“the Secret Life of Walter Mitty”读后感
这时候也是你足够强大到向世界宣布的时候!!!二、创造的过程1、you must ask for what you want2、an answer to what you are asking3、which is the receiving三、不知道怎么做任何人做成某件事的时候,都并不知道他们将如何去做,他们只知道他们要做这件事。
The_Secret_Life_of_Walter_Mitty 后现代
The Secret Life of Walter MittyBy James Thurber"WE'RE going through!" The Commander's voic e w as like th in ic e breaking. He w ore his full-dress uniform, w ith the heavily braided w hite c ap pulled dow n rakishly over one c oldgray eye. "We c an't make it, sir. It's spoiling for a hurric ane, if you ask me." "I'm not asking you, Lieutenant Berg," said the Commander. "Throw on the pow er lights! Rev her up to 8500! We're going through!" The pounding of the c ylinders inc reased: t a-poc keta-poc keta-poc keta-poc keta-poc keta. The Commander stared at the ic e forming on the pilot w indow. He w alked over and tw isted a row of c omplic ated dia ls. "Sw itc h on No. 8 auxiliary!" he shouted. "Sw itc h on No. 8 auxiliary!" repeated Lieut enant Berg. "Full strength in No. 3 turret!" sh outed the Commander. "Full strength in No. 3 turret!" T he c rew, bending to their various tasks in the huge, hurtling eight-eng ined Navy hydroplane, look ed at eac h other and grinned. "The Old Man'll get us through," they said to one another. "The Old Man a in't afraid of hell!" . . ."Not so fast! You're driving too fast!" said Mrs. Mitty. "What are you driving so fast for?"Hmm?" said Wa lter Mitty. He looked at his w ife, in the seat beside him, w ith shoc ked astonishment. She seemed grossly unfamiliar, lik e a strange w oman w ho had yelled at him in a c row d. "You w ere up to fifty-five," she said. "You know I don't like to go more than forty. You w ere up to fifty-five." Walter Mitty drove on tow ard Waterbury in silenc e, the roaring of the SN202 through the w orst storm in tw enty years of Navy flying fading in the remote,int imate a irw ays of his mind. "You're tensed up again," said Mrs. Mitty. "It's one of your days.I w ish you'd let Dr. Renshaw look you over."Walter Mitty stopped the c ar in front of the build ing w here his w ife w ent to have herhair done. "Remember to get those overshoes w hile I'm having my hair done," she said. "Idon't need overshoes," said Mitty. She put her mirror bac k into her bag. "We've been all through that," she said, getting out of th e c ar. "You're not a young man any longer." He rac ed the engine a litt le. "Why don't you w ear your gloves? Have you lost your gloves?" Wa lterMitty reac hed in a poc ket and brought out the gloves. He put them on, but after she had turned and gone into the build ing and he had driven on to a red light, he took them off again. "Pic k it up, brother!" snapped a c op as the light c hanged, and Mitty hastily pulled on his gloves and lurc hed ahead. He drove around the streets aimlessly for a time, and then he drove pa st the hospital on his w ay to the parking lot.. . . "It's the milliona ire banker, Wellington Mc Millan," said the pretty nurse. "Yes?" said Walter Mitty, removing his gloves slow ly. "Who has the c ase?" "Dr. Renshaw and Dr. Benbow, but there are tw o spec ialists here, Dr. Remington from New York and Dr. Pritc hard-Mitford from London. He flew over." A door opened dow n a long, c ool c orridor and Dr. Renshawc ame out. He looked distraught and haggard. "He llo, Mitty," he said. `'We're having thedevil's ow n time w ith Mc Millan, the milliona ire banker and c lose personal friend of Roosevelt. Obstreosis of the duc tal trac t. Tertiary. Wish you'd take a look at him." "Glad to," said Mitty.In the operating room there w ere w hispered introduc tions: "Dr. Remington, Dr. Mi tty. Dr. Pritc hard-Mitford, Dr. Mitty." "I've read your book on streptothric osis," said Pritc hard-Mitford, shaking hands. "A brilliant performanc e, sir." "Thank you," said Walter Mitty."D idn't know you w ere in the States, Mitty," grumbled Remington. "Co a ls to Newc astle, bringing Mitford and me up here for a tertiary." "You are very kind," said Mitty. A huge,c omplic ated mac hine, c onnec ted to the operating table, w ith many tubes and w ires, began at this moment to go poc keta-poc keta-poc keta. "The new anesthetizer is giving aw ay!" shouted an intern. "There is no one in the East w ho knows how to fix it!" "Qu iet, man!" said Mitty, in a low, c ool voic e. He sprang to the mac hine, w hic h w as now going poc keta-poc keta-queep-poc keta-queep . He began fingering de lic at ely a row of glistening d ia ls. "Give me a fountain pen!" he snapped. Someone handed him a fountain pen. He pulled a faulty piston out of the mac hine and inserted the pen in its plac e. "That w ill ho ld for ten minutes," he said. "Get onw ith the operation. A nurse hurried over and w hispered to Renshaw, and Mitty saw the man turn pale. "Coreopsis has set in," said Renshaw nervously. "If you w ould take over, Mitty?" Mitty looked at him and at the c raven figure of Benbow, w ho