
陕西省西安市阎良区高一上学期地理期末考试试卷姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________一、选择题(下列各题所给四个答案中只有一个符合题目要求,每题2分 (共14题;共60分)1. (4分) 2008年5月12日14时28分,我国四川省汶川县发生8级强震,造成巨大的人员和财产损失。
(1)这次地震的震源深度为20千米左右,岩层的断裂处位于()A . 地壳中B . 上地幔中C . 下地幔中D . 地核中(2)这次地震震中的人们会感觉到()A . 只有上下颠簸,没有水平晃动B . 只有水平晃动,没有上下颠簸C . 先水平晃动,后上下颠簸D . 先上下颠簸,后水平晃动2. (4分)人类活动会导致某些自然要素的变化,进而带动其他要素变化,其中水是比较易受人类影响的自然要素。
读图,按方框Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ顺序相应内容排序正确的是()①土壤水增多②蒸腾加强③库区蒸发量增大A . ①③②B . ②①③C . ①②③D . ③②①3. (6分)下列现象与地球自转有关的是()A . 昼夜的产生B . 昼夜交替C . 昼夜长短的变化D . 极昼和极夜4. (6分)在台湾12月的某一天,艳阳高照,建华骑机动车去某单位,在上午10点左右抵达,预计下午2点离开。
为了避免这一段时间阳光照射,使机动车太热,他应该选择哪一个停车格最适当()A . 甲B . 乙C . 丙D . 丁5. (4分) (2019高二上·黄山期末) 黄河入海水量1951年大约为500亿立方米,2010年大约为140亿立方米,总体呈下降趋势。
(1)导致黄河入海水量变化的最主要原因是()A . 上游水电站增多B . 中游水土流失加剧C . 下游降水量减少D . 流域内用水量增多(2)黄河入海水量减少带来的主要影响是()A . 三角洲土壤盐渍化减轻B . 三角洲扩展速度减慢C . 入海口河水含沙量增加D . 河口地区的气候变干6. (4分)大气运动的能量来源是()A . 地面辐射B . 大气辐射C . 太阳辐射D . 大气逆辐射7. (4分) (2020高一上·鹤岗期末) 关于下图所示气候类型及其相关特点的叙述,正确的是()A . ①②同为亚热带气候,且降水季节变化相同B . ②③的形成原因相同,主要分布在大陆东岸C . ③④分布在不同半球,均有雨热同期的特点D . ①④的形成均与西风带有关,各大洲都有分布8. (4分) (2018高二下·天津期末) 下图为“以极点为中心的半球图”,箭头表示洋流的流向,读下图,完成下列各题。

2020-2021学年陕西省西安市阎良区第一中学高一英语期末试卷含解析一、选择题1. Companies cut jobs during November__________ weak consumer spending and high cost.A. in return forB. in favor ofC. in response toD. in terms of参考答案:C略2. The newly- built buildings along the streets _______ the beauty of my hometown.A. add upB. add toC. are added upD. are added参考答案:B3. According to the author, those __________ enjoy reading will never feel lonely.A. whenB. whoC. whereD. which参考答案:B【详解】考查定语从句。
此处those 是先行词,指人,后面的定语从句缺少主语和引导词,故答案为B.4. Gou-de-le, which is one of the largest supermarket Meitans, _____ some of its stores open 24 hours on Mondays through Saturdays.A. keepB. have keptC. had keptD. keeps参考答案:A5. It seemed that he was ______ his life. Luckily, he was ______in the end.A. in danger of losing; out of dangerB. dangerous to lose; out of dangerC. in danger of losing; out of the dangerD. in danger to lose; out of the danger参考答案:A6. You have no idea what I’ve had to ________ during the last few days.A. come throughB. look throughC. cut throughD. go through参考答案:D7. As we know, the 2008 Olympic will________ in Beijing, China.A. take placeB. be taken placeC. be to be heldD. hold参考答案:A8. —Glad to see you, Kate.—Oh, my God. It’s been 20 years ___________ we last saw each other.A. whenB. beforeC. afterD. since参考答案:D9. The roads are crowded _______ walking to work is quicker than driving.A. in order thatB. so thatC. so as toD. in order to参考答案:B10. _______leaves the room last ought to turn off the lights.A. AnyoneB. The personC. WhoeverD. Who参考答案:C11. Hiking by oneself can be fun and good for health. It may also be good for ______ building.A. respectB. friendshipC. beliefD. character参考答案:D12. The children stood in ______________ circle and danced to music.A. aB. anC. theD. 不填参考答案:A略13. The footprints on the floor ___________ that someone had broken into their house while they were out.A. recognizedB. forecastC. indicatedD. observed参考答案:C14. Mike used to be a top student, but he has fallen behind he lost himself in playing computer games.A. afterB. sinceC. whenD. until参考答案:B【详解】考查连词辨析。

)1.如图为“探究酵母菌的呼吸方式”的实验装置,有关叙述错误的是A.A瓶加入质量分数为10%的NaOH溶液是为了吸收空气中的CO2B.若向B瓶和D瓶中加入重铬酸钾的浓硫酸溶液,则D瓶内的溶液会变黄C.可根据溴麝香草酚蓝水溶液变黄的时间长短,来检测CO2的产生速率D.乙组D瓶先封口放置一段时间的目的是消耗瓶中的O2以形成无氧的环境2.下列有关受精作用与受精卵的叙述中,错误的是A.受精作用的完成必然依赖于细胞间的相互识别B.受精卵中的遗传物质一半来自父方一半来自母方C.受精作用可保证前后代细胞中染色体数目的恒定D.受精卵的发育是遗传物质和环境共同作用的过程3.在构成玉米的下列元素中,属于微量元素的一组是A.Mo、C、H、N、P B.Cl、Fe、S、H、MgC.B、Cu、Zn、Mn D.N、P、K、Cu、Fe4.以下关于细胞中核酸和核苷酸的叙述,不正确的是()A.DNA彻底水解后可以得到4种碱基B.RNA是由核糖核苷酸连接而成的长链C.细胞中的每一个核苷酸分子都含有磷酸基团D.核苷酸分子之间通过磷酸和碱基相连形成长链5.下列概念依次与图中a、b、c、d相对应的一组是( )A.真核生物、动物、植物、真菌B.原核生物、细菌、蓝藻、病毒C.系统、生命系统、生态系统、群落D.生物、真核生物、原核生物、真菌6.下图表示细胞膜部分功能模式图。

阎良区高一第一学期期末生物试卷一、选择题(每小题3分,共45分)1. 在制备细胞膜的实验中常用新鲜成熟哺乳动物的红细胞作材料是因为()A.哺乳动物红细胞在水中容易胀破B.哺乳动物红细胞内没有核膜、线粒体膜等细胞器膜C.哺乳动物红细胞容易收集D.哺乳动物红细胞的细胞膜在分离时容易沉淀在下面2. 高大树木的根吸收的水分能够到达树冠的顶部,其主要动力是:()A.光合作用B.蒸腾作用C.渗透作用D.呼吸作用3. 下列关于细胞中的脂质的叙述,正确的是()A.脂肪是细胞中的主要能源物质B.脂质含有的化学元素都相同C.脂肪比相同质量的糖类彻底氧化分解释放的能量少D.维生素D和性激素均属于固醇类物质4. 与植物体中的类固醇属于同类物质的是:()A.纤维素B.维生素D C.胰岛素D.叶绿素5. 光合作用强度可以用多种指标表示,以下不适合的是( )A、植物体鲜重增加量B、植物体干重增加量C、O2释放量D、CO2吸收量6. 在提取绿色植物叶绿体中的色素时,研磨叶片过程中加少许CaCO3 的作用是()A.使研磨进行得更充分B.防止叶绿体破坏C.防止叶绿体中的色素被破坏D.使叶绿素更容易溶解在丙酮中7. 活细胞中,与酶的合成和分泌直接有关的细胞器是( )A.中心体和高尔基体B.核糖体和高尔基体C.溶酶体和高尔基体D.核糖体和溶酶体8. 线粒体DNA上的基因所表达的酶与线粒体功能有关。
若线粒体DNA受损伤,则下列细胞的功能受影响最大的是()A.红细胞吸收葡萄糖B.小肠上皮细胞吸收水C.神经细胞吸收氨基酸D.肺泡细胞吸收氧气9. 植物的光合作用强度可以用多种指标表示,但以下指标中不适合表示光合作用强度的是()A、植物体鲜重增加量B、植物体干重增加量C、O2释放量D、CO2吸收量10. 据报道,奥地利科学家利用干细胞成功培养出了“大脑类器官”,这些类器官的构成与一个9 周或10 周大的胚胎的大脑类似。
