



Friction , Lubrication of BearingIn many of the problem thus far , the student has been asked to disregard or neglect friction . A ctually , friction is present to some degree whenever two parts are in contact and move on each other. The term friction refers to the resistance of two or more parts to movement.Friction is harmful or valuable depending upon where it occurs. friction is necessary for fastening devices such as screws and rivets which depend upon friction to hold the fastener and the parts together. Belt drivers, brakes, and tires are additional applications where friction is necessary.The friction of moving parts in a machine is harmful because it reduces the mechanical advantage of the device. The heat produced by friction is lost energy because no work takes place. A lso , greater power is required to overcome the increased friction. Heat is destructive in that it causes expansion. Expansion may cause a bearing or sliding surface to fit tighter. If a great enough pressure builds up because made from low temperature materials may melt.There are three types of friction which must be overcome in moving parts: (1)starting, (2)sliding,and(3)rolling. Starting friction is the friction between two solids that tend to resist movement. When two parts are at a state of rest, the surface irregularities of both parts tend to interlock and form a wedging action. T o produce motion in these parts, the wedge-shaped peaks and valleys of the stationary surfaces must be made to slide out and over each other. The rougher the two surfaces, the greater is starting friction resulting from their movement .Since there is usually no fixed pattern between the peaks and valleys of two mating parts, the irregularities do not interlock once the parts are in motion but slide over each other. The friction of the two surfaces is known as sliding friction. A s shown in figure ,starting friction is always greater than sliding friction .Rolling friction occurs when roller devces are subjected to tremendous stress which cause the parts to change shape or deform. Under these conditions, the material in front of a roller tends to pile up and forces the object to roll slightly uphill. This changing of shape , known as deformation, causes a movement of molecules. As a result ,heat is produced from the added energy required to keep the parts turning and overcome friction.The friction caused by the wedging action of surface irregularities can be overcome partly by the precision machining of the surfaces. However, even these smooth surfaces may require the use of a substance between them to reduce the friction still more. This substance is usually a lubricant which provides a fine, thin oil film. The film keeps the surfaces apart and prevents the cohesive forces of the surfaces from coming in close contact and producing heat .Another way to reduce friction is to use different materials for the bearing surfaces and rotating parts. This explains why bronze bearings, soft alloy s, and copper and tin iolite bearings are used with both soft andhardened steel shaft. The iolite bearing is porous. Thus, when the bearing is dipped in oil, capillary action carries the oil through the spaces of the bearing. This type of bearing carries its own lubricant to the points where the pressures are the greatest.Moving parts are lubricated to reduce friction, wear, and heat. The most commonly used lubricants are oils, greases, and graphite compounds. Each lubricant serves a different purpose. The conditions under which two moving surfaces are to work determine the type of lubricant to be used and the system selected for distributing the lubricant.On slow moving parts with a minimum of pressure, an oil groove is usually sufficient to distribute the required quantity of lubricant to the surfaces moving on each other .A second common method of lubrication is the splash system in which parts moving in a reservoir of lubricant pick up sufficient oil which is then distributed to all moving parts during each cycle. This system is used in the crankcase of lawn-mower engines to lubricate the crankshaft, connecting rod ,and parts of the piston.A lubrication system commonly used in industrial plants is the pressure system. In this system, a pump on a machine carries the lubricant to all of the bearing surfaces at a constant rate and quantity.There are numerous other sy stems of lubrication and a considerable number of lubricants available for any given set of operating conditions. Modern industry pays greater attention to the use of the proper lubricants than at previous time because of the increased speeds, pressures, and operating demands placed on equipment and devices.Although one of the main purposes of lubrication is reduce friction, any substance-liquid , solid , or gaseous-capable of controlling friction and wear between sliding surfaces can be classed as a lubricant.V arieties of lubricationUnlubricated sliding. Metals that have been carefully treated to remove all foreign materials seize and weld to one another when slid together. In the absence of such a high degree of cleanliness, adsorbed gases, water vapor ,oxides, and contaminants reduce frictio9n and the tendency to seize but usually result in severe wear。



附录翻译部分Lathe and TurningThe Lathe and Its ConstructionA lathe is a machine tool used primarily for producing surfaces of revolution flat edges. Based on their purpose ,construction , number of tools that can simultaneously be mounted , and degree of automation ,lathes or, more accurately, lathe-type machine tools can be classified as follows:(1) Engine lathes(2) Toolroom lathes(3) Turret lathes(4) Vertical turning and boring mills(5) Automatic lathes(6) Special-purpose lathesIn spite of that diversity of lathe-type machine tools, they all have all have common features with respect to construction and principle of operation .These features can best be illustrated by considering the commonly used representative type, the engine lathe. Following is a description of each of the main elements of an engine lathe , which is shown in Fig.11.1.Lathe bed . The lathe bed is the main frame , involving a horizontal beam on two vertical supporis. It is usually made of grey or nodular cast iron to damp vibrations and is made by casting . It has guideways to allow the carriage to slide easily lengthwise. The height of the lathe bed should be appropriate to enable the technician to do his or her jib easily and comfortably.Headstock. The headstock is fixed at the left hand side of the lathe bed and includes the spindle whose axis is parallel to the guideways (the silde surface of the bed) . The spindle is driven through the gearbox , which is housed within the headstock. The function of the gearbox is to provide a number of different spindle speeds (usually 6 up to 18 speeds) . Some modern lathes have headstocks with infinitely variable spindle speeds, which employ frictional , electrical , or hydraulic drives.The spindle is always hollow , I .e ,it has a through hole extending lengthwise. Bar stocks can be fed througth that hole if continous production is adopted . A lso , that hole has a taperedsurface to allow mounting a plain lathe center . The outer surface of the spindle is threaded to allow mounting of a chuck , a face plate , or the like .Tailstock . The tailstock assembly consists basically of three parts , its lower base, an intermediate part, and the quill . The lower base is a casting that can slide on the lathe bed along the guidewayes , and it has a clamping device to enable locking the entire tailstock at any desired location , depending upon the length of the workpiece . The intermediate parte is a casting that can be moved transversely to enable alignment of the axis of the the tailstock with that of the headstock . The third part, the quill, is a hardened steel tube, which can be moved longitudinally in and out of the intermediate part as required . This is achieved through the use of a handwheel and a screw , around which a nut fixed to the quill is can be locked at any point along its travel path by means of a clamping device.The carriage. The main function of the carriage is mounting of the cutting tools and generating longitudinal and /or cross feeds. It is actually an H-shaped block that slides on the lathe bed between the headstock and tailstock while being guided by the V-shaped guideways of the bed . The carriage can be moved either manually or mechanically by means of the apron and either the feed rod or the lead screw.When cutting screw threads, power is provided to the gearbox of the apron by the lead screw. In all other turning operations, it is the feed rod that drives the carriage. The lead screw goes through a pair o half nuts , which are fixed to the rear of the apron . When actuating a certain lever, the half nuts are clamped together and engage with the rotating lead screw as a single nut, which is fed , together with carriage, along the bed . when the lever is disengaged , the half nuts are released and the carriage stops. On the other hand , when the feed rod is used, it supplies power to the apron through a wrom gear . The latter is keyed to feed rod and travels with the apron along the feed rod , which has a keyway extending to cover its whole length. A modern lathe usually has a quick-change gearbox located under the headstock and driven from the spindle through a train of gears. It is connected to both the feed rod and the lead screw and enables selecting a variety of feeds easily and rapidly by simply shifting the appropriate levers, the quick-change gearbox is employed in plain turning, facing and thread cutting operations. Since that gearbox is linked to spindle, the distance that the apron (and the cutting tool) travels for each revolution of the spindle can be controlled and is referred to as the feed.Lathe Cutting ToolsThe shape and geometry of the lathe tools depend upon the purpose for which they are employed. Turning tools can be classified into tow main groups,namely,external cutting tools andinternal cutting tools , Each of these groups include the following types of tools: Turning tools. Turing tools can be either finishing or rough turning tools . Rough turning tools have small nose radii and are used for obtaining the final required dimensions with good surface finish by marking slight depth of cut . Rough turning tools can be right –hand or left-hand types, depending upon the direction of feed. They can have straight, bent, or offset shanks.Facing tools . Facing tools are employed in facing operations for machining plane side or end surfaces. There are tools for machining left-hand-side surfaces and tools for right-hand-side surfaces. Those side surfaces are generated through the use of the cross feed, contrary to turning operations, where the usual longitudinal feed is used.Cutoff tools. Cutoff tools ,which are sometimes called parting tools, serve to separate the workpiece into parts and/or machine external annual grooves.Thread-cutting tools. Thread-cutting tools have either triangular, square, or tranpezoidal cutting edges, depending upon the cross section of the desired thread .Also , the plane angles of these tools must always be identical to those of the thread forms. Thread-cutting tools have straight shanks for external thread cutting and are of the bent-shank type when cutting internal threads .Form tools. Form tools have edges especially manufactured to take a certain form, which is opposite to the desired shape of the machined workpiece . An HSS tools is usually made in the form of a single piece ,contrary to cemented carbides or ceramic , which are made in the form of tipes. The latter are brazed or mechanically fastened to steel shanks. Fig.1indicates an arrangement of this latter type, which includes the carbide tip , the chip breaker ,the pad ,the clamping screw (with a washer and a nut ) , and the shank.. As the name suggests, the function of the chip breaker is to break long chips every now and then , thus preventing the formation of very long twisted ribbons that may cause problems during the machining operations . The carbide tips ( or ceramic tips ) can have different shapes, depending upon the machining operations for which they are to be employed . The tips can either be solid or with a central through hole ,depending on whether brazing or mechanical clamping is employed for mounting the tip on the shank.Fig.1Lathe OperationsIn the following section , we discuss the various machining operations that can be performed on a conventional engine lathe. It must be borne in mind , however , that modern computerized numerically controlled lathes have more capabiblities and do other operations ,such as contouring , for example . Following are conventional lathe operations.Cylindrical turning . Cylindrical turning is the the simplest and the most common of all lathe operations . A single full turn of the workpiece generate a circle whose center falls on the lathe axis; this motion is then reproduced numerous times as a result of the axial feed motion of the tool. The resulting machining marks are , therefore ,a helix having a very small pitch, which is equal to the feed . Consequently , the machined surface is always cylindrical.The axial feed is provided by the carriage or the compound rest , either manually or automatically, whereas the depths of cuts is controlled by the cross slide . In roughing cuts , it is recommended that large depths of cuts (up to 0.25 in. or 6 mm, depending upon the workpiece material) and smaller feeds would be used. On the other hand , very fine feeds, smaller depth of cut (less than 0.05in. , or 0.4 mm) , and high cutting speeds are preferred for finishing cuts.Facing . The result of a facing operation is a flat surface that is either the whole end surface of the workpiece or an annular intermediate surface like a shoulder . During a facing operation ,feed is provided by the cross slide, whereas the depth of cut is controlled by the carriage or compound rest . Facing can be carried out either from the periphery in ward or from the center of the workpiece outward . It is obvious that the machining marks in both cases tack the form of a spiral. Usually, it is preferred to clamp the carriage during a facing operation, since the cutting force tends to push the tool ( and , of course , the whole carriage ) away from the workpiece . In most facing operations , the workpiece is held in a chuck or on a face plate.Groove cutting. In cut-off and groove-cutting operations ,only cross feed of the tool isemployed. The cut-off and grooving tools , which were previously discussed, are employed.Boring and internal turning . Boring and internal are performed on the internal surfaces by a boring bar or suitable internal workpiece is solid, a drilling operation must be performed first . The drilling tool is held in the tailstock, and latter is then fed against the workpiece.Taper turning . Taper turning is achieved by driving the tool in a direction that is not paralled to the lathe axis but inclined to it with an angle that is equal to the desired angle of the taper . Following are the different methods used in taper-turning practice:(1)Rotating the disc of the compound rest with an angle to half the apex angle of the cone . Feed is manually provided by cranking the handle of the compound rest . This method is recommended for taper turning of external and internal surfaces when the taper angle is relatively large.(2)Employing special form tools for external , very short ,conical surfaces . The width of the workpiece must be slightly smaller than that of the tool ,and the workpiece is usually held in a chuck or clamped on a face plate . I n this case , only the cross feed is used during the machining process and the carriage is clamped to the machine bed .(3)Offsetting the tailstock center . This method is employed for esternal tamper turning of long workpiece that are required to have small tamper angles (less than 8 ) . The workpiece is mounted between the two centers ; then the tailstock center is shifted a distance S in the direction normal to the lathe axis.(4)Using the taper-turning attachment . This method is used for turning very long workpoece , when the length is larger than the whole stroke of the compound rest . The procedure followed in such cases involves complete disengagement of the cross slide from the carriage , which is then guided by the taper-turning attachment . During this process, the automatic axial feed can be used as usual . This method is recommend for very long workpiece with a small cone angle , i.e. , 8 through 10 .Thread cutting . When performing thread cutting , the axial feed must be kept at a constant rate , which is dependent upon the rotational speed (rpm) of the workpiece . The relationship between both is determined primarily by the desired pitch of the thread to be cut .As previously mentioned , the axial feed is automatically generated when cutting a thread by means of the lead screw , which drives the carriage . When the lead screw rotates a single revolution, the carriage travels a distance equal to the pitch of the lead screw rotates a single revolutional speed of the lead screw is equal to that of the spindle ( i. e . , that of the workpiece ),the pitch of the resulting cut thread is exactly to that of the lead screw . The pitch of the resulting thread being cut therefore always depends upon the ratio of the rotational speeds of the lead scew and the spindle :workpiece of pitch screw lead the of Pitch Desired = screwlead of workpiece the of rpm rpm = spindle-to-carriage gearing ratio This equation is usefully in determining the kinematic linkage between the lathe spindle and the lead screw and enables proper selection of the gear train between them .In thread cutting operations , the workpiece can either be held in the chuck or mounted between the two lathe centers for relatively long workpiece . The form of the tool used must exactly coincide with the profile the thread to be cut , I . e . , triangular tools must be used for triangular threads , and so on .Knurling . knurling is mainly a forming operation in which no chips are prodyced . Tt involves pressing two hardened rolls with rough filelike surfaces against the rotating workpiece to cause plastic deformation of the workpiece metal.Knurling is carried out to produce rough , cylindrical ( or concile )surfaces , which are usually used as handles . Sometimes , surfaces are knurled just for the sake of decoration ; there are different types of patterns of knurls from which to choose .Cutting Speeds and FeedsThe cutting speed , which is usually given in surface feet per minute (SFM), is the number of feet traveled in circumferential direction by a given point on the surface (being cut ) of the workpiece in one minute . The relationship between the surface speed and rpm can be given by the following equation :SMF=πDNWhereD= the diameter of the workpiece in feetN=the rpmThe surface cutting speed is dependent primarily upon the machined as well as the material of the cutting and can be obtained from handbooks , information provided by cutting tool manufacturera , and the like . generally , the SFM is taken as 100 when machining cold-rolled or mild steel ,as 50 when machining tougher metals , and as 200 when machining sofer materials . For aluminum ,the SFMis usually taken as 400 or above . There are also other variables that affect the optimal value of the surface cutting speed . These include the toolgeometry, the type of lubricant or coolant , the feed , and the depth of cut . As soon as the cutting sped is decided upon , the rotational speed (rpm) of the spindle can be obtained as follows :N = DSFW π The selection of a suitable feed depends upon many factors , such as the required surface finish , the depth of cut , and the geometry of the tool used . Finer feeds produce better surface finish ,whereas higher feeds reduce the machining time during which the tool is in direct contact with the workpiece . Therefore ,it is generally recommended to use high feeds for roughing operations and finer feeds for finishing operations. Again, recommend values for feeds , which can be taken as guidelines , are found in handbooks and information booklets provided by cutting tool manufacturers.Here I want to introduce the drilling:Drilling involves producing through or blind holes in a workpiece by forcing a tool , which rotates around its axis , against the workpiece .Consequently , the range of cutting from that axis of rotation is equal to the radius of the required hole .In practice , two symmetrical cutting edges that rotate about the same axis are employed .Drilling operations can be carried out by using either hand drills or drilling machines . The latter differ in size and construction . nevertheless , the tool always rotates around its axis while the workpiece is kept firmly fixed . this is contrary to drilling on a lathe .Cutting Tool for Drilling OperationsIn drilling operations , a cylindrical rotary-end cutting , called a drill , is employed . The drill can have either one or more cutting edges and corresponding flutes , which can be straight or helical . the function of the flutes is to provide outlet passages for the chips generated during the drilling operation and to allow lubricants and coolants to reach the cutting edges and the surface being machined . Following is a survey of the commonly used drills.Twist drill . The twist drill is the most common type of drill .It has two cutting edges and two helical flutes that continue over the length of the drill body , The drill also consist of a neck and a shake that can be either straight or tapered .In the latter case , the shank is fitted by the wedge action into the tapered socket of the spindle and has a tang , which goes into a slot in the spindle socket ,thus acting as a solid means for transmitting rotation . On the other hand , straight –shank drills are held in a drill chuck that is , in turn , fitted into the spindle socket in the same way as tapered shank drills.The two cutting edges are referred to as the lips , and are connected together by a wedge , which is a chisel-like edge . The twist drill also has two margins , which enable proper guidance and locating of the drill while it is in operation . The tool point angle (TPA) is formed by the lips and is chosen based on the properties of the material to be cut . The usual TAP for commercial drills is 118 , which is appropriate for drilling low-carbon steels and cast irons . For harder and tougher metals , such as hardened steel , brasss and bronze , larger TPAs (130 OR 140 ) give better performance . The helix angle of the flutes of the commonly used twist drills ranges between 24 and 30 . When drilling copper or soft plastics , higher values for the helix angle are recommended (between 35 and 45).Twist drills are usually made of high speed steel ,although carbide tipped drills are also available . The size of twist drills used in industrial range from 0.01 up to 3.25 in . (i.e.0.25 up to 80 mm ) .Core drills . A core drill consists of the chamfer , body , neck ,and shank . This type of drill may be have either three or four flutes and an equal number of margins , which ensure superior guidance , thus resulting in high machining accuracy . It can also be seen in Fig 12.2 that a core drill has flat end . The chamfer can have three or four cutting edges or lips , and the lip angle may vary between 90 and 120 . Core drills are employed for enlarging previously made holes and not for originating holes . This type of drill is characterized by greater productivity , high machining accuracy , and superior quality of the drilled surfaces .Gun drills . Gun drills are used for drilling deep holes . All gun drills are straight fluted , and each has a single cutting edge . A hole in the body acts as a conduit to transmit coolant under considerable pressure to the tip of the drill .There are two kinds of gun drills , namely , the center cut gun drill used for drilling blind holes and the trepanning drill . The latter has a cylindrical groove at its center , thus generating a solid core , which guides the tool as it proceeds during the drilling operation.Spade drills . Spade drills are used for drilling large holes of 3.5 in .(90 mm ) or more . Their design results in a marked saving in cost of the tool as well as a tangible reduction in its weight , which facilitates its handling . moreover , this type of drill is easy to be ground .[13]车床和车削车床及它的结构车床是一个主要用来生产旋转表面和端面的机床。



