Ezra Pound 美国文学 PPT



Ezra pound (1885-1972)
introduction Life experience Major works Writing style Comments
Ezra Pound
Ezra Pound(30October18851November1972)was an expatriate American poet and critic who was a major figure of the early modernist movement. His contribution to poetry began with his development of imagism.
⑶Cantos 《诗章》 the intellectual diary since 1915 ~encyclopedic epic poem (学识渊博的史诗性诗歌)
Ezra Pound ′s major works
☆A Lume Spento --1908
☆Personae --1909
☆Des Imagistes --1914
☆ The Spirit of Romance --1910
☆ Homage to Sextus Propertivs --1917 ☆ Hugh Selwyn Mauberley --1920 ☆ The Cantos --1917~1959
Writing style:
Nadel writes that imagism was to change Pound‟s writing style. Pound said poetry require a precise and economic use of language and that the poet should always use the „exact‟ word and expression.

ezra pound解析(课堂PPT)

ezra pound解析(课堂PPT)
Three phases of imagism
Content of Imagism
Origin of Imagism
Three phrases of imagism
The origins of Imagism are found in two poems, Autumn and A City Sunset by T.E.Hulme. These were published in January 1909 by the Poet’s Club in London.
Famous poems: In a Station of the Metro
A Pact
Imagism (1909——1917)
Imagism is a poetic movement of England and the United States, which flourished from 1909 to 1917. it is a branch of the symbolism literary movement which was used chiefly in The Western World during that time.
“Each word must be an image seen.” “Each sentence should be a lump; a piece of clay, a vision seen.”
Pound’s definition: “An ‘Image’ is that which presents an intellectual and emotional complex in an instant of time.”



total depravity(人类是完全堕落的,所以
最好以取悦上帝), limited atonement (有
American Puritanism
Features of American Puritan
2. Early American Puritan Writers
• John Smith, one of the founders of the colony of Jamestown: His descriptions about the new world became the source of information for the later settlers.
Colonial period and Revolutionary period Early Romanticism Transcendentalism Late Romanticism
The age of Realism
Irving Franklin Cooper Emerson Hawthorne Twain James Dreiser Melville Thoreau
himself to writing Amh erican subject
2. Evaluation. (Benjamin Franklin1706 – 1790)
1) He was a rare genius in human history. Everything seems to meet in this one man, mind and will, talent and art, strength and ease, wit and grace, and he became almost everything: a printer, postmaster, citizen, almanac maker, essayist, scientist, inventor, statesman, philosopher, political economist and ambassador.

Ezra Pound埃兹拉.庞德

Ezra Pound埃兹拉.庞德

doctrine of Confucius a source of strength and
wisdom with which to counterpoint Western
gloom and confusion.
(4) He saw a chaotic world that wanted setting to rights, and a humanity, suffering from spiritual death and cosmic injustice, that needed saving. He was for the most part of
Ezra Pound (1885—1972)
Historic Position
A leading spokesman of the “Imagist Movement” One of the most influential American poets and critic The father of the American modern poetry
Features: (1) Language: intricate and obscure (2) Theme: complex subject matters (3) Form: no fixed framework, no central theme, no attention to poetic rules
• Hugh Selwyn Mauberley ① his best poem; ② 2 parts, the 1st part: the quest of an artist in an unresponsive world; the 2nd part: a similar quest but it has taken on a new dimension of meaning;



four principles: 1) direct treatment 单刀直入 2) precise image 意象清晰 3) economical expression 表达简洁 4) musical rhythm 富有乐感
master works: 埃兹拉· 庞德(Ezra Pound) 《女孩》 (Girl) 杜利特尔(Hilda Doolittle) 《不倒的墙》 (The Walls Do Not Fall) 威廉姆斯(William Carlos Williams) 《佩特森》(Paterson)
Ezra Pound 埃兹拉· 庞德
“the prophet of the open spirit”
自由精神的预言 者
Born in Idaho (1885) Hamilton college and the University of Pennsylvania left for Europe (1908) Foreign editor of Poetry (1912) Paris (1920) Italy, his misbehavior in WWII (1925-45) Death in Italy (1972)
Cantos--Intellectual Diary Since 1915
Theme: an attempt to impose, through art, order and meaning upon a chaotic and meaningless world.
generalization: A literary movement launched by British and American poets early in the 20th century in reaction against Victorian sentimentalism that advocated the use of free verse, common speech patterns, and clear concrete images.

