

Olympus 1X71 用户手册说明书

Olympus 1X71 用户手册说明书

UCL Institute of Child HealthUser guide Olympus 1X71Dr Bertrand VernayLight Microscopy Facility ManagerWellcome building, Office W2.09Tel Office: 42224TelMobile************Email:***************.ukRevised December 2014Table of contentspage 3 ......... O wnershippage 3 ........ Access Rulespage 3 ......... O lympus Customer Support Contactpage 4 ........ General SpecificationsMicroscopy Techniques AvailableObjectivesFilter CubesCameraFluorescence IlluminationPixels to Microns CalibrationConsumables Listpage 5 ......... Quick User GuidesTransmitted LightEpifluorescenceImage Capturepage 6 ......... Halogen Lamp Operationpage 7 .... Kohler Illuminationpage 8 ........ Adjusting the Objective Correction Collar page 9 ........ Prior Lumen200 Metal Halide Lamp Operation page 10 .. Image Capture with HClmagepage 11 ... Selecting the Right Fluorochrome/Filter Setpage 11 DAPIpage 12 Endow GFP/EGFP Bandpasspage 13 DsRed(TRITC/Cy3)page 14 Cy5page 15 Cy7page 16 ....Prior Lumen200 Spectral Outputpage 17 ... Hamamatsu ORCA-R2 Spectral ResponseOwnershipProf. Jane Sowden, Developmental Biology Unit (Purchased in 2011)Access Rules∙No access without prior training by the Light Microscopy Facility Staff ∙Free of hourly charge for Sowden and Ferretti groups, £1 hourly charge for all other users towards the cost of the consumables is expected ∙Prof. Sowden team has priority over other users.∙Users must always record their activity in the Log book∙Problem(s) with the microscope should be reported as soon as they are noticedOlympus customer support service: /microscopy The system is not covered by a maintenance contractOlympus requires a PO number before sending an engineerGeneral specificationsMicroscopy techniques available∙Brightfield∙Phase contrast∙EpitluorescenceObjectives∙O ly mpu s UP l an FL N 10x Ph1 NA0.3 WD10.0 mm∙Olympus LUCPlanFLN 20x Ph1 NA 0.45 WD 6.6-7.8 with correction collar ∙Olympus LUCPlanFLN 40x Ph2 NA 0.6 WD 3.0-4.2 with correction collar ∙Ze is s o bj ec t ive s c an al s o be use dCamera (see p16)Hamamatsu ORCA R2 CCD Camera with HClmage Capture SoftwareFluorescence illumination (see p16)Prior Lumen 200 Metal Halide Light Source (2000 hours/bulb)Pixels to Microns calibration5x objective binning 1x1 1 pixel = 1.88 um10x objective binning 1x1 1 pixel = 1.03 um20x objective binning 1x1 1 pixel = 0.514 um40x objective binning 1x1 1 pixel = 0.256 umCalibration with a micrometer under transmitted white ligh tConsumables listPrice correct as of November 2013∙Prior Lumen 200 bulb LM375 (£550, Prior Scientific Instruments Ltd)∙Prior Lumen 200 light guide LM587 (£400, Prior Scientific Instruments Ltd)∙Halogen bulb 12V/100W (£1.8, Technical Lamp Supplies UK)Quick user guidesUsers must always record their activity in the Log bookTransmitted light1.Halogen Lamp Power Supply Unit TH4 "ON"2.Light Path selector on "Ocular"3.Kohler illumination adjusted4.Correct phase ring in position (10x & 20x Ph1, 40x Ph2)5.Filter cube on po sition #6EpifluorescenceWarnings:Do not shut the unit down within 30 minutes of powering up the unit.∙After shutting down the unit allow 30 minutes before re-powering up ∙After shutting down the unit allow 30 minutes before changing the bulb. Failure to do so is likely to result in damage to the bulb.1.Prior Lumen 200 module on2.Prior Lumen 200 intensity knob >0%3.Light Path selector lever on "Ocular"4.Correct filter cube in position5.Fluorescence shutter openImage Capture1.Start Camera controller (press until LED turns green)puter on (Login: Jane/ Password: Ja*e)3.HClmage software open4.Light Path selector lever on Camera5.Correct transmitted light/epifluorescence set-up6."L i v e"mo de7.Adjust exposure time accordingly. Make use of the Histogram and the Saturatio noptions8."A b o r t"9."C a p t u r e l"10.S a v e a s in M y D o cu me n ts>U s e r N ame_U n i t>Fi le N am e.t i f11.Shut-down: exit HClmage, log out windows session, camera on stand-by (pressuntil LED turns orange)Halogen lamp operation:Turning on the lamp1.Make sure the light intensity control knob (5) is in the MIN (minimum intensity)position on the microscope frame.2.Make sure the light intensity control knob (1) is in the MIN (minimum intensity)position on the TH4 module.3.Set the main switch (2) to "I" (ON) on the TH4 module.4.On the microscope front, press the transmitted light ON-OFF button (6) so thatthe button is illuminated.5.Adjust the brightness with the light intensity control knob (5).6.To turn OFF, set the transmitted light ON-OFF button (6) to OFFHalogen lamp operation:T urning off the lamp1.Set the light intensity control knob (5) to the MIN (minimum intensity) position onthe microscope frame.2.Set the light intensity control knob (1) to the MIN (minimum intensity) position onthe