Analysis of the Analysis of power supply enterprise security management of common problems and produ




Unit 3: Text A
6-2. 绝大多数参与者的生活逐年好转,他 们不再吸毒、酗酒,而是参加工作,重回 家庭,有的甚至在完成这些赛事后成为足 球队的队员和教练。
Unit 3: Text A
7. A new global initiative whose board I will chair will draw together the most inspirational people, projects and organizations in sport. Beyond Sport will celebrate their achievements, identify why they succeed, and use them to inspire others. The Beyond Sport Awards will recognize and reward those individuals, projects and organizations that have created positive social change through sport.
Unit 3: Text A
6-2. Most of the players each year change their lives for the better, by coming off drugs and alcohol, moving into jobs reuniting with their families, and even going on to become players and coaches for football teams.



Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica ,29(4):615-621(Oct.,2004)动物分类学报ISSN 100020739The work was supported by the Foundation of the State Key Laboratory of Freshwater Ecology and Biotechnology to MIAO Wei ,and KSCX grant No.220207.3Corresponding author ;miaowei @ ;miaowei -ihb @Received 15Ap r.2004,accepted 18J une 2004.61518S 2I TS 1rDNA S EQ U EN CE AND P H YL O GEN E TIC ANAL YSIS O FMAR I S TEN TO R DINO FERUS (CIL IO P HO RA )FU Cheng 2J ie 1,MIAO Wei 13,L OBBAN Chris 2,S HEN Yun 2Fen 111Instit ute of Hydrobiology ,Chi nese Academy of Sciences ,W uhan 430072,Chi na 21Division of N at ural Sciences ,U niversity Guam ,M angilao ,GU 96923,US AAbst ract Ma ristentor dinofer us was described in 2002,after it was first discovered on the coral reefs on Guam in 1996.How 2ever ,until now its p hylogenetic position has been puzzling.The 18S 2I TS 12518S rDNA sequence of M.dinofer us is 320bp in 2cluding 222bp f rom 18S rRNA gene ,77bp f rom I TS 1region and 22bp f rom 518S rRNA parison of lengths of the I TS 1domain f rom the main ciliate groups (classes )was done ,and it shows that short I TS 1may be the characteristics of het 2erotrichs.18S rDNA sequence of M.dinofer us was analyzed using distance 2matrix ,maximum 2parsimony and maximum 2likeli 2hood methods.In all three p hylogeny trees M.dinofer us is clustered with heterotrichs and as a basal clade within the het 2erotrich lineage ,whilst not grouped with three Stentor species which were clustered with Climacostomum as a terminal clade.This topology suggests that Ma ristentor is a holotrichous ciliate (the class Heterotrichea )and should not be placed in the family Stentoridae ,but be given a new taxonomic position.Ke y wor ds Phylogenetic position ,Ma ristentor dinofer us ,18S 2I TS 1rDNA Sequences ,Heterotrichea. The ciliates of tropical reefs are a largely invisibleand unexplored component of the benthos ,p rimarily insediments (Patterson et al.,1989,L ynn et al.,1991).Recently ,more and more new marine species were reported (Antonius ,1999).Ma ristentor di 2nofer us was discovered on coral reefs on Guam in 1996and was originally described as a stentor (L obban &Schefter ,1996).Because of the similarity in overall to Stentor ,it was tentatively placed in the f amily Sten 2toridae as Stentor species ,though two conspicuously different features were determined between them (L obban et al.,2002).During the last decade ,the major clades of ciliates have been confirmed by molec 2ular methods based on different gene sequences (Baroin 2Tourancheau et al.,1998;Bernhard and Schlegel ,1998;Str üder 2Kyp ke et al.,2000;Miao et al.,2001a ;Zhu et al.,2002;Chen and Song ,2002).Among those molecular markers ,18S riboso 2mal RNA (rRNA )gene was p roved to be an important marker in resolving the p hylogenetic position of unu 2sual groups and genera including some marine ciliates ,such as Licnophora ,Lechriopyla ,and Schizoca ryum (L ynn and Str üder 2Kyp ke ,2002).So in the p resent study ,we sequenced 18S 2I TS 1rDNA sequences of M.di nofer us and discussed its p hylogenetic position.1 Mate rials a n d Met h odsSpecies.Samples were collected f rom the coral reefs on Guam ,Mariana Island.Cells of M.di 2nofer us were selected and picked out under a dissecting microscope ,and fixed in 70%ethanol.DNA extractions and sequencing.Fixed cells were washed several times in distilled water ,incubated in lysis buffer at 55℃f or 20h ,and the DNA p urified using the p henol :chlorof orm method (Sambrook et al.,1989).DNA content was determined by spec 2trop hotometry using a DU Series 500Spectrop ho 2tometer (Beckman Instruments Inc.,Fullerton ,USA ).PCR amplification of the rDNA was perf ormed in a Perkin 2Elmer GeneAmp PCR System 9600(PE Ap 2plied Biosystems ,Mississauga ,ON ,Canada )using Forward (52G T T CCC C T T GAA CGA GGA A T T C 23),and reverse (52CGC A T T TCG C TG CG T TC T TC 23)p rimers (Benjamin and Robert ,1997).The f ragments were amplified using the f ollowing PCR con 2ditions :an initial denaturation step of 94℃f or 10min ;f ollowed by 35cycles of 1min at 94℃,30s at 50℃,and 115min at 72℃;and a final extension step at 72℃f or 10min.DNA p urification ,gene cloning and sequencingf ollowed methods in Miao et al.(2001a).Sequence availability and p hylogenetic analysis. The p hylogenetic trees were constructed based on ap2 p roximate250bp of the18S region.We did not use I TS1sequences because there was an unique heterotric2 hous ciliate’s I TS1sequences data in GenBank (Stentor polymorphus),and the I TS region is not very ideal to study p hylogeny among higher taxonomic rank because of its variability(Miao et al.,2003).Two species(Entodi ni um ca udat um and Trithigmostoma stei ni)were used as the outgroup.The nucleotide sequences used in this paper are available f rom the GenBank databases under the f ol2 lowing accession numbers:Blepha risma america n um M97909(Greenwood et al.,1991);B ursa ria t r u n2 catella U82204(Stechmann et al.,1998);Climacos2 tomum vi rens X65152(Hammerschmidt et al., 1996);Coleps hi rt us U97109(Hirt et al.,unp ubl data);Colpidi um campyl um X56532(Greenwood et al.,1991);Epistylis plicatilis AF335517(Miao et al.,2001a);Entodi ni um ca udat um U57765(Wright et al.,1997);Eufolliculi na uhligi U47620(Ham2 merschmidt et al.,1996);Euplotidi um a rena ri um Y19166(Petroni et al.,2000);Gr uberia sp. L31517(Hirt et al.,1995);Licnophora macf a rla ndi AF527758(L ynn and Strueder2Kyp ke,2002);Lox2 odes st riat us U24248(Hammerschmidt et al.,1996); O nychodromus quadricor n ut us AJ286802(J acob et al.unp ubl data);Opisthonecta hen neguyi X56531 (Greenwood et al.,1991);Oxyt richa t rif allax AF164121(Prescott et al.,unp ubl data);Pa rameci2 um bursa ria AF100314(Strüder2Kyp ke et al., 2000);Phacodi ni um metchnikof f i AJ277877(Shin et al.,2002);Spi rostomum ambigu um L31518(Hirt et al.,1995);Stentor coer uleus AF357145(Zhu et al. unp ubl data);Stentor polymorphus(Miao et al., 2001);Stentor roeseli AF357913(Zhu et al.,unp ubl data);Sterkiella sp.AF508772(Hewitt et al., 2003);Stylonychia p ust ulata X03947(Sogin et al., 1986);Trithigmostoma stei ni X71134(Leipe et al., 1994);U rolept us pisces AF164131(Prescott et al., unp ubl data).The alignment of the sequences was perf ormed with the DNAtools,ver.511(Rasmussen,2001). Entodi ni um ca udat um and Trithigmostoma stei ni were chosen as outgroup to construct the p hylogenetic trees. From the PH Y L IP package,ver.3.5(Felsenstein, 1993),the p rogram S EQBOO T was used to generate 100bootstrap resamplings of the datasets,and the p ro2gram DNADIS T was used to comp ute genetic distances between pair sequences using the Kimura22parameter model(Kimura,1980).Then the N EI GHBO R p ro2 grams were used to construct distance trees.A maxi2 mum parsimony and a maximum likelihood analysis were both perf ormed with the p rogram DNAPARS and DNAML based on the100bootstrapped datasets.Based on the resulting100trees,a majority2rule consensus tree was p roduced using the CONS ENS E p rogram. The PU ZZL E(Strimmer and von Haeseler,1996) p rogram was used f or maximum likelihood analysis. Phylogenetic trees were drawn using the p rogram Tree2 View(Page,1996).2 Res ultsSequences.The length and GenBank accession number of18S2I TS12518S rDNA sequence of Ma ris2 tentor di nofer us were:320bp including222bp f rom 18S region,77bp f rom I TS1region and22bp f rom 518S region(Fig11),A Y368689.Phylogenetic analyses.Alignment of the sequences clearly showed similarities in p rimary structure of18S rDNA of M.di nofer us to the heterotrichs.All analy2 ses(neighbor2joining[NJ],maximum2parsimony [M P]and maximum2likelihood[ML])gave similar tree topologies(Figs1224).M.di nofer us clustered with other heterotrichs with high support value(64% NJ,85%M P and82%ML).Within the heterotrich lineage,M.di nofer us was a basal clade,not grouped with three Stentor species which clustered with Clima2 costomum as terminal clade.3 Discussi on311 18S2I TS1rDNA seque nce of Ma ristentor di2 nofer usU ntil now,more than8000ciliates species have been described(L ynn&Corliss,1991),but less than 40species(GenBank)have had their I TS1domains sequenced.Analyzing these sequences f rom main ciliate groups,it was f ound that the lengths of the I TS1of ciliates were various,ranging f rom74to183bp.On the other hand,the lengths of the I TS1domains of the main ciliate groups(classes)were similar,i. oligohymenop horeans(1452182bp)and in litostom2 ateans(1312151bp).However,the length of the I TS1of M.di nofer us is only77bp,and is close to the shortest known ciliate I TS1(Stentor polymorphus: 74bp).Their I TS1s were distinctly shorter than those of other spirotricheans that ranging f rom136to175 bp,which supported the new arrangement that het2616 Acta Z ootaxonomica Sinica动物分类学报 Vol.29 No.4erotrichs should be independent of the class Spirotrichea ,and be elevated to the class Heterotrichea (L ynn and Small ,2002).Thus ,short I TS 1may be the characteristics ofheterotrichs.Fig 11.18S 2I TS 125.8S rDNA sequences of Ma ristentor dinofer us and Stentorpolymorphus.Fig 12.Phylogenetic trees of Ma ristentor and other ciliates inferred f rom 18S rDNA sequences using Neighbor J oining (NJ )method.Species in bold denote sequences newly determined in this study.716Oct.,2004傅诚杰等:海洋喇叭虫rRNA 基因18S 2ITS1序列及其系统发育分析 Fig 13.Phylogenetic trees of Ma ristentor and other ciliates inferred f rom 18S rDNA sequences using MaximumParsimony (M P )method.Fig 14.Phylogenetic trees of Ma ristentor and other ciliates inferred f rom 18S rDNA sequences using Maximum Likelihood (ML )method. The length and G +C content of the I TS 1se 2quences tend to increase with evolution ,ranging to over 220bp in length and 72%G +C content in some plant ,and greater than 1000bp and over 80%G +C content in humans and other mammals (Takaiwa et al.,1985;Torres et al.,1990).Benjamin and Robert (1997)also concluded that Cryptoca ryon i r ri 2ta ns is a more p rimitive ciliate than Ichthyophthi ri us multif iliis based upon the shorter length and lower G +C content of the I TS 1than in C.i r rita ns (Table 1).However ,Table 1showed that the length of the I TS 1in oligohymenop horeans and litostomateans are all longer than those of M.di nofer us and S.poly 2morphus ,but the G +C content in the I TS 1are lower816 Acta Z ootaxonomica Sinica 动物分类学报 Vol.29 No.4than those in the latter.It showed that there was not a rule that the length and G+C content of the I TS1in2 crease synchronoushy in the ciliates,which indicated that we couldn’t simply judge the evolutional position based on G+C content or the length of the I TS1.Ta ble1.The le ngt h a n d G+C conte nt of t he I TS1seque nces of mai n ciliates gr oups.Species Taxonomic Rank Length G+C%GenBankaccession numberReferenceSpathidi um amphoriforme Litostomatea;Haptorida1512711AF223570Peer et al.,Unp ubl Bala ntidi um coli Litostomatea;Vestibuliferida1452619AF045030Wright,1999Isot richa p ro stoma Litostomatea;Vestibuliferida1312610AF045031Wright,1999Ca rchesi um polypi n um Oligohymenop horea;Peritricha1463018AF429886Miao et al.,2004 Epistylis plicatilis Oligohymenop horea;Peritricha1452314AF429890Miao et al.,2002Vagi nicola cry stalli na Oligohymenop horea;Peritricha1562818AF429895Miao et al.,Unp ubl Ichthyophthi ri us multif iliis Oligohymenop horea;Hymenostomatida1822815—Benjamin&Robert,1997 Tet rahymena sha nghaienisis Oligohymenop horea;Hymenostomatida1753210AF429898Miao et al.,2001b Anophryoides haemophila Oligohymenop horea;Scuticociliatida1712314AF107779Goggin&Murp hy,2000 Mesa nophry s p ugettensis Oligohymenop horea;Scuticociliatida1752618AF107777Goggin&Murp hy,2000 Ma ristentor di nofer us Spirotrichea;Heterotrichida773017A Y368689Miao&LobbanStentor polymorphus Spirotrichea;Heterotrichida743516AF429901Miao et al.,2001b Nyctother us velox Spirotrichea;Armop horida1363619A J009576Van Hoek et al.,1999 Oxyt richa bif a ria Spirotrichea;Hypotrichia1734116A J286796J acob et al.,Unp ubl Stylonychia lemnae Spirotrichea;Hypotrichia1664212A J286786J acob et al.,Unp ubl Uro styla gra ndis Spirotrichea;Hypotrichia1723616A J286806J acob et al.,Unp ublPa ra uro styla weissei Spirotrichea;Stichotrichia1754117A J286805J acob et al.,Unp ubl Hist ricul us concolor Spirotrichea;Stichotrichia1733914A J286803J acob et al.,Unp ublLa urentiella st ren ua Spirotrichea;Stichotrichia1663816A J286807J acob et al.,Unp ubl Cryptoca ryon i r rita ns Colpodea1692016—Benjamin&Robert,1997312 Ph yl oge netic a nal ysis of Ma ristentor di2 nofer usL obban and Schefter(1996)first reported macroscopic aggregations of an apparently novel Sten2 tor2like ciliate collected20m deep at“Pete′s Reef”in Guam.Based on its morp hology and behavior,L obban et al.(2002)p roposed the new genus and species named Ma ristentor di nofer us should be placed within the f amily Stentoridae.However,its position was questioned by Foissner because of two conspicuous fea2 tures between Maristentor and Stentor:1)the cilia on the peristomial bottom are scattered(ordered rows);2)the paroral membrane is very short and opposite the buccal portion of the adoral zone of membranelles (in Stentor,it accompanies the entire membranellar zone)(L obban et al.,2002).Our molecular p hylogenetic analyses clearly demonstrated that M.di nofer us was a heterotrich ci2 liate as it was associated with this clade.This relation2 ship is f urther supported by its holotrichously(com2 pletely)ciliated(L obban et al.,2002).Within the heterotichous clade,that the Stentor species clustered with Climacostomum indicated a close relationship be2 tween these two groups,which was suggested by Kahl (1933)and Kudo(1954).Alignments of the sequences of M.di nofer us and S.polymorphus(Fig11)showed the distinct differ2 ences in the18S2I TS1regions.There were22 (1216%)and18(23.4%)variable bases between them in the18S and I TS1regions respectively.The topologies of p hylogenetic trees also confirmed that Ma ristentor was not closely related to Stentor.The genetic distances between them(e.g.genetic dis2 tances between M.di nofer us and S.polymorphus 011437)were greater than those among Ma ristentor and most other holotrichs(genetic distances between M.di nofer us and Spi rostomum ambigu um,Gr uberia sp.and Blepha risma america n um were011334, 011425and011432,respectively).Thus,our results suggest that Ma ristentor should not be placed within the f amily Stentoridae,but be given a new taxonomic rank.R EFER EN CESAntonius,A.1999.Halofolliculina corallasia,a new coral2killing ciliate on Indo2pacific reefs.Coral Reefs.,18:300.Tourancheau, A. 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第13卷 增刊12009年11月电 机 与 控 制 学 报EL EC TR IC MACH I N ES AND CON TROLVol 113Supp l .1Nov .2009三相四线制并联型电力有源滤波器的算法和参数仿真陈庆国, 赵春明(哈尔滨理工大学电气与电子工程学院,黑龙江哈尔滨150040)摘 要:针对三相四线制并联型电力有源滤波器的谐波电流检测问题,论证了基于瞬时无功理论的i p —i q 算法无需改进也可直接应用到三相四线制系统里,给出了推导过程。

