-year warranty and AXIS Extended Warranty option,see/warrantya.This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit.(),and cryptographic software written by Eric Young(*****************).More information is available at ©2014-2015Axis Communications AB.AXIS COMMUNICATIONS,AXIS,ETRAX,ARTPEC and VAPIX are registered trademarks or trademark applications of Axis AB in various jurisdictions.All other company names and products are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.We reserve the right to introduce modifications without notice.1 4 9 7 8 1 1 / E N / M 1 . 2 / 0 8 2 0 1 5。



This manual contains important instructions for the GV-5-Pb-12V and GV-5-Li-**.*V solar charge controllers that shall be followed during installation and maintenance. Various models of the GV-5 are available to charge different battery types as follows:• GV-5-Pb-12V: 12V Lead-Acid/AGM/Gel/Sealed/Flooded • GV-5-Li-10.7V (-SP):9.6/9.9V (3s) Lithium Iron Phosphate • GV-5-Li-12.5V: 11.1V (3s) Lithium Cobalt/Polymer • GV-5-Li-14.2V: 12.8/13.2V (4s) Lithium Iron Phosphate •GV-5-Li-16.7V:14.8V (4s) Lithium Cobalt/PolymerConsult your battery charging specifications to ensure that the GV-5 is compatible with your chosen batteries.The GV-5 does not include a fuse. Overcurrent protection suitable for the application must be provided by the user. CAUTION for the GV-5-Pb-12V (Lead-Acid Version Only):INTERNAL TEMPERATURE COMPENSATION. RISK OF FIRE, USE WITHIN 0.3 m (1 ft) of BATTERIES. Lead-acid batteries can create explosive gases. Short circuits can draw thousands of amps from a battery. Carefully read and follow all instructions supplied with the battery. Use only 12V lead-acid batteries with GV-5-Pb-12V.DO NOT SHORT CIRCUIT the solar array when plugged into the controller. DO NOT MEASURE SHORT CIRCUIT CURRENT of the array while connected to the controller. This will DESTROY the controller, and such damage will not be covered under warranty. LITHIUM WARNING: Take caution when working with lithium systems. Genasun Li controllers use the CC/CV charging profile indicated on the controller. CHECK the specifications of the battery pack to ensure that the CV voltage is correct. Further CHECK that the power supplied by the solar array and Genasun controller is within the battery specified design limits.Safety Instructions:LITHIUM BMS WARNING: Genasun recommends using a lithium battery with a Battery Management System capable of disconnecting the solar charge controller in the event that any cell in the pack is outside of its rated temperature, current, or voltage range. Failure to do so may result in property damage, injury or death. Genasun highly recommends the use of a BMS with cell balancing. Cell balancing is mandatory for lithium-iron phosphate systems.Use only 12-30 AWG copper conductors suitable for a minimum of 60 degrees C. If operation at high power or at high ambient temperatures is expected, wire with a higher temperature rating may be necessary.Grounding is not necessary for operation and is at the user's discretion. If the GV-5 is to be used with a solar array electrically connected to earth ground, please note the following: WARNING: THIS UNIT IS NOT PROVIDED WITH A GFDI DEVICE. Consult Article 690 of the National Electrical Code (or the standards in force at the installation location) to determine whether a GFDI is necessary for your installation.Recommended terminal block tightening torque: 3-5 in-lbs, 0.35-0.55 Nm.Inspection & Maintenanceno user-serviceable parts inside.Inspect the controller at least once per year to ensure proper performance.• Check for animal or insect damage.• Inspect for corrosion / water damage.• Inspect the security of all connections.• Ensure the solar array does not exceed the maximum input voltage.• Repair and clean as necessary.Copyright © 2012 Genasun. all rights reserved. Changes are periodically made to the information herein which will be incorporated in revised editions of this publication. Genasun may make changes or improvements to the product(s) described in this publication at any time and without notice.Installation & System Connections:MOUntInG mount the controller near your battery securely using the holes provided on the enclosure’s flanges or with a means appropriate to the application. • mount near battery.• The GV-5 can be mounted in any orientation.• do not expose to water.• do not mount in direct sunlight or near a source of heat.• allow adequate airflow around the controller to achieve maximum output capability.• For outdoor use, the controller must be housed in an enclosure providing protection at least equivalent to nema Type 3.reCOnneCtInG tHe SOLar PaneL Connect the solar panel to the +Panel and –Panel terminals.• In most applications, the panel should be connected only to the GV-5.•never connect the panel negative to the battery negative, as your batteries may be damaged. In the GV-5, the positive side of the battery is connected internally to the positive side of the solar panel.• do not use blocking diodes for single-panel installations. The GV-5 prevents reverse-current flow.• If multiple panels are being used in parallel, blocking diodes are recommended in series with each panel, unless the panel manufacturer recommends otherwise.•solar panel voltage rises in cold weather. Check that the solar panel open circuit voltage (Voc) will remain below the maximum input voltage of the GV-5 at the coldest possible expected temperature.• Connections should be made according to Article 690 of the National Electrical Code (NFPA 70) or the standards in force at the installation location.•Electrical connections may be made in any order; however the sequence below is recommended. COnneCtInG tHe Battery Connect the battery to the +BaTT and –BaTT terminals.• a small spark while connecting the battery is ok.COnneCtInG tHe LOaD Connect the load(s) to the +load and –load terminals.• The load draw should not exceed 5a continuous.•larger loads should be connected directly to the battery. The GV-5 will not be able to provide protection against over-discharge (low Voltage disconnect) in this case.tuNote: make sure to inspect the controller at least once per year to ensure proper performance. Please see the Inspection & maintenance section in this guide.LeD rUn/CHarGe InDICatIOnStandby: The battery is connected properly and ready to charge when solar panel power is available.8-10 SEC. BETWEEN GREEN BLINKSCharging (low current, less than 0.3A):4-5 SEC. BETWEEN GREEN BLINKSCharging (between 0.3A - 3A):FAST GREEN BLINKSCharging (high current, more than 3A):LONGER GREEN BLINKSCharging (current limit): charging at current limit. The GV-5 is overloaded and limiting charging current.LONG, THEN SHORT GREEN BLINKSBattery Charged: The battery is in the absorption or float charging stage.SOLID GREEN LEDLeD errOr InDICatIOnOverheat: The controller’s internal temperature is too high.SETS OF 2 RED BLINKS.Overload: This could be caused by changing the solar panel connections while the controller is operating.SETS OF 3 RED BLINKS.Battery voltage too low: The controller cannot begin mPPT charging due to low battery voltage. If the nominal battery voltage is correct (12V), wait for the GV-5's trickle function to bring the battery voltage up, or charge the battery by some other means.SETS OF 4 RED BLINKSBattery voltage too high: If the nominal battery voltage iscorrect, check the functioning of the Bms (lithium systems) and any other chargers that may be connected to the system.SETS OF 5 RED BLINKS.Panel voltage too high: only 12V nominal solar panels may be used with this controller.SETS OF 6 RED BLINKS.Internal Error: Contact your dealer for assistance.2 LONG BLINKS, FOLLOWED BY ANY NUMBEROF SHORT BLINKS.The GV-5 has a mulTI ColoR ledStatus Indication:*maximum current that the controller could draw from an unlimited source.GV-5-Pb-12V GV-5-Li-**.*VSpecifications (cont.):GV-5-Pb-12VGV-5-Li-**.*V。

