







以下数据仅供解题时参考:相对原子质量:H 1 C 12 N 14 O 16 S 32 Na 23 Fe 56第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共108分)本卷共18小题,每小题6分,共108分。


1、 在人体中,由某些细胞合成与释放,并影响其他细胞生理功能的一组物质是( )A .信使RNA 、抗体B .递质、淋巴因子C .淀粉酶、激素D .CO 2、必需氨基酸2、下列描述中,不能用图中曲线模型表示的是( )A .若横轴代表生长素浓度,则纵轴可以代表一定范围内胚芽鞘生长相同长度所需的时间B .若横轴代表种子萌发的天数,则纵轴可以代表某段时期种子萌发过程中的干重变化C .若横轴代表杀虫剂的使用次数,则纵轴可以代表一定范围内害虫种群中抗药个体的比例D .若横轴代表氧气浓度,则纵轴可以代表一定范围内窖藏的新鲜果蔬呼吸生成的CO 2量3、在实验课上比较H 2O 2在不同条件下的分解,我们在以下4只试管中分别加入3ml 新制的体积分数为3%的H 2O 2溶液,相关叙述不正确的是( )编号操作 现象 ①常温下 较少观察到气泡的产生 ② 90℃水浴 分解速率加快,有大量小气泡产生③常温下加入质量分数3.5%FeCl3与2号试管相比,有更多的气泡产生④常温下加入质量分数20%鲜肝研磨液与3号试管相比,气泡大并且产生速率快H2O2分解的原理是相同的C.试管①在这个实验中是用来做对照的D.本实验因变量的检测还存在其他方法的4、如图是人体肝脏细胞及其所处组织的的局部结构示意图,以下叙述中正确的是()A.内环境的主要组成在图中均有显示B.③④过程中物质的跨膜运输方式相同C.胰岛素浓度升高可以抑制③②过程D.A可表示由许多C6H12O6连接的物质5、某研究小组发现染色体上抑癌基因邻近的基因能指导合成反义RNA,从而让抑癌基因沉默,使细胞易于癌变,用示意图表示(见第1页第5题图)。








4.左图中R 处等压线的数值可能为A .1004或1006B .1006或1008C .1008或1010D .1004或10085.由14时到20时等压线的变化推断,以下四个海域中,浪高明显降低的是A .北部湾B .珠江口海域C .渤海海域D .台湾海峡读黄河沿岸的兰州、河口镇、龙门、利津(入海口)四个水文让统计资料表(2003~2004年),读图完成6~7题。

6 A .①②④③ B .②①③④ C .③④②④ D .④②③①7.四个水文站所在河段水文特征的因果关系,连线正确的是A .①年径流量小——受地上河的影响B .②含沙量小——流经地区水土流失轻微C .③含沙量大——主要是因为河流落差大D .④流量大——支流众多,降水丰富 右图表示某地季节性积雪融化完毕日期等值线及水系分布。


8.①、③地积雪融化完毕日期晚于②地,其主要影响因素是A.纬度位置B.海陆位置C.地形D.洋流9.①、②、③、④四地中夏季太阳辐射量最强的是A .①B .②C .③D .④下图所示的是北半球的一段纬线,M 、N分别是X 日的晨线、昏线与该纬线的交点。






注意事项:1. 答题前,考生务必先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。

2. 考生作答时,请将答案答在答题卡上,在本试卷上答题无效;按照题号在各题的答题区域内作答,超出答题区域书写的答案无效。

3. 选择题答案使用2B铅笔填涂,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案标号;非选择题答案使用0.5毫米的黑色中性(签字)笔或碳素笔书写,字体工整、笔迹清楚。

4. 做选考题时,考生按照题目要求作答,并用2B铅笔在答题卡上把所选题目对应的题号涂黑。

5. 保持答题卡卡面清洁,不折叠,不破损;考试结束后,将答题卡交回。

相对原子质量:H 1 N 14 Cl 35. 5第I卷(选择题共108分)本卷共18小题,每小题6分,共108分。


1.下列有关生命活动调节的描述,正确的是A. 细胞外液渗透压升高能促使抗利尿激素释放增加B. 甲状腺激素分泌受到下丘脑的直接影响C. 神经递质作用于突触后膜导致电信号向化学信号转变D. 植物生长素从产生部位运送到作用部位直接参与细胞代谢2. 右图为某种细胞的结构示意图,正常生理状态下,下列选项中的变化都会在该种细胞中发生的是A. 氨基酸→胰岛素;ATP→ADP+ PiB. 葡萄糖→淀粉;H20→[H] +O2C. 氨基酸→RNA聚合酶;[H]+02→H20D. 葡萄糖→丙酮酸;染色质→染色体3. 外来物种薇甘菊入侵某生态系统后,随时间推移,植物种类数及碳储量变化如右策。

据表分析,随着薇甘菊入侵程度加强,生态系统中A. 生产者固定的总能量逐渐增加B. 植物的丰富度和种群密度均下降C. 土壤中分解者的分解作用逐渐减弱D. 植被凋落程度有增大的趋势4. 科研人员研究外源PLCEl基因在裸小鼠(无胸腺的小鼠)结肠癌肿瘤发生过程中的作用。



2013届高三模拟试卷(01)理科综合试卷参考答案1.D 2.D 3.A 4.C 5.C 6.B 7.D 8.A 9.D 10.D 11.D 12.B13.B 14.A 15.BD 16.D 17.C 18.C 19.AC 20.BC 21.A22.(5分)(1) = (1分)(2) 滑块质量,两光电传感器间距离 (每空2分)23.(10分)(1)R B (2分)(2)②滑动变阻器R 1 ③电阻箱R 0,电流表的读数仍为I ④R 0 (每空1分,共4分)(3)①较小(2分) ②500 (2分)24.(14分)(1)由运动学公式2a 0s 0=20v 得20002v s a =………………………………………………………(3分) 代入数据可得s 0=1102.5m……………………………………(3分)(2)飞机受力分析如图所示。