下列相关描述中正确的是()A. 由干细胞培育成“大脑类器官”,体现了动物细胞的全能性B. 培育出“大脑类器官”的过程中,发生了细胞分裂和细胞分化C. 若培育过程中出现了细胞坏死,则其根本原因是基因的选择性表达D. 若培育过程中出现了细胞癌变.则癌变细胞的呼吸速率减慢11. 从生命系统的结构层次来分析,下列叙述中属于种群的是()A.一个池塘中生活着的鱼B.被污染后培养基上的大肠杆菌等细菌和真菌C.培养皿中的大肠杆菌的一个菌落D.在一棵枯树枝上生活着蚂蚁、蘑菇和苔藓12. 关于细胞膜结构的“流动镶嵌模型”的下述论点中,提示出不同的膜物质分子之间排列关系论述是( )A.磷脂排列成双分子层B.球蛋白分子覆盖或镶嵌于脂双层C.两侧膜物质分子排列不对称D.膜物质分子的运动使其有流动性13. 噬菌体、烟草、HIV病毒的核酸中具有碱基和核苷酸的种类分别是()A.4种、8种、4种和4种、8种、4种B.4种、5种、4种和4种、8种、4种C.4种、5种、4种和4种、5种、4种D.4种、8种、4种和4种、5种、4种14. 生物膜在结构上不能直接相联的是:( )A.内质网与外层核膜B.内质网膜与细胞膜C.高尔基体膜与内质网膜D.内质网膜与线粒体外膜15. 使用高倍显微镜观察装片的过程是:()①转动转换器把低倍物镜移走②在低倍镜下找到目标③将目标移到视野中央④调细准焦螺旋及反光镜,直至视野适宜、物像清晰为止A.②③④①B.②④①③C.③④②①D.②③①④二、主观题(共55分)1. 下图为生物体内葡萄糖分解代谢过程的图解,请根据图回答下面的问题:(1)反应①②③④中,可在人体细胞中进行的是____________________________。

在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有是一个符合题目要求的1. 在平行四边形中,等于()A. B. C. D.参考答案:A2. 已知向量=(1,),=(-1,0),则|+2|=( )A.1B.C.2D.4参考答案:C3. 已知在上是减函数,若,,,则()A.B. C. D.参考答案:C4. 如图所示为函数(,)的部分图像,A,B两点之间的距离为5,且,则()A. B.C. D.参考答案:A【分析】先利用,两点之间距离以及纵向距离,求出横向距离,从而得到周期,进而求出的值,再利用求出的值,从而求出.【详解】过点作直线轴,过点作于点,因为,,由勾股定理可得,所以,可得,所以,因为,结合图像可知,,解得,因为,所以,所以则,故答案选A.【点睛】本题主要考查了已知图像求正弦型函数解析式,以及求值问题,属于中档题.这类型题,一般通过观察图像得到周期,从而求出;再根据图像的最值求出值;然后再利用特殊点代入,结合的范围确定的值.5. 已知a=20.3,b=log0.23,c=log32,则a,b,c的大小关系是()A.a<b<c B.c<b<a C.b<a<c D.b<c<a参考答案:D【考点】对数值大小的比较.【分析】利用对数函数、指数函数的单调性求解.【解答】解:∵a=20.3>20=1,b=log0.23<log0.21=0,0=log31<c=log32<log33=1,∴a,b,c的大小关系是b<c<a.故选:D.【点评】本题考查三个数的大小的比较,是基础题,解题时要认真审题,注意利用对数函数、指数函数的单调性的合理运用.6. 已知,则下列不等式不成立的是A. B. C. D.参考答案:B【分析】根据指数函数、对数函数的单调性,以及不等式的性质,对选项逐一分析,由此得出不等式不成立的选项.【详解】依题意,由于为定义域上的减函数,故,故A选项不等式成立.由于为定义域上的增函数,故,则,所以B选项不等式不成立,D选项不等式成立.由于,故,所以C选项不等式成立.综上所述,本小题选B.【点睛】本小题主要考查指数函数和对数函数的单调性,考查不等式的性质,属于基础题.7. 下列函数中,是偶函数又在区间上递增的函数为A.B.C.D.参考答案:C8. 已知α,β都是锐角,cosα=,cos(α+β)=﹣,则oosβ值为()A. B. C. D.参考答案:C【考点】两角和与差的余弦函数;两角和与差的正弦函数.【分析】根据同角三角函数基本关系的应用分别求得sinα和sin(α+β)的值,进而根据余弦的两角和公式求得答案.【解答】解:∵α,β都是锐角,cosα=,cos(α+β)=﹣,∴sinα==,sin(α+β)==,∴cosβ=cos(α+β﹣α)=cos(α+β)cosα+sin(α+β)sinα=﹣×+×=.故选:C.9. 空间直角坐标系中,棱长为6的正四面体的顶点,则正四面体的外接球球心的坐标可以是ks5u(A) (B) (C) (D)参考答案:B略10. “龟兔赛跑”讲述了这样的故事:领先的兔子看着慢慢爬行的乌龟,骄傲起来,睡了一觉,当它醒来时,发现乌龟快到终点了,于是急忙追赶,但为时已晚,乌龟还是先到达了终点…。

在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有是一个符合题目要求的1. 在△ABC中,若A=30°,B=60°,b=,则a等于()A.3 B.1 C.2 D.参考答案:B【考点】余弦定理.【分析】由条件利用正弦定理求得a的值.【解答】解:△ABC中,∵A=30°,B=60°,b=,由正弦定理可得=, =,∴a=1,故选:B.【点评】本题主要考查正弦定理的应用,属于基础题.2. 已知函数,则函数的零点个数为()A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4参考答案:C3. 在△ABC中,角A、B、C所对的边分别为a、b、c,且若,则△ABC的形状是( )A. 等腰三角形B. 直角三角形C. 等边三角形D. 等腰直角三角参考答案:C【分析】直接利用余弦定理的应用求出A的值,进一步利用正弦定理得到:b=c,最后判断出三角形的形状.【详解】在△ABC中,角A、B、C所对的边分别为a、b、c,且b2+c2=a2+bc.则:,由于:0<A<π,故:A.由于:sin B sin C=sin2A,利用正弦定理得:bc=a2,所以:b2+c2﹣2bc=0,故:b=c,所以:△ABC为等边三角形.故选:C.【点睛】本题考查了正弦定理和余弦定理及三角形面积公式的应用,主要考查学生的运算能力和转化能力,属于基础题型.4. 在△ABC中,a2=b2+c2+bc,则A=()A.60°B.45°C.120°D.30°参考答案:C【考点】HR:余弦定理.【分析】利用余弦定理表示出cosA,将已知的等式变形后代入,求出cosA的值,由A为三角形的内角,利用特殊角的三角函数值即可求出A的度数.【解答】解:∵a2=b2+c2+bc,即b2+c2﹣a2=﹣bc,∴由余弦定理得:cosA===﹣,又A为三角形的内角,则A=120°.故选C【点评】此题考查了余弦定理,以及特殊角的三角函数值,熟练掌握余弦定理是解本题的关键.5. 已知角α,β均为锐角,且cosα=,tan(α﹣β)=﹣,tanβ=()A.B.C.D.3参考答案:D【考点】两角和与差的正切函数.【分析】由条件利用同角三角函数的基本关系求得 tanα的值,再根据tan(α﹣β)=﹣,利用两角差的正切公式求得tanβ的值.【解答】解:∵角α,β均为锐角,且cosα=,∴sinα=,tanα=,又tan(α﹣β)= = =﹣,∴tanβ=3,故选:D.6. 已知函数y=x2﹣2x+2,x∈[﹣3,2],则该函数的值域为()A.[1,17] B.[3,11] C.[2,17] D.[2,4]参考答案:A【考点】34:函数的值域.【分析】函数y=x2﹣2x+2=(x﹣1)2+1,x∈[﹣3,2],利用二次函数的单调性即可得出.【解答】解:函数y=x2﹣2x+2=(x﹣1)2+1,x∈[﹣3,2],∴当x∈[﹣3,1)时,此函数单调递减,可得y∈(1,17];当x∈[1,2]时,此函数单调递增,可得y∈[1,2].综上可得:此函数的值域为:[1,17].故选:A.7. 给出如下四对事件:①某人射击1次,“射中7环”与“射中8环”;②甲、乙两人各射击1次,“甲射中7环”与“乙射中8环”;③甲、乙两人各射击1次,“两人均射中目标”与“两人均没有射中目标”;④甲、乙两人各射击1次,“至少有1人射中目标”与“甲射中,但乙未射中目标”,其中属于互斥事件的有()A.1对 B.2对 C.3对 D.4对参考答案:B 略8. 若函数在上是单调函数,则的取值范围是A. B. C. D.参考答案:C略9. 若函数有零点,则实数a的取值范围为()A. B. C. D.参考答案:D【分析】令,得,再令,得出,并构造函数,将问题转化为直线与函数在区间有交点,利用数形结合思想可得出实数的取值范围。

2023_2024学年陕西省西安市阎良区高一上学期第三次英语模拟测试题第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题,每题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题.从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试题的相应位置.听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题.每段对话仅读一遍.1. What did Karen do last night?A. She stayed at home.B. She went to a party.C. She saw a movie.2. What is the probable relationship between Mary and the woman?A. Strangers.B. Former schoolmates.C. Employer and employee.3. When will the woman probably go to Chicago?A. Today.B. Tomorrow.C. The day after tomorrow.4. Where are the speakers?A. At a store.B. At the airport.C. At the post office.5. What are the speakers talking about?A. A kind of food.B. A history lesson.C. An ancient dynasty.第二节(共15小题,每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白.听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间.每段对话或独白读两遍.听第6段材料,回答第6、7题.6. What does the woman want Peter to do?A. Drive her to the airport.B. Help her with the bag.C. Call a taxi for her.7. At what time will the woman’s flight take off?A. 2:00 pm.B. 3:00 pm.C. 4:00 pm.