危急遮断系统( ETS )介绍1、系统概述:汽轮机危急遮断系统(ETS),根据汽轮机安全运行的要求,接受就地一次仪表或TSI二次仪表的停机信号,控制停机电磁阀,使汽轮机组紧急停机,保护汽轮机的安全。
ETS装置通过各传感器监测着汽轮机的运行情况(见图1、ETS系统图).具体监测的参数为:·汽机超速110%· EH油压低·润滑油压低·冷凝器真空度低·推力轴承磨损(轴向位移大)·由用户决定的遥控遮断信号ETS系统应用了双通道概念,允许重要信号进行在线试验,在线试验时仍具有保护功能。
2.1 危急遮断控制块危急遮断控制块当自动停机遮断电磁阀(20/AST)励磁关闭时,自动停机危急遮断总管中的油压就建立。
2.2 危急遮断试验块每个试验块组装件由一个钢制试验块、二个压力表、二个截止阀、二个电磁阀和三个针阀组成.每个组装件被布置成双通道.安装在前轴承座上的试验块组装件(该组装件一侧是从系统供油经节流孔流入,而另一侧与泄油或通风阀相连)与安装在附近的端子箱上的压力开关相连接。
危急遮断系统( ETS )介绍1、系统概述:汽轮机危急遮断系统(ETS),根据汽轮机安全运行的要求,接受就地一次仪表或TSI二次仪表的停机信号,控制停机电磁阀,使汽轮机组紧急停机,保护汽轮机的安全。
具体监测的参数为:·汽机超速110%· EH油压低·润滑油压低·冷凝器真空度低·推力轴承磨损(轴向位移大)·由用户决定的遥控遮断信号ETS系统应用了双通道概念,允许重要信号进行在线试验,在线试验时仍具有保护功能。
2.1 危急遮断控制块危急遮断控制块当自动停机遮断电磁阀(20/AST)励磁关闭时,自动停机危急遮断总管中的油压就建立。
2.2 危急遮断试验块每个试验块组装件由一个钢制试验块、二个压力表、二个截止阀、二个电磁阀和三个针阀组成。
(六)其他宝华功能 ETS系统还提供了遥控遮断汽轮机的接口,当 用遥控遮断汽轮机节点闭合时,继电器被短 接,引起电磁阀动作,使汽轮机遮断。 ETS系统还可以接收其他系统来的跳机信号, 例如,来自TSI系统的振动大保护、差胀大等 保护,来自锅炉的MFT信号,以及来自电气 系统、DEH系统的信号,这些信号由相应系统 检测后,其结果送ETS系统跳机。
汽轮机运行中发生真空下降,直接影响到机 组的经济性和安全性。 真空每下降1%,汽耗约增加1%~2%。热焓降 减少会增大级的反动度,使轴向推力增加, 推力轴承承受的负荷加大,严重时使推力瓦 块乌金熔化。
汽轮机真空下降,还会使排汽温度升高,造 成低压缸热膨胀变形和低压缸后面的轴承上 抬,破坏机组的中心而发生振动;也会使凝 汽器铜管的内应力增大,破坏凝汽器的严密 性;使低压段端部轴封的径向间隙发生变化, 造成摩擦损失。 基于上述原因,必须设置冷凝器真空低遮断 保护。当真空值低于允许的极限值时,保护 动作,实行紧急停机。不同机组真空低限值 也不同。
汽轮机是由高温高压的蒸汽驱动的旋转机械, 进、排汽参数的差异,必然产生巨大的轴向 推力。汽轮机推力增大,使推力轴承过负荷, 破坏油膜,推力瓦块与推力盘之间就会产生 干摩擦,造成乌金熔化。这时,汽轮机转子 沿轴向移动,转动部件与静止部件发生摩擦 甚至碰撞,造成机械事故。
轴向位移测量装置由测量盘和传感器组成。 测量盘装在推力轴承附近。传感器一般采用 涡流探头来测量轴向移动,四个探头分为两 组,分别检测正向位移和负向位移。探头输 出的电压与探头表面与转子推力盘的距离成 正比,该信号经前置变换后,进入TSI系统。 TSI系统判断该信号大小超过遮断整定值时, 发出开关量触点信号至ETS系统,由ETS遮断 汽轮机。
2 日。 7
经过一段时间运行后其径向间隙比设计值大得多 , 设 计 总 间 隙 是 00 .5—0 1r 但 实 际 测 量 是 .3 m, a
04 m左 右 , 然 泄 油 量 增 大 , 总 进 油 量 不 变 的 .r a 显 在 情 况下 实 际进 入油囊 的油量 当然不 足 。对 新安装 的 机 组 而言 , 这个解 释 可 以说 是 导 致危 急 遮 断器 喷 油
经过全 面检查 , 我们发现一部分喷 油管焊 口由 于焊接质量原 因使焊疤堵住 了管 口, 使油管通径减
小, 有某 些 部位 的通 径甚 至 只有 2 5 m左 右 。 为 .r a
2 ・ 5
20 年 第 9 08 期
《 州电力技 术》 贵
20 0 8年第 9期
《 州电力技 术》 贵
( 总第 1 1 ) 1期
15 3 MW 汽轮机调节保安 系统危急遮断器 喷油试验 系统改造
习水 发电厂
摘 要
 ̄ 66 o 54o ]
保持急遮断器性能 的正常是保证 汽轮机安全运行不 可或缺 的重 要环节 。与国 内许多 15 2 MW 汽轮机遇到
题 , 否有 足够 的油进 入 油囊 ; 是 二是 轴上 的进 油孔 密 封 环密 封性 能 是否 良好 , 是否 有过 多 的泄油 , 而导 从 致 实 际进入 油囊 的油 量不 足 。所 以必须 从这 两方 面