TOOL WEAR MECHANISMS ON THE FLANK SURFACE OF CUTTINGINSERTSFOR HIGH SPEED WET MACHINING5.1 IntroductionAlmost every type of machining such as turning, milling, drilling, grinding..., uses a cutting fluid to assist in the cost effective production of pa rts as set up standard required by the producer [1]. Using coolant with some cutting tools material causes severe failure due to the lack of their resistance to thermal shock (like AL2O3 ceramics), used to turn steel. Other cutting tools materials like cubic boron nitride (CBN) can be used without coolant, due to the type of their function. The aim of using CBN is to raise the temperature of the workpice to high so it locally softens and can be easily machined.The reasons behind using cutting fluids can be summarized as follows.® Extending the cutting tool life achieved by reducing heat generated and as a result less wear rate is achieved. It will also eliminate the heat from theshear zone and the formed chips.® Cooling the work piece of high quality materia l under operation plays an important role since thermal distortion of the surface and subsurfacedamage is a result of excessive heat that must be eliminated or largelyreduced to produce a high quality product.Reducing cutting forces by its lubricating e ffect at the contact interface region and washing and cleaning the cutting region during machining from small chips. The two main reasons for using cutting fluids are cooling and lubrication.Cutting Fluid as a Coolant:The fluid characteristics and condition of use determine the coolant action of the cutting fluid, which improves the heat transfer at the shear zone between the cutting edge, work piece, and cutting fluid. The properties of the coolant in this case must include a high heat capacity to carry away heat and good thermal conductivity to absorb the heat from the cutting region. The water-based coolant emulsion with its excellent high heat capacity is able to reduce tool wear [44]. Cutting Fluid as a Lubricant:The purpose is to reduce friction bet ween the cutting edge, rake face and the work piece material or reducing the cutting forces (tangential component). As the friction drops the heat generated isdropped. As a result, the cutting tool wear rate is reduced and the surface finish is improved.Cutting Fluid PropertiesFree of perceivable odorPreserve clarity throughout lifeKind and unirritated to skin and eyes.Corrosion protection to the machine parts and work piece.Cost effective in terms off tool life, safety, dilution ratio, and fluid lif e.[1]5.1.1 Cutting Fluid TypesThere are two major categories of cutting fluidsNeat Cutting OilsNeat cutting oils are poor in their coolant characteristics but have an excellent lubricity. They are applied by flooding the work area by a pump and re-circulated through a filter, tank and nozzles. This type is not diluted by water, and may contain lubricity and extreme-pressure additives to enhance their cutting performance properties. The usage of this type has been declining for their poor cooling ability, causing fire risk, proven to cause health and safety risk to the operator [1].® Water Based or Water Soluble Cutting FluidsThis group is subdivided into three categories:1.Emulsion ` mineral soluble' white-milky color as a result of emulsion of oil inwater. Contain from 40%-80% mineral oil and an emulsifying agent beside corrosion inhibitors, beside biocide to inhibit the bacteria growth.2.Micro emulsion `semi-synthetic' invented in 1980's, has less oil concentrationand/or higher emulsifier ratio 10%-40% oil. Due to the high levels ofemulsifier the oil droplet size in the fluid are smaller which make the fluid more translucent and easy to see the work piece during operation. Otherimportant benefit is in its ability to emulsify any leakage of oil from themachine parts in the cutting fluid, a corrosion inhibitors, and bacteria control.3.Mineral oil free `synthetic' is a mix of chemicals, water, bacteria control,corrosion inhibitors, and dyes. Does not contain any mineral oils, andprovides good visibility.23 to the work piece. bare in mind that the lack of mineral oil in this type of cuttingfluid needs to take more attention to machine parts lubrication since it should not leave an oily film on the machine parts, and might cause seals degradation due the lack of protection.5.1.2 Cutting Fluid SelectionMany factors influence the selection of cutting fluid; mainly work piece material, type of machining operation, machine tool parts, paints, and seals. Table 5-1 prepared at the machine tool industry res earch association [2] provides suggestions on the type of fluid to be used.5.1.3 Coolant ManagementTo achieve a high level of cutting fluids performance and cost effectiveness, a coolant recycling system should be installed in the factory. This system will reduce the amount of new purchased coolant concentrate and coolant disposable, which will reduce manufacturing cost. It either done by the company itself or be rented out, depends on the budget and management policy of the company [1].Table 5-1 Guide to the selection of cutting fluids for general workshop applications.Machining operation Workpiece materialFree machining and low - carbon Medium- Carbon steels High Carbon and alloy steels Stainlessand heattreated GrindingClear type soluble oil, semi synthetic or chemical Turning General purpose, soluble oil, semi synthetic or synthetic fluid Extreme-pressuresoluble oil,semi-synthetic orsyntheticfluid Milling General purpose, soluble oil, semi synthetic or synthetic Extreme- pressure soluble oil, semi- synthetic or synthetic Extreme-pressuresoluble oil,semi-synthetic orsyntheticfluid(neat cutting oilsmay beDrillingExtreme- pressure soluble oil, semi- synthetic or GearShapping Extreme-pressure soluble oil, Neat-cutting oils preferable HobbingExtreme-pressure soluble oil, semi-synthetic or synthetic fluid (neat cutting oils may be Neat-cutti ng oils BratchingExtreme-pressure soluble oil, semi-synthetic or synthetic fluid (neat Tapping Extreme-pressure soluble oil, semi-synthetic or Neat-cuttingpreferableNote: some entreis deliberately extend over two or more columns, indicating awide range of possible applications. Other entries are confined to a specific class of work material.Adopt ed f rom Edw ard and Wri ght [2]5.2 Wear Mechanisms Under Wet High Speed M achiningIt is a common belief that coolant usage in metal cutting reduces cuttingtemperature and extends tools life. However, this researchshowed that this is not necessarily true to be generalized overcutting inserts materials. Similar research was ca rried out ondifferent cutting inserts materials and cutting conditionssupporting our results. Gu et al [36] have recorded adifference in tool wear mechanisms between dry and wetcutting of C5 milling inserts. Tonshoff et al [44] alsoexhibited different wear mechanisms on AL 2O 3/TiC inserts inmachining ASTM 5115, when using coolants emulsionscompared to dry cutting. In addition, Avila and Abrao [20]experienced difference in wear mechanisms activated at theflank side, when using different coolants in t estingAL 2O 3lTiC tools in machining AISI4340 steel. The wearmechanisms and the behavior of the cutting inserts studied inthis research under wet high speed-machining (WHSM)condition is not fully understood. Therefore, it was theattempt of this research to focus on the contributions incoating development and coating techniques of newlydeveloped materials in order to upgrade their performance attough machining conditions. This valuable research providesinsight into production timesavings and increase inprofitability. Cost reductions are essential in the competitiveglobal economy; thus protecting local markets and consistingin the search of new ones.5.3 Experimental Observations on Wear Mechanisms of Un-CoatedCemented Carbide Cutting Inserts in High Speed WetMachiningIn this section, the observed wear mechanisms are presented of uncoated cemented carbide tool (KC313) in machining ASTM 4140 steel under wet condition. The overall performance of cemented carbide under using emulsion coolant has been improved in terms of extending tool life and reducing machining cost. Different types of wear mechanisms were activated at flank side of cutting inserts as a result of using coolant emulsion during machining processes. This was due to the effect of coolant in reducing the average temperature of the cutting tool edge and shear zone during machining. As a result abrasive wear was reduced leading longer tool life. The materials of cutting tools behave differently to coolant because of their varied resistance to thermal shock. The following observations recorded the behavior of cemented carbide during high speed machining under wet cutting.Figure5-1 shows the flank side of cutting inserts used at a cutting speed of 180m/min. The SEM images were recorded after 7 minutes of machining. It shows micro-abrasion wear, which identified by the narrow grooves along the flank side in the direction of metal flow, supported with similar observations documented by Barnes and Pashby [41] in testing through-coolant-drilling inserts of aluminum/SiC metal matrix composite. Since the cutting edge is the weakest part of the cutting insert geometry, edge fracture started first due to the early non-smooth engagement between the tool and the work piece material. Also, this is due to stress concentrations that might lead to a cohesive failure on the transient filleted flank cutting wedge region [51, 52]. The same image of micro-adhesion wear can be seen at the side and tool indicated by the half cone27 shape on the side of cutting tool. To investigate further, a zoom in view was taken atthe flank side with a magnification of 1000 times and presented in Figure 5-2A. It shows clear micro-abrasion wear aligned in the direction of metal flow, where the cobalt binder was worn first in a higher wear rate than WC grains which protruded as big spherical droplets. Figure 5-2B provides a zoom-in view that was taken at another location for the same flank side. Thermal pitting revealed by black spots in different depths and micro-cracks, propagated in multi directions as a result of using coolant. Therefore, theii~ial pitting, micro-adhesion and low levels of micro-abrasion activated under wet cutting; while high levels of micro-abrasion wear is activated under dry cutting (as presented in the prev ious Chapter).Figure 5-3A was taken for a cutting insert machined at 150mlmin. It shows a typical micro-adhesion wear, where quantities of chip metal were adhered at the flank side temporarily. Kopac [53] exhibited similar finding when testing HSS-TiN drill inserts in drilling SAE1045 steel. This adhered metal would later be plucked away taking grains of WC and binder from cutting inserts material and the process continues. In order to explore other types of wear that might exist, a zoom-in view with magnification of 750 times was taken as shown in Figure5-3B. Figure 5-3B show two forms of wears; firstly, micro-thermal cracks indicated by perpendicular cracks located at the right side of the picture, and supported with similar findings of Deamley and Trent [27]. Secondly, micro-abrasion wear at the left side of the image where the WC grains are to be plucked away after the cobalt binder was severely destroyed by micro-abrasion. Cobalt binders are small grains and WC is the big size grains. The severe distort ion of the binder along with the WC grains might be due to the activation of micro-adhesion and micro-abrasionFigure 5-1 SEM image of (KC313) showing micro abrasion and micro-adhesion (wet).SEM micrographs of (KC313) at 180m/min showing micro-abrasion where cobalt binder was worn first leaving protruded WC spherical droplets (wet).(a)SEM micrographs of (KC313) at 180m/min showing thermal pitting (wet).Figure 5-2 Magnified views of (KC313) under wet cutting: (a) SEM micrographs of (KC313) at 180mlmin showing micro-abrasion where cobalt binderwas worn first leaving protruded WC spherical droplets (wet ), (b) SEMmicrographs of (KC313) at 180.m/min showing thermal pitting (wet ).SEM image showing micro-adhesion wear mechanism under 150m/min (wet).(a)SEM image showing micro-thermal cracks, and micro-abrasion.Figure 5-3 Magnified views of (KC313) at 150m/min (wet): (a) SEM image showing micro-adhesion wear mechanism under 150m/min (wet), (b) SEM image showing micro-fatigue cracks, and micro-abrasion (wet).Wear at the time of cutting conditions of speed and coolant introduction. Therefore, micro-fatigue, micro-abrasion, and micro-adhesion wear mechanisms are activated under wet condition, while high levels of micro-abrasion were observed under dry one.Next, Figure 5-4A was taken at the next lower speed (120m/min). It shows build up edge (BUE) that has sustained its existence throughout the life of the cutting tool, similar to Huang [13], Gu et al [36] and Venkatsh et al [55]. This BUE has protected the tool edge and extended its life. Under dry cutting BUE has appeared at lower speeds (90 and 60 m/min), but when introducing coolant BUE started to develop at higher speeds, This is due to the drop in shear zone temperature that affected the chip metal fl ow over the cutting tool edge, by reducing the ductility to a level higher than the one existing at dry condition cutting. As a result, chip metal starts accumulating easier at the interface between metal chip flow, cutting tool edge and crater surface to form a BUE. In addition to BUE formation, micro-abrasion wear was activated at this speed indicated by narrow grooves.To explore the possibility of other wear mechanisms a zoom-in view with a magnification of 3500 times was taken and shown in Figure 5-4B. Micro- fatigue is evident by propagated cracks in the image similar to Deamley and Trent [27] finding. Furthermore, Figure 5-4B shows indications of micro-abrasion wear, revealed by the abrasion of cobalt binder and the remains of big protruded WC grains. However, the micro-abrasion appeared at this speed of 120m/min is less severe than the same type of micro-wear observed at 150m/min speed, supported with Barnes [41] similar findings. Therefore, micro-abrasion, BUE and micro-fatigue were activated under wet condition while, adhesion, high levels micro-abrasion, and no BUE were under dry cutting.SEM i m a g e o f(KC313) showing build up e d g e under 120m/min (wet).(a)SEM i m a g e o f(KC3 13) showing micro-fatigue, and micro-abrasion (wet). Figure 5-4 SEM images of (KC313) at 120m/min (wet), (a) SEM image of (KC313). showing build up edge, (b) SEM image of(K C313) showing micro-fatigue and micro-abrasion33 Figure 5-5 is for a cutting tool machined at 90m/min, that presents a goodcapture of one stage of tool life after the BUE has been plucked away. The bottom part of the flank side shows massive metal adhesion from the work piece material. The upper part of the figure at the edge shows edge fracture. To stand over the reason of edge fracture, the zoom-in view with magnification of 2000 times is presented in Figure 5-6A. The micro-fatigue crack image can be seen as well as micro-attrition revealed by numerous holes, and supported with Lim et al [31] observations on HSS-TiN inserts. As a result of BUE fracture from the cutting tool edge, small quantities from the cutting tool material is plucked away leaving behind numerous holes. Figure 5-6B is another zoom-in view of the upper part of flank side with a magnification of 1000 times and shows micro-abrasion wear indicated by the narrow grooves. Furthermore, the exact type of micro-wear mechanism appeared at the flank side under 60 m/min. Therefore, in comparison with dry cutting at the cutting speed of 90 m/min and 60 m/min, less micro-abrasion, bigger BUE formation, and higher micro-attrition rate were activated.Figure 5-5 SEM image showing tool edge after buildup edge was plucked away.SEM image showing micro-fatigue crack, and micro-attrition.(a)SEM image showing micro-abrasion.Figure 5-6 SEM images of (KC313) at 90m/min:(a) SEM image showing micro-fatigue crack, and micro-attrition, (b) SEM image showingmicro-abrasion.5.4 Experimental Observations on Wear Mechanisms of Coated CementedCarbide with TiN-TiCN-TiN Coating in High Speed WetMachiningInvestigating the wear mechanisms of sandwich coating under wet cutting is presented in this section starting from early stages of wear. Figure 5-7 shows early tool wear starting at the cutting edge when cutting at 410m/min. Edge fracture can be seen, it has started at cutting edge due to non-smooth contact between tool, work piece, micro-abrasion and stress concentrations. To investigate further the other possible reasons behind edge fracture that leads to coating spalling, a zoom-in view with magnification of 2000 times was taken and presented at Figure 5-8A. Coating fracture can be seen where fragments of TiN (upper coating) had been plucked away by metal chips. This took place as result of micro-abrasion that led to coating spalling. On the other hand, the edge is t he weakest part of the cutting insert geometry and works as a stress concentrator might lead to a cohesive failure on the transient filleted flank cutting wedge region [51, 52].Both abrasion wear and stress concentration factor leave a non-uniform edge configuration at the micro scale after machining starts. Later small metal fragments started to adhere at the developed gaps to be later plucked away by the continuous chip movement as shown in Figure 5-8A. Another view of edge fracture was taken of the same cutting tool with a magnification of 2000 times as shown in Figure 5-8B. It presents fracture and crack at the honed tool edge. A schematic figure indicated by Figure 5-9, presented the progressive coated cutting inserts failure starting at the insert edge. It was also noticed during the inserts test that failure takes place first at the inserts edge then progressed toward the flank side. Consequently, a study on optimizing the cutting edgeFigure 5-7 SEM image of (KC732) at 410m/min showing edge fractur e and micro-abrasion (wet).SEM image showing edge fracture.(a)SEM image showing fracture and crack at the honed insert edge.Figure 5-8 SEM of (KC732) at 410m/min and early wear stage (wet): (a) SEM image showing edge fracture, (b) SEM image showing fr acture and crack atthe honed insert edge.radius to improve coating adhesion, and its wear resistance, might be also a topic for future work.Figure 5-1.0A was taken after tool failure at a speed of 410m/min. It shows completely exposed substrate and severe sliding wear at the flank side. The coating exists at the crater surface and faces less wear than the flank side. Therefore it works as an upper protector for the cutting edge and most of the wear will take place at the flank side as sliding wear. Figu re 5-10B is a zoom-in view with magnification of 3500 times, and shows coating remaining at the flank side. Nonetheless, micro-abrasion and a slight tensile fracture in the direction of metalchip flow. Ezugwa et al [28] and Kato [32] have exhibited simila r finding. However, the tensile fracture in this case is less in severity than what had been observed at dry cutting. This is due to the contribution of coolant in dropping the cutting temperature, which has reduced the plastic deformation at high temperature as a result. Hence, in comparison with the dry cutting at the same speed, tensile fracture was available with less severity and micro-abrasion/sliding. However, in dry cutting high levels of micro-abrasion, high levels of tensile fracture and sliding wear occurred.Figure 5-11 was taken at early stages of wear at a speed of 360m/min. It shows sliding wear, coating spalling and a crack starting to develop between TiN and TiCN coating at honed tool edge. Figure5-12A shows nice presentation of what had been described earlier regarding the development of small fragments on the tool edge. The adhered metal fragments work along with micro-abrasion wear to cause coating spalling.SEM image showing sliding wear.(a)SEM image showing micro-abrasion and tensile fracture.Figure 5-10 SEM images of (KC732) at 410m/min after failure (wet): (a) SEM image showing sliding wear, (b) SEM image showing micro-abrasionand tensile fracture.Figure 5-11 SEM image at early stage of wear of 360m/min (wet) showing coating and spalling developing crack between TiN and TiCN layers.The size of the metal chip adhered at the edge is almost 15g. Since it is unstable it will be later plucked away taking some fragments of coatings with it and the process continues. Another zoom in view with a magnification of 5000 times for the same insert is shown in Figure 5-12B indicating a newly developed crack between the coating layers.Figure 5-13A is taken of the same insert after failure when machining at 360m/min and wet condition. Coating spalling, and sliding wear can be seen and indicated by narrow grooves. In addition, initial development of notch wear can be seen at the maximum depth of cut.Further investigation is carried out by taking a zoom in view with a magnification of 2000 times as shown in Figure 5-13B. A clear micro-abrasion wear and micro-fatigue cracks were developed as shown, which extended deeply through out the entire three coating layers deep until the substrate. Therefore, in comparison with dry cutting, micro-fatigue crack, less tensile fracture, less micro-abrasion wear were activated at wet cutting. While micro- fatigue crack, high levels of micro-abrasion, and high levels of tensile fracture are distinguish the type of wear under dry condition at the same cutting spee d.Next, Figure 5-14A is taken for cutting tools machined at 310m/min. The results are similar to the previous inserts machined at 360m/min, where adhesion of metal fragments occurred at the tool edge, sliding wear and coating spalling. In addition, the black spot appeared at the top of the figure on the crater surface is a void resulting from imperfections in the coating process. At this condition, the crater surface will be worn faster than the flank surface.SEM image showing adhered metal fragments at tool edge.(a)SEM image showing developed crack between coating layers.Figure 5-12 SEM image of (KC732) at early wear 360m/min (wet): (a) SEM image showing adhered metal fragments at tool edge, (b) SEM image showingdeveloped crack between coating layers.(a)SEM image showing coating spalling and sliding wear after tool failure(b)SEM image showing micro-abrasion, and micro-fatigue cracks developedbetween coating layersFigure 5-13 SEM image of KC732 after failure machined at 360m/min(b)(wet): (a) SEM image showing coating spalling and sliding wear after toolfailure, (b) SEM image showing micro-abrasion, and micro-fatiguecracks developed between coating layers.翻译:在高速潮湿机械加工条件下后刀面表层磨损机理5.1 介绍几乎每类型用机器制造譬如转动, 碾碎, 钻井, 研..., 使用切口流体协助零件的有效的生产当设定标准由生产商[ 1 ] 需要。