听第7段材料,回答第8至10题.8. How did the speakers feel about visiting the park?A. Tired.B. Happy.C. Disappointed.9. What does Amy plan to do tomorrow?A. Study for an exam.B. Attend a party.C. Go to the movies.10. What kind of movie will the speakers watch?A. A romantic movie.B. A comedy.C. A horror movie.听第8段材料,回答第11至13题.11. When will the man go to the restaurant?A. On Tuesday.B. On Wednesday.C. On Thursday.12. Who will have dinner with the man?A. A couple.B. Some friends.C. His family.13. What will the man do next?A. Provide personal information.B. Tell the waitress his arriving time.C. Ask for a table at the non-smoking area.听第9段材料,回答第14至17题.14. Where does Mark usually read news now?A. In a newper.B. In a magazine.C. On the Internet.15. What makes the woman surprised about the machine?A. It has a small glass window.B. It can make a pizza in a short time.C. It offers four types of pizzas at a time.16. What does the woman think of the machine?A. It is quite necessary.B. It might not be popular.C. It will certainly succeed.17. What is an advantage of the machine?A. The 24-hour service.B. Tasty pizza made by it.C. The low production cost.听第10段材料,回答第18至20题.18. How many books did Eric Carle create for children?A. Less than 55.B. Over 70.C. Almost 90.19. Which book is the most famous one?A. The Grouchy Ladybug.B. The Mixed-Up Chameleon.C. The Very Hungry Caterpillar.20. Why did Eric Carle write?A. To make school more attractive.B. To help children get inspiration.C. To offer materials to teachers.第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)第一节(共15小题,每小题 2.5 分,满分37.5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项.ALow-cost Gifts for Mother’s DayGift No. 1Offer to be your mother’s health friend. Promise to be there for all doctor’s visits whether she has a disease or needs a regular medical check-up. Most mothers always say there is no need, but another set of eyes and ears is always a good idea at a doctor’s visit. The best part? This one is free. Gift No. 2Help your mother organize all of her medical records, which include the test results and medical information. Put them all in one place. Be sure to make a list of all of her medicines and what time she takes them. “Having all this information in one place could end up saving your mother’s life,” Dr. Marie Savard said.Gift No. 3Enough sleep is connected with general health conditions. “Buy your mother cotton sheets and comfortable pillows to encourage better sleep,” Savard said. “We know that good sleep is very important to our health.”Gift No. 4Some gift companies such as Presents for Purpose allow you to pay it forward this Mother’s Day by picking gifts, 10 percent of whose price you pay goes to a charity (慈善机构). Gift givers can choose from a wide variety of useful but inexpensive things — many of which are “green” — and then choose a meaningful charity from a list. When your mother gets the gift she will be told thatshe has helped the chosen charity.21. What are you advised to do for your mother at doctor’s visits?A. To take notes.B. To be with her.C. To buy medicines.D. To give her gifts.22. Where can you find an idea for gifts to improve your mother’s sleep?A. In Gift No. 1.B. In Gift No. 2.C. In Gift No. 3.D. In Gift No. 4.23. Buying gifts from Presents for Purpose allows mothers to ______.A. enjoy good sleepB. be well-organizedC. get extra supportD. give other helpBMy new teacher is cool. Her name is Paula so we call her Miss Paula.The first time we met her she said we are going to be good friends and that good friends are always nice to each other.Miss Paula has been teaching us a lot of things. Some of us used to get in trouble for talking in the hallway (过道). Miss Paula says she can’t change the rule that we can’t make noise in the hallway but we can still talk to each other. She is teaching us sign language. I already know how to say “hello” and “how are you” with my hands. Now we love it when we have to walk somewhere and we are always quiet except for a laugh or two.Miss Paula likes everybody even Sam and nobody likes Sam. He never does what he’s told but now he is doing better. Miss Paula says every single one of us is perfect and beautiful just the way we are. I guess that includes Sam.This week at school was really the best ever. I didn’t even get in trouble when I thought I would because I spilled (洒) milk on my homework and had to hand it in when it was still wet. Miss Paula just smiled and asked “What’s this?” So I told her what happened. Miss Paula put it near the window to make it dry. She said the sun had been waiting for such an important job as this and would be happy