Position Paper


立场文件 Position_Paper

立场文件 Position_Paper

立场文件(Position Paper)



2.字体采用Times New Roman, 字号在10磅到12磅之间;

● 本国在该议题上的立场的总体概况(切合本国利益)以及与议题相关的历史介绍
● 用语尽量官方、正式,可以参考BG和官方报告中的用词
● 不用特别强调某一国家的详细信息(如人口、GDP等)
● 举出实例,而不是空谈政策与态度
● 一般采用第三人称表达本国观点(如,The UK believes…)
● 尽量不用采用修辞手法。



模联印度立场文件PositionPaperofIndia英文版范文合集第一篇:模联印度立场文件Position Paper of India英文版Committee: The United Nations Environmental Protection Agency Topic: The Prevention& Control of atmospheric pollution Country: The Republic of India Delegate: Sun Jiangwenxiu&DiYa Atmospheric pollution has become the world's biggestenvironmental problemand increasingly drawn the wide attention of the world.To solve this problem, the United Nations has done a large number of surveys to find the main cause of the pollution and established the UnitedNationsEnvironmentProgramme(UNEP)as the world organization of the UNco-ordination to get to grips with pollution in 1972.India has always followed their action and taken some relative measures.As a developing country, with the development of industrial and cities, India has been damaged seriously.Air pollution in India is a serious issue with the major sources fromwood and biomass burning, fuel adulteration, vehicle emission and traffic congestion.Meanwhile, based on the analysis of the environmental actuality, government has drawn up a detailed list of measuresand put forward the control countermeasures for reducing pollution.Such as the promotion of natural gas as a vehicle fuel,encouraging people to use public transport to lessen emissionas well as restricting commercial trucks into the city.Second, India passed onThe Air(Prevention and Control of Pollution)Act to strengthen the force of supervision.Then local organizations establish smoke alarms, so that people know the air quality changes.It is an indisputable fact that an awareness of public environmental protection needs to be enhanced.So, In addition to rev up publicity withadvertisements, the institution of environmental protectionorganizes and encourages afforestation and the protection of forests.All of these methods have made a great effect on pollution.Now, the environmental state is showing signs of improvement.But that’s not enough, India will learn from other countries which conduct well as the United States and Japan.Air pollution is a global problem, it related to every member’s interests.The members must immediately solve it together.India will also develop capabilities to the maximum.第二篇:模联文件写作——立场文件模联会议文件写作——立场文件发表于 2009-11-26 12:12:23 | 作者:模联人 | 6,576 views 环球令德旗下网站,转载请注明出处。



Delegates: zhangyipeng School: ZJG Foreign Language SchoolCommittee: United Nations Environment ProgrammeCountry: French RepublicTopic: Sustainable Development"The word sustainable has been used in too many situations today, and ecological sustainability is one of those terms that confuse a lot of people. You hear about sustainable development, sustainable growth, sustainable economies, sustainable societies, and sustainable agriculture. Everything is sustainable."Certainly the idea of sustainable development has become increasingly popular in the contemporary world. New books on sustainable development have been appearing with increasing rapidity since the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (the Earth Summit) held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in June of 1992, and the number of articles appearing in professional journals has been expanding at what seems to be an exponential rate. At that time, France recognized that protection for the environment and social and economic development were fundamental to sustainable development. To this end, one of its commitments was to draw up a national sustainable development strategy.France, like most other industrialized countries, only developed genuine environmental policies in the last quarter of a century. However, it was one of the first countries to set up a Ministry for the Protection of Nature and the Environment. The new ministry was created on 27 January 1971 and its original responsibilities merely extended to coordinating the actions of other ministries. Before then, some legislative measures testified to the government’s concerns about environmental issues, such as the 1960 National Parks Act and the 1964 Water Act. The latter was very much ahead of its time and included financial incentives based on the polluter-pays principle.France’s environmental policy between 1970 and 1998 was mainly concerned with establishing regulations and specialized institutions for the recovery and elimination of waste products (1976), air quality (1981) and energy management (1982). Since 1990, these institutions have been brought together in the Environment and Energy Management Agency (ADEME). France’s policy also led to the adoption of a National Environment Plan in 1990, which brought about the first sweeping reform of the environmental administration and, more specifically, the creation of 26 Regional Environment Directorates (DIRENs) in 1991.Key developments in the period from 1998 to 2001 significantly enhanced the role of the environment in gov ernment policies. The government’s new actions included the development of environmental consultations and contracts, modernization and strengthening of the environmental administration, and consolidation of environmental legislation, with the 1999 Sustainable Development Act and the Environmental Code adopted in 2000.The accent has been on sustainable development since 2002, with the drafting of a national strategy. This led to a proposal for a constitutional charter on the environment, implementation of water, nature, landscape and pollution policies, along with prevention and risk management policies, increases in capacities for environmental assessment and social and economic analysis, as well as international action. The national sustainable development policy is supervised by an Interministerial Committee for Sustainable Development (CIDD), which was set up in 2003 and is chaired by the Prime Minister. It has taken over the tasks of three earlier bodies: the Interministerial Environment Committee, the Interministerial Commission on Greenhouse Effects and the Interministerial Committee on the Prevention of Major Natural Hazards. France plans, for example, to measure its total greenhouse gas emissions as well as its carbon footprint, including the 'imported' CO2 footprint resulting from trade.Energy and resource use per inhabitant, resource productivity, the share of different transport modes in freight, sectoral waste generation - whether household, agricultural or industrial waste - and the recycling rate are also going to be calculated.As for nature conservation and sustainable management of biodiversity, the indicators are set to assess the evolution of bird populations, changes to natural habitats and loss of natural environments.。