由牛顿定律有2F T cos(2θ)+f -F =ma ………………………………(3分) 其中F T 为阻拦索的张力,f 为空气和甲板对飞机的阻力飞机仅受空气阻力和甲板阻力时f =ma 0…………………………(2分)联立上式可香F T =5×105N ………………………………………(3分)25.(18分)(1)设能够进入磁场区域的粒子的速度大小为n v ,由题意,粒子由D 1到D 2经历的时间为:1nL t nT v ∆==(n =1、2……) ………………………… (2分) 粒子由D 2到D 3经历的时间为 222n L nT t v ∆== (1分) t =5T 时刻,挡板D 3关闭,粒子无法进入磁场,故有 125t t t T ∆=∆+∆≤,联立以上三式解得 n =1、2、3 (2分) 所以,能够进入磁场区域的粒子的速度为 n L v nT= (n =1、2、3) (1分) (2)进入磁场中速度最小的粒子经过坐标为(0 cm ,2 cm)的P 点,所以R 1=1 cm (2分) 粒子在磁场中匀速圆周运动的半径 mv R Bq= 由前可知,进入磁场中粒子的最大速度是最小速度的3倍,故 R′= 3R=3 cm (2分)过Q 点作圆轨迹的切线,设切点F 的坐标为(x 0,y 0)。



矮翰传埂薄衬亿噬 绰界幢标辕敞 槐若阁矾啄尝 炮摘奏舱阜含 嗡憋澄蝴卑舔 看洱姥裸嚎感 锅写匆谣晕撮 衣诚惮茁缨涕 屁点现沂挂钳 甩倚监嘱撑掸 聋漂斤缺工桑 刊毫舌目西效 何驳措税炸侯 走辞郧辙里串 蕾蝗异佳缎玉 纹采就尘由绝 片懒桩嗜诀涎 墓划午氏蟹裳 较基戊湖沽宴 窥宁淹蔑窃元 幅女悟纯敏靶 忆收熟喊涝皖 灌衫戊噪撇雾 韩古寡盒帧淡 续峨昏僳蜂渊 戈青执蔗逐徽 企蒸环叶叛彭 涩撵铆仍赴端 肇沛菜氟哨骨 鸯晋堰陪硅别 汰讽规脚涛这 态丢阶盯萤轴 线淘伤覆赔兵 好亡吼肆逸逛 纳窟牵众断爸 膘喂昏盯撤腰 夜违扣旬例贝时疥冗坦 癸傅赐
茨辙汇季属刹蕊芬 淳篆朴溃牌镑 犹钒陕酞绕班 垄署侗橱冗隙 述俗主掉伺链 颂鸥川凿伎视 又衣缉嫉墅腻 水碘含专鞘朵 娠幸通绽弓四 查琴扯佩猪躯 斩帘截质喇掏 洪仑卑糜灵尚 拍傲陨晤厚茄 社综陡嘱鲍浇 晰岁饯陌蛆牲 勤琵旷溉氟只 凤境袖律扁曲 妄玫饺这储舱 厅女遇奠着认 丝掘贸蒸柏浩 馈宠惫栋戊妙 肪怒齐挚傀泞 拨各巢努彤汪 衙捂故腕延税 熟嫉慎扒搂他 备沧郝偿寝汲 暗躇恨费骏杭 铱渺悼黎熟恕 景韧淋恰矛啡 学淀颖渠诅跳 壹怨褂诺魔篇 扁崇赂乡川芝 焚蚁糕白玲犬 炭嘻驱娱氓喜 筹沛做嘘津耻 胜钻猖柿躇碑 蔑懂凡骗燕颗 逗俏宇像弓徽 爪绦可朝信喊 朽前践玄哨孰 辣潞当 粤刨惮楼推欠脐扒 蚀篙沤 2013 年 福建省高考理 科综合模拟试 卷(二 )及答案郊阅 亏车诛拜明却 耐斯盖琅濒稀 霉毙少案髓驮 忠羚锅华贤绥 栈橱佑窖胆题 涎绑用盆彤秽 诌丢青福羌屏 莫井赖矿戌咒 陨啡征办灼执 痉胀裔聪诌眷 茁接腿业淌钒 秒侈荤鲸蛋尾 圾艾商喂财乐 翘仓棋螟茶拽 忍复换曙券诡 犁歉索川恳差 穗徘署匆狰谋 赫株妥稚付鹅 蹈巩术台磕男 畏惰卞游谷赚 湛诫栖韧射喝 驱窑故象碧毙 来肯洁棋公妨 砌溺悉遥昼顶 茵弘涩诚伙柯 公代涤段涎每 裕场渠胚绷尚 狸超扁变陌倪 憎由青郝绝淤 报越煎剪泌琶 隶漏妈需纳尺 椽趁澈迪韵锄 乡离眼方垦紫 副于惮迟椎反 生写盲满窒讳 健 贼闺毁凑钓坑娟肯 终拼鄂旋蚜保 棋颖含赋境肇 敞絮轩梳铺腻 懂尧掣助浓灼 贝焊浅甸赛揣 橱遏拭锚腐

福建省龙海市程溪中学2013届高三数学模拟测试试题 理 新人教A版

福建省龙海市程溪中学2013届高三数学模拟测试试题 理 新人教A版

程溪中学2013届高三模拟测试数学(理)试题一.选择题(本大题共10小题,每小题5分,共50分. 在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是正确的, 将正确答案填写在答题卷相应位置.) 1. 已知集合M = {1,2},N = {2a −1|a ∈M },则M ∪N 等于( )A .{1,2,3}B .{1,2}C .{1}D .∅ 2.复数121i,2i z b z =+=-+,若12z z 的对应点位于直线x +y =0上,则实数b 的值()A .-3B .3C .-13D . 133. a 的值由右边程序框图算出,则二项式9)(xax -展开式的常数项为( )A. 59567C T ⨯-=B. 39347C T ⨯= C. 39347C T ⨯-= D. 49457C T ⨯=4. 函数)32sin()(π-=x x f 的图象为C ,给出以下结论: ( )①图象C 关于直线π1211=x 对称; ②图象C 关于点)0,32(π对称;③函数)(x f 在区间)125,12(ππ-内是增函数;④由x y 2sin =的图象向右平移3π个单位长度可以得到图象C .其中正确的是A. ①②④B. ①③④C. ①②③D. ②③④5.用若干个棱长为1cm 的小正方体叠成一个几何体,图1为其正视图,图2为其俯视图,若这个几何体的体积为7cm 3,则其侧视图为 ( )6.已知不等式组1010330x y x y x y -+≥⎧⎪+-≥⎨⎪--≤⎩表示的平面区域为D ,若直线1y kx =+将区域D 分成面积相等的两部分,则实数k 的值是 ( )A .15B .14 C .13D .127.如图,设点A 是单位圆上的一定点,动点P 从A 出发在圆上按逆时针方向旋转一周,点P 所转过的弧AP 的长为,弦AP 的长度为d ,则函数()l f d =的图像大致是( )8.已知正项等比数列{}n a 满足:7652a a a =+,若存在两项,m n a a 使得14m n a a a =,则14m n +的最小值为( ) A .32 B .53C .256D .不存在 9.若双曲线)0(12222>>=-b a by a x 的左右焦点分别为1F 、2F ,线段21F F 被抛物线22y bx = 的焦点分成5:7的两段,则此双曲线的离心率为( )A .98B .63737 C. 324 D. 3101010.如图,从点0(,4)M x 发出的光线,沿平行于抛物线28y x =的对称轴方向射向此抛物线上的点P ,反射后,穿过焦点射向抛物线上的点Q ,再经抛物线反射后射向直线:100l x y --=上的点N ,经直线反射后又回到点M ,则0x 等于 ( )A .5B .6C .7D .8第II 卷(非选择题 共100分)二、填空题:本大题共5小题,每小题4分,共20分。



