二、ANSYS常用命令1. 创建几何模型由于ANSYS提供了多种创建几何模型的工具,我们可以使用命令流来进行几何模型的创建和编辑。
2. 定义材料属性在进行仿真分析之前,需要定义材料的物理属性。
以下是一些常用的材料属性命令:(1)MP: 定义材料的参数,如密度、弹性模量、泊松比等。
(2)EX: 定义材料的弹性模量。
(3)DENS: 定义材料的密度。
3. 设定网格划分网格划分对于仿真分析的准确性和计算效率非常重要。
4. 定义边界条件在进行仿真分析之前,需要定义边界条件以模拟实际工程环境。
5. 设置分析类型ANSYS提供了多种分析类型,如结构分析、热分析、流体分析等。
6. 查看和后处理结果分析完成后,我们需要查看和后处理结果。
/cle (清空内存,开始新的计算)1.定义参数、数组,并赋值.2./prep7(进入前处理)定义几何图形:关键点、线、面、体定义几个所关心的节点,以备后处理时调用节点号。
设材料线弹性、非线性特性设置单元类型及相应KEYOPT设置实常数设置网格划分,划分网格根据需要耦合某些节点自由度定义单元表存盘3./solu加边界条件设置求解选项定义载荷步求解载荷步4./post1(通用后处理)5./post26 (时间历程后处理)6.PLOTCONTROL菜单命令7.参数化设计语言8.理论手册/cle (清空内存,开始新的计算)1定义参数、数组,并赋值.◆dim, par, type, imax, jmax, kmax, var1, vae2, var3 定义数组par: 数组名type:array 数组,如同fortran,下标最小号为1,可以多达三维(缺省)char 字符串组(每个元素最多8个字符)tableimax,jmax, kmax 各维的最大下标号var1,var2,var3 各维变量名,缺省为row,column,plane(当type为table时) 2/prep7(进入前处理)2.1 定义几何图形:关键点、线、面、体◆csys,kcnkcn , 0 迪卡尔zuobiaosi1 柱坐标2 球4 工作平面5 柱坐标系(以Y轴为轴心)n 已定义的局部坐标系◆numstr, label, value 设置以下项目编号的开始nodeelemkplineareavolu注意:vclear, aclear, lclear, kclear 将自动设置节点、单元开始号为最高号,这时如需要自定义起始号,重发numstr◆K, npt, x,y,z, 定义关键点Npt:关键点号,如果赋0,则分配给最小号◆Kgen,itime,Np1,Np2,Ninc,Dx,Dy,Dz,kinc,noelem,imoveItime:拷贝份数Np1,Np2,Ninc:所选关键点Dx,Dy,Dz:偏移坐标Kinc:每份之间节点号增量noelem: “0”如果附有节点及单元,则一起拷贝。
几何建模命令:/VIEW, WN, XV, YV, ZV选择一组线:命令:LSEL, Type, Item, Comp, VMIN, VMAX, VINC, KSWP倒圆角命令:LFILLT, NL1, NL2, RAD, PCENTVSEL, Type, Item, Comp, VMIN, VMAX, VINC, KSWP创建圆弧或圆命令:CIRCLE, PCENT, RAD, PAXIS, PZERO, ARC, NSEG创建面:命令:A, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12, P13,P14, P15, P16, P17, P18 命令:AL, L1, L2, L3, L4, L5, L6, L7, L8, L9, L10(可用all)命令:ADRAG, NL1, NL2, NL3, NL4, NL5, NL6, NLP1, NLP2, NLP3, NLP4, NLP5, NLP6命令:AROTAT, NL1, NL2, NL3, NL4, NL5, NL6, PAX1, PAX2, ARC, NSEG命令:AGEN, ITIME, NA1, NA2, NINC, DX, DY, DZ, KINC, NOELEM, IMOVE创建体命令:V, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8四边形或四方体命令:BLC4, XCORNER, YCORNER, WIDTH, HEIGHT, DEPTH四边形或四方体命令:BLC5, XCENTER, YCENTER, WIDTH, HEIGHT, DEPTH工作平面原点创建圆面或环面:PCIRC, RAD1, RAD2, THETA1, THETA2圆或圆柱命令:CYL4, XCENTER, YCENTER, RAD1, THETA1, RAD2, THETA2, DEPTH圆或圆柱命令:CYL5, XEDGE1, YEDGE1, XEDGE2, YEDGE2, DEPTH正多边形命令:RPOLY, NSIDES, LSIDE, MAJRAD, MINRAD正多边形命令:RPR4, NSIDES, XCENTER, YCENTER, RADIUS, THETA, DEPTH通过3个坐标点定义工作平面命令:WPLANE,WN,XORIG,YORIG,ZORIG,XXAX,YXAX,ZXAX,XPLAN,YPLAN,ZPLAN通过3个关键点定义工作平面命令:KWPLAN, WN, KORIG, KXAX, KPLAN将工作平面移动到一组关键点的中间位置命令:KWPAVE, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9将工作平面移动到一组指定坐标的中间位置命令:WPAVE, X1, Y1, Z1, X2, Y2, Z2, X3, Y3, Z3工作平面恢复到ANSYS默认状态的命令:WPSTYL,DEFA将工作平面沿其自身坐标轴移动命令:WPOFFS, XOFF, YOFF, ZOFF工作平面的旋转命令:WPROTA, THXY, THYZ, THZX工作平面设置:WPSTYL,SNAP,GRSPAC,GRMIN,GRMAX,WPTOL,WPCTYP,GRTYPE,WPVIS, SNAPANG 将既有坐标系的XY平面定义为工作平面命令:WPCSYS,WN,KCN(直接用WPCSYS即可恢复到默认位置)线线减运算:LSBL, NL1, NL2, SEPO, KEEP1, KEEP2面面减运算:ASBA, NA1, NA2, SEPO, KEEP1, KEEP2体体减运算:VSBV, NV1, NV2, SEPO, KEEP1, KEEP2创建体:V, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8命令:VA, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10拖拽面命令:VDRAG, NA1, NA2, NA3, NA4, NA5, NA6, NLP1, NLP2, NLP3,NLP4, NLP5, NLP6面旋转命令:VROTAT, NA1, NA2, NA3, NA4, NA5, NA6, PAX1,PAX2, ARC, NSEG面偏移创建体命令:VOFFST, NAREA, DIST, KINC镜像面命令:ARSYM, Ncomp, NA1, NA2, NINC, KINC, NOELEM, IMOVE通过面延伸命令:VEXT, NA1, NA2, NINC, DX, DY, DZ, RX, RY, RZ复制体命令:VGEN, ITIME, NV1, NV2, NINC, DX, DY, DZ, KINC, NOELEM, IMOVE镜像体命令:VSYMM, Ncomp, NV1, NV2, NINC, KINC, NOELEM, IMOVE正棱柱体命令:RPR4, NSIDES, XCENTER, YCENTER, RADIUS, THETA, DEPTH球体命令:SPHERE, RAD1, RAD2, THETA1, THETA2任意位置球命令:SPH4, XCENTER, YCENTER, RAD1, RAD2通过直径端点生成球体命令:SPH5, XEDGE1, YEDGE1, XEDGE2, YEDGE2以工作平面原点为圆心创建圆锥体命令:CONE, RBOT, RTOP, Z1, Z2, THETA1, THETA2任意位置圆锥体命令:CON4, XCENTER, YCENTER, RAD1, RAD2, DEPTH/trlcy,lab,value设置透明显示取中间值表示半透明。
ansys——ANSYS命令流(Ⅰ)1. A,P1,P2,…,P17,P18(以点定义面)2. AADD,NA1,NA2,…NA8,NA9(面相加)3. AATT,MAT,REAL,TYPE,ESYS,SECN(指定面的单元属性)【注】ESYS为坐标系统号、SECN为截面类型号。
4. *ABBR,Abbr,String(定义一个缩略词)5. ABBRES,Lab,Fname,Ext(从文件中读取缩略词)6. ABBSAVE,Lab,Fname,Ext(将当前定义的缩略词写入文件)7. ABS,IR,IA,--,--,Name,--,--,FACTA(取绝对值)【注】*************8. ACCAT,NA1,NA2(连接面)9. ACEL,ACEX,ACEY,ACEZ(定义结构的线性加速度)10. ACLEAR,NA1,NA2,NINC(清除面单元网格)11. ADAMS,NMODES,KSTRESS,KSHELL【注】*************12. ADAPT, NSOLN, STARGT, TTARGT, FACMN, FACMX, KYKPS, KYMAC【注】*************13. ADD,IR, IA, IB, IC, Name, --,-- , FACTA, FACTB, FACTC(变量加运算)14. ADELE,NA1,NA2,NINC,KSWP(删除面)【注】KSWP =0删除面但保留面上关键点、1删除面及面上关键点。
15. ADRAG,NL1,NL2,…,NL6,NLP1,NLP2,…,NLP6(将既有线沿一定路径拖拉成面)16. AESIZE,ANUM,SIZE(指定面上划分单元大小)17. AFILLT,NA1,NA1,RAD(两面之间生成倒角面)18. AFSURF,SAREA,TLINE(在既有面单元上生成重叠的表面单元)19. *AFUN, Lab(指定参数表达式中角度单位)20. AGEN, ITIME, NA1, NA2, NINC, DX, DY, DZ, KINC, NOELEM, IMOVE(复制面)21. AGLUE,NA1,NA2,…,NA8,NA9(面间相互粘接)22. AINA,NA1,NA2,…,NA8,NA9(被选面的交集)23. AINP,NA1,NA2,…,NA8,NA9(面集两两相交)24. AINV,NA,NV(面体相交)25. AL,L1,L2,…,L9,L10(以线定义面)26. ALIST,NA1,NA2,NINC,Lab(列表显示面的信息)【注】Lab=HPT时,显示面上硬点信息,默认为空。
ANSYS命令集合(A~Z)A - Defines an area by connecting keypoints.AADD - Adds separate areas to create a single area.AATT - Associates element attributes with the selected, unmeshed areas.ABEXTRACT - Extracts the alpha-beta damping multipliers for Rayleigh damping.ABS - Forms the absolute value of a variable.ACCAT - Concatenates multiple areas in preparation for mapped meshing.ACEL - Specifies the linear acceleration of the structure.ACLEAR - Deletes nodes and area elements associated with selected areas.ADAMS- Performs solutions and writes flexible body information to a modal neutral file (Jobname.MNF) for use in an ADAMS analysis.ADAPT - Adaptively meshes and solves a model.ADD - Adds variables.ADDAM- Specifies the acceleration spectrum computation constants for the analysis of shock resistance of shipboard structures.ADELE - Deletes unmeshed areas.ADGL - Lists keypoints of an area that lie on a parametric degeneracy.ADRAG - Generates areas by dragging a line pattern along a path.AESIZE - Specifies the element size to be meshed onto areas.AFILLT - Generates a fillet at the intersection of two areas.AFLIST - Lists the current data in the database.AFSURF- Generates surface elements overlaid on the surface of existing solid elements and assigns the extra node as the closest fluid element node.AGEN - Generates additional areas from a pattern of areas.AGLUE - Generates new areas by "gluing" areas.AINA - Finds the intersection of areas.AINP - Finds the pairwise intersection of areas.AINV - Finds the intersection of an area with a volume.AL - Generates an area bounded by previously defined lines.ALIST - Lists the defined areas.ALLSEL - Selects all entities with a single command.ALPFILL - Fills in an area loop within an existing 2-D area (for models imported from CAD files). ALPHAD - Defines the mass matrix multiplier for damping.AMAP - Generates a 2-D mapped mesh based on specified area corners.AMESH - Generates nodes and area elements within areas./AN3D - Specifies 3-D annotation functionsANCNTR - Produces an animated sequence of a contoured deformed shape.ANCUT - Produces an animated sequence of Q-slices.ANCYC - Applies a traveling wave animation to graphics data in a modal cyclic symmetry analysis. ANDATA - Produces a sequential contour animation over a range of results data.ANDSCL - Produces an animated sequence of a deformed shape.ANDYNA - Produces an animated sequence of contour values through substeps.- Saves or resumes an animation sequence to or from a file.ANFLOW - Produces an animated sequence of particle flow in a flowing fluid or a charged particle traveling in an electric or magnetic field./ANGLE - Rotates the display about an axis.ANHARM- Produces a time-transient animated sequence of time-harmonic results (ANTYPE,HARMIC).ANIM - Displays graphics data in animated form.ANISOS - Produces an animated sequence of an isosurface.ANMODE - Produces an animated sequence of a mode shape.ANMRES- Performs animation of results over multiple results files in an explicit dynamic structural analysis or fluid flow analysis with remeshing./ANNOT - Activates graphics for annotating displays (GUI).ANORM - Reorients area normals.ANSOL- Specifies averaged nodal data to be stored from the results file in the solution coordinate system.ANTIME - Produces a sequential contour animation over a range of time.ANTYPE - Specifies the analysis type and restart status./ANUM - Specifies the annotation number, type, and hot spot (GUI).AOFFST - Generates an area, offset from a given area.AOVLAP - Overlaps areas.APLOT - Displays the selected areas.APPEND - Reads data from the results file and appends it to the database.APTN - Partitions areas.ARCLEN - Activates the arc-length method.ARCOLLAPSE- Collapses specified area to a specified line segment (for models imported from CAD files).ARCTRM - Controls termination of the arc-length solution.ARDETACH- Detaches areas from neighboring geometrical entities (for models imported from CAD files).AREAS - Specifies "Areas" as the subsequent status topic.AREFINE - Refines the mesh around specified areas.AREMESH - Generates an area in which to create a new mesh for rezoning.AREVERSE - Reverses the normal of an area, regardless of its connectivity or mesh status. ARFILL - Creates an area based on a set of singly-connected lines (for models imported from CAD files).ARMERGE - Merges two or more singly-connected adjacent areas (for models imported from CAD files).AROTAT - Generates cylindrical areas by rotating a line pattern about an axis.ARSCALE - Generates a scaled set of areas from a pattern of areas.ARSPLIT - Splits an area between two keypoints (for models imported from CAD files).ARSYM - Generates areas from an area pattern by symmetry reflection.ASBA - Subtracts areas from areas.ASBL - Subtracts lines from areas.ASBV - Subtracts volumes from areas.- Subtracts the intersection of the working plane from areas (divides areas). ASEL - Selects a subset of areas.ASKIN - Generates an area by "skinning" a surface through guiding lines.ASLL - Selects those areas containing the selected lines.ASLV - Selects those areas contained in the selected volumes./ASSIGN - Reassigns a file name to an ANSYS file identifier.ASUB - Generates an area using the shape of an existing area.ASUM - Calculates and prints geometry statistics of the selected areas.ATAN - Forms the arctangent of a complex variable.ATRAN - Transfers a pattern of areas to another coordinate system.ATYPE - Specifies "Analysis types" as the subsequent status topic./AUTO - Resets the focus and distance specifications to "automatically calculated." AUTOTS - Specifies whether to use automatic time stepping or load stepping./AUX2 - Enters the binary file dumping processor./AUX3 - Enters the results file editing processor./AUX12 - Enters the radiation processor./AUX15 - Enters the IGES file transfer processor.AVPRIN - Specifies how principal and vector sums are to be calculated.AVRES - Specifies how results data will be averaged when PowerGraphics is enabled. /AXLAB - Labels the X and Y axes on graph displaysB Commands/BATCH- Sets the program mode to "batch."BCSOPTION - Sets memory option for the sparse solver.BELLOW - Defines a bellows in a piping run.BEND - Defines a bend in a piping run.BETAD - Defines the stiffness matrix multiplier for damping.BF - Defines a nodal body force load.BFA - Defines a body force load on an area.BFADELE - Deletes body force loads on an area.BFALIST - Lists the body force loads on an area.BFCUM - Specifies that nodal body force loads are to be accumulated.BFDELE - Deletes nodal body force loads.BFE - Defines an element body force load.BFECUM - Specifies whether to ignore subsequent element body force loads. BFEDELE - Deletes element body force loads.BFELIST - Lists the element body force loads.BFESCAL - Scales element body force loads.BFINT - Activates the body force interpolation operation.BFK - Defines a body force load at a keypoint.BFKDELE - Deletes body force loads at a keypoint.