Position Ppaper(立场文件)英文简介及模板

Position Ppaper(立场文件)英文简介及模板

What is Position Paper?Position paper is a written statement of your nation’s view on the topic. Using outside research, delegates should describe the essential stance their nation has on the issue being discussed. Many delegates use their position papers for their first speech in the committee, either by reading sections out loud or pulling important phrases or ideas from them, so it is also helpful to focus your thoughts and identify the main points you want to address in the committee.Content of Position PaperA good position paper will not only provide facts but also make proposals for resolutions. It shall contain the followings:·a brief statement on the significance of the topic;·a clear statement of your country’s position on the topic;·major actions that have been taken nationally and globally regarding the topic; ·suggestions for possible solutions to the issue.To finish a good position paper or speech, you could refer to:·Country InformationHighlight the key factors you need to know about your country from the basic information on the one you will be representing.·Newspaper ArticlesTry to have the most up-to-date information available if the topic has recently been in the news, which could include the quotes from your country’s leaders ab out the issue and the statistics to back up your country’s position on the issue, etc.·UN ResolutionsSearch through UN’s online documentation center for relevant resolutions and UN documents pertaining to your topic.·Other Key DocumentsTry to include relevant excerpts from treaties, protocols, agreements and other documents.Format of Position PaperOn the top of the position paper is the basic information which includes Committee, Country, University and Topic. The details are specified as follows:·12 point and Times New Roman·one to one-and-a-half pages in lengthDeadline of Position PaperSeptember 25, 2007Sample Position PaperCommittee: The Human Rights CouncilTopic: Violence against WomenCountry: The Kingdom of DenmarkUniversity: Shea UniversityThe Universal Declaration of Human Rights states, "no one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment." Although this doctrine was adopted in 1948, the world has fallen quite short of this goal. Violence against women pervades all states and it is the duty of the international community to ensure that all persons are afforded equality and respect. Despite cooperative efforts at combating gross human rights abuses, such as the adoption of the Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against Women, the United Nations has not been able to alleviate the injustice women worldwide experience daily.The Kingdom of Denmark believes that in order to end violence against women, nations must look to empower women in all aspects of society. This includes promoting equal gender roles in government, civil society, education and business. However, Denmark also recognizes the need to combat human rights - abuses against women as they occur, and no nation is immune to gender violence.In 2002, the Danish Government launched an extensive action plan to combat domestic violence against women. The plan includes measures to help treat abused women, identify and prosecute the perpetrators, and incorporate professional medical and psychological staff into the rehabilitation process. The action plan currently reaches out to both governmental and nongovernmental groups on the local level throughout the nation.The Danish Centre for Human Rights in Copenhagen, Denmark's foremost national human rights institution also promotes and protects human rights. Based on the Center’s research, Denmark's parliament can promote human-rights-based legislation and education / awareness programs throughout the nation. The Centre also addresses the U.N. Commission on Human Rights annually regarding human rights developments in Denmark and internationally.Denmark has no record of committing major human rights violations, most importantly any targeted at women. In its 2003 Annual Report, Amnesty International also found no human rights violations against Danish women. Women are invaluable to Denmark's society and have achieved significant economic and social gains in the 20th century. Currently, 75 percent of medical students in Denmark are women.Denmark is confident that this Council can bring about an end to violence against women without compromising the sovereignty of member states. Education remains perhaps the most useful tool in protecting victims of gender-based violence. Governments, U.N. agencies, and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) can plan a coordinated campaign that educates national populations on the various ways women are violently targeted. Similarly, harmful traditions, such as honor killings and female genital mutilation, must be stopped by reforming traditional views of women insociety. Children of both sexes need to be taught at an early age to value the rights of women in order to prevent such violence in their generation.Another way to stop gender violence would be to reproach member states that consistently violate treaties such as the Convention on Political Rights of Women (1952), the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (1979), and the Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against Women (1993). Although this Committee cannot impose sanctions, it can pass resolutions ver-bally condemning states that commit human rights violations. The U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights can also meet with representatives of governments that violate the above treaties to discuss possible solutions.In order to prevent gender violence, nations must work together to build a culture of support, equality and community. As such, the Kingdom of Denmark looks forward to offering its support, in whatever form possible, to nations firmly committed to ending violence against women in all its forms.。

position paper-中文范文

position paper-中文范文
















position paper范本

position paper范本

Delegation from represented byThe United Kingdom Northwestern Polytechnical UniversityPosition Paper for Security CouncilThe topic before t he Security Council is Children and Armed Conflict. In the past decade alone, armed conflicthas claimed the lives of an estimated two million children. Countries like the Democratic Republic of Congoand Liberia are still experiencing an increase in child soldier recruitment. The UK has taken the protection ofchildren in armed conflict as a priority since SC Resolution 1261 was established in 1999, which urges States tointensify their efforts to ensure an end to the recruitment and use of children. However, despite best efforts madeby the international community, including the almost universally ratified Convention on the Rights of the Child(CRC) and Geneva Conventions, children remain vulnerable to forced recruitment and abuse by armed groupsin many areas.As stated in the Secretary General’s report S/2002/1299, it is important to have a “robust normat ive framework”,within which both conflict prevention and post-conflict measures are significant. The UK has improved controlson proliferation of light weapons and illicit cross-border activities to prevent more conflicts from happening,and regards Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration (DDR) as a vital element of post-conflict peacebuilding, which takes into account the specific needs of children in building the conditions for post-conflictrecovery. Under SC Resolution 1612, we believe that inclusive community-based programming is central to thesuccess of children's reintegration, and have strengthened domestic education, vocational training, psychosocialhealing, family reunification and communal support on the issue.The UK urges the Council and its Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict to pay more attention to themonitoring and reporting mechanisms established since SC Resolution 1612. We look forward to the review ofthe mechanism and to its expansion to cover all situations of armed conflict in which the rights of children arebeing violated. It is also of great importance for the Council to cooperate with the Special Representative forChildren and Armed Conflict and NGOs, especially the Department of Peacekeeping Operations (DPKO),which plays a vital role in bringing the Council information, serving as an early warning of impending crisis. Inaddition, recognizing that children are particularly vulnerable to recruitment as soldiers without education, theUK firmly believes that the Council should call on the UN Children's Fund (UNICEF) to better ensure access toeducation in pursuit of the Optional Protocol to the CRC.注:PP不分段,只是为了说明才分段。



SwitzerlandPosition PaperDelegates:School:Committee: UNSCTopic:Submitted by SwitzerlandSwitzerland has already realized the importance of international cooperation in the prevention and combating of terrorism has grown beyond measure since the terrorist attacks on the USA on 11 September 2001. Under international law, the framework for these tasks is provided specifically by t welve UN Conventions and additional protocols on combating terrorism. Switzerland has already ratified and implemented ten of these Conventions and noticed that there are an increasing number of countries entering the combating terrorism activities.Switzerlandis taking their efforts to preventing and combating terrorist attacksat domestic level actions.As one of the world’s most important financial centers, Switzerland has been campaigning for more effective regulations to put a stop to both the financing of terrorist activity and money laundering.Switzerland is an active member of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF).The Convention for the Suppression of Terrorist Bombings obliges States Parties to punish the originators of or those party to attacks conducted using explosives or other lethal substances, such as toxic chemicals or biological weapons. It also sets out provisions for international cooperation in the prevention and combating of terrorist attacks.Switzerlandalso made laws to ensure depriving terrorism of its financial base, putting two new criminal offences on the statute books and identifying the users of prepaid cards. Switzerland will never ignore and stand the terrorists take advantages of Swiss economic system and the secret system of Swiss bank will never protect the terrorism and be the “barrier”of international cooperation.There are actually plenty of other countries that provide discreet banking services, but the terrorists won't be able to avail themselves of such services in Switzerland.Switzerland also attached great importance to the safety and management among refugees. Switzerland will never let terrorists regard this country as a basement and shelter of their crucial activities. However, Switzerland will not abandon the aid to help people suffering from violence and terrorism.As for Switzerland international activities, the Swiss tax authorities already have the right to demand information from Swiss banks when investigating a deliberate tax fraud; and under Article 4 of the USA-Switzerland Treaty on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters, it must use the same powers if it seeks to obtain information at the request of the USA and for the purposes of a criminal investigation, pursuant to a Swiss law on international co-operation in such matters.But Even if criminal proceedings are contemplated however, the matter must come before the Swiss courts to sanction co-operation, and it is by no means certain that they would do so.As grave as the terrorist threat is, it is important to remember that human rights remain inalienable and that the fight against terrorism must always be fought with the legal means used to combat all forms of crime.International humanitarian law must be applied in all situations and without exception by all parties to armed conflict and by private individuals too. The economic differencesbetween countries should also try to de eliminated.As always, the challenge will be to find a balance between the two competing interest s, and to adopt a proportionate approach.Switzerland is committed to upholding these principles and to ensuring that international humanitarian law is applied more rigorously.http://www.ejpd.admin.ch//newscenter公报还说,瑞士不会容忍恐怖主义分子利用瑞士的金融系统,瑞士的银行保密制度不会保护恐怖主义,不会成为国际合作和刑事侦查的“障碍”。