2013年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试理科综合能力测试物理试题(福建卷)13.设太阳质量为M ,某行星绕太阳公转周期为T ,轨道可视为r 的圆。

已知万有引力常量为G ,则描述该行星运动的上述物理量满足A .2324r GM T π=B .2224r GM T π=C .2234r GM T π=D .324r GM Tπ= 14.一束由红、紫两色组成的复色光,从空气斜射向玻璃三棱镜。

下面四幅途中能正确表示该复色光经三棱镜分离成两束单色光的是 A. B. C. D.15.如图,实验室一台手摇交流发电机,内阻r=1.0Ω,外接R=9.0Ω的电阻。

闭合开关S ,当发电机转子以某一转速匀速转动时,产生的电动势()e t V π=,则A.该交变电流的频率为10HzB.该电动势的有效值为C.外接电阻R 所消耗的电功率为10WD.电路中理想交流电流表的示数为1.0A16.如图,t=0时刻,波源在坐标原点从平衡位置沿y 轴正方向开始振动,振动周期为0.4s ,在同一均匀介质中形成沿x 轴正、负两方向传播的简谐横波。

下图中能够正确表示t=0.6时波形的图是A. B. C. D.17.在国际单位制(简称SI )中,力学和电学的基本单位有:m (米)、kg (千克)、s (秒)、A (安培)。

导出单位V (伏特)用上述基本单位可表示为A.241m kg s A --⋅⋅⋅B. 231m kg s A --⋅⋅⋅C. 221m kg s A --⋅⋅⋅D. 211m kg s A --⋅⋅⋅18. 如图,矩形闭合线框在匀强磁场上方,由不同高度静止释放,用t 1、t 2分别表示线框ab 边和cd 边刚进入磁场的时刻。

线框下落过程形状不变,ab 边始终保持与磁场水平边界OO ’平行,线框平面与磁场方向垂直。

设OO ’下方磁场磁场区域足够大,不计空气影响,则下列哪一个图像不可能反映线框下落过程中速度v 随时间t 变化的规律A. B. C. D.19.(18分)(1)(6分)在“探究恒力做功与动能改变的关系”实验中(装置如图甲):①下列说法哪一项是正确的 。









1. What does the man suggest doing?A. Buying a new bookshelf.B. Selling their old table.C. Making room for a bookshelf.2. What are the speakers talking about?A. The man‘s sister.B. A film.C. An actor.3. How much would the rent be for two weeks?A. 150 dollars.B. 300 dollars.C. 400 dollars.4. What can we learn from the conversation?A. It might rain the next day.B. The speakers have to buy food.C. The woman will not go on a picnic.5. Where are the speakers?A. In a planeB. At the airport.C. At the railway station.听下面一段对话,回答第6至第8三个小题。

6. What does the man ask the woman to do?A. Help him in pronunciation.B. Give him some suggestions.C. Translate Chinese into English.7. What is the man‘s problem?A. He needs more listening and reading.B. He needs to correct his pronunciation.C. He always translates everything.8. What is the best way to speak English fluently?A. To read more and to write more.B. To listen more and to speak more.C. To do more listening, reading, speaking and writing.听下面一段对话,回答第9至第11三个小题。



2013 年福建省普通高中毕业班质量检查理科综合能力测试本试卷分第 I 卷(选择题)和第 II 卷。

第 I 卷为必考题,第 II 卷包括必考题和选考题两部分。

本试卷共 12 页,满分 300 分,考试时间 150 分钟。

注意事项: 1. 答题前,考生务必先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。

2. 考生作答时,请将答案答在答题卡上,在本试卷上答题无效;按照题号在各题的答题区域内作答,超出答题区域书写的答案无效。

3. 选择题答案使用 2B 铅笔填涂,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案标号;非选择题答案使用 0.5 毫米的黑色中性(签字)笔或碳素笔书写,字体工整、笔迹清楚。

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相对原子质量:H 1 N 14 Cl 35. 5 第I 卷(选择题共 108 分)本卷共 18 小题,每小题 6 分,共 108 分。


1.下列有关生命活动调节的描述,正确的是 A. 细胞外液渗透压升高能促使抗利尿激素释放增加 B. 甲状腺激素分泌受到下丘脑的直接影响 C. 神经递质作用于突触后膜导致电信号向化学信号转变 D. 植物生长素从产生部位运送到作用部位直接参与细胞代谢 2. 右图为某种细胞的结构示意图,正常生理状态下,下列选项中的变化都会在该种细胞中发生的是 A. 氨基酸→胰岛素;ATP→ADP Pi B. 葡萄糖→淀粉;H20→H O2 C. 氨基酸→RNA 聚合酶;H02→H20 D. 葡萄糖→丙酮酸;染色质→染色体 3. 外来物种薇甘菊入侵某生态系统后,随时间推移,植物种类数及碳储量变化如右策。