人 手 以解决 问题 。
公 司 生产 的超 高压 、 中间再 热 、 缸双 排汽 凝汽 式汽 双 轮机 , 型号 为 N 3 15—1.45 555型 , 32/ 3/3 由贵 州 电建
ETS系统使用说明书1 概述上海汽轮机有限公司(STC)生产的这套危急遮断系统(ETS),为大型汽轮发电机组的运行配备了安全可靠的保护装置,当存在某种可能导致机组受损害的危险情况时,ETS装置可使汽轮机自动遮断,保护机组的安全。
ETS装置通过各传感器监测着汽轮机的运行情况(见图1、ETS 系统图)。
在每个转速继电器中有二个转速设定点触发二个独立的继电器,并提供转速指示,S1为正常超速设定点,通常被设定为额定转速的110%(3300 R/MIN),S2定义提高的超速设定点,通常定义为额定转速的114%(3420 R/MIN)。
图9-1 自动停机跳闸系统汽轮机自动保护系统,是OPC保护、ETS和机械超速保护系统的总称,它的液压构件,称为保护系统的执行机构,用于关闭汽阀并防止超速或遮断汽轮机。
135MW凝汽式汽轮机调节保安系统说明书制造单号:H151-11 液压系统1.1 概述1.2 滤油器1.3 蓄能器1.4 电液转换器2 保安系统3 汽轮机监测仪表系统4 保安部套说明4.1 启动阀4.2 启动器4.3 危急遮断器4.4 危急遮断油门4.5 危急遮断试验油门 4.6 超速指示器4.7 危急遮断装置4.8 喷油试验装置4.9 综合安全装置4.10 空气引导阀1 液压系统1.1 概述本机组的液压系统采用低压透平油系统,系统压力由汽轮机主轴带动的主油泵提供,压力为1.2MPa。
·滤油器·蓄能器·电液转换器·油动机1.2 滤油器滤油器的作用是将供油系统来的高压油进行过滤后,供给电液转换器,综合安全装置等用。
1.3 蓄能器液压控制系统共安装有两只蓄能器,两只蓄能器均为气—液式蓄能器,安装在汽轮机两侧的高压油管路上,用来维持液压控制系统的油压,以防止发生振动。
汽轮机危急遮断控制系统技术协议书成都松源测控技术有限公司xxxx年xx月xx日目录1.总则 (1)1.1.总的说明 (1)1.2.供方的工作范围 (1)1.3.需方的工作范围 (2)2.规范和标准 (2)2.1.引用的规范和标准 (2)3.技术说明 (3)3.1.总则 (3)3.2.汽轮机保护功能 (3)3.3.硬件说明 (4)3.4.软件说明 (12)3.5.人机接口操作系统 (15)3.6.供货范围(一台机): (16)4.备品备件和专用工具 (16)4.1.备品备件 (16)4.2.专用工具 (17)5.工作安排 (17)6.工程服务 (17)6.1.项目管理 (17)6.2.工程设计 (17)6.3.现场服务 (18)7.试验、验收和演示 (18)7.1.总则 (18)7.2.工厂验收试验和要求 (18)8.保证期 (19)8.1.总则 (19)8.2.包装、运输、标志和贮存 (19)8.3.标志和贮存 (20)9.技术资料 (20)9.1.总则 (20)9.2.硬件资料 (21)9.3.软件资料 (21)9.4.用户手册 (22)9.5.控制逻辑文件 (22)9.6.I/O清单 (22)9.7.技术图纸 (22)10.培训 (23)10.1.总则 (23)10.2.培训内容 (23)10.3.现场培训 (23)需方:供方:供需双方就[请填写]电厂[请填写]机组“ETS装置”项目的技术细节和供货范围等事宜进行了深入、细致的磋商,并达成如下技术协议。
21 0 2年 1 0月
大 众 科 技
P p lrS in e& Te hn lg o ua ce c c oo y
Vo . 4 No. O L1 1
Oco e 2 tb r 01 2
1 W机 组 汽轮 机 危 急遮 断 压 下 降 障 5 3M 油 故 分 析 与处 理
A T O C A P油压分别为 9 8 1\ 。到 1 :0分再检查发现 S \P \S .1o5 53 A T O C A P油压分别下降到 9 5 9 5 \ . ,有下 降趋势 。 S \P \S . \ . . 49 联系运行把调 门全开 A T O C A P油压分别为 1. \ 5 7 8 S\P\S 4 81\. 。
主 汽 门 \调 门 全 开 A T O C A P 油 压 分 别 为 S XP \S
1. \4 9 7 8 4 8 1 . \ . ,母管压力为 1 ,油温为 4 。联系运行 ,打 5 9 开 O C 电磁 阀 ,O C 系统动 作,A T O C A P 油压 分别为 P P S \P \S 57028 . \ \ . ,另外两个中压主汽 门下降约 1% 右。 0左
管 子 应 该 有 点 热 ,确 认 无内漏 。 ( )危 急控 制块上四个 A T电磁 阀其 中两个出现泄漏 。 2 S
动作 A #1高
l . 01
l Ol
41 .