- Lists the body force loads at keypoints.BFL - Defines a body force load on a line.BFLDELE - Deletes body force loads on a line.BFLIST - Lists the body force loads on nodes.BFLLIST - Lists the body force loads on a line.BFSCALE - Scales body force loads at nodes.BFTRAN - Transfers solid model body force loads to the finite element model.BFUNIF - Assigns a uniform body force load to all nodes.BFV - Defines a body force load on a volume.BFVDELE - Deletes body force loads on a volume.BFVLIST - Lists the body force loads on a volume.BIOOPT - Specifies "Biot-Savart options" as the subsequent status topic.BIOT - Calculates the Biot-Savart source magnetic field intensity.BLC4 - Creates a rectangular area or block volume by corner points.BLC5 - Creates a rectangular area or block volume by center and corner points.BLOCK - Creates a block volume based on working plane coordinates.BOOL - Specifies "Booleans" as the subsequent status topic.BOPTN - Specifies Boolean operation options.BRANCH - Defines the starting point for a piping branch.BSAX - Specifies the axial strain and axial force relationship for beam sections.BSMD - Specifies mass density for a nonlinear general beam section.BSM1 - Specifies the bending curvature and moment relationship in plane XZ for beam sections. BSM2 - Specifies the bending curvature and moment relationship in plane XY for beam sections. BSPLIN - Generates a single line from a spline fit to a series of keypoints.BSS1 - Specifies the transverse shear strain and force relationship in plane XZ for beam sections. BSS2 - Specifies the transverse shear strain and force relationship in plane XY for beam sections. BSTE - Specifies a thermal expansion coefficient for a nonlinear general beam section.BSTQ - Specifies the cross section twist and torque relationship for beam sections.BTOL - Specifies the Boolean operation tolerances.BUCOPT - Specifies buckling analysis options.C CommandsC*** - Places a comment in the output.CALC - Specifies "Calculation settings" as the subsequent status topic.CBDOF - Activates cut boundary interpolation (for submodeling).CDOPT - Specifies format to be used for archiving geometry.CDREAD - Reads a file of solid model and database information into the database. CDWRITE - Writes geometry and load database items to a file.CE - Defines a constraint equation relating degrees of freedom.CECHECK- Check constraint equations and couplings for rigid body motions.CECMOD - Modifies the constant term of a constraint equation during solution.- Generates the constraint equations for a cyclic symmetry analysisCEDELE - Deletes constraint equations.CEINTF - Generates constraint equations at an interface.CELIST - Lists the constraint equations.CENTER - Defines a node at the center of curvature of 2 or 3 nodes.CEQN - Specifies "Constraint equations" as the subsequent status topic.CERIG - Defines a rigid region.CESGEN - Generates a set of constraint equations from existing sets.CFACT - Defines complex scaling factors to be used with operations./CFORMAT- Controls the graphical display of alphanumeric character strings for parameters, components, assemblies, and tables.CGLOC - Specifies the origin location of the acceleration coordinate system.CGOMGA - Specifies the rotational velocity of the global origin.CHECK - Checks current database items for completeness.CHKMSH - Checks area and volume entities for previous meshes.CIRCLE - Generates circular arc lines./CLABEL - Specifies contour labeling./CLEAR - Clears the database.CLOCAL - Defines a local coordinate system relative to the active coordinate system.CLOG - Forms the common log of a variable/CLOG - Copies the session log file to a named file.CLRMSHLN - Clears meshed entities.CM - Groups geometry items into a component.CMACEL - Specifies the translational acceleration of an element component/CMAP - Changes an existing or creates a new color mapping table.CMATRIX - Performs electrostatic field solutions and calculates the self and mutual capacitances between multiple conductors.CMDELE - Deletes a component or assembly definition.CMDOMEGA- Specifies the rotational acceleration of an element component about a user-defined rotational axis.CMEDIT - Edits an existing assembly.CMGRP - Groups components and assemblies into an assembly.CMLIST - Lists the contents of a component or assembly.CMMOD - Modifies the specification of a component.CMOMEGA- Specifies the rotational velocity of an element component about a user-defined rotational axis.CMPLOT - Plots the entities contained in a component or assembly.CMSEL - Selects a subset of components and assemblies.CMSFILE - Specifies a list of component mode synthesis (CMS) results files for plotting results on the assembly.CMSOPT - Specifies component mode synthesis (CMS) analysis options.CNCHECK - Provides and/or adjusts the initial status of contact pairs.CNVTOL - Sets convergence values for nonlinear analyses./COLOR - Specifies the color mapping for various items.- Places a comment in the output.COMPRESS - Deletes all specified sets.CON4 - Creates a conical volume anywhere on the working plane.CONE - Creates a conical volume centered about the working plane origin./CONFIG - Assigns values to ANSYS configuration parameters.CONJUG - Forms the complex conjugate of a variable./CONTOUR - Specifies the uniform contour values on stress displays./COPY - Copies a file.CORIOLIS - Applies the Coriolis effect to a rotating structure.COUPLE - Specifies "Node coupling" as the subsequent status topic.COVAL - Defines PSD cospectral values.CP - Defines (or modifies) a set of coupled degrees of freedom.CPCYC - Couples the two side faces of a cyclically symmetric model for loadings that are the same on every segment.CPDELE - Deletes coupled degree of freedom sets.CPINTF - Defines coupled degrees of freedom at an interface./CPLANE - Specifies the cutting plane for section and capped displays.CPLGEN - Generates sets of coupled nodes from an existing set.CPLIST - Lists the coupled degree of freedom sets.CPMERGE - Merges different couple sets with duplicate degrees of freedom into one couple set. CPNGEN - Defines, modifies, or adds to a set of coupled degrees of freedom.CPSGEN - Generates sets of coupled nodes from existing sets.CQC - Specifies the complete quadratic mode combination method.CRPLIM - Specifies the creep criterion for automatic time stepping.CS - Defines a local coordinate system by three node locations.CSCIR - Locates the singularity for non-Cartesian local coordinate systems.CSDELE - Deletes local coordinate systems.CSKP - Defines a local coordinate system by three keypoint locations.CSLIST - Lists coordinate systems.CSWPLA - Defines a local coordinate system at the origin of the working plane.CSYS - Activates a previously defined coordinate system./CTYPE - Specifies the type of contour display.CURR2D - Calculates current flow in a 2-D conductor.CUTCONTROL - Controls time-step cutback during a nonlinear solution./CVAL - Specifies nonuniform contour values on stress displays.CVAR - Computes covariance between two quantities./CWD - Changes the current working directory./CYCEXPAND - Graphically expands displacements, stresses and strains of a cyclically symmetric model.CYCLIC - Specifies a cyclic symmetry analysis.CYCOPT - Specifies solution options for a cyclic symmetry analysis.CYCPHASE - Provides tools for determining minimum and maximum possible result values from frequency couplets produced in a modal cyclic symmetry analysis.CYL4 - Creates a circular area or cylindrical volume anywhere on the working plane.