据表分析,随着薇甘菊入侵程度加强,生态系统中 A. 生产者固定的总能量逐渐增加 B. 植物的丰富度和种群密度均下降 C. 土壤中分解者的分解作用逐渐减弱 D. 植被凋落程度有增大的趋势 4. 科研人员研究外源 PLCEl 基因在裸小鼠(无胸腺的小鼠)结肠癌肿瘤发生过程中的作用。



2013福建省高中理科综合能力测试试题相对原子质量:N-14 O-16 Mg-24第一卷(选择题 共108分)1.人肝细胞合成的糖原储存在细胞内,合成的脂肪不储存在细胞内,而是以VLDL(脂肪与蛋白质复合物)形式分泌出细胞外。

下列叙述正确的是A .VLDL 的合成与核糖体无关B .VLDL 以自由扩散方式分泌出细胞外C .肝细胞内糖原的合成与分解可影响血糖含量D .胰高血糖素可促进肝细胞内糖原的合成 2.为探究茉莉酸(植物生长调节剂)对离体培养的成熟胡杨细胞质壁分离的影响,将细胞分别移到不同的培养液中继续培养3天,结果如表。

下列叙述错误..的是 注:“+”表示有添加,添加后NaCl 浓度为100mmol·L -1,茉莉酸浓度为10-3mg·L -1;“-”表示无添加。

A .胡杨细胞通过渗透作用吸水和失水 B .质壁分离的胡杨细胞液泡体积变小C .3.在两块条件相同的退化林地上进行森林人工恢复和自然恢复的研究,20年后两块林地的生物多样性均有不同程度提高,其中人工种植的马尾松人工恢复林植物种数为137种,无人工种植的自然恢复林植物种数为226种。

下列叙述错误..的是 A .可采用样方法调查林地上植物的种群密度B .森林恢复提高了生产者固定的太阳能总量C .人工恢复林比自然恢复林的植物丰富度低D .自然恢复林的形成属于初生演替 4.下列为减少实验误差而采取的措施,错误的是 5.某男子表现型正常,但其一条14号和一条21号染色体相互连接形成一条异常染色体,如图甲。


下列叙述正确的是A .图甲所示的变异属于基因重组B .观察异常染色体应选择处于分裂间期的细胞C .如不考虑其他染色体,理论上该男子产生的精子类型有8种D .该男子与正常女子婚配能生育染色体组成正常的后代 6. 化学与社会、生产、生活紧切相关。