阐明了基于该方法的滤波原理;给出了主控电路结构;分析了电力有源滤波器主要参数对其整体性能的影响,确定各参数值,并搭建了仿真模型;利用Matlab /SI M UL I N K 对该模型进行了软件仿真分析。


关键词:有源滤波器;三相四线制;i p —i q 算法;谐波电流;补偿特性中图分类号:T M 930.1文献标志码:A文章编号:1007-449X (2009)增1-0020-05Simul ati on of algor ith m and parameters for shunt acti ve powerfilter i n three 2phase and four 2wi re syste mCHEN Q ing 2guo, ZHAO Chun 2m ing(College of Electrical &Electr onic Engineering,Harbin University of Science &Technol ogy,Harbin 150040,China )Abstract:I n order t o s olve the har monic current detecti on p r oble m of shunt active po wer filter (APF )in three 2phase and four 2wire syste m ,the i p 2i q algorithm based on the instantaneous reactive theory was de m 2onstrated .It could be directly app lied t o three 2phase and f our 2wire syste m without being i m p r oved,and the derivati on p r ocess was given .The p rinci p le of filtering and the main circuit of this syste m were intr o 2duced .A ls o,several key para meters which affect perf or mance of the APF were discussed,and para meter values were chosen .Then a si m ulating model was built,and s oft w are si m ulati on analysis for this model was carried out by means ofMatlab /SI M UL I N K .The si m ulati on results show that this active power filter has a good compensati on characteristic f or the har monic p r oduced by the unbalance nonlinear l oads and balances three 2phase l oads in three 2phase and f our 2wire syste m.Key words:active power filters;three 2phase and f our 2wire system;i p 2i q algorith m;har monic current;compensati on characteristic收稿日期:2009-05-11作者简介:陈庆国(1970—),男,博士,教授,博士生导师,研究方向为电力设备绝缘检测,高电压绝缘技术;赵春明(1982—),男,硕士研究生,研究方向为高电压绝缘技术、谐波抑制。


层色谱分离并结合 ESI - M S分析培养液中的糖脂产物 、测定样品中单鼠李糖脂和双鼠李糖脂比例及离子化强度 。结果 :根据苯 酚 - 硫酸法和蒽酮光度法中糖及糖脂与吸光度的定量关系 [A = 0. 0103X + 0. 0465 ( X 为鼠李糖量 ,μg) , A = 0. 0043X + 0. 0446 ( X 为鼠李糖脂量 ,μg) ] ,用化学计量方法确定了糖脂含量 84. 8% ,其中单鼠李糖脂的质量分数 0. 344,双鼠李糖脂的质量分数 0. 656,并基于电喷雾质谱中的离子强度和测定的浓度计算了鼠李糖脂的离子化效率 ,双鼠李糖脂的钠离子化效率仅为单鼠李糖脂
Ra tio and Con ten t of Rhamnolip id D eterm ined using Sugar D evelopm en t Process
GA I L i - xue1, 2 , SON G Kao - p ing1
( 1. College of Petroleum Engineering, Institute of Daqing Petroleum , Daqing 163318, China; 2. Daqing O il Field Corp. L td. , Daqing 163453, China)
钠离子化效率的 50%。结论 :可用于定量分析单双糖脂及评价鼠李糖脂的生产 。
关键词 :单鼠李糖糖脂 ;双鼠李糖糖脂 ;鼠李糖脂 ;电喷雾质谱 ;含量 ;离子化效率 中图分类号 : O652. 7; Q851 文献标识码 : A 文章编号 : 1004 - 311X (2010) 02 - 0033 - 05
[ 2 ] Page A P, Johnstone I L. The cuticle[M ]. UK: WormBook, 2007: 1


乱, 此外, 浓度较低时水质监测的实际操作误差也 增大, 这也是导致计算精度变差的一个原因.
从各断面计算结果的镉浓度峰值来看, 水体 中的重金属镉随着水流运动由上游向下游递减. 由于重金属不同常规污染物, 自身不会发生衰减、 降解等生化反应, 只能被水流稀释或经吸附、沉降
作用将溶解相和悬浮相转变为底泥相, 从而使得 水体中重金属浓度降低. 对比图 2可见, 各断面镉 浓度峰值依次为 0. 008 5m g /L (飞霞旅游区, 2006 年 1月 13 日 2 时 )、0. 006 5 m g /L ( 凤 城大 桥, 2006年 006年 1月 14日 8时 ) , 这说明水体中的重金属 镉随水流运动逐步沉积到底泥中.
图 1 北江流域镉污染事故影响区 F ig. 1 Inf luence area of cadm ium pollu tion
acciden t in North river
收稿日期: 2007- 02- 20; 修订日期: 2007- 04- 02 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金资助项目 ( 50679075); 河南省科技攻关计划项 目 ( 0624440043) 作者简介: 窦 明 ( 1975- ), 男, 山东淄博人, 郑州大学副教授, 博士, 主要从事水资源与水环境研究.
第 2期
窦 明等 北江重 金属镉污染事故数值模拟
1 19
初始条件取值为: ( 1) 水动力学初始条件: 由 于北江河底坡降 较大, 水动力模型的初始水位的赋值显得尤为重 要. 按照从上游至下游各计算断面的水位呈均匀 递减的原则, 可对飞来峡坝下和三水站的水位进 行组合, 使得第一计算时段的水位值与初始值相 差不 大. 通过试 算取飞 来峡坝 下的初 始水 位为 13. 44 m, 三水站的水位为 0. 0 m, 各断面均匀递 减 0. 192 m. 初始流量设为 0. 0 m3 / s. ( 2) 水质初始条件: 水质模 型的初始镉浓度 均设为 0. 0 m g /L; 水体中悬浮物浓度根据同期实 测资料给出. 3. 2 计算结果分析 选取监测断面飞霞旅游区、凤城大桥和石角