0-5925-00 MRU; 0-5925U2 旋转式搅拌机用户手册说明书

0-5925-00 MRU; 0-5925U2 旋转式搅拌机用户手册说明书

Owner’s Manual: 5925 DynoMixMultisize Gyro MixerModels 0-5925-00 MRU; 0-5925U2 (PHONE) 800-221-1083 | (INTL) +1-763-533-2969 | (FAX) 763-533-00152 (PHONE) 800-221-1083 | (INTL) +1-763-533-2969 | (FAX) 763-533-0015Table of ContentsSafety Information1.1 Safety Precaution Labels 1.2 Saftey Precaution SummaryIntroduction2.1 Application 2.2 SpecificationsInstallation3.1 Prepare for Use 3.2 Adjust the Risers3.3 Verify the Machine is LevelOperation4.1 Control Panel4.2 Install a Pail and Mix 4.3 Remove a Pail4.4 Pail Extractor OptionCare and Maintenance 5.1 Cleaning 5.2 MaintenanceTrouble Shooting1. Diagram7.1 110 V 60 HZExploded Views8.1 Frame and Drive8.2 Rotating Arm Lock Assembly 8.3 Rotating Frame 8.4 Rotating Clamp Belt 8.5 Rotating Frame Back 8.6 Ratchet Handle 8.7 Lead Screw 8.8 Shroud 8.9 Riser Kit8.10 Control Panel 110 Volt 60 Hz 8.11 Extractor ArmOrderingReplacement PartsWarranty Notes7. (PHONE) 800-221-1083 | (INTL) +1-763-533-2969 | (FAX) 763-533-00151. Saftey InformationReview this owner’s manual and read all warning labels on the machine prior to use.The three main safety notifications used in this manual and on the warning labels areWARNING , CAUTION and NOTICE . They have specific meanings and indicate the potential dangers from misuse of the machine.1.1 Saftey Precaution LabelsPart No. 1785529Safety Information, Continued..4 (PHONE) 800-221-1083 | (INTL) +1-763-533-2969 | (FAX) 763-533-0015Part No. 1785710Safety Information, Continued..Part No. 1780899Part No. 1781570Part No. 1784963Part No. 17857155 (PHONE) 800-221-1083 | (INTL) +1-763-533-2969 | (FAX) 763-533-0015CAUTION!Keep the work area free of clutter and electrical cords.Avoid extension cords. To minimize the risk of improper electrical grounding, extension cords are not recommended. If an extension cord is unavoidable, consult a qualified electrician to determine what type of extension cord will satisfy the grounding, current capacity, and other requirements of the particular situation.Use the proper power source. Refer to the machine data plate on the right side panel or the section 2.1, Specifications, in this manual.Keep customers away from the work area. The machine should be used only by properly trained individuals.Clamp the can carefully to ensure that it is held securely during the mixing cycle.1.2 Safety Precaution SummaryWARNING!DO NOTelectrical wire or components. Improper replacement could result in electricshock and serious injury. Only a qualifiedservice representative should attempt to repair or replace any damaged electrical components.Review this owner's manual before installing or operating.The machine must be properly grounded prior to use. In the case of an electrical short circuit, grounding reduces the risk offor the electric current.The machine’s power cord has agrounding wire with an appropriategrounding plug. This plug must be inserted into an electrical outlet that is properly installed and grounded according to all local codes and ordinances .If you must repair or replace the power cord or plug, do not connect the grounding wire to either flat-bladeterminal. The wire with insulation having an outer surface that is green (with or without yellow stripes) is the grounding wire. Check with a qualified electrician if you don’t completely understand these grounding instructions, or if you are not sure whether the machine is properly grounded. DO NOT modify the plugprovided; if it won’t fit in the outlet, have a proper outlet installed by a qualified electrician.Disconnect the power cord before servicing, cleaning, or removing any coversFollow the lockout/tagout procedures of your company.DO NOT open the door until the machine comes to a complete stop.To avoid electric shock, don’t get the timer, control panel, or wiring wet.This machine is not explosion proof rated.All containers must be properly sealed and void of leaks.Review product label, Material Safety Data Sheet, and HMIS rating of materials prior to mixing to determine potential hazards.DO NOT use solvent-based cleaners or e in a dry and well-ventilated environment where dust and flammable vapors are not present.Product safety labels should be inspected and cleaned periodically to maintain good legibility. Replace any labels that are no longer legible.6 (PHONE) 800-221-1083 | (INTL) +1-763-533-2969 | (FAX) 763-533-0015Congratulations on your purchase of the 0-5925 Dynomix. This machine is designed to accommodate standard 1-gallon or 5-gallon plastic or metal containers weighing up to 100 lb. (45.4 kg).Understand your machine's features andproper operation to take full advantage of its capabilities.Read this entire manual completely before operating the machine. Practice installing and removing a container before mixing for the first time.Keep this manual for future reference.Always follow all safety instructions!Unit Size: W 32.25 in. (81.9 cm) D 34.25 in. (87 cm) H 53.5 to 57.5in. (136.5 cm)Unit Weight: 580 lb. (263.1 kg)Electric Service, 0-5925-00 MRU; 0-5925U2:110 V60 HzMachines rated at 110 V, 60 Hz are for use with a nominal 120 V circuit.Electric Service, 5925-E5-MRU: 220 V 50 Hz Machines rated at 220 V 50 Hz are shipped without a plug. Have a qualified electrician install the appropriate plug.Capacity: 100 lb. (45.4 kg)2. Introduction2.1 Application2.1 Specifications7 (PHONE) 800-221-1083 | (INTL) +1-763-533-2969 | (FAX) 763-533-0015IMPORTANT: Before attempting to operate the machine:1. Remove all packing material.2. Position the machine on a firm, level surface.3. Follow the electrical connection instructions described in section 2.2.(A)(B)Avoid personal injury! Be sure 1. Loosen the screws (A).2. Adjust the crossbar (B) to the appropriate height.3. Retighten the screws.1. Clamp a 5-gallon pail in the machine as per the instructions in Section 4.2, Install a Pail and MIx.2. Turn the timer to start the machine.3. Adjust any feet under which a piece of paper can fit.a. Loosen the upper jam nut (A).b. Turn the foot (B) to adjust.c. Tighten the jam nut (A) when thefoot makes full contact with the floor. 4. Repeat with any additional feet that may still need adjustment.(A)(B)3. Installation3.1 Prepare for Use3.3 Verify the Machine Level3.2 Adjust the Risers8 (PHONE) 800-221-1083 | (INTL) +1-763-533-2969 | (FAX) 763-533-0015• Cycle Counter (A): Displays the number of complete cycles performed.• E-Stop Push-Button (B): Only use to immediately cut the power to the machine. • Breaker Switch, 20-Amp (C): Turn off the power and push the switch if the breaker trips.• Mechanical Timer (D): Set the time to the desired cycle length.(A)(B)(C)(D)05925-00 MRU; 05925U24. Operation4.1 Control PanelOperation, Continued..9 (PHONE) 800-221-1083 | (INTL) +1-763-533-2969 | (FAX) 763-533-0015Avoid serious personal injury. Domixer.1. Open the cabinet door.2. Pull the ratchet release lever (A) toward you until it clicks. Turn the handle (B) on the top of the clamp counterclockwise to raise the clamping (top) plate (C).3. Slide the pail onto the bottom plate(D).4. Position the pail in the grooves on the bottom plate. The grooves on the plate keep the pail in place during mixing.5. Lower the clamping plate by turning the handle (B) clockwise. Once the plate makes contact with the pail, tighten another 1/8 turn.6. Secure the bail with the bail spring.7. Close the door and select the desired cycle length on the Timer.Avoid serious personal injury.comes to a complete stop; moving parts inside could cause serious injury.1. Raise the clamp all the way to the top by (1) pulling ing the ratchet release lever (A) torward you until it clicks and (2) turning the crank handle counter-clockwise.2. Unfasten the bail spring.3. Pull pail forward onto roller to remove from machine.