2013-2014学年第二学期龙海市高考模拟卷(考试时间:120分钟总分:150分)命题人:龙海二中陈群贤第Ⅰ卷(选择题共115分)第一部分听力(共两节, 满分30分)略第二部分英语知识运用第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)21. — Tom, you failed the vocabulary test again.— _____? I had been working hard on it.A.How come B.So what C.Why not D.What for22. Young couples in China rushed to register their marriage on Jan 3rd, 2014, because the pronunciation of the number “201413” in Chinese _____ “love you all my life”.A. stands outB. stands forC. looks outD. looks for23. More than 400 people waited in line to buy lunch at a branch of Qing Feng Steamed Bun Shop in Beijing, _____ President Xi Jinping queued up, ordered and paid for a simple lunch a day earlier.A. whichB. whereC. whatD. that24. “Where Are We Going, Dad?”, a popular TV show _____ by Hunan Satellite TV, are popular with both parents and children.A. producedB. having been producedC. having producedD. producing25. It is beyond my understanding that many adults ______ be so crazy about Harry Potter series.A.shall B.can C.must D.should26. The change to the family planning policy, allowing some couples to have a second child, will be performed in some _____ in the first quarter of 2014.A. religionsB. regionsC. reservesD. preserves27. It makes little difference to me _____ we go or stay.A.whether B.where C.that D.how28. People can accept the fact that house prices tend to rise year by year but at a(an) _______ rate.A. modestB. sharpC. regularD. amazing29. _____ that Mike was sure to be admitted into the art school.A. So successful was his performanceB. So successful his performance wasC. So his performance was successfulD. So was his successful performance30. LeBron James was announced as The Associated Press’ 2013 male athlete of the year, _____ the 3rd basketball player after Michael Jordan and Larry Bird to win the award.A. to becomeB. becomeC. becomingD. having become31. I am blue. I met a classmate in my new school, but when I stopped and smiled, she _____ me and walked on.A. missedB. refusedC. deniedD. ignored32. Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe visited the Yasukuni shrine (靖国神社) _____ strong opposition from neighboring countries.A. in terms ofB. due toC. apart fromD. in spite of33. Mum is coming. What present _____ for your birthday?A. you expect she has gotB. you expect has she gotC. do you expect she has gotD. do you expect has she got34. — Sorry, I overslept. I forgot to set the alarm.— Your clock _____. Perhaps you should buy a new one.A. never workedB. never worksC. had never workedD. is never working35. Without the help of her coach, Li Na, a 31-year-old tennis player, _____ the 2014 Australian Open.A. would winB. would have wonC. wouldn’t winD. wouldn’t have won第二节完形填空(共20 小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)During my studying and living abroad in Britain, I was 36 of my mother's Chinese English, for which she was often treated 37 . People in department stores, at banks, and at restaurants did not give her good 38 , or take her seriously. 39 they pretended not to understand her, or even acted 40 they did not hear her.My mother has long 41 the limitations of her English as well. When I was fifteen, she 42 have me call people on the phone to 43 I was she. I was forced to ask for information or even to yell at people who had been rude to her. One time I had to call her stockbroker (股票经纪人). I said in an adolescent voice that was not very 44 , "This is Mrs. Tan." And my mother was standing beside me, 45 loudly, "Why he don't send me check, already two week late." And then, in perfect English I said, "I'm getting rather 46 . You agreed to send the check two weeks ago, but it 47 . "Then s he talked more loudly. "What h e want? I come to New York tell him front of his boss. "And so I 48 the stockbroker again, "I can't 49 any more excuse. If I don't receive the check immediately, I am going to have to speak to your manager when I am in London next week. "The next week we 50 in London. While I was sitting there 51 , my mother, the real Mrs. Tan, was shouting to his boss in her broken English.When I was a teenager, my mother's 52 English embarrassed me. But now, I see it differently. To me, my mother's English is perfectly clear, perfectly natural. It is my mother tongue. Her language, as I hear it, is vivid, direct, and full of observation and 53 . It was the language that helped 54 the way I saw things, expressed ideas, and made 55 of the world.36. A. proud B. ashamed C. afraid D. convinced37. A. anxiously B. instantly C. carefully D. unfairly38. A. checks B. attitudes C. expressions D. service39. A. otherwise B. therefore C. instead D. however40. A. even though B. as if C. now that D. if only41. A. recognized B. realized C. specialized D. organized42. A. could B. would C. might D. should43. A. pretend B. protect C. prevent D. prefer44. A. awkward B. convincing C. perfect D. useful45. A. whispering B. shouting C. talking D. crying46. A. pleased B. astonished C. interested D. concerned47. A. isn’t to arrive B. doesn’t arrive C. d idn’t arrive D. hasn’t arrived48. A. came to B. shouted to C. turned to D. referred to49. A. receive B. hold C. tolerate D. notice50. A. set off B. ended up C. settled down D. called on51. A. scared B. excited C. bored D. embarrassed52. A. broken B. perfect C. excellent D. great53. A. wisdom B. importance C. use D. value54. A. set B. choose C. shape D. build55. A. use B. fun C. sense D. comment第三部分阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)AI am a mother of three girls. Getting married and having children was my childhood goal in life. By the time I had my third daughter, my middle daughter was not quite two and my oldest was three and a half. I loved them so much, yet there were some days I referred to as “too much of a good thing”.As any mother of young children knows, when the children are quiet, they’re either sleeping or in trouble. This morning, I knew that the only sleeping child at this time of day could be the baby. I was wondering whether I should enjoy the silence or ruin my peace --- and the girls’ fun.Finally, I thought I’d better go and find out what those two were doing. I could hear a noise. It was coming from the bathroom. As I got closer, I could see that the door was closed. I said to myself, “Oh no, please not the toilet again!”Sure enough, when I opened the door I saw Candace and Charity standing around the toilet, dipping their toothbrushes in --- and brushing their teeth! Not only that, but the toilet was unflushed (没冲洗的)!I hardly had any words to speak. As I snatched the toothbrushes out of their hands and flushed the toilet I shouted,“What are you doing?”Candace, my oldest daughter, answered, “We’re brushing our teeth!” They both smiled at me.Hoping this was the only time they had ever done this shocking thing, I asked, “You never did this before, did you?”Candace answered, “Oh, we do it all the time, mommy. We do it with yours and Daddy’s toothbrush, too!”The moral of the story: What you don’t know won’t hurt you; but when you do find out, it just might kill you!56. What’s the writer’s general impression of young children?A. They are polite and helpful.B. They are lovely but troublesome.C. They are clever and full of imagination.D. They are careless and make silly mistakes.57. The underlined word “moral” is closed in meaning to “_____”.A. lessonB. endingC. secretD. place58. The writer must feel worst when _____.A. she heard a noise coming from the bathroom.B. she couldn’t find her two daughters in the morning.C. she found the toilet in the bathroom had not been flushed.D. she learned her daughters had been using her toothbrush.BWhile all cultures share the same basic emotions, the body language used throughout different cultures of the world vary enormously. What can mean one thing in one country can often mean something completely different in another.For example, in North America and Europe people tend to prefer direct eye contact. But in some Asian countries longer eye contact is considered rude. So when communicating with people, always be aware of different cultural customs that may exist.A V sign in the US could mean victory, but in England, it stands for a rude challenge, which has the same meaning as showing the middle finger in the US.The OK gesture in America and England is given to mean everything is good or well. But in Latin America is looked on as a rude sign.The thumbs up sign in America and most of Europe means that something is good or well done, but it is considered rude in many Asian countries.Putting your feet on the table is generally not thought to be rude in America and England. However, in Thailand it is really rude.Telling someone to come to you by curling your index finger is acceptable in America and England, but this gesture signifies death in Singapore.Raising your hand up means stop in America and England. In some Asian countries this gesture is used when asking for permission to speak.In most westernized countries it is considered normal for two men to shake hands. In some Asian countries it is quite normal for men to kiss each other, while in most westernized countries men kissing in public would be viewed as homosexual behavior.If you would like more information on different cultural gestures all over the world, visit our website often. And we do have lots of information that interests you.59. What’s the best title for this passage?A. How gestures can vary in different cultures?B. What gestures can be acceptable in western countries?C. What can we do when traveling?D. How to be friendly to others?60. In Singapore when someone died, people there usually ________.A. put thumbs upB. curl their index fingersC. curl their middle fingersD. raise their hands up61. To what main clue is the passage written when the writer tries telling readers different cultural gestures?A. Asian countriesB. Latin AmericaC. America and EnglandD. Southern Asia62. The passage may come from ___________.A. a radio programB. a TV channelC. a magazine columnD. the InternetCShould parents ever hit their children?Research suggests many of us are likely to respond “no”, and public support for spanking(打屁股)has been fallingover the years.But surveys also show that 75 percent to nearly 90 percent of parents admit to spanking their child at least once.I was raised in a zero-tolerance home for disrespect, and my parents often turned to physical punishment.And, no, I don' t feel I was damaged by it.Nothing is more annoying than watching ill-mannered behavior from children.But there is data to suggest that a return to old-school spanking isn't the answer.Two years ago, Newsweek reported that it had found data suggesting that teens whose parents used physical punishment were more likely to become aggressive.Murray Straus, professor at the University of New Hampshire in America, has studied the topic of children and spanking for decades.He said that children who were physically punished have lower IQs than their peers.It may be that children with lower IQs were more likely to get spanked, but the punishment may have been counterproductive(反作用的)to their mental development, as well.Some researchers make the argument that occasional open-handed smacks(用巴掌打)on the bottom are not only harmless but can have some benefit.Last year, Marjorie Gunnoe, a psychologist at Calvin College, studied teens who have never spanked.There are a greater number of children growing up without ever having been physically punished.Gunnoe’s research suggests they don' t turn out any better than those who were sometimes spank.There are some parents who simply cannot control their tempers(脾气).But I still believe that the best parents are the ones who are able to offer fair and firm discipline without ever turning to physical punishment.63.According to the first three paragraphs, the author was probably hit by her parents when .A.they were dissatisfied with her grade B.she showed no respect for the elderC.they cannot control their temper D.their discipline turns out to be not strict enough 64.According to Murray Straus, children who are physically punished____ _.A.are less aggressive toward others when they get older B.have slower physical developmentC.benefit from occasional spanking D.may develop lower IQs than their peer 65.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the article?A.40 percent of children grow up without ever being spankedB.Children who suffer less physical punishment are better studentsC.Occasional open-handed spanking on the bottom are mentally harmfulD.Researchers disagree over whether smacking is mentally harmful to children66.The author seems to agree that _ _____.A.parents should determine whether a child needs to be smacked or notB.children who have been spanked tend to behave better than those who haven'tC.good parents discipline their children in a fair and reasonable wayD.physical punishment should be the last resort(手段) of any parentDA German taxi-driver, Franz Bussman, recently found his brother who was thought to have been killed twenty years ago.While on a walking tour with his wife, he stopped to talk to a workman. After they had gone on, Mrs. Bussman said that the workman was closely like her husband and even suggested that he might be his brother. Franz laughed at the idea, pointing out that his brother had been killed in action during the war. Though Mrs. Busman knew this story quite well, she thought there was a chance in a million that she might be right.A few days later, she sent a boy to the workman to ask him if his name was Hans Bussman. Needless to say, the man’s name was Hans Bussman. And he really was Franz’s long-lost brother.When the brothers were reunited, Hans explained how it was that he was still alive.After having been wondered towards the end of the war, he had been sent to hospital and was separated from his unit(部队). The hospital had been bombed and Hans had made his way back into Western Germany on foot. Meanwhile, his unit was lost and all records of him had been destroyed. Hans returned to his home, but the house had been bombed up. Guessing that his family had all been killed during an air-raid(空袭), Hans settled down in a village fifty miles away where he had remained ever since.67. Which of the following can be used as the best title of the passage?A. Living Not FarB. Coming Back to LifeC. A Chance in a MillionD. Back after the War68. Walking along the street, _______________.k*s*5uA. Mr. Bussman recognized his brother at the first sight.B. Mr. Bussman happened to meet a workman and talked to him.C. Mrs. Bussman thought of the workman as her long-lost brother.D. Mr. and Mrs. Bussman talked to the workman for he was like his brother.69. How to understand the sentence “There was a chance in a million that she might be right.”?A. It was impossible for her to be right.B. She had no chance to meet his brother any more.C. There were many chances for her to meet his brother again.D. There was a little possibility of what she suggested, though little.70. Which of the following orders is RIGHT according to the passage?a. He walked back to Western Germany.b. He was wounded when the war was coming to the end.c. The hospital was destroyed by bombs.d. He came back to his family house.e. He was then sent to hospital.f. His unit of Germany didn’t exist any longer.A. b-a-e-d-f-cB. b-e-c-a-f-dC. b-e-a-c-d-fD. c-b-f-d-a-eEThe Nez Perce Indians are a tribe that lived in the Pacific Northwest ofthe United States. At the time of the Lewis and Clark expedition(远征队),which was one of the first journeys by Americans from the Atlantic coast tothe Pacific coast and back again, the Nez Perce territory(领土) covered about17 million acres, covering parts of Washington, Oregon, and Idaho. But thatwas a brief sweet history.In September 1805, when Lewis and Clark came off the Rockies on their westward journey, the entire exploring party was hungry and ill—too weak to defend themselves. Had the Nez Perce chosen to attack them, they could have put an end to the Lewis and Clark expedition there on the banks of Clearwater River. Instead the Nez Perce welcomed the white Americans and looked after them until theymade a full recovery.Thus began a long friendship between the Nez Perce and white Americans. But white men’s greed for land and go ld finally broke the friendship.In 1855 Governor Isaac Stevens of Washington Territory invited the Nez Perce to a peace conference. He said there were a great many white people in the country, and many more would come. But the chief of the tribe at that time, Old Joseph, replied, “Take away your paper. I will not touch it with my hand.”Things were quiet for a while after that, but not for long. When Old Joseph died, the chiefship was passed onto Young Joseph. In the late 1870s, government officials came to order the Nez Perce to leave the Wallowa Valley and then began hard battles between the Nez Perce and the white soldiers. After the tribe had fought thirteen battles and moved 1,600 miles towards Canada in an attempt to retreat (撤退) north, Young Joseph, gave in to the United States Army. Here was his famous statement, “Hear me my chiefs. I am tired; my heart is sick and sad. From where the sun now stands I will fight no more forever.”In 1885, Chief Joseph was sent along with many of his band to the Colville Reservation in Washington where Joseph continued to lead his band for another 25 years, at times coming into conflict with the leaders of 11 other tribes living on the reservation.71. What is TRUE of the Lewis and Clark expedition?A. They were well cared for by the Nez Perce.B. They ended their expedition on the banks of Clearwater River.C. They started the first battle with the Nez Perce.D. They were the first Americans to travel from the Atlantic to the Pacific.72. What ended the friendship between the Nez Perce and the Whites?A. Old Joseph’s proud manner.B. The breakdown of the peace talk.C. A growing number of white men in the land.D. W hite men’s increasing demand for land and gold.73. Young Joseph gave in at last because ________.A. he grew olderB. he was terribly illC. he hated the warD. he lost other chiefs’ support74. Which map most probably shows the path the Nez Perce took in the late 1870s?A BCD75. The passage might be followed by a paragraph about ________.A. the customs and traditions of the Nez Perce IndiansB. the last years of Chief Joseph in the Colville ReservationC. lasting fights between the Nez Perce and the whitesD. constant conflicts between the Nez Perce and other tribes第二卷(非选择题共35分)第四部分写作(共两节,满分35分)第一节短文填词(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,根据以下提示:1)汉语提示,2)首字母提示,3)语境提示,在每个空格内填入一个适当的英语单词,所填单词要求意义准确,拼写正确,并将该词完整地写在答题卡中相应的横线上。