如何写模联的position paper

如何写模联的position paper
How to Write Position Paper
• All papers must be typed and formatted according to the example in the Background Guides 按照范例中的格式拟写立场文件 • Length must not exceed one single-sided pages(Word or PDF)
ADDRESS: Send the paper to the right email address
Good luck to you all~~
• What your country believes should 本国认为联合国需采取的措施
be done to address the issue;
• What your country would like to accomplish in the committee’s resolution; 为了履行决议中的职责,本国将要采取的措施 • How the positions of other countries affect your country’s position. 其他国家立场的影响以及本国对与问题有关的焦点国家的立场的态度
spelling and grammar.
Each delegation submit a position paper
Follow the format specifications 一定要符合格式要求
Send the paper before dead-line 一定要在指定日期前交稿

Singarpore- position paper

Singarpore- position paper

Position PaperDelegate: XXX, XXXSchool: XXX UniversityCountry: SingaporeCommittee: UNDPTopic: Feminization of PovertyNowadays,there are many countries facing the problem of the feminization of poverty.This problem are expanding and intensifying because of many reasons,such as the gender discrimination,occupation discrimination.etc.Many phenomenons shows that the gender pay gap and low level living standard are the main forms for the feminization of poverty.Besides,this is the heart of the matter.In Singapore,there exists the feminization of poverty problem which includes the inequality of career opportunities,a large compensation gap between the male and female.Therefore,Facing this significant problem,Singapore declare that they will play a important role to eliminate issues.The politicians of the Singapore have expressed their attitudes and determination to solve this significant issue.The Parliament of Singapore adopted a series of amendment to the law protecting women’s rights and interests.Based on this,it is necessary to declare the standpoint again.Singapore will support the interests of the people in the world,especially the women’s and children’s.Singapore will respond to domestic and international calls on solving the poverty problem of women.And we will actively undertake the international responsibility to solve this problem.Besides,we will talk over actively with country representatives and Singapore hope that a satisfactory and fair-minded decision would be made under a cooperation along with national society.In the path of solving this problem,the effort is often delivered by a wide range of national and international actors. up to now,centered on the UN ,including some regional international organizations have made dozens of international documents related to the protection of the status and rights of women,including the United Nation charter,etc.Making a general survey of international issues, we'll find that there are some accords have been ratified, such as The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) and Equal Remuneration,etc. In the meanwhile,The forth World Conference on women had been successfully held. Having been input and attentioned for a long period, these measures have obtained good effects and laid a good foundation to solve the Feminization of poverty. Accord ing to the problems and consequences resulted from Feminization of poverty, the gov ernment of Singapore will call for to the committee and all the countries,and put forw ard the following suggestions.International shall establish relevant consulate to solve the issue of feminization.In addition,Singapore call on the international community to continue to provide all kinds of assistance.Singapore believes that the United Nations should called one every country to revise and improve relevant provisions of the constitution and other important laws on women's rights protection.To protect women's legitimate rights and interests of labor remuneration through the courts.By eliminating the sex discrimination and equal working wages and benefits treatment to solve the problem of feminization of poverty.The Singapore government has always keep our own clear-cut position in this problem.What's more,Singapore thinks the world should pay more attention to this problem first.Realizing the significance and necessity of the women’s interest and rights protection.It is the precondition to solve this problem.To sum up,The Singapore sincerely hopes to expand consensus,reduce or even eliminate the problem of feminization of poverty,promote cooperation,make new contributions to the world!。

Poland - Position Paper模拟联合国立场文件 模板

Poland - Position Paper模拟联合国立场文件 模板

Position for the Disarmament and International Security Committee (Sabrina Loo – The University of Western Australia)1.Question on Combating State Sponsored TerrorismThere is no internationally agreed definition of terrorism and what it encompasses. The many nations of the world, and other multinational entities define terrorism in varying degrees and this is best described by the cliché ‘One man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter’, first written by Gerald Seymour. One issue within terrorism itself is state sponsored terrorism, which is a huge impediment regarding international cooperation and effort in combating terrorism. State sponsorship of terrorism is government support of violent non-state actors that are engaged in purporting terrorism. This issue is complicated by how different nations and multinational entities label certain states as ‘state sponsors’, which is never universally accepted. One nation’s perception of state sponsorship of terrorism is often pitted against another nation’s claims against this notion. Whilst there is no universal agreement on what state sponsorship of terrorism entails, this only serves to provide complications on international cooperation and efforts in combating state sponsored terrorism.The Republic of Poland has taken an active interest in combating state sponsorship of terrorism and terrorism in general. Poland takes the view of sponsorship of terrorism in terms of financing terrorism. Thus, Poland has taken measures in combating the financing of terrorism inclusive of governments that sponsor terrorism by financing groups that purport terrorism. Poland has passed several national acts that authorises combating the financing of terrorism including the Act to implement Directive 2005/60/EC of the European Parliament on the prevention of the use of the financial system for terrorist financing. In 2008 Poland implemented two Conventions of the Council of Europe on the Financing of Terrorism in general and on the Prevention of Terrorism, at a national level. Lastly, Poland is also party to 14 of out 18 UN conventions and protocols relation to the fight against terrorism generally. Poland strongly supports cooperation on United Nations standards on counter-terrorism and combating state sponsored terrorism.The Republic of Poland is committed in reducing and eliminating state sponsorship of terrorism. Eliminating state sponsorship of terrorism should not just solely focus on punishment of states that engage in these activities, but solutions should also adhere to the rule of law and protect human rights. Again, whilst the focus should not just be on sanctions, the strong focus on deterrence and punishment should not be diminished. State sponsorship of terrorism is a huge concern of international security and combating terrorism for the fact that it allows terrorism to flourish. Poland suggests firm financial and political sanctions within these adherences. Poland calls upon member states to develop a resolution that allows the imposition of sanctions against states that sponsor terrorism, in accordance to international law that adheres to the rule of law and protects human rights. There should be a universal acceptance of how a state is designated to be a state sponsor and also the degree and type of sanctions to be imposed. Poland will continue to contribute to multinational efforts as part of the European Union and the United Nations to work towards an international consensus on combating state sponsored terrorism and the overall goal of counter- terrorism strategies to pursue the goal of world peace in the future.Position for the Disarmament and International Security Committee2.Question on the Role of International Border Security in Times of ArmedConflict.The increase of armed conflict around the world has often led to conflict spilling across borders whether it is the conflict itself or the resulting effects of such conflicts. Conflicts may also be transnational, in that conflicts may have already begun across nations rather than between combatants located in a single nation. The spread of ISIS in the Middle East as well as the spread of Boko Haram serves to illustrate the shifting borders been nations as a result of weak border control as well as difficult geographical features. International border security involves securing and strengthening borders between nations in times of armed conflict, where borders between nations may be weakened. The issue of border security is further complicated by issues such as already existing border disputes between nations, and a lack of effective existing border mechanisms. It also should be noted that issues such as cross-border weapon smuggling, the movement of people across borders during conflicts and illicit smuggling of goods across borders. Strengthening international border security in times of armed conflict is a huge concern to international security and peace.The Republic of Poland faces this issue with a strong interest in how to strengthen international borders with an aim to curtail the illicit flow of goods and the spread of armed conflict across borders. The Republic of Poland has contributed to efforts by the European Union on this issue. Efforts by the European Union includes the development and application of the Global Approach to Migration and Mobility program as well as the strengthened role of the European Union border agency, FRONTEX. Whist these programs have a focus on borders within Europe, Poland hopes to use such experiences in addressing the wider problem of border security in other regions of the world, namely the Middle East and Africa. Poland supports cooperation with the United Nations and on an international scale to further contribute to programs to aim to strengthen internal borders in times of armed conflict.The Republic of Poland fully supports any measures that aim to strengthen international border security in times of armed conflict. The strengthening of borders is of utmost importance in the first instance to discourage the activities such as illicit flow of goods across borders and to also prevent armed conflict spilling over borders. Poland acknowledges that the United Nations has various existing activities that currently work to strengthen international borders. However Poland call for a solution where the efficiency of such work can be increased, where the duplication of efforts through various programs implemented by the United Nations and by other entities can be reduced. By bringing the different work in strengthening international borders under a single department, more effective and concentrated work can be performed and our goal of strong and secure borders between states can be realised. Poland also stressed the importance of international cooperation on this issue, to further better understanding between nations on border security. Poland will continue to work with the United Nations on this issue of border security, through the various programs in place already and also working towards a more effective structure in tackling this issue, and continue to support efforts of the European Union on strengthening border security.。