TH4 module.3.Set the main switch (2) to "0" (OFF) on the TH4 module.Kohler illumination:1.Rotate the turret (1) to the "BF" position. (Any of positions 3,4 or 5, position 1=Ph1, 2 = Ph2)2.Slide the aperture iris diaphragm lever (2) to fully open the diaphragm.3.Slide the field iris diaphragm lever (3) to the fully open position.4.Engage the 10x objective and bring the specimen into focu s.ing the field iris diaphragm lever (3), completly close the field iris diaphragm.6.Rotate the condensor height adjustment knob (4) to bring the field iris diaphragmimage into focus.7.Center the field iris diaphragm (3) using the condenser centering kno bs (5).8.Open the field iris diaphragm (3) until its image reach the limits of the field of view,adjust the centering if necessary.9.Open the field iris diaphragm (3) until not visible.Step 6 Step 7 Step 8 Step 9Adjusting the objective correction collarCorrection is possible according to the vessel bottom thickness.1.When the thickness of the vessel bottom is known, match the scale reading of thecorrection collar to the thickness of the vessel in use.or2.If the thickness of the vessel is unknown or diverge from the manufacturerspecifications, the optimum position for the correction collar can be obtained by judging the image resolution and contrast. When a satisfactory image is not obtain after focusing:1. Rotate the correction collar to the left and right, refocus each time andcompare the images.2 Then rotate the collar in the direction yielding a better image, rotate thecorrection collar to the left and right, refocus each time and compare theimages.3 Repeat this cycle until the position with the optimum image is found.20x Correction Collar 40x Correction CollarCorrection Collar Scale0 mm0.17 mm (glass coverslip #1.5)0.5 mm1 mm (most tissue culture plates)1.5 mm2 mmPrior Lumen200 Metal Halide Lamp Operation:Starting Up the Lumen1.Switch the Lumen power switch on.2.Make sure the ventilation vent on the left hand side is unobstructed or the lampwill overheat resulting in automatic shutdown and damage to the module.3.Allow 1-5 minutes for light to reach 70% of output.4.Allow 30 minutes for the Lumen to reach operational temperature.5.Warning: Do not power down the unit within 30 mins of power up. This may re-duce the effective lifetime of the bulb.Shutting down the LumenThe following warnings apply as damage to the bulb may result if instructions not followed:1.Warning: Do not shut the unit down within 30 minutes of powering up the unit.2.Warning: After shutting down the unit allow 30 minutes before re-powering up orchanging the bulb. Failure to do so is likely to result in damage to the bulb.Warning: the airoutlet for heatventilation mustnot but obstructed[Mono: 1 Channel ⏹ Mono: 1 Channel v•[C10600-100 (O R CA-R 2) S IN: 011316 ⏹C10600-106 (CIRCA-R2) SP!: 011316--- — X CaptureXBinning and SubArray Advanced Camera PropertiesBinning and SubArray Advanced Camera PropertiesusL IP r o c e s s i n gIF! 0uL P r oc es s in gD e p t h16 b itBinning and SubArray Binning [1 Sub-Array ResetPreset Sizes[1344 x 1024 ⏹X 0 0 L i e d a g .:Width 1344 Image Capture with HClmage1. Click the Capture pane.2. Click Live for a live image from the camera3. Camera binning or image sub-array can be set in the Binning SubArray panel.4. In the Camera Control panel, adjust exposure/gain manually or automatically by clicking on Auto Expose; view the intensity distribution in the histogram.5. Check Sat. (saturation) in the histogram of the Image Display to guard against image saturation. Saturated pixel are indicated in Red. Yellow indicates pixels ap -proaching saturation.6. Adjust camera exposure and gain settings as necessary7. Click Abort.8. Click Capture1 to acquire an image.9.Click the Save icon to save the image in My Documents>UserName_Unit>file name.tifC a p t u r eMEMCapturelAbort1Capture1iY 2/ C a m e r a C o n t r o l1 Li n 1,1.A.M.Pi n M.,11Auto ExposeAu to Expos eT e m p e r a t u r e [C ] Current100 Camera ControlTemperature [C]OffsetB4UDefault ⏹DefaultGain Exposure 00.10000(OffsetG a i n E x pos u re 0 ! ;0. 10400C 1Ilkstogursr ;401Lopg:• ItE•4 • a-YO 0Height 1024I lb O..^ • la Coorto0wpo•d • ItI P f o r H O V I. M o o n.. t l e f r a89Selecting the right fluorochrome/filter setPosition #149000 - ET - DAPIExciter 350/50xbeamsplitter 400113Emitter ET460/50m550Wavelength (nm)Position #241017 EndowGFP/EGFP Bandpass Emitter ET470/40xBeamsplitter 495LPEmitter ET 525/50mPosition #349005 - ET - DSRed (TRITC/Cy3) Exciter ET545/30xBeamsplitter T570LPXREmitter ET620/60m100Position #4 49006 - ET - Cy5 emitter ET620/60xBeamsplitter T660LPXR Emitter ET700/75n,Position #549007 - ET - Cy7Exciter ET710/75xBeamsplitter T760LPXREmitter ET810/90m700 750 800 850Wavelength (nm)T7601pxrHClmage Live。