- Creates a circular area or cylindrical volume by end points.CYLIND - Creates a cylindrical volume centered about the working plane origin.CZDEL - Edits or clears cohesive zone sections.CZMESH - Create and mesh an interface area composed of cohesive zone elements.D CommandsD - Defines DOF constraints at nodes.DA - Defines DOF constraints on areas.DADELE - Deletes DOF constraints on an area.DALIST - Lists the DOF constraints on an area.DAMORPH - Move nodes in selected areas to conform to structural displacements.DATA - Reads data records from a file into a variable.DATADEF - Specifies "Directly defined data status" as the subsequent status topic.DCGOMG - Specifies the rotational acceleration of the global origin.DCUM - Specifies that DOF constraint values are to be accumulated.DCVSWP - Performs a DC voltage sweep on a ROM element.DDELE - Deletes degree of freedom constraints.DEACT - Specifies "Element birth and death" as the subsequent status topic.DECOMP - Decomposes the model into domains used by Distributed ANSYSDEFINE - Specifies "Data definition settings" as the subsequent status topic.DELETE - Specifies sets in the results file to be deleted before postprocessing./DELETE - Deletes a file.DELTIM - Specifies the time step sizes to be used for this load step.DEMORPH - Move nodes in selected elements to conform to structural displacements.DERIV - Differentiates a variable.DESIZE - Controls default element sizes.DESOL - Defines or modifies solution results at a node of an element.DETAB - Modifies element table results in the database./DEVDISP - Controls graphics device options./DEVICE - Controls graphics device options.DIG - Digitizes nodes to a surface.DIGIT - Specifies "Node digitizing" as the subsequent status topic.DISPLAY - Specifies "Display settings" as the subsequent status topic./DIST - Specifies the viewing distance for magnifications and perspective.DJ- Specify displacement (or rotation) boundary conditions on the components of relative motion of a joint element.DJDELE - Deletes displacement (or rotation) boundary conditions on the components of relative motion of a joint element.DJLIST - Lists boundary conditions applied to joint elements.DK - Defines DOF constraints at keypoints.DKDELE - Deletes DOF constraints at a keypoint.- Lists the DOF constraints at keypoints.DL - Defines DOF constraints on lines.DLDELE - Deletes DOF constraints on a line.DLIST - Lists DOF constraints.DLLIST - Lists DOF constraints on a line.DMOVE - Digitizes nodes on surfaces and along intersections.DMPEXT - Extracts modal damping coefficients in a specified frequency range.DMPRAT - Sets a constant damping ratio.DNSOL - Defines or modifies solution results at a node.DOF - Adds degrees of freedom to the current DOF set.DOFSEL - Selects a DOF label set for reference by other commands.DOMEGA - Specifies the rotational acceleration of the structure.DSCALE - Scales DOF constraint values./DSCALE - Sets the displacement multiplier for displacement displays.DSET - Sets the scale and drawing plane orientation for a digitizing tablet.DSUM - Specifies the double sum mode combination method.DSURF - Defines the surface upon which digitized nodes lie.DSYM - Specifies symmetry or antisymmetry DOF constraints on nodes.DSYS - Activates a display coordinate system for geometry listings and plots.DTRAN - Transfers solid model DOF constraints to the finite element model.DUMP - Dumps the contents of a binary file./DV3D - Sets 3-D device option modes.DVMORPH - Move nodes in selected volumes to conform to structural displacements. DYNOPT - Specifies "Dynamic analysis options" as the subsequent status topic.E CommandsE - Defines an element by node connectivity.EALIVE - Reactivates an element (for the birth and death capability).EDADAPT - Activates adaptive meshing in an explicit dynamic analysis.EDALE - Assigns mesh smoothing to explicit dynamic elements that use the ALE formulation. EDASMP - Creates a part assembly to be used in an explicit dynamic analysis.EDBOUND - Defines a boundary plane for sliding or cyclic symmetry.EDBX - Creates a box shaped volume to be used in a contact definition for explicit dynamics. EDBVIS - Specifies global bulk viscosity coefficients for an explicit dynamics analysis. EDCADAPT - Specifies adaptive meshing controls for an explicit dynamic analysis.EDCGEN - Specifies contact parameters for an explicit dynamics analysis.EDCLIST - Lists contact entity specifications in an explicit dynamics analysis.EDCMORE - Specifies additional contact parameters for a given contact definition in an explicit dynamic analysis.EDCNSTR - Defines various types of constraints for an explicit dynamic analysis. EDCONTACT - Specifies contact surface controls for an explicit dynamics analysis.