• A safety interlock interrupts machineoperation if the door is open.• If the bail spring wasn’t properly secured,press the EMERGENCY STOP button on the control panel.• Do not operate the machine without acan installed.4.2 Install a Pail and Mix4.3 Remove a Pail10 (PHONE) 800-221-1083 | (INTL) +1-763-533-2969 | (FAX) 763-533-0015EXTRACTOR ARMLubrication:1. Speed Reducer: Maintenance is notrequired. If an oil change is necessary due to debris build-up:a. Remove the oil drain plug on thebottom side of the machine and drain the oil from the gearbox.b. Remove the oil level plug and fill only up to that level with Mobil SHC 634 Synthetic oil. Do not overfill or underfill.2. Clamp: Lubricate the clamping screw threads and thrust bearing as needed with 3-in-1 oil.3. Ratchet Lever: Lubricate the shaft as needed with 3-in-1 oil.DO NOT use combustible cleaners.Avoid serious personal injury. Always unplug the power cord before performing• Remove water-based/glycol colorants orbase paints spilled on machine surfaces using lukewarm water and mild detergent. • Do not use abrasives to clean machinesurfaces. Doing so may damage the appearance of the machine,• Keep the machine clean for reliable5. Care and Maintenance5.1 Ceaning5.2 MaintenanceIMPORTANT MAINTANCE ITEMSAs Needed As Needed As Needed As Needed Monthly 6 Months 6 MonthsRachet Lever Bottom Plate Clamping Screw Linkage on DoorMiter Gears Under Bottom Plate Lubricate Moving Parts with 3 in 1 OIl Lubricate Screws with 3 in 1 OilITEM MAINTENANCEFREQUENCY Clean off Dirt and Paint With Hot Soap WaterLubricate Bushing in Slot on Door Linkage with 3 In 1 OilClose Clamp & Lubricate the Length of the Hex Shaft with 3 In 1 Oil.Grease with "Open Gear & Fifth Wheel Grease".Turn Mixing Cradle Upside Down & Lubricate With 3 In 1 OilHex Shaft Under Bottom Plate Bar Slide Under Bottom Plate6. Troubleshooting7. Wiring Diagrams 7.1 110 V 60 Hz8. Exploded Views 8.1 Frame and Drive8.2 Rotating Arm Lock Assembly8.3 Rotating Frame8.4 Rotating Frame - Front8.5 Rotating Frame - Back8.6 Ratchet Handle8.6 Ratchet Handle, Part List21 (PHONE) 800-221-1083 | (INTL) +1-763-533-2969 | (FAX) 763-533-00158.7 Lead ScrewPART NUMBERS LISTED MAY ONLY BE AVAILABLE IN KIT FORM OR AS AN ASSEMBLYExploded Views, Continued..22 (PHONE) 800-221-1083 | (INTL) +1-763-533-2969 | (FAX) 763-533-00158.8 ShroudPART NUMBERS LISTED MAY ONLY BE AVAILABLE IN KIT FORM OR AS AN ASSEMBLYExploded Views, Continued..23 (PHONE) 800-221-1083 | (INTL) +1-763-533-2969 | (FAX) 763-533-0015PART NUMBERS LISTED MAY ONLY BE AVAILABLE IN KIT FORM OR AS AN ASSEMBLYExploded Views, Continued..8.9 Riser Kit24 (PHONE) 800-221-1083 | (INTL) +1-763-533-2969 | (FAX) 763-533-0015PART NUMBERS LISTED MAY ONLY BE AVAILABLE IN KIT FORM OR AS AN ASSEMBLYExploded Views, Continued..8.10 Control Panel 110 Volt 60 Hz25 (PHONE) 800-221-1083 | (INTL) +1-763-533-2969 | (FAX) 763-533-00158.11 Extractor ArmPART NUMBERS LISTED MAY ONLY BE AVAILABLE IN KIT FORM OR AS AN ASSEMBLY26 (PHONE) 800-221-1083 | (INTL) +1-763-533-2969 | (FAX) 763-533-0015HOW TO ORDER REPLACEMENT PARTSReplacement parts can be ordered from Radia by telephone, fax, or email:If you need help in determining the proper part(s) to order, please call Customer Care. at 1-800-221-1083. Always indicate the Model and Serial numbers of the machine when ordering replacement parts.GENERAL PARTS REPLACEMENT POLICIESWhile your machine is under warranty, do not attempt on-site repair or parts replacement without first contacting RADIA. (to protect your warranty). After the warranty expires,replacement parts and recommendations for on-site servicing are available from RADIA. Please contact Customer Care for assistance.RESTOCKING FEEA restocking fee will be charged on all unused parts which are returned.Replacment Parts9. OrderingFor instructional "How To " videos please visit:27 (PHONE) 800-221-1083 | (INTL) +1-763-533-2969 | (FAX) 763-533-0015Equipment Covered Under This WarrantyModels 0-592510. WarrantyRadia warrants equipment manufactured by it and bearing its name to be free from defects in material and workmanship.EXCEPT FOR THE WARRANTY SET FORTH HEREIN, RADIA MAKES NO WARRANTY WHATSOEVER WITH RESPECT TO THE EQUIPMENT, INCLUDING ANY (a) WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY; (b) WARRANTY OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE; OR (c) WARRANTY AGAINST INFRINGEMENT OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS OF A THIRD PARTY; WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED BY LAW, COURSE OF DEALING, COURSE OF PERFORMANCE, USAGE OF TRADE OR OTHERWISE .This warranty applies only when the equipment is installed, operated and maintained in accordance with written Radia instructions as appearing in the owners’ manuals.This warranty does not cover, and Radia shall not be liable for, any malfunction, damage, or wear caused by faulty installation, misapplication, abrasion, corrosion, inadequate or improper maintenance, negligence, accident, tampering or substitution of non-Radia component parts,modification or use for non-intended purposes. Nor shall Radia be liable for malfunction, damage or wear caused by the incompatibility of Radia equipment with structures, accessories, equipment, or materials not supplied by Radia.Subject to the limitations set forth above, Radia shall (i) repair or replace the equipment (or thedefective part) or (ii) credit or refund the price of such equipment. Costs of labor and transportation for service of machines under this warranty will also be covered during the warranty period if Radia elects to repair or replace the equipment. Normal ground freight will be covered for replacement parts sent within the warranty period. For customers outside of the US and Canada, the warranty is for parts only. Ground or common carrier ground freight will be covered for the return of defective items only. In no case shall Radia's liability exceed the amount of the purchase price.*All warranty repairs must be executed by a Radia Authorized Service Center or warranty will be voided.THE REMEDIES SET FORTH HEREIN ARE PURCHASER’S SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE REMEDY and RADIA’S ENTIRE LIABILITY FOR ANY BREACH OF THE LIMITED WARRANTY SET FORTH HEREIN.Please contact your Radia Relationship Manager at 800-221-1083 for specific questions regarding specific questions regarding warranty terms.28 (PHONE) 800-221-1083 | (INTL) +1-763-533-2969 | (FAX) 763-533-0015NOTES29 (PHONE) 800-221-1083 | (INTL) +1-763-533-2969 | (FAX) 763-533-0015NOTES (PHONE) 800-221-1083 | (INTL) +1-763-533-2969 | (FAX) 763-533-0015U.S. Telephone:International Telephone:Fax: E-mail:For sales or service, please contactRADIAAttn: Customer Service Department14900 21st Ave N Plymouth, Mn 55447USA800.221.1083763.533.2969763.533.0015**********************1785436 Rev T ECO 17-0063Sept 2017Owner’s Manual: 5925For instructional "How To " videos please visit:。