Error: L6200EError: L6200E: Symbol temp multiply defined (by wenshidu.o and main.o).在编译的时候出现了这个问题,但是检查不出来,希望各位大侠帮帮忙什么变量你给付了两次值你看看是不是那个外部变量你又给赋值了main.c申明,其他.c文件对应的.h文件中用extern引用error: #20error: #20: identifier "TIM2_IRQChannel" is undefined 谁能说说,哪里错了你的固件库里的库文件没有添加进工程里面,所以出现未定义的情况。


需要将.C文件添加到工程文件中warning: #1-Dmain.c(7): warning: #1-D: last line of file ends without a newline当使用keil编译时,弹出这样的警告信息:main.c(7): warning: #1-D: last line of file ends without a newline这个是由于在main函数的“}”后,没有加回车。


error:#65...test_menu.c(27):error:#65:expected a ";"分数送你了,问题在你回答之前已经解决了,头文件里的结构体定义里的最后一行没有加";" 如NB menu{..};error: #1113:折腾了大半天,才搞明白一个空操作的指令先在网上查有的说是__asm{NOP;},从intrins.h里调用,可犄角旮旯全找了,也没看到什么intrint.h的文件。

如果直接用,就出现error: #1113: Inline assembler not permitted when generating Thumb code最后搜索这条错误,知道是因为__asm("指令");这种语法是内联汇编(inline assembly)的语法。



Keil5调试过程中遇到的⼀些警告和错误最近⽤keil5调试代码出了⼀些警告与错误,整理如下:1.warning: #1295-D: Deprecated declaration run_c - give arg typesvoid run_c();//原函数void run_c(void);//改正后对⽐前⾯声明的函数,发现是括号少了⼀个void,因为我的函数是不带参的,不加void会有警告的,往括号⾥加了void之后,重新编译之后警告消失。

2.warning: #940-D: missing return statement at end of non-void function "Gray_Delay_Run40"int Gray_Delay_Run40(u16 i)//原函数{while(i -- ){delay_ms(1);Gray_Run40();}}int Gray_Delay_Run40(u16 i)//改正1{while(i -- ){delay_ms(1);Gray_Run40();}return 0;}void Gray_Delay_Run40(u16 i)//改正2{while(i -- ){delay_ms(1);Gray_Run40();}}因为我函数是int型的,是需要有返回值,但是我没有return,加⼊return 0;之后重新编译警告消失。


3.warning: #177-D: variable "a" was declared but never referenceds32 a = 50;//原函数//s32 a = 50;//改正后因为我定义了⼀个变量准备在后⾯⽤到,但是后⾯直接⽤数字代替了,没有⽤到,将这个变量注释后,重新编译警告消失。

4.warning: #177-D: function "Delayms" was declared but never referencedstatic void Delayms(u16 i){...}//static void Delayms(u16 i) //改正后//{// ...//}这⾥和第3个错误差不多,因为我定义了⼀个函数准备在后⾯⽤到,但是后⾯没有⽤到,将这个函数注释后,重新编译警告消失。