- Specifies CPU time limit for an explicit dynamics analysis.EDCRB - Constrains two rigid bodies to act as one in an explicit dynamics analysis.EDCSC - Specifies whether to use subcycling in an explicit dynamics analysis.EDCTS - Specifies mass scaling and scale factor of computed time step for an explicit dynamics analysis.EDCURVE - Specifies data curves for an explicit dynamic analysis.EDDAMP- Defines mass weighted (Alpha) or stiffness weighted (Beta) damping for an explicit dynamics model.EDDBL - Selects a numerical precision type of the explicit dynamics analysis.EDDC- Deletes or deactivates/reactivates contact surface specifications in an explicit dynamic analysis.EDDRELAX- Activates initialization to a prescribed geometry or dynamic relaxation for the explicit analysis.EDDUMP - Specifies output frequency for the explicit dynamic restart file (d3dump).EDELE - Deletes selected elements from the model.EDENERGY - Specifies energy dissipation controls for an explicit dynamics analysis.EDFPLOT - Allows plotting of explicit dynamics forces and other load symbols.EDGCALE - Defines global ALE controls for an explicit dynamic analysis./EDGE - Displays only the "edges" of an object.EDHGLS - Specifies the hourglass coefficient for an explicit dynamics analysis.EDHIST - Specifies time-history output for an explicit dynamic analysis.EDHTIME - Specifies the time-history output interval for an explicit dynamics analysis.EDINT - Specifies number of integration points for explicit shell and beam output.EDIPART - Defines inertia for rigid parts in an explicit dynamics analysis.EDIS- Specifies stress initialization in an explicit dynamic full restart analysis.EDLCS - Defines a local coordinate system for use in explicit dynamics analysis.EDLOAD - Specifies loads for an explicit dynamics analysis.EDMP - Defines material properties for an explicit dynamics analysis.EDNB - Defines a nonreflecting boundary in an explicit dynamic analysis.EDNDTSD- Allows smoothing of noisy data for explicit dynamics analyses and provides a graphical representation of the data.EDNROT - Applies a rotated coordinate nodal constraint in an explicit dynamics analysis. EDOPT - Specifies the type of output for an explicit dynamics analysis.EDOUT - Specifies time-history output (ASCII format) for an explicit dynamics analysis. EDPART - Configures parts for an explicit dynamics analysis.EDPC - Selects and plots explicit dynamic contact entities.EDPL - Plots a time dependent load curve in an explicit dynamic analysis.EDPVEL - Applies initial velocities to parts or part assemblies in an explicit dynamic analysis. EDRC - Specifies rigid/deformable switch controls in an explicit dynamic analysis.EDRD- Switches a part from deformable to rigid or from rigid to deformable in an explicit dynamic analysis.EDREAD - Reads explicit dynamics output into variables for time-history postprocessing.EDRI - Defines inertia properties for a new rigid body that is created when a deformable part is switched to rigid in an explicit dynamic analysis.- Specifies the output interval for an explicit dynamic analysis.EDRUN - Specify LS-DYNA serial or parallel processing.EDSHELL - Specifies shell computation controls for an explicit dynamics analysis.EDSOLV - Specifies "explicit dynamics solution" as the subsequent status topic.EDSP - Specifies small penetration checking for contact entities in an explicit dynamic analysis. EDSTART - Specifies status (new or restart) of an explicit dynamics analysis.EDTERM - Specifies termination criteria for an explicit dynamic analysis.EDTP - Plots explicit elements based on their time step size.EDVEL - Applies initial velocities to nodes or node components in an explicit dynamic analysis. EDWELD- Defines a massless spotweld or generalized weld for use in an explicit dynamic analysis.EDWRITE - Writes explicit dynamics input to an LS-DYNA input file./EFACET - Specifies the number of facets per element edge for PowerGraphics displays.EGEN - Generates elements from an existing pattern.EINTF - Defines two-node elements between coincident or offset nodes.EKILL - Deactivates an element (for the birth and death capability).ELEM - Specifies "Elements" as the subsequent status topic.ELIST - Lists the elements and their attributes.EMAGERR - Calculates the relative error in an electrostatic or electromagnetic field analysis. EMATWRITE - Forces the writing of all the element matrices to File.EMAT.EMF - Calculates the electromotive force (emf), or voltage drop along a predefined path.EMFT - Summarizes electromagnetic forces and torques.EMID - Adds or removes midside nodes.EMIS - Specifies emissivity as a material property for the Radiation Matrix method.EMODIF - Modifies a previously defined element.EMORE - Adds more nodes to the just-defined element.EMSYM - Specifies circular symmetry for electromagnetic sources.EMTGEN- Generates a set of TRANS126 elements.EMUNIT - Specifies the system of units for magnetic field problems.EN - Defines an element by its number and node connectivity.ENDRELEASE - Specifies degrees of freedom to be decoupled for end release.ENGEN - Generates elements from an existing pattern.ENORM - Reorients shell element normals or line element node connectivity.ENSYM - Generates elements by symmetry reflection./EOF - Exits the file being read.EORIENT - Reorients solid element normals.EPLOT - Produces an element display.EQSLV- Specifies the type of equation solver.ERASE - Explicitly erases the current display./ERASE - Specifies that the screen is to be erased before each display.EREAD - Reads elements from a file.EREFINE - Refines the mesh around specified elements.ERESX - Specifies extrapolation of integration point results.ERNORM - Controls error estimation calculations.- Specifies the element range to be read from a file.ESCHECK - Perform element shape checking for a selected element set.ESEL - Selects a subset of elements./ESHAPE- Displays elements with shapes determined from the real constants or section definition.ESIZE - Specifies the default number of line divisions.ESLA - Selects those elements associated with the selected areas.ESLL - Selects those elements associated with the selected lines.ESLN - Selects those elements attached to the selected nodes.ESLV - Selects elements associated with the selected volumes.ESOL - Specifies element data to be stored from the results file.ESORT - Sorts the element table.ESSOLV - Performs a coupled electrostatic-structural analysis.ESTIF - Specifies the matrix multiplier for deactivated elements.ESURF - Generates elements overlaid on the free faces of existing selected elements.ESYM - Generates elements from a pattern by a symmetry reflection.ESYS - Sets the element coordinate system attribute pointer.ET - Defines a local element type from the element library.ETABLE - Fills a table of element values for further processing.ETCHG - Changes element types to their corresponding types.ETCONTROL- Control the element technologies used in element formulation (for applicable elements).ETDELE - Deletes element types.ETLIST - Lists currently defined element types.ETYPE - Specifies "Element types" as the subsequent status topic.EUSORT - Restores original order of the element table.