to help us.Well I have to go and get ready for bed now. I have school in the morning and I want to wake up early so I will have time to pick Miss Paula some flowers.24. From the passage we know that Miss Paula ________.A. is strict with the writerB. changed the school rulesC. is very kind to her studentsD. uses sign language in class25. From Paragraph 4 what do we learn about Sam?A. Sam dislikes his new teacher.B. Sam has made some progress.C. Sam is often praised by Miss Paula.D. Sam is one of the writer’s best friends.26. How did the writer probably feel when he handed in his homework?A. Bored.B. Excited.C. Relaxed.D. Worried.27. We can learn from the passage that the writer ________.A. loves and respects her new teacherB. is a bit afraid of her new teacherC. always picks her teacher some flowersD. wrote this article in the morningCThe aim of students who came to school is to study. But to study requires a right way, or you waste either the time or the money. The following are the ways of studying.The best time for reading is morning, because in the morning, the air is fresh and the mind is clear. For that reason, we can get good results.In studying we must have patience. If we have not known a text well, we must read it again. We should not read the next one till we have learned the first one.When we are studying, we must put our hearts into the book, or we can get nothing from the book while we are reading.We must always ask “whys”. If it is not well understood, write it down and ask our teachers or our parents, or friends. In any possible way, we must know it completely and what we’ve learned can be used well and made better.Though there are many ways for studying, yet the above mentioned will be quite enough if we can keep them in heart and do so.28.The passage tells us ________.A.the importance of readingB.to pay attention to the ways of studyingC.to read in the morningD.to have patience in studying29.How many ways of studying are mentioned in this passage?A.Three.B.Four.C.Five.D.Six.30.If we can’t put our hearts into the book when we read, it is ________.A.easy to understand it wellB.better to get something from itC.impossible for us to get something from it D.possible to learn something from it31.In studying we must always ask “whys” in order to ________.A.understand the book well B.write down the questionsC.do with the new words D.get some questions to ask our teachersDDo you like to keep fit? We’re always told that regular exercise is good for our body and mind. More and more people are taking up activities that improve their fitness. But is there a risk that some of us might get obsessed (着迷的) and overdo it?Well, for some people, fitness has become an obsession as they aim for perfection. And fitness trackers and apps can add to this addiction, especially if someone is driven by achievement and perfectionism. And sharing data on social media means exercising becomes public and competitive, which could cause problems in someone who is vulnerable (脆弱的). Experts say this can lead to a medical condition called orthorexia nervosa, or addiction to healthy eating and over-exercise. Untreated, it can lead to malnutrition and mental health problems.Too much exercise can also take its toll on someone’s physical health as well. Symptoms of over-exercising include injuries such as a broken leg and a low immune system. So how much exercise is too much? Researches found the ideal pace to jog was about eight kilometers per hour-and that it was best to jog no more than three times a week or for 2.5 hours in total, showing that moderate jogging is possibly more beneficial than being inactive or undertaking strenuous (剧烈的) jogging.If you’re more of a couch potato than a runner, this might sound like good news. But for amateur (业余的) athletes who can’t help but push their bodies to the limit, the advice from Martin Turner, a sports and exercise psychologist, is, “It’s all about letting go, not being obsessed, learning not to control everything, saying, ‘You don’t need to be perfect.’”32.What is the main reason for people’s addiction to over-exercise according to paragraph 2? A.Their need for social support.B.Their addiction to fitness apps.C.Their pursuit(追求)of perfectionism.D.Their concern over health issues.33.What does the underlined phrase “take its toll” in paragraph 3 mean?A.Going hand in hand.B.Having a bad effect.C.Making little difference.D.Playing an important role.34.What is the passage mainly about?A.The risk of fitness obsession.B.The importance of mental health.C.The benefits of moderate jogging.D.The symptoms of over-exercising.35.In which section of a newper may this text appear?A.Fiction.B.Lifestyle.C.Culture.D.News第二节(共5小题,每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)根据短文内容,从短文后的七个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项.