气象报告及英文缩写词§9.2 气象报告海上气象报告是各国的海岸电台用无线电通信方式向船舶发布的天气情报。








图9.17 全球气象区域(METAREASMAP)二、海上气象报告的播发气象警告与预告可以采纳多种方式向海上船舶播发,主要途径如下:1.通过各国海岸电台播发海上气象信息可以通过各国海岸电台以无线电话、无线电传(窄带直接印字电报)、气象传真或莫尔斯电报等方式采纳两种语言(本国语和英语)向船舶举行播发。


2.通过GMDSS系统中的两套指定的海上平安信息广播系统举行播发1)国际航行电传(NAVTEX)系统:该系统在518KHZ的频率上使用英语为距海岸400图9.19上海台气象报范围图9.20 广州台气象报范围n mile 范围内的船舶提供海上平安信息的印字报业务。

国际NAVTEX 业务采纳分时工作制以避开放射台之间互相间的干扰。

每一个气象区域(METAREA )/航警区域(NAVAREA )最多可设置24个台,每个台每隔4小时放射一次,每次10分钟。

我国位于第Ⅺ气象区域,目前设置的NAVTEX 放射台有大连、上海、福州、广州、XXX、三亚等6个,其中大连、上海、广州、XXX已对外开发,而福州、三亚尚在实验之中。

五年级上册英语教案Unit 5 What do they do(第一课时Story time)译林版(三起)

五年级上册英语教案Unit 5 What do they do(第一课时Story time)译林版(三起)

Unit 5 What do they do?一.教学内容:五上Unit 5 What do they do?第一课时Story time二.教学目标:1.学生能初步理解并且会听、会说、会读单词或词组:teacher, teachEnglish, writer, write stories, factory worker, help sick people.2.学生能初步感知句型,能初步听懂并且会读,理解句型:Whatdoes …do? He’s /She’s a …. He/ She …(s/ es) …3.学生能初步理解本篇对话并能复述。

三.教学重点与难点:1.学生能初步理解并且会听、会说、会读单词或词组:teacher, teachEnglish, writer, write stories, factory worker, help sick people.2.学生能初步感知句型,能初步听懂并且会读,理解句型:Whatdoes …do? He’s /She’s a …. He/ She …(s/ es) …四.教学准备:PPT, 人物头饰,单词卡片五.教学过程:Step 1. Warning up1.Sing a song.2.Talk about my family (教师出示全家福:son, husband)T: This is my family. Do you want to know sth about my family? Can you ask me some questions?S: Who is the boy/ man? How old is he? Does he have any animal friends?What does he like doing?Step 2. Presentation and practice1.(承上)T: Do you want to know our jobs?Ss: Yes.T: You can ask me: What do you do?/ What does the boy/man do?(PPT出示) Who can try?S1:What do you do?T: I’m a teacher. I teach English. (PPT出示) Teacher is myjob.渗透teacher, teachS2: What does the boy/ man do?T: He’s a student. He studies in the kindergarten.Student is his job.He’s a boss. He has a company. He works very hard.(PPT出示)Boss is his job.2.T: Just now, we talked about my family members’jobs. Do you wantto know Mike and Su Hai’s parents’jobs?Ss: Yes.T : Let’s watch the cartoon.①Watch and match. (人物与职业)②Read and write. (P50)在这个过程中处理较难的单词:teacher, teaches; writer, writes③Read after PPT④Let’s read. (选择一种方式来读课文)3.T:(承上)Which kind of job do you like best? Why?S: I like…Because…4.T: Can you say sth about Mike’s father? Who can try?S:(戴头饰复述)I’m Mike. This is my father. He has a big mouth.He likes reading. He is a teacher. He teaches English.…(同法复述妈妈以及苏海的父母)5.Write and sayT:Can you say sth about your parents’jobs? Show me your family photos.This is my….He has ...He likes...He is a ....He ...(结尾)6.Enjoy some picturesGive a sentence: Every job is equal, respect each worker.Step 3. Homework1.Read the story and try to retell.e What does …do? He’s /She’s a …. He/ She …(s/ es) …toask and answer the job of your parents.3.一般说来,“教师”概念之形成经历了十分漫长的历史。



1.warning:function declared implicitly错误原因line 10: warning: function declared implicitly这是由于没有声明函数原型造成的。

在a.c中,void main(){.....delay();....}在b.c中void delay(){}如果就只是这样的话,就会出现上面的worning的。