Ezra pound (1885-1972)

Ezra pound (1885-1972)
埃兹拉· 庞德(Ezra Pound),美国著名诗人,意象派的 代表人物。他和艾略特同为后期象征主义诗歌的领军人物。 他从中国古典诗歌、日本俳句中生发出“诗歌意象”的理 论,为东西方诗歌的互相借鉴做出了卓越贡献。 除此之外,庞德还是一个热衷于介绍中国古典诗歌和哲 学的翻译家,他自称为儒者。经他改编并翻译了《神州 集》、《诗经》、《论语》等儒家经典。
Ezra ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱound(18851972) 艾兹拉· 庞德
Ezra Pound was identified as the father of American poetry and the most influential leader of the Imagist Movement.
‘In a Station of the Metro ’
The apparition of these faces in the crowd; Petals on a wet, black bough.
1、在地铁车站 (辜正坤) 人丛中这些幽灵似的人脸, 潮湿的黑色树枝上的花瓣。
3、地铁站上 (余光中) 人群中,这些面孔的鬼影; 潮湿的黑树枝上的花瓣。
Cantos (1915)
● It contains 117 poems. ● It is about social history, cultures and languages. ● He imposes order and meaning upon a meaningless world. ● He sees Chinese history and Confucius孔子 counteract抵消 Western gloom and confusion. ● A chaotic inhuman and non-spiritual world needs saving.

Ezra Pound

Ezra Pound

• Imagism: it’s a poetic movement of England and the U.S flourished from 1909 to 1917. The movement insists on the creation of images in poetry by “the direct treatment of the thing” and the economy of wording. The leaders of this movement were Ezra Pound and Amy Lowell艾米•洛威尔.
The doctrine and poetic practice of a small but influential group of American and British poets calling themselves imagists bewtween 1909-1917. Led at first by Ezra Pound, then after his defection to vorticism by Amy Lowell. Imagism is characterized by the 3 principles: 1. Direct treatment of "the thing", whether subjective or objective 2. To use absolutely no word that does not contribute to the presentation 3. As regards rhythm, to compose in the sequence of the musical phrase, not in the sequence of a metronome节拍器


Ezra Pound (埃兹拉· 庞德) 1885—1972
Historic Position
A leading spokesman of the “Imagist Movement” One of the most influential American poets and critic The father of the American modern poetry
Teaching Procedure
His life 2. His Major Works 3. Comments on Ezra Pound 4. Imagism 5. A Pact and In a station of the Metro
His Life
1.born in Idaho in 1885
It offered a new way of writing. The movement was a training school in which many poets learned their first lessons in the poetic art. It helped to open the first page of modern English and American poetry.

The poem is an observation of the poet of the human faces seen in a Paris subway station. It looks to be a modern adoption of the Japanese haiku. He tries to render exactly his observation of human faces seen in an underground railway station. He sees the faces, turned variously toward light and darkness, like flower petals which are half absorbed by, half resisting, the wet, dark texture of a bough. Repeating it, you can have a colorful picture, also you can feel the beauty of music through it’s repetition of different vowels and consonants, such as /p/ and /au/. Especially the repetition of /e/ in the second line emphasize it’s sense of music.

Ezra Pound 美国文学庞德课件

Ezra Pound 美国文学庞德课件

作者: 李白 妾发初覆额,折花门前剧。 郎骑竹马来,绕床弄青梅。 同居长干里,两小无嫌猜。 十四为君妇,羞颜未尝开。 低头向暗壁,千唤不一回。 十五始展眉,愿同尘与灰。 常存抱柱信,岂上望夫台。 十六君远行,瞿塘滟滪堆。 五月不可触,猿声天上哀。 门前迟行迹,一一生绿苔。 苔深不能扫,落叶秋风早。 八月蝴蝶黄,双飞西园草。 感此伤妾心,坐愁红颜老。 早晚下三巴,预将书报家。 相迎不道远,直至长风沙。
four principles: 1) direct treatment 单刀直入 2) precise image 意象清晰 3) economical expression 表达简洁 4) musical rhythm 富有乐感
An image is an ?and ?complex in an instant of time. intellectual emotional 意象即理智和情感在刹那间的融合。
Major Works
Poetic works: Exultations; Personae; Cantos, etc. 《狂喜》《人物》《诗章》 Translations: Cathay; The Classic Anthology Defined by Confucius; Shih-Ching, etc. 《中国》《孔子经典选集》《诗经》
In a Station of the Metro
The apparition of these faces in the crowd; Petals on a wet, black bough.
image: “petals” on “wet, black bough” apparition: appearance, something which shows up something which is not real and which cannot be clearly observed