1 Power Entry Modules with Line Filter 5145 产品说明说明

1 Power Entry Modules with Line Filter 5145 产品说明说明

1IEC Appliance Inlet C14 or C18 with Filter, Circuit Breaker TA45Protection class I with shield Protection class II without shieldApprovals and CompliancesC1470° CC1870° CDescription- Panel Mount :Screw-on mounting from front side - 3 Functions :Appliance Inlet protection class I or II , circuit breaker type TA45 2-pole , Line filter in standard and medical version - Quick connect terminals 6.3 x 0.8 mmUnique Selling Proposition- Compact power entry module with circuit breaker - High configurability- Easy assembly with prewired modules - Protection class I or IICharacteristics- All single elements are already wired - Unwired versions available on request- Circuit Breaker non-illuminated or illuminated- Suitable for use in equipment according to IEC/UL 60950Suitable for use in medical equipment according to IEC/UL 60601-1References Alternative: version without line filter 6145We recommend for new applications the new type DF12Weblinkspdf datasheet , html-datasheet , General Product Information , Distributor-Stock-Check , Accessories , Detailed request for product , MicrositeT echnical DataRatings IEC1 - 10 A @ Ta 40 °C / 250 VAC; 50 Hz Ratings UL/CSA 1 - 15 A @ Ta 40 °C / 125 VAC; 60 Hz Leakage Current standard < 0.5 mA (250 V / 60 Hz) medical < 5 µA (250 V / 60 Hz)Dielectric Strength> 1.7 kVDC between L-N > 2.7 kVDC between L/N-PE Test voltage (2 sec)Allowable Operation Tempe-rature-10 °C to 55 °CClimatic Category 10/055/21 acc. to IEC 60068-1IP-Protection from front side IP 40 acc. to IEC 60529Protection Class Suitable for appliances with protection class I or II acc. to IEC 61140TerminalQuick connect terminals 6.3 x 0.8 mm Panel Thickness S Screw: max 8 mmMounting screw torque max 0.5 Nm Material: HousingThermoplastic, black, UL 94V-0appliance inlet/-outletC14 or C18 acc. to IEC 60320-1, UL 498, CSA C22.2 no. 42 (for cold conditions) pin-temperature 70 °C, 10 A, Protection Class I or IICircuit BreakersAcc. IEC/EN 60934, UL 1077, CSA 22.2 no. 2352-pole rocker switch, illuminated or non-illuminated. Optional with undervoltage- or remote trip release Short circuit capacity Icn: at In < 3A/240VAC : 10 x In at In ≥ 3A/240VAC : 300ALine FilterStandard and Medical Version, IEC 60939, UL 1283, CSA C22.2 no. 8 Technical DetailsMTBF> 100'000 h acc. to MIL-HB-217 FApprovals and CompliancesDetailed information on product approvals, code requirements, usage instructions and detailed test conditions can be looked up in Details about ApprovalsApprovalsThe approval mark is used by the testing authorities to certify compliance with the safety requirements placed on electronic products. Approval Reference T ype: 5145Approval LogoCertificates Certification Body DescriptionVDE Approvals VDE Certificate Number: 40035745UL ApprovalsULUL File Number: E72928Product standardsProduct standards that are referencedOrganization Design StandardDescriptionDesigned according to IEC 60320-1Appliance couplers for household and similar general purposesDesigned according to IEC 60939Passive filters for suppressing electromagnetic interferenceDesigned according to IEC 61058-1Switches for appliances. Part 1. General requirements Designed according to UL 498Standard for Attachment Plugs and ReceptaclesDesigned according to UL 1283Electromagnetic interference filtersDesigned according to CSA C22.2 no. 42General Use Receptacles, Attachment Plugs, and Similar Wiring DevicesDesigned according to CSA C22.2 no. 8Electromagnetic interference (EMI) filters Application standardsApplication standards where the product can be usedOrganization Design StandardDescriptionDesigned for applications acc.IEC/UL 60950IEC 60950-1 includes the basic requirements for the safety of informationtechnologyequipment.Designed for applications acc.IEC 60601-1Medical electrical equipment - Part 1: General requirements for basicsafety and essential performanceCompliancesThe product complies with following Guide LinesIdentification Details Initiator DescriptionCE declaration of conformity SCHURTER AG The CE marking declares that the product complies with the applicablerequirements laid down in the harmonisation of Community legislation onits affixing in accordance with EU Regulation 765/2008.RoHS SCHURTER AG EU Directive RoHS 2011/65/EUChina RoHS SCHURTER AG The law SJ / T 11363-2006 (China RoHS) has been in force since 1 March2007. It is similar to the EU directive RoHS.REACH SCHURTER AG On 1 June 2007, Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 on the Registration,Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals 1 (abbreviated as"REACH") entered into force.Medical Equipment SCHURTER AG Suitable for use in medical equipment according to IEC/UL 60601-123Dimension [mm]Detail A 0* --- Version TA45 with undervoltage release4Diagrams Standard version2)L PE N1)1) Line2) LoadMedical version (M5)2)LPE N1)1) Line 2) LoadMedical filter (M5) protection class II2)L N1)1) Line 2) LoadAttenuation Loss- - - - 50Ω differential mode _____ 50Ω common modeStandard version1 A2 A3 A4 A6 A 8 A 10 A 15A5Medical version (M5)1 A2 A3 A4 A6 A8 A10 A15A6Technical data (continued)Circuit breakerEffect of ambient temperature 1)The unit is calibrated for an ambient temperature of +23 °C. To deter m ine the rated current for a lower or h igher a mbient tempera-ture, use a correction factor from the table b elow.* Ambient temperature [°C] Correction factor –10 0,89– 5 0,910 0,92+23 1,00+30 1,03+40 1,08+55 1,16Configuration code (example)1) ExampleRated current at +23 °C 6,0 A Ambient temperature +40 °C Correction factor 1,08 Chosen rated current at+ 40 °C ambient temperature 6 A x 1,08 = 6,5 A * Temperature must be measured at the rear of the breaker nextto the terminals after equipment operating temperature has beenr eached.Tripping characteristicsI n < 3 ATripping characteristicsI n >_ 3… <_ 15 A60[ min ]10513020Multiple of rated current [ x I n ]Trippingtime60[ min ]10513020[ x I n ]Multiple of rated currentTrippingtimeOptional Variants00 standard21 V-Lock notchTerminal PE0 without (PCII)1 QC 6.3x0.8Terminal L and N1 QC 6.3x0.8, without connection to TA453 Connection to TA45 non insulatedMetal Shield Filter0 with metal shield (PCI)1 without metal shield (PCI and PCII)Type of mains fi lter / capacitor / bleed resistor1 standard X2,Y2 without 1)3 medical M5 X2 withRated current 2)11A22A33A44A56A68A710A815A1) Not in conjunction with PC II2) The rated current of the line-fi lter must be equalor more than the rated current of TA45.7Packaging unit 20 Pcs AccessoriesDescriptionAssorted CoversRear Cover0859.0074Mating Outlets/ConnectorsCategory / DescriptionAppliance Outlet Overview completeIEC Appliance Outlet F, Screw-on Mounting, Front Side, Solder Terminal4787IEC Appliance Outlet F, Snap-in Mounting, Front Side, Solder or Quick-connect Terminal4788IEC Appliance Outlet F or H, Screw-on Mounting, Front Side, Solder, PCB or Quick-connect Terminal5091Appliance Outlet further types to 5145Connector Overview complete4782 Mounting: Power Cord, 3 x 1 mm² / 3 x 18 AWG, Cable, Connector: IEC C1347824022 Mounting: Power Supply Cord, 3 x 1.5 mm², Screw clamps, Connector: IEC C1340224785 Mounting: Power Cord, 3 x 1 mm² / 3 x 18 AWG, Cable, Connector: IEC C1347854300-06 Mounting: Power Cord, 3 x 1 mm² / 3 x 18 AWG, Cable, Connector: IEC C134300-064012 Mounting: Power Supply Cord, 3 x 1.5 mm², Screw clamps, Connector: IEC C134012Connector further types to 5145...Mating Outlets/Connectors shutteredPower Cord Overview completePower cord with IEC connector C17, V-Lock, straight VAC17KSPower Cord further types to 5145The specifications, descriptions and illustrations indicated in this document are based on currentinformation. All content is subject to modifications and amendments. Information furnished is believed2.12.2178。