模联立场文件position paper 以色列

模联立场文件position paper 以色列

Delegate: Daniel JenniferCountry: IsraelSchool: Tianjiabing High SchoolCommittee: United Nations High-level Political Forum on Sustainable DevelopmentTopic: Promotion of Sustainable Industrial Development and Innovation in Rural Areas Nowadays, many countries in the world are faced with the problem of how to effectively promote rural development. Due to the factors such as single industrial structure, poor connectivity, imperfect infrastructure and weak innovation in rural areas, it is difficult for them to keep up with the pace of industrialization and modernization, leading to a series of problems such as unemployment, gender inequality and lack of competitiveness, which are important factors leading to poverty. Experience has shown that industrialization is the only way for regional economic development. The improvement of rural infrastructure, industrial development and innovation can bring huge benefits, which is the prerequisite for achieving sustainable development and inclusiveness in rural areas and the key to creating employment, eradicating poverty and improving living standards. Therefore, how to promote the sustainable development of rural industry, promote innovation, improve rural infrastructure construction are what we need to discuss together.Sustainable development is “meeting the needs and aspirations of the present without compromising the ability to meet those of the future”.1In order to achieve this ideal state, the international community has made great efforts. The 2030 Agenda, published by the United Nations (UN) in 2015, sets out 17 goals and 169 targets for sustainable development, laying the foundation for sustainable development. "2The UN Industrial Development Organization focused on Goal 9 and published a report entitled “The Role of Technology and Innovation in Inclusive and Sustainable Industrial Development”, which provides guidance. In March 2010, the European Commission announced the EU 2020 Strategy, which highlights green and sustainable development directions that encourage knowledge innovation and improve energy resource use efficiency, thereby achieving a more inclusive society.3In addition, the African Union also proposed the 2063 Agenda at the June 2015 summit, proposing a long-term strategy for industrialization in Africa.4It hopes to promote economic transformation through industrialization, especially the development of manufacturing, accelerate industrialization and achieve independent and sustainable development.As a developed country and a major innovation country in the Middle East, Israel is based on science and technology innovation and realizes the importance of rural industrial development for the economic development of a region. In this regard, the Israeli government advocates attaching great importance to the development of rural areas, the cultivation of talents and innovation in science and technology.After the publication of the UN Agenda 21, Israel comprehensively analyzed the international situation and its own characteristics. In 1996, Israel formed a multi-sectoral committee that formulated Israel’s environmental policy and took the path of green development.5In addition, in 1997, Israel officially launched the strategic plan for sustainable development in Israel. At the same time, Israel strives to raise the level of education of its citizens, establishes a developed education system for all, and trains a large number of innovative talents.6Up to now, the Israeli industry has achieved remarkable results. The original rural area has been transformed into a city with an urbanization level of 92.4%7. In the only rural areas, Israel has vigorously promoted innovation and formed an innovative agricultural development model. The level of agricultural industrialization and modernization has been continuously improved, and the food self-sufficiency rate has reached 95%8. Meanwhile, Israelcontinued to strengthen the construction of rural infrastructure, vigorously improved rural network access conditions, and also set up a comprehensive cooperative organization for agriculture, providing warehousing, logistics, rough processing, intensive processing, and other services. It has also established scientific research, development, and extension systems, and has made remarkable achievements in innovation in agricultural irrigation, soilless cultivation, and desertification control.Sustainable development is a global issue, which cannot be solved only through the efforts of one side. Its realization requires the joint efforts of all mankind. Therefore, the Israeli government calls for:1.Deepen the understanding of sustainable development, change the traditional development thinking and mode, and combine their own national conditions to formulate a realistic sustainable rural industrial development path and innovation strategy.2. Strengthen international exchanges and cooperation, establish partnerships of mutual respect and common development, and promote exchange of experiences on sustainable development and innovation in rural industries.3. Developed countries ought to give certain support to developing countries in terms of finance and technology, especially to the least developed countries, small island developing states and African countries, and alleviate the shortage of funds and technology in these countries.4. Establish a sound national education system, build a systematic and multi-level vocational education system, and vigorously cultivate innovative talents.5. Governments should support the development of rural areas in policies, increase investment in rural infrastructure, and accelerate the construction of network communication facilities conducive to technology dissemination.6. Give full play to the role of micro-enterprises and small and medium-sized enterprises, increase employment positions, and promote technological innovation.7. Strive to eliminate inequality and provide equal employment opportunities for women, disabled people and immigrants.Although there are still many challenges on the issue of sustainable development, the Israeli Government sincerely hopes to expand consensus, promote cooperation among countries, promote the sustainable development and innovation of rural industries, and give full play to the role of a high-level political forum for sustainable development to make new efforts for rural revitalization. At the same time, the Israeli government will continue to work hard to take responsibility and act to fulfill its promise. The Israeli government also hopes that the sustainable development of rural industries and rural innovation can really bring positive and beneficial effects to the rural development of all countries.1UN WCED, Report of the Would Commission Environment and Development :Our Common Future(A/42/427),19872UN General Assembly, Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development(A/RES/70/1), 2015.3Baidu Baike, EU 2020,https:///item/%E6%AC%A7%E7%9B%9F2020/9441305?fr=aladdin,2018.4African Union Commission, Agenda 2063: The Africa We Want, 03, 2015., Israel's Sustainable Development Strategy,/8314417355e3421580492e7786d256f7.html,2018.6 Israel's Ministry of Education, Education office sites and systems,2016.7CIA, The Fact Book, 2018.8World Agriculture, Israel's Modern Agricultural Road,2014,06.。

模拟联合国Position Paper范例(标准格式)

模拟联合国Position Paper范例(标准格式)

Position PaperDelegate:Han JingdaSchool: High School Attached to Northeast Normal UniversityCountry : The Republic of BoliviaCommittee: Commission on Sustainable DevelopmentTopic: Impact of Population Growth on SustainabilityPopulation growth was a big problem that had restricted the development of the human all over the world today. After the industrial revolution, human's life level and economic production increased continuously, population increase rapidly. From 1999 to 2009 this short 10 years, the world population have risen one hundred million. And the world population has exceeded seven billion up till now. Population's unsustainable growth has caused a lot of contradictions in many countries, it is very urgent to solve this problem.In this issue, the United Nations joint efforts of other countries in the world to control population growth and ease the contradiction. The 21st century's agenda which was formulated in 2002 by the UN explicitly mentioned that "Strengthen research to combine population, environment and development "and so on. These policies provide navigation for the United Nations and countries all over the world. At the same time, according to The Action Plan of the Conference on International Population and Development's relevant content, the population rate of the annual average in 1994 to 2004 was 1.31; but in 2004 to 2012, the annual average has fallento 1.10.The number of population in Bolivia is 10.028 million. The government tried to solve the people's livelihood preferably. In the human rights and the feminist issue, Bolivia also respected for human rights and the feminist at the same time of respecting for economic development. Bolivia emphasized the education. The educational literacy rate has been reduced to 13.28%. Bolivia's investment of public sector and education reached to150 million dollars.Bolivia supports the United Nations' resolutions zealously. Bolivia emphasizes that the government devotes to control the population growth in a stable numerical with other countries jointly. The United Nations should continue to control the population growth. For developed countries, Bolivia Suggests to offered economic aids and send education team regularly; For the vast number of developing countries and undeveloped areas, Bolivia expects them should develop the people's livelihood vigorously; Clear relevant laws, improve women's rights and status, reduce the family violence and population's illegal trafficking happened.Bolivia hopes countries around the world should control population growth together and remove negative effects from the population growth. Finally achieve the people's development collectively.当今世界,人口增长已成为制约人类各方面发展的一大难题。