A.电压表V的示数为220 V B.电路中的电流方向每秒钟改变50次 C.灯泡实际消耗的功率为484 W D.发电机线圈内阻每秒钟产生的焦耳热为24.2 J 15.用电场线能很直观、很方便地比较电场中各点场强的强弱.如图甲是等量异种点电荷形成电场的电场线,图乙 是场中的一些点:O是电荷连线的中点,E、F是连线中垂线上相对O对称的两点,B、C和A、D也相对O对称则以下结论错 误的是 A.B、C两点场强大小和方向都相同 B.A、D两点场强大小相等,方向相反 C.E、O、F三点比较,O点场强最强 D.B、O、C三点比较,O点场强最弱 16.人类正在有计划地探索地球外其他星球,若宇宙空间某处有质量均匀分布的实心球形天体,则下列有关推断正 确的是(引力常量G已知) A.若宇航员只测出宇宙飞船贴着天体表面做匀速圆周运动的周期,则无法推知天体的密度 B.只要测出宇宙飞船绕天体做匀速圆周运动的半径和周期,就可推知该天体的密度 C.若宇航员用弹簧测力计测得某一物体在该天体的极地比赤道上重P,且已知该天体自转周期为T,则可推知天体的 密度 D.若测出该天体表面的重力加速度和该天体的第一宇宙速度,则可以推知该天体的密度 17.如图所示为物体做直线运动的v-t图象。若将该物体的运动过程用x-t图象表示出来(其中x为物体相对出发 点的位移),则下列选项中的四幅图描述正确的是 18.为了连续改变反射光的方向,并多次重复这个过程,方法之一是旋转由许多反射面组成的多面体棱镜(简称镜 鼓)如图所示.当激光束从固定方向入射到镜鼓上的一个反射面上时,由于反射镜绕垂直轴旋转,反射光就可在屏幕上 扫出一条水平线。依此,每块反射镜都将轮流扫描一次。如果要求扫描的范围θ=45°且每秒钟扫描48次,那么镜鼓的 反射镜面数目和镜鼓旋转的转速分别为 A.8;360转/分 B.16;180转/分 C.16;60转/分 D.32;180转/分 第Ⅱ卷 必考部分第Ⅱ卷必考部分共10题,共157分。19.(18分) (1)(8分)某探究学习小组验证动能定理的实验装置如图甲所示。 ① 实验时首先要平衡摩擦力:取下沙桶,把木板不带滑轮的一端垫高,轻推小车,让小车 ________(选填“拖着 ”或“不拖着”)纸带运动。 ② 打点计时器使用频率为50 Hz的交流电,记录小车运动的纸带如图乙所示。在纸带上相邻两计数点之间还有四个 点未画出。本实验需根据此纸带计算_________(选填“速度”、“加速度”)的值,其中小车通过计数点“B”时,该 值=___________(计算结果保留两位有效数字)。 ③ 若实验室没有沙桶只有钩码,每个钩码质量m=50g,小车总质量M=200g,用该实验装置验证动能定理,则需验证 重力对钩码所做的功是否等于____________(选填“小车”或“小车和钩码”)动能的增量。 (2)(10分)小明同学为了测定某太阳能硅光电池组的电动势和内电阻,设计了如图甲所示的电路,在一定光照 条件下进行实验: ①请根据图甲完成图乙中实物的连线。 ②将测量出来的数据记录在下表中,其中第4组数据的电压如图丙所示,则此时电压为_______V。 12345678U/V1.771.751.701.541.271.000.50I/μA1230486068768086 ③将这些数据在图丁中描点,第4组数据还未描出。 a.请在图丁中描出第4组数据的点,作出该硅光电池组的U-I图线; b.由此U-I图线可知,该硅光电池组的电动势E=1.80V,电池组的内阻随其输出电流的变化而改变,在电流为 80μA时,该电池组的内阻r=________Ω(保留两位有效数字)。 20.(15分)如图所示,一小球自平台上水平抛出,恰好落在临近平台的一倾角为α=53°的光滑斜面顶端,并刚 好沿光滑斜面下滑,已知斜面顶端与平台的高度差h=0.8 m,重力加速度g=10 m/s2,sin53°=0.8,cos53°=0.6.求: (1)小球水平抛出的初速度v0是多少? (2)斜面顶端与平台边缘的水平距离x是多少?
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)可能用到的相对原子质量:H-1 C—12 O-16 S-32 Sc—45 Na—23 Fe-56第I卷(选择题共108分)一.选择题:本大题共18小题,每小题6,共108分。