机床加工外文文献翻译(含:英文原文及中文译文)文献出处:Shunmugam M. Basic Machining Operations and Cutting Technology[J]. Journal of the Institution of Engineers, 2014, 1(2):22-32. 英文原文Basic Machining Operations and Cutting TechnologyShunmugam MBasic Machining OperationsMachine was developed from the early Egyptian pedal car and John Wilkinson's trampoline. They provide rigid support for workpieces and tools and can precisely control their relative position and relative speed. Basically, metal cutting refers to a sharpened pry tool that removes a very narrow metal from the surface of a tough workpiece. Chips are discarded products. Compared with other workpieces, the chips are shorter, but there is a certain increase in the thickness of the uncut parts. The geometry of the workpiece surface depends on the shape of the tool and the path of the tool during machining operations.Most machining processes produce parts of different geometries. If a rough workpiece rotates on the central axis and the tool cuts into the workpiece surface parallel to the center of rotation, a rotating surface is created. This operation is called turning. If a hollow tube is machined onthe inner surface in the same way, this operation is called boring. When the diameter is evenly changed, a conical outer surface is produced, which is called taper turning. If the tool contact point moves in a way that changes the radius, then a workpiece with a contour like a ball is produced; or if the workpiece is short enough and the support is very rigid, then the forming tool normally feeds one outside the axis of rotation. Surfaces can be produced, and short tapered or cylindrical surfaces can also be formed.Flat surfaces are often required and they can be produced by radial turning of tool contact points with respect to the axis of rotation. It is easier to fix the tool and place the workpiece under the tool for larger workpieces while planing. The tool can feed reciprocally. The forming surface can be produced by a forming tool.Multi-blade cutters can also be used. Using a double-edged groove drilling depth is 5-10 times the hole diameter. Regardless of whether the drill rotates or the workpiece rotates, the relative motion between the cutting edge and the workpiece is an important factor. During milling, a rotating tool with many cutting edges comes into contact with the workpiece and the workpiece slowly moves relative to the tool. Flat or shaped surfaces may occur depending on the tool geometry and feed method. A horizontal or vertical axis rotation can be generated and can be fed in any of three coordinate directions.Basic machineThe machine tool produces parts with special geometry and precise dimensions by removing chips from plastic material. The latter is waste, which is a change from the long continuous strip of plastic material such as steel, which is useless from a processing point of view. It is easy to handle cracked chips produced from cast iron. The machine performs five basic metal removal processes: turning, planing, drilling, and milling. All other metal removal processes are modified from these five basic procedures. For example, boring is internal turning; reaming, tapping and counterboring are further machining of drilled holes; gear machining is based on Milling operation. Polishing and sanding are deformations that grind and remove the abrasive process. Therefore, there are only four basic types of machine tools that use specially controllable cutting tools: 1. Lathes, 2. Drilling machines, 3. Milling machines, 4. Grinding machines. The grinding process forms chips, but the geometry of the abrasive particles is uncontrollable.The amount and speed of material removal through various processing steps is enormous, just as high facets are removed in large turning operations, or in extremely small grinding and ultra-precision machining. A machine tool fulfills three major functions: 1. It supports work pieces or fixtures and tools 2. It provides relative motion to work pieces and tools 3. In each case provides a range of feeds and generallyup to 4-32 species Speed choices.Processing speed and feedSpeed, feed, and depth of cut are three major variables in economic processing. The other quantities are tapping and tool material, coolant and tool geometry. The speed of the metal removal and the power required are dependent on these variables.Depth of cut, feed, and cutting speed are the mechanical parameters that must be established in any metalworking process. They all affect the force, speed and speed of metal removal. The cutting speed can be defined as the radius of the velocity recording surface that spreads radially at any instant during one revolution, or the distance between two adjacent grooves. The depth of cut is the depth of entry and the depth of the trench.Turning in the center of the latheBasic operations completed on a motorized bed have been introduced. Those operations that use a single point tool on the outside surface are called turning. In addition to drilling, reaming, and grinding of internal surfaces, the operation is done by a single point tool. All machining operations, including turning, can be categorized as roughing, finishing or semi-finishing. Finishing removes a large amount of material as quickly and efficiently as possible, while a small part of the material left on the workpiece is used for finishing. Finishing isThe workpiece gets the final size, shape and surface accuracy. Sometimes semi-finishing leaves a predetermined amount of material for finishing, which is prior to finishing.In general, longer workpieces are simultaneously supported by one or two lathe centers. Conical holes, so-called center holes, are drilled at both ends for the center of the lathe - usually along the axis of the cylindrical workpiece. The end of the workpiece near the frame is usually supported by the center of the tailstock. At the end near the main bearing is the center of the main bearing or clamped by the jaw plate. This method can firmly tighten the workpiece and can smoothly transmit the force to the workpiece. The auxiliary support provided by the chuck to the workpiece reduces the chattering tendency during cutting. If the chuck can be carefully and accurately used to support the workpiece, then Accurate results can be obtained.Supporting the workpiece between two centers can give very accurate results. One end of the workpiece has been machined, then the workpiece can be turned. The other end is machined on a lathe, and the center hole serves as a precise positioning surface and a supporting surface for carrying the weight of the workpiece and resisting the cutting force. When the workpiece is removed from the lathe for any reason, the center hole will accurately return the workpiece to this lathe or another lathe or a cylindrical grinder. Workpieces are not allowed to be clampedon the main bearing by the chuck and lathe center. However, the first thing that comes to mind is a method of quickly adjusting the workpiece on the chuck, but this is not allowed because it is impossible to hold the center of the lathe while holding it by the chuck. The adjustment provided by the center of the lathe will not continue and the claw plate pressure will damage the center hole and lathe center, and even the lathe spindle. The floating claw plate provides an exception to the above statement. It is used almost exclusively for high production work. These chucks are real job drivers and are not used for the same purpose as ordinary three-jaw, four-jaw chucks.While large-diameter workpieces are fashioned in two centers, they are preferably held by the panel at the tail of the main bearing for smooth energy conversion; many lathe chucks do not provide sufficient energy conversion, although they can be used as special energy conversions.Mechanical processing introductionAs a method of producing a shape, machining is the most commonly used and the most important method in all manufacturing processes. The machining process is a process of producing a shape in which the drive device removes some of the material on the workpiece as chips. Although in some cases, the workpiece is supported using mobile equipment without support, most machining operations are performed by equipment that supports both the workpiece and the tool.Small batch, low cost. Machining has two applications in the manufacturing industry. Casting, forging, and pressure work produce each special shape, even one part, almost always with a higher mold cost. The shape of the weld depends largely on the raw material. By using equipment that has a high overall cost but does not have a special mold, machining is possible; starting from almost any kind of raw material, the shape is designed from any material as long as the external dimensions are large enough. Processing is therefore the preferred method. When producing one or several parts or even in mass production, the design of the parts logically leads to the casting, forging or stamping of the product. High precision, surface accuracy. The second application of mechanical machining is based on the possible high precision and surface accuracy. If mass production occurs in other processes, many low-volume components will produce low but acceptable tolerances. On the other hand, many parts produce general shapes from some large deformation processes and are only machined on selected surfaces with very high accuracy. For example, the inside process is seldom produced by any other machining method and the hole on the part may be processed immediately after the pressure operation.The main cutting parametersThere are four factors that fully describe the relationship between the basic tooling work during cutting: tool geometry, cutting speed and depthof cut. The tool must be made of a suitable material; it must have a certain strength, roughness, hardness and fatigue resistance. The tool geometry is described by face and angle and is correct for each cutting operation. Cutting speed refers to the speed at which the cutting edge passes through the work surface, which has been expressed in feet per minute. For machining efficiency, the cutting speed must be of an appropriate scale relative to the particular working combination. In general, the harder the work, the lower the speed. Feed is the rate at which the tool enters the workpiece. When the workpiece or tool rotates, the feed rate is in inches per revolution. When the tool or workpiece moves back and forth, the unit of feed is inches. In general, the feed rate is inversely proportional to the cutting speed in other similar situations. The cutting speed is expressed in inches and is represented by the distance the tool enters the workpiece. It refers to the width of the chips when turning or the thickness of the chips when cutting in a straight line. The depth of cut during roughing is greater than the depth of cut during finishing.Effect of Cutting Parameter Change on Cutting TemperatureIn metal cutting operations, heat is generated in the primary and secondary deformation zones and these results in complex temperatures throughout the tool, workpiece, and chips. A typical isothermal as shown in the figure, it can be seen that as predicted, when the workpiece materialundergoes major deformation and is reduced, there is a very large temperature gradient throughout the entire width of the chip. When the chips in the second deformed zone still have a short distance, the maximum temperature is reached.Because almost all of the work is done with metal cutting converted to heat, it can be predicted that the increased energy consumption per unit volume of metal removed will increase the cutting temperature. Therefore, when all the other parameters are unchanged, the rake angle becomes larger and the energy and cutting temperature per unit volume of metal removed will be reduced. When considering the increase in the thickness and speed of the non-formed chips, the situation is even more complicated. Increasing the thickness of the cut will often greatly affect the amount of heat transferred to the workpiece, the number of tools, and will keep the chips at a fixed amount, and at the same time the change in cutting temperature will be small. However, increasing the cutting speed will reduce the amount of heat transferred to the workpiece. This will increase the temperature rise of the main deformation of the chips. In addition, the second deformation zone is relatively small, and in this deformation zone it will increase the temperature. The other changes in cutting parameters hardly affect the removal of energy consumption per unit volume and the cutting temperature. It has thus been shown that even small changes in cutting temperature have a significant effect on toolwear rate, and it is appropriate to estimate the cutting temperature from the cutting data. The most direct and accurate method of testing high-speed steel tools, Trent gave detailed information on the temperature distribution of high-speed steel tools. This technique is based on the data detection of high-speed steel tools and is related to the microscopic changes in thermal history.Trent has described the measurement of cutting temperature and the temperature distribution of high-speed steel tools when machining a wide range of workpieces. Using scanning electron microscopy to study fine-scale microstructure changes, this technique has been further developed. This technique is also used to study the temperature distribution of high-speed steel single-point turning tools and twist drills.Tool wearBrittle fractures have been treated and there are basically three types of tool wear. Back flank wear, boundary wear and flank wear. Face wear occurs at the major and minor cutting edges. The main cutting edge is responsible for the removal of large amounts of metal, which increases the cutting force and temperature, and if left unchecked the vibration of the tool and the workpiece can be caused, and this can no longer be cut efficiently. The secondary cutting edge determines the workpiece size and surface finish. Wear of the flank causes poor surface accuracy in a large number of products. According to the actual cutting conditions, the mainreason for the unacceptable use of the tool is that the wear of the main flank before the secondary flank is very large, which results in the generation of an unacceptable portion. Due to the stress distribution of the tool, the frictional force in the sliding area is maximized between the chip and the surface at the beginning of sliding, and the final frictional force is zero. Therefore, abrasive wear occurs in this area. More wear occurs between the chip and the disengagement area adjacent to the area, which is more than adjacent to this point.This results in a localized pitting of the tool face at a certain distance from the face, which is usually partly arc-shaped. In many respects and based on actual cutting conditions, the boundary wear is a less severe wear than the flank, so that the wear of the face is a relatively common blunt standard. Then, as various authors have shown, with the increase of cutting speed, the increase of surface temperature is more than the increase of the blade surface, and because the temperature change seriously affects any type of wear rate, boundary wear usually occurs at higher cutting speeds. Situation.Where the tool is in contact with the uncut surface, the wear of the trailing portion of the main flank is more pronounced than that along the remaining wear surface. This is because the local influences such as the uncut surface are caused by the work hardening caused by the previous cutting, oxidation scale, and local high temperature. This localized wearis generally related to the wear of the boundary and is sometimes severe. Although the occurrence of a notch does not seriously affect the cutting performance of the tool, the notch is often deeper, and it is likely that the cutting tool will break if it continues.If any form of gradual wear continues to make its dramatic existence, the tool will face catastrophic failures, such as the cutting tool can not be cut, in good condition, the workpiece is scrapped, at worst, the mechanical tool may cause damage. For cemented carbide tools and various types of wear and tear, the maximum service life limit is reached before a catastrophic failure occurs. However, wear on high-speed steel cutting tools is uneven. It has been found that when wear continues and even catastrophic failure occurs, the most meaningful and reproducible results are obtained, but in practice, the cutting time is much less. At the time of failure. Several phenomena occur when a catastrophic failure occurs. The most common is a sudden increase in cutting force, a bright ring in the workpiece, and a significant increase in noise.Surface finishing mechanismThere are five basic mechanisms that affect the processed product: (1) The basic geometry of the cutting process, the single-point turning tool will advance axially a constant distance, the resulting surface will be on it, and the tool will feed in the vertical direction. A series of sharp points form the basic shape of the cutting tool. (2) The efficiency ofcutting. It has already been mentioned that an unstable tumor will produce a face that contains hardened tumor segments. This fragment reduces the surface finish. It can also be proved that under heavy cutting conditions, large feed rates, small rake angles and low cutting speeds can be used. In addition to these, the production conditions can also lead to unstable BDE products. The cutting process becomes unstable rather than continuous cutting in the shear zone. , Shattered, uneven discontinuous chips appear, and the surface is not smooth enough. This is especially true when working with ductile materials. (3) The stability of the machine tool. According to certain combinations of cutting conditions, workpiece dimensions, clamping methods and stiffness relative to the machine structure, instability is a tool-induced chatter. Under certain conditions, this kind of vibration will reach and maintain a certain amplitude, and vibrations based on other conditions will also be generated, unless the cutting prevents considerable damage or both the cutting tool and the workpiece may vibrate. This phenomenon is called chattering.Axial turning features a long spiral band on the workpiece and short pitch fluctuations on the temporary machined surface. (4) Remove the effectiveness of cuttings. In intermittent chip production processes, such as milling and turning of brittle materials, it is expected that whether due to gravity or cutting fluid, chips will leave the cutting zone and in any case will not affect the cutting surface. Consecutive chips are obvious,and if no measures are taken to control the chips, they may affect the cutting surface and leave marks. Inevitably, this marks only expectations.(5) The effective relief angle of the cutting tool. For small cutting edges and relief angles with a certain geometry, it is possible to cut at the main cutting edge and polish at the secondary cutting edge. This will result in good surface accuracy, but of course this combination of strictly metal forming cannot be recommended as an actual cutting method. However, due to occasional occurrence of these conditions, tool wear can cause changes in the surface properties.Limits and tolerancesMechanical parts are manufactured so they are interchangeable. In other words, each mechanical part or device is made to a size and shape suitable for other types of machines. In order to make the parts interchangeable, each part is dimensioned to fit the corresponding part in the right way. This is not only impossible, but it is impractical to make many parts into one size. This is because the machine is not perfect and the tool wears. A slight deviation from the correct size is usually allowed. The size of this deviation depends on the type of part being manufactured. For example, a part may be 6 inches and the upper and lower deviation is 0003 inches (one thousandth of a thousandth). So this deviation can be between 5,997 inches and 6003 inches and still maintain the correct size. This is bias. The difference between the upper and lower deviations is theThe tolerance is the maximum amount of change in part size, and the basic size is the size limit derived from the allowable variation and tolerance range. Sometimes the deviation allows only one direction to change. It allows the tolerance to change in the hole or axis without seriously affecting the fit. When the tolerance changes in both directions, it is called full deviation (positive and negative). The full deviation is separate and there will be on each side of the basic size. The limit size is only the largest size and the smallest size. Therefore, the to lerance is the difference between these two dimensions.Surface accuracy and size controlProducts have been completed in their proper shape and size, and often require some type of surface accuracy to enable them to perform their own functions. In some cases, in order to resist scratching and scratching, it is necessary to improve the physical properties of the surface material. In many manufacturing processes, dirt, chips, grease or other harmful substances are left on the surface of the product. Mixtures of different materials, the same materials processed in different ways, may require some special surface treatment to provide a uniform appearance.基本加工工序和切削技术Shunmugam M基本加工的操作机床是从早期的埃及人的脚踏动力车和约翰·威尔金森的镗床发展而来的。