Eaton Power Xpert Gateway PDP 卡说明书

Eaton Power Xpert  Gateway PDP 卡说明书

Power Xpert ®Gateway PDP Card Delivers real-time, Web-enabled monitoring of Eaton® Power Distribution Units, Rack Power Modules and Remote Power Panels PrNduco snapshNo Real-time power monitoring presented how you need • it – via standard on-board Web pages, Power Xpert Software or 3rd party network or building manage-ment systems Ethernet switch port allowing for daisy chaining of • Ethernet communicating products Allows easy and remote configuration and monitoring • of the the Eaton Energy Management System (EMS)Supports the Eaton Environmental Monitoring Probe • Ftaourts and btntfi os MNnioNr tntrgy usagt -• reveal opportunities and verify results of efficiency improvements RtmNot MNnioNring -• via the Web monitor real-time data and profile energy usage on your power distribu-tion system Wtb-tnabltd mNnioNring Nf • pNwtr qualioy daoa dNwn oN oht branch circuio ltvtl - Data can be viewed from any location with a Web browser CNnfigurt and tdio oht • EMS rtmNotly via oht Wtb inotrfact - supportsremote configuration including naming, alarm and warning setpoints, and percentages Daoa, inotrval and tvtno • lNgging wioh oimt soamp - Accurate logging for power quality analysisMNdbusTCP/IP and SNMP • SuppNro - Open communica-tion protocol facilitates integra-tion with standard building management systems and network management systems CusoNmiztd tmail mtssag-• ing fNr tvtnos nNoificaoiNn, including daoa, inotrval and tvtno lNgs and ptriNdic “htarobtao” tmails - Directalarm and event notification to the appropriate person(s) in the organizationEasy inotgraoiNn inoN • txisoing Eohtrnto infrasorucourt - Minimize installation cost MNnioNring tntrgy in a ntowNrktd wNrld The Power Xpert Gateway PDP card (PXGX PDP) is the primary data acquisition solution for Eaton power distribution units (PDUs) remote power panels (RPPs), rack power modules (RPMs), power distribution racks (PDRs), and energy management system upgrade kits (EMSs). Data from the downstream devices are time stamped and stored in non-volatile memory. This interval data can be stored or uploaded to a destination of the user’s choice through CSV files. Data can also be accessed through any Web browser directly on the PXGX PDP down to the individual breaker level. Users can view data in Power Xpert Software, BMS, NMS, building dash boards, custom software applications, or virtually any Web interface. Frtt PNwtr Xptro Entrgy Vitwtr This free software download works with the PXGX PDP to allow quick and easy views of energy usage and comparison data. Y es, the data is available via a CSV file, however this tool doesn’t require a Microsoft ® Excel ® spreadsheet expert. Simply select the energy param-eters you’re interested in track-ing, and click! It automatically displays energy usage sum-mary information in both tabular and graphical format. Y ou can even compare the energy data from two devices from any IP address, anywhere in the world. This free tool is available at m/pxgx . Stcurtly vitw crioical pNwtr daoa hNw and whtn yNu chNNst Eaton provides the information needed to make critical power management decisions to keep the organization running effec-tively and efficiently. Y ou can rest assured that your information is secure when employing the PXGX PDP . It pro-vides password authentication to keep access to configuration separate from general use. For those seeking additional secu-rity, the PXGX PDP supports secure, Web-based communica-tion via SSL.Technical specificationsThe Power XPerT GaTewa y PDP CarD kiT inCluDes The followinG:Power Xpert Gateway PDP CardLocal configuration cableQuick start guideOrdering informationCatalog number PXGXPDPStyle number 103008064-5591Description Power Xpert Gateway PDP Card for use withEaton PDUs/RPPs/RPMs/PDRs/EMS withX-slot compatabilityDevices supportedEaton Power Distribution Units with X-Slot® compatibilityEaton Remote Power Panels with X-Slot compatibilityEaton Rack Power Modules with X-Slot compatibilityEaton Power Distribution Racks with X-Slot compatibilityEaton Energy Management System with X-Slot compatibility Communication portsEthernet ports Two RJ45 ports: supports 10/100 BaseT for daisychaining via integrated Ethernet switchSerial ports One USB port: supports local configuration and oneRJ45 for optional connection to an EnvironmentalMonitoring Probe (EMP)Communication protocols supportedWeb server Supports data access from Web browsers(HTTP and HTTPS)Modbus TCP/IP Supports data access from Modbus TCP clients SNMP Supports common network management tools SMTP Supports email notificationNTP Supports time synchronization via an NTP serverfor card and PDU synchronizationDHCP Supports automatic IP address assignments,if enabledIP v4 and v6 IP v4 and IP v6 compatibility Supported MIBsEaton PDU MIBEaton EMP MIBEaton Alarms and Traps MIBRFC 4133 Entity MIBRFC 4268 Entity State MIBRFC 4268 Entity State MIB Part IIRFC 1213 MIB IIWeb browsers supportedIE 7 and 8Mozilla Firefox 2.0 and higherGoogle ChromePhysical characteristicsDimensions 12 cm x 11.4 cm x 3.9 cm (4.7” x 4.5” x 1.5”) Weight 200 grams (7.0 oz)Environmental specificationsAmbient operating 0 to +40 ° C (32 to 104° F)Relative humidity 10 to 80%, non-condensingAltitude 10,000 ftEnclosure rating Indoor use onlyMounting configurationX-Slot form factor fits directly into PDU/RPP/RPM/PDR/EMS-UGK chassis Power supplyNominal input voltage 12 VDC, unregulated (provided by PDU/RPP) Input voltage range 8 – 25 VDC, unregulatedPower consumption3.5 wattsRegulatory/standards complianceFCC Part 15, Class ACISPR 22, Class AROHS compliantTelecom conducted EU Standard: EN 55022:2006 Class Avia EU Standard EN 55024:1998+A1:2001:A2:2003Features and specifications listed in this document are subject to change without notice Note:Nand represent the maximum capabilities of the software and products with all options installed. This is not a complete feature list. Features and functionality may vary depending on selected options.RtmNotly cNnfigurt and tdio pantl and brtaktr stooings frNm yNur dtskImprove productivity with Eaton’s ability to remotely configure or edit panel and breaker settings in your PDU, RPP or RPM with the on-board configuration pages that guide you through the process. Additionally, the ‘Save and Restore’ feature provides an effective method to reproduce the configuration if needed at a later time.Vitw hisoNryData historical logs, interval logsand event logs can be viewedvia Web browser, downloadedfor review in MS Excel, oremailed to others for furtheranalysis. In addition, the datacan be viewed in Power XpertSoftware, Power Xpert Reportingand third party ModbusTCPsoftware systems.Email mtssagtsY ou have the ability to custom-ize and direct email notificationsto anyone in your organization.Select from alarm notifications,data logs and heartbeat emails.This provides yet one more wayto effectively and proactivelymanage your power system.MNnioNr oht tnvirNnmtnoThe Eaton EnvironmentalMonitoring Probe (EMP) optionis also supported via the PXGXPDP. The temperature, relativehumidity, and status of twocontact closures can beviewed in addition to thePDU and RPP data.EaoNn CNrpNraoiNnElectrical Sector1111 Superior Ave.Cleveland, OH 44114United States877-ETN-CARE (877-386-2273)/pxgx© 2011 Eaton CorporationAll Rights ReservedPrinted in USAPX01FXA / TNFebruary 2011Eaton, Power Xpert and X-Slot are registeredtrademarks of Eaton Corporation.All other trademarks are property of theirrespective owners.。


2 PEMF C 工作原理及系统组成
2.1 PEM FC 工作原理 燃料电池 是一种不 经过燃烧直 接以电化 学反应
方 式将燃料的 化学能转变 为电能的 发电装置。 其工 作 原理与普通 电池基本相 同,也是 通过电化学 反应 把 物质的化学 能转变为电 能。所不 同的是,传 统电 池 是事先填充 好内部物质 ,化学反 应结束后, 不能
无论军事 或商业领 域,对先进 的发电技 术的需 求 正变得日益 迫切和重要 ,尤其面 临日益走高 的高 油 价时代的来 临。诸多影 响国家安 全因素中包 含这 样 一种需要, 即减少对国 外原油的 依赖,向重 要的 军 事、政治和 经济部门提 供充足安 全的电力能 源、 应 付突发事件 。而且社会 和军队的 现代化发展 ,能 源 的消耗量无 疑是巨大的 。这种国 家战略安全 的需 要 和巨大而昂 贵的能源消 耗正迫使 国家有关部 门去 挖 掘可替代能 源以确保不 断增长的 能源需求。 我国 正 处于高度发 展的现代化 建设的战 略转型期, 对能 源 的需求非常 大,并且严 峻的国家 安全环境和 复杂 的 台海局势的 任何异动, 都会对国 家的能源安 全提 出 挑战。从国 家安全和国 民经济可 持续发展的 战略 高 度出发,发展 军民两用燃料 电池技术迫 在眉睫。
K ey wor d s:proton exchange membrane;fuel cell;po wer supp ly
1 引言
燃料 电池发电 是在一 定条件下 使燃料( 主要是 H2) 和氧化剂 (主要是O 2)发 生化学反应 ,将化学 能直接转换 为电能和热 能的过程。与常规 电池不同, 只要有燃 料和氧 化剂供给 ,就会有 持续不断 的电力 输出。与 常规火力发 电不同:它不受卡诺 循环限制, 能量转换 效率高 。燃料电 池技术为 我们提供 了一种 新的能源 选择和 工业发展 道路。这 种无污染 的能源 其潜在的 应用前 景是前所 未有的, 它能够提 供可与 电力网媲 美的足 够大的电 力,与核 能、太阳 能、风 能等新能 源以及 微型涡轮 等新设备 相比,燃 料电池 又是迄今 惟一的 横跨各种 功率范围 (如电站 用、汽 车用、电 器用电 源)、各 种应用环 境(如固 定电站 与移动电 源等) 的新能源 技术;作 为整个工 业与日 常生活的 基础, 燃料电池 将促进整 个工业甚 至社会 框架发生 重大的 、质的飞 跃。燃料 电池被称 为是继 水力、火 力、核 能之后第 四代发电 装置和替 代内燃 机的动力 装置。 美国、欧 洲和日本 等发达国 家相继 投入巨资 ,并加 以政策扶 持,快步 进入燃料 电池工 业规模发 电行列 ,并已有 商业化应 用和军事 运用成 功典例。