drank, and at the grave,unc ertain fac es of the tw o great spec ialists. "If you w ish," he said. They slipped a w hite gow n on him, he adjusted a mask and drew on thin gloves; nurses handed him shining . . ."Bac k it up, Mac!! Look out for that Buic k!" Wa lter Mitty jammed on the brakes. "Wrong lane, Mac," said the parking-lot attendant, look ing at Mitty c losely. "Gee. Yeh," muttered Mitty. He began c autiously to bac k out of the lane marked "Exit On ly." "Leave her sit there," said the attendant. "I'll put her aw ay." Mitty got out of the c ar. "Hey, better leave the key." "Oh," said Mitty, handing the man the ignition key. The attendant vaulted into thec ar, bac ked it up w ith insolent skill, and put it w here it belonged.They're so damn c oc ky, thought Walter Mitty, w alking a long Ma in Street; they think they know everything. Onc e he had tried to take his c hains off, outside New Milford, and he had got them w ound around the axles. A man had had to c ome out in a wrec king c ar andunw ind them, a young, grinning garageman. Sinc e then Mrs. Mitty alw ays m ade him drive to a garage to have the c hains taken off. The next time, he thought, I'll w ear my right arm in a sling; they w on't grin at me then. I'll have my right arm in a sling and they'll see I c ouldn't possibly take the c hains off myself. He kic ked at the slush on the sidew alk. "Overshoes," he said to himself, and he began looking for a shoe store.When he c ame out into the street again, w ith the overshoes in a box under his arm, Walter Mitty began to w onder w hat the other thing w as his w ife had told him to get. She had told him, tw ic e before they set out from their house for Waterbury. In a w ay he hated thesew eekly trips to tow n--he w as alw ays getting something w rong. Kleenex, he thought, Squibb's, razor blades? No. Tooth paste, toothbrush, bic arbona te, Carborundum, initiativ e and referendum? He gave it up. But she w ould remember it. "Where's the w hat's-its- name?" shew ould ask. "Don't tell me you forgot the w hat's-its-name." A new sboy w ent by shouting something about the Waterbury trial.. . . "Perhaps this w ill refresh your memory." The Distric t Attorney suddenly thrust a heavy automatic at the quiet figure on the w itness stand. "Have you ever seen this before?'' Walter Mitty took the gun and examined it expertly. "This is my Webley-Vic kers 50.80," ho saidc almly. An exc ited buzz ran around the c ourtroom. The Judge rapped for order. "You are ac rac k shot w ith any sort of firearms, I believe?" said the Distric t Attorney, insinuating ly. "Ob jec tion!" shouted Mitty's attorney. "We have show n that the defendant c ould not havefired the shot. We have show n that he w ore his right arm in a sling on the night of the fourteenth of July." Walter Mitty raised his hand briefly and the bic kering attorneys w ere stilled. "W ith any know n make of gun," he said evenly, "I c ould have killed Gregory Fitzhurst at three hundred feet w ith my left hand." Pandemonium broke loose in the c ourtroom. Aw oman's sc ream rose above the bedlam and suddenly a love ly, dark-haired girl w as in Walter Mitty's arms. The Distric t Attorney s truc k at her savagely. Without rising from his c hair,Mitty let the man have it on the point of the c hin. "You miserab le c ur!" . . ."Puppy bisc uit," said Walt er Mitty. He stopped w alking and the buildings of Waterbury rose up out of the misty c ourtroom and surrounded him again. A w oman w ho w as passing laughed. "He said 'Puppy bisc uit,'" she said to her c ompanion. "That man said 'Puppy bisc uit' to himself." Walt er Mitty hurried on. He w ent into an A. & P., not the first one he c ame to but a smaller one farther up the street. "I w ant some bisc uit for small, young dogs," he said to the c lerk. "Any spec ial brand, sir?" The greatest pistol shot in the w orld thought a moment. "It says 'Puppies Bark for It' on the box," said Walt er Mitty.His w ife w ould be through at the hairdresser's in fifteen minutes' Mitty saw in looking at his w atc h, unless they had trouble drying it; sometimes they had trouble drying it. She didn't like to get to the hotel first, she w ould w ant him to be there w aiting for her as usual. He found a big leath er c hair in the lobby, fac ing a w indow, and he put the overshoes and the puppybisc uit on the floor beside it. He p ic ked up an old c opy of Liberty and sank dow n into thec hair. "Can Germany Conquer the World Through the Air?" Wa lter Mitty looked at thepic tures of bombing planes and of ruined streets.. . . "The c annonading has got the w ind up in young Rale igh, sir," said the sergeant. Captain Mitty looked up at him through tousled hair. "Get him to bed," he said w earily, "w ith the others. I'll fly a lone." "But you c an't, sir," said the sergeant anxiously. "It takes tw o men to handle that bomber and the Arc hies are pounding hell out of the air. Von Ric htman's c irc us is betw een here and Saulier." "Somebody's got to get that ammunition dump," said Mitty. "I'm going over. Spot of brandy?" He poured a drink for the sergeant and one for himself. War thundered and w hined around the dugout and battered at the door. There w as a rending ofw ood and splinters flew through the room. "A bit of a near thing," said Captain Mittyc arelessly. 