曲轴加工的技术要求及发展方向——外文翻译、中英文翻译XXX Crank ProcessesXXX highly demanding。


it generally includes the following main stages: processing the n datum。

XXX for eachhost neck and other outer annuluses。

Che Lianjing。

drilling theoil hole。

correcting grinding for each host neck and other outer annuluses。

correcting grinding Lian Jing。

big capitellum and key slot processing。

journal surface treatment。

transient equilibrium。

and superfinishing us journals.To meet the high standards of crank n。

the process involves several stages。

The first stage is processing the n datum。


drilling the oil hole。

correcting grinding for each host neck and other outer annuluses。

correcting grinding Lian Jing。

big capitellum and key slot processing。

journal surface treatment。

transient equilibrium。

XXX guiding principle.XXX。

the goal remains the same: to produce a high-XXX。































英文资料High-speed millingHigh-speed machining is an advanced manufacturing technology, different from the traditional processing methods. The spindle speed, cutting feed rate, cutting a small amount of units within the time of removal of material has increased three to six times. With high efficiency, high precision and high quality surface as the basic characteristics of the automobile industry, aerospace, mold manufacturing and instrumentation industry, such as access to a wide range of applications, has made significant economic benefits, is the contemporary importance of advanced manufacturing technology. For a long time, people die on the processing has been using a grinding or milling EDM (EDM) processing, grinding, polishing methods. Although the high hardness of the EDM machine parts, but the lower the productivity of its application is limited. With the development of high-speed processing technology, used to replace high-speed cutting, grinding and polishing process to die processing has become possible. To shorten the processing cycle, processing and reliable quality assurance, lower processing costs.1 One of the advantages of high-speed machiningHigh-speed machining as a die-efficient manufacturing, high-quality, low power consumption in an advanced manufacturing technology. In conventional machining in a series of problems has plagued by high-speed machining of the application have been resolved.1.1 Increase productivityHigh-speed cutting of the spindle speed, feed rate compared withtraditional machining, in the nature of the leap, the metal removal rate increased 30 percent to 40 percent, cutting force reduced by 30 percent, the cutting tool life increased by 70% . Hardened parts can be processed, a fixture in many parts to be completed rough, semi-finishing and fine, and all other processes, the complex can reach parts of the surface quality requirements, thus increasing the processing productivity and competitiveness of products in the market.1.2 Improve processing accuracy and surface qualityHigh-speed machines generally have high rigidity and precision, and other characteristics, processing, cutting the depth of small, fast and feed, cutting force low, the workpiece to reduce heat distortion, and high precision machining, surface roughness small. Milling will be no high-speed processing and milling marks the surface so that the parts greatly enhance the quality of the surface. Processing Aluminum when up Ra0.40.6um, pieces of steel processing at up to Ra0.2 ~ 0.4um.1.3 Cutting reduce the heatBecause the main axis milling machine high-speed rotation, cutting a shallow cutting, and feed very quickly, and the blade length of the workpiece contacts and contact time is very short, a decrease of blades and parts of the heat conduction. High-speed cutting by dry milling or oil cooked up absolute (mist) lubrication system, to avoid the traditional processing tool in contact with the workpiece and a lot of shortcomings to ensure that the tool is not high temperature under the conditions of work, extended tool life.1.4 This is conducive to processing thin-walled partsHigh-speed cutting of small cutting force, a higher degree of stability, Machinable with high-quality employees compared to the company may be very good, but other than the company's employees may Suanbu Le outstanding work performance. For our China practice, we use the models to determine the method of staff training needs are simple and effective. This study models can be an external object, it can also be a combination of internal and external. We must first clear strategy for the development of enterprises. Through the internal and external business environment and organizational resources, such as analysis, the future development of a clear business goals and operational priorities. According to the business development strategy can be compared to find the business models, through a comparative analysis of the finalization of business models. In determining business models, a, is the understanding of its development strategy, or its market share and market growth rate, or the staff of the situation, and so on, according to the companies to determine the actual situation. As enterprises in different period of development, its focus is different, which means that enterprises need to invest the manpower and financial resources the focus is different. So in a certain period of time, enterprises should accurately selected their business models compared with the departments and posts, so more practical significance, because the business models are not always good, but to compare some aspects did not have much practical significance, Furthermore This can more fully concentrate on the business use of limited resources. Identify business models, and then take the enterprise of the corresponding departments and staff with the business models for comparison, the two can be found in the performance gap, a comparative analysis to find reasons, in accordance with this business reality, the final identification of training needs. The cost of training is needed, if not through an effective way to determine whether companies need to train and the training of the way, but blind to training, such training is difficult to achieve the desired results. A comparison only difference between this model is simple and practical training.1.5 Can be part of some alternative technology, such as EDM, grinding high intensity and high hardness processingHigh-speed cutting a major feature of high-speed cutting machine has the hardness of HRC60 parts. With the use of coated carbide cutter mold processing, directly to the installation of ahardened tool steel processing forming, effectively avoid the installation of several parts of the fixture error and improve the parts of the geometric location accuracy. In the mold of traditional processing, heat treatment hardening of the workpiece required EDM, high-speed machining replace the traditional method of cutting the processing, manufacturing process possible to omit die in EDM, simplifying the processing technology and investment costs .High-speed milling in the precincts of CNC machine tools, or for processing centre, also in the installation of high-speed spindle on the general machine tools. The latter not only has the processing capacity of general machine tools, but also for high-speed milling, a decrease of investment in equipment, machine tools increased flexibility. Cutting high-speed processing can improve the efficiency, quality improvement, streamline processes, investment and machine tool investment and maintenance costs rise, but comprehensive, can significantly increase economic efficiency.2 High-speed millingHigh-speed milling the main technical high-speed cutting technology is cutting the development direction of one of it with CNC technology, microelectronic technology, new materials and new technology, such as technology development to a higher level. High-speed machine tools and high-speed tool to achieve high-speed cutting is the prerequisite and basic conditions, in high-speed machining in the performance of high-speed machine tool material of choice and there are strict requirements.2.1 High-speed milling machine in order to achieve high-speed machiningGeneral use of highly flexible high-speed CNC machine tools, machining centers, and some use a dedicated high-speed milling, drilling. At the same time a high-speed machine tool spindle system and high-speed feeding system, high stiffness of the main characteristics of high-precision targeting and high-precision interpolation functions, especially high-precision arc interpolation function. High-speed machining systems of the machine a higher demand, mainly in the following areas:General use of highly flexible high-speed CNC machine tools, machining centers, and some use a dedicated high-speed milling, drilling. At the same time a high-speed machine tool spindle system and high-speed feeding system, high stiffness of the main characteristics of high-precision targeting and high-precision interpolation functions, especially high-precision arc interpolation function. High-speed machining systems of the machine a higher demand, mainly in the following areas:High-speed milling machine must have a high-speed spindle, the spindle speed is generally 10000 ~ 100000 m / min, power greater than 15 kW. But also with rapid speed or in designated spots fast-stopping performance. The main axial space not more than 0 .0 0 0 2 m m. Often using high-speed spindle-hydrostatic bearings, air pressure-bearing, mixed ceramic bearings, magneticbearing structure of the form. Spindle cooling general use within the water or air cooled.High-speed processing machine-driven system should be able to provide 40 ~ 60 m / min of the feed rate, with good acceleration characteristics, can provide 0.4 m/s2 to 10 m/s2 acceleration and deceleration. In order to obtain good processing quality, high-speed cutting machines must have a high enough stiffness. Machine bed material used gray iron, can also add a high-damping base of concrete, to prevent cutting tool chatter affect the quality of processing. A high-speed data transfer rate, can automatically increase slowdown. Processing technology to improve the processing and cutting tool life. At present high-speed machine tool manufacturers, usually in the general machine tools on low speed, the feed of the rough and then proceed to heat treatment, the last in the high-speed machine on the half-finished and finished, in improving the accuracy and efficiency at the same time, as far as possible to reduce processing Cost.2.2 High-speed machining toolHigh-speed machining tool is the most active one of the important factors, it has a direct impact on the efficiency of processing, manufacturing costs and product processing and accuracy. Tool in high-speed processing to bear high temperature, high pressure, friction, shock and vibration, such as loading, its hardness and wear-resistance, strength and toughness, heat resistance, technology and economic performance of the basic high-speed processing performance is the key One of the factors. High-speed cutting tool technology development speed, the more applications such as diamond (PCD), cubic boron nitride (CBN), ceramic knives, carbide coating, (C) titanium nitride Carbide TIC (N) And so on. CBN has high hardness, abrasion resistance and the extremely good thermal conductivity, and iron group elements between the great inertia, in 1300 ℃ would not have happened significant role in the chemical, also has a good stability. The experiments show that with CBN cutting toolHRC35 ~ 67 hardness of hardened steel can achieve very high speed. Ceramics have good wear resistance and thermal chemical stability, its hardness, toughness below the CBN, can be used for processing hardness of HRC <5 0 parts. Carbide Tool good wear resistance, but the hardness than the low-CBN and ceramics. Coating technology used knives, cutting tools can improve hardness and cutting the rate, for cutting HRC40 ~ 50 in hardness between the workpiece. Can be used to heat-resistant alloys, titanium alloys, hightemperature alloy, cast iron, Chungang, aluminum and composite materials of high-speed cutting Cut, the most widely used. Precision machining non-ferrous metals or non-metallic materials, or the choice of polycrystalline diamond Gang-coated tool.2.3 High-speed processing technologyHigh-speed cutting technology for high-speed machining is the key. Cutting Methods misconduct, will increase wear tool to less than high-speed processing purposes. Only high-speed machine tool and not a good guide technology, high-speed machining equipment can not fullyplay its role. In high-speed machining, should be chosen with milling, when the milling cutter involvement with the workpiece chip thickness as the greatest, and then gradually decreased. High-speed machining suitable for shallow depth of cut, cutting depth of not more than 0.2 mm, to avoid the location of deviation tool to ensure that the geometric precision machining parts. Ensure that the workpiece on the cutting constant load, to get good processing quality. Cutting a single high-speed milling path-cutting mode, try not to interrupt the process and cutting tool path, reducing the involvement tool to cut the number to be relatively stable cutting process. Tool to reduce the rapid change to, in other words when the NC machine tools must cease immediately, or Jiangsu, and then implement the next step. As the machine tool acceleration restrictions, easy to cause a waste of time, and exigency stop or radical move would damage the surface accuracy. In the mold of high-speed finishing, in each Cut, cut to the workpiece, the feed should try to change the direction of a curve or arc adapter, avoid a straight line adapter to maintain the smooth process of cutting.3 Die in high-speed milling processing ofMilling as a highly efficient high-speed cutting of the new method,inMould Manufacturing has been widely used. Forging links in the regular production model, with EDM cavity to be 12 ~ 15 h, electrodes produced 2 h. Milling after the switch to high-speed, high-speed milling cutter on the hardness of HRC 6 0 hardened tool steel processing. The forging die processing only 3 h20min, improve work efficiency four to five times the processing surface roughness of Ra0.5 ~ 0.6m, fully in line with quality requirements.High-speed cutting technology is cutting