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M eta l con tam ina tion of so il eco system s nega tively im p acts a num ber of so il m icrob io logica l p rop erties tha t cou ld be po ten tia l indica to rs of so il qua lity and thu s cou ld be u sed a s m ea su res of reclam a tion p rogress and o r success. H isto rica lly, so il chem ica l and p hysica l p a ram eters have been u sed a s indica to rs of so il qua l2 ity. bu t due to the ro le of the m icroo rgan ism s in to ta l eco system function and the sen sitivity of so il m icro2 b ia l comm un ities to distu rbance, b io logica l indica to rs m ay a lso be u sefu l a s m ea su res of m ineso il reclam a2 tion, T he m icrob ia l comm un ity is an in tegra l com ponen t of so il qua lity due. fo r exam p le, to the critica l ro le it p lays in the cycling of nu trien ts and fo rm a tion of so il structu re. So il m icroo rgan ism s a re a lso h igh ly sen2 sitive to distu rbance in the so il eco system , and changes in so il m icrobes activities m ay be effective ea rly sig2 na ls of degrada tion o r im p rovem en t of so il. B ecau se the goa l of the m in ing w a steland rem edia tion stra tegy w a s a reduction in b ioava ilab ility of the m eta ls, m icrob ia l indica to rs shou ld be esp ecia lly u sefu l in a ssessing its effectiveness.
A serires of so il m icrobes, so il enzym e activity and b iochem ica l action in ten sity in Copp er m in ing w a steland and non2m ineso ils w ere studied com p a ra tively. T he resu lts indica ted tha t, the to ta l quan lity of m a jo r so il m icrobes declined, of w h ich the m ineso ils w a s decrea sed by 68143%~ 80132% in the top so il (0 ~ 20cm ) com p a red w ith tha t of the non2m ineso ils. T he p ropo rtion of bacteria and actinom yces in the am oun t m icrobes decrea sed, w h ile tha t of fungi no t obviou sly changed. T he am oun t of m a jo r p hysio logica l group including amm on ifiers, n itrogenfix ing bacteria, celluo sedecom po sing m icrobes, aerob ic n itrogen fix ing bacteria and anaerob ic n itrogen fix ing bacteria a ll decrea sed. T he activity of so il enzym e w eakened w h ich include inverta se, u rea se, p ro teina se, acid p ho sp h ta se, ca ta la se, po lyp heno l ox ida se and p erox ida se. So il b io2 chem ica l action im p a red w h ich amm on ifica tion, n itrifica tion, n itrogen fixa tion and decom po sition of cellu2 lo se. A s to the so il ba sic resp ira tion, the relea se am oun ts of CO 2 decrea sed, a ll of w h ich have dem on stra ted tha t b io logica l p rocess a re p a rticu la rly sen sitive to so il heavy m ea ta l loadings, and eleva ted m eta l loadings can resu lt in dim in ished m icrob ia l activity, reduced viab le bacteria l pop u la tion den sities, inh ib ition of o rgan2 ic m a tter m inera liza tion, a s w ell a s decrea sed leaf litter decom po siton in m ineso ils. Key words: m in ing w a steland; m ine so il; so il m icrobes activity; so il enzym e; heavy m eta l po llu tion 文章编号: 100020933 (2003) 0320496208 中图分类号: S154134 文献标识码: A
Prel im inary study on so il m icrobes and so il b iochem 来自百度文库ca l activ ities in m in ing wa steland
LON G J ian, HU AN G Chang2Yong3 , T EN G Y ing, YAO H ua i2Y ing (Colleg e of R esou rces and
龙 健等: 矿区废弃地土壤微生物及其生化活性
49 7
T he copp er m in ing w a steland in L ip u, Zhejiang P rovince, Ch ina, is con sisted of stripp ed m in ing top so il and abandoned m inn ing stone, w h ich is stab ilized by a ta il m ine dam. T he w a steland sam p led by the au2 tho rs is loca ted in a va lley w h ich ju st like m any o ther copp er m in ing w a stelands in th is m oun ta in a rea. A s a seriou s dam aged eco system , the w a steland often recover slow ly and p roduce an im p acting on environ2 m en t. N o active rem edy ha s been conducted on the copp er m in ing w a steland in L ip u. T he ob jective of th is study is the eva lua tion of so il b io logica l p rop erties a s indica to rs of the im p act of heavy m eta l con tam ina tion and sub sequen t rem edia tion a t a field site.