'The box barrage is c losing in," said the sergeant. "We only live onc e, Sergeant," said Mitty, w ith his faint, fleeting smile. "Or do w e?" He poured another brandy and tossed it off. "I never see a man c ould hold his brandy like you, sir," said the sergeant. "Begg ing your pardon, sir." Captain Mitty stood up and strapped on his huge Webley-Vic kers automatic. "It's forty kilometers through hell, sir," said the sergeant. Mitty finished one last brandy. "After all," he said softly, "w hat isn't?" The pounding of the c annon increased; there w as the rat-tat-tatting of mac hine guns, and from somew here c ame the menac ing poc keta-poc keta-poc keta of the new flame-throw ers. Walter Mitty w alked to the door of the dugout humming "Aup res de Ma Blond e." He turned and w aved to the sergeant. "Cheerio!" he said. . . .Something struc k his shoulder. "I've been looking all over this hotel for you," said Mrs. Mitty. "Why do you have to hide in this old c hair? How did you expec t me to find yo u?" "Things c lose in," said Walt er Mitty vague ly. "What?" Mrs. Mitty said. "Did you get thew hat's-its-name? The puppy bisc uit? What's in that box?" "Overshoes," said Mitty. "Cou ldn't you have put them on in the store?" 'I w as thinking," sa id Walter Mitty. "Does it ever occ ur toyou that I am sometimes thinking?" She looked at him. "I'm going to take your temperaturew hen I get you home," she said.They w ent out through the revolving doors that made a faintly derisive w histling sound w hen you pushed them. It w as tw o bloc ks to the parking lot. At the drugstore on thec orner she said, "Wait here for me. I forgot something. I w on't be a minute." She w as more than a minute. Walter Mitty lighted a c igarette. It began to rain, rain w ith sleet in it. He stood up against the w all of the drugstore, smoking. . . . He put his shoulders bac k and his heels together. "To hell w ith the handkerc hief," said Waker Mitty sc ornfully. He took one last drag on his c igarette and snapped it aw ay. Then, w ith that faint, fleeting sm ile play ing about his lips, he fac ed the firing squad; erec t and motionless, proud and disdainful, Wa lter Mitty the Undefeat ed, insc rutable to the last.。
1.《寻找快乐》(The Pursuit of Happyness,2006)本片根据真实故事改编,讲述了一个单亲父亲为了给儿子提供更好的生活而不懈努力的故事。
2.《当幸福来敲门》(The Secret Life of Walter Mitty,2013)这是一部关于个人成长和实现梦想的电影,讲述了一个平凡的办公室职员如何通过冒险和勇气改变自己的故事。
3.《让子弹飞》(Let the Bullets Fly,2010)这是一部关于勇敢面对困难和抵抗不公正的电影。
4.《海上钢琴师》(The Legend of 1900,1998)本片讲述了一个注定在船上度过一生的钢琴师的故事。
5.《大空头》(The Big Short,2015)这是一部关于金融危机的电影,讲述了一群创业者如何在金融市场上预测并赚取巨额回报的故事。
6.《当幸福来敲门》(The Pursuit of Happyness,2006)这是一部关于一个单亲父亲如何克服各种困难和挑战,实现自己的梦想的电影。
7.《盲井》(Blind Shaft,2003)这是一部关于中国煤矿工人的电影,讲述了他们如何在危险环境中奋斗和生存的故事。
Secret Life of Walter Mitty
“the_Secret_Life_of_Walter_Mitty”读后感“the Secret Life of WalterMitty”读后感The short novel tells a story of an aging man, Walter Mitty driving to town for a regular shopping with his wife, Mrs. Mitty. Walter is inept at many things. He is hen-pecked man, an absent-minded driver;He can't handle simple mechanical tasks, and he forgets things easily. What makes Walter exceptional is his imagination. In this trip, Walter had five heroic daydreams, and each of his fantasies is inspired by some detail of Mitty’s mundane surroundings.The short novel begins with Walter’s first daydream. He imagined himself as a Commander of a Navy hydroplane. He commanded his crew to increase the speed to go through in the sea in a hurricane. When he had this daydream, he was driving toward Waterbury at a fast speed. He regarded going to Waterbury as a difficult task, because his wife ordered him to go shopping while she was having her hair done, and it was hard to make her satisfied. Then Mr. Mitty was drawn back to reality by Mrs. Mitty’s complaint that he was driving too fast, which indicates that his driving was what led to the daydream.After Walter put down his wife who was going to have her hair done, he drove to go shopping. He was forced by both a policeman and his wife to put on his gloves in this period. Then he also passed a hospital. These things involving gloves and the hospital made him begin his second daydream. Walter turned a brilliant surgeon who was performing an important surgery. Everyone needed him to take over the operation.After that, he was fooled by a parking-lot attendant, for hisclumsy skill of parking. When he attempted to remember what his wife told him to buy and heard a newsboy shouting about “the Waterbury Trial”, his third daydream began. He dreamed himself as a crack shot