解决办法是:1.在b.h中写 extern void delay();然后在a.c中include "b.h"就ok了。


3.主函数和调用函数不在同一个源程序中,可以在主函数中用extern void delay()声明子函数。


#ifndef _DELAYFUN_H#define _DELAYFUN_Hvoid delay();#endif然后保存为delayfun.h头文件型,在主函数前面加上#include<delayfun.h>.以上四种方法任选一种就可以了。

s调试中出现error:............is defined multiple times如何解决一看就是重复定义,可能是这种情况,在一个源程序中既有主函数又有子函数,主函数已经调用了子函数,然而又在另一个源程序中定义了子函数。


3.出现>> warning: creating .stack section with default size of 400 (hex) words.Use-stack option to change the default size.这种错误是由于模拟运行时好像堆栈会溢出,是堆栈的空间太小了。




以下是店铺为大家整理了英文单词warning实际所指的中文意思,一起来看看吧!warning的.中文意思英 [ˈwɔ:nɪŋ] 美 [ˈwɔ:rnɪŋ]第三人称复数:warnings名词警告; 征候,预兆; 前车之鉴形容词警告的; 告诫的; 引以为戒的动词提醒; 告诫; 警告( warn的现在分词); 预先通知例句1. The black clouds gave warning of an approaching storm.乌云是暴风雨将要来临的前兆。

2. Because of her warning, I was careful.由于她的提醒,我很小心。

3. Let that be a warning to you.以那事作为你的借鉴。

warning的词典解释1. (口头或书面的)警告,警示A warning is something which is said or written to tell people of a possible danger, problem, or other unpleasant thing that might happen.e.g. The minister gave a warning that if war broke out, it would be catastrophic...部长警告说,战争一旦爆发将会是灾难性的。

e.g. He was killed because he ignored a warning to put stronger cords on his parachute...他忽视了降落伞上要求使用更结实的绳索的警告信息,因而命丧黄泉。

2. 预告;预兆A warning is an advance notice of something that will happen, often something unpleasant or dangerous.e.g. The soldiers opened fire without warning...士兵们在没有发出警告的情况下开了枪。

国际标准标识 警告标示(Warning)

国际标准标识 警告标示(Warning)


国际标准标识警告类标志必须戴安全帽 MUST WEAR SAFETY HELMET

国际标准标识警告类标志不准进入 DO NOT ENTER


国际标准标识警告类标志高温 HOT

国际标准标识警告类标志高压电 HIGH VOLTAGE


国际标准标识警告类标志有毒物质贮存地 PESTICIDE STORAGE AREA

国际标准标识警告类标志有害废弃物 HAZARDOUS WASTE

国际标准标识警告类标志有害化学物 HAZARDOUS CHEMCALS

国际标准标识警告类标志有害生物物质 BIOHAZARD

国际标准标识警告类标志只准有关人员进入 AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY。







一、提示、警告类:当心车辆Warning vehicle当心触电Warning electric shock当心吊物Warning overhead load当心弧光Warning arc当心爆炸Warning explosion当心坠落Warning drop down当心绊倒Caution ,stumbling当心车辆Warning vehicle当心火灾Warning fire小心烫伤Caution scald当心伤手Warning injure hand当心扎脚Warning splinter当心机械伤人Warning mechanical injury 当心坑洞Warning hole当心有害气体中毒Warning poisoning注意安全Warning danger注意防尘Caution dust注意通风Caution ventilation注意高温Warning hot surface注意通风Caution ventilation二、禁止类禁止烟火No burning禁止吸烟No smoking禁止带火种No kindling禁止跳下No jumping down禁止触摸No touching禁止抛物No tossing禁止入内No entering禁止通行No throughfare禁止靠近No nearing禁止启动No starting禁止戴手套No putting on gloves禁止穿带钉鞋No putting on spikes禁止打手机No activated mobile phones三、指令类必须戴防护器Must wear ear protector必须戴防尘口罩Must wear dustproof mask必须戴防护眼镜Must wear protective goggles 必须穿防护鞋Must wear protective shoes必须戴安全帽Must wear safty helmet必须戴防毒口罩Must wear gas defence mask。

STM32编译报错 修改方法

STM32编译报错  修改方法
6. warning: #940-D: missing return statement at end of non-void function
int DealwithInspect2(uint32 test)
extern uint8 flagu;
4.error: #159: declaration is incompatible with previous "wr_lcd" (declared at line 40)
2.warning: #1-D: last line of file ends without a newline
b(); //调用函数b
void b(void) //函数b的实体
//此处应该是return x;返回一个int型数据,若是没有返回值,编译器产生警告
1. error: #65: expected a ";"