technology one of the major developments, mainly used in automobile industry and die industry, particularly in the processing complex surface, the workpiece itself or knives rigid requirements of the higher processing areas, is a range of advanced processing technology The integration, high efficiency and high quality for the people respected. It not only involves high-speed processing technology, but also including high-speed processing machine tools, numerical control system, high-speed cutting tools and CAD / CAM technology. Die-processing technology has been developed in the mold of the manufacturing sector in general, and in my application and the application of the standards have yet to be improved, because of its traditional processing with unparalleled advantages, the future will continue to be an inevitable development of processing technology Direction.4 Numerical control technology and equipping development trend and countermeasureEquip the engineering level, level of determining the whole national economy of the modernized degree and modernized degree of industry, numerical control technology is it develop new developing new high-tech industry and most advanced industry to equip (such as information technology and his industry, biotechnology and his industry, aviation, spaceflight, etc. national defense industry) last technology and getting more basic most equipment. Marx has ever said "the differences of different economic times, do not lie in what is produced, and lie in how to produce,produce with some means of labor ". Manufacturing technology and equipping the most basic means of production that are that the mankind produced the activity, and numerical control technology is nowadays advanced manufacturing technology and equips the most central technology. Nowadays the manufacturing industry all around the world adopts numerical control technology extensively, in order to improve manufacturing capacity and level, improve the adaptive capacity and competitive power to the changeable market of the trends. In addition every industrially developed country in the world also classifies the technology and numerical control equipment of numerical control as the strategic materials of the country, not merely take the great measure to develop one's own numerical control technology and industry, and implement blockading and restrictive policy to our country in view of " high-grade, precision and advanced key technology of numerical control " and equipping. In a word, develop the advanced manufacturing technology taking numerical control technology as the core and already become every world developed country and accelerate economic development in a more cost-effective manner, important way to improve the overall national strength and national position. Numerical control technology is the technology controlled to mechanical movement and working course with digital information, integrated products of electromechanics that the numerical control equipment is the new technology represented by numerical control technology forms to the manufacture industry of the tradition and infiltration of the new developing manufacturing industry, namely the so-called digitization is equipped, its technological range covers a lot of fields: (1)Mechanical manufacturing technology; (2)Information processing, processing, transmission technology; (3)Automatic control technology; (4)Servo drive technology;(5)Technology of the sensor; (6)Software engineering ,etc..Development trend of a numerical control technologyThe application of numerical control technology has not only brought the revolutionary change to manufacturing industry of the tradition, make the manufacturing industry become the industrialized symbol , and with the constant development of numerical control technology and enlargement of the application, the development of some important trades (IT , automobile , light industry , medical treatment ,etc. ) to the national economy and the people's livelihood of his plays a more and more important role, because the digitization that these trades needed to equip has already been the main trend of modern development. Numerical control technology in the world at present and equipping the development trend to see, there is the following several respect [1- ] in its main research focus.5 A high-speed, high finish machining technology and new trend equippedThe efficiency, quality are subjavanufacturing technology. High-speed, high finish machining technology can raise the efficiency greatly , improve the quality and grade of the products, shorten production cycle and improve the market competitive power. Japan carries the technological research association first to classify it as one of the 5 great modern manufacturing technologies forthis, learn (CIRP) to confirm it as the centre in the 21st century and study one of the directions in international production engineering.In the field of car industry, produce one second when beat such as production of 300,000 / vehicle per year, and many variety process it is car that equip key problem that must be solved one of; In the fields of aviation and aerospace industry, spare parts of its processing are mostly the thin wall and thin muscle, rigidity is very bad, the material is aluminium or aluminium alloy, only in a situation that cut the speed and cut strength very small high, could process these muscles, walls. Adopt large-scale whole aluminium alloy method that blank " pay empty " make the wing recently, such large-scale parts as the fuselage ,etc. come to substitute a lot of parts to assemble through numerous rivet , screw and other connection way, make the intensity , rigidity and dependability of the component improved. All these, to processing and equipping the demand which has proposed high-speed, high precise and high flexibility.According to EMO2001 exhibition situation, high-speed machining center is it give speed can reach 80m/min is even high , air transport competent speed can up to 100m/min to be about to enter. A lot of automobile factories in the world at present, including Shanghai General Motors Corporation of our country, have already adopted and substituted and made the lathe up with the production line part that the high-speed machining center makes up. HyperMach lathe of U.S.A. CINCINNATI Company enters to nearly biggest 60m/min of speed, it is 100m/min to be fast, the acceleration reaches 2g, the rotational speed of the main shaft has already reached 60 000r/min. Processing a thin wall of plane parts, spend 30min only, and same part general at a high speed milling machine process and take 3h, the ordinary milling machine is being processed to need 8h; The speed and acceleration of main shaft of dual main shaft lathes of Germany DMG Company are up to 120000r/mm and 1g.In machining accuracy, the past 10 years, ordinary progression accuse of machining accuracy of lathe bring 5μm up to from 10μm already, accurate grades of machining center from 3~5μm, rise to 1~1.5μm, and ultraprecision machining accuracy is i t enter nanometer grade to begin already (0.01μm).In dependability, MTBF value of the foreign numerical control device has already reached above 6 000h, MTBF value of the servo system reaches above 30000h, demonstrate very high dependability .In order to realize high-speed, high finish machining, if the part of function related to it is electric main shaft, straight line electrical machinery get fast development, the application is expanded further .5.2 Link and process and compound to process the fast development of the lathe in 5 axesAdopt 5 axles to link the processing of the three-dimensional curved surface part, can cut with the best geometry form of the cutter , not only highly polished, but also efficiency improves by a large margin . It is generally acknowledged, the efficiency of an 5 axle gear beds can equal 2 3 axle gearbeds, is it wait for to use the cubic nitrogen boron the milling cutter of ultra hard material is milled and pared at a high speed while quenching the hard steel part, 5 axles link and process 3 constant axles to link and process and give play to higher benefit. Because such reasons as complicated that 5 axles link the numerical control system , host computer structure that but go over, it is several times higher that its price links the numerical control lathe than 3 axles , in addition the technological degree of difficulty of programming is relatively great, have restricted the development of 5 axle gear beds.At present because of electric appearance of main shaft, is it realize 5 axle complex main shaft hair structure processed to link greatly simplify to make, it makes degree of difficulty and reducing by a large margin of the cost, the price disparity of the numerical control system shrinks. So promoted 5 axle gear beds of head of complex main shaft and compound to process the development of the lathe (process the lathe including 5).At EMO2001 exhibition, new Japanese 5 of worker machine process lathe adopt complex main shaft hair, can realize the processing of 4 vertical planes and processing of the wanton angle, make 5 times process and 5 axles are processed and can be realized on the same lathe, can also realize the inclined plane and pour the processing of the hole of awls. Germany DMG Company exhibits the DMUVoution series machining center, but put and insert and put processing and 5 axles 5 times to link and process in once, can be controlled by CNC system or CAD/CAM is controlled directly or indirectly.5.3 Become the main trend of systematic development of contemporary numerical control intelligently, openly, networkedly.The numerical control equipment in the 21st century will be sure the intelligent system, the intelligent content includes all respects in the numerical control system: It is intelligent in order to pursue the efficiency of processing and process quality, control such as the self-adaptation of the processing course, the craft parameter is produced automatically; Join the convenient one in order to improve the performance of urging and use intelligently, if feedforward control , adaptive operation , electrical machinery of parameter , discern load select models , since exactly makes etc. automatically; The ones that simplified programming , simplified operating aspect are intelligent, for instance intelligent automatic programming , intelligent man-machine interface ,etc.; There are content of intelligence diagnose , intelligent monitoring , diagnosis convenient to be systematic and maintaining ,etc..Produce the existing problem for the industrialization of solving the traditional numerical control system sealing and numerical control application software. A lot of countries carry on research to the open numerical control system at present, such as NGC of U.S.A. (The Next Generation Work-Station/Machine Control), OSACA of European Community (Open System Architecture for Control within Automation Systems), OSEC (Open System Environment for Controller) of Japan, ONC (Open Numerical Control System) of China, etc.. The numerical control system melts tobecome the future way of the numerical control system open. The so-called open numerical control system is the development of the numerical control system can be on unified operation platform, face the lathe producer and end user, through changing, increasing or cutting out the structure target(numerical control function), form the serration, and can use users specially conveniently and the technical know-how is integrated in the control system, realize the open numerical control system of different variety , different grade fast, form leading brand products with distinct distinction. System structure norm of the open numerical control system at present, communication norm , disposing norm , operation platform , numerical control systematic function storehouse and numerical control systematic function software development ,etc. are the core of present research.The networked numerical control equipment is a new light spot of the fair of the internationally famous lathe in the past two years. Meeting production line , manufacture system , demand for the information integration of manufacturing company networkedly greatly of numerical control equipment, realize new manufacture mode such as quick make , fictitious enterprise , basic Entrance that the whole world make too. Some domestic and international famous numerical control lathes and systematic manufacturing companies of numerical control have all introduced relevant new concepts and protons of a machine in the past two years, if in EMO2001 exhibition, " Cyber Production Center " that the company exhibits of mountain rugged campstool gram in Japan (Mazak) (intellectual central production control unit, abbreviated as CPC); The lathe company of Japanese big Wei (Okuma ) exhibits " IT plaza " (the information technology square , is abbreviated as IT square ); Open Manufacturing Environment that the company exhibits of German Siemens (Siemens ) (open the manufacturing environment, abbreviated as OME),etc., have reflected numerical control machine tooling to the development trend of networked direction.5.4 Pay attention to the new technical standard, normal setting-up5.4.1 Design the norm of developing about the numerical control systemAs noted previously, there are better common ability, flexibility, adaptability, expanding in the open numerical control system, such countries as U.S.A. ,European Community and Japan ,etc. implement the strategic development plan one after another , carry on the research and formulation of the systematic norm (OMAC , OSACA , OSEC ) of numerical control of the open system structure, 3 biggest economies in the world have carried on the formulation that nearly the same science planned and standardized in a short time, have indicated a new arrival of period of change of numerical control technology. Our country started the research and formulation of standardizing the frame of ONC numerical control system of China too in 2000.5.4.2 About the numerical control standardThe numerical control standard is a kind of trend of information-based development of manufacturing industry. Information exchange among 50 years after numerical control technology was born was all because of ISO6983 standard, namely adopt G, M code describes how processes,。