第30卷 第2期2007年4月电子器件Ch inese Jou r nal Of Elect ro n DevicesVol.30 No.2Ap r.2007Analysis of Or t hogonal Arc Suppression Coil and Applica tionin Dyna mic Compensation System of E a r th Fa ult sW E I Xi ao 2x i a3,J I Ya n 2chao ,TA N Gua n g 2h ui ,DO N G Yan(P ower S ystem and it s Aut omati on ,Harbi n Insti t ute of Technol ogy ,Harbin 150001,China)Abstract :The ort hogonal arc 2supp re ssio n coil ha s wi der adjust able range ,less har monic and ea si er cont rol.Regulat io n of t he coi l induct ance a dopt s dyna mical ort hogonal coil magnetic cont rol ,and t he respond of cont rol i s fast and accurat e.Working dist ance f rom t he resonance point ,t he ort hogonal coil monitors t he capaciti ve cur rent of power net ,and i mmediately t urns into compensation st ate.When t he eart h fa ult oc 2cur s ,t he arc suppression coil can aut omaticall y det ect a nd t rip t he faul ty i i ng parall el re 2si sta nce t o det ect current and i mp roving t he det ection se nsiti vi t y.Through t he t hyri stor operat io n capaci 2tor s to t une arc suppression coil i nducta nce val ue ,we can control t he i nduct ance current output ,which compensa te t he ea rt hing fault capaci tance current.The dyna mic arc suppression coil compe nsat ion system i s agile and effective.K ey w or ds :power fault prot ection ;eart hi ng compensation ;ort hogonal arc suppression coil ;current detec 2t ion ;eart hing capacit ance current EEACC :TM761正交消弧线圈的分析以及在动态接地故障补偿系统中的应用魏晓霞3,纪延超,谭光慧,董 妍(哈尔滨工业大学电力系统及其自动化,哈尔滨150001)收稿日期6228作者简介魏晓霞(82),女,哈尔滨工业大学,博士研究生,灵活电力系统,无功功率补偿,电力电子在电力系统中的应用的方向,y x x @y 摘 要:正交消弧线圈具有较宽调节范围,较少谐波含量,易于控制.线圈电抗调节采用动态正交线圈磁控制,反映快速准确.消弧线圈工作在远离谐振点状态,控制电网电容电流,瞬间达到所需补偿状态.当发生接地故障时,它可以检测并快速跟踪故障,采用并联电阻进行电流检测,提高检测的灵敏度.通过晶闸管开关电容灵活调节消弧线圈补偿电感量,控制电感电流输出,来补偿故障接地电容电流;动态消弧线圈补偿系统灵活高效.关键词:电力故障保护;接地补偿;正交消弧线圈;电流检测;接地电容电流中图分类号:TM761 文献标识码:A 文章编号:100529490(2007)022******* 灵活交流电力系统技术在电力系统中有着广泛的应用,它可以不通过改变操作模式和操作计划,而大大改善电力系统现状.中性点经消弧线圈接地电网在发生单相接地故障时,接地点电容电流得到消弧线圈电感电流的补偿,使残余电流减小,电弧容易熄灭,因此我国规定6~35kV 的中性点不接地配电电网的中性点必须通过消弧线圈接地[1].现有的可自动调谐的消弧线圈有调匝式、调气隙式、磁阀式、调电容式等.为了对接地故障电流进行合理、快速地补偿,要求消弧线圈的伏安特性线性度好、响应快、能无级连续调节、补偿效果好及系统适应性强等特点.可控饱和消弧线圈的操作原理是通过原边线圈直流电流改变铁心内部磁通磁导率连续调节副边电感.输配电网络接地故障与电力系统的安全运行和电网的稳定供电有着直接的关系.多种多样的中性8:200041:190nan c wei iao ia a .点接地方式得到全球不同的配电系统广泛应用.其中有固定中性线接地系统和系统性、多样性的接地方式,中性线不接地的方式,阻抗接地方式,谐振(消弧线圈)中性点接地方式.接地方式的选取要依据不同的实际情况和特殊的接地故障来确定,有时这些情况本身之间也会具有相互矛盾性.中性点不直接接地系统中性点接入消弧线圈的目的是为了补偿接地点的容性电流,减慢弧隙恢复电压上升速度.新型中性点接地的消弧线圈成为研究的热点,它可以根据配电网络拓扑的变化来自动跟踪零序电容的改变.当发生单相接地故障时,消弧线圈的电流可以有效地补偿故障处的接地电容电流.如果零序震荡电路的自然频率和系统的频率相同,电路会自动进行调节.在故障保护过程中,通过有效的线圈调节,使得瞬时接地故障自动消失,而不会影响电能供应.在正常工作状态消弧线圈被设置远离零序电流谐振点,以免发生谐振点过电压的情况,中性点的代替电压比较低,中性点压降很小.本文提出了正交消弧线圈系统,该系统利用正交消弧线圈的可变电感特性达到电网补偿的作用,该装置反应快速,它是在结合正交铁心和控制系统的基础上形成的,可以跟踪接地故障并能动态补偿的控制系统.1 正交消弧线圈通过分析和对比,老式电抗器有几个主要的问题亟待解决.第一个问题就是控制侧绕组线圈的直流电流太大,以至于很难改变直流电流控制磁偏,或者干脆不能达到这样的电流.第二个问题就是补偿电流的调节范围比较窄,所以我们采用了新型的消弧线圈以满足电力用户的需要.正交线圈是磁性器件,它有效利用了磁性介质的非线性特性.这个正交铁心有不同的应用,可以用来控制可变电感,可变变压器,频率放大器和变流器[1].正交铁心的副边交流电流在较宽的调节范围有谐波存在,但是还是接近于正弦输出.1.1 基本结构单相正交消弧可控电感线圈铁心结构如图1所示.正交铁心由两个U型铁心相互旋转90°组成的,这个U型铁心的材料是硅钢片,图2给出两个U 型铁心电流控制电路,N1和N2是原边和副边的匝数.通常,I1和I2是原边和副边电流,φ1和φ2分别是原边和副边磁通量[3,4].由于正交电抗器的原边和副边绕组互感非常小,所以它与普通的变压器工作方式不同,然而正交电抗器具有在原边线圈电流激励的影响下,副边感抗连续变化的特性因为电抗器的磁通是饱和的,磁阻的大小也是连续变化的.图1 单相正交消弧可控电感线圈铁心结构图图2 正交消弧线圈的控制电路1.2 工作原理当原边控制侧由直流电流源DC进行控制,工作绕组与网络进行连接,左右两边的线圈分别形成了相应的磁动势,在铁心内部形成了对应的磁通量.控制线圈的磁路由图2所示,从图2中我们可以清楚地看出两个线圈都会具有相应的磁通路径,两个较短的磁通部分有相同的几何结构和材料特性,不发生耦合现象;两个较长磁通部分也同样具有相同的几何结构和材料特性,但是它们在工作线圈处具有耦合现象,并且出现了两个线圈的磁耦合影响.图2中我们考虑到电流的参考方向,磁通在一条臂上进行耦合叠加,在另一条臂上耦合相减,我们可以从图3看到它们之间的关系.图3中磁路a和b具有相同的尺寸结构,但是由于磁通的相互作用,它们的磁势方向相反.这样的等效分析仅仅适用于两边线圈没有耦合的情况下,当两边的线圈同时受到激励时,磁通在路径a和b 上的流通就会有很大的变化,在路径a上叠加,在路径b上相减.因此,两个铁心的饱和情况是不同的.根据B2H曲线的非线性,我们可以利用直流控制侧N1i1控制交流输出侧N2i2;耦合路径的饱和情况由铁心饱和情况的变化而变化,相应等效电抗和线圈电流也随之变化.我们通过这种方法来利用直流控制工作部分的交流输出电流和输出功率.1.3 基本公式和等效磁路图3给出了正交消弧电抗器的基本磁路.F a和F是两个铁心公共部分的磁动势,φ和φ是连接部分的磁通,N控制侧磁势N是输出侧磁势在磁路中这些参数的关系是855电 子 器 件第30卷8.b a b1i12i2.:N1i1=F a+F b(1)N2i2=F a-F b(2)φ1=φa+φb(3)φ2=φa-φb(4)图3 正交消弧电抗器的磁路模型当公式(3)与公式(4)相加,我们可以得到φa,如公式(5):φa=1/2(φ1+φ2)(5)当公式(3)减去公式(4),我们可以得到φb,如公式(6):φb=1/2(φ1+φ2)(6)考虑到磁动势和磁通之间的关系:F=F(φ)(7)我们可以得到公式(8)和(9)N1i1=F((φ1+φ2)/2)+F((φ1-φ2)/2)(8) N2i2=F((φ1+φ2)/2)-F((φ1-φ2)/2)(9)响应线圈N2i2连接到电网上,副边线圈两边的电压就可以成为已知,那么我们就可以得到φ2.结合公式(8)和(9),i2和φ2的关系就可以通过公式(10)给出,其中i1是变量:i2=f(φ2)|i1(10)i2和i1的关系可以通过公式(11)给出,其中变量是φ2:i2=f(i1)|φ2(11)公式(10)是考虑了控制电流的输出端电压和电流特性,而公式(11)是输出端电流和控制端电流之间的关系.2 正交动态消弧线圈补偿系统 电能质量问题是我们生活中的一项重大问题,保证电路不中断,没有足够能量电离形成故障路径.许多配电系统的故障都不是永久性的,仅仅是暂时性,这些暂时性故障能够成功有效地抑制,而不会造成明显的危害.如果暂态接地故障电流消失,系统将会自动恢复,用户供电也自动恢复接地故障保护的选择对电力系统的安全和可靠运行具有很重要的意义经常采用的电力系统接地方式,包括低阻抗接地、直接接地、电抗接地、高阻抗接地和不接地.在一次变电站的原边加消弧线圈能够明显减少用户用电故障的干扰.传统的理论,一次变的变压器中性线通过接地电阻接地,而且很长一段时间由于某些特殊的原因都采用小电阻接地方式,但是却带来了大量能量集中引起爆炸的恶果,导致本身的故障自恢复无法正常进行,并且故障电流的速断保护可以减轻这样的危害,能够重新恢复供电;绝缘隔离中性线的高阻抗接地成为近期的首选,最后就是消弧线圈,这种线圈能够减小接地电流甚至到零,可以达到故障电流可靠自抑制.2.1 接地电容电流在电力线路导线间及导线与大地之间均存在分布电容,电器设备与大地之间也存在电容.对于配电网,由于线路长度相对于工频波长来讲要短得多,这些分布电容可以用集中参数电容代替.中性线连接消弧线圈调节电网系统中,网络中的主要公式如下式(12)[526]:U N=(E A Y A+E B Y B+E C Y C)/ (Y A+Y B+Y C+Y N)(12)当E A、E B和E C分别是电网A、B、C三相电压,它们的均方根值是E(v).Y A,Y B,Y C和Y N分别是电网三相和中性线的导纳(Ω-1).U N是中性线接地电压(V).如果三相电网的相电压是对称的,E A是参考向量,上面公式的电导被忽略,我们可以得到下面的公式(13):U N=jω(C A+a2C B+aC c)/(jω(C A+a2C B+ aC C)+1/jωL)(13) U N=ω(C A+a2C B+aC C)/(I C/E+I N/U N)(14)I C是三相电网整体接地电容电流的均方根值.I N是中性线消弧线圈电流的均方根值.2.2 正交消弧线圈电感并联电容器组正交消弧线圈根据电力网络拓扑的变化可以实时跟踪零序电容电流.通过中性线电压和电流来确认操作状态和消弧线圈的控制方式.几组不同容量的电力电容器通过晶闸管开关并连到消弧线圈的副边.通过改变晶闸管控制电容器的数量变化,控制消弧线圈动态电感值,补偿故障接地电流.它实现了自动调节零序电路.当发生单相故障接地时,接地电容电流有效地利用了正交消弧线圈电感上电流进行补偿.接地故障电流非常小并且电弧可以自我熄灭如果故障是瞬时故障,并联的电阻可以提高故障检测的灵敏度当旁路故障反馈阻抗电流的大小和方向满足设定值955第2期魏晓霞,纪延超等:正交消弧线圈的分析以及在动态接地故障补偿系统中的应用8....时,设备允许跳闸.在消弧线圈副边并联电容增加线圈本身调节补偿电流的范围,能够提高线圈准确自动调节的能力.当二次绕组连接电容组,一般来讲,电容器的比例被设计成C 1∶C 2…C 3=1∶2∶2n -1[7],可以做到分级调节.当二次电容器全部退出时,消弧线圈主绕组感抗最小,电感电流最大;当二次绕组有电容器投入时,根据阻抗折算关系,相当主绕组两端并接了一定容量的电容,使主绕组回路等值感抗最大,总感性电流最小.因而通过控制投切不同的电容组,就可以改变消弧线圈主绕组回路的感抗,从而可以控制消弧线圈电感电流的大小.对于消弧线圈接地故障保护系统,通常采用测量中性线零序电流的原理;相对来说,接地故障保护的选择性也能很容易的进行[8].图4 正交消弧线圈结合电容补偿的分级调节结构2.3 检测原理为了提高供电设备的可靠性和安全性,网络故障率应该降低.但是,消弧线圈在中性线上的失谐将会造成中性线的剩余电流非常小,至使接地故障的检测进行相对困难.如果电网电流支路数是m,三相负载是对称的电力系统参数也是对称的,消弧线圈并联电阻用来故障检测.回路k 发生单相对地短路故障电路的分布图如图5.在变电处测量到的反馈支路的零序电流仅仅是流过电容器和漏电电阻的电流,电流的方向是从母线到反馈支路,并且电流值非常小[9].图5 配电网络反馈支路k 发生接地故障接地故障补偿是通过中性线等效电感性来补偿系统接地故障电容性在变电侧测量故障支路的零序电流,包括流过并联线路的电容和泄漏电阻的电流无功电流大小和方向受到消弧线圈电流的影响,但是在阻抗电流的方向是从支路到母线.当单相接地故障不是瞬时发生的,它的并联电阻R p 自动动作.这个并联电阻的作用是增加接地故障电流提高故障检测灵敏度.阻抗电流是系统点容电流的5%到8%,在整个电网中这个值比较小,大约是高架电网线路电流的2%到4%,但是较高也可以达到15%[10,11].故障线路的阻抗电流和回路线路阻抗电流的相移可以达到180°.回路的有源元件非常小,等于所有回路的阻抗元件和并联阻抗值R p .对于有源电流的方向和大小,可知故障检测的灵敏度很高.R p 的计算:图6是图5的零序等效电路,我们考虑主要的问题,仅仅是全补偿的情况.当全补偿时,我们可以通过图6推导出故障电流如公式(15).I f =E/(R f +R eq )(15)R eq 是电阻和并联电阻R p 的等效值.中性线上的电压能够通过公式(16)推导得出.U p =E (R eq /(R eq +R f ))(16)根据网络的结构和故障检测的灵敏度,可以计算出R eq ,然后得到R p .图6 图5的等效电路2.4 正交动态消弧线圈补偿系统正交动态消弧线圈的作用是当电网发生单相接地故障后,提供电感电流,补偿接地电容电流,使接地电流减小,也使得故障相接地电弧两端的恢复电压速度降低,达到熄灭电弧的目的.当消弧线圈正确调谐时,不仅可以有效地减少产生弧光接地过电压的机率,还可以有效地抑制过电压的幅值,同时也最大限度地减小了故障点热破坏作用及接地网的电压升高等[12].当正交消弧线圈电感等于接地电容,它们的电流值相等时,成为全补偿;当电感电流大于电容电流,称为过补偿;反之,为欠补偿.从发挥消弧线圈的作用上来看,系统最好是处于全补偿状态,即调谐至谐振点上.但是在电网正常运行时或发生单相断线、断路器不同期合闸、非全相合闸等故障时,全补偿或接近全补偿状态下的消弧线圈可能产生各种危险的过电压全补偿时中性点电压位移是电网自然65电 子 器 件第30卷8...不平衡电压的10~20倍,即通常所说的串联谐振过电压.断路器的非同期分合闸,非全相分合闸及线路的单相断线都会加大电网的不平衡度,从而加大串联谐振过电压.所以小脱谐度下的消弧线圈在电网正常运行时,给电网带来的不是安全因素而是危害.综上所述,当电网发生单相接地故障时,希望消弧线圈最好是全补偿.正交消弧线圈的调节,就是要解决消弧电抗器电感量的控制问题.正交消弧线圈的补偿作用是在电网发生单相接地后,线圈两端电压在额定电压附近,承受高电压,正交消弧线圈电感值唯一地由控制电流决定.根据正交消弧线圈的特性,我们可以提供控制电流响应得到调整后的消弧线圈电感.正交动态消弧补偿系统是由变压器、消弧线圈和控制器等组成,这个系统的结构由如图7所示.变压器1和主线路连接,中性线和正交消弧线圈相连接,通过连续地监测,完成自动检测动作.当检测到故障,补偿动作;没有故障时,恢复正常运行.控制电流由可控硅全波桥式整流电路提供,由于消弧线圈的控绕组为大电感负载,且新型正交消弧线圈当控制回路中感应电流分量,是非电流源性质的.所以我们利用传感器,低压滤波器,P I D和可控硅触发器构成了对控制电流的闭环控制.这种控制方法反应迅速,为了提高电抗器的调节速度,利用控制器的调节控制特性,可以改变消弧线圈原边的控制电流,使得相应的磁场发生变化,输出端的电流也发生变化.正交消弧线圈有较大地调节范围,较少的谐波并且易于控制.在这个补偿系统中,我们采用了动态控制的方法,在电网络中,进行实时控制,消弧线圈距离谐振点较远,正交消弧线圈的调节比较快,比较准确[13].图7 动态正交消弧补偿系统控制图系统控制器采用芯片检测系统电容电流,采样电网数据并与上位机进行通信,分析得到控制信息,控制消弧线圈的动作一旦发生单相接地,控制器控制正交消弧线圈进行补偿.当电网恢复正常,控制器重新发出命令调节消弧线圈.在这个系统中,芯片同样具有自检功能,一旦发生故障,就会报警.控制流程如流程图8[14215].图8 控制器的控制流程图当电力网络正常运行的情况下,检测电网电容电流,远离谐振点的正交消弧线圈控制电流值,并且控制补偿.当发生单相接地故障时,消弧线圈可以发生全补偿.一旦故障断路过多,谐振中性点接地系统能够自动缓解单相瞬时接地故障.它可以大大降低电力系统的故障电流.但是它不能永久高效地解决单相接地故障问题.配电系统中电力设备的绝缘强度可以忍受长时间高频率的操作过电压,但是大接地故障电流还是会对电力系统中的用电设备造成较大的危害.3 结论正交消弧线圈,通过正交线圈的特点来调节可变线圈,消弧线圈的副边很容易通过原边直流来改变,输出端得到交流.本文也给出该正交线圈的磁路形式和可变电抗的基本电路.中性线接地可以利用正交消弧线圈进行接地补偿当发生单相接地故障时,接地电容电流可以通过有效快速调节正交电抗器的可变电抗来调节;使得故障电流非常小,达到自我消弧如果故障是瞬时165第2期魏晓霞,纪延超等:正交消弧线圈的分析以及在动态接地故障补偿系统中的应用8...的,并联电阻自动动作为了提高故障检测的灵敏度.当故障回路中电流的大小和方向满足设定值,正交消弧系统自动动作,该系统我们在本文中作了介绍.新型正交电抗器用作消弧线圈,结合了闭环控制系统形成了正交消弧线系统.这个系统有比较大的调节范围,较少的谐波并且控制容易.实时控制有效补偿.参考文献:[1] 刘金旭.变压器式可控电抗器型消弧线圈的谐波分析及抑制[J].高压电器,2005,8,41(4).[2] Ti an Mi ngxing,Li Qi ngfu,Li Qunfeng.Ort hogonal Core TypeVari abl e Inducto r[C]//.IEE E Transactio n on Magneti cs,Dec.1990,20(24).[3] Os am u Ichi no kura.To shi m asa J inzenji.A New Variable In2duct or for var Compensatio n.IEEE Transactio ns o n Magnet2i cs,November,1993,29(6).[4] Osamu Ichinoku ra,Toshi ro Kagam i and To shimasa J i nzenji.Hi gh S peed Variable 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Analysis on the Situation of Power Supply and Demand in Shandong