44 .
动作 B #2 高
手轮 坏.无法动作
恢复 A #1高
恢复 B #2 高
t r i e u bn. K y o d : S e m t r i e:A T: O C:S o o n: T s ewr s ta u b n S P lw dw e t:T e t e t r a m n
PLC处理器 输入模块 输出模块 PLC电源 TSX P57103M TSX DEY 16D2 TSX DEY 16T2 TSX PSY2600
编写PLC程序 现以我厂1#ETS为例,编写程序流程如下: 我厂1#ETS装置内每一机有PLC电源TSX PSY2600 一块;PLC处理器TSX P57103M一块;PLC输入模 块TSX DEY 16D2四块;PLC输出模块TSX DSY 16T2四块。其输入、输出模块都为16位,双机分为 A机和B机。A机、B机模块分布图和程序完全一致。 其单机PLC模块分布见图九。 (一)PLC硬件组态大致分为以下步骤: 选择PLC处理器类型及存储卡,见图二。 选择PLC框架类型,见图五。 选择PLC输入模块类型,见图六。 选择PLC输出模块类型,见图八。 进入PLC梯形图编辑画面编程,见图十一。
停机项A A PLCA正常 OR 停机项B B PLCB正常 双机工作原理图 停机B 停机 停机A
3 、该ETS装置设有双路电源切换回路,在某一电源出现 故障时,自动切换到另一电源回路中继续工作,如果主 副电源同时故障主、副电源指示 灯亮,电压表示正常。 停机项:当有下列任一情况,PLC将送出停机 信号,汽机将打闸停机 a) 汽机超速停机 b) 发电机跳闸(逆功率保护) c) 轴向位移停机 d) EH油压过低停机 e) 背压停机 f) 润滑油压过低停机 g) 手动停机 h) DEH故障 j) 轴振大 i) 轴瓦温度高 g)回油温度高 k) 高压缸排汽温度高 l)胀差超限停机 m)非电量保护(备用1) 备用(2--6)
点击OK后,同理将2 点击OK后,同理将2、3槽位选择为与1槽位相同的模块 槽位选择为与1
右键点击第4槽位,选择Add Module,确定输出模块类型 右键点击第4槽位,选择Add Module,确定输出模块类型
摘 要: 介 绍了 1 3 5 Mw 机 组 危 急 保 安 系 统 中危 急 遮 断 器 的 配 置 , 以及 危 急 保 安 系 统 中 各 部 件 的 作 用 。
结 合 目前 电厂 运 行 中 喷 油 试 验 所 遇 到 的 问题 , 论 述 了 危 急 遮 断 器 的优 化 。试 验 结 果 表 明 : 危 急 遮 断 器 的 优 化 达 到 了 比较 理 想 的效 果 , 并 使 系 统 可 以得 到 简 化 。 关键词 : 汽轮机 ; 超 速 保 护 ;危 急 遮 断 器 ;喷 油 试 验
第 2 7卷 第 4期
2Hale Waihona Puke 0 1 3年 7月 发 电 没 备
Vo 1 . 2 7,No . 4
J u 1 .2 0 1 3
1 3 5 MW 机 组 机 械 危 急 遮 断 器 的 优 化
王 永 玲 ,周 文 龙 ,蒋 育 平
( 上 海 电气 电站 设备 有 限公 司 上 海 汽轮机 厂 , 上海 2 O O 2 4 0 )
Ab s t r a c t :An i nt r o du ct i on i s b e i ng pr e s e nt ed t o t he c onf i g ur a t i on of e me r g e nc y g ov er no r i n pr ot e c t i on
坏, 甚至报废 , 是 汽轮 发 电机组 设 备破 坏 性 最大 的 事故 , 为 此 所 有 的 汽 轮 机 均 设 置 了 超 速 保 护 装 置口 ] 。机械危急遮 断 装置 作 为 防止 汽轮 机超 速 的 最重要 也是最后一 道保护 , 在上海 电气 电站设备有 限公 司上海 汽轮 机厂 ( 简 称上 汽 ) 制造的 1 3 5 Mw 机组上一直 沿用 。在《 防止 电力生 产重大 事故 的二 十五项重点要 求 》 _ l 2 里 要求 “ 各 种 超速 保 护均 应正 常投入运行 , 超速 保 护不 能可 靠 动作 时 , 禁止 机组 启动 和运 行 。 ” 喷 油试 验是 保证 危 急 遮断 器 不发 生 卡涩拒动 的重要试 验 。笔者 就上 汽 1 3 5 Mw 机 组
如果一个电源出故障,ETS 仍然具有保护作用,机组仍可继续运行。
资料编号:71.298-7ND(Z)84/79/07-1型13.5MW驱动给水泵用变转速凝汽式汽轮机调节保安系统说明书制造单号:298-1中华人民共和国上海汽轮机有限公司发布资料编号:71.298-7COMPILING DEPT.:编制部门:COMPILED BY:编制:CHECKED BY:校对:REVIEWED BY:审核:APPROVED BY:审定:STANDARDIZED BY:标准化审查:COUNTERSIGN:会签:RATIFIED BY:批准:资料编号:71.298-7目次一BFPT控制及保安系统概述1 MEH的控制方式2 保安系统综述3 危急遮断器的试验4 低真空及低润滑油压保护讯号5 ETS控制柜功能6 保安系统的供油二主要部套的说明1 危急遮断及复位装置(258.31.53)2 危急遮断器(258.31.01)3 电磁阀盒(298.31.56G01)4 蓄能器组件(D268.73.08G02)5 低压主汽门油动机(258.33.42/II)6 高压主汽门油动机(258.33.42/I)7 油动机(258.33.01)8 调节汽阀油动机(B152.33.01(2))附:控制整定值一 BFPT控制及保安系统概述拖动超临界中间再热600MW(660MW)汽轮发电机组锅炉给水泵的原动机是一台变转速变参数带高排汽内切换的汽轮机(BFPT)。
一台主机配有两台容量为50%的由BFPT 驱动的给水泵。
汽轮机说明书英文版The English version of the steam turbine manualprovides comprehensive information about the operation, maintenance, and specifications of a steam turbine. It covers various aspects of the turbine, including its design, components, installation, start-up procedures, operating parameters, troubleshooting, and safety guidelines.The manual typically begins with an introduction to steam turbines, explaining the basic principles of their operation and the different types of turbines available. It then delves into the specific design features of the particular steam turbine model, discussing the layout, dimensions, and materials used in its construction.The manual also provides detailed instructions on the installation process, including the necessary foundation requirements, alignment procedures, and connection of auxiliary systems such as the condenser, generator, and control systems. It may include diagrams and illustrationsto aid in the understanding of the installation steps.Once the turbine is installed, the manual guides the user through the start-up procedures, including pre-start checks, warming up the turbine, and synchronizing it with the electrical grid. It explains the various control systems and instruments used to monitor and regulate the turbine's performance during operation.In addition to the operational aspects, the manual also covers maintenance procedures and schedules. It provides guidance on routine maintenance tasks such as lubrication, inspection, and cleaning, as well as more complex maintenance activities like blade replacement or overhaul. It may include a troubleshooting section that helpsidentify and resolve common issues that may arise during the turbine's operation.Safety is a critical aspect of operating a steam turbine, and the manual dedicates a section to safety guidelines and precautions. It covers topics such as personal protective equipment, emergency shutdownprocedures, and handling of hazardous materials.Overall, the English version of the steam turbine manual serves as a comprehensive guide for understanding and operating a steam turbine. It provides detailed information from various perspectives, ensuring that users have a complete understanding of the turbine's operation, maintenance, and safety considerations.。