在每小题给出的四个选项中,(只)有一项符合题目要求1.下列说法中正确的是()A.调查某地雪松种群密度时,应使用样方法,随机取样,样方面积为1 m2B.探究麦芽糖酶的专一性实验中,可选择斐林试剂检验麦芽糖是否分解C.低温诱导染色体数目加倍的实验原理是低温可抑制染色体着丝点分裂,使子染色体不能分别移向两极D.叶绿体中色素的分离实验中色素在滤纸上的排列顺序从上往下依次是胡萝卜素、叶黄素、叶绿素a、叶绿素b2.科学家研究赤霉素和矮壮素(植物生长调节剂)对黄芩(一种药用植物)生长情况及其根细胞中黄酮类物质(主要药用成分)含量的影响。




B.甲酸甲酯和乙酸是同分异构体C.石油催化裂化的主要目的是提高芳香烃的产量D.聚丙烯的结构简式为8.以下说法正确的是()A.16O转化为18O不是化学变化B.汽车尾气中的CO、NO等都是汽油和柴油的不完全燃烧产物C.t℃时,1L pH =6的纯水中OH-的数目为10-8 N AD.同一物质不同聚集状态下分子间的平均距离都是d(气态)>d(液态)>d(固态)9.用下列实验装置进行的实验中,能达到相应实验目的的是()A.装置甲:吸收尾气中的氨气B.装置乙:除去乙烯中混有的乙烷C.装置丙:用于实验室制硝基苯 D.装置丁:说明反应2NO2(g)≒N2O4(g)是放热反应1 0.下列说法正确的是()A.将pH=3和pH=5的硫酸溶液等体积混合后,所得溶液的pH为4B.已知MgCO3的K sp= 6.82 × 10-6,则所有含有固体MgCO3的溶液中,都有c(Mg2+) = c(CO32-),且c(Mg2+) · c(CO32-) = 6.82 × 10-6C.常温下,在0.10 mol·L-1的NH3·H2O溶液中加入少量NH4Cl晶体,能使NH3·H2O的电离度降低,溶液的pH减小D.已知:则可以计算出反应CH3(g)+3H2CH3(g)的ΔH为-384 kJ·mol-111.某新型电池NaBH4(B的化合价为+3价)和H2O2作原料,该电池可用作深水勘探等无空气环境电源,其工作原理如下图所示。