that not only can shot others uses right hand, but also uses his left hand. This fantasy was aroused maybe, because he was not satisfied with his parking skill and hated being laughed by others. So in this daydream, his dream that admired by others came true.Walter’s fourth daydream came as he waited his wife and picked up an old copy of Liberty, reading “Can Germany Conquer the World Through the Air?” and ima gined himself as a Royal Air Force pilot, fighting Germany and volunteering for a daring, secret suicide mission to bomb an ammunition dump. He piloted a plane normally piloted by two people.The closing scene came when Walter was standing a wall, smoking. He imagined himself facing a firing-squad, “inscrutable to the last.” Having himself executed by a firing squad could suggest that he has decided to end his excessive daydreaming and attempt to resolve the problems that cause his daydreams. Among his morally acceptable options are (1) to see a psychiatrist, (2) to take action on his own (such as becoming more assertive), and (3) separating from his wife.This novel is concerned with the theme, Escapism. Henpecked Mitty deals with his everyday frustrations by escaping into daydreams. Mitty is a submissive, accommodating chap. But when he makes himself the hero of his daydreams, he becomes a veritable demigod. His daydreams help him sustain his ego against the nitpicking of his wife.Symbols are frequently used in this short novel. The car, the overshoes, the gloves, and the tire chains: These all symbolizeMrs. Mitty's control over bumbling Walter. She orders him to buy overshoes, wear gloves, and slow down from 55 to 40. In addition, she requires him to take his car to a garage to have the snow chains on his tires removed. Policeman, parking attendant and garage man symbolize the control that the world exerts over Walter. War and guns symbolize the strong masculinity that Mitty lacks.Through reading the novel, we can come to know that Walter is a man who always escape from the reality and become indulged into his fantastic dreams. In his fantasy, he scared nothing whereas he protested feebly at demands and behaved cautiously. There is a sharp contrast between the hero Mitty who received admirations in fantasy and the real one who had some unpleasant interactions with people.In my opinion, this novel deals with a matter of the difference between the reality and the ideal. Sometimes, when we cannot get what we want or we cannot be what we want to be, daydreaming becomes a useful way for us to fulfill our goals and satisfy our demands. Mitty may long for respect and admiration from others, but the reality destroys his hope and desire. That is why, maybe, Mitty resorted to daydreaming to satisfy himself. Isn’t it a sad thing for our ordinary people? We have many things to do every day. We have to execute the assignments ordered by others, though we don’t want to do that. We have no other way to get the relief of our stress and the daydream becomes the only method.Even an ordinary man can become an extraordinary hero—with the help of his imagination. And who is to say that the secret world of Walter Mitty is not a real world? After all, daydreams are part of everyday reality. It is an effective way to release somecomplaint and stress in our life. I also daydream a lot being a protagonist in a romance or being a superstar performing show on a grand stage. I can getsome comfort and happiness from these daydreaming, but I also know a person cannot live in imagination or fantasy all the time. People have to live their life in a real world. After daydreaming, we finally will have to come back to earth and deal with all the troubles in life. That is to say, to confront with life bravely is the best strategy. Also, action is an important way of success. So we should always try our best to fulfill our dreams whenever and wherever. In the belief that when there is a will, there is a way.。
The Secret 秘密 读后感
The Secret 秘密读后感引言概述:《The Secret》是一本畅销的自助励志书籍,作者是澳大利亚作家罗恩·达赞。
在阅读《The Secret》后,我深受启发,以下将从五个方面详细阐述我对这本书的读后感。
一、秘密的力量1.1 秘密的真实性《The Secret》通过讲述各种成功人士的故事,向读者展示了秘密的真实性。
1.2 秘密的普适性《The Secret》强调,吸引力法则是普适的,不论你是谁,无论你的背景如何,只要正确运用这一法则,你都能实现你想要的一切。
1.3 秘密的积极性《The Secret》告诉我们,我们的思维决定了我们的现实。
二、秘密的运用方法2.1 设定明确的目标《The Secret》指出,我们需要设定明确的目标,只有这样我们才能清楚地知道我们想要什么。
2.2 培养感恩之心《The Secret》强调,感恩之心是吸引力法则的重要组成部分。
2.3 实践积极的思维《The Secret》教导我们要保持积极的思维,无论面对什么困难和挑战。
三、秘密的影响力3.1 秘密对个人生活的影响《The Secret》告诉我们,通过正确运用吸引力法则,我们能够改变自己的生活。
[关键词]小人物;英雄梦著名美国作家、漫画家詹姆斯·格罗弗·瑟伯(James Grover Thurber ,1894—1961)是美国公认的继马克·吐温之后的最受欢迎的幽默大师之一。
詹姆斯·瑟伯出版于1941年的短篇小说《沃尔特·米蒂的秘密生活》(The Secret Life of Walter Mitty )所描写的正是这样一个小人物沃尔特·米蒂在陪妻子进城美发、购物过程中的内心活动。