Analysis on the Situation of Power Supply and Demand in Shandong

L TRI ITY N Analys is on the S ituation of P ower Supp lyand Demand in Sh an dongBy Sun WeiDepartment of Development Planning,Shandong Electric Power CorporationIn the first half of 2007,the power industry in Shandong province continued to maintain a rapid growth momentum.The gross electricity consumption amounted to 121.25TWh,14.4%higher over that in the same period of last year.The total installed capacity reached 53.29GW.It was expected that by the end of 2007,the gross electricity consumption in Shan-dong would reach 260TWh,increasing by 14.4%on a year-on-year basis;the maximum load would reach 40.00GW,increasing by 14.3%;and the total installed capacity would be 58.00GW.Ma in pro ble ms of S han don g po wer g ridConstruction of power grid is relatively stagnant.Firstly,although the 500-kV main grid has basically taken shape,however,according to rapid economic development in the province,large power plants putting into operation and demands of optimization of resources in large-scale,the step of 500-kV grid construction needs to speed up.Meanwhile,220-kV grid also needs to be further adjusted for optimized development.Secondly,as the industrialization and urbanization process in Shandong Province accelerates,the problem of the distribution network falling behind its economic development and urban construction is becoming even more prominent.The structure of urban distribution grid is relatively weak,which makes power supply and safety level constrained.The unreasonable distribution grid and insufficient power supply in rural areas can not meet the requirements of building new socialist coun-tries.Thirdly,the construction of power grid faces the fact of lack of line corridors and substation site resources,greater complexity and difficulty of the preparatory work,difficulty of houses demolition for land use,complex civil relations,short of project funds and many other issues.Disposition of power sour ces needs to be opt im ized A fter the split of pow er plants and power grid,power generation companies and the relevant enterprises all rushed to launch power projects,so that power sources were constructed out of T f ',between the distribution of load center and development of power grid.I t is difficult for grid to achieve reasonable scientific planning and construction,sometimes even over construction or duplicate construction appears which have seriously affected the unified planning of power system.The load center of Shandong are mainly concentrated in the central and eastern regions,while power sources are distributed mainly in the western and southwestern regions,therefore big pressure is put on power transmission from west to the east,also the diffi-culties in building the path way are prominent.In addition,some large enterprises build and operate their own power plants and power grids.T his caused a situation of "combination of plants and grid"and "grid within grid,"as a result,it posed a potential threat to Shandong grid security and brought more difficulties to management and operation of Shandong grid.Power mix is not quite r easonable Firstly,the proportion of small thermal power units is relatively high.At present,the total capacity of small thermal power units at 100MW and below is 14.64GW in Shandong grid,which weighs 30%of the province's total.The total capacity of small thermal power units at 50MW and below is 11.87GW,which is about 24%.Secondly,the capacity of self-supply plant is too large.By the end of 2006,the capacity of self-supply plant had reached 9.53GW,weighing about 19%of the province's total.Most of such plants are synchronized with the power grid,and get supports and reserves from the grid,but they do not partici-pate in peaking,frequency modulation,thus brings difficulties to grid operation.The high proportion of small thermal power units and self-supply power units leads to poorly adjustable ability,moreover,the safety and stability of power grid are affected.At the same time,high energy consumption and high pollution of small thermal power units are detrimental to the quality and efficiency of the province's power sources,also are not conducive to power restructuring,optimization of resources allocation and sustainable development of the power industry in Shandong Province.M f D ,,f E EC C 2008.o.1order.his led to the discord between disposition o the pro vince s power plants and eco nomic development alsoechanism o p ower p rice is n ot reason able.ue to historical reasons power price structure is unreasonable or40N L TRI ITYon-grid price and sales price in Shandong are high,while transmission and distribution price is relatively low.During the "11th Five-Year Plan"period,since the existing tariff mechanism is unscientific,it causes that power grid is lack of profits,therefore,the self-development capability of grid enterprises is seriously restricted by low level of profitability.Meanwhile,the shortage of construction funds is an important factor to development of Shandong's grid,and will ultimately affect the optimization of the resources distribution.S itu ation of p owe r s u pply a nd de ma nd in S h and ong du rin g th e "11th F ive-Year P la n"pe riodPower demand The "11thFive-Year"will be the crucial period for Shandong province to transform from a big economic province to a strong economic province,to comprehensively build a well-off society.Take economic development trend and social power demand of Shandong Province into consid-eration,it is expected that during the "11th Five-Year"period,the annual growth rates of electricity consumption of the entire society and the largest load were 12.6%and 13.3%respectively.Gr id developm ent To meet the rapid growth of the province's load,during the "11th Five-Year"period,Shandong power company will continue to speed up upgrading of the main grid,optimize the development of power transmission network,focus on the development of distribution network,and promote comprehensive and coordinated development of power grids at all levels,therefore achieve the fundamental changes in development of power grid and improve the grid capacity,optimize the allocation of resources to ensure safe and stable operation.By that time,Shandong power grid will constitute a power supply structure by layer and by district,featuring the 500-kV grid as its main and 220-kV grid as its municipal grid.The transmission capacity and stability level of the power grid would be substantially improved.Power sour ces cons tr uct ion In the "11th Five-Year"period,power supply in Shandong province will still mainly rely on self-balance,import of electricity from other provinces as supplement.We shall continue to optimize power sources distribution,intensify restructuring,implement the policy of energy-saving and emission-reduction,promote the policy of "large units substitute small units,"so as to focus on the devel-opment of large-sized and high-efficiency coal-fired units,speed up development and utilization of renewable energy,and actively promote nuclear power.Based on the current state in Shandong,it is expected that in the "11th Five-Year"period,the newly-added capacity will be 35GW,4-GW small ,3GW y f By y ,the total installed capacity will reach 68GW in Shandong,and the total available power is about 71GW.Power supply and demand In 2006-2007,lots of power units were put into operation.At present,the situation is turned from balance to surplus.In 2007,the average utilization hours of power units in the whole province is expected to be decreased to 4800hours.Overall,during the "11th Five-Year"period,the number of utilization hours of the province's power generating equipment will appear a trend of high at the begin-ning and the end,low in the middle.It is predicted that by 2010,utilization hours will again increase to 5300hours or so,so that the overall power supply and demand will be balanced.If the planned large-and medium-sized power projects can be put into operation on schedule,the province's power supply shall be guaranteed.The trend of power transmission in Shan-dong still featured from west to east and from south to north,of which power transmission from west to east will be further intensified in the future.Rec om me nda tion s a nd co unte rm ea s uresAcceler ate the pa ce of power gr id const r uction,guarant ee the secur it y of power supply Building a strong Shandong grid is the prerequisite and foundation to ensure electricity supply,and achieve optimal allocation of resources.First,make grid planning and preparatory work for the grid construction in advance,and step up construction of a strong grid,so as to achieve the coordinated development of trans-mission and distribution,power plant and grid,and ensure that electricity can meet the demands of import and export.Secondly,we shall insist on the principle of infrastructureconstruction2008.o.1E EC C thermal power units will be shut down and about -capacit will be transmitted rom other provinces.the ear 201041L TRI ITY N and technology retrofit develop concurrently,insist on combi-nation of technological retrofit,infrastructure construction,science and technology research,and maintenance,equipment upgrading to improve transmission capacity and equipment health of the grid.Thirdly,according to the progress of the national UHV power grid schedule,we shall accelerate the pace of the national UHV power grid extending to Shandong,to ensure the security of electricity supply and energy in the province.Intr oduce outer electricit y to suppor t inner economic development Since the economy in Shandong is large in scale,with profits and fast development growth,so its power demand is relatively high,however,it doesn't have enough primary energy and land resources,also the environmental capacity is limited,land resources is relatively short.In the following period of time,the coal-based energy structure will not change.In order to achieve the goal of energy-saving and emis-sion-reduction,if we depend on power plants within the province,it can't meet the needs of rapid economic development.We suggest that Shandong accept clean and reliable electricity from other provinces to alleviate the shortage of energy resources and environmental pressure.At the end of the "11th Five-Year"period,Shandong plans to input 3-GW electricity from other provinces through ±500-kV DC lines.In the "12th Five-Year"period,the UHV grid will extend to Shandong,to transmit 15-GW electricity through the UHVAC and UHVDC lines.Speed up constr uct ion of lar ge power plants,make good preparat ion work for pr ojects.According to the situa-tion of current construction of large-and medium-sized units in Shandong Province,power projects listed in the state's three-year (2005-2007)construction plan shall be put into operation before 2009,that is to say,by the end of 2008,the province's power supply will be guaranteed.However,in the last two years of the "11th Five-Year Plan"period,if there is no approval of construction for large-sized thermal power units,power supply may be tight again.We recommend to step up preliminary work for large power projects,approve and start building as soon as possible a number of large-sized plants to ensure a reasonable project reserve and avoid ups and downs in the construction of power sources.Therefore sustainable and healthy development of Shandong power grid could be achieved.Optimize and adjust power str uctur e,order ly develop power pr ojects.In the "11th Five-Year Plan"period,we shall adhere to the guidance of market and power grids to accelerate optimization and adjustment of power structure,so as to achieve the goal of optimization of resources distribution and y F ,f f f ,pacity and ultra-supercritical power generating units with capacity of 600MW and the above to increase the proportion of large capacity units;accelerate construction of nuclear power projects;properly develop peaking units such as pumped storage units;actively develop new energy,renewable energy,and power generation projects which comprehensively utilize resources such as residual gas,waste heat,residual pressure;strictly regulate development of cogeneration projects,so as to change the power mix which has a unitary structure and high energy consumption,while a low performance on environ-mental protection,also we shall speed up shutting down small units.Establish a r easonable tariff mechanism and enhance the capabilit y of improvement for power grid.Establishment of a scientific and reasonable power price mechanism is the most important solution to investment of power grid construc-tion during the "11th Five-Year Plan"period.We suggest to accelerate the reform of price system and appropriately increase transmission and distribution price of power grid in Shandong to ensure reasonable price space and sustainable development capabilities for the grid,therefore the grid could enter a virtuous circle of self-development and then guarantee the sustained and healthy development of Shandong power grid.Pr opel opt imizat ion of r esour ces allocat ion and impr ove the ecological environment of Shandong According to the overall schedule of the State Council for power institu-tional reform,we shall continue to speed up construction of the power market during the "11th Five-Year Plan"period,to regulate power trading by the market mechanism.We shall actively optimize power structure through market competition;vigorously promote the "alternative power"and energy-saving,environmental protection,economic dispatch and energy effi-ciency;hence achieve the goal of energy-saving and emis-sion-reduction in power industry and improve the ecological environment.Str engthen DSM and raise the level of energy-saving and emission-reduction.On the one hand,w e shall scientifically guide the way of power consumption on the demand side and publicize and promote the advanced energy-saving technolo-gies,so as to encourage scientific power consumption,reason-able allocation and effective utilization of power resources,thus enhancing power efficiency.On the other hand,continue to implement "time-of-use-tariff,"guide customers to avert the peaks actively to achieve the goal of orderly using electricity;constantly optimize the load to reduce the difference between peak and valley and improve the economic operation of power grid,thus making contributions to construction of a resource-saving and environment-friendly society.(T y Y y L W y)E EC C 2008.o.1energ conservation and emission reduction.urthermore we shall ocus on the development o high per ormance high-ca-ranslated b J ia ulu and edit ed b iu en in g 42。