*EVAL - Evaluates hyperelastic constants.EWRITE - Writes elements to a file./EXIT - Stops the run and returns control to the system.EXP - Forms the exponential of a variable.EXPAND - Displays the results of a modal cyclic symmetry analysis./EXPAND - Allows the creation of a larger graphic display than represented by the actual finite element analysis model.EXPASS - Specifies an expansion pass of an analysis.EXPROFILE - Exports ANSYS interface loads to a CFX Profile file.EXPSOL - Specifies the solution to be expanded for reduced analyses.EXTOPT - Controls options relating to the generation of volume elements from area elements. EXTREM - Lists the extreme values for variables.EXUNIT - Indicates units assumed for an interface load for ANSYS to CFX transfer.。
ANSYS常用命令对ANSYS学习也有一个来月的时间了,可是还是什么都不会!郁闷!整理了一些ANSYS常用的命令;但深知自己的水平,还不敢保证完全正确;给大家一些参考,望指正:1. A,P1,P2,…,P17,P18(以点定义面)2. AADD,NA1,NA2,…NA8,NA9(面相加)3. AATT,MAT,REAL,TYPE,ESYS,SECN(指定面的单元属性)【注】ESYS为坐标系统号、SECN为截面类型号。
4. *ABBR,Abbr,String(定义一个缩略词)5. ABBRES,Lab,Fname,Ext(从文件中读取缩略词)6. ABBSAVE,Lab,Fname,Ext(将当前定义的缩略词写入文件)7. ABS,IR,IA,--,--,Name,--,--,FACTA(取绝对值)【注】*************8. ACCAT,NA1,NA2(连接面)9. ACEL,ACEX,ACEY,ACEZ(定义结构的线性加速度)10. ACLEAR,NA1,NA2,NINC(清除面单元网格)11. ADAMS,NMODES,KSTRESS,KSHELL【注】*************12. ADAPT, NSOLN, STARGT, TTARGT, FACMN, FACMX, KYKPS, KYMAC【注】*************13. ADD,IR, IA, IB, IC, Name, --,-- , FACTA, FACTB, FACTC(变量加运算)14. ADELE,NA1,NA2,NINC,KSWP(删除面)【注】KSWP =0删除面但保留面上关键点、1删除面及面上关键点。
15. ADRAG,NL1,NL2,…,NL6,NLP1,NLP2,…,NLP6(将既有线沿一定路径拖拉成面)16. AESIZE,ANUM,SIZE(指定面上划分单元大小)17. AFILLT,NA1,NA1,RAD(两面之间生成倒角面)18. AFSURF,SAREA,TLINE(在既有面单元上生成重叠的表面单元)19. *AFUN, Lab(指定参数表达式中角度单位)20. AGEN, ITIME, NA1, NA2, NINC, DX, DY, DZ, KINC, NOELEM, IMOVE(复制面)21. AGLUE,NA1,NA2,…,NA8,NA9(面间相互粘接)22. AINA,NA1,NA2,…,NA8,NA9(被选面的交集)23. AINP,NA1,NA2,…,NA8,NA9(面集两两相交)24. AINV,NA,NV(面体相交)25. AL,L1,L2,…,L9,L10(以线定义面)26. ALIST,NA1,NA2,NINC,Lab(列表显示面的信息)【注】Lab=HPT时,显示面上硬点信息,默认为空。
AaA,P1,P2,........P18 ——连接点生成面P1-P18 生成面的点号(用键盘输入,最多18个),最少3个,如果p1=p,可以在图中拾取(仅在GUI中有效)注意:点p1到p18一定按顺时针或逆时针方向沿面顺序输入,这个顺序也确定了面的法线正向(按右手法则)。
菜单:main>preprocessor>modeling>create>area>arbitrary>through KPsaaddAADD, NA1, NA2, NA3, NA4, NA5, NA6, NA7, NA8, NA9Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Operate>Booleans>Add>Areas将分开的面相加生成一个面NA1...为原来的面note:要相加的面要是共面的,相加后生成新面,原来的面将被删除,aattAA TT, MA T, REAL, TYPE, ESYS, SECN指定所选的未划分网格的面的单元属性。
PREP7: MeshingMP ME ST DY <> PR EM <> FL PP EDMAT :指定给所选的未划分网格的面的材料号。
REAL :指定给所选的未划分网格的面的实常数号。
ESYS :指定给所选的未划分网格的面的坐标系号。
SECN :指定给所选的未划分网格的面的区域号。
在模型上施加重力时,一般输入10或9.8,而不是-10或-9.8)aclear,all(删除与所选面相关的节点和单元),见kclearadele,na1,na2,ninc,1(删除所选择的面,na1表示要删除的起始面,na2表示要删除的终止面,ninc表示增量,1表示删除面及附在该面上而不依附于其它实体的线、关键点,此处为0时则仅删除面);删除所有选择的面时:adele,all,,,1;类似的还有kdele,ldele(只能删除没有划分网格的线段),ndele,edele等;Adrag,nl1,nl2,nl3,nl4,nl5,nl6,nlp1,nlp2,nlp3,n lp4,nlp5,nlp6由nl1…nl6沿着nlp1…nlp6扫掠生成面。
Paths:Main Menu>Preprocessor>Create>Arbitrary>By Linesallsel,all,all(选择所有实体类型,后面两个all为系统默认,可以省略;第二选项还可以为below,第三选项还可以volu、area、line、kp、elem、node。
Nummrg,label,toler, Gtoler,action,switch合并相同位置的item
cm,ame, entity定义组元,将几何元素分组形成组元
a(volu, area, line, kp, elem, node)
cmgrp, aname,ame1, ……,cname8将组元分组形成组元集合
key: 0自由网格划分
Amesh, nA1,nA2,ninc划分面单元网格
本人生性好学,也愿交天下的朋友,茫茫人海中你我若能相识本来就是一种缘份,得好好把握!1. A,P1,P2,…,P17,P18(以点定义面)2. AADD,NA1,NA2,…NA8,NA9(面相加)3. AATT,MAT,REAL,TYPE,ESYS,SECN(指定面的单元属性)【注】ESYS为坐标系统号、SECN为截面类型号。
4. *ABBR,Abbr,String(定义一个缩略词)5. ABBRES,Lab,Fname,Ext(从文件中读取缩略词)6. ABBSAVE,Lab,Fname,Ext(将当前定义的缩略词写入文件)7. ABS,IR,IA,--,--,Name,--,--,FACTA(取绝对值)【注】*************8. ACCAT,NA1,NA2(连接面)9. ACEL,ACEX,ACEY,ACEZ(定义结构的线性加速度)10. ACLEAR,NA1,NA2,NINC(清除面单元网格)11. ADAMS,NMODES,KSTRESS,KSHELL【注】*************12. ADAPT, NSOLN, STARGT, TTARGT, FACMN, FACMX, KYKPS, KYMAC【注】*************13. ADD,IR, IA, IB, IC, Name, --,-- , FACTA, FACTB, FACTC(变量加运算)14. ADELE,NA1,NA2,NINC,KSWP(删除面)【注】KSWP =0删除面但保留面上关键点、1删除面及面上关键点。
15. ADRAG,NL1,NL2,…,NL6,NLP1,NLP2,…,NLP6(将既有线沿一定路径拖拉成面)16. AESIZE,ANUM,SIZE(指定面上划分单元大小)17. AFILLT,NA1,NA1,RAD(两面之间生成倒角面)18. AFSURF,SAREA,TLINE(在既有面单元上生成重叠的表面单元)19. *AFUN, Lab(指定参数表达式中角度单位)20. AGEN, ITIME, NA1, NA2, NINC, DX, DY, DZ, KINC, NOELEM, IMOVE(复制面)21. AGLUE,NA1,NA2,…,NA8,NA9(面间相互粘接)22. AINA,NA1,NA2,…,NA8,NA9(被选面的交集)23. AINP,NA1,NA2,…,NA8,NA9(面集两两相交)24. AINV,NA,NV(面体相交)25. AL,L1,L2,…,L9,L10(以线定义面)26. ALIST,NA1,NA2,NINC,Lab(列表显示面的信息)【注】Lab=HPT时,显示面上硬点信息,默认为空。
1. A,P1,P2,…,P17,P18(以点定义面)2. AADD,NA1,NA2,…NA8,NA9(面相加)3. AATT,MAT,REAL,TYPE,ESYS,SECN(指定面的单元属性)【注】ESYS为坐标系统号、SECN为截面类型号。
4. *ABBR,Abbr,String(定义一个缩略词)5. ABBRES,Lab,Fname,Ext(从文件中读取缩略词)6. ABBSAVE,Lab,Fname,Ext(将当前定义的缩略词写入文件)7. ABS,IR,IA,--,--,Name,--,--,FACTA(取绝对值)【注】*************8. ACCAT,NA1,NA2(连接面)9. ACEL,ACEX,ACEY,ACEZ(定义结构的线性加速度)10. ACLEAR,NA1,NA2,NINC(清除面单元网格)11. ADAMS,NMODES,KSTRESS,KSHELL【注】*************12. ADAPT, NSOLN, STARGT, TTARGT, FACMN, FACMX, KYKPS, KYMAC【注】*************13. ADD,IR, IA, IB, IC, Name, --,-- , FACTA, FACTB, FACTC(变量加运算)14. ADELE,NA1,NA2,NINC,KSWP(删除面)【注】KSWP =0删除面但保留面上关键点、1删除面及面上关键点。
15. ADRAG,NL1,NL2,…,NL6,NLP1,NLP2,…,NLP6(将既有线沿一定路径拖拉成面)16. AESIZE,ANUM,SIZE(指定面上划分单元大小)17. AFILLT,NA1,NA1,RAD(两面之间生成倒角面)18. AFSURF,SAREA,TLINE(在既有面单元上生成重叠的表面单元)19. *AFUN, Lab(指定参数表达式中角度单位)20. AGEN, ITIME, NA1, NA2, NINC, DX, DY, DZ, KINC, NOELEM, IMOVE(复制面)21. AGLUE,NA1,NA2,…,NA8,NA9(面间相互粘接)22. AINA,NA1,NA2,…,NA8,NA9(被选面的交集)23. AINP,NA1,NA2,…,NA8,NA9(面集两两相交)24. AINV,NA,NV(面体相交)25. AL,L1,L2,…,L9,L10(以线定义面)26. ALIST,NA1,NA2,NINC,Lab(列表显示面的信息)【注】Lab=HPT时,显示面上硬点信息,默认为空。