可以用在position paper里面的英文句子

可以用在position paper里面的英文句子

可以用在position paper里面的英文句子【原创版】目录1.引言2.position paper 的定义和作用3.如何撰写 position paper4.撰写 position paper 时常用的英文句子5.结论正文一、引言在英文写作中,尤其是在学术论文和正式报告中,position paper 是一个非常重要的部分。


因此,如何撰写一篇高质量的position paper,是每个写作者都需要掌握的技能。

二、position paper 的定义和作用Position paper,即立场论文,是一种正式的英文写作形式。


在论文或报告中,position paper 通常出现在开头部分,起到引入和概述的作用。

三、如何撰写 position paper撰写 position paper 需要注意以下几点:1.确定主题:首先,要明确你要讨论的议题或问题。








四、撰写 position paper 时常用的英文句子以下是一些在撰写 position paper 时常用的英文句子,供大家参考:1.The purpose of this position paper is to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using social media in education.2.In my opinion, the government should invest more money in renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power.3.According to a recent study, more than 50% of the population agrees that climate change is one of the most pressing issues of our time.4.Despite the potential benefits, there are also some drawbacks to using artificial intelligence in the workplace.5.To address this problem, I suggest implementing stricter regulations and penalties for companies that violate environmental laws.五、结论总之,撰写 position paper 需要明确主题、立场,进行有力的论证,并提出切实可行的建议。

立场文件 position paper

立场文件 position paper

Delegates : Hu Rong, Liu XiaoyiCountry: South AfricaCommittee: The Future General AssemblyTopic: Criteria for allocation of 2012 Noah Boat TicketsThe coming disaster is no doubt to be a destructive one for human beings and all other living beings. However, in order to avert the complete destruction of the human race, we have constructed a boat that unfortunately has insufficient space to accommodate everything. Under such circumstances, all human beings should unite in a concerted effort to guarantee the survival of the human race as well as the protection and conservation of the world's diverse civilizations and cultures. The criteria is aimed at establishing that which will give the human race the greatest chance to survive and prosper in the unknown world ahead without giving preferential treatment to any one country.The following points outline the position of South Africa:1. For the reasons that we know little about the new world and the fact that the boat can only accommodate a small number of people, life in the new world will undoubtedly be filled with hardship. Thus, we should make a concerted effort to promote the diversity of the population in order to adequately prepare for the unknown future ahead.2. In order to maximize diversity, allocation should be conducted in sucha way that every continent is equally represented.3. Moreover, since the new World Peak is in South Africa, we should also move the world's most essential tools and documents to South Africa prior to the flood in order to ensure their preservation. In addition, it is imperative that South Africa be allotted one ticket due to their familiarity with the area. A thorough understanding of the land is imperative to the development and success of a new civilization. A native South African will help ensure that local resources are understood and utilized efficiently.In conclusion, in preparation for this unprecedented event, we should always bear in mind that the choices we make should be solely aimed at protecting and sustaining the continuation of mankind as a whole.。

Position Paper

Position Paper

Position PaperFeminization of poverty is bringing a severe challenge to the world.It is not only a pressing problem in developing countries ,but also a short-term consequence of political and economic changes in developed countries.According to the International Agriculture Development Fund ,in the past 20 years the poor rural men have increased by 30%,while women increased by 48%.In the US,16.4% of families with a male householder lived in poverty ,compared to as many as 30.9% of families with a female householder. Poverty for women also have some bad implications,such as forced prostitution,infanticide,poor education to girls .As a developing country in east Asia,Korea is evidently facing the problem of feminization of poverty. As the 4th World Conference on Women emphasized, the empowerment of women is a critical factor in poverty eradication.we must focus on the improving the economic ,social,legal and status of women.(阐述问题现状和影响,以及代表国家的基本立场)The international community has paid attention to the problem and take various measures to alleviate global faminized poverty.Untied nations development fund for women was created in 1976 to support women with money and technology services. Promoting gender equality and empowering women is one of goals of UN millennium project .UNDP also has conducted Country Review Reports for Individual Member States to evaluate feminized poverty and recommend solutions accordingly.There are also a number of international documents focusing on the problem ,such as the Beijing Declaration.(国际上的一些措施和成效,成效忘记写了)The Korea government is always making effort in many aspects to eradicate sex discrimination and make gender equality becoming true.Korea is also devoted to improve the situation of women,making them have access to all of resources and have voices in decision-making about domestic and international affairs.The government of Korea is hoping to establish and prefect the laws to protect the rights of women.Korea would like to take participate in all of activities for empowerment women held by UNDP .Korea is willing to establish stable cooperation with other countries.All in all,Korea is convinced that with the cooperation among countries,women will live better and our world will have a sustainable development.(提出的解决措施,后面还要加,太单薄了)。