期刊网址:引用格式:刘江, 刘彦森, 黎胜. 基于Kriging 代理模型的水下目标模型几何参数识别方法[J]. 中国舰船研究, 2024, 19(增刊 1): 42–51.LIU J, LIU Y S, LI S. Geometry parameters recognition method for underwater target model based on Kriging surrogate model[J]. Chinese Journal of Ship Research, 2024, 19(Supp 1): 42–51 (in Chinese).基于Kriging 代理模型的水下目标模型几何参数识别方法刘江1,刘彦森2,黎胜*11 大连理工大学 船舶工程学院,辽宁 大连 1160242 水下测控技术重点实验室,辽宁 大连 116013摘 要:[目的]水下目标参数识别可为目标分类识别提供依据,为此,提出一种基于Kriging 代理模型的水下目标参数识别方法。



[结论]基于Kriging 代理模型的水下目标参数识别方法可以通过声辐射线谱特征准确预测水下目标模型的主要目标参数值。



Science &Technology Vision 科技视界0引言主控室是核电厂正常运行和事故工况下实施控制的中心,也是应急响应期间运行控制组的工作场所,能够集中监测并控制电厂的运行状态和事故状态,提供电厂运行参数,并在事故应急响应期间对事故工况进行诊断、分析和预测,采取控制措施缓解事故或使电厂恢复到安全状态[1]。









The Power of Compassion

The Power of Compassion

The Power of CompassionCompassion is a powerful force that has the ability to transform lives and make the world a better place. It is the feeling of deep sympathy and sorrow for another who is stricken by misfortune, accompanied by a strong desire to alleviate their suffering. When we act with compassion, we are able to connect with otherson a deeper level and show empathy and understanding for their struggles. This can create a sense of unity and support that can help individuals overcome challenges and find hope in difficult times. From a personal perspective, experiencing compassion from others can have a profound impact on our well-being. When we are going through a tough time, knowing that there are people who care about us andare willing to support us can provide a sense of comfort and solace. This feeling of being understood and valued can help us navigate through our struggles with more resilience and optimism. It can also strengthen our relationships with others, fostering a sense of trust and mutual respect. On the other hand, showing compassion towards others can also be incredibly rewarding. When we extend a helping hand to someone in need, we not only alleviate their suffering but also experience a sense of fulfillment and purpose. The act of giving without expecting anything in return can be a source of joy and satisfaction, as we witness the positive impact of our actions on the lives of others. This can create a ripple effect, inspiring others to also act with compassion and kindness towards those around them. From a societal perspective, compassion plays a crucial role in fostering a sense of community and unity. When individuals come together tosupport each other in times of need, it creates a sense of solidarity andbelonging that transcends differences and promotes harmony. Compassionate acts can break down barriers and promote understanding and tolerance among diverse groups, leading to a more inclusive and compassionate society. Moreover, compassion can also have a transformative effect on larger systemic issues, such as poverty, inequality, and injustice. By approaching these issues with a compassionate mindset, we can work towards creating solutions that prioritize the well-being of all individuals and promote social justice. Compassion can inspire collective action and advocacy for change, leading to a more equitable and compassionate society for all. In conclusion, the power of compassion lies in its ability toconnect us with others, alleviate suffering, and inspire positive change. By cultivating compassion in our own lives and showing empathy and understanding towards others, we can create a more compassionate world where kindness, love, and understanding prevail. Let us strive to be beacons of compassion in our communities and work towards building a more compassionate and caring society for all.。

The Power of Compassion

The Power of Compassion

The Power of CompassionCompassion is a powerful force that has the ability to transform lives andbring about positive change in the world. It is the ability to empathize with others, to understand their suffering, and to take action to alleviate it. Compassion is often seen as a fundamental aspect of being human, and it has the potential to create a more harmonious and connected society. From a personal perspective, compassion can have a profound impact on our own well-being. When we practice compassion towards others, we are also benefiting ourselves. Studies have shown that acts of kindness and compassion can lead to increased feelings of happiness and satisfaction. When we are able to connect with others on a deeperlevel and show them understanding and support, it can bring a sense of fulfillment and purpose to our own lives. Compassion also plays a crucial role in our relationships with others. When we are able to show compassion towards our friends, family, and even strangers, it can strengthen our connections and create a senseof unity. It allows us to build trust and understanding, and it can help toresolve conflicts and misunderstandings. Compassion is the foundation of healthyand supportive relationships, and it can create a more caring and loving community. On a larger scale, compassion has the power to bring about social change and address systemic issues. When individuals and communities come together with compassion, they can work towards creating a more just and equitable society. Compassion can drive us to take action to address issues such as poverty, discrimination, and inequality. It can inspire us to advocate for those who are marginalized and to work towards creating a world where everyone is treated with dignity and respect. In addition, compassion is essential in the field of healthcare. Healthcare professionals who demonstrate compassion towards their patients can have a significant impact on the healing process. When patients feel understood, supported, and cared for, it can lead to better outcomes and a more positive experience. Compassion is not only about providing medical treatment, but also about seeing the person behind the illness and addressing their emotional and psychological needs. Furthermore, compassion is a fundamental aspect of leadership. Leaders who lead with compassion are able to create a more inclusiveand supportive work environment. They are able to understand the needs andconcerns of their team members, and they can inspire trust and loyalty. Compassionate leaders are also more effective at resolving conflicts and building strong, cohesive teams. They are able to create a workplace culture that values empathy, understanding, and collaboration. In conclusion, the power of compassion is undeniable. It has the ability to transform individuals, relationships, communities, and even society as a whole. By practicing compassion in our daily lives, we can create a more connected and caring world. It is through acts of kindness, empathy, and understanding that we can truly make a difference and bring about positive change. Compassion is not just a feeling, but a force that has the potential to shape the world for the better.。

The Power of Persuasion

The Power of Persuasion

The Power of PersuasionThe power of persuasion is a force that has been influencing human behaviorfor centuries. Whether it's used in a political speech to sway public opinion, ina sales pitch to convince someone to buy a product, or in a personal conversation to change someone's mind, persuasion is a skill that can be both powerful and dangerous. From a psychological perspective, persuasion can be seen as the art of influencing and convincing others to adopt a certain belief or take a particular action. It involves understanding the psychology of human behavior and using that knowledge to effectively communicate and influence others. One perspective on the power of persuasion is that it is a necessary and valuable skill in today's society. In a world where information is constantly bombarding us from all angles, being able to effectively persuade others is essential for success. Whether it'sin the workplace, in personal relationships, or in social and political activism, the ability to persuade others can make the difference between success and failure. For example, a salesperson who is skilled in the art of persuasion is more likely to close a deal and make a sale, while a political leader who can effectively persuade the public is more likely to win an election. On the other hand, thereis also a darker side to the power of persuasion. In the wrong hands, persuasion can be used to manipulate and deceive others. Advertisers, politicians, and even individuals can use persuasive techniques to exploit people's vulnerabilities and push them to make decisions that are not in their best interest. This can lead toa loss of autonomy and freedom, as individuals are swayed by external forcesrather than making decisions based on their own values and beliefs. In extreme cases, the power of persuasion can be used to incite violence and hatred, as seenin the rise of extremist ideologies and hate groups. From a moral and ethical perspective, the power of persuasion raises important questions about the responsibility that comes with influencing others. Is it ethical to use persuasive techniques to convince someone to do something they might not have done otherwise? Should there be limits to how persuasion is used, especially in the context of advertising and marketing? These are complex questions that don't have easy answers, but they are important to consider as we navigate a world where the power of persuasion is constantly at play. Another perspective on the power ofpersuasion is that it is a skill that can be honed and developed through practice and education. Just as with any other skill, becoming a master of persuasion requires understanding the principles of psychology, communication, and influence. By learning about cognitive biases, emotional triggers, and effective communication techniques, individuals can become more skilled at persuading others in a way that is ethical and respectful. This can be particularly valuable in fields such as sales, marketing, and leadership, where the ability to persuade others is a key factor in success. Finally, it's important to recognize that the power of persuasion is not just about influencing others, but also about being open to being persuaded ourselves. In a world where everyone is trying to convince others of their point of view, it's important to be able to critically evaluate the messages we receive and make informed decisions based on our own values and beliefs. This requires a certain level of skepticism and critical thinking, as well as a willingness to listen to different perspectives and consider alternative viewpoints. By being open to being persuaded ourselves, we can engage in more meaningful and productive conversations with others, rather than simply trying to push our own agenda. In conclusion, the power of persuasion is a complex and multifaceted force that has the potential to influence human behavior in both positive and negative ways. From a psychological perspective, it involves understanding the principles of human behavior and using that knowledge to effectively communicate and influence others. While persuasion can be a valuable skill in today's society, it also raises important questions about ethics, responsibility, and the potential for manipulation. By honing our own persuasive skills, being open to being persuaded ourselves, and critically evaluating the messages we receive, we can navigate the power of persuasion in a way that is ethical, respectful, and mindful of the impact it has on others.。