选项中有两项为多余选项.If you have a hard time getting along with your teachers, going to class can be a nightmare (噩梦). So here are some tips to help you build a friendly relationship with almost all the teachers.Talk to your teachers. In many cases, a short discussion can clear up the entire conflict (冲突). Ask your teachers if it is convenient for you to talk in private. ___36___. If you appear angry or unhappy in front of them, the conflict is unlikely to be solved.___37___. Teachers have many years of teaching experience in the subjects they teach. So discussing the best ways to succeed in the classroom may give you the opportunity to see the best instructors.Learn to understand their teaching methods. ___38___. If you are used to a very relaxing class, learning to be successful in a strict environment is difficult and vice versa (反之亦然). In most cases, it is necessary to give yourself some time to get used to a new teaching method.Ask about your teachers’ hobbies. If you know about one of their hobbies, you can talk about it with them. And you can try to find if you have something in common. ___39___.Learn why your teachers choose to teach. Approach the teachers at an appropriate (适当的) time before or after class, not during class. Consider saying something like, “I’ve always wondered why people become teachers. ___40___. Why did you decide to teach?”A. It seems to be a difficult job.B. Ask your teachers how you can do well in class.C. Join in activities with your teachers after school.D. Always be polite and show respect in a conversation.E. A way to discover the positive side of things is to keep diaries.F. A shared interest may help you see your teachers from a different viewpoint.G. Sometimes, you may not like some teachers because of their ways of teaching.第三部分语言知识运用(共二节,满分45分)第一节(共15小题:每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项.I used to think my life was perfect. My mom had her dream job and a beautiful office and I had my own room with a computer and a garden to look after. But one Sunday, everything changed. A hurricane 41 our neighborhood while we were visiting my grandparents in Raleigh. Our kitchen was 42 , and our clean and comfortable home was in ruins.But something 43 happened. Our neighbors, the Flores family, came to our 44 . They helped clear broken pieces and offered us a place to stay. Their 45 was most impressive. We had never 46 spoken to them before, but they 47 their home tous and made us feel like family.We started a new 48 of having weekend dinner together. We invited other families from the neighborhood to join us, and our 49 were filled with laughter and delicious food.It was a beautiful thing to see our 50 come together in the wake of a disaster.I 51 knew Rosica, their daughter, before the hurricane. But she quickly became my friend. She had a gift for 52 and our evenings together were filled with adventure and laughter.Looking back, I realize that the hurricane 53 unexpected benefit. It brought us closerto our neighbors and 54 our lives in ways we never could have imagined. Sometimes, it takes a(n) 55 to bring out the best in people.41.A.visited B.exchanged C.approached D.swept 42.A.affected B.changed C.destroyed D.cleaned 43.A.invisible B.unexpected C.impossible D.awkward44.A.mind B.contact C.aid D.sense45.A.belief B.request C.wealth D.kindness 46.A.really B.obviously C.naturally D.clearly47.A.sold B.rented C.showed D.opened 48.A.business B.project C.tradition D.life 49.A.destinations B.gatherings C.journeys D.memories 50.A.family B.survivors C.community D.supporters 51.A.soon B.never C.already D.also52.A.fortune telling B.story telling C.mind reading D.house keeping 53.A.brought about B.resulted from C.made up D.gave out54.A.rescued B.unearthed C.enriched D.recorded 55.A.legend B.effort C.party D.disaster第二节语法填空(共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式.Recent studies have shown the benefit — even necessity — of 56 (spend) time outdoors, both for kids 57 adults. Some argue that it can be any outdoor environment. Some say it has to be a “green” environment — one with trees and leaves. Most of the studies agree that kids who play outside are 58 (happy) and less anxious ( 焦虑的) than kids who spend more time indoors. While it’s unclear how 59 (exact) the mood improvements happen, there are a few things we do know about why nature is good 60 kids’ minds.There are various ways 61 (explore) outdoor environments, from the backyard to the park, and letting a child choose how he treats nature 