艾龙5PX Gen2 SAI 1000 VA 电源说明书

艾龙5PX Gen2 SAI 1000 VA 电源说明书

Eaton 5PX1000IRTNG2SAI Eaton 5PX Gen2., 1000 VA, 1000 W, Entrada: C14, Salida: (8) C13, rack/torre, 2U, tarjeta de red incluidaEaton 5PX Gen2 SAI 5PX1000IRTNG2743172104878448 mm85.5 mm 438 mm 19.6 kgIEC/EN 62040-1 IEC/EN 62040-2 IEC/EN 62040-3 Compatible con RoHS REACH UL 1778 CSA 22.2CE cTUVus EAC Cm UKCA UkrENERGY STAR certifiedEaton 5PX 1000i RT2U Netpack G2Nombre del producto N.º de catálogo UPCLongitud/profundidad de producto Altura del producto Anchura del producto Peso del producto Conformidad(es)Certificación(es)Código de modeloPlomo-ácido sin mantenimiento (reemplazable)Ver gráfico de tiempo de autonomíaReemplazable por el usuario4Método de carga ABM y por compensación de temperatura (seleccionable por el usuario), test automático de batería, protección contra descarga profunda, detección automática de los módulos externos de batería12 V/7 AhSí(8) C13230 V1000 W1230 V (+6%/-10%)Onda sinusoidal230 V predeterminado (200/208/220/230/240 V) 1Línea interactiva1000 VAC14230 V predeterminado (200/208/220/230/240 V)50-60 Hz160-294 V (ajustable a 150 V-294 V)47-70 Hz (sistema 50 Hz), 56,5-70 Hz (sistema 60 Hz), 40 Hz en modo de baja sensibilidad SíTipo de bateríaGráfico de tiempo de ejecución Sustitución de la batería Cantidad de bateríasGestión de la bateríaClasificación de la batería Capacidad de batería ampliada ReceptáculoTensiónPotencia en vatiosFactor de potencia de salida Rango de tensión de salida Forma de onda de salida Tensión nominal de salida Tipo de alimentación TopologíaCapacidad nominal VAConexión de entradaTensión nominal de entrada Frecuencia nominalRango de tensión de entrada Rango de frecuencia de entrada Incluye tarjeta de redComunicacionesPuerto USB (compatible con HID)Puerto serie RS-232Mini bloque de terminales para On/Off remoto y Paro de EmergenciaBloque de mini terminales para el relé de salida Contactos secos (3 salidas, 1 entrada, optoacoplador, DB9)Pantalla gráfica LCD multidiomaSíUna ranura, tarjeta de red incluidaEaton Intelligent Power Manager Eaton Intelligent Power ProtectorOtros 3.000 mMenos de 40 dB a 1 metro0° a 40°C (32°F a 104°F), máx. recom. para las baterías 25°C (77°F)0-90 % sin condensaciónDispositivo de 482,6 mm (19 pulgadas)1SíNegro/plata98Sí1Interfaz de usuarioContacto de maniobra sin potencial Ranuras de expansión Compatibilidad de softwareTipo de interfaz AltitudNivel de ruidoMargen de temperatura Humedad relativaTipo de construcción Contenido del paqueteFase (salida)Función de apagado automático ColorRendimientoSet de montaje en rackFase (entrada)Tarjeta de gestión de redKit para montaje en rack (2) Soportes para montajeen torreSistema de bloqueo de cablesCable USBCable serie(2) Cables IEC-IECGuía de inicio rápido Instrucciones de seguridadEaton Corporation plc Eaton House30 Pembroke Road Dublin 4, Ireland © 2023 Eaton. All Rights Reserved. Eaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks areproperty of their respective owners./socialmediaEaton 5PX Gen2 - EU Declaration of Conformity Eaton 5PX Gen2 - Quickstart guide Eaton 5PX Gen2 - Advanced User Guide_ESCompliance informationGuías de Usuario。