ANSYS全部命令(非常有用_吐血积累)ANSYS一些命令(1)1, /PREP7 !加载前处理模块2,/CLEAR,NOSTART !清除已有的数据, 不读入启动文件的设置(不加载初始化文件)初始化文件是用于记录用户和系统选项设置的文本文件/CLEAR, START !清除系统中的所有数据,读入启动文件的设置/FILENAME, EX10.5 !定义工程文件名称/TITLE, EX10.5 SOLID MODEL OF AN AXIAL BEARING !指定标题4, F,2,FY,-1000 !在2号节点上施加沿着-Y方向大小为1000N 的集中力6, FINISH !退出模块命令7, /POST1 !加载后处理模块8,PLDISP,2 !显示结构变形图,参数“2”表示用虚线绘制出原来结构的轮廓9,ETABLE,STRS,LS,1 !用轴向应力SAXL的编号”LS,1”定义单元表STRSETABLE, MFORX,SMISC,1 !以杆单元的轴力为内容, 建立单元表MFORXETABLE, SAXL, LS, 1 !以杆单元的轴向应力为内容, 建立单元表SAXLETABLE, EPELAXL, LEPEL, 1 !以杆单元的轴向应变为内容, 建立单元表EPELAXLETABLE,STRS_ST,LS,1 !以杆件的轴向应力“LS,1”为内容定义单元表STRS_STETABLE, STRS_CO, LS,1 !以杆件的轴向应力“LS,1”定义单元表STRS_COETABLE,STRSX,S,X !定义X方向的应力为单元表STRSXETABLE,STRSY,S,Y !定义Y方向的应力为单元表STRSY*GET,STRSS_ST,ELEM,STEEL_E, ETAB, STRS_ST !从单元表STRS_ST中提取STEEL_E单元的应力结果,存入变量STRSS_ST;*GET, STRSS_CO,ELEM,COPPER_E,ETAB,STRS_CO”从单元表STRS_CO中提取COPPER_E单元的应力结果,存入变量STRSS_CO10 FINISH !退出以前的模块11, /CLEAR, START !清除系统中的所有数据,读入启动文件的设置12 /UNITS, SI !申明采用国际单位制14 /NUMBER, 2 !只显示编号, 不使用彩色/NUMBER, 0 !显示编号, 并使用彩色15 /SOLU !进入求解模块:定义力和位移边界条件,并求解ANTYPE, STATIC !申明分析类型是静力分析(STATIC或者0)OUTPR, BASIC, ALL !在输出结果中, 列出所有荷载步的基本计算结果OUTPR,BASIC,ALL !指定输出所有节点的基本数据OUTPR,BASIC,LAST !选择基本输出选项,直到最后一个荷载步OUTPR,,1 !输出第1个荷载步的基本计算结果OUTPR,BASIC,1 !选择第1荷载步的基本输出项目OUTPR,NLOAD,1 !指定输出第1荷载步的内容OUTRES,ALL,0 !设置将所有数据不记录到数据库。
详细吧ANSYS常用命令Fini(退出四大模块,回到BEGIN层)/cle (清空内存,开始新的计算)1.定义参数、数组,并赋值.2./prep7(进入前处理)定义几何图形:关键点、线、面、体定义几个所关心的节点,以备后处理时调用节点号。
设材料线弹性、非线性特性设置单元类型及相应KEYOPT设置实常数设置网格划分,划分网格根据需要耦合某些节点自由度定义单元表存盘3./solu加边界条件设置求解选项定义载荷步求解载荷步4./post1(通用后处理)5./post26 (时间历程后处理)6.PLOTCONTROL菜单命令7.参数化设计语言8.理论手册Fini(退出四大模块,回到BEGIN层)/cle (清空内存,开始新的计算)1定义参数、数组,并赋值.◆ * dim, par, type, imax, jmax, kmax, var1, vae2, var3 定义数组par: 数组名type:array 数组,如同fortran,下标最小号为1,可以多达三维(缺省)char 字符串组(每个元素最多8个字符)tableimax,jmax, kmax 各维的最大下标号var1,var2,var3 各维变量名,缺省为row,column,plane(当type为table时) 2/prep7(进入前处理)2.1定义几何图形:关键点、线、面、体◆csys,kcnkcn , 0 迪卡尔zuobiaosi1 柱坐标2 球4 工作平面5 柱坐标系(以Y轴为轴心)n 已定义的局部坐标系◆numstr, label, value 设置以下项目编号的开始nodeelemkplineareavolu注意:vclear, aclear, lclear, kclear 将自动设置节点、单元开始号为最高号,这时如需要自定义起始号,重发numstr◆K, npt, x,y,z, 定义关键点Npt:关键点号,如果赋0,则分配给最小号ANSYS常用命令(续)◆Kgen,itime,Np1,Np2,Ninc,Dx,Dy,Dz,kinc,noelem,imoveItime:拷贝份数Np1,Np2,Ninc:所选关键点Dx,Dy,Dz:偏移坐标Kinc:每份之间节点号增量noelem: “0” 如果附有节点及单元,则一起拷贝。
ANSYS常用命令介绍(全)1. A,P1,P2,…,P17,P18(以点定义面)2. AADD,NA1,NA2,…NA8,NA9(面相加)3. AATT,MAT,REAL,TYPE,ESYS,SECN(指定面的单元属性)【注】ESYS为坐标系统号、SECN为截面类型号。
4. *ABBR,Abbr,String(定义一个缩略词)5. ABBRES,Lab,Fname,Ext(从文件中读取缩略词)6. ABBSAVE,Lab,Fname,Ext(将当前定义的缩略词写入文件)7. ABS,IR,IA,--,--,Name,--,--,FACTA(取绝对值)【注】*************8. ACCAT,NA1,NA2(连接面)9. ACEL,ACEX,ACEY,ACEZ(定义结构的线性加速度)10. ACLEAR,NA1,NA2,NINC(清除面单元网格)11. ADAMS,NMODES,KSTRESS,KSHELL【注】*************12. ADAPT, NSOLN, STARGT, TTARGT, FACMN, FACMX, KYKPS, KYMAC【注】*************13. ADD,IR, IA, IB, IC, Name, --,-- , FACTA, FACTB, FACTC(变量加运算)14. ADELE,NA1,NA2,NINC,KSWP(删除面)【注】KSWP =0删除面但保留面上关键点、1删除面及面上关键点。
15. ADRAG,NL1,NL2,…,NL6,NLP1,NLP2,…,NLP6(将既有线沿一定路径拖拉成面)16. AESIZE,ANUM,SIZE(指定面上划分单元大小)17. AFILLT,NA1,NA1,RAD(两面之间生成倒角面)18. AFSURF,SAREA,TLINE(在既有面单元上生成重叠的表面单元)19. *AFUN, Lab(指定参数表达式中角度单位)20. AGEN, ITIME, NA1, NA2, NINC, DX, DY, DZ, KINC, NOELEM, IMOVE(复制面)21. AGLUE,NA1,NA2,…,NA8,NA9(面间相互粘接)22. AINA,NA1,NA2,…,NA8,NA9(被选面的交集)23. AINP,NA1,NA2,…,NA8,NA9(面集两两相交)24. AINV,NA,NV(面体相交)25. AL,L1,L2,…,L9,L10(以线定义面)26. ALIST,NA1,NA2,NINC,Lab(列表显示面的信息)【注】Lab=HPT时,显示面上硬点信息,默认为空。
1./post1(通用后处理)1.1.set, lstep, sbstep, fact, king, time, angle, nset 设定从结果文件读入的数据lstep:荷载步数sbstep:子步数,缺省为最后一步time:时间点(如果弧长法则不用)nset:data set number1.2.dscale, wn, dmult 显示变形比例wn: 窗口号(或all),缺省为1dmult, 0或auto : 自动将最大变形图画为构件长的5%1.3.pldisp,kund 显示变形的结构kund:0 仅显示变形后的结构1 显示变形前和变形后的结构2 显示变形结构和未变形结构的边缘1.4.*get, par, node, n, u, x(y,z) 获得节点n的x(y,z)位移给参数par等价于函数 ux,uy,uznode(x,y,z): 获得(x,y,z)节点号arnode(x,y,z):获得和节点n相连的面注意:此命令也可用于/solu模块1.5.fsum, lab, item 对单元之节点力和力矩求和lab: 空在整体迪卡尔坐标系下求和rsys 在当前激活的rsys坐标系下求和item: 空对所有选中单元(不包括接触元)求和cont: 仅对接触节点求和1.6.PRSSOL, ITEM, COMP 打印BEAM188、BEAM189截面结果说明:只有刚计算完还未退出ANSYS时可用,重新进入ANSYS 时不可用item comp 截面数据及分量标志S COMP X,XZ,YZ应力分量PRIN S1,S2,S3主应力SINT应力强度,SEQV等效应力EPTO COMP 总应变PRIN 总主应变,应变强度,等效应变EPPL COMP 塑性应变分量PRIN 主塑性应变,塑性应变强度,等效塑性应变1.7.plnsol, item, comp, kund, fact 画节点结果为连续的轮廓线item: 项目(见下表)comp: 分量kund: 0 不显示未变形的结构1 变形和未变形重叠2 变形轮廓和未变形边缘fact: 对于接触的2D显示的比例系数,缺省为1item comp discriptionu x,y,z,sum 位移rot x,y,z,sum 转角s x,y,z,xy,yz,xz 应力分量1,2,3 主应力Int,eqv 应力intensity,等效应力epeo x,y,z,xy,yz,xz 总位移分量1,2,3 主应变Int,eqv 应变intensity,等效应变epel x,y,z,xy,yz,xz 弹性应变分量1,2,3 弹性主应变Int,eqv 弹性intensity,弹性等效应变eppl x,y,z,xy,yz,xz 塑性应变分量1.8. PRNSOL, item, comp 打印选中节点结果item: 项目(见上表)comp: 分量1.9. PLLS, LABI, LABJ, FACT, KUND 沿线单元长度方向绘单元表数据LABI:节点I的单元表列名LABJ:节点J的单元表列名FACT: 显示比例,缺省为1kund: 0 不显示未变形的结构1 变形和未变形重叠2 变形轮廓和未变形边缘2./post26 (时间历程后处理)2.1.nsol, nvar, node, item, comp,name 在时间历程后处理器中定义节点变量的序号nvar:变量号(从2到nv(根据numvar定义))node: 节点号item compu x, y, zrot x, y, z2.2.ESOL, NVAR, ELEM, NODE, ITEM, COMP, NAME 将结果存入变量NVAR: 变量号,2以上ELEM: 单元号NODE: 该单元的节点号,决定存储该单元的哪个量,如果空,则给出平均值 ITEM COMP:u x, y, zrot x, y, zNAME: 8字符的变量名,缺省为ITEM加COMP2.3.rforce, nvar, node, item, comp, name 指定待存储的节点力数据nvar: 变量号node: 节点号item compF x, y.zM x, y,zname: 给此变量一个名称,8个字符2.4.add, ir, ia,ib,ic,name,--,--,facta, factb, factc 将ia,ib,ic变量相加赋给ir变量ir, ia,ib,ic:变量号name: 变量的名称2.5./grid, keyk ey: “0” 或“off” 无网络“1”或“on” xy网络“2”或“x” 只有x线“3”或“y” 只有y线2.6.xvar, nn: “0”或“1” 将x轴作为时间轴“n” 将x轴表示变量“n”2.7./axlab, axis, lab 定义轴线的标志axis: “x”或“y”lab: 标志,可长达30个字符2.8.plvar, nvar, nvar2, ……,nvar10 画出要显示的变量(作为纵坐标)2.9.prvar, nvar1, ……,nvar6 列出要显示的变量2.10.pbc, ilem, ……,key, min, max, abs 在显示屏上显示符号及数值item: u 所加的位移约束rot 所加的转角约束key: 0 不显示符号1 显示符号2 显示符号及数值2.11./SHOW, FNAME, EXT, VECT, NCPL 确定图形显示的设备及其他参数FNAME: X11:屏幕文件名:各图形将生成一系列图形文件JPEG: 各图形将生成一系列JPEG图形文件说明:没必要用此命令,需要的图形文件可计算后再输出3.经常使用的命令3.1.参数化设计语言①.*do, par, ival, fval, inc 定义一个do循环的开始par: 循环控制变量ival, fval, inc:起始值,终值,步长(正,负)stop: 将跳出anasysexit: 跳出当前的do循环cycle: 跳至当前do循环的末尾*enddo 定义一个do循环的结束②.*if,val1, oper, val2, base: 条件语句val1, val2: 待比较的值(也可是字符,用引号括起来)oper: 逻辑操作(当实数比较时,误差为1e-10)eq, ne, lt, gt, le, ge, ablt, abgtbase: 当oper结果为逻辑真时的行为lable: 用户定义的行标志then: 构成if-then-else结构3.2.NGEN,ITIME,INC,NODE1,NODE2,NINC,DX,DY,DZ,SPACE 是一个节点复制命令,它是将一组节点在现有坐标系统下复制到其它位置。
ansys常见命令集合APDL换⾏与续⾏-APDL规定每⾏72个字符如果要写表达式A=C1+C2 (C1与C2都为表达式可以⽤B=C1A=B+C2将⼀⾏拆成两⾏来做但是如果不是表达式,⽽是输⼊⼀个命令参数过多的话,可以⽤续⾏命令RMORE,格式如下:RMORE, R7, R8, R9, R10, R11, R12这个命令每次也只能输⼊6个参数,如果多于6个,可以重复使⽤RMORE就可以输⼊13-18,19-24等等。