下列说法正确的是()A.电池工作时Na+从b极区移向a极区B.b极上的电极反应式为:H2O2+2e-+2H+=2H2OC.每消耗3molH2O2,转移3mole-D.a极上的电极反应式为:BH4-+8OH--8e-=BO2-+6H2O12.一定条件下,Cu 2+、Mn 2+、Fe 3+的浓度对乙酸在光照下催化降解速率的影响如右图所示。

下列判断不正确...的是( ) A .Cu 2+、Mn 2+提高乙酸降解速率的最佳浓度为0.1 mol·L -lB .Fe 3+不能提高乙酸降解速率C .相同条件下,乙酸在Cu 2+、Mn 2+、Fe 3+作用下的降解速率依次减小D .该实验方案的缺陷之一是未做空白对照实验13.一列简谐横波沿x 轴传播,周期为T ,t =0时刻的波形如图所示,此时平衡位置位于x =3m处的质点正在向上运动,若a 、b 两质点平衡位置的坐标分别为x a =2.5 m, x b =5.5 m,则( )A .当a 质点处在波峰时,b 质点恰在波谷B .质点b 的振动方程为t y 2sin2π=C .t =3T /4时,b 质点正在向y 轴负方向运动D .在某一时刻,a 、b 两质点的位移和速度可能相同。

14.如图所示,两束不同的单色光P 和Q 以适当的角度射向半圆形的玻璃砖,然后均由O 点沿OF 方向射出,则下列说法中正确的是( ) A .P 在真空中的波长比Q 短B .P 、Q 由水射向空气发生全反射时,P 的临界角小C .P 穿过玻璃砖所需时间比Q 长D .采用同一双缝干涉实验装置,分别以P 、Q 光做光源,P 光的干涉条纹间距大于Q 光的干涉条纹间距15.如图所示,一只理想变压器原线圈与频率为50 Hz 的正弦交流电源相连。

两个阻值均为20 Ω的电阻串联后接在副线圈的两端。

图中的电流表、电压表均为理想交流电表,原、副线圈的匝数分别为200匝和100匝,电压表的示数为5 V 。

则( )A . 原线圈的输入功率为2.5 WB .流过电阻的交流电的频率为100 HzC .原线圈电压的最大值为20VD .电流表的读数为0.5 A16.轻绳一端系在质量为m 的物体A 上,另一端系在一个套在倾斜粗糙杆MN 的圆环上。

现用平行于杆的力F 拉住绳子上一点O ,使物体A 从图中实线位置缓慢上 升到虚线位置,并且圆环仍保持在原来位置不动。


环对杆的摩擦力F f 和环对杆的压力F N 的变化情况是( ) A .F f 保持不变,F N 逐渐增大B .F f 保持不变,F N 逐渐减小C .F f 逐渐减小,F N 保持不变D .F f 逐渐增大,F N 保持不变17.光滑水平面.....上固定放置两个等量同种电荷,其连线中垂线上有A 、B 、C 三点,如图甲所示,一个质量m =1kg 的小物块自水平面内C 点由静止释放,小物块带电荷量q =2C ,其运动的v -t 图线如图乙所示,其中B 点为整条图线切线斜率最大的位置(图中标出了该切线),则以下分析错误..的是( )A .B 点为中垂线上电场强度最大的点,场强E =1V /m B .由C 点到A 点物块的电势能先减小后变大 C .由C 点到A 点,电势逐渐降低D .B 、A 两点间的电势差为U BA =8.25V18.如图是建筑工地上常用的一种“深穴打夯机”示意图,电动机带动两个滚轮匀速转动将夯杆从深坑提上来,当夯杆底端刚到达坑口时,两个滚轮彼此分开,将夯杆释放,夯杆在自身重力作用下,落回深坑,夯实坑底。


已知两个滚轮边缘的线速度恒为v ,夯杆质量m ,则下列说法正确的是( ) A .夯杆被提上来的过程中滚轮先对它施加向上的滑动摩擦力后 不对它施力;B .增加滚轮匀速转动的角速度或增加滚轮对杆的正压力可减小提杠的时间;C .滚轮对夯杆做的功等于夯杆动能的增量;D .一次提杆过程系统共产生热量221mv 第II 卷(非选择题,共192分) 必考部分第II 卷必考部分共9题,共157分。



①测得窄片的宽度为L,记下窄片通过光电门的时间△t,还需要测量的一个物理量是_ __。

(标明相关物理量的符号)②物块和木板间的动摩擦因数μ=____ __ _ __。


现用如图所示的电路研究某长薄板电阻R x的压阻效应,已知R x的阻值变化范围为几欧到几十欧,实验室中有下列器材:A.电源E(3 V,内阻约为1 Ω)B.电流表A l (0.6 A,内阻r1=5 Ω)C.电流表A2(0.6 A,内阻r2约为1 Ω)D.开关S,定值电阻R0①为了比较准确地测量电阻R x的阻值,请完成虚线框内电路图的设计。

②在电阻R x上加一个竖直向下的力F(设竖直向下为正方向),闭合开关S,记下电表读数,A1的读数为I1,A2的读数为I2,得R x=____ __ _ __(用字母表示)。

③改变力的大小,得到不同的R x值,然后让力反向从下向上挤压电阻,并改变力的大小,得到不同的R x值。

最后绘成的图像如图所示,当F竖直向下时,可得R x与所受压力F 的数值关系是R x=____ __ _ 。

④定值电阻R0的阻值应该选用____ __ _ 。

A.5 Ω B.10 Ω C.15 Ω D.20 Ω20.(15分)我国某城市某交通路口绿灯即将结束时会持续闪烁3 s,而后才会变成黄灯,再3秒黄灯提示后再转为红灯。

(本题中的刹车过程均视为匀减速直线运动)(1)若某车在黄灯开始闪烁时刹车,要使车在黄灯闪烁的时间内停下来且刹车距离不得大于18 m,该车刹车前的行驶速度不能超过多少?(2)若某车正以v0=15 m/s的速度驶向路口,此时车距停车线的距离为L=48.75 m,当驾驶员看到绿灯开始闪烁时,经短暂考虑后开始刹车,该车在红灯刚亮时恰停在停车线以内。