马克吐温生死迷英语读后感Mark Twain's Life and Death Enigma: An English Reader's ReflectionBorn Samuel Langhorne Clemens, Mark Twain was one of the most influential and celebrated American authors of the 19th century. His works, characterized by their wit, social commentary, and captivating storytelling, have left an indeluring legacy on world literature. As an English reader, I have been deeply intrigued by the complexities and contradictions that permeate Twain's life and writings, leading me to ponder the enigmatic nature of his existence.Twain's life was a tapestry woven with threads of both triumph and tragedy. He experienced dizzying heights of success and fame, with works like "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" and "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" becoming beloved classics. Yet, his personal life was marked by profound sorrows and hardships that often cast a shadow over his literary achievements. The loss of his beloved first-born son, Langdon, at a young age and the subsequent deaths of his other children deeply scarred Twain, leading him to grapple with questions of mortality and the human condition.Indeed, the theme of death and its profound impact on the humanexperience permeates much of Twain's writing. In his novels and short stories, he often confronted the harsh realities of life and the inevitability of death, exploring the complex emotions and philosophical quandaries that arise in the face of mortality. From the untimely demise of characters like Huck Finn's father to the haunting presence of the Mississippi River as a symbol of both life and death, Twain's works delve into the universal human struggle to make sense of the fragility of existence.However, Twain's own relationship with death was often complicated and contradictory. While he grappled with the tragedies that befell him and his family, he also possessed a sharp wit and a penchant for irreverent humor that often served as a defense mechanism against the darker aspects of life. His writings frequently juxtapose moments of lighthearted levity with somber reflections on the human condition, revealing a mind that wrestled constantly with the duality of the human experience.Moreover, Twain's views on religion and the afterlife were equally complex and ever-evolving. At times, he espoused a skeptical, even cynical, attitude towards organized religion and the concept of an afterlife, drawing upon his experiences and observations to question the validity of traditional beliefs. Yet, in his later years, he seemed to gravitate towards a more contemplative and introspective approach, suggesting a man who was still on a journey of self-discovery andspiritual exploration.As an English reader, I have found myself deeply captivated by the enigmatic nature of Mark Twain's life and writings. His ability to seamlessly blend humor and tragedy, to confront the darkest realities of human existence with a sharp wit and penetrating insight, has left an indelible mark on my own understanding of the human condition. Through his works, I have been compelled to grapple with the same questions that plagued Twain himself: the nature of mortality, the search for meaning in a seemingly indifferent universe, and the complex interplay of life and death that shapes the human experience.In the end, I believe that the true legacy of Mark Twain lies not in the accolades and adulations bestowed upon him, but in the enduring impact of his writings on the hearts and minds of readers like myself. His ability to capture the essence of the human experience, with all its joys, sorrows, and contradictions, has made him a timeless figure in the pantheon of literary giants. As I continue to explore and reflect upon his works, I am left with a deep sense of gratitude for the gift of his storytelling and the profound insights it has provided into the mysteries of life and death.。
白日梦想家观后感英语作文Reflections on "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty""The Secret Life of Walter Mitty" is a film that captured my imagination and left me with profound thoughts about life, dreams, and the courage it takes to pursue what we truly desire. Directed by Ben Stiller and starring Ben Stiller himself, the film tells the story of Walter Mitty, a daydreamer who escapes the monotony of his life through vivid fantasies. However, when a negative photo goes missing, Walter's life takes an unexpected turn as he embarks on a global adventure to find it, leading him to confront his fears and embrace his true self.What I found most striking about the film is its exploration of the themes of imagination and reality. Walter Mitty lives a mundane life, working in a drab office and feeling trapped by the routine of his daily existence. However, his imagination is a vast and vivid world where he can be anyone he wants to be, experience anything hedesires. His daydreams become his escape, a sanctuary where he can live out his fantasies and feel free from the constraints of reality.The film makes a powerful argument for the importance of imagination in our lives. Walter's daydreams not only provide him with solace but also inspire him to take action in his