汽轮机英文版说明书Steam Turbine User Manual1. IntroductionThe purpose of this user manual is to provide detailed instructions on the operation, maintenance, and safety precautions for the steam turbine. It is essential to follow these instructions accurately to ensure the efficient and safe operation of the equipment.2. Equipment OverviewThe steam turbine is a mechanical device that converts thermal energy from pressurized steam into mechanical work. It consists of several components, including the inlet section, rotor, stator, and exhaust section. Each component plays a vital role in the overall functioning of the turbine.3. Installation3.1 FoundationThe turbine must be installed on a sturdy and well-leveled foundation to ensure proper alignment and minimize vibrations. Follow the manufacturer's guidelines for foundation specifications and dimensions.3.2 Piping and ConnectionsCorrectly connect the steam inlet and exhaust piping to the turbine according to the provided diagrams. Pay attention to the alignment, sizing, and insulation of the pipes to prevent heat losses and leakage.3.3 Auxiliary SystemsEnsure all necessary auxiliary systems, such as the lubrication system, control system, and cooling water system, are properly installed and connected before commissioning the turbine.4. Operation4.1 Pre-Start PreparationsBefore starting the steam turbine, conduct a thorough inspection of the equipment, including the lubrication system, safety devices, and control mechanisms. Ensure all parameters are within the recommended ranges.4.2 Starting the TurbineFollow the startup procedure outlined in the manual, starting from the preconditioning phase, gradually introducing steam into the turbine. Pay attention to temperature and pressure limits during the startup process.4.3 Normal OperationDuring normal operation, regularly monitor and record the performance parameters, such as steam pressure, temperature, and vibration levels. Utilize the provided control system to adjust the turbine's output as required.4.4 Shutdown ProcedureWhen shutting down the turbine, follow the recommended procedure to ensure a safe and controlled process. Properly cool down the equipment and close all valves before securing the turbine.5. Maintenance5.1 Regular InspectionsConduct regular inspections of the steam turbine to identify any signs of wear, leaks, or abnormal vibrations. Pay attention to the rotor blades, seals, and bearings. Schedule maintenance based on the manufacturer's recommendations.5.2 LubricationEnsure the lubrication system is functioning correctly and use the recommended lubricants. Regularly check oil levels, pressure, and quality to extend the lifespan of the turbine components.5.3 CleaningPeriodically clean the turbine components to remove any deposits or contaminants. Follow the manufacturer's instructions and use appropriate cleaning agents to avoid damage to the equipment.6. Safety Precautions6.1 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)Always wear the necessary PPE, such as gloves, safety glasses, and protective clothing, when conducting maintenance or repairs on the turbine.6.2 Lockout/TagoutImplement lockout/tagout procedures to isolate the turbine from energy sources before conducting any maintenance work. This ensures the safety of personnel and prevents accidental startup.6.3 Emergency ShutdownFamiliarize yourself with the emergency shutdown procedures and ensure all personnel involved are aware of their roles in the event of an emergency. Regularly perform drills to maintain preparedness.7. TroubleshootingIn case of any issues or malfunctions, refer to the troubleshooting section of the manual for possible causes and solutions. If the problem persists, contact the manufacturer or authorized service personnel for assistance.8. ConclusionThis user manual provides comprehensive guidance for the installation, operation, and maintenance of the steam turbine. Following these instructions will help optimize performance, ensure operational safety, and prolong the lifespan of the equipment.。
实验前 后对照
方式一:不升速式 a.机组未并网时将转速降至3000转以下, 左右; b.实验手柄打到实验位,打开注油阀注 油检查遮断显示遮断; c.复位后遮断消失; d.关上注油阀,手轮打到正常位。
• 方式二:升速式
• a.机组未并网前将转速降至 3000转以下,2850转左右;
!(思考)除了 机械超速保护, 还能实现什么保 护?