EX260-SMJ1 -SMJ2 -SMJ3 -SMJ4 系列产品说明书

EX260-SMJ1 -SMJ2 -SMJ3 -SMJ4 系列产品说明书

<EX260-SMJ1/-SMJ2/-SMJ3/-SMJ4>InstallationGeneral instructions on installation and maintenanceConnect valve manifold to the SI unit.Connectable valve manifolds are the same as for EX250 series SI unit.Refer to the EX250 series valve manifold section in the valve catalogue for valve manifold dimensions.145323412Power supply connector layout34512Ground terminalConnect the ground terminal to ground.Resistance to ground should be 100 ohms or less.SettingValve manifoldReplacement of the SI unit•Remove the M3 hexagon screws from the SI unit and release the SI unit from the valve manifold.•Replace the SI unit.•Tighten the screws with the specified tightening torque. (0.6 Nm)Precautions for maintenance •Be sure to switch off the power.•Check there is no foreign matter inside the SI unit.•Check there is no damage and no foreign matter being stuck to the gasket.•Be sure to tighten the screws with the specified torque.If the SI unit is not assembled properly, inside PCBs may be damaged or liquid and/or dust may enter into the unit.Connecting cablesSelect the appropriate cables to mate with the connectors mounted on the SI unit.TroubleshootingTechnical documentation giving detailed troubleshooting information can be found on the SMC website (URL ).SpecificationsConnected load: 24VDC Solenoid valve with surge voltage suppressor of 1.5 W or less(manufactured by SMC)Current consumption of power supply for SI unit operation: 0.1 A max.Ambient temperature for operation: -10 to 50 C Ambient temperature for storage: -20 to 60 C Pollution degree 3: (UL508)Technical documentation giving detailed specification information can be found on the SMC website (URL ).Outline DimensionsTechnical documentation giving detailed outline dimensions information can be found on the SMC website (URL ).AccessoriesTechnical documentation giving detailed accessories information can be found onthe SMC website (URL ).Assembly and disassembly of the SI unitNOTEThe direct current power supply to combine should be UL1310 Class2 power supply when conformity to UL is necessary.Fieldbus deviceOperation ManualEX260 Series for CC-LinkThank you for purchasing an SMC EX260 Series Fieldbus device (Hereinafter referred to as "SI unit" ).Please read this manual carefully before operating the product and make sure you understand its capabilities and limitations.Please keep this manual handy for future reference.To obtain more detailed information about operating this product, please refer to the SMC website (URL ) or contact SMC directly.These safety instructions are intended to prevent hazardous situations and/orequipment damage.These instructions indicate the level of potential hazard with the labels of"Caution", "Warning" or "Danger". They are all important notes for safety and must be followed in addition to International standards (ISO/IEC) and other safety regulations.Output number assignmentOutput numbering starts at zero and refers to the solenoid position on the manifold.Note: Specifications are subject to change without prior notice and any obligation on the part of the manufacturer.© 2011 SMC Corporation All Rights ReservedAkihabara UDX 15F, 4-14-1, Sotokanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0021, JAPAN Phone: +81 3-5207-8249 Fax: +81 3-5298-5362URL LED indicationFieldbus interface connector layoutTerminating resistorThe terminating resistor to be connected to the CC-Link network depends on the type Note•Use the internal terminating resistor only when the SI unit is placed at the end of the CC-Link main line.An external terminating resistor should not be used when the internal resistor is used.The terminating resistor value will be outside the specified range. A network communication error may occur.Note•When the CC-Link Ver.1.00 dedicated High-performance cable is used, disable the internal terminating resistor switch and connect a 130 Ω terminating resistor to the BUS OUT connector.Switch settingThe switches should only be set with the power supply turned off.Open the cover and set the rotary switches and DIP switch with a small flat blade screwdriver.STATION NO.ON OFFOperator。

Silicon Labs C8051F2xx 微控制器产品说明书

Silicon Labs C8051F2xx 微控制器产品说明书

Effective Date:Bulletin Issue Date:Dec 07, 2022Dec 07, 2022Description of ChangeSilicon Labs is pleased to announce the release of datasheet version 1.7 for the C8051F2xx devices.The datasheet has been updated to reflect the changes of the Product Selection Guide table.Link to the datasheet:https:///documents/public/data-sheets/C8051F2xx.pdf 2212071369 C8051F2xx Datasheet v1.7 Release Product IdentificationExisting Part #C8051F206-GQC8051F206-GQRC8051F220-GQC8051F220-GQRC8051F221-GQC8051F221-GQRC8051F226-GQC8051F226-GQRC8051F230-GQC8051F230-GQRC8051F231-GQC8051F231-GQRC8051F236-GQC8051F236-GQRCF206-PM*GQCF206-PM*GQRCustomer Actions Needed:Review updated datasheet.This change is considered a minor change which does not affect form, fit, function, quality, or reliability. The information is being provided as a customer courtesy.Please contact your local Silicon Labs sales representative with any questions about this notification. A list of Silicon Labs sales representatives may be found at .This notification includes both standard and customer-specific part numbers. An asterisk * represents a number or letter (one or more) in a customer-specific part number.Kit IdentificationReason for ChangeRelease of datasheet version 1.7User RegistrationRegister today to create your account on . Your personalized profile allows you to receive technical document updates, new product announcements, “how-to” and design documents, product change notices (PCN) and other valuable content available only to registered users. /profileSilicon Laboratories Inc.400 West Cesar ChavezAustin, TX 78701 DisclaimerSilicon Labs intends to provide customers with the latest, accurate, and in-depth documentation of all peripherals and modules available for system and software implementers using or intending to use the Silicon Labs products. Characterization data, available modules andperipherals, memory sizes and memory addresses refer to each specific device, and "Typical" parameters provided can and do vary in different applications. Application examples described herein are for illustrative purposes only. Silicon Labs reserves the right to make changes without further notice and limitation to product information, specifications, and descriptions herein, and does not give warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of the included information. Silicon Labs shall have no liability for the consequences of use of the information supplied herein. This document does not imply or express copyright licenses granted hereunder to design or fabricate any integrated circuits. The products are not designed or authorized to be used within any Life Support System without the specific written consent of Silicon Labs. A "Life Support System" is any product or system intended to support or sustain life and/or health, which, if it fails, can be reasonably expected to result in significant personal injury or death. Silicon Labs products are not designed or authorized for military applications. Silicon Labs products shall under no circumstances be used in weapons of mass destruction including (but not limited to) nuclear, biological or chemical weapons, or missiles capable of delivering such weapons.Trademark InformationSilicon Laboratories Inc.® , Silicon Laboratories®, Silicon Labs®, SiLabs® and the Silicon Labs logo®, Bluegiga®, Bluegiga Logo®,Clockbuilder®, CMEMS®, DSPLL®, EFM®, EFM32®, EFR, Ember®, Energy Micro, Energy Micro logo and combinations thereof, "the world’s most energy friendly microcontrollers", Ember®, EZLink®, EZRadio®, EZRadioPRO®, Gecko®, ISOmodem®, Micrium, Precision32®, ProSLIC®, Simplicity Studio®, SiPHY®, Telegesis, the Telegesis Logo®, USBXpress®, Zentri and others are trademarks or registered trademarks of Silicon Labs. ARM, CORTEX, Cortex-M3 and THUMB are trademarks or registered trademarks of ARM Holdings. Keil is aregistered trademark of ARM Limited. All other products or brand names mentioned herein are trademarks of their respective holders.。