高考英语一轮总复习选择性必修第一册:选择性必修第一册 Unit 2 Looking into the Future1.persuade vt.劝说;说服佳句背诵The children did everything they could to persuade the family of the plan's benefits.孩子们竭尽全力使这个家庭相信这个计划的好处。

归纳拓展(1)persuade sb.to do sth.=persuade sb.into doing sth.说服某人做某事persuade sb.not to do sth.=persuade sb.out of doing sth.说服某人不做某事try to persuade sb.to do sth.=advise sb.to do sth.试图说服某人做某事(未必成功)(2)persuade sb. of sth. 使某人相信某事(3)persuasive adj.有说服力的persuasion n.说服多维训练单句语法填空①You must possess persuasive powers.After your persuasion ,my stubborn son was persuaded to cease carrying out his former plan.(persuade)②(2022·浙江1月卷)I thought it was impossible to persuade him into accepting my views, so I didn't want to waste our time to discuss.写作运用提能③(2020·新高考全国Ⅰ,读后续写)我成功地说服他同意我挨家挨户卖爆米花的计划。

I managed to persuade him to approve of my plan/persuade him into approving of my plan to sell popcorn from door to door.④(2022·新高考全国Ⅰ,读后续写)成功说服大卫不要放弃越野赛之后,我欣慰地笑了。



keilc语⾔编程常见错误分析(1)1. Warning 280:’i’:unreferenced local variable说明局部变量i 在函数中未作任何的存取操作解决⽅法消除函数中i 变量的宣告及即定义的参数在程序中并未调⽤2 Warning 206:’Music3’:missing function-prototype说明Music3( )函数未作宣告或未作外部宣告所以⽆法给其他函数调⽤解决⽅法将叙述void Music3(void)写在程序的最前端作宣告如果是其他⽂件的函数则要写成extern void Music3(void),即作外部宣告3Error:318:can’t open file ‘beep.h’说明在编译C:\8051\MANN.C 程序过程中由于main.c ⽤了指令#i nclude “beep.h”,但却找不到所致解决⽅法编写⼀个beep.h 的包含档并存⼊到c:\8051 的⼯作⽬录中4 Error 237:’LedOn’:function already has a body说明LedOn( )函数名称重复定义即有两个以上⼀样的函数名称解决⽅法修正其中的⼀个函数名称使得函数名称都是独⽴的5 ***WARNING 16:UNCALLED SEGMENT,IGNORED FOR OVERLAY PROCESSSEGMENT: ?PR?_DELAYX1MS?DELAY说明DelayX1ms( )函数未被其它函数调⽤也会占⽤程序记忆体空间解决⽅法去掉DelayX1ms( )函数或利⽤条件编译#if…..#endif,可保留该函数并不编译6 ***WARNING 6 :XDATA SPACE MEMORY OVERLAPFROM : 0025HTO: 0025H说明外部资料ROM 的0025H 重复定义地址解决⽅法外部资料ROM 的定义如下Pdata unsigned charXFR_ADC _at_0x25 其中XFR_ADC 变量的名称为0x25,请检查是否有其它的变量名称也是定义在0x25 处并修正它7 WARNING 206:’DelayX1ms’: missing function-prototype C:\8051\INPUT.CError 267 :’DelayX1ms ‘:requires ANSI-style prototypeC:\8051\INPUT.C说明程序中有调⽤DelayX1ms 函数但该函数没定义即未编写程序内容或函数已定义但未作宣告解决⽅法编写DelayX1ms 的内容编写完后也要作宣告或作外部宣告可在delay.h 的包含档宣告成外部以便其它函数调⽤8 ***WARNING 1:UNRESOLVED EXTERNAL SYMBOLSYMBOL:MUSIC3解决办法:1.是⽂件没有添加到⼯程⾥。

第一章 商品的品名、品质、数量与包装习题参考答案

第一章 商品的品名、品质、数量与包装习题参考答案

第一章商品的品名、品质、数量与包装习题参考答案一、将下列外贸术语英文名称和中文名称用线连接起来1.Warning Mark 1.散装货2.Customary Tare 2 习惯皮重3.Bulk Cargo 3.商标4.Sale by Brand 4.凭牌号买卖5.Trade Mark 5.警告性标志二、判断题(判断下列各题是否正确,正确的在题后括号内打“√”错误的打“×”)1.在出口贸易中,表达品质的方法多种多样,为了明确责任,最好采用既凭样品又凭规格买卖的方法()。