手动遮断机构是供危急情况下,就地操作使用的。 当手动遮断时,用手将手动遮断与复位杠杆从 “正常”位置推到“遮断”位置,导致危急遮断 滑阀向右移动 ,泄油,停机。
• 手动遮断系统用于机械超速遮断保护拒动 的情况,这种泄去隔膜阀的控制油压的方 式都不受电信号(ETS停机信号)的影响而 能直接遮断汽机 。
• 隔膜阀的作用: • 该阀装在前轴承箱的侧面,
其作用是机械超速系统动 作、润滑油压下降时,泄 去危急遮断油总管上的安 全油,遮断汽轮机。
当汽轮机正常运行时,脱扣油通入阀 盖内隔膜阀的上部腔室中,其作用力 大于弹簧约束力,隔膜阀处于关闭位 置,切断危急遮断油总管通向回油的 通道,使调节系统能正常工作。当机 械超速机构或手动遮断杠杆分别动作 或同时动作时,通过危急遮断滑阀泄 油,可使该范围内的润滑油压局部下 降或消失,压弹簧打开隔膜闪,泄去 危急遮断总管上的安全油,通过快速 卸载阀,快速关闭所有的进汽阀和抽 汽阀,实行紧急停机。
在DEH系统中,对转速的保护是多重的。机 械超速遮断系统是1个独立的系统。 当汽轮机转速达到110%额定转速时,危急保 安器动作,通过隔膜阀卸去AST油,关闭高 中压主汽门和高中压调门,实现停机。
二只电磁阀(20/OPC)OPC电磁阀是超速保护控制电磁阀,它们是受DEH控制器的OPC 部分所控制,正常运行时,该二个电磁阀是不带电常闭的,封闭了OPC总管油液的泄放通道,使调节汽阀和再热调节汽阀的执行机构活塞下腔能够建立起油压,一旦OPC控制板动作,例如转速达103%额定转速时,该二个电磁阀就被励励磁(通电)打开,使OPC母管油液泄放。
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资料编号:71.D151.35-08E03135MW TURBINEEMERGENCY TRIP SYSTEMSPECIFICATION135MW汽轮机组危急遮断系统说明书发布实施中华人民共和国上海汽轮机有限公司发布此资料系上海汽轮机有限公司专有资料,属本公司产权所有。
未经本公司书面同意,不准擅自资料编号:71.D151.35-08E03COMPILING DEPT.:编制部门:自控中心COMPILED BY:编制:陈建2005.5CHECKED BY:校对:王正明2005.5REVIEWED BY:审核:王正明2005.5APPROVED BY:审定:杨炯2005.5STANDARDIZED BY:标准化审查:COUNTERSIGN:会签:RATIFIED BY:批准:资料编号:71.D151.35-08E03共 1 页 第 1 页目 次1. GENERAL ............... . (1)2. EMERGENCY TRIP CONTROL BLOCK (1)3. TEST BLOCK (2)4. THRUST BEARING TRIP DEVICE (3)5. ELECTROLCAL OVERSPEED TRIP DEVICE ...............4 6. PRINCIPLE OF CONTROL LOGIC ...... . (4)6.1 TRIP LOGIC (4)6.2 TRIP CONTROL LOGIC (5)7. INTRODUCE OF ETS CABINET AND PANEL (6)7.1 POWER SUPPLY (6)7.2 PLC USING ANNOTATES (6)7.3 OPERATOR PANEL (7)8. TESTING (10)8.1 LOW BEARING OIL TEST (10)8.2 ELECTRICAL OVERSPEED TEST (11)8.3 MECHANICAL OVERSPEED TEST (11)9. NOTE. (12)1.GENERALThe emergency trip system monitors certain turbine parameters and closes all turbine steam inlet valves when the operating limits of these parameters are exceeded. The parameters monitored as follows:●Turbine over-speed●Low bearing oil pressure●Low condenser vacuum●Low EH fluid pressure●Thrust bearing wear●Vibration bearing●Differential expansion●Remote trips which accept additional external trip are also providedThe system utilizes a two-channel concept that permits on-line testing with continuous protection afforded during the test sequence.As illustrated in Figure 1, the system consists of an emergency trip control block with trip solenoid valves and status pressure switches, three test trip blocks with pressure switches and test solenoid valves, some of pickups of the turbine supervisory instrument (TSI), for example rotor position pickups etc., three speed pickups, a cabinet containing electrical and electronic hardware and a remotely mounted status and test panel.The sensing devices at the turbine transmit electrical signals to the trip cabinet where control logic in the programming logical controller determines when to trip the auto stop emergency trip header.2.EMERGENCY TRIP CONTROL BLOCKRefer to Figure 2 for a schematic of this block. The auto stop emergency trip header pressure is established when the auto stop trip solenoid valves (20/AST) are energized closed. The valves are arranged in two channels for testingpurposes. The odd numbered pair corresponds to channel 1 and the even numbered pair corresponds to channel 2. This convention is carried throughout the emergency trip system in designating all devices; e.g., channel 1 devices are odd-numbered, and channel 2 devices are even-numbered. Both valves in a channel will open to trip that channel. It can be seen from Figure 2 that both channels must trip before the auto stop trip header pressure collapses to close the turbine steam inlet valves. On-line testing can be accomplished by “tripping” one channel at a time.The 20/AST solenoid valves are externally piloted two-stage valves. Safe Fluid pressure is applied to the pilot piston to close the main valve. A 63/ASP pressure switch monitors the pressure of each channel. The pressure switch is used to determine the tripped or latched status of each channel and as an interlock to prevent testing one channel when the other channel is being tested.3.TEST BLOCKSThe test blocks for bearing oil pressure. EH Fluid Pressure and condenser vacuum are illustrated schematically in Figure 3.Each test block assembly consists of a steel test block, two pressure gauges, two shutoff valves, two solenoid valves, and three needle valves; each assembly is arranged into two channels. The assemblies, mounted on the governor pedestal, are connected to pressure switches mounted in a nearby terminal box. An orifice is provided in each channel so that the measured parameter is not affected during testing. An isolation valve on the supply side allows the test block assembly to be serviced without contaminating the rest of the system. Certain drilled passages are permanently plugged with pipe plugs in the bearing oil and condenser vacuum blocks; and