62 (mean) he has the ability to control his own actions. This style of play also allows kids to interact ( 互动) meaningfully with their environments. They can think more freely, design their own activities, and approach the world in 63 (interest) ways.Most ways of interacting with nature include more exercise than sitting on the sofa. Kids don’t have to join the local soccer team or ride a bike through the park — even a walk will get their blood pumping ( 流通). Not only is exercise beneficial to kids’ bodies, but it seems to make 64(they) more focused, which is especially beneficial for kids with ADHD ( 多动症).So while screen time is the easier, more popular choice, 65 is important to set enough time for outdoor play.第三节单词拼写在空白处填入一个适当的单词正确形式(共10小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分15分)66.It is my________ (荣耀) to be here to share with you my opinions on how to keep fit.67. He decides to go on a _________(节食) because he is overweight.68.Only by being___________(积极的) about yourself can you get both physical health and mental health.69. She opened a book and_____________(假装) to read, with tears dropping on the book.70. You should keep (镇静) no matter what happens.71. We were (震惊) by the scene of the earthquake.72.Human beings have to face natural (灾难)73. We promised to (递送) within 24 hours.74.An accident happened. Luckily, nobody was __________(受伤).75.He was____________(埋头于) in study when the teacher came in.第四部分书面表达(满分25分)假如你是关山中学的李华.最近你的学校开展阳光体育活动,(Sunshine Sports).请你给校团委写一篇英文短文谈谈该活动.要点包括:1.开展活动的目的;2.活动的内容.3.师生对此活动的看法注意:1. 词数100字左右.2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯.3. 注意分段及段首空格,不得乱涂乱画,尽量避免修改,保持卷面干净整洁.卷面潦草及格式不规范的酌情扣分,抄阅读理解按零分处理.________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________英语答案一.听力:1-5 ABCCA 6-10 BCBAB 11-15 CCACB 16-20 BABCA二.阅读理解:21-23 BCD 24-27 CBDA 28-31 BBCA 32-35 32-35 C B A B七选五:36-40 DBGFA三.完形填空:41.D 42.C 43.B 44.C 45.D 46.A 47.D 48.C 49.B 50.C 51.B 52.B 53.A 54.C 55.D四.语法填空:【正确答案】56.spending 57.and 58.happier 59.exactly 60.for 61.to explore 62.means 63.interesting 64.them 65.it五.单词拼写66.honor/honour 67 diet 68 positive 69 pretended 70 calm 71 shocked 72 disasters 73 deliver 74 injured 75 buried作文....。

2022年陕西省西安市阎良区关山中学高一地理上学期期末试卷含解析一、选择题(每小题2分,共52分)1. 近些年来,北京市场上出现了品种繁多的水果,火龙果、葡萄柚、龙眼、提子等数不胜数,这是因为①北京自然条件改变②北京市场需求的变化③税收政策的变化④交通和冷藏条件的改变A. ①②B. ②③C. ②④D. ③④参考答案:C北京市场出现的热带水果,不是当地生产的,北京的自然条件不会在短时间内发生大的改变,①错。
2. 晨昏圈与经线圈的关系是A.重合B.每天重合一次 C.在二分日重合 D.在二至日重合参考答案:C3. 下列四城市中,地球自转线速度最大的是()A. 广州 B。
上海 C.北京 D.哈尔滨参考答案:A4. 博格达峰(88.3°E,43.8°N)海拔为5445m,坐落在新疆维吾尔自治区阜康市境内,是天山山脉东段的最高峰。
读图,完成下面小题23. 图示北坡是①背风坡②迎风坡③阴坡④阳坡A. ①④B. ②③C. ①②D. ③④24. 该山地甲自然带A. 山地常绿阔叶林带B. 山地雨林带C. 山地常绿硬叶林带D. 山地针叶林带25. 图中甲自然带形成的主要原因是A. 降水较多B. 红壤肥沃C. 全年高温D. 光照充足参考答案:23. B 24. D 25. A23.博格达峰是东西走向,该山在北回归线以北地区,故图示北坡是阴坡,排除AC;该山受偏北风的影响,在北坡形成迎风坡,故B正确,其余选项可排除。
“雨林带”,说明了当地降水较多,与当地的实情不符,B错;山地常绿硬叶林带是地中海气候对应的自然带,C错;甲自然带的高度在热量和水分上符合山地针叶林带的分布,D 对。

阎良区高一第一学期期末生物试卷一、选择题(每小题3分,共45分)1. 用低倍镜观察菠菜叶的下表皮细胞时,发现视野中有一异物,移动装片异物不动,换上高倍镜后异物仍在,异物可能在()A.物镜上B.目镜上C.装片上D.材料中2. 有关糖类生理作用的下列概括中,有错误的是()A.核糖和脱氧核糖是核酸的组成成分B.葡萄糖是重要的能源物质C.淀粉和糖元是生物体内惟一储备能源物质D.纤维素是植物细胞壁的主要成分3. 离体的叶绿体在光照下进行稳定光合作用时,如果突然中断C02气体的供应,短时间内叶绿体中C3化合物与C5化合物相对含量的变化是( )A.C3化合物增多.C5化合物减少B.C3化合物增多.C5化合物增多C.C3化合物减少.C5化合物增多D.C3化合物减少.C5化合物减少4. 人体白细胞能吞噬细菌、细胞碎片和衰老的细胞,在白细胞中与这些物质消化有密切关系的细胞器是()A.溶酶体B.核糖体C.液泡D.中心体5. 细胞膜上的蛋白质不具有的作用是( )A.运输载体B.催化功能C.供能D.识别6. 细胞相对表面积、对外物质交换速率和细胞新陈代谢强度之间的关系正确的是()A.细胞的相对表面积越大,物质交换速率越快,细胞新陈代谢越旺盛B.细胞的相对表面积越大,物质交换速率越慢,细胞新陈代谢越缓慢C.细胞的相对表面积越小,物质交换速率越快,细胞新陈代谢越缓慢D.细胞的相对表面积越小,物质交换速率越慢,细胞新陈代谢越旺盛7. 有3个核酸分子,经分析共有5种碱基,8种核苷酸,4条核苷酸链,它的组成是()A.1个DNA分子,2个RNA分子B.3个DNA分子C.2个DNA分子,1个RNA分子D.3个RNA分子8. 细胞进行无丝分裂时,不会出现的是()A.纺锤丝的出现B.DNA的复制C.线粒体的供能D.蛋白质的合成9. 科学家用含有14C的二氧化碳来追踪光合作用中的碳原了,这种碳原子的转移途径是()A.CO2→叶绿素→ADPB.C02→乙醇→糖类C.C02→叶绿体→ATPD.CO2→C3→糖类10. 毛白杨具有生长快、树形优美等优点,多倍体毛白杨具有由三级系统的结构层次是()A.元素、化合物、生物大分子、细胞B.细胞、组织、器官、个体C.细胞、组织、器官、系统D.个体、种群、群落、生态系统11. 谷氨酸的R基为—C3H5O2,子谷氨酸含有的C、H、O、N原子数依次是()A. 5、8、4、1B.4、8、5、1C. 5、9、4、1D.4、9、4、112. 用动物的受精卵做以下实验:⑴提取受精卵的细胞核,将核单独培养,不久核退化消失。

)1. 用0.1 mol/L的Na2SO3溶液30 mL,恰好将2×10-3 mol XO4-还原,则元素X在还原产物中的化合价是()A.+4 B.+3 C.+2 D.+1参考答案:A2. 两个体积相同的容器,一个盛有NO,另一个盛有N2和O2,在同温同压下两容器内的气体一定具有相同的()A. 氧原子总数B. 质子总数C. 分子总数D. 质量参考答案:略3. 下列说法中正确的是()A. 在一定温度和压强下,各种气态物质体积大小由构成气体分子大小决定B. 在一定温度和压强下,各种气态物质体积的大小由构成气体的分子数决定C. 不同的气体,若体积不同,则它们所含的分子数一定不同D. 气体摩尔体积是指1mol任何气体所占的体积约为22.4L参考答案:B略4. 下列关于石油加工的叙述中,不正确的是()A.石油分馏所得的馏分是一种具有固定熔沸点的纯净物B.石油裂化的主要目的是提高汽油等轻质油的产量C.石油裂解的原料是石油分馏产物,包括石油气D.石油的化学成分主要是各种液态的碳氢化合物,其中还溶有气态和固态的碳氢化合物参考答案:A【考点】化石燃料与基本化工原料.【分析】A、石油的馏分仍然是混合物;B、石油裂化的目的是提高轻质油的产量;C、石油裂解常用石油分馏产品(包括石油气)作原料;D、石油是碳原子数在1﹣50的多种烷烃和环烷烃的混合物.【解答】解:A、石油的馏分仍然是多种烷烃和环烷烃的混合物,没有固定的沸点,故A 错误;B、石油裂化的目的是提高轻质油的产量,特别是提高汽油的产量,故B正确;C、在石油化工生产过程里,石油裂解常用石油分馏产品(包括石油气)作原料,故C正确;D、石油是碳原子数在1﹣50的多种烷烃和环烷烃的混合物,其中主要成分是液态烃,其中还溶有气态烃和固态烃,故D正确.