Position Paper

Position Paper

Position PaperOnce you have completed your preliminary research, you are ready to write your position paper. Unless otherwise indicated in the respective committee background guide, HMUN requires delegates to write one single-spaced page paper for each topic area. These papers should be submitted online no later than January 14. Each position paper has three basic parts: your country’s national interests, your country’s national policies, and your opinion on potential resolution components.National interests are what a country would like to see happen in the world (e.g. Cameroon, a lesser developed country troubled by terrorism, wants to reduce the incidence of terrorism to stabilize its government). These interests are not subject to compromise, but instead generally idealized goals or methods of solving specific problems.National policies are the country’s attempts to secure its interests (e.g. Cameroon, in an effortto combat terrorism, has sought to enter into new extradition treaties). These policy positions are usually open to negotiation.Your opinions on potential resolution components are your responses to the “Proposed Solutions” and “Questions a Resolution Must Answer” sections of the Background Guide. Although these sections provide flexibility, you need to keep in mind the interests of your nation. Possible resolutions must be consistent with your country’s national interests and current national policies (e.g. Cameroon feels that any resolution on the prevention of terrorism must assign to the injured state the right to try the terrorists. In addition, Cameroon would not be averse to the establishment of an international information network on terrorism. Cameroon, however, will not support any resolution that allows terrorist acts to be protected from extradition under the political offense exception doctrine).Writing position papers benefits you in many ways. The staff and delegates read the position papers and summarize them in order to gauge what the committee will be like and to see which delegates have done a good job preparing for the conference. You also have a chance to find out who is likely to support your ideas. Most importantly, writing a position paper makes you think about the information you have researched and helps you to express ideas concisely and clearly, making you better prepared for the conference.How to Write a PositionPaperThe structuring of the position papers is intended to elicit responses from the delegates that provide a clear picture of a nation’s stan ce on a particular topic area. By providing an outline of a position paper, we hope that delegates will be able to illustrate clear knowledge of their country’s policies and interests instead of simply reiterating parts of the Background Guide. However, all delegates should also read the section on position papers in their Background Guides and heed their director’s specific instructions.position paper should include three sections, outlined below:A. Background of the Topic In your country’s opinion, wh at are the main elements of the problem? What are the roots of those elements?B. Position taken by your delegation What are your national interests in the situation? What are your nation’s policies on the topic? What steps would you like to see taken to deal with the problem?C. Proposed Solutions What does your nation believe needs to be done to solve the problem? What do you predict will be the main opposition to your proposals?SampleDelegate:School:Committee: International Labor OrganizationTopic: Globalization and DevelopmentCountry: RomaniaIn the past two decades the rapidly growing world trend has been toward globalization. With the emergence of the internet as a means of communication and the increasing accessibility of international trade physical barriers are not the only barriers withering away. Protective tariffs are plummeting and free trade agreements are becoming more prevalent. Romania appreciates that globalization creates favorable situations for expansion of commercial as well as economic assets. In the past year Romania has seen a foreign direct investment (FDI) increase of 199%. Inward FDI increased from EURO 234 million in 2005 to EURO 699 million in 2006. However, Romania realizes that increased globalization does not automatically produce more equality.Globalization and Development can contribute to the advancement of the overall international human condition; however, the delegation of Romania recognizes that without proper regulation the potential for advancement will remain limited to an elite few individuals, businesses, and nations. Unless checked and aimed toward the common good, globalization cannot effectively serve the global community. Crucial in dealing with the complexities of globalization, good governance must act with solidarity and responsibility. Romania believes that in involving people in globalization we must promote moral values, democratic principals, inclusive global political culture, institutions that safeguard both individual civil rights and inherent freedoms, and the common good. In addition, coping with the influx of information from globalization governments must act with solidarity and insight. Access to digital education will undoubtedly result in the confidence of citizens in their respective administrations and allow for a greater degree of transparency, and therefore a lesser degree of corruption.Romania believes the multinational business community has the ability and the obligation to support pertinent values in human rights, labor standards, and environmental preservation. As stated by the president, Mr. TraionBasescu, Romania feels a "heartfelt attachment to multilateralism, as an effective instrument designed to identify the adequate answers to the challenges brought by globalization."Romania is party to the majority of multilateral treaties and conventions identified as such by the Secretary General in the context of the Millennium Summit in 2001. Romania has always supported innovative and effective ways of establishing cooperation within and between regional organizations. As one of the newest members of the European Union, Romania is an active member of the World Trade Organization, and looks forward to offering its support to the redirection of globalization to best benefit the global community.。



模联四大文件立场文件(position paper)、工作文件(working paper)、决议草案(draft resolution)、修正案(amendment)。

除此之外还有两种特殊的文件,其一是意向条(page),其二是指令草案(Draft Directive)。

一、立场文件Position Paper(PP)立场文件,是表明一国在某一特定问题上的基本观点和立场的文件。



二、工作文件Working Paper(WP)工作文件是代表们在游说和结盟之后,在各自立场文件基础上综合他国立场和要求,草拟出的针对问题的看法以及初步解决办法。



三、决议草案Draft Resolution(DR)决议草案是按照联合国决议文件形式起草的对该议题的解决办法。









修正案分为:友好修正案( Friendly Amendment)、非友好修正案( Unfriendly Amendment )五、意向条Page意向条实际上就是与会各方之间用来沟通的“小信件”。

立场文件(position paper)书写

立场文件(position paper)书写

立场文件(Position Paper)一.立场文件的正文之前直接居左对齐注明以下信息1.所在委员会(Committee)。





国家名采用全称,如:美利坚合众国;The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland4.代表姓名(Delegates)。


二.立场文件的正文部分要求——1.字体、字号:中文为宋体五号字;英文为Times New Roman 12号字(一说11号也行)。



2. 基本内容2.1背景介绍。






*2.1 和2.2在立场文件中相当于第一、第二段,略写。

最重要的部分是2.3 。




2. 立场文件文体官方正式,选词要求精准正规。


3. 所引用资料一律用脚注或尾注对出处进行详细注明。



第一部分: 标题 立场文件的标题必须按要求列出:
Country School
国家名称(全称) 学校名称
Font Size Style
字体为 New Times Roma 10 or 12 注意斜体和加粗
代表国家 代表学校 委员会名称 注意斜体和加粗
纲领性文件 对议题的初步分析 指出问题的现状 分析问题的影响
International Tobacco and Narcotics Control
The Republic of Guatemala is party to the 1961 United Nations Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, the 1972 Protocol amending the Single Convention, the 1971 UN Convention on Psychotropic Substances and the 1988 UN Drug Convention and recognizes international tobacco and narcotics control warrants improvement and continued vigilance. Maintaining strict border regulation is paramount to a continued decrease in the amount of illicitly transported substances. Drugs erode the social fabric of a country by destroying an individual’s ability to reason, act logically, and exist independently of addiction. Drug smuggling profits are used to finance terror operations including governmental corruption, murder, and intimidation which all pose a tangible threat to national security.