with a straight threaded plug and O-ring in the EH fluid block. These plugs are permanent and should not be removed at any time. In order to replace any component on the block other thana pressure gauge, it will be necessary to first close the isolation valve and then bleed the medium from the block by opening the manual test valves. During replacement ensure that the appropriate cleaning, flushing fluid care and handing procedures, etc. are followed. The pressure switches and pressure gauges can be isolated from the system by closing the appropriate shutoff valves. These valves should not be closed until after the medium in the block has been relieved. Ensure that all shutoff valves are reopened prior to latching the auto stop.If the medium (pressure or vacuum) reaches a trip level, then the pressure switches would function and cause the auto-stop emergency trip header to trip. When testing, the medium is reduced to the trip level in that channel either locally through the hand test valves or remotely from the trip test panel via the test solenoid valves.4.THRUST BEARING TRIP DEVICEPosition pickups, which are part of the turbine supervisory instrument package, monitor movement of a disc mounted on the rotor near the thrust-bearing collar. Any axial movement of this collar will also be reflected in movement of the disc. Excessive movement of the disc is an indication of thrust bearing wear. Should excessive movement occur, relay contacts from the supervisory instrument modules close to effect a turbine trip.The pickups of another of TSI package, for example vibration bearing, differential expansion, etc., are similar with THRUST BEARING TRIP DEVICE. Their working principle is similar with it, too.5.ELECTRICAL OVERSPEED TRIP DEVICEThe electrical over-speed trip utilizes two out of three voting concept. It consists of three magnetic pickups mounted at the turning gear and three speedrelays mounted in the trip system cabinet. The output frequency of the pickup is proportional to the shaft speed. If the shaft speed exceeds the trip set point (110% speed), these contacts OST1, OST2, OS3 are closed. Contacts from this relay cause both auto stop channels to trip.6.PRINCIPLE OF CONTROL LOGIC6.1 Trip LogicReferring to Figure 5 and Emergency Trip System Schematic, solenoid valves 20-1/AST and 20-3/AST (channel 1) are kept energized by normally open contacts from trip relays 1A and 1B. Likewise 20-2/AST and 20-4/AST are kept energized by contacts from trip relays 2A and 2B (channel 2). The trip relays are energized as long as all of the contacts from the trip control relays (LP1, LBO1, LV1 etc.) are closed. There is one trip control relay contact for each trip function in each trip channel. If any turbine trip function reaches a trip level, the appropriate trip control relay contact(s) will drop out causing the trip relays to drop out de-energizing the 20/AST solenoid valves, thereby decaying the auto stop trip header pressure. When the trip condition clears, depressing the RESET TEST TRIPS push button on the emergency trip test panel can only energize the trip relays.6.2 Trip Control Logic6.2.1 Low Bearing Oil, Low Vacuum and Low EH Fluid PressureFigure 4 shows a simplified schematic diagram of the low bearing oil trip control relay logic. The contacts of pressure switches 63-1/LBO and 63-3/LBO (associated with channel 1) are closed during normal operation of turbine generator. Therefore, interposing relays 1X/LBO and 3X/LBO are normally energized. Relay contacts 1X/LBO and 3X/LBO in series with trip control relay LBO-1, are closed during normal operation, thereby energizing relay LBO-1,Channel 2 has identical components. LBO-2 is the trip control relay for channel 2.One side of the coils of relays LBO-1 and LBO-2 are interconnected through contacts of selector switches LBO1T and LBO2T. Contacts LBO1T and LBO2T are closed during normal operation. Therefore, the coils of relays LBO-1 and LBO-2 are in parallel. Relays LBO-1 and LBO-2 will be de-energized (causing a trip of auto stop channels 1 and 2) if at least one pressure switch contact in each channel opens, signifying low bearing oil pressure.Selector switch contact LBO1T is open only when the channel 1 low bearing oil pressure function is being tested. Opening contact LBO1T allows relay LBO-1 to be de-energized during test without de-energizing relay LBO-2.Similarly, selector switch contact LBO2T is open when the channel 2 low bearing oil pressure function is being tested.In the event that an actual low bearing oil pressure condition occurs, it will be sensed by all four pressure switches and both trip control relays LBO-1 and LBO-2 will be de-energized even though a test of one channel may be in progress.The trip control relay logic for low vacuum and low EH fluid pressure is