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中英文资料翻译英文部分The new concept of cutting processingThe nowadays cutting tool company cannot only be again the manufacture and the sales cutting tool, in order to succeed, they must be consistent with the globalization manufacture tendency maintenance, through enhances the efficiency, cooperates with the customer reduces the cost. Approaches the instantaneous global competition after this after NAFTA, the WTO time, the world company is making quickly to the same feeling, is lighter, a cheaper response. In other words, they make the product and the components contain can in high speed under revolve, as a result of the cost pressure, best, is lighter moreover must make cheaply. Obtains these goals a best way is through develops and applies the new material, but these is new and the improvement material usually all with difficulty processes. In in this kind of commercial power and the technical difficulty combination is especially prominent in the automobile and the aviation industry, and has become has the experience the cutting tool company to research and develop the department the most important driving influence.For example, takes the modular cast iron to say that, it has become the engine part and other automobiles, the agriculture the material which see day by day with the equipment and in the machine tool industry components. This kind of alloy provides the low production cost and the good machine capability combination. They are cheaper than the steel products, but has a higher intensity and toughness compared to the cast iron. But at the same time the modular cast iron is extremely wear-resisting, has fast breaks by rubbing the cutting tool material the tendency. In this wear resistant very great degree bead luminous body content influence. Some known modular cast iron bead luminous body content higher, its resistance to wear better, moreover its machinability is worse. Moreover, the modular cast iron porosity causes off and on to cut, this even more reduces the life.May estimate that, the high degree of hardness and the high wear-resisting cutting material quality must consider the modular cast iron the high resistance to wear. And the material quality contains extremely hard TiC in fact (carbonized titanium) or TiCN (carbon titanium nitrides) thick coating when cutting speed each minute 300 meters processes the modular cast iron to prove usually is effective. But along with cutting speed increase, scrap/The cutting tool junctionplane temperature also is increasing. When has such situation, the TiC coating favors in has the chemical reaction with the iron and softens, more pressures function in anti- crescent moon hollow attrition coating. Under these conditions, hoped has one chemical stability better coating, like Al2O3 (although under low speed was inferior to TiC hard or is wear-resisting).The chemical stability becomes an important performance performance dividing line compared to the resistance to wear the factor, the speed and the temperature is decided in is processed the modular cast iron the crystal grain structure and the performance. But usually thick coating of TiCN and TiC or only ductile iron oxides in the soil coating is applied to, because the today majority of this kinds are processed the material the cutting speed in each minute 150 to 335 meters between. Is higher than each minute 300 meter applications regarding the speed, the people to this kind of material are satisfied.In order to cause this scope performance to be most superior, the mountain high researched and developed and has promoted in view of modular cast iron processing material quality TX150. This kind of material quality has hard also the anti- distortion substrate, is very ideal regarding the processing modular cast iron. Its coating the oxide compound coating which hollowly wears by thick very wear-resisting carbon titanium nitrides and a thin anti- crescent moon, the top is thin layer TiN. This kind of coating which needs the center warm chemistry gas phase deposition using the state of the art production resistance to wear and the anti- crescent moon hollow attrition which the CVD coating complete degree of hardness moreover the tough smoothness increases (MTCVD) the craft. Substrate/The coating combination performance gives the very high anti- plastic deformation and the cutting edge micro collapses the ability, causes it to become under the normal speed to process the modular cast iron the ideal material quality.The coating ceramics also display can effectively process the modular cast iron. In the past, the aluminum oxide ceramics application which not the coating tough good such as nitriding silicon and the silicon carbide textile fiber strengthened the work piece material chemistry paralysis limit. Today but could resist the scrap distortion process through the use to have the high thermal coating cutting tool life already remarkably to increase. But certain early this domains work piece processing use aluminum oxides spread the layer crystals to have to strengthen the ceramics, today most research concentrate in the TiN coating nitriding silicon. This kind of coating can remarkably open up the tough good ceramics the application scope.When machining, the work piece has processed the surface is depends upon the cutting tool and the work piece makes the relative motion to obtain.According to the surface method of formation, the machining may divide into the knife point path law, the formed cutting tool law, the generating process three kinds.The knife point path law is depends upon the knife point to be opposite in the work piecesurface path, obtains the superficial geometry shape which the work piece requests, like the turning outer annulus, the shaping plane, the grinding outer annulus, with the profile turning forming surface and so on, the knife point path are decided the cutting tool and the work piece relative motion which provides in the engine bed;The formed cutting tool law abbreviation forming, is with the formed cutting tool which matches with the work piece final superficial outline, or the formed grinding wheel and so on processes the formed surface, like formed turning, formed milling and form grinding and so on, because forms the cutting tool the manufacture quite to be difficult, therefore only uses in processing the short formed surface generally;The generating process name rolls cuts method, is when the processing the cutting tool and the work piece do unfold the movement relatively, the cutting tool and the work piece centrode make the pure trundle mutually, between both maintains the definite transmission ratio relations, obtains the processing surface is the knife edge in this kind of movement envelope, in the gear processing rolls the tooth, the gear shaping, the shaving, the top horizontal jade piece tooth and rubs the tooth and so on to be the generating process processing.Some machining has at the same time the knife point path law and the formed cutting tool method characteristic, like thread turning.The machining quality mainly is refers to the work piece the processing precision and the surface quality (including surface roughness, residual stress and superficial hardening).Along with the technical progress, the machining quality enhances unceasingly.The 18th century later periods, the machining precision counts by the millimeter; At the beginning of 20th century, machining precision Gao Yida 0.01 millimeter; To the 50's, the machining precision has reached a micron level; The 70's, the machining precision enhances to 0.1 micron.The influence machining quality primary factor has aspects and so on engine bed, cutting tool, jig, work piece semifinished materials, technique and processing environment.Must improve the machining quality, must take the suitable measure to the above various aspects, like reduces the engine bed work error, selects the cutting tool correctly, improves the semifinished materials quality, the reasonable arrangement craft, the improvement environmental condition and so on.Enhances the cutting specifications to enhance the material excision rate, is enhances the machining efficiency the essential way.The commonly used highly effective machining method has the high-speed cutting, the force cutting, the plasma arc heating cuts and vibrates the cutting and so on.The grinding speed is called the high-speed grinding in 45 meters/second above es the high-speed cutting (or grinding) both may enhance the efficiency, and mayreduce the surface roughness.The high-speed cutting (or grinding) requests the engine bed to have the high speed, the high rigidity, the high efficiency and the vibration-proof good craft system; Requests the cutting tool to have the reasonable geometry parameter and the convenience tight way, but also must consider the safe reliable chip breaking method.The force cutting refers to the roughing feed or cuts the deep machining greatly, uses in the turning and the grinding generally.The force turning main characteristic is the lathe tool besides the main cutting edge, but also some is parallel in the work piece has processed superficial the vice-cutting edge simultaneously to participate in the cutting, therefore may enhance to feed quantity compared to the general turning several times of even several pares with the high-speed cutting, the force cutting cutting temperature is low, the cutting tool life is long, the cutting efficiency is high; The shortcoming is processes the surface to be rough.When force cutting, the radial direction cutting force death of a parent is not suitable for to process the tall and slender work piece very much.The vibration cutting is along the cutting tool direction of feed, the attachment low frequency or the high frequency vibration machining, may enhance the cutting efficiency.The low frequency vibration cutting has the very good chip breaking effect, but does not use the chip breaking equipment, makes the knife edge intensity to increase, time the cutting total power dissipation compared to has the chip breaking installment ordinary cutting to reduce about 40%.The high frequency vibration cutting also called the ultrasonic wave vibration cutting, is helpful in reduces between the cutting tool and the work piece friction, reduces the cutting temperature, reduces the cutting tool the coherence attrition, thus the enhancement cutting efficiency and the processing surface quality, the cutting tool life may enhance 40% approximately.To lumber, plastic, rubber, glass, marble, granite and so on nonmetallic material machining, although is similar with the metal material cutting, but uses the cutting tool, the equipment and the cutting specifications and so on has the characteristic respectively.The lumber product machining mainly carries in each kind of joiner's bench, its method mainly has: The saw cuts, digs cuts, the turning, the milling, drills truncates with the polishing and so on.The plastic rigidity is worse than the metal, the easy bending strain, the thermoplastic thermal conductivity to be in particular bad, easy to elevate temperature the conditioning.When cutting plastic, suitably with the high-speed steel or the hard alloy tools, selects the small to feed quantity and the high cutting speed, and uses compressed air cooling.If the cutting tool is sharp, the angle is appropriate, may produce the belt-shaped scrap, easy to carry off the quantity of heat.Glass (including semiconducting material and so on germanium, silicon) but degree of hardness high brittleness is big.To methods and so on glass machining commonly used cutting, drill hole, attrition and polishing.To thickness in three millimeters following glass plates, the simple cutting method is with the diamond or other hard materials, in glass surface manual scoring, the use scratch place stress concentration, then uses the hand to break off.To the marble, the granite and the concrete and so on the hard material processing, mainly uses methods and so on cutting, turning, drill hole, shaping, attrition and polishing.When cutting the available circular saw blade adds the grinding compound and the water; The outer annulus and the end surface may use the negative rake the hard alloy lathe tool, by 10~30 meter/minute cutting speed turning; Drills a hole the available hard alloy drill bit; The big stone material plane available hard alloy planing tool or rolls cuts planing tool shaping; The precise smooth surface, available three mutually for the datum to the method which grinds, or the grinding and the polishing method obtains.Cutting tool in hot strong alloy applicationThe aviation processing also changes rapidly. For example, nickel base heat-resisting alloy like several years ago the most people had not heard Rene88 now occupies to the aircraft engine manufacture uses the total metal quantity 10~25%. Has very good showing and the commercial reason regarding this. For example, these heat strong alloy will be able to increase the engine endurance moreover to permit the small engine work on the big airplane, that will enhance the combustion efficiency and reduces the operation cost. These tough good materials also present the expense on the cutting tool. Their thermal stability causes on the knife point the temperature to be higher, thus reduced the cutting tool life. Similarly, in these alloy carbide pellet remarkably increased the friction, thus reduces the cutting tool life.As a result of changes in these conditions, can be very pleased to have processed many titanium alloys and nickel-based alloy materials C-2 hard metal alloys, in the application to today's cutting edge of blade to the crushing and cutting depth of the trench lines badly worn. But using the latest high-temperature processing of small particles hard metal alloys to be effective, cutlery life improved, but more importantly to enhance the reliability of applications in high-temperature alloys. Small particles hard metal than traditional hard metal materials higher compression strength and hardness, only a small increase in the resilience of the cost. And resulted in high temperature alloy processing than traditional hard metal resistance common failure mode more effective.PVD (physical gas phase deposition) coating also by certificate effective processing heat-resisting alloy. TiN (titanium nitrides) the PVD coating was uses and still was most early most receives welcome. Recently, TiAlN (nitrogen calorization titanium) and TiCN (carbontitanium nitrides) the coating also could very good use. In the past the TiAlN coating application scope and TiN compared the limit to be more. But after the cutting speed enhances them is a very good choice, enhances the productivity in these applications to reach 40%. On the other hand, is decided under the low cutting speed in coating superficial operating mode TiAlN can cause to accumulate the filings lump afterwards, micro collapses with the trench attrition.Recently, used in the heat-resisting alloy application material quality already developing, these coating but became by several combinations. The massive laboratories and the scene test has already proven this kind of combination and other any kind of sole coating compares in time the very wide scope application is very effective. Therefore aims at the heat-resisting alloy application the PVD compound coating possibly to become the focal point which the hard alloy new material quality research and development continues. With the MTCVD coating, the coating ceramics gather in the same place, they hopefully become a more effective processing to research and develop newly are more difficult to process the work piece material the main impact strength.Dry processingIncluding the refrigerant question is technical and the commercial expansion industrial production tendency another domain which the cutting tool makes. North America and the European strict refrigerant management request and the biggest three automobile manufacturer forces them the core supplier to obtain the ISO14000 authentication (the ISO9000 environment management edition), this causes the refrigerant processing cost rise. To the car company and their core supplier said obviously one of responses which welcome is in the specific processing application avoids completely the refrigerant the use. This kind did the processing the new world to propose a series of challenges for the cutting tool supplier.Recently, already appeared some to concern this topic to promulgate the speed, to enter for, the coating chemical composition and other parameters very substantial comprehensive nature very strong useful technical papers. Wants to concentrate the elaboration in here me "does the processing viewpoint" in the operation and commercial meaning automobile manufacturer new.The metal working jobholders can the very good understanding related refrigerant use question, but majority cannot understand concerns except the technical challenge (for example row of filings) beside does the processing question in the cutting tool - work piece contact face between. Usually may observe to the refrigerant disperser scrap which flows out, but the pressure surpasses 3,000 pounds/An inch 2 high speed refrigerant also can help to break the filings, specially soft also the continual scrap can cause in the cutting tool - work piece contact face trouble.Uses does the cutting craft the components result is the engine bed uses the wet typeprocessing components to be hotter than. Whether before you do allow them to survey in the open-air natural cooling? If processes newly the hot components put frequently to the turnover box, elevates the environment temperature, whether components full cooling and just right enough permission precision examination? Also has the handling side several dozens on hundred components to be able to operate the worker to increase the extra burden.With many cutting tools/The work piece technical question same place, these latent questions need to state whether dryly adds the ability line. Luckily, has very many ways to elaborate these questions. For example, the compressed air was proven row of filings becomes the question in very many applications the situation to have the successful echo.Another plan is called MQL (minimum lubrication) a technology, it replaces the traditional refrigerant by the application the quite few oil mists constitution. This is a recognition compromise plan, this kind of minimum technology can large scale reduce the refrigerant the headache matter, moreover the smooth finish which processes in many applications very is also good. This domain still had very many research to do, moreover the cutting tool company positively participated in such research was absolutely essential. If they will not do fall behind the competitor, will be at the disadvantageous position.In the factory the special details design other perhaps better plan according to the world in. The manufacturing industry jobholders possibly still could ask why they do have to use recent development the technology to replace the refrigerant method diligently which the tradition already an experience number generation of person improved enhances, because implemented especially does the experiment and the defeat which the processing or the subarid processing produced possibly causes the higher short-term cutting tool cost. The concise answer is when the bit probably accounts for the model processing components cost 3%, the refrigerant cost (from purchases to maintenance, storage, processing) can account for the components cost 15%.Perhaps does the dry processing is not all suits to each application, but above discusses likely other processing questions are same, needs from a wider operation, the environment and the commercial angle appraises. Will be able to help the cutting tool company which the customer will do this to have the competitive advantage, but these will not be able to provide unceasingly is in the passive position.Cutting tool and nanotechnologyCan fiercely change the cutting tool industry the enchanting new domain is the miniature manufacture, or the processing small granule forms the product which needs. Must refer to is its here does not have about the cutting tool miniature manufacture first matter; Second must say the matter is it is not remote.Why the miniature manufacture and are the cutting tool related. Because most main is theparticle size smaller, the hard alloy toughness of material better also is more wear-resisting. (Some experts define with the nanometer level pellet for are smaller than 0.2 mu m, but other people persisted a nanometer pellet had to be smaller than the hard alloy tools prototype which 0.1 mu m) made already to complete and the test,It is said that wear resistant theatrically increase. The question is the nanometer level hard alloy pellet cannot depend on the smashing big material formation, they are certain through the smaller material constitution, but processes the molecular level granule is not easy and the economical matter.中文部分切削加工新概念现今的刀具公司再也不能只是制造和销售刀具,为了成功,他们必须与全球化制造趋势保持一致,通过提高效率、同客户合作来降低成本。