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金资助项目 (40171054) 收稿日期: 2002203223; 修订日期: 2002208223 作者简介: 龙健 (1974~ ) , 男, 苗, 贵州锦屏人, 博士生。 主要从事土壤微生物生态、土壤生物化学方面的研究。E2m ail: long jian22@ 163. com Founda tion item: Suppo rted by the N ational N atu ral Science Foundation of Ch ina (N o. 40171054) Rece ived da te: 2002203223; Accepted da te: 2002208223 B iography: LON G J ian, Docto r cand idate, m ajo r in so il m icrob io logy and so il b iochem istry.
E nv ironm en ta l S cience, Z hej iang U n iversity , H ang z hou 310029, Ch ina). A cta E colog ica S in ica , 2003, 23 (3) : 496~ 503. Abstract: M in ing, m anufactu re and dispo sa l of m eta ls and m eta l2con ta in ing m eteria ls inevitab ly cau se so il con tam ina tion. O ne of the indu stries fo rm erly cau sing severe con tam ina tion of so ils w a s the non2ferrou s m eta llu rgica l indu stry. Pyrom eta llu rgica l p roduction p rocess lead to la rge em ission s of m eta ls such a s Cd, Zn, Pb, Cu, etc. D ue to the p hyto tox icity of so il con ta in ing h igh levels of ava ilab le m eta ls, the na tu ra l vege2 ta tion cover m igh t have disapp ea red to leave a ba re site beh ind. Such ba re sites po se a risk fo r the su r2 roundings becau se the ab sence of vegeta tion facilita tes la tera l w ind ero sion of m eta l con tam ina tion p a rti2 cles, and m ay enhance the vo lum e of w a ter p erco la ting th rough the so il and even tua lly reach ing the under2 lying ground w a ter.
So il sam p les, selected fo r degree of con tam ina tion (distance from con tam ina tion sou rce). Com po sited sam p les con sisting of th ree sub sam p les w ere co llected (w ith a m in im um distance betw een sam p les of 3 m ) from the the top 0~ 20cm of so il. So il sam p les w ere m a in ta ined a t 4℃ by sto rage in an ice chest du ring tran spo rt to the labo ra to ry. A ll so il sam p les w ere sieved to p a ss th rough a 22mm sieve and m a in ta ined a t 4℃ un til fo r m icrob ia l ana lysis. So il sam p les w ere ana lyzed fo r Cd, Zn, Pb and Cu u sing the flam e a tom ic ab so rp tion sep ectrop ho tom etry.
第 23 卷第 3 期 2003 年 3 月
V o l. 23, N o. 3 M a r. , 2003
龙 健, 黄昌勇, 滕 应, 姚槐应
(浙江大学环境与资源学院资源科学系, 杭州 310029)
摘要: 通过对浙江哩浦铜矿废弃地土壤的微生物、土壤酶活性及生化作用强度研究表明: 矿区土壤微生物 总数下降, 各主要生理类群数量均呈下降趋势, 土壤酶活性减弱, 土壤生化作用强度降低。土壤微生物活性 降低是矿区复垦土壤微生物的重要生态特征之一。 关键词: 废弃地; 矿区土壤; 土壤微生物活性; 土壤酶; 重金属污染
A serires of so il m icrobes, so il enzym e activity and b iochem ica l action in ten sity in Copp er m in ing w a steland and non2m ineso ils w ere studied com p a ra tively. T he resu lts indica ted tha t, the to ta l quan lity of m a jo r so il m icrobes declined, of w h ich the m ineso ils w a s decrea sed by 68143%~ 80132% in the top so il (0 ~ 20cm ) com p a red w ith tha t of the non2m ineso ils. T he p ropo rtion of bacteria and actinom yces in the am oun t m icrobes decrea sed, w h ile tha t of fungi no t obviou sly changed. T he am oun t of m a jo r p hysio logica l group including amm on ifiers, n itrogenfix ing bacteria, celluo sedecom po sing m icrobes, aerob ic n itrogen fix ing bacteria and anaerob ic n itrogen fix ing bacteria a ll decrea sed. T he activity of so il enzym e w eakened w h ich include inverta se, u rea se, p ro teina se, acid p ho sp h ta se, ca ta la se, po lyp heno l ox ida se and p erox ida se. So il b io2 chem ica l action im p a red w h ich amm on ifica tion, n itrifica tion, n itrogen fixa tion and decom po sition of cellu2 lo se. A s to the so il ba sic resp ira tion, the relea se am oun ts of CO 2 decrea sed, a ll of w h ich have dem on stra ted tha t b io logica l p rocess a re p a rticu la rly sen sitive to so il heavy m ea ta l loadings, and eleva ted m eta l loadings can resu lt in dim in ished m icrob ia l activity, reduced viab le bacteria l pop u la tion den sities, inh ib ition of o rgan2 ic m a tter m inera liza tion, a s w ell a s decrea sed leaf litter decom po siton in m ineso ils. Key words: m in ing w a steland; m ine so il; so il m icrobes activity; so il enzym e; heavy m eta l po llu tion 文章编号: 100020933 (2003) 0320496208 中图分类号: S154134 文献标识码: A