real life. When faced with a challenge, he doesn't hesitate to leap into action, driven by the courage and confidence he gains from his imaginary adventures. This suggests that imagination can be a powerful motivator, pushing us to pursue our dreams and overcome obstacles that might seem insurmountable.Another theme that resonated with me is the idea of following one's passion and pursuing what truly matters. Walter's life is a series of missed opportunities and regrets, as he settles for a life that doesn't fullysatisfy him. However, when presented with the chance to pursue what he truly loves, he seizes the opportunity with both hands, ignoring the warnings and doubts that try to hold him back. His journey not only leads him to find themissing photo but also to rediscover himself, his passions, and his purpose.The film also explores the concept of courage and howit can be found within each of us. Walter Mitty is not a brave man by nature. He is timid and afraid of taking risks, but when faced with a challenge, he finds a reserve of courage that he never knew he had. His journey is a test of his mettle, pushing him to his limits and beyond, but it is also a testament to the fact that courage is not something that we are born with, but something that we cultivate through experience and growth.The cinematography and visuals of the film are breathtaking, capturing the beauty and wonders of the world in a way that is both breathtaking and inspiring. The film takes us to exotic locations, from snow-capped mountains to bustling cities, and each scene is meticulously crafted to evoke a sense of awe and wonder. The music complements the visuals perfectly, creating an emotional palette thatranges from heartfelt to thrilling.In conclusion, "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty" is a film that left me with a renewed sense of optimism and excitement about life. It reminds us that our imaginations are limitless and that we should embrace our dreams, regardless of how big or small they may be. Walter'sjourney teaches us that courage and passion are not traits that we are born with, but qualities that we must cultivate and nurture. The film encourages us to step out of our comfort zones, to take risks, and to follow our hearts,even if it leads us to places we never imagined we would go. In the end, it is not the destination that matters, but the journey itself, and the lessons we learn along the way.。
The Secret 秘密 读后感
The Secret 秘密读后感《The Secret 秘密》读后感《The Secret 秘密》是一本引人深思的书籍,它通过揭示一个古老的智慧法则,向读者展示了如何通过积极的思维和意识来改变自己的生活。
这本书的作者是著名的心灵成长导师Rhonda Byrne,她通过深入的研究和实践,将这个古老的智慧法则呈现给了我们。
总之,读完《The Secret 秘密》给了我很多启发和思考。
The Allure of "The Secret Life of WalterMitty"In the fast-paced world of today, where reality often seems dull and unfulfilling, the allure of escaping into a world of imagination and adventure is stronger than ever. This is precisely what "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty" captures so beautifully, making it one of my favorite films. Walter Mitty is a regular guy working in a dull job, leading a predictable life. But he has a secret. Walter is an avid daydreamer, constantly escaping into his own imaginary worlds, where he lives out adventures that arefar more exciting than his mundane existence. It is this secret life that gives him joy and happiness, even as the outside world seems to be crumbling around him.What makes this film so engaging is the way it explores the power of imagination. Walter's daydreams are not just escapes from reality; they are also reflections of hisdeep-seated desires and aspirations. Through his imaginary adventures, he explores different aspects of his personality, confronts his fears, and finds courage and inspiration to take on the challenges of life.The film also shines a spotlight on the importance of pursuing one's passions. Walter's life changes dramatically when he embarks on a real-life adventure to find a missing photographer, inspired by a photograph he saw in a magazine. This journey not only fulfills his lifelong dream of exploring the world but also helps him rediscover himself and find true happiness.The cinematography of this film is breathtaking, capturing the beauty and wonders of the world in a way that is both breathtaking and inspiring. The music complementsthe visuals perfectly, creating an emotional and immersive experience for the viewer.But more than anything, it is the heartfelt performance of the actors that makes this film so memorable. BenStiller perfectly embodies the character of Walter Mitty, capturing his innocence, his dreams, and his courage.Kristen Wiig, as Walter's love interest, adds a touch of sweetness and warmth to the proceedings, making their relationship both believable and endearing.In conclusion, "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty" is a film that resonates deeply with the inner child in all ofus. It reminds us that imagination is a powerful tool that can help us escape the confines of reality, explore our dreams, and find true happiness. It is a film that encourages us to pursue our passions, to take risks, and to embrace the unknown. For these reasons, it remains one of my favorite films, a timeless tale of adventure, courage, and self-discovery.**白日梦想家的魅力**在现今快节奏的社会中,现实往往显得乏味而令人不满足,而逃离到充满想象与冒险的世界里则具有比以往更强的吸引力。