12.在当前日趋激烈的全球化市场竞争中,为使我在出口商品中免与贸易摩擦和招致反倾销诉讼,我应尽量避免在出口商品包装上注明“MADE IN CHINA”字样()。




Redis安装及一主两从三sentinel配置一.安装Redis(1)cd /usr/src进入下载目录(2) yum install -y wgetgcc make tcl安装依赖(3)tar -zxvf redis-3.2.7.tar.gz 解压(4)cd redis-3.2.7 进入redis目录(5)make 编辑(6)make test 测试对编译不理解的同学可以看看这个 /secondjanuary/article/details/8985795测试过程报错[exception]: Executing test client: NOREPLICAS Not enough good slaves to write.. NOREPLICAS Not enough good slaves to write.while executing这种情况下,可以修改当前目录文件tests/integration/replication-2.tcl,将after 1000改为after 10000以延长等待时间重新测试(7)make install PREFIX=/usr/local/redis PREFIX安装指定目录否则安装到/usr/local/bin里面了(8)启动redis服务 ./redis-server ./redis-conf发现很多错误:1.WARNING: The TCP backlog setting of 511 cannot be enforced because/proc/sys/net/core/somaxconn is set to the lower value of 128echo 511 > /proc/sys/net/core/somaxconn写到/etc/rc.local里面 rc.local是开机启动程序是一个软连接(确定两者都有执行权限)lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 13 Aug 2 07:50 /etc/rc.local ->rc.d/rc.local2.WARNINGovercommit_memory is set to 0! Background save may fail under low memory condition. To fix this issue add 'vm.overcommit_memory = 1' to/etc/sysctl.conf and then reboot or run the command'sysctlvm.overcommit_memory=1' for this to take effect.往/etc/sysctl.conf中添加vm.overcommit_memory = 1/sbin/sysctl –p使文件立即生效3.WARNING you have Transparent Huge Pages (THP) support enabled in your kernel. This will create latency and memory usage issues with Redis. To fix this issuerun the command 'echo never > /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/enabled' as root, and add it to your /etc/rc.local in order to retain the setting after a reboot. Redis mustbe restarted after THP is disabled.echo never > /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/enabled写到/etc/rc.local里面在后台运行的话修改配置redis.conf daemonizeyes 就可以了(9)运行./redis-cli二.Redis配置文件说明(/usr/local/redis/bin)1. Redis默认不是以守护进程的方式运行,可以通过该配置项修改,使用yes启用守护进程daemonizeyes2. 绑定的主机地址修改主机172.16.0.52配置文件去掉bind注释符#,bind设置成主机ipbind172.16.0.52修改主机172.16.0.53配置文件去掉bind注释符#,bind设置成主机ipbind172.16.0.53127.0.0.13修改172.16.0.53机器的配置文件,使53变成52从机器slaveof 6379 (机器不需要操作)4. 指定Redis最大内存限制,Redis在启动时会把数据加载到内存中,达到最大内存后,Redis会先尝试清除已到期或即将到期的Key,当此方法处理后,仍然到达最大内存设置,将无法再进行写入操作,但仍然可以进行读取操作。

进出口练习册 第一章 商品的品名、品质、数量与包装习题参考答案

进出口练习册 第一章  商品的品名、品质、数量与包装习题参考答案

第一章商品的品名、品质、数量与包装习题参考答案一、将下列外贸术语英文名称和中文名称用线连接起来1.Warning Mark 5.警告性标志2.Customary Tare 2 习惯皮重3.Bulk Cargo 1.散装货4.Sale by Brand 4.凭品牌买卖5.Trade Mark 3.商标二、判断题(判断下列各题是否正确,正确的在题后括号内打“√”错误的打“×”)1.× 2.× 3.× 4.× 5.× 6.√ 7.√ 8.√ 9.×10.× 11.× 12.× 13.× 14.× 15.×三、填空题(请在各小题的画线处填上适当的词句)1.看货成交看样成交2.净重3.溢短装的数量溢短装的价格溢短装的选择权4.实际皮重平均皮重习惯皮重约定皮重5.品质机动幅度品质公差6.交货品质与样品大致相同7.定牌无牌8.收货人名称参考号码目的地件数号码9.690 691 692 693 694 69510.1016 907.2四、单项选择题(在下列每小题中,选择一个最适合的答案)1.B 2.D 3.B 4.C 5.D 6.A 7.A 8.B 9.B 10.A 11.A 12.C 13.C 14.B 15.B五、多项选择题(下列各小题中正确答案不少于两个,请准确选出全部正确答案)1.ABCD 2.ABC 3.ABC 4.BD 5.ABCD 6.ABC 7.ABD 8.CD 9.AC 10.ABC 11.ACD 12.BD 13.ABC 14.ABC 15.AC六、翻译并解释下列名词1.Gross for Net以毛作净:实际上就是以毛重作为净重计价,常用于低值农产品。