与 “Ezra_Pound” ppt 对应的讲稿

与  “Ezra_Pound” ppt 对应的讲稿

Today, I will introduce a famous poet to you,he is the father of modern poetry ,so ,he is ezra pound.And I will introduce him from the following aspects -----第二张幻灯片1885年10月30日出生于美国爱达荷州的海利镇。

















Imagism: its representatives
T. E. Hulme: Autumn F. S. Flint: The Swan Richard Aldington Hilda Doolittle: Oread Amy Lowell: Wind and Silver William Carlos Williams: The Red Wheelbarrow Ezra Pound: In a Station of the Metro

Pound's poetry is best known for its clear, visual images, fresh rhythms, and muscular, intelligent, unusual lines

2. His works:

主要作品有《面具》(1909)、 《反击》(1912)、 《献祭》(1916)、 《休· 西尔文· 毛伯莱》(1920) 和《诗章》(1917-1959)等。
It is a Movement in U.S. and English poetry characterized by the use of concrete language and figures of speech, modern subject matter, metrical freedom, and avoidance of romantic or mystical themes, aiming at clarity of expression through the use of precise visual images.

Unit 17 Ezra Pound and Robert Frost

Unit 17 Ezra Pound and Robert Frost

Major works
Cathay:《华夏集 》《神州集 》《中国诗章》
poems and translation of ancient Chinese poems Hugh Selwyn Mauberley 《休· 赛尔温 · 毛伯利》 his disillusionment and his view of his own career
Influences on Imagism
• Greek poetry • Chinese poetry • Japanese poetry
Ancient China
• The greatest cultural influence over Pound came perhaps from ancient China, especially Confucius(孔子).
The first line of a haiku contains five syllables. The second line of a haiku contains seven syllables. The third line of a haiku contains five syllables.
Characteristics of His Writing
Pound’s poetry is best known for its
clear, economical and concrete, visual images, fresh rhythms, and muscular, intelligent, unusual lines, such as, in Canto LXXXI, “The ant’s a centaur in his dragon world,” or in poems inspired by Japanese haiku(俳 句), such as “In a Station of the Metro” (1916).


During W.W. I, assisted young writers.
In 1924 moved to Italy and became involved in Fascist politics, broadcasting over Radio Rome against allቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱes.
Later Life
Ø Ezra Pound is generally considered the poet most responsible for defining (characterizing) and promoting a modernist artistic poetry.
Ø In the early 20th century, he opened an influential exchange of work and deas between British and American writers, and was famous for the generosity.
graduated from the University of Pennsylvania in 1906
Came into contact with Hulme and his Poets’ Club.
Appointed himself foreign editor of Poetry
Sailed for Europe in 1908.
4. Contributions of Ezra Pound
The forerunner of modern American poetry A leading spokesman of the “Imagist Movement” One of the most influential American poets and critic


During W.W. I, assisted young writers.
In 1924 moved to Italy and became involved in Fascist politics, broadcasting over Radio Rome against allies.
Middle Period
From 1913 began his study of the Chinese language and ancient Chinese culture.
In 1914, abandoned imagism in favor of Vorticism; got married.
graduated from the University of Pennsylvania in 1906
Came into contact with Hulme and his Poets’ Club.
Appointed himself foreign editor of Poetry
Sailed for Europe in 1908.
Pound and Imagism
• Pound was fascinated by the idea of an alphabet that represented not only sounds but images.
• He believed that it was possible to approximate(接近于) the same thing in English, and the Imagist poem “Metro(麦德龙)” is an example of his attempt to do so.