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ESI aktiv 05 5英寸活动稳定参考监听器用户指南说明书

ESI aktiv 05 5英寸活动稳定参考监听器用户指南说明书

Top Quality 5” Active Studio Reference MonitorUser’s GuideESI - Copyright © 2014 Revision 3, May 2014INDEX1. Introduction (4)2. Basics & Installation (4)Unpacking / Handling (4)Connection (4)3. Placement (5)Stereo / 2.0 Positioning (5)Stereo with Subwoofer / 2.1 Positioning (5)5.1 Positioning (6)7.1 Positioning (6)Orientation (7)Comments (7)4. Technical Data (7)Specifications (7)Rear Panel (8)5. General Information (9)1. IntroductionCongratulations on your purchase of the ESI aktiv 05.The aktiv 05 top quality near field reference monitor has been developed especially for high level home studios and special project studios. They take 5" near field monitoring speakers to a new level, boasting an ultra-flat low frequency response and a top quality kevlar 5" driver delivering unparalleled punch in the low-mid frequency – a major improvement over the paper and polypropylene drivers used in most comparable products. ESI was the first vendor using kevlar for studio monitors in this price range as material inside the low frequency driver. Other vendors have since copied our idea, however there is much more to excellent sound: aktiv 05 also feature a German optimized version of ESI's cross over technology that is perfect to provide the best output signal and frequency response 100% matching the installed drivers and cabinet design. Of course aktiv 05 is magnetically shielded for desktop operation next to your other electronic equipment without interference.2. Basics & InstallationFor optimal performance of aktiv 05, read the instructions in this manual thoroughly and carefully before you are using the speaker. We tried to keep this manual short so that you are not loosing much time to read through it completely.Unpacking / HandlingTo remove the monitor from the carton its best to turn the package carefully upside down on the floor or on a table and then lift the carton vertically up slowly to leave the monitor resting in the packaging foam. Make sure that you don’t grab the speaker driver units on the front to avoid damage. Now check the monitor for signs of damage that might have occurred in shipping. In the unlikely event of this, please contact the reseller of the product immediately. Be careful when you remove the packaging foam. Please keep all packing materials.ConnectionHigh quality XLR balanced or TS unbalanced audio cables are recommended for input connection. The monitor typically connects to the line level output of a mixing console or to a computer audio card. Make sure the power of the monitor is switched off before you connect any audio cables. Also turn down the volume initially.XLR balanced connectionConnect male side of XLR balanced cable to the balanced XLR input of aktiv 05. Make sure the power cable is connected as well. Setup all speakers (i.e. left / right channels) with the same type of cable.TS unbalanced connectionConnect male side of TS unbalanced cable to the input jack of aktiv 05. Make sure the power cable is connected as well. Setup all speakers (i.e. left / right channels) with the same type of cable.3. PlacementThe placement of monitoring speakers is very critical and can compromise their performance. This is a general rule for every loudspeaker. To monitor with aktiv 05 utilizing their maximum capabilities, an appropriate listening environment and a correct placement are important.Typically you would be using 2 units of aktiv 05 as one stereo pair – or more in surround setups (i.e. in a 5.1 setup you would use 5 units of aktiv 05 together with a subwoofer).Stereo / 2.0 PositioningTwo units and the listener should be positioned or aligned in a regular triangle form. Please refer to the following diagram to understand how to position your monitors. Each distance x should be identical.Stereo with Subwoofer / 2.1 PositioningIn a stereo setup with an added subwoofer, the subwoofer speaker should be positioned ideally in the exact middle in front of the listener (with the same distance x). If this is not possible, it should be as close to that position as possible.5.1 PositioningIn a 5.1 surround set, the center speaker should ideally be placed on top of the subwoofer. If this is not possible, the subwoofer can be moved to the left or right but should be as close as possible. The rear surround speakers should be positioned around 110° from the center speaker (all with the same distance x).7.1 PositioningIn a 7.1 surround set, the center speaker should also ideally be placed on top of the subwoofer or as close as possible. The surround speakers are best placed 90° from the center speaker and the back surround speakers are best placed 135° to 150° from the center speaker. All speakers should be placed with the same distance x to the listener.OrientationIt’s very important to place the aktiv 05 vertically. Never place them horizontally.CommentsPlease also make sure to not place any obstacles that may block the flow of air or that could generate sound reflections (especially highly reflective material including glass or metal) in front of the monitor. Also, don’t put plants in pots on top or too close to your monitors. Keep a certain distance to the wall behind the speaker, as it could block air flow.4. Technical DataPlease note that technical specifications are subject to change without any prior notice. The specs given in this manual are up-to-date at the time of the creation of this document.Specifications05Model: aktivType: 2-way powered speakerSystem Type: Active Studio Monitor SpeakerDimensions: 250mm (H) x 176mm (W) x 200mm (D)Weight: 4.5kgHF Driver: 1" silk dome tweeterLF Driver: 5" kevlar curved cone (magnetic shielding type)Output Power: 60W (HF 30W, LF 30W), 85W AC consumption powerWorking Voltage: AC100-240V 50/60Hz, with 115V / 230V AC selection switch Frequency Response: 50 Hz – 20kHzInput Impedance: 23.3 kOhm balanced, 13.3 kOhm unbalancedCrossover Point: 2.5kHz3dBSPL: 88dB+/-Rated Noise Power: 30 Watt (THD=1%, 4ohm@1kHz)Input Sensitivity: 75mV@1Watt, 415mV@30WattInput Connectors: XLR / TS1/4" combo connector, balanced / unbalanced inputVolume Control: min - center - maxIndicator: power LED on front panel, blueRear Panel1. XLR input – this connector accepts balanced XLR input connections (optimised for +4dBu). XLR input is wired like this:INPUT SIGNAL XLR CONNECTIONS+ PIN23- PIN1Shield PIN2. TS input – this jack accepts TS input connections, unbalanced (optimised for -10dBV). The TS input is wired like this:INPUT SIGNAL TRS CONNECTIONSSignal TipShield SleeveThe TS input should not be used with balanced TRS signals. Although this is possible, the input level will not be correct in that case. For balanced connection, please use a XLR cable whenever possible.3. vent port – aktiv 05 is a vented box speaker system with a vent port on the rear panel. Make sure you are not blocking the vent port (i.e. by putting the speaker too close to a wall) or the sound colour will be changed.4. volume control knob – use the volume control knob to set the proper input level from the sound source. Make sure to setup all speakers accordingly. When set to the center position, the output level is set to the recommended calibrated level to reach the most optimised dynamic response (expecting a balanced XLR +4dBu or unbalanced TS -10dBV input signal).5. power switch – when you push the power switch, aktiv 05 will be turned on, and –surprise– it will be turned off when you push the power switch again.6. power port with ext. fuse – use this connector to plug in the detachable 3-circuit line cord that connects to the power outlet. The connector contains a replaceable fuse (T1AL250V).7. power mode switch – you can select either STANDBY or ON. When set to ON, the unit will always be turned on. When set to STANDBY, the unit will switch to power saving mode after a while without any audio signal. The power saving mode is indicated by a red LED on the front panel (instead of the blue power LED). When there is an audio signal again, regular operation resumes. Please note that the POWER MODE switch is only available in models sold in certain countries.5. General InformationTrademarksESI, aktiv and aktiv 05 are trademarks of ESI Audiotechnik GmbH. Other product and brand names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.CorrespondenceFor technical support inquiries, contact your nearest dealer, local distributor or ESI support online at .DisclaimerAll features and specifications subject to change without notice.Parts of this manual are continually being updated. Please check our web site occasionally for the most recent update information.。