2.Duplicate Sample复样:凭卖方提供的样品进行交易磋商和订立合同,并以卖方样品作为交货质量的依据,称“凭卖方样品买卖”。


都可以被ISR 打断,一段时间后又可以
(12)A45 汇编出现数字、字母混淆
MOV PO,A ;put on next 11
MOV RO,#0FFH ; 14
MOV R1,#OFFH ; 15
MOV R0,#OFFH ; 20
void mian (void)
1. Warning 280:’i’:unreferenced local variable
说明局部变量i 在函数中未作任何的存取操作解决方法消除函数中i 变量的宣告
2 Warning 206:’Music3’:missing function-prototype


var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.abort();
if (this.updater.isMounted(this)) { this.setSቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱate({ dashBoardDate: otherDashBoardDate })
解决 react报错: index.js: 1Warning: CantperformaReact。。。
首先,这个报错的意思是说:在路由快速切换时,数据还没有拿回来,页面就已经销毁了,而当数据拿回来了去执行this.setState()时,找不到组件而报错。 清楚问题后,解决的办法有两个: 第一种:在生命周期UNSAFE_componentWillMount里面取消所有该页面尚未完成的请求:
} else { return



前端开发:问题汇总1.Warning: [antd: Form.Item] `children` is array of render props cannot have `name`: Form.Item⾥⾯只能包裹⼀个“⼦”,多个“⼦”外⾯需要多嵌套⼀层Form.Item。

<FormItem><FormItemname="XXX"...><Input /></FormItem><span>123</span></FormItem>2.Warning: Instance created by `useForm` is not connected to any Form element. Forget to pass `form` prop?: 这是因为调⽤form⽅法时,Modal还未初始化导致form没有关联任何Form组件。

解决⽅法:Modal添加属性:forceRender(强制渲染 Modal)。

3.Warning: validateDOMNesting(...): <form> cannot appear as a descendant of <form>.: 如下是错误原因:<Form>...<Form></Form>...</Form>4.Invalid regular expression: /⼀个正则表达式/: Invalid group 部分浏览器不⽀持这种原⽣的双斜杠正则写法。

解决⽅法:换成new RegExp()的形式,其中如\d->\\d。

5.window.scrollTo失效的可能原因:(1)touch-action: none;(2)height: 100%;(3)overflow(x/y): [hidden、auto、scroll];。

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BYLINE=Jerilyn Watson
This is the VOA Special English SCIENCE REPORT.
The federal government and manufacturers of the drug OxyContin have increased warnings about its use. Directions on the containers of the pain-killing medicine are being changed. They now must include a warning that the effects of OxyContin are like morphine, another drug that fights pain.
The warning also must say that misusing the drug can kill. Law-enforcement officials say misuse of OxyContin is linked to as many as one-hundred deaths.
The new warning labels also carry the message that only some patients should take OxyContin. The drug is meant for people suffering moderate to severe pain over extended periods. A doctor must write an order for this medicine.
Doctors say people can become physically dependent on OxyContin. People can suffer from withdrawal problems if they cannot get it. Drugstore owners report that people are stealing the drug from their stores. Illegal drug dealers are selling OxyContin on the streets.
OxyContin pills contain the pain-killing substance oxycodone. OxyContin can release oxycodone over a twelve-hour period. Taken correctly, an OxyContin pill is swallowed whole. However, an increasing number of people are crushing OxyContin into powder. They breathe the powder in, or force it through the skin with a needle. These methods release the effects of the medicine at one time. This results in a temporary feeling of happiness similar to the effect of the illegal drug, heroin.
The company Purdue Pharma of Stamford, Connecticut began selling the drug in Nineteen-Ninety-Six. Many doctors praise its effectiveness in treating cancer, severe burns and other painful conditions.
Yet protests against misuse of the drug are spreading. So is legal action against Purdue Pharma and a company it works with, Abbott Laboratories in Chicago. For example, West Virginia began legal cases against the two companies in June. The state accuses them of helping cause misuse of the drug by using aggressive sales methods.
A Purdue spokesman said the company has stopped selling OxyContin pills that contain large amounts of the drug. He said Purdue has warned doctors about the drug in several ways. He also says the company has spent millions to dollars to research
pain-killers that could not be easily misused.
This VOA Special English Science Report was written by Jerilyn Watson.
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