Prel im inary study on so il m icrobes and so il b iochem 来自百度文库ca l activ ities in m in ing wa steland
LON G J ian, HU AN G Chang2Yong3 , T EN G Y ing, YAO H ua i2Y ing (Colleg e of R esou rces and
龙 健等: 矿区废弃地土壤微生物及其生化活性
49 7
T he copp er m in ing w a steland in L ip u, Zhejiang P rovince, Ch ina, is con sisted of stripp ed m in ing top so il and abandoned m inn ing stone, w h ich is stab ilized by a ta il m ine dam. T he w a steland sam p led by the au2 tho rs is loca ted in a va lley w h ich ju st like m any o ther copp er m in ing w a stelands in th is m oun ta in a rea. A s a seriou s dam aged eco system , the w a steland often recover slow ly and p roduce an im p acting on environ2 m en t. N o active rem edy ha s been conducted on the copp er m in ing w a steland in L ip u. T he ob jective of th is study is the eva lua tion of so il b io logica l p rop erties a s indica to rs of the im p act of heavy m eta l con tam ina tion and sub sequen t rem edia tion a t a field site.
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金资助项目 (40171054) 收稿日期: 2002203223; 修订日期: 2002208223 作者简介: 龙健 (1974~ ) , 男, 苗, 贵州锦屏人, 博士生。 主要从事土壤微生物生态、土壤生物化学方面的研究。E2m ail: long jian22@ 163. com Founda tion item: Suppo rted by the N ational N atu ral Science Foundation of Ch ina (N o. 40171054) Rece ived da te: 2002203223; Accepted da te: 2002208223 B iography: LON G J ian, Docto r cand idate, m ajo r in so il m icrob io logy and so il b iochem istry.
E nv ironm en ta l S cience, Z hej iang U n iversity , H ang z hou 310029, Ch ina). A cta E colog ica S in ica , 2003, 23 (3) : 496~ 503. Abstract: M in ing, m anufactu re and dispo sa l of m eta ls and m eta l2con ta in ing m eteria ls inevitab ly cau se so il con tam ina tion. O ne of the indu stries fo rm erly cau sing severe con tam ina tion of so ils w a s the non2ferrou s m eta llu rgica l indu stry. Pyrom eta llu rgica l p roduction p rocess lead to la rge em ission s of m eta ls such a s Cd, Zn, Pb, Cu, etc. D ue to the p hyto tox icity of so il con ta in ing h igh levels of ava ilab le m eta ls, the na tu ra l vege2 ta tion cover m igh t have disapp ea red to leave a ba re site beh ind. Such ba re sites po se a risk fo r the su r2 roundings becau se the ab sence of vegeta tion facilita tes la tera l w ind ero sion of m eta l con tam ina tion p a rti2 cles, and m ay enhance the vo lum e of w a ter p erco la ting th rough the so il and even tua lly reach ing the under2 lying ground w a ter.
So il sam p les, selected fo r degree of con tam ina tion (distance from con tam ina tion sou rce). Com po sited sam p les con sisting of th ree sub sam p les w ere co llected (w ith a m in im um distance betw een sam p les of 3 m ) from the the top 0~ 20cm of so il. So il sam p les w ere m a in ta ined a t 4℃ by sto rage in an ice chest du ring tran spo rt to the labo ra to ry. A ll so il sam p les w ere sieved to p a ss th rough a 22mm sieve and m a in ta ined a t 4℃ un til fo r m icrob ia l ana lysis. So il sam p les w ere ana lyzed fo r Cd, Zn, Pb and Cu u sing the flam e a tom ic ab so rp tion sep ectrop ho tom etry.
第 23 卷第 3 期 2003 年 3 月
V o l. 23, N o. 3 M a r. , 2003
龙 健, 黄昌勇, 滕 应, 姚槐应
(浙江大学环境与资源学院资源科学系, 杭州 310029)
摘要: 通过对浙江哩浦铜矿废弃地土壤的微生物、土壤酶活性及生化作用强度研究表明: 矿区土壤微生物 总数下降, 各主要生理类群数量均呈下降趋势, 土壤酶活性减弱, 土壤生化作用强度降低。土壤微生物活性 降低是矿区复垦土壤微生物的重要生态特征之一。 关键词: 废弃地; 矿区土壤; 土壤微生物活性; 土壤酶; 重金属污染