面向生物工程的精密定位机构及其动力学特性研究 Study on 可以省去
Precision Positioning Mechanism 复合名词
Bio-engineering 合成词
• 14 Design of 3D precision displacement system (三维精
密位移系统的设计) precision displacement system 精密位移系统 n+n...
• 15 Rotation Precision Calculation and Analysis of Typical Flexure Hinges (典型柔性铰链回转精度性能计算与分析) 中文中的性能是根据意思增译的 Rotation Precision Calculation 名词连用现象 • 16 Design of flexure hinges with space curve notches (空间曲线切口式柔性铰的设计) 介词词组修饰flexure hinges表示特性特征
• 1 Closed Loop Design Method of Micro-driving Displacement Amplifier Module Targeting for Stiffness (以刚度为目标的微位移放大模块闭环设计方法) 1)Displacement amplifier module可改写为
2)整个标题使用了偏正结构 ,中心词为Dynamics analysis ,后面的介词短语起修饰限定作用
• 3 On the 2R pseudo-rigid-body model of compliant mechanisms (柔顺机构的 2R 伪刚体模型研究) 采用了英语标题中的动宾结构(介词加宾语) On (关于...)研究 pseudo-rigid-body 伪刚体(复合词) pseudo-rigid-body model (复合名词)名词化结构 • 4 Accuracy analysis and synthesis of 3-RPS parallel machine based on orthogonal design (基于正交设计的3RPS并联机构精度分析与综合) Accuracy analysis n+n (行为名词)名词化结构 Accuracy analysis and synthesis 并列结构

The Power of Persuasion

The Power of Persuasion

The Power of PersuasionThe power of persuasion is a crucial skill in today's society. Whether it's convincing someone to buy a product, supporting a cause, or influencing a decision, the ability to persuade others is essential for success. In this essay, we will explore the importance of persuasion and how it can be effectively used in various situations. First and foremost, persuasion is a valuable tool in the business world. Salespeople rely on their persuasive skills to sell products and servicesto potential customers. By using persuasive language and techniques, they can influence the customer's decision and ultimately close the deal. Additionally, persuasion is also important in the field of marketing, where advertisers use persuasive strategies to convince consumers to buy their products. Moreover, persuasion plays a significant role in the realm of politics. Politicians oftenuse persuasive language and rhetoric to sway public opinion and gain support for their policies and campaigns. Through persuasive speeches and communication, they can effectively convey their message and win over voters. Furthermore, persuasion is essential in everyday life. Whether it's negotiating with a friend, convincinga family member, or simply expressing your point of view, the ability to persuade others is crucial for effective communication and relationship building. By mastering the art of persuasion, individuals can better influence and persuade others to see things from their perspective. In conclusion, the power of persuasion is a vital skill that can be used in various aspects of life. From business and marketing to politics and personal relationships, the ability to persuade others is essential for success. By understanding the importance of persuasion and mastering effective persuasive techniques, individuals can effectively influence and persuade others to achieve their goals.。



电机驱动系统传导EM I 的抑制方法3姜保军 孙力 孙亚秀 严冬哈尔滨工业大学 摘要:鉴于传导EMI 最终是以电流的形式注入敏感设备形成干扰,为此在分析了电机系统漏电流的传播途径的基础上,提出通过在电力电子器件与散热器之间置入高电导率金属屏蔽层,以此减小两器件寄生电容,降低系统漏电流,实现抑制EMI 的目的。


关键词:传导电磁干扰 漏电流 寄生电容 电力电子器件 散热器 屏蔽层Suppression Method of Conducted EMI in Motor Driven SystemJiang Baojun Sun Li Sun Yaxiu Yan DongAbstract :The conducted EMI is caused by the current influx into sensitivity device finally.This paper pro 2posed a new leak current suppression method based on the analysis of transfer path of leak current in motor system.The proposed method is that the metal shielding layer with high conductivity is placed between power electronic device and heat sink to reduce parasitical capacitance between the two devices and the leak current of system.This method has value in application ,and its simplicity and effectiveness are confirmed by experi 2ment.K eyw ords :conducted electromagnetic interference (EMI ) leak current parasitical capacitance power electronic device heat 2sink shielding layer 3 国家自然科学基金项目(50477009)1 引言现代化电机驱动系统(PWM 变频器-感应电机驱动系统)由于采用了变频器对电能进行变换和控制,而使其运行特性由自然特性变为可控的人工特性,性能指标得到极大的提高,并且系统结构紧凑、控制简单,因此这一系统在现代工业中得到了广泛应用。

Power Xpert Gateway PDP Card商品介绍说明书

Power Xpert  Gateway PDP Card商品介绍说明书

Power Xpert ®Gateway PDP Card Delivers real-time, Web-enabled monitoring of Eaton® Power Distribution Units, Rack Power Modules and Remote Power Panels PrNduco snapshNo Real-time power monitoring presented how you need • it – via standard on-board Web pages, Power Xpert Software or 3rd party network or building manage-ment systems Ethernet switch port allowing for daisy chaining of • Ethernet communicating products Allows easy and remote configuration and monitoring • of the the Eaton Energy Management System (EMS)Supports the Eaton Environmental Monitoring Probe • Ftaourts and btntfi os MNnioNr tntrgy usagt -• reveal opportunities and verify results of efficiency improvements RtmNot MNnioNring -• via the Web monitor real-time data and profile energy usage on your power distribu-tion system Wtb-tnabltd mNnioNring Nf • pNwtr qualioy daoa dNwn oN oht branch circuio ltvtl - Data can be viewed from any location with a Web browser CNnfigurt and tdio oht • EMS rtmNotly via oht Wtb inotrfact - supportsremote configuration including naming, alarm and warning setpoints, and percentages Daoa, inotrval and tvtno • lNgging wioh oimt soamp - Accurate logging for power quality analysisMNdbusTCP/IP and SNMP • SuppNro - Open communica-tion protocol facilitates integra-tion with standard building management systems and network management systems CusoNmiztd tmail mtssag-• ing fNr tvtnos nNoificaoiNn, including daoa, inotrval and tvtno lNgs and ptriNdic “htarobtao” tmails - Directalarm and event notification to the appropriate person(s) in the organizationEasy inotgraoiNn inoN • txisoing Eohtrnto infrasorucourt - Minimize installation cost MNnioNring tntrgy in a ntowNrktd wNrld The Power Xpert Gateway PDP card (PXGX PDP) is the primary data acquisition solution for Eaton power distribution units (PDUs) remote power panels (RPPs), rack power modules (RPMs), power distribution racks (PDRs), and energy management system upgrade kits (EMSs). Data from the downstream devices are time stamped and stored in non-volatile memory. This interval data can be stored or uploaded to a destination of the user’s choice through CSV files. Data can also be accessed through any Web browser directly on the PXGX PDP down to the individual breaker level. Users can view data in Power Xpert Software, BMS, NMS, building dash boards, custom software applications, or virtually any Web interface. Frtt PNwtr Xptro Entrgy Vitwtr This free software download works with the PXGX PDP to allow quick and easy views of energy usage and comparison data. Y es, the data is available via a CSV file, however this tool doesn’t require a Microsoft ® Excel ® spreadsheet expert. Simply select the energy param-eters you’re interested in track-ing, and click! It automatically displays energy usage sum-mary information in both tabular and graphical format. Y ou can even compare the energy data from two devices from any IP address, anywhere in the world. This free tool is available at m/pxgx . Stcurtly vitw crioical pNwtr daoa hNw and whtn yNu chNNst Eaton provides the information needed to make critical power management decisions to keep the organization running effec-tively and efficiently. Y ou can rest assured that your information is secure when employing the PXGX PDP . It pro-vides password authentication to keep access to configuration separate from general use. For those seeking additional secu-rity, the PXGX PDP supports secure, Web-based communica-tion via SSL.Technical specificationsThe Power XPerT GaTewa y PDP CarD kiT inCluDes The followinG:Power Xpert Gateway PDP CardLocal configuration cableQuick start guideOrdering informationCatalog number PXGXPDPStyle number 103008064-5591Description Power Xpert Gateway PDP Card for use withEaton PDUs/RPPs/RPMs/PDRs/EMS withX-slot compatabilityDevices supportedEaton Power Distribution Units with X-Slot® compatibilityEaton Remote Power Panels with X-Slot compatibilityEaton Rack Power Modules with X-Slot compatibilityEaton Power Distribution Racks with X-Slot compatibilityEaton Energy Management System with X-Slot compatibility Communication portsEthernet ports Two RJ45 ports: supports 10/100 BaseT for daisychaining via integrated Ethernet switchSerial ports One USB port: supports local configuration and oneRJ45 for optional connection to an EnvironmentalMonitoring Probe (EMP)Communication protocols supportedWeb server Supports data access from Web browsers(HTTP and HTTPS)Modbus TCP/IP Supports data access from Modbus TCP clients SNMP Supports common network management tools SMTP Supports email notificationNTP Supports time synchronization via an NTP serverfor card and PDU synchronizationDHCP Supports automatic IP address assignments,if enabledIP v4 and v6 IP v4 and IP v6 compatibility Supported MIBsEaton PDU MIBEaton EMP MIBEaton Alarms and Traps MIBRFC 4133 Entity MIBRFC 4268 Entity State MIBRFC 4268 Entity State MIB Part IIRFC 1213 MIB IIWeb browsers supportedIE 7 and 8Mozilla Firefox 2.0 and higherGoogle ChromePhysical characteristicsDimensions 12 cm x 11.4 cm x 3.9 cm (4.7” x 4.5” x 1.5”) Weight 200 grams (7.0 oz)Environmental specificationsAmbient operating 0 to +40 ° C (32 to 104° F)Relative humidity 10 to 80%, non-condensingAltitude 10,000 ftEnclosure rating Indoor use onlyMounting configurationX-Slot form factor fits directly into PDU/RPP/RPM/PDR/EMS-UGK chassis Power supplyNominal input voltage 12 VDC, unregulated (provided by PDU/RPP) Input voltage range 8 – 25 VDC, unregulatedPower consumption3.5 wattsRegulatory/standards complianceFCC Part 15, Class ACISPR 22, Class AROHS compliantTelecom conducted EU Standard: EN 55022:2006 Class Avia EU Standard EN 55024:1998+A1:2001:A2:2003Features and specifications listed in this document are subject to change without notice Note:Nand represent the maximum capabilities of the software and products with all options installed. This is not a complete feature list. Features and functionality may vary depending on selected options.RtmNotly cNnfigurt and tdio pantl and brtaktr stooings frNm yNur dtskImprove productivity with Eaton’s ability to remotely configure or edit panel and breaker settings in your PDU, RPP or RPM with the on-board configuration pages that guide you through the process. Additionally, the ‘Save and Restore’ feature provides an effective method to reproduce the configuration if needed at a later time.Vitw hisoNryData historical logs, interval logsand event logs can be viewedvia Web browser, downloadedfor review in MS Excel, oremailed to others for furtheranalysis. In addition, the datacan be viewed in Power XpertSoftware, Power Xpert Reportingand third party ModbusTCPsoftware systems.Email mtssagtsY ou have the ability to custom-ize and direct email notificationsto anyone in your organization.Select from alarm notifications,data logs and heartbeat emails.This provides yet one more wayto effectively and proactivelymanage your power system.MNnioNr oht tnvirNnmtnoThe Eaton EnvironmentalMonitoring Probe (EMP) optionis also supported via the PXGXPDP. The temperature, relativehumidity, and status of twocontact closures can beviewed in addition to thePDU and RPP data.EaoNn CNrpNraoiNnElectrical Sector1111 Superior Ave.Cleveland, OH 44114United States877-ETN-CARE (877-386-2273)/pxgx© 2011 Eaton CorporationAll Rights ReservedPrinted in USAPX01FXA / TNFebruary 2011Eaton, Power Xpert and X-Slot are registeredtrademarks of Eaton Corporation.All other trademarks are property of theirrespective owners.。