Sample Position Paper立场文件写作示例

Sample Position Paper立场文件写作示例

Position PaperDelegate(s):Zhang San Xu SiSchool:Committee:Country:People’s Republic of ChinaTopic:I. PrefaceThe Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), formulated on the basis of the Millennium Declaration during the Millennium Summit of the United Nations in 2000, are the most comprehensive, authoritative, and systematic international development goals to date. Since the establishment of the MDGs 15 years ago, the international community has seen much positive progress in implementing the Goals. Many of the targets—such as eradicating extreme poverty, providing access to safe drinking water, eliminating gender disparity in primary education, combating malaria, and improving the lives of slum dwellers—have been met or are nearing achievement. At the same time, however, countries around the world still face serious challenges in health, environment and other areas. The progress in different regions has been uneven, and the global development partnership needs to be further strengthened to bridge the gap. In this context, countries should continue to demonstrate political will and make concrete efforts to promote global development.The United Nations will hold a Summit during its 70th General Assembly this September to review the progress of the MDGs and adopt the Post-2015 Development Agenda, which will guide international development cooperation for the next 15 years. The Chinese government attaches great importance to the Summit and hopes that the event will demonstrate the strategic vision of the leaders, the solidarity of all parties,and their commitment to address global development issues through cooperation. We look forward to practical outcomes in the following areas:(i) to build political consensus and adopt a new development approach to promote global development, address the problem of uneven and uncoordinated development and strike a balance between economic development, social justice and environmental protection.(ii) to build a comprehensive and balanced framework for international development cooperation and strengthen global development partnership to ensure effective implementation of the post-2015 development agenda.(iii) to promote North-South cooperation and strengthen South-South cooperation, thus creating better conditions and environment for developing countries to achieve common development objectives.II. Guiding PrinciplesGiven that the Post-2015 Development Agenda is intended to continue and build upon the successes of the MDGs, the international community should take stock of its experience during the MDGs era and work together to draw up a fair, inclusive, and sustainable set of shared development aspirations. The following principles should thus be observed during this inter-governmental process:―Focus on the key issues. It is essential to put emphasis on issues such as poverty, hunger and public sanitation, which are crucial to basic subsistence of people in developing countries. Effective measures should also be taken to tackle climate change, energy and resource security, weak economic growth, and other new emerging challenges that could impede sustainable development.―Respect diversity in development models. It is important to recognize the different national realities and the level of development among countries and support their choice of development strategies, models, and paths most suited to their respective conditions.―Adhere to the principle of “common but differentiated responsibilities”. Countries need to make development their common objective, and—based on their capabilities—achieve their own development and participate in global development cooperation in their own ways.―Seek win-win cooperation. It is important to abandon the zero-sum mentality, foster a sense of community of shared interests, replace confrontation and monopolization with win-win cooperation, seek a common ground while acknowledging differences, and look for the biggest common denominator in pursuit of global development.―Carry out consultation on an equal footing. Countries should take an equal part in international development rule-making in a just, democratic, and transparent manner, and increase the voice and representation of developing countries are increased.III. Key Themes and Priorities(I) Eradicating poverty and hunger, and promoting economic growth. Poverty eradication is essential to people's fundamental right to subsistence and development, and is a top priority for all countries, developing countries in particular, as they pursue economic and social development. It should therefore be viewed as a core priority of the Post-2015 Development Agenda. Toward this end, governments should scale up investment in poverty eradication, strengthen capacity building for the poor, women and children, and other vulnerable groups, while also encouraging the participation of enterprises and civil society organizations in poverty eradication. Economic growth should be emphasized as a priority task, including by putting in place open marketsystems featuring orderly competition, increasing people’s income, and improving their living standards. It is necessary to maintain continuity and stability of the macro-economic policies, speed up economic reform, promote scientific innovation, and foster new growth areas so as to achieve steady and sound economic development. Significant efforts should be made to advance modern agriculture, increase food production capacity, and safeguard food security. Governments should also develop well-planned urbanization strategies in a systematic manner and give play to the role of urbanization in driving economic growth.(II) Comprehensively promoting social progress, and safeguarding fairness and justice. It is important to pursue inclusive growth, always put people first, eradicate inequality in all forms, and ensure that the fruits of development are fairly shared by all. Employment should be the priority of the economic and social development agenda, while a coordinating mechanism between economic growth and job creation should be established to promote higher-quality employment. A fairer and more sustainable social security system should be put in place and efforts made to help the vulnerable groups strengthen their development capacities. It is also essential to guarantee people’s right to educat ion, promote equality and quality of education, and realize universal education at a higher level. A sound basic health care system should be implemented to make basic medical and health services more equitable and accessible, and raise the quality and efficiency of these services. Efforts should be made to promote all-round development of women, improve the health of women and children, raise the quality of population, and promote long-term and balanced demographic growth. It is also important to modernize the national governance system and governance capacity, comprehensively promote the rule of law, protect human rights, and create a good social environment conducive to development.(Ш) Enhancing ecological conservation and promoting sustainable developm ent. Countries need to respect and protect nature, raise public awareness of the importance of environmental and ecological protection and resource conservation, and sustainablepatterns of production. The international community should vigorously address global climate change in accordance with the principles of common but differentiated responsibilities, equity and respective capabilities. It is important to preserve biological diversity and uphold global ecological security through multi-pronged endeavors such as the expansion of forest coverage, rational harnessing of forest resources, control of air pollution, and safe disposal of hazardous waste. Efforts should be made to ensure safe drinking water for both urban and rural residents, allocate and use water resources efficiently, promote water recycling and reuse, strengthen international cooperation on disaster relief, and improve the disaster relief system to fight flood and drought. Intensified efforts should also be made to protect the marine environment and ensure rational use of marine resources.Ⅳ. Enhancing the global development partnership―Build a more equitable and balanced global partnership for development. North-South cooperation should continue to serve as the main channel of development financing. Developed countries must honor their Official Development Assistance (ODA) commitments, and scale up their support for developing countries, especially African nations and least developed countries. South-South cooperation is a supplement to North-South cooperation, and the international community should encourage and support the efforts of developing countries to strengthen South-South cooperation on the basis of mutual respect, equality and mutual benefit, expand the areas of cooperation, improve the quality of cooperation, and seek strength through unity on the basis of mutually beneficial cooperation. The private sector, civil society organizations, philanthropic groups, and other stakeholders should be encouraged to play a bigger role in international development cooperation to increase the efficiency of development assistance.―Strengthen capacity building of all countries. Countries should take the primary responsibility for their own development, formulate development strategies that aresuited to their national conditions, mobilize domestic resources to the greatest extent, increase input in development, create a sound domestic environment for development, and improve people’s wellbeing.―Give full play to the coordinating role of the United Nations. The functions of the United Nations in policy guidance and coordination should be strengthened to form synergy among the UN development system, specialized agencies, funds and programs, and integrated measures should be taken to mobilize development resources and advance international development cooperation.V. Means of Implementation―Intensify development financing. To mobilize development resources for realization of all development goals, it is essential to pool the political will at global, regional and national levels. Developed countries should channel 0.7% of their GNI to ODA in full and on time, take further steps to cancel debts and open market for developing countries. Innovative financing and the public-private partnership model provide new dimension for mobilization of development resources, but they cannot replace the function and role of ODA.―Enhance human resources development and institutional capacity building through training, experience sharing, knowledge transfer and technical assistance.―Establish and improve mechanisms for technology transfer to developing countries. It is imperative to promote and support development through research and development programs in science and technology, as well as through dissemination and transfer of technologies that meet the actual needs of developing countries.―Establish effective global mechanism for development policy coordination. The development agenda should be incorporated into the global policy coordinationsystem to benefit from international economic, financial, trade and investment policies.―Strengthen global economic governance. The international community should maintain a free, open, and non-discriminatory global trade system, advance trade and investment liberalization and facilitation, remove trade and investment barriers, and oppose and resist all forms of protectionism. Efforts should be made to accelerate the reform of the international financial system and implement agreed measures so as to increase the representation and voice of developing countries. International investment regulations should be improved to steer a reasonable flow of capital toward global development.VI. Follow-up Implementation―It will be imperative to strengthen the monitoring of the means of implementation at the international level, with a focus on the ODA commitments, technology transfer, and capacity building. The organizing and coordinating role of the UN High Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development should be fully leveraged.―Incorporate the Post-2015 Development Agenda into each country's national development strategy, while leaving policy space and flexibility. Countries may assess their own implementation on a voluntary basis and in light of their respective national realities.―Improve data collection and statistical analysis. It is necessary to help developing countries strengthen their capacities in data and statistics and improve the quality and timeliness of information. The UN Statistical Commission may provide technical support to its members.VII. China's PracticesChina accords great importance to the MDGs and has made remarkable progress in achieving them. It has incorporated the implementation of the MDGs into its national development strategy aimed to complete the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects. China has met the MDGs on eradicating poverty and hunger, achieving universal primary education, promoting gender equality and women empowerment, reducing child mortality, and improving maternal health. Progress has also been made in improving the livelihoods of people in poorer areas, combatting diseases and ensuring the sustainability of the environment.China is the first developing country to achieve the poverty eradication goal ahead of the MDGs deadline. China has contributed significantly to the global endeavor for poverty eradication, accounting for two-thirds of the world’s reduction in extreme poverty. The nine-year compulsory education is available throughout the country. Employment is increasing steadily nationwide. Gender equality has been by and large accomplished in education and employment. Medical and health care system has improved continuously, with the mortality rates of children and women dropping by 80% and 73.9%, respectively, and significant progress made in curbing the spread of HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and other infectious diseases. China has also reversed the trend of environmental and resource degradation, ensuring the access of another 500 million people to safe drinking water. The affordable housing project has been launched across the country to provide decent residences to the public.China continues to take economic development as its central task and has comprehensively deepened its reform. Efforts have been made to strike a balance between steady economic growth and structural adjustment, improve the modern market system, and foster a new driving force for economic and social development. China is implementing the strategy of innovation-driven development, promoting the balanced development of new types of industrialization, urbanization and agricultural modernization, optimizing the overall economic structure, and boosting coordinatedand common development of different regions.China continues to take social fairness, justice, and improvement of people’s lives as the starting point and ultimate goal of its development. As such, China has made efforts to reform and innovate social programs, encourage entrepreneurship, promote employment, strengthen social security and increase people’s income. China works vigorously to provide equal access to education for all and improve education quality, upgrade the basic medical and health care system, strengthen and make innovations in social governance, enhance government's capacity in providing social security and seek to establish a sound and sustainable basic public service system that meets China's national conditions and covers both urban and rural areas.China has made intensified efforts to conserve energy, reduce emissions, and improve the environment. Measures have been taken to address climate change, fully implement the action plan for prevention and control of air pollution, promote low-carbon, energy-saving and environment-friendly technologies and products, phase out energy-intensive and highly polluting modes of production, and pursue a circular economy. Laws, regulations, and standards on energy-saving and emission reduction have been strengthened. China has worked to improve protection and management of water resources, and raise public awareness of water conservation. Efforts have also been made in protecting and rehabilitating the natural ecosystem, and preserving and strengthening biodiversity.As a responsible developing country, China has provided support within its capability to over 120 developing countries under the framework of South-South cooperation to help them meet the MDGs. In achieving the MDGs, the Chinese government and people have conducted active exploration and practice in lig ht of China’s national circumstances, accumulated rich development experience, and found a path of development with Chinese characteristics. China will continue to share development experience with other countries, champion inclusiveness and mutual learning, andpromote common development.Despite its remarkable achievements in economic and social development, China is still a developing country. China's economy has entered a phase of the “new normal”, with a growing downward pressure and the trend of unbalanced, uncoordinated, and unsustainable development remaining a prominent issue. The agricultural foundation is still weak, while the constraints on resources and the environment have been intensified. The capacity for innovation is weak, and transforming the mode of economic development and readjusting economic structure remain a tough challenge. The development gap between urban and rural areas and between different regions is large, as are the income disparities among individuals. To address these difficulties and risks, China will remain committed to the strategy of spurring development through reform, accelerate the transformation of economic development mode, endeavor to achieve quality-based, effective and sustainable development, and attain the goal of completing the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects by 2020.As the largest developing country, China will stick to its core principles in unswervingly following the path of peaceful development, an open strategy of mutual benefit, and a new type of international relations oriented toward win-win cooperation, thereby bringing benefit to the people of China and around the globe. Going forward, the Chinese government will, based on China’s national conditions, endeavor to align its own development strategy with the Post-2015 Development Agenda, work hand in hand with other countries and make ceaseless efforts to build a community of common destiny for mankind, helping realize the dreams of people across the world.。