1 LathesLathes are machine tools designed primarily to do turning, facing and boring, Very little turning is done on other types of machine tools, and none can do it with equal facility. Because lathes also can do drilling and reaming, their versatility permits several operations to be done with a single setup of the work piece. Consequently, more lathes of various types are used in manufacturing than any other machine tool.The essential components of a lathe are the bed, headstock assembly, tailstock assembly, and the leads crew and feed rod.The bed is the backbone of a lathe. It usually is made of well normalized or aged gray or nodular cast iron and provides s heavy, rigid frame on which all the other basic components are mounted. Two sets of parallel, longitudinal ways, inner and outer, are contained on the bed, usually on the upper side. Some makers use an inverted V-shape for all four ways, whereas others utilize one inverted V and one flat way in one or both sets, They are precision-machined to assure accuracy of alignment. On most modern lathes the way are surface-hardened to resist wear and abrasion, but precaution should be taken in operating a lathe to assure that the ways are not damaged. Any inaccuracy in them usually means that the accuracy of the entire lathe is destroyed.The headstock is mounted in a foxed position on the inner ways, usually at the left end of the bed. It provides a powered means of rotating the word at various speeds . Essentially, it consists of a hollow spindle, mounted in accurate bearings, and a set of transmission gears-similar to a truck transmission—through which the spindle can be rotated at a number of speeds. Most lathes provide from 8 to 18 speeds, usually in a geometric ratio, and on modern lathes all the speeds can be obtained merely by moving from two to four levers. An increasing trend is to provide a continuously variable speed range through electrical or mechanical drives.Because the accuracy of a lathe is greatly dependent on the spindle, it is of heavy construction and mounted in heavy bearings, usually preloaded tapered roller or ball types. The spindle has a hole extending through its length, through which long bar stock can be fed. The size of maximum size of bar stock that can be machined when the material must be fed through spindle.The tailsticd assembly consists, essentially, of three parts. A lower casting fits on the inner ways of the bed and can slide longitudinally thereon, with a means for clamping the entire assembly in any desired location, An upper casting fits on the lower one and can be moved transversely upon it, on some type of keyed ways, to permit aligning the assembly is the tailstock quill. This is a hollow steel cylinder, usually about 51 to 76mm(2to 3 inches) in diameter, that can be moved several inches longitudinally in and out of the upper casting by means of a hand wheel and screw.The size of a lathe is designated by two dimensions. The first is known as the swing. This is the maximum diameter of work that can be rotated on a lathe. It is approximately twice the distance between the line connecting the lathe centers and the nearest point on the ways, The second size dimension is the maximum distance between centers. The swing thus indicates the maximum work piece diameter that can be turned in the lathe, while the distance between centers indicates the maximum length of work piece that can be mounted between centers.Engine lathes are the type most frequently used in manufacturing. They are heavy-duty machine tools with all the components described previously and have power drive for all tool movements except on the compound rest. They commonly range in size from 305 to 610 mm(12 to 24 inches)swing and from 610 to 1219 mm(24 to 48 inches) center distances, but swings up to 1270 mm(50 inches) and center distances up to 3658mm(12 feet) are not uncommon. Most have chip pans and a built-in coolant circulating system. Smaller engine lathes-with swings usually not over 330 mm (13 inches ) –also are available in bench type, designed for the bed to be mounted on a bench on a bench or cabinet.Although engine lathes are versatile and very useful, because of the time required for changing and setting tools and for making measurements on the work piece, thy are not suitable for quantity production. Often the actual chip-production tine is less than 30% of the total cycle time. In addition, a skilled machinist is required for all the operations, and such persons are costly and often in short supply. However, much of the operator’s time is consumed by simple, repetitious adjustments and in watching chips being made. Consequently, to reduce or eliminate the amount of skilled labor that is required, turret lathes, screw machines, and other types ofsemiautomatic and automatic lathes have been highly developed and are widely used in manufacturing.2 Numerical ControlOne of the most fundamental concepts in the area of advanced manufacturing technologies is numerical control (NC). Prior to the advent of NC, all machine tools ere manually operated and controlled. Among the many limitations associated with manual control machine tools, perhaps none is more prominent than the limitation of operator skills. With manual control, the quality of the product is directly related to and limited to the skills of the operator. Numerical control represents the first major step away from human control of machine tools.Numerical control means the control of machine tools and other manufacturing systems through the use of prerecorded, written symbolic instructions. Rather than operating a machine tool, an NC technician writes a program that issues operational instructions to the machine tool. For a machine tool to be numerically controlled, it must be interfaced with a device for accepting and decoding the programmed instructions, known as a reader.Numerical control was developed to overcome the limitation of human operators, and it has done so. Numerical control machines are more accurate than manually operated machines, they can produce parts more uniformly, they are faster, and the long-run tooling costs are lower. The development of NC led to the development of several other innovations in manufacturing technology:Electrical discharge machining,Laser cutting,Electron beam welding.Numerical control has also made machine tools more versatile than their manually operated predecessors. An NC machine tool can automatically produce a wide of parts, each involving an assortment of widely varied and complex machining processes. Numerical control has allowed manufacturers to undertake the production of products that would not have been feasible from an economic perspective using manually controlled machine tolls and processes.Like so many advanced technologies, NC was born in the laboratories of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The concept of NC was developed in the early1950s with funding provided by the U.S. Air Force. In its earliest stages, NC machines were able to made straight cuts efficiently and effectively.However, curved paths were a problem because the machine tool had to be programmed to undertake a series of horizontal and vertical steps to produce a curve. The shorter the straight lines making up the steps, the smoother is the curve, Each line segment in the steps had to be calculated.This problem led to the development in 1959 of the Automatically Programmed Tools (APT) language. This is a special programming language for NC that uses statements similar to English language to define the part geometry, describe the cutting tool configuration, and specify the necessary motions. The development of the APT language was a major step forward in the fur ther development from those used today. The machines had hardwired logic circuits. The instructional programs were written on punched paper, which was later to be replaced by magnetic plastic tape. A tape reader was used to interpret the instructions written on the tape for the machine. Together, all of this represented a giant step forward in the control of machine tools. However, there were a number of problems with NC at this point in its development.A major problem was the fragility of the punched paper tape medium. It was common for the paper tape containing the programmed instructions to break or tear during a machining process. This problem was exacerbated by the fact that each successive time a part was produced on a machine tool, the paper tape carrying the programmed instructions had to be rerun through the reader. If it was necessary to produce 100 copies of a given part, it was also necessary to run the paper tape through the reader 100 separate tines. Fragile paper tapes simply could not withstand the rigors of a shop floor environment and this kind of repeated use.This led to the development of a special magnetic plastic tape. Whereas the paper carried the programmed instructions as a series of holes punched in the tape, the plastic tape carried the instructions as a series of magnetic dots. The plastic tape was much stronger than the paper tape, which solved the problem of frequent tearing and breakage. However, it still left two other problems.The most important of these was that it was difficult or impossible to change the instructions entered on the tape. To made even the most minor adjustments ina program of instructions, it was necessary to interrupt machining operations and make a new tape. It was also still necessary to run the tape through the reader as many times as there were parts to be produced. Fortunately, computer technology became a reality and soon solved the problems of NC associated with punched paper and plastic tape.The development of a concept known as direct numerical control (DNC) solved the paper and plastic tape problems associated with numerical control by simply eliminating tape as the medium for carrying the programmed instructions. In direct numerical control, machine tools are tied, via a data transmission link, to a host computer. Programs for operating the machine tools are stored in the host computer and fed to the machine tool an needed via the data transmission linkage. Direct numerical control represented a major step forward over punched tape and plastic tape. However, it is subject to the same limitations as all technologies that depend on a host computer. When the host computer goes down, the machine tools also experience downtime. This problem led to the development of computer numerical control.3 TurningThe engine lathe, one of the oldest metal removal machines, has a number of useful and highly desirable attributes. Today these lathes are used primarily in small shops where smaller quantities rather than large production runs are encountered.The engine lathe has been replaced in today’s production shops by a wide variety of automatic lathes such as automatic of single-point tooling for maximum metal removal, and the use of form tools for finish on a par with the fastest processing equipment on the scene today.Tolerances for the engine lathe depend primarily on the skill of the operator. The design engineer must be careful in using tolerances of an experimental part that has been produced on the engine lathe by a skilled operator. In redesigning an experimental part for production, economical tolerances should be used.Turret Lathes Production machining equipment must be evaluated now, more than ever before, this criterion for establishing the production qualification of a specific method, the turret lathe merits a high rating.In designing for low quantities such as 100 or 200 parts, it is most economical to use the turret lathe. In achieving the optimum tolerances possible on the turrets lathe, the designer should strive for a minimum of operations.Automatic Screw Machines Generally, automatic screw machines fall into several categories; single-spindle automatics, multiple-spindle automatics and automatic chucking machines. Originally designed for rapid, automatic production of screws and similar threaded parts, the automatic screw machine has long since exceeded the confines of this narrow field, and today plays a vital role in the mass production of a variety of precision parts. Quantities play an important part in the economy of the parts machined on the automatic screw machine. Quantities less than on the automatic screw machine. The cost of the parts machined can be reduced if the minimum economical lot size is calculated and the proper machine is selected for these quantities.Automatic Tracer Lathes Since surface roughness depends greatly on material turned, tooling , and feeds and speeds employed, minimum tolerances that can be held on automatic tracer lathes are not necessarily the most economical tolerances.In some cases, tolerances of 0.05mm are held in continuous production using but one cut . groove width can be held to 0.125mm on some parts. Bores and single-point finishes can be held to 0.0125mm. On high-production runs where maximum output is desirable, a minimum tolerance of 0.125mm is economical on both diameter and length of turn.中文译文1.车床车床主要是为了进行车外圆、车端面和镗孔等项工作而设计的机床。



机械加工外文翻译、中英文翻译、机械类外文文献翻译The engine lathe is an old but still useful metal removal machine with many desirable attributes。

While it is no longer commonlyXXX。

In today's n shops。

it has largely been XXX。

turret lathes。

and automatic XXX of single-point tooling for maximum metal removal。

and the use of form tools for finished products that are on par with the fastest processing XXX.When it XXX for the engine lathe。

it largely depends on the skill of the operator。

Design XXX part for n。

it is XXX.XXX cutting tools。

XXX ns。

as the machine can perform these ns in one setup。

They are also capable of producing parts with high n and accuracy。

XXX industries.Now more than ever。

n machining XXX of a specific method。

the XXX.When designing for low quantities。

such as 100 or 200 parts。

it is most cost-effective to use a XXX。

designers should aim to minimize the number of ns required.Another n for n XXX。



中英文资料外文翻译文献EXTENDING BEARING LIFEAbstract:Nature works hard to destroy bearings, but their chances of survival can be improved by following a few simple guidelines. Extreme neglect in a bearing leads to overheating and possibly seizure or, at worst, an explosion. But even a failed bearing leaves clues as to what went wrong. After a little detective work, action can be taken to avoid a repeat performance.Keywords: bearings failures lifeBearings fail for a number of reasons,but the most common are misapplication,contamination,improper lubricant,shipping or handling damage,and misalignment. The problem is often not difficult to diagnose because a failed bearing usually leaves telltale signs about what went wrong.However,while a postmortem yields good information,it is better to avoid the process altogether by specifying the bearing correctly in The first place.To do this,it is useful to review the manufacturers sizing guidelines and operating characteristics for the selected bearing.Equally critical is a study of requirements for noise, torque, and runout, as well as possible exposure to contaminants, hostile liquids, and temperature extremes. This can provide further clues as to whether a bearing is right for a job.1 Why bearings failAbout 40% of ball bearing failures are caused by contamination from dust, dirt, shavings, and corrosion. Contamination also causes torque and noise problems, and is often the result of improper handling or the application environment.Fortunately, a bearing failure caused by environment or handling contamination is preventable,and a simple visual examination can easily identify the cause.Conducting a postmortem il1ustrates what to look for on a failed or failing bearing.Then,understanding the mechanism behind the failure, such as brinelling or fatigue, helps eliminate the source of the problem.Brinelling is one type of bearing failure easily avoided by proper handing andassembly. It is characterized by indentations in the bearing raceway caused by shock loading-such as when a bearing is dropped-or incorrect assembly. Brinelling usually occurs when loads exceed the material yield point(350,000 psi in SAE 52100 chrome steel).It may also be caused by improper assembly, Which places a load across the races.Raceway dents also produce noise,vibration,and increased torque.A similar defect is a pattern of elliptical dents caused by balls vibrating between raceways while the bearing is not turning.This problem is called false brinelling. It occurs on equipment in transit or that vibrates when not in operation. In addition, debris created by false brinelling acts like an abrasive, further contaminating the bearing. Unlike brinelling, false binelling is often indicated by a reddish color from fretting corrosion in the lubricant.False brinelling is prevented by eliminating vibration sources and keeping the bearing well lubricated. Isolation pads on the equipment or a separate foundation may be required to reduce environmental vibration. Also a light preload on the bearing helps keep the balls and raceway in tight contact. Preloading also helps prevent false brinelling during transit.Seizures can be caused by a lack of internal clearance, improper lubrication, or excessive loading. Before seizing, excessive, friction and heat softens the bearing steel. Overheated bearings often change color,usually to blue-black or straw colored.Friction also causes stress in the retainer,which can break and hasten bearing failure.Premature material fatigue is caused by a high load or excessive preload.When these conditions are unavoidable,bearing life should be carefully calculated so that a maintenance scheme can be worked out.Another solution for fighting premature fatigue is changing material.When standard bearing materials,such as 440C or SAE 52100,do not guarantee sufficient life,specialty materials can be recommended. In addition,when the problem is traced back to excessive loading,a higher capacity bearing or different configuration may be used.Creep is less common than premature fatigue.In bearings.it is caused by excessive clearance between bore and shaft that allows the bore to rotate on the shaft.Creep can be expensive because it causes damage to other components in addition to the bearing.0ther more likely creep indicators are scratches,scuff marks,or discoloration to shaft and bore.To prevent creep damage,the bearing housing and shaft fittings should be visually checked.Misalignment is related to creep in that it is mounting related.If races are misaligned or cocked.The balls track in a noncircumferencial path.The problem is incorrect mounting or tolerancing,or insufficient squareness of the bearing mounting site.Misalignment of more than 1/4·can cause an early failure.Contaminated lubricant is often more difficult to detect than misalignment or creep.Contamination shows as premature wear.Solid contaminants become an abrasive in the lubricant.In addition。



毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译系部:专业:姓名:学号:外文出处:English For Electromechanical(用外文写)Engineering附件:1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。
































中国地质大学长城学院本科毕业设计外文资料翻译系别:工程技术系专业:机械设计制造及其自动化姓名:学号:2015年 4月 18日数控车床加工中心的发展近些年来,随着数控机床、加工中心、柔性制造单元、柔性制造系统等现代化加工设备的广泛应用,使传统的机械加工的制造方法发生了重大变革,夹具的功能逐渐转变为装夹、定位。








1 国内外发展趋势夹具是机械加工不可缺少的部件,在机床技术高速、高效、精密、复合、智能、环保方向发展的带动下,夹具技术正朝着高精、高效、模块、组合、通用、经济方向发展。

1.1 高精度随着机床加工精度的提高,为了降低定位误差,提高加工精度对夹具的制造精度要求,更高精度夹具的定位孔距精度高达正负5微米,夹具支撑面的垂直度达到0.01mm/300mm,平行度高达0.01mm/500mm。