identical to that for low bearing oil pressure.6.2.2 TRIPS FROM TSIThe function of contact from the TSI close upon excessive thrust bearing wears. This short out causes the AST solenoid valves to trip.6.2.3 PURCHASER‟S REMOTE TURBING TRIPThe function of contacts from the purchaser‟s remote turbine trip, such as the tripping signal of the generator fault, the stopping signal from MFT. Theseshort circuits cause the AST solenoid valves to trip.7. INTRODUCE OF ETS CABINET AND PANEL7.1 POWER SUPPLYTwo 220V AC power supplies come from the external, combined to from a signal 220V AC bus which supplies power to the RESET valve, the SV(R, L) and TV(R, L) TEST of DEH.One 220VdC power supplies come from the external, supplies power to the OPC solenoid valves (110VDC) , the electrical circuit include resistance to participate the voltage 110VDC.The 110V AC#1 power supply is changed separately through the transformer 220V AC#1 power supply, supply power of the first channel‟s valves, for example 20-1/AST and 20-3/AST; The 110V AC#2 power supply is similar, which is changed separately through the transformer 220V AC#2 power supply, supply power of the second channel‟s valves, such as 20-2/AST and 20-4/AST. Two 220V AC power supplies change a serial of 24 VDC bus through the blocks of switch-power, offer the power supply 24VDC of the PLC‟ s CPU, I/O modules and the speed box.7.2 PLC USING ANNOTATEThe whole control logic is in the PLC‟ s CPU, it is important to observe the PLC …s indicating states. When the hot standby PLC (M0, B0) are work on, the “RUN” lamp on the front panels of the PLC …s CPU are on, it is yellow.When the PLC (M0) is communication with the operator panel, the “MODBUS” and “MODBUS+” lamps on the front panels of the PLC (M0)…s CPU are on, they are flash.When the PLC (M0) is main state, the state lamp on the front panels of the module CHS of PLC (M0) is indicate “Primary”, the state lamp on the frontpanels of the module CHS of PLC (B0) is indicate “Standby”; Otherwise, the PLC (B0) is “Primary”, the PLC (M0) is “standby”.When the HOT STANDBY PLC backup batteries‟electromotive force is low, the “BAT LOW” light is on (red); the backup batteries need to be changed out. Don‟t close the switch which PLC responded power supply 220V AC When the condition is meet.Backup battery Type: 990XCP98000Used life: 10 years (account the period from the first used time)Used life: 450 days (progression out of power supply)Advice the user to pay attention to the indicating condition of “BAT LOW”lights, and used life of the backup battery, change out the old battery in time. Refer to MODICAN Quantum Hot Standby 840 USE 106 007.3 OPERATOR PANELThe operation of ETS‟ tripping functions and the condition of its components can be rapidly and systematically tested and verified from the operator panel. Short circuit or cut the contacts in the terminals U1 and U3 view the condition about the correspondence indicating lamps on the panel.7.3.1 POWER SUPPLYFirst of all, join two sources of power supply (220V AC, 8A) to the terminal U0 of the casket inside the ETS cabinet1)Close switch K1, join the first source of power supply (220V AC#1,8A),Quantum Hot Standby PLC‟s CPU (M0) is working; Close switch KF1, mearsure the voltage of power supply 110V AC between U7-2 and U7-3;otherwise, measure the voltage of power supply 0V AC between U7-2 and U7-3.2)Close switch K3, join the second source of power supply (220V AC#2,8A),Quantum Hot Standby PLC‟s CPU (B0) is working; Close switch KF1,mearsure the voltage of power supply 110V AC between U7-5 and U7-6;otherwise, measure the voltage of power supply 0V AC between U7-5and U7-6.3)Close switch KFN, start the fan; otherwise, stop the fan.4)Close switch K2, join the voltage of power supply 220V AC#1 to PS1 andPS3; Otherwise, PS1 and PS3 lose the power supply.5)Close switch K4, join the voltage of power supply 220V AC#2 to PS2 andPS4; Otherwise, PS2 and PS4 lose the power supply.6)Close switch K2 (or K4) and KF2, join the voltage of power supply24VDC to I/O POWER (Input signals). Otherwise, I/O POWER loses the power supply.7)Close switch K2 (or K4) and KF4, join the voltage of power supply 24VDCto BACK. Otherwise, BACK lose the power supply.8)Close switch K2 (or K4) and KF6, join the voltage of power supply 24VDCto operator panel. Otherwise, the panel loses the power supply.9)Close switch K2 (or K4) and KF8, join the voltage of power supply 24VDCto speed box. Otherwise, the speed box loses the power supply.7.3.2 MONITER FUNCTIONS1) LP (Low EH Fluid Pressure)Each of the 4 (1,2,3,4) monitor lamps is associated with a pressure switch where each number corresponds to the suffix number of the pressure switch designation (63-1/LP-lamp #1 etc.). When a lamp illuminates, it indicates that an associated switch is sensing at a