故选A.5. 2016杭州G20峰会期间,夜晚的空中被激光照射出美丽的光束,产生此现象主要是因为大气中存在()A.纯净物B.溶液C.胶体D.浊液参考答案:C【考点】胶体的重要性质.【分析】夜晚的空中被激光照射出美丽的光束即丁达尔效应,而丁达尔效应是胶体所特有的性质,据此分析.【解答】解:夜晚的空中被激光照射出美丽的光束即丁达尔效应,而丁达尔效应是胶体所特有的性质,故产生此现象的原因是大气中存在胶体,故选C.6. 下列说法中正确的一组是A.H2和D2互为同位素;B. 互为同分异构体;C.碳链为与的烃为同系物D.金刚石、石墨和“足球烯”C60为同素异形体参考答案:D略7. 下列物质属于电解质的一组是()A. CO2、NH3、HClB. H2SO4、HNO3、BaCl2C. H3PO4、H2O、CuD. 液态KNO3、NaOH溶液、C2H5OH参考答案:B8. 下列各组离子在水溶液中能大量共存,加入则有沉淀生成,加入则有气体放出的一组是A.、、、 B.、、、C.、、、 D.、、、参考答案:A9. 烹鱼时加入少量食醋和料酒可以使烹制的鱼具有特殊的香味,这种香味来自于()A.食盐 B.食醋中的乙酸 C料酒中的乙醇D.料酒中的乙醇与食醋中的乙酸反应生成的乙酸乙酯参考答案:D略10. 把一小块钠投入到硫酸铜溶液中,生成物有A.Cu B.Cu(OH)2C.H2D.O2参考答案:BC11. 设N A为阿伏加德罗常数的数值,下列说法正确的是()A.标准状况,1molH2O含O原子个数为N AB.1.12L N2中含N2分子数为0.05N AC.5.6gFe与足量稀盐酸反应,转移的电子数为0.3N AD.0.1molFeCl3可制得Fe(OH)3胶体的数目为0.1N A参考答案:A【考点】阿伏加德罗常数.【分析】A.1mol任何物质含有阿伏伽德罗常数个微粒,1个水分子含有1个氧原子;B.气体状况未知,Vm不确定;C.铁与稀盐酸反应生成氯化亚铁;D.氢氧化铁胶体粒子为氢氧化铁的聚集体.【解答】解:A.1molH2O含N A个水分子,含有N A个O原子,故A正确;B.气体状况未知,Vm不确定,无法计算气体的物质的量,故B错误;C.5.6gFe与足量稀盐酸反应0.1mol氯化亚铁,转移的电子数为0.2N A,故C错误;D.0.1molFeCl3可制得Fe(OH)3胶体的数目小与0.1N A,故D错误;故选:A.12. 在一定温度和压强下,1体积X2气体与3体积Y2气体化合生成2体积气体化合物Z,则该化合物的化学式为A.XY B. XY3 C.X3Y D.X2Y3参考答案:B略13. 下列实验装置或操作与粒子的大小无直接关系的是 ( )参考答案:C略14. 科学家提出硅是“21世纪的能源”,这主要是由于作为半导体材料的硅在太阳能发电过程中具有重要的作用。

陕西省西安市阎良区关山中学2023-2024学年高一上学期第三次质量检测英语试题学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________一、阅读选择Low-cost Gifts for Mother’s DayGift No.1Offer to be your mother’s health friend.Promise to be there for all doctor’s visits whether she has a disease or needs a regular medical check-up.Most mothers always say there is no need,but another set of eyes and ears is always a good idea at a doctor’s visit.The best part?This one is free.Gift No.2Help your mother organize all of her medical records,which include the test results and medical information.Put them all in one place.Be sure to make a list of all of her medicines and what time she takes them.“Having all this information in one place could end up saving your mother’s life,”Dr.Marie Savard said.Gift No.3Enough sleep is connected with general health conditions.“Buy your mother cotton sheets and comfortable pillows to encourage better sleep,”Savard said.“We know that good sleep is very important to our health.”Gift No.4Some gift companies such as Presents for Purpose allow you to pay it forward this Mother’s Day by picking gifts,10percent of whose price you pay goes to a charity(慈善机构).Gift givers can choose from a wide variety of useful but inexpensive things—many of which are“green”—and then choose a meaningful charity from a list.When your mother gets the gift she will be told that she has helped the chosen charity. 1.What are you advised to do for your mother at doctor’s visits?A.To take notes.B.To be with her.C.To buy medicines.D.To give her gifts.2.Where can you find an idea for gifts to improve your mother’s sleep?A.In Gift No.1.B.In Gift No.2.C.In Gift No.3.D.In Gift No.4.3.Buying gifts from Presents for Purpose allows mothers to______.A.enjoy good sleep B.be well-organizedC.get extra support D.give other helpMy new teacher is cool.Her name is Paula so we call her Miss Paula.The first time we met her she said we are going to be good friends and that good friends are always nice to each other.Miss Paula has been teaching us a lot of things.Some of us used to get in trouble for talking in the hallway(过道).Miss Paula says she can’t change the rule that we can’t make noise in the hallway but we can still talk to each other.She is teaching us sign language.I already know how to say“hello”and“how are you”with my hands.Now we love it when we have to walk somewhere and we are always quiet except for a laugh or two.Miss Paula likes everybody even Sam and nobody likes Sam.He never does what he’s told but now he is doing better.Miss Paula says every single one of us is perfect and beautiful just the way we are.I guess that includes Sam.This week at school was really the best ever.I didn’t even get in trouble when I thought I would because I spilled(洒)milk on my homework and had to hand it in when it was still wet. Miss Paula just smiled and asked“What’s this?”So I told her what happened.Miss Paula put it near the window to make it dry.She said the sun had been waiting for such an important job as this and would be happy to help us.Well I have to go and get ready for bed now.I have school in the morning and I want to wake up early so I will have time to pick Miss Paula some flowers.4.From the passage we know that Miss Paula________.A.is strict with the writer B.changed the school rulesC.is very kind to her students D.uses sign language in class5.From Paragraph4what do we learn about Sam?A.Sam dislikes his new teacher.B.Sam has made some progress.C.Sam is often praised by Miss Paula.D.Sam is one of the writer’s best friends. 