第29卷增刊12007年舰 船 科 学 技 术SH I P SC I E NCE AND TECHNOLOGY Vol .29,Supp le ment 12007文章编号:1672-7649(2007)S1-0156-03国际电磁发射技术研究现状古 刚,向 阳,张建革(郑州机电工程研究所,河南郑州450015)摘 要: 介绍了国际电磁发射技术研究的最新进展,以及未来的发展趋势和应用方向。



关键词: 电磁发射;轨道炮;电热化学炮;电源中图分类号: T J395 文献标识码: AThe overv i ew of the i n terna ti ona l electromagneti c l aunch technology researchG U Gang,X I A NG Yang,ZHANG J ian 2ge(Zhengzhou Electr omechanical Engineering Research I nstitute,Zhengzhou 450015,China )Abstract: This paper intr oduces the latest research devol opment of the f oreign electr omagnetic launch technol ogy,its devol op ing p r os pects and its app licati on .It su mmarizes the hot t op ic and the key technol ogy of the electr omagnetic railgun and electr other mal 2che m ical gun and makes a further analysis of the electr omagnetic launch technol ogy πs state ment and status .It is very useful t o the nati onal related depart 2ment and Engineer home .Key words: electr omagnetic launch;railguns;electr other mal 2che m ical gun;power supp ly收稿日期:2007-03-07作者简介:古刚(1970-),男,高级工程师,研究室主任,从事舰炮专业研究。

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Analysis of the Analysis of power supply enterprise security management of common problems and production managementPaper Keywords: Electricity Safety Management FAQs method Abstract: Security of electricity supply business of life, is the most important task, is a long, arduous, repetitive systems engineering, safety management is good grasp, whether to ensure social stability and people’s lives property from loss, or the power companies have their own economic and social benefits important role in promoting a virtuous cycle of the power companies. efforts to build a harmonious consumption environment is of practical significance and has a positive significant effect.Electricity supply business safe and stable operation is related to all walks of life, is related to economic development is related to people’s fundamental interests, to ensure safe production and safe operation of power, to ensure reliable power supply at all times our first event this paper a careful analysis andreflection of the power supply enterprise safety management of some common problems and find strategies to enhance safety management, peer reference for learning.First, the electricity supply companies in the safety management of common problems 1 is not strong sense of responsibility for security The first is safety consciousness, responsibility for security is not strong, ‘safety is extremely heavy,’ not firmly grasp the idea, there is ‘talk up the importance of a secondary dry up’phenomenon, the second is the poor people to protect themselves, do not follow the standard processes to do things, have ‘lucky’ heart, blindly complacent and tired of the emotional, habitual illegal behavior repeated again is in maintenance, construction does not seriously implement the <<National Grid electricity safety regulations>> under the ‘two vote, three systems ‘do not seriously implement the site safety organization and technical measures. violation of standard operating procedures and the improper use of safety tools and instruments, causing casualties and damage to powergrids and power transmission equipment, accident, because of negligence and big mistake, to employees, businesses, social irreparable loss.(2) grass-roots management in place, execution is not strong Because they can not properly handle security and tasks, safety and efficiency, the relationship between security and development, some of the electricity supply companies only focus on improving business efficiency, investment in the safety management of time, money is limited, the safety management of daily neglect, there severe headache cure head gap phenomenon: the safety rules and regulations have been developed not to enforce, or the execution is not enough. arrested when security is tight loose, tight, when the above requirements, along with his shouting about, not layers of be implemented. and some power companies just do not work according to plan arrangements, arbitrary strong leadership to the task or do you rush out of the fight. Although some power companies plan, the completion rate is not high. another example of site operation procedures are not timely revised emergency plan in timemanagement is not perfect, ‘two measures’ and ‘Five Anti’ is not completed on time, on the ‘two votes’ not timely evaluation of the implementation, reporting, regular visits to check on the equipment, the pre- test work is not in accordance with the provisions of the principles, on the occurrence of equipment failure, abnormal and accidents do not follow the ‘four left off principle’ to analyze, summarize, treatment of defects in time, equipment, long-term with a ‘disease’to run, leaving significant security risk, etc. It has specific features: First, go to the scene less, less understanding of the situation, or find that the issue is not the issue is not resolved, leading to lack of specific and future-oriented, the second is to inspect the problems found quality, in-depth investigation and analysis is not enough, three is the problems that occur between departments of evading wipe Lai, coordination and cooperation can not be good, four is the discovery of the problem can not be strictly in accordance with regulations, there is a nice, five is the formalism not daring to resist, for maintenance, construction job site of the standardized work instructions and risk pre-control measures into a hypothetical open,up and down there to meet with the formalism formalism.3 strict anti-illegal work, poor Habitual violation of work safety is often used to place illegal behavior, power companies, including acts of violation, administrative violation and illegal installations.. It mainly exists in the management of cadres ‘four fears’mentality, that is, a fear of seriously affect the stability of grasp force. second, fear of affecting the relationship between cadres seize, three fears seriously affect the performance evaluation, four seriously afraid that affect the income, I am not bold tube, bold grasp, some of the work is not clear and can not arrested, some of the common ‘little’things because of the sensibilities, offends not grab. Inspection and supervision in place, just be satisfied with communication with the requirements, the lack of follow-up inspection, guidance and assistance and supervision. The accident, illegal processing lax, do nice guy, there is often tolerated phenomena, the occurrence of violations can not be effectively curbed.4 safety evaluation system is not perfect, imperfect Responsibility for production safety evaluation system in place did not really perform, pro forma, going through the motions, to cope with the higher-ups that can not truly reflect the distribution according to work, Jiangqinfalan can not play fully mobilize the enthusiasm of staff’s economic leverage, which mainly reflected in: a is the imbalance between reward and punishment. Prevent the problem from award less punishment and more problems, and second time lag. Prize is not timely, the penalty is not timely, the three are evasive. A major issue died down, problems on a grand scale, fourth assessment unfair. Occurred in front things were not assessment, assessment of what happened behind, or examination of some things, some things were not assessment, five is the scale of injustice. people do and not do a kind, can do and not do a kind.5 lax security management tools and instruments Security management tools andinstruments did not follow the ‘merit-based selection, the correct use, regular testing, regular retirement’ to set guidelines to perform the same time, regular testing of security equipment consciousness, life management formality and many workers have been significantly damaged equipment still in extended use, the elimination has not been eliminated.6 play the role of grass-roots organizations are not in place Its main features: First, play the role of party and government work group organization is not sufficient, a few exemplary vanguard role of party members is not prominent, and the second is part of the class webmaster poor management, poor management, not control the third is a model example for demonstration of advanced effect is not strong. the first assessment, work is also appraised by the human relations.Second, to strengthen the power supply enterprise safety management measures 1 enhance safety awareness and establish remember ‘safety first,prevention first, comprehensive management’thinking clearly a ‘responsibility’ word.First, employees are the most important safety factor, only to strengthen safety education and skills training, and carry out safety awareness, safety skills training so deeply rooted among the security umbrella of responsibility is extremely heavy, and actively guide all the staff fully understand the to the safety of long-term, arduous, repetitive and extreme importance to further enhance the sense of responsibility for safety in production. The third is to increase the money, time investment, safety education and training, on-site security risk assessment.(2) implement the responsibility system for all levels of staff job security First, the power supply at all levels of business security monitoring system should be able to properly understand and strict implementation of safety management systems and safety measures, the company’s safety goals to truly implement the decomposition of employees, organizations to develop inline with the the actual business, with responsibility for assessing the economic feasibility of team reward and punishment system and strictly enforced, so that the system, people, let the system steward, to really implement all rules and regulations in place to assess the constraints to the system and to develop safety management, and system and standardized administration of the second, to improve the production line employee motivation, rewards and punishments on the appraisal to reward and punishment, Jiangqinfalan because they are the basis of safety, the work should be ‘who’s in charge, who is responsible, who is in the post , who is responsible, ‘truly employees from the’ want me to safety ‘to’ I want security, ‘the concept of change, you can say for sure that only the first responsible person from the safety of employees in each job can be thought by the security mandatory to a qualitative leap in consciousness. to be able to play a source from the accident to contain the role of insecurity, reduce or avoid accidents.3 establish a ‘people-oriented ‘thinking, strict management and carry out anti-illegal workSafety management focuses on ‘people-oriented’, and seriously, and conducting the benchmarking team-building activities to focus on management activities to manage the safety catch. To make the enterprise security management can be effectively carried out. First, the leadership To set an example to comply with good <<safety>> and the rules and regulations. Secondly, we have all the personnel of the security of intensive ideological and educational work, and strive to improve all employees to protect themselves, mutual awareness and establish a people-oriented thinking comprehensively promote the standardization of field operations, field operations regulate behavior, to achieve standardization of operations, management, standardization of the third, increase staff training, and there are plans to organize the study of knowledge of modern safety management and safety management, safety warning to carry out education and improve the operating personnel safety awareness and skills in safety management, not only to rely on the production of technical equipment, the production level of organization, but also to people-oriented, thoroughand meticulous study of human thinking and behavior changes, efforts to create a safety culture to improve the electric power business level of security.4 standardized safety management, enhance on-site supervision, strict compliance with the safety system First of all, to properly carry out safety oversight responsibilities, so that thinking and understanding in place, the oversight responsibilities in place, foundation work, and also to enhance service awareness, and strict sense, coordination and sense of innovation, the first line of the production team, must ensure that the site staff have a high sense of responsibility and serious working attitude can be detailed through the development of simple, workable standard operating procedures, staff to develop good work habits. http://www. .com5 Strengthening the management of security tools and instruments First, improving the industrial equipment procurement, distribution, requisitioned, retirement and other systems. Second, improve the tools and instruments of accounting, so that account, the card, the same thing. Third, the use of tools and instruments tostrengthen safety management, the use of tools and instruments , required materials, repair and inspection records, test records should be made specific and detailed provisions, be well documented, the responsibility to implement.6 to further strengthen the security assessment Security of power supply enterprise security risk assessment is mainly the establishment and improvement of library and we have a variety of measures to strengthen the process management, to ensure that the work carried out, to avoid a mere formality.7, together, to create ‘I want security,’ a thick atmosphereSafety is a systematic project to achieve the stability of production safety situation requires a force, the party, government, workers, groups make concerted efforts to accumulate and organizations at all levels play a role in the formation of the enterprise, ‘I want security,’the strong Xing atmosphere, in order to truly ensure the safety of long-term stability.Third, the ConclusionSafety management is a persistent, the times, we must put it as a regular, daily basis for task-oriented, and ultimately the safety of institutionalization, standardization of Power is the ability to produce most accidents prevent, and only increasing safety supervision, strict implementation of safety incentive provisions, strict accountability system for major incidents, efforts to improve the power production of scientific management, in order to implement the requirements of safety.References: 1 Weizhong Kang grid electricity market environment of security and stability [J]. Electrical safety technology, 2006, (5)2 Renguo Ming, Shao Yuhuai. Electricity production safety situation and the problem of [J] China Safety Science and Technology, 2007,3.3 State Grid Corporation of electricity safety regulations (power line part) [M]. Beijing: China Electric Power Press, 2005.。