Kinetix 5100反馈连接器套件安装说明(目录号:2198-K51CK-D15M)说明书

Kinetix 5100反馈连接器套件安装说明(目录号:2198-K51CK-D15M)说明书

安装说明Kinetix 5100 反馈连接器套件目录号 2198-K51CK-D15M关于反馈连接器套件本套件适用于 Allen-Bradley® 2090 系列电机反馈电缆,并且为 Kinetix®5100 驱动器上的电机反馈 (MFB) 连接器提供用于编码器信号的接线端子。

请参⻅ Kinetix 5100 Single-axis EtherNet/IP ™ Servo Drive User Manual,出版号 2198-UM004,了解兼容 2090 系列反馈电缆和套件接线的更多信息。

准备反馈电缆要将现有 Bulletin 2090 电缆搭配 Kinetix 5100 反馈连接器套件使用,需要准备好电缆屏蔽层、导线长度和剥线长度。




反馈电缆重要事项2090 系列电机电缆的加蔽线必须连接到加蔽端子 如果您的电缆不包括加蔽线,则必须在导线准备期间从整个屏蔽层中制作一根加蔽线,并将其连接到加蔽端子 。

尺寸单位为 mm (in.)。

2罗克⻙尔⾃动化出版物 2198-IN019A-ZH-P- 2019年7 月Kinetix 5100 反馈连接器套件安装连接器套件按照以下步骤安装连接器套件。




对于 16 针端子引脚,请参⻅第3⻚上的连接器数据。

4.以 0.2 N•m (1.77 lb•in) 的最大扭矩,拧紧端子螺丝。



7.以 0.35 N•m (3.097 lb•in) 的最大扭矩,拧紧夹紧螺钉。

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• • • • • •
Ischemia Ischemic injury Reperfusion Reperfusion injury Oxygen paradox Calcium paradox
Coronary Stent
X-ray diffraction patterns
Duration of ischemia Collateral circulation formation Dependency on oxygen supply
Condition of reperfusion
Lipid free radicals are referred to middle metabolic products resulting from the chain reaction of lipid peroxidation, which is produced by interaction of OFR and non-saturated fatty acid.
(OFR), and non free radical substances such as hydrogen
peroxide and singlet oxygen.
Free radical ROS
H2O2、 1O2
Non free radical ROS
Lipid free radicals (LFR)
Ischemia reperfusion injury
What is ischemia-reperfusion injury?
Ischemia-Reperfusion injury is a phenomenon that the tissue gets more serious damage caused when blood supply returns to the tissue after a period of ischemia or lack of oxygen. In majority situations, blood reperfusion can reduce ischemiainduced tissue and organ injury, resulting in the structural and functional recovery. In some circumstances, however, blood reperfusion may induce or aggravate the further reversible even irreversible cell damage and tissue or organ injury, especially for a prolonged ischemia. This phenomenon has been termed IRI.
Neutrophil activation
The incraease of catecholamine and its oxidazition
ischemia and hypoxia sympathetic-adrenal medulla () CA release
vanilmandelic acid (normal)
The speed of reperfusion The components of reperfusion solution
Introduction to radicals •Reactive oxygen species •Extremely unstable elements •Rapidly react with organic & inorganic chemicals and change to free radical •Initiate autocatalytic reaction( chain reaction)

Oxygen free radicals (OFR)
Nitrogen free radicals (NFR)
Lipid free radicals (LFR) Others: chlorine radicals (Cl.), methyl radicals (CH3.)
Free radicals

Conception and properties
Free radicals are a highly reactive group of atoms, molecules or radicals, which carry unpaired electron in out orbital. The properties of these radicals are as following: short life time and powerful oxidative ability.
1. Lipid peroxidation
• Alter membrane permeability • Also damage the membrane bound enzymes • Damage entire membrane system • Also cause the mitochondrial membrane damage decrease ATP content
Oxygen free radicals (OFR)
OFR is referred to oxygen-derived free radicals.
▲ Reactive oxygen species (ROS) ROS are composed of oxygen-derived free radicals

· Sources of O2 O2
Enzyme oxidation poison
ionic irradiation

Sources of OH• ·+ H O O2 2 2
O2 + OH• + OH-
H2O homolysis OH• + H• ; H2O heterolysis H+ + OH‒
Scavenger system of free radical

superoxide dismutase (SOD)
catalase (CAT)
2O2 + 2H+ 2H2O2
H2O2 + O2 2H2O + O2
glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px)H2O2 + 2GSHGSH-Px 2H2O + O2

Non-enzyme substances
vitamin-E, -A, and -C; cysteine; glutathione; albumin; allopurinol; ceruloplasmin , transferrin, lactoferrin, ferritin
O2 ·
e- +2H+
e- + H+ H20
e- + H+
• Endothelial cells contain 10 % XO , & 90 % XD (Xanthine dehydrogenase ) • Ischemia cause increase in cytosolic calcium & ATP change to AMP then hypoxanthine • Reprofusion cause high oxygen supply further reaction leads to formation of uric acid and H2O2 which leads to free radicals
• IRI induces the activation of complement and endothelial cells and the increase of chemokine such as C3a and leukotriene, which further attract and activate neutrophils. • This activation of neutrophils then intakes large amounts of molecular oxygen and produce OFR by respiratory burst.

xanthine oxidase path…
The increase of xanthine oxidase (XO) formation in vascular endothelial cell
ischemia ATP↓ calcium overload
calcium-dependent proteases↑
• It occour in many pathological condition include : stroke, shock,
myocardial infarction(MI)
cardiac arrest • prompt reopening of block vessel