6.How did the writer probably feel when he handed in his homework?A.Bored.B.Excited.C.Relaxed.D.Worried. 7.We can learn from the passage that the writer________.A.loves and respects her new teacher B.is a bit afraid of her new teacherC.always picks her teacher some flowers D.wrote this article in the morningThe aim of students who came to school is to study.But to study requires a right way,or you waste either the time or the money.The following are the ways of studying.The best time for reading is morning,because in the morning,the air is fresh and the mind is clear.For that reason,we can get good results.In studying we must have patience.If we have not known a text well,we must read it again.We should not read the next one till we have learned the first one.When we are studying,we must put our hearts into the book,or we can get nothing from the book while we are reading.We must always ask“whys”.If it is not well understood,write it down and ask our teachers or our parents,or friends.In any possible way,we must know it completely and what we’ve learned can be used well and made better.Though there are many ways for studying,yet the above mentioned will be quite enough if we can keep them in heart and do so.8.The passage tells us________.A.the importance of readingB.to pay attention to the ways of studyingC.to read in the morningD.to have patience in studying9.How many ways of studying are mentioned in this passage?A.Three.B.Four.C.Five.D.Six.10.If we can’t put our hearts into the book when we read,it is________.A.easy to understand it well B.better to get something from itC.impossible for us to get something from it D.possible to learn something from it 11.In studying we must always ask“whys”in order to________.A.understand the book well B.write down the questionsC.do with the new words D.get some questions to ask our teachersDo you like to keep fit?We’re always told that regular exercise is good for our body and mind.More and more people are taking up activities that improve their fitness.But is there a risk that some of us might get obsessed(着迷的)and overdo it?二、完形填空I used to think my life was perfect.My mom had her dream job and a beautiful office35.A.legend B.effort C.party D.disaster四、单词拼写五、书信写作56.假如你是关山中学的李华。

〖1题详 析〗
〖2题详 析〗
3.“羲和号”将实现国际首次太阳Ha波段光谱成像的空间探测,H是研究太阳活动在光球层和色球层响应时最好的谱线之一。“羲和号”最不可能观测到的太阳活动类型是( )
4.“羲和号”监测的太阳活动,最可能对地球产生的影响为( )
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1.中国登月探测器在登月后,图中将有几级天体系统 A .1级 B .2级 C .3级 D .4级
2. 结合两图,当地球运行到左图远日点位置时,大致相当于右图中的 A. A 位置 B. B 位置 C. C 位置 D. D 位置
3. 当地球运动到右图( ) 位置时,全球的昼夜平分 A. A 、B 位置 B. B 、D 位置 C. C 、D 位置 D.A 、 D 位置
4. 从几何关系上说,太阳直射点是太阳与地心连线在地面的交点,太阳直射点位于哪个半球的回归线上则哪个半球的极圈内出现极昼现象。
右图中南极圈内出现极昼现象的是 A. A 位置 B. B 位置 C. C 位置 D. D 位置 5.如下图所示,两条河流下游各有一个岛,最终小岛可能连接的岸堤是
A 、②③
B 、①③
C 、①④
D 、②④
6. 下图中,横坐标为地球自转线速度,纵坐标为不同纬度的四地某日正午太阳高度。
据此推断图中四个地点按纬度由高到低的排列顺序是: A.a b d c B. b a c d C.d c a b D.c d b a
° 15°
A .地表
B .地壳下部
C .地幔
D .地核
A .增强大气逆辐射
B .加大全球的昼夜温差
C .减小全球大气对太阳辐射的削弱作用
D .使全球空气得到净化 9.读地壳物质循环示意图(下图),图中表示变质作用的序号是 A.④和⑤ B.①和⑥ C.①和④ D.③和⑥
B.落基山脉 C .红海 D.青藏高原
11. 读地理素描图判断,因流水侵蚀作用而形成的地貌图是
12.秋冬季节晴朗的夜晚,往往气温更低, 这与右图中的哪一过程较弱有关 A .① B .② C .③ D .④
A .气温高,气压高
B .气温高,气压低
C .气温低,气压低
D .气温低,气压高
A .甲处
B .乙处
C .丙处
D .丁处
16.右图反映的是哪个月份影响亚洲的季风图 A.一月 B .四月 C .七月 D. 十月 17.此时我国东部地区
A.寒冷干燥 B .炎热干燥 C.温和多雨 D. 高温多雨 18.此月份南亚盛行风为
A.西北季风 B .东南季风 C. 东北季风 D. 西南季风
A .纬度较低
B .地形以平原为主
C .距海较近
D .受赤道低气压带影响 下表为“长沙市2014年1月7日天气预报图”,读表完成20--22题 20.则影响此日天气的天气系统是
A 冷锋过境 B.暖锋过境 C.气旋过境 D.反气旋过境 21.这次降水的形成原因是
A .气流下沉造成
B .气流对流上升造成
C .暖气团主动沿锋面爬升造成
D .暖气团被迫抬升造成 22.此系统还易造成
A .长江中、下游地区的梅雨天气
B .东北、华北地区的夏季暴雨
C .东南沿海的台风天气
D .长江中、下游地区的梅雨天气 23.形成7—8月江淮“伏旱”天气的天气系统是
A 暖流
寒流 D C B 24.下列四幅洋流分布模式图中,符合北半球中、低纬度海区大洋环流分布规律的是
25.下列城市中,风向为西南风的是 A .南京 B .西安 C .天津 D .首尔 26.锦州的天气状况是 A .晴热干燥 B .低温阴雨
C .高温多雨
D .风和日丽
27. 以下是不同天气系统过境前后的气压变化示意图,图中的四条曲线中,表示冷锋过境前后的气压变化曲线是
28.下面描述中体现了地理环境整性的是 A.我国年降水量由东南沿海向西北内陆递减 B.我国冬季南北温差大,夏季南北温差小
29.下图A →B →C 自然带的逐渐更替体现的自然带哪种地域分异规律 A. 由赤道到两极 B .从沿海向内陆 C .垂直地域分异 D .非地带性 30.A →B →C 自然带的逐渐更替是由 A .水分条件的变化起主导作用而形成 B .热量条件的变化起主导作用而形成 C .光照条件的变化起主导作用而形成 D .气候条件的变化起主导作用而形成
二、综合题(本大题共40分) 31.读下图回答下列问题(16分)。
(1)从图中岩层形态看,M 处的地质构造为________________;地形为______________
该处地形的成因是 (5分)。
(2)N 处的地质构造为________________;该处的河流上,是否适合建大型水
库? ,试说明理由 (5分)。
(3)图中所示的水循环为__________ 水循环,在该水循环的参与下,①处的__________ 岩可转化为②处的________________岩。
南水北调属于该水循环的__________ 环节(填序号)(4分)
(4)假设图中所示地区为我国东南沿海地区,则水循环中的水汽输送量最大的季节是 ,理由是: (2分)
A ;
B ;
C ;
D 。
(1)图示日期为 月 日 。
(1分) (2)A 、B 、C 、D 四点中正午太阳高度最大的是 点 ,白昼最长的是 点。
(3)A 、B 、D 位于 (晨或昏)线上。
(1分) (4)此时D 地的地方时为是 时(1分)。
(5)此日以后的3个月内,西安昼夜长短变化将是 (昼渐长或昼
渐短),显示在右上图中,太阳直射点将由 向 移动(填字母)(3分)。
(1)6、22 (1分)
(2)C、B (2分)
(4)0 (1分)