pressure below the trip set point. This will occur during a trip, a test or upon failure of the switch.2) LBO (Low Bearing Oil Pressure)These monitor lamps function the same as the LP lamp except for the medium being monitored.3) LV (Low Condenser Vacuum)These monitor lamps function the same as the LP lamp except for the medium being monitored.4) Test and 63/ASP INDICATECH.1 TRIP and CH.2 TRIP lamps illuminate whenever Auto Stop Pilot Header pressure (63/ASP) is out of normal rang. When they are testing, the lamps illuminate the associated channel is in the test mode. They are controlled by contacts from pressure switches (63-1, 2/ASP). These lamps condition are as follows:TEST CH.1 TEST CH.2 CH.1TRIP CH.2 TRIP NORMAL OFF OFF OFF OFF TEST OF CHANNEL 1 ON OFF OFF OFF TEST TRIP OF CHANNEL 1 ON OFF TEST OF CHANNEL 2 OFF ON OFF OFF TEST TRIP OF CHANNEL 2 OFF ONTRIP OF BOTH CHANNELS OFF ON5) FIRST TRIP MEMORYWhen the system is latch through press a time the button “LATCH” on the desk or the buttons “TEST” + “TEST RESET” on the operator panel, “FIRST TRIP MEMERY” indicating of the cause about previous unit tripped erase. “MEM ALM” lamp is the indicating of the first trip memory.8. TESTING FUNCTIONSAll trip functions (LBO, LV, LP, OS, etc.) should be tested monthly and prior to each startup. Testing can be accomplished when on line. First channel 1 trip functions should be tested in sequence. Following which, Channel 2 trip functions should be tested. The testing sequence is as follows:At first, the situation of the emergency trip system is normal. The whole oil system is latch.8.1 LOW BEARING OIL TEST1) Press a time the buttons ”TEST”, ”CH. 1”and”LBO”, observe the lamps are on.2) Press a time the buttons ”ACTIVE”, observe the lamps is on, confirm the voltage is 220V AC between U2-36 and U2-31.The solenoid of Low bearing Oil Test (20-1/LBOT) is magnetized.3) The relative lamps are on when two bearing Oil pressure switches (63-1/LBO, 63-3/LBO) are off. The bearing Oil pressure in the first channel is vanished, The Low Trip solenoids (20-1/AST, 20-3/AST) are not magnetized, and the lamp “CH.1 TRIP” is on. After a few seconds, the voltage is vanished between U2-36 and U2-31. The solenoid of Low Bearing Oil Test (20-1/LBOT) isn‟t magnetized.4) Then the LBO pressure contacts are turn on. The relative lamps are off. Press a time the button “TEST ESC”, then press a time the button “TEST RESET”, and observe the indicating of the lamp “CH.1 TRIP”.When the lamp is off, measure the voltage 220V AC between U2-36and U2-34 (U2-35). The trip solenoids (20-1/AST, 20-3/AST) are magnetized, the test of CH.1 of LBO is finished.The test of CH.2 of LBO is similar with above sequence.Test of low EH oil pressure and low vacuum is similar with the test of low bearing oil pressure.8.2 ELECTRICAL OVER-SPEED TESTFirst, the system is reset. Speed –testing value is set above 3300RPM.1)Press a time the button “TEST” AND “SPEED 1”;2)Press a time the button “ACTIVE”, observe the lamp “OVER-SPEED 1”.3)The lamps “OVER-SPEED1” and “CH.1 TRIP” are on. The trip solenoids (20-1/AST, 20-3/AST) are not magnetized.4)After a few seconds, the lamp “OVER-SPEED 1” is off. Press a time the button “TEST ESC”, then press a time the button “TEST RESET”, and observe the indicating of the lamp “CH.1 TRIP”. Measure the voltage 220V AC between U2-36and U2-34 (U2-35). The trip solenoids (20-1/AST, 20-3/AST) are magnetized; the over-speed 1 test is finished.Over-speed 2 and over-speed 3 test: They test channel #2 trip (CH.2 TRIP) separately. The test steps are similar to the produce of SPEED #1 TEST.8.3 MECHANICAL OVER-SPEED TESTWhen the Over-speed Trip key-switch (or “Mechanical Test Switch”) is turned to the MECHANICAL OVER-SPEED position, the electrical over-speed channel is biased to a higher trip set point (112% SPEED). It should be left in the NORNAL position with the key removed and stored in a safe place. It should only be turned to the MECHANICAL OVER-SPEED position when the turbine is actually over-speeded to verify the operation of the mechanical over-speed trip channel.9. NOTE1)The button “test” is bit invert. Press a time, the lamp is on, press the othertime, the lamp is off, and the rest may be deduced by analogy.2)If there is some fault about DC POWER OR (AND) AC POWER of ETScabinet, the terminals U4-9 and U4-10 will be closed; Otherwise, it will be turn off.3)If there is some fault about pressure (LBO, LV, LP) of ETS, the terminalsU4-7 and U4-8 will be closed; Otherwise, it will be turn off.4)If there is some tripping signal of ETS, the terminals U4-1 and U4-2 (U4-3and U4-4, U4-5 and U4-6) will be closed; Otherwise, it will be turn off.5)If the unit is stop (the trip solenoids are de-energized), the terminals U4-11and U4-12 will be closed; Otherwise, it will be turn off.。