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Position PaperDelegate: Du Zhaoying, Wu ChenyuCountry: United States of AmericaCommittee: General Assembly---DisecTopic: North Korea Nuclear IssuesNearly sixty years have passed since the conclusion of the armistice that ended the hostilities of the Korean War, yet North Korea still persists as one of the thorniest challenges confronting the United States and the international community. Pyongyang’s February 12announcement of a third nuclear test—conducted in brazen defiance of the demands of the United Nations Security Council—and its subsequent threats to conduct even more follow-on “measures” are only the latest in a long line of reminders that the DPRK’s nuclear weapons and ballistic missile programs and proliferation activities pose serious threats to the global nonproliferation regime, to regional security in the Asia-Pacific, to the peace of Korean Peninsula, and even to U.S. national security. In March, North Korea confirmed it ended the 1953 Armistice and declared North Korea "is not restrained by the North-South declaration on non-aggression’’, suggesting imminent attacks against South Korea, Japan and the United States with nuclear weapons.That definitely cannot be tolerated.The international community has done a lot to settle Korean Peninsula nuclear problem. For example, because of North Korea withdrawing from the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty in 2003, the Six-party talks had been held for six rounds to find a peaceful resolution to the security concerns as a result of the North Korean nuclear weapons program, and to achieve the denuclearization and peaceful development of Asia-Pacific. These talks were effective and lead to agreements about the solution. DPRK once had a positive attitude toward this problem. However, in 2009, DPRK quited from six-party talks and claimed that it wouldn't be bound by any agreement reached at the talks.At the same time, The UN Security Council has long paid attention to the issue and worked to discuss the solution as well. UNSCR 2087 was an important step forward in this regard. Combined with the measures in resolutions 1718 and 1874, UNSCR 2087 further constricts North Korea’s efforts to procu re weapons components, send agents abroad, smuggle dual-use items, and make headway on its nuclear weapons and ballistic missile programs.,But North Korean government disregards UN Security Council’ resolutions almost all the time.The United States always works on maintaining the peace and security of Asia-Pacific, and achieving denuclearization of Korean Peninsula. The U.S. is working with the international community to make clear that North Korea’s nuclear test has costly consequences. U.S is actively cooperating with the work of the Security Council. U.S. is intensively engaged with our Six-Party partners, members of the UN Security Council, and other UN member states on a strong and credible response by the international community.Meanwhile, the United States offered—and has continued to offer—Pyongyang animproved relationship with the United States and integration into the international community, provided North Korea demonstrated a willingness to fulfill its denuclearization commitments and address other concerns. However, the DPRK rebuffed these offers and instead responded with a series of provocations that drew widespread international condemnation. Therefore, America will continue to exercise national authorities to sanction North Korean entities, individuals, and those that support them in facilitating programs that threaten the whole world’s people. Sanctions are not a punitive measure, but rather a tool to impede the development of North Korea’s nuclear and missile programs and proliferation-related exports, as well as to make clear the costs of North Korea’s defiance of its international obligations. Working toward our endgame—the verifiable denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula in a peaceful manner—will require an openness to meaningful dialogue with the DPRK. But the real choice is up to Pyongyang.So the U.S.’ attitude is very clear: First and foremost, the United States will not accept North Korea as a nuclear-armed state. US will not reward the DPRK for the absence of bad behavior. US will not compensate the DPRK merely for returning to dialogue. US has also made clear that U.S.-DPRK relations cannot fundamentally improve without sustained improvement in inter-Korean relations and human rights. Nor will US tolerate North Korea provoking its neighbors. These positions will not change. The U.S. insists that North Korea should end all the nuclear tests, close the nuclear facilities at Yongbyon, and dismantle its entire nuclear program. If DPRK can do this, U.S. will be willing to more offer economic, energy and humanitarian assistance to help DPRK develop itself in a peaceful way, and may consider about restarting Korea Peninsula Energy Development Organization and the plan of building a LWR for energetic needs in DPRK.The United States will not engage in talks for the sake of talks. Rather, what US wants are negotiations that address the real issue of North Korea’s nuclear programBut above all else, genuine progress requires a fundamental shift in North Korea’s strategic calculus. The DPRK leadership must choose between provocation or peace, isolation or integration. North Korea will not achieve security, economic prosperity, and integration into the international community while it pursues nuclear weapons, threatens its neighbors, tramples on international norms, abuses its own people, and refuses to fulfill its longstanding obligations and commitments.The international community has been increasingly clear about this, and so have America. The DPRK leadership in Pyongyang faces sharp choices. If the North Korean regime is at all wise, it will re-embark on the path to denuclearization for the benefit of the North Korean people, the Northeast Asia region, and the world. And that’s what the United States of America hopes, that’s what the whole world hopes.。