马克吐温生死迷英语读后感English:Mark Twain's "The Mysterious Stranger" explores themes of life and death with a captivating blend of philosophical inquiry and supernatural elements. Through the character of Satan, Twain challenges conventional notions of morality and existence, presenting a nihilistic perspective that questions the purpose and meaning of human life. The narrative unfolds in a small Austrian village, where the arrival of Satan disrupts the lives of its inhabitants, exposing the frailty of human beliefs and desires. Twain's portrayal of Satan as a figure detached from human concerns highlights the insignificance of human endeavors in the grand scheme of the universe, echoing existentialist themes of absurdity and existential angst. The novella's exploration of the nature of reality and the illusory nature of human perception invites readers to contemplate the fundamental questions of existence, morality, and the afterlife. Twain's masterful storytelling and thought-provoking commentary on the human condition make "The Mysterious Stranger" a timeless work that continues to resonate with readers, compelling them toconfront the mysteries of life and death with renewed introspection and curiosity.中文翻译:马克·吐温的《神秘的陌生人》以其独特的哲学探究和超自然元素的融合,探讨了生与死的主题。
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The Secret 秘密 读后感
The Secret 秘密读后感引言概述:《The Secret》是一本非常受欢迎的自助书籍,它揭示了一个令人惊讶的秘密,即我们的思想可以创造我们想要的现实。
一、积极思考的重要性1.1 塑造积极的思维模式《The Secret》强调了积极思考对于我们的生活和幸福感的重要性。
1.2 改变内在对外在的影响我们的思维方式对我们的行为和行动产生直接影响。
1.3 培养感恩的心态在《The Secret》中,感恩也被提及为一种重要的积极思维方式。
二、吸引力法则的应用2.1 目标设定和可视化吸引力法则强调了目标设定和可视化的重要性。
2.2 积极的情绪和态度吸引力法则认为,我们的情绪和态度会影响我们所吸引到的事物和人。
Vo l.32No .2Feb.2011第32卷第2期2011年2月赤峰学院学报(汉文哲学社会科学版)J o urnal of C hifeng University (S o c.S ci )《花园里的独角兽》是美国作家詹姆斯·瑟伯的一篇寓言体的小小说,全文共五六百字却写得迭宕起伏,令人回味。
一、瑟伯坎坷的人生及多产的作品詹姆斯·瑟伯(James Thurber ,1894~1961)被认为是美国文学史上继马克·吐温之后最出色的幽默大师。
这段痛苦的经历,在他的幽默佳作“UNIVERSITYDAYS ”中有所记载。
1926年担任纽约市EVENING POST 的记者,同时开始幽默小品的创作。
1927年,THE NEWYORKER 采用了他的一篇文章,并成为该杂志的专职撰稿人,从此创作了许许多多的优秀幽默短篇小说和漫画作品。
thesecretlifeofwaltermitty课文概括"The Secret Life of Walter Mitty" is a short story written by James Thurber in 1939. It follows the life of the title character, Walter Mitty, a middle-aged man living a mundane and monotonous life. Walter often escapes into daydreams, creating thrilling adventures and imagining himself as a hero in various situations.The story begins with Walter accompanying his wife on a shopping trip, where he daydreams about being a fearless Navy pilot and saving his crew from a dangerous storm. However, he is abruptly brought back to reality when his wife scolds him for speeding.Throughout the story, Walter's daydreams serve as a contrast to his unexciting reality. He envisions himself as a skilled surgeon, a war general, and even as a defendant on trial. These fantasies provide him with an escape from the dullness of his everyday life.Towards the end of the story, Walter's wife comments on his absent-mindedness, which prompts him to imagine himself facing a firing squad. In his daydream, as he faces death, he displays a calm and brave demeanor, much unlike his real-life persona.In the final daydream, Walter sees himself as a hero in a stormy sea, piloting a hydroplane. He rescues his crew, confronts a hurricane, and emerges victorious. However, his fantasy is interrupted by a parking attendant who tells him to move his car. As the story concludes, Walter Mitty is depicted as a defeated man, accepting the reality of his mundane existence. He sits in the car,feeling small and insignificant, but, for a brief moment, he shows a flicker of bravery and determination.。
The Secret
《The Secret》观后感在那之前,我曾看过《The Secret》的英文版,觉得挺伟大的。
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“the Secret Life of WalterMitty”读后感The short novel tells a story of an aging man, Walter Mitty driving to town for a regular shopping with his wife, Mrs. Mitty. Walter is inept at many things. He is hen-pecked man, an absent-minded driver;He can't handle simple mechanical tasks, and he forgets things easily. What makes Walter exceptional is his imagination. In this trip, Walter had five heroic daydreams, and each of his fantasies is inspired by some detail of Mitty’s mundane surroundings.The short novel begins with Walter’s first daydream. He imagined himself as a Commander of a Navy hydroplane. He commanded his crew to increase the speed to go through in the sea in a hurricane. When he had this daydream, he was driving toward Waterbury at a fast speed. He regarded going to Waterbury