:) 换⾏符是“ANSYS常见术语/命令对照表Utility Menu 实⽤菜单SAVE_DB 存储数据库 RESUME_DB 恢复数据库Select Entity 选择实体 Comp/Assembly 组元/集合Plot/Replot 画图/重新画图 Pan,Zoom,Rotate… 平移,缩放,旋转…WorkPlane(WP) ⼯作平⾯ Coordinate System(CS) 坐标系Macro 宏 Preference… 优先设置…Preprocessor 前处理 General Postproc 通⽤后处理TimeHist Postproc 时间历程后处理 APDL ANSYS参数化设计语⾔Line Fillet 在两条线的过渡⽣成线 Arbitrary 任意形状Cylinder 圆柱体 Prism 棱柱体 Cone 圆锥形Sphere 球形 Polygon 多边形 Stress 应⼒Strain 应变 Displacement 位移 DOF ⾃由度Von Mises(Stress) 平均应⼒ Contour 等⾼线(图)Deformed/Undeformed shape 变形后/未变形的形状 Results Summary 结果摘要Radiation Matrix 辐射矩阵 Modeling 建模Meshing 划分⽹格 Attribute 属性 LS (Load Step) 载荷步ansys的常⽤命令介绍对ANSYS学习也有⼀个来⽉的时间了,可是还是什么都不会!郁闷!整理了⼀些ANSYS常⽤的命令;但深知⾃⼰的⽔平,还不敢保证完全正确;给⼤家⼀些参考,望指正:1. A,P1,P2,…,P17,P18(以点定义⾯)2. AADD,NA1,NA2,…NA8,NA9(⾯相加)3. AATT,MAT,REAL,TYPE,ESYS,SECN(指定⾯的单元属性)【注】ESYS为坐标系统号、SECN为截⾯类型号。
ANSYS命令大全1. A,P1,P2,…,P17,P18(以点定义面)2. AADD,NA1,NA2,…NA8,NA9(面相加)3. AATT,MAT,REAL,TYPE,ESYS,SECN(指定面的单元属性)【注】ESYS为坐标系统号、SECN为截面类型号。
4. *ABBR,Abbr,String(定义一个缩略词)5. ABBRES,Lab,Fname,Ext(从文件中读取缩略词)6. ABBSAVE,Lab,Fname,Ext(将当前定义的缩略词写入文件)7. ABS,IR,IA,--,--,Name,--,--,FACTA(取绝对值)【注】*************8. ACCAT,NA1,NA2(连接面)9. ACEL,ACEX,ACEY,ACEZ(定义结构的线性加速度)10. ACLEAR,NA1,NA2,NINC(清除面单元网格)11. ADAMS,NMODES,KSTRESS,KSHELL【注】*************12. ADAPT, NSOLN, STARGT, TTARGT, FACMN, FACMX, KYKPS, KYMAC【注】*************13. ADD,IR, IA, IB, IC, Name, --,-- , FACTA, FACTB, FACTC(变量加运算)14. ADELE,NA1,NA2,NINC,KSWP(删除面)【注】KSWP =0删除面但保留面上关键点、1删除面及面上关键点。
15. ADRAG,NL1,NL2,…,NL6,NLP1,NLP2,…,NLP6(将既有线沿一定路径拖拉成面)16. AESIZE,ANUM,SIZE(指定面上划分单元大小)17. AFILLT,NA1,NA1,RAD(两面之间生成倒角面)18. AFSURF,SAREA,TLINE(在既有面单元上生成重叠的表面单元)19. *AFUN, Lab(指定参数表达式中角度单位)20. AGEN, ITIME, NA1, NA2, NINC, DX, DY, DZ, KINC, NOELEM, IMOVE(复制面)21. AGLUE,NA1,NA2,…,NA8,NA9(面间相互粘接)22. AINA,NA1,NA2,…,NA8,NA9(被选面的交集)23. AINP,NA1,NA2,…,NA8,NA9(面集两两相交)24. AINV,NA,NV(面体相交)25. AL,L1,L2,…,L9,L10(以线定义面)26. ALIST,NA1,NA2,NINC,Lab(列表显示面的信息)【注】Lab=HPT时,显示面上硬点信息,默认为空。
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1 A234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132333435363738394041424344454647484950515253585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107BC112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136 D137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215EFG220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269H I K274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289 L290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364371372373374375376377378379380381382383M N O388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437P Q442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491R S496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545T U547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590X591Z 592VWA,P1,P2,…,P17,P18(以点定义面)AADD,NA1,NA2,…NA8,NA9(面相加)AATT,MAT,REAL,TYPE,ESYS,SECN(指定面的单元属性)【注】ESYS为坐标系统号、SECN为截面类型号。
*ABBR,Abbr,String(定义一个缩略词)ABBRES,Lab,Fname,Ext(从文件中读取缩略词)ABBSAVE,Lab,Fname,Ext(将当前定义的缩略词写入文件)ACCAT,NA1,NA2(连接面)ACEL,ACEX,ACEY,ACEZ(定义结构的线性加速度)ACLEAR,NA1,NA2,NINC(清除面单元网格)ADAMS,NMODES,KSTRESS,KSHELLADAPT, NSOLN, STARGT, TTARGT, FACMN, FACMX, KYKPS, KYMACADD,IR, IA, IB, IC, Name, --,-- , FACTA, FACTB, FACTC(变量加运算)ADELE,NA1,NA2,NINC,KSWP(删除面) 【注】KSWP =0删除面但保留面上关键点、1删除面及面上关键点。
ADRAG,NL1,NL2,…,NL6,NLP1,NLP2,…,NLP6(将既有线沿一定路径拖拉成面)AESIZE,ANUM,SIZE(指定面上划分单元大小)AFILLT,NA1,NA1,RAD(两面之间生成倒角面)AFSURF,SAREA,TLINE(在既有面单元上生成重叠的表面单元)AFUN, Lab(指定参数表达式中角度单位)AGEN, ITIME, NA1, NA2, NINC, DX, DY, DZ, KINC, NOELEM, IMOVE(复制面)AGLUE,NA1,NA2,…,NA8,NA9(面间相互粘接)AINA,NA1,NA2,…,NA8,NA9(被选面的交集)AINP,NA1,NA2,…,NA8,NA9(面集两两相交)AINV,NA,NV(面体相交)AL,L1,L2,…,L9,L10(以线定义面)ALIST,NA1,NA2,NINC,Lab(列表显示面的信息) 【注】Lab=HPT时,显示面上硬点信息,默认为空。
ASKIN,NL1,NL2,…,NL8,NL9(通过引导线由蒙皮生成光滑曲面)ASUB,NA1,P1,P2,P3,P4(选择面的一部分生成新面)ARSYM,Ncomp,NA1,NA2,NINC,KINC,NOELEM,IMOVE(面镜像)ATRAN,KCNTO,NA1,NA2,NINC,KINC,NOELEM,IMOVE(将面转化到另一坐标系)/AUTO,WN(启动自动调整模式)AUTOTS,Key(设定自动时间步长)AVPRIN,KEY,EFFNU(指定在同一节点处先计算主应力或矢量和,再进行平均)/BATCH,Lab(进入批处理模式) 【注】Lab=LIST(批处理的输出包括输入文件列表)、black。
BF,NODE,Lab,VAL1,VAL2,VAL3,PHASE(在节点上施加体载荷)BFA,AREA,Lab,VAL1,VAL2,VAL3,PHASE(在面上施加体载荷)BFADELE,AREA,Lab(删除面上的体载荷)BFALIST,AREA,Lab(列表显示面上的体载荷)BFCUM,Lab,Oper,FACT,TBASE(设置节点上体载荷的施加方式) 【注】Oper=REPL(后定义的值替换原值)、BFDELE,NODE,Lab(删除节点上的体载荷)BFE,ELEM,Lab,STLOC,VAL1,VAL2,VAL3,VAL4(在单元上施加体载荷)BFECUM,Lab,Oper,FACT,TBASE(设置单元上体载荷的施加方式)BFEDELE,ELEM,Lab(删除单元上的体载荷)BFELIST,ELEM,Lab(列表显示单元上的体载荷)BFESCALE,Lab,FACT,TBASE(按比例缩放节单元上的体载荷)BFK,KPOI,Lab,VAL1,VAL2,VAL3,PHASE(在关键上施加体载荷)BFKDELE,KPOI,Lab(删除关键点上的体载荷)BFKLIST,KPOI,Lab(列表显示线关键点上的体载荷)BFL,LINE,Lab,VAL1,VAL2,VAL3,PHASE(在线上施加体载荷)BFLDELE,Line,Lab(删除线上的体载荷)BFLIST,NODE,Lab(列表显示节点上的体载荷)BFLLIST,LINE,Lab(列表显示线上的体载荷)BFSCALE,Lab,FACT,TBASE(按比例缩放节点上的体载荷)BFTRAN(将实体模型中的体载荷转换到有限元模型)BFUNIF,Lab,VALUE(在所有节点施加均匀的体载荷)BFV,VOLU,Lab,VAL1,VAL2,VAL3,PHASE(在体上施加体载荷)BFVDELE,VOLU,Lab(删除体上的体载荷)BFVLIST,VOLU,Lab(列表显示体上的体载荷)BLC4,XCORNER,YCORNER,WIDTH,HEIGHT,DEPTH(指定角点位置生成矩形或长方体)BLC5,XCENTER,YCENTER,WIDTH,HEIGHT,DEPTH(指定中心位置生成矩形或长方体)BLOCK,X1,X2,Y1,Y2,Z1,Z2(根据两角点生成长方体)BOPTN,Label,Value(对布尔运算进行设置)【注】Label=KEEP,设定是否保留源图元,Value(YES、N BSPLIN,P1,P2,P3,P4,P5,P6,XV1,YV1,ZV1,XV6,YV6,ZV6(拟合样条曲线)CE,NEQN,CONST,NODE1,Lab1,C1,NODE2,Lab2,C2,NODE3,Lab3,C3(生成约束方程)CECMOD,NEQN,CONST(求解过程中修改约束方程得常数项)CEDELE,NEQN1,NEQN2,NINC,Nsel(删除约束方程)CEINTF,TOLER,DOF1,DOF2,DOF3,DOF4,DOF5,DOF6,MoveTol(在接触面生成约束方程)CELIST,NEQN1,NEQN2,NINC,Nsel(列表显示约束方程)CENTER,NODE,NODE1,NODE2,NODE3,RADIUS(将弧线的曲率中心定义为节点)CERIG,MASTE,SLAVE,Ldof,Ldof2,Ldof3,Ldof4,Ldof5(生成刚性区域)CESGEN,ITIME,INC,NSET1,NSET2,NINC(从既有约束方程生成新的约束方程)CGLOC,XLOC,YLOC,ZLOC(定义加速度坐标系相对于整体直角坐标系的位置)CGOMGA,CGOMX,CGOMY,CGOMZ(指定旋转物体的角速度)CHECK,Sele,Lev1(检查当前数据库数据的完整性) 【注】Sele=blank(检查所有数据库数据)、ESEL(检查所选单CHKMSH,Comp(检查面或体的分网结果)CIRCLE,PCENT,RAD,PAXIS,PZERO,ARC,NSEG(生成圆或弧)/CLABEL,WN,KEY(定义梯度线的标签)CLOCAL,KCN,KCS,XL,YL,ZL,THXY,THYZ,THZX,PAR1,PAR2(根据激活的坐标系定义局部坐标系)CM, cname, entity(定义组元,将几何元素分组形成组元) 【注】cname: 由字母数字组成的组元名 entity: 组元的CMGRP, aname, cname1, ……,cname8(将组元分组形成组元集合) 【注】aname: 组元集名称 cname1……cname8: 已/COLOR,Lab,Clab,N1,N2,NINC(指定窗口颜色) /COLOR,PBAK,Key_ On_Off,KEY_TYPE,KEY_INDEX(为背景添CON4,XCENTER,YCENTER,RAD1,RAD2,DEPTH(任意位置生成锥体或圆台)CONE,RBOT,RTOP,Z1,Z2,THETA1,THETA2(以原点为中心生成锥体或圆台)/CONTOUR,WN,NCONT,VMIN,VINC,VMAX(自定义等间隔梯度线)CP,NSET,Lab,NODE1,NODE2,NODE3,…,NODE16,NODE17(定义耦合集)CPDELE,NSET1,NSET2,NINC,Nsel(删除耦合)CPINTF,Lab,TOLER(耦合重合节点自由度)/CPLANE,KEY(定义切平面)CPLGEN,NSETF,Lab1,Lab2,Lab3,Lab4,Lab5(取与一既有耦合集相同的节点生成不同自由度的耦合集)CPLIST,NSET1,NSET2,NINC,Nsel(列表显示耦合)CPSGEN,ITIME,INC,NSET1,NSET2,NINC(在选定节点生成与一既有耦合集具有相同自由度的新耦合集)CS,KCN,KCS,NORIG,NXAX,NXYPL,PAR1,PAR2(根据已有的三个节点定义局部坐标系)CSDELE,KCN1,KCN2,KCINC(删除局部坐标系。