ShaftSolid shafts. As a machine component a shaft is commonly a cylindrical bar that supports and rotates with devices for receiving and delivering rotary motion and torque .The crankshaft of a reciprocating engine receive its rotary motion from each of the cranks, via the pistons and connecting roads (the slider-crank mechanisms), and delivers it by means of couplings, gears, chains or belts to the transmission, camshaft, pumps, and other devices. The camshafts, driven by a gear or chain from the crankshaft, has only one receiver or input, but each cam on the shaft delivers rotary motion to the valve-actuating mechanisms.An axle is usually defined as a stationary cylindrical member on which wheels and pulleys can rotate, but the rotating shafts that drive the rear wheels of an automobile are also called axles, no doubt a carryover from horse-and-buggy days. It is common practice to speak short shafts on machines as spindles, especially tool-carrying or work-carrying shafts on machine tools.In the days when all machines in a shop were driven by one large electric motor or prime mover, it was necessary to have long line shafts running length of the shop and supplying power, by belt, to shorter couter shafts, jack shafts, or head shafts. These lineshafts were assembled form separate lengths of shafting clampled together by rigid couplings. Although it is usually more convenient to drive each machine with a separate electric motor, and the present-day trend is in this direction, there are still some oil engine receives its rotary motion from each of the cranks, via the pistons and connecting roads (the slider-crank mechanisms) , and delivers it by means of couplings, gears, chains or belts to the transmission, camshaft, pumps, and other devices. The camshafts, driven by a gear or chain from the crankshaft, has only one receiver or input, but each cam on the shaft delivers rotary motion to the valve-actuating mechanisms.An axle is usually defined as a stationary cylindrical member on which wheels and pulleys can rotate, but the rotating shafts that drive the rear wheels of an automobile are also called axles, no doubt a carryover from horse-and-buggy days. It is common practice to speak short shafts on machines as spindles, especially tool-carrying or work-carrying shafts on machine tools.In the days when all machines in a shop were driven by one large electric motor or prime mover, it was necessary to have long line shafts running length of the shop and supplying power, by belt, to shorter coutershafts, jackshafts, or headshafts. These line shafts were assembled form separatelengths of shafting clampled together by rigid couplings. Although it is usually more convenient to drive each machine with a separate electric motor, and the present-day trend is in this direction, there are still some situation in which a group drive is more economical.A single-throw crankshaft that could be used in a single-cylinder reciprocating engine or pump is shown in Figure 21. The journals A andB rotate in the main bearings,C is the crankpin that fits in a bearing on the end of the connecting rod and moves on a circle of radius R about the main bearings, whileD andE are the cheeks or webs.The throw R is one half the stroks of the piston, which is connected, by the wrist pin, to the other end of the connecting rod and guided so as to move on a straight path passing throw the axis XX. On a multiple-cylinder engine the crankshaft has multiple throws---eight for a straight eight and for a V-8---arranged in a suitable angular relationship.Stress and strains. In operation, shafts are subjected to a shearing stress, whose magnitude depends on the torque and the dimensions of the cross section. This stress is a measure of resistance that the shaft material offers to the applied torque. All shafts that transmit a torque are subjected to torsional shearing stresses.In addition to the shearing stresses, twisted shafts are also subjected to shearing distortions. The distorted state is usually defined by the angle of twist per unit length; i.e., the retation of one cross section of a shaft relative to another cross section at a unit distance from it.Shafts that carry gears and pulleys are bent as well as twisted, and the magniude of the bending stresses, which are tensile on the convex side of the bend and compressive on the concave side, will depend on the load, the distance between the bearings of the shaft cross section.The combination of bending and twisting produces a state of stress in the shaft that is more complex than the state of pure shears produced by torsion alone or the state of tension-compression produced by bending alone.To the designer of shaft it is important to know if the shaft is likely to fail because of an excessive normal stress. If a piece of chalk is twisted, it will invariably rupture on a plane at about 45 degrees to the axis. This is because the maximum tensile stresses act on this plane, and chalk is weak in tension. Steel shafting is usually designed so that the maximum shearing stress produced by bending and torsion is less than a specified maximum.Shafts with circular cross sections are easier to produce in the steel mill, easier to machine, andeasier to support in bearings than shafts with other cross section; there is seldom any need for using noncircular shapes. In addition, the strength and stiffness, both in bending and torsion, are more easily calculated for circular shafts. Lastly, for a given amount of materials the circular shafts has the smallest maximum shearing stress for a given torque, and the highest torsional rigidity.The shearing in a circular shaft is highest at the surface and drops off to zero at the axis. This means that most of the torque is carried by the material on and near the surface.Critical speeds. In the same way that a violin string vibrates when stroked with a bow, a cylindrical shaft suspended between two bearings has a natural frequency of lateral vibration. If the speed of revolution of the shaft coincides with the natural frequency, the shaft experience a whirling critical speed and become noisy. These speeds are more likely to occur with long, flexible shafts than with short, stiff ones. The natural frequency of a shaft can be raised by increasing its stiffness.If a slender rod is fixed to the ceiling ta one end and supports a heavy disk at the other end, the disk will oscillate back and forth around the rod axis like a torsion pendulum if given an initial twist and let go. The frequency of the oscillations will depend on the torsional stiffness of the rod and the weight of the disk; the stiffer the rod and the lighter the disk the higher the frequency. Similar torsional oscillations can occur in the crankshafts of reciprocating engines, particularly those with many crank throws and a heavy flywheel. Each crank throw and part of the associated connecting rod acts like a small flywheel, and for the crankshaft as a whole, there are a number of ways or modes in which there small flywheels can oscillate back and forth around the shaft axis in opposition to one another and to the main flywheel. For each of these modes there corresponds a natural frequency of oscillation.When the engine is operating the torques delivered to the crankshaft by the connecting rods fluctuate, and if the crankshaft speed is such that these fluctuating impulses are delivered at a speed corresponding to one of the natural torsional frequencies of the shaft, torsional oscillations will be superimposed on the rotary motion of the shafts. Such speed are known as torsional critical speeds, and they can cause shaft failures. A number of devices to control the oscillations of crankshafts have been invented.Flexible shafts. A flexible shaft consists of a number of superimposed tightly wound right-and left-hand layers of helically wound wires wrapped about a single center wire or mandrel. The shaft is connected to source of power and the driven member by special fittings attached to the end of theshaft. Flexible easings of metallic or nonmetallic materials, which guide and protect the shaft and retain the lubricant, are also available. Compared with solid shafts, flexible shafts can be bent to much smaller radii without being overstressed.For transmitting power around corners and for considerable distances flexible shafts are usually cheaper and more convenient than belts, chains, or gears. Most speedometers on automobiles are driven by flexible shafts running from the transmission to the dashboard. When a valve, a switch, or other control devices is in a hard-to-reach location, it can be operated by a flexible shaft from a more convenient position. For portable tools such as sanders, grinders, and drilling machines, flexible shafts are practically indispensable.KEY, SPLINES AND PINSKeys, splines, and pins. When power is being transmitted from a machine member such as a coupling, a gear, a flywheel, or a pulley to the shaft on which it is mounted, means must be provided for preventing relative motion between the shaft and the member. On helical and bevel gears, relative movement along the shaft caused by the thrust(axial) loads is prevented by a step in the shaft or by having the gear contact the bearing directly or through a tubular spacer. When axial loads are incidental and of small magnitude, the members are kept from sliding along the shaft by means of a set screw. The primary purpose of keys, splines, and pins is to prevent relative rotary movement.A commonly used type of key has a square cross section and is sunk half in the shaft and half in the hub of the other member. If the key is made of steel(which is commonly the case)of the same strength as the shaft and has a width and depth equal to one fourth of the shaft diameter(this proportion is closely approximated in practice) then it will have the same torque capacity as the solid shaft if its length is 1.57 times that of the shaft diameter. Another common type of key has a rectangular cross section with a depth to width ratio of 0.75. Both of these keys may either be straight or tapered in depth. The straight keys fit snugly on the sides of the key ways only, the tapered keys on all sides. Gib-head keys are tapered keys with a projection on one end to facilitate removal.Woodruff keys are widely used on machine tools and motor vehicles. The key is a segment of adisk and fits in a keyway in the shaft that is with a special milling cutter. Though the extra depth of these keys weakens the shaft considerably, it prevents any tendency of the key to rotate or move axially. Woodruff keys are particularly suitable for tapering shaft ends.Because they weaken the shafts less, keys with straight or tapered circular cross sections are sometimes used in place of square and rectangular keys, but the keyways, half in the shaft and half in the shaft and half in the hub, must be cut with a drill after assembly,and interchangeability of parts is practically impossible. When a large gear blank is made by shrinking a high-strength rim on a cheaper cast center, circular keys, snugly fitted, are frequently used to ensure a permanent connection.Splines are permanent keys integral with the shaft, fitting in keyways cut in the hub. The dimensions of splined fittings are standardized for both permanent (press) fits and sliding fits. The teeth have either straight or involute profiles;the latter are stronger, more easily measured, and have a self-centring action when twisted.Tapered circular pins can be used to restrain shaft-mounted members from both axial and rotary movement. The pin fits snugly in a reamed tapered hole that is perpendicular to the shaft surface. A number of straight pins that grip by deforming elastically or plastically when driven into straight holes are commercially available.All the keys and pins that have been described are standard driving devices. In some cases they inadequate, and unorthodox means must be employed. For driving small gear in which there is no room between the bore and the roots of the teeth for a longitudinal keyway, a transverse radial slot on the end of the gear can be made to fit a radial protuberance on the shaft. For transmitting moderate loads, a cheaper and effective connection can be made by forming a series of longitudinal serrations on the shaft with a knurling tool and pressing the shaft into the hole in the driven member, it will cut grooves in the hole and provide, in effect, a press-fitted splined connection. Press and shrink fits are also used, and they can provide surprisingly firm connections, but the dimensions of the connected member must be closely controlled.轴实心轴轴作为机械零件通常是一根圆柱形杆,用来支撑部件并随部件一起转动以接受和传递转动和扭矩。



精密机械加工工艺设计外文文献翻译In the process of machining。

the XXX cutting force。

centrifugal force。

inertia force。


In order to ensure that the workpiece XXX external forces。

XXX displacement。

XXX workpiece.XXX Clamping DeviceThere are many types of clamping devices。

but their XXX.1.Power DeviceThe source of clamping force XXX force。

The device that can generate force is called the power device of the XXX used power devices include pneumatic devices。

hydraulic devices。

electric devices。

ic devices。

gas-liquid linkage devices。


it does not have a power device.2.Clamping PartThe part that accepts and transfers the original force and transforms it into clamping force and performs XXX consists of the following mechanisms:1) Mechanisms that accept the original force。

such as handles。


and mechanisms used to connect the XXX.2) Intermediate force transfer mechanisms。

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ShaftSolid shafts. As a machine component a shaft is commonly a cylindrical bar that supports and rotates with devices for receiving and delivering rotary motion and torque .The crankshaft of a reciprocating engine receive its rotary motion from each of the cranks, via the pistons and connecting roads (the slider-crank mechanisms), and delivers it by means of couplings, gears, chains or belts to the transmission, camshaft, pumps, and other devices. The camshafts, driven by a gear or chain from the crankshaft, has only one receiver or input, but each cam on the shaft delivers rotary motion to the valve-actuating mechanisms.An axle is usually defined as a stationary cylindrical member on which wheels and pulleys can rotate, but the rotating shafts that drive the rear wheels of an automobile are also called axles, no doubt a carryover from horse-and-buggy days. It is common practice to speak short shafts on machines as spindles, especially tool-carrying or work-carrying shafts on machine tools.In the days when all machines in a shop were driven by one large electric motor or prime mover, it was necessary to have long line shafts running length of the shop and supplying power, by belt, to shorter couter shafts, jack shafts, or head shafts. These lineshafts were assembled form separate lengths of shafting clampled together by rigid couplings. Although it is usually more convenient to drive each machine with a separate electric motor, and the present-day trend is in this direction, there are still some oil engine receives its rotary motion from each of the cranks, via the pistons and connecting roads (the slider-crank mechanisms) , and delivers it by means of couplings, gears, chains or belts to the transmission, camshaft, pumps, and other devices. The camshafts, driven by a gear or chain from the crankshaft, has only one receiver or input, but each cam on the shaft delivers rotary motion to the valve-actuating mechanisms.An axle is usually defined as a stationary cylindrical member on which wheels and pulleys can rotate, but the rotating shafts that drive the rear wheels of an automobile are also called axles, no doubt a carryover from horse-and-buggy days. It is common practice to speak short shafts on machines as spindles, especially tool-carrying or work-carrying shafts on machine tools.In the days when all machines in a shop were driven by one large electric motor or prime mover, it was necessary to have long line shafts running length of the shop and supplying power, by belt, to shorter coutershafts, jackshafts, or headshafts. These line shafts were assembled form separatelengths of shafting clampled together by rigid couplings. Although it is usually more convenient to drive each machine with a separate electric motor, and the present-day trend is in this direction, there are still some situation in which a group drive is more economical.A single-throw crankshaft that could be used in a single-cylinder reciprocating engine or pump is shown in Figure 21. The journals A andB rotate in the main bearings,C is the crankpin that fits in a bearing on the end of the connecting rod and moves on a circle of radius R about the main bearings, whileD andE are the cheeks or webs.The throw R is one half the stroks of the piston, which is connected, by the wrist pin, to the other end of the connecting rod and guided so as to move on a straight path passing throw the axis XX. On a multiple-cylinder engine the crankshaft has multiple throws---eight for a straight eight and for a V-8---arranged in a suitable angular relationship.Stress and strains. In operation, shafts are subjected to a shearing stress, whose magnitude depends on the torque and the dimensions of the cross section. This stress is a measure of resistance that the shaft material offers to the applied torque. All shafts that transmit a torque are subjected to torsional shearing stresses.In addition to the shearing stresses, twisted shafts are also subjected to shearing distortions. The distorted state is usually defined by the angle of twist per unit length; i.e., the retation of one cross section of a shaft relative to another cross section at a unit distance from it.Shafts that carry gears and pulleys are bent as well as twisted, and the magniude of the bending stresses, which are tensile on the convex side of the bend and compressive on the concave side, will depend on the load, the distance between the bearings of the shaft cross section.The combination of bending and twisting produces a state of stress in the shaft that is more complex than the state of pure shears produced by torsion alone or the state of tension-compression produced by bending alone.To the designer of shaft it is important to know if the shaft is likely to fail because of an excessive normal stress. If a piece of chalk is twisted, it will invariably rupture on a plane at about 45 degrees to the axis. This is because the maximum tensile stresses act on this plane, and chalk is weak in tension. Steel shafting is usually designed so that the maximum shearing stress produced by bending and torsion is less than a specified maximum.Shafts with circular cross sections are easier to produce in the steel mill, easier to machine, andeasier to support in bearings than shafts with other cross section; there is seldom any need for using noncircular shapes. In addition, the strength and stiffness, both in bending and torsion, are more easily calculated for circular shafts. Lastly, for a given amount of materials the circular shafts has the smallest maximum shearing stress for a given torque, and the highest torsional rigidity.The shearing in a circular shaft is highest at the surface and drops off to zero at the axis. This means that most of the torque is carried by the material on and near the surface.Critical speeds. In the same way that a violin string vibrates when stroked with a bow, a cylindrical shaft suspended between two bearings has a natural frequency of lateral vibration. If the speed of revolution of the shaft coincides with the natural frequency, the shaft experience a whirling critical speed and become noisy. These speeds are more likely to occur with long, flexible shafts than with short, stiff ones. The natural frequency of a shaft can be raised by increasing its stiffness.If a slender rod is fixed to the ceiling ta one end and supports a heavy disk at the other end, the disk will oscillate back and forth around the rod axis like a torsion pendulum if given an initial twist and let go. The frequency of the oscillations will depend on the torsional stiffness of the rod and the weight of the disk; the stiffer the rod and the lighter the disk the higher the frequency. Similar torsional oscillations can occur in the crankshafts of reciprocating engines, particularly those with many crank throws and a heavy flywheel. Each crank throw and part of the associated connecting rod acts like a small flywheel, and for the crankshaft as a whole, there are a number of ways or modes in which there small flywheels can oscillate back and forth around the shaft axis in opposition to one another and to the main flywheel. For each of these modes there corresponds a natural frequency of oscillation.When the engine is operating the torques delivered to the crankshaft by the connecting rods fluctuate, and if the crankshaft speed is such that these fluctuating impulses are delivered at a speed corresponding to one of the natural torsional frequencies of the shaft, torsional oscillations will be superimposed on the rotary motion of the shafts. Such speed are known as torsional critical speeds, and they can cause shaft failures. A number of devices to control the oscillations of crankshafts have been invented.Flexible shafts. A flexible shaft consists of a number of superimposed tightly wound right-and left-hand layers of helically wound wires wrapped about a single center wire or mandrel. The shaft is connected to source of power and the driven member by special fittings attached to the end of theshaft. Flexible easings of metallic or nonmetallic materials, which guide and protect the shaft and retain the lubricant, are also available. Compared with solid shafts, flexible shafts can be bent to much smaller radii without being overstressed.For transmitting power around corners and for considerable distances flexible shafts are usually cheaper and more convenient than belts, chains, or gears. Most speedometers on automobiles are driven by flexible shafts running from the transmission to the dashboard. When a valve, a switch, or other control devices is in a hard-to-reach location, it can be operated by a flexible shaft from a more convenient position. For portable tools such as sanders, grinders, and drilling machines, flexible shafts are practically indispensable.KEY, SPLINES AND PINSKeys, splines, and pins. When power is being transmitted from a machine member such as a coupling, a gear, a flywheel, or a pulley to the shaft on which it is mounted, means must be provided for preventing relative motion between the shaft and the member. On helical and bevel gears, relative movement along the shaft caused by the thrust(axial) loads is prevented by a step in the shaft or by having the gear contact the bearing directly or through a tubular spacer. When axial loads are incidental and of small magnitude, the members are kept from sliding along the shaft by means of a set screw. The primary purpose of keys, splines, and pins is to prevent relative rotary movement.A commonly used type of key has a square cross section and is sunk half in the shaft and half in the hub of the other member. If the key is made of steel(which is commonly the case)of the same strength as the shaft and has a width and depth equal to one fourth of the shaft diameter(this proportion is closely approximated in practice) then it will have the same torque capacity as the solid shaft if its length is 1.57 times that of the shaft diameter. Another common type of key has a rectangular cross section with a depth to width ratio of 0.75. Both of these keys may either be straight or tapered in depth. The straight keys fit snugly on the sides of the key ways only, the tapered keys on all sides. Gib-head keys are tapered keys with a projection on one end to facilitate removal.Woodruff keys are widely used on machine tools and motor vehicles. The key is a segment of adisk and fits in a keyway in the shaft that is with a special milling cutter. Though the extra depth of these keys weakens the shaft considerably, it prevents any tendency of the key to rotate or move axially. Woodruff keys are particularly suitable for tapering shaft ends.Because they weaken the shafts less, keys with straight or tapered circular cross sections are sometimes used in place of square and rectangular keys, but the keyways, half in the shaft and half in the shaft and half in the hub, must be cut with a drill after assembly,and interchangeability of parts is practically impossible. When a large gear blank is made by shrinking a high-strength rim on a cheaper cast center, circular keys, snugly fitted, are frequently used to ensure a permanent connection.Splines are permanent keys integral with the shaft, fitting in keyways cut in the hub. The dimensions of splined fittings are standardized for both permanent (press) fits and sliding fits. The teeth have either straight or involute profiles;the latter are stronger, more easily measured, and have a self-centring action when twisted.Tapered circular pins can be used to restrain shaft-mounted members from both axial and rotary movement. The pin fits snugly in a reamed tapered hole that is perpendicular to the shaft surface. A number of straight pins that grip by deforming elastically or plastically when driven into straight holes are commercially available.All the keys and pins that have been described are standard driving devices. In some cases they inadequate, and unorthodox means must be employed. For driving small gear in which there is no room between the bore and the roots of the teeth for a longitudinal keyway, a transverse radial slot on the end of the gear can be made to fit a radial protuberance on the shaft. For transmitting moderate loads, a cheaper and effective connection can be made by forming a series of longitudinal serrations on the shaft with a knurling tool and pressing the shaft into the hole in the driven member, it will cut grooves in the hole and provide, in effect, a press-fitted splined connection. Press and shrink fits are also used, and they can provide surprisingly firm connections, but the dimensions of the connected member must be closely controlled.轴实心轴轴作为机械零件通常是一根圆柱形杆,用来支撑部件并随部件一起转动以接受和传递转动和扭矩。