as a difficult task, because his wife ordered him to go shopping while she was having her hair done, and it was hard to make her satisfied. Then Mr. Mitty was drawn back to reality by Mrs. Mitty’s complaint that he was drivin g too fast, which indicates that his driving was what led to the daydream.After Walter put down his wife who was going to have her hair done, he drove to go shopping. He was forced by both a policeman and his wife to put on his gloves in this period. Then he also passed a hospital. These things involving gloves and the hospital made him begin his second daydream. Walter turned a brilliant surgeon who was performing an important surgery. Everyone needed him to take over the operation.After that, he was fooled by a parking-lot attendant, for his clumsy skill of parking. When he attempted to remember what his wife told him to buy and heard a newsboy shouting about “the Waterbury Trial”, his third daydream began. He dreamed himself as a crack shot that not only can shot others uses right hand, but also uses his left hand. This fantasy was aroused maybe, because he was not satisfied with his parking skill and hated being laughed by others. So in this daydream, his dream that admired by others came true. Walter’s fourth daydream came as he waited his wife and picked up an old copy of Liberty, reading “Can Germany Conquer the World Through the Air?” and imagined himself as a Royal Air Force pilot, fighting Germany and volunteering for a daring, secret suicide mission to bomb an ammunition dump. He piloted a plane normally piloted by two people.The closing scene came when Walter was standing a wall, smoking. He imagined himself facing a firing-squad, “inscrutable to the last.” Having himself executed by a firing squ ad could suggest that he has decided to end his excessive daydreaming and attempt to resolve the problems that cause his daydreams. Among his morally acceptable options are (1) to see a psychiatrist, (2) to take action on his own (such as becoming more assertive), and (3) separating from his wife.This novel is concerned with the theme, Escapism. Henpecked Mitty deals with his everyday frustrations by escaping into daydreams. Mitty is a submissive, accommodating chap. But when he makes himself the hero of his daydreams, he becomes a veritable demigod. His daydreams help him sustain his ego against the nitpicking of his wife.Symbols are frequently used in this short novel. The car, the overshoes, the gloves, and the tire chains: These all symbolizeMrs. Mitty's control over bumbling Walter. She orders him to buy overshoes, wear gloves, and slow down from 55 to 40. In addition, she requires him to take his car to a garage to have the snow chains on his tires removed. Policeman, parking attendant and garage man symbolize the control that the world exerts over Walter. War and guns symbolize the strong masculinity that Mitty lacks. Through reading the novel, we can come to know that Walter is a man who always escape from the reality and become indulged into his fantastic dreams. In his fantasy, he scared nothing whereas he protested feebly at demands and behaved cautiously. There is a sharp contrast between the hero Mitty who received admirations in fantasy and the real one who had some unpleasant interactions with people.In my opinion, this novel deals with a matter of the difference between the reality and the ideal. Sometimes, when we cannot get what we want or we cannot be what we want to be, daydreaming becomes a useful way for us to fulfill our goals and satisfy our demands. Mitty may long for respect and admiration from others, but the reality destroys his hope and desire. That is why, maybe, Mitty resorted to daydreaming to satisfy himself. Isn’t it a sad thing for our ordinary people? We have many things to do every day. We have to execute the assignments ordered by others, though we don’t want to do that. We have no other way to get the relief of our stress and the daydream becomes the only method.Even an ordinary man can become an extraordinary hero—with the help of his imagination. And who is to say that the secret world of Walter Mitty is not a real world? After all, daydreams are part of everyday reality. It is an effective way to release some complaint and stress in our life. I also daydream a lot being a protagonist in a romance or being a superstar performing show on a grand stage. I can getsome comfort and happiness from these daydreaming, but I also know a person cannot live in imagination or fantasy all the time. People have to live their life in a real world. After daydreaming, we finally will have to come back to earth and deal with all the troubles in life. That is to say, to confront with life bravely is the best strategy. Also, action is an important way of success. So we should always try our best to fulfill our dreams whenever and wherever. In the belief that when there is a will, there is a way.。