on a wet, black bough.
幻景闪现 花瓣数点
面孔 黑湿
人群 树枝
1.在地铁站 人群中这些面庞的闪现; 湿漉的黑树干上的花瓣。(赵毅衡) 3.在伦敦的地铁车站里 这些脸的幻影在人群中, 一条潮湿的、黑色枝干上的点点花瓣。(李德武)
庞德在促进中西文化交流方面作了很大努力。他在 长诗《诗章》中阐述孔子学说,在1915年出版的 《中国》中收集并翻译了十几首中国古诗。庞德不 太懂中文,他的译作是由日译本转译的。庞德还曾 译过《大学》、《中庸》、《论语》等。在翻译过 程中庞德得到了华盛顿一些专家学者的帮助,克服 了各种困难。尽管人们可以对译文进行各种指摘, 但庞德毕竟作了前所未有的尝试。除了翻译中国作 品外,庞德也译过包括日本、希腊、意大利文学等 多种语言的外国文学作品。就此而言,庞德也是一 个有成就的翻译家。 庞德最著名的作品,要属意象 派名作《在地铁站内》
一,major works 二,Imagism
major works
1.Ripostes (1912) 《反击》 2.Cathay (1915) 《中国》
collection of Chinese translation长干行.doc
3.Hugh Selwyn Mauberley (1920)
7. 1958,after travel around for short time, he went to with his wife and secretary.
8. Died in 1973,in Italy.
《Smithsonian》志文章用忧伤的蓝调这样结尾: “他又活了15年,日子越来越悲惨。他的创作力渐渐 竭尽,他生活在跟妻子、女儿、秘书和情妇的轮番做战之 中。最终,老情妇把他像战利品似地拐到拉巴罗,他就在 那里的养老院和医院来回地出入。
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Pound in Venice, 1963
Pound's grave on the Isola di San Michele, 1972
Imagism and
Vorticism[ 'vɔrtɪ,sɪz
The Cantos
Literary criticism and economic theory
• In 1901 at the age of 15, he entered the University of Pennsylvania
• two years later ,transferred to Hamilton College汉密 尔顿学院
●In 1908 he moved to Europe, living first in Venice but eventually settling in London.
旋涡派,即是主张表现动力之美,反 对英国传统艺术的沉静作风。旋涡派 在1915年举办了展览会,声称他们的 倾向是将各种物体简化为几何的或机 器的形状。因此,可以说,旋涡派在 理论上是根据立体派与未来派,特别 是未来派所赞美的速率动力之美。他 们以"旋涡"型为世界观的象征。带有 浓厚的未来派色彩。
Ezra married the artist Dorothy Shakespear in 1914. One of small number of women vorticist painters 旋涡派画家
●In 1920, he moved to Paris and got acquainted with Gertrude Stein 格特鲁德·斯泰因(美国作家与诗人)and her circle of friends,then settled in Italy in 1924. ● During the second World War ,he leaned in the direction of Mussolini’s fascist totalitarianism [,təʊtæ lɪ'teərɪənɪzəm] 他倾 向于墨索里尼的法西斯极权主义
意象派的宗旨是要求诗人以鲜明、准 确、含蓄和高度凝炼的意象生动及形 象地展现事物,并将诗人瞬息间的思 想感情溶化在诗行中。它反对发表议 论及感叹。
Imagism and
The Cantos
Literary criticism and economic theory
Pound's translations represent a substantial part of his work. He began his career with translations of Occitan ballads奥克语民谣 and ended with translations of Egyptian poetry. Yao says the body of translations by modernist poets in general, much of which Pound started, consists of some the most "significant modernist achievements in English".[159] Pound was the first English language poet since John Dryden约翰·德莱顿, some three centuries earlier, to give primacy to translations in English literature. The fullness of the achievement for the modernists is that they renewed interest in multiculturalism多元文化论, multilingualism, and, perhaps of greater importance, they treated translations not in a strict sense of the word but instead saw a translation as the creation of an original work.
●Pound self-published A Lume Spento<<灯火熄灭之时>>, his
first published collection of short poems, while living in Venice.
●In the years before the World War I, Pound was largely responsible for the appearance of Imagism 印 象 派 , and coined the name of the movement Vorticism (旋涡主义画派)
Ezra Pound 美国文学
01 Life
02 Styles
03 Works
04 Commen ts

The life of Pound
• born in Hailey, Idaho爱达荷州 • grew up and was educated mainly in Pennsylvania. 宾夕
● Pound was confined 幽 禁 for 12 years in a hospital (actually prison) for the criminally insane in Washington.
● During this time he translated works of ancient Greek and ancient Chinese literature .
●While in prison ,he was awarded a prestigious
poetry prize in 1949 for his last Cantos. /əu/
In 1958 he returned to Italy,where he continued to write and make translations until he died in 1972.
●having made anti-American radio broadcasts反美电台节目, he was arrested as a traitor叛徒 in 1945 ●sent to the US, where he was deemed mentally unfit to stand trial for treason. 他被送到美国,在那里他被认为是精神 上不适合以叛国罪受审